#112 Finch
Bracket B Round 1
Poll 24
Simon Harrington (@dyson-the-vacuum) vs. Finch (@miketon)
111. Simon Harrington (@dyson-the-vacuum)
Simon is the single father of like, nine kids. Went the mad scientist route and achieved immortality via pact with dead god and has the most badass looking scar you have ever seen. He created an off brand SCP Foundation just because he could. I could go on for years about this man. I made a villain and woobified him myself.
Simon is roughly 5'4", he has black wavy hair that comes down to his shoulders. His eyes are heterochromatic, the right being green while the left is blue. Unfortunately this is hard to see, as he has a large and deep scar across his right eye that reaches from his forehead to the base of his neck. He wears the traditional sexyman suit when he's not being a mad scientist. When he is, he wears traditional mad scientist clothes. His design is sometimes inconsistent, but that description has all of the consistencies. As you'll probably see in the images, his scar was only across his cheek and seemed to be stitched, and his outfit changes sometimes.
112. Finch (@miketon)
Finch is my BABYGIRL she's soo pathetic and traumatized. What if SHE'S doomed by the narrative. She had a bestie but then she exploded her bestie with fireworks while under the influence of a fucked up disease that made her worship hell and now her ex bestie hates her. She had a wife but then her wife suddenly divorced Finch and told her she never loved her, and Immediately Died Afterwards before Finch had the time to process anything. Also she has issues with BOTH her parents !! Now Finch has to deal with her wife being dead, her bestie hating her, her girldad trying to kill her, AND a lot of guilt from while she was infected with hell worship disease!!!! Shes my babygirl im obsessed with her. also shes a minecraft OC. AND shes a lesbian
Finch has pale skin and short ginger hair tied up in a bun. She has scars on her face and right hand from the Nether infection. She typically wears a plain dark red hoodie and black pants. She has bright cyan eyes, which were clouded while she was infected, but are bright and clear again now that she's been cured. Her design is kind of plain but I think her story makes up for it <3
art is one my partner did of her !!!! credit it not me for that
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heart-songs · 2 years
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If the world ends at midnight, I will give you my 11:59 p.m. I will spend every precious second of that final minute content in your embrace dancing to the rhythm of your heart, gazing at the twilight in your eyes and memorizing the eternal beauty of your face. I won’t need to say a word for there will be nothing left unsaid and when the clock strikes twelve, I will press my mouth to yours and give you my last breath…
-Cora Finch
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pwlanier · 1 year
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A Rose Gold Pearl and Turquoise Set Portrait Miniature ‘Eye’ Brooch
The reverse with a Panel of Braided Hair
Contained in Leather Box inscribed ‘Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Company Ltd 112 Regent St London by Appointment to the King’
Late 18th Century
Finch and Company
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little-noko · 1 year
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Worldview - Finch and Fondu Page 112
Updates Weekly on Saturdays
What is that ???? More pages ?! SURPRISE! More pages this following week as well !
Chapter Cover
Project Worldview @alainaprana
Finch and Fondu comic written and drawn by @alainaprana and @little-noko Like what you see? Please consider-
Alaina’s Patreon   Noko’s Patreon, MAIN STORE, REDBUBBLE, ETSY and DISCORD - thank you for your support!
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magnetothemagnificent · 11 months
I guess it's time I share my list of birds from this past Jewish year (I've been keeping two Big Year lists, Jewish year and secular year). All are from the US, except the last few which are indicated.
