#1) if I have to rush to do something I’ll usually do a bad job because I won’t have enough time to process what I’m doing properly
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Ok, this one is oddly specific but I hope it's fine with you. So I was thinking about this scenario: post-dmc5 Nero meets reader (who's also a hunter, well into her 30s) during Red Grave clean up and after some time he started seeing her as a mother figure, and the feeling is pretty much mutual. Now she's not very fond of Dante and Vergil (at first) for obvious reasons, so when they return from hell chaos ensues. Nothing super angsty, I just really want someone to slap those shit twins around a bit on Nero's behalf, cuz the boy deserves it <3 Would be extra fun to add Nico, Lady and Trish to the mix, but it's up to you. Thanks!
Oddly specific scenarios are what I like and need, plus this has found a soft spot in my heart and since I saw it in the requests I couldn’t help but want to write it. There is a part that might be a bit angsty but otherwise it’s pretty soft. I have just 1 request left for dmc, then I’ll take a break from it. Please, please ask me about other fandoms too when i open my requests again.
Anyway, sorry to make you wait this long, hope you enjoy it :)
Nero With a Motherly Reader
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When I saw on the news what was happening in Red Grave I had to rush in, no matter what the authorities were saying, no matter if everyone was in a rush to leave the city, I had to get there. The idea that demons were slaughtering innocent people made me sick, how did they get in the city in such large numbers in the first place? I’m an experienced hunter and I know how demons usually act: they’re not pack creatures, they’re independent and enjoy the thrill of the hunt on their own. When they do work together, it’s in groups of five or six, so why are there thousands of demons all of a sudden? The answer is pretty obvious. A higher rank demon must have spawned in the city, and I am motivated to stop it. Well, that was the intention anyway.
I just got into the city, and it looks like the major fight has already ended, Red Grave is a mess and there isn’t a single soul around. Demolished buildings, alley walls painted red in blood, burnt ashes of what used to be people… it looks like a manifestation of Hell on Earth, a land owned by the dead. I drive around by car, avoiding corpses and rubble, until there is no access anymore.
I didn’t quite notice it before, but the stink of death surrounds me anywhere I turn, and it gets harder and harder to breathe… or resist the impulse to puke at any corner. Despite this scenery of death, the city is silent, and I’d definitely doubt anyone or anything was around, lurking in the shadow, if I didn’t know better.
I walk and walk until my feet start to hurt, and it becomes increasingly obvious that something is wrong. The demons should have attacked by now, yet all is still silent, eerily so… until it isn’t. A loud sound of engines starts roaring a few streets further, a motorbike perhaps?
I hurry towards the sound, guns in hand and the sniper rifle at my back. As I get closer, I start hearing the distinct sound of voices screaming at each other and a battle. I’m not sure if they’re fighting against each other or demons, though it all sounds very… chaotic.
“What the hell, Nico! Are you trying to get me killed?” Says the first voice, clearly a young male.
“Hell nah. You’re doing a wonderful job yerself” I can’t help but giggle a little, they sound like siblings that banter every day.
I get to a dead end and the fight is just ahead, unreachable by this road, but I refuse to turn tail and run. That’s when I notice a fire escape that heads to the roof, high ground it is. The battle still wages while I climb the ladder and new voices come in.
“Lady! On your back!”
“I got it!” A loud and powerful explosion almost knocks me down… was that a bazooka? I get to the rooftop and I finally manage to see the battle ahead. A large amount of demons is on the streets, a couple of dozens by the looks of it, and among them there are four people, each of them holding their own against multiple enemies at once. Not bad at all. If this were a game, they’d definitely get an SSS rank. I look around for the perfect spot to set up my rifle and give them support. Turns out I got ready to shoot at the perfect time: a demon was coming towards the young man by his blind spot and all his mates were busy in their own fights. With no hesitation I shoot the demon on the head, blasting it off. The man looks at my way for a moment, then continues his battle. I give support to each of them, getting enemies out of their way and protecting their backs. Soon enough the fight is over and before I can even blink the young man is at my side.
“Who are you? What are you doing here” he still has the gun in his hand, itching to shoot at any given moment.
“Calm down, boy” I slowly get up and hold my hands up “I’m a hunter, I came here to clean up this city. Just like you guys.”
The tension on his shoulders eases up, but he sure doesn’t give me the satisfaction of putting away his weapon.
“I had everything under control, you can go back now; we don’t need civilians around. And don’t call me boy.”
I stare at him confused, did he not hear me when I told him I’m a hunter? He seems to read the confusion from my face.
“I don’t buy it. You can’t be a hunter, you look like a mother or teacher if anything.” I don’t really have a reply to that, I mean. I _am_ a teacher… and I was a mother. Plus I don’t really dress like his hunter friends: no revealing clothes, no bad ass leather, just jeans and a comfy sweater but I get interrupted before I can reply.
“Yo Nero come here we gotta go! Wait who’s that? You find yerself a hot mama huh? You nasty”
“Oh, shut up Nico!” Once again, I giggle at their interactions.
“Say what you wish, boy, but you guys sure sound like you need a mother. Anyway, we really should go. Red Grave won’t clean itself.”
With that I head back to the street and meet the other members of the crew, the funny and solar Nico, the calm but strong Lady and the seductive and down to earth Trish, completely unaware that it will change my life.
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It’s been three years since I met the crew and I must say, I grew attached to all of them, Nero and Nico in particular. They always banter and fight like teenagers but I know how much they care about each other. At first Nero was very skeptical about me and refused to even look my way for a long time, the more I was around, the less he opened up, if anything he closed off even more. Regardless I kept doing my own and, before I could even realize, I started making sure he always ate well (he had such an unbalanced diet I could feel my cholesterol rising just looking at him eat) and slept long enough. More than a few times I found myself covering him with a blanket when he fell asleep on the sofa or covering for him more than the others when we were out on missions or even worrying for him to the point I’d be the first to rush in and help him heal his injuries. It went on like this for a year until one day, when we were alone, he exploded with rage I couldn’t understand.
“Why are you doing this? You’re not my girlfriend, you’re not my mother, so why! I don’t need your stupid kindness and your stupid support, I’m not a child, just go away!” His whole body started to shake and tremble and, at first, I thought it was out of anger. I had to change my mind when I noticed the way he kept hiding his face from me, and how his voice had become a breath whispering me to go away. I didn’t quite realize until that moment how broken he was, how the conviction of being unlovable was rooted inside of him, how he felt unable of being cared for because he’d never known the unconditional love of a mother nor the protective kindness of a father. In a moment of epiphany I understood that everything I had done for him, it had never actually been _for him_, it had been for me. Salty tears started crawling to my cheeks before I could control them and words spilled out before I could choose which ones to say.
“I’m sorry, Nero. I’m so sorry. I didn’t think this would cause you pain. I just… I got to know you and you reminded me so much of my son. Of how grumpy and unhappy he looked the day I went to see him years after I gave him up for adoption believing it would be for the best because I was too young and too stupid. But it was not… it was not” my throat started to hurt and it got harder and harder to breathe.
“He got involved in some shady business and he got killed… he was just a boy. I wanted so desperately to get my son back, to fix my mistakes and I projected that on you… I only made my mistakes bigger. I’m sorry, Nero”. The little composure I had left vanished and I began crying uncontrollably, Nero’s whimpers and cries merging with mines while we looked into each other’s eyes. He closed the distance almost shyly, looking for comfort he didn’t think he deserved, and he hugged me desperately as if afraid I’d run away and leave him alone like all his parental figures had done.
We never talked about that day again, but things had clearly changed. Nero was not grumpy around me anymore, instead he liked to talk about how his days went and started coming to me for advices instead of trying to handle everything by himself like he always used to. He even introduced me to Kyrie and they both agreed I should come over to dine with them in the weekend, like a family.
I stare at Nero and Nico banter in the living room of Devil May cry reminiscing all the events in the past three years. It took time but it seems that Nero has almost healed from the wounds of loneliness and abandonment and I couldn’t be more proud. As I think this, the door opens with a loud thud and two tall men enter like they own the place (which they technically do). I’ve never met them before but the crew has talked a lot about them: Dante, the legendary devil hunter and Vergil… Nero’s father.
“We’re back!” Says the one I presume to be Dante “Why the long faces, no welcome home for us?”.
“We’re back? Is that all you have to say after vanishing for 3 goddamned years? What did you expect! A welcome home party with balloons and candles?” I speak before I can control myself, they cannot be serious.
“Excuse me, missy, but who are you? You’re trespassing, you know, this is my property. Is this your new partner, Nero?”. The nerves of this man.
“Stay away from my son” The twins stare at me, stunned, until Vergil decides to clear this up.
“Son? You’re not his biological mother”
“You’re right” I reply “I am not and, obviously, his ‘biological family’ did a much better job at taking care of him now didn’t you”.
The two men keep silent and lower their heads exchanging guilty glances.
“Now if you don’t have anything important to say, go to your rooms to think about what you’ve done and how not to fuck up again” they both look up, surprised.
“No buts. If you’re not going to act like responsible adults, you’re not going to be treated like ones. Now go” they lower their heads once more and start walking towards the stairs.
“Yes ma’am”.
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purpleajisai · 11 months
Chapter 2: Hatachi
> Chapter 1
Madara Monday!
Notes: This chapter is centred in the brotherhood dynamic of Madara (20 years old) and Izuna (17 years old). You may notice several references to being 20 years old (hatachi / 二十歳), which had been considered the age of maturity for centuries, both culturally and legally in Japan. Here you have two links on the subject if you’re interested: link 1 link 2
A cold breeze entered from the half-shut windows of a simple room, furnished by a desk and many shelves stacked to the top with documents. Two men were working together, opening the fancy seals of delicately crafted scrolls. Madara, who had just become an adult according to his clan’s custom, was scowling at the workload. Even more than usual. His eye bags were nearly the colour of his navy blue robe as it was clear he hadn’t been sleeping well for several days. As the sound of another seal being opened by his brother snapped him out of his choleric state of mind, he turned his head and read the message.
“If I get another damn marriage arrangement proposal from that daimyo once again, I will burn his lands to a crisp!”, he exclaimed as soon as he saw the title of the message. This particular daimyo had already sent him five requests. One for each daughter he had, trying to blindly guess what sort of woman Madara would like.
“Well, this guy is determined to get one of his daughters into this clan one way or another. Goodness, let’s hope I don’t have to deal with him once I’m 20!”, Izuna replied. The younger Uchiha shook his head and handed his brother a blank scroll for him to write a rejection letter once again.
“I will be blatant with him this time. I’ll make it clear that if I get another proposal from him, we will never provide services to his lands ever again.”
Madara submerged his brush on the suzuri, letting the black ink be soaked into the bristles and then he started writing with a frown. Izuna peeked at the contents of the reply and was quick to interrupt, slamming his palm onto the table.
“No, elder brother! Not like that! You can’t be so rude, he pays well for our services! Just say something like… um, you’re not looking for a wife? That you don’t want to rush it?”
“I’m done with this crap. You write the rejection letter and I’ll drink some of the tea before it gets cold.”
Izuna simply rolled his eyes and smiled a little. He knew that his brother was stressed and that it was best to let him relax before he got back to the many duties of a clan leader. After redacting a polite rejection letter explaining that Madara had too much on his plate to go and tie the knot, Izuna closed the scroll and closed it with a ribbon. Madara was finishing his mug of tea while gazing into the horizon through the window, so Izuna decided to snap him off of his trance by patting his shoulder.
“You should cheer up a bit, elder brother. Take the constant requests from many daimyo as a flattery or something. You think any sane, rich man would want his daughter to marry a bad catch? We’re a powerful clan, we have lands and prestige! I would safely bet a nice barrel of umeshu that the daimyo were counting the days until you turned 20 to start sending these.” 
Madara, now more present in the moment, put down his mug and sighed as soon as he glanced at the mountain of similar messages on the desk. Sure, he had a big ego but this wasn’t the way in which he wanted to be appreciated. He lowered his head and ran a hand through his pitch black hair before speaking in a rather quiet voice.
“If Father was here, I wouldn’t have to deal with all of this nonsense. Instead of writing the same rejection letter over and over again, I could actually have time to find a partner for life and read my books. I don’t think I’m doing a good job at this clan leader thing, Izuna.”
“Oh come on, you’re doing amazing! You’ve been the youngest leader this clan has ever seen and we’re seeing an improvement in many areas. When was the last time we had more than ten  trained doctors, hm? Or the last time we got over 30 customers?”, the younger man replied with a comforting voice to cheer the worn down leader while quickly skimming through another message. The mention of their father was a sensitive topic, as both men missed him dearly. 
“Being the youngest clan leader ever comes with a downside. I don’t remember the end of my teens and the start of my adulthood. It suddenly came to an end as soon as I swore in that ceremony and renounced part of my independence. Would Father be proud of the way I’m handling things? Maybe I’m too immature and selfish for this.”
“Of course he would be proud. Don’t you remember what he used to say every single time he took us to battle with him?”
