rlimarjbr · 4 years
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Esse é um #XT #top. #PC - #NEC V20 #12MHz - #VGA #OTI037C - JUKO #M16 pra #drives de 1.2 MB e 1.44 MB - #JUKO D16 pra discos #IDE, com CF 16 MB - XT-IDE com CF de 2 GB - #SOUNDBLASTER PRO CT 1600 - #NE1000 pra mTCP - #Drive de #disquetes duplo e gaveta pro #CF - Teclado #Microtec padrão F #Retrocomputaria #Anos90 ... https://www.instagram.com/p/CAOg2DfHlK-/?igshid=1r8jd69b2ts8t
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techav · 3 years
Returning to 68030 ... Again
I left off with my 68030 homebrew project having just finished assembling a new PCB that was 1:1 with my wire-wrap prototype.
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It did not work.
In theory, it should have been as simple as transferring all the chips from the prototype to the PCB and starting it up. Reality is never so friendly as that.
It was failing in a familiar fashion, with errors coming swiftly after startup. It reminded me of a big problem I'd had with at the beginning, before I had properly implemented the chip select signals for RAM. But I had solved that problem a long time ago, how could it be back?
Turns out I had the chip select signals for RAM routed backwards. The RAM chip for the high 8 bits of the data bus was getting the enable signal for the low 8 bits, and so on.
I dug out the glue logic, changed those four pin assignments, and burned a new CPLD and ... nothing. Nothing worked. It was worse than I started and now it wouldn't even run when I reassembled the prototype.
Back in the box it went, for months.
I finally pulled it out recently and set out to get it running, starting with all new glue logic.
The original logic was all done in the Quartus schematic builder. At the time, it was too complex for my rudimentary VHDL skills. I've been learning Verilog and have built some successful projects with it that are far more complicated than this glue logic. So I started from scratch, rewrote all the logic fully synchronous in Verilog.
I started testing as small and basic as I could, stepping through each piece to confirm it worked before moving on. The logic responded appropriately to signals toggled manually. The CPU was able to free run with its data bus held low and the glue logic providing the termination signals. It was able to run code from ROM.
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There were of course a few odd bugs here and there in the new glue logic, but in all it progressed fairly smoothly. I started writing some test programs to test the bus and make sure I got the chip select signals right this time.
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With no RAM actually connected, it failed every test just as expected. Finally, it was time to add in the RAM.
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RAM tests passed. I had a working computer again! Time to dust off the source code for the TSMON monitor program and Enhanced BASIC.
TSMON loaded and ran with few problems. Similar to my 68000 build, I wrote an expansion ROM for TSMON to load BASIC from ROM into RAM before running it.
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So now I'm back where I was a couple years ago — I have a homebrew 68030 running BASIC.
This time though, it's running fairly stable at 12MHz. The old wire-wrap prototype struggled to run stable at 6MHz.
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Commodore PC40 III, Intel 286 12Mhz, 1Mb RAM, 45MB HD
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andmaybegayer · 3 years
hey a tragic thing happened in the funniest way imaginable.
I'm supposed to hand in my masters proposal in like, a day or two.
So I'm busy fine-tuning the proposal and flipping through Google Scholar to see if there's any papers I might have skipped that I want to read.
and there's a new one
from 10 days ago
which covers the EXACT topic I was going to focus on.
I have been 100% beaten to the punch by a bunch of Intel engineers.
I can probably ask my lecturers for an extension I think that's reasonable but I'm not even mad. This is hilarious! First time round!
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koney-scanlines · 4 years
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LiTtLE ZeniTh sAvEd FrOm REcycLiNg 286 12mHz 640Kb RAm 50mB HDd cHerRy MEchANiCaL kEybOaRD
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taperwolf · 3 years
Just burned first phosphors on a new tool (also a thrift store find, albeit the thrift store's website):
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(This is the sales photo, not mine — I neglected to take pics while I had it set up.)
The Tektronix 2213 Oscilloscope. The model was first built in 1982, and produced until it was replaced by the 2213A in 1985; it's an analog, dual-trace scope with 60MHz bandwidth.
Tektronix traditionally made high-end laboratory equipment; the old rule of thumb when purchasing oscilloscopes was to examine all the manufacturers closely, compare the specifications, and then buy as good a Tek scope as you could afford. But in the 1970s and '80s, Hewlett-Packard, and then new Japanese manufacturers, were doing very well in the new "budget" scope field, and the 2000-series were Tek's effort to compete in that arena. But budget is graded on a curve, here — the 2213 cost $1100 in 1982 dollars, roughly $3100 today. (Even now they can go for $400-600 in full refurbished condition, though I paid far less than that.)
