#my heaviest weight
dailytorso · 2 years
Day 107
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luxlightly · 4 months
My doctor who thinks that patients are constantly imagining that the have issues they don't and especially is vehemently against people trying to treat thyroid issues without their doctor's permission when their doctor refuses to treat them and has been refusing to allow me to go back on my thyroid supplements because my numbers are "normal": "Wow!! You're so much healthier than the last time I saw you! Your weight is more normal, your heart and lungs both sound great! Your blood pressure and heart rate are improved. Your energy is better. Almost every issue has improved! What do you attribute this change to??"
Me, who went back on my thyroid supplements without her permission a month ago: "gosh I guess my hysterectomy just evened out my hormones more than I expected!"
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tamagotchikgs · 3 months
i dont understand how ppl sleep with only 1 pillow ,,what do u hug,, do u just sleep, arms empty? legs empty? no gentle hills cradling ur head?
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naomiknight-17 · 1 month
I have a pair of track pants that I stopped wearing because they kept sliding down my ass and falling off
I wore them to physio today. No problem at all. Never slipped or slid once. They were too tight before and I couldn't pull them high enough over my hips for them to stay up. Now they're fine
Which is great because my other workout pants are getting so baggy they come up almost to my bra band when I pull them up now
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ackee · 7 months
ive gained like.. 15 lbs since i got on anxiety meds. my goal is like 60 more but UGH its so far away..........
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watching the scale creep into the 430s is just driving me crazy!
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brown-little-robin · 4 months
Mob joins the body improvement club, not to get stronger, but to try to tire his body out so he can sleep. btw.
still with the goal of becoming more appealing to Tsubomi though <3 girls like men who look well-rested right
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dumbthiccbitch666 · 6 months
heheh pls ignore me bein giddy but am less than 10lbs away from being under 200lbs n am very excited n proud of myself n have no one to share this with
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tiefighter · 1 year
hey for my rounder/biggerbodied/overweight babes who're gonna go get chest surgery, let me give u some advice (I got ftm masculisation surgery, but aside from the shit about binders and removal this is also applicable to bbw trans women/nb people who are getting breast implants, afaik.)
1: don't go completely flat, it'll look so unnatural you'll wanna like, stab urself in the neck. Pectoral muscles have a natural curve, and I know the urge to go like NAH SON TOO MUCH is real high, but once you're healed you'll be grateful for the more natural look to your chest. I'm not saying get like, moobification surgery, just stress to your surgeon that you'd like a natural look. If you have a good surgeon, they'll be able to do it anyway/are way ahead of you. for mtf, you'll want something manageable/not too big! I know the urge when you're a bigger person is to go bigger to fill out tops/dresses, but trust me too much weight up there will DESTROY your back, please be kind to your spines. 2: recovery binders. Get one with fuckin shoulders, or if you can't find one with shoulders, get someone you know (or yourself) to sew shoulders into the thing. A really uncomfortable fact of having a belly/fat shoulders/back is that it /will/ fold your binder and it fucking hurts, and most of the time you need someone else to help you adjust over those first couple of weeks. and when I say it hurts, i mean it /hurts/, it'll compress tighter on your incision site and press the scar and it hurts like all fuck. (transwomen! your bras are supposed to fit flush against your body, if the middle of the cups is sitting away from your body or your band is too tight you're not in your size! get professionally fitted, I promise it sounds like bullshit but it'll save you so much money/pain in the long run.)
3: If your surgeon gives you the willies, and you have another option, dump them immediately. I did just that, and we only have two options on my side of the country (Australia!) Turns out, the surgeon I ended up with is the one that does all the corrections on the other person, and i would've met him anyway to get my chest fixed. 4: breast tissue does go all the way under your armpit. If a surgeon tells you it doesn't, and you just need to lose weight to get rid of it, they're fucking lying and also shit at their job.
5: I know the urge is to hide yourself away during healing and then, towards the end when you're like IM FINE you wanna go out and do things but let me tell you something if you've never had surgery before. You are gonna want that recovery time. you essentially got into a knife fight and fuckin lost. You're gonna be EXHAUSTED. you'll need someone to check up on you, and if you live alone and don't have anyone, look into medical assistance/nurses in your area who can come and help you with your binder if it's causing trouble.
6: My darlings. My sweethearts. My absolute fuckin superstars. Don't go fucking swimming/to the beach/soak in a bath until your surgeon says it's okay. If you get too much moisture in there, your skin will literally rot and fall off. Don't do it. Just don't. Behave, please. I know it's like, it won't happen to me but I SHOWERED too much and now I have a frankennipple. Don't be me. Don't franken your nipple.
7: be kind to yourself. Yeah, you're not skinny. yeah, a lot of androgynous/male oriented fashion relies on you being a skinny bitch. Let me be the first to tell you: boobas make hormones. You are losing those hormones, and your body is adjusting. you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. I swear to whatever nondenominational deity you want me to, you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. Let your hormones readjust, let yourself feel the relief. Wear a fucking dress if you want, top surgery won't take that away from you. for the ladies, wear whatever the fuck you want, we don't give a fuck, just make sure your new tatas are properly supported! You don't want them to drop or warp wrong, make sure to wear something that helps you with support. boobs over a certain size will naturally have weight to them, and that's totally fine! It's just if you're stretching your scars too much you're gonna give yourself some damage, find a trans woman who has had surgery similar to you, or talk to anyone who has had breast enlargement surgery. 8: if you have to work/go to school/etc after your surgery, set yourself time limits if it's a thing you're able to do. I know a lot of employers are grade a cockdolphins, and they're not gonna listen, so go and bleed on them if you have to. Do it. I don't give a fuck and neither should you. Being alive is better than being dead.