“You’d have to narrow it down. He was always saying that you tied your sash the wrong way, hah!”, he joked. Izuna grinned slightly as his attempt to lighten the mood was working. Then, the younger brother cleared his throat and made his best imitation of their late father’s voice.
“This clan crest entails the great honour of a caste of mighty warriors. It is a symbol of strength and duty”. Madara laughed as Izuna made a small parody of their father. When they were boys, they’d dislike having their father constantly saying such things. But now it was a fond memory.
Madara didn’t reply to that, he simply pondered silently about what it meant to be… himself. The prodigy, the wielder of a mangekyou sharingan, the clan leader, the son, the older brother. That was until he spotted something from the corner of his peripheral vision just seconds later. What caught his eye was the sight of his beloved younger brother piling up all of the leftover messages from daimyo who were in a haste to get their daughters married. 
“Hey, what are you doing? Leaving those for later?”
“Um, technically I am. Or I am not.”
Izuna then held all the scrolls in both hands and channelled his chakra through his fingers, causing the paper to burst into flames and burn down into mere seconds. Madara was impressed, that was a dangerous move! 
“No! We have to reply or we could lose the good relationships with those lands! You were the one suggesting that we reply politely!”, he cried out, using his hands and another piece of paper to try and make the fire die down.
“We can’t keep wasting time! These people know that you’re not interested and yet keep sending requests! I am indeed an advocate for harmonious diplomacy but this is getting repetitive and useless! I’ve read through them all and it’s the exact same daimyo as always!”
Izuna exclaimed with a hint of anger while throwing the remains of the burnt paper to a bucket that served as a trash can and shaking the ash off his fingers. While Izuna was the one who always helped Madara avoid unnecessary problems caused by the shinobi’s sharp tongue and disdain for weaker ninja, he drew the line at wasting his time with menial tasks. That was the only case in which Izuna would allow himself to have a more aggressive approach.
Madara simply sighed and looked at the pile of ash in the trash can. That must have been at least 50 scrolls, all of which were marriage arrangement proposals. He couldn’t understand why so many adult men, most of which were well educated, would be so eager to have their daughters marry a complete stranger only because of his power and status. It made the idea of marriage become shallow, as if it were only a tool. There were a series of important doubts clouding his mind: would he ever find someone that saw beyond the outside? Someone who saw his heart below the many layers of duty? What people would call a “soulmate”?
After two long hours of working side by side, the brothers called it a day and began to classify the scrolls into the many shelves of the room. One shelf contained the scrolls to be sent with a messenger hawk in the morning, another one served as an archive for the clan’s accounting, a third one was a record of the daimyo who had requested their service as mercenaries and so on. Madara arched his eyebrows at the many service requests that Izuna had handled, then looking at the much smaller amount of accounting and negotiating he had done that was now piled in the shelves.
“You’re quite the productive man, eh?”
“Oh please elder brother, taking care of the requests is simply saying yes or no. You have to do maths, economics and those things. You’re the clan leader, you deal with the main stuff.”
“I wouldn’t have the time to do this if you didn’t help me with those boring service requests. Don’t put yourself down, Izuna.”
“Hm. May I ask something, elder brother?”
“Was any of those proposals from… Fuyumi~?”, he said in a mocking tone to his brother. Izuna knew that Madara was slowly catching feelings for that young woman. And in fact, he would be glad if the two ended up together. They were a good duo in the battlefield and knew each other even before they learned how to speak. But Izuna was still in his late teens, so he would never treat the subject seriously at this point. What kind of younger brother misses the chance to annoy his older brother?
Madara had somehow sensed that Izuna would find a way to involve his crush on Fuyumi. So instead of saying a comeback, he jokingly slapped his brother’s nape and laughed.
“Shut up, you little rascal! Finish that so we can go greet Father!”
“Haha! Fine, fine, I’m almost done. But you can’t deny that you wish one of those proposals was from Fuyumi~”
“Hmph! I said shut up!”
Izuna continued to make jabs at his brother until they finally finished stacking the scrolls in their respective places. When the two men in charge of running the Uchiha clan stepped out of the office towards the little graveyard beside the house, the position of the moon indicated it was midnight. Both of them sat down before a long tombstone and placed incense in front of it, perhaps even praying for the soul whose name was engraved in the rock. Izuna broke the silence and nudged Madara with his elbow.
“Elder brother…”
“What is it?”
“Don’t put yourself down. I’m proud of you. And I’m sure Father’s proud of you, wherever he may be now.”
Madara smiled softly at his brother and put an arm over his shoulder. Izuna had been much too young when they lost their father, so the least an older brother could do was comfort a hurt and grieving young man. A single tear rolled down the clan leader’s cheek as many thoughts filled his mind. He remembered his father, all of his advice and what he should do once he grew up. One particular piece of advice resonated within his memories.
“Find yourself a good woman just like I found your mother. Someone whom you will love, protect and cherish. And help your brother find one as well when the time comes, after you both turn 20. You two are meant to stick together and watch each other’s backs.”
Being 20 years old and a clan leader surely did entail a lot of responsibilities, but at least his little brother was proud of him.
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Epilogue 2: A sense of Normality
I woke up in my bed, the past couple of months have been somewhat normal I guess. Asriel went into therapy after what happened with Crooler, I guess the image of him stabbing Lagravis still hurts him. Me on the other hand, well I’ve been gradually reintegrating myself back into my normal life. Today was actually my first day back at school, which made me feel all kinds of emotions. I wondered if anybody asked where I was. I looked at my phone deciding to message Asriel.
6:50am Sho: What time will you be in? Asriel: I’ll be in by Period 2 at least. Sho: Alrighty :D. Asriel: I guess I’ll be seeing you Period 2 then Sho. Sho: I’ll make sure to tell Akemi this. Asriel: Thanks Sho. Sho: You're welcome Asriel :].
I stretched and jumped out of bed, putting on my usual clothes, my headphones and a beanie. I grabbed the satchel Laval had given me and grabbed the equipment I needed for the day. I looked at the lion emblem on it and smiled as the gold shined in the radiant sun. I wondered what Laval and Cragger were getting up to in Chima, it made me somewhat happy to know that they had each other. I rushed downstairs and toasted some bread while I hummed. I looked around and saw Grillby making coffee.
"Morning Sho." Grillby said with a smile.
"Morning Grillby." I replied, waiting for my toast to be well…toasted "I'm guessing you're at work today?"
"Yeah.." Grillby sighed, drinking his coffee in delight, "It's going to be a long day."
"Is it?" I grinned, "Well when my school begins job placements maybe I can come work for ya."
"Thanks Sho.." Grillby replied with contempt, "But you're still 16, you can't really bartend and cater drinks can you?"
"Well not really but I can learn." I sighed, looking down at the floor with guilt. "I'm sorry for not telling you about Laval and Cragger." Grillby sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Sho like we've talked about, me and sans understand why you didn't tell us."
"But I still feel bad, man…" I replied, "If I just told you maybe me and Asriel wouldn't have ended up in Chima… I dunno if I can ever forgive myself for what happened there..” Grillby looked at me then hugged me.
"Sho none of that was your fault. You were trying your best." I hugged Grillby back, soon pulling away once my toast popped out of the toaster. I put it on a plate and swabbed chocolate across the bread, sitting on the counter to eat it. There was a long silence, one that I didn't like.
"grillby's right kid." I looked at the archway and saw sans standing there. He had a caring look in his eyes, "Even if you made some mistakes, you took every opportunity to try to help them. even when you were in chima, you took every chance to get yourself and asriel home." Sans jumped up onto the counter and put a hand on my shoulder "that kid is much more noble. honestly, i'm proud of you." I smiled.
"Thanks sans. I really needed to hear that." I finished my toast and jumped off the counter, washing up my dish. I grabbed my satchel and headed for the door, "Well cya in a bit." I shut the door behind me and took a breath in, I put my headphones on and put on Could have been me by the struts. Today was gonna be a great day, I thought to myself as I hummed the melody of the song. No matter what happens.
<- Epilogue 1
This epilogue is the shortest thing I've written I think. But I don't really wanna talk about the chapter, I mean it's just feel good and that's it. Nah, I wanna talk about the fic as a whole. This fic actually means alot to me, I mean it's not everyday someone meets their best friend through something they've written do they? This person literally inspires me and it's amazing how me randomly coming up with an idea in an English Lesson and randomly checking my emails to see that they liked it meant alot at the time actually. Still does today to be honest.
Now that SFAR is fully posted I can actually get to writing new content for this account. Which will be exciting!!!!
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inochinoyomikata · 2 years
Inochi no Tabekata 2 ch 1-4 Translation
1-4 Asamiya Shinobu– Pursuit of Happiness Worldview
Why can’t we meet? I can’t even see her face. With that in mind, Asamiya Shinobu visited the hospital where Takatomo Miyuki was hospitalized.
He had nothing else to do. After class was over, he tried to talk to Otogiri, but he seemed to have something to do. For some reason, Otogiri must’ve been worried about Shiratama Ryuuko. There was also the idea that if Otogiri went to the infirmary to check on her, he would go with him. But he might get in the way so he can’t. He didn’t think it’d be a good idea for two guys to rush into the infirmary where a sick girl was resting. In general, he was not particularly close with Otogiri.
Takatomo was still in the intensive care unit. Of course, he would not be allowed in the ICU, and visitors who were not family had no way of knowing the patient’s condition. Takatomo’s mother was on the third floor of the main building where the ICU was located. Asamiya had long been called “Shinobu-kun” by her because her house was nearby. She told Asamiya about her daughter. She also had hopeful news.
“You know, Shinobu-kun, Miyu, she might be able to move from the ICU to the general ward. It won’t be long, but she might be able to get off the ventilator.”
“Is that so? That’s good for her. Um, is she conscious…?”
When Asamiya timidly asked, Takatomo’s mother’s eyes suddenly clouded over, becoming like old lenses that didn’t reflect anything. She shook her head.
After that, they talked for another fifteen minutes or so, but Asamiya mostly just answered what he was asked. They talked about things like school and Asamiya’s family.
When he was about to leave, Takatomo’s mother pleaded with him “Please, take care of yourself, Shinobu-kun.” No matter how careful you are, bad things will still happen. Of course, he can’t say such mean words. Asamiya just replied, “I’ll be careful.”
When he got home, as usual, no one was there. Asamiya had an older brother, but he entered a private university in Tokyo two years ago. In addition to his house loan, his brother’s school fees and remittances seemed to make it difficult for his family, and his parents were working hard. Both of them leave in the early morning and come home relatively late. Their small, two-story built-for-sale house was cluttered everywhere and had an indescribable peculiar smell.
Asamiya had decided that he would work part-time when he entered high school. He didn’t like studying, and he wasn’t suited for it, so it was unlikely he would go to a prestigious university like his brother. He got into a decent university, and he’d get a decent job. He was told if he somehow talked with his mother about that on New Year’s, he wouldn’t have to think about it from now on.
When he was taking in the laundry that had been hanging out to dry in their narrow garden, he suddenly became disgusted with everything. Asamiya stopped work halfway through and sat down at his living room table. His father often slept on the sofa, so he didn’t feel like sitting on it. He operated the remote to turn on the TV. He didn’t want to see it. He wanted it to make sound.
When he vaguely talked about his future on New Year’s Day, he was asked by his mother “is there anything you want to do?” and Asamiya immediately responded “Wha?” She laughed when he said, “Hurry up.” Asamiya thought about Miyu. What happened to Takatomo Miyuki?
If he remembered correctly, Takatomo used to say that she wanted to be an ice cream shop owner. For some reason, some girls wanted to be ice cream makers. She would change again when she became a junior high student. What was likely was a nurse or a childcare worker. Or a beautician. There was nothing for Asamiya. Each time something like a questionnaire was properly written and submitted. Manga artist. Employee. Athlete. It was all a lie. Asamiya has never thought of wanting to be something, or wanting to do something.
What about Takatomo? Something must have happened. Takatomo was a solid person, clearly she was, and she got along well with various types of men and women. Her grades were pretty good too. The exact opposite of Asamiya. Takatomo must have had a dream. But would she heal? Takatomo’s mother was hopeful that she would. She hoped she got better. Even Asamiya hoped so. To be honest, he didn’t believe that she would ever recover. Takatomo may not regain consciousness at this rate. Asamiya can’t help but wonder if he could not do something.
It was no use thinking about her.
He couldn’t do anything anyway.
He couldn’t do anything now, or in the future.
Asamiya turned off the TV with the remote. He would rather have sound than silence. He turned the TV on for it, but it was raspy and irritating.
He wanted to talk to someone. Anyone was fine. He wanted to be heard. To have no opposition. He had friends. Some people he had registered as friends in a game. However, with those friends, he could only talk about games and videos he was addicted to. Nine out of ten people got annoyed when he talked about anything else. He doesn't play games much these days. He couldn’t keep playing. There was no enjoyment. 
