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rye-views ¡ 2 years ago
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Lookism. 외모지상주의. Ep. 1-308. 7.6/10
I would not recommend this webtoon to my friends. I would not reread this webtoon.
Despite the drawing being so unattractive to me, I think it's brilliantly made. When mom is sad, the illustrations show it amazingly. Really captures the feels. I hate the eyes that look like lips. I don't like how superficial everything is. Determining your worth based on looks and wealth. I hate how everyone is so quick to fight. I don't know anyone like that in real life. PTJ Enter is a trash place, huh. Hyunseok's actions versus thoughts being like doing bad things to others and then hating himself for it, it's something I really don't vibe with despite knowing many people who are like that. It's difficult for me to comprehend the point of regretting something you actively chose to do again and again while knowing how horrible it is. And it's not something bad to yourself, but to others. Hyun Seok's gradual realizations of how much he lacks as a person or how badly he treats others is something to think about. I'm enjoying how he wants to improve himself when realizing that you can't just blame the world for your situation. The stalker episode disgusts me and freaks me out. Lee Tae Sung is so angry for no reason. Ji Ho is a real piece of trash. I'm so disgusted at the perverted other guys on the train during our trip to Jaeyeol's villa. I didn't love when the drawing style changed and everyone was kinda re-introduced, and the plotline really strayed from high school lookism to moreso this gang culture.
Basco's tears are my favorite thing. They happen so amusingly. I also love his backstory being a thing. His bullying was messed up. What a cool kid, he is. Jae Yeol my favorite character. Favorite episode is when it's all about Jae Yeol and there is literally no dialogue. Basco and Bum Jae's relationship is beautiful. Love the ET tat being for his name. I love how Inu is always like idc about what's going just get out ya'll! I love how Jinsung matures throughout and sees how to better himself. Basco's bday cake is soo cute. I love how much Jinsung loves Mi Jin. Jae Yeol's amusement park ride top selca is very nice. The episode of finding Hyun Seok's identity was so thrilling. I love that the lookism logo becomes floral during the blind date episode. I approve of the Miru and Jaebeom love line. I like that Jang Jin Hyuk draws.
Hyunseok needs to stop accidentally drinking alc. Get it together. This webtoon is so extreme all the time. Taesung losing all that weight is so random. In the amusement park episode, it's amazing to read Korean but with a dialect.
Lmaoo at Jae Yeol's extra episodes having no dialogue whatsoever. Lmaoo not Inu saving small Hyunseok from the Han River. Lmaoo at the Burn Knuckle's duck's function being 분위기. Lmaoo at BTS being in here. Lmaoo at Basco and Hyung Seok being able to communicate with Jae yeol. Lmaoo at Basco protecting his bear family.
Poor Hye Eun.
Omg Jae Yeol giving Hyun Seok all those nice clothes for his birthday is the sweetest thing. All nonchalant, how cool. Him lying with the birthday letter is all eeeek for me. Basco is also so cool for caring for the underdogs.
Uee getting beat up for cheating was crazy. Bruhhh, everything was so messed up as Heemin beat up Jinsung and Wonbin. Can you believe how messed up the situation is? Yeah, messed up of Jinsung to throw Basco's heroman gift into the water with a rock in it instead. Haneul's love for Hyungseok is so crazy and respectable. Dating Tae Sung and suffering like that? What kinda love?
Why do the police look like little animals? How are we in such extreme situations with such extreme people? How does Ji Ho always get into such messes?
The Kim Poong cooking show guy literally looks like Wes Chan to me.
Memorable Quotes: "순간이 쌓여 추억이된다," "나를 극복해보고 싶어요." "싸움을 시작했으면 죽일각오로 싸워야하고."
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308ferrari ¡ 7 months ago
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thedailyvio ¡ 4 months ago
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Day 306 - 310
Large Tolype Moth and Blue Mud Wasp
WIP Below:
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randall-daily ¡ 4 months ago
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pesterloglog ¡ 1 year ago
Jane Crocker, Dirk Strider, Jake English
Page 308-318
JANE: And I know that at times like these it is easy to want to give in.
JANE: To throw in the towel, and turn our faces away from the light of democracy and moral fortitude that we, the citizens of the human kingdom, are blessed with from birth.
JANE: God knows I’ve had my own faith tested in the last few weeks.
JANE: As many of you know, I did not grow up with the same privileges that all of you enjoy.
JANE: I was born on proto-Earth, that half-finished dystopia mangled by the ravages of foolish leadership and endless war.
JANE: And as for Gamzee, well, his upbringing was even worse.
JANE: He was born to a violent and uncaring home, a lonely child with few natural gifts.
JANE: It would be simple to let this disgusting, vile, SHAMEFUL act of spiteful revenge turn us away from the blinding light of the sword of justice that hangs over us all--
JANE: Poised
JANE: Trembling
JANE: Ready to burst forth--
JANE: I want to give up, at times. I understand your pain.
