#10/10 should've stayed dead
kikizoshi · 1 year
I'm so, so close to the point of no longer posting and writing as though Meursault!Fyodor is real. So very, very close. Expect an update soon where I fully renounce Meursault!Fyodor.
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bighandsforabigheart · 6 months
I get so angry whenever I think about BvS Superman because that is not who he's supposed to be but he makes it up by wearing that slutty suit and getting railed and impaled by multiple beings
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mrs-bucky-barnes106 · 11 months
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bucky x reader
the one where you get locked out and go a-knocking on your sworn enemy's door in the middle of the night
"Fuck!" You yelled, for what seemed like the millionth time that night. You should've listened to Wanda and stayed home instead of going to that stupid bar with that guy. Now, you were locked out of your house because you brilliantly left your keys in his car, and he left you when he said he was going to the bathroom.
You'd been out here for a half hour now doing everything you could to get in your house. You tried to pick the lock, break open a window with a rock, everything. You even walked around back and found a half-open window. You had never been more grateful for your forgetfulness. The only problem was that the window was on the second floor, a full twenty feet above where you stood.
It seemed your only option was to ask for help. All you needed was a ladder to climb up to that window, and everything would be just dandy. Sighing you tried to remember who in your neighborhood was actually home, and who'd let you in at- what time was it anyway?
10:45 P.M. Not bad. Nat and Steve were on vacation. Wanda wasn't here. Sam was away on work.
The harsh realization struck you square in the chest. Bucky. The man next door. He was your only option in this dire situation. You hated to think of it, but he was your only acquaintance on this street, if you could even call him that.
You stomped over to his house, your very uncomfortably high heels getting sucked into the mud in his garden.
You made it to his door, steeling yourself to knock.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Your knuckles rapped heavily on the door.
You stood there a minute, and when he didn't appear, you turned around, ready to walk away. He was probably sleeping, there was no use knocking anyway. Maybe you could just camp outside on your porch and wait for Wanda to get back.
Before you got very far, his deep rasp stopped you in your tracks. "Doll? What the hell are you doing here?" Bucky stood at the door, in all his bleary-eyed glory.
You considered bolting to save yourself the embarrassment.
No, you scolded yourself. You had already disturbed him, so the very least you could do was not stand there like a fool and instead, tell him about your troubles. It couldn't make him hate you any more than he already did.
You turned around and gave him a small wave.
"Jesus-the hell happened to you? You look awful." You missed the concern in his eyes, only seeing the way they flicked down your body. You were suddenly embarrassed of the sequined dress you had chosen for the night. Not exactly something you wanted your most-hated coworker to see you in.
"Well, thanks," you rolled your eyes. "I- you know if you're just gonna stand there and tell me how bad I look, then forget it." You started to walk away.
"I wasn't- doll, wait. Why'd ya come?" He sounded earnest, almost concerned as he reached out for your wrist and gently grabbed hold of it.
"I- I need your help with something."
"With what?"
"I need help getting inside my house," you whispered, eyes cast downward from the shame that now consumed you.
God, how pathetic was this? Not only did you do the most idiotic thing you possibly could have in your entire adult life, but you went to Bucky of all people for help.
"With what? I can't hear you, c'mon speak up," his tone was commanding, and he sounded slightly irritated. His forehead crinkled, eyebrows scrunching down till his eyes were two thin slits, the blue orbs almost completely disappearing. Great, he was making you say it again.
You lifted your head up, staring into his eyes. The worst of it was over, you had come to Barnes. You spoke clearly, trying not to cringe at how stupid your situation sounded, "I need help getting into my house. Do you have a ladder or something?"
"The hell happened to your keys?"
"D-does it matter?!" You cried, exasperated.
"I- no, no, just come in, it's freezing out here and you look half-dead. And half-naked. Jesus, doll, do you not own anything warm?" Again with the insults. If you weren't desperate you would've showed him what half-dead really looked like.
You walked in after him, and were immediately struck with the realization that you had never been inside his house. And well, it looked...nice. Nicer than you expected for an old grouch like him. Huge murals filled two of the foyer walls, and everything was in pleasant, muted autumnal colors that somehow made him seem almost human.
"So where's the ladd...," you trailed off, realizing he was no longer in sight. Just great, he had left you by yourself immediately after inviting you in.
By this point, you were freezing in your mini dress, and all you really wanted was to just wipe off all your makeup and curl up into a ball of oblivion. Unsure if you were welcome to take a seat while you waited, you stood awkwardly in his foyer, shivering slightly because, of course, he had the thermostat turned all the way down.
"Here," Bucky reappeared suddenly, handing you a soft blanket and pillow.
"W-wait I don't need a place to sleep just the-"
"Look, doll, it's now 11:00 and it's freezing out. Quite frankly, you're insane if you think I'm gonna let you go out there with a ladder to climb into your side window. So, just please shut up, go to the bathroom do whatever you need to do, put on the change of clothes I left you and just go. to. sleep."
Wait change of clothes? Wouldn't they be...his clothes? Why was he being so nice to you, and more concerningly, why did that make you feel warm inside??
"I- okay, thank you," you didn't know what else to say.
Why was he being so nice to you? Where was the Barnes that was condescending? The one that was annoyed by every little thing you did and hated your entire existence?
He led you upstairs to his bathroom where you wiped off your makeup and splashed some water on your face.
Walking out to his bedroom, you found the clothes he laid out for you. An oversized T-shirt you guessed was too small for him and gray sweatpants. They were huge, but oh so soft. They also smelled like him, woodsy with a hint of...was that sandalwood?
You put on his clothes, instantly engulfed in the fabric. You walked downstairs with the blanket and pillow in hand, finding the couch easily enough.
"What're you doing?" Bucky asked, walking into the living room with a mug.
"Going to sleep?" You frowned up at him as you started to position the pillow to your liking.
"I- Jesus, doll, there's an entire bed up there. The hell do you mean you're sleepin' on the couch?"
"It's your house, I'm not taking your bed away too!"
"You're not taking the bed away, just go lie down."
"No, I'll sleep on the couch, it's fine."
"Why are you being stubborn? I'm offering you the bed."
"And I'm declining." You crossed your arms without realizing that you were mirroring the pose he held.
He sighed heavily before asking, "Why don't we both take the bed then, will that make ya feel better?" He sounded as exasperated as you felt and before you knew it, he was ushering you upstairs, grabbing the pillow and blanket he provided you with earlier.
You entered his room and laid down on opposite sides of the bed, which was warm, and so soft. Of course, it smelled like him too. You made a mental note to ask him about his mattress later to get yourself the same one.
"So, uh, how'd you get locked out?" Bucky asked awkwardly, cringing at his attempt to break the silence.
"I left my keys in this guy's car."
"So you didn't ask him for them back?" You felt him turn his head to face you, but you remained staring at the ceiling.
"He drove away before I realized, so yeah."
"Oh, what an ass," he growled.
"Got that right," you chuckled. Then, you stopped yourself. Why did he genuinely sound upset? Was he being protective? No, that was silly. He could care less about you.
You swallowed, turning to face him, welcomed by the sight of his pretty blue eyes and the smirk that would forever adorn his lips.
"Why'd you let me stay?" You finally asked, voicing the question that lingered in your mind.
"Because you'd freeze if you slept out there," he stated plainly.
"Thought you'd enjoy it if that happened," you chortled.
"Eh well- I wouldn't be happy about it. Besides I didn't need that weighing on my conscious all night."
"Mhm," you smiled at him.
"So, what if I told you that I make great pancakes," he scooted closer.
"I would say I'd love some," you said, scooting a bit closer as well. "On one condition."
"What?" You felt his hand rest on your arm, and you let it stay there.
Before you knew it, you were blurting, "Stay here and hold me?"
"Course doll, c'mere."
You snuggled your way up to his chest and felt loving hands run up and down your arms, which then snaked their way down to your waist. He buried his head in your neck, inviting you to rest yours on his chest.
"G'night Bucky."
"G'night doll, sleep well."
You felt a feather-light kiss being pressed to your temple, not quite sure if you had dreamed it all up. In the morning, however, you were greeted with a stack of pancakes in bed...
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the-pinewood · 1 month
Act 1: Orion
Song Yuqi x Male reader
⟨Idle Theft series⟩
[Masterlist] | [Series Masterlist]
BREAKING: Orion, allegedly the most expensive diamond in the world, stolen.
Our sources have just reported that Orion, which is the most (if not, one of the most expensive diamonds in the world) has been stolen. The diamond was currently placed in a jewellery exhibition at the Museum of Rain. The venue was being guarded by almost one hundred and fifty personnel, let alone seventy five guarding the jewel. Shocking thing is that despite the tight security, the thief walked past them and swept the diamond under their noses, without anyone having a clue! Lee Hoseok, owner of Orion, who has inherited the jewel from his ancestors has slammed the 'incompetent' security forces and police for their carelessness. Seems like another chaos has unfurled in the country. To know more, stay tuned.
"God, you're so hot."
"Oh no honey," You say, closing the distance between your bodies, "do not put disrespect to your name by calling me hot." You latch your lips onto her smooth neck, giving her couple of wet kisses and in turn earning a groan from the girl (whose name you'll get in a bit).
You were (are) at a restaurant having your Sunday noon brunch. This girl was sitting on the table opposite you. All it took was a 10 second eye contact and here you are, in the washroom of same restaurant, on the verge of slipping your dick in her cunt.
Look, you're not new to all this. You are used to girls throwing themselves on you. Because god took his own time to craft your face, this is god's wish. And who are you to go against what god wants.
Your kisses travel from her neck to her jaw and from there, to her soft cheeks, where you take your own time,
"What's your name sweetheart?" You mutter under your breath, continuing to pepper kisses along her cheekbone.
"Jackie," You pause your kisses and pull your head back to look into her eyes, "beautiful name for a equally beautiful girl." Jackie's cheeks flush red, and you find no better time to kiss her. So you lean forward, so does she, and just as your lips are about to touch,
Your fucking phone rings.
You lean back and take out your phone from your jacket, pick it up without reading the caller's name,
You should've read the name.
"Get to the office. Now."
You definitely should've read the name.
Bury your face back into Jackie's neck, her hands wrap around your neck, playing with the hairs on the back of it.
"It's Sunday."
"I don't care, get to the office. Now."
"I'm a bit..." You reach upto Jackie's ear, and roughly bite on her earlobe, "...busy."
"Mmm!" Jackie releases a moan, which you're sure the person on the phone has clearly heard.
"Fuck those girls later. Right now, get your ass here."
"Make it six and I'll fuck your hole with a strap." And the line goes dead.
"Sorry honey, work calls." You say, coming out from the hollow of her neck.
"Give me your number." She says handing you her mobile phone. You put your number in and hand her her phone back. You step back from her, your back hitting the wall opposite to her's. You borrow a moment from your remaining four minutes and forty nine seconds to take her in,
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You wrap your arm around her waist and aggressively pull her in, smashing your lips in a short but torrid kiss. Jackie's eyes widen at first due to the sudden move but she quickly kisses you back with same intensity. After few seconds, you pull back and push her away lightly, because if you don't stop now, you're certainly gonna get late and you are in no mood to get your hole fucked with a strap by your psychopath boss. You turn around,
"See you around..." Look over your shoulder at her, "...Jackie." And you exit the washroom, leaving Jackie behind, still recovering from that intense kiss.
"Oh you definitely will honey, I'm not letting go of you that easy."
"I need a team."
"I know the way you work," Your boss, Jieun, says, standing at far end of the long table in the conference room. "So I've got you covered." Jieun switches the projector on, further opening a presentation,
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"One of the most competent team to have ever worked for our department."
"What's the experience?"
"One case."
You scoff. "Wow. Very experienced indeed."
"You remember the Daegu case?"
"The one that was miraculously solved in one day?"
"Who solved it?"
Hmm. Intresting.
"Go on." You say letting your back rest on the chair.
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"Cho Miyeon: Fire."
"Role: Combat. Any martial art, be it Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, Taekwondo, Kalari, or any other, Fire knows it. She knows it all. Although her primary role being combat, she loves to impersonate, so might be useful on that front too."
"Next up,"
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"Nicha Yontararak / Minnie: Water."
"Role: Locksmith. Cracks open any lock and by any, I literally mean any. Analog safes, digital safes, and what not, Water's got you covered. Is multilingual, can speak almost 5 different languages."
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"Jeon Soyeon: Nature."
"Role: Programming Expert & Hacker. Leader of Idle. Previously an intern in the National cyber security department, but was considered too qualified for the intern position. Hence was handed a promotion. Can be a bit rude sometimes but does the work at hand with utmost dedication."
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"Song Yuqi: Wind."
Would you look at that.
"Role: Technician and Driver. From a car's engine to your mobile's motherboard, Wind can repair everything. A former street racer, the aforementioned, reason for her name. Whizzes past you like a wind, and you won't even have a clue."
"And last but not the least,"
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"Yeh Shuhua: Chameleon."
"Role: Makeup artist and Fashion Designer. Graduate from the biggest fashion school in the country. Recognizing a person is nearly impossible if hands that worked on them were Chameleon's. Similar to Fire, has a passion for acting. Worked her ass off for two years giving numerous auditions, failing in each one miserably."
"So?" Jieun asks folding her hands.
As you're about to answer her, your phone vibrates in your pocket, you take a quick peek at the arrived message,
unknown: Hey! Jackie here.
unknown: I forgot to give you my number earlier, so here, now you have it.
You decide to ignore the message, let the girl yearn for you a bit.
"Any thoughts?" Jieun asks you again.
Initial thought, You gotta fuck that driver.
"Get them onboard."
"You start from tomorrow."
"We start today."
"They have a day off."
You get up from the chair and walk across the long conference table, now standing in front of Jieun.
"So did I."
"I'm gonna punch that guy so hard." Shuhua spits, stomping her way into the headquarters. "Go break a leg girl!" Yuqi says, walking next to her and visibly putting more gasoline in the fire. Miyeon, Minnie and Soyeon following them, trying their best to calm Shuhua down and make her understand the job they're in, cases can pop up anytime. So she should not spit fury just because her so-called 'window shopping' got interrupted. They reach the conference hall, Shuhua directly barges in–
"Who the fuck is that guy that–" And then she sees you.
Well, another one goes down the drain.
Not one, but four go down the drain. Except one, Jeon Soyeon.
"Everybody, I'd like you to meet Rabbit."
"Hello everybody." You greet the quintet as a whole, flashing them your trademark smile,– which if you had any doubt in your mind that they aren't already imagining you fucking their brains out, it's now cleared–while starting to walk towards them to greet each one individually. First, Shuhua,
"Nice to meet you Ms. Shuhua." You extend you hand towards her, she returns your handshake. "N-Nice to meet you too." You release a little chuckle, "No need to be so nervous, I don't bite."
You walk forward, Yuqi, an smug smirk already making its way on her face, you extend your hand,
"Hey handsome."
Yep. Definitely fucking.
"Pleasure meeting you Ms. Yuqi."
Walk forward, ignoring the 'fuck me' eyes Yuqi's flashing your way.
"Ms. Soyeon," Extend your hand,
"I don't like you." Soyeon mutters under breath, her teeths gritted.
"Well I certainly hope to change that opinion while we'll be working....together."
You walk further forward, now standing in front of Minnie,
"Looking forward to working with you." Minnie says with a beautiful smile.
"Likewise" You give her a smile of your own.
And finally you reach the last beauty, Miyeon. Some might argue she's too beautiful to be a martial art expert (those 'some' include you) but some others might argue the fire in her eyes says otherwise (these 'some' too, includes you).
"Ms. Miyeon," Your hands interlock, "I'd love to learn a trick or two of the martial arts you know." A smirk travels its way upto her face. "Sure. Make sure to sign up for my private sessions."
"So, now that y'all are acquainted, let's talk business," Jieun says clapping her hands, "I assume you guys have read the details of the case?" She asks the Idle girls, in response getting the nods from them. "Great, so now you guys will be working under–"
"I don't work under anyone." Soyeon tells Jieun, but the message's for you.
"Jieun," You look Soyeon dead in the eye, "People don't work under me. They work with me."
"Yeah whatever." Jieun brushes it off but the staredown between you and Soyeon continues, until Minnie steps in,
"Okay guys, why don't we cool it down a bit?"
"Right," You turn, walk and stand next to Jieun. "Ladies, please have your seats." Idle members sit on chairs next to each other. Miyeon sits on the chair closet to you while Yuqi sits on the farthest one. Shuhua sits to the left of Miyeon and Minnie sits to the right of Yuqi. Soyeon occupies the middle chair between them while Jieun sits on the opposite side.
"So now that we're settled, let's talk about how we can do this. First and foremost, nobody other than the people in this room should know that we're working on this case. Is that clear?" You recieve a nod from Idle girls as well as Jieun. "Good. Next, we communicate only through texts, Jieun, I'm gonna need you to get us mobile phones that are non-traceable, non-hackable and that are durable."
"Soyeon, I'm gonna need you to make me a messaging application which can't be accessed from outside no matter what. Can you do that?"
"Great. We will use our codenames while communicating. And the message behind the text you send should be hidden. For example if I want to say 'Miyeon get to where I am' so I'll write 'Roast the Rabbit.' Or suppose I want to say 'Soyeon get me information on some abc person', I'll write 'Rabbit seeks abc into Nature.' Am I clear?" Everybody nods.
"Lastly, as of the culprit(s), we still don't know who they are, but one thing I'm sure of is, this is not the work of a single person, it's a whole damn team. Hacking the CCTVs, deactivating the alarms, sweeping the diamond under everyone's noses, all in the span of 2 to 3 minutes, done by a single person? Nah. Not convincing."
"Where do we start from if we don't know the culprits?" Shuhua asks resting her face in her palm. "My sources are on it. Meanwhile, Soyeon I want you to start working on the application. Also access into the CCTVs, without anyone knowing, that capture exits of the museum, be it the nearby shops, apartments or supermarkets. Minnie, Miyeon and Shuhua–"
"Where is it?!" A man barges into the room, visibly seething with anger. A woman enters following, trying to calm the man. You take a look at her, (well, that's the first thing you do as you see a woman, have a good look at her) beautiful and elegant in every manner. Plump lips, one side of her natural brown hair is cascading down her shoulder while the other side remains back. Some strands cover a bit of her face and eyes, she sweeps and tucks them behind her ears, giving you the proper look of her face. Attractive, but not in a sexual way. She's adorning a white turtleneck paired with a hazelnut coloured skirt. Her legs are covered with black transparent stockings while black loafer shoes rest around her feet. And finally, a hazelnut coloured overcoat tops off her outfit.
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(a/n: Introducing Park Sooyoung as Lee Sooyoung.)
"Jieun where the fuck is my diamond?! It's been fucking three hours since the robbery!" The man, now you identify as Lee Hoseok, confronts Jieun. "Mr. Lee the search is already underway, please have some patience." Jieun says, voice calm a sea. "Patience? You want me to keep patience?! Do you even have any idea how expensive that thing is? I can easily buy off your entire force three times by just selling a quarter of it!" Hoseok spits, voice rouge as a storm in a sea. "Honey, please calm down." The woman, in a soothing voice, says, placing a gentle palm on Hoseok's shoulder.
"Shut up!" He bellows, "Do not run your mouth where it's not needed you dumb bi–"
"Hey!" You roar, "Who the hell is this guy?" You look towards Jieun whilst pointing your finger in Hoseok's direction, "And why is he screaming in middle of my conference!" He straight up gets into your face, "The audacity. The audacity to–"
"Mr. Lee," Jieun interrupts him, "Any lead, you'll be the first to know."
"Better." He looks into your eyes for few more seconds before turning and barging out of the room. The woman (who came with Hoseok) bows, "I'm sorry."
"Don't sweat it." You answer. She flashes you a tight lipped smile before turning and making her way out of the door.
"Don't tell me that girl is his wife." You release a defeated sigh, already knowing the answer to that question. "Poor girl. I feel bad for her." Shuhua says.
"Anyway," You make your way back to your previous position, "Where was I? Yeah, Soyeon access the CCTVs. Shuhua, Minnie and Miyeon, study the footages thoroughly, if there's any suspect, report me." All of them give you nods of affirmation.
"And Yuqi," her face brightens at the call of her name, "you are coming with me to the museum, we're gonna have a little incognito look around."
"Sure thing." Yuqi flashes you a mischievous smile.
Oh she knows.
"That was..." Yuqi says, her hands flat on some building in a silent alleyway. She's gasping for air while simultaneously slipping her panties back on. "Yeah." You too, running short on oxygen, say. You slip your now flaccid cock back into your boxers.
Look, you needed to get it out of the way. Fucking the girl has been the continuous revolving thought in your mind ever since you saw that photo Jieun showed you.
"Straight to the museum. No more distractions."
"Roger that."
