#10 reblog incentive
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Husk Miner V Mosskin Custom Card (10 Reblog Incentive)
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hermitadaymay · 2 months
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I'm thrilled to bring this challenge to you all for the second year in a row! Hermit-a-Day May is a challenge inspired by Hermitober, but with a twist: instead of theme prompts, we focus on a specific Hermit every day!
THE RULES: 1. Any type of fanwork is welcome so long as it features, or is otherwise inspired by, the Hermit of the day. 2. Tag #hermitaday to have your fanwork reblogged, or submit it directly to the blog (Please note that while I recognize the value of fanworks involving more mature themes, and they can certainly count toward challenge completion if you're keeping track for yourself, content on this blog will be kept "PG-13" so that all may enjoy.). 3. Fanworks for one Hermit posted after the day rolls over to another Hermit's day (per the US Central time zone) will be reblogged in a big queue in June. 4. I am not interested in seeing captions or tags in which you disparage your art/skills. We're all improving all the time. Be kind to yourselves.
WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE? To show love to every Hermit, from the most to least subscribed, from those who have been on the server from day one to those who only joined this season! And because challenges are fun! And because, this year, there's an extra dimension to the event: a fundraiser for Gamers Outreach, featuring art incentives by @rendiggitydog and @belmarzi.
GRAND TOTAL INCENTIVE: For every $150 we raise for Gamers Outreach, belmarzi will make 10 seconds' worth of animatic, featuring as many Hermits as she can fit into the time frame.
INDIVIDUAL DONATION INCENTIVE: For every $50 (formerly $65 - changed 5/3) you personally donate to the fundraiser during the month of May, Rae rendiggitydog will draw you a shaded flats commission of a Hermit of your choice.
WHO’S RUNNING THIS? Hi! My name is Luna! You can use she/her, he/him, ze/hir, or ro/ros/roseself pronouns for me. My main blog is @as-if-unreal. Yep, before you ask, it really is just me, but to be fair I've had a lot of help.
TFC - May 5th While he may no longer be with us physically, TFC left behind him a legacy of quiet care and good humor, and Hermitcraft would not have been the same without him.
FRIENDS OF HERMITCRAFT - May 12th There are plenty of shows, podcasts, competitions, other servers, and more woven into the internet ecosystem around Hermitcraft, and plenty more people involved in them: just as a small number of examples, Season 9's Rift opened up to a whole server of Emperor friends, and there are always allies to be made in MCC and enemies to be made in the Life Series. Today is for celebrating all of those who, while they may not be Hermits themselves, exist and entertain in proximity to them.
FAVORITE "ALT" HERMIT - May 19th HoTGuY and Poultry-Man. Helsknight and Evil Xisuma. Renbob and - look, you get the idea. This server is full of theater kids ready to toss on an alternate skin and play into a brand new character at the drop of a hat. Who's your favorite?
GROUPS AND COLLABS - May 26th This month is all about one Hermit a day... but what we really love is when they interact with each other. What does your favorite duo or group of Hermits get up to together?
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arany-studio · 7 months
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#SixofCrows trending! Go #Grishaverse nation! Let them know we want it!
Acrions we can take to save Shadow and Bone:
1. Sign this petition from all your e-mails and ask the people around you to sign as well:
2. A financial incentive for Netflix is what can save this show, so don't cancel Netflix, instead stream Shadow and Bone to get it in top 10 again so that new people will see it.
4. Join the hashtag campaigns on Twitter. Use the 3 hastags of the day at coordinated hours for maximum impact. #sixofcrowsspinoff and #saveshadowandbone will be used daily, plus a changing one each day, starting with #jesimeili, then alternating with crow actors and quotes. More than 3 hashtags is considered spam, don't do that.
5. Contribute or share this crowdfund for a bilboard in USA!
6. Send origami crows to Netflix's headquarters at the adress bellow. It would be awesome if they received 1000 crows from all over the world and remember to be respectful in your letters!
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7. Join the #saveshadowandbone Discord server if you want to contribute or just be up to date!
