#1.5 °C
greenfue · 9 months
To prevent warming beyond 1.5°C, we need to reduce emissions by 7.6% every year
To prevent warming beyond 1.5°C, we need to reduce emissions by 7.6% every year from this year to 2030. (EGR, 2019)10 years ago, if countries had acted on this science, governments would have needed to reduce emissions by 3.3% each year. Every year we fail to act, the level of difficulty and cost to reduce emissions goes up. (EGR, 2019)Deep reductions in methane will be necessary to help limit…
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kp777 · 11 months
IEA lists ingredients to keep worst effects of climate change at bay
COP28 will see governments, businesses, and NGO's "take stock" of efforts to meet the goals of 2015's Paris Agreement.
The IEA's World Energy Outlook offers up some potential solutions to create a more sustainable future.
It stresses the importance of focusing on five "pillars" that it argues will put "the world on track" by the year 2030 and "keep 1.5 °C alive."
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wyllzel · 7 months
Some interesting BG3 build guides I've stumbled upon:
Optimal TB OH Monk by u/Prestigious_Juice341 ➡️ AFAIK, this is the Monk Build Guide 👀
A Comprehensive Paladin Multiclassing Cheatsheet by u/rimgar2345 ➡️ I refer to this one all the time :'D Really helpful and great at breaking down the reasoning!
BG3 Party Building Templates by u/Prestigious_Juice341 ➡️ Super cool guide to creating synergistic parties!!
Really Makes You FEEL Like Batman (Way of Shadow Monk) by u/CCYellow ➡️ This one is just really funny LOL
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from EcoWatch:
Current climate policies are putting the world at a high risk of critical Earth system components reaching tipping points, even if global temperatures return to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average following a period of overshoot.
However, a new study has found that, if global heating is quickly reversed, these risks could be minimized.
The human-caused climate crisis has the potential to cause a destabilization of large-scale elements of Earth systems like ocean circulation patterns, ice sheets and components of the global biosphere. In the study, the researchers examined the risks that future emissions scenarios and current mitigation levels posed to four interconnected tipping elements, a press release from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) said.
The research team determined the risks of tipping for destabilizing a minimum of one of four central climate elements: the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, the Greenland Ice Sheet, the Amazon Rainforest and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) — the Atlantic Ocean’s main ocean current system. All four of these contribute to the regulation of the stability of the planet’s climate. Sudden changes to these biophysical systems can be triggered by global heating, leading to irreversible outcomes.
The report’s analysis explains how important it is to stick to the climate targets laid out in the Paris Agreement, while emphasizing that our current choices will impact the planet for centuries or even millennia.
“Our results show that to effectively limit tipping risks over the coming centuries and beyond, we must achieve and maintain net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Following current policies this century would commit us to a high tipping risk of 45% by 2300, even if temperatures are brought back to below 1.5°C after a period of overshoot,” said Tessa Möller, co-lead author of the study and a researcher with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)’s Integrated Climate Impacts Research Group, in the press release.
The researchers discovered that tipping risks become substantial by 2300 for several of the future emissions scenarios they assessed. If the average global temperature does not return to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2100 — even if net-zero greenhouse gas emissions are reached — there will be a tipping risk of as much as 24 percent by 2300. This means that in roughly one-quarter of the scenarios that do not return to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, a minimum of one of the tipping elements they considered will have tipped.
“We see an increase in tipping risk with every tenth of a degree of overshoot above 1.5°C. If we were to also surpass 2°C of global warming, tipping risks would escalate even more rapidly. This is very concerning as scenarios that follow currently implemented climate policies are estimated to result in about 2.6°C global warming by the end of this century,” said co-lead author Annika Ernest Högner, also with PIK, in the press release.
“Only a swift warming reversal after overshoot can effectively limit tipping risks. This requires achieving at least net-zero greenhouse gases. Our study underscores that this global mitigation objective, enshrined in Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, is vital for planetary stability,” said Carl Schleussner, one of the authors of the study and a leader with the IIASA Integrated Climate Impacts Research Group, in the press release.
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disasterhimbo · 3 months
So… when are we gonna do something big about climate change? With the way things are going, it seems like humanity will just try to continue doing things how it’s used to until we go extinct (never mind the many animals that have and will go extinct before and after us).