Yuqi parks the car into parking lot of the museum. You both put your masks and caps on to have a bit of anonymity and avoid attracting unwanted attention. You head straight to the site where the diamond was placed. The guards let you in easily as you asked Jieun to have them informed of your (soon) arrival. You enter the large hall through the door. The place is completely sealed with yellow coloured tapes which read the words 'Do not enter'. There's a small pillar in the center of the room on which the diamond was showcased during exhibition. Around the pillar is a safe made of glass. One of the doors of the glass safe has a lock which has both keypad and a keyhole.
"Must be one hell of a locksmith." Yuqi says from besides you.
"Yeah. Take a picture of this will you."
"Sure." Yuqi clicks a picture of the safe in her mobile phone. You look up, at the vast dome above.
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"Go call a person that works here."
Yuqi goes and arrives with a man, probably in his middle 40's, wearing a formal outfit with an ID card hanging from his neck.
"Do you work here?"
"I do, sir. I'm the supervisor. I make sure everything works smoothly here."
"That must mean you have information about everything here right?"
"I pretty much do."
"Does that thing open?" You point to the circle in the middle of the dome. "It does." The guy answers. "It is usually kept open for ventilation." You nod your head. "Do you have any kind of security on the rooftop? CCTVs? Guards?".
"We do have CCTVs on the rooftop."
"Were they hacked as well?"
"They were."
"Was there any kind of commotion here at the time of stealing?" You ask.
"No. Actually the place was under cleaning at the time. This room," He gestures towards his surroundings, "is cleaned twice a day, 12pm and 5pm and is kept shut 15-20 minutes for the same. When the cleaning was underway, I was in the control room watching over it. Suddenly the system lost connection with all CCTVs, many attempts to reconnect went futile. So I instructed the personnel to head towards the hall to insure the safety of the Orion. And when they entered the hall, the diamond was nowhere to be found."
"And the janitor?"
"He was there cleaning. The thieves stole it without him even knowing."
"And how can you say he didn't steal it?" Yuqi asks folding her hands beneath her chest.
"Mr. Kwon, the janitor, has been working here almost all his life. He has worked numerous times here when the same diamond was at exhibition. I can bet my life on his loyalty and honesty. He can never do such a thing."
"Did you ask him whether he saw or heard someone?"
"The police did search and interrogate him, but the thing is he's old now. He's almost nearing his 80's. His eye power and hearing strength are not that good. So even if something happened in front of him, he might not have understood it."
You nod.
"Can you tell me all this connection losing and you asking the personnel to head into the hall must have happened in what span of time?"
"I can't say an accurate number, but must be in a span of 2-3 minutes."
"Okay, that will be all. Thank you for your cooperation." You shake his hand.
"Anytime sir." He leaves.
"So.." You look towards Yuqi, "Taking the advantage of the hall being under cleaning, the thieves entered through that," she points to the open-able middle of the dome roof, "and Mr. Kwon being in here just helped their cause."
"That seems the likely scenario, yes."
"So what next?" Yuqi asks, with a tilt of her head. "Let's head to the rooftop, take a look there as well."
The terrace is pretty much the same as it is everywhere, air conditioning outlets, CCTV cameras and the roof of the dome you saw from below. After spending a few minutes of look around,–in which you find more or less nothing–you both decide to walk back down.
"You go forward, I'll catch you in a minute." You tell Yuqi, to which she nods and continues on her way. You turn and head to washroom. On the way, you feel your phone vibrate again,
unknown: You know I was thinking about our little exchange earlier in the bathroom
unknown: I'm free tomorrow
unknown: I'd love to meet up for a cup of coffee
Let her yearn, let that tinge of desparation creep in, you know she's down bad, you know she'll come around again.
Walking out of the museum, you make your way towards the parking lot. From a distance you find Yuqi leaning against her car. Walk forward, closing that distance between you and her. And she's already got her eyes on you, smiling as if she knows what's gonna happen next. Oh, the smile, to call it sensual or sultry would be an understatement. The way her demeanor has changed from an undercover officer to an absolute seductress in a span of few minutes is almost funny, ludicrous, mind boggling.
She's leaning against her car, a white convertible 1969 Pontiac GTO. Classic. And it's funny, of all the time she's been with you today, now is the time you're focusing on what she's wearing. Like really focusing. It's a casual outfit, a white top, and a long white skirt.
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There is a ribbon on the left strap while the low cut gives away a little glimpse of her cleavage. The shortness of the top exposes her cute tummy while the slit in her skirt show off those creamy thighs.
You stand in front of her, your lips curling into a wicked smile.
"Hot ride."
"Fancy one?"
She slings her keys towards you, and you catch them in your left hand,
You walk past her, running your right index finger over her abdomen, feeling the soft skin. Getting into the passenger seat you start the car, the sound of engine roaring pleasure to the ears of a car lover like you. You see her still standing where she was before,
"Well? Hop on."
She starts to walk, sashaying those hips, oh and aren't you noticing everything. She drops her phone in the leg room of the car, all pathetic deliberate attempts to get a reaction out of you. "Oh," She places one knee on the seat and bends down to pick it up, giving you a clear peek of her cleavage. Picking her phone back up, she places her other knee on the seat and struts forward–to get the remaining of her legs into the car–resulting in closing of distance between your faces.
"How clumsy of me." She breathes into your face, her eyes fixated on your lips all the while. The car's engine roars again, courtesy to you. Yuqi chuckles and retreats backwards. You put your foot on the accelerator, setting the car into motion. You exit the museum parking and join the bustling cars onto the main road. You take in the scenery in front of you, the sun is now starting to set in the distant view of the horizon, leaving behind the orange hues. The weak sunshine shining on your face, providing just enough relaxing warmth. If you could, you'd just close your eyes and soak it all in, if you could, because your reverie is broken up by a hand stroking your arm, of course Yuqi,
"I'm driving a car."
"Yeah, I know."
Her hand travels upto your chest where she grabs a fistful of your shirt. In next couple of seconds, she's back into her previous position, propped onto her knees. She's pressing kisses onto your cheek, your temple and whatever piece of skin she finds on your face.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm savouring you." She gets her other hand into the hair on back of your head and yanks it backwards, proceeding to give sloppy kisses onto your throat. You're barely getting a vision of the road now, but somehow you control the car from touching anything.
"I envy the all those girls. I want you to fuck only me." She whispers straight into your ears, sending a tingle down your spine. Her hand which was on the verge of tearing your shirt apart now travels south, until it reaches where she wants it. She palms it over your pants,
"Watch it." You growl. An amused smile makes its way onto her face. She presses an button on the dashboard and the back of the car opens, giving you a roof (and privacy) above your head.
"If I die without your cum in me, I'll haunt you even in hell."
And she starts her journey down, towards her destination, peppering kisses onto your clothed chest and abdomen. And by the time she reaches her destination, her skilled hands have already released your cock from its confines. She takes a hold of your cock, her hands warm.
"This cock..."
And she completes her sentence with a lick from your base to the tip, sending shivers down your spine. Yuqi begins to give wet kisses all over your cock, starting again from the base again upto the tip. And that one kiss onto your tip followed by a swirl of tongue around your head has you gripping the steering wheel a little bit more tight. Yuqi runs her tongue over the slit, tasting the precum,
"Mmm, that tastes good."
You slam the horn to hide the groan you release as she takes just the head into her mouth. And just as this, Yuqi begins her assault on your cock by taking in a bit more with each bob of her head. It's almost ludicrous how perfect she is in giving a head. She hollows her cheeks, providing the exact amount of suction that has your toes curling into your shoes. Your cock is not even halfway through and you're having a hard time suppressing your moans. You look down, her blonde locks with a tinge of black highlights spilled freely on your thighs, her head bobbing up and down. Your one hand leaves the steering wheel (the chances of you dying just doubled, great) and lands onto the back of her head, your fingers threading through her hair, forming a makeshift ponytail. Yuqi keeps bobbing her head on your shaft, tongue flat against the underside, lathering it slick with her drool. You twist the ponytail in your hand and push her head down, shoving more of your cock in her mouth resulting the release of first gag by Yuqi. You ease of a bit of pressure on her head, letting her come up to refill her lungs with air again.
"This big fucking cock..." And she's pressing open mouthed kisses on the side of your face again. You look down to see your cock shining, completely covered in her saliva. Her hand continues to slowly jerk you off while she takes her own time admiring your face with her lips. And after long couple of minutes, she gets back to her unfinished business. And this time she takes you right upto the hilt, your tip touching the back of her throat.
"Fuck..." You release a loud groan, the vision in front of you slightly blurry. Knuckles turning white due to your insane grip on the steering wheel. You can feel your orgasm fast incoming. And Yuqi? She just stays there, trapping you into the tight space of her throat, overwhelming you with her skills. Look, you've had a fair share of blowjobs, but a blowjob like this one? Pfft, one of a kind.
Yuqi comes up for air and you expect more of filth to spill out of her mouth, but she takes a big inhale and gets back to the work, now properly deepthroating you. The sound of gags now freely falling out of Yuqi, and the moans from you. Yuqi furiously bobs her head up and down, your tip continuously hitting the base of her tight throat. Your hands are starting to shake now (you're going to die), and thank god, thank god you see your apartment approaching in the near distance. Bright fortune or whatever, you see the front parking slot (which always is occupied), empty. You put pedal to the metal, in a desperate measure to get the car into that front parking slot before you empty your balls down this cum-hungry bitch's throat.
You reach the spot, you hit the breaks, and Yuqi's swirling tongue hits that weak spot, and in the next few moments all you see is white. You keep yourself fully sheathed into her throat as your cock releases spurt after spurt of semen. Yuqi furiously taps your thigh, but you don't let her go until you shoot every drop out. When you release her, she releases a fit of coughs accompanied by a few long inhales, you too, rest your head back onto the headrest of your seat and try to normalise your breathing.
Breathing normal, look down towards your cock to find it wet in the mixture of your cum and Yuqi's drool. And then you look towards its perpetrator, and she already has that smug grin back onto her face, running her thumb on her bottom lip,
"What's next pretty boy?"
The next moments are a blur in which you're kissing her against the main door, stair railings, bedroom door and eventually your bed.
"God, fuck me real good."
"Ask nicely."
And without she even saying anything, you're already flipping her around, on her stomach. Your hands begin to unzip her top while you pepper open mouthed kisses on her neck,
"Shove that cock deep–mmph!" You give her earlobe a rough pull with your teeth and proceed to run your tongue over the same place.
"Am I being too rough huh?" Your hands are simultaneously removing each piece of clothing off her body, firstly her top, then her long skirt, her sexy white bra, and finally her matching white panties.
"I can take it."
Yank her hair back, her back arches in a perfect curve.
"Can you?" You whisper straight into her ear. You're not waiting for her answer, already getting rid of your clothing, stroking yourself to full mast. You look at the view before you, Yuqi completely naked, her back, her neck, her ass, her pussy, all for you to devour. But before you get all occupied in fucking her brains out, you take a moment to slap her left cheek so hard she fucking yelps.
"That's right," your hand travels to where her legs meet her pelvis, you gently rub her folds, "Moan for me."
"Don't tease."
"Just getting you warmed up. Nothing more."
"Oh I'm so ready for you honey." She says looking over her shoulder, topped with a lip bite. The very next second you're kissing her, your tip rubbing onto her folds, threatening to slip in once and for all.
So you do.
Yuqi breaks the kiss to let out a relieved 'fuuuuckkkk' and you take the opportunity to press kisses onto hollow of her neck.
"Oh what won't I give to get fucked prone bone."
You settle into a steady rhythm, neither too slow nor too fast. You smash your lips onto her's again, her moans dying down your throat.
"How am I supposed to moan for you if you keep kissing me?"
"Now, do me harder."
"Would you like to go out and eat something?" You ask standing against the bathroom door frame, fresh out of a shower, a towel wrapped around your waist only clothing on your body.
"Damn, asking me out on a date already?" Yuqi says from under the sheets, a smirk already on her face.
"Don't let it get into your head."
Yuqi throws the sheets off her body, completely naked (no surprises there) before getting up from the bed and walking your way. There's slick running down her thighs, from the freshly fucked load into her pussy. Her hands land flat onto your waist, where the towel is tied.
"Is it just me..." She's untying the towel right now, "...or it's really getting hot in here?" And the towel falls onto the ground.
"It's just you."
She wraps a one hand around your cock while the other one travels a bit more south to fondle your balls.
"I know you've got another one for me in there." She's peppering kisses all over your chest, occasionally biting your nipple to earn a groan in return. The hand around your cock slowly starts to jerk you off, and god ain't that working. You turn her around, her back now facing towards the bathroom entrance and walk forward,
"I've got as many as you want." And as soon as she is past the door, you push her in and close it,
"But that has to wait!"
"Oh come on you're no fun!" She yells from inside.
"I know!"
"I'm using your shampoo btw!"
"Feel free to use everything!"
At the same time, Yuqi's phone rings. You walk away from the door whose other side Yuqi is still throwing curses at you. You pick up the phone from the nightstand of your bed and see the dialer's name,
Answer the call,
"Oh? Hey there pretty boy."
"Is it my favourite martial artist?"
"It is."
"Mmm...who would believe me if I say a martial artist has a voice this beautiful."
"By the way, where's Yuqi?"
"She's taking a bath."
"Why is she–Oh? Oh."
"Yeah. Do you want to speak with her?"
"Oh no I just wanted to tell you guys that Jieun has delivered the package containing the phones you asked to our safehouse and Soyeon is also almost done with the application. So, come over maybe?"
"Yeah we'll be there."
"Don't keep me waiting honey."
"Won't beautiful."
"Where are we going to eat?" Yuqi says amidst looking into the mirror and combing her hair.
"Your safehouse."
"Miyeon called while you were in the bathroom and asked to come over."
"So, what about the date?"
"Would have to wait. Sorry honey." You say pressing a kiss on her left cheek.
"Take your shirt off."
"Yuqi we don't have tim–"
"Trust me. I won't do anything."
Trust you? Really?
But still, you're unbuttoning your shirt, maintaining a handful of distance from Yuqi.
"By the way, that photo of yours Jieun showed me was..."
She chuckles, "I knew you'd love it."
"Next time we fuck, I want you in that outfit."
"Count on it."
By the time your little exchange is over, your shirt is in your hands,
"Okay so what do you want me to do with this?"
"Give it over here."
You throw and she catches. She takes a big inhale off the shirt,
"God, even the smell of you is beautiful."
Yeah. Smitten.
Yuqi folds the shirt and puts it in her purse,
"Uh what are you doing?" You ask, confused.
"I'm keeping this."
"Consider this as a compensation of rejecting the hottest shower sex of your life and not taking me on a date."
You roll your eyes,
"Hey you! Come on in." Minnie opens the door with a big smile on her face. You step into the warehouse-turned safehouse. To your immediate right is the garage. A glass partition seperates it from the rest of the space. You see 5-6 cars, each of different kind, parked inside. The shutter to the garage opens as Yuqi takes the car you travelled your way here in, inside to park. You walk further in and see Shuhua seated on the couch, watching TV. You wave towards her,
"Hey." She smiles, switching off the TV and walking your way.
"Done reviewing the CCTV tapes?"
"Yeah." Both Minnie and Shuhua answer.
"Great." You walk towards the long table, similar to the one in department's conference room, on the far opposite side of the couches. "How about we gather everyone? We've got some things to discuss."
In a few minutes, everyone is sitting around the table. You stand at one of its end, leaning against a whiteboard.
"So, now that we're settled, let's start with the CCTV footages. Miyeon, Minnie, Shuhua, I believe you've gone through everything." The three of them nod. "The stage is all yours."
"I went through the cameras that covered the back doors of the museum. Nothing that catches the eye, just a couple of staff and janitors." Miyeon states.
"I went through the cameras that were covering the front entrance. Everything seems pretty normal. No scuffles, no commotion and no suspected individual. The guards are checking almost everyone who's going in and even the ones coming out." Minnie states.
"And I went through the cameras with the view of the side doors. Pretty much same as everything Miyeon said. A couple of staff and janitors." Shuhua concludes.
"Miyeon and Shuhua you said there were a few janitors, was there a old one, like 80ish something?"
"Yeah there was." says Miyeon.
"Any suspected activity from him?"
"Not that I saw, walked out and went his way."
"Hm hm. Okay, now let me brief y'all with what we found at the museum." You pull out the chair in front of you and proceed to sit on it. "At the time of robbery the hall was under cleaning, suddenly connection of the CCTV breaks, supervisor asks the personnel to head into the hall but before they reach there the diamond is nowhere to be found."
"What's the catch?" Soyeon asks resting her back on her chair.
"The janitor was inside the hall, all time long."
"Was. Has low eyesight and hearing power. Says he had no idea what happened."
"He might be lying. Like, who works in their 80s?" Minnie says, her arms on the table.
"For the very same reason, I had my sources dig some information on him. Apparently lives alone, wife dead, has a son who threw him out of his house, so has to work in order to have two meals a day."
"Yeah and the supervisor also seemed to be confident while telling he won't do anything like that." Yuqi says.
"Okay, but we still can't trust anyone." Shuhua tells Yuqi, "It would be good if you'd keep your source on him for some time, look if he does anything suspicious."
"Okay." You say giving her a nod.
"Also, there's a dome above the hall which has a glass lid or door or whatever technical name that has that is usually kept open for ventilation. So there's that too." Everyone nods in understanding.
"Yuqi, can you pull up the photo you clicked of the safe?"
"Sure." Yuqi opens the photo and passes you her phone and you further pass it to Minnie, "How much time would it take to open this lock, like, without using the key or password?"
"Hm.. let's see.. this one's an hybrid lock, as in, it requires both the key as well as the password. So according to me, this will require a minimum of 5-6 minutes."
"And in how many minutes this whole robbery thing happened?" You look towards Yuqi.
"2-3 minutes."
"Damn." Minnie grits her teeth, "Must be one hell of a locksmith."
Silence is the only thing heard in the surrounding for the next moments, until,
"Okay," You say getting up from your chair, "Now that this is out of the way, Soyeon I believe that the asked mobile phone package is with you."
"It is," She bends down and retrieves with a box in her hand. "The application you asked for is also ready and installed."
Everyone picks up their device, with you picking one up at last.
"Non-accessible from outside right?"
"Positive." Soyeon says with a stoic face.
"That means it won't be accessible." Miyeon reassures.
"Great. So I'll get out of you guys' hair now." You turn towards the exit.
"Where are you going?" Shuhua asks from behind you.
"Home." You answer.
"Do you know what time is it? It's fucking 2 in the morning. No need to go, we have a spare bedroom in far right corner, use that." Minnie says, in a motherly stern voice.
"What's the need of that bedroom? He can sleep in my bed." Miyeon says seductively getting up from her chair.
"Or maybe you can sleep in mine." Yuqi says, running her thumb over her bottom lip.
"Shut up Yuqi," Miyeon says, by the way she's walking towards you, her tight yoga pants hugging the curves of the waist perfectly. "Come on, I'll show you a good time." She mutters, playing with the sleeve of your shirt.
"Stop both of you." Minnie pulls Miyeon away from you and hooks your arm in hers. "I don't trust both of so, he'll be sleeping in mine instead." She faces you, "Why don't you.." then there's that sexy lip bite that she gives you, "sleep in my bed instead."
"Save that flirting for some other day, pookie." You unhook your hand and take two step backwards, "Have a good night everybody." And then they are watching your back as you leave.
"That guy is bad news." Soyeon says, getting up from her chair.
"Yeah, so bad, it gets my pussy fucking dripping." Yuqi deliberately lets it out like a moan. Miyeon suddenly swings her chair around, crouching in front of her,
"How was he? I mean, his cock?"
"That cock has written elite all over it."
"You guys should really just stay away from him." Soyeon states. "Why? Want him all for yourself do you?" Minnie questions, her eyes squinted in suspicion. "Oh give me a break!" Soyeon rolls her eyes, "that guy is everything I don't want in my partner. Besides, all that glitters is not gold."
"All that glitters is not gold, but it might be." Yuqi says looking over her shoulder. "And that cock's not just gold, it's a fucking diamond."
"God, tell me, how did he fuck you?" Miyeon says turning Yuqi's attention back to herself. "Yeah, what position? Missionary, Doggy?"
"Prone bone."
Miyeon and Minnie both let out a squeal,
"Oh my god that's fucking hot!"
"Fuck this I'm outta here!" Soyeon swings her hands in frustration, "Are you coming or you too want to listen this bullshit?" Soyeon asks Shuhua who is sitting across the three girls–discussing about 'your cock and how you fucked Yuqi silly with it.'– with an expressionless face.
"I think I might just stay."
You step out of the safehouse, a gentle night breeze hitting your face leaves you releasing a sigh. You look towards your left, at the empty main road,
Good luck finding a cab.