The cost-saving measures were largely in the manufacturing process. All the electronics are on a single PCB, and the case is stamped metal rather than Tektronix's previous castings. But it's still remarkably robust. The only thing electronically or mechanically wrong with mine is that the power switch is apparently stuck in the "on" position. (Which is definitely the better position to be stuck in!) There are some cosmetic dings, but it's a nice little machine.
60MHz is a little lower than I'd ideally want, but it's actually sufficient for pretty much anything I'm going to be doing. The rule of thumb is that the bandwidth should be at least a) in analog, 3* the value of the highest frequency sine wave and b) in digital, 5* the highest clock rate (square wave) you'll be using. That gives me analog to 20MHz and digital to 12MHz, and 90% of my stuff lives in the audio spectrum, which tops out at 20kHz.
At any rate, I was able to connect it to my waveform generator (a Wavetek Model 115 that tops out around 1MHz, but is beautifully distortion-free) and look at many different waveforms at different frequencies, both through direct cables and through an oscilloscope probe I'd had squirreled away for this sort of occasion. Next I set the thing up, I'm gonna see what kind of stuff I can get out of the XY display — there's some neat projects that use such an oscilloscope as a vector graphics display.
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michaelteeuw · 6 years
A Tiny Success: Flashing the USBasp
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Two weeks ago I posted about my experiment with the ATTiny10. A 12Mhz 8-bit micro controller small enough to be confused with an obese ant. Unfortunately I didn't succeed in programming this tiny guy, so this week I continue my small scale flashing quest.
My first guess was that the tiny wires I used to connect the ATTiny10 to my USBasp flasher weren't working, or I damaged the ATTiny10 in my amateur micro soldering attempts.
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To test if these were the causes, I soldered an ATTiny10 and a WS2812 2020 to SOP16 breakout board. This allows me to do some testing on a breadboard. It also made the soldering much simpler, lowering the risk of overheating the components.
Unfortunately, this didn't solve the issue. I still wasn't able to upload firmware to the ATTiny. Time to shift the focus to the next suspect: the USBasp flasher.
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To program the ATTiny10 I tried using the USBasp flasher I bought from AliExpress. I used this Flasher to program my Electrocards, so I know it works. The only difference between the electrocard's ATTiny85 and the ATTiny10 is that the latter uses TPI protocol in stead of the ISP protocol to be programmed.
After a small Google session, I found the USBasp project website. Besides some interesting technical details, this website also offers the Firmware downloads. And that's where I noticed that TPI support was only available in the newest firmware. Maybe my cheap chinese USBasp included some old firmware? Time for an update!
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To allow the USBasp to be updated, JP2 needs to be closed. In this case, the JP2 is on the back of the PCB. Soldering a short wire between these connection points is enough to enable self programming mode.
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Next, I used an Arduino Uno as the programmer. To do so, I uploaded the ArduinoISP sketch to the Uno. This sketch is available in the Examples sketches section of the Arduino IDE. Next I connected the USBasp to the Arduino using the following pin configuration:
ARDUINO --- USBasp 5V ------- 2 (VCC) GND ------- 10 (GND) 13 ------- 7 (SCK) 12 ------- 9 (MISO) 11 ------- 1 (MOSI) 10 ------- 5 (RESET)
(Note that the blue led of the USBasp will not turn on after connecting it. I'll get back to this later ...)
To check if the connection is working, I used the following command in my macOS terminal:
avrdude -c avrisp -P /dev/cu.usbmodem14201 -b 19200 -v -p m8
avrdude is a utility to download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers.
The -c flag specifies which programmer whe are using. In this case the Arduino usni which is configured as an avrisp programmer.
Using -P I specify to which port the Arduino Uno is connected. In my case this is the /dev/cu.usbmodem14201 port, but in your case it might have a different name/path.
Next, I specify the communication speed using the -b flag. In this case 19200 baud.
To get some feedback, I enable the verbose mode using -v.
And last but not least, I specify the type of AVR I want to program. Since my USBasp has a ATMEGA8A, I specify part m8 using the -p. If you omit the -p flag you'll get a list of all supported AVRs.
After running this command, avrdude will try to communicate with the USBasp's microcontroller using the Arduino avrisp.