JANE: I sympathize with your pain.
JANE: But when that pain! Becomes too hard! To endure!
JANE: Remember poor, lifeless Gamzee! Who suffered pain far worse than any of us could ever fathom!
DIRK: Dude, didn’t you lower the voltage on that shock collar?
DIRK: Little Red isn’t looking so hot.
JAKE: Yes of course i did but the damn doohickys got the kick of a donkey!
JAKE: I couldnt remove it completely shed know i was the one who did it!
DIRK: Well, if that supervillain cuntwaffle doesn’t stop, she’s going to kill her. Not really the best at hostage management, is she.
JAKE: Hey!
JAKE: Don’t call my wife a cuntwaffle!
JAKE: It... it may be deserved but it is certainly ungentlemanly
JAKE: brain ghost dirk i would have expected better of you
DIRK: Can’t imagine why. Aren’t you going to do anything?
JAKE: Why dont you do something!
DIRK: Because I don’t really exist, dickhead.
JANE: But we cannot allow his memory to be in vain!
JANE: For Gamzee Makara taught us that even the most loathsome degenerate can take their place in society.
JANE: All they need is the right redemption arc - !
JANE: !!!!
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loveinlesbians ¡ 8 days ago
Jan 2025 Tumblr Top 10
1. 625 notes - Jan 29 2025
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2. 439 notes - Jan 3 2025
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3. 311 notes - Jan 16 2025
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4. 308 notes - Jan 25 2025
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5. 284 notes - Jan 30 2025
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6. 271 notes - Jan 28 2025
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7. 186 notes - Jan 31 2025
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8. 158 notes - Jan 26 2025
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9. 153 notes - Jan 12 2025
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10. 108 notes - Jan 10 2025
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Created by TumblrTop10
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anyonghalimaw ¡ 1 month ago
help a third worlder pay for... a lot of shit
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"if you can raise more than 18k its better because i have no more funds for toll fees (when traveling to work) and food in the office
my salary wont come until feb 5 and im gonna have to use it to pay for our credit card"
^ messages i received from my mom today. our current goal is 18k PHP/308 USD which i know is a lot to ask for so im opening unlimited slots on all commission types
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200x200 pixel icon: 22 usd
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100x100 flat color bug: 10 usd
150x150 fully shaded bug: 25 usd
if you would like to help but dont want a commission i have a kofi >>here<<. 1 USD=59 PHP so literally anything helps. thank you!!
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transmutationisms ¡ 16 days ago
hello !! do u have any recommendations for books that demystify intelligence ? and/or historical analyses that pertain to its scientific construction ? I'm actually not picky at all, an extended reading list if you already have one available would be perfectly fine. I hope I'm being clear in my request bc English isn't my 1st language... if not, sorry
<3 bisou
for sure -- there's lots of writing about the historical context of IQ in particular, as well as other measures of 'intelligence' (binet-simon, galton, etc); there's also a lot of writing that's on specific national and regional contexts. so i'm not pulling anything close to an exhaustive list here lol but these are some i found at least somewhat helpful. im presuming you're a french speaker but if not just disregard the ones in french lol
The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould -- this is probably the no. 1 recommendation you will receive in english on this topic. it's not necessarily crucial if you've read other historical literature critiquing psychometry, but if not, it's a very solid text and is intended to be an easy entry point into the topic, so it can be a convenient place to start if you just need a leading-off point
‘The Intelligent and the Rest’: British Mensa and the Contested Status of High Intelligence (2020). Schregel, Susanne. History of the Human Sciences 33.5, 12-36. DOI: 10.1177/0952695120970029
Child prodigies in Paris in the belle Êpoque: Between child stars and psychological subjects (2021). Graus, Andrea. History of Psychology 24.3, 255-274. DOI: 10.1037/hop0000192
Searching for South Asian Intelligence: Psychometry in British India, 1919--1940 (2014). Setlur, Shivrang. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 50.4, 359-375. DOI: 10.1002/jhbs.21692
La mesure de l'intelligence: Jeux des forces vitales et rÊductionnisme cÊrÊbral selon les anthropologues français (1860-1880) (1994). Blanckaert, Claude. Ludus Vitalis: Revista de Filosofía de las Ciencias de la Vida 2.3, 35-68
The Measure of Merit: Talents, Intelligence, and Inequality in the French and American Republics, 1750--1940 (2007). Carson, John S. Princeton University Press, ISBN: 0691017158
Ambiguities of Racial Science in Colonial Africa: The African Research Survey and the Fields of Eugenics, Social Anthropology, and Biomedicine, 1920--1940 (2005). Tilley, Helen. In Science across the European Empires, 1800--1950 (ed. Stuchtey, Benedikt. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0199276292), pp. 245–287
Ribot, Binet, and the Emergence from the Anthropological Shadow (2007). Staum, Martin S. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 43, 1-18
La mesure en psychologie de Binet à Thurstone (1997). Martin, Olivier. Revue de Synthèse 118, 457-493
W. E. B. DuBois, Anthropometric Science, and the Limits of Racial Uplift (2006). Farland, Maria. American Quarterly 58, 1017-1044
The Mismeasure of Minds: Debating Race and Intelligence between Brown and The Bell Curve (2018). Staub, Michael E. University of North Carolina Press, ISBN: 9781469643595
After Binet: French intelligence testing, 1900-1950 (1992). Schneider, William H. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 28, 111-132
Woman's Brain, Man's Brain: Feminism and Anthropology in Late Nineteenth-Century France (2003). Sowerwinea, Charles. Women's History Review 12, 289-308
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weirdsatellites ¡ 4 months ago
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Dispatch #308 from NROL-111 (USAP) 1. Abyss of Puppies 2. House of Girlfriends
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winged-void ¡ 4 months ago
Please take a moment and have care for my friend Eslam, a 29 year old teacher and mother of two from Gaza. As food and medicine prices rise to levels that many of us cannot imagine, it has become very difficult for her to feed and take care of her family.
