#14 years of sucker punch
renegadesstuff · 5 months
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“I have a hard job, Castle, and having you around makes it a little more fun.” 🥺🤍
S2E13, “Sucker Punch” aired 14 years ago (January 18, 2010) 🤍
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orcelito · 3 months
I just finished my latest rewatch of FMA:B and I am. EMOTIONAL
I swear I wasn't this emotionally impacted the last time I watched this. Omfg omfg omfg
I really do love this anime so very much
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confused-beany · 12 days
Birdmen Re-read Rambles!
"Oh wow this kid would get hit so hard if he was real" were my first thoughts the first time I met our beloved Eishi. I'm gonna see if I still feel the same now lol. I'm gonna try to do 10 chapters per post and day to pace myself I think cause I tend to think and ramble a lot while reading.
Putting it under keep reading cause we be known it gonna be long.
Even though I think of him fondly now, our Eishi is still a bitch lol. "I could've made that... I never tried it tho" boy...
"It's better to be alone" <- Mr. C0-Founder of an entire new species of children.
I forgot he used to wear glasses it's so weird
ohhh i never really noticed how much airplanes (Eishi's motif? and his abandonment issues and what changed Takeyama's life) haunted the narrative in the beginning. He was always looking for or at them huh
"I've more or less decided I want to enter an all-boys school" Listen I am a very simple person, I see gay I call it Gay
UMINO!!! :DDD (I'm gonna react extravagantly when I see them all appear for the first time one by on lol. They make me very happy)
Oh my god the bus scene was so abrupt it caught me off guard. It's interesting to see it like this again though. I've become kinda used to picturing it as the more dramatic, cinematic animation Soh did a while back. To the point I forgot how quick and simple it was in the manga. I suppose the point was to just get them into the situation and shock us about it but that's such a pivotal moment to everything I kinda forgot how simple the art itself was ig?
"Are those glasses really that important to my character?" YES! You became a completely different person without them!
Oh the wings coming out when Eishi is calmer (meditating) and thinking of Takeyama....
LMAO Kamoda recovered so quickly Love my unfazed loyal boi
"We made a contract" I ligit thought they were alluding to a deal with the devil or something the first time reading around and I was so fascinated. But no it's just a 15 yrs old boy with no social skills and cryptid tendencies.
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My favorite Eishi to draw, smol and angry
I do love how Eishi has always been the one to tactically think about everything, including weapons and locations. He's a brat and a worrier, but someone needs to be. I always appreciate that
OHHH his transformation is soooo cool I remember taking so many screenshots
Strange that Takayama's motif blackout appeared so close to Umino. I never figured out why, is is like, they appear to more vulnerable/ less densely populated birdmen areas? hmmm
Ah... Eishi and I both got sucker punched with the information that Takayama was dealing with them since he was a BABY
"Is it ok to wear socks" Sagisawa love never change
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Ah Takeyama and hand-holding
Takeyama is always so smiley it's kinda unnerving if you don't really know him. Annndddd he speaks like a fortune cookie
It's always interesting when arguably the most logical member of the team works better with his powers when he's more emotional and working on instincts.
Feeling them more acutely than anyone else...Holding hands and following into fire... ahhh
BIRD CLUB!!!!!!!!
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I can make... SO many tasteless jokes. So many.
Takeyama was really surprised when Eishi got away. I never really took the time to notice all of those little expressions the first time
Kamoda being Eishi's number one fan and hype man is so cute always.
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shiguangism · 8 months
Hi, I'm anchestral and I'm mainly a fan writer who landed here on tumblr after years of being active on twitter!
Some info about me:
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 22
Languages: Italian, English and Spanish
Fandoms I'm active in: Link Click, Chainsaw man
Favourite shows: Link Click, Chainsaw man, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu, Berserk, and many others I won't list here. Just fyi, name me a show and probably I've watched it.
I've moved here because twitter was not a comfortable place for me anymore, and I've seen that tumblr is much more chill wrt those lands. Please, be aware that I will NOT engage in any kind of arguing online, so don't even bother to pick a fight with me, I've had very BAD experiences I don't want to repeat.
I'm here just to chill, talk to people about my favourite show, share insights and maybe make some friends. I'm very friendly, if you want to hit me up in the dm to talk about something, I'll answer very gladly whenever I cant! :)
If you're shy you can send me anon, I'll be very happy to answer.
In this year I've been writing a lot, I've always liked writing and I started when I was only 14. However, I'm a bit slow because I like to write first in my native language and then translate in English. Below, there is a list of my fanfic profiles and the works I like the most and I'm writing. This are my profiles for AO3 and EFP (Italian platform for fics):
AO3: Anchestral
EFP: Anchestral
Link Click Fanfictions:
Immersion: In which Cheng Xiaoshi goes back into the past to save Lu Guang
Summary: ‘Three are the rules we need to respect: first, we have twelve hours; second, listen to my instructions and don't change anything; third, leave to the past what's in the past and don't ask about the future.' Cheng Xiaoshi knew them well, Lu Guang told him those rules everytime before working. By then, he learned not to question them, they didn't know what could happen playing with the past and modifying it. But did the rules still make any sense if Lu Guang was dead?