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Great! This works! Time to do the real work: flashing the USBasp with the new firmware. First I downloaded the latest firmware at: http://www.fischl.de/usbasp. In this case the latest firmware was usbasp.2011-05-28.tar.gz. After downloading and extracting the file (by simply double clicking it in the macOS finder) I navigated to the usbasp.2011-05-28/bin/firmware folder which includes the firmware I need: usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex.
Uploading the firmware to the USBasp is almost the same command as before:
avrdude -c avrisp -P /dev/cu.usbmodem14201 -b 19200 -v -p m8 -U flash:w:usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex
In this case I've added the -U flag to do a memory operation:
I want to do an operation on the flash part of the micro controller.
I want to write, so I specify the write flash with the w flag.
And most important: I define the filename of the flash hex file (which is in the current folder)
Let's press enter, and hope for the best ...
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Yes! It seems it has worked! :) Since the blue led has turned on after flashing, it really feels like something good has happened. LEDs always make thing better, right?!
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Now, most important ... don't be like me: don't forget to open/disconnect that self programming jumper JP2 on the back of the USBasp! When it's connected/closed, the ESPasp won't be able to function.
So, after reconnecting the ATTIny10 to the USBasp, it's time for the most exciting part. Will the Arduino IDE, be able to flash the ATTiny10 using the ATTiny10Core?
How about we just select the USBasp programmer and smash that Upload button?
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YEAH! It worked! :)
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If you want to read more about this flashing process, make sure to read Roger Clark's great post on this subject...
For me it's time to start working the firmware to get that WS2812 2020 LED working. Don't miss it, so make sure to keep an eye on my blog or follow me on Twitter or Instagram.
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biomedres · 3 years
Ultrasound Diagnosis of Complete Rotator Cuff Tear - BJSTR Journal
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Ultrasound Diagnosis of Complete Rotator Cuff Tear by Abdullaiev RYa* in  Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research https://biomedres.us/fulltexts/BJSTR.MS.ID.002615.php
Pain is the most common complaint in patients with rotator cuff injuries. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the head of your upper arm bone firmly within the shallow sock-et of the shoulder. As a rule, pain is localized in the posterior or lateral regions, at the site of attachment of the deltoid muscle to the humerus. Pain syndromes in the shoulder joint area may be local (usually with an injury) or have a reflex nature. It is not always possible to distinguish the true localization of pain, as they are caused not only by damage to the shoulder joint, but also by the con-dition of the cervical spine. Diagnosis of the pathology of the shoulder joint is often carried out on the basis of X-ray, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging [1]. In recent years, ultrasonography is increasingly used to diagnose the pathologies of the soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system [2-5]. To study the possibilities of two-dimensional echography in the diagnosis of complete rotator cuff tear. A retrospective analysis of the results of ultrasound studies of the shoul-der in 54 patients (32 men and 22 women) aged 20–73 years operated on for the rupture of the rotator cuff (RMP) was carried out. The comparative group consisted of 19 healthy patients without any complaints about the pathology of the shoulder joint. All patients underwent MRI and X-ray of the shoulder joint. The ultrasonic examination was carried out on Logiq 7 (QE) scanners by linear transducers with a frequency of 5-12MHz by means of poly projection and polyposive scanning of RMP using functional ultrasonography and color Doppler mapping. The following ultrasonographic symptoms were assessed: homogeneity, echogenicity, integrity of tendon contours, presence of effusion in bags and tendon sheaths, the number of vascular signals in the affected area during color and energy Doppler mapping, the results of functional tests as needed. For more articles on Journals on Cancer Medicine please click here bjstr Follow on Twitter : https://twitter.com/Biomedres01 Follow on Blogger :https://biomedres01.blogspot.com/ Like Our Pins On : https://www.pinterest.com/biomedres/
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rlimarjbr · 4 years
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Polvo e polva, #olhem que #coisinha mais #linda !!! Um 286 @12Mhz, com 1 MB de #ram, ultra #compacto, na #caixa. E junto veio uma #Soundblaster 64 #ISA. Só não tem a #fonte e o #HD, está #semana, se tiver #tempo vai ser #diversão "#garantizada" como dizem os #espanos. #Retrocomputaria #PC286 #12mhz #1MB #Retrogame #Anos80 #Anos90 #Raridade #Raro #Soundblaster64 ... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_KFTFjnN8P/?igshid=1flqfwe9320yg
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techav · 3 years
Full Speed Ahead ... Finally
I have been building my 68030 computer around a 25MHz-rated part, so that has always been my target. My original wire-wrap prototype initially ran at half that, but as I continued to expand the project, the best I could manage was 6MHz. Eventually, the whole thing got so unstable I had to abandon plans to continue adding FPU, DRAM, IDE, etc.