Her campaign is vetted here (308)
Currently she is just over $20000 dollars from her goal, and every little contribution to that helps immensely.
I know my followers and those in my general circle are people of great kindness, and I trust that you will help Eslam and her family.
Click here to show your kindness and care
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308ferrari ¡ 2 days ago
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blooodymoon ¡ 3 months ago
A "RETURN of the Number of PERSONS FLOGGED in the BRITISH NAVY, in each of the Years 1845 and 1846; specifying the Name of the Ship, the Offence, the Sentence and the Number of Lashes Infficted." Parlamentary Paper, Number 661 of Session 1847
So after reading the Post about Jopsons Flogging by @handfuloftime I went down a research rabbit hole because I wanted to see if their exist sufficient & specific enough Data to accuratly compare his punishment and put it in the historical context.
I found this Website, which features the two tables from the Parlamentary Papers and their Source.
(Note: The tables on the website are incomplete and inaccurate in certain places. I compared it from top to bottom to the original source and corrected/added the informations in my table.)
I used that as a basis for my own table, where I also added Averages and Sliders so people can search the Informations!
(Apparently Sliders don't work on Mobil, and I don't know enough about Google Sheets how to fix it :/
If anyone knows or if you find a some kind mistake please let me know.)
This week I visited the University Libary, which has access to the Parlamentary Papers Online, to see if such tables also exist for earlier years but sadly 1845 was the first year where they went into such Specifics.
(I hope to add some of the Years after 1846 to the table, when I can.)
Earlier years only had these Informations per Year:
Total Number of Punishments
Total Number of Lashes
Highest Number of Lashes Inflicted at One Time
Lowest Number of Lashes Inflicted at One Time
This Information for 1839 - 1846 under the Cut.
Also under the Read More are some Graphs, Medians & Averages about Flogging for Drunkenness Alone, seperated by Seamen, Marines, Boys and Everyone!
Hope that someone find this useful/interesting !
Corporal Punishment for Drunkenness Alone
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Lashes Sentenced Median: 32,75 (1845: 36 | 1846: 31,4)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 31,07 (1845: 31,13 | 1846: 31,02)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,02 | 1846: 30,58)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 36 (1845: 36 | 1846: 36)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 34,37 (1845: 34,62 | 1846: 33,86)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 34,33 (1845: 34,41 | 1846: 33,86)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 31,4 (1845: 32 | 1846: 31,4)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,09 | 1846: 31,09)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,09 | 1846: 30,69)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 24 (1845: 24 | 1846: 33)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 26,22 (1845: 24,4 | 1846: 28,5)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 25,33 (1845: 24,4 | 1846: 26,5)
Number of Punishments: 2,007
Number of Lashes: 59,341
Highest: 60 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 2,026
Number of Lashes: 60,302
Highest: 48 | Lowest: 1
Number of Punishments: 2,066
Number of Lashes: 61,669
Highest: 50 | Lowest: 2
Number of Punishments: 2,472
Number of Lashes: 71,024
Highest: 100* | Lowest: 1
Number of Punishments: 2,170
Number of Lashes: 63,985
Highest: 60 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 1,411
Number of Lashes: 42,352
Highest: 72+ | Lowest: 6
Number of Punishments: 1,070
Number of Lashes: 33,511
Highest: 48 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 1,077
Number of Lashes: 32,360
Highest: 50* | Lowest: 3
*By sentence of a Court Martial.
+By order of the Commander-in-Chief for theft, in a shop at Chusan, and violence to the natives.