8. Reblog this so it reaches as many people as possible!
Stay coordinated, this is a targetted campaign directed at Netflix! If this fails we will consider other streamers, but until then the best chances of succes are by following the above steps, as Netflix doesn't usually selll it's copyrights, but it has been know to reverse it's decisions if there is a financial incentive (show trending again and being seen by new people).
Here is a Google doc with the steps summarised:
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storyinmypocket · 6 months
The title should've read transmasc, but now it won't let me change it. Bother.
Anyway, pretty much what it says on the tin. I haven't felt safe living where I do for Some Time Now, and I have a great opportunity to move somewhere better, but I don't currently have the money for a cross-country move.
As things stand, I'd rather not pay rent on a room I'm not occupying while I save up moving money, but if that's the only option, that's what I'll do, because it's more or less impossible to find rent this good in the Bay Area. It just won't make me any safer in the short term, and not getting medical treatment because I feel unsafe around the medical transportation folks isn't a great long-term strategy.
While I can't offer incentives to donate on the GoFundMe site, I'm happy to offer 3-card tarot readings for every donation of $10 or more, 5-card readings for $15 or more, and bigger and more complicated readings for anything $30 and above, so long as you're not asking for a relationship spread for your 7-person polycule. (If you really want polycule readings, donate over $100 and we'll talk, but for anything more than a triad, readings get exponentially more complicated.) I have multiple queer/BIPOC-friendly decks, and one that is aggressively body-positive. If you're looking for a specific vibe, let me know, because I can probably at least get close to what you're looking for, deck-wise. (I also have a couple of decks that differ from the standard tarot template, like the Normal Tarot and the Alleyman's Tarot.)
I would really love to live somewhere with IRL community and public transportation and not feeling like the only trans person for miles. That said, if you stumble across a fundraiser for someone who needs food or rent Right The Fuck Now, please donate to them instead... but also please consider giving this a reblog if you can't toss any money my way.
Thanks, everybody.
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beastwhimsy · 7 months
Hi everyone!! I'm trying to help my friend @miiilowo. milo, his mum and his cats are in a really awful situation. His mum no longer has a job and they have no way to afford rent for the parking space for their RV. Both of them suffer from chronic pain and it is very difficult to find any work in their situation. More info here as well as the link to donate: https://www.tumblr.com/miiilowo/736191810919104512/im-in-financial-trouble-again-boys-really-badly?source=share
The reason I'm posting this to my art account is because I know that giving money to strangers isn't always appealing, so I'm here to offer an incentive!! all prices in USD. $5-10: shoulders up sketch! $20+: fullbody sketch! examples below
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something else I can offer is art like this for $15+:
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DM me, let me know what kind of art you want and how much you're donating!! I can get started once I see proof of donation!
I wish I could offer more but I'm burnt out from finishing up high school!! please consider donating, DM me if you want a sketch, and please sent the amount owed directly to milo's gofundme. he means a lot to me and its awful that he's in a situation like this.
I will try and finish these for each person who donates as quickly as possible, hopefully before the end of december. I have a lot of schoolwork so I appreciate your patience!!
REBLOG IF YOU CAN'T DONATE!!! lets get this out there and help my friend!! milo hi you are so powerful. we can do this!!
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lockedtombbrainworms · 7 months
RE my last reblog: Yes, Coronabeth is fat and bone construct be upon ye if you try to skinny-ify her, but also, so is Gideon Nav. Word of Tazmuir is that she's built like a rugby prop specifically. Those are not small people. I've met enough rugby dykes to tell you that. That cover art is WRONG and my girl is not a FUCKING DORITO, if she looked like that she'd be a fly half or some shit, I don't know rugby. If you want firsthand confirmation that 'lapsed rugby player' means Corona is fat, I'm a lapsed roller derby player, which is a lot like a lapsed rugby player except my knees are fucked differently to how a rugby player's knees are, and trust me, I am not thin. I am not some waifish thing wasting away now I'm not training 6-10 hours a week. I am a big fat fucker and so are most of my ex-roller-derby friends. I'd threaten to sit on you if you draw Coronabeth or Gideon thin, but some of you would probably enjoy that and I don't want to create a peverse incentive.
