#100 most important Interior Designers
visit-new-york · 1 year
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100 Most Fascinating Facts About the Chrysler Building:
1. When was the Chrysler Building built? The construction of the Chrysler Building commenced in 1928 and reached completion in 1930. It was inaugurated on May 27, 1930, amidst the enthusiasm and anticipation of a rapidly evolving New York City.
2. Who designed the Chrysler Building? The architectural genius behind the Chrysler Building is William Van Alen. His innovative vision and meticulous attention to detail are the driving forces behind the building's iconic Art Deco design.
3. Why was the Chrysler Building built? The Chrysler Building was commissioned as the corporate headquarters for the Chrysler Corporation, headed by Walter P. Chrysler. Beyond its practical purpose, it was intended to serve as a symbol of progress, engineering prowess, and the evolving modern age.
4. What is the architectural style of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building stands as an epitome of Art Deco architecture. Characterized by geometric patterns, sleek lines, and decorative elements, this style emerged in the early 20th century as a celebration of technological advancements and modern aesthetics.
5. How tall is the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building rises to a height of 1,046 feet (319 meters) including its iconic spire, which contributes significantly to its overall verticality and distinctive appearance.
6. Is the Chrysler Building the tallest in New York City? Although once the tallest in the world, the Chrysler Building is no longer the tallest in New York City, as other skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building and more recently, One World Trade Center, have since surpassed it in height.
7. What materials were used in the construction of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's frame is primarily composed of steel, providing structural stability and allowing it to reach impressive heights. Its façade is adorned with decorative elements such as stainless steel, limestone, and brick, lending it a visually captivating texture.
8. How long did it take to build the Chrysler Building? The construction process of the Chrysler Building was notably swift for its time, taking approximately two years, from 1928 to 1930, to complete.
9. What is the significance of the terraced crown on the Chrysler Building? The terraced crown of the Chrysler Building serves both an aesthetic and symbolic purpose. Designed in a distinctive stepped style, the crown was inspired by radiator grilles and hubcaps of automobiles, paying homage to the prominence of the automobile industry in the 1920s.
10. Can you visit the top of the Chrysler Building? No, access to the upper floors, including the iconic crown, is typically restricted to building personnel due to security and logistical reasons.
11. Is the Chrysler Building open to the public? While the upper floors are not accessible to the public, visitors can appreciate the building's exterior and visit the lobby, which features exquisite Art Deco detailing.
12. What businesses or offices are located in the Chrysler Building? While the Chrysler Building was constructed as a corporate headquarters, its interior spaces have housed various offices and businesses over the years, contributing to its commercial importance.
13. What is the address of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building is situated at 405 Lexington Avenue, New York City, standing as a testament to its strategic central location within the bustling metropolis.
14. How does the Chrysler Building compare to other famous skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building is renowned for its striking Art Deco design, setting it apart from other iconic skyscrapers like the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center, each contributing uniquely to New York's skyline.
15. Was the Chrysler Building the tallest building in the world at any point? Yes, the Chrysler Building proudly held the title of the world's tallest building upon its completion in 1930, towering over the cityscape and symbolizing mankind's architectural achievements.
16. How has the Chrysler Building influenced architecture? The Chrysler Building's innovative Art Deco design, intricate ornamentation, and graceful vertical lines have left an indelible mark on architecture, inspiring subsequent skyscraper designs and influencing the broader Art Deco movement.
17. Are there any replicas or similar buildings to the Chrysler Building? While there are no exact replicas, the Chrysler Building's design has inspired other structures worldwide, particularly during the Art Deco era.
18. What is the cost of the Chrysler Building's construction? The construction of the Chrysler Building, an ambitious endeavor, carried a price tag of approximately $20 million during the late 1920s.
19. Are there any notable events associated with the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's completion coincided with the Great Depression, impacting its initial occupancy and economic viability. It weathered the challenges of its time, reflecting the resilience of New York City.
20. How has the Chrysler Building been depicted in popular culture? The Chrysler Building has graced the silver screen, adorned book covers, and inspired countless artworks, becoming an enduring symbol of urban aspiration and sophistication.
21. What is the significance of the eagle gargoyles on the Chrysler Building? The eagle gargoyles perched on the corners of the 61st floor serve as potent symbols of ambition, freedom, and the American spirit, echoing the prevailing sentiment of progress during the 1920s.
22. Are there any special lighting or illumination features on the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's crown has been illuminated with various colors during festive occasions, infusing its majestic form with a vibrant aura that captivates onlookers.
23. How did the Great Depression impact the Chrysler Building's construction? The Great Depression cast a shadow over the initial occupancy of the Chrysler Building, challenging its financial viability as economic difficulties prevailed during its early years.
24. Is the Chrysler Building considered Art Deco? Yes, the Chrysler Building is an iconic representation of the Art Deco architectural movement, characterized by its sleek geometric forms and lavish ornamentation.
25. What is the history of the land on which the Chrysler Building stands? The land on which the Chrysler Building proudly stands was leased from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, reflecting a collaborative endeavor between commerce and education.
26. What other works of the architect William Van Alen are noteworthy? While the Chrysler Building is his magnum opus, William Van Alen's contributions extend to other notable structures in New York City, further enriching the city's architectural landscape.
27. Are there any myths or legends associated with the Chrysler Building? While not enveloped in myths, the Chrysler Building's remarkable design and history have woven it into the fabric of New York's urban legends and tales.
28. Can you see the Chrysler Building from other parts of New York City? Owing to its lofty height and strategic location, the Chrysler Building commands panoramic views, rendering it visible from numerous vantage points across the city.
29. Has the Chrysler Building undergone any major renovations? The Chrysler Building has experienced various restoration and maintenance efforts aimed at preserving its historic grandeur and safeguarding its structural integrity.
30. How does the Chrysler Building contribute to New York City's skyline? The Chrysler Building's distinctive silhouette, crowned by its terraced design and decorative elements, contributes a sense of elegance and history to New York City's iconic skyline.
31. What makes the Chrysler Building unique compared to other skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco flair, intricate detailing, and its pursuit of vertical elegance set it apart, positioning it as a timeless architectural masterpiece.
32. How did the Chrysler Building get its name? Named after the visionary Walter P. Chrysler, founder of the Chrysler Corporation, the building serves as a tribute to his influence and contributions to the automotive industry.
33. What was the original purpose of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building was initially conceived as the headquarters for the Chrysler Corporation, reflecting the ambitions of its namesake to establish a prominent presence in New York City.
34. How many floors does the Chrysler Building have? The Chrysler Building boasts 77 floors, including both functional office spaces and levels dedicated to mechanical operations.
35. How is the interior of the Chrysler Building designed? The interior of the Chrysler Building, while less famous than its exterior, exhibits Art Deco influences through meticulous detailing, marble elements, and geometric patterns.
36. Are there any environmental or sustainability features in the Chrysler Building? Given its construction during a different era, the Chrysler Building lacks modern sustainability features. However, retrofitting efforts have aimed to enhance energy efficiency.
37. What challenges were faced during the construction of the Chrysler Building? The rapid construction timeline posed challenges in coordinating intricate design elements, managing resources, and aligning with financial constraints, all while adhering to safety standards.
38. Who owns the Chrysler Building today? The ownership of the Chrysler Building has shifted over time. In recent years, it was owned by the Abu Dhabi Investment Council and managed by Tishman Speyer, but ownership arrangements may evolve.
39. Has the Chrysler Building been featured in any films or TV shows? The Chrysler Building's distinctive appearance has graced the backgrounds of numerous films and TV shows, solidifying its status as an enduring cultural icon.
40. What role did Walter P. Chrysler play in the building's design? Walter P. Chrysler's vision, ambition, and financial backing were instrumental in turning the architectural vision of the Chrysler Building into a towering reality.
41. Are there any guided tours of the Chrysler Building? While access to the upper levels is usually restricted, the lobby and its Art Deco features have been open for guided tours, allowing visitors to glimpse its interior beauty.
42. How has the perception of the Chrysler Building changed over time? The perception of the Chrysler Building has transformed from being a symbol of corporate prominence to a revered architectural gem, embodying the essence of an era.
43. What is the symbolism behind the Chrysler Building's decorations? The decorations, inspired by automobile motifs and Art Deco designs, symbolize progress, innovation, and the forward-looking spirit of the 1920s.
44. How did the public react to the Chrysler Building when it was completed? The public marveled at the Chrysler Building's height, design, and the testament it stood as to human achievement, particularly during a time of rapid technological advancements.
45. Are there any famous photographs or artworks featuring the Chrysler Building? Countless photographs and artworks capture the Chrysler Building's grace and grandeur, immortalizing it in the visual history of New York City.
46. How does the Chrysler Building represent the Roaring Twenties? The Chrysler Building encapsulates the exuberance and optimism of the Roaring Twenties, echoing the era's love for innovation, luxury, and bold statements.
47. What is the current use of the Chrysler Building's interior spaces? The interior spaces of the Chrysler Building have been used for offices and commercial purposes, maintaining its role as a business hub within the city.
48. Are there any famous quotes about the Chrysler Building? Various luminaries have waxed eloquent about the Chrysler Building, with descriptions highlighting its elegance, grace, and architectural significance.
49. How did the Chrysler Building impact the history of skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building marked a turning point in skyscraper design, pushing the boundaries of architectural innovation and contributing to the evolution of cityscapes worldwide.
50. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in New York's history? The Chrysler Building serves as a touchstone in New York's history, representing an era of technological leaps, urban ambition, and architectural creativity.
51. How does the Chrysler Building contribute to Manhattan's cityscape? Amidst the modern skyscrapers, the Chrysler Building's graceful curvature and Art Deco embellishments offer a nostalgic touch to Manhattan's dynamic cityscape.
52. Has the Chrysler Building ever been sold or changed ownership? The Chrysler Building's ownership has shifted over time due to various financial transactions, illustrating its status as a sought-after asset.
53. Are there any plans for the future of the Chrysler Building? Future plans for the Chrysler Building are subject to ownership decisions, potential renovations, and urban development trends.
54. How do architects and designers view the Chrysler Building today? Architects and designers continue to admire the Chrysler Building as a paragon of Art Deco brilliance, studying its design principles and innovative approach.
55. What is the relationship between the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building? The Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building shared a fierce rivalry during their respective constructions, both vying for the title of the world's tallest building.
56. Has the Chrysler Building won any awards for its architecture? While not awarded a specific architectural prize, the Chrysler Building's enduring popularity and architectural significance stand as its ultimate accolades.
57. What role did the construction unions play in the building's creation? Construction unions played a vital role in the building's realization, contributing their expertise, labor, and craftsmanship to the project.
58. Are there any hidden details or Easter eggs in the Chrysler Building's design? While not widely known, it's possible that the Chrysler Building's design conceals subtle details or symbolic elements that may hold hidden meanings.
59. How does the Chrysler Building look at night? Illuminated against the night sky, the Chrysler Building exudes a magical aura, showcasing its graceful spire and crown in all their splendor.
60. How has technology influenced the preservation of the Chrysler Building? Technological advancements have facilitated the ongoing maintenance and preservation efforts, enabling the building's distinctive features to be upheld for future generations.