Sources: A "RETURN of the CORPORAL PUNISHMENTS inflicted in the ROYAL NAVY, in each of the Years 1839 to 1843, both inclusive, stating the highest and lowest Number of Lashes at each Time, and the aggregate Number of Lashes in each Year [ ]" Parlamentary Paper, Number 308, of Session 1845 + ABSTRACT of Total Numbers of CORPORAL PUNISHMENTS inflicted in the NAVY, and the Total Number of LASHES Inflicted, in each Year up to the 31st December 1846 [ ]. Parlamentary Paper, Number 661, of Session 1847
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museum-of-artifacts ¡ 1 year ago
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Remains of the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine in the Roman Forum in Rome. Built between 308-312 CE, the 35 metres high basilica was the largest building in the Forum (with an area of about 5,600 square meters), and the last Roman basilica built in the city
Blog https://artifactsmuseumhistory.blogspot.com/?m=1
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thekidsarentalright ¡ 1 year ago
‼️ Attention Fob Fan Reading This ‼️
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A few weeks ago, I posted the fourth annual fob census asking you all to answer a bunch of evil questions regarding fall out boy, and after getting 1.3k (!!!!!) responses, the results are finally in (below the 'keep reading'). I wanted to quickly say thank you to everybody who participated in this, it's so fun to do every year and it makes me so happy to see so many others enjoy it too!! Without further adieu, here are the results:
Disclaimers: Quickly I just wanted to warn that this is a long post- it's worth reading, the results are very interesting! But it's also a lot to get through, be prepared for that! Secondly, tumblr loves to destroy image quality- click on the image to see it better!
Question 1:
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For the first question, you were simply asked what era you became a fan. The top 3 results were, as shown: 1. Save Rock And Roll Era (345 Responses) 2. American Beauty/American Psycho Era (268 Responses) 3. During The Hiatus (132 Responses) Not much to say about this one, every year the results are very similar. Most interesting is that over 100 people have become a fan in the last year!
Question 2:
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The second question asked you for your favorite era, and the results were, as shown: 1. So Much (For) Stardust Era (550 Responses) 2. Infinity On High Era (191 Responses) 3. Save Rock And Roll Era (170 Responses) The impact of the newest era is clearly seen in this question! Some could say it's recency bias, only time will tell, but regardless smfs era absolutely dominates as peoples favorite!
Question 3:
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Question three asked what your favorite album was, and this was one where I was incredibly interested to see if so much (for) stardust shook things up that much... And as shown in the top responses, it did not! 1. Folie A Deux (550 Responses) 2. Infinity On High (270 Responses) 3. From Under The Cork Tree (153 Responses) Last year, the order of the results was exactly the same. As I believe it has been every year... Folie is unbeatable
Question 4:
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The next question asked for you to objectively say which fob album is the best, to see if the responses between favorite and best differed, and as you can see, they did: 1. So Much (For) Stardust (457 Responses) 2. Folie A Deux (389 Responses) 3. Infinity On High (297 Responses) It's so interesting to me to see that so many people believe stardust to be fob's best album, but even then do not consider it to be their favorite.
Question 5:
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Now that we've gotten the favorite/best albums out of the way, it's time for least favorite/worst, with these being your least favorite fob albums: 1. Take This To Your Grave (375 Responses) 2. American Beauty/American Psycho (371 Responses) 3. Mania (308 Responses) Most interesting about these results, to me, are how much the top three responses sweep in comparison to the rest. While for the last two questions, the results were more spread, these are much more unanimous.
Question 6:
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Question six asked for the objective worst fob album, and you responded as so: 1. Take This To Your Grave (517 Responses) 2. Mania (347 Responses) 3. American Beauty/American Psycho (328 Responses) All I have to add here is that the responses are even More unanimous... Tttyg sweep ig! fdjsnf
Question 7:
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Going away from albums, the next question asked for your favorite EP, and you all responded as such: 1. Lake Effect Kid (404 Responses) 2. My Heart Will Always Be The B-Side To My Tongue (374 Responses) 3. Pax AM Days (337 Responses) Last year, lake effect kid was second and my heart was first- always very interesting to see how things shift, even slightly!
Question 8:
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The next question had you saying your favorite album cover art, and you all decided these are the best covers: 1. Infinity On High (664 Responses) 2. Folie A Deux (195 Responses) 3. From Under The Cork Tree (176 Responses) I was very interesting to see where smfs would land, with it falling in the bottom half, not disrupting the top three at all. However, folie moved up a spot, swapping with futct. Ioh reigns supreme though!
Question 9:
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These results came out identical to last year, but here are the top first fob songs you all heard: 1. Sugar, We're Goin' Down (347 Responses) 2. My Songs Know (171 Responses) 3. Dance, Dance (134 Responses) 4. Thnks Fr Th Mmrs (132 Responses) 5. Centuries (91 Responses)
Question 10:
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Question 10 asked for your favorite fob song, a very subjective question that garnered many different responses, these came out on top: 1. Headfirst Slide (105 Responses) 2. Disloyal Order (73 Responses) 3. Hum Hallelujah (69 Responses)(nice) 4. Ginasfs (65 Responses) 5. 27 (55 Responses) I have many thoughts about these results and don't want to ramble too much, but will say, most interesting: This is the first time disloyal order isn't first for this question. A big change, I think!