Maybe you should've just listened to the girls and stayed in. But sex was at the last place in your priority list right now. You just want to lay down on a soft surface and sleep till the sun is above your head. Your phone again vibrates into your pocket and you don't have to second guess to know who it is,
It's a video this time, the lights are dim, she seems to be doing some work in her kitchen. She's wearing the same black mini dress with blue patterns printed on it. The only difference between now and then is the hem of her dress, perched up against her waist putting her ass cheeks on exhibition. The black thong she's wearing does very little to cover up. She looks over her shoulder, into the camera before proceeding to slap her right ass cheek, which jiggles at the contact. And that concludes the video. There's also a message with the clip,
unknown: some motivation ;)
You replay the clip a couple of times before,
You: Tomorrow. 12pm. Same place.
You turn around, now facing the door of Idle safehouse, one end of your lip raised, step forward,
(a/n: no one will write 'we got pine's comeback before gta 6' in the comments guys.)
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armystrong980 · 23 days
Help Him
Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Warnings: Mild Cursing
Word Count: 9,234 😬
A/N: This is my first Bucky Barnes fanfic. Please go easy on me! I would love to know how all of you liked the story. Enjoy, and thank you for reading!
    Steve called me to the conference room of the Avengers Compound. He called sounding pretty serious and asked to see him immediately. With no hesitation I made my way over. At first glance I watched him pace up and down the room with his head down and his hands on his hips. "Shit, this can't be good." Steve caught a glance at me. He seems lost in his head but he motioned me to come in anyways. 
"Thank you for coming so quickly." He paused, "There's something you need to know before I start." Steve hands me a folder with a worried look on his face. "This mission is going to be very dangerous. I need my best Avenger and all I could do was come to you." He sighs.
 I take the folder from him confidently. "Thank you for reaching out to me. You could've chosen Nat or Wanda." "I don't want to make it sound like you have to do this but I know I can always count on you. That's why I called." It's true. I had saved Cap's ass more times than I should've.
As I open the mission folder with a shaky breath, it revealed a man in cryo with a HYDRA symbol next to it. You read the name out loud, "James Buchanan Barnes?"
He nods as he looks me in the eyes. "I need to save him." I've heard this name before but couldn't quite put a finger on it. "May I ask who he is?" Steve crosses his arms loosely and looks down slightly biting his inner cheek. "He's my best friend, family, I thought he was dead all these years." 
I look at the information on the file that shows James' birthday. March 10, 1917. It made me think. "Smithsonian." I blurted out. He looks up at me with a knowing look in his eyes. "I seen you and him together in pictures at the Smithsonian. All this time he was under HYDRA's control?" Steve nods uncrossing his arms.
I had become best friends with Steve ever since he had gotten out of the ice. I would do anything for him. "I'll help you." It was as if weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "Are you sure?" "Steve I'm positive. Let's go bring your friend home." All he could do in that moment was hug me. I hugged him back and heard him whisper in my ear thank you.  
Steve’s shoulders seemed to drop a little as he released the embrace. He took a deep breath, clearly relieved, and looked at me with renewed determination. "I can't tell you how much this means to me. I know this isn't going to be easy, but I trust you completely."
I nodded, flipping through the rest of the folder. The file contained blueprints of the facility where James Buchanan Barnes, also known as Bucky, was being held, along with security details and a rough schedule of guard rotations. It looked like a high-security compound, which meant we’d need a solid plan to get in and out without drawing too much attention.
"Have you got a specific plan or are we coming up with something on the fly?" I asked, trying to gauge how much preparation Steve had already done.
"I’ve got a few ideas," Steve said, his tone shifting to a more tactical one. "But I was hoping we could brainstorm together. We’ll need to be quick and efficient—any misstep could jeopardize the mission."
We spent the next few hours going over the details, mapping out the security measures, and figuring out the best approach. We decided to use a combination of stealth and quick strikes to neutralize the guards and avoid detection. Steve would take point, and I’d cover our rear and handle any unexpected complications.
As we wrapped up the planning, Steve gave me a serious look. "We’re not just rescuing a friend here. Bucky’s been through a lot. He’s probably been brainwashed and tortured. We’ll need to be prepared for anything."
"Understood," I said, my resolve firm. "We’ll get him out of there. We just need to stick to the plan and stay focused."
Steve clapped me on the shoulder, a small, appreciative smile tugging at his lips. "I knew I could count on you."
With our plan set, we gathered our gear and prepared to head out. As we left the conference room, I couldn’t help but think about the gravity of the mission ahead. This wasn’t just about rescuing someone; it was about saving a part of Steve’s past and, hopefully, helping a friend reclaim his future.
We set off towards the compound, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The stakes were high, but with Steve by my side and the mission clear in our minds, I knew we had a fighting chance.
The operation went off almost flawlessly. With Steve’s meticulous planning and our teamwork, we managed to infiltrate the compound, disable the security systems, and reach Bucky’s cryo-chamber without incident. As we approached the chamber, I could see Steve’s anxiety transform into a mix of hope and determination.
Bucky was unconscious, strapped inside the chamber. His face was a haunting reminder of the time lost and the struggles endured. Steve’s hands shook slightly as he worked to deactivate the cryo-system. The chamber hissed open, and Bucky’s breathing seemed to steady, though he remained unresponsive.
“Is he going to be okay?” I asked, placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder.
Steve glanced at me, his face etched with concern. “He will be. He has to be.”
With the cryo-chamber open, we carefully lifted Bucky out and placed him on a stretcher. Steve’s eyes never left his friend, a mixture of relief and worry playing across his features. We transported Bucky back to the Avengers Compound, where medical personnel were on standby.
The next few days were a blur of medical assessments and treatments. Bucky was slowly waking from his long period of cryo-sleep, but the process of reorienting him to reality was fraught with challenges. He was disoriented, struggling to piece together his fragmented memories.
During this time, I found myself spending more and more time with him. I was assigned to monitor his recovery, help him adjust, and provide emotional support. As I sat by his bedside, talking to him, I saw glimpses of the person he once was—charming, kind, and fiercely loyal.
One evening, after Bucky had shown some signs of recognition and began to engage in conversation, he looked at me with a curious expression. “You were there at the compound. I remember you… but I’m having trouble placing you.”
I offered him a reassuring smile. “I’m Y/N. I helped rescue you and bring you home. Steve’s been really worried about you.”
Bucky’s gaze softened. “Steve... I remember him. We’ve been through a lot together. I owe him everything.”
“And you owe me nothing,” I said with a chuckle. “I’m just glad we could help.”
As Bucky continued to regain his strength and clarity, our interactions became more frequent. We shared stories, laughed over old memories, and supported each other through the tough moments. Bucky’s sense of humor and resilience were contagious, and I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t anticipated.
One evening, as the sun set and cast a warm glow over the compound, Bucky and I took a walk through the garden. The tranquility of the space was a stark contrast to the intensity of our recent experiences.
“You’ve been incredibly patient with me,” Bucky said softly, breaking the comfortable silence. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” I replied, glancing at him with a shy smile. “It’s been my pleasure to help you, and to get to know you better.”
Bucky’s eyes met mine, and there was a moment of unspoken understanding between us. The bond we’d developed was more than just friendship—it was something deeper and more profound.
In the days that followed, as Bucky continued to heal and adjust to his new reality, our relationship grew stronger. We spent time together away from the compound, exploring the city and enjoying each other’s company. It was clear that our connection was more than just a fleeting attraction; it was something that resonated deeply within both of us.
One night, under the stars, Bucky took my hand in his and looked at me with a mix of vulnerability and affection. “I never thought I’d find someone who could understand me like you do. You’ve been my anchor in all of this chaos.”
I squeezed his hand, feeling a rush of emotions. “And you’ve been mine. I’ve never felt this way before, but I know that what we have is real.”
Bucky leaned in, his gaze lingering on my lips before closing the distance between us. The kiss was tender and filled with a deep sense of connection. It was as if all the pain and uncertainty of the past had melted away, leaving only the pure, unspoken promise of a shared future.
As we pulled away, Bucky’s eyes were filled with warmth and hope. “I want to build a new future, with you. Whatever it takes.”
I smiled, my heart full. “I want that too.”
From that moment on, Bucky and I began to forge a new path together. We faced the challenges of his recovery and the complexities of our evolving relationship with courage and optimism. Through it all, our love grew stronger, transforming from a bond forged in the fires of adversity into a lasting partnership filled with hope and possibility.
And so, with the Avengers Compound as our backdrop, we embraced the journey ahead—one where we were no longer just allies but partners in every sense of the word, ready to face the future together.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
There's no one, dead or alive, that knows Bruce quite as deeply as his children.
They have no idea how they could've possibly mossed the relationship between Bruce and Harvey's relationship. In retrospect, it was very in your face.
Dick should've known when he was 10, reassuring Bruce he'll get them out of Two-Face's evil crutches.
He didn't even bother tying them up! In fact, it was rather odd. No other rogue brought them to their penthouse, and patted his head.
(Maybe just Selina. ) Bruce didn't shed the Batsuit in favour of a huge shirt.
And none of them, certainly, cooked them pasta.
", -- And I would've beat you, by the way! I would've done a kick, and a backflip, and ohhh, I would've gotten you good!"
Harvey listens and nods along. He and Bruce share one of those secretive smiles. They looked so much like Mary and John in that moment.
Jason should've known when he was 12, idle and careless, swinging his feet on the batmbile's roof, "Told you it makes no sense to race with Flash."
"Not helping, Robin,"
Bruce isn't exactly an expert in being stern. He looks at Jason like he's made of porcelain, and speaks to him like he might bruise with just a word. It's sweet.
It was the way a familiar two-toned Cadillac pulled up next to them, with a grumbling Harvey holding a toolbox in a wifebeater and boxers with hearts on them.
It was between 3 and 4 in the morning, and there Harvey was, muttering low complains under his breath so Bruce won't hear him.
Still, he doesn't pull away from lips kissing his cheek as he gets to work.
"Hi! Harv, Hi! Look at this trick Dickie thought me! Harv you're not looking!"
"I am! Surprised that brat called..."
"Don't you say a word about our boy, Harvey Joseph Dent."
"No boy of mine is a PIG. "
Tim should've known; Out of all of them, he should've known.
In his defense, he was barely 7. No seven year old knows why their neighbour waited until all lights were off to sneak out of their own house, and dramatically run in the arms of Gotham's notorious fallen angel In a pink robe.
When he tells that, Harvey, head on Bruce's lap, smirks, " Your old man just couldn't stay away from me, Timbo."
"You said you'd bomb the national bank if I didn't have dinner with you."
"It worked, didn't it?"
Cass should be given some leniency.
People were difficult by themselves. They're even more difficult when they come in pairs.
She soon learns everything in Gotham is perfectly crafted to maintain a balance.
There's a script everyone must follow to the sharpest detail. In such circumstances, elements cannot live without the other.
Chaos needs Rogues. Rogues need Batman. Batman needs Hope. Batman needs Robins. Robins need love. Robins need Batman.
As she surveys the rows of seats at her show, looking at Harvey's arm thrown over her dad's shoulders, she knows Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent need eachother.
And Cass needs her father's happiness, in whatever shape it breaths.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
Do you have any more stories like Cool Story, Bro? Not that stiles is a twin, but that he's pining and feels inferior and there's miscommunications? Or like, Derek is trying to date stiles, but it's a little difficult when stiles thinks it's only fuckbuddies?
Btw, should've lead with this, BUT Y'ALL ARE FREAKING AWESOME!!!
Anonymous asked:
Can you reccomend some sterek fics where they're both head over heels for each other but are too dumb to notice its mutual
Anonymous asked:
hi!! do you have any fic recs where stiles is oblivious to how attractive he is? it’s my absolute favorite trope when he has no idea the effect he’s got on people. thank you guys for all of the work you do it is insanely impressive!!!
Let's find out!
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How To Make a Werewolf not Hate You (side affects may include love). by AlexTheShipper
(1/1 I 3,189 I Explicit)
Derek is trying to hold out for his soul mate Genim and refuses to fall for Stiles and his cute moles. Stiles thinks Derek hates him.
Are you in love or something? by yumelilo 
(1/1 I 4,489 I Teen)
Derek Hale was just chilling in his new apartment, minding his own business, when Stiles Stilinski decided to pay him a visit in his summer break from College.
- "Dude, seriously, The Weepies?", Stiles commented on the soft tones coming from Derek's sound system. "I always took you for the heavy metal and hard rock guy...", he mused. Derek huffed a laugh, but kept his face partially hidden. "What are you doing here Stiles?", he asked. The unspoken 'How the fuck did you get keys to my new place?' heavily implied. He heard the human sigh long and suffering, like the idea of answering Derek's question would physically hurt him in a way.
A Question of Pack by CawCawMF
(1/1 I 5,291 I Teen)
Stiles had always been sure of his place in the pack. That place being the absolute lowest tier in the hierarchy of werewolf pack dynamics, but he was sure of it all the same. He wasn’t necessary exactly, since just about anyone could conduct research on supernatural mythology, but his job was still important to the pack and he felt good about that. At least, that’s what he always thought. That all came crumbling down one sunny afternoon in the form of Jackson’s big mouth.
Give me a fucking break. Preferably yesterday. by KinimiB
(4/10 I 7,487 I Not Rated)
Stiles knew that if you asked who's easiest to repleace or most useless in pack, the answer would be quick and always the same. Stiles, ordinary, clumsy human. He knew that, everybody did, but it was just an unspoken rule not to say it out loud.
Until it wasn't.
You're It For Me by RageBiter
(1/1 I 7,960 I Mature)
Derek gets cursed by a witch so every time he's too far from Stiles he endures extreme amounts of pain, not that that's any different from usual. Stiles has to stay at Derek's loft and they get closer than Stiles ever though they'd be. Derek's forced to tell Stiles the secret he's been keeping from him since they met. He and Stiles are mates.
I'm a War of Head Versus Heart by NieR
(5/10 I 23,091 I Explicit)
Being FWB with Derek Hale is great. Awesome, even.
But somehow, somewhere along the way, Stiles thinks he might have fallen in love.
And, well, shit.
don't know what i'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
(1/1 I 30,926 I Teen)
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously.
(He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
If You Wanna Be My Roomie (Lover) by orphan_account
(23/23 I 65,056 I Explicit)
Realistically, Stiles knew that the local University's popularity and commonality meant that many members of his graduating high school class would be starting the Fall 2016 semester alongside him, but he never expected his longtime crush to be one of them. Even more so, he never expected said crush to be assigned as his roommate...oh boy.
You're stronger than you know by Littleredridinghunter
(15/15 I 234,195 I Not Rated)
The pack are letting him down again, his dad is not speaking to him, his life is just generally falling apart.
Until he has to get a bronze dagger to kill a siren and his whole world gets flipped on it's head!
My summaries are rubbish but I hope you'll still give it a chance!
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delulu-with-wandanat · 10 months
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Reader Description: He/him, adult, early 30s.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Male!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, angst?
(Now now, i know i put out a poll. BUT i started writing this and... oh well enjoy :> I promise the next one will be a lighthearted Wandanat HS au eeekkk!!!!!)
Summary: America Chavez gave Wanda what she wanted, Wanda sees the love of her life again from another universe. However, her lover's variant already build a life without her...
Y/n sits on the sofa with a huff and turned on the TV to watch whatever was available on Netflix, "What a day..." he said to himself. He loved his new job, but of course like any other person he just needed some time alone.
He scrolled to the various crappy movies and series that he hadn't watch. Deciding that he just wanted something light, he put on a sitcom that he watched many times with his late wife a few years ago. It felt weird not watching it with her even until now, but he remembered how much his wife loved re-watching the sitcom over and over to the point where she could recite every single episode by heart.
Y/n smiled at the memory, when the two used to binge watch Brooklyn 99 at the common room of the compound. Wanda even got to the point where she hosted a 'Halloween Heist', but it ultimately stopped after two heist when Natasha won in less than 10 minutes, yes both heist. Honestly they should've known better than to have those kind of heist games with a well renowned international spy.
At least they still have a few rounds of 'Jimmy Jabs' games.
Except they dialed the extremeness to a 10 considering they were the Avengers. We don't have to get into details, but due to the techs that they have and the powers they own, things get very interesting quite quickly.
Well almost everything in his life was interesting, I mean he's surrounded by gods, witches, spies. Not a single day in his life was ordinary...
Including today, when a portal in the shape of a star appeared out of nowhere right in front of him. The portal it self did not shock him in the slightest. What did shock him though was the fact that the love of his life, his wife, his soulmate who died years ago, was now standing right in front of him in the flesh.
Y/n was speechless. Ever more so, the fact that Wanda was choking what it looks like no more than 14 year old girl. "Wanda, what are you doing?!"
"Y/n..." Wanda breathed out, her grip on the girl loosen. The 14 year old girl then fell to the gasping for air. "I- I didn't..."
Y/n stood up from the couch, he couldn't move. His dead wife was alive right before his eyes, either she had rise from the dead or... well, there was only one other possibility.
She was from another universe.
No doubt in his mind that she was. In Y/n's universe, they knew the existence of the multiverse. "I just wanted to see you again." Wanda said with teary eyes.
Being a former SHIELD agent, he was quick to piece the puzzle together. This Wanda must be from a Universe where he had died. He tried to stay calm for her, even though inside, seeing Wanda again brought back so many memories. Happy ones, but most notably the painful one.
Particularly, a memory of the day he lost her.
Wanda noticed that Y/n had been silent the whole time, she hung her head in shame. "I'm a monster..."
Y/n's heart broke at her words. "No... Lyubov, don't say that." He approached her slowly and gently lifted her chin so her eyes meets his.
Gazing into the eyes of the woman he loves that died years ago was something that would never have crossed his mind. It took every, by that I mean EVERYTHING in his power to not breakdown right in front of her.
Little did he know Wanda felt the same, however the difference was her wound was still fresh. Staring into his beautiful eyes again, it broke her. Wanda broke down and pulled him into a hug, taking in everything she could.
His scent, his warmth, his comfort.
She cried on to his shoulders, and Y/n simply held her. It felt good, really good. To be in his arms again. To have Y/n hold her like he used too.
“I miss you, so much." She told him between sobs.
"I miss you too." Y/n responded. Wanda pulled back and rested her forehead against his with her eyes closed. The two stayed like that for a little while, yet the question still lingers in Y/n's mind. Why was Wanda choking an innocent little girl?
It seems like his mind is louder than he thought as Wanda answered the question. "I... When you died, I couldn't- I couldn't move on." She told him hesitantly as she opened her eyes. Fear and guilt painted over her face as she thought of the potential reactions she would get from Y/n.
He glanced at the 14 year old girl behind her, Wanda noticed the way his eyes shifted. She felt the need to explain herself, he deserved to know the truth. To know the extent she went just to be with her lover again.
"I... I chased down, America Chavez. She was the key..." He shifted his eyes back to hers. Key?? "I tried to-" The words got stuck in her throat. "I tried to kill her..." She cried, hanging her head in shame. Y/n's eyes widen at her words.
Wanda... a killer? How bad was her universe treating her to the point where she goes to that extent??
An embrace, was the last thing Wanda had expected to receive from him. She expected a look of disappointment, shame, anger, yet all he did was simply pulled her into a hug.
"I understand."
That was when Wanda started crying against his chest. He was taller, so he kissed the top of her head lovingly. With her ears pressed against his chest, she could listen to his heartbeat. It was the calmest sound she hasn't heard in a while.
"I... I lost you, In my universe. I understand how you feel." Y/n remembered the day Wanda sacrificed herself for the soul stone. After the battle he begged, begged the Avengers to use the stones to bring her back. To have her in his arms again. To hold her...
Wanda felt his emotions. Anger, sadness, grief, Wanda felt it all as memory of her own death came back flooding his mind like a tidal wave. She held him tighter, knowing that he needed this just as much as she does. After a long while, they pulled back resting their foreheads against each other. Both with tears streaming down their eyes.
Wanda cupped his face, she felt Y/n leaning to her touch. When they gazed into each other once again, Wanda, without a second thought, pulled him down for a kiss.
Y/n reciprocated just as quick. Wanting to feel her soft lips after 4 long years. He missed it. Her soft touches, the taste of her lips, her beautiful voice. He missed her so dearly.
Wanda wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Holding onto his figure almost desperately. They held onto each other as they poured all the love they couldn't express with words through their actions.
After a long while, Wanda broke the kiss. "Let's not leave each other again."
Y/n clenched his jaw, he moved his hand from her waist to her face, caressing it. "I want that, more than anything..."
Wanda smiled, a genuine smile that she haven't had for the longest time. Yet... she noticed a hint of hesitation on Y/n's part. "What is it, love?"
He had to tell her, but he didn't know how. Y/n could tell she was broken, broken beyond repair that she goes to this extent. He doesn't know how to break the news to her. "Wands... I want you back, more than anything."
Slowly her smile fades. God he wishes he could bring it back.
"But... you can't stay here..."