1. Ruby-crowned kinglet
2. American Robin
* Leucistic American Robin
3. Song sparrow
4. Rock pigeon
* Melanistic rock pigeon
5. Chipping sparrow
6. Hairy woodpecker
7. Mourning dove
8. Northern flicker
9. Eastern towhee
10. White crowned sparrow
11. White-throated sparrow
12 Savannah sparrow
13. House sparrow
14. European starling
15. American Crow
16. Common Raven
17. Gray catbird
18. Northern mockingbird
19. Canada Goose
20. Spotted Sandpiper
21. American herring gull
22. Marsh wren
23. Limpkin
24. Great white heron
25. Cattle egret
26. Anhinga
27. Snowy egret
28. Great blue heron
29. Black-crowned night heron
30. Wood stork
31. Common gallinule
32. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
33. Turkey vulture
34. Black vulture
35. Yellow rumped warbler
36. Tufted titmouse
37. Little blue heron
38. White ibis
39. Cooper's hawk
40. Cardinal
41. Green heron
42. Carolina wren
43. Palm warbler
44. Pine warbler
45. Sandhill crane
46. Carolina chickadee
47. Bluejay
48. Osprey
49. Chimney swift
50. Red-tailed hawk
51. Prairie warbler
52. American kestrel
53. Glossy ibis
54. Pied-billed grebe
55. Double-crested cormorant
56. Grey kingbird
57. Brown pelican
58. Fish crow
59. Royal tern
60. Bald eagle
61. Painted bunting
62. American white pelican
63. Common grackle
64. Boat-tailed grackle
65. Great-tailed grackle
66. American purple gallinule
67. American coot
68. Brown-headed cowbird
69. Tricolored heron
70. Mallard
71. Black-bellied whistling duck
72. Eastern kingbird
73. Yellow-billed cuckoo
74. Muscovy duck
75. American bittern
76. Ring-billed gull
77. American Pekin
78. Mallard-Pekin hybrid
79. Eastern bluebird
80. Yellow-bellied sapsucker
81. Red-winged blackbird
82. White-eyed vireo
83. Mottled duck
84. Broad-winged hawk
85. Dark-eyed junco
86. Brown thrasher
87. Sharp-shinned hawk
88. House finch
89. Eastern Phoebe
90. Downy woodpecker
91. Fox sparrow
92. Loggerhead Shrike!!!!
93. White breasted nuthatch
94. Red-bellied woodpecker
95. Brown creeper
96. Pileated woodpecker
97. American goldfinch
98. House wren
99. Barn swallow
100. Tree swallow
101. Black and white warbler
102. Red eyed vireo
103. Yellow warbler
104. Mute swan
105. Rusty blackbird
106. Common yellowthroat
107. Warbling vireo
108. Northern waterthrush
109. Veery
110. Swamp sparrow
111. Wood duck
112. American redstart
113. Orchard oriole
114. Greater Yellowlegs
115. Lesser Yellowlegs
116. Baltimore oriole
117. Hermit thrush
118. Wood thrush
119. Ovenbird
120. Indigo bunting
121. Black-throated blue warbler
122. Scarlet tanager
123. Worm-eating warbler
124. Northern rough-winged swallow
125. Blue-headed vireo
126. Northern parula
127. Prothonotary warbler
128. Philadelphia vireo
129. Blackburnian warbler
130. Magnolia warbler
131. Cedar waxwing
132. Blackpoll warbler
133. Yellow-throated vireo
134. Eastern wood pewee
135. Acadian flycatcher
136. Tennessee warbler
137. Caspian tern
138. Laughing gull
139. Forster's tern
140. American oystercatcher
141. Green-winged teal
142. Purple Martin
143. Least tern
144. Field sparrow
145. Killdeer
146. Grey-cheeked thrush
147. Rose-breasted grosbeak
148. Great-crested flycatcher
149. Swainson's thrush
150. Bay-breasted warbler
151. Chestnut-sided warbler
152. Willow flycatcher
153. Ruby-throated hummingbird
154. Peregrine falcon
155. Hooded crow IL
156. Laughing dove IL
157. Eurasian collared dove IL
158. Eurasian jackdaw IL
159. Common myna IL
160. Rose-ringed parakeet IL
161. White spectacled bulbul IL
162. European bee eater IL
163. Chukar IL
164. Short toed snake eagle IL
165. White stork IL
166. Little egret IL
167. Pygmy cormorant IL
168. Eurasian hoopoe IL
169. Alpine swift IL
170. Graceful pinia IL
171. Eastern Olivaceous Warbler IL
172. Tristan's Starling IL
173. Fan tailed raven IL
174. Eurasian black cap IL
Here's to at least 200 next year!
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
I am quite dehydrated
LK 112: Enter The Unhinged Ginger
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The animators really want you to know she's got Great Lash
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Dramatic, pensive moon-staring, a motif as old as time.
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"Sarah honey you're looking like the heroine of an Ann Radcliffe novel. You feelin' okay? You wanna talk? Maybe get some ice cream? ...you wanna do a self-guided tour of a haunted castle?"
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What the fuck they were there the whole time???
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Henri is going to kill King Josh.
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Its okay Henri, France has a king you can merc, too.
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There he is y'all! Pirate, Walgreens manager, bridge engineer, pamphleteer, and maker of ladies' lingerie! Author of Agrarian Justice and an unhinged but apparently detailed-enough-to-be-two-volume plan to invade Great Britain! The unhinged ginger himself, T-Paine.
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ehhhhhhhhhhhhh there was a better way to word that
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The way she says "individual," you know she's holding back some spicy roasts.
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He gets so squeaky when he meets celebrities. Like a Zebra Finch.
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They zoomed in on her face while she was narrowing her eyes and ominous music was playing. Sarah's going to kill Thomas Paine.
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oh my god he eats like I do.
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holy shit did he inhale the drumstick
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I'm sure that's supposed to be wine or madeira or something but it looks like orange Fanta.
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Go off, T-Paine. You would have loved tumblr dot com.
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James your fanboi is showing.
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Walter Cronkite put some sass into that line.
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Sarah's about to flip the table. Honestly I would, too if I had to listen to someone chewing with their mouth open (sorry, Paine.)
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you know you probably shouldn't be passing around a manuscript at the dinner table.
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why the fuck is Sarah just eating broth. The girl needs some proteins for all that running she does in heels. Or is she eating just a bowl of gravy?
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"she's so pretty when she's going off :)"
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what a fun little detail. Henri, the one who's always going on about being hungry and wanting to eat, is sharing all of his food with Paine.
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"Don't call me a child, old man."
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Thomas Paine is the guy you invite to a holiday dinner to cause a scene that you're too cowardly to cause. Also goddamn is that a nice fucking fireplace.
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Tommy you really shouldn't hold your manuscript so close to the chandelier.
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Oh my god Tommy don't forget your now-greasy manuscript
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His reaction is honestly a similar reaction I had when I read Common Sense. "This reads so much easier than I was expecting! Why didn't everyone write this clearly at the time??? Hey babe come read this shit!"
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"yeah he's kind of a dick. I've talked to him about it before."
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"Okay but if it really is fire, this company should be the one to publish it" Girl's not gonna let some politics interfere with shrewd business acumen. She's got the lobes.
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alonglistofbirds · 2 years
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[112/10,976] 'Akohekohe - Palmeria dolei
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Passeroidea Family: Fringillidae (true finches) Subfamily: Carduelinae (cardueline finches)
Photo credit: Luke Seitz via Macaulay Library
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Thoughts at 7pm...
I tag my books in Calibre with people and places and things I think will come up again and again across books. 
This can be a slow and agonizing process, but I find that I keep coming back to it over and over again, because I’ll read a book years later that mentions a battle on Hill 488 and think... fuck, what book was it that I read about that from someone else’s perspective?!!?!? 
Tags help with that. 
