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klaudia2646 · 10 months ago
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Last Saturday I went to a very interesting program at the library and next door there was a Haiti flag day festivities so I stopped by. It was a nice day although very windy.
The program at the library only had 3 people including me. I swear that it’s because they didn’t advertise it on social media like they do with everything else. I tried looking it up on Facebook and nothing. It was only on the library website.
Sunday I took both cars to the car wash. They both needed to be mostly vacuumed, they had too much dog hair that it’s hard to get rid of, but I did my best and they look pretty good. Had to also vacuum the furniture in the 3 seasons porch cause I have the feeling that Walter gets there when we’re not home. I ended up with my lower back hurting but feel much better.
The flowers are blooming and the grass looks so very green.
We had so many storms yesterday and the day before and thank goodness we didn’t get any tornadoes nearby. Some other towns in Iowa were not as lucky and it’s so very sad that in a couple of minutes their lives are completely turned upside down. Many people here in Waterloo did loose electricity, most of the area where I live did but for whatever reason my street didn’t. And for that I’m thankful!
I’ve been working a split shift until we get a new receptionist and it’s not too bad. Tomorrow Janice and Marybeth arrive from Arkansas, probably early cause Janice loves to leave around 5 in the morning. Unfortunately I will be working from 4 to 7 so they’ll get here while I’m working. David will be at home.
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lovemehatemex0 · 7 months ago
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At least I looked good before my mental breakdown last night
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whocaresifwearecrazy · 1 year ago
The person who posted Rasputin instead of Undyne, I love you
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One of my favorite genres of post
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vanosslirious · 6 months ago
Vanoss: I just have to get a two. I just have to not roll a one. *rolls a one & laughs* How? How? How?
Nogla: Okay, okay, Tyler, you have to use it...
Wildcat: I think I have to at this point, destiny doesn't want him to have that fucking star.
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petboymart · 2 years ago
I love this blog so much oh my lord. Anyways, I had this thought the other day and thought I'd share with the class. Reader is super overworked and stressed and puppy!Hinata just wants to help his poor owner! So when reader gets home from work one night Hinata helps his lovely master relax~
he’s such a good boy so of course he helps u unwind!!!!
you’re laid down on the bed so so soooo exhausted and you haven’t even taken off your shoes!!!!
hinata helps you, he tugs your shoes off and starts taking off your clothes. he’s so sad that you’re so tired, and he wants to make u feel good..
cut to three (yes exactly three) minutes later and his face is BURIED in your cunt sucking and slurping and just slobbering all over your drooling hole.
your whimpers and soft moans spur him on as you have one hand in his hair, softly scratching his ears. his tail is thumping against the bed as he continues to sloppily devour you.
he makes such a mess of you, and the sheets as he just salvates everywhere. but he’s such a good boy, and he’s being sooo helpful…
so you’ll reward him? right? right?
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whocaresifwearecrazy · 1 year ago
"We're best friends and we torture each other"
Guy: (looking at a Disneyland map) "Where's Magic Mountain?"
Schmitty: "That's Six Flags you dumb shit."
Guy: " "Aren't we at Six Flags?"
Schmitty: "I'm leaving you on a ride.”
(Source: @/overheard_disney on Instagram)
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un-invierno-eterno · 2 years ago
Jueves 14 de septiembre del 2023 (3:26 AM)
Querido invierno:
Te escribo esta carta porque te quiero contar de como a L le pude decir "Hola" por primera vez, me salió re ahogado y bastante ronco. No te voy a mentir.
Fue incómodo, pero tengo miedo de que haya notado de que lo ví de lejos, literal sabía que era él, mi cuerpo y mi energía lo conocé mejor que a nadie en este mundo.
Sé cuándo es él y sólo me pasa con él, con nadie más.
Fue inevitable no mirarlo, han pasado meses desde la última vez que lo ví y él me saludo por sorpresa, aunque en ese entonces L me quedó mirando, siguió caminando y se giró para decirme "Hola".
Sé que suena muy estúpido todo esto, pero creeme de todos los años desde que lo conozco nunca nos dijimos un "¡Hola!".
Porque éramos niños y estúpidos. Yo siempre he sido tímida para saludar, desde que soy muy chica, juro que trato de hablar y no me sale la voz. Es que soy súper ansiosa.