That shattered Wanda's heart, "W-why?" Did he not love her just as much? He was a variant of her lover yes, but surely they would share the same love. Did he find someone else?? "What makes you say that?" She asked, from the tone of her voice Y/n could tell his words broke her heart.
"You can't... stay in my universe. And I can't- I can't stay in yours."
"It would cause an incursion. It will destroy my universe and maybe even yours. I can't let that happen, Wands. I'm sorry." He told her gently while caressing her cheeks.
Her eyes started to pool again as she leaned to his touch. "Why... Why does it have to be like this- Why is the universe to cruel..."
Y/n wanted so badly to erase her sadness, her grief, to see her beautiful smile again. "If I was as powerful as you, I would've ventured across the multiverse for you. But, I'm just a human. The only thing I could do was... move on."
Move on
The word echoes in her head. Y/n had moved on. She looked at him in disbelief. "Move on?" Wanda breathed out.
Y/n clenched his jaw again, "Move on isn't the right word. You will always have a special place in my heart, but... I couldn't stay like that forever. I'm sorry, Wanda." He remembered the countless times he almost took his life, just to be with her again.
Wanda was... angry? Sad, heartbroken, deep down she understood. If she had died, she would've wanted him to live on. The same way her Y/n told her too. Yet part of her was still corrupted. How can he move on so quickly when she would destroy everything just to be with him again?
Anger was boiling inside her, before she could ask any further, they heard a little girl's voice. "Daddy?" Wanda was shocked to her core. Y/n... has a daughter.
Y/n quickly wiped his tears and turned around to face the 4 year old girl. "Heyy pumpkin." The little girl ran over to her father as he bent down to pick her up. "What are you doing up this late huh?" He asked her.
"Bad dream..." The little girl said while rubbing her eyes, yet it was clear she was still sleepy. Y/n turn to face Wanda with a gentle smile as he held his daughter.
Wanda was speechless, the sight... warmed her shattered heart. She was happy for him, but devastated that he had built a life... without her. The thought of Y/n having a kid, a family with someone else felt like a stab in her heart.
"Who's that?" The little girl asked, pointing at Wanda who was standing a few centimeters away from them with her hand on her chest. Trying so hard not to burst into tears.
Shit... how should he say this. "Honey, this is..." He wanted his daughter to know. But, she was too young. "...a very dear friend of mine. She has magical powers and came to visit me."
'Dear friend', so Wanda truly is out of his life.
The little girl waved at Wanda. "Hello!"
"Hi..." Wanda whispered. She wanted to hold the little girl. Wanda felt some sort of connection with her that she couldn't quite pin. It seems like the little girl felt the same as she leaned towards Wanda with grabby hands. Y/n took a few steps closer to Wanda, slowly.
"I think she wants to be held by you." Y/n said, looking at his daughter lovingly.
"May I?" Wanda asked, glancing at him. He nodded and gently moved his daughter onto Wanda's arms. The first thing the little girl did was reach up to touch her crown while giggling. “Oh-“
The action caused Wanda to laugh a little too. His daughter is beautiful. She definitely has her father’s hair. But her facial features probably leaned more towards her mother, whoever it is. Probably someone she knew as the little girl looked so... familiar.
“Magic?” The little girl asked.
Wanda smiled gently as she hovered her hand in front of the little girl. She projected a tiny rabbit that hopped around her hand, causing the little girl to giggle while clapping her hand. The bunny hopped around the little girl as well before disappearing into a red mist.
Unbeknownst to Wanda, Y/n doing everything in his powers not to break down at the sight before him. “Are you friends with my mama?
Wanda didn’t know how to answer that. “Um…”
“My daddy says my mama has magic powers, like you!” The little girl explained.
“Has your Mama talked about me?” Wanda asked, trying to keep her voice steady. The only other person who she know was a witch is Agatha.
"No..." The little girl said sadly. "Dad says she's somewhere up there." She pointed at the ceiling, Wanda understood what she meant. "He said we'll visit her one day!"
"Oh... I see." Well, what was she supposed to say. The little girl then played with her crown again, and Wanda lets her. Loving smile plastered on her face. It seems like the little girl was studying her face as well??
"You look a little bit like her?" Y/n's daughter blurted out. Could it be? No it can't be. "My mama had brown hair though, yours is red."
Deciding she didn't want to get her hopes up, she asked the girl a question. Hoping to steer the subject. "What's your name?"
"Wanda." The little girl answered, she was too pre occupied with Wanda's crown to notice the shift in Wanda's expression. "My daddy says my mama has the same name too." The little girl added.
Oh... It all makes sense now. The connection she felt toward the little girl.
Wanda finally glanced at Y/n who had a sorrow look plastered across his face. That was when she finally noticed the difference, this Y/n indeed looked much much older than the one from her universe. Her heart stammering in her chest. This wasn't just Y/n's daughter... It's their's.
Y/n approached the two of them, they didn't know how long time had passed. Probably a while, as little Wanda had decided to nestle on the crook of her mother's neck with her eyes closed. Wanda searched Y/n's eyes for explanation.
"You-" He corrected himself, "Her mother, had complications with pregnancy." He explained while tucking a hair behind his daughter's ear, watching her sleeping form with a small smile. "So, Tony made us an artificial womb to carry this little devil."
Wanda looked at his- her daughter's sleeping form. It felt surreal.
"But uh..." His voice cracked slightly, "Wanda and I got sent on a mission, to bring everyone back from the snap. We won... but I lost her." It was clear that the memory brought so much pain to him. "Not long after that this little bug was born. Wanda... never got to meet her. So I named her after her mother."
No wonder the girl looked familiar, she had took on most of Wanda's facial feature. Her nose, her face structure, but most notably her eyes. She looked exactly like how she was when she was younger.
"I would never forget you, Wanda." He whispered so only she could hear. Wanda glanced at Y/n who had tears in his eyes.
Wanda was at lost for words, the only thing she could came up with was. "She has your hair."
Y/n chuckles, "Yeah... that's kind of the only thing she got from me." He had a longing look as he stared at little Wanda holding onto her mother. A sight he wished he could've seen with his Wanda, but she was taken away from him before she could ever meet her own daughter. "I was lost for days, but then when she was born I-" He stopped himself, trying to find the right words. "I had to be strong, for her sake."
Y/n slowly wrap his arms around the two of them, the sight of the family was perfect. America, who had been watching their whole conversation was touched by the image. To see the contrast of how Wanda used her powers in front of her daughter. How tender she was, the power that caused so much chaos to be used in such a gentle way. It reminds her a little bit of her own mothers.
"If she wasn't here I-" Y/n's words got stuck in his throat, "I think I would've..." Yet Wanda knew what he meant, her heart shattered for him.
"Y/n..." Wanda closed the distance and rested their foreheads once more with their daughter sleeping soundly on her shoulder.
They stayed there for a few minutes, just enjoying the warmth from each other. Wanting so badly to be the perfect family that they could've been if the universe wasn't so cruel. Another thought creeped into his mind, how was he supposed to explain this to their daughter when she remembers?
Surely it was probably because of sleepiness that she couldn't properly remember her mother's face. But she has seen multiple pictures of her mother, how was he supposed to explain that this Wanda was a variant.
His thoughts was so loud that Wanda could hear it clearly. "It's ok." She said, giving him a reassuring smile. Wanda raised her hand slowly, little red mist emitting from the tip of her fingers. She tapped their daughter's temple ever so gently. Causing little Wanda to nestle further into her neck with a faint smile.
"Rest your head and go to sleep, little one. When you wake up, this will all just be a dream." Wanda whispered.
"Hey, pumpkin. Time to wake up." Wanda Y/l/n, slowly opened her eyes. She yawned and stretched her arms. Her father was smiling softly at her, she sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes.
"I had a dream..." The little girl told her father. Unknown to her, Y/n tensed slightly.
"Was was it about?" He asked.
"Mama came to visit us instead." The little girl didn't understand why, but she felt extremely sad as she started to cry. Y/n was quick to pull her into a hug.
"Shhh... It's ok little one, don't you cry." He held his daughter as she cried in his arms. "Everything's gonna be alright."
"Why couldn't she stay?"
He thinks for a second before answering, "I know mommy's not here right now, but I promise she's gonna be alright."
And if you ask me to, daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird. Imma give you the world. Imma buy a diamond ring for you, Imma sing for you, I'd do anything for you To see you smile
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
My 2000s/2010s kid medias wisdom:
Azula deserved a redemption arc and Ty Lee is the girl who got shafted by not being Zuko's love interest
The Soul Society is a military state and Ichigo was a good person for never joining it and Orihime was the best Bleach character
Sasuke was right and Kishimito made him an extremist as ableist victim blaming propaganda and Sakura and Hinata are equally good
Ben 10,including the sequels,is better than Danny Phantom
Flynn Ryder was a creep and a dickhead who didn't deserve Rapunzel
Hiccup was trans but so was Astrid,only transfem instead
Teen Titans is a beyond good show but the influence it's had on DC's comics is bad and Young Justice Animated should've never existed
The Hunger Games and Chronicles of Narnia derserve better than to be grouped in with Harry Potter because Thg is an anti-bigotry story rather than liberal bs and you can actually pull 'Death of the Author' with the problematic elements of Tcon because C.S Lewis is actually dead
Adventure Time is an almost perfect show and so're it's comics and sequel miniseries' and you can't pull 'It's bad because it got too serious in later seasons!!!' as a fact because that was the point,that it was trying to be different from most kids cartoons and it not being your thing dosen't mean it's not good writing
Winx Club,W.i.t.c.h,Totally Spies,The Powerpuff Girls,Kim Possible and MLP are feminist even if they have their flaws and they're brought in a girly packaging because they're meant to be heroes for little girls
Johnny Test is fine and y'all are weird fow visceral your reaction to it was
Percy Jackson and the Olympians dropped the ball by having Percy end up with Annabeth because they're 'destined to' since the point of Percy's story is that he never gets to choose what they actually want and they should've either ended up with Rachel or stayed single to work on character development and healing,Luke never actually cared about other demigods and was only using them as ammo against the gods because if he actually cared he wouldn't have abused them,Toa should've instead been a third Percy series of them destroying Olympus' corruption because they've had enough of the gods and replacing it with an actual good societal system and Percy is a super cool autistic Team Parent who'd be femme and kidcore if Rick bothered to develop their interests
Star Vs The Forces of Evil should've made trans Marco and autistic Star canon,endgamed them with Tom and Janna instead of eachother,made Jackie an mc and done none of that 'no magic' shit
Gravity Falls,We Bare Bears and Undertale/Deltarune's icon status are well-deserved
Craig of the Creek only gets ignored because it's a black show that's good
And She Ra and the Princesses of Power is called cringe nonstop because it's fanbase is largely wlw and trans women who're loud and proud with their queerness and the creator at the time of it's airing identified as a nonbinary lesbian and people hate female queerness while hyping up male kinds that play into stereotypes(Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf,Magnus and Alec from The Mortal Instruments,the Shiro/Keith discourse,the Boyfriends Webtoon,Marauder's Era even being a thing,etc.Note that i am not calling Stevenson female but rather saying he knows what lesbophobic experiences are)
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din0lover · 7 months
Funny post of all the little "ghosties" talking moments in the captions
(It's ccbbh but also there might be some missing I did the best I could in trying to get it all lol enjoy!)
Signs of Pomme and Ramon
"Fudge I missed the sign"
"Maybe bad should stay dead a bit longer"
"Stress never killed anybody, except for the people it did"
"Isn't that cannibalism " (referring to pomme apple die comment)
Zinc cave
"Richas is going to die" (richas digging straight down)
" Oh Fudge not this one" (referring to cave they went into go collect zinc)
"This is limestone not zinc"
"Look how pretty"
"Let's go mine proceeds to mine limestone"
"These statements are now canonical ghosty thoughts"
"The block looks chewable" (referring to the limestone block)
"Canonical ghosty bathroom break"
"And canonically left alone" (after he got back from the bathroom break)
"There are going to be so mad at us when the eggs die" (after richas digs straight down deeper into the cave)
"Ghosties have bad hand eye coordination" (after falling in lava)
"50 zinc that's enough to make 1/10 of a drill"
"Free stuff"
"Lucy what are you doing over there"
"Later peasants I'm warping away, what the Fudge, that's crazy" (referring to richas warping out of the cave)
Leaving Zinc Cave
"All your stones belongs to me"
"Give me your stone I'm going to eat it all"
"Nom nom nom nom nom nom"
(ramon and pomme digging up out of the cave)
"Well this is the end for me I'm afraid"
"Should've taken those swimming lessons"
(Water bucket was placed down for a split second this guy is so dramatic LOL)
"You know, I'm holding sugar cane, it's magic, but why am I holding sugar cane? Is it a coincidence Or is there a higher meaning to it? Not even caption viewers will find out"
"Yep some of you realized all stream it was me reading the signs."
"Yep what you thought it was magic?, no I was reading them."
"The entire time thats where the captions come from."
"No way /j"
"The poor people without the captions right now."
That's it Ramon takes one call, I'm going to narrate their actions"
"Pomme looks around aimlessly "
"Ramon thinks I'm done cave mining it's probably best to leave"
"Pomme thinks Fudge dirt that means we're close to the surface but I hate digging through it."
"Don't worry we're good"
"Now it's off to do more adventuring"
"Sorry I'll stop being silly"
Finally out of the Zinc Cave
"You got this
You got this
You got this
You got this
You got this
You can do it"
"Freedom of fudge, worst ad time ever"
"Actually no we had some horribly timed ads."
"Dumbo, the moon, why did it translate it to that? I think there was a mistranslation chat."
"And pomme sacrifices Ramon to the squids" (Ramon fell out of the boat)
"Hey guys maybe we should take that zinc to Badboyhalo house instead"
Repairing the town of Fobo farm
Richas : "I mean I am not human I don't know, that works with tio dad and my dad's"
Ccbbh aka "ghosties" : "he's onto something "
"Huh bird"
"Nosy ghosties"
"Lucy Hi"
"So wholesome"
"3 minutes till restart"
"One minute before void"
"Toxic not the backup"
"The lore killer"
"Sometimes I still hear his voice" (referring to bbh it's almost like we can still hear him in the after life)
"There comes a day in every pet owners life" (referring to richas killing his caged amethyst crab)
"It is a good way to keep memories, if only bad was doing that." (That vile man he needs to be put in a panini press)
"I'm running out of sad music"
"Guys stop trolling the Chatters and telling them I died IRL"
"I can still hear his voice"
Group hug for all
"And it's a group hug"
"Get down here richas it's group hug time"
"Oh my gosh he is dying"
"Okay now he is good"
"Group hug richas, don't let him go up"
"Don't let him wiggle his way up there"
"He can't get away from The Angst train,there's a train and it's full angst"
"I love angst"
"I'm going to be honest this has been a very wholesome night but it is a lot of angst."
"Choo Choo"
Richas getting down again
"Crazy people oh my gosh"
"Gave me a heart attack right now"
"Oh my gosh they actually just trying to kill him in front of me"
"That's crazy"
"Where's you armor ?! He's not wearing armor!"
"Oh my gosh just let him die, finish him now"
"That be the worst time for a creeper to just slither its way and explode right next to them "
"Like actual nightmare fuel"
"You're going to give me a heart attack"
"He's going to die chat like if we don't see the death and no one else is online it doesn't really happen."
"It's like a tree that falls in the forest, and no one around here it doesn't make a noise."
"Pretty sure that's how it works chat mathematically "
Slight BBH love <3<3
- "I'm sorry chat thus has been a long stream, I'm trying to keep myself chucking along, I'm enjoying it but it is a long stream."
"Two really long streams in a row"
(Peace and love ccbbh thanks for the long streams with the eggs and other memes <3<3)
Back to richas and his vendetta against group hugs
"Rebel Richas, no hugs, hugs are for the weak"
"Oh my gosh they're going to actually kill him, I need to make sure to look away before he dies"
*looks away*
"There we go"
"If I dont see the death it doesn't count"
"This is like a slightly unhinged nature documentary "
"Bros really going to fall and die literally if he's not careful oh my gosh"
"Quick everyone lets vandalize their building even more."
"Oh my gosh please just don't do it."
"He's going to drown."
"No don't die drowning underwater it will kill you instantly "
"Bro really said that I'm going to maybe die someday and choose that day to be today."
"He's crazy chat, oh my goodness."
"Oh my goodness please holy crap."
"Let me build or I will die, thats your only two choices here" (even after death bbh still having beef with richas that's crazy)
"Bro better-" ( looking to see if richas is wearing armor and then proceeds to find out he's wearing diamond pants)
"I've been wearing pants this whole time. "
"Someone who doesn't have their cosmetic armor off and they just see pants walking around."
Back home
"Confused but following "
"Where am i?"
"He's still not wearing armor either "
Fin (I just realized that didn't bbh say he be recording his audio too? I just transcript all this for nothing I'm done on a serious note though it was fun to read the captions and hope you find slight entertainment in what I was able to capture lmk if I missed any which I probs did well im off) (also forgive me if I did some misspelling I did this really late)
Extra clip:
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The Way Back Home (Spencer Reid x Reader) - Chapter One
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The Way Back Home (Spencer Reid x Reader) - Chapter One Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 4867 Warnings: major angst, major fluff, mentions of murder, graphic descriptions of dead bodies, crime scenes, near-death experiences, slow-burnish romance, death, canon violence, rape, swearing, guns, knives, prostitution, canon cuteness of the team. Spoilers: Maeve's death, mentions of previous cases or canon events from seasons 1-10.
Spencer and you have an unspoken connection with one another. Nothing has ever happened between you two, especially since everything went down with Maeve, but your love has grown and overcome and is now clear as day to everyone. However, just when Spencer builds up enough courage to ask you out officially, you're requested on an undercover mission that halts your budding relationship in its tracks.
Months go by without a word from you until bodies of prostitutes start showing up in New York and the BAU is brought in to help. Spencer and you finally reunite as both your cases collide, but your lives and your love are both on the line now.
Will you and Spencer be able to find the way back home this time?
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue
In the bedroom of his apartment, Spencer fiddled with his tie as he looked in the mirror. He didn't know why he bothered though, it was always perpetually crooked. Something you always tease him about.
He clenched his jaw at your memory. It had been eleven months since you'd left. Eleven. Months. You just... up and disappeared without a call or a note. Heck, he would've taken a text despite his adversity to how it was inevitably devolving people's interpersonal communication skills.
When he'd shown up to the office on Monday, he expected to see your dazzling figure with two coffees in hand - one for yourself and one for him - and that infamous bright smile on your lips. He hated to admit it, but he'd become reliant on you to always be there. You had only joined three years after he had, around a similar to time to Emily (who had been like a big sister to you), but even after others came and went, you had always stayed.
You had stayed with him. By him. He selfishly thought sometimes it was for him.
So when Hotch had informed him and the rest of the team that you had been offered another position with a different unit across the country, he shouldn't have been all that surprised that you had jumped at the chance to do something more than what you were doing at the BAU.
Again, selfishly, he thought that what you both did would be enough for you. It was for him.
He should've been happy for you despite how shocking the news came. But instead he was struck with an odd sense of open-endedness - no closure. If you were leaving, you would've said something... right? He wasn't the best at recognising social cues or reading people's emotions, but he couldn't have mistaken the smile you'd given him when he'd asked you out that night. It was joyous, it was relief, it was overwhelming excitement for the future. There could've been no faking that you felt what he felt and wanted what he wanted.
His fingers dropped from his tie, seeing no point in trying to fix it any further. Instead, his gaze drifted to his hair. It was long again, unruly curls caressing the top of his neck and tucked as neatly as possible behind his ears. You would always play with those curls as you gave him head massages when he was having his migraines, and kept the habit up whenever Spencer was stressed or tired. It helped him relax, it soothed him.
The image of you pouting whenever he got his hair cut short and close-cropped tugged his lips slightly upwards. He smoothed back the curls on his forehead. He had a random thought to just shave them all off. They were just another reminder of how much time had passed since you'd left.
He raised an eyebrow at himself in the mirror.
He wondered if he could rock the bald egg look.
He grimaced at the thought and shook his head. What the hell am I doing? He rubbed at his tired eyes before looking at his wrist watch briefly. He had to be in the office in just over an hour. So he quickly grabbed a suit jacket from his closet, but decided halfway to the kitchen that he would need extra warmth today and so turned around to grab a cardigan from his messy chest of draws.
He winced at the chaos of colours and material he found waiting for him. For a highly organised, intelligent man, he really could be a complete mess.
He wasn't looking for any particular one, but he absentmindedly sought out the regal navy blue one you'd gifted to him on one birthday. It was the most worn in his collection by far, having worn it multiple times a week (sometimes even consecutively) in the past eleven months. He fiddled with the soft material for a moment, and he swore he could still smell your perfume on it.
Vanilla Caramel and Peonies. An odd combination, but just the right balance of sweetness and freshness.