I don’t tag everything, or everyone... just stuff I have a feeling will come up over and over, and yet for a single book I’ll end up with this:
Averell Harriman, Bess Clements Abell, Camp David, Catoctin Mountains MD, CH-34 Choctaw, CH-46 Sea Knight, Chaplain, CIA, CIDG, From LAPL, General Herman Nickerson, General Samuel B. Griffith, General William Westmoreland, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, John F. Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr, Maryland, North Korea, Okinawa, Okinawa - Northern Training Area (NTA), Robert McNamara, Soviet FROG-3 Missile, SpecOps, US Capitol Building, USA 3rd Infantry Regiment, USAF Kadena Airbase, USAID John Paul Vann, USMC, USMC 12th Marines, USMC 1st Force Recon Co, USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Brisbane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Circumstance (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Club Car (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Countersign (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Killer Kane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Swift Scout (Vietnam War), USMC 1st MarDiv, USMC 1st Marine Air Wing, USMC 1st Marines, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1 - F Co, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1 - E Co, USMC 1st Recon Bn, USMC 1st Recon Bn - E Co, USMC 1st Tank Bn, USMC 26th Marines, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26 - F Co, USMC 2LT Paul Young, USMC 3rd Marines, USMC 3rd Marines - 2/3, USMC 5th Marines, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5 - F Co, USMC 7th Marines, USMC 7th Marines - 1/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7 - G Co, USMC 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, USMC Air Observers - Black Coats (Vietnam War), USMC Camp Hansen, USMC Camp Pendleton, USMC Camp Schwab, USMC Col. Andrew Finlayson, USMC Force Recon, USMC LtCol Alex Lee, USMC Marine Barracks Washington (8th and I), USMC Scout Dogs, USMC SgtMaj Maurice J. Jacques, USMC The Basic School, USMC Washington Barracks Guard Co., USN Corpsman, USN LCDR Ray Stubbe (Chaplain), USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USNA, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM A Shau Valley, VNM A Vuong River, VNM An Bang, VNM An Hoa, VNM An Long, VNM An Son, VNM Antenna Valley, VNM Ap Ba, VNM Arizona Territory, VNM Ba Na Mountain, VNM Base Area 112, VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Khe Sanh (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Hansen, VNM Camp Reasoner, VNM Charlie Med, VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Col de Ba Lien, VNM Command and Control North/FOB-1 (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Da Son, VNM Dam Cao Hai Bay, VNM Dong Nhut Mountain, VNM DRV NVA 2nd Division, VNM DRV NVA 320th Reconnaissance Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 368th Artillery (Rocket) Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 3rd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 402nd Sapper Battalion, VNM Elephant Valley, VNM Freedom Hill PX, VNM Happy Valley, VNM Hiep Duc, VNM Hill 170, VNM Hill 199, VNM Hill 203, VNM Hill 224, VNM Hill 324, VNM Hill 327, VNM Hill 35, VNM Hill 372, VNM Hill 381, VNM Hill 387, VNM Hill 406, VNM Hill 417, VNM Hill 441, VNM Hill 452, VNM Hill 454, VNM Hill 478, VNM Hill 498, VNM Hill 502, VNM Hill 537, VNM Hill 575 (Tam Dieo Mountain), VNM Hill 582 (Kon Chay Mountain), VNM Hill 592, VNM Hill 594, VNM Hill 623, VNM Hill 678, VNM Hill 749, VNM Hill 800, VNM Hill 89, VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail, VNM Hoi An Thuong, VNM Hon Cau Mountain, VNM Hue, VNM Khe Dienne River, VNM Khe Gio tributary, VNM Khuong Dai, VNM Loc Tu, VNM LZ Finch, VNM MEDCAP, VNM Mortar Valley, VNM Nam O Bridge, VNM Ninh Dinh, VNM Ninh Khanh, VNM Ninh Long, VNM Nong Son Coal Mine, VNM Nui Ba Hoa, VNM Nui Chom, VNM Nui Nhu, VNM Nui Son Ga (Charlie Ridge), VNM Ong Thu Slope, VNM Operation Arizona (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Calhoun (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Claxon (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Knox (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Pecos (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Snoopy (People Sniffer) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union I (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union II (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Wheeler (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Phouc Ly, VNM Phouc Tuong, VNM Phouc Tuong (Dogpatch), VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Gia Pass, VNM Phu Loc, VNM Quang Duc Duc, VNM Quang Nam Province, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Que Son Mountains, VNM Que Son Valley, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 545, VNM RVN RVNP CSDB PRU Provincial Reconnaissance Units (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon, VNM Song Cu De, VNM Song Ly Ly, VNM Song Thu Bon, VNM Song Tinh Yen, VNM Song Vu Gia, VNM Song Yang, VNM Tam Kho, VNM Tam Talou Tributary, VNM Thach Bich, VNM The Enchanted Forest, VNM The Garden of Eden, VNM Thua Thien Province, VNM Thuan Long, VNM Thuong Duc, VNM Ti Tau Mountain, VNM Trang Bang, VNM Trao Hamlet, VNM Tu Phu, VNM US MACVSOG (1964-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG Road Runner Teams (Vietnam War), VNM USMC AHCB An Hoa Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM USMC Combined Action Platoon, VNM USMC KSCB Khe Sanh Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Yellow Brick Road, Washington D.C
Thankfully I can easily use calibre’s tag search function to grab what I need!