Question 11:
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We know now your subjective fav songs, but what about objective best? You all said: 1. So Much (For) Stardust (244 Responses) 2. Headfirst Slide (136 Responses) 3. Love From The Other Side (83 Responses) 4. What A Catch, Donnie (70 Responses) 5. Hum Hallelujah = Disloyal Order (66 Responses) Once again, lots of thoughts! We have our first tie, both smfs the song and album sweeping, and disloyal order once again Not topping the list! Huge changes!
Question 12:
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This question is always the one i get the most excited about each year. It's also the one that gets the most varied responses, but these came out in the top: 1. Sunshine Riptide (56 Responses) 2. "From Now On We Are Enemies" (49 Responses) 3. You're Crashing, But You're No Wave (47 Responses) 4. Rat A Tat (40 Responses) 5. It's Not A Side Effect = Heaven's Gate This question changed a lot from last year, with sunshine riptide moving up three spots, and rat a tat, it's not a side effect, and heaven's gate showing up when they didn't before!
Question 13:
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With underrated songs come overrated ones, and you all said these were the most overrated: 1. Centuries (330 Responses) 2. Sugar, We're Goin' Down (96 Responses) 3. My Songs Know (87 Responses) 4. Bang The Doldrums (67 Responses) 5. Immortals (62 Responses) Most of note- Bang the doldrums is here, when it simultaneously was voted pretty highly as a favorite song!
Question 14:
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This was the first time I asked the question of what your favorite fob cover is, and you all decided these are the best three: 1. Love Will Tear Us Apart (297 Responses) 2. Beat It (278 Responses) 3. I Wanna Dance With Somebody (224)
Question 15:
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Asking which song has the best lyrics is another one of my favorites to see, and this year you all said: 1. Hum Hallelujah (172 Responses) 2. So Much (For) Stardust (75 Responses) 3. You're Crashing, But You're No Wave (72 Responses) 4. Ginasfs (70 Responses) 5. Disloyal Order (67 Responses) It's not surprise these results are very similar to best song, and it's very deserved! These songs are on top every year, save for smfs being newly one of their best written songs!
Question 16:
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This question asked how many times you've seen fob live, and the results are as shown: 1. 1-3 Times (780 Responses) 2. Haven't Seem Them Live Yet (353 Responses) 3. 4-6 Times (138 Responses) 4. 7-9 Times (42 Responses) 5. 10+ Times (37 Responses) Last year, a majority of people said they hadn't seen them live, so it makes me really happy to see now, a majority has! And i hope those that haven't get to soon!
Question 17:
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Continuing with the tour theme, specific to this year, I asked what your favorite medley song was, and you all said: 1. Spotlight (New Regrets) (272 Responses) 2. I've Got A Dark Alley (165 Responses) 3. What A Catch, Donnie (146 Responses) 4. WAMS (133 Responses) 5. Get Busy Living (117 Responses) Seeing spotlight sweep made me happy, as it genuinely was the craziest moment. All of these were crazy, and so special- seeing each medley song get so much love just shows it <3
Question 18:
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Now continuing with tourdust questions, I asked for your fav 8 ball song, here were your top 5: 1. Pavlove (372 Responses) 2. Ginasfs (184 Responses) 3. Bang The Doldrums (144 Responses) 4. "From Now On We Are Enemies" (80 Responses) 5. 27 (69 Responses) Similarly to before, each of these was so crazy and special, it's great to see they all got love. Pavlove swept massively, tho, as deserved i think
Question 19:
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I think it goes without saying that each band member is loved and very important, but we all have our #1 babygirl, and here's who you all said was yours: 1. Patrick (676 Responses) 2. Pete (402 Responses) 3. Joe (160 Responses) 4. Andy (112 Responses) All i have to say is... kill that thing patrick <3
Question 20:
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Our next miscellaneous question asks for your fav music video, and this year you all said these were your favorites: 1. A Little Less Sixteen Candles (275 Responses) 2. Dance, Dance (109 Responses) 3. Hold Me Like A Grudge (89 Responses) 4. America's Suitehearts = Miss Missing You (74 Responses) 5. I Don't Care (67 Responses) I was curious to see if a stardust mv would make it in, and was glad to see grudge did! Otherwise, very similar results to last year. Old favs die hard i suppose <3
Question 21:
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Here, I asked for your favorite band that isn't fob but is related/adjacent to fob, and you all said: 1. My Chemical Romance (576 Responses) 2. Paramore (302 Responses) 3. I Don't Know How But They Found Me (88 Responses) 4. Cobra Starship = Green Day (75 Responses) 5. Gym Class Heroes (58 Responses) Not much changed from last year, other than green day getting more love, which is interesting to see! (Also, wanted to note that i did forget to include panic!... however less than 10 people wrote them in as an 'other', so results were not affected by that oversight!)