A smartphone notification sounded. Where did he put it? He found it on the edge of the table. Asamiya picked up the smartphone.
[You were invited to Hapieva. Let’s use a new SNS!] Such a notification was displayed on the screen.
Asamiya unlocked his smartphone. He found an unfamiliar icon. Hapieva. Had he installed such an app? He didn’t remember. 
“That’s kind of suspicious, but…”
When he launched it, he heard an explanation with an animation that Hapieva was an abbreviation for ‘Happy ever after,’ and that it was an SNS for many entertainers, artists, and streamers to participate anonymously. Photos that looked like celebrities flickered one after another. Among them were musicians and comedians that Asamiya knew, as well as streamers who were often the subject of internet news. Users could say anything. There was one caveat. Log in once every 24 hours. If you don’t log in, your account will be deleted, along with the log. Conversely, if you want to withdraw, you don’t have to log in.
“...That’s too much, isn’t that suspicious?”
When he unintentionally wryly smiled, the app instructed him to choose symbols. It seemed that the username was a combination of symbols, not letters. After randomly choosing four, another option appeared. Interests. Favorite things. He was not good at it. Good at this kind of thing. Don’t think too much, just answer appropriately. However, Asamiya’s hand stopped at the next question.
[Are you worried about something?
・Human relations, actually.
・Future things.
・About money.
・Love and affection.
・No dreams or hopes.
Choose as many as you’d like!]
“---No dreams or hopes, or something like that. Body and cover, also, right…”
It was terrible. Asamiya chose only [No dreams or hopes] and proceeded to the next step. As soon as the timeline screen was displayed, a message like [Welcome!] and [Nice to meet you~] popped up.
[Oh! Participant found! Nice to meet you!]
[Hope you’re comfortable~]
[People with no dreams or hopes, get along well.]
[Despair Alliance W]
[...I wonder if this is what you’re saying to me. It’s amazingly welcoming. Those who have no dreams or hopes, yes, but…]
The messages that flew to Asamiya eventually calmed down. But his timeline kept updating.
There were daily reports such as when people woke up, when they slept, what they ate, when something happened that made them feel uncomfortable, and that made them want to cry. There were also complaints. If someone laments, someone else will sympathize with them and encourage them to do their best.
It was a little strange. He didn’t see any objection that they didn’t want to hear complaints. Was everyone ignoring them? He wondered if Hapieva users didn’t think so. Was it an SNS used by open-minded people?
However, while skimming through messages such as [XXX’s Neapolitan is the best], [If XXX appears even for a moment, I will change the channel immediately], and [Tomorrow, I will go to XXX], Asamiya noticed it. This SNS seems to have a function to make some words obfuscated. Were they proper nouns? People’s names, places names, store names, etc.
“Is it that? Is it like privacy protection? It seems that people could be roughly identified by the name of the place or the name of the store. It seems that you couldn’t post images…”
Maybe negative remarks were filtered out and invisible. If that was the case, he wouldn’t even notice if someone scolded. If nobody noticed it, it was the same as not being condemned.
“...This is crap. It’s nothing but comfort.”
While thinking that, Asamiya couldn’t take his eyes off of Hapieva’s timeline. His fingers moved on their own.
It doesn’t matter what you spit out in a place like this.
If you feel empty, just stop.
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
Unexpected Ch.3: Stay
Ch. 1 • Ch. 2 • Ch. 3
Warnings: super fluffy, a teeny bit of angst but like not really, smut of course, FXFXF threesome, squirting, fingering, oral, massages, MXFXF threesome, MXF sex, rough sex, semi public sex, belly bulge (I dead ass had to look this up to see wtf it looked like…I’m now permanently the 😀 emoji)
A/N: the third part of Unexpected!! I said I was going to get this out before march… but naturally my life decided to fall apart. But there is a grand total of 3 smut scenes in this chapter YALL…
Word count: just short of 9k
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“Y/N?” You set your pen down, tired eyes trailing up to see Shinobu standing in your doorway. “Do you need something, Lady Kocho?” You were so tired you forgot no one was around, there was no reason to address her as your supervisor. “You really are tired.” She began to laugh, entering the room to take the stool your patients usually sat on. “I am.” Your hands came up to rub your face, every bone was aching. The sun was slowly beginning to rise outside of your small office, your shift was nearly done.
“It was easier when you still lived here, huh.” Shinobu was still a little bit annoyed that Tengen managed to take you from her. “Traveling is the only part I don’t like. As much as I loved it here, I like my new home a little more.” You knew Shinobu wouldn’t take it the wrong way, even as she faked a pout. “Never mind this job tiring you out, you got four people at home putting you through the ringer too.” She winked at your flustered face. “Oh! They aren’t that bad…” you tugged the collar of your uniform up a little more, hoping it would hide the bruise Suma had left on your neck.
“You know you can always sleep here and travel home later in the day. You don’t need to go running the second the sun is up.” Shinobu was looking pretty tired herself. “I know, but I haven’t been home in nearly two days. If I get one more teary eyed crow from Tengen I think I’ll lose my mind.” You were giggling as you spoke, most messages included Suma’s tears on the paper. “My my, they are quite needy aren’t they? It must be nice having people love you that much.” Your eyes widened a bit at that, blinking a few times at Shinobu before a smile crept up your tired face. “Yeah…it is nice.”
“You can go now, get home to them. I’m sure they’re probably already up and waiting.”
“Are you sure?” You didn’t like leaving your position early, anything could happen between that very moment at the thirty minutes before your shift actually ended. “Aoi will be up with the girls to take over for me very soon. I don’t think we’ll have a crazy rush or corps members that need help.” Shinobu herself looked ready to crawl into bed, these last two days truly were as hectic as you felt they were. When you still seemed hesitant, she continued. “You’re his tsugoku now, y/n. By corps rule, that comes first. Aren’t you leaving for a mission very soon?”
You stilled, you nearly forgot about the mission. “We are still waiting for a report back from an informant. Once we get that, we leave immediately.” Shinobu hummed, getting up slowly to open the window near your desk. “If that’s the case, you really need to get home and sleep.” Early morning light began spilling into the room. “Look at that, if you leave now the sun will be up by the time you get home.” She was ushering you up and out of your chair. “Shinobu are you sure?” You were only a few steps from the door at this point. “Yes! Like I said, they are probably waiting for you at this point!”
You stumbled through the door and into the hall. “Alright! Alright I’ll go!” The exhaustion was making you giddy, “good luck, y/n!” Most would assume that was for the mission, you knew otherwise. Heat flooded your cheeks as you waved her off, making a beeline down the hall towards the stairs. “I hope one of them is awake, I’ll probably fall asleep on the front porch at this rate.” You hoped they’d be willing to crawl back under the covers for a bit, or at least until you fell asleep.
The walk between the butterfly estate and the Uzui estate was only a few miles. All together you made it home just as the sun was fully risen above the horizon, just like Shinobu said you would. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” You could have collapsed then and there seeing Makio on the front porch, Hina was beside her. “You’re both up early!” You made your way through the gates, a warm cup of tea in both their hands. “Well, we were hoping to greet you when you made it home. Tengen and Suma are still fast asleep.” Hina scooted slightly, making enough space for you to sit between them.
“Y/N…you look exhausted.” Makio’s hand came to hold yours, worry filling her eyes. “I am. It’s been a crazy last two days at the estate’s infirmary. And now Tengen and I could be leaving for that mission soon…” you trailed off. You weren’t one for stress, and you didn’t like sharing that stress. But you couldn’t keep anything from them, they could read you like an open book. “Let’s get you to bed then! No point in sitting out here with us.” Hina was standing by the time she finished speaking. “I’d actually like to take a bath first…” you were being pulled up by Makio. “A bath it is.”
You weren’t sure how long you’d get to sleep, and a bath would be out of the question if you didn’t take it now. “I’ll heat up the water, Makio can give you a massage. I’m sure your muscles must be aching.” You missed the wink Hina shot Makio, resting heavily into her support as they led you into the estate. “Tengen and Suma will probably be asleep for another hour or two. Tengen has been staying up fairly late training and waiting for you to return. Plus with the mission he’s been sleeping as much as he can. Suma is…well she’s Suma. She’s always been a heavy sleeper and Tengen is a cuddle bug. So it works out very well for her.”
Your heart tugged a bit at the fact that Tengen had been staying up late despite training all day, eagerly waiting for your return. It was only two days, but that was the longest you’ve been apart from them since this all started. Shinobu found it a little excessive with the amount of crows you received with messages from them. “I missed that bed. It just isn't the same, sleeping alone is rather cold.” You thanked Makio softly as you entered the bathroom. Hina got to work while Makio helped you undress. “What’s this?” You were completely bare, Makio’s eyes fixated on your upper thigh. A bruise expanded across the plush skin, dark in the middle and yellow around the edges.
“It’s been a nightmare at the infirmary, the blood demon arts were causing a patient to seize. While trying to restrain their limbs, they managed to get a good kick at me.” Makio and Hina both looked frightened, it never dawned on them how dangerous it could be just being a nurse. It was also the first time they’d ever seen an injury on you. “Oh don’t look so scared! I’ve gotten far, far worse.” That didn’t seem to ease their nerves, but they returned to their tasks in order not to upset you. “Here we go, lavender oil.” Makio smiled as she poured a bit into her palms, rubbing them together.
She started with your shoulders, nimble fingers working out the tension. A breathy moan left your lips, you didn’t intend for it to sound as erotic as it did. The slight hesitation in Makio’s movements nearly made you giggle. “Tengen is a fairly heavy sleeper, but don’t be shocked if he appears in that doorway. He’s got a keen ear for anything sexual.” You felt a blush creep up your face, doing your best to keep any noises in. Makio’s hands moved to the middle of your back now. “You have a lot of tension.” Hina had left her post by the slowly heating bath, picking up the bottle of oil to assist Makio in massaging you.
You watched with bated breath as Hina dropped to her knees, glistening hands slowly massaging one of your calves. “Just relax, y/n. Hell you can even fall asleep if you Wanna.” Makio was at the middle of your back now. Every ache and pain faded under her skilled touch. You certainly would fall asleep if it wasn’t for the persistent pulse radiating from between your thighs. “As if…” you leaned into Makio’s touch as she reached the bottom of your back. A low guttural moan left you, she was working out the knots you didn’t even know you had down there.
This time you felt Hina’s fingers freeze, she was slowly making her way past your knee. “Y/n. Tengen is going to break through this door in two seconds if you don’t keep quiet.” There was a hint of laughter in Makio’s voice. “Sorry…you’re good at this.” You felt no shame, you knew what game they were up to by now…so what was the harm in playing back? Silence fell over the room again, Hina had stopped mid way up your thigh to switch to your other leg. You knew by now you were helplessly turned on, it was taking everything in you to not squeeze your thighs together.
“Don’t you think the bath is warm by now?” Makio was working her way up one of your arms. “I’m sure it is, but this is such a nice moment Makio.” You cooed, leaning into her touch. “Don’t you think my breasts would look nice covered in oil?” Maybe it was the lack of sleep talking, but you couldn’t suppress the fit of giggles that bubbled in your chest. “They…they would.” Hina seemed a bit hypnotized for a moment, eyes glued to your chest. You let out a gasp of surprise when Makio’s hands slid up your sides, coming around to grasp your breasts. “Would you like to test that theory out?”
She began massaging the tender flesh with oily hands. The shine transferred the more she worked, leaving Hina to stare in wonder as you submitted to Makio’s touch. After a moment Makio’s head appeared over your shoulder. “Well, would you look at that? They look even better than I imagined. Wouldn’t you agree, Hina?” Slick hands began parting your thighs, “oh, I agree.” She seemed to snap out of her daze. Your thighs fell open easily for her, you watched through lidded eyes as Hina took in your cunt. “You‘re already wet.” She used oil slick fingers to spread you open. “Of course I am, you two have been…” you swallowed thickly as Makio rolled your nipples between her fingertips.
“Y-you two have been playing with me…” you sounded like a whiny child, gasping as Hina slipped a finger inside of you. “Remember you two… we have to be quiet.” If this all worked out well, you’d have a quick stress reliever, a bath and be snuggled under warm sheets within an hour. One of Makio’s hands covered your mouth as you openly moaned. Hina had introduced a second finger into your slick heat, two days without them left you embarrassingly sensitive. “Y/n, what did I just say?”
You tried to relax yourself, deep even breathing was the only thing that allowed Makio’s hand to leave your mouth. All the while Hina’s fingers never slowed. You let your eyes flutter shut, Makio’s hands returned to their fondling. “Y-you know… I can use my hands too…” you had no way of reaching either of them though. “We can worry about that another time. For now this is all about you.” Hina’s mouth lowered to your cunt as she finished speaking. You held in a whiny moan as her tongue toyed with your clit. The sensation made tears prick your eyes, you didn’t dare touch yourself while at work even when you were in your own bed. The neglect was truly making you overly sensitive…how embarrassing.