Y esto se leerá estúpido, pero en mi mente le hice una reverencia a su polola, porque si no fuera por ella, él nunca me hubiese dirigido la palabra hace 6 meses. Literal, ella le dió la confianza y los huevos que nunca antes tuvo para hacerlo. Y yo siempre quise saludarlo, pero me sacaba la mirada o caminaba con tremendo cohete en el culo y yo apenas trataba de decir "Ho..." el man ya iba llegando a su casa.
Quiero ser realista y sincera, porque aquí puedo serlo. Hace unos días le rogué a dios y al universo para poder verlo y saber si sigo sintiendo amor o sentimientos por alguien, L es una de las representaciones de mi amor más puro. Lo quise por muchos años y no importa cuántos años pasen, siempre que lo veo siento que mis pies vuelven a la tierra y el mundo es mío otra vez.
Y es que, ¿Por qué pedí este deseo tan peculiar?
Porque M y L me dejaron devastada, en especial M, es como si me hubiese absorbido el alma y mis ganas de un amor bonito. Trate de hablar con más chicos este último tiempo, pero ninguno logró conquistarme o hacerme sentir algo, no logré nada de eso, ni siquiera me dan ganas de responder dónde veia que sus intereses eran una cosa adversa a mis sentimientos.
Creía que ya no sentía nada, que mis sentimientos estaban muertos. Que finalmente llegue a mi punto máximo dónde ya no siento nada y que tal vez nunca mas me podría enamorar.
Hasta que ayer lo ví a él, ví a L y el corazón me volvió a latir, sentí mariposas, me sentí feliz, quería sonreír, vivir, ser mejor persona y existir porque mi corazón y mi cuerpo sigue sintiendo. Aún soy un alma romántica que vaga por este mundo frío y sin responsabilidad afectiva. Pero recordé la canción de Taylor Swift, que dice lo siguiente:
"Y viví, y aprendí, y conocí qué era darse la vuelta y ver que nosotros nunca estuvimos destinados a ser.
Así que mentí, e intenté, y vi morir esa parte de mí..." (You All Over Me).
Sé que a L le debo importar la nada misma, está la nada y yo. Él prefiere la nada. Tampoco quiero algo con él, tiene polola y es feliz. Para mi eso es lo mejor, soy la más feliz sabiendo que él recibe amor y que él también entrega una parte de él a una persona. Obvio que me dolió y como que una parte de mi murió, pero tenía que pasar. Yo tenia que madurar y conocer más chicos y soltar esa idealización enfermiza que tengo con él desde que soy una niña.
Pero algo está fallando, conocí a más chicos y pude conocerlos mucho mejor de lo que lo conozco a él durante todos estos años y aún así L sigue ahí en mi corazón y me molesta. No es justo.
No es justo que se vista como ideal, onda vestido con esa ropa negra, ese gorrito de vago y los lentes. Sus hermosos ojos soñadores, sus ojos que fueron mi debilidad desde siempre, redondos, no muy grandes y cafés casi negro. Pero brillantes. Reconocería esos ojos en cualquier lugar y quizás los busco en otra persona. Porque sé que a L quizás nunca lo pueda tener.
Pero ya se que M no me chupo el alma con tremenda desilucionada que me dió hace exactamente 4 meses. Y que decir de L ese no creo que vuelva, siempre me dijo que no sentía nada por mí. Y lo entiendo, pero nunca voy aceptar el ghosting, era innecesario, mi yo ilusionada merecía una despedida. Pero así de poco le importaba que simplemente dejó de enviarme memes.
Pero siempre M será el peor por decir que si quería conmigo e ilusionarme, para ghostearme y dejar de seguirme sin ni siquiera borrarme de sus seguidores.
En fin, gracias Dios y universo por poner de nuevo en mi camino a L y notar que mis sentimientos siguen existiendo. No del todo fuertes, pero están, están bien traumados, pero existen y sigo sintiendo.
"Con besos llenos de esperanza..."