I do still want to add those parts to the project, to learn more about working with them. That's why I ordered the custom PCBs — I was hoping a PCB would be a more stable platform for future expansion and allow me to finally run the machine at the 25MHz target.
Once I got the new PCB prototype working I tried again with a 25MHz oscillator (my new glue logic no longer divides the clock like my original).
It didn't work.
In fact, at 25MHz it failed in the same way it always had on the old wire-wrap prototype. It seemed 12 MHz was my limit.
Or was it? Maybe I just had a bad oscillator. Perhaps a new one would work better?
A ridiculous line of thought, given that the 25MHz oscillator I had did indeed run the computer at one time. But, I did want to see how fast I could get it to run, and there are some respectable speeds between 12MHz and 25MHz. So I placed an order for a few oscillators, 16MHz, 20MHz, 24MHz ... I also stocked up on some common resistors and capacitors to make the most of the shipping fee.
Got the new parts in, threw on the 24MHz oscillator and ... nothing. It didn't work.
There is a problem I noticed when I did my original troubleshooting on this PCB — some of the wired-or signals had very slow rise times. I don't have a proper oscilloscope, so it's hard to tell sometimes if analog problems like that are measurement error or induced by stray capacitance of the measurement leads. But, the 8kΩ resistor networks I had gotten from surplus to use as pull-ups on this project were a bit high. Perhaps a lower-value pull-up resistor might help here.
Among the resistors I ordered were some 4.7kΩ and 1kΩ resistor networks. 4k7 is a fairly standard pull-up value, and some rough math had shown 1k might be a good value for this project. So I swapped out the 8k resistor networks for the new 1k networks and gave it a shot. It still ran without issue at 12MHz...
And at 16MHz.
And at 20MHz.
And at 24MHz.
And at 25MHz.
And at 32MHz.
And at 40MHz.
My MC68030 rated for 25MHz was running BASIC stable at a 60% overclock. Even the RAM was overclocked at this point, with cycles reduced to 50ns for SRAM rated for 55ns. It would seem that all this time my choice of pull-up resistor value had as much or more to do with my speed limits as the method of prototyping.
It wasn't perfect though, and as soon as I added my SE-VGA card back into the mix it would no longer successfully load BASIC at 40MHz. It did however run just fine at 32MHz, even with the SE-VGA card.
Ludicrous Speed
In the years since I started this project I acquired another 68030 CPU — a 40MHz-rated 68EC030 (the EC units lacking the on-board MMU). I'm sure you can see where this is going.
First, I needed to modify my glue logic. RAM access cycles were going to need another wait state, ROM another two. While I was at it, I created a new cycle specifically for my SE-VGA card, with three wait states. Since my UART (68B50) is actually rated for 2MHz, and my timing was originally factored for 1MHz with a 25MHz base clock, I left the UART timing alone to push it closer to its rated speed. All-around, the new timing should support up to 50MHz base clock.
New logic, everything ran fine at 32MHz. Swapped in the EC030 and no problems. Time to see how fast it will go.
40MHz, no sweat
50MHz, still running cool
56MHz, no problems
I'm out of oscillators. My 68030 homebrew, with a 40MHz-rated EC030 is running reliably at 56MHz, a 40% overclock. Even the SE-VGA card is working, and much happier with its custom timing added to the glue logic.
I've been using a simple Mandelbrot rendering BASIC program as a benchmark. On my original 6MHz 68000 build, this program takes around 9 minutes to complete. When I first ran it on the 68030, running at 12MHz, with cache disabled, and BASIC in 8-bit ROM, it took just under 5 minutes. Now, with BASIC running from RAM on the 32-bit bus, L1 cache enabled, and CPU at 56MHz, the Mandelbrot program completes in 14 seconds. That is an incredible performance increase for a simple homebrew computer.
It does generate some heat now, so I added a small heatsink to the CPU to be safe. Current consumption for the system is up 300mA just from raising the clock speed.
Motorola originally sold 68030 CPUs rated as high as 50MHz. I wonder if my later production units just benefit from what they learned pushing the architecture that high, or if it's reflective of what the CPU can handle in general. Could I push a 50MHz part up 40%? A 70MHz 68030 homebrew certainly would be interesting.
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bloghealthcom · 3 years
Siêu âm khớp háng: Những điều cần biết Update 06/2021
Bài viết Siêu âm khớp háng: Những điều cần biết Update 06/2021 được chia sẻ bởi website Blog-Health #bloghealth #suckhoe #lamdep #sinhly
Bài viết được tư vấn chuyên môn bởi Bác sĩ Trịnh Lê Hồng Minh - Bác sĩ Chẩn đoán hình ảnh - Khoa Chẩn đoán hình ảnh - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Central Park.
