#10% happier
sjseobie-blog · 2 years
"Make the present moment your friend rather than your enemy. Because many people live habitually as if the present moment were an obstacle that they need to overcome in order to get to the next moment, And imagine living your whole life like that where always this moment is never quite right, not good enough because you need to get the next one. That it is continuous stress.
-from the book,"10% HAPPIER by DAN HARRIS
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suntails · 5 months
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toot toot!
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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"We are not the easiest opponent for everybody else, let's put it that way."
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yeosangs-horizon · 2 years
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You make me happy When skies are gray You'll never know, dear How much I love you 
The night after their sunshine was taken away.
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unfavorableangel · 8 months
karma is sam & dean being haunted by their few years in hell while adam came out after a literal millenia happily married and better than ever.
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bluegiragi · 2 years
all the artists in the fandom are great and all but nobody draws könig as pathetic as you
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this is truly the highest praise i could get, thank you anon
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chronologiical · 5 months
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you have no idea how happy i am that we get taisui at the end of this event
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ryllen · 11 months
Trey's birthday is here :)
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galacticrainbowsaz · 9 months
Jason: Look kid, maybe if you're killed and revived, you'll understand why I do what I do
Ash: *visible confusion* But I've died multiple times and not once come back wanting to kill people
Jason: *confused and concerned* Wha-
Ash: Oh wait! No, that was an evil spirit possessing me, not me.. Yeah, no. No murderous intent yet
Jason: *visible distress*
20 minutes later
Bruce: J-Jason?!
Jason: Yo. Anyway, I've decided to stop killing and I got you a gift
Bruce: ??
Jason: *lifting Ash by his armpits* Enjoy!
Ash: Hi! What Pokémon do you have?
Alfred: *goes back to bed*
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bruh-anator3000 · 3 months
So finished X-men '97 and my one lingering thought that only the tumblrians can answer is...
Are they all just in denial about being in a giant polyamorous relationship? Like? Morph down bad for Logan, Logan loves Jean, Jean is literally ?married? To Scott, whose currently in a 'who's the better Daddy' battle with Erik, Magneto has a very strong fondness for Rogue, who's doing this funky no-touch tango with Remy.
Half the problems would be fixed if they all kissed, i think.
Roberto and Jubilee are their children. The group's collective children.
Storm is too busy being a baddie to get caught up in (Se)X Mansion drama.
Beast is the only sane one. Maybe. He's got his girl. I think.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 4 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #123
Our Skyy 2 x My School President ep 9:
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Wandee Goodday ep 5:
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friendship involves a lot of love
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douxmae · 2 years
Part 1: Colder
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melancholy--lion · 6 months
If you saw this on the Dropout Discord, no you didn't. But I have to talk about the family dynamics and relationships in this last episode of Fantasy High because I can't stop thinking about it.
Okay but seriously, the conversation with Sklonda and the one with Aelwyn have me feeling all sorts of ways thanks to my weird mix of developmental trauma. They hit SO HARD
I can't stop thinking about how Aelwyn felt like she had to move out not because anyone did anything wrong at Mordrid Manor, but because they were too kind and nice to her. Like there's this incredibly confusing and impossible to articulate combination of despair, confusion, disgust, jealousy, and shame that comes from being in a place that loves and accepts you for you after being in a place that didn't for so long. And how even if you know logically that the place is safe and you are loved, your body just doesn't believe it and you're constantly on edge and overwhelmed. It's painfully relatable as someone with that experience. I've never seen someone else relate or put those feelings into words before but I feel so seen.
Sklonda just caring so deeply about her son and being so worried and also so frustrated with her son's friends is just heartbreaking. And her not liking that they call him Ball is just icing on the cake. Because in reality, it's not a very kind nickname, seeing as it comes from Riz being bullied. And even though Riz has reclaimed it, the scars are still healing for Sklonda and that's deep too. That hit real hard too!
OH and don't even get me started on Fabian being neglected. His mom called FIG AND NOT HIM?! OH MY GOD IT HURTS! The role play this season hurts SO GOOD!!
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mellotronmkll · 2 months
Ahhhh the dial a song number on the accordion ....aahhhhhhhhhh
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crowdiak · 11 months
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scribbleboxfox · 5 months
Maybe one day I'll care enough to write an essay on the fuckification of Red vs. Blue's plot and characterizations and how it went from defining a genre to cannibalizing itself through Star Wars new trilogy-esque franchise-ification, but for now I'm just going to finish my fanfic and see where it takes me.
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