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stereax · 1 year ago
woohoo spiraling out of control right now (what else is new really I've been fucked up and spiraling for weeks now) and trying to figure out reasons not to delete my tumblr and discord and myself along the way
but you know. talking about myself on my blog automatically means I'm attention seeking and fishing for pity right? should just shut up and stick to the news eh, it's all I'm good for :D
anyway if you need me I'll be in the corner reliving the past, coming to terms with reality, and trying to convince myself I'm not the problem despite every indication to the contrary ✌︎︎
#sterechats :)#09:58 pm - this is a bad idea but scheduling it anyway#what's the worst that can happen really? everyone leaves again? nobody talks to me again?#probably gonna delete this in the morning so. meh. not like it matters not like I matter :D#10:29 pm - wow it feels like my head is on fire#like my brain is actually burning and I can't do a damn thing about it#I should be happy right now! the devils are winning! my favorite guys are scoring!#but no! I'm barely keeping it together around my family and praying I don't wake up tomorrow <3#11:00 pm - I need to get out of here#I need to get out of here out of here out of here I can't stay here any more this is killing me#everyone hates me and I need to chew my arms open maybe then everything will make sense#why am I even writing these tags what does it matter#I was so much more in control of myself when I was sh-ing#maybe I should get back to that maybe it'll help I don't know anymore#I just want my friends back but they hate me hahahaha#11:24 pm - wonder how many people are gonna block me after this one#how many people will finally be fed up and leave for good#everyone leaves and I should be used to this by now#here's a truck stop instead of saint peter's (yeah yeah yeah yeah)#11:41 pm - it's friday afternoon/there goes antigone to be buried alive#in the next world I want to be something useful/like a staple gun/or in love#I would fall off a cliff for you/a thousand times and call it a good day#maybe I'm just incapable of being human! maybe that's it!#maybe I'm not even human at all... but something worse instead...#1:22 am - moving the posting of this back from 3 to 6 am#not that that matters and not that I matter but I don't think I'll sleep#and I don't want this to post when I'm awake#I know I'm just going to get unfollowed and blocked and left behind as always#because happiness and good things and friendships just aren't things I get to have really#I just wish people would stop lying and telling me they're different and they'll stay when they're not different and won't stay
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saladgl0ve · 3 months ago
they should rename the tetris effect to whatever game I'm playing on any given week
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youdontknowjackaboutus · 11 months ago
"Ma'am, I hate to break the news to you-"
“You know…when I chose these eight pals as the main characters, the ones that this whole literary universe will orbit around, I didn’t expect to get so attached to them that I would die for their comfort and safety.
Am I a mom friend? Is this what being a mother figure is like?
God I hope not.”
- The Narrator, having a crisis
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klaudia2646 · 1 year ago
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lovemehatemex0 · 7 months ago
well then. this explains a lot.
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voxaholic · 9 months ago
The person who set the time for the interview being the one who is late is so embarrassing
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autism-swagger · 9 months ago
Three cheers for PTSD triggers everyone.
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ciochinaflorin · 1 year ago
343 I 2023. ÎMPĂRĂȚIILE LUMII SAU ÎNCĂRCAREA SUFLETULUI CU PROBLEME I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Psalmul 13 : 2 I Matei 4 : 8 – 11 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 09 Decembrie 2023 I Sufletul omului nu are o putere nelimitată. Din acest motiv trebuie să am grijă de sufletul meu și să nu îl împovărez inutil. Să mă ajute Dumnezeu să fiu atent la ispita de-a căuta să adun mai multe…
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rafesangelita · 9 days ago
♡ standing in front of rafe’s door after everything that transpired was the last thing you thought you’d do.. yet here you were. luckily for you, rafe has no intentions of ever letting you leave him again.
warnings: enemies to lovers, unprotected sex, rough sex, marathon sex (these two have a lot to catch up on), oral (m. and f. receiving), fingering, choking, face fucking, cum eating, cum play (they are sooo gross), multiple orgasms, rough handling, hair pulling, biting, slapping, overstimulation, crying, degradation, dirty talk, humiliation kink (?), praise, fluff, soft aftercare
a/n: aaaand this is the end ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ this series was something i thought of on a whim, and i couldn’t be any more happier with the way everything came out. to everyone who showed sm love and gave me your thoughts and feedback, thank you so much!! reading your comments and your theories made me smile <3 wrote this while listening to ‘hotel’ by montell fish, i highly recommend listening to it, it’s what inspired this chapter!!
links: previous | mini series masterlist
wc: 3.8k
it’s been four days since rafe’s been blowing up your phone with every second he could spare, all of his calls and messages being either dismissed or ignored. you had fabricated a lie the next morning and told chanel that you and rafe just weren’t compatible with each other, and even though she could see the solemn look on your face, she knew not to dig any further. “you call me if you need anything, okay?” she hugged you tightly before leaving, using her own key to lock the door to your house as you stayed laying in bed.
