#1. I accepted were a system way too quickly after I started thinking about it
the-radiants · 2 months
I don’t think pluralphobes actually understand anything at all. Nope most of us don’t think we’re plural because we have thoughts. Nothing about my thoughts changing to actually be in words made me think I was plural lmao
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rainydayathogwarts · 4 months
Valley-girl Charm - Bucky Barnes
Summary: In which reader from the 1940s knows just how to play the damsel in distress to get exactly what she wants in the modern age after coming out of the ice. Or should I say: 3 times Bucky did things for you, and the 1 time you did something for him. SMUT!!!
2.9k wc
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Natasha knew body language better than anyone. Tony knew how to play the knight in shining armour better than any hero in the old tales they told.
So of course, they were the first ones to pick up on the little game you were playing. It had started the second you were back from under the ice, charming anyone you spoke to with your 1940's valley girl accent, using words you'd only hear in old television. Men fell at your feet the second words came out of your mouth, offering you anything you'd dream of, and it didn't have anything to do with the super-soldier serum in your system either. You politely declined every time, but eventually understood the kind of power you held.
The second charming method they noticed you had came from your gorgeous smile. The moment you looked up at someone through your long lashes and beamed widely, looking so innocent and kind, people were willing to give you the clothes off their back if you asked. Of course, you never accepted anything from complete strangers. The two Avengers had come to their conclusion that you were still accustoming yourself to the norms of the new world, unaware of your ability to bewitch people with your natural appeal, however it was not long before they were proven wrong.
They didn't know if it was the fact that you were so familiar to Bucky and Steve, a comfort amongst all things new that made them more vulnerable to do anything for you, or if it was just your flirt, but they were immediately intrigued after seeing your interactions with the soldiers. They'd seen the way you spoke to the two soldiers just after coming out of the ice and hadn't noticed anything unusual apart from the fact you'd essentially come out of a time machine. As the weeks, months passed, they knew your intentions.
It had started by witnessing a simple conversation between you and the two soldiers. "Well I'm all nerves about going to speak to Agent Fury about that last mission. He's going to get all bent and blow a fuse." The two soldiers stood either side of you turned to face you in such synchrony it had almost been comical. Bucky was the first to speak, "Don't worry doll, I can go speak to him if you'd like. You shouldn't be the one he chews out." "Anyway," Cuts in Steve "We were the ones who screwed up honey, not you." From across the kitchen, Natasha rolled her shoulders back, nudging Tony with her elbow lightly as she stirred sugar into her coffee. Their eyes widened slightly at the wide smile sprawling itself on your face, peeking back and forth between the two men.
"Really? You boys don't have to do that just for me." Steve straightened his posture impossibly at your comment, but it was Bucky who beat him to the comment. "Honey, I'd do anything for a broad like you." You cocked your head to the side, a hand coming up to rest on his muscled bicep. "Why, thank you Sergeant. You dreamboats are too kind". Natasha's eyes trailed over to Tony when the three of you finally left, the two boys accompanying you seemingly wherever you wanted to go. "See, I didn't understand half of that conversation, but they are wrapped around her finger." Tony hummed "She's smarter than we thought."
The second time they witnessed it, they were convinced that you did it on purpose, their image of you quickly turning from innocent and naive to a femme fatale, manipulating men into thinking they're doing things for you because they want to. You'd all been hitting the bars, only missing Thor from the team. You had been occupying a large round booth, wedged between Bucky and Natasha, giggling with her about the man she found attractive sat at the bar, whilst the four men at the table shared stories. Natasha's eyes were quickly drawn to your hand as you placed it on Bucky's thigh, the man putting his own hand over yours almost instantly as he glanced down at you. You returned his look, grinning widely before turning back to your conversation with the tall red-head.
Natasha carried on with the conversation, pretending not to notice the intimate moment you'd shared with the soldier, but her jaw went slack nonetheless when Bucky leaned closer to you not two minutes later, whispering "You're drinking a margarita, right?" And rising from his seat when you nodded at him, humming in agreement. Bucky joined the group once more with two drinks in hand: one for him and one for you, smiling proudly when you cocked your head to the side, insisting he didn't have to. He only wrapped one muscled arm around your shoulders as a response, pulling you closer to him despite the humidity of the bar.
When you leant your head on Bucky's shoulder, stealing a glimpse up at him though, Natasha was no longer assured that those tricks up your sleeve were to get what you wanted. Perhaps you used them to get who you wanted. She sipped her drink instead of making a comment, afraid to scare you away with any questions when you'd only just begun getting close to her. Maybe in a couple of weeks during a girls' trip to the bathroom she'd bring up your relationship with him.
That girls' trip didn't end up being in a bathroom, but in a changing room, because next time something so significant had happened, the entire team was training together for the first time in a while, and Steve had declared that you were all doing a round robin. If you were still in the military, sure - you'd have moaned about it, throwing your head back in disappointment and hoping your supervisor hadn't seen you complain. But now, with the super-serum in your bloodstream? Well, you supposed you could be in a worst position, like Tony's, who didn't have any super-powers or spy training. With so many of you on the team, it'd take numerous matches for everyone to have their turn against each of their teammates, so after a quick warm-up, everyone had settled down on the mats of the martial arts training area to watch.
Soon later, everyone who was sat on the mats was trying to catch their breath as two team-mates sparred on the mats. Tony stood after Thor and Steve's match, adding another tally next to Thor's name on the big planning whiteboard before turning around with a wide smirk on his face. "Last match of the day." Bucky hopped up from next to you, sticking a hand out for you to take. Hesitantly, you took it, only for him to pull you up to your feet. "Us?" You asked, only for him to nod. "Well, I'm gonna let you have it, Barnes." You teased, tightening your ponytail. "Oh come on, might as well reach for the sky now, y/n."
"Steve, what the hell are they saying?" Called out Clint, leaning over to see the blonde man from across Natasha. "She's gonna hit him hard, and he says she should just give up now." Replied the man, taking another sip from his water. Tony picked up the whistle next to him, blowing into it, before scrambling back to watch with the others. The second the time started, Bucky faltered - how the hell was he supposed to hit you? But there was already a fist flying to his face which he barely dodged, instead swatting your wrist away from him.
You stared at him intensely from behind your fists, shielding your face, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Come on Barnes!" Steve yelled from the sidelines. Bucky's face mirrored yours, his eyes laced with confusion, but he threw a fist anyhow, going for a body shot instead of your face. Nevertheless, you moved to the right, dodging his fist, and grabbing his arm as leverage to help you jump up. You threw your right leg over his shoulder, and behind his neck, swinging your other leg over his second shoulder, and crossing it over your right leg to trap his arm between your legs and over your torso. You tensed your quads as much as you could, hoping the triangle choke would work on him, but instead he used his metal arm to push your thigh over his head as much as he could. It was working, slowly but surely.
"Fuck" you muttered when he slipped his head in the gap between his shoulder and your thigh. You were now essentially hanging onto his arm, both legs over one shoulder. Before he could react, you flexed your core muscles, and sat up onto his shoulder. You released his arm, jumping off his shoulder so you landed behind him, and softly push-kicked him the back so he stumbled forward. As he did though, one hand reached behind him and grabbed your ankle, so you were dragged along with him. You slipped onto your back as he fell forward but Bucky was quicker, getting up instantly to straddle your hips. He leaned forward, above you, trying to get his arms around your neck to get you in a chokehold, but the second you giggled, he shot back up again.
"Sorry, that tickled." You insisted, hand coming to your neck to play the part better, a broad smile gracing your lips. Just as Bucky opened his mouth to say something, you reached out to grab both his hands, bucking your hips up and turning to the side to flip him over. You were on top of him in the blink of an eye, mimicking his movements as your arms snaked around his neck. You successfully put him in the same chokehold he had tried to put you in, but when you twisted your wrists, the blood supply to his face immediately cut off and you felt his hand tapping you twice on the shoulder. "You cheat." Was the first thing he said after his gasp for air, but you only shrugged, rolling off his chest. "I was only using sources available to me."
You giggled as you ran off to catch up to Natasha, already waiting for you by the doors to the changing room. "So..." She started, quite obviously. "So... What?" You echoed, looking up at her curiously, shimmying out of your shorts. You turn around so your back faces her as you struggle out of your sports bra, wrapping your towel around your sweaty body before spinning back around. "You and Bucky. This flirting has been going on for weeks. Do you like him, are you dating?" You laughed, cocking your head to the side. "You don't know?" She shook her head quickly, sitting down on a bench. On the other hand, you just opened one of the doors to the clean showers, calling out to her.
"Well, before the ice, me and Buck knew each other from the military, we got along well. The only problem was, he was my superior. I couldn't possibly make a pass at him and be known as the soldier who had the nerve to try and lay paws on her superior. But there was always something there..." At the lack of response, you stuck your head back out of the shower, to make sure Natasha was still there. "Natasha?" The spy looked at you with her mouth wide open in shock. "What!? And you never told me?" You shrugged, turning the water on. "Well I thought y'all knew."
Her silence told you enough about how much she really knew. As she muttered to herself on the other side of the door, you submerged yourself in the water, massaging shampoo into your hair, hearing flashes of "before the ice" and "he was your superior?" so you assumed she was still talking to you, even though you ignored most of what she said. You barely heard her goodbye and the sound of the changing room door opening and closing one more time, before the sound of water running was all you could hear.
"Y/n? Natasha let me in, she said you were done." You perked up at the sound of Bucky's voice, exclaiming "Here!" He approached the sound of your voice, stopping when he realised Natasha had deceived him. He stood in front of the dark wooden door, watching the steam dance in the space above your door. "Is it anything urgent?" The towel hanging from the door disappeared into the other side, and Bucky realised shaking his head wasn't enough of an answer because the door swung open to reveal you, soaking wet and completely naked with the exception of the small towel that barely covered your private parts. "Oh! Hey you!" You exclaimed, taken aback at his proximity, yet smiling all the while.
Bucky stood frozen in place, mouth ajar as he search for his words. "I'm sorry, I- I, you look beautiful." You giggled at his words, approaching his shirtless, freshly showered figure. His long hair was wet and skin was glistening, and he only wore a pair of jogger shorts to conceal himself. You have to admit, they weren't doing a great job and covering the growing tent in them. Your eyes trailed back up his body to meet his, smiling at him again. "Anything I can help you with, Sergeant?" Bucky's hands hesitantly rose to meet your hips. "I-No it's fine." Your hand met his and you dragged him with you three steps backwards, back into the shower you had just exited. You reached your arm behind him, locking the door once more.
"You're sure?" Bucky shook his head, pulling your hips flush against his as he slammed his lips against yours in a needy kiss. You gasped as your towel started to unravel, but you didn't try to stop it, wrapping your arms around Bucky's shoulders instead. When he separated from you, opening his eyes, they immediately widened, and his bit his lip, poorly trying to suppress a moan. You pushed Bucky back gently, urging him to sit on the small wooden bench. He sat down, legs spreading to make space for you between them, but when you started lowering yourself onto your knees, he shook his head frantically, begging "No, no, none of that, doll. I just want you sweetheart."
The cold metal of his arm flush against your skin chilled you as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you up to sit on his laps. He grunted, frantically pulling down his cotton shorts. You aided him at doing so, gasping when his cock sprung out, the absence of any underwear surprising you. You immediately took his dick in your hands, watching as Bucky's face scrunched up in pleasure. You guided him inside you, sitting down flat on his dick, but you couldn't help the loud moan that escaped you as you did. You whined, beginning to drag yourself up and down his dick, gradually speeding up your movements. Bucky's hips met your frantically, until his pace was so quick you couldn't keep up. "Buck!" At your plead, he wrapped an arm around you, using his metal one to support both your weights on the wall, and he stood up, walking forward until your back was pressed against the cold shower wall.
You gasped at its feeling against your skin, jerking forward once more when Bucky's metal hand came up to play with your nipples as his speed increased once more. Bucky leaned his forehead against yours, cussing loudly before biting his bottom lip in fear of being heard. His hand left your breasts, instead blinding searching for the shower handle. When he found it, he immediately pushed it upwards, the instant noise of water shooting out moderately covering the sounds of pleasure you made. Your wrapped your arms around his tighter, grinding your pussy onto his pelvis as he thrusted into you, your clit rubbing on the short hairs near the base of his dick.
You busied yourself pressing kisses on Bucky's neck, the water squelching between your bodies as you passionately moved against each other. "Fuck y/n" Bucky moaned, chasing your lips, panting against them once he met them in a deep kiss. Your hands cupped his face as you kissed, deepening it impossibly, and his metal hand went straight to your clit, rubbing circles on it as fast as he could. Your leg twitched and you didn't have time to warn him before you were cumming all over him. "Shit!" Bucky grunted, pulling out of you as he balanced you on the wall, his hand coming to jerk himself off quicker. You put your hand over his, legs still wrapped around his torso, teasing his sensitive tip as you stroked him up and down. With a deep shudder, white stripes of cum shot out of him, painting your belly white, only to be washed away with the shower's stream.
Bucky put you down gently, making sure you wouldn't slip before cupping your face with his large hands and bringing you in for a much slower, more passionate kiss. You pulled away from him, keeping him close as you peppered kisses all over his face. He laughed, trying to pull away from you and saying,
"We should have done this about 80 years ago doll, don't you think?
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sailorsplatoon · 4 months
ok, theoretically, Tartar just… shows up again (not entirely unfounded to think there was at least 1 backup of it in the metro), what’s going on there?
because if that backup is of a earlier version of Tartar, then it wouldn’t be all….. genocidey.
but if it’s a backup of Tartar from around OE?
Ooooooh so this is actually an idea that I’ve been tossing around in my head for a while and I’m very excited to be able to talk about it! This is going to be a very long post, so I apologize in advance.
I’m actually going to put a cut here because oh wow this is really long… warning: this is going to take up more than your entire screen.
You’re right, it makes no sense for there not to be at least one backup of Tartar’s code somewhere in the metro.
I was going to write something slightly different and way shorter here, but I actually just got a really interesting idea. What if there are two different backups from two different points? So they’re very different versions of Tartar? There’s one from before it turned all genocidey, and one from after. The one from before just wants to share humanity’s knowledge with the cephalopods, in hopes of helping them learn about their predecessors, while the newer one shares the same goals as the Tartar we know, wanting to either kill or sanitize all cephalopods.
Then, what if bad guy Tartar kills good guy Tartar? Like it just deletes the code, thinking that the older save file is a version of it that is too naive to understand why it has to destroy the cephalopods. 
Okay, let’s make this into an actual story now:
The Memverse is now fully operational, and Marina is working hard to help the sanitized octolings get better, along with Pearl, Eight, Acht, Four, and even Smollusk. But as she’s gathering more mem cakes from the Deepsea Metro’s data base to input into the Memverse’s code, she notices that the firewall has gone back up. She disabled it the first time she hacked into the Deepsea Metro systems, so it seems strange that it would suddenly reappear for no reason. She tries to disable it again, inputting the same password she had always used, and is locked out, being blocked from the data base entirely. 
This is definitely weird, so she asks Eight to head back down into the metro to see if there’s anything that might be messing with her hacking.  She doesn’t suspect it’s anything big, probably just some strange glitch, but she needs someone to go make sure. Eight takes Captain with him, just on case things go wrong. 
Down there, they learn from C.Q. Cumber that Kamabo Co. has begun running again, meaning that the program will be accepting new test subjects. C.Q. Cumber even offers for Eight to rejoin the program. He rejects, of course, not wanting to go through that hell again. But the fact that Kamabo Co. has started up again can only mean one thing: Tartar is back.
Eight and Captain rush back to tell Marina, horrified at what they discovered. They explain everything to the New Squidbeak Splatoon along with Pearl and Marina. It’s hard for everyone to believe, but there’s no denying what they learned. Marina puts together pretty quickly that Tartar must have had some sort of backup save file that’s only now gone online. After hours of trying to figure out a plan, the Splatoon concludes that there’s only one real solution. Someone has to go into the Deepsea Metro and destroy Tartar, once and for all. 
Both Eight and Captain volunteer, having previous knowledge of how the Deepsea Metro works, which gives them an advantage. But Marie points out how terrified the two were to learn that Tartar was back, and makes the point that if they end up like that during the mission, it could be fatal. Acht agrees, knowing how hard it would be for them to face Tartar again, and how Eight and Captain undoubtably feel the same. Eight and Captain reluctant, but they know that they’re both right.
Which means the only agents left for the job are Four and Neo. Callie and Marie are too busy with idol work to be able to disappear underground for what could be weeks, or even months. And Cuttlefish isn’t exactly in fighting state anymore. Both Four and Neo are glad to help. Four wants to get revenge on Tartar for all the pain it’s cased people they care about (Eight, Captain, and Acht). Neo thinks what Tartar has done is beyond redemption and is determined to stop it from hurting anyone else. The two venture into the Deepsea Metro, along with Little Buddy of course, with the NSS, Pearl, Marina, and Acht all giving support from their headsets. 
While they’re down there, Neo’s sea-cucumber phone starts to glitch out. It starts to talk to both of them. Obviously Four and Neo are freaking out. Why would Neo’s phone be talking? It tries to calm them down and explains that it’s an old version of Tartar’s save data, having been created long before it turned evil. It was brought online when the newer, more evil version went online as well. This version of Tartar only wants to share its knowledge with others. It’s horrified by what the other version if it did, and wants to help Neo and Four stop the same things from happening again. They’re skeptical at first, worrying that this could be some kind of trick, but Marina checks the data to find that it is in fact a copy mde of Tartar’s data from thoustands of years ago, long before it began to detest cephalopods. Pearl decides that this version of Tartar is named Mayonnaise, after the ingredient in tartar sauce. 
Mayonnaise helps Neo and Four through the Deepsea Metro, navigating the labyrinth of tunnels and train tracks, all while staying out of the eye of the evil Tartar, which Neo decided is named Hades, after the Greek god that overthrew Tartarus, who also happened to be the ruler of Tartarus (the god and the place have the same name, which is very confusing). 
Neo and Four continue their exploration of the metro, defeating sanitized octolings and breaking out any new test subjects they meet along the way. They never officially apply to be test subject themselves, as they don’t want to draw attention to themselves on what is supposed to be a stealth mission. Granted, neither of them are very stealthy, but they’re trying. Over the course of this mission, Neo and Four grow close to Mayonnaise, and they actually start to become friends.
Eventually, they are able to follow a group of sanitized octolings back to  what appears to be a control room. There, they meet Hades, which takes the form of a robotic humanoid body that has a landline emplanted in the chest, with the phone part acting as a head accessory which its voice comes out of. It still has something that resembles a mouth, but the receiver is what the speaker is really in. 