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casbooks · 2 years
Books of 2023
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Book 5 of 2023
Title: Killer Kane Authors: Andrew R. Finlayson ISBN: 9780786477012 Tags: 1968 Washington D.C Riots, Averell Harriman, Bess Clements Abell, Camp David, Catoctin Mountains MD, CH-34 Choctaw, CH-46 Sea Knight, CIA, CIDG, From LAPL, General Herman Nickerson, General Samuel B. Griffith, General William Westmoreland, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, John F. Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr, Maryland, North Korea, Okinawa, Okinawa - Northern Training Area (NTA), Robert McNamara, Soviet FROG-3 Missile, SpecOps, US Capitol Building, USA 3rd Infantry Regiment, USAF Kadena Airbase, USAID John Paul Vann, USMC, USMC 12th Marines, USMC 1st Force Recon Co, USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Brisbane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Circumstance (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Club Car (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Countersign (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Killer Kane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Swift Scout (Vietnam War), USMC 1st MarDiv, USMC 1st Marine Air Wing, USMC 1st Marines, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1 - F Co, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1 - E Co, USMC 1st Recon Bn, USMC 1st Recon Bn - E Co, USMC 1st Tank Bn, USMC 26th Marines, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26 - F Co, USMC 3rd Marines, USMC 3rd Marines - 2/3, USMC 5th Marines, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5 - F Co, USMC 7th Marines, USMC 7th Marines - 1/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7 - G Co, USMC 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, USMC Air Observers - Black Coats (Vietnam War), USMC Camp Hansen, USMC Camp Pendleton, USMC Camp Schwab, USMC Force Recon, USMC Marine Barracks Washington (8th and I), USMC Scout Dogs, USMC The Basic School, USMC Washington Barracks Guard Co., USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USNA, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM A Shau Valley, VNM A Vuong River, VNM An Bang, VNM An Hoa, VNM An Long, VNM An Son, VNM Antenna Valley, VNM Ap Ba, VNM Arizona Territory, VNM Ba Na Mountain, VNM Base Area 112, VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Khe Sanh (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Hansen, VNM Camp Reasoner, VNM Charlie Med, VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Col de Ba Lien, VNM Command and Control North/FOB-1 (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Da Son, VNM Dam Cao Hai Bay, VNM Dong Nhut Mountain, VNM DRV NVA 2nd Division, VNM DRV NVA 320th Reconnaissance Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 368th Artillery (Rocket) Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 3rd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 402nd Sapper Battalion, VNM Elephant Valley, VNM Freedom Hill PX, VNM Happy Valley, VNM Hiep Duc, VNM Hill 170, VNM Hill 199, VNM Hill 203, VNM Hill 224, VNM Hill 324, VNM Hill 327, VNM Hill 35, VNM Hill 372, VNM Hill 381, VNM Hill 387, VNM Hill 406, VNM Hill 417, VNM Hill 441, VNM Hill 452, VNM Hill 454, VNM Hill 478, VNM Hill 498, VNM Hill 502, VNM Hill 537, VNM Hill 575 (Tam Dieo Mountain), VNM Hill 582 (Kon Chay Mountain), VNM Hill 592, VNM Hill 594, VNM Hill 623, VNM Hill 678, VNM Hill 749, VNM Hill 800, VNM Hill 89, VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail, VNM Hoi An Thuong, VNM Hon Cau Mountain, VNM Hue, VNM Khe Dienne River, VNM Khe Gio tributary, VNM Khuong Dai, VNM Loc Tu, VNM LZ Finch, VNM MEDCAP, VNM Mortar Valley, VNM Nam O Bridge, VNM Ninh Dinh, VNM Ninh Khanh, VNM Ninh Long, VNM Nong Son Coal Mine, VNM Nui Ba Hoa, VNM Nui Chom, VNM Nui Nhu, VNM Nui Son Ga (Charlie Ridge), VNM Ong Thu Slope, VNM Operation Arizona (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Calhoun (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Claxon (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Knox (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Pecos (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Snoopy (People Sniffer) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union I (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union II (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Wheeler (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Phouc Ly, VNM Phouc Tuong, VNM Phouc Tuong (Dogpatch), VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Gia Pass, VNM Phu Loc, VNM Quang Duc Duc, VNM Quang Nam Province, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Que Son Mountains, VNM Que Son Valley, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 545, VNM RVN RVNP CSDB PRU Provincial Reconnaissance Units (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon, VNM Song Cu De, VNM Song Ly Ly, VNM Song Thu Bon, VNM Song Tinh Yen, VNM Song Vu Gia, VNM Song Yang, VNM Tam Kho, VNM Tam Talou Tributary, VNM Thach Bich, VNM The Enchanted Forest, VNM The Garden of Eden, VNM Thua Thien Province, VNM Thuan Long, VNM Thuong Duc, VNM Ti Tau Mountain, VNM Trang Bang, VNM Trao Hamlet, VNM Tu Phu, VNM US MACVSOG (1964-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG Road Runner Teams (Vietnam War), VNM USMC AHCB An Hoa Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM USMC Combined Action Platoon, VNM USMC KSCB Khe Sanh Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Yellow Brick Road, Washington D.C Rating: 5 stars Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Specops.Marine Recon
  The leader of one of the most successful U. S. Marine long range reconnaissance teams during the Vietnam War, Andrew Finlayson recounts his team's experiences in the year leading up to the Tet Offensive of 1968. Using primary sources, such as Marine Corps unit histories and his own weekly letters home, he presents a highly personal account of the dangerous missions conducted by this team of young Marines as they searched for North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong units in such dangerous locales as Elephant Valley, the Enchanted Forest, Charlie Ridge, Happy Valley and the Que Son Mountains.   In numerous close contacts with the enemy, the team (code-name Killer Kane) fights for its survival against desperate odds, narrowly escaping death time and again. The book gives vivid descriptions of the life of recon Marines when they are not on patrol, the beauty of the landscape they traverse, and several of the author's Vietnamese friends. It also explains in detail the preparations for, and the conduct of, a successful long range reconnaissance patrol.
Finlayson has a very particular point of view on the war, and warfare. Throughout the book, he is constantly made aware that his actions and behaviors are both dangerous and obsessive. Yet, even though he acknowledges it, and says he takes it to heart, he still has the narcissistic bent to ignore them and feel that his way is the right way. 
That’s both a positive and a negative.
His teams brought the war to the enemy and were immensely productive as far as kills and intelligence gathered. At the same time, they were in many ways reckless and dangerous. 