as much as you wanted to give in to rafe, you just couldn’t find it in you to overlook the fact that he held back from telling you what he knew. sure, now that you look back on it, it was obvious, but to continue feeding into your fantasies, receiving your pictures, and talking to you on the phone as if he didn’t know who you were made you feel like you had been played in a way. since that night, you went to your tumblr and deleted everything, along with deactivating your account and uninstalling the app as a whole.
once rafe saw that your blog was gone, he went ahead and decided to delete his as well. it was pointless for him to be active if you were no longer on there anymore. he had been checking his phone religiously, hoping for any kind of reply, but each time his phone screen illuminated with a notification that wasn’t from you it was just a blow to his chest. he hated not hearing from you, especially because he had grown so used to listening to your voice everyday. now that was all gone. he no longer had that balance that he needed to keep him from going insane.
rafe didn’t view you any differently once he found out his dream girl behind the screen was you. if anything, it just made him want you even more. to know that the same girl that never put up with anyone’s shit was the same girl that wanted to be told what to do was nothing short of gratifying. he loved being the man that did that for you. both of you needed each other, and that was something you were slowly starting to realize as the days went on. finally folding, you had turned your read receipts off so rafe wouldn’t know that you opened up the plethora of paragraphs he had been sending you.
you scrolled down from the very top, only reading the messages that stuck out to you the most.
[Sunday - 10:11 AM] rafe: i just checked into my room, please text me back.
[Sunday - 11:00 AM] rafe: i don’t blame you for not wanting to talk to me but we’re gonna have to settle this now or when i get home. either way, you’re still mine. whether you like it or not.
[Sunday - 11:09 AM] rafe: has it ever occurred to you that you know things about me that nobody else knows either? i knew who you were and i still didn’t hold back from being vulnerable with you. i care about you y/n, i think about you all the fucking time. after opening up to me last night, i really just want to make sure that you never feel alone again. let me be there. please.
[Sunday - 10:17 PM] rafe: this is the first night in months that i’m going to bed without hearing your voice. please consider talking to me again.
[Monday - 8:20 PM] rafe: not that it matters anymore but for the entire time that we were texting each other, i never saw anyone else. i wasn’t interested in anybody and then once i found out that you were closer than i thought, you’re the only thing that i could think about. phone sex aside, i truly believe that we see each other and understand one another— at least for me, you do. this isn’t a sunken ship, and i won’t let you turn it into one.
[Monday - 8:27 PM] rafe: i’ll do whatever it takes to be back in your good graces, but leaving you alone isn’t an option. i don’t think it ever was.
[Tuesday - 3:55 PM] rafe: well i finished up all the deals i needed to make, but i want to give you the time that you need, so i’ll be staying here for the rest of the week. i’ve put your name on the visitor’s list for my room number, i know it’s far fetched to think you’ll show up, but i’ll be here.
and then the most recent ones from this afternoon..
[Today - 1:09 PM] rafe: #501
[Today - 1:10 PM] rafe: that’s my room number.
you bit your lip. you couldn’t believe you were really considering going over there. you spent the rest of the afternoon pacing the halls, trying to come up with excuses as to why you shouldn’t pack a bag and give in to the man that undeniably has you in a chokehold. by the sounds of his texts, it’s not like you can just get out of not communicating with him, he has made that abundantly clear. by the time it was seven o’clock you were cursing under your breath as your car parked onto the ferry headed towards the mainland. “you better not embarrass me, asshole..” you whispered, swallowing your pride as the minutes counted down to your destination.
you were hesitant when it came time to go into the lobby, your chest rising and falling as you got off the car on shaky legs. you knew that coming over here meant more than just ‘talking it out’, this was you allowing rafe to prove himself worthy enough for something to grow out of this; something serious. “good evening! are you a guest or a visitor?” the receptionist smiled at you brightly as you answered. “visitor. for rafe cameron.” she clicked away on her computer for a few moments before humming pleasantly. “y/n?” she confirmed. with a curt nod, she motioned towards the elevators, “enjoy your night.”
adjusting the pink bag on your shoulder, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding once the elevator dinged on rafe’s floor. no matter how much you were trying to downplay the situation, you couldn’t help the violent thumping of your heart with every step you took towards the end of the long hallway. standing in front of his door made everything feel like it was closing in on you, like suddenly you couldn’t get out of this and you hated the feeling of losing control. before you could successfully talk yourself out of facing him and running away, you knocked and waited with a bated breath for rafe to answer.