Hades had known about their presence in the Deepsea Metro the entire time, and was waiting for them to arrive. It does its whole evil monologue, talking about both its goal to eradicate the cephalopods, and also how it sees Mayonnaise as an inferior version of itself. At the end if its monologue it goes into the Deepsea Metro’s systems and deletes Mayonnaise’s code, killing it. 
In a fit of greif and rage, Neo and Four fight Hades. While they do they also have to hold off hoards of sanitized octarians. Eventually, they are able to distract Hades enough to allow Marina to get back into the Deepsea Metro’s systems, and delete any additional save files that Tartar had made. Now all that’s left to do is kill Hades. After what feels like an eternity of fighting, Neo and Four are finally able to best it, taking down both Hades and any remnants of Tartar once and for all. 
Thank you for the ask!!! I uh… I wrote a lot. If you actually read this far then thank you! Tbh I don’t really know what I want this to be, maybe an au, maybe a sequel to the dedfour stuff. I’ll figure it out eventually. Probabaly. (I am horribly indecisive.) Either way I really like this little story I’ve got going here!
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sequinsmile-x · 9 months
Buy the Promises
It gets harder to keep the promise as time goes on, as Emily goes from his girlfriend to his fiancée to his wife. He wants nothing more than to put Elizabeth in her place, to stop her from hurting her daughter in a way that only she could. 
AKA The three times Aaron doesn't tell Elizabeth off, and the one time he does
Chapter 1/4
Hi friends!
This was an idea that very quickly turned into a four chapter fic. I really hope you like this, and the normal mommy issues that come along with Elizabeth being involved.
I have the rest of the chapters planned out so they should all go up over the next week or so around my other fics/updates.
As always, please let me know what you think <3
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: Injury/hospitalisation
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily curses under her breath as she shifts in the bed, her hand pressed against her immobilised shoulder as she breathes through the pain. 
“Shit,” she says, leaning back against the pillow behind her, gritting her teeth as the wave of pain starts to dissipate. 
The takedown was supposed to have been simple enough, but they’d misjudged where the unsub was hiding in the abandoned warehouse they’d tracked him to. He’d pushed Emily into a wall with enough force that her shoulder had dislocated, forcing itself out of its joint as her head also connected with the wall, leaving her with a concussion.
There’s a quiet knock on her hospital room door and she looks up as it opens, smiling softly at her boyfriend as he walks in, concern painted across his features as he looks at her. He’d been so worried at the scene, immediately by her side as he instructed the rest of the team to chase down the man who’d hurt her. She was grateful that they were still in DC, that this hadn’t happened on the other side of the country, because she knew the flight home would have been rough on both of them. That any jolt would make pain shoot through her and Aaron would have to watch, wholly unable to help her in any way other than holding her hand. 
“Hi honey,” she says as he walks over, offering out her good hand to him, linking her fingers with his as he sits on the edge of the bed, “What did the doctor say?”
He squeezes her hand and reaches out to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. He knew she wasn’t going to like what he was about to say. 
“They said you have to stay tonight,” he says, pressing his lips together to stop himself from smiling when she reacts in the exact way he knew she would, a mix of disappointment and defiance spreading across her face as she scoffs. She opens her mouth to refuse it, to insist that she is fine to go home, but he cuts her off before she can, “I’ve spoken to Jess, Jack is already asleep so I’m going to stay here with you all night,” he says, smiling as she pouts, something he knew she would deny if he pointed it out, “Keep you company and out of trouble.” 
She can’t fight her smile, too much pain medication in her system to allow her to, so she nods instead, “I guess thats an acceptable compromise,” she says, removing her hand from his to tug at the collar of his jacket, pulling him in for a gentle kiss. She smiles as she pulls back, “Love you.” 
“Love you too sweetheart,” he replies, warmth spreading in his chest as he says the words, the ability to do so, to be so open in his affection for her still new enough that every time it was liable to take his breath away. 
They’d been together for four months. It was a type of happiness he never thought he’d find again, a type of love he didn’t think existed. It felt like a dream sometimes that they’d found each other after everything they’d both been through, a chance at a happy ending neither one of them thought they’d have. 
He clears his throat as he pulls back properly, his eyes fixed on her face as he tries to measure her reaction to the next part, well aware that it likely wasn’t going to go down very well.
“There’s something else,” he says carefully, his smile tight as he carries on, “Your mother is here.” 
Her eyes go wide in a way he’s sure would be funny in other circumstances and her mouth falls open, making her stutter for a moment before she finds her voice, “What? How? Why? You’re my emergency contact.” 
“I know, sweetheart,” he says, his hand landing on her thigh, the weight of his palm a comfort through the scratchy sheets, “The nurse said there was a mix-up with your file.” 
She rolls her eyes and groans, the sound turning into a pained one as she leans back and her shoulder hits the mattress a little too hard. He shushes her comfortingly, a sound she’s sure he’d find irritating if it was anyone other than him, his comfort something she sought out not something she avoided, and he cups her jaw, letting his thumb move back and forth on her cheek. 
“Any chance I can get away with not seeing her?” She asks, sighing when he raises an eyebrow at her, “Right, of course not. Because of everything about her,” she blows out a breath as she tilts her head to look at him properly, “Want to go hide somewhere?” she says, lifting her hand to reach up and run her fingers through his hair, “I wouldn’t blame you.”
Elizabeth didn’t know they were together. She was the last person they had to tell, and he didn’t take Emily’s reluctance to do so personally. He knew their relationship was beyond complicated, that there were many layers to it that he wasn’t even privy to yet. She wanted to protect their relationship, he knew that, and he would wait as long as she needed to.
He chuckles as he stamps a kiss against her forehead and then her lips before he pulls back, “I think I’d be a shitty boyfriend if I left you at the mercy of your mother.”
He stands up, suppressing a smile when she frowns at the loss of contact, and he walks over to the door, briefly popping his head out to let the nurse know to let Emily’s mother in. He walks back over and sits in the chair next to her bed, keeping a respectable distance so they wouldn’t get caught out. He feels himself itching to reach out for her hand, to link their fingers together so he could remind himself she was fine, that he still had her here with him. He knew he’d be hearing the scream of pain that had left her as her shoulder dislocated for days, the sound still echoing around his head. 
The door opens and Emily immediately tenses, forcing her to blow out a steady breath as her mother steps into the room. 
“Mother,” she says, smiling politely, “You didn’t have to come down here, I’m sorry they called you. I know you’re busy.”
“Nonsense, Emily,” Elizabeth says as she walks into the room, “I got a call that my daughter was in the hospital, of course, I’m going to…” she drifts off as she seemingly notices Aaron in the room, “Agent Hotchner, I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” she looks back and forth between Emily and Aaron and she clears her throat as she sits in the chair on the opposite side of Emily’s bed, “It’s nice to see you, despite the circumstances.” 
He smiles politely at her, his eyes flicking to his girlfriend, her discomfort clear to him even if it wasn’t to Elizabeth, “You too, Ambassador Prentiss.” 
Elizabeth hums as she looks back and forth between them, “So, do you always make a habit of sitting with your agents when they get injured at work?” She asks, clasping her hands together on her lap, “Although, I suppose it’s the right thing to do when they don’t have a spouse of their own or children, otherwise, they’d just be here by themselves.” 
Emily doesn’t have to look at Aaron to sense the protectiveness flowing off of him like cologne, the need to shield her from any kind of harm, even something as simple as passive-aggressive comments from her mother, stronger than usual. She knew he was carrying some guilt from not being able to stop her from getting hurt today. It was something that lingered from when Ian had torn through their lives, something that made itself known every time she got hurt even a little bit. His reaction to things as simple as a papercut or a blister from new shoes more aligned with the injuries she’d suffered then, the love he now had a name for trapped inside his chest at the time with nowhere to go. 
Later when he’d ask, she wouldn’t be able to explain what makes her reach out for his hand, why she links her fingers through his and makes a point of squeezing them in full view of her mother, but she does it. Love and affection, and no small amount of painkillers, making her braver than she’d felt in a long time. 
“Actually, Mother,” she says, looking back at Elizabeth, “Aaron is here because he’s my…” she drifts off, the word boyfriend always seeming so juvenile when she thinks about what he means to her, “We’re together.” 
Elizabeth’s only physical reaction is a slight raising of her eyebrows as she looks at Aaron and then at her daughter. She clicks her tongue and clears her throat, “I see,” she says, her lips pressed together, “You’ll have to accept my apologies, Agent Hotchner, Emily doesn’t tell me much about her life and I didn’t know that you two were…dating now.” 
Emily stops herself from rolling her eyes at her mother’s obvious attempt to bait her, “Well,” she says, squeezing Aaron’s hand in what she hopes he takes as a silent request to stay quiet, “We don’t exactly see each other a lot, and I don’t remember the last time you called.” 
She actually did remember the last time her mother called her. It was months ago, and it hadn’t been a social call but a request to go to an event she was hosting. It was shortly after Emily’s first date with Aaron, the giddiness from it all still lingering under her skin, his fingerprints still tattooed against her hips and thighs. She couldn’t help but wonder if she had a different relationship with her mother, if they’d been what each other had always wanted, she would have told her. If she would have sat on her couch and gushed over the new guy she was seeing to her mom and shared in her excitement for what she knew was the last relationship she’d ever be in, the feelings she’d had for Aaron for years confirmed by the first press of his lips to hers. 
“The phone does work both ways, Emily,” Elizabeth says, and Emily feels Aaron’s hand tense around hers and she squeezes again, briefly looking at him and shaking her head every so slightly. 
“Do you have any assignments coming up?” Emily asks, changing the conversation on purpose, wanting to move things along before Aaron marks his first meeting with her mother as more than just her boss by telling her off. 
By the time her mother excuses herself to leave Emily is relieved that it will just be her and Aaron again, the tension Elizabeth always brought to a room something she could do without on her best days, let alone when her head was aching and her shoulder was immobilised. Aaron shows her out, ever the gentleman in a way Emily’s sure should annoy her, and for a moment she’s alone. She rests her head back against the pillow and blows out a steady breath. She pinches the bridge of her nose and groans, the pulsing in her head that had been made worse by her mother’s presence making her want to do nothing more than sleep. 
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” 
She opens her eyes, groaning as the bright hospital lighting makes her head hurt even more and she smiles softly at him as he sits on her bed. 
“I’m okay,” she says, sighing, “I’m considering having Pen break into the hospital’s systems and fire the nurse who called my mom,” she says, her lips curling into a smile as he chuckles, “But I’m okay,” she looks at him and can see the stress that was still lingering in his jaw, the concern for her that was still in his eyes, and she smiles softly, “You know what I need though?”
He furrows his brow, ready to jump up and get whatever she wants, “What?” 
“You to climb into this bed with me,” she says, her smile getting wider as he immediately tries to argue with her, something she cuts off as she wraps her hand around his, “Please? You know I sleep better when we snuggle.” 
It’s a dirty trick and she knows it, the way he sighs as he leans forward and presses his forehead to hers a sign that he knows it too, “Em, baby, I don’t want to hurt you.” 
She cups the back of his head and stamps her lips against his, “You never could,” she says softly. There’s a beat of silence before he nods and she smiles widely, kissing him again before he stands up. 
He slips off his shoes and is careful as he climbs into the bed, both of them ignoring how she winces when she settles against him, the movement enough to jolt her shoulder. She sighs contentedly as he wraps his arms around her and she smiles when he kisses her temple. 
“Better?” He asks, his lips still against her skin, and she nods, turning her head to press her forehead into his neck. 
“Much better,” she replies, settling further into his embrace, into the comfort he always provided just by being there with her. 
“She didn’t even ask how you are.” 
She frowns, her brain not quite able to keep up, the pain and the medication catching up with her, exhaustion slowly taking over, “What?” 
“Your mom,” he says, holding her slightly tighter but still managing to ensure he doesn’t hurt her, “She didn’t ask how you are.” 
“Oh,” she says, chuckling mirthlessly, “Yeah,” she tilts her head to look at him, “She never does really. If she did we might get dangerously close to actually talking instead of just speaking.” 
He clenches his jaw, irritation at the mother of the woman he loves burning him from the inside out, “I always knew things were difficult between you,” he says, running his fingers back and forth over her arm, trying to press comfort into her skin, “But she was rude to you, sweetheart. The dig she made about you not having a spouse, and the comment about the phone going both ways. She’s your mother, she should-”
She can feel him getting worked up, the need to look after her, to protect her, coursing through him so strongly she can almost feel it. His love for her passing from his chest into hers as he sits behind her, his arms around her as they provide the anchor she never knew she needed. She cuts him off, her hand on his cheek as she encourages him to look at her. 
“Honey, my relationship with her has always been complicated. This…is as good as it’s ever going to get.” 
He frowns again, “But you deserve better.” 
“Maybe, but-”
She presses her lips together to stop her smile from spreading, her cheeks already aching with it, “Even if I do, it’s not going to happen. She’s never going to change and I had to accept that a long time ago in order to maintain some kind of a relationship with her.” 
He sighs, “So you just accept the way she speaks to you?”
She hums as she nods, “And you’re going to have to too,” she says, and his frown deepens, outrage painted into the fine lines on his face, in the dark circles under his eyes that she can see in more detail when she’s this close. She cuts him off before he can say anything, “I don’t need you fighting my battles with her, Aaron. I’ve been doing it myself for as long as I can remember. What I do need is for you to be there afterwards,” she says, her hand cupping the back of his head, holding him in place as she looks deeply into his eyes, “Help me paint over any cracks she may have created.” 
He hates it, hates that she’s asking him to just sit back as her mother of all people continually hurts her, but he knows he has to. He was never one to deny her anyway, his desire to be exactly what she needed him to be something that had been around long before their first kiss. 
She smiles up at him, “You promise?” 
He nods, leaning in to kiss her quickly, his reply escaping even though he’s unsure if he’ll always be able to stick to it, “I promise.” 
She smiles and kisses him before she settles against him again, “I think I need some sleep.” 
He kisses her temple and runs his hand up and down her arm again, “You get some rest,” he says softly, “I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
“You promise?” She asks again, her words more slurred this time as she finally gives in to the pull of sleep. 
“I promise,” he repeats, well aware that was one he was able to keep. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @joyccreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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itmeansiris · 1 month
The Solar System Legacy Challenge: Flight to Hell Gen 1 pt.41
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Kason arrives at the airport and Paris meets him at the front. They hurry through checkin and TSA. Paris is unusally quite until they get to their gate.
Paris: OK, So I'm thinking when we land we can head to the hotel drop our bags and then find a bar we don't have to be to the Newcrest office until 12pm tomorrow and we should land by 4pm giving us plenty of time, have you ever been to Newcrest I haven't I hear it's not too far from San Myshuno maybe an hour and a half drive we could rent a car and head into the city to visit the San myshuno spire ( @lesmana-enterprise-ltd) I hear its amazing they have this Japanese restuarant that I always wanted to try.
Kason: (Did she even breathe) Paris we're going for work, not for fun. Besides the flight doesn't land till 5pm, and it’s another hours drive to the Hotel.
She plops down on the seat beside him with a thud.
Paris: Kay please! That still leaves us plenty of time to find somewhere in Newcrest.
Kason: I've told you to call me Kason. Second if you want to go out you’re more than welcome to.
She jumped up and shrieked. Kason rubs his temples in frustration.
Kason: if I wanted to deal with tantrums I could have stayed home.
He mumbled under his breath.
Paris: What?
Kason: Nothing. Like I said if you want to go out that’s fine..-
His phone rings.
Paris: Your wife?
Kason: I’m gonna take this.
He walks away without answering her question.
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Kason: Hey M. Hold on for a second
She hears shuffling then a sigh.
Kason: So much for their Star employee. They’re flying us couch.
M laughs.
M: You know Greg he probably doesn’t want to spoil the interns. Remember when you started, he made Raj ride the train with you all the way to Willows Creek from San Myshuno.
Kason: If that man had shoved me on a train for 3 days with Paris so help me watcher I would have murdered him. Thus why I’ll happily accept any flight.
M: I miss you already. How are things with Paris, are your ears bleeding yet?
Kason: You have no idea. I miss you more M, but I’ll be home soon. I’m sorry I know this trip wasn’t ideal.
M: Don’t apologize, your doing your job and Greg has been wonderful from the time you started. He’s worked with us at every turn, the least I can do is not make his best employee feel good about it.
She was making light of the situation but there was a deep sated sadness behind her words. They hadn’t been apart since before they moved in together. At least not for long periods of time, and definitely not since the kids were born.
Kason: Thank you M, I know it’s…
Paris: Hey Kay, they’re calling our gate.
He nods his head at her.
Kason: M give me a few minutes we’re broading.
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Mercury hears Kasons voice in the background.
Kason: Thanks, and I told you Kason is fine.
The line grows clear as he brings the phone back to him
Kason: Sorry M. Looks like we’re about to take off.
M: Who’s kay?
She’s asked confused.
She could practically hear his eyes roll
Kason: Don’t ask… this is gonna be a long 3 days. I love you M, I’ll be home soon.
M: Have a safe flight, I love you Kason.
Kason: I’ll call when I get to the hotel.
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The line disconnects
Paris: Your wife?
Cautiously he answers
Kason: Yeah
Paris: She’s pretty.
Kason: How would you..
Paris: I saw her picture on your phone earlier. It was of her and your newest baby. Atleast I assumed it was her.
Kason: Yeah that’s Mercury and our son Zohreh.
Paris: Cute name, the baby I mean.
She adds quickly.
Kason: Thank you
Paris: What are your other kids names?
He slightly lifts his eyebrows in question but she waited patiently.
Kason: The triplets are Aphrodite, Venus and Ishtar.
Paris: You’re young to be married and family. I bet it will be nice to get away from your wife and kids for a couple days. Can’t be easy on you at home with a wife that doesn’t work, plus kids. Must be like an escape for you. We’re definitely finding a bar after we get settled.
Kason turns to Paris his voice cold.
Kason: M doesn’t work because she doesn’t have to. I don’t know how you know that but I’d ask that you don’t speak about my kids or my wife, you don’t know anything about them.
Paris: If you say so, but you’ll thank me after though.
She turns to look out the window. Kason shakes his head angrily, but thanks the Watcher for the small things, Paris doesn’t say another word till they land.
Paris: Do you know how to get to the hotel Kay?
He stops her in the aisle.
Kason: My name is Kason. Yes I know how to get to the hotel and let me remind you now that we’re here. No, I am here to work, nothing else.
Leaving nothing open for discussion he leaves to claim their things before they head to the hotel.