Siêu âm khớp háng được ứng dụng để chẩn đoán bệnh lý tại khớp và phần mềm quanh khớp cho cả người lớn và trẻ nhỏ. Đặc biệt ở trẻ sơ sinh siêu âm khớp háng giúp phát hiện sớm tình trạng trật khớp háng và thiểu sản ổ cối. Từ đó đưa ra phương pháp điều trị sớm hiệu quả cho trẻ.
1. Siêu âm khớp háng là gì?
Siêu khớp háng là phương pháp sử dụng sóng siêu âm có tần số cao từ 7MHz trở lên để thăm khám tổn thương quanh khớp hàng và tại khớp háng.
Đối với trẻ sơ sinh việc siêu âm khớp háng có ý nghĩa rất lớn trong chẩn đoán trật khớp háng bẩm sinh và thiểu sản ổ cối. Nhưng nếu để trẻ trên 6 tháng thì việc thăm khám gặp khó khăn do khớp háng cốt hóa.
Đối với người trưởng thành việc siêu âm chủ yếu để phát hiện bệnh lý của cơ, dây chằng, tình trạng tràn dịch khớp háng bề mặt vỏ xương và hướng dẫn chọc hút. Tuy nhiên, ở người lớn việc siêu âm khớp bị hạn chế do khớp nằm ở sâu, đặc biệt ở những bệnh nhân béo phì thăm khăm bằng siêu âm khó.
Nói chung, siêu âm khớp háng thực hiện đơn giản, không xâm lấn, không gây đau đớn, giá thành thấp mà lại đem đến những hiệu quả chẩn đoán tốt, đặc biệt phát hiện sớm tình trạng bệnh lý tại khớp háng của trẻ sơ sinh, giúp trẻ được điều trị sớm tránh gây ra dị tật khớp háng sau này.
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Siêu khớp háng là phương pháp sử dụng sóng siêu âm có tần số cao từ 7MHz trở lên để thăm khám tổn thương quanh khớp hàng và tại khớp háng
2. Chỉ định siêu âm khớp háng
Đối với trẻ sơ sinh chỉ định siêu âm khớp háng khi có các dấu hiệu:
Có tiếng kêu khi cử động khớp háng.
Quan sát thấy hai khớp háng không đối xứng.
Tiền sử gia đình có anh chị em bị trật khớp háng bẩm sinh, khi sinh ngôi mông, dị tật khác như biến dạng bàn chân...
Động tác rạng chân kém.
Đối với người lớn có chỉ định khi
Tình trạng đau khớp háng do chấn thương hoặc không do chấn thương.
Hạn chế vận động khớp háng.
Nghi ngờ có bệnh lý nhiễm khuẩn tại khớp háng.
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Bác sĩ có thể chỉ định siêu âm khớp háng trong trường hợp người bệnh hạn chế vận động khớp háng
3. Các bước tiến hành siêu âm khớp háng
Chuẩn bị
Phương tiện: Máy siêu âm có đầu dò phẳng tần số từ 7 – 12MHz, gel bôi siêu âm chuyên dụng.
Người thực hiện: Bác sĩ chẩn đoán hình ảnh, kỹ thuật viên.
Bệnh nhân: Nói chung không cần chuẩn bị gì đặc biệt, được hướng dẫn cụ thể về cách siêu âm để phối hợp.
Các bước siêu âm
Tư thế: Bệnh nhân nằm ngửa, chân khép và một số tư thế khác để thăm khám trong trường hợp bệnh
Bôi gel siêu âm chuyên dụng lên vị trí thăm khám, dùng đầu dò siêu âm cắt các lớp cắt ngang và dọc quanh khớp háng tùy vào mục đích thăm khám dựa theo dấu hiệu lâm sàng.
Sử dụng siêu âm doppler để đánh giá tình trạng mạch máu tại tổn thương để đánh giá tình trạng tăng sinh mạch.
Đánh giá kết quả: Sau khi thu lại hình ảnh khớp háng trên máy, bác sĩ đánh giá và mô tả tổn thương nếu có. Đưa ra chẩn đoán hay định hướng chẩn đoán, chỉ định thêm các xét nghiệm nếu cần.