the man on the other side of the door was sitting at the edge of his bed in deep thought when he heard the small sound against the thick hardwood. eyebrows twisting in confusion, rafe got up and looked through the peep hole. he felt relief wash over him as soon as he saw you standing there with your arms crossed over your chest without a word, he opened the door, your eyes finding his. his gaze said just as much as your own, both of you sharing a mutual understanding without having to say anything.
pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, rafe nodded understandingly before dragging you inside, your heart fluttering in your chest at his display of strength. “rafe—” you didn’t even get a chance to say anything before he grabbed your bag and tossed it to the side, his hands cupping your face before he backed you into the wall. “just shut up.” he whispered, both of you moaning once you felt each other’s lips finally press into your own. he tasted like mint with a hint of alcohol and you knew right then and there that you’d never be able to get enough of it.
snaking your hands underneath his shirt, you raked your nails down his toned stomach before tugging at the waistline of his jeans, a small gasp leaving your lips once he inserted a thigh between your legs and pressed into where you needed him most. “fuck,” you whimpered, wrapping your arms around his neck, “please, i need you.” hearing you say that you needed him made rafe’s head spin in the best possible way. “yeah? i’m not really convinced..” he leaned in, licking a stripe across your bottom lip. rolling your eyes, you dug your nails into his neck until he groaned, pushing you into the wall with a thud.
narrowing your gaze at him, rafe smiled once he saw what looked like a hint of a challenge dancing in your orbs. picking you up off of your feet, you yelped when rafe slammed you onto his bed, wasting no time in slotting himself between your thighs. “it’s gonna take a lot more than some pathetic begging to get me inside you.” he said through gritted teeth. you refrained from saying something smart, your stare faltering as you swallowed thickly. he was going to make this difficult for you. stroking the back of his neck, you pulled him down so your lips were next to his ear.
he shuddered at the feeling of your breath fanning against his skin, a sigh falling from his lips as you trailed your foot along the side of his hip up to his torso. “please, rafe? i might cry if i have to my own fingers again..it’s been too long,” you whispered, “what will it take for you to fill me up with your cock instead?” rafe cursed under his breath as soon as he heard your lewd words, his hands working to get you out of your clothes so he could give both of you some kind of relief. you shivered once you were left in your bra and panties, your eyes beaming up at the man in front of you as you slowly removed the lacey material.
maybe it was because rafe was still fully dressed, but you couldn’t help but feel overexposed as he ogled your chest, the adam’s apple in his throat bobbing up and down as he took your tits in the palms of his hands. “holy fuck,” he laid you back, letting his touch roam your body as you squirmed with anticipation, “the camera doesn’t do you justice, baby, you’re fucking gorgeous.” your stomach erupted in a fit of butterflies at the nickname. “and these..” he tugged at your underwears, his jaw clenching once he caught a glimpse of your glossy folds.
in no time, rafe had your thighs shaking around his head, your back arching off of the plush mattress as you clawed at his hands in a desperate attempt to ground yourself from the pure, white hot pleasure coursing through your tummy. “rafe!” you squealed, your entire body buzzing with need as you felt his fingers prod at your entrance. “you taste so good, ‘pretty, m’gonna have to keep you on your back for me all fucking day from now on.” he cursed, flicking his tongue against your overstimulated clit. you felt like a puddle of nothing once he had his digits curled inside of you, his fingertips continuously hitting that sweet spot that made you jolt with each stroke.
“t-too much!” you shook your head, your hips drawing away from his mouth. he chuckled, his strong grip on the curves of your waist making you hiss in pain. “this can’t be too much for you already, i’m just getting started..” you whined helplessly, feeling the band in your stomach snap for the second time already, the motions of his digits eliciting wet squelches from your cunt as you writhed uncontrollably beneath him.
with your eyes rolled to the back of your skull, rafe removed the hand he had inbetween your thighs and slipped his fingers inside your mouth, his tongue still working skillfully on your sensitive bud as he forced you to taste yourself. you moaned, sucking on his digits without a second thought. “you’re so fucking hot, i love it.” he grumbled, grinding his clothed erection into the sheets, desperate for any kind of friction he could get as he leaked precum from merely giving you pleasure.