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rhythmelia · 1 year
Support a Translator of Color (1 day left of Crowd Justice fundraising!)
Fresh post for the tags! As I've shared extensively in updates on this post since 2023.06.24, my friend Yilin Wang (yilinwriter on twitter) has had their translation work stolen and used uncredited by the British Museum in a major exhibit on The Hidden Century in Chinese history that featured major feminist revolutionary Qiu Jin, and when called out on that behavior, the museum chose to remove Qiu Jin's poetry and Yilin's translation, silencing both of them. Instead of, yanno, naming the translator and giving appropriate credit and payment. ....yup.
So! Here's the Crowd Justice:
Case updates can be found at that fundraiser (especially as the muskrat has made twitter into an epic trashfire at the moment) but some key points, in Yilin's words:
I need to raise at least £15,000 by July 10th to enable me to instruct expert lawyers in London to initiate a claim of infringement of my copyright and moral rights. I will be working with lawyers in the UK to bring a claim against the British Museum for its infringement of my copyright and moral rights in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC), which is a specialist court and part of the Business and Property Courts of the High Court of Justice in London. ......
Please contribute and share if you can - each and every small contribution is very much appreciated! Let’s hold the British Museum accountable together!  I realise that this is a lot of money at any time, and especially in the current economic circumstances, but the cost and difficulty of taking legal action is a huge barrier when it comes to access to justice. My hope is that if I am able to generate enough support to take this point of principle forward, it will give the British Museum and all similar institutions the maximum possible incentive to avoid similar conduct in the future, because they will see that there is collective power in communities who feel disrespected and insulted. .....
Why This Case Matters This case matters to me not only because I believe both my work and Qiu Jin's work should receive the credit and respect they deserve, but because it affects the copyright and moral rights of all translators, writers, and creatives. 
The British Museum has not issued an appropriate apology or taken proper responsibility for its actions, so if it is not held accountable, then this is a cycle that stands to be repeated.
Yilin was able to make the minimum to retain a lawyer, and is now working towards the stretch goal. Here's part of the statement from the lawyer on the crowd justice page:
Accordingly, it is not giving anything away to say that we sincerely hope that the British Museum come to recognise the shortcomings in their conduct so far, and move to make amends rather than fight Yilin all the way. We will make Yilin’s funds go as far as we can, but there is a real prospect of the case being drawn out beyond the funding she has available, so it continues to be the case that every pound she raises towards her stretch targets puts her in the strongest possible position - a position that the British Museum has extensive visibility of - to hold out for what she deserves with help of expert legal assistance.
Currently it's at £16,722 pledged towards the stretch target of £20,000 from 573 pledges in small amount donations. Help Yilin be able to keep going if the British Museum continues to behave badly and try to fight until Yilin's out of funds. Please consider reblogging and/or donating a small amount if you can - about 1 day left to July 10! (I'm in UTC-7 and it's the 8th for me but I'm not sure what timezone the fundraiser site is in, since it says 1 day left there)
tagging @copperbadge, @vaspider and @prismatic-bell on the off chance they might be interested in signal boosting? No pressure though!
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maribat-menagerie · 1 month
Welcome to Maribat Menagerie's 1st Event! Malachite Milestones
Malachite Milestones runs through the entirety of June. It is focused on rare pairs and poly ships!
How does it work?
Malachite Milestones works in 3 waves. Each wave is to properly gauge what ships Maribatters would like to see in the event. They will also have their own posts as they commence.
Wave 1:
The ship suggestion form is released. This form explains the specifics within. Any and all ships that you want to see potentially featured in the event must be suggested here.
This form will be open from May 22nd - May 27th, 11:00am EST.
Wave 2:
The previous wave 1 form closes, and all of the suggestions are compiled into another form. This form is the ship selection form where Maribatters will choose from the lists which ships to feature in the event.
This form opens May 27th, 12:00pm EST - May 31st, 9:00pm EST.
Wave 3:
This wave is the true start to the event.
Wave 2's form closes, then the top ships voted for in each section will be determined. These ships are the ones featured in this year's event.