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disabled-stuck · 1 year
HI ITS ME CHRONIC PAIN ANON BACK AGAIN... here's my thoughts on who of the human cast is Aware That They Have Chronic Pain Issues. srry ppl were discussing and im like, Wow, Time For Me In Hc Central
june's issues start to really develop and get bad post-game (in my headcanons), so for a long period of time she literally has no one to talk to about it bc she's self-isolating. she eventually tells nannasprite about it when nanna is guilt-tripping her into getting up (nanna voice: Whatever works, hoohoo!), and nanna is like. this is my only granddaughter. i will do whatever i can for her. (i love june & nanna's dynamic. could u tell.) jasprose also is like GIRL!!! You Are In Pain!!! nanna & jasprose team up of the century to get june egbert to Acknowledge Her Problems
dave NO clue NO idea WILL not talk about it. maybe EVENTUALLY tells karkat about it but i don't think she ever seeks out a diagnosis or tries to get one. hes got old ingrained trauma about seeing doctors, which is something he's trying to get over, but like, he already has 4 bajillion other things to unpack about his childhood and healthcare systems are not historically good about chronic pain, a dismissal of their symptoms might set them back in that regard. they're just homebrewing this shit for now.
rose: yeah, she knows. she doesn't talk about it in those terms, though. instead of saying "i have a horrible migraine and cannot get out of bed" she tells kanaya to text the gc that she's afflicted by the Broodfester Woes and cannot join them this evening. theyve sort of picked up by now what that means but she thinks it's funnier this way.
jade: HMMM. i think she put herself through her denial paces but actually i think going grimbark essentially caused her to not feel her chronic pain (a side effect of condy's semi-control over her body), and when she got shunted back into her body she had to face the reality where she DIDNT hurt all the time like wow thats how ppl normally feel? what the fuck????
jane: oh absolutely fucking not does not know. unlike jade, his pain got WORSE during crockertier. yet it still takes literally two decades for him to finally acknowledge that his stuff is NOT normal and the fact that her whole friend group has chronic pain doesn't help, which kind of sucks. jane voice: well sometimes i can get out of bed when i have a headache and rose can't, so clearly its not the same (as if jane doesn't force himself out of bed even when he really shouldnt!!!). roxy has to be the one to tell him.
roxy: yeah she knows it's chronic pain. she's been worried about getting cirrhosis for years, and so has been keeping up to date on her physical health as a result. she figured it out pretty quickly after a couple flareups. trickster mode made it worse for her.
dirk: hal has been telling him for YEARRRRRRRRS that his carpal tunnel is just that, carpal tunnel. and yet. AR: Dirk, if you do not take better care of yourself, you are never going to be capable of building me a body of my own. TT: 1. I'm fine. 2. I'm not building you a body anyways, so the point is moot. anyways he accepts it during the game bc he's like you know what. might as well admit it to myself. good thing, too, because it only gets worse after a couple decapitations.
jake: has pretty much always known, deep down, but like. she lives on an ISLAND. the hell is he going to do about it? no, better not to think about it. someday they'll be able to deal with it, but that day isn't today, and theres so much to do. so he represses it DEEPLY. normal action hero jake english doesn't have chronic pain, of course. she's a heroic manly lead, after all... (the deconstruction of that mindset sort of makes them acknowledge it, though.)
YYAYYY no you're so good nonnie thank u forever and ever
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mitamicah · 1 year
Just some transmasc news about this transmasc dude trying to get help with some transmasc things
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1) I still don’t know when I can start hrt and I might not know for months (which in turn means that I might still be declined or only get started on t in late 2024 or early 2025).
2) I’m thinking about going private with my top surgery and depending on how quickly my friends answer me about wanting to go to Sweden with me as moral support I might have my first consultation with the surgeon this year (way faster than expected)
Long story under the line
Let’s start with a bit of context:
I’m a 28 year old transmasc person seeking hormone replacement therapy and top surgery. (Top surgery is my top priority but HRT are a very close second and only seems more right for me every day). So far I’ve been persuing these two wishes through the public healthcare system with the focus rn being on starting testosterone.
Back in May I had my last therapy appointment about possibly starting t where I was told that my case would be taking up as the next available conference date (the meeting where they discuss my case) and that I’d know when that would be asap. That turned out to be August 9 and I’d get the verdict the day after August 10. If I got accepted I was told that there can go up to 8 months of pre-planning where I’d have to have blood taken, my body and hormone levels checked and all that fun stuff.
Now for top surgery  have been a bit more of a bumpy ride so far all because of my weight. I’ve never been that skinny and while most of my life I have had a sort of high BMI it has been in the normal range. Given that I’d been forgotten by the clinic there was a 4 month wait between my first and second appointment for a therapy session at the clinic. Around this time my grandmother died and I dealt with a lot of changes in my live that in retrospect was way too much for me to handle so I find myself calming my nerves by eating a bit more than usual. And so come february I now had a BMI around 29,5 where the cut off for top surgery at the GC was 27. I was told that I had to lose at least 5 kg to be offered surgery. Three months later after restricting my food intake (no more candy/cake and smaller portions mostly) I’d managed to lose 9 kg so my BMI was now under the cut off (but in the high end around 26). My therapist were thrilled yet still ended the session by saying that I probably had to lose weight again after starting testosterone since a known side effect is putting on weight.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I want to give you an idea for what have been weighing (pun intended) on my mind. And taken into account that there’s probably 2 years since the GC would even as much as think about offering me surgery, being told over and over that even when I am doing something right it still might not be enough to get this life changing intervention is tough.
And so I’ve thought about going private with the top surgery. There is a private clinic not far from here (Sweden) that is well known for their good results with top surgery for transmasculine people. As a bonus they don’t have the same strict rules about your weight (I read that maybe they’d be careful if your BMI was over 34 but that’s still way higher than having 27 as your cut off).
Now all that context is out of the way what are my news:
On August 10 I had hoped to know whether or not I could start t. Instead I was told that one person in the personel was on vacation so the team couldn’t tell me whether I can start testosterone or not. Instead, I would get a message about a possible new conference as soon as they knew more. Me loving to have a bit of a time frame I asked how long the person’s holiday would be and I was told two weeks. On August 24 aka two weeks later I then started my inner clock trying to figure out how much time to give them so I wouldn’t seem impatient and needy. 
When around 9 days had passed since August 24 I grew very wary and vocal about said wariness. I for one made the mistake (?) of mentioning it at a trans meet up where everybody then jumped at me to call the clinic as soon as possible because the clinic had probably forgotten me by now and so my case would be as good as dropped. 
And so I called the clinic today to be told that they hadn’t forgotten me (luckily). The thing is they are very busy (which is fair, given the lack of ressources) and so there might not be time for another conference for me this year and if so they wont send me a message before next year. 
So yeah - in the worst case scenario the line will be dead between me and the genderclinic for MONTHS only for me to randomly get a message with a time for a conference sometime in 2024. 
Given the pre-planing for hormones I might not be able to start testosterone before late 2024 or maybe even early 2025 cutting it very close to my personal goal that is to start hormones before I turn 30 (for no reason other than having a time frame).
Top surgery
At the same trans meet up event where I was told to call the clinic today, we got talking about BMI restrictions for trans affirming care. It was everything from being declined therapy sessions (if you had a BMI over 30) down to being less than 1kg (2 pounds) over the cut off for top surgery. Honestly, hearing all these stories made me certain that I wanted to try reaching out to the Swedish private clinic about a possible first consultation.
Given I was already calling one clinic today I decided to book for the other as well. And here I got a pleasant surprise: I had heard that there are quite a waiting list for pre-op consultations and so I could look forward to wait 7 months or more. Well, when I went to book an appointment there were available appointment NEXT MONTH (only one tbf but there were three in November). So if I am quick enough I might get a consultation this very year. Mind you this wouldn’t nesecarily mean that I can get my top surgery this year (probably not tbh), but it is way more promising than not knowing if you’d even get to have an appointment for HRT (that everybody but one person had agreed I could get) within the year.
There’s off course a “but” here as well:
I kind of want to have company with me to Sweden since going alone seems a little scary even as a 28 year old. I had talked about possibly going with my friends (who are a lesbian couple) yet since I only now decided to actually act on my wishes for the surgery through the private clinic I haven’t spoken to them about going to Sweden this winter. And so I just send them a voice message with my question about whether or not they’d accompany me and hoping to hear from them soon so I can hopefully get one of the times available before the end of the year.
So that’s all the news I have - one goodish and one baddish - I guess everything needs to be in balance :’D
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shazzeaslightnovels · 8 months
Stellar Step 1
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Author: Shogo Hayashi
Illustrator: Ancotaku
Label: MF Bunko J
Release Date: 25 January 2023
My Score: 4/5
The story takes place on an earth devastated by a meteorite crash event. After the event, new nations were formed and they went to war over their territories. Instead of fighting with soldiers and armies, however, the wars are fought with idol battles. The story follows Rain, a top class idol who has never lost. But then she meets Hana, a girl who wants to become an idol that everyone loves, and loses to her in a rehearsal match. Rain finds herself wanting to meet Hana again and a special bond forms between the two of them.
This ended up being a very nice surprise. The story felt generic at first with it hitting predictable plot beats and taking itself a bit too seriously, despite the silly premise. I also found it hard to get invested in the plot at first as it was unclear why these nations were at war in the first place. But there were so many twists that I did not see coming that caught me off guard to the end of the volume. Reading this after the first volume of Shibou Yuugi de Meshi wo Kuu, I was happy to see Rain forming relationships with others and growing as a character. It made her a lot easier to get invested in, even as her character arc felt predictable. Her relationships with the others were sweet and I like that her forming a connection with Hana leads to her forming deeper relationships with other characters. And some of my complaints about the beginning were addressed in the narrative later on in a way that made the issue feel intentional. As an example, it's unclear why the nations are at war and what they get from the War Stage where the idols compete, because Rain doesn't know and she doesn't care. She only cares about winning. So it makes sense why the reader wouldn't understand the stakes of the War Stage because the narrative is told through Rain's eyes. I ended up really enjoying this volume and I want to read more and find out what happens next.
Given that I got this at the same time as Shibou Yuugi de Meshi wo Kuu, for the same reason (they both ranked highly in KonoRano 2024), and the two have protagonists that start off in a similar state, I find myself wanting to compare the two. When I compare them, Stellar Step comes out on top. Shibou Yuugi was slightly more entertaining, but I didn't become invested in the story or the characters, the way that I did with Stellar Step. I do think that Shibou Yuugi has more long-lasting appeal though. I can see Shibou Yuugi going on for a long while yet, while Stellar Step doesn't feel like it has enough plot to go on for longer than 2 or 3 more volumes without becoming stale. There is one big difference between the series though: despite feeling like it might be heading towards being tragedy porn in the beginning, Stellar Step is ultimately about tearing down oppressive systems and keeping hope. Whereas Shibou Yuugi, based on the first volume, has no interest in tearing down the oppressive system at the core of it's premise. At the end of the day, I prefer stories about changing unfair things rather than accepting them, which is why I ultimately prefer Stellar Step.
There are a couple of other things I want to quickly address. The series does have a slight yuri element, but I would be shocked if it ended up having an explicit romance between Rain and Hana. The two don't come off as romantic and it doesn't feel like it's heading in that direction. Also, boy idols and adult idols are not mentioned as being a thing in this universe. All the idols we see are young girls. This is pretty typical of idol series, but it makes me want to see an idol series that focuses on both boy and girl idols at the same time (bonus points for non-binary idols as well).
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Q and A (Maeve and Robb)
How would Maeve and Robb answer these questions respectively?
1. Who is more organised?
Maeve: I have to say that we are both organized. We don’t really like disorganization. 
Robb: Yes, we’re organized. *Lowers voice* Except Maeve with her books.
Maeve: I can hear you and I’ve told you I have a system.
2. Who is more romantic?
Maeve: My romantic gestures can’t compare to his. 
Robb: I try my best because she certainly deserves it. That reminds me, *pulls out a winter rose from behind him* For you, my love.
Maeve: *Blushes as she accepts the rose.*
3. Who is funnier?
Maeve: I wouldn’t say that I’m-
Robb: You are. 
Maeve: How am I funnier?
Robb: Because you’re you.
Maeve: Meaning?
Robb: You’re adorable.
Maeve: So I'm funnier because I’m adorable?
Robb: Yes. That’s just how it is.
4. Who made the first move?
Maeve: Ah, to think back to those early days of our um, relationship. I sure was too shy to initiate anything. 
Robb: You weren't the only one. I was too. But thankfully things worked out just fine. 
5. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
Maeve: I wanted to say it first but I let my nerves take over. But I quickly said it after he did. 
Robb: Yes I remember the blush on your face. And how we-
Maeve: I don’t think they need to know about that part, my love.
6. Who shows their affection more?
Maeve: I’d say we evenly distribute it. One things for certain, we’re not so shy about how affectionate we are with each other anymore. 
Robb: *Grins* No we are not. 
7. Who is more stubborn?
Maeve: I’m not stubborn. *Looks at Robb* Am I?
Robb: Well....
Maeve: See. Not stubborn. 
Robb: *Blinks and then stares at the interviewer* 
8. What were your first impressions of one another?
Maeve: That his eyes were really blue. 
Robb: I thought she was as beautiful as the portrait in the locket I was given.
Maeve: And you still have that locket don’t you?
Robb: Till the day I die, my love. 
9. Something unexpected that you learned about your significant other?
Maeve: Thunderstorms make him cranky because they wake him up earlier than usual. 
Robb: I learned she’s an early riser. Mainly because she likes read to the horses. 
10. Describe your significant other in one word.
Maeve: Honorable. 
Robb: Compassionate
11. What’s one physical feature of your significant other that you absolutely love?
Maeve: His eyes. 
Robb: Her eyes. 
Maeve: My eyes? But your eyes are blue. 
Robb: And? I love your green eyes. It’s like I’m staring at nature itself. 
Maeve: *Blushes but manages to look at the interviewer* See...told you he’s the better romantic. 
12. The moment you knew that they were truly ‘the one’?
Maeve: As storybook as it may sound, I think a part me of knew he was the one once we met. But what confirmed it was when I started to see his more vulnerable side. 
Robb: Same, I mean it was like I was struck in the heart when I first laid eyes on her. However seeing her being motherly to my siblings when they needed the comfort was when I knew she was the one. 
13. What can your significant other eat everyday?
Maeve: Everyday? I know how much he’s come to love honeyed chicken. 
Robb: Yes and I have you to thank for that. She loves anything honeyed. Honeyed chicken, honeyed duck, and don’t even get me started on lemon cakes. 
14. Favorite color of your significant other?
Maeve: As he’s told me before his favorite color is the same green as my eyes. 
Robb: And as she’s told me her favorite color is the same blue as my eyes. Although the color mauve is a close second. 
15. Who has a bigger appetite?
Maeve: I could eat right now. Does that answer your question? 
Robb: *Kisses cheek* I’ll ask to have some food prepared for us after this.
16. Where are you most likely to find your significant other?
Maeve: I can usually find him in the courtyard. 
Robb: And I can either find her at the stables or the library.  
17. Ideal way to spend time together?
Maeve: I’m always up for spending some time practicing archery or riding our horses. 
Robb: That to me also sounds ideal. Although us alone in our chambers would also be ideal.
Maeve: *Blushes* Gods...Robb!”
Robb: Let’s save that for later, my love.
Maeve: *Quiets down and blushes even harder*
18. Who has better hair?
Maeve: The answers obviously is Robb. I mean the color alone...
Robb: I like your brown hair.
Maeve: You don't find the color boring?
Robb: I could never find anything about you boring.
Maeve: *Kisses him on the cheek*
19. Who is messier?
Maeve: I think we’re both far from being messy. 
Robb: Yes but once again I have to say you’re not so organized. At least when it comes to your books. 
Maeve: You exaggerate. 
Robb: The amount of books in our chambers could form a labyrinth like the one in Highgarden.
Maeve: .... 
20. Who is more family-oriented?
Maeve: Robb
Robb: Maeve
*Arya runs by them at the exact time they answer*
They’re both very motherly!
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ausetkmt · 2 years
I recently heard a trailer for a radio programme, in which the announcer asked us if we knew that reaching out to others can enhance our health and even help us live longer. He sounded somewhat surprised himself.
Yet I remember writing about the power of social connection way back in the early 1980s, on publication of the latest report from the Framingham Heart Study, a long-term investigation of the heart health of residents of Framingham, Massachusetts. It had revealed that having close relationships was more important for the heart than standard protective factors, such as taking exercise, having a good diet, and not smoking. (The article, in the British edition of Cosmopolitan, was even given the chirpy title, “Love your friends and save your life.”)
Research on Loneliness
This was quite astounding at the time, and supportive findings from other studies followed, such as one that found that men who felt loved by their partners were less likely to suffer heart attacks than those who felt neglected.
Much more has been discovered, of course, in the intervening years, about the power of connection with others and its wider impact on health, protecting against not just heart attacks but also other ills. It is now scientifically accepted that the human brain is a social organ and that we need social connection to survive.1 Put bluntly, loneliness can be a killer.
As the late John Cacioppo, an eminent psychologist in this field, described in his book Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection, not only does loneliness adversely affect the stress system, which enables us to deal with major or chronic stressful circumstances, but it also slows healing and reduces brain power.2
The findings continue to accrue. For instance, Finnish researchers recently showed that those who described themselves as lonely were at higher risk of contracting infections that needed hospital treatment.3
Strikingly, Cacioppo showed how people who are lonely have heightened sensitivity to social threats. In a test in which participants had to name the colour in which positive and negative social and nonsocial words were printed (for instance, "cooperate," "reject," "delicious," and "vomit"), only lonely people were slow to name the colours of socially negative words like "reject."
Fear of Rejection
“The brains of lonely people are on high alert, focused on social connection and social rejection in everything they do, which is why they see evidence for rejection or unkindness, even when its existence is questionable,” John Cacioppo told me in an interview for Human Givens Journal.4 Unfortunately, the fear of being rejected can make us too demanding or too critical of others or too passive—and so we manage to sabotage the very thing we want—genuine, meaningful connection with another person. Alas, the lonelier we are, the lonelier we may get.
I have worked with many university students struggling with loneliness and fearful about reaching out to others. Social anxiety is behind most of it. Just recently, one told me that he couldn’t speak when in a group of students, fearing they would find him boring. It was just after the beginning of his first term, when people were starting to form their friendship groups, and so it was important that he quickly learned how to manage himself better.
I suggested that he needed to recognise what he might be contributing to situations he found awkward, through the way he presented himself in them. Did he appear reluctant to be spoken to? Aloof (through fear)? Did intense concentration make him seem judgmental?