61. What role did William H. Reynolds play in the Chrysler Building's construction? William H. Reynolds served as the general contractor overseeing the meticulous execution of the Chrysler Building's construction.
62. Are there any safety features incorporated into the Chrysler Building's design? While the safety standards of its time were adhered to, modern safety features have been integrated into the building over the years to ensure the well-being of occupants and visitors.
63. What is the architectural legacy of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's architectural legacy lies in its role as a global symbol of Art Deco elegance, inspiring architects and enthusiasts alike with its groundbreaking design.
64. How did the Chrysler Building impact the surrounding neighborhood? The presence of the Chrysler Building contributed to the transformation of its Midtown Manhattan neighborhood, attracting commerce, visitors, and further development.
65. How has the Chrysler Building's perception changed since its completion? From its initial role as a symbol of corporate might, the Chrysler Building has evolved into a cultural icon, celebrated for its architectural brilliance and historical importance.
66. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Central Park? Yes, parts of the Chrysler Building are visible from certain viewpoints within Central Park, showcasing its elegance against the urban backdrop.
67. How did the Chrysler Building's construction impact the economy? The construction of the Chrysler Building provided a crucial source of employment during the challenging economic climate of its time, offering jobs and stimulating local economy.
68. What was the tallest building before the Chrysler Building was constructed? Prior to the Chrysler Building's completion, the Woolworth Building held the distinction of being the world's tallest building.
69. What are some interesting anecdotes about the Chrysler Building's history? Anecdotes include the competitive race with the Empire State Building for height supremacy and the influence of the automotive industry on its design.
70. How has the Chrysler Building remained relevant in modern times? The Chrysler Building's timeless design, combined with its status as an architectural icon, has allowed it to transcend time and maintain its relevance.
71. What engineering innovations were used in the construction of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building utilized innovative techniques like riveting and a steel framework to achieve its impressive height, setting new standards for skyscraper construction.
72. How has the exterior of the Chrysler Building been maintained? The exterior has been subject to periodic restoration efforts to preserve its distinctive Art Deco ornamentation and maintain its visual impact.
73. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in celebrating Art Deco? The Chrysler Building stands as a prime exemplar of Art Deco architecture, celebrating the movement's emphasis on geometric forms and luxurious detailing.
74. How has the Chrysler Building's fame influenced tourism in New York? The Chrysler Building, along with other iconic landmarks, has undoubtedly contributed to New York's allure as a global tourist destination.
75. Are there any architectural controversies related to the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building isn't associated with major architectural controversies, but its height race with the Empire State Building sparked competitive debates.
76. How has the Chrysler Building's architecture influenced other structures? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco style has served as a muse, inspiring subsequent architects to incorporate elements of its elegance into their designs.
77. Can you see the Chrysler Building from the Statue of Liberty? While quite a distance separates the Statue of Liberty and the Chrysler Building, the latter's towering presence allows it to be visible from various viewpoints.
78. Are there any restoration projects planned for the Chrysler Building? Restoration initiatives may be undertaken to ensure the preservation of the building's historical and architectural significance, although specific plans can vary.
79. What are the architectural details of the Chrysler Building's lobby? The lobby features marble walls, geometric patterns, and ornate decorations that echo the building's overall Art Deco aesthetic.
80. How has the Chrysler Building survived natural disasters and weathering? The building's sturdy construction has enabled it to withstand weathering and minor natural events, showcasing the enduring quality of its design and materials.
81. What role does the Chrysler Building play in the history of New York real estate? The Chrysler Building played a role in shaping the landscape of New York's real estate sector, adding a touch of elegance and verticality to the city's skyline.
82. How did the construction of the Chrysler Building impact local employment? The construction of the Chrysler Building provided jobs during a period of economic uncertainty, offering employment opportunities for workers in the construction industry.
83. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Times Square? Yes, certain vantage points in Times Square offer views of the Chrysler Building, contributing to the city's vibrant visual tapestry.
84. How does the Chrysler Building symbolize New York's ambition? The Chrysler Building stands as a symbol of New York's unyielding ambition and its continuous drive to push the boundaries of architecture and engineering.
85. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in the city's identity? The Chrysler Building has become an integral part of New York's identity, representing its aspirations, innovation, and architectural excellence.
86. How has the Chrysler Building influenced the aesthetics of modern skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco elements have left an indelible imprint on the aesthetics of skyscrapers, impacting subsequent designs with its unique flair.
87. What role did the automobile industry play in the creation of the Chrysler Building? The building's design, with its automobile-inspired motifs, pays homage to the automotive industry, reflecting the era's technological advancements.
88. How does the Chrysler Building stand out among Manhattan's skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's ornate crown, intricate detailing, and Art Deco embellishments set it apart, granting it a sense of timeless elegance within the skyline.
89. What impact did the Chrysler Building have on the Art Deco movement? The Chrysler Building is considered a pinnacle of the Art Deco movement, influencing subsequent Art Deco architecture and contributing to its popularity.
90. How has the Chrysler Building's lighting been updated over the years? The lighting of the Chrysler Building has evolved with technological advancements, offering dynamic displays and illuminations during special events and celebrations.
91. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Brooklyn? Yes, the towering presence of the Chrysler Building can be seen from various parts of Brooklyn that have unobstructed sightlines toward Manhattan.
92. How does the Chrysler Building compare to other landmarks like the Flatiron Building? While both are iconic, the Chrysler Building's height and distinct Art Deco style differentiate it from the Flatiron Building, which has its own historical significance.
93. What are some lesser-known facts about the Chrysler Building? Lesser-known facts include its rapid construction time, William Van Alen's competitive nature, and the role of car motifs in its design.
94. How has the Chrysler Building been depicted in architectural literature? Architectural literature has often highlighted the Chrysler Building's architectural significance, its role in the Art Deco movement, and its influence on skyscraper design.
95. What role did the Chrysler Building play in the city's skyline competition? The Chrysler Building's race for height supremacy with the Empire State Building epitomized New York's ambition and fierce competition during its construction.
96. How does the Chrysler Building embody the spirit of the 1920s? The Chrysler Building captures the exuberance and dynamism of the 1920s through its groundbreaking design, reflecting the era's technological advancements.
97. What was the public's reaction to the Chrysler Building's completion? The public responded with awe and admiration, considering the Chrysler Building a symbol of human achievement, modernity, and progress.
98. How have preservation efforts impacted the Chrysler Building's future? Preservation efforts ensure that the Chrysler Building's architectural and historical significance remain intact, safeguarding its place in New York's skyline.
99. Can you see the Chrysler Building from the One World Trade Center? Yes, the One World Trade Center offers sweeping views of Manhattan, allowing visitors to behold the iconic Chrysler Building amidst the city's panorama.
100. How has the Chrysler Building inspired artists and creatives over the years? The Chrysler Building's distinctive silhouette, elegant design, and historical significance have captivated artists, photographers, writers, and filmmakers, becoming a muse for creative expression. Its enduring presence in various artistic mediums speaks to its lasting impact on culture and imagination.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
My name is Iman Khalaf and I live in Washington. I created this fundraiser on behalf of my cousin Aya who is trying to raise funds to evacuate her children from Gaza and to be reunited. All donations will go directly to my cousin, Aya. Any donation amount, no matter how small, will help Aya and her kids tremendously. Below, Aya shared her and her kids’ experience over the last couple of months. I am Aya, a mother of two children stuck in the Gaza Strip, Mona, 12 years old, and Karem, 9 years old. Mona is an innocent, very sensitive, and talented child. She is a professional basketball player. She reads a lot of books and loves to know different cultures. But I want to add a very important detail and most difficult thing Is that my daughter has ADHD which means: She has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to sit still, and self-control. Her feeling of fear due to the continuous bombing, the air polluted with smoke, and the smell of lead everywhere increases the severity of her symptoms and the difficulty of controlling them. No one can deal with her except me, and I am really worried about her while she is there in these difficult circumstances, she needs to leave Gaza now and follow-up with an ADHD specialist and behavior modification to complete treatment as quickly as possible. the time is running out I’m scared
Karem is one of the top achievers in his school. He is an advanced karate player. He has won trophies in several competitions. He has an ambition to become a doctor in the future.
But the war came, destroyed their dreams, prevented them from practicing their hobbies, and robbed them of their sense of stability and security. Mona and Karem were displaced 7 times. The first time, our house was bombed and completely destroyed. They lost all their memories, toys, and favorite clothes. Every time we escaped death by chance, we were displaced with their little hearts full of fear and panic, and under the sounds of violent bombing.
They are now suffering under a violent war, their lives are under danger a thousand times. They were subjected to siege several times and suffered from thirst, and no one was able to help them with even a sip of water. The fear of bombing follows them everywhere. After the martyrdom of my sister Noura, her husband, and her children, Alma and Aboud, our lives turned into a terrifying nightmare for fear of losing each other. Alma and Aboud were not just cousins ​​to them, but rather like their siblings, very close friends in the same school and spending most of their day with each other.
I lost my home, I lost my sister and her children, and I cannot bear any more loss. And i lost my job. I work as an interior design engineer. I lost my computer, which was my source of income. It burned when my house was bombed. It costs $3,500. I have nothing to rely on. I have lost everything. Now I need a new computer to start over. I am out of the country due to circumstances beyond our ability and my children need to be reunited with their mother. I cannot sleep every day for fear of losing them due to the violent bombing and continuous invasions everywhere. And here is THE BREAKDOWN OF EXPENSES: * Rafah/Egypt crossing: $5,000 per person ( a total of $10,000 for two family members) * ⁠Passport fees: $100 per person (a total of $200 for two family members) * Minimum living costs: $1000 per month (a total of $12,000 for a year) * ⁠House rent : $500 per month * My daughter & son’s education : $3,000 per person per year(a total of $6,000 for a year) *Computer to work on costs $3,500 Help me get my children out from under the fire. To complete their education and rebuild their dreams. Every donation matters. Your donation will have a significant impact on protecting my children from danger, and if you can’t donate, please share this story widely. Thank you for your time. We really appreciate your help.