God loves a fool and who dares wins are basically how he operates.
Overall though, the book gives you great insight into HIS way of running recon teams, and how Team Killer Kane/Swift Scout operated, the gear they took, the places they operated in, and who the people were. His writing style is quick paced and gives you a good sense of his thoughts and emotions and allows you to understand where his head was at and what he experienced.
While there were a few errors, especially in regards to keeping track of a persons rank (one page they’re corporal, next they’re a sergeant), and the weapons (carrying my m-14, and had 5 magazines of 5.56mm), the book is well done. 
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abearbutch · 2 years
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I posted 7,916 times in 2022
35 posts created (0%)
7,881 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,783 of my posts in 2022
#art - 232 posts
#fave - 180 posts
#finch - 140 posts
#cats - 129 posts
#writing - 116 posts
#notes - 112 posts
#calm tag - 94 posts
#plushies - 87 posts
#save - 66 posts
#tiktoks - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#there’s a difference between relating to someone about their experiences vs co-opting what they’re saying n making it abt yourself
My Top Posts in 2022:
found this AMAZING picrew so thought i’d share
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gonna tag @blackbearbutch @bakingmoomins @cozybianket @pigeonbutch @oaklesbian @summer-tomatoes @shveml and anyone else who feels like doing it!!
54 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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See the full post
74 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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couple pics from me getting dressed up for the theatre!!
84 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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111 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ding dong another picrew!!
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tagging @shveml @soscout @embroidered-roses @blackbearbutch @bakingmoomins @pigeonbutch @cozybianket n anyone else who wants to!!
111 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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diarioelpepazo · 5 months
NACHO DUQUE Los Bucks llegaron al partido entre los dos mejores equipos del Este con las alarmas encendidas por su racha de cuatro derrotas seguidas y seis en los últimos siete partidos. Salen del duelo ante los Celtics con una victoria (104-91), pero igual o más preocupados de lo que estaban: Giannis Antetokounmpo se ha lesionado. Resultados de la jornada Hornets 104-130 Mavericks Sixers 120-102 Pistons Raptors 123-140 Pacers Hawks 111-117 Heat Bucks 104-91 Celtics Bulls 117-128 Knicks Rockets 118-106 Magic Grizzlies 87-102 Spurs Timberwolves 130-121 Wizards Thunder 112-105 Kings Jazz 95-111 Nuggets Lakers 120-134 Warriors Suns 92-105 Clippers Blazers 100-110 Pelicans En el tercer cuarto, el griego sacó de fondo después de una canasta de los Celtics y tras dar unos pocos pasos se echó al suelo llevándose la mano al gemelo izquierdo. Los Bucks dijeron que tenía una distensión en el sóleo. No es por ser alarmistas, pero ojo con el tendón de Aquiles. Se someterá a una resonancia para comprobar el alcance de la lesión. Fue ayudado a salir de la pista, pero luego se le vio andando por sus propios medios en el vestuario. "Nuestro grado de preocupación es alto. Él es Giannis. Creo que probablemente todo el mundo siente lo mismo que yo ahora. Sólo vamos a esperar lo mejor", dijo el entrenador Doc Rivers. "Pasamos mucho tiempo juntos, más que con nuestras familias. Eso, lo primero. Y luego, que sea tu mejor jugador, la parte más importante de nuestro equipo, a estas alturas de la temporada, fue como un momento de 'Oh, maldita sea', especialmente porque no había nadie más alrededor", lamentó Damian Lillard. Los Bucks superan la lesión de Antetokounmpo para imponerse a los líderes Celtics Fue la noticia desagradable de un partido que entró en la historia porque entre los dos equipos lanzaron sólo dos tiros libres, la cifra más baja de siempre rebajando el récord anterior, que estaba en 11. Los ejecutó precisamente Antetokounmpo, metiendo sólo uno de ellos. Los Celtics son el primer equipo de la NBA que se queda sin ir a la línea de personal en 48 minutos. "Es extraño, pero no me di cuenta de eso hasta que me lo dijeron justo antes de entrar al vestuario", aseguró Brook López. Fue un encuentro en el que los Bucks dominaron con comodidad. Llegaron a ganar por 24 en la primera parte con los Celtics, líderes de la NBA, reservándose cartas ante un posible cruce en playoffs. Al Horford y Kristaps Porzingis no jugaron. A los de Milwaukee les lideró Patrick Beverley con 20 puntos y 10 rebotes. Antetokounmpo, antes de irse lesionado, hizo 15+8+9. Jayson Tatum fue el mejor en las filas de Boston con 22 puntos. Tope anotador para el mejor jugador del mejor equipo del Este Anthony Edwards batió su tope anotador con los 51 puntos le metió a los Wizards en un triunfo (130-121) que mantiene a los Timberwolves en lo alto del Oeste igualados con los Nuggets (55-24). El escolta agradeció a su entrenador, Chris Finch, que le pusiera las pilas para este partido ante uno de los peores equipos de la NBA. Récord anotador para Anthony Edwards: 51 puntos "Me metió en la oficina hace dos o tres días y me dijo: 'Mira, tenemos este partido contra Washington y tenemos que ganarlo, tenemos que estar listos para jugar y no puedes tratarlo como cualquier otro partido", contó. Y pese a todo, los de Minnesota tuvieron que remontar 21 puntos en una gran segunda mitad. Esta madrugada, duelo clave ante los Nuggets en Denver con el liderato en juego. Embiid, como si no se hubiera lesionado Joel Embiid ha jugado cuatro partidos desde que volviera de su lesión de menisco. Los Sixers han ganado los cuatro. Él no ha bajado de los 24 puntos en ninguno de ellos. En la victoria sobre los Pistons (120-102) se fue a los 37, a los que añadió 11 rebotes. "Quiero seguir jugando tantos minutos como sea posible. Sólo quiero seguir construyendo porque no tenemos muchos días antes de los playoffs", dijo el pívot, que