Prevision: In which Lu Guang goes back into the past to save Cheng Xiaoshi
Summary: Lu Guang did not make mistakes, he always evaluated all the possibilities in front of him rationally, it was what he had to do to allow the survival of both of them, to allow their time travels to go as smooth as possible, but letting himself be dragged into Cheng Xiaoshi's do-gooder madness had been the first big mistake of a long chain. September 12th 2020 was the day when that realization hit him like a sucker punch straight in the center of his chest, leaving him on the floor gasping for air, in pain.
These two fics are actually related!
火锅 - Hotpot (E-Rated): Just a collection of nsfw one-shots, but it is getting serious. For now, there is only one chapter out, but I'm working on the second and it is becoming huge.
There are many ways to spice up a relationship: may it be a hot bowl of noodles, a dark room with way too red lights, or a bet on who's going to wash the dishes for the rest of the month... The possibilities are endless when starved eyes are looking at you as if they're going to devour you any time soon, leaving you feeling naked and in trembles. ----- 5 times Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang have steamy, hot sex + 1 time they can't. (the formula may be subjected to changes)
Chainsaw Man Fanfictions:
Dancin' in the devil's hand (E-rated):
Summary: The metropolis of Tokyo is torn apart by a series of unexplained, brutal murders, but all of them seem to be connected by a single thread. In this climate of terror, Aki Hayakawa has been given the onerous task of bringing light and a point to this story. --- An unexplainable mystery to solve that will lead Aki and Angel to work together, closer than ever, and maybe will give them the chance to understand something more about themselves and each other...
There are also many other one-shots, most of them are in Italian, thought, and I'm not particularly fond of the other translated because I was still trying to adjust my writing again!
I think I've said everything. I'm sorry if I make some mistakes, I'm very new to this site and I'm still trying to understand how the netiquette works, especially the one tied to the reblogs and the tags.
See you around! :3
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covenofthearticulate · 2 months
20 Qs for fic writers
1. How many works do you have on A03? 22
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 134,415
3. What fandoms do you write for? Vampire Chronicles, plus a few Umbrella Academy pieces
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? La mort dans dentelle (Death in Lace), Pink, An Aching Pulse in Search of a Home, and Bright Star. (Basically, all the fics that I no longer really like, that I wrote pre-hiatus in like 2018 that have been up on AO3 the longest so statistically have the most kudos just from age LOL)
5. Do you respond to comments? I really really try to!!! Most of the time I get really overwhelmed though like YOU GUYS ARE SO NICE LMAO so just saying "Thank you!" doesn't feel like enough and I get really nervous about not seeming grateful so it takes me approximately 10 years to reply to comments. I try to catch up every couple of months, though.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I'm sorry I love angst, but I am one of those writers who likes to have a satisfying emotional wrap-up at the ends of my fics so honestly most of them end on a sweet note. The closest thing is maybe les rousseurs amères de l'amour which was still soft, but definitely bittersweet.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? aksdjfhcabdsfk they all have happy endings bc I am a sucker and a sap!!! Home Court Advantage is definitely the silliest fluffiest ending though :)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only if you count the comments that compliment my writing as being in-character for the tv show characters LOL (seriously one time someone commented that they could hear Jacob Anderson's voice come through in my dialogue and I had to go lie down lmfao)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? These days I mostly write smut LOL but even in the pwp pieces I see most of my smut as opportunities for character building, so most of my work tends to fall into the Smut With Feelings category lmfao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't write crossover fic anymore, but back when I was crazy active on my rp accounts, I wrote hella crossover! It was moreso on the Umbrella Academy side than my VC side, but I did have some fun rp threads between Louis and Philippe D'Orleans (specifically the tv Versailles version lmao).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge! Please don't do that!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Once upon a time, baby High School Ash co-wrote an insane crossover fic with a friend I had met through tumblr. It was Barnabas Collins (from Tim Burton's Dark Shadows) x Mrs. Lovett. I feel so brave for admitting this LOL I really truly was so emotionally invested in that fic and it's so cringe-worthy but I had fun and that's what matters!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I mean. I'm a Loustat girlie through and through LOL but I also love Louis with Armand, or in any configuration of any of the poly ships! As long as Louis is there, you can count me in.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Maybe one of the Louis/Lestat/Armand pieces I started....I love the 3 of them but I get burnt out so quickly because all 3 characters are so complex and so everything feels like an Ordeal with them because they're all very opinionated and only work in a certain dynamic if that makes sense!
16. What are your writing strengths? I think the thing I'm most proud of is my lyrical prose! I like writing sentences that just punch you in the face with feeling! I want my writing to feel evocative, I want the words and details to stick in your head and rattle around.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I wish I had better stamina and pacing to write longer pieces LMAO like honest to god it's looking like my next fic is gonna be around 9k-10k and it really truly felt like I was going to die writing it LOL it's taken me like 2 months and it has felt like pulling teeth the entire time. For someone who likes writing, I sure wish I liked writing more asdsfkfjghdxghn
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Like Kacy said, if it's done well and adds to the world of the fic, then sure! I'm definitely guilty of this trope, but I try to reserve it for the really high-stakes moments so that the language lands differently and is more impactful. But I also think dialogue (and even certain dialects) in different languages have the power to do more harm than good. Like, as a reader, I know that if I see a line of something in a language I can't read, the first thing I'm going to have to do is open another browser tab to google translate, and then go back and read it in context again, and by that time the flow is disrupted and everything is off and it's just hard!!