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Alfa Romeo Disco Volante by Touring Superleggera 
The Disco Volante is a two-seater Gran Turismo. It is based on the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione coupé with its front-central mounted 4.7 litre V8 engine and a transaxle rear drive with unmodified specifications. Each unit, of which the construction requires 4,000 hours of manual work.The present Disco Volante celebrates the myth of the 1952 style icon. The new design briefing required to blend ingredients as innovation, emotion and aerodynamic properties into a timeless and essential shape.During the development stage, Head of Design Louis de Fabribeckers and his team cooperated with the engineers on an almost daily basis. “We focused on the preservation of the design essence. – says de Fabribeckers – Once the design frozen, we had to understand the manufacturing problems and solve them right away without compromising the design.”In consistency with the car’s design philosophy the interior has a ‘science fiction’ feel to it. Part of this ‘spaceship’ atmosphere was created by elements like the red LED interior light profiles. Also, aeronautics has been the inspiration for parts like the dashboard, instruments and seat adjustment lever.The Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione chassis was chosen for its light and rigid structure and its outstanding dynamic properties. Therefore it forms the perfect basis for the coach-built bodywork of the Disco Volante, integrally conserving the rolling chassis and drive train.The Alfa Romeo 8C’s steel space-frame and other structural elements were retained to guarantee torsion stiffness, high performance and the quality standard. The frame members and the central carbon cell remained unchanged. Elements of the underpinning and the body, such as the engine bay and firewall, the windscreen and cowl, the a-pillar and the locks and hinges have been retained too, just as the dashboard and instruments, the pedals and the steering wheel. Parts like doorframes, the roof frame and the c-pillar have been modified to match with the new shape.The layout of a front-central mounted engine, a transaxle transmission and rear-wheel drive offers an optimal weight distribution of 49-51% between the front and rear axles. To ensure excellent handling the front and rear double-wishbone suspension scheme is combined with hub carriers of forged aluminium and additional trailing arms for the rear suspension.The lightweight and compact 4.7 litre V8 engine delivers 450HP and 480Nm peak torque. It is coupled with a six-speed sequential transaxle gearbox with electronic control and paddle-shift gear selection. Together with a limited-slip differential and a state-of-the-art braking system with large diameter, ventilated discs a precise, dynamic and proactive drive is ensured. The Disco Volante can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h (0-62 mph) in 4,2 seconds and has a top speed of about 290 km/h (181 mph).
All new and modified components of the Disco Volante have been CAD designed. In this process, which covers feasibility, safety, homologation, aerodynamics and structural analysis, the most advanced IT tools and simulation techniques have been used.
Since torsion stiffness and noise reduction are of critical importance, special attention has been paid to the under-body structure and its elements, like the tubular frames supporting the rear wings and bumper, and the roll bar joining the c-pillars. Other complex design issues were the tailgate hinges, the 3d-cambered door window, and the front wheel covers.
The Disco Volante was then submitted to a CFD aerodynamic study to enhance the airflow and ensure optimal downforce in the rear section. After that, FEM calculations were run to assess resistance and rigidity of all parts subject to homologation.
Touring Superleggera is synonymous with the manufacture of lightweight bodywork. The weight advantage of aluminium is one of the assets of Touring Superleggera’s construction methods. Nowadays however, the craft of hand-beating aluminium panels is combined with the use of carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP). For the Disco Volante, Touring decided to use this combination of aluminium and CFRP. This has been the result of a study conducted to define optimal use of materials for the bodywork in terms of weight, resistance, precision, finish and quality, and ease of repair in case of damage.
The CFRP is used for specific components like the front bumper and grille, the bonnet, the skirts, the boot lid and the integrated rear-window frame. The bonnet and the boot lid are sandwich-built with Nomex filler in-between to obtain a better stiffness/weight ratio and to dampen vibration and noise.
The aluminium panels are hand-beaten using an epoxy mould. Since the inner frames of most parts of the bodywork are made of CFRP, this requires gluing of aluminium on carbon fibre. This technique adds to the rigidity as the glue has structural properties.
The body panels are pre-assembled on a laser measurement platform using a jig. This ensures that the strict tolerance required is respected. After adjustment, the panels are either welded or glued. The body-in-white is then used to preassemble and fit all trim components, brightware and moulding.
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germanpostwarmodern · 7 months
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In 2007 the Dutch Minister of Culture released a list of 100 top monuments of the Netherlands built between 1940 and 1958, a list which also included the Bouwcentrum in Rotterdam designed by J.W.C. (Joost) Boks. Unfortunately it did not include the Delta Hotel in Vlaardingen, Boks’ most important work, that sadly has been significantly altered. In its original state the hotel consisted of a low, fully glazed restaurant wing and a tower that accommodated the hotel rooms and also the interior was completely designed by the architect.
Although Boks was a former student of Granpré Molière at Technische Hogeschool Delft he never made a secret of his admiration for modern architecture: as part of a student group he in 1930 invited leading modern architects, e.g. Le Corbusier, to lecture in Delft and also after establishing his office in 1932 there was no doubt that he would follow the path of modernism. But already in his early works Boks proved to be a quirky modernist, undogmatic and with a distance to the exponents of the “Nieuwe Bouwen”: in the Berkemeier summer house from 1936 Books paired modern with reinterpretations of traditional elements, a demonstration of his independence and creative capabilities. That he also had fun dealing with historic architecture prove drawings of baroque facades carried out during the bleak war years.
After the war and up until his premature retirement in 1965 due to Alzheimer’s Boks’ office flourished: commissions included hotels, office buildings, retirement homes, apartment buildings, single-family homes and even a hospital as well as the general plan for the Dutch pavilion at Expo 1958. As a result of the increased amount of commissions Wout Eijkelenboom and Bram Middelhoek became partners in 1951/52.
Boks didn’t keep a proper and organized archive, a circumstance that also complicated the genesis of the present book by Hans Willem Bakx: “J.W.C. Boks. Architect 1904-1986”, published by Stichting Bonas in 2011, nonetheless has become a comprehensive monograph and work catalogue. Despite the constraints Bakx managed to write a profound and very readable biography/oeuvre analysis that is a reference work on the architect.
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brickcentral · 10 months
Review: LEGO Ideas 21344 Orient Express Train
Wait a minute, wasn’t that supposed to be green? No, the real Orient Express was blue with stately gold inserts and that’s the color we get in the new LEGO Ideas set.
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I was lucky to have the set delivered to me by LEGO thanks to BrickCentral, for which I am very grateful. Everything you will read below is my own opinion.
Building the set was a lot of fun, and the dedicated tracks (instead of standard LEGO tracks) are a very nice addition. At first glance of the box I already imagined this huge sheet of stickers and placed crookedly on the wagons. But there were very positive surprises: golden, even prints on the tiles. Bravo LEGO!! This adds a really huge exclusivity to an exclusive transport.
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The interiors of the carriages are wonderful, spacious, and filled with details.
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Here we come to one of the most important things, the Orient Express fits on regular tracks from any LEGO set which is brilliant news. The proportions of the wagons themselves are perfect, huge at almost 40 cm long each.
The disadvantage is some repeatability. We start by building a 120 cm long track and pass through 2 wagons that are the same from the outside and many steps are repeated, which is noticeable after time.
The interiors of the wagons with “wooden” inserts look beautiful. The golden crowbar in the locomotive cabin is perfect, a hidden diamond in a cleverly designed chassis. I can go on and on about all these little details that make up the beautifully crafted set.
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We get 8 minifigs here but I don’t think any of them will beat the porter and the cameraman, in my opinion. They are great.
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This does not mean that the others don’t stand out. Each is nicely set in an era with interesting accessories (the vintage camera is awesome) and style.
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I have the least sentiment towards the driver, but I respect him for his hard work which would be difficult in a tuxedo. Minifigures give the set this fun function, which means that the set is not just a “collector of dust” on the shelf, but a nice set to play with– my children confirm this 100%.
Orient Express is beautifully designed in terms of proportions and the spirit of the era, at least the carriages and minifigs. The locomotive/engine is the weakest part.
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In terms of photography, it’s tough to shoot because it’s loooong and repetitive. Is it worth buying? At 299 euros, it’s not my first choice, but you can’t go wrong buying it.
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You can seriously enjoy looking at it, unfasten the wagon from time to time, hold it, look at it, put it back and the world becomes more beautiful. But you can also build tracks, arrange minifigures, ride, and just have fun… that’s what LEGO is all about.
Age: 18+ Price: $299.99 / £259.99/ €299.99/ 469.99 AUD/ 2499 CNY / 121990 HUF Pieces: 2,540
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veronika-tserber · 1 year
Zodiac Signs, Cities & Curious Facts! 🌆
Each city was selected by me from "The Rulership Book" by Rex E. Bills, alongside one fact that matches that particular sign's energy! There are more cities and places that align with the vibration of each sign, but these are the ones I picked for this post. All pictures are from Google Images.
Enjoy this random and (hopefully) fun thread!😁
♈Aries: FLORENCE, Italy
Florence has a unique street festival: The "Calcio Storico" is a traditional street football game played annually there. The game involves four teams representing the four historic quarters of the city, and it's known for its rough and intense style of play!
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♉Taurus: LEIPZIG, Germany
Leipzig is known as the "City of Music": Leipzig has a rich musical heritage and is considered one of the world's most important cities for classical music. Famous composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner, and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy have strong connections to Leipzig, and their music is celebrated in the city's numerous concert halls, museums, and festivals.
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♊Gemini: LONDON, England
London has a "whispering gallery": The Whispering Gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral is a circular gallery that runs around the interior of the dome. Due to its unique acoustics, if you whisper against the wall on one side of the gallery, the sound can be heard on the other side, over 100 feet away.
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♋Cancer: ISTANBUL, Turkey
Istanbul has a famous street for cats: The "Cat Street" or "Kedi Sokak" in Turkish is a narrow street in the historic district of Sultanahmet that is home to dozens of stray cats. The cats are well-fed and cared for by locals, and the street has become a popular tourist attraction.
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♌Leo: BERLIN, Germany
Berlin is a graffiti artist's paradise: The city has a long history of street art and is home to some of the most famous graffiti murals in the world. The East Side Gallery, a section of the Berlin Wall that has been turned into an open-air gallery, features over 100 paintings by artists from around the world.
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♍Virgo: MOSCOW, Russia
Moscow has a rich literary history: Many famous Russian writers, including Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Anton Chekhov, lived and worked in Moscow. It also has the largest number of public libraries in the world: "The Russian State Library" , which is the largest library in Europe and the second largest library in the world, after the Library of Congress in the United States.
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♎Libra: VIENNA, Austria
Vienna has a rich musical history: Vienna has been a center of musical innovation and creativity for centuries and has been home to many famous composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, and Strauss. Today, the city is renowned for its classical music scene and is home to the world-famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
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♏Scorpio: TOKYO, Japan
Tokyo has a unique fashion scene: Tokyo's fashion scene is known for its avant-garde and eclectic styles, with Harajuku being the center of youth fashion culture. "Gothic Lolita" is part of Harajuku, and it incorporates darker and more macabre elements into the Lolita fashion aesthetic.
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♐Sagittarius: TUSCANY, Italy
Tuscany is home to the oldest university in Europe: The University of Bologna, which is located in Tuscany, is the oldest university in Europe, having been founded in 1088. It is still one of the most prestigious universities in Italy.
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♑Capricorn: BRUSSELS, Belgium
Brussels is home to the "Atomium": The Atomium is a unique architectural structure in Brussels that was built for the 1958 World Exposition. It is designed to represent an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times, and it has become an iconic symbol of the city.
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♒Aquarius: LOS ANGELES, California
LA is the birthplace of the Internet: The first successful transmission of a message over the Internet occurred on October 29, 1969, between two computers located at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Stanford Research Institute. This event is considered the birth of the Internet.