Question 22:
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These last questions are all this or that style ones, with our first pairing being disloyal order and hum hallelujah: 1. Disloyal Order (762 Responses) 2. Hum Hallelujah (588 Responses) Interestingly, last year this match-up was a solid tie. Clearly, opinions have changed to make disloyal order sweep!
Question 23:
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Our second this or that pit snitches and talkers vs you're crashing: 1. You're Crashing (808 Responses) 2. Snitches And Talkers (542 Responses) These were the top two underrated songs last year, so it's interesting to see which one is truly preferred!
Question 24:
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Our last this or that, and last question, put centuries and my songs head to head: 1. My Songs Know (977 Responses) 2. Centuries (373 Responses) All the commentary I will provide is saying: is centuries even overrated anymore with it getting destroyed like this.... fkjdsnfks
And with that, the 2024 fob census comes to a close! If you've read this far or, really, participated at all in this in any way, I want to say thank you again! and that I hope you had fun with it, and that these results were interesting to look through! Also, will throw out there, I worked very hard on this and would appreciate a rb if you read all the way through it! <3 If you have any questions about any data or questions, want to see more in depth results or commentary or analysis from me, feel free to shoot me an ask/dm! See you next year for year 5! :-3
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blouisparadise ¡ 2 months ago
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There are so many amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of December. We’re entering a new year feeling incredibly grateful for the amazing fics we got in 2024, and excited for the many we’ll get in 2025! Happy reading!
1) Whispers Of Warm Love | Mature | 3,075 words
Where Harry is an intelligent student and a little bit shy and doesn't like to party much. One day, pushed by his friends, he decides to go to a party and there he meets the perfect omega for him.
2) Show and Tell | Explicit | 3,104 words
A hot pink butt plug sticks out of his boyfriend's bum. The sight knocks the wind out of Harry. His jaw hangs open. He can hear a pathetic whine coming from his own throat. Why is Louis so fucking cruel? And thank god Harry turned his microphone off. Although he suspects his colleagues know by now what his boyfriend's up to, especially judging by Harry's inability to keep a straight face.
3) Show Your Love For It | Mature | 3,331 words
Louis and Harry fuck desperately and Louis shows him how much he loves it after spending hours holding back their desire.
4) Honk | Mature | 3,721 words
Louis was not a romantic. He never really dreamed of finding his soulmate. Definitely not like this. Never like this. Harry was a romantic. He’d always dreamed of finding his soulmate. Just like this. Exactly like this.
5) I'm All Yours, I've Got No Control | Explicit | 4,391 words
Filled with adrenaline; Harry and Louis get a little desperate after a show. Unable to wait until they're in their hotel room.
6) To Keep My Stocking Filled | Explicit | 4,810 words
A very exhausting day playing Santa at work left Harry to want nothing more than to return home to his girlfriend. His girlfriend, Louis, had her own reason as to why she was excited for him to return back to her.
7) Just Go With It At Christmas | Explicit | 5,152 words
Inspired by the movie "Just Go With It" but this one happens at Christmas and it's omegaverse. Louis pretends to be Harry's ex-wife and they end up admitting their feelings for each other.
8) The Cobbled Streets of You and Me | Mature | 5,256 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 308- Based on a reel where a girl got her stiletto stuck on the drainage rail and a man came to the rescue. Featuring Louis as the cute, carefree omega and Harry as the hot, grumpy alpha who helped.
9) Don't You Wanna Wrap Me Up (And Mistle Touch Under The Tree) | General Audiences | 7,020 words
“Hi! Do you want to join the exchange?” Louis hopes the desperation on his face isn’t as obvious as it feels. “Sorry, uhm, me?” The alpha points a finger at himself while blinking rapidly. “Yeah, you! You look like you would have lots of fun with a Secret Santa exchange,” Louis replies, “Please?” he adds for good measure.
10) You're My Very Own Christmas Love | Explicit | 7,569 words
Harry has to work late at the office on  Christmas Eve. Louis surprises him by dressing as an elf. Gifting him a santa hat to wear while he relieves his stress.
11) Restlessness, Snowman Cookies, And A Realisation | Not Rated | 8,090 words
While Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn take the kids out for a few hours to some Christmas fair, allowing Harry to have the house to himself for a bit, Harry decides to make some snowman themed Christmas cookies and some chocolate fudge for Louis in an attempt to ward off this odd restless and off feeling he’s been having lately. And he realises a very possible reason as to why he’s been feeling off lately. That has something to do with Louis….
12) Dreamy White Christmas | Mature | 9,099 words
Just Louis having a nice birthday, a lovely Christmas night and all the attention his loved ones could give him. Especially his alpha's.
13) Just Go With It | Mature | 11,216 words
A plastic surgeon convinces his assistant to join him along with his young boyfriend on a trip to Hawaii and pose as his ex-husband to cover up a lie, but he ends up complicating the situation further.
