#11th doctor who
fanartka · 9 months
Wait wait wait... AI, I asked you to show me Doctor Strange... but you now, 11-th Doctor Who is pretty enough. And it seems to me that Cloak of Levitation liked him too
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Hi, can I beg you for the 11 doctor x nonbinary reader? About maybe how the doctor helps them with their dysphoria and/or family issues (makes them comfortable or something like that)? I would seriously appreciate it because I need something like that right now....
Hey! So I will say that I struggled with how to write this one and finally decided to do a “would include” type fic for your request. I hope this helps <3 
The 11th Doctor coming with you to family events would include...
Warning: toxic family dynamics, degradation
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- You would be trying to prepare him for weeks, explaining your family dynamics, assuring him that the things he might witness were totally normal.
- The doctor never quite seemed to understand why all this information was important. “Yes, yes, yes, I’ve got it. Aunt Ruby is a bore, cousin Albert thinks he’s the best thing to walk the earth and your mom is nosier than me. Why should all this matter? You’re grown up enough, aren’t you?” He would stop and think about it, looking at you. “You are grown up enough, right? I won’t be charged with kidnapping or something, will I?” 
- You took hold of his jacket and looked him in the eye. “Just don’t, say anything. All right?” 
- He just regarded you. “Never seen you this worked up before.” 
- You didn’t answer him. You never did. You just kept trying to prepare him for the inevitable. 
- When the day of the event came, you and the doctor got all dressed up and walked in only a few minutes late. 
- Which was when it all began. 
- “So, your mother told me you ran off to be a tramp or something. Who’s this?” 
- “Didn’t think I’d see you here, sweetheart. Where did you get those clothes, the thrift store?” 
- “I see you’re still not married. If I were you, I’d settle down with the doctor here. Before it’s too late.” 
- “How are your studies coming along? Your mother told me you were traveling with the doctor here. Wouldn’t you say it’s time to return to the real world and focus on what matters?”
- The questions and comments went on for three hours. 
- True to his word, and much to your surprise, the doctor stayed silent. 
- He would give a thin smile and an occasional nod, but would otherwise offer no comment in any of the conversations. 
- The doctor never stopped holding your hand, sometimes squeezing it so tightly that it would have hurt had you not been squeezing back just as much. 
- As awful as the event was, him beside you was like having a lifeline in the middle of a hurricane. 
- But once it was all over and the two of you were back in the Tardis, then, and only then, did the doctor release everything he had held in. 
- “Can you believe it, them calling you a failure! You perfect, beautiful little human, a failure. That’s absurd. That’s it! We’re leaving. I’m taking you back to your family’s ancestral ape tribe. Hopefully we’ll be able to prevent whatever rock slide landed on their heads and preserve at least a little bit of intelligence to be carried down through the generations!”
- That’s about when the doctor would notice that you had sunk down to the floor panels sobbing. 
- The Tardis hummed sympathetically as he walked around to find you like that. 
- “Darling, come here.” The doctor would sit down on the floor beside you and pull you into his arms. “It’s all right, love. It’s over.” His fingers would card through your hair, rubbing your back, rocking you gently. “You’re never going through that again.” 
- “I have to,” you cried, face buried in his shoulder. “They’re my family.�� 
- “And what does that mean, hmm?” The doctor shifted to look you in the eye, brushing the tears from your cheek. “No one, absolutely no one, should talk to you like that love. You are too good for that, for them.” 
- You’d nod, a fresh wave of tears blurring your vision. “I love you.” 
- “Ugh, mushy.” The doctor would make a face for a moment before shaking out of it. “Sorry. Habit.” 
- He’d smirk when you laughed at him, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I love you too. So very very much.” 
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paintdoktahwho · 9 months
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the doctor dna-scanning ruby like immediately after meeting her is SO funny he's still traumatized from amy's pregnancy and the clara echoes he said we are getting AHEAD of this nonsense
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heyitsspaceace · 9 months
“doctor who is too silly now!”
oh you mean the doctor who that has flattened human skin as a character? the doctor who that has the episode love and monsters? the doctor who that says that the english royal family is werewolves? the doctor who that has james corden in it? the doctor who that in the same episode that james corden is in not only does the doctor speak baby, but the baby wants to be named Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All, AND the doctor can also play soccer very well.
doctor who has always been silly
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donutdrawsthings · 3 months
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yeehawpim · 11 months
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I know some of these characters can be killed but you get my point lol 😂
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unfortunatelyashark · 4 months
Rory Williams and Amy pond are the best example of when 2 people get married they should take the cooler last name
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mogamoka · 10 months
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[Classic Who]
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timelordinefficiency · 3 months
Oscar Wilde, once said, “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.”
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River Song, later tells the Doctor, “Oh, it’s my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on a spaceship.”
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atalanta133 · 3 months
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(God of Death voice) “This one’s even worse at driving than the last one!”
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fanartka · 2 years
Huh, I forgot that playing with dolls is so much fun 😆
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l3sbianomens · 7 months
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What can I say, sometimes inspiration strikes and I have to answer the call.
Edit: yes, I did do it chronologically on purpose! And the ordering would be different if I ordered it based on my personal feelings of gender envy LMAO
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tvgirl4ever · 2 months
‘you better not be haunting the narrative when I get there’
me asf:
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xymustdie · 1 month
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ghost-bison · 2 months
Fave Doctor Quotes
9: they’ll never get in
rose: and how do we get out
9: ah
servant: who the hell are you
10: i’m the doctor, and i just snogged madame de pompadour
11: come on, we’re boys, and you know what boys say in the face of danger
kazran: what
11: mummy
12: i met an emperor made of algae once
12: he fancied me
13 (at tardis): sTaBiLiZE
13: come to daddy
13: i mean mummy
14: we’ve got a chair it’s a good sign, it’s a life form
14: *puts on glasses*
14: with a bum
15: i Am LEaRniNG ThE VoCaBuLAry oF RoPeS
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