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♓Pisces: GALICIA, Spain
Galicia is home to an ancient spiritual destination: The Way of St. James, also known as the Camino de Santiago, is a famous pilgrimage route that leads to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world make the 780 km journey on foot, bicycle, or horseback. Many of them walk the route for spiritual reasons, while others enjoy the physical challenge and the opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
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Now, that was a pleasure to put together! How do you feel about the fact/city for your sign? As a Virgo, I'd love to visit the Moscow library, but as a weird/edgy fashion sucker, Tokyo seems like a whole lot of fun! Also, the Aries one made me LOL! Y'all just can't stop fighting, can you? 😂
Which fact/city is your favorite one(s)? Let me know down below! 🖤
- Foxbörn
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erosastro · 1 year
。:゚Louis Tomlinson natal chart ゚:。
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*These are my interpretations and opinions based on personal experience and knowledge of astrology
*Not everything will be 100% accurate as there are aspects that might affect the effects of the planets/houses influence
*This is a Placidus chart, Western astrology
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。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:
Sun in Capricorn
This is an Earth placement, in a cardinal mode, ruled by Saturn
Positives - Hard-working, strong spirit, determined, confident, resilliant, ambitious, diligent
Negatives - controlling, workaholics, brooding, stubborn, can be unemotional and insensitive
Sun in 8th house
8th house is all about desires, transformations, shared assets, sexuality.
Very passionate people, very brave and take on challenges head-on. Develop a thick skin early on in life. Can be quite complex and difficult to understand at first.
People with Sun in 8th could have a strained relationship with their father/father figures. Or one that's just overall complicated.
As ominous as it is, a lot of 8th house Suns are surrounded constantly by loss, mostly death of loved ones/people close to them. But this helps them become the strong-willed individuals they are.
High sex appeal and very attractive because of the way they carry themselves. Theres only a few people that really know them deep down though, because they van be reluctant to open up to people immediately.
。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。
Moon in Leo
A fire sign placement, fixed mode, ruled by the Sun
Positives - Affectionate, passionate, devoted, loyal, good with kids, fun, romantic, spontaneous
Negatives - dramatic, clingy, stubborn, prideful, vain, can be immature/childish
Moon in 4th house
This is actually one of my favourite placements personally. They're such sweet souls, secret softies, tries to keep their emotions to themselves.
Not everyone knows the real them. They only let a few people in. Very family-oriented. Have an important impactful relationship with their mothers.
Good at comforting others, being their for others, making others feel safe because of their energy. Can have people get attached to them quite easily.
Can have a habit to think back to things that happened in the past and want to change things or do things differently. Can be a bit grumpy/moody (being domicile). Children seem to love this people with this placement.
。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。
Venus in Scorpio
Water placement, fixed mode, Ruled by Mars and Pluto
Positives - loyal, passionate, perceptive, really good in bed, empathetic, magnetic, driven, powerful
Negative - can become obsessive, Jealous, controlling in certain situations, secretive, petty.
Venus in 6th house
Love to support their partners and motivate them. They feel the most loved knowing their partners are loved/happy. Even in frienships.
Pay attention to their partners and to those little things. Could have a tendency to overthink a lot before doing something though. Probably enjoy routine and domestic life could be appealing to them with a partner.
Look younger than they are, generally, and may love animals/interior design/decorating/plants.
Need a relationship with harmony and meaning and comfort. They love giving and are generally very selfless in love. Likes their independence and could be popular in youth going into adulthood.
This placement also shows someone that has many female family members.
。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。
Mercury in Sagittarius
A fire placement, mutable mode, ruled by Jupiter
Positives - loves to learn new things, philosophical, loves traveling, good writers, talkative and witty
Negatives - easily distracted, lives in their dreams a lot, can have trouble articulating thoughts, a bit too talkative sometimes...
Mercury in 7th house
Very charming, have a way with words. Likely have words of affirmation as a love language, very romantic and charismatic.
Have the ability to communicate with anyone, anywhere and can carry out a conversation well. They tend to have a good balance between their heart and head. (depending on aspects to this as well).
They are hesitant to open up to people at first and developing trust is important to them. Open communication in any type of relationship is important to him.
He probably feels the need to have his opinions/voice heard and need to be surrounded by open-minded people.
。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。
Mars in Sagittarius
Fire sign placement, mutable mode, Ruled by Jupiter
Positives - spontaneous, free-spirited, optimistic, humorous, adventurous, honest.
Negatives - impatient, restless, impulsive, careless, can be immature, commitment issues.
Mars in 7th house
Again very charismatic, easily irritable but not angry. Also don't like conflict but if push comes to shove they can be potent with their actions.
Like to work alone or feel the most comfortable doing creative work on their own. Go after whatever they want fearlessly and wholeheartedly.
Very competitive and not easily swayed. Protective over those they love and can become jealous easily in relationships. Do not like co-dependancy and like having their space.
Very sexy, powerful and fiery personalities especially when chasing after their goals (and sex).
。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。
Gemini Ascendent
Air placement, mutable mode, Ruled by Mercury
Witty and clever people, usually can adpat to people and places easily, at least on the surface. Inquisitive and talkative.
They're very youthful and playful and can get you in touch with your inner child/bring out a more light-hearted energy in you.
They are very curious but can be immature and indecisive at times. Curiosity can come across as being too nosy.
Can have trouble sticking to one thing and can get easily distracted. Can convey superficiality. But they're one of the cleverest risings I've met and have a very good way with words. Plus their comebacks are amazing and they're quick on their feet.
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wolfliving · 4 months
Ex-Designer Project Bar in Barcelona
via e-flux
Martí Guixé’s Ex-Designer Project Bar, an exceptional project that turns a digitally designed interior, produced entirely using full-size 3D printing techniques into a standalone object, will be on display at the Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHub) from May 23 to August 25. 
The project was born in November 2015, when Martí Guixé, one of Barcelona’s most internationally influential 21st century designers, set out to design and 3D-print, independently and without help, all the components of a bar on Barcelona’s C/ Entença in collaboration with architect Pau Badia. The bar, an empty commercial unit with minimal structure, was gradually redesigned and built over a period of almost five years, using three on-site printers while still in operation. Thus, all the bar’s components were gradually printed: everything from the tiles on the walls and the furniture down to the smallest utensils, such as glasses of different types, plates and cutlery. 
According to Martí Guixé, the process itself is what matters, so the project became something performative, incorporating coincidence in a natural way.
The use of the establishment as a bar—where concerts, presentations, talks and other events were also held—was just as important as its role as a laboratory for experimenting on the possibilities of additive printing, and the utopia of digital autonomy. The project explores the true potential of digital fabrication technologies to achieve the dream of self-sufficiency for local production, without having to rely on large global manufacturing systems. 
Just as the bar was finished, with the grand opening scheduled for February 2020, the pandemic and subsequent lockdown forced it to close. It then underwent a process of “deconstruction”, which was carried out behind closed doors and in an orderly manner, like a work of archaeology, in order to preserve it in full. The Ex-Designer Project Bar thus ceased to be a bar or a work of interior design to become a standalone “object” adapted for other possible uses.
Martí Guixé’s Ex-Designer Bar is a reflection on the potential for democratising industrial production and the industrial process: “The use of 3D technology makes artisans redundant and unifies materials. The world is made up of ideas, not of people’s energy”. He also said that “bringing the Ex-Designer Bar to a museum turns it into an object, a ruin and an archaeological site of the future”.
The first full-size reconstruction of the bar With Ex-Designer Project Bar, the DHub is exhibiting this monumental object in its original format, after assembling the walls and other various components: A total of 30 wooden panels measuring 122 cm x 150 cm, plus over six thousand 14 cm x 14 cm tiles. The result is an installation that measures 8.75 x 3.56 m and is 5.02 m high, whose component parts have been 3D-printed in full size using polylactic acid (PLA), a biodegradable polymer made from 100% renewable resources, such as corn or plant starch. 
The interior walls include the front of the bar, which features figurative motifs from other projects by Martí Guixé, the side bars with experiments with bas-reliefs and pseudo-geometric figures in various sizes and thicknesses, and unsuccessful attempts to create a series of bag and coat hooks. There is also a notice board with backlit tiles for posting information about events and food and drink prices, as well as a front panel in which the main figure represents Artificial Intelligence, a representation of all the 3D printers used, including the one for printing food. 
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
but what about those things that aren't ghosts?
Under The Lake/Before The Flood. this is just a solid couple of scifi episodes honestly, plus I mean. a bangin Predator-like alien design (last season we had Facehuggers, this season we have this, I feel like someone was doing a little rewatch of those movies, but I'm not mad)
I actually didn't take cohesive notes for most of s9, unlike the seasons that came before it, because. just didn't wanna. I was enjoying the watch, so this will be more from memory from here on out (good luck me)
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 4/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 7/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 5/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 8/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 7/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 9/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 7/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 8/10
FULL RATING: 68/100 (if I can count….)
See? Solid! although I will be poking at that companion thing, because my main gripe about s9 -- now we've seen the whole thing and we know how it goes down -- is how little it managed to centre Clara on the whole, both emotionally and just... relevant to having the individual plots happen. this is not an issue in every single episode, but I'd say over the half of the season had Clara be largely irrelevant. the episodes where she is relevant show her off very well, but it's just a shame that in her final season she's not put front and centre
I just don't feel like I understand her, still. but, to the episode!