19. First fandom you wrote for? ooooh girl you should've seen some of the spicy Sweeney Todd fic I was hand-writing in my notebooks in high school. Actually it was more psychological angst than smut but LOL listen I'm a ride or die Mrs. Lovett girlie, what can I say.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I think in the grand scheme of things, Air Catcher will always have a special place in my heart. It was one of those rare lightning in a bottle instances where the idea came to me so suddenly and so clearly, and the concept felt so obvious I was like "SURELY someone has written this already???" but then I checked and NOPE no one as far as I was aware had written about vampire top drop, and so I just fucking went to town with that fic. It was among some of the first writing I'd done since coming out of hiatus, and to this day I think it's the only fic I've ever written where the end product was exactly what I had envisioned and hoped it would be. That fic was a gift from god to me LOL and it'll be one year old this summer! wild!!!!
Tagged by: @monstersinthecosmos <3 Tagging: adkjhfbcjhdsb once again I feel like all my fic-writing friends have been tagged by this point but PLEASE if you're reading this, do it and say I tagged you <3
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peachlipglossbabydoll · 2 months
about me ୨🧁୧
🎀 my name is callista but i also go by callie
🎀 my birthday is september 12 & i am 14 atm
🎀 i love music (my fav artists r lana del rey, marina, ariana grande, ethel cain, madison beer, nicole dollanganger, and phoebe bridgers)
🎀 i love films (my favs r sucker punch, candy 1968, buffalo 66, i beileve in unicorns, priscilla, coraline, lolita, valley of the dolls, and the virgin suicides)
🎀 i love books (my favs r the virgin suicides, valley of the dolls, alice in wonderland, the bell jar, a series of unfortunate events, my year of rest & relaxation, and lolita)
🎀 i also love subliminals, girlrotting in my room, valeria lukyanova, makeup, the 70s, alida simone, baby pink, shopping, brandy melville, diet coke, fashion, snejana onopaka, 2013/2014, and lana del rey
xoxo ୨🐇୧
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felassan · 10 months
Article: 'Veteran BioWare Level Designer Jos Hendriks Lands At Sucker Punch Productions'
Veteran BioWare level designer Jos Hendriks finds a new position at Sony's Sucker Punch Productions. After BioWare laid off a number of employees, it seems one of the more veteran of those laid off developers has found a new home, with Sucker Punch Productions. Game designer and level designer Jos Hendriks worked with Bioware for nearly 15 years, almost hitting that mark before being laid off after 14 and a half. In that time, he worked on Mass Effect 2, 3, Andromeda, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dreadwolf, and Anthem.
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atlas-library · 7 months
☾ hanaverse ☽ an introduction : lunaire.
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fandom: jujutsu kaisen characters: panda (human!panda, amab!panda), okkotsu yūta (amab!yūta), inumaki toge (amab!toge), zen'in maki (afab!maki), itadori yūji (amab!yūji, blasian!yūji), kugisaki nobara (afab!nobara), fushiguro megumi (afab!megumi, wasian!megumi) universe: alternative universe (idol!au, hanaverse!au)
name: lunaire (meaning: lunar, moony, outlandish) fandom name: stellaire (meaning: stellar) lightstick: moony-side up
debut date: september 2023 company: aurora music concepts: badass, cute aesthetics: cyberpunk, y2k, magical girl
LUNAIRE is a J-Pop co-ed group created by Aurora Music. They debuted in September 2023 with a dual concept, mainly inspired by Sucker Punch and Sailor Moon. LUNAIRE has seven members: Maki, PANDA, Yuuta, Toge, Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi.
(Moodboard can be found below the cut, as well as some facts.)
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The group comes from a small company, and has Nanami Kento as their manager, as well as the (in)famous Gojō Satoru as their producer. While Nanami is mostly unknown, Gojō is a former idol of one of the biggest 2nd generation graduation groups, as well as a member of the co-ed trio Triple S and the male duo GG (now both disbanded).
'We wanted a group with freshness, with individuals who could show their youth as well as their rebellious side,' the producer told Shin Magazine in an interview. 'We wanted a group that makes people stare and think "Oh, they're odd people alright".'
musical inspirations: xg, stayc, weki meki
LUNAIRE is indeed an odd group, part of the 5th generation of J-Pop (author's note: in this universe, not actual J-Pop), hopping on the trend of co-ed groups and (dreams of) international success. Four out of seven members are foreigners and/or mixed, and all members have good to fluent levels in English.
With powerful vocals and raps, they also have a heavy-focus on fun choreographies, perfect for concerts (and TikToks). Perhaps LUNAIRE's oddest quality is their leaders (plural, yes!).
Maki is the official leader of the group, but also the leader of MOON-D, the dance sub-unit. She's an ex-ballerina, and has been adapting to a more hip-hop style quite fast.
Toge is the leader of MOON-V, the vocal sub-unit. He's an ex-opera singer, and is seen as a prodigy since he started working as young as 16.
Yuuji is the leader of MOON-R, the rap sub-unit. He's an underground rapper, who's taken part in many battles and regularly ranked in the top 3, even bringing some trophies home.