4. Phát hiện bệnh lý nhờ siêu âm khớp háng
Siêu âm khớp háng giúp phát hiện một số bệnh lý sau:
4.1 Viêm bao hoạt dịch khớp háng thoáng qua
Viêm bao hoạt dịch khớp háng thoáng qua là một tình trạng cấp tính xảy ra thoáng qua, hay gặp nhất ở trẻ từ 3 đến 10 tuổi. Thường xuất hiện sau khi trẻ có một nhiễm khuẩn đường hô hấp, thấy trẻ đi lại vận động khó khăn, hạn chế vận động khớp háng và đau. Trên siêu âm thấy tình trạng tràn dịch khớp háng là một khối dịch trong giảm âm. Dấu hiệu bệnh thường hết sau khoảng 2 tuần, để phân biệt với bệnh lý khác như viêm khớp nhiễm khuẩn.
4.2 Trật khớp háng bẩm sinh và thiểu sản ổ cối ở trẻ sơ sinh
Việc xác định tình trạng trật khớp háng ở trẻ cần xác định được góc alpha và góc Beta.
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Góc alpha và góc Beta trong việc xác định trật khớp háng ở trẻ
Góc alpha tạo bởi bờ cánh xương chậu và đường nối điểm đáy ổ cối với góc trên ngoài ổ cối. Góc alpha càng lớn càng tốt thường trên 70 độ.
Góc beta: Tạo bởi đường kéo dài xương cánh chậu và đường kẻ góc trên ngoài ổ cối tiếp tuyến với chỏm xương đùi. Góc này càng hẹp càng tốt, thường nhỏ hơn 30 độ.
Bệnh lý trật khớp háng thì nhận thấy góc beta rất lớn trên 90 độ. Tương ứng với tình trạng chỏm xương đùi không nằm bên trong ổ cối, mà nằm trên xương chậu. Khi thăm khám thấy tình trạng trật khớp háng thì cần tiến hành thăm dò động giúp đánh giá tình trạng này còn có thể điều trị bảo tồn hay không.
Thiểu sản ổ cối: Thấy góc alpha nhỏ, ứng với việc đáy của ổ cối nông không chứa hết được chỏm xương đùi.
Đối với siêu âm khớp háng ở người lớn: Nhằm phát hiện dấu hiệu tràn dịch ổ khớp, thay đổi độ dày bao hoạt dịch, vôi hóa các phần mềm quanh khớp.
Bệnh lý viêm khớp háng nhiễm khuẩn: Thấy trên siêu âm hình ảnh tràn dịch khớp háng, dịch mủ có tính chất tăng âm hoặc âm không đồng nhất.
Viêm phì đại bao hoạt dịch: Thấy hình ảnh tràn dịch ổ khớp, dịch thường có tính chất giảm âm, ngoài ra thấy có hình ảnh dày bao hoạt dịch, vôi hóa bao hoạt dịch và có tình trạng tăng sinh mạch trên siêu âm doppler.
Nang sụn viền: Thấy hình ảnh khối trống âm ở vị trí sụn viền, có bờ rõ.
Rách gân cơ: Thường gặp sau chấn thương, thấy gân cơ bị tổn thương không liên tục, kèm theo dịch khu trú quanh vị trí tổn thương.
Ngoài ra, khi có tình trạng tràn dịch khớp háng thì siêu âm giúp định vị khi hút dịch và tránh những tổn thương tới các phần khác quanh khớp háng.
Siêu âm khớp háng là phương pháp đơn giản giúp phát hiện bệnh lý khớp háng. Đặc biệt với trẻ sơ sinh có nguy cơ cao trật khớp háng bẩm sinh được khuyến cáo nên thực hiện siêu âm khớp háng sớm để chẩn đoán sớm bệnh lý, giúp trẻ có thể được điều trị bảo tồn.
Hiện nay, khoa Chẩn đoán hình ảnh của Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Với các trang thiết bị hiện đại, đồng bộ và tiên tiến hàng đầu thế giới như: Máy cộng hưởng từ Magnetom Skyra 3 Tesla của hãng SIEMEN (Đức), máy chụp cắt lớp vi tính Aquilion One 640 lớp cắt của hãng TOSHIBA (Nhật Bản), máy chụp cắt lớp vi tính 16 lớp cắt của hãng GE (Mỹ), các máy X quang kỹ thuật số hiện đại (GE), phòng X - quang phòng mổ,.... và đội ngũ bác sĩ-kỹ thuật viên có trình độ chuyên môn cao nhiều kinh nghiệm, khoa chẩn đoán hình ảnh có thể thực hiện nhiều kỹ thuật đa dạng và chuyên sâu, hỗ trợ cho các bác sĩ lâm sàng chẩn đoán bệnh nhanh, chính xác, giúp theo dõi bệnh trong và sau điều trị.