OBJECTIFICATION: As far as I can remember there's nothing in the way of this in this episode. there's three female characters (including Clara) and they're all quite different, Clara is the only one not dressed for the place, but then she's just hopping about in time, not preparing for being chased through an underwater base
Idk, it's been a long time since I last wore a skirt or a dress or heels outside of a little drag, and while I'm quite flouncy in my presentation, I just think if I knew that anything could happen I'd generally veer semi-practical and Clara is consistently not a practical dresser, just as-is, consistently. but maybe that's the pull of skirts and heels -- genuine question, because I'm so far outside of this living, because I just feel like Clara's expression of self outside of a couple of episodes (Time Heist my beloved, and tbh Zygon Invasion 👀) is often just... blandly fashionable in a way that doesn't say much about her character or work for the setting she's in
this isn't the worst episode for it, but it's something I really couldn't stop thinking about it by this point. I feel like every other nu!who companion -- tbh including Amy in her fist couple of seasons even though I didn't like that her wardrobe was often to show off that Karen Gillan was "hot" -- has a far stronger identity tied to wardrobe
anyway. enough rambling on one point, I didn't rate this lower, because she's not being objectified here, I just wish there were less bland choices being made
PLOT-POINT: Clara is largely unimportant to this plot. she doesn't really need to be there, in the sense that there are quite compelling stories for the single-episode characters, and for the Doctor, but she's just. there really
this is also a thing that s9 kind of brought to the fore, although it was an issue from the start, which is that Clara is a very ungrounded character for most of her run. there are episodes where she's more real, and where her interaction with the plot is about her in some way, and in which the tension between her and the Doctor make sense to me, but every season she's in she becomes a slightly different character without the journey being shown onscreen, and her tensions with the Doctor, which can be broadly divided into
s7: the impossible girl question s8: the "making each other worse" season s9: the duty of care
just... don't follow on from each other in my opinion. I keep looking for Clara as a connected character, and there are some things that follow through (which is what I hold on to), but for the most part she just shifts with the plot, rather than the plot in some way interacting with who she is. again, these episodes are not the worst for it, having a few episodes where the companion character is taking a backseat is fine, but this is her final season
there are 7 episodes this season, if we take the doubles each as their own (Sleep No More and Face The Raven being singles), and it takes place after the finale of Clara having lost Danny, having betrayed the Doctor, and having threatened to - and fully intended to - kill someone. there is a lot of potential Stuff to zero in on, but we're just not gonna do that. Clara is just not the character I care about in most of these episodes, because the episodes don't really care about her. she's a secondary or tertiary character in her own adventure a lot of the time
COMPLEXITY: this plot feels pretty Doctor Who, I enjoy it a lot. I like the bad guy, I like the melancholy, I like the scifi nonsense. could it have been done in one episode? maaaaybe, but I enjoyed spending time with these characters, so I'm okay with that. sometimes you wanna spend more time in the world, just cos, and this is one of those times for me. there's a couple of questions that remain, but again, I think that's standard for DW
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: this is pretty much a standalone story in the season. I didn't rate it lower, but maybe I could have, idk. it's Clara again, I wish Clara meant more -- it didn't need to further the Doctor's and Clara's relationship more, but I think because I don't understand it very well to begin with, I would have liked a... something or other that went beyond what was there. this is not an episode issue, it's really a Clara-era issue. I think I'll just never quite get what the writers were going for with her, and it's just that s9 is the season that confirms that for me
COMPANIONS MATTER: Clara spends most of her time running around and waiting for the Doctor to tell her what to do. there's the end of part 1 where they become stuck in different points in time, and I thought "ooh now Clara takes control of the situation on the base" and she... doesn't. the Doctor calls her and continues to give instruction, then the phone gets stolen by the ghosts and her big idea is "hey this guy could go fetch it for us"
she has a few neat lines, I liked her scene with Cass, where Cass is essentially telling her to go fuck herself for getting the man she not-so-secretly loves in danger, and insisting they go after him, but that is kind of my point -- Clara does not drive this episode at any point, except for that moment and it's... not a great look for her. she's the asshole, she convinces someone else to do something dangerous and then has to be convinced to go after him
I did like when she lost Cass and called out for her, before remembering Cass is deaf and calling herself an idiot. there are these neat little moments I hold onto with Clara's character and that's one of them
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: the Doctor sorts out the main Stuff and that's fine. I like that this Doctor is afraid sometimes and deals with things via their wits, but also with a bit of "well this might not work, let's fuckn see!" The Fisher King coulda just killed him, but the Doctor just crossed their fingers essentially and hoped for the best and then bluffed to win
also I mean. Fisher King kinda sexy. idk where else to put that. any big big alien that goes "lol Time Lords are losers" is right and sexy
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: there's quite a few little casual references in this episode which I liked. Magpie Electricals, ofc the fact that Prentiss has knowledge of the Doctor via UNIT (UNIT again... they're villains in my head honestly), the security protocol, etc. it just feels very grounded in nu!who canon in a way that's fun and doesn't overwhelm the episode with nostalgia references
“SEXINESS”: there's this bit at the beginning where Clara asks if they can go back to this one place they were where she left behind most of her dignity, and listen, I'm being peevish maybe, but it is a pet peeve, so. maybe if I dig at it more I can say why I don't like it, but in the end maybe I'm just tired of M*ffat-era's way of doing sex and sexual reference. that is also the only reference, s9 doesn't do this a lot, but it also just plays back into Clara as a character. who are you? why are you in space? just to fuck about and have a good time? are you the villain Clara? are you a Space Tourist From England That's Just In It For Yourself? or do you respect the places you go, does this mean anything to you?
overanalyses my pet peeve
but also. so much of Clara is just. quipping. gimme more than quips, gimme substance dammit!
INTERNAL WORLD: it's relatively simple. underwater spooky base. spooky base before it was underwater. did they really build nuclear sites like that in Scotland? genuine question, I have no idea
again, feels very grounded in Doctor Who, but casually
POLITICS: I complained back in *checks notes* s7? I think? whenever Centre Of The Tardis was. that M*ffat-era sucked at putting people of colour in his stories, especially men of colour, without them being villains or stereotypes. I feel like I need to go back and look over s8, and have more of a think about s9 as a whole, but I do note that this episode on the whole was having a much more fun time with infinite diversity in infinite ways than I have often felt M*ffat-era has had. it's not the bastion of representation in the sense that it's something that ought to just belong to DW as-is, it's just nice to simply see people
and obviously Cass is grounded at the forefront of the story, and is very important to the emotional core of the plot, as well as various tensions and plot concepts. I'm not deaf, but on the whole it seemed like it was doing a lot with this episode, obviously by having an interpreter who's also someone she clearly has a lot of chemistry with, and the whole idea that these two characters come as a set, not just because nobody else speaks BSL, but because they understand each other emotionally as well
there's also several parts that go untranslated for a non-signing audience, and I wonder how much swearing one is allowed if it's signed. so she's a great character. I kind of wish there hadn't been the early joke of the Doctor being like "aw yeah I can do sign language" and then... not being able to? Why wouldn't the Doctor speak BSL?
I understand there may have been extra logistics, but tbh they coulda just confirmed it in that scene, but had the interpreting happen anyway, because we know that Twelve wouldn't bother getting anyone else up to speed. just think that was an odd choice
perhaps a tad nitpicky, but I am nothing in this if not picking at nits
FULL RATING: 68/100 (if I can count….)
this is a good episode in my opinion. one of the most solid of M*ffat-era, thoroughly enjoyed myself. I wish wish wish Clara had been more than witty one-liners, I feel like there were several points where she could have been given more to do, but I really like the other characters, and The Fisher King design is... well. this blog likes monsterfucking so obvs it was great for me personally
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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random akaashi keiji headcannons chapter II
what's it? general
allergen warning/s? n/a
sugar level? 0.6k
regulars? @hanayanetwork​
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♧ journals a lot, but especially when he's stressed. there's something about the ripping of the paper and the gluing of the photos that makes him so relaxed. he thinks it's the asmr, or maybe it's the feeling of doing the process, or maybe it's the way he's writing his feelings down and not bottling it inside him, or maybe it's all of it.
♧ idk if it's not obvious enough, but he is the mom friend. if his friends are going out drinking, he's the one who's going to stay sober for the night -- the designated driver. also he has everything one might need when going out -- tissues, lipbalm, bandaids, alcohol, paracetamols, even pads/tampons if he's with his girlfriend.
♧ likes flower pressing. he puts some of his work on his journal to decorate them, and some are on frames hung up in his apartment.
♧ if he was on tiktok, he would 100% be on booktok or anything similar to that. despite being on the app for a longer time than what he cares to admit, he's a little clueless when it comes to those tiktok text pranks because of that.
♧ worked at a coffee shop once when he was fresh from graduating college and looking for a job. he honestly really enjoyed it and if money wasn't an issue, he probably would have stayed a barista for a long, long time.
♧ always sleeps with a nightlight on. though the night in general does unsettle him to a degree, it's not really the reason for it. the actual reason is because sometimes, he'll wake up randomly at four am and get a random idea for the poetry book he's currently writing. it's there so there'll always be some light in his room whenever he finds himself reaching for the notebook and pen on his bedside table before the idea and inspiration disappears.
♧ has an eye for interior design and fashion, he just chose to not pursue it.
♧ an overachiever. definitely an overachiever. experienced burnout a lot, but like how he used to help bokuto whenever he got into his emo mode, the former captain of fukurodani's boys volleyball team is able to get him out of a funk as well.
♧ really bad at flirting with people he doesn't like, but people get crushes on him often -- especially girls because of him being respectful and educated. he's the cute, quiet, smart person at the back of the class who always smells good and is ready for everything -- pop quiz? aced it. the girl beside him snapped her hair tie? he knew buying that pack in the discount bin of the hundred yen store would come in handy. someone scraped their knee? of course he has bandaids.
♧ doesn't get crushes on people often. however, when he does, he ends up falling head over heels for them. often times, his crushes are they even just crushes at this point? lasts for years.
♧ overthinks questions a lot, especially if it's some kind of important social issue. he likes discussing multiple sides of the story, looking at each's pros and cons, if one outweighs the other.
♧ related to the last headcannon, he doesn't make an opinion about said important societal issue if he's not educated about it. he's very confused as to why people do so.
♧ doesn't exactly think he's smarter than other people, he just thinks other people don't think enough -- they make decisions and voice out their opinion without actually thinking it through logically.
♧ a minimalist. his apartment's walls are just a plain white color with some gold-colored decoration here and there. he has quite a few succulents though, and most of his lighting there is natural, giving it a very home-y feel.
♧ really doesn't like going to college parties. it makes him really uncomfortable and usually just overwhelms him because of all the flashing lights and people around him and the obnoxious music playing and what is that smell? he'd rather stay at home and read a book, maybe get a head start on his creative writing paper due next month.
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i get: reblog
you get: a book of poems
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redsunsetxiii · 1 year
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**Please do not repost without credit** [TRANS] 2023.08.31 SONE NOTE LIVE vol 44 with Yuri
Staff: You tried weaving wicker this time! Please share the concept and motifs for the pieces you made.
Yuri: One is an accessory case that anyone could use. It’s something that I tried to make as a present for any SONE, regardless of gender. I tried to express wanting to deliver happiness with the smiling sunflowers!
The other piece is a case for water bottles, drinks, and the like. I also want to give this to SONE as a present. I want to give away everything (laughs). I’d be so happy if the receivers would use what I made a lot. 
Staff: How was the activity?
Yuri: My fingers really hurt (laughs). I didn’t know that it would be such a challenging task. Since the material was pretty stiff, I used it after soaking it in water, but even then it was hard. Putting it together was like knitting and braiding. Hyoyeon likes knitting. When I was in elementary school, I liked to make things during art class, but that faded away when I became an adult. I think it’s my personality, but I get tired of repeating the same task over and over. But I really like to draw. The fun part is expressing [myself] with color! 
Weaving wicker… Today I understood why the prices for it are so high (laughs). It really takes so much effort to make and it’s carefully crafted. I’d be so satisfied if I made something like a wonderful wicker light by myself and hung it up at home. The members enjoy traveling to Southeast Asia, so I would like them to try it out at least once. Personally, I was happy to be praised by the instructor today. I might have talent (laughs); my work speed kept on increasing as I did it. At first, I didn’t have any knowledge regarding the structure of weaving and had some troubles, but it was enjoyable and wasn’t too difficult once I got a bit used to it! The water bottle holder had a bit more complex construction than the accessory case, but I was able to enjoy making it without it feeling difficult or challenging. 
Staff: Please share what you were the most particular about during the creation process.
Yuri: I think the most important point for weaving wicker is balance. I set up the stakes first, but I was careful to make sure that they were straight. If the base isn’t steady then it’ll fall apart, so I pulled on them while working and checked on the stakes often. 
Staff: How many points out of 100 would you give your work? Please share a reason for your scoring as well.
Yuri: The instructor helped me, but it is also my first time… I might give both 80 points. No, I want to give them 90 points! (laughs) It’s just a score as a beginner and not on the basis of how perfect it is. It’s a score that represents my personal satisfaction! 
Staff: Items made out of wicker are popular interior items, but do you have any preferences for interior [design]? Yuri: I like cozy atmospheres, so I like interiors that have snug atmospheres that I can relax in. I choose tones that are calming like beige or wood. My room right now has the main tones of white and wood. I’ve made my room all pink like a princess’ room long ago, but now there’s zero pink. I expelled all the pink from my room when I was around 23 (laughs). 
