dailytorso · 2 years
Day 107
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elf-simp · 10 months
PoV: Your brick house of a wife gets cuddly in the middle of the night
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deez-uz · 6 months
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joshy171 · 4 months
how much do you weigh now??
I’m weighing about 104kg/229lbs now.
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leoballistic · 3 months
Back up to 104kg (229lbs). Feeling good!
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fattyahri · 1 year
I gained even more weighttt almost up to 104kg 🤤
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Pleeaseeee tease mee oiink oinkk
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skelebelle · 26 days
Belle she/her
I’ve had a tumblr before but I can’t find my login.
I think I have BED or at least some sort of food addiction. Slowly transitioning to exclusively unprocessed foods to kill my urges to binge (I have a stash of protein bars to work through first)
CW: 223.6 august 27 2024 (i’m a dumbass and misread the #… just checked my app and I’m lower than I thought yay!!)
Height: 5’9 // 175cm
SW: 230lbs // 104kg
SBMI: 34 august 25 2024
UGW: 90lbs // 40kg
GW1: 220lb // 100kg
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sk1nny-d33p · 2 months
Height: 5'11/180
SW: 216lbs/98kg
CW: 177,5lbs/80,5kg
HW: 230lbs/104kg
LW: 150lbs/68
GW1: 165lbs/75kg
GW2: 145lbs/65kg
GW3: 122lbs/55kg
UGW: 115lbs/52kg
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swollenmuscles · 1 year
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dailytorso · 1 year
Day 279
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laterlotsofloveliased · 6 months
lia's intro
hi im lia!! im new so i will introduce myself. im 16 and i've been a big girl my whole life. i'm tired of it so i'm trying to restrict myself. i've been on edblr for a min now. i wanna be like you guys! i hope you guys don't reject cuz im sm bigger lol.
sw: 124kg
hw: 124kg - lw: ??
gw1: 118kg
gw2: 111kg
gw3: 104kg
gw4: 97kg
gw5: 91kg
gw6: 84kg
gw7: 77kg
gw8: 70kg
ugw: 68kg
it seems like a lot but i wanna take it slow. this is gonna be so hard but i hope i can have support. ill probably just post my thoughts here and updates. maybe ss of my apps :3. thats it!!
later lots of love, lia
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butterfly50journey · 5 months
Vou começar meu projeto (de novo) de emagrecer até o meu aniversário. Estou atualmente com 104kg e pretendo emagrecer o máximo q consigo até o meu aniversário, ent me deem força e sorte.
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flyingfox27 · 25 days
W I E I A D etc
1 meal again veggie soup freshed cooked:
Monster: 11cal
Total: 245cal
Morning: 104kg (229lbs)
Night: 104,7kg (230lbs)?????
3,5Liter of Water
🥲 maybe the chronically constipation (even I took lax as always when not more) or/and bc I should get my menstruation rn idk, but it frustrates me sooooo insanely. body dysphoria is bad enough at the moment, and then the time of the month hits even harder... I am disappointed in myself...
I hope the lax will make it work overnight. Wish me luck pls I hate this feeling.
I will doom scroll now 💫
Good night ♡
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leoballistic · 4 months
My trip to the uk and my hometown where you aren’t really getting around without a car has caused me to gain 2kilos in two weeks from the lack of walking. Now at 104kg. 🐖
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krello-png · 2 years
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I love Majins dawg, such a cool bit of DB pfft. Allow me to infodump about her! __________
Height: 6’4
Weight: 104kg/230lbs
A personality that shines brighter than the sun! Her motions big and theatrical and always confident in any action taken, Kaz is one that's determined to prove she's more than she's perceived to be! 
As a young kid she would hear tales of the Saiyan raised on Earth, Goku and his many exploits, a hero that's saved the universe more times that you can count and a true friend to all! Enamored with such a figure from the moment she first heard about him and idolizing the idea of who Goku was, the Majin aspires to be just like him, or at least who she thinks he was. 
Unfortunately, it's an uphill battle for her as she's always been viewed as someone to be weary of and even feared, being the same race as the great terror Majin Buu himself! Her attempts at heroism often go wrong in some fashion or another and end up looking worse than intended; she's been pushed out wherever she happens to be at any given time, but she won't let that get her down! As long as she's driven, she'll keep trying to prove she's not just the monster others believe she might be. 
Core Notes
She should be an exaggerated personality, her emotions are usually BIG! If she's happy, she's practically vibrating. If she's angry, she's freaking pissed. Her only subtle emotion should be sadness, as she wouldn't want anyone to catch her when she's that vulnerable, after all, heroes never show that sorta thing to just anyone right?
Her acts of heroism are often reckless and done without any thought or care for the situation at hand, causing things to end up worse more often than not, a case of not thinking before she acts. It comes off as bad luck to her and to the audience it should seem to be initially the case, but it's really not.
Another thing about her “heroism”, while they are done to be just like her idol, it should be abundantly clear at some point that a lot of it is fueled by a desire for respect and wanting to be just like everyone else around her. It's not the only reason but it's a big factor.
She should see Okara (WILL INTRODUCE LATER) as a goalpost to get to, her status as accomplished and well respected something Kaz desperately wants and needs at any cost!
Being isolated and othered due to what she is, really isn’t fond of her Majin status, almost actively resenting it since it’s why she’s in her current situation. As such she doesn’t really take advantage of her powers and abilities, purposefully limiting herself to be something she isn’t. A Majin that wants to be a Saiyan!
Her fighting style should be very similar to the Saiyan she models herself after, but not exact. Coming off more like her best approximation of what he might've been like based on the stories she's heard, same with her Ki techniques and how she uses it. She does eventually learn to develop her own style but for now this is the starting point.
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Sw 118kg (260lbs) 🐷
Cw 113kg (250) 🐖
Gw1 104kg (230) 🪻
Gw2 91kg (200) 🌼
Gw3 82kg (180) 🍄
Gw4 73kg (160) 🌷
Gw5 64kg (140) 🌸
Ugw 50kg (110) ✨
I started on August 7th.
I've had Ed's for years. Idk how long at this point. Also chronic overeater. Distorted body image since I was like 11. Depression and anxiety since then so hard to remember/pinpoint things.
BED mostly, bouts of MIA and ANA mixed in. Not sure where that puts me at this point but currently getting over BED and becoming ANA but this relapse started with purging so the urge is there.
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