14) Nonsense Christmas | Mature | 13,291 words
A toast to red lipstick, Christmas songs, misunderstandings, casual sex, front seats, and snow.
15) The Purge: A Military Force | Mature | 13,480 words
Louis hates the purge and everything that it represents, he hates the way the government made a carnage using them as simple pieces of a shit game, he hates the way they feel on their games and are killing each other for them to have a show, but he hates, even more, the way his alpha accept it like a follower sheep, he is a Captain on the military and just closed his eyes, that’s way Louis left him, he couldn't be with someone like that. It’s unfortonately that when he’s out on the purge to safe his friend that alpha became his anchor, the only reason he stayed alive.
16) You're My Christmas Wish ᥣ𐭊 | Not Rated | 13,724 words
“Why is it Merry Christmas and not Happy Christmas?” She tilts her hip in confusion. “Oh. That must be my fault.” Harry says immediately, drawing everyone's attention back to him. Louis raises an eyebrow as he sees the man licking his lips, apparently already very satisfied with what he's about to come up with. “For me, my Merry is happiness.” Louis tenses when the alpha takes his gloved hand, the boy in his lap rubs his cheek at the feeling and Louis relaxes then, caressing his cheek. Harry smiles looking down at the children. “Christmas and her are what I love most in the world. So I decided to replace Happy with Merry, the others must have liked it because they started saying it that way too.” Louis blushes the same color as their costumes. When he turns to look at all the children, they are just as delighted as his heart.
17) You'll Never Feel Like You're Alone | Explicit | 15,714 words
Louis is sick, and Harry takes care of him.
18) More At Stake | Mature | 16,987 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Prince Styles of Darthend,” King Andres bowed respectfully, Queen Jo doing the same. Her ruby ring glowing brightly on her finger, back in its rightful place. “I am in your debt. Whatever it is you desire.” For the first time, the cruel prince smirked. Louis let Zayn move him further back in hopes of shielding him. However, his eyes remained fixated on the curly-haired prince. His breath hitched when dark green eyes met his blue ones from across the room. The grip on his shoulder got tighter. “In due time, your majesty.” Prince Styles bowed at the king and queen before he left.
19) Wrapped in Red & White | No Rated | 21,429 words
“It’s very rude not to say hello back,” she scolded, hands planted firmly on her hips like she was running the place. “My mommy taught me that.” Harry stared at the little pup, mouth agape, his grip on the stapler slackening. Was this real? It couldn’t be real. Maybe Jacob had drugged his sandwich earlier because there was no logical reason for a random child to be standing in his office, alone, at 5 PM. “Are… are you real?” he finally managed to ask, brow furrowed in disbelief.
20) Falling In Love | Explicit | 23,984 words
After falling into a spiral of loneliness in Los Angeles, Louis realises he can’t ignore how much he misses Harry. Determined to fight for their love, he heads back to London, hoping it’s not too late to make things right. All he wants is another chance to show Harry how much he truly means to him. After falling hard, it’s time to fall in love.
21) The Thrill of the Chase (Are You Mine?) | Explicit | 29,920 words
Harry leads a search and rescue team who specialise in capturing feral alphas and omegas and returning them to the Feral Recovery Centre so they can be rehabilitated back to their normal lives. The case of feral omega Louis Tomlinson sparks a fight for dominance between Harry's instinctual inner wolf and his rational human mind, the outcome of which flips his life upside down forever.
22) Once Upon A Time | Explicit | 37,079 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Since Louis' mother's death, her book of fairy tales has offered Louis an escape from the tower that he is locked inside for much of the day. However, when his father announces that Louis has been betrothed to the cruel king of a neighboring kingdom, Louis quickly realizes that even the comfort of his fairy tales will not be enough to shield him from the harsh reality of his life. Embarking on a long journey to his new home, Louis is accompanied by his maid and a small group of soldiers, led by Captain Harry Styles. As Louis begins to experience the world beyond his prison and learns more about the people escorting him, he finds himself drawn to the mysterious Captain. But with every step closer to his impending marriage, Louis is forced to confront the life he's being thrust into—and the painful truth that he may never have his happy ending.
23) Show Me Your Soul | Explicit | 53,045 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis is an escort trying to survive, never expecting to step into the world of the rich and powerful. When Harry Styles hires him for a week, Louis thinks it’s just a paycheck. But what was supposed to be a simple arrangement turns into something way more complicated than he ever signed up for.
24) This Type Of Love (Give It To Someone Special) | Not Rated | 61,352 words
When Franco Styles recommends him to take a trip to get his head out of his business, Harry decides to listen and spend the end of the year where none of his enemies can find him. He doesn't expect for that decision to have big consequences for his life, but when a blue-eyed man rings the bell of his door, a very talkative florist, he goes down an unexpected path in which love and fear intertwine. How much is he willing to risk for this new connection?