“O-oh…” you wailed softly, hand coming up to cover your mouth. Makio’s front was pressing fully to your back as you leaned, whole body conflicted between relaxing and staying focused on Hina’s eager tongue. “Shh…” Makio cooed softly, bending down to kiss your head. “Just relax…let go…” you whimpered as she pinched your nipples again. The tension in your gut was growing tighter with each thrust of Hina’s fingers. “Come for her, y/n. Cream all over her fingers and mouth.” A gasp left you, not expecting Makio to become so bold with her words.
All the while, steam was filling the room. The bath was too hot at this point, but neither woman seemed to care when they had you quivering under their fingers. The added heat wasn’t helping your exhaustion, it felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. “Look how relaxed you’re getting, y/n. Come for Hina. Make a mess of her.” You were starting to break a sweat, shivering despite the warmth. “G-gonna…” the tension was breathlessly tight, any second now and you’d be a mess.
“Gonna come? Then come, baby. Hina’s mouth is full of you right now, but she’d be saying the same thing if she could.” Makio’s voice was against your ear, only making the overwhelming pleasure all the more unbearable. Hina’s fingers were rubbing deliberate circles, fingers curling every few seconds. Her tongue was moving in perfect rhythm with her fingers, before you could even respond you were gasping for breath. Entire body tensing as your orgasm hit you so harshly you jolted forward. “There we go!” Makio praised you, hands pulling you back to her so Hina could continue.
Tears leaked down your cheeks now, if you weren’t tired before — you certainly were now. The same could be said about a bath, you really had no choice now… even if it was your idea to begin with. “H-Hina you can stop…” a slow drip sounded against the tile floor. Your body jerks with each suck as Hina didn’t relent. You felt the tension building up quicker than before, a different sensation accompanied it. “H-Hina…” you whined, hands coming down to grip the stool in an attempt to keep yourself grounded. “You’re not giving her a break?” Makio seemed genuinely confused, maybe even a little disappointed.
It seems she was hoping for some attention despite her earlier statement about this being all about you.
This time it felt like a sudden snap. No build up, no leaning one way or the other. This second orgasm came in record time, still riding off the shockwaves of your first. This time though, you felt liquid spray from between your legs. The sensation making your grip on the stool turns your knuckles white. “Hina!” You wailed, thighs trembling and clenching so tightly you were positive they’d cramp. She finally relented, leaving you feeling like a puddle of jelly. “Fuck.” Makio was using her body weight to keep you supported as you slumped into her. “Maybe I overdid it…” Hina was pulling off the clothes you accidentally soiled.
“You think? Help me get her to the bath.”
“Don’t you think the bath is too hot now…” you were thankful for Makio’s hands guiding you over. “Think of it as a hot spring.” Hina was getting in with you, since you had made her quite a mess as well. “Makio can clean up while we bathe.” Hina shot the other woman a wink, trying not to laugh as a vein bulged in her head. “That’s not fa—“ she trailed off when she saw your sleepy face relax into the bath. “That’s fine. Rest.”
You were completely oblivious to both women’s worried faces. There was something jarring to them seeing you so vulnerable, it was a different type of vulnerable. The bath itself was the perfect type of hot, it had your muscles relaxing even more than their massage did. Before you knew it, your eyes were shouting and you were falling into the warm embrace of sleep. “Well that didn’t take long…” Hina was cradling you to her chest, Makio was wiping up the mess you made on the tiles.
“Already asleep?” Your breathing was even, face perfectly relaxed. “Very much so.” Hina’s fingers combed through your hair, reaching for the small cup to begin filling it and dumping it to wet your locks. “She looked very…” Makio hesitated, you were tired and she knew that. But again, you looked positively exhausted. Plus the fact that you walked all the way home like that?
“I know…” Hina couldn’t say it either, her heart aching a bit. “Maybe it was a bad idea having her move in with us.” She made her way to the side of the tub, fingers gently reaching for you but deciding against it. “Not a bad idea…but certainly a selfish one on our part.” She hugged you a little tighter, relaxing into the bath more so you’d be more comfortable.
“Tengen asked her to be us tsugoku, she agreed. He asked her to move in, she agreed. She is still continuing to work for lady kocho on top of all of that.” Makio grabbed the stool as she spoke, setting it by the side of the tub so she could talk. “That is the life of a demon slayer. Always moving, never stopping. She knew what she was getting into. But maybe her work load would be just a little easier if she still lived at the butterfly estate.”
You’d only been living with them for about a month now. Hina could recall a handful of times you needed to drop everything due to an emergency at the estate. She knew — as far as you’d tell her — that none of the emergencies ended badly. Every patient was okay in the end, but she knew that wouldn’t always be the case. Would you be able to deal with a patient not making it because you were a few seconds too late on arrival?
“She looks so tired…Hina.” Makio’s hands were slowly massaging your scalp, working the soap in. “She does. This is the first time since she’s moved in that she’s been so busy at the estate that it was nearly two full days of no contact. According to Tengen, that is a fairly easy run compared to stories she’s told him. It can last even up to a week. It all depends on how many come in, what they were affected by, how injured they are. It’s also up to her and lady kocho to make remedies at the drop of a hat, even if they’ve never seen that sort of demon art before.”
She began pouring water over your head again, all the while you still slept peacefully. “We’ll probably have to wake Tengen to help us get out of the bath. We certainly won’t be able to do it in a way that won’t wake her up.” She cradled you as if you were a small child. “Isn’t it strange? We got so attached to her so quickly. It was meant to be, don’t you think?” Makio was wandering around the room to find some towels now, Hina began gently washing your body to the best of her ability.
“It’s fate if you ask me. I’ll go wake Tengen.” She left the towels on top of the stool, disappearing through the sliding doors. “I wish you’d open up just a little more…” you hummed unknowingly in your sleep, the sound making Hina tense slightly. “Sleep well, don’t listen to me ramble.” She hugged you just a little tighter as the doors opened again. “So she fell asleep in the tub.” Tengen walked in first followed by Makio, he was still rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“She was very tired, I told you this Tengen.” He laughed softly as he made his way over to Hina. “You two did a good job cleaning her up.” Makio had left out the other parts though she was certain Tengen could probably figure it out. He was shirtless, a pair of pants hanging loosely on his hips. The ones he specifically requested you take from the butterfly mansion because he liked how easy they were to take on and off. Two muscular arms sunk under the water, one residing on your upper back and the other under the curve of your knees. He picked you up slowly, water running off your body in rivets as he moved to cradle you to his chest.
“Towel?” To his amazement, you didn’t even fuss. You were still deeply asleep. Makio handed him one, loosely getting it around your body while taking another to wrap around your hair. “I’ll take her to bed, you two can relax.” Tengen left the room with you in his arms, eyes trailing over your sleeping face down to your wet body. “I miss you, my dear.” He pushed the door open slowly, Suma was still fast asleep. “Two heavy sleepers.” He chuckled softly to himself, sitting on the edge of the bed to try and dry you off before throwing you under the covers.
“Tengen?” Suma’s groggy voice met his ears, a quiet hum leaving him in response. “Is y/n home?” Her voice was quiet, barely there. “She is, sweetheart. She's right here but quiet now…she’s sleeping.” He turned, placing you between him and Suma. “She’s sleeping…” the black haired girl snuggled closer when she realized you were next to her. She hadn’t even opened her eyes yet. A soft hand followed by a soft arm trailed over your middle, she pulled herself tightly to you, settling back into a blissful sleep. “You’d sleep forever if you could, Suma.”
Tengen laid back down, turning so he was facing the two of you. Gentle fingers traced the slopes of your face, pushing damp hair away from it. He didn’t like seeing such dark circles under your eyes. He didn’t like that you seemed to be feeling weak. He had a sinking suspicion that you were overwhelmed, but you wouldn’t say a word. He silently prayed that the informant's crow wouldn’t arrive for at least another day. Soft kisses followed, all across your cheek, your forehead, your nose and temple. He was a mix between tired and awake, but couldn’t stand the idea of leaving you. He settled with the idea of sleep, his arm draping over Suma’s around your middle
When your eyes opened again, you were warm and dry. Eyes blinking sleep away slowly as you realized the sun was brightening the entire room. “You’re awake.” You jumped slightly, head turning to face Tengen. “You slept for only a few hours. It’s not even noon yet, go back to sleep.” He drew closer, flesh pressing against flesh as he cradled your cheek. “I’m not tired…” you didn’t seem to believe your own words, hand coming to rest where Tengen’s was against your cheek.
“Sure you are…” the dark circles had faded just a little, but they were still too prominent for his liking. “I missed you.” Your voice was soft, the slight rustle on the other side of you had you turning away. “It’s just Suma.” You relaxed, Tengen moved his arm so you could see her. “Mornin Y/n.” She had a sleepy grin on her face, eyes peeking open. “Good morning, Suma.” She seemed pleased by your response, snuggling closer. “Makio and Hina are still awake. I’m not sure what they are doing though.” Tengen pulled your attention back.
“Why don’t we have some fun, since you already had fun with Makio and Hina.” Your cheeks flooded with heat, so they had heard you? Suma was shifting upwards now, using her elbow for support to lean over you. “We did absolutely hear you, baby. We also heard Makio shushing you.” Your hands came up to cover your face, embarrassment turning into need as Tengen’s hand lowered down your stomach. “I know you already bathed and all that, but we probably have to leave before the day ends…may as well.”
He concluded as two fingers spread your lips apart, Suma’s hand snaking down to meet his. You sunk your teeth into the side of your cheek, Suma wasted no time rubbing quick circles on your clit. “So long as you are okay with it, you don’t have to do anything.” Suma lowered, toying with your entrance before moving back to your clit, fingers slightly wet. “Y-yeah…” you weren’t sure how to proceed further. “Then let us take care of you like Makio and Hina did.” Tengen pulled the covers off, exposing your naked form.
You hadn’t realized it until that point, but Suma had been naked ass well. Tengen still had a pair of pajama pants clinging to his waist, his arousal evident. “Just relax. Suma keep her open, yeah?” Suma smiled, getting impossibly closer to you. Her breasts pressed into your side, head next to yours as her fingers moved to keep your pussy spread wide. Tengen settled between your thighs, taking in every inch of you. Large hands pushed your thighs open, holding them in place with an iron grip.
“So pretty, baby. I bet you really missed us.” You whined as his mouth lowered, Tengen’s eyes remained trained on your face as his tongue darted out lick your clit. “I-I did…it was so…so lonely sleeping all alone.” You whimpered, Suma’s lips descended to your neck to make more bruises. “Oh I bet…” Suma admired the new bruise, lips pressing to your cheek before moving towards your breasts. “So lonely, but I didn’t even have time to touch myself.” You whined again, eyes meeting Tengen and quickly looking away.
He looked ravenous, the bed head certainly wasn’t helping the aching pulse he was satisfying. “Oh? You were that lonely?” Suma’s hand squeezed your breast as her mouth descended on the other. You didn’t know what to do with your hands, with Suma tending to your chest and Tengen tending to your cunt all you could do is writhe against the sheets. “Y-yeah…” your hands found purchase in the sheets, pulling them tightly as your pleasure grew stronger.
Suma’s tongue swirled slowly around your nipple, teeth grazing it slightly. Your head pushed back into the pillow, eyes squeezing shut as you were once again overwhelmed. Your orgasm earlier still had you feeling overly sensitive. You whined as Tengen massaged the flesh of your thighs, mouth suctioning to your clit. “Tengen…” Suma’s lips pulled away, saliva connecting her to you still. “Hmm?” He hummed against your cunt making you jump. “Why don’t you just fuck her already?”
Tengen’s eyes widened, lips pulling away from your dripping cunt to look at Suma. “You want me to fuck her? Why can’t I enjoy her taste first?” You forgot how similar the two of them were when they were alone together. “Because it’s no fun watching! I wanna see her get all sloppy and whiny. And you could be leaving any minute now!” Suma pouted as if she didn’t just say such dirty thoughts out loud. “Do you want that, y/n?” All attention turned back to you.
“I-I don’t care…” you were slightly annoyed that your pending release had fizzled away. “See Suma! You upset her.” He returned to your cunt without another word, tongue flicking over the sensitive bud before slowly introducing a finger. One of Tengen’s fingers was equivalent to two of Hina’s in your mind. You welcomed the initial discomfort before melting back into your lust filled haze. “Sorry…y/n forgive me.” She sealed her lips over yours before you could even respond. Of course you weren’t mad at her.
Your hands found a new place to reside, and that was in Suma’s hair. You kept her in place, teeth nipping at her bottom lip until she opened wide. You slipped your tongue past her lips, giggling as she tried to fight for dominance. Your advantage slipped through your fingers as Tengen pushed a second past your entrance. Your mouth fell slack, Suma easily dominating the kiss as Tengen didn’t slow.
You couldn’t tell what exactly Suma was doing but she seemed to become restless. After a moment you heard fabric rustle and Suma began to move back and forth at a steady pace. When she pulled away you realized she had stuck a pillow between her thighs. You chose not to say anything, a shaky moan left her lips before you pulled her back. Your orgasm snuck up on you, hands tugging Suma’s hair tight as you cried into her mouth.