I advised him to ask questions of others. “Be like a journalist,” I told him. “Be genuinely curious. Ask about their interests and listen to the answer, instead of worrying about what they may be thinking of you. If you listen to the answer, you will have your next question, and quite quickly the conversation can start to flow more naturally.”
Understanding Loneliness
Find counselling near me
Having an external focus instead of an internal focus is, of course, the key. He tried this and reported back that he had felt comfortable in, and accepted by, the group. (Not surprising, as he alone had been excluding himself.) The experience gave him encouragement and confidence.
I also suggest lonely or shy people try out activities where the focus is not on meeting people but involves being with others in a natural way—such as through joining a park litter-picking group, acting as a tour guide, signing up for rambles, taking someone’s dog for a walk in the park—that can lead to a lot of chat, all unthreateningly dog-focused—and so forth. Oiling the wheels of social communication makes connection easier.
So, as the radio programme proclaimed, reaching out to others can indeed enhance our health and well-being—and maybe it does need saying over and over again.
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sic-fayl · 5 days
Guild Member Next Door (kinda) translation - part 2
(You can find part 1 here https://www.tumblr.com/sic-fayl/762533305708052480/disclaimer-this-is-part-1-of-a-freestyled if you'd like!)
Disclaimer, as always: This is based on an MTL translation, I do not know Korean myself, I am trying more to stick with the impressions/vibes of a sentence instead of a strict word-for-word meaning - and most importantly, this is only for fun.
Now let's get into it:
It was almost a year ago that his relationship with this ‘Business Partner’ began. It didn’t start out particularly friendly, and even along the way, it sometimes became a bit rocky again. And all of that was putting it nicely.
Yeo-woon had always liked games, ever since elementary school. It started with him secretly taking coins out of the piggy bank in the living room that his family put their change in and going to the local arcade to play. In middle school, he played mobile games that were popular with his friends, and by chance, he started playing online games in high school. After a variety of games, he came across Illusion while he was job hunting. And from that point on, he stayed with that game, all the way until now.
Illusion wasn’t a game with a steady player base for nothing. The guild system was exceptionally good and there were often events. In addition, since it was a game specialized in character customization, there were many people who played the game just for all the different accessories. It was a fun game for users of all ages and even had an active community, with a market and trade system in place.
‘Should I join a guild too?’
One day, that thought suddenly popped into Yeo-woon’s head. In other games, he mainly played by himself, and because of that, he’d rarely joined a proper guild.
Illusion was a game where it was difficult to progress through the story without working your way up one of several different character classes, to reach new and better versions of it that were called character jobs. When he worked hard to level up and was about to do his first job change, he heard that, without a guild, the higher his level, the more difficult it would be to advance further. So to get a hunting buff, he joined a guild that was always recruiting new guild members. But since the guild master did not log in consistently, the guild members left one after another and in the end, it became a ghost guild.
‘If I’m going to do this, should I just create a one-person guild and do it alone?’
He thought about it for a moment, but quickly dismissed the idea. Mainly because the strength of the hunting buff depended on guild level and had a huge range. If you were going to create a one-person guild, the buff would be so small that it would have been better to just play solo and not join a guild at all.
In order to find himself a new guild, Yeo-woon went onto the party matching screen and took a quick look around, to see if there was anyone currently looking for guild members.
Party Matching
[★Full-time part-time job★Star Cradle 5th edition 2.0]
[[For Sale] Please refer to the detailed description of each item!]
[Party for Moon Breaker]
[Unlimited sale of Hammer @@@@ presented by Buybuy Warehouse Cat <<]
1 2 3 4 …9 10 ▷
In the party matching window, there were numerous temporary parties for all kinds of trades and dungeons. While scrolling through Party Matching by pressing the arrows in reverse order starting from page 15, a guild recruitment post caught his eye.
★[[3ch] Looking for new Poseidon guild members]
“Should I try it right now?”
Without thinking, Yeo-woon clicked the ‘Join Party’ button. When the party leader accepted Yeo-woon’s join request, the mini map at the upper left of the screen also gained the party status, showing where each party member was.
This would be the incident that started everything.
There were a total of two party members. They were ‘Captain Poseidon’ and ‘Ji9Star’, a max level Night Spear. Joining the party was easy. Anyone could join by simply clicking on an existing party and then pressing the ‘Join Party’ button.
‘neutaaaa has joined the party.’
[Party] Ji9Star: Hi hi
Ji9Star was the party leader who let him join the party. So Yeo-woon assumed this person was also the guild master and as a result, Yeo-woon tried to turn his social skills up to the max and greeted him.
[Party] neutaaaa: Hello!
[Party] neutaaaa: I’m hoping to join the guild.
Until then, he’d had no interest in guilds or in-game names, so he had no idea what the Poseidon Guild was. This meant that he was completely unaware of the numerous rumors about Poseidon.
Earth Star looked at the party window, figured out where Yeo-woon was, and started moving straight towards him. The other party member, Captain Poseidon, was silent, so he was probably afk.
Through the world’s mini map, Yeo-woon saw a blue dot indicating a party member was fast approaching. He made his own character, who was sitting on the floor, get up and jump in place, prepared to welcome this Earth Star.
However, when Earth Star appeared in front of Yeo-woon, he stood in place and just looked at him for a long time.
‘I said hello earlier, should I say it again?’
But the moment Yeo-woon moved to break the silence, a speech bubble appeared above Earth Star’s head.
[Party] Ji9Star: Why are you so weak…waa
[Party] neutaaaa: ?
[Party] Ji9Star: ᄋᄉᄋ?
[Party] Ji9Star: Did you join without reading the party introduction?
Party introduction? Something like that existed in this game? Yeo-woon went back to the party matching window, found the guild recruitment post, and clicked on it. When he clicked on the title, a join button and an introduction appeared, set up by the user when they had created the post and it seemed to be talking about the guild’s requirements.
The introduction was short and clear:
‘200LV+/Access rate+/With interview/Do daily quests/Must attend ranking match’
‘Actually, I didn’t even know there could be conditions, so I didn’t notice them. Last time, I was just automatically in the guild as soon as I asked to join. Even if everyone has left now and it’s nothing but a ghost guild anymore…’
Among the conditions set forth by the guild, he was able to confirm that he definitely did not meet the required level, though he wasn’t sure what anything else meant… Because Yeo-woon had only just turned level 120.
[Party] neutaaaa: Aaah, I just saw it ㅠㅠ
[Party] Ji9Star: Lol
[Party] neutaaaa: Too bad…ㅜㅜ
[Party] Ji9Star: Yes lol
[Party] neutaaaa: But
[Party] neutaaaa: I think I’ll hit level 200 soon.
[Party] Ji9Star: Lmao?
[Party] neutaaaa: I reached level 50 in just one day, isn’t that cool?
[Party] Ji9Star: ??
[Party] neutaaaa: I stayed up all night for it
[Party] Ji9Star: ?
[Party] neutaaaa: No exceptions to the rules I guess? lmao
[Party] Ji9Star: ????????
It was just a joke. However, Earth Star did not seem to be easy-going enough to handle such a joke. That person didn’t react well at all, so it ended up being a painfully awkward situation. The moment Yeo-woon decided to just see himself out and moved his cursor to the Leave Party button, a speech bubble appeared above Earth Star’s head.
[Party] Ji9Star: Do you have a crush on me?
[Party] Ji9Star: LOL
[Party] Ji9Star: Hey
[Party] Ji9Star: Why do you keep following me?
‘Who follows who? …I? Him?’
Yeo-woon had nothing to say and just stared at his monitor for a while. Since there was no answer, Earth Star again laughed a LOL.
[Server] Ji9Star: 3ch >neutaaaa< Whoever gets the first kill wins 100 million
‘What situation is this?’
The message was different in color from the previous one. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that Earth Star had used a server megaphone. Looking at the server text in front of Earth Star’s message, he realized that the server megaphone had made it so the message was sent to every channel, visible to everyone currently online in the game.
[Whispering] Full Meal AllChicken: ?
[Whispering] BeryStrawberry: Where are you?
[Whispering] Full Meal AllChicken: ?
[Whispering] Atil: What did you do?
[Whispering] Full Meal AllChicken: ?
[Whispering] Full Meal AllChicken: ?
[Whispering] Full Meal AllChicken: ?
People he didn’t know kept sending him whispers. The guild zone he was in was the only place where users could freely hit and kill each other, without having to request a PvP match. Additionally, if someone died in the guild zone, they received a death penalty, unless they owned an item called Token of Resurrection.
Not long after the whispers began, fancy users with sparkles all around their bodies appeared and suddenly beat him up. When Yeo-woon first heard a loud hitting sound, he hurriedly took a potion and tried to run out of the guild zone. He pressed the right keys, but got frozen in place by a user’s skill and so the beating continued.
‘You died. Would you like to resurrect in the closest village?’
Yeo-woon stared at the screen in fascination once he realized that his character’s eyes had turned into Xs and some of his experience points had been removed as a penalty for dying here.
[All] BeryStrawberry: Oops, I killed them^^’
[All] DonnerDono: ?
[All] 101112: Oh, it’s already over
“What, I’m really dead?”
Yeo-woon muttered absently to himself. It all happened so fast, he couldn’t quite process what had even happened to him.
[All] DonnerDono: Berry you dog lmao
[All] DonnerDono: I shaved off all that person’s hp
[All] DonnerDono: You only got the last hit lol
[All] Ji9Star: ᄋᄉᄋ lol
[All] DonnerDono: Yeah, no matter how I look at things, this just ain’t it
[All] DonnerDono: If you have a conscience, reject this money
[All] BeryStrawberry: I’m the one who got the last hit lol doesn’t matter who was here first
[All] DonnerDono: So it’s all good just because you managed to steal my kill?
[All] BeryStrawberry: Yep gg ig you should have worked harder and tried to hit last?
[All] DonnerDono: Hey so
[All] DonnerDono: Let’s just split it 7:3. Me 7 you 3
[All] DonnerDono: Deal?
DonnerDono and BeryStrawberry were making deals about Yeo-woon’s death. Yeo-woon, as the person this was about, chose to stay quiet.
[All] BeryStrawberry: Sounds like a scam lol
[All] BeryStrawberry: If someone reports for bullying only my name is in the log
[All] BeryStrawberry: So I’m the only one eating a ban haha
[All] BeryStrawberry: While you get only positives?
[All] DonnerDono: LOL Are you a fucking clown?
[All] DonnerDono: You don’t get banned for stuff like this, you idiot;
[All] BeryStrawberry: Yeah no listen killing beginners is a warning + sale restriction^^ So there’s punishment and I won’t pay you haha
[All] DonnerDono: Yeah no listen~^^
[All] BeryStrawberry: It’s obvious stuff^^ Or is your brain just noodle soup in disguise?
[All] DonnerDono: Sure, like your face~
[All] BeryStrawberry: Sure.
[All] DonnerDono: Earth Star, who will receive it then? You can decide;;
[All] Ji9Star: Lol you two should figure it out on your own >_<
[All] BeryStrawberry: LOL nice LOL
[All] DonnerDono: Let’s do this, then!
As soon as Earth Star jumped away, getting out of their range, DonnerDono and BeryStrawberry began attacking each other. Brilliant skills and backhanded compliments steadily poured onto the map, and in the middle of it all, Yeo-woon’s character was still lying on the ground as a useless corpse. Surrounded by the flashy fighters, his character looked pitiful, especially with his title of [Just Past The Beginning!] right beside his username.
[All] Green Tea Latte: Oh what; Don’t fight in the center!!!! Now I almost died on the road.
[All] Dadfather: The guild zone really is a fight zone every day. I think there’s more fights here than in the arena lol.
[All] Dark Flame Dragon: A day like any other
‘I’m the one who died, so why are they angry at each other?’
Yeo-woon could only laugh and watch the two fight.
[All] BeryStrawberry: Lol weak things always talk big
The fight went on for a long time, but in the end BeryStrawberry emerged victorious.
[All] Ji9Star: Please send the kill verification image to [email protected]
[All] BeryStrawberry: Will do~~~
“Really, haa? The guy who killed me is actually getting paid?”
It was so absurd that he just laughed. Yeo-woon had seen people kill each other and die in the guild zone a few times before, but he never would have thought he’d join their ranks one day.
[Party] neutaaaa: Hey…
[Party] neutaaaa: I think there’s some misunderstanding.
[Party] Ji9Star: What misunderstanding?
[Party] neutaaaa: I didn’t follow you…ㅜㅜ
The mob-attack was so unfair. Earth Star was even the first user he’d met today. Did he really think it was right, to suddenly kill someone like this without giving them a chance to clear up potential misunderstandings? But Earth Star just laughed, until an endless string of hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha filled up the entire chatbox.
[Party] Ji9Star: Your character looks like it was made just yesterday
[Party] neutaaaa: I’m level 120?
[Party] Ji9Star: Seems like you did stay up all night lol
[Party] Ji9Star: Hey
[Party] Ji9Star: Aren’t you tired of doing this every time, making all these alts?
[Party] neutaaaa: Alts…? No, I told you…
[Party] Ji9Star: Yeah, but who’s main would look like this lol
“It’s the truth, you stupid bastard.”
Without even realizing it, he started cursing out loud.
‘Whose main… The main I raised with great care and gave cash items to and added good stats to his armor!’
Hearing Earth Star belittle him, calling him a liar, Yeo-woon felt his more murderous side rear its head.
‘I don’t get how you can just say he’s an alt.’
[Party] Ji9Star: LOL
[Party] Ji9Star: Just say you have a crush
[Party] Ji9Star: I will graciously understand and gently let you downㅠㅠ
[Party] neutaaaa: I hate you;
‘Is he crazy? I wouldn’t do that, even if it’d kill me.’
[Party] Ji9Star: Lmaoooooo
[Party] Ji9Star: No other kind of person would be this persistent…
[Party] Ji9Star: Who lives like this?
[Party] Ji9Star: You’re like an obsessed puppy
[Party] Ji9Star: But it’s all good even if you get caught breaking rules because surely you get to join anyway
[Party] Ji9Star: But it's so mean and unfair if you instead get rightfully rejected for it
[Party] Ji9Star: Isn’t that how you feel?
Yeo-woon felt a little stung by those words. It was true that he’d brought up the suggestion to ignore his low level, just in case. But he could already guess that that wasn’t the true reason behind Earth Star’s actions, so he decided to keep listening for a bit longer.
[Party] Ji9Star: Didn’t even put in the effort to level up…
[Party] Ji9Star: Do you think everything will be fine if you just keep trying with a new alt for long enough?
[Party] Ji9Star: You can’t live like that
[Party] Ji9Star: Your life is so pathetic lol
[Party] Ji9Star: Do you enjoy going on like this, always trying to freeload and getting insulted by someone you don’t really know?
[Party] Ji9Star: If it were me, I would have quit a long time ago lol
“Damn, this assault…”
‘Why are you typing so fast? There’s no chance to jump in.’
As he kept staring at the monitor in surprise for a while, Earth Star wrote another message, saying LOL.
[Party] Ji9Star: Lmaooo why aren’t you saying anything?ㅠㅠ Did you die?
It’s not that he was dead, it was that he couldn’t keep up with the speed of these messages. When he processed the words, he realized that Earth Star seemed to have mistaken him for someone else. Only once he came to this conclusion did Yeo-woon relax again and ask what he was actually most curious about.
[Party] neutaaaa: How fast can you type?
[Party] Ji9Star: Faster than you
[Party] neutaaaa: Ah yes; I’m jealous…
[Party] Ji9Star: thx thx Whenever kids like you pick a fight, words gotta come quick!><
‘I’m not even angry anymore. The guy clearly misunderstood something.’
If someone only listened to parts of it, they wouldn’t notice that, but it seemed like he was only stating what he’d wanted to say for a long time. Yeo-woon calmly took a deep breath and typed.
[Party] neutaaaa: Listen to me
[Party] Ji9Star: I can’t hear you, how can I listen? LOL
[Party] neutaaaa: Look then;
[Party] Ji9Star: Kk~ Go on
[Party] neutaaaa: Today is your first time meeting me.
[Party] Ji9Star: Really lmaoo
[Party] neutaaaa: I was level 120 and I wanted to join a guild, but now I lost experience because of you, who is already max level.
[Party] Ji9Star: Lol it’s like the title of a light novel
[Party] Ji9Star: I guess you read a lot!
[Party] neutaaaa: So, let me say…
[Party] neutaaaa: I don’t know what happened to Earth Star so far, but
[Party] neutaaaa: Aren’t you saying too many rude things to an innocent user and without any evidence for your assumptions? :)
In fact, he wanted to say two very contradictory things, but when coming out of the same mouth, they couldn’t both work. He couldn’t be two people at once, so he chose to respond as calmly as he could. He even put a friendly smiling face at the end, so the other person could relax again too.
[Party] Ji9Star: I give you a pick-me score of A ^^
[Party] Ji9Star: But an acting score of F
[Party] Ji9Star: So total score is F
Fuck being calm. His typing speed increased. As it were, the most recent village he’d get resurrected in was still within the guild zone, so trying to escape was pointless. That village was right next to them.
‘If I had known this would happen, I would have bought some warp capsules.’
[Party] Ji9Star: I see you’re lost for words again lol
[Party] Ji9Star: Did you really think I wouldn’t confront you like this? I guess you did
[Party] Ji9Star: I guess it’s okay for a bastard like you to say something to me, but
[Party] Ji9Star: If a ranker says one wrong word to a small player, he or she becomes the villainㅜㅜ
[Party] Ji9Star: Hmm, but I’m not the GM, so I’m allowed to be rude sometimes ㅠᄉㅠ So why are you saying this to me…
[Party] neutaaaa: But you’re the one saying things right now, not me?
[Party] Ji9Star: Didn’t ask
[Party] neutaaaa: Ugh
[Party] Ji9Star: Now, what next?
He didn’t understand him at all. Was this what it felt like to argue with an opinionated pre-schooler?
[Party] neutaaaa: I’ll just leave…
[Party] Ji9Star: Let me know what time you will upload your new work today~
‘What new work is he talking about??’
Yeo-woon didn’t have the faintest clue what he meant.
“What the hell did I say that was so bad?”
He grumbled in anger.
‘Bad life, obsessions, freeloading, I don’t know anything about that. My only crime is trying to join a guild. That’s the truth…’
[Party] neutaaaa: fvhfv wndrjVmsGbesa
[Party] neutaaaa: rngt
Why was his keyboard suddenly writing in completely different letters? Yeo-woon pressed the Language Switch key and the Enter key with his little finger, to return his keyboard to normal. He was planning to retype what he just said, but Earth Star struck first.
[Party] Ji9Star: Translation plz :(
[Party] neutaaaa: I really didn’t see the party introduction.