Để được tư vấn trực tiếp, Quý Khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đăng ký trực tuyến TẠI ĐÂY. Ngoài ra, Quý khách có thể Đăng ký tư vấn từ xa TẠI ĐÂY
source https://blog-health.com/sieu-am-khop-hang-nhung-dieu-can-biet/
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Here's the Schneider Euro AT from around 1988 booting up for the first time in decades. It has 1 whole mb of ram, 42 mb of Hdd and an Intel 80286 at an blistering 12Mhz 
(fun fact: Intel did not expect personal computers to use the 286. The CPU was designed for multi-user systems with multitasking applications, including communications (such as automated PBXs) and real-time process control.The performance increase of the 80286 over the 8086 (or 8088) could be more than 100% per clock cycle)  
Im thinking that the “No boot device” error is due to it having no operating system, and ill try to load a disket with DOS and see if it can boot up to that, but if anybody knows the solution for this i would apreciate it.
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(image ©g5.co.uk 21-3-21) A quarter of the way through the year and the frequencies for 5G have been allocated and purchased - well nearly.
In the 700MHz band - which is useful for coverage - EE, 3UK and o@ bought 2x10MHz paired bands with EE purchasing a further 20MHz to be used as SDL (Supplementary Download Link). Vodafone is not on the list - they did not bid as they have plenty bandwidth around this area and will be reusing their 900MHz bands for 5G.
In the 3.6GHz bands the 120MHz available was allocated in equal proportions to EE, O2 and Vodafone. 3UK currently has 12MHz of band in this frequency range. The overall totals of frequency in this important range for 3G are EE (80MHz) O2(80MHz) Vodafone (90MHz) and 3UK(120MHz).
But whilst 3UK have a large chunk of 120MHz continuous spectrum the other 20MHz is disconnected. Similarly the other 3 companies have their frequencies in two different areas of the spectrum. This leads to inefficiency and all 4 companies will want their spectrum in a single black. To achieve this there will have to be some negotiation over spectrum movement. That will be the second and final stage of the 5G auction. But this is not about money - it is about the companies agreeing. The final stage will be interesting!
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michaelteeuw · 6 years
A Tiny Failure
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If you are a regular visitor of my blog, you might know that (with a few exceptions) I've been posting a new blog posts every two weeks. Unfortunately I skipped this regular update last week, because I've been a little bit sick. Nothing major, but I didn't want to contaminate my boxes of SMD components with germs. So after a few days of sleep it's time to get back to business and start with something small. Literally.
Due to my mandatory rest, I haven't had the time to work on something interesting to blog about. Of course this happens every once in a while, and so my usual solution is to just go through my recent Ali Express deliveries, to see if there is something I can either get up and running, or kill with some magic smoke.
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Soon I found a suitable candidate: the ATTiny10. This tiny guy contains a 12Mhz 8-bit micro controller with 1024 bytes of flash memory and 32 bytes of ram. Of course a micro controller is a bit boring without any in- or output, so i wanted to combine it with an other recent delivery: A WS2812B addressable RGB led in a 2020 package. Together with some 0.2mm enameled wire this can be a pretty fascinating micro-project.
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To make the soldering a bit doable, I put some kapton-tape on my workbench, sticky side up. This allows me to keep both component in place while I try to reach the limit of my soldering skills.
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First, let's connect some wires to the ATTiny10. With a macro lens in front of my iPhone's camera, it looks like it's huge. Unfortunately it's still roughly the size of my soldering iron's tip.
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Let's start the surgery. Please be quiet, and don't breath to much or else we need to start all over again.
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After a few burned fingers, too much soldering flux and to my own surprise I managed to connect wires to all six pins.
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And a few minutes later, I managed to solder the WS2812 as well. Just a few more soldering joints and the programming header will be connected as well. This should allow me to program the ATTiny10 using the USBasp programmer.
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And here it is! The end result! An illuminated led! Great isn't it?! OK! See you next time!
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Ok, ok. I'm going to be honest here. The reason the LED is illuminated is just because I managed to add some "noise" data on the data line when I touched the micro controller while it was powered on. So nothing more than a lucky shot.
Of course I still need to program the ATTiny. But here's the catch: It turns out the ATTiny isn't supported by PlatformIO. So I had to revert back to the dreadful Arduino IDE.