It was the right balance of you.
She's not coming back, he told himself, and his broken heart yearned for what could've been once more. He'd called you - well, tried calling you - for days, weeks, months even after you'd left. But he'd just go straight to voice mail, and you had never tried to call him back. It was like six years of working together had never happened, like they had never mattered.
Like he had never mattered.
He shook his head and dropped the cardigan in favour of an emerald green one that his mother had just sent him from one of her travels. It was oddly cold compared to yours, but at least he knew where his mother was and that he was on her mind, no mattered how disorganised it had become.
He wondered if he was still on your mind, wherever you were.
It didn't take him long to put on the green cardigan, grab his lunch from the fridge - it was just leftover Chinese from the takeout place down the street - and lock his apartment up before making his way to work. The drive to the FBI Head Quarters in Quantico was its usual, monotonous route, making it to the highly secured facility in under an hour. He entered the bullpen and went straight for his desk first, placing his satchel bag on it before heading for his safe haven - the break room.
They'd just closed a case yesterday and so he expected to be filling out a lot of reports today. Thus the reason for the copious amounts of sugar in his coffee he was currently making.
'Whoa! Talk about having a sweet tooth. Save some for the rest of us, Reid.'
Spencer looked over his shoulder to see Kate Callahan walking through the door into the break room, an amused and slightly baffled expression morphing her gentle features as she eyed Spencer's coffee making. She walked over beside him to grab a mug from the cupboard and poured herself some coffee from the freshly brewed pot beside Spencer.
Spencer spared her a tight-lipped smile. Not long after you had left, so did Alex. It was like a double blow to Spencer's trust system, with two pillars of reliance being taken away so quickly and without warning. Kate had joined the team soon after that, and Spencer was glad to see the past few months that Kate had slotted in with the team just as nicely.
But she sadly couldn't fill the you-shaped hole in his heart.
'Sorry,' he said, putting the sugar container down finally and began to mix what he could in with the hot coffee. 'Our days started earlier when I first started, and normal coffee just never did the trick for me. Now I can't have it any other way but tooth-rottingly sweet.'
She chuckled as she placed the pot down and drank it straight - no creamer or sugar or milk at all. 'Doesn't worry me. I'm a true espresso gal, but I think Morgan may have some issues if all the sugar somehow disappears.'
'I won't tell if you won't,' Spencer offered, tapping the spoon on the cup's edge before placing it in the sink. He took a tentative sip from the hot drink, and relished at the sweetness that warmed his throat.
Kate winked as she took a sip from her own coffee. 'It'll be our little secret.'
Before either could make a move to return to their desks - where no doubt towers of paperwork were waiting for them - the bright, colourful figure that was Penelope Garcia stopped by the doorway. 'Good morning, my beautiful people,' she said by way of greeting, although her smile didn't reach her eyes like usual. 'I know you all just got back but we've got another case. Roundtable when you're ready.'
Kate sighed with exhaustion but Spencer nodded his understanding. Paperwork soothed him, but he didn't necessarily want to be soothed right now. He wanted action, a distraction, something to physically do. Anything to take his mind off you.
'Looks like paperwork will have to wait,' he said, bounding after Penelope with Kate in tow.
'Don't sound so happy about a dead body, Reid,' Kate suggested.
'You don't know it's dead body,' he argued as he swung by his desk to grab his bag and rejoin Kate to walk towards the Roundtable Room, all the while not spilling his coffee. 'Statistically, it is more likely that there are multiple dead bodies involved considering we don't get called in for singular homicide events very often unless it's a high profile victim, in which case the unsub could be a highly trained assassin or of military background. But those statistics are another collection of data unrelated to serial killing, so it's more likely the case involves a serial killer, and therefore multiple dead bodies.'
The two of them entered the Roundtable Room to find the rest of the team already seated and Penelope standing in front of the screen, ready to present.
'What are we talking about?' JJ asked.
Before Spencer could answer, Kate cut in with, 'You don't want to go down that rabbit hole.'
'Okay, my pretties,' Penelope started, clicking a button to start the presentation. Three pictures of women appeared on the screen, alongside birth certificates and a picture of their dead body. 'We have three dead women: Anna Carswell, Petrina Summers, and Larissa Pembroke; and as you can tell from the pictures, their deaths were very messy. There are signs of sexual violence from what remains of their... um... mutilated nether regions.'
'They were stabbed?' Kate asked, her face pinching with disgust and sadness for the women. Spencer didn't blame her. There was blood everywhere including the walls of the dumpsters they were found in. It was enough to make him squeamish; he couldn't imagine what Kate, JJ and Penelope were possibly feeling.
Penelope nodded grimly. 'Yeah. Anna Carswell was the first victim and was only stabbed five times, but the others both have twelve stab wounds each.'
'So much rage...' JJ mused softly as she examined the pictures.
'That,' Derek started, 'or twelve is a significant number for the unsub.'
'Or he's trying to send a message to someone,' Hotch added. 'Look at her clothes, her shoes, makeup and hair.'
Spencer narrowed his eyes to inspect each area individually, but it didn't take a genius to figure out what Hotch was talking about. 'Styled or big hair; tight-fitting tops, skirts and dresses that leave little to the imagination; significantly high heels; and bold jewellery and makeup,' Spencer listed his observations pragmatically before looking away from the screen to address the others properly. 'I don't want to stereotype, but my guess is that they're prostitutes.'
'And boy wonder wins this round of Guess Who,' Penelope announced. 'All of them worked as prostitutes at popular establishments around Manhattan, but they were so far strung that local police didn't put the killings together until Larissa's body was found last night. The first victim was killed six months ago, but Petrina and Larissa make two in the last month.
'That's a bit of an escalation for the unsub,' Rossi finally said, having been quietly contemplating since Spencer walked in. 'Why the sudden increase in kill time, do you think?'
'Maybe he's impotent,' JJ offered. 'Maybe Anna Carswell was just an accident - see, look at the jagged and varied placement of the stab wounds. And for the past few months he's been trying to repress the urge to kill again, and some recent event has been his stressor.'
'JJ's right, Petrina and Larissa's stab wounds are cleaner, intentional. He's perfecting his craft,' Kate stated.
'Who called it in?' Derek asked.
'The first two victims were found by dumpster guys picking up the trash, but Larissa was found by a homeless man trying to find some food,' Penelope said. 'Local authorities have all callers in at their main office and are expecting you within the next two hours.'
'We'll keep debriefing on the plane,' Hotch said as he stood up, tablet in hand. 'Wheels up in twenty.'
Suddenly his phone pinged, and he took a quick glance at it, his face turning grim.
'What is it, Aaron?' Rossi asked.
Hotch pocketed his phone as he said, 'That was the New York FBI office. They've found another body. Wheels up in ten.'
Spencer stood across from the coroner with the latest victim's body laying between them.
Roxy Vega. Sounded fake, but that's who her brothel manager identified her as. She was the one to call Roxy in, but said that one of her girls was the one to find her. Spencer and Morgan were to go talk to her and the manager after looking at the body.
'She's the same as the others, poor thing,' the coroner said, her brow scrunching with displeasure. 'Stabbed to death. Twelve, to be exact.'
'Anything from the toxicology report?' Derek asked.
She shook her head. 'Hasn't come back yet, but I can guess she'll be like the others too and be clean. People think prostitutes would be similar to junkies, but the truth is it's usually whoever they're serving that put something in their system to... elevate the experience.'
Spencer and Derek must've been pulling shocked expressions, because she chuckled, putting her clipboard down on a table beside her. 'I used to do some escorting myself to help pay off medical school before I got this job. Nothing extreme like these girls, but the same principles applied.'
Spencer gave her a tight-lipped smile before pointing at the sheet. 'If you don't mind, can I look at the wounds myself?'
'Sure,' the coroner said, and delicately manoeuvred the white sheet covering Roxy so that it covered her upper body still. Even the dead deserved some modesty.
But Spencer wasn't perturbed by her female genitalia. He was more interested in the twelve stab wounds that scarred her lower abdomen and pelvic area. Six side by side in each area.
'That's odd,' he murmured to himself.
But Derek heard him. 'What is?'
Spencer hovered his pointer finger over each wound. 'Look at these,' he said. 'They're almost exactly parallel to one another, all in a row. And the cuts are all the same length, too.'
'Well that rules out our unsub being rageful,' Derek added. 'If he was angry when he killed them, the wounds would no doubt be all over the place, and varied in length if he did it in a frenzy.'
'So our unsub is cool, calm and collected,' Spencer mused, but something still didn't add up. 'There is almost something ritualistic about the placement. Like it's a symbol.'
'Well, he's definitely trying to send a message then,' Derek said, eyes drifting back to Roxy laying on the table. 'But who is it for?'
'And has it been heard yet?' Spencer added. The buzz of his phone prompted him to pull it out of his coat pocket and answer the call.
'Hotch,' he answered. 'Morgan and I have just finished at the morgue. The lines on the latest victim suggests that these could be ritualistic killings or a message to someone or even a group. The stabs were clean so the girls, well Roxy at least, would've been restrained or knocked unconscious before they were stabbed.'
'That changes the profile from a raging serial killer to someone who had these killings premeditated,' Hotch concluded. 'Good work, you two. Head down to the brothel to see the manager and the co-worker who found her. Local authorities took their statements but maybe they know more than they think or are letting on.'
'Okay,' Spencer agreed. 'What are you guys doing?'
'JJ and Kate are talking with the victim's families one at a time and Dave and I are at the headquarters talking with the officers and detectives who started this case. I'll ask them if they noticed the stab wound patterns, see if it means anything to them.'
'We'll call JJ and tell her the same,' Spencer said. 'Maybe the unsub is taunting the parents somehow and the key is in the stab wounds.'
'Okay. Call back when you're done.'
'Got it.'
Spencer hung up and turned to the coroner. 'Thanks so much for your help. If you could send that M.E. report to our unit chief, that'd be most helpful.'
'Of course,' she said, offering a kind smile. 'I'll keep looking for other anomalies, particularly if you think they were somehow restrained or unconscious before they were stabbed.'
'The mass blood spillage was just for show,' Derek said. 'I have a bad feeling these girls weren't stumbled upon by accident. There's more to this, and whoever these stab wounds were meant to warn is the key to solving who is behind all of this.'
Spencer quickly thanked the coroner for her time before he and Derek were out the door and in an SUV driving to downtown Manhattan to the brothel.
The Chateau, despite its name, was just a small sign hanging above a door that needed a fresh coat of paint about ten years prior. No doubt the sign would light up neon at night to draw in the locusts that were cheating husbands or deadbeat wannabes. But it was located on a busy street, and daylight made it look unassuming compared to the big billboards and towering office buildings around it. Just a hole in the wall, really.
'This place looks like a dump already,' Derek said as they examined the outside. Posters advertising all kinds of entertainment from the establishment were pinned to billboards either side of the door and down the wall where people stood in line to get in perhaps. But they were torn, like flyers from a travelling circus long ago.
'That's probably a strategic method,' Spencer said. 'It's what many opium dens in Shanghai used to do back in the 1920s to avoid law enforcement suspicion. Of course, brothels and even opium dens are legal today, but they now act as the fronts for more illicit dealings.'
'Right,' Derek said, reaching out for the door handle tentatively. 'Let's just hope that isn't the case today. We've got enough to worry about with four dead girls let alone some underground, black market bullshit.'
Derek wasted no more time in opening the door and stepping inside, Spencer right on his heels. But as soon as the daylight faded and their eyes readjusted, they both gaped at what met them inside.
Lavish gold and black velvet carpet lined the floors, swirling in intricate, flowery designs that made Spencer feel dizzy for a second. A settee sat to their left in a small alcove where gold curtains were pulled back, but Spencer took a guess as to why they would be closed at certain points. All the furniture were beautifully crafted pieces with a black gloss layer and gold lining certain edges that sparkled in the low light from the victorian style lamps hanging on the walls.
It scared Spencer how accurate he had sort of been. It felt like he was in a 1920s film noir club where gangsters met up to make and complete deals. Where they smoked cigars, and the showgirls wore sparkly, frilly, feathery dresses and patterned pantyhose. In the back of his mind, Spencer knew it was a brothel, that the gold and sparkles were just a front, but he couldn't help but be impressed by the attention to detail. Right down to the artwork that hung on the walls, all of which were from famous painters from the time period.
'They're amazing, aren't they?'
Spencer spun alongside Derek at the new, commanding voice that entered the room, and found a woman in her late forties to early fifties standing by a podium where the registry would no doubt sit each night for customers to sign in and out of. He had to give it to the establishment, it was committed to the act.
'Y-Yes,' he stuttered an answer, looking back at the painting in front of him. 'It looks like- I'm sorry, but are these the real thing?'
She laughed heartily as she sashayed over to them, the bellowing arms of her white, silk sleeves flowing gracefully with her movements. 'Goodness, no. The real ones are more than likely in a museum somewhere or hanging above the bed of some rich bimbo who doesn't understand what it is or who even painted it.' Despite the malice in her words, her red lips parted in a sultry grin. 'But alas, these do just fine. As do you, might I say.'
Spencer didn't like how her eyes raked over him and Derek ever so slowly, like she was some predator contemplating what part of her prey she should consume first. This is what JJ, Kate and Penelope must feel most of the time, he thought, averting his eyes as best as possible from the woman's snake-like ones.
He decidedly did not like the feeling it gave him.
Sensing his partner's discomfort, Derek reached into his jean pocket and pulled out his badge. 'Thank you, but we're here on official business only today.'
Those snake-eyes latched onto the badge, and it only took her half a second for her sultry smile to drop and to cross her arms. But not out of embarrassment, more like how a child did when they didn't get what they want. 'So you're the FBI agents I was told was visiting me today. How charming.' She held out hand to Derek, and Spencer couldn't help but notice how bare it was compared to rest of her. Long dangling emeralds hung from her ears, matching the beautiful emerald necklace around her neck. But no rings, or bracelets.
'I'm Madame Lacroix,' she said, Derek finally taking her hand. 'I am the manager of The Chateau.'
She held her hand out to Spencer, to which he awkwardly splayed his hands up by his chest in a mock surrender. 'I, uh, actually don't do handshakes, sorry. Just a personal thing.'
Madame Lacroix looked him up and down from over her nose, which was an impressive act as she stood a good head shorter than him. After a moment, she dropped her hand and the matter, turning back to Derek once more.
'Madame,' Derek started. 'We just want to ask a few questions about Roxy Vega. We understand she was... one of your own for a while now. Is that correct?'
'Yes,' she answered, her painted face taking on a contemplative, even fond expression at the mention of Roxy. 'She'd been with us around eleven months. Some of the girls were supposed to take her out this coming weekend to celebrate. Geez, did those girls love partying.'
'How so?' Spencer inquired.
That snake-like gaze whipped back to him in an instant. 'They would have weekends away once every couple of months. Fancy yachts, expensive clothes, gourmet restaurants. One time, they went to the Greek Isles for a week.' She shrugged nonchalantly. 'But they could always pay for it. My girls are the best at what they do. So much so they are able to pay me and keep a good amount of earnings for themselves. And before you ask, everything is perfectly legal here, I have papers.'
'We're not really interested in that, Madame Lacroix,' Derek continued. 'You say Roxy was part of a, shall we say, an exclusive group in your establishment.'
'If you're implying that I play favourites, I don't, agent,' Madame Lacroix said, her tone dancing with silent threat. 'All my girls work the same hours, and relatively earn the same amount. It's completely on them if they decide to form friendships or alliances wth one another.'
'Was the girl who found her in that group too?' Spencer asked for Derek.
She nodded. 'Usually, Roxy and her girls don't let newcomers into their group. And if they do, it's not until they're a few months into working here. But yeah, Serena was pulled into that group from the moment she got here only three months ago.'
'Do you know where she was before The Chateau?' Derek asked.
'Yeah, she was uptown at a strip club, Guilty Pleasure. I know the guy who runs the place, and I don't blame her for leaving.'
Guilty Pleasure. The name rung familiar with Spencer, and so he pulled Derek away a little to whisper in his ear. 'That's the club Larissa used to work at.'
'And what are the odds that Larissa is now dead?' Derek added, eyes lighting with recognition. He quickly turned back to Madame Lacroix, urgency written on his face. 'Madame, there have been three other girls found in similar fashions to Roxy.'
For the first time since she entered the room, she didn't appear in control of everything happening. Her face dropped and a look of confusion and shock reflected in her eyes. 'Three other girls? Oh my goodness...'
'If you'd like, we can continue this talk in your office?' Derek offered, to which she nodded and began walking towards the podium, which Spencer now realised was in front of twin staircases heading downwards either side.
'I usually conduct private business at night, so my office is down in the Pit where I can make sure my girls are okay,' she explained as they descended into the a dimly lit bar reminiscent of the roaring 20s.
A giant glass chandelier hung in the middle of the ceiling, providing enough light to see the retro bar to the left, the cabaret setup of chairs and tables that faced the small stage at the far end of the room, and the empty booths where more settees and lounges sat with curtains drawn back for now. Again, Spencer was struck by how much it felt like stepping back in time. It was truly impressive.
Spencer halted, however, when Madame Lacroix stopped and turned back to face them, genuine concern furrowing her perfectly plucked brows. 'You don't think Serena has anything to do with this. Do you?' she asked.
'We don't know that for certain,' Derek answered. 'But we would like to have a talk with her so we can start clearing up this mess. Do you know where we can find her?'
She nodded, then pointed to a door over their shoulders. 'She's here doing stocktake for me today, actually. She does so on occasion when my workmen are busy with other jobs. A load just came in this morning. You can found her sorting through it out back in the loading bay.'
'Thank you,' Spencer said before turning to speak with Derek. 'I'll go talk with her while you finish here.'
'Shout if something goes wrong, okay?' Derek warned, to which Spencer agreed and made his way to the back door.
He couldn't stop his nose from scrunching as the scent of rotten food and heavy alcohol wafted up it. Giant bins were pressed against the far corner of the loading bay, but it wasn't a very big room, so the smell was easily detected.
Looks like the stocktake room doubles as the bin room, he thought as he stepped further into the bay, where crates were stacked taller than him with food, glassware, alcohol. Amongst the stacks was a shuffling of feet, then a hard thud that resulted in a harsh cry and an 'Ouch!'
'Hello?' Spencer called out while searching his way through the stacks. What did a brothel need with so much stuff anyways? 'Serena?'
'Over here!' a heavy Brooklyn accent replied. Spencer followed the voice, finding a hunched over woman cradling her exposed toe. She wore burnt orange platform wedges with jeans and a white tank top that left little to the imagination of a one Dr. Spencer Reid. Her hair was a puffy mess of curls like the blowouts back in the 80s, and it was so big he couldn't see her face.
'Are you okay,' he said, rushing over to help, but she just held up a hand, her face still covered.
'Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, doll,' she replied hastily, shakily. 'Just hit my toe, is all.'
'Well, here, let me get you some ice-'
'That's not necessary, hun. Really.'
'Well, at least let me have a look at it. You might've gotten a splinter in it or-'
He was already bending down when the word hit him. But not just the word, but the voice that came with it. It was different to the Brooklyn accent now. It was... familiar.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as familiarity turned into recognition; and when he looked up from his half-squat position, he froze where he was and stared. Because the woman he saw wasn't an unrecognisable face of some girl called Serena.
His mouth had gone dry at the shock, and so he gulped a few times, trying to find the words he'd been holding back for months. But instead, only one word came to the surface.
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sinner-sunflower · 4 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 19/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Another reminder that not all chapters are happening in continuous days. Sometimes a week or a month go by but I'm not gonna say that every chapter lajsdlajl
We are channeling our inner Lucifer who has no concept of time and feeling like the days are blending in with one another.
A short but SIGNIFICANT chapter
Lucifer had never opened a portal so fast in his life. Hearing those outrageous words from Nifty made him sprung into action, not even caring that he's leaving Adam behind. He's pretty sure the guy will be fine even if he is bound within palace walls.
Maybe he should've asked Nifty to elaborate more because what the fuck does 'the sky is falling' mean?? But his daughter could be in danger so he'll figure it out there.
It was Charlie who calls for him as soon as he arrives.
Charlie: Dad!
Lucifer: Char-char! What's going on? I'm so sorry. Adam and I were busy and I put a ward on the palace and my phone was silent and why is Nifty saying the sky is falling?? Charlie-
Charlie: Dad! Just- come with me outside!
She all but drags him by the arm out the hotel doors to a sight he never thought he'd witness outside of Earth.
Lucifer: Wha- What in the unholy hell?
He feels breathless. It's horrifying but also.... so captivating.
From the heavens above, a cascade of meteors descended, their fiery tails of gold painting the skies of Hell. Each impact further damaged and eventually destroying the Pentagram barrier.