Gojō explained why those three were chosen as the leaders for the sub-units:
'No leader is seen as "the best in their category". Maki and Yuuji are both dancers, but they also come from different dance backgrounds; same goes for Yuuta and Toge— And their tones, as well as Megumi's, are too different for us to fully judge. […] The leaders were chosen based on past experience. All of them —Maki, Toge, Yuuji— have been put in professional situations before, and know how ruthless it can be out there. Because of that experience, we see them as more able than the other members, who truly are rookies, to guide and help them. Maki and Toge, especially, know the scene more than anyone else in the group. Maki started ballet when she was 3, and only decided to become an idol last year, when she was 21. As for Toge, he's been shown the ropes as young as 14; he has many years of experience with the scene, as well as the media.'
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Although LUNAIRE having three leaders is already odd enough, that's not all: the members aren't ranked in different categories and with various sub-labels, like the 1st and 4th generation had done (the most notable examples would be now-disbanded WABI-SABI, as well as the famous groups Hanafubuki and BUREIKOU).
Instead, LUNAIRE decides to take inspiration from 2nd generation groups, and only have the basic "rapper", "vocalist", "dancer" labels as their positions. Their team has divided said labels in three "Moons" (to fit with their concept, very reminiscent of sci-fi movies and Sailor Moon).
Moon-D, the dance sub-unit, is made of Maki (leader), PANDA, Toge, Yuuji and Megumi.
Moon-V, the vocal sub-unit, is made of Toge (leader), Yuuta, Maki and Megumi.
Moon-R, the rap sub-unit, is made of Yuuji (leader), PANDA and Nobara.
The usual positions known by K-Pop and J-Pop consumers, "centre", "face of the group" and "visual", were also given to some members.
Maki is not only her sub-unit's leader, but also the group's. She is also seen as a visual.
PANDA, who isn't a real panda but a human hidden in a panda suit, is surprisingly a visual despite never showing his face. Intriguing.
Yuuta is a visual as well, and was given the role of the "face of the group" when the group debuted. After a year and a half, this role will be given to…
… Toge instead, who was chosen for "fitting the dual concept (badass/cute) more". With his doll-like features, he's also been considered an unofficial visual.
Megumi, the youngest member, was given the role of centre. While this role changes depending on the comeback, Megumi is often at the centre of pictures with Maki and Yuuta/Toge, as well as the centre in most choreographies.
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When Gojō got asked if the group had a storyline, he laughed and answered:
'Yes, obviously. The storyline isn't something to take too seriously, but it does exist; the group is basically filled with magical girls— Or badass video-game characters. The dual concept is the entire storyline, really: you have a group of young adults who try to make everything bubbly by fighting monsters with cool weapons. Their names are acronyms for all the different powers and abilities they have, and they're able to materialise themselves in a virtual world to make real life better— A bit like Code Lyoko, now that I think about it. It's not a deep storyline, just a fun one that we really liked. PANDA likes drawing a lot, and he showed us panels of different plots he thought of; we just really, really liked them, so we thought about it some more. The point isn't for fans to remember a bunch of terms we made up, or for the lyrics to represent chapters in a bigger story— We just wanted a cute concept, and a badass one— And we had seven young, talented people with a lot of duality. They're sassy, they're quirky, they're bubbly and they're rebellious— We gave them the perfect concept, one that suited them, and honestly, we're just having fun with it!'
In short, stan LUNAIRE.
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taglist (ask to be + / - !)
Feel free to like and reblog; if you wish to be added to the taglist, my comments and inbox are open. My askbox is currently open for any question or opinion. :)
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I don't think that anyone quite understands the tangled knot of attraction I hold towards Nicolas Cage's Dracula.
Oh sure, everyone knows I'm a monster fucker. I've wanted a werewolf boyfriend since I was 14. So the whole Dracula things is obvious. Vampires with bloody mouths do things for me, shut up!
It's the Nicolas Cage thing that I've never expressed in my life.
It all started when my dad took the whole family to see National Treasure in theaters. I was, *checks notes*, 11 (?) at the time and good god was I sucker punched by feelings I did not understand. 3 years later was so much worse because Ghost Rider came out. Now, I was terrified of skeletons and skulls until I was 16-17 so I put with a lot of discomfort to get my Nic Cage fix and watch that movie over and over again. This lead down an embarrassing rabbit hole to watching other Nic Cage moves and awkwardly sitting down to (obsessively) watch Gone in 60 Seconds every time my dad put on the movie. But National Treasure has always been the treasure trove of my frankly embarrassing enamored attraction to Nic Cage (to this day watching that movie fills me with stupid fluttery fangirly feelings). I've even drawn National Treasure fanart (that the world never see) and read countless fanfics. One amazing one that may have also been the pg-13 equivalent to a crossover with a Saw-flavored circus (don't ask, it's been years since I read that but it was amazing and it stuck with me).
Anyway, what I think I am trying to say is that Dracula is doing things to me that I'm quite sure how to process because I feel stupid.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 10 months
happy nice ask weekend! can you talk more about Robron and Emmerdale and share what you love?!
Ooh my favourite subject!