“There we go, pretty girl.” Tengen cooed as his fingers were coated in your arousal. He was a bit annoyed you weren’t looking at him, he placed both fingers in his mouth but regardless and sucked them clean. “Hey!” He sat himself up, brow twitching at the fact that he was still being ignored. Your lips were still pressed to Suma’s, hands buried in her hair while her hips rocked into the pillow. Tengen was absolutely dumbfounded for a moment, he’d never been ignored for this long.
He resorted to the one thing he knew would surely grab your attention. He pumped himself a few times, spreading his precum around his shaft before sliding it between your folds. He did so a few times until he felt he was coated enough to slip inside. “Y/n? Suma? Really?” He sighed, you were both too lost in each other to notice him. He pushed in quickly, not wanting to hurt you but not able to deal with the lack of attention.
“T-Tengen!” You wailed as Suma pulled away completely, eyes wide as she looked to the source of your cry. “You were hogging her, Suma.” Tengen’s brows were furrowed, hips moving in and out of you slowly. “Tengen!” She whined as he stuck his tongue out, leaning down over you fully to finally meet your lips. You left Suma slowly, hands buried in Tengen’s hair instead. Suma watched with lidded eyes, hips grinding into the pillow below her. “So hot…” She was breathless, eyes watching Tengen’s hips thrust into you over and over.
All three of you froze. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Tengen’s face buried in your neck, a low groan leaving him. “C-can you come back in like…ten minutes?” You watched the crow flap around the room. “ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOUR PRESENCE IS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!” It was your turn to groan. “We are in no position to receive this news! Come back in ten minutes!” You tried again. “NO!” It’s shrill cry had Suma reaching for a pillow to throw at it.
“Come back later you damn bird!” She wailed, hips moving again to chase her own high. “I MUST SHARE THE NEWS YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!” Tengen’s head whipped upwards, weight shifting to one hand and grabbing the pillow from Suma’s grasp. “COME BACK IN TEN MINUTES!” The pillow nearly hit the crow, it squawked in anger before fluttering through the window again. “I'm never leaving that window open again.” With a new motivation, Tengen’s hips began pistoning into you.
“Stupid fucking bird, fuck this.” He was actually angry, your hands shifted from his hair to his shoulders. If you didn’t hold on tight enough you’d be thrusted away from him. “T-Tengen!” His head was brushing your cervix, your nails scraped his back as groans and grunts tumbled from his lips. “No fair!” Suma huffed, humping the pillow in time with Tengen’s thrusts into you. “I don’t get a turn…” she was breathless, sweat dripping down her forehead.
“W-we’ll treat you…all…when we get back…” how the hell were you supposed to leave for this mission when you were starting to lose feelings in your legs? “Y-you better…” Suma hunched forward, a whiny moan spilling from her lips as she came all over the pillow. Your walls clenched tightly around Tengen, orgasm ripping through you for a second time. “Ahh shit…” Tengen moaned, he’d never get used to how tightly you squeezed him. “T-this isn’t the release I wanted you know…”
He was seconds away from spilling into you. Anger fueled his release over the fact that he couldn’t properly cherish you in that moment. “It’s okay…t-there’s always another time…” your eyes shut, trying to breathe through the overstimulation until Tengen finally buried deep. “I’ll make it up to you…” his voice was strained as he pressed his mouth to your ear. Those words held a promise that had your heart picking up in pace.
“Are you sure you two can’t stay?” Makio had finished fixing your hair, Suma had just finished painting on Tengen’s eye makeup. “I wish we could.” You stood, walking over to grab your sheathed blade and attach it to your hip. “According to the crow. It’s a village up north, we now have confirmed activity of demonic presence.” Tengen stood, walking over to meet you and pick up his blades. “It seems to be a group of them but it’s unlikely to be upper moons. The informant seems to think there is a lower moon, but I don’t think it will be much for the two of us to handle.”
Makio’s hands fidgeted with her kimono, worried eyes glancing at Suma and Hina. “It won’t take us more than a few days. Less than a week for sure.” You could sense their tension, you had to wonder if they were always like this when Tengen left for missions. “That’s too long.” Suma had tears welling in her eyes, hands turning to fists as she tried to force them away. “Suma…” you still weren’t used to someone being so disheartened by your absence.
“We’ll be back before you know it. That goes for all three of you.” Tengen noticed the glimmer of tears in Makio and Hina’s eyes as well. Hina was the first to move, walking forward and pulling both of you into a hug. Makio and Suma appeared seconds later. You didn’t expect the ache you felt in your chest when you hugged them back just as tight. “Come back to us in one piece…please.” Hina’s words were hoarse, tears threatening to spill. “Of course we will. You know I’ll keep her safe.”
“And you know I’ll keep him safe.” You smiled up at Tengen, one he returned just as quickly. “Good luck.” Makio let go reluctantly, pulling a crying Suma away. “Seriously, we’ll be back before you know it.” You and Tengen made your way out of the estate and down its front steps. “We have quite a way to go. We probably won’t make it to our destination today.” You started off at a normal pace, you wouldn’t start covering real ground until you had a plan in place.
“We’ll travel until we can’t, though I’d rather find an inn for us to get a good night's sleep.” You slowly began realizing this was going to be your first time alone with Tengen since the night you first met him. “It’s better to be rested than arrive at our destination struggling to stay awake. Surely a Hashira and his tsugoku is going to raise suspicion.” Your legs were still a little shaky, desperately wanting to fall into Tengen’s arms. “That’s true, we’ll stop at an inn when we are nearly at our destination or when the moon is high in the sky. Whichever comes first.”
He took off after that, leaving you to pick up the pace and chase after him. You were used to training with him like this, his initial goal for you was to match his speed. Yet, your earlier realization was tugging at your thoughts more so than keeping up with him. This would be your first time alone with Tengen since the night everything initially happened. You hadn’t even shared his bed without one other woman in it. And it’s not like you minded, but there was something so nerve racking about sharing a bed with just him.
Those thoughts ran around your head the entirety of your run. Tengen being Tengen never once slowed, not until the sun was slowly disappearing behind the mountains. “I think this is a good spot to take a break!” You practically collapsed, Tengen had barely broken a sweat. “You aren’t human.” You shouldered off your pack, rummaging through it for water. “You did well, y/n.” He was slowly sipping his own, a smile on his face as you guzzled down the cool liquid. “You think? I still have a long way to go, master.”
You held in a laugh, it wasn’t often you got to properly address him as your superior. Mostly because he didn’t see himself as anything other than your soon to be doting husband. You just liked to tease him with the nickname. “Don’t.” He tried to sound serious but a smile was tugging at his lips. “You know you like it, master.” He shook his head, thankful that he was already flushed from running. “I was going to give you ten minutes to relax. Just for that we are leaving now.” Tengen was gone within a blink.
“Oh come on!” Once again you scrambled to grab your things, running after the man at a speed just a little slower. He wasn’t kidding, the next time he even showed signs of stopping it wasn’t until the moon was high in the sky. “T-Tengen…please…” you were slowing, muscles screaming for a break as you made it into a village not far off from your destination. The white haired man slowed, turning to look at you. The dark circles returning to your face in a more prominent manner made his heart clench. “How could I be so careless…”
He was so caught up in treating this professionally that he nearly forgot about how exhausted you must be. “Let’s find a place to sleep.” He was holding onto your arm, head whipping around until he spotted a small building advertising vacancy. Within five minutes you were being carried up a flight of stairs. “I can still walk, you know. I’m just tired.” You giggled as Tengen refused to put you down, the stern look in his eyes making worry scratch at the back of your mind.
“Tengen?” He was unlocking the door with one hand, pushing it open and bringing you inside. “Tengen.” He set you on the bed, still not speaking. “You’re worrying me. Did I do something wrong?” You sat up, watching him lock the door. At the question his head turned, a more gentle look crossing over his face as he walked to you. “You did nothing wrong, my love.” You blinked at him, swallowing as he crouched down before you. “I’m the one that needs to be apologizing, I did something wrong, after all.” Larger hands engulfed your own, bringing them up so plush lips kissed your knuckles.
“I’m a bit lost.” You smiled at his kisses nonetheless. “I was careless, I should have given you more breaks.” His eyes met yours and your heart sunk. Did he think you couldn’t handle this? “Am I not doing well?” You tried to hide your hurt but Tengen saw straight through it. “You’re doing wonderful.” His tone felt like a father talking to a hurt child, you squeezed his hands back. “I don’t get it then.” He shook his head at the offended look in your eyes. “You’re tired, y/n. You’ve been tired for nearly three days and you haven’t had proper sleep. Then I went and got selfish twice. Both times just to satisfy myself.”
“To satisfy yourself?” You knew the first event in question was that morning, but the second? “I didn’t stop because I couldn’t get you out of my mind. This is our first time alone.” So he had been thinking the same thing as you. “Tengen…” your voice was soft, sure you were tired but it was hard to feel tired when he was looking at you like that. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I agree with Hina. I want you to leave the corps…maybe if I get you pregnant…you could at least take a little break.” You blinked, laughter bubbling up in you.
“Save that for another day…though I guess I wouldn’t mind you trying.” You knew he’d never force you to leave, but his choice method wasn’t all that bad. “Are you too tired…” his hands let go of your own, instead moving to hold your hips. “Never too tired for you…” you reached up, taking off his headband and dropping it to the side. His lips met yours in a soft kiss, knees hitting the ground to give himself better balance. You busied yourself with undoing the tie that kept his hair back, smiling into the kiss as his white locks hit your face.
You shivered as Tengen’s hands ran up your sides, slowly reaching to undo the buttons of your uniform. “I’ll be damned for doing this on a mission.” His forehead was still pressed to yours, saliva keeping you connected. “As if you care about things like that.” You kissed him again, hands burying in his hair as he popped open the last few buttons of your uniform top. “You’re right…” he began to laugh, pushing you further into the bed until you laid flat. “You already did this earlier…let me have a turn.”
He was hovering over you now, eyes trailing down your exposed torso. “Oh?” He smiled, rolling off of you and laying flat on his back. “Go ahead.” He had a dopey look on his face as you sat up, a lazy grin spreading across his handsome face. “You’re easy to persuade.” You undid the buttons of his top, smiling as toned muscles were revealed to you. “It feels like this is the very first time we met.” You giggled to yourself as you began undoing the belt of his pants. “Oh don’t remind me…” he was a bit ashamed to say he still thought of that first night. It was only a month or so ago but still.
“You were so charming, little did I know.” You laughed as he looked at you in surprise, hips lifting anyways to allow you room to pull them off. “What’s that supposed to mean!” You giggled, hand delicately pulling his undergarments off. “Oh nothing. You are a charmer, but you are also quite a perv.” He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when your hand wrapped around his shaft. “Don’t you remember? You were so cheeky with your comments. I was bandaging your ribs and you said…”
“Your touch is so light, it nearly tickles.” You smiled as he finished your sentence, for some reason you didn’t expect him to remember. Only a month had passed since that night but you felt like an eternity had instead. “Then you said you could go harder if I wanted.” He began to laugh, a breathy moan escaping with it as your hand passed over his tip. “T-that you did. You say I’m cheeky, have you heard yourself?” You smiled, leaning over his tip and sticking your tongue out. Saliva pooled and dripped down your tongue, landing on his tip. “You can’t deny that you came on to me first, Tengen.”
“I never said I was denying it.” He propped himself up slightly, watching you get yourself comfortable. You laid flat on your stomach, hand pumping his length with a steady rhythm. “Did you really happen to fall for me that night?” Your mouth hovering over his tip probably wasn’t the best time to have this conversation. “I really did. You took my breath away, I told you this.” His hand reached down, stroking your cheek. That was all you needed to hear, lowering your head to take his head into your mouth.
You never doubted his love for you, but you did enjoy hearing him say you took his breath away. You swirl your tongue slowly around the tip, cheeks hollowing to squeeze around him. “You just wanted me to p-praise you huh?” His chest was heaving, your tongue remained around his tip and moved no further. You hummed in agreement, sending vibrations straight through him. Similar to the way he had earlier.
“S-shit.” His head fell back against the mattress, eyes shutting as he tried to cherish the feeling of your mouth. You lowered a bit, taking more of his length and swallowing. You knew just how he liked it, so as saliva slipped down his shaft you wrapped your hand around it. Low moans left his lips as you pumped slowly, fist meeting your lips each time before sliding back down. You continued this motion for a minute or two, relishing in Tengen’s breathy sighs.
“C-close…” he choked out, hand turning to fist the sheets. You didn’t slow, instead using your other hand to fondle his balls, surporessing a giggle as his back nearly arched. You sunk lower than you had the whole time, swallowing as his release hit the back of your throat. You couldn’t get enough of the noises he made, the sheets nearly ripping under his grasp. For such a large man, it was satisfying to see him crumble under your fingertips.