he brought you down from your high until your breathing slowed and you were dragging him up to kiss you once again. rafe’s lips molded to yours so perfectly, you cupped his chin and pecked the tip of his nose before slipping out from under his body. rafe didn’t ask any questions as you grabbed his hand and guided him back up to his feet. how you managed to stand up after being overstimulated into oblivion? you don’t know, but you were determined to get rafe out of his clothes one way or another.
rafe watched as you lifted his shirt above his head, the thin material of his t-shirt getting lost on the floor somewhere as you stared at his glorious build. “as much i hated you, i always thought you were stupidly hot.” rafe snorted at your words, his eyes following the way your fingertips trailed down his pecs to his v-line. “hated?” he repeated, noting the past-tense of your statement. meeting his eyes, you blinked softly before pressing another kiss to the corner of his lips. “yeah, hated.”
within seconds, you had dropped to your knees, biting your lip at the sight of rafe bulging out of the denim material of his jeans. looking up at him with sultry eyes, you palmed him through his pants, his nostrils flaring slightly as you took your time getting him out of his boxers. oh and once you did, you were gobsmacked. you’ve spent so much time daydreaming about this cock, just wishing it was the one thing putting you to sleep instead of your fingers, and now that it was standing in front of you, you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together at the sight.
you smiled sweetly before placing your hands on the back of his knees, the man above you already fisting your hair into a makeshift ponytail as you licked a long stripe up the underside of his cock, his hips bucking at the pleasure shooting into his core. “o-oh, fuck..” he swallowed thickly, watching as your sparkly lips enveloped the head of his cock, your tongue swirling around his aching tip with ease. you moaned around his length, taking him inch by inch until your nose nudged his pubic bone.
blinking up at him through your eyelashes, you slowly pulled off of him, holding him at the base as he watched you trace your lips with a mix of spit and precum. “you’re gonna get it.” was the last thing rafe said before he pulled your head back down on his cock, a muffled whine sounding from your mouth before you felt his tip hit the back of your throat. rafe’s head rolled to the side, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. your grip tightened around his legs, your eyebrows pinching together as rafe groaned, his muscles constricting underneath his skin.
“i imagined this for so long..” he said through gritted teeth, “..since way before we even started texting.” you moaned at the revelation, grateful that he took the hint and let you slide off of him for a moment so you could breathe. gasping once you were able to get a full breath, rafe cursed when his eyes landed on the thick string of saliva still connecting your lips to his cock. “why didn’t you do something about it, then?” rafe shook his head, letting go of your hair before landing a playful smack across your cheek. “you know what? that’s a really good question, ‘think you would’ve been okay with me stuffing your mouth back then?”
you giggled, licking your lips before getting up and pushing him down on the bed. rafe brought you down with him, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as you kissed him sloppily. feeling him like this, skin to skin, made a weight that you didn’t even know was there lift from your heart, your soft hands stroking his chest as he held you in his big arms. snaking down his torso, you pressed a trail of kisses down his stomach until you reached his length, wrapping a hand around his base.
“tell me, rafe,” you scooted down so you were straddling his thighs, “would you have even had the balls to take me the way you wanted?” rafe’s chest rose and fell as you stroked him languidly, his eyes struggling to stay open as you watched him with that dark gaze of yours. “nah, i didn’t think you’d be able to take it.” you smiled, taking your bottom lip between your teeth before you picked up your pace, the action making rafe’s hips buck. “ah, fuck!” he heaved, his jaw falling slack as he felt himself teetering the edge of euphoria.
“already gonna cum?” you teased, “so fucking pathetic.” rafe blinked, his jaw tightening at your words. he couldn’t let you win this easily. despite it feeling impossible, he mustered up the strength to stop your ministrations, grabbing your shoulders and pinning you down beneath him. “you might be royalty out there, but in here? with me? you don’t get to have your fucking way. you’re nothing.” you gasped, your heart beating in your ears as he threw your legs over his shoulders.
suddenly you didn’t have the same confidence from earlier now that rafe had you right where he wanted you, his cock sitting snuggly between your folds. your eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of him teasing your clit, a shaky breath leaving your lips as he entered you slowly. rafe buried his face in your neck, his teeth nipping the sensitive flesh there. your eyes watered at the stretch, a small cry emitting from your throat. rafe looked down at you and made sure you were okay before thrusting into you, both of you moaning in unison.