Screams ensue the moment the first meteor hits one part of Pride. Following that are continuous deafening crashes, the meteors struck with indiscriminate force, wreaking havoc on his denizens. Glass shattered, concrete crumbled, and chaos ensued as residents fled for safety, their once familiar surroundings now transformed into a scene of destruction.
One meteor veered off course, hurtling straight towards the hotel. Lucifer vaguely hears Charlie shouting for them to take cover and catches sight of Alastor putting up a shield for them.
He hears his daughter shout for him but he stays rooted in place as the object landed just a stone's throw away from where he stands.
When the dust clears, he feels himself freeze as amidst the rubble lay a figure, not of space rock, but an angel, a dead low ranking angel.
Now grounded in Hell and no longer have its majesty. It is mangled, burned, and broken.
Lucifer cannot speak as he keeps staring at the crumpled figure in front of him. Its once luminous wings now tattered and singed. He knows he should do something but what? His people are terrified and his city is getting the brunt of the mass Fall.
The King of Hell doesn't move when Charlie and the other sinners run to his side. He senses them freezing and someone vomiting (probably Vaggie-he can understand) because of the body. The angel bodywhatthe fuck-
Charlie: Vaggie! Dad!... why-what- is that an angel?!
Angel: Move, Vagina, I think I'm gonna be sick too.
Cherri: Way ahead of ya, Angie.
Husk is rubbing circles on Angel's back as the spider pukes out the his lunch. He wants to comfort Angel fully but he's all too distracted by the dead angel on the ground.
Alastor moves closer to poke the body, bringing his blood soaked finger to his mouth to taste.
Alastor: How peculiar....
Lucifer had barely begun to grasp the gravity of the situation when he felt something wet hit his face. He slowly reached up to the spot, fingers coming away coated in a golden substance. Confusion were written in their faces as they look back up as the liquid began to pour from the sky like rain.
His ears begun to feel like he's underwater- screams and choking sounds echoed throughout his city as the thick gold coats every single corner of Pride.
He whispered, the realization hitting him like a delayed blow. As the metallic scent finally reached his nose, he collapsed to all fours, unable to stop his own gagging. He knew what this was, but he refuse to believe it.
'This can't be real.'
He could sense Vaggie in a similar state nearby, both of them struggling to breathe and think because this is angel blood.
Lucifer falls face first on the wet ground that's shimmering gold to the endless distance. He passes out from the smell before he knows it.
Heaven is falling.
I feel like this is not what yall expected to happen as the beginning of the final arc.
A Supernatural reference? In 2024?
The blood rain is also inspired by that one quadrant in the 2nd Hunger Games movie. Because I, too, would gag and probably choke on my own vomit if I was suddenly rained on by human blood, or any blood for that matter.
We're finally getting there.
Let me know what you guys think so far!
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ktchie · 1 year
'It's the hope that kills you'
Ted Lasso x Reader
Fluff and Angst
♡ other tags: attempt at humour/ no proof read we die like Rupert should've / possible part two
♡6.1k words
◇ In which Y/n wanted to confessed and Ted has a pastel pink apron.
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She consider herself as a tough independent woman who rather die and be beheaded than show any ounce of feelings or a hint of affection.
Her therapist said it's because she grew up in a household that doesn't show much emotion or any vulnerability. And they're right, she remember the time she saw her Dad shed a tear on the night of her high-school graduation, hiding behind his hands and cool dad stance before abruptly going to the bathroom and staying there for 40 minutes - he came back with red eyes and a terrible pun joke. As if nothing had happened.
So it is perfectly understandable that she grew up hating vulnerability, choosing to stay rigid and emotionless rather to have her whole soul on the palm of her hand. It doest help either that she's the eldest kid, the pillar of her siblings, the one who lays awake at night thinking any and every problems her parents throw at her way, worrying about it to the point her chest hurt and she has to learn to calm panic attack in such a young age.
So that being said, she never really had the full experience of romance or being in a relationship. She flirted with a few men on her lives and had fucked them plenty of times but she never really did the whole holding hands thing and all that cheesy stuff that people always whined about once the clock hits 10 and loneliness hits you like a freight train.
But meeting Ted, meeting Ted makes her want to dive head first on whatever corny things couples do in this day of age. Whether it be kissing on the rain or robbing a bank at 2pm in a Sunday afternoon.
She stared at him from across her, sitting so patiently like an overgrown child with a cup of steaming hot coffee.
"Something you need, Ted?" Her tone of voice held nothing but pure professionalism that made her quietly hissed.
Ted looked at her with his big brown eyes that makes her heart all googoo gaga, she sometimes wonder if Ted is secretly part of some hidden government group because she swore that puppy eyes could stop a international fued.
"Oh you know, just wanna visit ya'" he stated with a cheeryness only he can produced in the morning, all dimple and wide smiles. "'been awhile since I saw you, thought you're actually avoiding me but boss said that you're six feet under with all the work you got goin' on"
She chuckled at his words "Ted, I don't think there's anything in this world that could keep me away from you" she answered with a subtle smile, if she wanted him she would get him, whether it be by words or thousand of prayers.
Ted looked at her silently, wide eye and a blossoming blush on his cheeks. He looks ethereal underneath the early morning sun, a fallen single strand of hair dangling on his forehead that makes her hand itch with yearn to fix it.
"But I have been awfully neglectful to the rest of you, haven't I?" She decided to move on from her flirting (?), she doesnt want Ted to dropped dead on the floor from all the blood on his head. "I've been busy these past few weeks, but Will told me about the team plan get together on Sam's restaurant. I'll make sure to attend it, even shoulder the payment if we can get Sam to give us the bill"
Ted nodded his head, tounge tied for once, some part of her rejoiced while the other part, the one who always fear rejection and if she's being too much or too stupid, fear for whatever friendship they have (or had, if worse comes to worse)
"I-well" he cleared his throat, looking at her through his weirdly long eyelashes that always made her tear up in awe and envy.
"We can uh' y'know, we can split the bill, don't hav'ta shoulder it all by yourself"
"No its alright" she shook her head, she contemplate touching his arms, feel the soft fabric of his awfully comfy looking sweater and the skin underneath it but she decided not to, Ted might freak the fuck out and leave the room yelling 'HR! HR!' And have her fired and be shamed by the rest of the Richmond community for touching their beloved American wanker. "Consider it as my payment for forgetting to visit the locker room"
"Wasn't your fault, anyway" he shrugged before gesturing to the tower of folders and impending blueprints for the upcoming renovations and building upgrades. "I mean take a look at that, the great mt. Everest would cry if he saw this monstrosity. Even looking at it makes my stomach all funky" he shudder at its sight. "Do you even take a break? Jeez."
She sighed and leaned back on her office chair "from time to time, 15 minutes or 5. I like to finish my work early so.."
Ted frowned, he has one of those upset looks that makes her heart clenched and crack little by little until it exploded on her chest and she has to pretend she wasn't in pain so he could view her as a normal human being and not a lovesick teenager. "Ya should take a better care of yourself, you can't just go 'n on 'n on workin' till you drop dead" if it's possible, his doe eyes turned even more sadder. " its not good for you"
She bit her lip, her thighs moving up and down underneath her desk. She never liked it when he's anything but happy. "I can go take a rest when I go home and take a rest some more once I finish of all this work. its fine, don't worry too much about me"
"How can I not worry about you?" Ted leaned in, sad eyes and furrow brows. "Youre my-" he sighed before he shake his head "heck, If I had known you're over 'ere slowly killin' yourself i would have yank you from your desk till you're screamin' and cryin'"
Screaming and crying huh? Oh she can do that, alright.
"Ted.." she sighed, trying her hardest to ease the furrow on his brows "its fine, im fine. Don't worry about me too much. there's another game coming up, thats what you should be focusing on yeah?"
Ted sighed deeply, leaning back on the chair before nodding. A lock of hair fell down on his forehead, perfect it was, and y/n thought he never looked more beautiful then. She wonder if Ted kept his hair perfectly gel all the time or if he had ever let his guard down on the four walls he had been forcely call his home.
She would love to see him just him, just Ted, with his goofy smiles and bad puns and old reference from a bad film made years before.
She would love to love him, flaws and imperfections and bad days. She would paint him beautifully, perfect at every stroke of her brush and no smudge of mistakes and yet she knows she still wouldn't do him justice. Ted is just too perfect, too lovely, too godly to be even be depicted on a rough white canvas of this wretched world. Ted deserves to be painted in the walls of the church, or at every thread of the clouds, he was meant to be seen and to be watched and to be memorize until his kindness and his generosity and smile are engraved deep within everyone's heart. Y/n wanted to worship Ted with utmost devotion that her mouth would utter prayers like a second breath, until her two pressed hands bleed and flowers grow between her palm.
She watched him sat across her, his gaze darting everywhere on the carpet before a smile slowly broke on his lips, eyes suddenly lighting up and whole body perking up.
"Hey" he looked up to her, grin and joyful gaze "guess what I cooked last night" he had said giddily
"if you get it right I might just have to take a peek on that ridiculous sitcom you've always buggin' me to watch"
She scoffed, offended. "Modern family is not ridiculous, it's the best thing that ever happened to television-"
"Now hol' up. You're gettin' ahead of yourself now, sugar" she pretended the pet name didnt make her stomach flip and twist and did all kinds of wwe wrestling stunt. 
"I'll have you know that you're wrong, there are tons of- you know what, I ain't even gonna argue with you because we're both too tired for this and I'm too excited to tell you what I cooked last night, so just guess, come on"
She squinted her eyes before sighing as she started to think. "Well, last time we spoke you wouldn't shut up about barbecue and kebab and that one burger that sounds like it could kill you from one sniff"
"Triple cheese burger with bacon crisp, 3 sunny side eggs and curly fries dipped in ranch and garlic sauce with side on-"
"Sounds awful. Americans and their ridiculous food, seriously how are you not dead yet?"
Ted had shrugged with a sickeningly sweet smile "have no idea, but its good 'n ya know what they say 'enjoy life while it lasted'"
"Curse that qoute for manipulating you, let's just pray you wouldn't drop dead in the middle of the court because we can't handle your decaying body and another lose at the same time"
"You betcha! Now guess what I cooked!" Ted was almost jumping from his seat, propping his head on his palm as he stared at her.
"Come on, now"
"Friend chicken?"
"Nope, but boy I would love to have that right now"
"Heck no! You kiddin' me?"
"Uhhh, curry?"
"You already said that!" Ted pouted lightly and she almost reach out to trace the bottom of his lips and mumbled how sweet he look right now but thankfully she stopped herself.
"Allright I give up" she threw her hand up and sigh "anything you cooked is fantastic anyway, doesn't matter what it is"
"Oh, arent you a sweetheart" he smiled at her so adorably it made her tooth ache. "I'm glad you think so because I just cooked f/f!" Ted yelled so excitedly, arms spread wide and eyes bright.
She looked at him with agape mouth
"F/f? Are you serious?" She grinned so widely, it has been awhile since she tasted it, mainly because the only f/f she had ever ate is the one her mother cooks.
"Course! I wouldn't lie to ya!" Ted had stated "I couldn't get some shut eyes last night so I decided to make it, better to do something than nothin' at all am I right?"
She's still looking at him, as if in trance. "Wow Ted..I mean im pretty fucking pump but-well, why did you make it? You could have baked, you usually bake when you have nothing to do"
Ted looked away from her, cheeks suddenly getting warm and pink under the sunlight. "Oh you know..just miss ya' I guess"
Her heart crumbled and melted inside of her chest, she could feel its warmth drip from every nerve she has and settle deep within her guts and lay there until she has to curl her toes in a pathethic attempt to calm herself down.
He took a peek at her under his lashes. "I was so used seeing you every darn morning 'ere so it makes me all sad and upset when I don't. Even coach beard had to knock some sense in to me, told me to keep my marbles together or else he'll hide my barbecue sauce" he lightly chuckled "pretty heavy threat, if you ask me"
"I didnt know you miss me so much"
"Are you kiddin' me? I miss ya a hell'ava lot more than 'much'" Ted had almost yelled "i miss ya more than Roy misses running! And thats alot"
She laugh quietly, both in amusement and the tickling feeling deep on her stomach that normal people (with normal amount of love on their heart) would refer as butterflies, but for her, for someone who love too deep and too vast and too much and for a girl like her that grew up reading stories and fairy tales and movies characters with soft confession under bright stars and harsh rains, she could refer the feeling on her stomach as a clawing beast, a magnificent one born on legends and shaky words of the fear locals, with a ferocious growl and wild eyes and fangs as big as a tallest house.
In short, everytime Ted does something so adorably lovely on her eyes she could feel the entire animals on her stomach.
She looked at him with a gentle smile, eyes bright and so so soft - looking at him a like proper lover would. "I miss you too, Ted" she had said almost like a whisper, like a sin. "More than you could ever know"
The statement sounded too intimate, the tone too romantic to be said between casual friends and even the silence after it could be written in a pages of old romance stories - describe it like moment after the music, where the two of them stares at one another with that yearning look that makes all the reader sick to their stomach.
Her words sounds like a confession, one that is so gentle even the gods up above would melt where they stood. She didn't utter the proper words of 'i love you' and didn't open her palm where her bleeding heart lay and offer it to him with a desperation - but the way she said her words, the way every letter soud so much like a sudden whisper in a night of passion and sudden realization of devotion and adoration makes her statement more than a confession - as if it was an oath, a promise set on stone. Like a knights word as he kneeled on his king and offered the edge of his swords, bare against the world, bright steel and fierce glare as his lips mouth his promise, the words he would live and die on, where war would start and where it would end - be it by his blood or his foes. And similar to that y/n is ready to be let down on where she sat, to spill her heart like a leaking wound and let it stains them both, let him know how she feels, how serious, how much time she had spent pinning after him, yearning, adoring him so silently like a lovesick suitor from afar.
Ted grinned at her, dimple deep on his cheeks and that damn fallen hair on his forehead that makes him so so lovely. He opened his mouth and y/n waited with bathed breath and wonder what words would come out but before he could even roll his tounge the door of her office opened with a harsh loud push.
"Y/n we have to- oh. oh Ted! Good morning!" Higgings strolled in clumsily and no matter how much she love the little dork she kinda want to crush his glasses on her palm and send him home.
"Higgins! Nice to see ya today, buddy" Ted stood up to greet him and to give him a pleasant hug and if the coach is annoyed at anyway, he didn't show it. God he's so kind its annoying..
"You too, Ted. You too" Higgins replied with a smile that reserved only for Ted, filled with gratitude and adoration before he turned to her and she watch, with great amusement and a little irritation, when that smile fell down on his lips. "And uh, we need to talk"
She sighed mournfully, waving a goodbye to the wonderful conversation she was having with her love and to the words he would say earlier. She gestured Higgings to sit across her before she met Ted's eyes.
"Im afraid we'll have to cut our cheesy conversation here, Ted. Duty calls and if you want someone to blame, blame Higgings" she pointed at the man with a teasing smirk that had Higgins poor heart rapidly beating with nervousness.
"What? But I'm merely doing my job-"
"Im fucking with you" she patted his shoulder with a light laugh before glancing at Ted, who still remained at her office with a smile.
"I'll gave you a call later" Ted had said "let's have a dinner, ill cook for ya'"
She bit her lip to keep the ridiculous love sick smile threatening to rip her mouth apart and nodded "ill look forward to it, have a good day"
"You too, sugar"
And he was gone and if Higgins wasn't infront of her, staring at her with that bewildered look only spooked squirrel could do she would have stood up and do a cartwheel on her carpeted floor because holy fucking shit Ted is going to cook for her, just for her, not like those times where they eat together on the locker room and she has to sneakily steal his lunch - tho she knows Ted wouldn't mind Beard is another problem, she still thinks Beard has a few dead bodies on his back, the man has a stare of a despondent convicted murderer inside a prison cell. Its crazy.
"Oh." Higgings blink rapidly, his mouth subtly and slowly forming a smile. "You and Ted?"
She squinted her eyes "We're friends"
"Not with that look in your eyes, no"
"What did you eat today to have you acting this cheeky, my dear Higgins?" She looked at him up and down with a scowl.
The man let out a grin
"I should be the one asking that" he then leaned in "or should it be 'who did you meet today that have you acting this lovesick, my dear y/n?"
She flush red "You're fired"
"That'd be the 205 times you've fire me and I will continue to ignore it as long as I live"
"The first time i did that you sobbed on my shoulder"
"Well its.." he looked away "it was a different time"
"Sure it was"
"Look what we have 'ere-"
"JESUS, ROY!" She had jumped 2 feet from where she stood, clutching her heart and her car keys.
"What the hell man!"
"What? You got yourself an American man and suddenly you're weak of heart?"
"That doesn't even make any sense.." she mumbled with a disturbed look as she stared at him. "What are you even doing here? and I dont have an American man, get your head straight"
"Its a fucking parking lot, im allowed to be here" He commented with a glared as he not so softly leaned on her car.
She sighed through her nose, annoyed. "What i meant was, why the fuck are you even standing about in here and suddenly appearing from the darkness like a...hairy angry batman"
"Im not fucking hairy!"
"you shed like a golden retriever, you're not fooling anybody!"
Roy, the dog, growled in annoyance before he blocked her way to the driver seat.
"Please move or ill yell bloody murder" she stated suddenly so so exhausted.
"Why actin' so rush? Got somewhere to be?" She squinted his eyes at him, suspicious and contemplating why is he being such a dick.
"Why are you talking to me like you're about to take my lunch money?"
Roy, with the little patience he has, growled once again before he shook his head, as if he was the one getting annoyed and tired on the conversation. Then he stared at her, right on the eye, as if wanting to burn her soul and cook her alive.
"Youre really not going to tell me?" He had asked, hands on his hips.
"Is that how it is?"
"What?" She ask, confused.
"You and Ted" Her eyes widen, what is he on about?
"Me and Ted? What about us?"
"Higgin-" he cleared his throat "I mean, someone told me you and the little prick was getting all chummy in your office. Even got yourself a fucking date, how lovely"
She sighed "there wasn't a date Roy, Ted and I are friends. And we aren't getting 'chummy' or whatever kind of meaning that word has in your vocabulary and tell Higgins-"
"It wasn't higgings"
"-tell him to keep his damn nose out of my business or ill key his car"
Roy stared at her for a long second before he clenched his jaw and mumbled a 'fuckkkkk'
"We're-" he swallowed before he looked upwards to the sky, as if begging the gods above to give him more strength. "We're-..f-friends, arent we?" Her eyes soften in both adoration and amusement as he grimaced with every letter he spoke.
She chuckled "we are, no matter how much you disdain that word"
"Then," Roy had sighed "believe me when I say that that cowboy Mr. Rogers is fucking inlove with you"
Suddenly the air felt too thick and her clothes felt too hot. "Roy, i think you're wrong. Ted wanst-"
"Don't you fucking dare tell me he wasn't because a blind bloke could see it in a mile away, he wouldn't fucking shut up about you. fuck sake, He even draws you!" He yelled dramatically, hands shooting in a air in a form of exaggerated irritation that only Roy Kent could do. "Those past few days where you lock yourself up in your bloody office has been the worst days of my entire life, Ted looks constipated half of the fucking time and all he does is broods and broods and fucking complains about you. He's insufferable! Beard has to talk to him in the bathroom to get him straight!" He massage his temple before sighing and looking at her so gently then, so softly, like a brother would, like a friend would do, like someone you can hold onto when life gets though and days gets bad.
"Believe me, he's inlove with you.." he softly said like a whisper.
"In every possible way a human could love, he's inlove with you"
Her breath hitched from her throat, tounge heavy on her mouth and her heart beat could be hear from miles away. The beast inside of her guts fell silent, almost asleep, like his words strike straight to his heart and send him down on the ground, wounded and shaken and could never get back up.
"I came here to.." Roy cut short, finding the proper words. "To tell you how happy I am that he finally work the balls to ask you out, but turns out he's still a fuckin' pussy and a mess of a man"
She chuckled and shook her head.
"Ted is.." She lick her lips and leaned on her car, Roy beside her and shoulder apart.
"I don't think Ted would do the first move, he's..afraid, I think. All his life Michelle was the only woman he knew, only woman he loved and if what you're saying is not true, then she's the only woman he would forever love" she said almost mournfully. "Divorced is hard, specially for someone like Ted who loves too much and give too much, maybe that's the reason why I'm hopeless inlove with him to the point of humiliation but who fucking  cares, right?" She shrugged.
She then swallowed before sighing a shaky breath. "I'll uh, ill confessed tonight. While we eat dinner, ill..ill try, and if- y'know, he doesnt like it then I'll back off" she bit her lip as her gaze burn holes to the pavement.
"I'll love him from afar, cheer for him from the stands and sob on my office if I saw him and sassy together again"
Roy chuckled "i remembered that one" reminiscing her worst times of sobbing half dead on her office table mumbling how cruel it is to love Ted and asking what Sassy has that she does not.