no atiende demasiado a si su equipo tendrá que jugar play-in o no: "Miro los otros partidos, pero no importa si nosotros seguimos ganando". Los de Filadelfia están a un partido de la sexta plaza que ahora ocupan los Pacers. Brunson apuntala el factor cancha de los Knicks Jalen Brunson logró su décimo partido de la temporada con 40 o más puntos para colocar a los Knicks en la tercera plaza del Este con un partido de ventaja sobre los Magic y los Cavaliers. El base anotó 45 en el triunfo sobre los Bulls (117-128) y suma dos noche seguidas llegando a la cuarentena tras haber metido 43 a los Bucks en la última cita. OG Anunoby le secundó con 24 puntos y volvió a ser determinante en defensa. Los 34 de DeMar DeRozan y los 26 de Nikola Vucevic cayeron en saco roto para los de Chicago. Se acaba la racha de dobles-dobles de Sabonis La racha de dobles-dobles de Domantas Sabonis llegó a su fin en Oklahoma, donde los Kings cedieron frente a los Thunder por 112-105. El pívot lituano llevaba 61 consecutivos pero ante los Thunder se quedó en ocho puntos, 13 rebotes y cinco asistencias. El récord absoluto es de Wilt Chamberlain con 227. Los locales, pese a llegar a perder por 20, no pierden el tren por la cabeza del Oeste con un triunfo liderado por Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, autor de 40 puntos. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week #112 (Year 3/Week 8):
2 directed by Canadian Sarah Polley:
🍿 Women Talking, her latest acclaimed story, about mass raping at an isolated Mennonite community, and the women who must decide if they stay in the remote community or leave.
I am looking for women-made movies (I've already seen 21 this year that were directed by women), and I’m sympathetic to the cause. I also hate religion and the patriarchy in equal measures. But this drama was a talky stage play, and except for the satisfying happy ending, left me unmoved. The score was by Hildur Guðnadóttir.
(PS. I don’t watch SNL anymore, but this film popped on their recent ‘Big Hollywood Quiz’ sketch).
🍿 Fortunately, while looking for other movies she did, I discovered Stories we tell, her 2012 documentary. It explores her own personal story, how she found out that she was born from an extramarital affair her outgoing mother had with another man. Deservedly, this film is now considered to be one of the 10 best Canadian films. For a while, I thought that the reenactments lasted a bit too long, not realizing that the whole movie was “reconstructed”, and played out by professional actors. The final sentence, after the credits, was the real bombshell. 9/10. (Photo Above).
So now I want to see the documentary ‘51 Birch Street‘, but I can’t find a copy!
"Maycomb was a tired old town – even in 1932 when I first knew it – that summer I was six years old."
Re-watching the fantastic To kill a mockingbird, a classic message movie about racism in a small town, as much as it is a story of a single dad's love of his children. (Photo above). Atticus Finch’s deep voice, Robert Duval’s debut as the blond, mute Boo Radley, and the little girl who played ‘Scout’ and who at 10 became the youngest to ever being nominated for the Oscars. 10/10.
2 with young Keira Knightley:
🍿 Atonement, a lush, very British upper-class period drama with the magnificent 12-year-old Saoirse Ronan, in her breakthrough role, and with Keira Knightley’s gorgeous green dress. 7/10.
🍿 First watch: Bend it like Beckham. Made by Gurinder Chadha, a female British-Indian director, and tells of a girl from an Sikh-Indian family who wants to play soccer. But otherwise predictable.
My first superhero movie ever! Superman Awakens, by brothers Stavros & Antonis Fylladitis. It’s a fan-made CGI short, done in game-changing Unreal Engine 5.
2 by British documenterian Lucy Walker:
🍿 How to change your mind, a new 4-part series with Michael Pollan, describing his insights into the psychedelic drugs LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA and mescaline as well as their uses in psychedelic therapy. Obviously, I loved it. Especially, the few interpretations of actual trips, f. ex. on Episode 1, starting at 12:00, with Albert Hofmann’s 4/19/43 bicycle trip. 7/10.  🍿 “...I never imagined I’d become a work of art”..
Her 2010 Waste Land started as a standard documentary about Brazilian artist Vik Muniz exploring the world’s largest landfill outside Rio, and the people who rummage through the trash to find any reusable material. But it ended as an incredibly moving tribute to some of the humble “Catadores” who live at the favelas of the very bottom of society. Especially later, as he creates large portraits of them made of the garbage they collected, and their reactions to seeing themselves becoming ‘objet d'art’. (The 2020 Tunisian film 'The Man Who Sold His Skin' dealt with similar themes.)
100% Tomato score - Best film of the week!
“...All you needed was some minding...”
Re-watching The quiet Girl, one of my most cherished film experiences from last year. (Photo Above). A tremendously restrained masterpiece, simple and moving. It’s about a sad and lonely 9-year-old girl with no voice who discovers kindness for the first time when she is send away to spend the summer with some distant relatives. Part of the recent Gaelic-language Irish film renaissance.
Catherine Clinch, the little girl is so beauteous, I can see her becoming the 2032 Revlon Girl. 10/10.
Suddenly, Last Summer, the third of Tennessee Williams’s talky plays adapted to the screen in the 50′s. Heavy hitters all around: Joseph Mankiewicz, Gore Vidal, Montgomery Clift as Dr. Cukrowicz ... An unconvincing melodrama about crazed old rich Katharine Hepburn who want to get Elizabeth Taylor, her niece, lobotomized and about her unseen dead son “Sebastian” who used the niece to “procure” Italian boys, because he was insanely homosexual. But with so much euphemism and cover ups, it was hard to figure out what was really happening. 3/10.