9: use the healing excuse to tell people who are bad for you/not good about your surgery/being cunts to fuck the fuck off. hey no can't see you, I'm healing. I don't care about your fuckin church study or your desire to look at the shiny new replaced nipples, get fucked. Cut them off like they're the tits you abandoned. They're excised skin. Biohazardous waste.
10: you're gonna be bored as fuck, please get something to do. lego/reading/watching tv/gaming/whatever you can do within your physical and mental power, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking the time to do things like this, and enjoying yourself. you just lost a knife fight you paid for. Be nice.
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dogcoding · 1 month
think ive packed all my stuff… im dying
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norfre · 10 months
God I miss living with other people
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zombimanos · 2 months
Once again, someone on another media app has taken me to task saying i'm too young & in shape to actually have diseases/chronic illnesses/non-functionality so i must be lying. Bro, the very reason i got fit was so I'd be able to handle my degenerative body. The duality of man.
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riosnecktattoo · 3 months
my dog just keeps getting bigger I don't understand how but he gains a kg every month he's at 67kg now he was 40ish when I rescued him just over a year ago
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lunasilvis · 4 months
You posted somewhere you lost a lot of weight. I was wondering how did you manage to do that? :)
Hey thanks for the ask, this reply is gonna be lengthy, just a head's up.
But yeah, correct. I wasn't morbidly overweight, but carried around just enough excess body fat (3 chins lol) that it started to hamper me in daily life. I think at heaviest I weighed around 100 kg/220 pounds (I am 174cm/5'8ft - for proportion indication). I started gaining weight when I was 15 y.o. and started losing it when I was 22 y.o. Looking back, it never affected my confidence back then, because I realized I could turn the tide any day I'd like (since I was young). However, the shitty thing about that was, it was mainly emotional eating: just sedating myself with processed garbage. My deep-rooted trauma lie at the base of stuffing myself every night with sometimes 2 bags of crisps and pie and candy to finish it. Boy I was my dentist's fave client lol
I mean, I don't wonder why. During that time in my life I wanted to hide, not exist, abandon myself, was depressed and flat out suicidal. So instead of seeking professional help, I internalized everything. I resorted to very negative, self-undermining and unhealthy coping mechanisms (that up until today have affected things in my life). I pulled up iron barbed-wire walls so high, no single soul would enter. No one could see or come close. I had plans to end my life even, because I just wasn't enjoying time on earth any longer. Food was the only company. Luckily, the realization that I was still young and could seize control over myself/learn to take responsibility over my life (which I hadn't back then) got me through it. I felt hopeless, but the tiniest light in me flickered I could still change it all for the better.
So I found I had to start with kicking my butt into a better mental and physical state (+ seek therapy). I found a means of exercise that clicked with me and I genuinely liked: bicycling. I always had loved nature and figured a bike could take me to that, and boost my mental health at the same time. Cycling - combined with excruciating self-loathe as my fuel (I'd see the initial hunger pangs as some form of self-flagellation lol, I was in my early 20s and just very toxic + tough on myself :-) ) + a diet of whole-wheat knackebröd and lean meat or cottage cheese, water, no food after 7PM... made me lose weight in no-time from springtime 2016 on. I experienced an increase in energy and I started to gain control over my body, like for the first time it started to feel "mine", which was super cool. I managed to find myself by focusing on my own inner AND outer light, and kept that up until this day, knowing I never want to slip so badly again (and quite sure I won't will, the teen brain is a horrible thing, worked through the majority of trauma and I matured a great bunch ever since lmao).
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cupuasu · 6 months
over two hours with a fucking rock on their shoulder/neck... these men are not real
#gato watches physical 100#from what they said its estimately 50kg... my first thought was to put it on my head like old ladies do.... my shoulder simply would not#stand that weight directly on it for even 10 mins but balancing things on ur head makes things easier#ALSO SO SAD EUNSIL WAS ELIMINATED 💔💔💔💔#my strategy for that ship 1st of all would be clear the path but not load the ship until it reached that ramp#and space the logs every 1.5m!! when loading i'd put the heaviest barrels on the back and distribute it evenly on both sides#two ppl would be responsible for cleaning the way / 4 people reading the logs / 2 ppl getting those ropes ready#and then everybody pushing and lifting the boat in short intervals. first 5 people on each side and once it left that deck it'd be#5 ppl pushing from behind the ship and 5 ppl pulling the front#and also i'd distribute the ppl evenly by weight or strength#once we reached the ramp i'd tie the rope to the ship and keep 2 ppl up there so it doesnt get tangled. everybody else goes down to push#the boat up the ramp until its halfway there. then 8 ppl would go to up to push/pull the rope and 2 ppl would go down to stabilize/push#the ship. oh and i forgor to mention earlier but the other 2 ppl (the fastest ones) would be responsible for moving the logs under the ship#the whole thing would take around 15 mins if everything is favorable which would garantee the 2nd place#that 1st team were monsters to even be able to finish it all in 13 mins
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chickenisamazing · 6 months
This is the first time I've gained weight during Ramadan
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