“How was that?” Your mouth made a popping sound as you pulled off him, shifting your weight into your knees to look at him better. “Amazing as always…c’mere.” He opened his arms wide, allowing you to crawl on top. “You should strip for me.” He chuckled as his hands played with the hem of your uniform skirt. “Yeah? You want a lap dance with it?” You were only half serious but Tengen seemed to love the idea. “If you insist.”
You rolled your eyes but got off of him nonetheless. “The things I do for you.” You slowly slid off your top, letting it drop to the ground before raising your arms all the way up to stretch. Tengen smiled, reaching forward to tug your skirt down. “I thought I was giving you a show?” You let him tug it down anyways, the material slipping off and pooling at your feet. “Bend over.” You smacked your lips at his request, “no way.” He pouted, watching you slip your underwear off with a sparkle in his eyes. “Not before taking these off at least.”
You hid your face, cheeks heating as you bent over and fully exposed yourself to him. It was meant to be a bold action but instead you were doing everything you could to force your cheeks not to be hot. “Oh…” Tengen was frozen, waiting to see what you’d do next. “Oh don’t act so shocked.” You straightened, walking so you stood between his spread knees. “I don’t remember you doing that the night we first…” you cut him off by placing his hands on the knot that kept your breast binding together.
“But I did do this…” you smiled as he tugged the knot loose, the material falling away from your body. “Are we just trying to recreate that night?” You wrapped your arms around his neck, looking down at him as his head rested on your breasts. “I don’t mind…but I’d also like to try something new. If you remember correctly…” his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you tight. “I took you while you laid on your back. I’d like to try something different. It’s something I don’t think we’ve tried yet.” It was hard to imagine not trying something when Tengen always had a high sex drive and four women to please.
“Oh? What’s that?” You lowered, putting your knees on either side of his hips and trusting him to support the rest of your weight with his knees. “I’d like to see you on top, just like this.” You tilted your head, eyes lowering to look at his still hard cock between the two of you. “Don’t I deserve some foreplay?” Tengen seemed absolutely shocked by that realization. “You certainly do.” His hands moved from your waist to your ass, pulling your lower half flush against him.
“You’re wet already…” he pulled you into a kiss as you tried grinding against his cock. “I know…” you smiled into the kiss as your lips met again, your grip tightening as pleasure ebbed its way through your body. Tengen leaned back, giving you more room to move. You whined as his length brushed your clit every few slides, “More…” you were already frustrated. “That’s what I thought. Your teasing backfired.” His hand slipped down, grabbing the base of his dick for you.
“Oh shut it.” You leaned forward, head lowering down to watch where your hand met his. You positioned him at your entrance, lowering your hips slowly until his tip pushed through. “Shit…” you lowered more, welcoming the burning stretch until your cunt was flush to his pubic bone. Neither of you spoke, your thighs were already trembling in effort to keep yourself up right. Tengen’s hand reached for yours, fingers intertwining as your other hand was planted firmly on his chest.
“Can you…handle it?” He was one to talk, he was already breaking a sweat. “I-I think so…” this new position was a lot more strenuous than you had been anticipating. “Think of it as…a work out.” His free hand was gripping your thigh so tightly you were positive it would leave bruises. “Y-yeah that’s it…” you lifted yourself slowly, sinking back down at a similarly slow pace. “Take your time…” he was partially terrified that this new position would hurt you. You said nothing, brows furrowed in determination as you tried to find a quicker rhythm.
You didn’t have the strength to lift your head, instead focusing on where Tengen’s cock continued to disappear in and out of you. “Damnit…” you whined softly, sweat dripping down your temple as your pleasure grew. But at the rate you were going you knew you’d never reach your peak. “D-do you want to switch?” Tengen’s voice was strained, your velvety walls were clenching around him so tightly. “N-not yet…” you wanted to at least make it a few minutes in this position.
You sat yourself up, a shocked gasp leaving you as Tengen hit a new spot. Your eyes traveled downwards, a slight bulge resided above your pubic bone around your abdomen. “Woah…” that certainly had never happened before. Tengen’s face looked just as surprised as your own. “Is that…okay?” You leaned forward again, Tengen’s hand pulling you back. “I’m not…sure. It felt interesting though…” you settled in a position that was sitting straight up but not leaning back. “Let’s…look into that more when we aren’t expected to be somewhere…”
You nodded, hips lifting and dropping in a steady rhythm once again. You could tell Tengen was close by the way his dick was twitching, your walls were suctioning so tightly to him it was impossible not to feel. “S-sorry baby…” you looked down at him in surprise, not entirely sure what he was planning. After a second his legs lifted, feet resting on the edge of the bed has his knees folded. The sudden motion sent you falling forward into Tengen’s chest. “T-Tengen!” You gasped as his hands gripped your ass, “You’ll appreciate this…promise.”
The new leverage had Tengen’s hips pounding into you at nearly triple the speed you had. “T-Tengen!” You wailed again, face burying into his chest as he bruised your cervix with each thrust. Whimpers and moans left your lips with no regard for your volume. Each thrust caused your pleasure to build, one hand shakily reaching down to try and toy with your clit to bring you over the edge. “Shit…shit…” Tengen’s head was thrown back completely, the bed creaking to the point you thought it may break.
Your eyes watered as your orgasm ripped through you, a guttural moan leaving you as you spilled over Tengen’s abdomen. “Fuck…” your walls clenched and spasmed so tightly he found it hard to move for a second. “I-is inside okay?” He was doing everything he could to hold off until you answered. “Yes~” your words were slurred, eyes drooping as he thrusted a few more times until spilling into you. You weren’t sure how long you spaced out, but when you came back to reality Tengen was slowly pulling out of you.
“I think we’re going to get kicked out.” He moved you slowly to your side, arms wrapping around you to keep you close. “Oh…I…shit…I forgot we were at an inn.” Your cheeks were burning hot as you realized your neighbors probably hated the two of you right now. “I’m sure we’ll get some awkward glances tomorrow morning…” you nodded, cheek pressed into his chest as his heart beat evened out. “Get some sleep. I’ll clean you up and get us nice and comfy. We have a long few days ahead of us.”
That brought you back to reality even more, a whine leaving you. “You forgot just about everything.” There was a teasing tone to his voice, your hair was being twirled around his fingers. “I sure did.” Your words were still coming out muffled, sleep slowly tugging at your mind. “That’s a sign that you need sleep. Now close those pretty eyes.” You began to laugh, hand lightly slapping his chest. “Stop being cheesy.” Your eyes were closing fully, body relaxing into Tengen’s embrace.
“Like you’d have me any other way…”
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glazesunflower · 2 years
Taking away their cuddling privileges after a bad fight
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Characters: Ganyu, Ningguang and Jean.
Warnings: Angst and hurt/comfort. A lot of fluff in the end!
Notes: The prompt was, “ « taking away their cuddling privileges for 1 month, after a very big fight » with any girls u want, i think the most busiest would be fun :D”
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She would be devastated.
The fight wasn’t even that bad, Ganyu doesn’t really do fighting. You two have arguments that can get somewhat heated, but it’s not very often that happens. And it’s usually about the same topics over and over, you just can’t seem to find a common middle ground when it comes to certain things.
This time, the argument was about Ganyu spending too much time at work. Again.
It’s something you’ve discussed time and time again, but as many promises as Ganyu makes to you, she keeps falling into the same old pattern she’s had over the past thousand years, carelessly overworking herself.
And you can’t just sit and watch your girlfriend tiring herself to the bone.
The fight didn’t end on a happy note. You left the house, and when you came back home hours later, Ganyu hadn’t returned yet from work. And she wouldn’t return for the remainder of the night, opting to keep herself busy at the Yuhei Pavilion rather than confronting you again. She just didn’t know what to say to you, how to change the rigid mindset that’s kept her moving for longer than she dares to think about.
It’s been a couple of weeks and you’ve barely seen each other, let alone speak. You had decided that, no matter what she said to you next, you wouldn’t give in and let her cuddle close like you usually did. Not this time.
Ganyu’s not angry, she’s upset. At the situation, but most of all, at her. You give her everything she asks of you and more, and she’s not even able to find a middle ground where she keeps her job that she dearly loves while also keeping you as happy as she wants you to be, by her side.
And she misses you dearly. You’re usually fast asleep by the time she comes home from work, and you’re still sleeping soundly when she wakes up extremely early to go to work again. Ganyu didn’t know how she could miss that much someone who’s sleeping next to her night after night, barely exchanging a word.
It all reaches the ending point a couple of days later. Ganyu arrives home earlier than anticipated that night, or maybe you stayed up reading later than you had anticipated, but when Ganyu enters through the door of your shared room expecting to find you asleep already, she finds your eyes instead.
For some reason, and despite the fight and the unspoken words in between, your eyes on her remain as gentle as the first day you looked at her, and it all comes crumbling down for her, just how much she misses you, and how she wishes everything could be okay again.
Ganyu finds your eyes, gentle on hers, and she feels the familiar sting of tears pressing behind her eyes.
“Hi.” She says, her voice small and fragile.
You can see the dark circles under her eyes, and your chest tightens at the sight, so much it hurts. She hasn’t been properly taking care of herself since your fight, and you can’t say you have either. You wish you could go back in time, speak things with her again, be more calm and understanding.
So you do the next best thing, and you open your arms wide.
“Come here.” You say, and Ganyu drops her bag and rushes to your arms.
You hold her tight, tighter, nuzzling your face in her hair and breathing in her scent. God, you had missed this so much.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Ganyu mumbles to your neck, her voice muffled by your skin. “I’ll learn to manage the time better, I’ll be home more, I--”
“It’s okay. My love, it’s okay.” You rock her in your embrace, caressing her back. “We’ll talk about it in the morning. Let’s stay like this for a little while longer.”
That night, Ganyu falls asleep in your arms, and it’s the best sleep she’s had in years.
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She would be super petty about it.
She’s the queen of never apologizing after a fight, even if it was her fault in the first place.
It wouldn’t be fair to say you have many arguments with her, but you do have some from time to time, mostly when you voice something that you’re not happy with regarding her. Ningguang doesn’t enjoy being spoken to in that tone, and she’ll make sure to let you know.
The fight started as something stupid, really.
You’ve been wondering why in the world did she spend so much time and effort trying to retrieve every single thing in the original jade chamber. Sure, you understand the monetary value, and even more so the emotional attachment she could’ve had for some of the things she used to own.
But it’s gotten to a point where everything needed to be the same, and she’d bug you to find a certain vase, or painting, or relic, and if it wasn’t an exact replica, she’d get upset about it and you’d never hear the end of it. It’d gotten somewhat obsessive, and you confronted her about it.
Ningguang didn’t enjoy hearing your opinion, and the discussion grew into an argument, and the argument into a fight.
It was quickly dismissed by Ningguang though. She didn’t take your words to heart and she wouldn’t be making any changes in her behavior, aside from maybe not asking you to retrieve certain items for her, opting to hire some other trustworthy person for the job.
She did, however, make something very clear.
Your cuddling privileges had been revoked.
You thought she was teasing you, at first. Such a silly thing to say at the end of an argument, right? You didn’t think much of it the first couple of hours afterwards, even less so when the day went by and you quickly forgot about the argument, even.
But later that night, when you easily slipped in between the sheets of your shared bed, ready to circle your arms around Ningguang’s waist and drift off to sleep, she pushed you off of her without sparing you a glance.
Your cuddling privileges have been revoked, don’t forget that, she said, her voice not missing a beat.
You were angry. Oh, you were angry.
It wasn’t about the cuddles anymore, it was personal at this point. How could she act so natural around you all the time, smiling at you, going for walks and talking as if absolutely nothing had happened; but the second you initiate any kind of physical intimacy, Ningguang pushes you away, a glint of pride in her eyes as she does so.
But two can play this game, you think, and you cease all attempts at physical affection with her. You’ve always been the one who initiates hand holding, kisses and any kind of display of affection, really. Sure, Ningguang can reward you now and then with a kiss on your cheek or a hand sliding down your back behind closed doors, but she was more on the receiving end. And you wouldn’t try anymore. Let’s see how long she can go without giving in to your touch.
It’s been a week now, you hadn’t realized how affectionate your relationship was until you didn’t allow yourself to be affectionate around her anymore. No more wrapping your arms around her waist as she makes her coffee in the morning, no more kisses on the cheeks as hello and goodbye gestures, no brushing of your hands together as you walk through the same hallway in the new Jade Chamber, no sneaking kisses while their secretaries are busy with assignments.
Frankly, it’s been mortifying. You didn’t know it was possible to miss someone you’re standing right next to.
It’s the night on the seventh day when you finally give up.
“Alright, you win!” You barge in your shared room, wearing your pjs. “I lose, okay? Can we cut this off now, please?”
“Whatever are you talking about, dear?” Ningguang draws a half smile. You hate how much you want to kiss her smug face right now.
“I apologize. I won’t complain about your obsession with the first Jade Chamber again, I promise.” You walk up to her, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Can we not fight anymore?”