"Maybe ill hire a hit man too, have them kill you so you could forget about it" she bumped his shoulder with her own and lightly laugh when Roy grunts.
"I'll write it with my fucking blood, believe that"
"Write it with your chest hair and ill believe it"
"You fucking cunt-"
"Sorry 'bout the mess.." Ted gestured to the perfectly clean living room with a sheepish look. "didn't have time to clean up. I'm just too excited to cook for ya I forgot about everything else"
"That so? Well I'm excited to taste it, I'm sure it'll be wonderful" she smiled at him as she put the bottle of wine down on the marble kitchen bar.
"Oh it'll blow your socks off, its nothin' like the food at Sam's restaurant but its darn good if I say so myself" She watched silently as Ted, adorable adorable Ted, wore his pastel pink apron, tied it around his waist and fluff it with a lovely smile that almost had her clutching her precious weak heart.
"Im sure it'll be delicious" she say, referring more to the cook rather than food. "I like anything you do anyway, so"
Ted glance at her and smile, all dimple and bright eyes. It made her smile too, softly, subtly, like one of those yearning smile that hides thousands of words and promises and hopes and desperation.
Ted went back to his cooking, whistling a tune she swore she heard before. He was telling a story, one about a fish and a basketball and a prom that gone wrong but for the life of her she could not listen.
She thought about her conversation with Roy, the words he had utter that made her want to pour her heart out and confessed to her love. She dont want to be hopeful, being hopeful is nothing but a wish on the wind in this place. It is the poison that rots your mind, that decays the flower and the trees and the grass, break the ground you stood up upon - watch it crumble and crumble until your legs become weak and your bones break from your flesh and you fell ill and sick and cough blood until you die and wish that you should have done better, that you should have stayed quiet and at peace and settle from staring from afar instead of watching your own skin slowly peel away as you continue to hope and hope and hope and watch as the filthy earth swallow you whole and- Jesus christ she should really stop reading those sad terrifying books Nate had been recommending her alot, its ruining her head in the worst ways.
"Ya feel alright?" Ted's voice woke her from her thoughts.
She looked at him furrowed brows and concerned eyes. "Im good, it's nothing"
"We could just watch a movie, you know? Order some good ol' pizza and have a laugh on some bad movies and oh! You know what? we could just watch your favourite-"
"I rather just taste your food, Ted. If you don't mind"
"But you look tired" and there it is again, the puppy look, the vain of her existence. God he's so terrible she kinda want to kiss his face and pinch his cheeks.
She chuckled "arent you sweet"
"Oh gosh! I didnt- darn, I didnt mean it that way, sugar!" He was panicking, going all over the kitchen with his cute apron on and little sauce smudge on his cheeks.
"You l-look tired but y'know still pretty, and cute and-and you know? Please darlin' I didnt mean to offend you i just want to-"
"Hey, hey, hey.." she called out to him with a barely contained humour smile "I get it, I was fucking with you. I'm just joking, calm down"
He slumped dramatically on the counter with a sigh "oh goodness, you had me there. Thought I was gonna loose ya'"
They had talked a little bit, or maybe too much, she couldn't exactly remember how long it was or what it was about but she had know they had laugh and jest and share a few stories of their childhood and back when they're still a foolish teenager who didn't know what they want and where they belong - she  still don't know now if she was being honest, she wasn't really the kind of person that plans ahead of time, or give a genuine thought on what she wanted to do in the future and how she will get there but Ted is, Ted knows, Ted understand what he wants and how he will get there and what he see himself on the future and in which place and who he was with, it made her fall a little more inlove with him.
"How was it?" He had asked as he leaned in, nervous and fidgeting.
"Oh gosh please say somethin' I'm about to blow a nerve over 'ere"
She laugh "it was good!" And it is, the best curry she probably had.
"Its perfect, Ted. Even the spiciness is perfect"
He blew out an air "oh thank god, I was so worried ya wouldn't like it! And to be completely honest with ya' I thought I switched up the salt and sugar halfway"
She laugh again, it wasn't even funny, she's just inlove and a complete fool.
Ted started to talk about his day, down to what he had ate for breakfast and how terrible his coffee was 'it tasted like cow piss' his words. He then talked about his theory that Nate is secretly a goverment spy forced to work with him for a very dangerous top secret world breaking undercover mission - when she asked why he think that - 'because nate is a genius and there ain't no way he was a water boy before I came here and coach beard told me he saw nate yesterday slap a fly in a speed of light and didn't even flinch'
It was ridiculous theory but she then remember the amount of gory psychological thriller books Nate has been recommending her for the past few days and a good amount of them involves a spy or two. She wasn't convinced but she'll keep an eye out just incase.
"-it wasn't that much of a big deal"
"You set your school on fire!" Ted had exclaimed rather dramatically, on her opinion, as she told him her high-school tales.
"Thats like- Thats arson!"
"Its not arson if they don't know someone set it on fire" she tap her forehead lightly as if gesturing Ted to see how smart she is. And Ted, bless his heart, actually nodded.
"Youre right, thats smart. Look at ya' getting away with crimes in such a young age!" He grins so beautiful she was actually proud of what her foolish younger self did back then.
"You sounds awfully proud of me bring a criminal"
"Well its kinda awesome and speaking of awesome!--" his eyes was bright and there's a little smudge of sauce near his lips, he looks adorable and loveable and she just suddenly want to kiss him stupid and tell him how much she loves him-
"--Sassy and I are going on date this weekend!"
A glass shattered on the background.
She wasn't adventurous or a sucker for pain and near death experince but if someone had ask her what it would feel like when an arm go through her chest and crush her heart in one fist, she would describe what she's feeling right now in exact gruesome detail that even Nate would vomit on the corner.
She couldn't stop her smile for falling from her lips or the soft disbelief of 'oh' that escape from her tounge, its amazing how a simple two letter words sounded so broken out of the millions she had uttered before.
"Thats great, Ted" she thank every God there is that her voice didn't came out robotic "im happy, you deserve someone who can take care of you"
Ted nodded his head with a grin that is far too wide for his cheeks and then he stared talking, he was saying something but she couldn't hear it, didn't bothered to hear it, she was too busy wondering if the feeling of absence on her chest had been there long before or had just recently appeared now.
"-aint it funny?"
"Yeah" was her response even if she didn't hear any word of it, she avoid his gaze as she wiped her mouth with a tissue and cleared her throat - there's a vile stuck on it that she couldn't seems to swallow.
"Ted, I-uh, I think I'm gonna go home. I'm not feeling very well" she was a liar and a coward but she rather die than cry infront of him -  and suddenly she was young again, alone in her room, toes cold from the floor board and clenching her hands into a tight fist and wondering what is it about her that is unlovable.
"Oh, uh, okay" Ted stood up from the table "are you feelin' dizzy? Does your tummy feels funny? Do you wan-"
"I don't" she said firmly, she was upset, mad, not to him but to herself, for even hoping that she could have this. "I don't need anything, thank you" she lied and swallowed the humiliation of even wanting to say everything she wanted to say to him. All those words she wanted to confessed makes her sick to her stomach because how fucking dare she believe she even has a chance? How foolish to even assume she could have Ted?
"Nothing like a good rest would fix" she had stated, hoping to ease his mind but her chuckle came out weak and sad.
"Okay uh, ill walk you to your apartment - I mean, flat, christ-"
"Its okay" she grab her bag "I can walk by myself"
"I don't think its safe-"
"I can handle myself"
"Still, you look a little pale and I can't have a gal like yo-"
"Fucking hell Ted!" She had yelled and the guilt settled on her stomach as soon as she did so.
Ted look at her like she wasn't her, like another person came on his flat with a face of a friend he adores and she wanted to laugh because how could she want to love him and care for him when she could barely be half of a kind person that he was?
"Just- fuck, I got it. I can handle myself just dont-" she sighed through her nose and looked down, she could feel the tears on her eyes and but none of them fell down.
"Just let me be, yeah? I'm not a fucking toddler you need to be coddle all the time"
There's a pause before Ted nods "Okay" his eyes were sad, sadder than anything she had ever saw and it would've break her heart if it weren't shattered before.
She looked at him silently, a second. She almost wanted to say it, say the words, just lay it all on the table and let Ted feast on the remnants of her broken heart and whatever is left. He'll take good care of it, she knows. That's a kind of man he is. Maybe even fix it together with some melted gold.
"Im sorry" Ted was the one who apologized even if she should be the first, it made her guts coil. "I didnt mean to upset you, I was just-just worried. I'm sorry"
She looked down and clenched her fist, dig her nails on her palm.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, I was being a dick and I have no excuse-"
"Youre tired and you're not feeling well, 's okay"
"Its not, Ted" she shook her head "I shouldn't have talk to you like that, you're my-" she swallowed "youre my friend, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry"
Ted smile, sad and worried all at once. "Its okay, I forgive ya'"
He shouldn't be, atleast not this easily.
"Okay" she nod her head once before she turn to the door with trembling hands.
Ted appeared next to her and held the door open for her. "Be safe, sweetheart"
'Don't' she wanted to whisper but felt too tired to do so.
"Call me when you get home"
"Will do"
The ground was wet as she walked and the road felt much sadder than before, the cold night air beg her for warmth and instead of the heat of her flat her mind travel to the warmth of his hands, of his touch. Y/n briefly wonder how she came to be like this, how she love so fiercely like a beaten dog and dig claw marks on everything she ever love just to watch it be yank away from her as easily as her tears could fall.
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highhhfiveee · 10 months
to save
(a bonus "to crumble" ficlet | this is to be read after to surrender; the entire collection is here: 🩹) pairing: mike schmidt x blackfem!reader summary: abby needs a savior. you come to the rescue.  wc: 4.2k tags: angst through and through mostly (some light violence, arguing, child neglect ): , drug and alcohol mentions, infertility mentions, angry feelings about a shitty situation [mike you suck]), fluff towards the end with reader and abby (: a/n: so, i hit 1k followers the other day (which thank you so much??? what a nuts accomplishment!!) and i'd decided a while back that this is what i wanted to give you all as a surprise, considering that a lot of you enjoyed the to crumble fics 🥹 this was originally supposed to be longer, but i may do a part 2 just because i didn’t want it to be super long and i wanted to finally put it out cause it's been overdue lmao. enjoy!
you'd been used to silence at night, but now, it was different.
before, the dead of night was peppered with stressful, anxious energy. you'd lay in bed staring at the ceiling, wondering how everything would manage to stay glued together. you begged yourself to dream instead of think. you'd wanted to be whisked away from the incessant, compulsive thoughts you had about work, home, your relationship; every second you could spend with your eyes closed, turning that silence into a fantasy you could almost taste, was better than being awake and facing your reality.
sleep had been your way to escape the quiet then, but these days, you enjoyed every second of it.
for the first few weeks of being away from mike and abby, you'd been unnerved by the still air of your parent's house. everything was calm and collected and unlike anything you'd experienced in the past two years, and you'd wanted to accept it with open arms, but your body held you back with a bit of apprehension.
everything felt so relaxed, but when would it blow up?
the thought had lingered in the back of your mind as you went about your life---another semester of school went by, and another birthday, grocery store trips, gas station visits, lunches with your parents and friends; soon, you're not thinking of anything going wrong ever again.
you were uncomfortable with peace at first, but now, you realized how invaluable it was. everyone deserved peace, and since you'd gotten yours, you hadn't wanted to let it go.
you were resting in this peace once more, curled up on the living room couch and leisurely clicking through your gradebook when it's shattered down the middle by ...baby one more time.
it was abby's ringtone, the one you'd selected specially for her. it would've filled you with glee, getting a call from your favorite girl, if it weren't for the fact that she never called. she was more comfortable with texts and emails and you respected that. you wanted to make this time in her life as serene as possible, and wrote her back once that phone calls will only be for emergencies then, okay?
it was 10:27 pm, and she should've been asleep, watched by max or whoever mike had hired as her babysitter now. you answer the phone after the second ring, closing your laptop. "is everythi---"
"y/n," she sobs, and suddenly you're fully alert, placing your computer on the couch cushions and shooting to your feet. "can you please come get me?" you don't hesitate to dash to your room and throw on clothes at her distressed tone, keeping your phone between your shoulder and cheek. your heart pounds, the sound wooshing through your skull.
still, you muster up the courage to ask, "abby, what's going on? are you okay, are you hurt? where's max?"
"she got into a-a fight with mike. she didn't come when s-she was supposed to, and mike was u-u-upset that she was gonna make him late for work. they had been yelling at each other so he left, and then max did too. i don't think she t-t-old him." you stop all of your movements at her hiccupping, squeezing your eyes shut.
"she just left you alone at the house?"
"y-yes, and i've been trying to call and text mike but he's n-not picking up."
you'd always known that mike put his phone on Do Not Disturb when he went to work, but that was before. that was when you were the one watching abby at night. you don't understand why he still keeps it on, and why abby's not able to bypass the setting.
"when did he leave?"
"l-like 30 minutes ago. max left like f-five ago."
"how many times did you call him?"
you bite at your bottom lip as you fight to hold back tears. your hands ball into fists at the rage that you feel inside, hot and searing and aimed at the two adults that left an eleven-year-old unaccompanied.
"i want you to pack a bag with enough stuff for a couple of weeks, okay? i'm gonna come get you and you're gonna stay with me for a little."
abby's calmed down enough to say, "but isn't your parents' house too small?" without stuttering. it was, but that was irrelevant. in the grand scheme of everything, the amount of space didn't matter. you just wanted abby to be safe.
"doesn't matter, sweet girl. they'll understand, and we'll do all the fun stuff we used to do together. we're gonna do karaoke, and watch movies, a-and we can paint again. don't you miss that?"
you can hear abby nod, and when she sniffles, murmuring, "i miss it a lot," you're like an olympian sprinting to your car, cooing, "lock the front door and wait for me in your room, yeah? everything's going to be okay, abby, i promise."
you're throwing your car into gear like you drive for a living, speeding all the way across town. you'd be fearful for cops if the pure adrenaline of your past hadn't been coursing through your veins; you feel transported back to the days of rushing over to abby's school, sweeping her into your arms as she wailed about mike forgetting her day in and day out.
you were her savior then, and though you loved her beyond words, you'd never wanted to be that. when you'd left, you thought you'd finally shed that title, but here you were again. you'd wrap her up in your arms and she'd see that halo over your head again, thanking you for saving her from the common denominator in both of your problems; the one person that had roped you two back into this pattern.
you still do the wrapping when she runs into your arms in the foyer, of course, holding her so tight that you're afraid you might break her, and as you do, you take in her environment.
the house hadn't been in complete shambles like you'd expected, but it still wasn't anywhere near what it should've been. there were dishes piled in one side of the sink, surrounded by buzzing gnats, and clothes thrown all around the living room. none of them are abby's.
"max's been trying to help me clean, but mike just ruins our progress," abby sits next to her bags on the couch once you let her go, staring up at you with red-rimmed eyes that take you back to the day you left.
"help you clean?" you gripe, glaring at empty, sticky-looking cups and the heap of mail, mostly bills, on the dining table.
"mike..." abby drops her eyes down to her feet, picking a piece of skin off the edge of her thumb. "nothing really changed when you left." she continues on, telling you about how everything had gotten worse in the six months that you'd been gone.
mike had quit his other job and started locking himself in his room again. sometimes, he even forgot to take abby to school after work, despite her shouting and banging against the door to get him to do so.
after her failed attempts, she'd sit in her room all day, falling asleep in her fort after sobbing for hours upon hours, while mike showed up to the pickup lane of her school in the afternoon bleary-eyed and disheveled.
"mr. schmidt, abby was never dropped off."
he'd come back home to find her curled up and snoring under her tent; safe and sound in this strange way that should've disturbed him. it should've made his blood boil, anger directed towards himself when he realized that he'd just dreamtthat he'd taken her to school instead of tangibly doing it. it should've worried him that her school might pick up on that, and get higher powers involved.
with his latest cocktail, an ambien and a beer (or two), however, he felt nothing at all.
once he'd seen abby in her room, he'd closed the door and sent them back into the same cycle he'd created.
max had tried her best to take care of abby, but considering the fact that mike wasn't paying her anything, she couldn't always afford to help abby in the way she wanted and mike hadn't been much help. he'd always leave without a word when she showed up at night, and even when she'd begun taking abby to school in the mornings, he hadn't shown any gratitude. he'd only used it to feel better about his irresponsibility, feeling on top of the world when he dropped by abby's school and she was actually there to be picked up.
max's generosity had allowed mike to wholeheartedly slip back into his previous neglectful autopilot; he saw his duties as guardian done when food was in the fridge, toiletries were in the bathroom, and his sister was enclosed in the house, and that pissed you off to the highest degree.
you understood max's stance with fighting against him, but you wondered why abby had to be hurt in the process. she was just a child, someone that shouldn't have been brought in the middle of a petty squabble between two adults. max should've never left her alone, and you're desperate to chew her out as well.
"i think i might get kicked out of school too," abby solemnly tells you now as you throw her bags into the backseat of your car and buckle her up in the front. "i don't think he can afford it anymore. they pull him aside to talk every time he comes and gets me. 'just give me more time', he always says."
your eyes fill with tears again, and you let them fall. she was only eleven and deserved none of this. you were sure that if you had nothing to live for, you'd kill mike. you felt like there was no remedy for anything he'd done until he was gone, completely separate from you and abby in every way, shape, and form.
an idea that wouldn't land you life in prison formulates in your head, and it's this idea that propels you to freddy's, your hand smoothing down abby's flyaways as you drive with an aching heart.
"stay in here, okay?" you tell her once you've stopped the car in the desolate parking lot of mike's job. "lock the doors behind me."
"y/n, i'm sorry for not telling you anything about what was happening," she seems genuinely disappointed in herself, closing her own teary eyes. a single droplet cascades down her cheek and you caress it, placing a soft, forgiving kiss on her forehead. her emails and texts had made it seem like everything was okay, but you couldn't blame her for putting on a front.
you'd let go from them and she'd understood why. she didn't want to worry you about her and her brother, the brother who'd made you wear a smile while he dragged you through hell. none of that was her fault, but still; she was related to him and felt like a mess, a burden by association. "i didn't tell anyone because i was afraid they would send me away an---"
"it's okay, abby," you purr, opening your car door and sticking your leg out. "soon, you won't have to be afraid anymore. i'll make sure of it."
you remind her of your original instructions and she nods, clicking the electronic lock on the door panel as you march to the dated entrance of the pizzeria. you grit your teeth, bashing your balled fists on the door.
"open the fuck up, mike!" you scream, turning your flaming face towards the security camera as you continue your assault against the building. your hands prickle with the feeling of the solid glass on your skin but you push it aside, pounding as hard as you can. "mike! i swear to fucking god, open this fucking door!"
your throat is nearly raw from shouting for so long, and you begin kicking at the door when it finally swings open, and your feet and hands are connecting with mike's loose frame.
"y/n, what the fuck..." his speech is slurred, and it only angers you further. you don't stop your movements, smacking at his body with a fury you don't think you've ever felt in your entire life.
mike feels nothing of the sort. he barely feels anything, disoriented and numb from the drug-induced nap he'd been taking.
you'd been in his dream; shit, you'd been in them forever, but more so since the two of you had broken up. it felt like a part of his punishment for everything he'd done, though he thought that was the only way he'd ever see you again. he doesn't expect to feel the weight of your small fists beating against his chest, or that he'll have to wrangle his arms around your waist to stop your attack on him. you're still as beautiful as ever, so red-faced and irritated in your favorite sweats, but he knows it doesn't matter. it's just a thought, one that doesn't even work to deflect his attention from your violent efforts. "jesus christ, stop---hitti--"
"get the fuck off me, mike!" you screech, forcefully shoving your hands into the center of his chest. his arms around your waist made you feel dizzy once upon a time, but feeling them now, for any reason, makes you want to throw up, and you're nearly crying as he tightens them around you. "get off!"
"stop trying to beat the shit out of me, then!" he retorts, stumbling back as you push into him once more when he finally drops you. you're both staring at each other, your breaths labored and emotional, and you launch straight into your tirade, jamming a finger in mike's face.
"well, why don't you stop dragging me back into your life! max left abby at home alone and i was the only person who could help her, mike," he opens his mouth to tiredly protest, but you turn your finger into an entire hand, halting his words. "and before you say, 'well, she could've called me', she did. she called you eight times, but you didn't answer. abby would've been home by herself all night because of you and now, i have to be wrapped up in this again. was almost two years not enough?"
mike's slow mind begins to jog with the mention of abby being alone, but he's still slurring, sunken eyes dark in the low lighting of the vacant pizzeria. "y/n..."