The new Anna Kendrick film Alice, darling started as a shallow girl’s flick, but turned into a terrific and ominous thriller. The directorial debut from Bill Nighy’s daughter tells of a woman who’s being emotionally abused by a manipulating boyfriend. It was slow to unfold, and the gaslighting, subtle coercion and power games hinted that tense violence will follow. Fortunately it ended a pure psychological play. 6/10. 
The Japanese Tora-San teledrama is the world’s longest-running film series which starred a single actor. In 48 installments released between 1969 and 1995, it featured an archetype of bumbling, goofy and lovable traveling salesman, like Mr. Bean or Monsieur Hulot. He’s always looking for a woman to marry, but always ends up alone, and still optimistic. Tora-san, the Good Samaritan is the 7th in the low-brow series. Here he falls for Hanako, a feeble-minded young girl. My first, and probably the only, bite of this apple.
David Bowie X 3:
🍿 Moonage Daydream, the first “officially-authorized” biography from the Bowie estate. Uses many of the 5 millions video clips and photographs from his private collections, and as such it is textually rich, psychedelic and arbitrary. He was a visual chameleon and a style trailblazer, but he had to suffer from decades of inane questioning by clueless interviewers. Not cohesive, but the music was great. 5/10.
🍿 John Landis made some classic comedies (’Trading Places’, ‘Three Amigos’. ‘Coming to America’), but also lots of worthless schlock (which was the name of his first feature). Into the Night belong to the latter. It’s a horribly-directed, disjointed “Black Comedy” flop which has zero laughs in it. It’s notable only for having about 30 cameos by other film-makers, including Bowie. 2/10.
🍿 Bowie’s first film role was in the artsy 1969 short The Image. A young artist is haunted by the boy he just finished painting. Strictly for Bowie fans?
The best in the world, an interesting local documentary analyzing the claim that Copenhagen is one the world’s best “big” cities. Digs into historic reels showing the the growth and politics of the city and warns about market trends that can make it exclusive to the “haves”. 8/10.
2 by Petra Epperlein + 2 about Hitler:
🍿 For 50 years I was perversely abhorred by Hitler the figure. So the new documentary The Meaning of Hitler, based on the 1978 study by Sebastian Haffner, was of interest to me. What is fascinating about fascism? How did the Nazis manage to seduce the imagination of so many? Why is it coming back Post-2016? Barbarism is utterly human and Hitler’s presence is everywhere again. 7/10.
🍿 Karl Marx City is a personal dive into her own history: She returns to her previous hometown of Chemnitz in East Germany in order to discover why did her father hung himself years ago. In the process she documents the Stasi omnipotent power as an all-seeing, all-knowing surveilling tool. Unfortunately, she tells the story about herself in the third-person, which makes it incredulous.
🍿 “... Really, Michael. How much weed were you smoking on a daily bases?...”
Bill Plympton’s disastrous live action feature Hitler’s Folly was the truly worst film of the week. It’s hard to imagine what prompted the genial creator of ‘Your Face’ to come up with this inane, insane alternative history mockumentary that imagines World War 2 as Hitler's unfulfilled career as an animator. It’s a 1-gag joke-concept, like ‘Life of Brian’ or ‘Zelig’ but without any saving grace. Plympton’s Folley indeed. 1/10.
I started watching Kieślowski’s 1979 Camera Buff, but unfortunately I took a break after an hour, and when I returned later, the copy of the free streamer I was using disappeared. Ouch.
I didn't realize that Don Hertzfeldt is so young X 3:
🍿 Billy's Balloon, his minimalist 1998 short about a stick-figure toddler being molested by a red balloon. Inexplicable.
🍿 It's Such a Beautiful Day, Hertzfeldt first feature. Hallucinatory and experimental animation about the same figure-stick “Bill” who suffers for various real and existential ailments, and tries to figure out his life, stream-of-conscience style.
🍿 All this because I was re-watching his World of tomorrow once again. I’m sure that it is the spontaneous voice of 4-year-old Emily Prime which endears this movie to me.
2 more shorts:
🍿 Seven minutes in the Warsaw ghetto, a bleak, impressionistic Danish short about a boy who tries to retrieve a carrot he finds on the ground. Porcelain doll puppets with cracked faces and a dark vision with no comfortable explanation. Recommended.
🍿 Rocks just wanna rock out: An Object at Rest (2015), a philosophical animation by Seth Boyden.
Throw-back to the art project:  
David Bowie Adora.