The ships featured in the event are dubbed the 'Active Roster'.
The Active Roster gets revealed on June 1st. Afterwards, creators are free to run while in order to hit milestones.
What are the Milestones and Rules?
The rules of the event are fairly straight forward.
Every submission must be through Ao3.
Every submission needs to be sent through the submissions form in order to count toward the points.
If anyone would like to still create for the event without it going towards points, please feel free to do so! The 1st wildcard is earned via the ship who receives the most pieces via this method.
All pieces will be reblogged (Tumblr) or shared on stories (Instagram), as well as included in the submission tracker to give proper recognition to the work.
The way the milestones work is that every fic (or submission) gets a point. Afterwards the following chart is awarded as a ship hits that many submissions.
5 Submissions = 3 Points
10 Submissions = 5 Points
15 Submissions = 7 Points
20 Submissions = 10 Points
25 Submissions = 15 Points
30 Submissions = 17 Points
35 Submissions = 20 Points
After 35 submissions, the points awarded per milestone remain a mystery until a ship achieves that threshold. For further explanation, check the google doc for the event at the bottom of this post.
What are the aforementioned 'sections' of ships?
Brilliant question! In order to give a wide variety of rare pairs and poly ships, three sections have been created.
Garnet Guardians:
Garnet ships are those 2-member ships that are ‘popular’ or would come to mind by the average Maribatter.
There will be 5 ships in the roster.
Rhodonite Ravagers:
Rhodonite ships are all other 2-member ships in Maribat. 
These ships can be anything so long as it is DC Character/Miraculous Character. Ships from one parent fandom are amazing, but not the focus of this event.
There will be 7 ships in the roster.
Alexandrite Avengers:
Alexandrite ships are 3 or more member ships aka poly ships.
There will be 5 ships in the roster.
Is there any sort of prize or incentive for winning?
Absolutely! There are two main reasons for participating as well as trying to get a ship to win.
Firstly, the top ship of each section will get its own channel within the discord!
To help other ships still have a chance at a channel, 2 wildcards are implied through the event. These will be announced through a tumblr post as well as added to the doc. Wildcard 1 is featured above under the rules.
Secondly, someone has graciously offered to draw for the event!
The drawing will be of the ship that has the most points overall by the end.
It is not something that is won by one person or for one person specifically. Please do not expect it to be.
Final Thoughts
This event in its first year running so if anything goes weird or funky, please feel free to politely point those things that are confusing.
A more in-depth explanation of everything you have seen here, plus a little extra stuff can be found in the event doc. This doc includes all of the links for the event.
For tumblr purposes, these are the tags for the event
Maribat Menagerie Malachite Milestones
Malachite Milestones '24 (or 2024)
Garnet Guardians
Rhodonite Ravagers
Alexandrite Avengers
Maribat Rare Pairs
Maribat Poly Ships
Finally, Have an amazing time zone and see you all again soon!
Prompt Idea Form: Open until May 31st, 10:00 pm EST Malachite Milestones '24 Prompt Ideas
Ao3 Collection: Opens June 1st Maribat Menagerie's Malachite Milestones | Archive of Our Own
Event Informational Doc: Maribat Menagerie: Malachite Milestones '24
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whump-me · 1 year
Martyr Masterpost
He said he’d die for his cause. But death would be easy compared to what awaits him…
Wraith was born for battle, and his calling found him early, when he took up arms against Earth’s invading soldiers. He’s left a trail of blood in his wake, and he has no regrets. He will sacrifice anything to protect the Martian rebellion—and the man he loves.
Isadora, the head of Earth’s brutal security forces on Mars, sacrificed every shred of humanity in her heart long ago. If she can destroy the rebellion, it will be worth the cost.
Now Wraith is handcuffed to a chair in Isadora’s interrogation room, with nothing but his razor-edged wit and his mask of arrogance between him and the annihilation of everything he holds dear.
Isadora plans to strip away every one of his defenses. He represents her chance to vindicate every sacrifice she’s made—because if she breaks him, she ends the rebellion.