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nilla-wafer · 4 months
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vacantgodling · 3 months
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sugar’s roommate, the EXTREMELY promiscuous salvia (or sal), and a different variant of their species: tasters
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frogeyedape · 2 years
I am excited to see the spread!
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jaggededges123 · 5 months
*watches the wordcount of my wip go up, and up, and up,,,*
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hey adults who I'm friends with, am I utterly stupid for scheduling 3 classes each 10 minutes apart from each other? or just like a little stupid
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taegularities · 1 month
Is C&F series over? I haven’t read it yet, but I keep seeing spoilers. Do they not get a happy ending?
the main storyline is over, it ended with the epilogue (see masterpost) — i'm just writing and posting bonus chapters now 😁 the next one is the second to last and very angsty, but the story has a happy ending overall!! :)
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sugarcain-sims · 11 months
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don't call it a comeback (but call it a comeback)
the problem with writing a living challenge is when you change the rules for gens you've already finished you wanna go back and do it again 🙄 it's been a good six months since my last jewels save post (and over a year since the first one) so i'm zipping back to gen 1 with a new matriarch, Bianca !
but this aint the last you've seen of the jewell family,,, not by a long shot,,,
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kp777 · 9 months
An emergency brake for the climate: EU advisory board recommends 90%–95% reduction in emissions by 2040
To limit global warming to 1.5°, the EU's Science Advisory Board on Climate Change recommends that Europe reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 90%–95% by 2040 compared to 1990. Fossil fuels should be phased out as quickly as possible.
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savechivasfemenil · 6 months
that tournament format is kinda weird but im here for more chivas fem games
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from EcoWatch:
The global average temperature for the period June 2023 to May 2024 — 12 consecutive months — was 1.63 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average, making it the hottest on record, according to new data from the��Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). It was also the longest stretch above the 1.5-degree threshold of the Paris Agreement.
In May, the average ocean surface temperature was 69.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the warmest ever recorded for the month. It was the fourteenth record-setting month in a row for sea surface temperatures.
“The climate continues to alarm us – the last 12 months have broken records like never before – caused primarily by our greenhouse gas emissions and an added boost from the El Niño event in the tropical Pacific. Until we reach net-zero global emissions the climate will continue to warm, will continue to break records, and will continue to produce ever more extreme weather events,” said Samantha Burgess, C3S deputy director, in a press release from C3S. “If we choose to continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere then 2023/4 will soon look like a cool year, in a similar way to how 2015/6 now appears.”
The findings do not necessarily mean the Paris Agreement goal of global heating not exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius above the average for pre-industrial times has been breached, as this target is measured by averages over decades rather than single years. However, the trend does mean more extreme heat and climate-fueled weather events, as well as the risk of disastrous tipping points.
C3S Director Carlo Buontempo said the data indicated a “large and continuing shift,” in the world’s climate, reported The Guardian.
“Even if this specific streak of extremes ends at some point, we are bound to see new records being broken as the climate continues to warm,” Buontempo said. “This is inevitable unless we stop adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and the oceans.”
In the northern parts of the globe, temperatures in Europe were the most above average, while parts of the southeast and southwest of the continent, including Russia, saw below average temperatures, the press release said.
The data suggest this year could be hotter than 2023, which was the hottest on record.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Hua Cheng was holding Xie Lian’s hand and spoke up, “Ge ge, next time you see Jun Wu, don’t talk to him, turn around and run away.”
Xie Lian was puzzled, “Why?”
“I just knew that every time he comes looking for you, it’s never for anything good.” Hua Cheng said.
Xie Lian laughed, “What do you mean? The work he originally assigned me wasn’t this.”
However, Hua Cheng said, “It’s the same thing. Whether if it’s going to Mount TongLu or help him manage the heavens, neither are good assignments. The Upper Court is in complete shambles now, might as well let it break up. Throwing that pile of mud on your lap, what’s up with that? It’s no different than choosing between a sword and a knife to commit suicide.”
—Chapt. 143: Gates Open at Mount TongLu; the Assembly of Millions of Demons (Part One)
Don’t brush him off, listen to him!!!
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