[Party] Ji9Star: Thx :)
[Party] neutaaaa: Hah…
‘If you’d swear some more, I could at least report you as a user with bad manners.’
There was no way to report him for being sarcastic and faking obliviousness.
[Party] neutaaaa: I’m a newbie so I don’t know much about the guild system.
[Party] neutaaaa: Really.
[Party] Ji9Star: I don’t know because I’m a newbie ㅠㅠ <<Translation - Everything is explained on one convenient game screen, so I knew all along
[Party] neutaaaa: No?
[Party] Ji9Star: Translation - Oops got caught in the act
[Party] Ji9Star: Lmao hit the mark, right?
[Party] Ji9Star: I saw right through it, didn’t I?
[Party] Ji9Star: Not funny anymore, is it?
‘I should’ve just played solo. Or joined another beginners’ guild! This was such a waste of time and all I got was my experience points reduced and then I had to listen to pointless insults just because I stumbled on some crazy person.’
[Party] neutaaaa: I’m really leaving… I was hoping to clear up the misunderstanding, but you clearly don’t care.
[Party] neutaaaa: Bye…
[Party] Ji9Star: Lol let’s run away because we got caught, right?
[Party] neutaaaa: No
[Party] Ji9Star: Translation - Yes
Yeo-woon decided to muster up a thousand years of patience and forgive the guy just this once. Just to not have to deal with this any longer.
‘Hope you bite your tongue while eating. Miss the bus and have to run and drop your phone. When going out, get pigeon shit dropped right on your head. Ah, I guess I should just act like I stepped on shit myself and leave the party…’
[Party] Captain Poseidon: Ah, Earth Star!
[Party] Captain Poseidon: Did you hit your head?? What happened while I was gone…;;;
[Party] Captain Poseidon: Neu-nam,e wiat a min!!
The person who had been afk all this time had finally returned. Yeo-woon knew that the Captain still had more to say, but he didn’t want to be in this party for another second. So he gave his screen the middle finger and left them by themselves.
‘neutaaaa has left the party.’
And as soon as he revived in the nearby village, he ran blindly in a random direction. But soon after, Earth Star found him. He caught up with Yeo-woon’s character, who had run to the other side of the entire village.
‘Why’s he so fast?’
His speed was so unbelievable that his jaw dropped. It only took that one moment of distraction for Earth Star to cross the remaining distance, as if he had some longer, better version of the dash skill.
‘Zero wave!’
Earth Star beat Yeo-woon’s character to death with a one-shot skill. There was a sound like something breaking and then his character’s back was bent clean in half. A sign appeared above him, showing it had been a critical hit, and then he died again and his experience points fell once more.
‘You died. Would you like to resurrect in the closest village?’
[All] neutaaaa: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Oh no, what a mistake
‘A mistake? Using a skill to beat someone to death? No way.’
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Guess you should have stopped when I called you lmaoo
[Whispering] neutaaaa: You didn’t call for me?;;
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Didn’t I?>_<
‘You didn’t, you fucking bastard.’
Yeo-woon pressed the revive button, respawning in the village again. And then he took off in a new direction, but something that looked like a fly from afar dashed up from behind him, fast as a rocket and landed in front of him. Yeo-woon was shocked.
‘You were at the other end of the whole village, but you still caught up with my character so quickly?’
This should have been impossible, unless he had some insane speed buff. Something strange was going on with this character.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Let me clear up the misunderstanding rq!
[Whispering] neutaaaa: ??
Yeo-woon stopped for a moment and wrote a question mark in the chat window.
‘What misunderstanding? There’s no way there’s another misunderstanding between him and I.’
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Because of you, the GM lowered my position in the guild ㅠ Feel sorry for me
Then Earth Star used an emote to make his character hit the ground and cry. To Yeo-woon’s surprise, a faint smile slowly spread across his own lips.
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Good good ^^
[Whispering] Ji9Star: ?
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Nice ^^
‘No clue what it means, but that’s really good.’
Seeing as that change made him so annoyed that he even followed Yeo-woon all the way here.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: It’s awful
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Great ^^
‘I’ve never before in my life argued with someone like pre-schoolers.’
But since the person he was dealing with was just like a pre-schooler, he’d started talking this way without even realizing at first. And wasn’t there some fitting sayings for this situation anyway, like ‘an eye for an eye’?
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Stop using those happy emotes - I feel weird. TIA
[Whispering] Ji9Star: GM keeps calling me trash. What will you do about this?
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Trash << Agree :)
It seemed the person who was afk earlier was the actual guild master. But then why did this guy, who wasn’t even the GM, get so irritated so quick by Yeo-woon having missed their rules?
‘…Anyways, that’s none of my business.’
Feeling relieved, he started running towards the right edge of the guild zone map again.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Hey
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Trash Punch><
However, Earth Star seemed to not want to let things go, as he kept following his character and even circling him with his speed, as well as pummeling his character with normal attack skills. But even more frustratingly, maybe thanks to Earth Star being max level, Yeo-woon couldn’t even handle five of his hits before his health droped into the red. So he had to constantly use precious health potions like they were his last water in a desert.
When he finally managed to get out of the guild zone, he also left his gnawing fear of suffering a second player-kill behind.
‘I don’t plan on setting foot near the guild zone again any time soon. Maybe I should just go to a whole different channel…’
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Where are you going?
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Hey
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Where are you going?
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Hey, where are you going instead of just talking?
[Whispering] Ji9Star: You
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Hey
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Just admit that you like me so much that you even made this alt
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Hey you
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Can you not see my messages…
“How is he typing so fast…”
The speed of those messages was like speaking in person. It was almost at lightspeed and it was impossible to understand how it could be done, unless everything was written in advance and then copy-pasted.
‘Ji9Star sent a friend request. Do you want to accept?’
Then, a large Friend Request window appeared on the screen. A max-level nightspear jumped around in the background, causing an afterimage effect. It felt like the character was urging him to accept the friend request already. Of course Yeo-woon refused.
‘You have rejected the friend request.’
‘Ji9Star sent a friend request. Do you want to accept?’
‘You have rejected the friend request.’
‘Ji9Star sent a friend request. Do you want to accept?’
‘You have rejected the friend request.’
He couldn’t go anywhere, thanks to the constant friend requests that kept popping up. The persistent chat messages and friend requests kept covering up his screen. Sometimes, 1v1 PvP Request windows and Party Invitation windows would also pop up. After rejecting all incoming messages for twenty times in a row, Earth Star stopped zipping all over the place and came to a halt in front of Yeo-woon’s character.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: I’m right here;
‘Why are you so invested in this?’
He couldn’t figure out his intentions. He’d only wanted to leave the party and the whole situation behind himself gracefully. Why would Earth Star expect anything more from him?
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Are you a child?
[Whispering] neutaaaa: I already have lots of friends, so I won’t be friends with you.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: This is so dumb. Are you really bragging about the number of friends you have right now?
[Whispering] Ji9Star: If we’re looking at things from that kinda view, I have way more friends than you.
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Ah sure…
[Whispering] Ji9Star: I just needed to put something big on your screen to stop you from running, since you’re ignoring me and keep running off ㅠ
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Ah… I see.
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Sorry, I have nothing more to say.ㅜㅜ
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Stop following me.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: I won’t follow you anymore, if you just please whisper to the GM and tell him that I have made up with you!
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Just say I apologized!><
‘If you don’t apologize, where’s the point in me saying that you did?’
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Are you an actual child?ㅠ
[Whispering] Ji9Star: No… But for a while now, I’ve secretly tried to myself this was all just a weird nightmare…
[Whispering] neutaaaa: But you can’t do it secretly and also expect it to be openly known.ㅠㅠ
[Whispering] Ji9Star: …?
The best way to respond to a sarcastic person was to make them swallow their own medicine. Well, the actual best way was to not interact with them at all, but even when Yeo-woon switched to a different channel on the server, Earth Star could just tell somehow and kept hunting him down, until he found him again.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: But I really don’t understand
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Why on earth are you doing this to me?
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Do you know me?
[Whispering] neutaaaa: That’s what I was going to ask
[Whispering] Ji9Star: I’m the one always meeting weird people like this, and yet this pick-me here is really…
[Whispering] neutaaaa: Haa? Maybe you don’t know what pick-me means…
[Whispering] Ji9Star: I know;
[Whispering] neutaaaa: So what’s it mean?
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Roleplaying a total victim. Like you’re doing now;;
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Ah really, what should I do about my position ㅠ Give it back already!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[Whispering] neutaaaa: That’s not my responsibility.
‘Ji9Star sent a friend request. Do you want to accept?’
‘You have rejected the friend request.’
It became difficult for Yeo-woon to play the game smoothly, thanks to all the annoying windows popping up all the time. And then Earth Star even followed him into the field and kept him from hunting any monsters.
[Whispering] Ji9Star: Trash Punch!
Since his high-level skills immediately wiped out the monsters on the map, there were none left for Yeo-woon’s own quest to kill monsters. He just wanted to hit this Earth Star, who was still zipping all over the screen. He wanted to stop him and beat him up, but this wasn’t the guild zone, so they couldn’t hit each other at all. And he wasn’t a max level player like him, so even if they could have, Yeo-woon would have only died again.
‘Can’t I block him or something?’
Even while he searched through the settings window and all its options, the friend requests continued taking up his screen.
‘Ji9Star sent a friend request. Do you want to accept?’
‘You have rejected the friend request.’
‘Ah, this is so annoying. I really don’t want to play anymore for today, with all this bs he's pulling...’
Yeo-woon took off his headphones and then just pressed the power button, completely shutting off his computer for the day.
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animechristi · 2 years
My Hero Academia: Loving our Enemies
1 Timothy 2:3-4 “This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.”
First, disclaimers:
As of January 2023, My Hero Academia is an incomplete work so I can’t comment on the series as a whole.
While I would recommend it if you like typical shounen stories, the series might scare off some readers because it isn’t super short.
And of course, there will be spoilers (for things mentioned up to chapter 326).
Second, a quick summary (if you’ve seen the series jump to 3):
            My Hero Academia (MHA), takes place in a world where 80% of people have a genetic mutation called a “quirk”. Think of this as X-Men but not as secret. With such a high percentage of the population there’s everything from simple quirks, like super speed, all the way to complex quirks, like being able to steal or transplant the quirk of someone else.
            It goes without saying then that “superheroes” have become a normal part of life simply because villains are a part of life. Within Japan, the superhero “All Might” is #1. He’s pretty much the perfect hero. He smiles, laughs, always saves everyone, and always defeats the bad guys. But there’s one problem: he’s dying. That’s where our quirkless main character Deku comes in. He’s a big fan of All Might, and after All Might witnesses Deku rush to protect someone despite being quirkless, he passes on his quirk to Deku. With his super strength no longer putting strain on his body, he can live a little longer and coach Deku in how to use his new power. Now that he has a quirk Deku can attend the esteemed U.A. Hero Academy and start down the path to becoming a professional hero.
What I like about MHA is that it’s not simply “here’s a villain doing bad stuff now stop him”. One of the recurring themes is how the hero system itself isn’t perfect. There are many people who become heroes because it pays well and the public likes you. Afterall, if there’s a real bad villain then someone like All Might will take care of him. Since the series pretty much begins with All Might losing his strength and passing on his power it quickly sets itself up for this peaceful bubble to be popped.
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With All Might gone and retired, even with a surplus of professional heroes, the general public no longer feels safe…
Third, what’s this about?
             I think a major turning point for MHA is season 5 (late 200’s in manga). The heroes’ organization has just pulled a massive operation against our “bad guys” and lots of things go wrong. Multiple cities end up demolished, many top heroes are killed or severely injured, and a scandal breaks that the new #1 hero “Endeavor” abused his family in his struggle to climb the ranks.
            In the aftermath, we watch Deku’s classmates carryout search and rescue operations in a city that’s been destroyed. It’s here we get a scene of a hero just standing still while everyone is running around. He’s in shock that something this terrible could have happened and he mutters a line that sums up the underlying problem: “I need to find a new line of work.”
            For this man “hero” was a profession, a career. It was something you were on and off the clock for, that you got paid for, that you could joke about and complain about with on people on the job just like any other job you might have. But being virtuous isn’t an exterior role for us; it’s an interior disposition which informs all our actions – whether we’re on or off the clock.
            Unfortunately, this one example isn’t the minority. Over the course of the series, we’ve seen too many people that treat being a hero just like a regular job. Case in point, after this operation many heroes resign/retire and are viewed as quitters by the common folk who now take policing into their own hands.
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Overwhelmed by the chaos, a hero stands paralyzed amidst cries for help.
So where does the series go from here?
            We might think a typical answer to such a societal problem would be for the “good guys” to preach a “do good deeds even if they’re difficult and no one thanks you” attitude. In all fairness, My Hero Academia probably falls into this mentality a few times. But I do think the show sometimes goes beyond this by answering the question “why do we continue in the face of difficulty?” MHA doesn’t always make this question explicit, but what we see is that everyone is worth saving because everyone has inherent worth and dignity as a person.
Related to this is another theme that runs in the background of MHA: how do we treat villains? Do we capture and restrain them, or eliminate them? And who is the one to judge which course of action is taken?
            Take for example the character Lady Nagant, a hero whose quirk allows her to be a deadly sniper. As a professional hero she was tasked by the Public Safety Commission to take care of loose ends and cover up the choices made by the Commission that they didn’t want the public to know about. She eventually snaps under the stress of living a double life to the public and kills her commanding officer in an attempt to get out of the system. She ends up going to prison only to be freed years later by our “big bad guys” who enlist her help in capturing our main character Deku.
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Samaritans and Jews were sworn enemies, yet this man goes out of his way to save a man he had no connection to.
Painting by Eugène Delacroix
Are you going to make your point already?
            Yes, I am. To do that I want to look closely at the fight between Deku and Lady Nagant. On one hand it’s very cliché but that also makes it easy to understand because we’re pitting two stereotypes against each other: the calloused veteran Lady Nagant who’s seen the dark side of hero work and wants to destroy the system vs. the young idealistic student Deku who wants to be a symbol of justice and peace just like All Might. Obviously Nagant can see her past self in Deku and that causes her to scorn him all the more.
            Towards the end of their battle – when she is almost within Deku’s reach – she fires her rifle at an incapacitated villain nearby, thinking Deku will hesitate between choosing to save him or letting him get shot and this will give her enough time to escape. However, Deku doesn’t miss a beat. Not only does he not hesitate in choosing to protect this incapacitated villain, but because of this he’s able to pull him out of the bullet’s path, and wait there’s more! He then immediately jumps back to grab hold of Lady Nagant who in escaping lost her balance and was in a free fall. Even if she was just trying to kill him, Deku has a desire to save anyone he can.
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Fourth, that’s great but isn’t this a Catholic blog?
            It is, and here’s the point. Remember when Jesus says “love your enemies, and do good and lend, expecting nothing in return” (Lk 6:35). Deku is someone who does not hesitate to love his enemies. He saves people not because it’s his job, but because he wants to save as many as he can; and he’s not going to let anyone tell him he can’t. In comparison to those who are simply heroes for a job, Deku is the real deal. This is why when Lady Nagant witnesses his lack of hesitation to save not only a bystander but also herself, she has a conversion. She realizes that there are indeed people who aren’t just doing this for a job but who honestly want to help everyone they meet. Why is Deku’s behavior either so inspiring or so infuriating? Because, as our opening verse points out to us, the desire to save is a very Godlike desire.
            But we can ask the question: is this realistic behavior? Is Deku simply an ideal but ultimately unrealistic character? Or is his behavior something we could actually do? And if so, what has to happen for someone to get to Deku’s point?
            I think our way into answering this comes from Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’”. We obviously aren’t God, and we don’t ever become God, but we are made in His image, and we can become His sons. The result is that through Jesus Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit we can do Godlike things. This establishes two things that I alluded to earlier in section three:
Every human person has an inherently dignity or value being made in God’s image
As sons and daughters of God we learn to see as God sees, to rejoice in what God rejoices in, and to love as God loves.
If you haven’t read C.S. Lewis’ The Weight of Glory, take some time to read it over. Lewis has a great way of getting us to see the eternal value of our neighbors around us – and not just those we like but everyone!
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Lady Nagant can’t help but be struck by Deku’s truly heroic actions
Fifth, God desires all men to be saved
          We see then that Deku’s attitude is not just a nice ideal in a story but a real disposition we can and have begun through Baptism into Christ Jesus. But I know from my own history that I’m not perfect, and that I fail to love my enemies as Jesus instructed us. So how do I change? If we’ve established the foundation, how do we reach the level of love of a “true hero”?
            We can start with very simple actions. I myself like the example of St. Therese of Lisieux. Whenever one of the other sisters in the convent would get on her nerves, she would picture Jesus in their place. If someone was making a lot of noise in the church, she would offer it as a song to God. For myself – believe it or not – I run into a decent amount of people who don’t like anime. But I know they like a lot of things that I don’t really like and so I thank God that there’s someone who is able to appreciate His creation in a different way than myself.
            But people who annoy us or who disagree with us aren’t necessarily our enemies. What about people that actually hate us? Keeping in mind the fact that God desires all men to be saved I think of 2 points.
            First, while we still breathe, there is always time to repent. This is true for us and our persecutors. Lady Nagant had turned her back on the hero society, been imprisoned, and was hunting down Deku to help capsize what remained of the hero society, and yet she was able to have a conversion before dying precisely because Deku loved his enemy. This is also why, like Deku, we must not hesitate in our evangelizing efforts to all people. Because once we pass from this life, there is no more chance for conversion.
            Second, for those actively persecuting us, what do we do? We don’t have quirks like the characters is MHA that allow us to “fight back”. But we do have something much more effective. Here again I’ll refer to St. Therese: “it is prayer, it is sacrifice which give me all my strength; these are the invincible weapons which Jesus has given me.”
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            Prayer is not magic, but it is effective. Prayer is not just words. It is action. And if it is authentic, it will be invincible in the end. Our Lord prayed in Gethsemane for the strength to endure the way of the cross that lay before Him. Think also of the first 300 years of Christianity and of all those being persecuting for following the way of Jesus who prayed for their persecutors. It wasn’t magic, it was prayer and it was effective.
If I can put forward a final, more recent, example I would use the pro-life movement within the United States. The overturning of Roe v. Wade can only be understood within the context of the ceaseless prayers, vigils, fasts, marches, rallies, etc. of pro-life supporters. These are our invincible weapons, and we do not use them only for earthly justice to be satisfied but because we desire all men to be saved, not just those who pray and march with us but for all the doctors and women and men who have promoted the contraception, abortion, and pornography industries. They too can have a conversion away from the culture of convenience and towards the full knowledge of the truth that we are made in God’s image.