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David Johnson-Davies wrote a nice post on how to program the ATTiny10 and even supplied the necessary files needed to do so using the Arduino IDE. But as you can see, in the screenshot above, I ran into an error.
Now, to be honest I don't know what causes this issue. It might be one of the following:
The USBasp I'm using is damaged or doesn't support the necessary TPI protocol. (Unlikely)
The ATTiny isn't connected correctly, maybe do to a bad soldering connection. (Still a bit unlikely)
I overheated and damaged the ATTiny when I soldered the connections. (Sounds a bit more likely)
I'm doing something wrong with the software. (Sounds likely)
I'm still not fully recovered and missing something completely obvious. (99% sure this is it)
Of course I could have spent a week trying to solve this. But that would mean yet an other quiet week on my blog. So, instead I just end this write-up with a big anti-climax.
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If I'm able to solve this issue in the coming two weeks, I'll report back in my next blog. If you have any suggestions or pointers to a solution, leave them in the comments down below.
PS. Still looking for something awesome? Make sure to check this.
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agimustech · 4 years
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Agimus Pine Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA Development Kit Key Features #makeinindia This FPGA Development board is fully compatible with Xilinx ISE, EDK, System Generator and ChipscopePro Tools at ease with on-board USB JTAG Interface. Best Suited for: 1. VHDL Lab 2. HDL Lab 3. VLSI Lab 4. FPGA Projects 5. Beginners Applications: 1. Product Development 2. Signal Processing 3. Educational tool for schools and universities Features: 1. FPGA: Spartan-6 XC6SLX9 TQG144 package 2. Flash memory: 4Mb SPI flash memory (M25P40) 3. 12MHz oscillator 4. 100MHz oscillator (optional) 5. RGB LED 6. 8 LED 7. 4 push button 8. 4 slide switch 9. 71 user Ios 10. On-board voltage regulator 11. On board USB to UART convertor 12. FPGA Configuration via on board USB JTAG 13. FLASH programming via on board USB JTAG Agimus Technologies Private Limited Agimus Academy Xilinx Xilinx FPGA Design & Training Xilinx product FPGA Design ONLY! FPGA Co. +91 9538757011 #fpgas #fpgadesign #fpgadevelopment #fpgadesignengineers #fpgakit #fpgatraning #fpgaproject #vlsidesign #vlsisystemdesign #agimustech #agimuspine #agimuspinefpga #xilinxfpga #xilinx #vhdlcoding #vhdl #verilog #veriloghdl #verilogprogramming #veriloglab #virtualinternships #fpga #btech #diploma #atmanirbharbharat #spartan6 #xilinxspartan6 (at Agimus Technologies PVT LTD) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNESu1HwFb/?igshid=1j0p14e1hf4aw
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tumblokami · 7 years
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The TI-92, a powerful graphing calculator, was released in 1995 by Texas Instruments for $200. It featured powerful new functions for advanced mathematic problem solving, and the ability to graph things out in 3D. It... oh wait, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed.
You probably noticed the keyboard on it. Yes, it has a full QWERTY keyboard. This made college boards and many American testing facilities recoil in horror, because once you slap a QWERTY keyboard on A Thing, it becomes... a computer.
So, this thing isn’t a graphing calculator anymore. It’s a computer. It has a Motorola 68000 CPU clocked at 10MHz, 128KB of RAM, and 1MB of non-upgradeable ROM. It has a big 240x128 dot-matrix LCD screen. In 1996 they released the TI-92 II which had 256KB RAM, then in 1998 they released the TI-92+ which had a 12MHz CPU clock and 2MB of Flash ROM, along with a price drop to $179.99.
Yet it was still banned because of that keyboard. Angry and pissed off, Texas Instrument’s engineers went back to the drawing board, and decided to shove and cram the TI-92 into the same form factor and layout as their older graphing calculators.
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That resulted in the TI-89, released in 1998 for $159.99. It has roughly the same specs as the TI-92+, except it has a smaller 160x100 screen. But the most important change, and the one that the college board approved of, was the removal of the QWERTY keyboard. Yes, you can still type on it, but it is different, therefore it is not a computer but a calculator.
Texas Instruments tried again with a QWERTY keyboard in 2002, with the Voyager 200, which was the TI-92+ in a different shell and double the Flash ROM. Again, it was banned, but the computationally-equivalent TI-89 Titanium was given a pass for looking more like a calculator. That was the last time they tried to use a QWERTY keyboard on a calculator; the current TI-Nspire series uses an alphabetic layout instead.
[images are photos from my personal collection! Though I wish I got a 92+ instead of the original 92...]
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