#12x16 ladies drink free
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monstermoviedean · 6 months ago
the pillows! the chocolates! the pool! dean is so excited about all these things! someone please send him to a fancy resort for a week!
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claudiabian · 2 years ago
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“i mean, guys like us, we're not exactly the type of people they write about in history books, you know? but the people we saved, they're our legacy, and they'll remember us, and we'll eventually fade away, too. that's fine, because we left the world better than we found it.”
supernatural - season 12
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shirtlesssammy · 4 months ago
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Dean Winchester every day -- 257/326
Supernatural 12x16//Ladies Drink Free
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hgstuff · 1 year ago
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claire novak icons
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crookedmime · 6 months ago
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Not gonna give him the satisfaction.
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fandom-hoarder · 26 days ago
Ok but something I do actually like in s12 is the werewolf!Claire episode. I know there's a lot of hate for both Claire and the deus ex machina werewolf cure. But 1) I love Claire, and 2) the BMOL cure is completely different from how they tried curing Madison in s3 AND experimental in the same way a ton of Men of Letters shit is, AND 3) late seasons plot armor aside, it makes sense that Claire would survive---she's AN ANGEL VESSEL.
Also Sam and Dean both being protective and paternal towards her---GIMME. I actually deserved way more. We should've gotten a bloody, just-after-the-cure threesome hug. 👀
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hellerradio · 2 years ago
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We finally made it, friends…it’s mixtape time. Join us for all the brainworms this episode induces, along with dad-mode Dean, soon-to-be dad-mode Cas, and Sam who finally gets to listen to his 16th century history podcast. 📼
Please note, #TW for discussions and portrayals of suicide 💙💚
➡️ Listen here!
Episodes discussed:
12x16 - Ladies Drink Free
12x19 - The Future
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seasononesam · 11 months ago
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Stackednatural- 243/327
Ladies Drink Free (12x16) March 30th, 2017
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pollsnatural · 10 months ago
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chrispineofficial · 2 years ago
just realized in 12x16 ladies drink free sam had his first “i’m older than you so shut up” moment with claire when she says “stop treating me like a little kid!” and he says “then stop acting like one!” and then she runs away and gets bit by a werewolf. anyway what a Moment for sam. to suddenly see how dean has felt his entire life. fuck
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monstermoviedean · 6 months ago
kathryn newton is so freaking good
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cascigarette · 1 year ago
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ways to say i love you / supernatural on love & family
12x20 "who we are" / 2x20 "all hell breaks loose: part two" / 14x13 "lebanon" / 13x06 "tombstone" / 14x11 "damaged goods" / 12x12 "stuck in the middle with you" / 12x02 "mamma mia" / 12x16 "ladies drink free" / 3x08 "a very supernatural christmas" / 15x18 "despair"
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jinkieswouldyoulookatthis · 6 months ago
Supernatural Soulmates
It's funny to me when people try to deny that Sam and Dean were soulmates. Funny because the show went out of it's way to set up the concept of soulmates, showed us how Sam and Dean fit the bill, and then never gave us another example of characters who were soulmates in the entire rest of the run of the show.
In fact, I think that the term soulmate was only used in three other episodes, Season 7, Time For a Wedding! (7x08)...
Dean [to Sam about Becky]: Oh, you mean, she – she wasn't your soulmate?
Ladies Drink Free (12x16)...
Dean [to Claire about Sam and Mick]: They're like nerd soul mates.
and Various & Sundry Villains (13x12)...
Dean [to Sam about Jamie the witch]: My soul mate.
You may notice that all of these references were made by Dean either to and/or about Sam, which just an interesting little coincidence.
I've seen at least one post circulating that states that John and Mary were soulmates, but they didn't share a heaven...
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Absence (14x18)
They didn't even get along before the cupids worked their freaky love mojo on them...
Dean: Why does heaven care if Harry meets Sally? Cupid: Oh, mostly they don't. You know, certain bloodlines, certain destinies. Oh, like yours. Sam: What? Cupid: Yeah, the union of John and Mary Winchester--Very big deal upstairs, top priority arrangement. Mm. Dean: Are you saying that you fixed-up our parents? Cupid: Well, not me, but... Yeah. Well, it wasn't easy, either. Ooh, they couldn't stand each other at first. But when we were done with them--Perfect couple. Dean: Perfect? Cupid: Yeah. Dean: They're dead! Cupid: I'm sorry, but... the orders were very clear. You and Sam needed to be born. Your parents were just, uh...meant to be. (sings) A match made in heaven- heaven!
My Bloody Valentine (5x14)
And there is no reference to them being soulmates. They were made to love one another specifically so that Sam and Dean would be born.
But two episodes later in Dark Side of the Moon (5x16) the show sends Sam and Dean to their shared heaven, has Ash explain the concept of soulmates sharing a heaven to them, and then brings them back to life. And then six episodes later, the power of Sam and Dean's love for each other, and all the memories of their shared life, help Sam take control of Lucifer and save the world.
No other characters in the entire show share a heaven, just Sam and Dean. But still people deny that they are canonical soulmates.
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12x16 "Ladies drink free"
Mick is getting less annoying. Likeable even.
He's definitely dying.
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shallowseeker · 1 year ago
not the claire jack beef anon BUT i also think that they would have issues with each other at least at first. like, for one, that we see, cas never gives jack The Talk about claire, or vice versa, so they would absolutely see the other as this second secret family. dean also has a CLEAR favorite between the two, and each kind of lives the other's dream life. jack wants to be safe and loved unconditionally, and a chance at a normal life, like claire has with jody, donna, alex, patience, and wendy. claire is incapable of slowing down and wants the big adventures cas, sam, and dean get into. claire i think has maybe forgiven cas about jimmy, but being dumped in favor of this other kid, the child of the devil (who canonically killed jimmy!) might be a bridge too far and jack doesn't respond all that well to that kind of discomfort and misplace hostility.
I love your conceptualization of the vibes being reminiscent of the Secret Second Family. It also calls to mind an echo of Adam & Kate Milligan, doesn't it, even though it's not an exact one-to-one? It's uncomfortable. I like it.
Yes, Claire and Dean get along like hot jam on fire, and that's going to hurt, no matter how you slice it. Dean adores her.
And yes, you know, now that you mention it... Holy crap. Claire does have the life Jack wants. She's surrounded by a big family that loves her with built-in friends her own age that Get The Life. Absolutely, it would appear perfect to him, at least from the outside. I'm wholly accepting that little gem into my worldview.
And yes, it's a good observation that Jack doesn't respond all that well to that misplaced hostility. He can be very defensive.
And yes, I agree that this whole situation might be a step too far for Claire Powder-keg-Novak, even if she tries to swallow it down. I mean, she still sleeps with Grumpy Cat. In the 12x16 Ladies Drink Free script, Cas still emojis to her, sometimes, even two years out from their parting of ways.
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She left them. Of course, she doesn't care. That's what she's going to tell herself, anyway.
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CLAIRE: Who's Jack? ALEX/JODY (together): Lucifer's son. On Patience, silently reacting to that: Lucifer's son? What the fuck? On Claire-- a bit wounded to realize she knows so little about Sam and Dean these days.
13x10 Wayward Sisters, Writer's 2nd Draft
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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unhinged-jackles · 2 years ago
SPN Best Episode per Season
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