25) The Crow Flies Straight | Explicit | 80,378 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry Styles is the prince of notorious Biker gang Sons of Anarchy in picturesque Charming, California. He's done his best to live a life free of the law and free from attachment. Until a chain of events cause the one person he thought he'd never see again to be dragged back into his life of crime and debauchery. Louis Tomlinson ran away to medical school years ago, because he liked Harry and his danger a little too much.
26) Twinkling Lights, Fated Nights | Explicit | 87,330 words
Louis is an Omega who doesn't like being told what to do and is happy with his single life in the snowy town of Frostbrook after a terrible previous relationship. But then Harry turns up - an Alpha who is anything but the typical macho. Instead of giving commands, he makes an effort to understand Louis, which annoys him more than anything. But Harry doesn't give up. And maybe that's exactly why they fit together so well: Two people who don't fit the clichĂŠ at all, but who suddenly feel more for each other than they would have expected. In the midst of lights, snow and mulled wine, something begins to grow that neither of them had planned - even if Louis would rather not admit it. A story about healing, love and finding home in each other.
27) The Boy Saw A Comet | Mature | 98,324 words
Harry and Louis once dated in high school, but their intense breakup left Harry heartbroken. Now, two years into college, Harry notices the new teaching assistant in his class, who resembles the boy he loved four years ago. Will they reignite their relationship or avoid each other completely? Harry's love for Louis remains unchanged, but he is unsure of Louis's feelings.
28) Fuck Destiny and Fuck You | Teen & Up | 106,550 words
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson were born into two of the wealthiest families in London. Despite their privileged upbringing, they couldn't be more different. Louis was a hopeless romantic who believed in soulmates and destiny. Harry, on the other hand, was a realist who rejected the idea of fate and preferred to forge his own path in life. Their families had been feuding for generations, so it was no surprise that Harry detested Louis. But fate had other plans. Louis discovered that Harry was his soulmate when they both turned 18 and had Harry's name etched on his skin as proof of their destined connection. Harry, however, could care less about Louis allegedly being his soulmate and left the country at 18. Now, three years later, Harry has returned to London. Does Harry still despise Louis? Or will he finally give in to the undeniable pull between them?
29) Nowhere To Hide But Home | Mature | 118,091 words
Harry lunged and tackled the omega to the ground, sending dirt, roots, and shrubs up around them. Buried deep into the soft soil of the woods lining the valley, Harry hovered above the omega with his head as far away from Harry’s gaze as possible. “Louis.” His head snapped around, but that furious expression didn’t waiver. “What do you want? Get off me, you twat!” “Will you run?” “Take a guess.” Louis squirmed anyways, but Harry’s fluttering heart refused to move. He refused to give him a chance of escape, not until Harry got answers, and certainly not until he ate something. He owed Harry answered.“Get off me, Harry!” “Tell me why I should, and I will.” Louis opened his mouth, two thin lips widening like he had something witty to say, but nothing came out. Instead, his cheeks reddened, and he blinked back emotion. Exactly as Harry thought: no answer.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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alphynix ¡ 9 months ago
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Nicknamed the "Y animal" or "wye", Escumasia roryi is an enigmatic fossil organism known from the Late Carboniferous Mazon Creek fossil beds in Illinois, USA, dating to about 308 million years ago.
Growing up to around 15cm tall (~6") this strange soft-bodied creature was Y-shaped, with two slender "arms" on each side of an apparent mouth opening, a flattened sac-like body with another opening on one side, and a long stalk ending in an attachment disc. Some specimens have uneven arm lengths, which may indicate damage from predation.
Being only known from the exceptional preservation conditions of Mazon Creek, and with nothing else quite like it in the known fossil record, Escumasia's evolutionary relationships are still a mystery. It's been tentatively linked to cnidarians – but this doesn't really fit based on its anatomy, and little further study has been done on it since its discovery in the 1970s.
It was probably a filter feeder, living attached to the seafloor and capturing suspended organic material or small planktonic prey with its arms. The environment it inhabited was a shallow tropical marine bay, located close to the equator at the time, near a large river delta that would have made the surrounding waters rather brackish. This ecosystem was dominated by cnidarians, particularly the anemone Essexella, along with various arthropods, lobopodians, polychaete worms, molluscs, echinoderms, fish, lampreys, hagfish, and other difficult-to-classify weirdos like the famous "Tully monster" Tullimonstrum.
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Clements, Thomas, Mark Purnell, and Sarah Gabbott. "The Mazon Creek Lagerstätte: a diverse late Paleozoic ecosystem entombed within siderite concretions." Journal of the Geological Society 176.1 (2019): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2018-088
Nitecki, Matthew H., and Alan Solem. "A problematic organism from the Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian) of Illinois." Journal of Paleontology (1973): 903-907. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1303070
Wikipedia contributors. “Mazon Creek fossil beds.” Wikipedia, 10 May 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazon_Creek_fossil_beds
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