“That wasn’t a very good apology, my love.” Ningguang narrows her eyes at you, testing your limits.
You breath in. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I know how much it meant to you. It was your pride and joy, the proof of all that you’ve achieved so far.” You gnaw on your bottom lip. Ningguang is nodding to your words, her eyes softening on yours. “Can you hold me now, please?”
“Of course.” She says, opening her arms, and you don’t waste a second tackling her. Your arms around her waist, the faint aroma of her hair as it tickles your nose, you’re positive you must be in heaven. Ningguang chuckles, and it rumbles low in your chest. “Now, wasn’t that easy?”
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You had every right to be mad at Jean.
You usually didn’t fight like, at all. Jean is all about diplomacy and not letting her emotions take the better of her, so a discussion with her about any given topic doesn’t usually escalate into a fight.
But this time, you felt like you didn’t have a choice but to be very mad at her.
It was your anniversary. Every year you make sure to spare some time to spend together, Jean finding it more difficult to clear ehr schedule, but ultimately she always managed to have time for you.
You did something different for every anniversary. Some years you’d go exploring, others you’d stay home and enjoy each other’s company; one time Kaeya and Lisa helped her hide clues throughout all of the Knights of Favonius headquarters and you had to look for them, and other time there was no one around to look after Klee so she joined your intimate and special yearly celebration. It was memorable, to say the least.
This year, however, Jean stood you up.
You had insisted for weeks that the date was coming closer, reminding her to free some time on that special day to spend together, and every time she would reply with, Don’t worry, my love. I have everything under control.
She did not, in fact, have everything under control.
When the date arrived, Jean found herself drowning in paperwork, documents to sign, deals to supervise, merchants to attend to, angry citizens to handle, expeditions to manage, and so on.
She was so utterly and entirely busy that she hadn’t even remembered to check the calendar. In the meantime, you kept waiting for her to arrive home for hours, and hours, and hours, until you decided to accept the fact that she’d forgotten.
When Jean finally raised her eyes off her desk, registering how late it’s gotten and, much to her horror, realizing what day it was, she rushed home in an attempt to make it in time. Which she couldn’t possibly be, the moon shining bright above mocking her.
There wasn’t shouting, or harsh words or resentment when you spoke to her. The tears in your eyes were far worse than any yelling you could’ve thrown to her, and Jean didn’t know how to make it right tonight.
She slept on the couch that night, her heart aching for you.
You didn’t explicitly take away her cuddling privileges, but Jean is far too respectful of your emotions to try and initiate any intimate contact with you when she knows how awful she made you feel.
Things were weird between the two of you the following days. You barely spoke more than necessary, and it felt so strange. You were upset, and tired, and disappointed in her, but you weren’t a monster. You insisted Jean should sleep on the bed with you and she did, minding your space and staying as far from you as possible.
You were sad, for her standing you up but, most of all, for her lack of resolution to fix things. It’s as if she felt so bad that she made you feel bad, she’s paralyzed. She knows she can make a hundred empty promises to you, but the fact that she wasn’t there when you needed her to be will weigh more on your heart than her flowery words, so she’s stuck thinking how to make it up to you.
In the meantime, you’re sad Jean doesn’t try to approach you. It makes you feel worse than she standing you up on your anniversary. You didn’t explicitly take away her cuddling privileges. The first couple of nights you were glad she didn’t try to touch you, you were still mad at her. But now, you’re not even sure you want to keep up with this anymore.
If Jean were to try to hold you, wrap her arms around your waist and nuzzle her face on the back of your neck, you would let her. Actually, you want her to. But Jean is far too respectful of your emotions to try and do that before she’s effectively solved the issue between the two of you, and you’re resolute to not tell her you want her affection again because, well, she did stand you up on your anniversary.
A week has effectively gone by before Lisa has decided it’s been enough. She’s sick of seeing Jean moping around the Knights of Favonius headquarters like a kicked puppy. It was entertaining at first, but now it’s just become pitiful. So she and Kaeya get together to reschedule Jean’s weekend behind her back. That would mean more work for them, sure, but it’d also mean Jean would stop sighing and looking out the window in sadness.They also help Jean plan the perfect picnic date, intimate and fun. Jean’s endlessly nervous, will you like it?
“I hope this is to your liking, my love. I must admit, Lisa and Kaeya helped me with the baked goods. I’m far too unskilled to make these on my own.” She smiles, nervous.
“I already told you-- Everything is perfect, Jean.” You draw a smile, your eyes gentle on hers. “Thank you.”
“I apologize again for missing our anniversary.” She hangs her head low, still feeling remorseful. “If only I’d been more aware of--”
“That’s enough. You’ve apologized a million times. It’s okay.” You gently brush her golden bangs from her face, caress the shape of her cheekbone. “I love you. Nothing is going to change that.”
Jean holds your hand over her face, gives it a soft squeeze, her chest so full of her love for you.
“Is it okay if-- Can I hold you, please?” Jean says, her voice small, her blue eyes focused on yours so gentle. “I’ve missed having you in my arms.”
You lean to her, placing your head under her chin as she slides an arm above your shoulders, your cheek pressed to her collarbone. You sigh, content. “I’ve missed this too.”
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Just for a Minute
Summary: The reader gets Egon to sleep after a hard day
Author’s Note: This is definitely not as good as it could be, but I know that if I don’t post it now I never will. Sorry if there are any dumb errors, hopefully some of you will still like it 💜
Word Count: ~950
     You’re alone at the firehouse, sitting in Egon’s bed and waiting for the guys to get back. The ghost described over the phone sounded pretty tough, so all of them went to deal with it, leaving the building strangely quiet and empty. Janine has already gone home for the night as it’s getting pretty late. Luckily, she gave you a book to borrow before she left so that you wouldn’t get too bored while waiting. It isn’t the type of book that you would usually read, but you’re thankful that there’s something to distract you from the almost creepy silence you’re surrounded by. You can feel yourself getting a bit restless from waiting, and you really hope that everyone is already on their way back.
     Soon enough, you hear the familiar sound of large doors opening, and the Ecto-1 driving in. You quickly drop your book and rush down to greet everyone. You watch your friends get out of the car one at a time, all looking extremely tired and disheveled. Egon is the last to get out, and he is completely covered in slime. You feel a little bit bad wondering how long it’s going to take Ray to clean out the car, but you know that he’s going to insist on doing it himself. 
     “Hi (y/n),” Egon says, walking up to you. “I got slimed.” Even though he looks absolutely exhausted, he has a faint smile on his face as he watches you try very hard not to laugh.
     “Why don’t you go take a shower?” you suggest, gesturing to the slime that is now puddling around his feet. “I’ll get you some clothes for you while you get cleaned up.”
     “Thank you, I appreciate it,” Egon says before making his way to the showers. He doesn’t always like accepting help from others, so it’s meaningful that he accepts your offer.
     You know how hard Egon has been working lately, but it’s clear how busy he’s been when you see the mess inside of his locker. He generally likes things to be organized, so maybe he’ll let you help him do some laundry. Hoping that Egon will get some much needed sleep tonight, you decide to pick out some comfortable clothes for him. It takes a few minutes to sort through all of his button-ups, sweater vests, and dress pants, but eventually you find a simple T-shirt and some sweatpants.
     You carry Egon’s clean clothes to the showers and smile when you hear him humming a song to himself. Not wanting to invade his privacy, you shout just loud enough to be heard over the water, “Egon, I’m leaving your clothes over here. I’ll be in bed whenever you’re done.”
     “Okay, I’ll be there soon,” he shouts back before he resumes his humming. 
     You return to the sleeping area and find that Ray has already fallen asleep. It must have been really a tough job, because he didn’t even bother getting under the covers. You aren’t sure where the other two ghostbusters have gone, so you sigh before stealing a blanket off of Peter’s bed and tucking it in around Ray. Even though you know he’s a deep sleeper, you still get back into Egon’s bed as quietly as possible. 
     Egon doesn’t take very long showers, so you only have to wait a few minutes before he joins you. “You’re always taking care of people,” he says, gesturing to Ray. “I like that about you.” He sits down at the foot of the bed and gives you a small smile. 
     It’s not very often that Egon wears such casual clothes, and you can’t help but notice how cute he looks with his hair still damp. “You look really nice,” you tell him. You catch his smile getting bigger before he looks down at his lap shyly. He’s never been very good at receiving compliments, especially about his looks. “Come lay down next to me,” you offer, “it is your bed after all.” 
     He takes a second to think before responding. “Okay, but just for a minute,” he says as he takes off his glasses. When he sees a small frown spread across your face, he adds, “there are some things I wanted to finish up, and I’m not very tired yet.”
     All of the beds at the fire station are pretty small, but the two of you fit pretty comfortably as long as you stay cuddled together. Tonight you end up laying on your back while Egon is on his side. His arms and legs are gently wrapped around you, and his head is laying on your chest. Listening to your heartbeat always helps him relax, and you can smell his freshly cleaned hair when you breathe in.
     Despite his claims to not be tired, Egon yawns deeply. You begin to run your fingers through his hair in the way that always puts him to sleep. You expect him to object and say that he still has work to do, but he doesn’t. “Your hair is so soft,” you say, and he just replies with a low hum. 
     Egon would never admit it, but he really is tired. He thinks it probably wouldn’t hurt to get just a few minutes of sleep, so he nuzzles his face deeper into your chest. You feel his grasp around you relax slightly as his arms become heavy. “I love you,” he whispers just as he’s drifting off to sleep.
     You’re quite proud that you were able to get Egon to sleep tonight, so you take a minute to just lay there smiling quietly. Eventually, you whisper back, “I love you too.” You quickly feel your body start to settle, and before you know it, you fall asleep too.
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bellesowl · 4 years
kiss and make up
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- multiple characters 
⤷ atsumu, sakusa
genre: (an attempt at) angst to fluff ; established relationship, timeskip 
synopsis: in which you have an almost relationship-ending argument
word count: 2.1k total - about 1k each
warnings: fighting (obv), being called a burden, the boys are kinda mean but they make up for it i swear
- a/n: tbh i was kinda getting sick of writing just fluff so i wanted to spice it up a lil! if this sucks i’m probably going to stick to fluff fics but i think it should be fine? this one also only has 2 characs cause idk how i would be at writing angst LMAO if this does well enough i’ll post the one i have written w kuroo and iwa <3 but i feel like this kinda sucks so oh well
- thank u @kybabi for beta-ing <3
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- miya atsumu
you n atsumu have been together since high school which is why you’ve always been inseparable
you went to the same college & moved in together right after, but once he got his job with the jackals, he insisted that you didn’t work and focused on getting your master’s degree
you reluctantly agreed, if only to be able finish & earn your phd soon after
because atsumu is always busy, it’s kinda become commonplace for you to do the chores around the house- like doing the laundry or washing the dishes or cooking dinner for him
but it’s gotten to the point where he expects it
atsumu sighs, unlocking the door to your shared apartment. today’s practice was rough, it was a day of hard conditioning and bad sets and he wanted nothing more than a good meal and to cuddle. the first thing he noticed when he walked in was the mess. instant ramen bowls were scattered everywhere, empty coke cans and dirty napkins were all over the floor, and there you were, in the eye of the hurricane. the second thing he noticed was that there was no homecooked meal.
surprised, he walks into the dining room to see you, furiously typing away at your laptop with four different books surrounding you. you hear his footsteps and look up.
“hey baby! how was practice?” you ask with a smile
atsumu grunts in reply and gestures toward the kitchen, “so.. what’s for dinner babe?”
your eyes widen, “oh shoot! i’m sorry, i was so busy studying for this final that i forgot to cook. do you mind-“ you stop when you see him roll his eyes and head out.
“um, where are you going? you just got home?” you ask, following him.
“out. i have to get food somehow” he replies, “especially because my useless s/o can’t cook a goddamn meal for me” he mutters under his breath
you stop in shock because did he really just say that?
“i’m sorry, i don’t think i heard you right.” you start but he interrupts you
“i said, i have to go get food because someone is too busy to cook a goddamn meal. what do you even do anyways- well, besides spend my money? the least you can do is cook for me, god.” he finally turns to look at you but he feels his heart stop at the look on your face.
not wanting to escalate the situation any further, you try to calm him down, “tsum, hey, i’m sorry i forgot to cook okay? this is my last final before the year ends and i just can’t afford to fail it, so i’ve been studying all day. if you come back to the kitchen, i’ll make you something, okay?”