I have my own bag made out of wicker. I bring it when I go to have fun with water in summer. 
I’m interested in lighting, so one day I’d like to buy a light made out of wicker. I especially like indirect lighting and often go to dedicated stores for lighting. I believe that lighting can influence the overall mood of a home.
Staff: Please share your recent happenings. (This interview occurred in July)
Yuri: In Korea, both “The Genius Paik” and “The Zone: Survival Mission 2” just recently released so I’ve been a bit busy with those activities. Also, my fan meeting tour starts in Seoul in July, so I’m busy with that as well. The other day I went to the Philippines for my fanmeet, and I’ll be going to Bangkok and Taiwan, too. I think I’ll be able to go to Japan as well!
Staff: You’re currently in the middle of your fan meeting tour in Asia, but has there been a memorable episode so far?
Yuri: I really just thought about what would make all the fans happy. I really agonized over the set list as well. However, I have experience from being in SNSD (laughs). It’s been a long time since my last fan meeting, and it was so fun to think over what I’ll show to the fans. I also really enjoyed performing songs with a new arrangement. The solo performance I did from a 2010 concert got a new 2023 arrangement, and it was so much fun recording, singing, and performing it! It’s been a long time since I practiced performing, and it was actually relaxing since I’ve done it for so long. I’m so happy that the fans really enjoyed the event!
Staff: It’s been four years since your last fan meeting. Please share if there’s anything about SONE that has changed or remained the same since then.
Yuri: I don’t think they have changed one bit. Their cheers and support haven’t changed at all and it was actually refreshing. SONE have been with us for over 10 years, so there were many that came to see me after such a long time, and there were also those who have new family members as well. In Seoul, I was so happy that many fans came from abroad. 
Staff: You often upload cooking videos on SNS, but is there a dish that you have recently been crazy about? Please share why as well. Or, please share if you have an original arrangement or other idea.
Yuri: I eat too much when traveling, so recently I’ve mainly been making food to maintain my figure (laughs). I like oatmeal, so I especially make dishes that use oatmeal. For example, rice porridge with oatmeal and tuna, or a rice bowl topped with egg that’s made with oatmeal. I say it’s my own style of cooking, but they’re actually recipes that I referenced from SNS and the like (laughs). 
For my own original recipes that I’m currently into, there’s “chicken toast ssam”, or “chitossam” for short. I named it myself (laughs). (*”ssam” is Korean for wrap)
It’s chicken with bread topped with yuzu sauce, mayonnaise, and grated lemon zest. It’s really delicious with all my favorite flavors.
Staff: You’re so busy with events and drama appearances, but please share if you have any tips or secrets for balancing work and beauty.
Yuri: I try my best with working out. Also, I make an effort to balance work and my personal life. When I’m off, I eat what I want to eat, recover my energy by sleeping as much as I want, and then make a conscious effort to bring it all out when I’m working. But that’s really difficult, so I’m still working on perfecting it (laughs). And for beauty, it’s really important to relax, so I always take half body baths. I love taking them with the bath salts I bought in Japan. 
Staff: Finally a message for SONE JAPAN!
Yuri: I really want to see you all! Also, it seems like I’ll be able to do that soon, so I’m really excited. I really want to talk to you all directly, but I try my very best even if I’m far away, so please cheer me on even if we’re apart. And let’s make fun memories together from now on!
Translation by RedSunsetXIII source: SONE JAPAN website **Please do not repost without credit**
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
My name is Iman Khalaf and I live in Washington. I created this fundraiser on behalf of my cousin Aya who is trying to raise funds to evacuate her children from Gaza and to be reunited. All donations will go directly to my cousin, Aya. Any donation amount, no matter how small, will help Aya and her kids tremendously. Below, Aya shared her and her kids’ experience over the last couple of months. I am Aya, a mother of two children stuck in the Gaza Strip, Mona, 12 years old, and Karem, 9 years old. Mona is an innocent, very sensitive, and talented child. She is a professional basketball player. She reads a lot of books and loves to know different cultures. But I want to add a very important detail and most difficult thing Is that my daughter has ADHD which means: She has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to sit still, and self-control. Her feeling of fear due to the continuous bombing, the air polluted with smoke, and the smell of lead everywhere increases the severity of her symptoms and the difficulty of controlling them. No one can deal with her except me, and I am really worried about her while she is there in these difficult circumstances, she needs to leave Gaza now and follow-up with an ADHD specialist and behavior modification to complete treatment as quickly as possible. the time is running out I’m scared
Karem is one of the top achievers in his school. He is an advanced karate player. He has won trophies in several competitions. He has an ambition to become a doctor in the future.
But the war came, destroyed their dreams, prevented them from practicing their hobbies, and robbed them of their sense of stability and security. Mona and Karem were displaced 7 times. The first time, our house was bombed and completely destroyed. They lost all their memories, toys, and favorite clothes. Every time we escaped death by chance, we were displaced with their little hearts full of fear and panic, and under the sounds of violent bombing.
They are now suffering under a violent war, their lives are under danger a thousand times. They were subjected to siege several times and suffered from thirst, and no one was able to help them with even a sip of water. The fear of bombing follows them everywhere. After the martyrdom of my sister Noura, her husband, and her children, Alma and Aboud, our lives turned into a terrifying nightmare for fear of losing each other. Alma and Aboud were not just cousins ​​to them, but rather like their siblings, very close friends in the same school and spending most of their day with each other.
I lost my home, I lost my sister and her children, and I cannot bear any more loss. And i lost my job. I work as an interior design engineer. I lost my computer, which was my source of income. It burned when my house was bombed. It costs $3,500. I have nothing to rely on. I have lost everything. Now I need a new computer to start over. I am out of the country due to circumstances beyond our ability and my children need to be reunited with their mother. I cannot sleep every day for fear of losing them due to the violent bombing and continuous invasions everywhere. And here is THE BREAKDOWN OF EXPENSES: * Rafah/Egypt crossing: $5,000 per person ( a total of $10,000 for two family members) * ⁠Passport fees: $100 per person (a total of $200 for two family members) * Minimum living costs: $1000 per month (a total of $12,000 for a year) * ⁠House rent : $500 per month * My daughter & son’s education : $3,000 per person per year(a total of $6,000 for a year) *Computer to work on costs $3,500 Help me get my children out from under the fire. To complete their education and rebuild their dreams. Every donation matters. Your donation will have a significant impact on protecting my children from danger, and if you can’t donate, please share this story widely. Thank you for your time. We really appreciate your help.
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Situations where the camera would rather film than assist 🎬
Preparations are underway..
As we can see, this photo is all about the filming location, although it also gives you a specific location within Doune Castle. Jeremy Irvine's photo is very good because it is supposed to be the location of the Great Hall in the Castle (turned Castle Leoch) which also suggests it is used as 'table reading'.
A table read is one of the most important steps in the production process for any TV series. It offers an opportunity for the cast, crew, and other members of the creative team to gather together to hear the script read aloud. In the case of episodic television, these table reads usually occur towards the end of pre-production, before filming.
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Photo Outlander Season 1 set
Built-in the 13th century, the castle is known for its striking 100-foot-high gatehouse and one of the best-preserved great halls in the country. Its battlements afford stunning views of the River Teith and Ben Lomond. Doune Castle, suffered much damage in the Wars of Independence. It was later rebuilt in its current form in the 14th century by Robert Stewart, Duke of Albany, who is nicknamed the 'uncrowned King of Scotland'. The son of King Robert Il of Scots, and Regent of Scotland until his death.
It has a long and colourful history. Mary Queen of Scots stayed there on several occasions, and Bonnie Prince Charlie used it as a garrison during the Jacobite Rebellion. It fell into disuse after the Jacobites were defeated and by the beginning of the 19th century, was in ruins.
Doune Castle near Stirling was used as Castle Leoch's seat of Clan Mackenzie in Season One of Outlander. It is also Winterfell in Game of Thrones, and featured in Outlaw King and Mary Queen of Scots and and the 1975 comedy film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
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Photo Outlander Season 1 set
From Jeremy's photo it seems that to recreate the new look of BOMB from the 18th century, the set presented looks familiar. It's possible could be working on sets already created by Jon Gary Steele, former production designer on Outlander season 1.
He built a lot of 18th-century interiors retrofitted in Doune Castle, originally built in 1390, which served as the fictional Castle Leoch in Outlander series. Because it’s a historic Scottish landmark, there were/are prohibitions on what they could/can do there. Doune Castle, is one of Scotland’s most iconic heritage attractions.
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Photo Outlander Season 1 set
In season 1 of Outlander, Castle Leoch was made very utilitarian. Many people lived there, either inside the premises or right outside it, in shacks and huts. If you watch the video below, BOMB continues along this line. The laird's part of the castle will be very comfortable, but for everyone else, it will make it like it really would have been, not too comfortable.
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Doune Castle: It is built with exquisite curved wooden beams that give it a touch of elegance and architectural beauty. Raw materials are used in the series in a process that guarantees the integrity of the original structure. The curved laminated wood beams were made in season 1 of Outlander and adorn the Great Hall and continue in BOMB.
Combining craftsmanship and technique, aiming to shed light behind on the remarkable original structural element. In this case, what is missing from the photo is to show how they did it.
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The Great Hall. The castle is known for having one of the best-preserved great halls in the country.
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Great Hall interior looks East with arches that follow the curved structure.
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Details Doune Castle interior set for filming
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Upper chambers of the Gatehouse Tower
🎥 @ edinburghblackcabtours
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Doune Castle will be closed until Wednesday 21 February 2024 for BOMB. filming inside and outside the castle📍
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Volkswagen EA 48
The Volkswagen EA 48 was a very important car for Volkswagen, and it has not received the historical recognition it deserves. It was the first car designed entirely by Volkswagen, without engineering interference from the Porsche family. The Volkswagen Beetle had been a Porsche design, and Volkswagen wanted to experiment with an even smaller, cheaper, and even more logical vehicle. A rival for the Citroën 2CV, a Mini of German origin. It had to be a small car on the outside - it measured less than 3.5 meters, and its wheelbase was only 2,050 mm, 35 cm shorter than that of a Beetle - but to make enormous use of its interior space. Volkswagen decided to build a completely new platform for a project named EA 48, which would officially start in 1953. With the help of Gustav Mayer and Heinrich Siebt, development of a four-seater, front-engine, air-cooled, front-wheel drive utility began. At the time, quite a revolution. The Volkswagen EA 48 used a McPherson-type front suspension system, practically being a pioneer worldwide. This scheme freed up space for the engine and was simple to manufacture. In a car like the Volkswagen EA 48, the rationalization of space was one of the most important maxims. Extremely narrow 120 mm section tires were mounted, and instead of opting for a mechanics with four opposed cylinders like that of the Volkswagen Beetle, a two-cylinder mechanics was chosen. Two opposed cylinders, again creating a clear parallel with the Citroën 2CV. They tried to develop a 700 cc boxer, air-cooled, with a fan located on the crankshaft. The idea was soon discarded and a new 594 cc boxer was chosen, whose fan was driven by a belt, as in the Beetle. The engine barely developed 18 CV of power at 3,800 rpm, and although the behavior of the car was described As a sports car by its developers, the engine did not receive much praise. It was a very light car, and thanks to its 574 kg weight, it was capable of reaching almost 100 km/h top speed. The problem with the engine was its cooling: it overheated, and it wasn't until an original Porsche fan was attached to it that its temperature was manageable. This setback delayed its development.