When it comes to robron I just love their love. Insane as it is. I mean their love story has a body count (RIP Katie but you had it coming). But they were (and still are!!) iconic. Especially for a soap couple. I mean they survived SO MUCH. And in the end only a 14 year minimum prison sentence in a prison on an ISLAND on the other side of the country could keep them apart. And even then Aaron couldn't move on. He'll be standing outside the prison gates the day Robert gets out and nothing will have changed between them.
they went from secret affair
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to getting married TWICE in front of the whole village and raising a kid together
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And also Robert as a character will always have a special place in my heart because watching him figure out his sexuality helped me do the same. (and hearing him say the word bisexual never gets old)
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I just love how robron take the good and bad from each other and just accept it but still push the other to be better. Robert makes Aaron want to solve things without punching the shit out of someone, Aaron makes Robert want to be less of an asshole to people and a better father to their son than his own was (and also Aaron's but that's not very hard to do).
Emmerdale as a whole... without robron, it's kind of hit and miss these days (mostly miss tbh) but... i'm a sucker for soaps and I watch out of habit really. The good stories are few and far between but they still keep me watching. Those 3 seconds a month of characters I like actually existing without supporting annoying characters' plots? yeah i'm here for it.
And also it gives me something to make fun of and bitch at/about for half an hour a day (most of my followers have probably blacklisted my ed lb tag by now lol)
thanks for letting me ramble about my loves for a bit!
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
A homeless man freed without bail after randomly breaking a woman’s nose went on to sucker-punch a 9-year-old girl in the face in Grand Central Station, MTA officials said.
Jean Carlos Zarzuela, 30, was busted after he allegedly socked the youngster as she stood next to her stunned mom in the station’s dining concourse at about 11:50 a.m. Saturday, MTA police said. Medics took the girl to NYU Langone’s Tisch Hospital for treatment.
Zarzuela was caught on video inside the transit hub, and the MTA released his name and photos to the media shortly after the Saturday attack.
MTA cops knew Zarzuela’s last known address was a homeless shelter on E. 125th St, so they headed to the E. 125th St. subway station on Lexington Ave. Saturday evening and asked a pair of NYPD transit cops for help, according to law enforcement sources.
Sure enough, the NYPD cops recognized his photo and said they had seen him about 10 minutes earlier. NYPD transit cops found Zarzuela and took him to the MTA police officers, who made the arrest at about 10:20 p.m.
Zarzuela is also accused of punching a 56-year-old woman in Grand Central Station on April 4. MTA cops initially charged him with felony assault, but prosecutors in Manhattan dropped that down to a misdemeanor.
Sources familiar with the case said the decision came after police and prosecutors did not receive a supporting deposition from the victim in the case, which is required by law within five days if there’s bail set.
Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Pamela Goldsmith ordered him held on $2,500 cash bail or $10,000 bond. Records show he had a bench warrant out for assault cases in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
On Tuesday, he appeared before Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Laurie Peterson, according to the court system’s online docket. She released him without bail just four days before the attack on the young girl.
“It doesn’t make any sense that this guy — who recently was released after being charged with randomly punching someone else and breaking that victim’s nose — should be back in a public space where he can attack others, especially children,” MTA Communications Director Tim Minton said.
“The people responsible for the criminal justice system need to learn from this episode before more innocent people become victims.”
Zarzuela was awaiting arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court on Sunday evening. His lawyer declined to comment.
The attack comes less than four months after another recidivist criminal was accused of stabbing two teen sisters visiting New York from Paraguay at Grand Central on Christmas morning.
Steve Hutcherson, 36, who also uses the name Esteban Esono-Asue, allegedly stabbed a 16-year-old girl in the back and her 14-year-old sister in the thigh in an unprovoked attack. He’s also accused of slashing another Rikers Island inmate as he was held without bail in the attack.
In an interview with the Daily News, Hutcherson’s ex-girlfriend said his mental health began deteriorating in June 2021, when he told her he suffered from paranoia, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
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skyborneveggie · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
(I was not tagged, but I saw @rose-of-pollux post this form a few weeks ago & it looked fun)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 38 works under my username on ao3. I also have 17 anon-ed fics from a fandom I no longer wish to associate with, and a handful of fics on ff.net that I didn't like enough to transfer to ao3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 29,645 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now only feeling inspired to write for The Man from UNCLE TV show. Though I did post a Good Omens fic this year, & I could probably persuade myself to write another oneshot or two for that.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Idyllism (2016) [Rory & 11th Doctor; Gen but pairings if you like]
The Falliable Pillar (2016) [Onesided Kyouya Ootori/Tamaki Suoh]
1991 (2019) [Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo]
Child's Play (2018) [FrostIron; unfinished & probably will remain so]
Me Paenitet (2011) [Onesided Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood, Onesided Astoria Greengras/Draco Malfoy]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do always try to thank the person for reading. I usually only forget if it's a comment on a very old fic.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is extremely hard for me to answer. Out of the 50+ fics I've written, probably only 5 of them are not angst. My Good Omens fic Aeternum has the most gutting descriptions, but I have always felt that the absolute sucker punch at the end of Provocation (X/1999) hurt the most to write, & to reread.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh undoubtedly my MFU contemporary High School AU, The Puzzle.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have never gotten hate, but I have gotten backhanded compliments that I personally find hilarious. I made a post about it before here.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I... have attempted to write smut, but I don't think I necessarily succeeded. I have written several sex scenes with undetailed descriptions, and the one time I did attempt to be explicit the comments and I both agree that it came out sounding rather clinical. So I dunno if either of those situations really count.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written several crossovers, but I wouldn't consider any of them crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, I don't think any of my fics have ever gotten popular enough for anyone to want to steal haha.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I used to translate my own fics into Spanish wayyy back when I first started writing, but I haven't done that in ages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it sounds like fun! Would love to give it a shot some day.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin. I am like Smeagol; I'm "interested in roots and beginnings." And how much closer to the root of contemporary fandom can you get, than with these two silly beans?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I would love to finish my 2019 Good Omens fic Temporalia because I think there are some good ideas & beautiful passages in there. The problem is that my interpretation of the characters has changed, & is no longer consistent with some of the details I wrote back then. I'd also like to complete my 2018 FrostIron fic someday, just for the sake of finishing it. It was entirely plotted when I quit on it, and I still have all my notes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I am good at writing turmoil, inner confusion, and despair. I try to wring every ounce of angst out of descriptions, letting the character's distress color their perception of their environment, and I think I'm pretty decent at it. I also think I'm pretty good at expressing complex emotions without being too direct, though sometimes I worry that I'm too indirect & that I'll leave readers confused.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOT, I am extremely impatient when writing scenes where things actually happen. Also dialogue, I always feel that my dialogue either just does not sound realistic, or does not sound like the characters.