But his fraying resistance hides more secrets than she knows. And what he’s holding back has the power to undo her.
Martyr is sci-fi interrogation whump (light on the tech, heavy on the war crimes), with a defiant whumpee, a cold female whumper, torture, emotional whump, and devastating personal realizations on both sides. This story is novel-length, and is complete at 30 chapters. Many of the chapters are whumper POV.
The story is best read in order, but  if you just want a quick whump fix and don’t necessarily need to understand what’s going on, might I suggest:  - Chapter 5 (interrogation, broken fingers)  - Chapter 14 (interrogation, forced to watch, non-fatal stabbing)  - Chapter 16 (forced to watch, fatal beating, begging)  - Chapter 19 (interrogation, forced to watch, hand stabbing)  - Chapter 24 (severe beating, out-of-control whumper)
Chapter 1: The Rebel Leader Chapter 2: Sweet Victory Chapter 3: An Unexpected Challenge Chapter 4: Up Close and Personal Chapter 5: A Game of Control Chapter 6: Cold Chapter 7: The Temptation of Weakness Chapter 8: A Civil Conversation Chapter 9: True Believers Chapter 10: Playing His Part Chapter 11: Dangerous Respect Chapter 12: Lend Me a Prisoner Chapter 13: Making It Personal Chapter 14: Incentive Chapter 15: The Occasional Luxury Chapter 16: No Reason, No Mercy Chapter 17: Very Sensible Reasons Chapter 18: Now We're Getting Somewhere Chapter 19: The Truth This Time Chapter 20: Taxonomy of Love Chapter 21: There Always Comes A Moment Chapter 22: So Close Chapter 23: Laughter Chapter 24: Floating Chapter 25: Nothing Chapter 26: Gratitude and Dread Chapter 27: Almost Like Starting Over Chapter 28: Not Over Yet Chapter 29: Better Things to Die For Chapter 30: A Good Emptiness
(Here from a reblog? Here’s the most recent version.)
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mbta-unofficial · 5 months
Low Income T Riders:
The Rollout of the Low Income MBTA fare program is in the public comment phase until Feb. 29.
Comment here:
Call (857) 327-3282
Mail to:
Public Engagement Department
10 Park Plaza, Suite 3830
Boston, MA 02116
Meetings to discuss changes are Here all over boston starting today.
Talking points:
Free bus fare would contribute to higher on-time rates and decreased bunching from lower stop times
Free bus fare would reduce administrative costs for low income rider programs to zero
Free Bus Fare would reduce violence on the T: Fares are the single most common flash point for driver assault
Free Bus fare would increase mobility for lower income people who have been demonstrated to increase their use of transit if fares are reduced.
The MBTA, like the NY Subway, should have its budget balanced by Tolls, Gas, Vehicle Licensing, vehicle rental, Payroll and Real Estate taxes as a direct incentive for businesses to switch operations away from private vehicles and towards public transit
Please reblog this if you like the shitposts, I want people engaging with the MBTA political process
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avaantares · 2 years
I wrote a long response to a blue-checkmark drama post, but between the time I clicked "reblog" and the time I finished typing, OP apparently turned off reblogs for that post. So GUESS WHAT, y'all get my diatribe anyway. (Sorry; I know most of you aren't the problem. But I did actual math, so I don't want it to go to waste.)
The old axiom still applies:
If social media is free to use, it's because YOU are the product.
What that means, for the adage-averse, is this: Sites and services that appear to be fully free to users (Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Google, et al.) are collecting your personal data and selling it to advertisers to pay for the (in some cases) hundreds of millions of dollars it costs to run such sites.
Tumblr doesn't do this. Tumblr hasn't done it, despite a monthly deficit of literally millions of dollars, which is why it's repeatedly been sold at a massive loss to new owners.
To give you actual numbers: Yahoo! acquired Tumblr in 2010 at a cost of $1.1 billion. After taking enormous losses, they later sold it to Verizon for an undisclosed amount. After trying (and failing) for two years to make the site pay for itself, Verizon sold it to Automattic (its current owners) for just $3 million. [Source]
For those who don't math, that means Tumblr's market value dropped by $1,097,000,000 in just nine years, or (averaged out) devalued by approximately $10 million per month. In short, nobody is looking at this as a worthwhile investment to hang onto long-term.