"you're taking the ambien again, aren't you?"
he's licking his lips and letting out a deep sigh, his eyes fluttering to the ground. you begin to hiss, "tell me the truth" when he finally mutters, "i need it."
your laugh is sharp and bitter and aimed towards the sky, tears cresting your lash line again. "like you needed it then, too?"
you never thought you'd see mike again, or at least not so soon. it's saddening to you that your reunion is filled with such distress. you couldn't be happy to see him even if you tried, and that thought pricked at your body with the intensity of a million needles.
how pathetic, all that time you'd been together, all that love and affection reduced to anger pulsing in your heart.
"you're so hopeless, mike." the words sting your tongue, filling the air between you with bitter animosity, but both of you know it's not a lie. "i don't understand why you won't change; not even just for abby, or for me, but for yourself. this wasn't what this was supposed to be," you dig your teeth into the plushiness of your bottom lip as you weep on. "we alldeserve better than this. we were supposed to better our lives together."
"yeah, we were, and then you left."
you wrinkle your forehead irritably, snapping, "you don't get to use that against me. you know exactly why i left."
mike stares at you, grinding his molars together with a tight, clenched jaw. "that's also why i'm gonna take full custody of abby."
it's mike's turn to chuckle now, the sound rumbling through his chest and causing him to place his palm on his abdomen. he bends over slightly, rolling through the motions of an exaggerated belly laugh, and you cross your arms over your chest, straightening your posture. "this isn't some kind of joke. i'm serious, mike."
"yeah, okay, y/n." his groggy, nonchalant tone irritates you; it makes it impossible to not think about how he's probably like this at home, hiding away and drugging himself to sleep, ignoring the one person that needs him more than ever.
"you're in no position to take care of her! you get home from work and lock yourself in your room, forget to take your little sister to school, and ignore her calls when you're at work so you can sleep through your entire shift!" you hadn't yelled that intensely since you'd found out mike had cheated on you, and it didn't even feel good. there was nothing rewarding about it, and it made swallowing to soothe your throat more painful. "so i'm taking her far the fuck away from you. she's had it hard enough, and it's me, your aunt, or the state. i refuse for abby to have to grow up in an environment that's not safe for her, and you're going to have to deal with that."
you're giving him a tight smile, holding your shaky hands in surrender as you pace backwards towards the entrance. you shrug your shoulders at mike's expression, pinched and angry and pointed as you begin to push the main doors open.
“yeah, you wanna play mommy to my little sister cause you can’t have kids of your own?”
you freeze in place, painfully furrowing your eyebrows. there's a piercing ache in your stomach, the poke of mike's dig at you spreading to every nerve in your body.
something you'd revealed to him when you two had seriously talked about living together and settling down, all tearful and dreary and apologetic, now used against you like it had the weight of some kind of crime deserving life.
he'd held you that night, kissing your cheeks and comforting you, whispering, "you don't have anything to apologize for, baby. me, you, and abby can be a family."
you hadn't wanted to be some young parent, but you'd loved the idea of a support system and a place that was actuallyhome, the hub of everything family. you'd been raised in that and wanted to continue it, carrying on that closeness in your own time.
so many doctors visits had told you that it wouldn't be possible. you'd worked hard to accept it, and though it pained you every time thoughts of growing old and settling down swirled in your head, mike had helped you truly come to terms with it. "who knows what miracle could happen? even so, family can be created or chosen. we can build our family in so many ways, okay?"
you're back to freddy's as quickly as you drifted, wondering if mike had thought about the same memory as you after he'd let the words foolishly tumble from his mouth. his face reveals little, his hooded eyes looking to the dust-covered information board beside you.
mike was able to play both roles; he could be the sweet, gentle, affectionate type, but recently, if you provoked him in any way, he turned grating and cruel. you didn't understand him anymore. you hadn't in a long time, but in this particular moment, he's completely and totally lost on you.
in the past, he was asking why you hadn't left him, so guilty and ashamed and saying he didn't deserve you, but even after leaving, you'd gotten sucked back in, every single second in his presence a punch to the gut as he showed you exactly what he meant.
you're giving him room to say something, anything, maybe even apologize, but there's just silence that you can't enjoy. something you'd become so fond of begins to drive you up a wall, so you huff despairingly and mutter, “it's for her own good, mike.” before leaving.
accommodating your life for abby hadn't been on your bucket list, but you were surprised at how effortlessly you'd fallen into being her full-time caretaker again. you'd immediately sprung into action, letting abby inhabit your bedroom while you sorted everything out with your parents. they hadn't been overwhelmed with joy about the circumstances, as they'd never cared for mike much, but they don't judge you.
though what you're doing is big, they understand what you're doing it for. someone you'd do anything for, someone that you wanted to protect and nurture. you were willing to put it all on the line for abby's well-being, and they admired you for that.
they'd fortunately helped you get into a small apartment, one close to abby's school, and you'd gotten in contact with abby's aunt, pleading your case for custody to her with a highly-detailed portfolio over brunch.
she wasn't your favorite person, the stick up her ass unbearable at times, but you'd needed her to see you as competent enough to go through with transferring her petition for full responsibility of abby. you'd been nervous at first, but the massive amount of damning evidence and "shit-talking" on mike's behalf had been enough for her to see you as fit, in addition to your "stable, ordinary career".
though she'd been easy to win over, you hadn't expected mike to be as well after your encounter at freddy's. with the way he'd reacted when you broke the news, you'd thought you'd be arguing with him constantly, bickering about how he wasn't in a good enough spot to keep abby in his charge.
only that never happened, and you'd  let out a big sigh when you received signed documents in the mail, relinquishing all of his rights and privileges as abby's guardian. his name wass scribbled across the signature lines in thin, inky strokes, slanted and sloppy.
like everything regarding your connection, it was bittersweet. abby had even expressed the same sentiment when you'd picked her up from her newly-attended after school program. you'd told her aunt about her schooling, and she'd agreed to help pay for most of it considering that abby was in your care now.
"money won't go to waste now. i wanted mike to work for it, the lazy fool. i wasn't gonna let my money go down the drain with him."
you'd simply nodded at her confession, unsure of why all of the adults in abby's life had failed her. not paying for her school because of mike was idiotic to you, but you'd brushed it aside with the thought that she could finally be fully enriched now.
all of the new possibility, for both you and abby, rode on your shoulders, and though you'd been curious as to why you were the one chosen for this responsibility, you'd accepted it with open arms.
"y/n," abby's voice pulls you from your thoughts, and you're back to sitting at the small dinette in your new kitchen with her, lo mein weaved around your wooden chopsticks. the noodles slip when you jolt with a soft, "huh". her eyes are wide and inquisitive, and you close your own to recollect yourself. "are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm sorry. just thinking about...things."
"not about shrimp lo mein, i see," abby giggles deviously, reaching her hand into your container to snatch a shrimp. she pops it into her mouth with a hum as you gawk in fake disapproval, getting her back for a piece of her sesame chicken.
"and you're not thinking about sesame chicken, so take that," you retort, the both of you falling into hushed, familiar laughter that makes the rapid change of your life so worth it.
you'd taken a bit of time off from work to deal with constant meetings and court dates, and even though abby had already been staying with you during the entire case, you were now her appointed guardian and it felt unreal.
you'd seen how happy she'd gotten. it was like the old days, when you'd first met; she was so lively and joyous and curious then, and you'd been so thrilled to see that sparkle return to her eye with every trip to the children's museum, morning conversation on the ride to school, and dragged out bedtime story.
you knew that every signature, every eerie government building, every early morning and late night, everything----it had all gone into ensuring that abby had endless moments like that, and ones like the present; eating her favorite chinese food after finishing up homework and bathing, and giggling with you as she was reminded that she'd never have to worry about being taken care of ever again.
you couldn't let anyone down, especially not her. you'd taken the biggest risk to change her life, and in knowing that, savior didn't feel like such a heavy title.
now, it was freeing; to save didn't feel so crushing anymore.
"don't worry about my things," you stretch your arm across the vinyl table for her hand, brushing your thumb across her delicate skin with a warm, loving smile. "all that matters right now is that you're here with me, safe and cared for. that's a thing we can both think about."
(,: didn't think i'd write anything else for this au but they get me every time. how sweet. i hope you all enjoyed! thank you so much again for 1k, i love you all!!
faire's seedlings ✿
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redd956 · 5 months
Whump Prompt List Based on the Last 10 Video Games I've Played
Teehee, vidya game
1.) Whumpee stumbled back to Caretaker's doorstep. They wobbled as they knocked, and barely moved their head as if remaining stock still would stop the spinning and dimming. Caretaker gasped at the sight of arrows stick out of Whumpee's back. (Minecraft)
2.) Few dare to stay out there in the wasteland at night for even a minute. It had been hours now and Whumpee hadn't walked back through the bunker doors. Caretaker left without saying a word. They were equally speechless when they found whumpee slump against a set of stairs. (Metro Last Light)
3.) Leader's screams echoed throughout the empty halls, before being quickly muffled by a team member's hand. They already were about to lose one of them, they can't take the chance of whumper gaining an opportunity to hurt anyone else. (Rainbow Six Siege)
4.) "What are you doing?! Get off the ground-" The man shouting fell over, his new shiny gunshot wound of split throat raining blood all over the shell shocked whumpee. (Holdfast Nations)
5.) A battered tank that looked more attune to swiss chees than an armored military vehicle sputtered to a permanent stop in the country roads. Caretaker desperate for something to melt down, looked inside to find a still alive, barely, but still alive crew. (War Thunder)
6.) The boat looked awful for wear, and somehow Whumpee looked even worse. They staggered to the shore, before sprawling out along the sand, their bloodied wounds peppering the beach with splotches of red. (Dredge)
7.) Caretaker didn't understand how Whumpee continued to get such gnarly bruises and cuts. Sometimes they even managed to come home battered to hospitalizing conditions. They tried to imagine what kind of double life Whumpee was keeping from them, keeping from their partner. (Stardew Valley)
8.) "We have no choice." Whumper badly pretended to lament. They continued, "Your fingers are frostbitten black now. We have to remove them. You should've taken upon my second offer..." (Frostpunk)
9.) "I've changed!" Whumper voice cracked as they begged for their life, backing themselves up the stone walls. It had been decades since they've came across Whumpee, but the blood soaked blade in Whumpee's hands said everything Whumper needed to know next. (Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus)
10.) "What'll make you talk first? The pain of starvation? Or getting to watch everybody else eat whatever meals they please right in front of ya?" Whumper smiled before taking a bite of his own sandwich. (Red Dead Redemption II)
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gareleia · 4 months
update: my co-writer friend FINALLY got a tumblr account, so I can tag them now!!
previously: part 1 part 2 part 3
next: part 5
m'kay, so, we've talked about Athena & Telemachus' issues. now let's touch on Hermes, because a Diva™ like him deserves his own post. and also because this had been sitting in my notes for so long i've genuinely forgotten about it (i'd say that it's what translating a musical does to you, but honestly my attention span is just shit)
now, as much as I love Soft Boi!Hermes, I even more so love prankster Hermes who doesn't really recognize personal boundaries or the meaning of 'too far'. he's the guy who'll commit to the bit so far, he'll commit mass murder with a Tee-Hee and genuinely wonder what has got everyone so upset.
kid!Telemachus, holding a cup of poison: grandpa, are you sure it's a good idea? I'm scared… Hermes, laughing his ass off in the corner: of course I'm sure, champ! it'll be hilarious! good ol' game of Ithacean Roulette! now dump it into the wine, let's see who we'll get this time!
at the same time, he's not selfish. he's very keen on doing things for the people he likes, and he cares enough to know when someone is distressed. he, as a god, is just so removed from traditional human morality that casual acts of cruelty are perfectly acceptable to him, while, for example, breaking an oath is a horrible sin.
think blue and orange morality stuff.
telemachus, outraged: …murdered his own family, can you imagine? hermes, equally outraged: I know, right? he gave a blood oath and broke it! disgusting! telemachus: why is that your only concern?!
but don't worry, helping to raise Telemachus and hanging around the same people consistently makes a real boy outta him gives him enough time and insight into humanity to start understand mortals better, and, as consequence, adopt some of their values.
especially the concept of spousal loyalty. Hermes is a patron god of thieves, and at the time taking someone's wife was viewed as an act of theft (because women were property, yeeesh). which is why to him Penelope's situation was less of a tragedy and more of a "well, my dumbass great-grandson Odysseus should've seen it coming. snooze you lose! ¯_(ツ)_/¯"
that is, until he gets to know her better. and suddenly she's not a prize to be won or a challenge to conquer. she's a smart, capable person that commands respect from anyone who's got a shred of self-awareness. she's got gentle hands, and a radiant smile, and a spine of steel. Penelope looked Hermes dead in the eyes and told him serenely to keep being a good influence on her son, she does not deserve to be reduced to a token and given away to the highest bidder.
hermes, initially: well, penelope's a rich, gorgeous, basically single queen. I'd steal her too, if she was my type. hermes, 10 years later: she's the smartest, ballsiest human woman I've ever met and if she only wants her Ugly Ass Groom then she'll fucking stay single until he comes back.
unfortunately for everyone else, Hermes cannot step in to protect her, because Zeus and Poseidon are both pissed off at Odysseus already, and if either of them notices Hermes (and/or Athena) interfering with mortals on Ithaca, they might take it as an invitation to follow suit, and then it'll be Troy Story 2: Electric Boogaloo.
so he stays his hand, and hangs around Telemachus discreetly, mostly posing as a human. for a god of liars, he's surprisingly bad at blending in for long periods of time. Hermes thinks he's an awesome conspirator. meanwhile little Telemachus didn't even realise it was a secret.
the only people who don't know that [insert alias] is a god in disguise are the suitors, who are notoriously either too stupid, too overconfident or too busy drinking to connect the dots. the exception is Antinous who pretends to be oblivious and makes sure the gods don't see him as a threat to their beloved little pup (otherwise he'd have killed the prince long ago).
the suitors, however, unanimously agree that they hate this weird annoying stranger, and try to get rid of him in increasingly elaborate ways, from poison to stabbing to wild animals to dropping pots on his head.
spoiler alert: it doesn't work.
hermes, next day: *comes back every morning like nothing had happened, whistling cheerily* suitors: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!
eventually Antinous convinces them to give up so they don't piss off Hermes.
years pass, Telemachus grows. Athena teaches him strategy and arts of war. Aeolus gradually comes out of the hiding and becomes the resident lovable comic relief side character. and Hermes? he teaches the kid all the good stuff.
and it's not just lying, okay? (though it's a significant part of it) music, diplomacy, geography, street smarts, some history. he's a worldly god, had observed and been a part of countless cultures. above all else, he knows people. he may not really understand them, but he knows how to get what he wants from them, how to find common ground and how to spin things to get along with practically anyone.
and girls. Hermes helps Telemachus with girls.
because he's the cool uncle figure that Telemachus admires, the kid trusts him enough to ask the god for advice when he starts growing older and gets his first crush in his early teens.
and, on one hand, Hermes is ecstatic. on the other one…
telemachus, blushing and stuttering: there's a girl I met, she's so pretty, and cool, and, and, and how do I talk to her, do I just come up and say hi, but what if sh- hermes: … hermes: *blue screen of death* hermes: MY BABY-
it's the first time he truly starts to grasp how short the kid's life will be. because in the blink of an eye he turned from a newborn to an adolescent, and soon enough he'll have his own family, and Odysseus was already a king himself at this age, and Hermes is not ready this can't be it he can't just grow old and die
so anyway, he pushes the thought aside and pretends it never came up at all (because that always works, and bottling shit up never blows up in anyone's face, right, Athena?)
he gives lots of advice, from useless macho stuff to golden nuggets like "be yourself" and "show her respect". and, of course, he cheers from the sidelines, hiding 'inconspicuously'.
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and it goes surprisingly well. the girl appears to find Telemachus' awkward attempts at flirting sweet and charming, and the boy is on the cloud nine.
but Hermes isn't. because, unlike the prince, his judgment isn't clouded by a puppy crush and he can see that the girl is actually a lying bitch, who's playing Telemachus like a fiddle, hoping to become the next queen of Ithaca. and he won't stand for it.
except Telemachus, for some reason, doesn't seen thrilled when Hermes tells him to dump the girl?? he flat out refuses to believe that, because love is blind and so are sheltered insecure teenage boys.
so Hermes, in his infinite wisdom, decides to prove to his naive little charge once and for all that the girl is just using him and doesn't actually love him. now, what's the first example of true selfless love from a woman that comes to mind to the god who had spent the last few years hanging out with the royal family of Ithaca? right, Penelope. and the one thing that characterises Penelope is her unconditional loyalty, even into the face of countless threats and temptations.
hermes, to himself: so, if I show the kid that the bitch will leave him as soon as she finds a better prospect, he will definitely admit I was right all along! and dump her! it's a perfect, easy, foolproof plan! I am so smart! what could possibly go wrong!
another spoiler alert: everything goes wrong.
the girl does happily jump into his arms as soon as he hints that he's a god/demi-god/just a cooler prince or something. she does it right in front of Telemachus, in fact, so there's no way he'd be able to deny the obvious.
on the bright side, Hermes immediately outs her as a lying bitch and publicly shames her, embarrassing her family and ruining her prospects of marriage and causing her to suffer for the rest of her life ('disproportionate revenge'? what's that?).
on the down side, for some unfathomable reason, Telemachus doesn't seem very grateful??? what???????
hermes: and so, AS ALWAYS, I was right. telemachus: hermes: but please, hold your applause! telemachus: hermes: I did it all for you, out of the goodness of my heart! telemachus: hermes: and please, don't apologize! you were wrong, I get it! no need to- telemachus: *bitch slaps his smug face and runs away, hurt and betrayed* hermes: *shocked pikachu face*
thing is, Hermes doesn't understand what he did wrong. in his mind he did a rather good deed: showed the liar's true colors, and spared the kid a lot of heartache down the line. he doesn't understand the feelings of betrayal from having someone he trusts explicitly outing him as a naive fool in front of everyone he ever dreamed of earning respect from. doesn't get the pain of having been cast aside by someone he liked in favor of a god, with whom he could never compete. can't imagine living in the shadow of someone he had never even known and being constantly reminded of all the ways he's lacking.
telemachus: I'm not a stupid child, hermes. I could've handled it. hermes: but you didn't listen to me, maybe you'd have never seen it on your own- telemachus: and maybe I would've. maybe I would've had the opportunity to find out myself, and maybe I would've learned from it, but you never gave me that choice, did you?! did you think i'm that dumb?! hermes: oh, come on, kid, you're not dumb- telemachus: THEN WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE I AM?! WHY DON'T YOU EVER TRUST ME?!
aaaaand there's the core issue. Telemachus had spent his whole life being babied at best and looked down upon at worst. constantly compared to Odysseus and his more vicious peers, always shielded from making tough decisions and proving himself. he feels like he will never amount to anything, because no one ever lets him really try. as soon as it looks like he's going to make a mistake, someone (usually Athena, Aeolus or Hermes) swoops in and 'fixes' everything for him, just like they used to do when he was an accident-prone toddler. which he isn't anymore.
and Hermes doesn't understand that. to him, ten years is basically nothing. the kid can't have changed that much in ten years. because if he did, then he'll change a lot in the next ten years, and the next, and very soon he won't change anymore, because ten years are nothing and so are human livespans.
ten years are nothing, because to admit otherwise would force Hermes to face the fact that Telemachus, no matter how precious, is just as mortal as any other human. which amounts to basically losing him already. and Hermes can't.
he held that boy as an infant. he fed him, helped to teach him walk and talk and make silly faces. he can't lose this child to time, the one thing even gods can't really protect humans from.
Penelope finds Hermes sitting on her balcony with the most human expression on his face she'd ever seem him wear. he's lost, and confused, and full of regrets, and kind of terrified. in that aspect, he reminds her painfully of her husband.
hermes, mumble: he's growing older penelope, sighing: I know hermes: he's not a baby anymore penelope: believe me, I know hermes: but... what do I do now??? penelope: you let it happen. not much else you can do.
she talks him through it.
hermes, rambling: but I will lose him. I'll lose him if he grows old and dies. this is why I don't get attached to mortals, you die too soon. he can't die now. penelope: he's not going to die now. he'll become the king first, he will find a good wife and have children and grandchildren. he will become great, greater that I and his father could ever dream of. and he'll be happy. don't you want to see that? hermes: I do, but- I don't want him to grow up! penelope: then you finally know the biggest joy and the deepest pain of parenthood.
it doesn't fix his fear. doesn't fix his pain, either. but it does help fix his attitude.
because she's right. Telemachus is growing old, and he can't shelter and protect the boy forever. soon he'll become a man, then an elder. and there's nothing Hermes can do about it, short of dragging the prince to Olympus and begging Zeus to grant him immortality, which will never work.
Hermes and Telemachus make up, of course. the latter knows, deep down, that the former is just trying to take care of him. they make up and forget the fight - at least, the boy does.
Hermes will always remember.
and he will count every day, every wrinkle, every grey hair.
the joy and pain of parenthood indeed.
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