Another huge writing weakness is that I am incapable of writing anything longer than short story length, & have abandoned every attempt at a longfic after the 2nd chapter.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done this in the past for characters who canonically do this. I know it is standard practice to italicize all foreign language words when writing, but I personally find this VERY jarring. I generally leave foreign dialogue unitalicized & formatted indistinguishably from the primary language dialogue. But I think I may be the only one with this pet peeve, because I have received a few complaints about my lack of italicization from readers.
I could go way more in depth as to why the italics on foreign words annoy me, but I don't think anyone would be interested in hearing that rant 😂
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. It was 2008. That fic has been scrubbed from the internet lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Provocation (X/1999). It was the one and only time I'd ever written something and then thought "Ah. Yes. This is an absolutely perfect execution of my vision."
Tagging @theniftycat, @tenok, & @lunetta-suzie-jewel if you like, or anyone else who wants to do this. (@andorianimpostor I'm not sure if you write fic or not, but I thought I'd tag you in case you do)
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pennyparkerlamb · 9 months
very important unnecessary prompt
so i was minding my own business fantasizing about twoset 2021 virtual world tour when when this idea hit me like a karate punch in the face-
brettchaik/tchaikbrett hurt/comfort where instead of eddy destroying the period stones after meeting/ getting the period stones from every member of b2tsm except beethoven and paganini, he did it after getting only the baroque/bach's and classical/mozart's period stones. so that means eddy betrayed brett before he met tchaikovsky for the romantic stone. so in classic brett fashion, he keeps on denying it to himself until one day it hits brett like a sucker punch to the guts that eddy, his best friend from when he was 14 years old betrayed him over classical music, the same thing that brought them together and he just breaks down and tchaik comforts him?
im thinking like a 5+1 or something and- @korruptbrekker and @esse-writes , the ones holding up the b2tsm fandom, please consider this lowly fantasizer-cum-occasional writer's prompt-
idk if you do brettchaik but-
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
Something I hate about Dumbledore lovers: He groomed Harry to die and be self-sacrifing. And Harry did die. The greatest magical being of the Wizarding world and his plan was to have Harry die at the right moment. Not even give him the hope that there's a chance that he could come back. But chose to die. Like I hate the greater good bullshit. And yes I have a love hate relationship with Dumbledore. But that, what Dumbledore did to Harry at the end. It comes into question everything he did and said from the very beginning. And he is very lucky Dumbledore didn't have another Voldemort or mini Grindledwald in his hands. Heck he's very lucky that Harry didn't just run away.
I hate Dumbledore with a passion of a hundred suns. He can take his greater good bullshit and shove it right up his ass
Both Grindelwald and Voldemort were monsters of his own creation in a way. He literally dreamed of world dominion with Grindelwald, so he knew exactly what kind of person he was, but he then did NOTHING to stop him for DECADES because he didn’t want to face him and “was scared to find out that it was him who killed his sister”. Bitch, it WAS you, no matter who used the spell. You killed her with your neglect and your brother has rightfully broke your nose and all but cut you from his life for it. (The shit with blood oath that they pulled in FB franchise is hysterically bad, but then again, so I’d the entire franchise. It’s not canon, or will never be canon, and it was so bad that I don’t care. I couldn’t even force myself to watch the third film. And that horrible styling they had with Depp…)
And then with Voldemort - he clearly admitted that he sensed smth off about him FROM THE BEGINNING and then suspected him with Myrtle’s death and… did nothing. Absolutely nothing. The history repeating itself in its finest. He had a GAZILLION of opportunities to stop him before Voldemort rose to his full power and he did nothing. His students have been performing dark magic or whatever on other students and he didn’t care. Did he fucking let it unfold to see how far it can go??