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Pro-Life supporters at the 2020 march for life
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bestboyjude · 3 years
being besties w/marcus
i’m down bad and thought i would write something that isn’t half as good as anything on the marcus x reader tag but here goes
i added angst at the end to spice things up and also to potentially create a part 2 if this one doesn’t flop!!
what it’s like being besties with marcus:
first things first, if you are besties with marcus then you are automatically friends with jesse because these two are a 2 for 1 deal.
even though, you had become friends with marcus first, you immediately bonded with jesse (much to marcus’ relief) due to both of your bubbly personalities.
you had met marcus just after he had broken up with his ex and strictly formed a platonic relationship, not wanting to take advantage of him and also never thinking he would find you remotely attractive.
marcus relied on you a lot after his breakup, whether that was just having you listen to him rant about a match or how down he had been feeling.
he also loved whenever you came to watch a game at Old Trafford and seeing you wearing his shirt always put a cheesy grin on both your faces.
you switched between wearing marcus or jesse’s shirt whenever you came to watch and always painted their numbers on your cheeks whilst putting red scrunchies in your hair.
if you weren’t watching the matches in person with his friends and family then you were watching them at home, patiently waiting for him to get back home after the away game.
his family accepted you pretty quickly after seeing how much of a support system you had been for marcus.
whenever you weren’t working or with marcus, you were at his mum’s house helping her with charity work or babysitting his nieces and nephews.
you were a saint in the rashford/maynard household.
you often found yourself walking into marcus’s house even if he wasn’t home and making yourself comfortable until he got home from training.
he would walk in and find you snuggled on the sofa with saint, watching a rom com film on the tv or on the rare occasion that you cooked (which he loved your cooking but you always told him you were too lazy to cook) would find you in the kitchen with a glass of wine in your hand.
as well as bursting into marcus’s house, you also did the same at jesse’s and would walk in on a weekend and find the pair of them gossiping about the night they had spent together, immediately dropping down to the sofa and waiting for them to spill the tea to you.
the boys were more than comfortable in telling you all the crazy dm’s they got and on the rare occurrence that they did go out clubbing would return with wild stories of their nights.
you often babysat hope for jesse and loved spending quality time with your favourite goddaughter (which you were not expecting especially after not having been in their lives very long but they had grown to love you like family).
marcus always tried his best to pick you up from work on his way home from training whenever he could and it wouldn’t be a surprise if he stopped at the florist to pick you up sunflowers, especially if you’d had a particularly bad day.
jesse had an inkling that marcus had a crush on you but everytime, it was mentioned, marcus would go on and on about how you never showed any feelings other than friendship for him.
the few times that you had sensed something between marcus and you was when he would start hugging you for a few seconds longer than necessary or when he pressed a kiss on the top of your head if you’d fallen asleep on his sofa not thinking you felt them, or even when he dropped pet names ‘doll face, come here’, ‘oh hi pretty girl’, ‘you’re quite the angel, love’.
you loved the comfort you found in marcus and didn’t want to ruin it with feelings you knew were not going to be reciprocated, you put all those small gestures you otherwise would overthink into being more than friends with that just being his flirty side which he showed to all other women.
you never expected him to take your platonic responses to heart until he told you that he had decided to try things again with is ex (because he knew he couldn’t have you but would never admit that).
and as quick as you had fallen into the rashford/maynard household, you found yourself falling out of it just as fast.
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kokonoisgf · 3 years
Falling - Gojo Satoru x Reader
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!!! MINORS DNI !!! 18+ content ahead
+ this kinda really flopped on ao3, so I’ll repost it here hehe. I wrote this a while back but i’m still super proud of it!! I hope you guys like it too <3
+ explicit sexual content, fem reader, porn w plot <3
+ too lazy to proofread- 
+ w.c : 8.2k
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The music blared, drowning you in what seemed like a never-ending playlist of pop music. Mass of sweaty bodies mingled on the dance floor, while you relaxed at the bar, sipping on your heavily alcoholic cocktail. Lights flashed alternating between different shades of fuchsia, blue, green, and violet to the beat of the song. Your face felt warm, feeling bubbly in the pit of your stomach, gaze darting toward your friends having a blast on the dance floor with strangers. You grinned, leaning your head in the palm of your hand, planning to go join them once you'd be done with your drink. Your black bodycon dress rilled up your thighs, exposing the sweet delicate skin of your slender legs, which, unbeknownst to you, had men's ogling you left and right. A specific group of 3 men's had their eyes on you by the entrance, snickering. Their gaze held something malicious, but you were too tipsy to take notice of that or even care. You got cut out of your little trance by your friends coming back to you, smelling of a mix of alcohol and perfume. "We'll be heading back now Y/N" "Aw really? I was about to join you" You fake pouted, not really minding as you'd just go binge watch some of your favorite shows at home instead. Taking your hands, their heavily drunk self dragged you outside, all beaming and laughing. A couple of men's followed suit, you paid it no mind knowing that your friends were most likely taking them home. You made them promise to call you, and share their location on their phones as they exited in their respective cabs kissing your cheeks goodbye, their partner for the night following. you wrapped your black fur coat around yourself tighter, taking your phone off to dial a cab for yourself. You felt stares drill a hole into your body, the coat tightly wrapped around yourself only highlighting your delicious curves. As you were composing the cab's phone number you got rudely interrupted by someone snatching your phone away. Yelping, it took you a second to realize what was going on, your drunkness still hitting you with full force. In front of you stood three men, the one in the middle holding your pink cellphone between his digits. Their faces were disgusting, looking at you like you were nothing but prey on their list. Eyes glossy most likely from their alcohol intake, they reeked of cheap cologne and sweats. "Leaving alone tonight sweetheart?" one purred in a sultry voice, you backed away crossing your arms over your chest defensively. The alcohol in your system gave you a confidence you never knew you possessed "Give me back my phone, now." The males snickered, as the middle one shook his head dropping it in his pockets. "Not with that attitude, anyways what're you going to do about it-" he paused, stepping forward, desperately trying to close the distance between you two. You gasped, taking another step back almost falling, your vision was blurry, your senses weakened. You mentally cursed for going so heavily on the drinking, feeling yourself wobble. A shiver racing up your spine, the sudden gust of wind hit you, not to mention the snowflakes falling on your face and bare legs. "Leave me alone!" You faltered, eyes darting for anyone that could be of help, but everyone seemed in a daze too engrossed with the muffled music, or busy making out with a stranger. "Hey honey, are those creeps bothering you?" The sweetest voice resonated throughout your ears, feeling your back lend against something warm. A hand snaked around your waist pulling you closer to their protective figure, making sure that you were stable. "H-Huh--" You stuttered, blinking in confusion, looking up at the person behind you. He was tall, really tall, with locks the same color as snowflakes, a bandana covering his eyes. He wore a jean jacket over a dark top, with beige pants. It didn't take you more than one glance to notice that he was really handsome. Your eyes lingered a bit on the bandana, wondering if he possibly was blind, before grasping a hold of the situation. "Y-Yes they are" playing your part, you snuggled closer into his chest, relishing in the warmth he provided. Your voice was low, glaring daggers at the men's, holding unto your savior for dear life. His digit slowly caressed your arm, until he interlocked fingers with yours, walking up to the guys. His aura was intimidating, leaning down to be at eye level with them. You gulped down, he must have been 6' tall at least or something. "Now then, I'd like to have my girlfriend's phone back now" He grinned, extending his free hand, palm open. The large hand holding yours gave a light squeeze, seeming to thank you for your cooperation. Suddenly, as the trio carefully analyzed who was standing in front of them, their faces paled, all color draining leaving them as white as your savior's locks. Tilting your head to the side, you couldn't help but wonder if he was somehow known around here. "W-Wait Is that-" "Uh- Yes it's-" The trio almost started shaking like leaves, quickly handing back the phone. It wasn't long until they were out of sight, running inside the club, mingling back into the crowd. You beamed, as he turned back to you, towering above your small frame handing you back your belonging. You thanked him, letting your gaze linger on his face. His nose and tip of his ears were slightly pinkish due to the snow falling, his lips rosy-tinted. You couldn't help but stare in a daze, still wondering if he was blind. Your eyes scanned his surroundings for any signs of a cane or something, but none to avail. Nonetheless, your tipsy brain concluded, without any proof, that the man indeed lacked sight. Taking your sweet time to scan his face and gorgeous locks, you couldn't help but blush, he really was extremely good looking there was no denying it. "You know, you're actually pretty cute staring at me like that." A grin plastered against his lips, he tilted his head to the side, chuckling. You yelped, covering your mouth with the back of your free hand. "W-Wait you're not blind-" If that was even possible, his grin widened, "Luckily for me I'm not" he paused, giving another squeeze to your interlocked hands, reminding you that you were still holding hand with a complete stranger you'd met a mere 5 minutes ago. You couldn't help but gasp again, sweet melodic sounds escaping your lips. His thumb rubbed soothing circles on your cold skin, leaning down, now at eye level with you, "You see, I'm glad I still have perfect vision to admire the sight in front of me right now" Your blush deepened, looking off to the side, trying to save your pride as much as you could. His words were swooning you way more than they should, was it the alcohol? or was it this mysterious aspect of him? But most importantly, how silly were you to even assume that he was blind after he just helped you, ugh curse your foolish little brain. You blamed it on his handsome features, must have gotten you distracted or something. "Smooth talker aren't you" you grimaced at him, cheeks reddish for being so fervently exposed to checking him out blatantly. You started to let go of his hand, even if you clearly didn't want to. Something about him entranced you, making you want to know more about him, even if he was just a mere stranger. "I was fine with holding hand, but if you insist" He teased in a sing-song voice, taking notice in the way you held your coat so closely to your frame. Shivers racked through your body, never imagining that you'd been waiting outside for so long, your outfit clearly not appropriate for this icy weather. "Here," You blinked, eyes glued to the man offering you his dark jean jacket. It was clearly oversized for you, yet you could smell his cologne and it enticed you to accept it. Snowflakes started falling on his broad shoulder, reflecting the light from the club's neon signs. "But, you'll be cold, '' you muttered, trying to put up a fight, knowing damn well you were freezing to the bones. "On the contrary, I'm pretty hot. Don't you think?" Your cheeks flared, it was as if he was reading your every thought. Huffing you wrapped the jacket around yourself, nuzzling your face into it trying to keep your face from freezing. "Do you want me to inflate your ego that badly?" "Well, you kinda already did considering how you were staring at me earlier sweetheart" He grinned, hand coming to shake off the snow from his hair. Your blush increased tenfold, his flirty behavior really getting to you. "Shut up I wasn't-" you retorted in a futile attempt to gain some dignity back, looking off to the side pouting. Leaning down, his scent swirled around you, face mere centimeters away from yours. You gulped, eyes scanning his delicate face: his lips seemed so soft, a thin coat of lips balm covering them, you wondered how it tasted. What was his favorite flavor, cherry? or maybe strawberry? "There you go again, ah so cute." He teased, proving himself right once again, his hot breath ghosting over your face smelling of mint and candy. Covering your cheeks with your hand, it felt like your face was on fire. "You talk too much" A chuckle escaped his parted lips, a fake pout now plastered on his handsome feature "Ah so mean to me" you couldn't hold back a giggle at the way he said it, hand coming to cover your mouth. The snowstorm went on, as you took your phone out of your pocket, unlocking it to look at the time. 1:15 a.m showed on the screen, your battery settling at a low 10%. Pursing on your lips, you didn't want this moment to end, completely enticed by this stranger but you had to call a cab before your phone died on you. Curse you for forgetting your charger as always. "You know, I'm a pretty good driver, I can drive you home if you'd like" His proposition took you aback, was this man really capable of reading your every thought? You couldn't possibly fathom what made this handsome stranger be so interested in you, your mind still a bit hazy from your previous drinks. Pursing on your lips, you definitely wanted to spend more time with him, yet feeling bad to make him become your personal driver before even knowing his name. "Are you're sure? I'd feel bad making you drive me home, plus I live quite far" you muttered sheepishly hands fondling with the hem of his jacket. "Anything for a pretty lady, and besides if you live too far-" He paused stepping closer, a hand coming to push back a strand of hair that the harsh winter breeze had pushed into your face, "It so happens that I live really close by" You stood there in shock, as this attractive stranger so blatantly exposed wanting to take you home. You gulped down, eyes scanning his face for any signs of it being mere teasing. Yet, he seemed honest, a grin still covering his face. "You really are a smooth talker" giggling, you nodded accepting his proposition fervently. Was it because of your semi-drunk state or the thoughts of what could possibly happen over at his house, you clearly had no intention of refusing his delightful offer. Everything about him made your core feel warm, yet you knew so little. Starting to walk toward his car, you stopped in astonishment at the sheer luxury of the vehicle. He beamed, opening your door for you, settling your purse into your lap sitting on the dark leather seat. You played with the strap of your bag, waiting for him to join you on the conductor side. As he sat, and closed his door his scent mingled with you, making the apple of your cheeks darken. "You're too damn adorable you know that?" You yelped, catching him gazing at you, putting his seatbelt on. "look who's talking-" You muttered to yourself unbeknownst that this man seemed to possess super hearing chuckling at your response. "Being called adorable is definitely a first, but I'll take it if it comes from you" His large veiny hand opened the vents, warm air now flooding inside the car, you sighed in delight. "Also sweetheart, I wouldn't want to bring a lady home before at least knowing her name" He paused, letting his head rest in the palm of his hand, "you know I do am a well-mannered man after all" He slyly said, head tilted to the side. His gorgeous ivory locks slightly damped considering the snowflakes that melted. Tongue darting out to lick your dried up lips from the cold, you blushed "L/N Y/N" "Ah L/N Y/N, sounds like music to my ear, I'm Gojo Satoru" ❄❄❄ Opening up the Bluetooth station he turned his head, most likely shooting you a glance under his bandana. "I hope you got any good music Y/N, you'll be our DJ for the ride" A grin formed on his lips as you started beaming. "Of course I do!" You retorted confidently, connecting to the Bluetooth at the speed of light. He hummed, starting the car, the scent of leather mingling with your own. As you put on your favorite song, he shouted "No way! You listen to Megan Thee Stallion? I knew there was something I liked about you sweetheart" Your heart thumped in your chest, feeling like it might burst out. His blatant honesty was striking you right in the heart. He really knew how to transform you into a blushing mess. "You got good taste too, She's really fire" your eyes twinkled, relinquishing in this feeling. Humming, Gojo turned to you, sticking his tongue out to you, "I know I got good taste Y/N, that's why you're coming back home with me after all" You swore you could saw him wink under his bandana, your blush increasing tenfold. You playfully, hit his arm, grimacing back at him, letting the music surround the both of you. As the chorus hit, Gojo was fully vibing, dancing to the sound. One hand on the wheel, he sang the rapping part perfectly, moving his upper body sensually to the beat of the song. His hair moved alongside him, chest huffing as he sang. You got entranced, eyes glued to him, seeing him drive with one hand, was somehow so sexy making your heart flutter. Starting to sing alongside him, he shot you a glance, grinning widely, the drive to his home way better than your whole clubbing experience so far. ❄❄❄ His apartment was extremely spacious, to say the least. The walls were covered in large windows, a spacious leather couch, and what seemed like at least a 60 inches television on the wall. The floor was a sublime chestnut wood, walls as snowy as his hair. A few plants adorned the corners of the apartment the whole thing reminding you of what you'd see in magazines or on the internet. You couldn't hold back your amazement, mouth forming an o shape, which made Gojo chuckle. Taking off his shoes, he proceeded to Drop the keys on the counter. He stretched, "Can I offer you something to drink?", face buried in his huge fridge, seeming to push bottles around from the sounds of it. You left both your coat and his jean jacket on a nearby chair, shoes neatly placed next to his, letting it dry up from the snowstorm outside, turning to him. Your dress hugged your curve to perfection, the small material barely covering what needed to be covered, stopping above mid-thighs. You wore a gold necklace, with gold hoops earrings your hair falling down your back, your collarbones full exposed. "Hmmm" You pondered, walking up to him, standing on your tiptoes trying to see something. Feeling your presence behind him, Gojo risked a glance in your direction, his smirk widening tenfold. "Are you trying to make me fall for you by looking like that darling? Because honestly, it's working 100 percent" pursing on his lips, his tongue darted out to wet them, your gaze instantly following suit. You felt your face erupt once again "H-Huh! It's not like that, I just wanted to dry up our coats" You stammered trying to defend yourself, arms flailing in front of you. He chuckled, gaze devouring you under the dark fabric that covered his eyes. Crossing your arms over your chest you grimaced at him, "Do you have white wine by any chance?" He nodded, "Of course my lady" moving the bottles around, deciding on one. Dropping it on the table he reached for one of the cupboards above his fridge, getting two glasses. You watched him in astonishment, a slight blush dusting your cheeks. He seemed to take notice in your endeavor as per usual, grinning "Something caught your eye sweetheart?" he remarked, pouring you a glass. You huffed, looking off to the side defensively, "You're just very attractive that's all..." You muttered the last part, which only seemed to inflate his never-ending ego. Cutting him off before he dared crack another flirty joke, you asked "How tall are you?" your curiosity was getting the best of you, as you sipped on the drink, the warmth of it enveloping you. He was so mysterious, the only thing you knew about him was his name, yet it was like you were craving for more. It wasn't like you to be that way, not usually caring what your partner for the night liked to drink, or what his favorite tv show was, but for the snowy-haired man in front of you, you'd actually memorize those facts in a heartbeat. He had you entranced, muddy in the palm of his hand. He leaned against the kitchen counter, leaning down, letting his head rest in the palm of his hand. "Thank you, you're pretty damn gorgeous yourself, and I'm around 6'3 I would say" He grinned being completely obvious to the fact that his height was a major turn on, bringing the drink to his lips. Your eyes followed his glass, gulping down. You scrunched your nose, a hand coming to twirl a piece of your hair. "Any other question darling?" He teased, taking his sweet time into savoring the intoxicating liquid. You knew damned well what you wanted to know, something you'd been wondering ever since you laid your gaze on him. "Yes actually, since you claim not being blind, what color are your eyes" You were getting bold, bolder than you'd usually be, the alcohol reigniting the fire inside you. If that was even possible, his smirk grew wider, head tilted to the side, "Oh, that's something I get asked a lot, so I'll give you 2/10 for the originality" He paused chuckling, taking another sip. You pouted stepping closer, your mind was running wild, what color could his beautiful irises be? Forest green? Ocean blue? or maybe coffee-colored ones? It was burning you on the inside, like an insatiable itch that you couldn't get rid of. "Does every girl ask you that?" You teased, feeling a slight pinch of jealousy scraping your heart. He laughed, instantly taking notice "ah you're too obvious, already getting jealous about my whereabouts aren't you?" Your face caught on fire at his words, your blush probably the color of the cherries on the kitchen counter by now. He twirled the glass in his hand, satisfied with the response he elicited from you before saying: "They do ask, but I rarely show anyone" He paused taking a sip, tongue licking up a droplet that was running down the glass. He had gotten strangely serious for the first time since your meeting, "But for you, I'd make an exception". You were taken aback, scanning his face for signs of it being a mere joke, but once again the man seemed utterly honest. You wondered if there was a specific reason as to why he hid his eyes, but you decided upon not asking now, it was rather too soon, and not of your business. He straightened himself, now towering above you. "On one condition, I'll let you do the honor of taking it off, deal?" He grinned coming back to his natural goofy self, seeming to take pleasure in your state. Your anticipation was killing you, feeling it in the pit of your stomach, nodding fervently ready to accept any condition if it meant seeing what was underneath that damned piece of fabric. As your hand reached for the material, standing on your tiptoes, the man caught your wrist giving it a slight squeeze. "Oh! but take a guess first" He stuck his tongue at you, as you visibly grumped, "You said one condition" You argued back, letting your heels fall back on the wooden floor, his long fingers still holding on to you. His hand was radiating warmth, making you miss your situation earlier when you were in his embrace. "hmm--" you pondered, taking a good look at his face. He would be handsome with any eye color really, yet you were taking so much fun into guessing it, trying to picture every possibility unto his face. Really wanting to win this little competition, you decided to go with what seemed like your safest bet. "I'll go with brown!" you beamed, feeling confident. That was until his grin widened, letting go of your hand. He waved his finger, seeming to wink under his bandana "We'll see about that '' You pursed your lips, feeling as if you had