So why didn't it make money for its various owners, despite promising user statistics and a then-unheard-of initial sale price to Yahoo? Precisely because it wasn't leveraging your data to offset its running costs. The algorithm-free advertising format simply isn't viable for a site this big, which requires massive amounts of data storage and bandwidth (all those multimedia options you love cost a fortune on the back end). While there is a modicum of value for companies to hold a loss-generating property for tax purposes (which is pretty much what Verizon did with the site during its ownership), there is a finite period to reap those tax benefits. More relevant to us, if the site's only purpose is to show a loss on paper, there's little incentive for the owner to improve the service or keep its user base happy. We, the users, get thrown under the bus.
So how did Tumblr, under Automattic, try to run as a free site that didn't harvest user data? Tumblr served ads to try to generate revenue. But users complained about the ads. So Tumblr offered ad-free subscriptions at a very reasonable introductory rate of $3.33/month. But users complained about the subscriptions ("It's always been free! Other sites are free! Capitalism is evil!") and refused to pay. So Tumblr offered post-Blazing and tipping and physical merchandise and a variety of other optional features, most recently dashboard horse games and parody blue checkmarks, and instead of seeing these as a desperate attempt to stop the site from hemorrhaging money opportunity to support their online community, users just keep screaming about the moral failings of corporations that charge money for literally anything and insist that "we must keep this site unprofitable at all costs!"
Guys. Sites like this cost millions of dollars -- sometimes tens of millions -- to maintain each month. With the influx of new users from Twitter and elsewhere, that number is only going to increase as server load and bandwidth increase. And because of its history of losing value on a jaw-dropping scale, there will not be another company waiting to take ownership if Automattic decides to stop throwing money into the blue fires of this hellsite. If Tumblr is unprofitable for long enough, it will shut down. Period.
So either chill the $%#@*& out about the blue checkmarks or whatever, or pony up the monthly subscription fee yourself to help support the site. At the very least, stop attacking those who choose to give something back in exchange for the service they receive. Because they're the only reason this site has lasted as long as it has.
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Maskfly V Mossfly Custom Card (10 Reblog Incentive)
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iceicewifey · 1 year
i’m sure something like this already exists, but i couldn’t help making a silly little ask meme.  free to be answered either in character or just described – all totally just for fun !
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1.)  Introduce your OC!  Who are they and what do they do?  What is their stand and ability? 2.)  How did your OC encounter and begin working for DIO?  What role do they play? 3.)  Was your OC ever fleshbudded?  If so, was it ever removed? 4.)  Does DIO trust your OC?  How serious is your OC about serving him?  (i.e. are they more lax like Hol Horse was, or is it more of a blind devotion like Vanilla Ice?) 5.)  Does your OC have a significant fight (or multiple) against the Crusaders?  Do they team up with any other agents or is it a solo thing?  Alternatively, if your OC isn’t a fighter, do they have any significant role to make up for it? 6.)  Has your OC ever been inside the mansion?  If so, what did they think of it? 7.)  Does your OC have any meaningful relationships with any other agents or even DIO himself?  Either romantic or close friendships? 8.)  Does your OC survive the part?  If so, what do they do afterwards?  Do they reappear at all?  If they don’t survive, where and how does their story end? 9.)  Did DIO give them any certain incentives to work for him?  If so, what was your OC promised, if anything?  (i.e. how Rubber Soul was promised '100 million dollars') 10.)  Would your OC ever consider changing sides to join the Joestar Party?
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not as many questions in this version, sorry about that... feel free to tweak any questions as needed.  remember to practice good reblog karma and send an ask to the person you reblog from — be good to each other !
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
*Robert Englund Character Edition*
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Again- because I can, and because this is my blog and I'm mad with power 😈 Haha XD
Alright so below are 10 villains and its up to you to decide whether you would kiss them or diss them! XD Goodluck! You are welcome to send in answers via reblog, comment section, or my asks!