And then he starts recruiting young people just out of school to fight this war for him. Yes, we don’t really have the ages for anyone except the Marauders, Lily and Snape, but i do believe that the majority of the original Order were young people on their 20s-30s. And this hundred years old bastard convinced them to fight instead of DOING SOMETHING himself. The original order of the Phoenix didn’t win that war! Almost all of them died or suffered worse fates. And then he repeated the same shit 14 years later. He didn’t recruit children per se, but oh how he didn’t stop them from DOONG THE JOB OF THE ADULTS (and how useless all the adults were in these books, I can’t)
Regarding raising Harry to die at the right moment… I have no words how fucked up it is. First you lie to him and hide truth from him causing him to loose THE ONLY PERSON who could’ve protect him from you (I’ll die on the hill of Dumbledore wanting Sirius to die because he was a problem to his plans) and only then you show Harry that he has NO CHOICE whatsoever other than to fight Voldemort and then you… don’t teach him how to fight (because of course, you don’t want him to fight, you want Harry to be pliable and impressionable to you and your ideas)
I really wished that Harry would just sucker punch him when he saw him in that limbo place
Also… how fucked up it is that JKR would have Harry name his son after a manipulative bastard who orchestrated your entire life so that you’d be more easy to use and an abusive asshole who hated you and blamed you for your mother’s death and had a kink of making your life more miserable? Like how does one even come up with this????
After naming his first born after his dad and Sirius and already having Teddy be named after Remus, I really think that his second son should’ve been named Rubeus after Hagrid. Not sure about the second name though (I do believe that all Weasleys left Fred’s name for George’s son)…
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eldritchsurveys · 6 months
Number of Movies/Documentaries I Watched in 2023: 226 Genre I Watched the Most in 2023: I... don't know. horror, probably. Mike showed me what I was doin wrong with using Lboxd so when I take this for 2024 I should hopefully have stuff like genre stats
1. Best Movies I Watched In 2023? >> from each month, one new-to-me favourite and one old favourite that I rewatched: 1. Hagazussa / Velvet Goldmine 2. Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul. / Twelve Monkeys 3. Nanny / The Fly 4. Sugar & Spice / Dead Ringers 5. Rigor Mortis / Birds of Prey 6. Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse / Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story 7. You Won't Be Alone / Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey 8. Swiss Army Man / His House 9. In the Earth / The Woman 10. Perfect Blue / Silence 11. Akira / The House That Jack Built 12. Angel Heart (didn't rewatch a fave in December)
2. Movie I Was Excited About & Thought I Was Going To Love More But Didn’t? >> I wasn't exactly excited about Beau is Afraid but I definitely thought I would enjoy it more than I did. the first 20-30 minutes or so were pretty fun and weird but then it just... *longsuffering sigh* I had also hoped The Blackening would be a bit funnier than it turned out to be. still watchable and I'd still like more Black horror-comedies, but I definitely wanted more guffaws out of it. I'm not even gonna bother talkin about Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania... (at least Kang was good) OH! Renfield! THAT'S the one I was excited for and heavily disappointed by. I knew there was one (also, Last Voyage of the Demeter. not at all my favourite year for Dracula movies, that's for sure)
3. Most Surprising (in a good way) Movie I Watched in 2023? >> I was surprised by both Akira and Perfect Blue because I just assumed they would be a bit inscrutable to me (when a lot of "buffs" speak highly about a work I assume it's some shit I won't understand), but they really drew me in. also surprised by Host (2020) which I'd assumed would be watchable but not really anything to write home about considering the gimmick. but they pulled that one off pretty well!
4. Movie I “Pushed” The Most People To Watch (And They Did) In 2023? .
5. Best Sequel of 2023? Best Ending of a Movie I Watched in 2023? >> Across the Spider-Verse and as for ending I'm just gonna agree with prev "can't beat a dancing naked man" (Saltburn) because that was pretty good
6. Most Action Packed/Thrilling Movies of the Year? >> the John Wick quadrilogy
7. Movie I Watched in 2023 That I Am Most Likely To Re-Watch in 2024? >> In the Earth, The Lodge, maybe Noroi? I might rewatch I Saw the Devil because for some reason I forgot a lot of that one despite enjoying it
8. Favorite Poster for a Movie I Watched in 2023? .
9. Most Memorable Characters/Talent of 2023? >> oof... can I just say Ben Wheatley (director) for talent because he really sucker-punched me with the two movies of his that I watched this year
10. Standout Writing / Directing of a Movie I Watched in 2023? >> obviously that goes to whoever wrote Call Girl Of Cthulhu
11. Most Thought-Provoking/Impactful Movies I Watched in 2023? >> The Vast of Night, Silence, Titane, Perfect Blue, Akira, Aniara. also 2001: A Space Odyssey except the thought it provoked was "why am I still fucking watching this" and the impact it had was "I'm annoyed to the point of anger and I have a splitting headache"
12. Movie I Can’t Believe I Waited Until 2023 To Finally Watch? >> Die Hard lmao. it was way more entertaining than I expected. also how did I go my whole life without ever learning that Alan Rickman was the bad guy in that also Battle Royale and ofc Akira
13. Favorite Scene From a Movie I Watched in 2023? >> oh man this is impossible, give me a break
14. Movie That Shocked Me The Most? (Because of a plot twist, character death, etc.) >> I didn't expect Swiss Army Man to be quite what it was (this is not a complaint, I loved it, but the whole farting business definitely threw me for a loop lol) honestly my bar for shock is seeing Oldboy for the first time last year having never had it spoiled for me and losing my whole ass MIND at the plot twist. nothing has come close to that since
15. OTP (One True Pairing) – You will go down with this ship? >> those two girls from Do Revenge
16. Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship? >> the vampire family in Near Dark
17. Best Movie I Watched In 2023 That I Watched Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody? >> Noroi: The Curse but also The Adjustment Bureau was an incredibly solid and cute flick (both Sparrow's recs)
18. Most Exciting Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting? >> ooo let's see... well, I did rewatch The Neverending Story this year :p Rigor Mortis had a really memorable setting for me but I wouldn't call it exciting OR vivid. like, it was just an apartment building lol. it was just... I don't know. I can't explain it. it sticks in ya El Hoyo (The Platform), maybe? definitely an intriguing setup and setting there. A Field in England was literally just a goddamn field in England but man.... I also like the new worldbuilding ideas Hellraiser (2022) brings to the table.
