#1000 followers almost
kotdish · 6 months
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Medical malpractice meets reluctant medical malpractice
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sourtomatola · 9 days
Sun baking with tomatoes..
So I got no less than 3 ideas for this so I'll show you the first 3 XD
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The last one was actually my first idea XD
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neversetyoufree · 3 months
I hit 1,000 followers quite recently, so while I'm thinking of it, I want to take a moment to very sincerely say thank you to everyone who's followed me the last few years. I started this blog in July 2021, and as someone who's been on tumblr since 2014 without ever breaking 1k on main, the fact that 1,000 of y'all decided to follow me here within just the last three years is kind of wild.
I'm continually blown away by how funny and insightful and kind everyone in my notes and askbox is. You have great ideas and inspire what I'd like to think are great ideas in me, and the nice things you say in my notes bring joy to my days like nothing else. My experience with the VnC fandom over the last few years has been overwhelmingly positive because of you guys, so from the bottom of my heart, thanks!!
I have a bigger project that I was hoping to have ready to go for a 1k celebration, but y'all pushed me over the margin faster than I could finish writing it, so instead I'm just here to be heartfelt and sappy for a moment. Here's hoping the sad queer french vampire manga brings many more years of joy for all of us☺️. Thank you again!
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15-lizards · 10 months
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Can everyone please go listen to this fiction podcast it makes me want to combust in a good way. It is soooo fascinating and well thought out, it’s audio files about this college professor who’s teaching a class on the “Anterran Civilzation”, a recently unearthed an ancient civilization that is like 60,000 years older than Mesopotamia (just for scale it’s like…Neanderthal old). Anyways everyone thinks the profs insane bc the Chinese government discovered it and is keeping close wraps on it and thus very little information got out so no one really believes it exists…or does it…
Anyways yeah go listen to this the storytelling is so immersive and realistic you’d think you’re sitting in a lecture hall taking notes. Honestly so seemingly real that I thought it was a philosophy podcast instead of a fiction when it popped up on my recommended. Very underrated in the audio drama circles but it shouldn’t be!
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thesmegalodon · 1 year
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i hope you all understand what an incredible fucking intro to tumblr this all has been lmao
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spookulators · 11 months
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I noticed something and investigated it. Michael has been getting noticeably more handsome (and rectangular??) in my comics, it's like watching Tumblr radicalise me with its pro-Myers propaganda in real-time
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malwarechips · 3 months
why do we have 102 followers on art fight
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roseworth · 19 days
just realized im following 200 people this is disgusting. born to follow 10 people forced to follow 200 people because i want to see people talk about my interests 🤮
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saltciphblr · 1 year
Screaming and Throwing up!!!!!!!!
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Okay, I said when I hit 1k I would drop everything and update both my fics and make some art about it.
I leave for VidCon on Wednesday but I'm gonna do my little bitch best.
Thanks for following and being here everyone :) I got a new tattoo and a haircut recently so have a selfie and a picture of a very small mushroom in the meantime
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theindescribable1 · 1 year
Important Information
Read-> Read-> Read->
Number Prompt Art Block
Hey guys! So as far as the number prompt art block, it should be done by this weekend and the following week. If not, expect it all done next week.
Mutual Collaboration
Official mutual limit: 35
After 35 mutuals have submitted their ocs/requests, sadly no more mutuals will be added even if they ask.
Official end date: September 28
After September 28, requests to join will sadly no longer be taken.
An in-order list of my current projects to give you an estimated time for completion
Name art for school: Done by Monday
Labor day art for school: Done by Monday
All art blocks: Done by Monday-Sunday
Fanarts From The 500 Follows: Done by Monday-Sunday
Thank you for your time! This is rather important, especially the Mutual Collaboration! So please take note of this and spread this around a bit so everyone can see the official dates.
School makes me do useless art projects. That might hold me back on certain things as well, including general homework.
Oh yes and ty for 550 followers! We are to close to 1,000!
I'm very thankful for that! Love you all!
Have an amazing day everyone!
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inkybinkyboink · 7 months
oh fellas it's essay writing time you know what that means
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meowpupp · 7 months
another banger from the illustrious meowpupp !!! you're always writing the best content, it's like... a mixture of super hot but also comforting because of how you always do chubby reader and do it so nicely
i will forever write chubby readers idc what anyone says
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da-rulah · 9 months
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so close... omfg...
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naskaolgia · 1 month
Sooooo close
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sinsmockingbird · 10 months
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I- HOW?!
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journalerthecricket · 2 years
haHA now is the time to reveal my secret purposes for learning how to draw Gregory >:D
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Fanart for the fic Visions (Or Lack Thereof) by @sleepyjuniper ! (that one scene in the gift shop where Moon condones shoplifting and and thusly emotions occur)
I definitely recommend it, it's a very good read and has lots of Gregory and Moon bonding!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39353886/chapters/98485812
Close ups (in order)!
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