(My complete movie list is here)
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
The rain protects the house in shame against England
Australia only fought four times, but it was more than enough to once again reveal their fragile standings in their third T20I encounter with England. The Visitors took a 2-112 lead after being asked to hit first in Canberra on Friday, before tearing up their opponents with the ball. Australian Captain Aaron Finch.attributed to him:Getty Images Aaron Finch’s team will be grateful for Rain, which saved Australia a streak of bleaching with the match abandoned after a third weather delay. At one point, the Australians were reeling at 3-17 after fast Englander Chris Woks (3-4) snatched a heart off their battering cards, knocking out Finch, Mitchell Marsh and Glenn Maxwell at short notice. loading Finch hid with the first ball of the innings and Marsh joined him in the yards soon after when Woakes found a groundbreaking advantage. Maxwell scored the provisional opener eight of the nine before he was caught, too. It was the second game in a row that Australia’s top rankings offered little resistance in the run-up to the T20 World Cup, having teetered 2-22 against England on Wednesday following early exits by Finch and David Warner. Maxwell’s shape remains a major concern. He’s only done 30 times in his last seven T20 runs. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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animusrox · 3 years
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1.   The Green Knight 2.   The Suicide Squad 3.   Boiling Point 4.   Red Rocket 5.   Pig 6.   CODA 7.   Nightmare Alley 8.   The Card Counter 9.   Psycho Goreman 10. Zola
Grade A
11.   Flee 12.   The Mitchells vs. The Machines 13.   The Novice 14.   The Humans 15.   Mass 16.   Drive My Car 17.   King Richard 18.   Blue Bayou 19.   Summertime 20.   Dune 21.   The Worst Person in the World 22.   Summer of Soul 23.   A Hero 24.   Parallel Mothers 25.   Spencer 26.   Lamb 27.   A Quiet Place Part II 28.   Werewolves Within 29.   The French Dispatch 30.   The Nowhere Inn 31.   V/H/S 94 32.   Candyman 33.   Shiva Baby 34.   New York Ninja 35.   Copshop 36.   The Lost Daughter 37.   Malignant 38.   Last Night in Soho 39.   No Sudden Move 40.   The Harder They Fall 41.   In the Earth 42.   The Tragedy of Macbeth 43.   No Time to Die 44.   Coming Home in the Dark 45.   Belfast 46.   Censor 47.   Pleasure 48.   The Power of the Dog 49.   A Classic Horror Story 50.   Licorice Pizza 51.   Riders of Justice 52.   West Side Story 53.   Spider-Man: No Way Home 54.   Nobody 55.   Finch 56.   Together Together
Click "Keep Reading” For My Full List
Grade B
57.   Bo Burnham: Inside 58.   The Courier 59.   Don’t Look Up 60.   National Champions 61.   The Night House 62.   Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 63.   Black Widow 64.   Eternals 65.   The Tender Bar 66.   Titane 67.   Benedetta 68.   Fear Street: 1666 69.   Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain 70.   Best Sellers 71.   Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin 72.   The Many Saints of Newark 73.   In The Heights 74.   Val 75.   Luca 76.   Annette 77.   F9 78.   House of Gucci 79.   The Last Duel 80.   Swan Song 81.   Cruella 82.   Queenpins 83.   Stowaway 84.   Boss Level 85.   Old Henry 86.   The Eyes of Tammy Faye 87.   Antlers 88.   Oxygen 89.   Fear Street: 1978 90.   Passing 91.   Encanto 92.   tick, tick…BOOM! 93.   C’mon C’mon 94.   Willy’s Wonderland 95.   Halloween Kills 96.   False Positive 97.   Stillwater 98.   The Forever Purge 99.   The Water Man 100.   Bingo Hell 101.   Wrath of Man 102.   Jockey 103.   Ghostbusters: Afterlife 104.   Four Good Days 105.   Mother/Android 106.   Free Guy 107.   Cyrano 108.   Chaos Walking 109.   The Boy Behind the Door
Grade C
110.   Superhost 111.   The King’s Man 112.   Black as Night 113.   Batman: Soul of the Dragon 114.   Sing 2 115.   Kate 116.   The Matrix Resurrections 117.   Wolf 118.   Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway 119.   Justice Society: World War II 120.   Being the Ricardos 121.   Escape Room: Tournament of Champions 122.   Ron’s Gone Wrong 123.   Godzilla vs. Kong 124.   The Unforgivable 125.   Silent Night 126.   Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One 127.   Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two 128.   Moxie 129.   Raya and the Last Dragon 130.   Madres 131.   Italian Studies 132.   Nine Days 133.   The Marksman 134.   Vacation Friends 135.   Till Death 136.   The Guilty 137.   Worth 138.   Encounter 139.   Fear Street: 1994 140.   Concrete Cowboy 141.   India Sweets and Spices 142.   Don’t Breathe 2 143.   Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City 144.   Army of the Dead 145.   South of Heaven 146.   Army of Thieves 147.   The Protégé
Grade D
148.   Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar 149.   American Underdog 150.   Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard 151.   Mortal Kombat 152.   Bruised 153.   Those Who Wish Me Dead 154.   Separation 155.   Mainstream 156.   Prisoners of the Ghostland 157.   Jungle Cruise 158.   Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 159.   Demonic 160.   Joe Bell 161.   Respect 162.   Old 163.   Gunpowder Milkshake 164.   Coming 2 America 165.   Jakob’s Wife 166.   The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It 167.   Voyagers 168.   Zone 414 169.   Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse 170.   Clifford the Big Red Dog 171.   Injustice 172.   Awake 173.   The Tomorrow War
Grade F
174.   Reno 911! The Hunt for Q 175.   Home Sweet Home Alone 176.   Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! Meets Courage 177.   The Unholy 178.   Reminiscence 179.   Spiral: From the Book of Saw 180.   Cry Macho 181.   Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms 182.   Jolt 183.   Infinite 184.   Rumble 185.   Midnight in the Switchgrass 186.   A Journal for Jordan 187.   Venom: Let There Be Carnage 188.   The Manor 189.   The Ice Road 190.   Boogie
Bottom 10
191.   The Woman in the Window 192.   Thunder Force 193.   Tom & Jerry 194.   Space Jam: A New Legacy 195.   Zack Snyder’s Justice League 196.   Dear Evan Hansen 197.   Red Notice 198.   The Addams Family 2 199.   Habit 200.   The Boss Baby: Family Business
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muppet-facts · 2 years
Muppet Fact #392
Originally, when doing the first read through of the script of his episode of the Muppet Show, Harry Belafonte thought it was "so dry, so dull, so wrong." There was a scene cut where he and a Muppet were meant to argue with each other, which wasn't working. In regards to this, Belafonte said,
"It didn't work and Jim explained to me that a certain kind of anger never could work in the Muppet world, no matter what kind of mischief you were reacting to, because the characters are incapable of acting in a truly immoral way, they are free of greed and avarice and all those things that afflict the human condition. Once I understood that, everything became easy."
After the second read-through of the script, performed with the Muppets, everything came together.
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Of Muppets and Men. Christopher Finch. 1981. p. 112.
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