19. Movies That Put A Smile On My Face/Were The Most Fun To Watch? >> Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, The Ref, Cocaine Bear, Sugar & Spice, Airheads, Polite Society, Totally Killer, Do Revenge, D&D: Honor Among Thieves, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, Earth Girls are Easy, both Sister Acts, Call Girl of Cthulhu, Idle Hands, Van Helsing, and Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. yeah there were a lot of these this year
20. Movie/Documentary That Made Me Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2023? >> Swiss Army Man and Akira, but also Velvet Goldmine, Do the Right Thing, Crooklyn, and Sister Act 2.
21. Hidden Gem Of The Year? >> not sure how to determine this
22. Movie That Crushed My Soul? >> [insert another snarky comment about 2001]
23. Most Unique Movie I Watched In 2023? >> so many of the movies I've seen this year were incredibly unique to me! let me see if I can find one I haven't already mentioned... ah yes, of course. how could I forget Mad God 💀
24. Movie That Made You The Most Mad (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)? >> I will refrain from mentioning That Movie again (although that is the true answer lol) and instead I'll go with... Lake Mungo bc I thought that was gonna be way more interesting than it was just based upon the fact that the tumblr girlies used to be all over that shit back in the day
25. Notable Mentions of the Year? >> some more movies I really liked that didn't get a chance to get mentioned yet: The Banshees of Inisherin, Baskın, On the Count of Three, Hell House LLC, Ringu, and Mad Max 2.
Bonus: Favorite Movie Moment?
Bonus: Five Movies I Am Anticipating in 2024? >> Furiosa, the Joker sequel, apparently there's a new Alien flick coming out? Dune Part 1 was Fine, I guess, so I might as well see Part 2 🤷🏿‍♂️ meh
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candyskiez · 7 months
Hi 💖 For the end of the year asks!
6, 14, 18, and 25, feel free to ramble at your heart's content especially with that last one.
Damn didn't get this, lets go!
6: Assuming that means excellent episode, which is a really tough question because. So many good ones?? But I think a special highlight has GOT to be A Single Pale Rose from Steven universe. I only watched it this year so fuck it I'm counting it. Watching and dreaming is def tied but I will get to that in a moment.
A single pale rose is just...fucking brilliant. It's so well done. People complain about the Rose is Pink twist being too obvious and it's just....guys, that's the point. It's meant to have foreshadowing. If it didn't it would be so forced. And instead we get a FASCINATING picture painted of what she's like from the episode. And also, the glimpse we get into Pearl's physche is just...brilliant man. I am a SUCKER for mindscapes. I am a SUCKER for going into someones head and analyzing them literally. It's so interesting to see. The gutwrenching of seeing all the times Pearl desperately wanted to tell Steven the truth and help him, but couldn't. Even as she discovered worse things about Rose. Even as his mental health deteriorated. All she wanted was to help him. She just....couldn't. Because of the fucking order. It paints everything in a new light. Her being obsessed with the idea she was the only one who knew everything about Rose, her idol worship of her, everything is all tied to the fact she has to justify Rose's actions in order to like herself. She feels useless and discarded without her and it's. Heart wrenching. It explains so much about the story, all the questions, and PEARL at the same time. Definitely my absolute favorite episode. Also, the fucking music. You learn so much about Rose AND Pearl and it's so good man.
Watching and dreaming, what do I have to say about it that hasn't already been said? It's a brilliant finale, rolls with the punches impressively well, is a giant middle finger to Disney, and I am forever obsessed with it. The fucking fears scene is heartbreaking. The Papa Titan scenes are so good. I love the thing of "forgiveness is important. So is self defense. Always always ALWAYS try to find the kind option, but do not let yourself be walked over so you don't have to confront anything." I LOVE it. God. I love this show. I wanna put it in my teeth.
14: Haven't been reading much! Which sucks because I need to. I gotta get around to that.
18: Ricotta cheese pizza!
25: OHOHOHOHO YOU ARE GONNA REGRET ASKING THAT QUESTION. So basically me and a good friend of mine decided to take a bunch of scrapped concepts from our various stories and make a story with them! And it's been challenging and so so so fun to make them! I took a lot of scraps from Jasper and Lilac specifically but also various others I've made over the years and been playing around with them! It's been really fun and I'm enjoying myself a lot. We made one a story about two people failed by the system finding each other and they're so YOUNG and they save each other just by being there and present and. Man. Man. Aster. I love Aster so much. Depression incarnate. I love messing around with old concepts and making them more interesting by combining them with others!!! It's so fun!!!!
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