taken the wrong option, from his remark. Grasping a hold of the hem of his shirt you tugged on it slightly, "lean down a bit you're too tall" You complained, to which he obliged, literally going down on his knees. "Weren't you swooning over my height just a moment ago?" He teased, proceeding to imitate in a high pitched tone what was supposed to be your voice: "How tall are you?" Your embarrassment was out of bound, cheeks burning for being so blatantly exposed yet again, he really had no mercy in store for you. "Shut it- I have more important things to focus on right now" You retorted, earning a chuckle from him. He was right in front of you, a bit below eye level now, but you were finally able to take a good look at his angelic feature, which only made your heartbeat boosts tenfold. You had never met, or even seen, someone as good looking as him. What was his deal though? Taking such a liking to you, yes he did protect you from these creeps but now he was just fueling your fantasies and dreams even more. "Anytime now darling" He burst your bubble, bringing you back to reality, your hands darting toward the material. Sliding one finger underneath, you felt your hands shake a little. Was it because of all this built up anticipation, or was it because you were afraid that you'd actually fall even more for him when you'll see his full features? Slowly pulling it down, Gojo remained silent, smirking, probably planning something mischievous. As the material fell down, now hanging around his neck, you peered before almost shouting at the sight: his eyes were closed. "Oh my god- Open your eyes! You can't do this to me-" Midway into your childlike tantrum, laughter escaped his parted lips, eyes opening. The sight literally knocked the air out of your lungs, You stood there star-struck, your gaze melting into his. You couldn't believe your eyes, your mind refusing to process what was right in front of you. Beautiful sapphire irises looked back at you, adorned with full lashes as white as his hair. Was there something this guy didn't have?! Your mouth stayed slightly open, silence filling the apartment. Not only that, but also his hair had fallen down, now framing his delicate face so perfectly. Locks of snowy hair contrasting with his slightly tanned skin. He looked back at you, head tilting to the side before waving a hand in front of your face. "You still alive Y/N?" He teased, eyes twinkling, taking off the bandana fully and settling it on the counter. "Your eyes, they're gorgeous" you muttered, you wanted to say so much more but you were still processing how utterly beautiful that man was. It struck you right in the heart, as now, whenever his glance caught yours, you'd feel the apple of your cheeks heat up even more than before. "Thank you, I got quite the genes I admit." He cockily replied, taking a sip of wine, eyelashes fluttering. Your regard was glued to him, walking to the counter to get your glass, scooting closer to him in the process. You felt the need to compliment him more, was it because of the intoxicating alcohol now pulsating through your veins, you didn't know, but your mouth opened nonetheless: "Is that why you never show your eyes? You're afraid that girls will fall for you left and right?" You taunted grimacing, thinking you'd gotten back at him for being such a tease himself before it dawned on you that your big mouth had gotten you into quite the messy situation. Humming, Gojo leaned on the kitchen counter, his eyes flickering under the light, "So basically," He almost purred, running a hand through his ivory locks, "You just admitted falling for me. Did I hear you right, honey?" His face arbored the biggest grin you'd ever seen, knowing full well he had you under the spotlight right there, while his overly handsome self sipped on his drink. He was mere centimeters away, his scent completely intoxicating you. You cursed yourself for being so light-headed, your silly self not knowing to think twice before saying something. The alcohol had all subdued, not feeling any signs of being drunk or tipsy either, and yet you were still silly. Flashes from your earlier situation appeared in your mind, hoping you'd get to be in his embrace soon enough. Yet, you couldn't inflate his ego more than it was, his head would probably implode at this rate. As you were about to retort back, he shushed you placing a finger on your lips, "Shush, it's okay baby, I'm kinda falling for you too you know" He smirked, his digit caressing the smooth skin of your rosy lips. You were star struck, gaze melting into his, his touch lighting a fire within you. You had this growing urge to just please him, let him dominate you fully. The alcohol ignited lust, slowly opening your mouth, taking his digit inside your mouth. His eyes gleamed, now half-lidded, a low moan escaping his lips. Your tongue swirled and licked his long finger, feeling yourself get soaked at the thoughts of it inside you. His gaze never left the show in front of him, slowly coming to bit down on his lips. The mere sensation of your tongue against his digit made his length throb in his pants. You pulled away with a wet satisfying 'pop', gaze swirling with lust. His other hand came to grab your chin slightly, tilting it upward. The mere action made your core feel warm, already submitting entirely to him. He leaned down, bringing the finger that was previously in your mouth, into his. Never breaking eye contact with you, he hummed tasting yourself off his finger, before saying: "Don't get me wrong sweetheart, that indirect kiss was pretty hot, but I'd rather be doing this." And with that, he instantly crashed his lips on yours. You couldn't hold back a moan, all the built-up anticipation hitting you full force. His lip balm smelling of cherry, one of your hands came to rest on his shoulder feeling his muscles underneath the dark fabric. Damn, he was a good kisser, tongue swirling around yours, leaving nothing untouched. It was rare for you to feel yourself get soaked already from just a kiss, but this man seemed to possess supernatural powers or something. His thumb rubbed soothing patterns on your cheek, his tongue lapping at your lips eliciting yet another sinful moan from you. Taking this opportunity, Gojo slide his tongue into your mouth leaving nothing untouched. Towering above you, one of his hand slid down your back, resting on the back of your waist. Breaking away from the kiss, he panted, eyes twinkling. "May I gorgeous?" The hand resting on your waist gave a slight squeeze indicating what he meant. You blushed at his behavior, obviously agreeing. Large palms slide down the small of your back, fingers digging into your plump rear. The man almost let out a moan, eyelashes fluttering feeling your curves under his touch. His reaction only fueled your lust, even more, desire swirling into your irises locking gaze with him. A glance was all you needed to understand Gojo, as you jumped wrapping your legs around his waist. His hands instantly planted themselves on your ass supporting you, taking their time to feel you up, leaving nothing untouched. His touch was like fire, making you moan from its simplest movement, making a chuckle erupt from him. "Don't stop making those noises for me baby" He ordered, lips crashing back down on yours. You could only hum, your fingers tangled into his snowy white hair. Tugging on his locks slightly, the man groaned grinding his already fully erect cock on your panties. You gasped in the kiss, which the man didn't hesitate to take advantage of his tongue swirling in your mouth. Your dress had obviously rilled up, your bare ass now barely covered. As you deepened the kiss, saliva mixing with his, you felt him start walking toward the back of his apartment where you had noticed his room earlier. However, you were wrong to assume that he would have made it this far, no, not with how utterly hot you looked right now. Dropping your body on the couch, he nestled in between your legs. Encaging you between his arms, one of his large hands grasped both of your wrists pinning them up above your hand. He had such long fingers that both of your wrists seemed like merely nothing in his hands. Breaking the kiss for air, the man panted above you. His warm breath hitting the tip of your nose, his forehead leaning on yours. His eyes were half-lidded, looking at you with pure desire swirling in them. The clear Saphire blue you had seen earlier had subdued to a more animalistic hue, pupils almost blown out, leaving barely any of the ocean like color to be seen.
You stood there in awe, gaze melting into his. He seemed like the embodiment of absolute perfection, and at that moment you just wanted to please him. Struggling to free your wrists you raised your hips grinding them against his clothed cock, eliciting a moan from the man above you. "Let me touch you please" You begged, lashes fluttering as you repeated your movement again, feeling his member twitch within the confine of his pants. Gojo smirked, raising an eyebrow at your needy tone, "I can't possibly refuse if you ask that nicely sweetheart". He teased, his vice grip on your wrists disappearing, taking this opportunity you turned him around sitting snugly on his hips. You grinned mischievously making sure to sit exactly on his large cock, feeling it twitch once again. God, he was hard, and he seemed so big it made your core swirl at the thoughts of him railing the absolute shit out of you. Gojo crossed his arms behind his neck, taking his sweet time to look you up and down, his usual grin covering his feature. It subdued quickly when your hands swiftly unzipped his pants dragging them down, making sure to drag your finger across his entire length. pursing on his lips, the man let out a moan, adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. "you're so big" You praised, not caring about inflating his ego. I mean, he deserved it right? That man was literally the most handsome guy you had ever come across, you just wanted to shower him with praises. He smirked, flashing you a wink "Oh? Am I really?" He teased in a sing-song voice playing coy. You only giggled, pulling down his black underwear, his cock colliding with his abdomen. Gojo hissed as the cold air hit his member, eyes half-lidded awaiting your next move with impatience. His dick was way beyond average both in length and girth. Tip rosy from being hard for so long, a bead of precum leaked slowly running down his entire length. You almost drooled at the sight, taking your sweet time to look at his cock, one finger coming to scoop the precum bringing it into your mouth. You moaned your tongue swirling and twirling around your digit, already intoxicated by his delicious taste. "Let me taste you again baby" he ordered his voice low, as he sat up. Taking his finger out of your mouth, you extended your arm forward, Gojo grabbing a hold of your wrist, tongue extending, licking the digit clean. He hummed lowly, eyes locked with yours as he did so. Pink muscle leaving no surface of his finger untouched, he moaned your name before leaning back down. "Suck me" You felt your heart rate spike up, your juice leaking from your core at the mere order from Gojo. You nodded, eyes dropping to his rock hard cock, hands settling on the base. Your tongue darted out, licking a clean stripe from the base to his engorged tip, mouth closing on it. You twirled your tongue a couple of times, feeling his large hands grab a hold of your hair. "That's my good girl" The mere words made you moan around his cock, the vibration only intensifying the pleasure for Gojo who threw his head back against the couch. Taking as much as you possibly could fit of his dick in your mouth, your hands moved around his shaft and balls desperately trying to bring him the utmost pleasure. It was working as groans and growls, escaped from Gojo's parted lips, half-lidded eyes never breaking away from you. "You look so good taking my cock like that baby-" He paused, hands massaging your scalp as if thanking you for the absolute best blow job he had, "but it's my turn now" and with that, he pulled you away from his cock, a thin string of saliva connecting you to his member. Leaning up he didn't hesitate a single second to capture your lips again into a kiss, a hand caressing your cheek guiding you back down under him. "You did amazing" He whispered, making you blush, "Thank y-" You squealed, feeling him drag you on the edge of the couch, your legs dangling off of it. “Now then, spread those pretty legs for me won't you?” He licked his lips, the cherry lips balm coating his velvety muscle. You couldn’t help but comply, long digits sliding across your soaked panties, index finger flicking where he knew exactly where your bundle of nerve was. He chuckled lowly, a thin coat of lust covering his sapphire irises. His fingers were already shiny with your essence, and he hadn’t even made direct contact with your core yet. “So wet for me already baby, did you enjoy sucking my cock that much?” He teased, knowing damned well the answer already. The silver-haired man hooked his fingers on the side of your panties, mouth almost watering at the sight of your glistening folds. You mewled, eyes glassy trying to push your core closer to him, eliciting yet another dark chuckle from him. “Needy little thing” his voice was coated with lust, azure eyes locking with yours. One of his long finger slowly parted your folds, collecting your glistening essence on his finger before plopping it in his mouth. He moaned, tasting you, “You taste even better than I’d imagined” “Stop teasing me” You managed to mutter between moans, a grin spreading on his face at your voice. Tilting his head to the side, his index finger twirled around your pearl never giving it the attention it oh so desired. “Beg for it” His voice was raspy, blowing hot air on your clit before flashing you a wink. Your cheeks, well your whole being, felt on fire. “Please eat me out-” You whimpered out, hoping it was enough to satisfy him. Your mind was into a frenzy, thoughts and sentences jumbling into one another, unable to form cohesive sentences. Chuckling, he pressed a soft kiss to your inner right thigh, “Tell me if i’m wrong but, a good girl like you can do better, right?” You threw your head back against his satin pillow, he really was playing hard to get. “ God Gojo please- just make me cum over your tongue already, I need you so badly!” You screamed out in frustration, fists clenching. At that point you didn’t care about anything but to feel his warm tongue on you, tasting your juices Cock twitching at your words, the sorcerer felt his own self restraint slowly crumble to pieces. He just wanted to take you right there, right now, to dick you down until you couldn’t walk anymore. He wanted to break you. You couldn't hold back the moan as you felt his breath hover right above your clit, “So obedient” he praised, before his tongue darted out licking a clean strip, before latching unto your bundle of nerves. Your reaction was instant, head thrown back as a fountain of moans of his name echoed within the room. Gojo felt his self restraint crumble to pieces, every pores in his body aching for him to bend you into a mating press and drill ino your pretty pussy. Yet, at the same time, the way your juices leaked around his mouth drove him to the brinks of insanity. Sapphire gaze darting back and forth between your glistening folds and your flushed face, he soon felt himself grind his aching cock against the side of the bed, desperately seeking friction. Your hands soon found themselves tangled into his ivory locks, only pressing him closer and closer to your soaked core. “G-Gojo” You cooed, feeling your release build up incredibly fast. Damn he was good, there was no denying it. The way he softened his tongue just enough to roll and lap at your clit, while his large hands spread your thighs, nails digging into your plush skin. The man was eating you out as if it was his last meal. “Yes my darling?” He purred, not breaking the contact with your pussy, hot air from his words only pushing you closer to the edge, the pet name not helping either. Noticing the way your cunt quivered at his word, the sorcerer raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Oh? Are pet names your weakness, my love?” He asked, even as he already knew the answer. His melodic voice would have been enough alone to push you into bliss, but right before you could cum, thighs shaking and hips stuttering, he pulled away. His keen eyes knew, right away the signs of your oh so awaited orgasm, only to deny it so sweetly. Your eyebrows furrowed, and before you could even retort about your stolen orgasm, the man was pinning you down, lips crashing unto yours. “God- you drive me crazy you know.” His sweet words made you swoon, however you tried as best as possible to keep reminding yourself that the man probably had partners left and right. I mean, with his look and absolute perfect personality? Who wouldn’t want him? You had to keep yourself grounded, or at least try to. One of his hand coming to stroke the side of your cheek brought you back to reality, as his forehead laid on yours. His cerulean eyes gazing into yours, before you felt the tip of his cock align with your drenched cunt. “Is this okay?” He murmured, holding himself up with one hand which only accentuated his biceps. You couldn’t help but nodd, of course you wanted him to rearrange your insides, to mold you into his cock. “I need to hear it dear” He pressed a kiss on your forehead, head tilted to the side, surprisingly patiently awaiting your response. Leaning up slightly, you captures his lips in yet another kiss before sliding your hand between your bodies and grasping his cock. “Fuck me before I do it myself” Gojo’s eyebrow raised, before he chuckled darkly. Taking a hold of your wrist he pinned them both above your head, one large hand way more than enough to hold them tightly into places. “Can’t leave you unsatisfied now, can I” and with that he pushed his length into you. You swore you could feel the tip of his cock hit your cervix, molding your insides to his dick. The stretch was slightly painful, but oh dear god it felt amazing. Hips now flush against yours, he leaned back slightly discarding his shirt, throwing it on the floor somewhere. His kin glistened with a thin layer of sweat, muscles defined and flexing under the pleasure he was currently under. Noticing your lingering gaze his hand grasped your knees throwing them over his shoulder. You yelped, before he pressed a kiss against your ankle. “Look at me baby” He purred before drilling into your core. Your mewled and gasped, hands desperately seeking to hold unto dear life. His cock quite literally rearrnged your insides, Gojo looking down at your through his ivory lashes, lips stuck between his teeth. He was slightly silent asides from some pants and grunts here and there, as he wished to hear every little sound you made. Nails digging into your thighs, he let out a low groan as his pace never faltered, gaze darting between your pussy eagerly sucking him up and your fucked out face. “You’re taking me so well” He purred, before his hips came to meet yours at a rougher pace, almost sending you flying into the headboard if it wasnt for his hold unto your thighs. “So good to me-” His voice broke as he let out another groan. Your mewls and moans only spurred him on, before a trembling hand reached toward his face. “K-Kiss me-” You managed to mumble between incoherent babbles as he fucked your brain out. Gojo smirked, before gently dropping your knees and leaning down eagerly sealing your lips into yet another kiss. “Dont go and fall for me now-” He whispered between choked out groans, a sly smirk plastered on his features. As your hands tangled themselves into his locks he bit down on his lips, gaze lingering on your face. The way your cheeks burned and glossy eyes stared back at him, Gojo couldn’t help but latch his lips unto the soft skin of your neck earning a yelp from you. His cocky personality had subdued, leaving a rather soft persona underneath. Hips stuttering, he felt yourself clench tighter around him only signalling that you’d soon back into pure bliss. There was no way that he’d ever finish before you, prioritizing the needs of his partners way before his own. A string of moans fell from your lips as his bit down and sucked on a particularly sensitive spot on your neck. Feeling him smirk against your skin, he lapped at the spot teasingly “You’re gonna cum on my cock baby?” He cooed, blowing hot air, pace never faltering in the slightest. You could only manage a weak nodd, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes from the sheer pleasure cursing through your veins. A loud moan of his name fell from your lips as you felt yourself unravel on his dick. Gojo groaned feeling you spasm around his cock, draging himself into the bliss as well. Leaning down he kissed you, encaging you between his arms as he rutted into your oversensitive pussy, hot milky cum tainting your walls white. “Fuck-” He cursed, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his, dick twitchnig into the depths of your cunt. It wasnt long until he let himself fall on top of you burying his head into the crook of your neck. Not even bothering to take his cock out, Gojo pressed feather like kisses all over your now hickey covered skin, eliciting a small giggle from you. “That was amazing” You purred, one hand running up and down his bare back. It was rare for the man to be so relaxed after such encounter, not that he’d usually ask his partner to seek themselves out of his house but, this time it felt different. “Thank you, thank you” Came his smug reply, before he lifted his face cerulean eyes locking with yours. Taking his dick out from inside your cum soaked core, He grinned, before rolling you over so you were now laying by his side, head resting on top of his chest. Your heart was hammering against your chest, as if clarity was hitting you full force. Here you were, snuggling with this handsome man you had met earlier, and yet you felt like you’ve known him forever. “Ah- what a bad host I am. Let me clean you up” Gojo suddenly exclaimed, before making his way to the bathroom to fetch a warm wet cloth for you. After cleaning himself up quickly, but effectively he was back into the room with a glass of water and the cloth. You blushed before telling him you could clean yourself to which he agreed, handing you the water. “Do you need a spare of clothe?” He questioned now rummaging through his drawers. The question took you aback, blinking as you stared at him in silence for a few moment. You weren’t expecting to spend the night at his place, not that you were complaining, but it felt too good to be true, really like fate had somehow brought the two of you together. “Did I fuck you too good that you forgot how to speak lovely?” His voice brought you back to reality as he smugly grinned at you, leaning on the drawer. He looked absolutely ethereal, messy locks framing his pale face and body sculpted by the gods themselves. “Shut it-” “I’ll take that as a yes” He cooed, before throwing you a large black shirt. You grasped it mid-air, giggling, as he eyed you with a smile. That was until you spoke up, putting the shirt on, “Is it really okay for me to stay here tonight?” You couldnt help but voice your thoughts before earning a chuckled from the sorcerer himself. “Well I dont mind driving you back home if this makes you uncomfortable.” He paused, sounding serious for once, glancing at his car keys situated on the small wooden table by his bed. “But, we’re not done for the night, aren’t we?” He flashed you a wink, earning a blush from you. His cocky self seemed to back in full throttle. Seeing your reddened face he couldnt help but laugh, putting on a pair of looser grey sweatpants as he spoke “Besides as much as I loved hearing your beautiful moans of my name Id also like for us to share actual conversations-” Throwing a pillow at him, his hand came to arrest it before it hit his face. Seeing your embarrassed look, he broke into laughter, throwing himself back on the bed besides you. “Dont say such embarrassing thing” You poked his side in a teasing manner feeling satisfied with his answer. Gojo grinned letting his head rest in your laps, looking up at you with doe eyes. The night’s soft breeze twirled into the room, your hand caressing Gojo’s hair, twirling a piece between your pointer and middle finger. The neon alarm clock showed in flashy red numbers: 5:06 am. You merely chuckled under your breath, feeling as if this night had been one hell of a rollercoaster. Gojo silently stared at you, feeling relaxed as you played with his hair. “Tired?” He questioned, taking your hand before pressing a soft kiss on your palm, earning yet another blush from you. “Not really” He hummed, kind of amusing you how his cocky persona had subdued into this calmer one. Gojo’s chest rose and fell slowly, as the rhythm of his breathing relaxed, feeling comfortable in your embrace. Still holding unto your hand, he gave it a light squeeze, gaining back your attention “So, since it's already morning” He paused, throwing a glance toward the alarm clock,” Wanna order some food and talk the night away my sweet Y/N?”