1. Here-To-Fuck Buck, Eaten Alive. (: Yep, starting with a toughie. 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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2. Erik Destler, The Phantom of the Opera 1989. The winner of that last poll! ^^ I get y'all like him, but would you kiss him? And furthermore- would you kiss him with the horrible gross skin mask on? 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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3. Freddy Krueger, A Nightmare On Elm Street Franchise. This one could be a really easy yes or a really easy hell no- which is it for you? 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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4. Stuart Lloyd, The Last Showing. ... now we see how many of you just like the beard, huh 😏... 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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5. The MC, Dance of the Dead (S1 E3 of Masters of Horror). He is sooooooo creepy 😅 This eyebrowless man- Ah, well, some us like that! Do you? 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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6. Ian Essko, Zombie Strippers. This is assuming he would let you touch him in the first place, of course 😅. 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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7. Inkubus, Inkubus. I mean he's a sex demon... so I'm sure he kisses well. Though I'm not sure many of you will need the incentive with him XD 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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8. Mayor Buckman, 2001 Maniacs. ... at least he's well dressed 😅. 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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9. William 'Bill' Gartley, The Mangler. I have not seen this movie yet!! But he seems plenty creepy and we love that here!! I'm very intrigued, though I'm not sure that I would kiss him... how about you? 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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10. Jim Bickerman, Lake Placid Final Chapter-Lake Placid Vs Anaconda. ... (: That's all I have to say here 😂😅💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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Bonus 11. Dr Andover, Fear Clinic. He is the only man on here who remotely deserves any kisses!! But the choice is yours!! XD 💋Kiss💋 or 🚫Diss🚫 ?
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nonkul · 2 months
hi it's me being annoying and condescending again
but i wish we could bring back fandom and edit tags.
i get that user tags are useful. many of us don't have time to scroll through the dash to find content to reblog, so it's great to have your personalized feed where others can directly share their art with you. i even use my friends' tags sometimes. it's like me knocking on their doors, saying "hi, just walking my dog here, wanna pet it?" user tags can also be my way of greeting moots i don't talk to often. in an "i thought of you when i made this" kind of way.
but then i hate how user tags are becoming the only way a post can get notes here. i hate how certain blogs only reblog posts where they're tagged. it turns reblogs into soulless transactions. and if we're only relying on big blogs to reblog our content, what's the incentive for other users to follow smaller blogs? they could just follow one big blog and see everything since everyone tags them anyway.
i hate how under every gifset is one tag for the show's name, and 16 other ones are all user tags. i hate how we don't even have space for actors' names. i hate how our tag lists expand as more people decide to open their own tags, and soon enough 20 tags won't be enough to tag everyone. i don't want to leave any of my friends out.
i hate seeing "#tagged" or "#thank you for tagging me" with no commentary. i'd rather see one note with commentary over 100 obligatory reblogs any day, but that's just me. but theeeen can i blame people for simply reblogging? knowing they are tagged 10+ times a day and it can get overwhelming? i don't want to force people to give thoughts when they have nothing to say. and a lot of times they're tagged in shows they have not watched, so what kind of commentary can they make? user tags are nice for discovering content, but they do entrap you with expectations. what you see is dictated by other people. kinda defeats the purpose of "personalized feed" doesn't it?
and trust me im guilty of all of above. i don't even give commentary most of the time, so don't think im shading anyone who "#tagged" under every post. i love and trust my moots. i just hate how this convention we came up to boost content flow is slowly killing content flow.
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swiftfootedachilles · 3 months
working on a cross stitch for gallacrafts but honestly i have absolutely no incentive to finish it because of my rjd and ill get like 10 notes on it anyway since half of the popular blogs blocked me and everyone else who reblogs it will probably get dm'ed some shit like "umm you reblogged a post from a TOXIC PERSON you should DELETE THAT." like i just KNOW itll happen. plus most of the shit on here only gets notes if they post it to the discord servers and im not in those and nobody in them likes me so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ idk i just have NO energy to interact with this fandom anymore beyond posting, liking, rbing, and replying to posts and answering asks
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