“fuck, you feel so good,” he praised you, “better than what i could’ve ever imagined.” he pressed a kiss to your calf, pressing a large palm over your lower stomach. you squeaked at the pressure, your toes curling as he fucked into you with vigor. “i wonder what people would think of you if they knew you were a cock hungry slut,” he started thumbing your clit, your hands shooting up to dig crescents into his biceps, “i should mark you up, ‘show everyone who the fuck you belong to when they see us out.”
you don’t know why, but the idea of walking around with rafe, everyone’s eyes falling on you two in every room you enter, turned you on beyond belief, especially at the prospect of being littered with bruises and hickeys from none other than the man on top of you. “i want that,” you whimpered, “want’ everyone to know you’re mine too.” rafe groaned. all he’s wanted to hear since you two started this whole thing. that he was yours.. that you wanted him the way he wanted you.
rafe wished so badly that he didn’t refrain from letting himself cum over the course of these last few months, because then maybe he wouldn’t be close to blowing his load this soon. “still think i’m pathetic if i cum right now?” rafe trailed his lips across your collarbone, his forehead nudging your chin as you nodded breathlessly. “oh, totally.” you laughed, the smile from your face being wiped off as soon as rafe picked up his speed on your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“i guess that’s gonna make two of us then..” you had heavy tears rolling down your cheeks when your high washed over you in waves of pure ecstasy, your legs trembling as you thrashed against him. you lost all ability to speak or think, rafe’s hips coming to a stop as he pulled out, still stroking his length as he emptied himself over your drenched folds. rafe shuddered, watching the way his cum painted your pretty cunt. you were left clenching around nothing, a pout forming on your lips.
“w-why didn’t you just cum inside me?” you stuttered, rafe’s eyes widening at your display of offense. “well i wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with that—” you cut him off, clamping a hand over his mouth before reaching down and guided his tip over the mess he made. “put it in me.” your had seen plenty of gazes turn dark before, but rafe’s was just incomparable. he was distraught, the look on your face sending him into overdrive. he did as you said, his mind churning with a thousand thoughts at once.
you took every drop like a champ, his eyes hanging low as he collapsed next to you, pulling you into his side. cradling his head to your chest, you reveled in the feeling of his arms being wrapped around you, both of you panting softly in an attempt to catch your breaths. staying in this position for what seemed like forever, you blinked once rafe’s voice broke you out of your post-sex bliss. “what made you change your mind?” he asked, running his fingertips up and down the column of your spine.
“my mind was already made up..” you whispered, “i just needed to put my ego away and finally choose something for myself.”
at your words, rafe pulled you into a heated kiss, which only then lead to round two and three and so on until you were barely able to hold yourself up in the shower. you and rafe slept in the next morning, both of you spending the rest of the week seemingly catching up with all of the pent up sexual frustration you two shared until it was time to go back home and do it all overs again. your phone had been blowing up with unanswered calls and texts from chanel, your best friend worried sick about you and your sudden disappearance. “where the fuck have you been?! i was starting to think i should file a missing persons report!” she shouted.
“i promise i’m going to explain everything. meet me at our brunch spot in ten minutes.. and feel free to bring topper..”
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“how did this happen?!” chanel squealed excitedly, looking between you and rafe as he draped an arm across your shoulders, your lips finding his. oh, god, where could you even start? “it’s a really interesting story, but trust me when i say you’ll thank me for sparing the details.” you laughed. topper was also mildly confused at his best friend’s sudden attitude change towards you. “blink twice if you need help, bro.” he chuckled nervously, both you and chanel shooting him a glare. “nah, no cries for help over here. i’m right where i wanna be..”
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taglist: @meallan01 @sf1738 @emeloyy @hmmshhhh @chelzaa @starkeycore @liyah4evaaaa @hnybitches @urbimom @kittenjujusblog @femaholicc @lil-sparklqueen @yktayy9669 @matthewswifeyy @icaqttt @jjasmiineee @lilithblackkk @rafecameronswhoore @rafesgreasycurtainbangs @ditzyzombiesblog @i-love-gvf @blondrafe @wolf-2005 @brianquinnlvr @lightbluebaby @jkrafe @lovemaybankk @sweetstrawberrianne @drewstarkeysbabe @issues4him @dahliaparton @slut-4-gojo @luvagirlsworld @nemesyaaa @jwdiaries @midsoulz @drewstarkeyzwhore @urmotherlvr @chillgal135 @wtfisastiles @dollyfiles @annaconscience @rafesluvr @locallyhateddoll @acidfeens @cherubfille @whathechickenstrip @my-name-is-baby @wtfdudesblog @atjlovverr
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