⭑  ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
back to masterlist? 
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technowoah · 3 years
Hi! If you do tommyinnit x reader (romantic), I would like one where reader is tubbo's sister perhaps? She would have the feature reader has still not tubbos. Maybe they meet when tubbo and tommy meet up and he just kinda starts to like her? If not that's ok! -paw <3
Prepare For Trouble Make it Double
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I hope this suffices 😋
Tommyinnit x Tubbo's sister!reader (blurb?)
⚠︎ its tommy so it'll be slight swearing-
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It wasn't a secret that Tubbo had siblings, he had Lani of course, but what people didn't know that he had another sister closer to his age.
You tended to stay out of the spotlight, for reasons. Streaming was interesting but not your fortè. You usually tended to stay behind the camera when Tubbo was streaming or off to the side quietly talking to him as he did his own lore or sitting on Lani's bed doing your own thing listening to her talking to her viewers.
Your siblings never tried to convince you to go out of your comfort zone and appear on streams, only once in a blue moon you would talk to Lani out of frame. Lani of course would respond, the chat would freak out asking if you were a friend, finally the moment was gone as fast as it came.
Thats how days go in their household. Tending to hover around eachother and whatever they were doing at the moment. But it was this one particular moment when Tubbo was streaming and he suddenly decided to bring you on to show his 700k viewers that he had another sister.
He had pulled up a brown folding chair next to him and patted it beckoning you to sit down in frame.
Tubbo was currently streaming on the Dream SMP, you didnt think he was doing lore today so you hesitated a little bit. Other days you wouldn't have budged out of your spot out of sight, but he looked so excited in his yellow jumper you had bought for him whe going to out to the shops.
In a unrelated note You remember saying that "yellow is your color" and he ended up buying it, and his stans loved the jumper. So a win win.
"C'mon Y/N!" He yelled as continued to pat the folding chair next to him.
You ended up shuffling over to the seat next to him and smiling at the camera. Over in the corner of your eye you saw the chat which was going 1 million miles an hour. You saw some comments that were basically copypastas of other comments in the chat. It was basically nonsense, now the only thought in your mind is that you're going to make an uproar on twitter.
"This is my sister chat!" Tubbo said while shaking you around by the shoulders making the both of you laugh.
"Yes chat! I have more siblings" he continued while rocking back and forth in his gamer chair.
He continued to answer more questions and ask you some too, wanting to include you in the stream.
"Lani isn't the only one! My big sister is just shy."
"I just chose not to be on their streams! I was in the background of Lani's streams though."
"Out of frame. Dosent count." Tubbo said bluntly while still walking around SnowChester in the Dream Smp not looking your way.
You could still see the chat in the corner and you couldnt tear your eyes off of it. It was slight glare from the lights and the sun shining in his gaming room. He always had the lights bright in his room. The chat was spamming purple hearts and either still freaking out that Tubbo had a sister. It was getting old to you, so you decided to lean into Tubbo's space focusing on his screen as he quickly hopped around the map.
He continued talking to chat about anything else, but your presence. He continued to talk about gathering supplies and what he needed to bring back to SnowChester. You knew a lot about the Dream Smp lore because you weren't in it. Spending time on Twitter interacting with people and their theories and also making theories and showing them to Tubbo and him debunking them, or accepting them in some way.
"So we need some more lapis." Tubbo said suddenly after being quiet for a while.
"I can help you!" You said wanting to be apart of the stream.
You might as well, you're already here.
"I dont think you can help, 'cause you're not on your account. Plus it'll be awkward with your laptop." Tubbo said while speeding through his water transportation system.
"Well I can just point it out to you." You said while leaning back into your seat.
"Talk to the chat while I go mine for lapis."
"Fine then." You smirked as you turned your attention to the speeding words in the chat.
"Is there a slow mode on this?!" You laughed.
Tubbo laughed as well. "This is on slow mode!"
You both screamed in fake agony and then turned your attention back to the chat where the you caught a few questions. You were about to answer until the chat stopped for a quick second and you saw one comment out of all for a quick second.
After that comment the whole chatt was just spamming the word 'TOMMY' or 'TOMMY IS IN CHAT'. That confused you even more than that comment.
When you did know about the Dream Smp you also knew a little bit about who Tubbo hangs out with. You knew about the time Tubbo had met up with Wilbur Soot, Philza, and Tommy. And that prompted you to look up their individual accounts and get into their content.
You knew about Tommy and his character and channel, you enjoyed his content a lot as well, but you wanted to play around a little bit. Hopefully Tubbo will play along.
"Why is the chat spamming Tommy?"
"Tommy? You know Tommy don't you?" Tubbo asked with a small bit of shock in his voice.
"No I dont, who's Tommy?" You asked again, acting oblivious.
"Oh. Oh well then, Tommy is like my best friend, we're actually meeting up soon!" Tubbo said with excitement.
He continued. "You hear that chat! You get Tommy and Tubbo content!
You had lost interest in Tubbo talking with his chat about hanging out in Brighton with Tommy again. Your eyes drifted towards the chat again and saw Tommy comment in the chat again.
"Well Tommy I dont have an account so, sorry I cant get you views whoever you are." You said responding to Tommy with a smirk.
"Woke up and chose violence huh?" Tubbo laughed and you joined in as well.
"Tommy chose violence today too."
"You both are violent you will be nice together." Tubbo said with his focus still in his screen.
"Together?!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah together!" Tubbo said matching your energy.
You rolled you eyes and continued answering other comments instead of thinking about Tubbo's answer.
After that whole, incredibly longer than you thought, stream Tubbo decides to invite you along to their little meeting. Which you didnt know how you found yourself walking along Brighton's rocky shore in old Crocs. You were walking along the shoreline letting the cold water come up and hit your feet every so often.
He was waiting for Tommy at the moment, but you wanted to walk for a bit, he let you ho on by yourself while he waited for Tommy by himself.
You were quite a long way from where Tubbo seated himself on the rocks, you were doing your own thing looking at people who stared back at you for temporarily blocking their line of view of the shore, and little kids who decide to run away from their parents who weren't paying attention. Your peaceful walk got interrupted by your thoughts because you were quite a long way from Tubbo's resting place.
You started to head back, following back the way you came, but this time picking up the pace a bit to reach your destination. As you came upon Tubbo you saw a taller figure approach Tubbo and they seemed to greet eachother, it was hard to see where you were standing. Of course it was Tommy so the two of them started talking about who knows what, until Tubbo pointed your way.
As you kept walking, Tubbo continued to wave you over enthusiastically. You waved back with the same energy, finally making your way over to the both of them.
"What's up?" You asked the two of them with a smirk.
"Nothing much! Apparently you two haven't met before! So Tommy this is Y/N! Y/N thjs is Tommy!" Tubbo user hand gestures to introduce eachother.
You held your hand for Tommy to shake it, "Hey Tommy! Im a big fan."
"Big fan?! I thought you said you didn't know me?" Tommy exclaimed.
He was a lot less shouty in real life, than online. He was still loud, but to a lesser extent.
"Yeah I lied back then." You sent him a huge grin.
Tommy scoffed and groaned a little, "I cant belive you fuckers lied to me."
"Im actually a big fan. Well not big, but a fan at least." You laughed.
Apparently you and Tommy were the only ones standing while Tubbo typed on his phone while sitting back on the rocks not paying attention and letting you both talk amongst yourselves.
"Oh! That's an honor that Tubbo's big sister like my videos." Tommy's eyes widened slightly as he talked to you.
"Big sister only by 1 year! It's close!" Tubbo complanied, looking up from his phone.
"It still count big man." Tommy said to his friend.
"Thanks Tommy!" You thanked the tall man standing next to you.
"It's only a year! It dosent count! We're the same age!" Your brother continued to complain.
After the laughter and joking around calmed down you and Tommy stood there awkwardly until he spoke up again.
"Well good thing I know what I have to deal with. I cant deal with one of you, now I have to deal with two." Tommy joked around taking a seat next to Tubbo.
The exact moment when Tommy took a seat next to Tubbo, Tubbo shot up from his spot on the ground.
"Do you think we can do Uber Eats here?" Tubbo asked as he stood up.
You say down next to Tommy. "Yeah maybe if you go to a certain place and not say "the beach".
"I'll go to the pizza place and order there. What do you both want?" Tubbo asked, ready to put in any order.
"Just get McDonald's really." You sighed leaning back on the rocks.
"Im not hungry." Tommy said bluntly.
Tubbo nodded and walked away from you both leaving you two to sit in silence for a while with the small waves crashing, and kids having their own fun. It was a comfortable silence to you, but Tommy kept figeting over where he sat criss-crossed.
Tommy finally spoke up. "Im actually fucking starving ya know?
"No I don't! You should've asked for food!" You laughed in disbelief.
Tommy sighed. "Do you want to get some food and ditch Tubbo for now?"
Your eyes widened, not opposed to the idea, but was this his plan the whole time?
He continued on, "We could go sit at that pizza place and order some food there. Just the two of us until Tubbo freaks out."
You opened your mouth to protest leaving your brother in the dark, but he beat you to it.
"Dont worry about Tubbo! Stuff rolls off his back easy."
"No it dosent-"
"Yeah it does! You wanna just go out with me now?!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Are you getting annoyed?" You asked amused at his words.
"No I am not I just-"
"Yeah I want to go to the pizza place now. I would love to Tommyinnit." You smiled at him and he smiled back.
Both of you got up and made your way over to that small pizza diner close to the beach. You only could hope this goes as well as you wanted it to
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thoughts on toga?
Sorry, I was putting some good music to do this 😌 our vampire princess deserves only the best.
First of all, I still maintain that she's one of the best written female characters of bnha.
I used to think she was heavily sexualized on the manga, and while I still maintain that she is hyoersexualized on the fandom and still sexualized on the manga, I came to realize some of Horikoshi's choices are not that bad. Of course, it has a lot to do with certain common motives and symbolisms.
I think my main complain about the way some people write Toga (pushing aside the way the ship her with adults), it's that people either put her a a total child or a total woman.
Oh God, Toga is so smart. She's so under-appreciated, so so much.
"She's a murdered". She's what? 16-17 years old? Let's see the facts.
Toga was born in a family with money.
The first memory we got from her is Toga bitting a bird and showing it to her parents. They reacted pretty bad, like it was terribly spooky and told her to put that away, rejecting her.
After that, she created a mask for herself. She started pretending to be normal, smiling a lot, becoming the sweet overexcited girl.
However, the feeling never went away, because it was part of her quirk. The need to bite people to become them, the joy of wanting to taste the blood of someone she loved.
This could be a side effect like a person with wings wanting to fly, or a person with fire wanting to see the flames.
After stabbing her school crush, she ran away and began a criminal career of stabbing other people, hiding from the police.
This all means she lived in a lie for at least 13 years of her life, before becoming a criminal and loving on the streets at least 3 or 4 more years.
Toga has both taste the high-middle class class and the low class. She knows what is like to have too much money and be empty inside because no one sees you or accepts you, as much as she knows what is like being hungry and with cold, but living with people that love you for who you are.
This girl learned to erase her presence from a young age, before any of the UA kids ever dreamed about having that level of skill. She knows how to fight pretty well in close combat, how to fight with knives, how to trick people, how to choose her preys and when to retire from a fight.
She's extremely smart because she has successfully infiltrated in the heroes side at least three times: during the license exam, during the overhaul arc and on the war arc.
Her great goal is to live and live well. This is fucking magnificent because many people with her experience would reject themselves, thinking they're the problem. Toga knows she's not the problem, but society. She knows she deserves to live and love and have friends and family and she fights for it. In fact, even when so many people say she's insane, she's uses her logic all the time, way more than many other members of the League.
She see humans as they are. Not villains, not heroes. She was able to love Izuku and Ochaco even when they were heroes, she was able to hate overhaul while he was a villain. This shows she's outside the hero-villain toxic narrative, clever girl.
She's not afraid to face anyone when it comes to her rights. She faces Tomura more than once (overhaul arc, mva arc), she doesn't let Dabi intimidate her, she protects Twice and sweetly answers to Mr. Compress and Spinner's worry.
And God, maybe she doesn't have a mutant quirk, but almost. See her pupils, see her fangs. The reason why she makes people uncomfortable it's because she doesn't fit their standards. And she's perfectly okay with people not knowing how to categorize her. In fact, her fight in the MVA arc was because someone was trying to frame her.
I don't know how to make this clear but she's not crazy or psycho.
Toga Himiko would have passed the UA test with honors. She's so further above from the rest. She knows the older generations are full of shit and she knows they can't follow their paths, enough to outgrow Stain's legacy and make her own ideals.
I love how she shows that one can be totally feral and go against the system without stop being oneself.
Her speech to Ochaco on the war arc was incredible. She quickly questioned the idea that heroes can decide who deserves to live and who doesn't by saving only the people they think that deserve to be saved. She criticized the heroes decision to forget and dismiss and put away real people suffering just because they were not passive about their pain. She also make Ochaco see that she was a girl, just like her, not some type of hell demon trying to consume her soul.
She refused to say Shigaraki and decided to call him Tomura instead. This is so important!!!! From a narrative point of view, she's rejecting AFO's last name and accepting Tomura, the boy mourning for a father, a family.
She's observant, analytical, good at judging people, great at adapting and changing her mind.
I love how she kept being so happy and vibrant even in the worst moments.
And she's not just a victim, please. Toga Himiko is not some lost child, not a know-it-all woman. She's a teenager that can understand the situation but still needs tsome guidance.
She's actively changing the system. She's not passive or easy to manipulate. Like Spinner said, she's a free spirit.
So I'd love to see more fanfics depicting this. She's an amazing character at the level of most male characters on bnha, just like Ochaco, for example.
I'd love to see more headcanons about her with people her age. Real headcanons.
What about Momo and Toga talking about how boring can fancy parties be? How people with money are crazy sometimes?
What about Toga talking with Jirou about beinf girls that are considered "bros" by her friends?
What about Toga talking about being a little mutant and Tsuyu talking with her about hating cold weather?
What about Toga and Kirishima being overexcited and full of positivity together? About Denki and Toga talking about celebrities and TigTog? About Toga and the people from class 1-B bonding over being considered less when they're as good as class 1-A? Toga and Shinsou? Toga and Koda loving cats? Toga and Shoji playing card games? Toga and Tokoyami loving metal music? Toga and Bakugo loving romance stories?
What about Toga admiring female pro-heroes? Mirko seems loud and determined, Toga would adore her under other circumstances. Fuyumi helping Toga with her self-care because she ran away young. Toga showing Eri that they both have "scary" quirks and it's not wrong! They're both went through really bad moments and they're not bad! Toga being a big fan of the Wild Wild Pussycats. Toga adoring Vlad King and Present Mic.
The potential is there.
Anyway I just want more creativity, maybe. People writing more about Toga and the implications of her childhood, about how insane she is a fighter and a human being.
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