Its interior was the most spartan of the moment. Its four seats were practically beach chairs, a cloth hung between metal supports, again seeking the highest space-cost ratio. Only one of the two prototypes built is still in existence, and by now you may be wondering why it doesn't have a window or tailgate. The absence of a window is due to its status as a prototype, but curiously, Volkswagen was thinking of offering the openable boot hatch as an option.
The project seemed to be prospering, but after two years of development, the president of Volkswagen decided to hastily cancel the project. Heinz Nordhoff thought that the Volkswagen 600 would snatch sales from the Beetle, which, after a difficult market launch, was beginning to take off commercially. In the late 1950s Morris would launch the Mini, with similar ideas to the EA 48 - albeit a more modern liquid-cooled transverse engine - and huge commercial success. Possibly someone at Volkswagen regretted canceling its development.
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jeongyunhoed · 2 years
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The third and final story in the 100-Day trilogy, taking place four years after the events of The 100-Day Relationship and two years since the events of I Do. When the patriarch of the Choi family suffers a heart attack, the entire clan decides to visit the estate in the hopes of getting in his good graces and parts of his fortune before he passes. Seonghwa and Juhyun now find themselves clashing with nosy relatives who threaten to split them up and have her removed from any possible inheritance.
Inheritance Member: Seonghwa Pairing: Seonghwa/OC Genre: I’m going to say angst-fluff, drama, intrigue. Things to note: Art Curator!Hwa, a lot of crazy rich stuff again (for real, this will have A LOT), and perhaps some adult-y things. Watch out!: The usual pressure of kids, illness, familial drama ahead A/N: So, I’m so sorry the first chapter took so long. But what’s important is that I’ve finally posted after what seems like months of not writing much, so I hope this is a good enough first chapter. Tag list is open as usual. Oh, and I’ve also posted the Hwandred-Day trilogy on my Ao3 (yeojasamho).  Tag list: @kflixnet , @treasure-hwa ,     Masterlist
Chapter 1 
“Hello Architectural Digest, I’m Park Seonghwa, and this is my wife, Juhyun, and welcome to our home,” Seonghwa smiled as he and Juhyun stood aside to let a small crew of people inside, scanning their apartment. “We’ve only been living in this place for two years since we got married, and we got our friend, Shin Dongwoo, to take care of the interiors of this place as you can see,” Seonghwa showed them around. 
“When we sat down with him about decorating the place, we said we wanted a place that looks very cozy and relaxing. He referred us to Gwyneth Paltrow’s designer Brigette Romanek and she flew in for us and worked her magic, scouring the entire country to look for the furniture that really suited what we had in mind,” Juhyun explained, showing them the kitchen. “Seonghwa and I cook together sometimes. It’s one of the ways we spend time together, especially after work.” 
“We have a kind of dynamic when it comes to being at home. I’m the one who cleans, Juhyun is the one who cooks,” Seonghwa pointed out. 
“But there are times when we do both, mostly on weekends,” Juhyun added. “Seonghwa makes amazing kimchi jjigae and curry.” 
“Juhyun makes really good pasta,” Seonghwa smiled. “And roasted chicken. She cooks very well,” and Juhyun laughed. 
Seonghwa showed the crew the framed pictures that were hung on one part of the living space. It included their wedding photos and other framed photos of them and their friends. The big family photos took up the most space on the part of the wall where the other pictures were. 
“I picked out the kinds of frames that suited the pictures, but I also made sure the frames fit the mood of the house,” Seonghwa showed the pictures. “Hopefully more pictures will be up here.” 
He watched Juhyun take the camera crew into the different parts of their home. Seonghwa smiled to himself as he followed his wife along. His wife. The thought that he called her his wife made him smile even wider, and they had only been married for two years. 
Seonghwa couldn’t believe it at times, the fact that he was married to Juhyun, and the fact that since getting married, he found himself among the upper echelons of society, and not the echelon full of celebrities and influencers. This tier was a different kind of upper crust, yet being with Juhyun didn’t make it feel that way. 
Seonghwa wasn’t used to it, and he knew he might never be used to it, despite his grandmother already getting used to the prestige that now came with him marrying into the extremely wealthy Choi family. 
When the camera crew panned to the area of their home that had paintings, Seonghwa appeared in view. “I was recommended several local artists who did paintings of landscapes, mostly at night, and I got a print of my favorite painting, Nighthawks, because it reminded me of when we were dating, and how we’d stop by a cafe after every formal event before we went home,” He admitted, glancing at Juhyun, who smiled. 
By the time the room tour ended, and the crew thanked them before leaving, Juhyun closed the door, sighing in relief against it. “Now that’s done,” She said, before walking up to him. Juhyun noticed the clock. “We have to be at the airport now if we want to make it ahead of Hyunae and Jiho’s party,” She leaned on him. 
Seonghwa wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. He sighed. “Is there a way for us to…not go? It’s a 14-hour flight to the US,” He said. 
“I know, but we promised them we’d go, remember? They want all of their friends to be there,” Juhyun sighed as well, holding onto him tightly. “On the bright side, we can sleep all we want at the house before the party. It’s just in the Hamptons, we’ve got a house there, and I’m sure the caretakers are looking for more things to do.” 
“Does your family have a house everywhere?” Seonghwa raised a brow. 
“My grandfather does, not me,” Juhyun pointed out. 
“That’s something someone who has a lot of houses would say,” He teased, backing them into the bedroom to get ready. “Jiho’s proposing to Hyunae, and Jinri and Dongwoo are having a gender reveal party for their second child, right?” He asked as they put their bags together. 
“Yeah, and they want everyone to be there. Even Hongjoong’s coming,” Juhyun pointed out. “We’re on the same flight as him too,” She added. 
Seonghwa nodded as he slipped on his jacket, helping Juhyun with hers as she tied her hair. “Are we getting the seats near the restroom? Or did we get the seats facing the big screen in the middle?” He asked. 
“Side seats, near the restrooms, don’t worry,” Juhyun assured him as she kissed his cheek. “One problem though. It’s first class.” 
Seonghwa laughed as he followed her out of the room, with their luggage in tow. “Really? Our seats are first class?” 
“Hey, they found out who I was and upgraded our seats for free. At least our economy seats would be for people who want to get on but couldn’t book a seat or could afford first class, I’m just saying,” Juhyun shook her head, amused by the encounter. “We’ll have some leg room so we can rest properly on the way to New York, hmm?” 
“Yes, yes, on the way to New York,” Seonghwa chuckled. “But then when we get to New York, we’re having some bedroom time before going to the parties!” 
It wasn’t as if Seonghwa was able to stay in all the properties that Juhyun’s family owned whenever they went overseas. He had only heard of how big or how grand the houses looked from Juhyun’s friends and their spouses and boyfriends, but he never really got to see anything else aside from her parents’ house. 
The house they stayed in also belonged to Juhyun’s parents, with another house belonging to her grandfather not far away in this part of the place. It was built in the same manner as every other estate Seonghwa saw on the way from the airport, but with a well-manicured garden and a three-car garage.
The house, as Seonghwa realized, also had the view of the ocean with the beach just past the yard. The interiors also seemed to match the place, a mix of neutral colors and sculpted marble floors. There was even a fireplace and above the mantel was an anniversary family picture of Choi Jongmin, his wife Dajeong, Juhyun, Jihyun, and Sangmin. Seonghwa smiled to himself, thinking that maybe one day, the two of them could have that kind of picture somewhere. 
“Thank you for coming here to give me the key, I nearly forgot to ask my father about it before we left,” Juhyun was telling a middle-aged couple whom her father tasked to be the caretakers. “Oh, and this is my husband, Park Seonghwa, Seonghwa, this is Serge and Jane West,” She introduced them. 
“Congratulations to both of you! It’s a good thing both of you managed to come here and stay, there’s only so much we could do to keep things spotless,” Jane chuckled, shaking Seonghwa’s hand. 
“Well, while we’re here, we’ll be sure to call you. How are things at my grandfather’s house by the way?” Juhyun asked. 
“It’s good as usual. Your aunt was staying there not too long ago,” Serge replied in a low voice. Juhyun immediately figured out which aunt it was from the way their expressions fell slightly. “Her and her husband.” 
“Oh…” Juhyun nodded. “It’s not too late to leave, you know,” She teased. 
They shook their heads, laughing. “No, no, your grandfather has been very good to us, as is your father, as is everyone else in your family really. It’s only just those few,” Serge said. 
Seonghwa glanced at his wife. “Who are they talking about?” He asked. 
“My aunt Seonak,” Juhyun sighed, frowning as she said it. 
“He’s your father’s sister, right?” Seonghwa asked, and she nodded. 
“It’s not just her, it’s my cousin and his wife too. It’s really only the three of them. If my grandmother was still alive, it would make four of them,” Juhyun said quietly. “Well, at least it’s just Aunt Seonak, and Daeyoung, and Hyemin…” 
“Wah…” They heard Hongjoong say as they saw him come in, his luggage in tow. He looked stunned. “You didn’t tell me how nice your house is!” 
“Yeah, you can stay in the guest room if you want,” Juhyun nodded, amused by his reaction. 
Hongjoong sighed. “I wish I could, but I already booked a room at a hotel.”
“Where are you booked, anyway?” Seonghwa raised a brow. 
“The Ritz. I got a suite,” Hongjoong replied. “But your house really is nice, Juhyun.” 
She shook her head. “It’s my parents’ house. But you can come stay here whenever you want whenever you fly to New York.” 
Hongjoong turned to his friend, who looked just as amused. “Maybe you should get a beach house back in Korea, I’m just saying,” He suggested, making Seonghwa laugh. “Saves us 14 hours and a whole other timezone.” 
“Well, we’d agree with you on that, but we’re all here because of other people. But it’s nice in this part of New York too,” Juhyun said, leaning against her husband. “We’re in front of a beach, a different beach. A beach that takes 14 hours to get to, but it’s worth it,” She laughed. 
Seonghwa kissed her forehead then turned to his best friend. “We’ll bring you to your hotel, we’ll just put our bags in our room.” 
Hongjoong nodded. Seonghwa turned to Juhyun, both of them carrying their bags up the stairs and into their room. They returned a moment later, taking the car keys from the corner, gesturing for him to lead the way out of the house and to the garage. “Allow me to drive you around,” Serge suggested, and Juhyun handed him the keys. “How long will you be staying?” He asked as they unlocked the doors of a gunmetal gray Rolls Royce Phantom. 
“Just a week, Hongjoong might be leaving earlier, though,” Seonghwa replied. 
“Yeah, I’m only here for a few days,” Hongjoong nodded as they got in the car, Jane following them and getting in the passenger seat to sit next to her husband. 
“Just a day less than how long we’ll be here, we’re not staying long either,” Seonghwa said as they fastened their seatbelts. 
Serge began to drive, and soon enough, they were in the city itself. Seonghwa looked at the view of all the buildings in awe. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been to New York before, but just going on a ride into the city always made him look at everything in amazement. Even more so that it was different now, as his museum was doing even better than before, and that he was married to someone who was likely going to fly all over the world ever so often. 
Juhyun smiled to herself after observing how Seonghwa looked out the window. “You think we should get a place here?” She asked quietly. 
Seonghwa nearly whipped to look at her at the question. “...What?” He asked. 
“Should we get a place here? Or do we just keep staying at the Hamptons?” Juhyun chuckled. 
He stared at his wife. “...Stop kidding, Juhyun,” He said, nudging her. 
Juhyun and Hongjoong laughed. “I’m just asking, Hwa. I wanted to know what you think,” She said. 
He shook his head. “There’s no place like home. Both our jobs are back in Korea,” He said. “You and I hardly go overseas anyway.” 
She nodded in understanding. “That’s true.” 
“I wouldn’t mind, though,” Hongjoong chimed in, and Seonghwa smacked the back of his head, the car pulling up in front of the hotel. “I’ll see you guys at the party later?” He said, getting out, thanking Serge for the ride while Jane helped him with his bags out of the trunk. 
Hongjoong waved at them as he pulled his luggage into the hotel, and Serge started to drive away. “Both of you seem to be so busy,” Jane looked over at them with a smile. “It doesn’t hurt to take some time off, no one would think less of you if you did, especially since you two work so hard.” 
“One of the secrets to a happy marriage,” Serge chimed in, grinning. 
Juhyun and Seonghwa were on their way to the restaurant where Jinri and Dongwoo were going to have the gender reveal party for their second child. The restaurant, as Seonghwa had guessed, was put up by a friend of Dongwoo’s, Gong Chansik, who flew between Korea and New York every now and then. The place wasn’t as kid friendly as it seemed, and the two of them figured that Jinri and Dongwoo left their daughter Kairi at their home, likely being babysat by the caretakers of their home. Jinri found out she was pregnant a month after Seonghwa and Juhyun got married. 
In the midst of the merriment as everyone exchanged stories and jokes, seeing another one of their friends; Ahn Jea, of the Ahn law firm, who was married to Michelin-star chef Jung Wooyoung, also revealing that she was a few weeks pregnant with their first child, it made Seonghwa and Juhyun think about their own marriage. Not only one, but two of their friends already had children or were expecting. Would they want the same thing? 
It was something they had yet to talk about, again at least. The first time Seonghwa and Juhyun talked about kids was after sex one night, when they nearly forgot to use protection. They both agreed that they weren’t in a hurry, but would it still be the same this time? While they liked being around kids, they weren’t so sure if they would be able to raise a family of their own. 
Ultimately, Seonghwa felt that it was Juhyun’s decision to make, as she would be the one carrying the child, not him. Seonghwa respected whatever decision she may make, even if it meant that they might disagree. He was already an uncle anyway and sort of a godfather to the kids of Juhyun’s friends. 
“Alright, alright!” Jinri stood up, a little bump already visible on her stomach. She was holding a glass of sparkling cider as the rest of them raised their glasses. Dongwoo held up an amber bottle that had a squeeze tip. “The syrup Dongwoo pours into my drink is the gender, hmm?” 
“Let’s see it then!” Jo, who came from the prominent Han family that was a major name in food processing, cheered. 
“Alright!” Dongwoo declared, tilting the bottle, and a vivid pink syrup filled the clear drink, making them clap. 
“It’s a girl! You have two daughters now, you’re going to be a girldad!” Jea laughed. 
“Fine by me, I hope that happens,” Dongwoo looked proud, and kissed his wife on the cheek. 
“I hope I get to be a girldad too,” Wooyoung nuzzled Jea’s cheek. “I’ll show my daughter how guys are supposed to love her.” 
“That’s awfully sweet of you,” Juhyun commented, and Wooyoung beamed. 
“Isn’t that something we’d all aspire to?” Choi Jongho, Jo’s longtime boyfriend and celebrity pet groomer, mused. 
“Of course,” Jo nudged him. 
“I think you’d all make good fathers, even you Seonghwa,” Jinri teased. 
Seonghwa just smiled, glancing at Juhyun, who suddenly sat up, and he suddenly sensed that she felt uncomfortable. He gently squeezed her arm, and she glanced at him. “Hmm?” She said. 
“You okay?” He whispered in her ear. 
“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” Juhyun nodded. She suddenly heard her phone beep. It was her sister Jihyun, calling her. She stood up. “I’ll just take this for a minute,” She rushed to one side of the room. 
Seonghwa watched her, wondering what the call was. It was the first time throughout this trip that someone called. Juhyun went out of the room and he got up as well, quietly stepping out. He had a bad feeling about it.
But before Seonghwa could go out, Juhyun came back in, her expression serious. “Who was that?” He asked. 
“Jihyun,” Juhyun said, a hint of sadness in her tone. “Grandfather had a heart attack. He’s in the hospital.” 
Seonghwa stared at her. “He’s in the hospital?” 
Juhyun nodded. “Yeah. I told her we’re in New York, she’s at the hospital now, with Bin. She put her wedding planning on hold for this.” 
“What about your parents?”
“They’re there too. My uncle Hyunwoo flew in from Japan to come to the hospital.” 
Seonghwa wasn’t sure what else to say, and he wrapped his arms around her in a big hug. He kissed the side of her head. “Do you want to fly back?” He managed to ask. 
Juhyun shook her head. “I don’t know. We won’t be there for hours,” Juhyun replied. “Even with a private jet.” 
“He’s your grandfather, Juhyun. I think they’ll appreciate the effort.” 
“I asked Jihyun about it, she said he might already be out before we get there. It’s okay,” Juhyun maintained, looking up at him. “It’s okay.” 
“So, what do you want to do now?” Seonghwa whispered. 
Juhyun pulled away. “Let’s just try and enjoy the time we have here. When we get back, we’ll visit,” She said.
Somehow, Seonghwa felt a sinking feeling inside him. Something didn’t feel right about the news Juhyun gave. Juhyun was still trying to process the news as well, and she wanted to get her mind off of the sudden turn of events. The most she could do was take a deep breath, and hope that things would be alright. 
Juhyun led Seonghwa back to the table, where everyone else was absorbed in their stories and cheers. They didn’t feel like souring the mood with what they found out. 
Juhyun and Seonghwa found themselves in the guest bedroom of Hyunae’s home later that night. They were lying down, eyes closed as everyone else was outside mixing and mingling with each other. Juhyun had gotten overwhelmed with the crowd and wanted to be in a quieter space. Seonghwa went with her, and the two of them were starting to doze off from how soft the bed was. 
“Seonghwa?” She whispered, and he replied with a hum. “Do you want to go out there? I don’t think Jiho’s proposed yet.” 
“No, I want to stay with you. I think I got a little overwhelmed too,” He said. 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah,” He reached over to hold her hand. “If you want some space, you can tell me, you know that, right?” 
“I do.” 
Juhyun opened her eyes. “Don’t worry,” She said. “You’re worrying more than me.” 
Seonghwa chuckled. “You really know, huh?” 
“Yeah, I think I know you well enough to know when something’s bothering you. Even when we try to talk about it, I think I know,” She said. 
“Has this happened to him before?” 
“No,” Juhyun shook her head. “But I guess he’s been under a lot of stress lately.”
“That’s true,” Seonghwa nodded slightly and inched closer to her. “If my grandmother found out, she’d have bolted out of her home and went straight to the hospital. Both of them have gotten very close since we got married.” 
Juhyun smiled. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. She tells my parents about how they were catching up, like best friends who haven’t seen each other in a while.” 
“That’s great. She’s his best friend now, huh?” Juhyun laughed. 
Seonghwa nodded. “Yeah,” He kissed her softly, then sat up. “If you’re feeling better, we could join the others now. Before Jiho gets down on one knee,” He grinned. 
Juhyun laughed and sat up as well. “Yeah, yeah, we probably should before someone starts thinking we did it,” She got out of the bed and smoothed over her blouse and pants. Seonghwa checked his hair in the mirror, nodding when he felt his comma hair was still intact. 
The two of them quietly stepped out of the room, making their way into the pristine white living room where Jinri and Dongwoo were nearly dozing off as well, Jinri’s hand clasped on her phone, possibly in the hopes of being able to answer if the caretaker had any trouble. 
Jea and Wooyoung were coming from the kitchen upon seeing them. “A little bit crowded out there, huh?” Wooyoung grinned, tilting his head to the party taking place at the patio that was close to the beach. 
“Yeah, we nearly dozed off,” Juhyun nodded. 
They suddenly saw Jiho come inside, followed by Hyunae. “Was the party getting to be too much?” Seonghwa teased. 
“A little bit, but we wanted to come inside,” Hyunae smiled, taking out her compact to check her makeup, touching up her forehead with powder. 
Hongjoong quietly came in as well and Seonghwa sensed that he had something up his sleeve. 
Jiho scanned the room then turned to Hyunae. “I guess now’s as good a time as any,” He said, and he suddenly got down on one knee. 
Hyunae gaped, while the rest of them froze, as if immediately in anticipation. “Jiho-” She said. 
“Lee Hyunae, I loved you before, I still love you now, and I’m certain I’ll always love you,” Jiho looked into her eyes as he took out a black velvet box from his pocket and opened it in front of her, revealing a diamond ring. “Lee Hyunae, will you marry me?” 
Hyunae was welling up, and she nodded profusely. Jiho took out the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger. The rest of them broke into applause and cheers, with Wooyoung waving a waiter over to get them glasses of champagne and cider. Hyunae and Jiho were hugging each other tightly. 
“This wasn’t just a party, we all came here for this, just so you know,” Wooyoung told her. “To Hyunae and Jiho!” He raised his glass. 
“To Hyunae and Jiho! Cheers!” They laughed, clapping and hugging the couple. 
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iheartliquor · 2 years
i ve made a bunch more clothes but i need to take good pics ... why is it so hard to finish anything ... literally have like 100 paitnings that r 3 /4 done ...... surrounded by A rt Supplies that i dont use and just get drunk .... a lyric of a phrase enters my life and i represent it in paint and glitter onto a tapestry 24 by 48 inches and hang it up until i need to hang up something else and then its like crumpled on a shelf unwitnessed by the world ......... literally like i feel liek the world could b mine if i had the smallest smallest amount of discipline ... and allt hese people beautiful people on tumblr who say wow cute shirt i want to buy it n im like hell ya coming soon , meanwhile im like too dumb to figure out how to streamline the process or like get shirts made on , watever , i would want it to b 100 percent ringspun cotton peachfeel made somewhere w liek working wage , idk ....., litrally too dumb to live . i wanna go to interior design school lol for real the most peace i have ever felt in my life ever is when im having a party and decorating for it and making the decorations colors of the hour pretty n whimsical n fun to get drunk under .... the most peace ive ever felt ;literally literally and u can get fucekd up all day ...... i need to finish my paintings , i need to do the work that is important to me , i need to work on my writing ever single day , i need to not neglect my important work , 
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