“i don’t want to eat your half assed attempt at a meal, y/n. the whole point is that you couldn’t get off your ass for an hour to cook when i make the money, i paid for the apartment, hell, i’m even paying for your school! is it really too much to ask for you to stop being such a burden and cook and clean everyday?” he fumed.
you gape at him, shocked that he would even say that. to hell with not escalating things
“at least i want to do something more with my life than hit balls around and retire at 35” you hiss, “and i do everything in this house! i do the laundry, i clean the bathroom, i cook - i do all the things you refuse to. and do i complain? no. i offered to get a job but you refused.”
you turn around to grab your laptop and your textbooks, “just- just do whatever the hell you want to, atsumu.” and with that you walk out the door.
atsumu’s heart drops when he realizes that you actually left. sure, you’ve had arguments here and there, but you’ve never left. he pulls out his phone to call you when he sees you’ve left yours on the counter. knowing there’s nothing to do but wait at this point, he begins to clean up and calls osamu over.
it’s already 3 am when you walk back into your apartment, and you blink multiple times when you open the door. it’s ... clean? you’re sure it was a mess when you left, so how would it be clean? you sigh, too tired to think about it more and walk into the kitchen. your eyes widen at the sight. not only is your favorite food on the stove, but there your boyfriend is, asleep on the dining table. you smile slightly, well that explains things.
“ ‘’mu, hey, wake up babe.” you kiss him lightly and shake him.
he grunts and sits up, “baby! i’m so so sorry for what i said. you are in no way, shape, or form a burden, i have no clue why i said that. today’s practice was just really tiring, but i know i shouldn’t have taken it out on you. just please-” he sighs, “just please don’t leave me again.”
your heart breaks your teary eyed boyfriend. “shh, of course baby. i’ll never leave you again okay?” you say, tugging on his arm, “cmon babe, let’s go to bed, okay?”
“mm okay my love.” he replies and practically pulls you into bed. “i love you, okay?”
“i love you too baby.” you reply
“to the moon and back?” he asks
“yeah, and to infinity and beyond.” you reply, your lack of sleep hitting you hard
“oh, i didn’t know i was dating buzz lightyear”
you let out a loud laugh and just like that you both fall into the same routine, love radiating off both of you in waves.
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- sakusa kiyoomi
dating sakusa was,, challenging
it definitely took him a while to get comfortable with you
so you guys have been dating for a couple years now, and at this point he’s def clingy
however there still moments when he reverts to his old self
this just happened to be one of those times
the stadium is silent before the ejp cheering section erupts in cheers. you stay silent, watching your team below. you watch as sakusa stills, still in disbelief. you make your way down, practically sprinting to your boyfriend.
he sees you on the sideline and makes his way over to you. you put on your biggest smile and attempt to make him feel better.
“you did great, kiyo! you’ll get them next time, yeah?” you beam, knowing how hard he’s been training to beat his cousin
he eyes you warily, not knowing what to say.
usually, sakusa gets pretty clingy after games, so you you move to give him a hug.
“don’t touch me” he barked, jerking away from you. “if you hadn’t been distracting me, we would’ve won.”
you stare at him, refusing to let the tears flow. you both turn when you hear a certain setter yelling at the opposing middle and you sigh.
“um, okay then. i’ll see you at home, yeah?” you ask
sakusa merely nods and makes his way over to his teammates. you look around to see if anyone saw what just happened and you lock eyes with your boyfriend’s cousin, who walks over.
“congrats on the win komori! you guys did so well!” you cheered
“thanks, y/n! and i’m sorry about kiyoomi. i’m sure you know he gets that way sometimes.” he explains
you smile and shake your head, saying that you’re used to it and you both bid your farewells. as you walk out of the stadium, you think back to how your boyfriend, the one person you loved with everything you had in you, utterly embarrassed you in front of his whole team. before you know it, silent tears start streaming down your face. 
you enter your home and immediately rush to the bathroom. you draw yourself a bath and make some dinner while waiting. you assume that kiyoomi wouldn’t be home to have dinner with you anyways- and now that you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you had dinner together. after you finish your bath and eat your dinner, you decide to wait up for boyfriend and watch a couple episodes of your favorite show to pass the time. 
kiyoomi walks into his apartment at around 1 am, completely and utterly exhausted. he kicks his shoes off and drops his bag on the floor. The rustling rouses you from sleep and you sit up.
“hey kiyo” you say with a yawn, “where’ve you been all night?” 
sakusa ignores you in favor of getting ready for bed and you frown when he brushes past you. 
“kiyo, babe, what’s wrong? you’ve been ignoring me all night and i-” you start but he interrupts you before you can finish. 
“god, just shut up, y/n. can’t you tell i don’t want to talk to you right now? i’ve already had the worst day, i don’t need you making it any worse.” he snaps
"kiyoomi, look, i understand you’re upset but you shouldn’t take it out on me.” you reason, reaching out towards him, “listen, i’m here if you wanna-” 
“i said, do not touch me.” he seethes. “you are so fucking clingy y/n, lord, let me breathe a little.”
with those words, you explode. “you know what, sakusa,” he flinches when he hears his last name come out of your mouth, “i think i have the right to want to spend some time with my boyfriend! i haven’t seen you in god knows how long- you leave before i wake up and i fall asleep in an empty bed. i’ve been working my ass off to get some time off to watch your stupid volleyball game and what do you do? you embarrass me in front of your whole team!”
you sigh, wiping away the tears that continue that continue to fall. “listen, i don’t want to fight right now. i’m going to go stay at a friend’s house for the night, alright? i’ll see you tomorrow” you say, grabbing your purse. “if you’re even home tomorrow,” you add under your breath.
sakusa is in shock. the moment he saw your tears start to spill, he felt an undeniable and unrelenting ache in his chest that only seemed to grow with every work that came out of your mouth. and when the door shut? sakusa fell on his knees, his heart dropping. he truly couldn’t believe he said that to you. now all he had to do was wait till you got home.
2:38 pm - you check the time on your phone before pulling out your keys. you hope you made the right move, choosing to come back home while kiyoomi was still at practice. you open the door and the sight causes your eyes to widen.
there, on the couch with your favorite flowers in hand, is your boyfriend. he hears the door open and stands up abruptly.
“y/n, my love, i am so sorry. i truly cannot express how horrible i feel, and i cannot begin to understand how you feel.” he takes a deep breath, seemingly holding back tears. “i- i do love you. i love you more than i’ve ever loved anyone in my entire life. i know i’m not the best at expressing it, but you mean the world to me- no, you are my world. without you, i don’t know what i would do. so please-” his voice cracks, “just, please give me another chance?”
you run towards your boyfriend, practically tackling him. “kiyo, baby, of course. i love you too, you know? you just can’t do that anymore, yeah? you shouldn’t feel like you have the right to embarrass me just because you had a bad day. and please, don’t call me clingy? i know i do stick to you like glue sometimes, but that’s just because i never see you anymore.” you reply.
“that will all change, darling.” he answers sincerely, “i’ll make more time for you, i swear. in fact, i’ll take the week off, how does that sound?” at the sight of your smile, he relaxes.
“that sounds wonderful, yoomi.” you answer
sakusa feels the weight that’s been dragging him down lift and he realizes the effect you have on him- you’re his breath of fresh air. he also realizes how utterly idiotic it was to push away the one person who could make him feel better.
it’s fine, he reasons, he’ll just never make that mistake again. he swears it.
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myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. none in this chapter
A/N. my brief work as a barista is finally paying off. i suffered at sbux all to write this fic ✌︎('ω'✌︎ ) LMAOOO i frl had so much fun writing this and i’m very excited to share the next parts ;) i hope you enjoy this fic as much as i do!! xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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You were not looking forward to your new work schedule for the next month. 
The employee who usually came in for opening shifts at four in the morning gave her two weeks notice...two weeks ago. And since you had your availability open (you knew you should’ve blocked it off and said you had morning class), your manager asked you to fill her place. 
The night before your first—of many—morning shifts, you tried tricking yourself into thinking it was a good idea. And it almost worked! Sort of. 
You told yourself waking up early when the sun rose worked with your body’s natural circadian rhythm and this experience may adjust your sleep schedule for a healthier one in the long run. Better health and wellbeing and lower risks of cardiovascular disease. Or something. You weren’t too sure exactly; you never paid much attention in biology but it sounded like something you’d find in a textbook, right?
When you arrived on your first day, the morning shift was just as hectic and chaotic as you expected. People in business suits with name brand bluetooth earphones in their ears and the latest new smartphone in their hand filled the shop and waited for their online order. It was as if they wanted the least amount of social interaction possible, which would be fine if being able to make connections with customers wasn’t the most interesting part about being a barista. 
Although the cafe you worked at was a small business who actually (tried) to pay their employees fairly and wasn’t a purely money hungry franchise like the certain green siren, it surprisingly had gained enough traction in the area to rival one of those cheap, chain stores. 
Good for the business, bad for sleepy workers who could barely function in the mornings.
But you enjoyed working here and the owners were kind, so you did your best to shove away the tiredness and put a bright and cheery smile on your face. The customers were grumpier than you were used to, but who wouldn’t be a little ill-mannered having to go to work at 5 a.m. and probably not leaving until 6 p.m. or later because of bosses who overworked them? Trying to get them their morning coffee with an amiable attitude to start off their day right was something you were more than happy to do. 
It was too bad barely any of them gave you the time of day. They just wanted to get their caffeine and leave with as little human interaction as possible. It was understandable, of course, but it wasn’t the lively cafe environment you were used to during later shifts. You sighed, hoping the atmosphere would be friendlier when it wasn’t a major rush hour. 
“Hi! I can help the next person in line,” you called for the twentieth time this hour. When they moved forward towards the cash register, you gave them a smile. “Good morning. I hope your day has been going well!”
“It’s been okay, thank you. And yours?”
Your eyes widened in surprise and you almost sputtered over thin air. Someone who actually replied back to what you said and asked about you in return? Even if the intent was a courtesy conversation that was meant to be quick and brief, the sentiment was there—the upholding of the values of common courtesy and human decency. Something too many people seemed to lack. 
“I’m good as well! A little tired but what’s to be expected a quarter ‘til 6 a.m.?” you said with a laugh. “Thank you for asking.”
The customer gave a small smile in return and you internally celebrated for finally seeing your first pleasant expression this morning. “Must be even more tiring dealing with all these people. Doesn’t seem easy. I have to commend you for it.”
He was a tall, handsome man with a pretty face, soft-looking hair, and genuinely nice? There was no way this was real; you had to be dreaming. 
You twiddled with the pen in your hands, taken aback and mildly embarrassed by the praise. “Just doing my job,” you said with a bashful look. “Thank you, though.” You cleared your throat, not wanting to hold the line up for too long, even if the customer was one you would rather keep talking to than the others. “Now, what can I get started for you today?”
“Right. Can I get a flat white in the medium size?” 
“Of course.” You typed in his order into the register before asking, “And is there anything else I can get for you? Like a pastry? Today we have some freshly baked cheese danishes that are really yummy if you’d like to try!” 
He thought for a while before shrugging. You weren’t sure if it was your eyes playing tricks on you or he actually had an amused look on his face. “Sure, I’ll take a couple dozen of those as well.” 
“A couple dozen—?” your voice faltered. The suggestion of a fresh pastry was one you made to almost every customer, though most turned it down on the spot. 
The cafe had a little weekly competition between workers to see who could sell the most pastries in the week and the one who sold most got...well, a free pastry and bragging rights. Admittedly, it wasn’t much, but nothing revved up sales like friendly rivalries. An order of a couple dozen was sure to land you in the top spot this week! Still, you had to make sure he meant it. You’d feel bad if he was just spending all his hard-earned office work money because he was trying to be courteous. (Or at least, you assumed he was some office employee.) 
You cautiously asked, “Are you sure?”
Either your eyes were playing tricks on you yet again, or the look of amusement on his face grew even more than before as he said, “I’m sure. One medium flat white and, say, three dozen boxes of cheese danishes, please.” 
“C-Coming right up!” you said, quickly entering his order and celebrating your free end-of-the-week pastry in advance. “That will be $42.81. Would that be card or cash?” 
“Card.” He pulled out a sleek, black card with gold detailings on it and you never knew you could be sexually attracted to a credit card until now. 
“Perfect! Go ahead and swipe, insert, or scan your card now. In the meantime, can I get a name for your order please?” 
He scanned his card over the machine before looking back up at you. “It’s To— Ah, Shouto.” 
“Shouto?” you asked in confirmation. You assumed it wasn’t ‘Toahshouto’. That sounded too much like the abbreviation used to remember how to find sine, cosine, and tangent.
“Yeah. Shouto.” 
You smiled. “Well, Shouto, your order will be ready in a few minutes. Please wait over to your right to pick it up!”
He nodded. 
“It was nice meeting you!” you called, waving goodbye. “I hope you have a good rest of your day.”
“Thank you,” he glanced at your nametag, “Y/N.” 
Oh, how nice it felt to be treated like a human by a customer and have them actually address your name— And not to say it in a condescending way either. 
“Do individual baristas get to keep the tips here?”
You blinked, feeling your face warm up slightly. “We do, actually.” One of your favorite parts of the job, you had to admit. 
“Glad to hear.” Shouto pulled out some crisp-looking bills from his wallet and placed one in your hand that said ‘100’ to you. “Thank you for your kind service, Y/N.” 
“Wha—” Your eyes widened. You were expecting something along the line of three dollars. Maybe five at most. But a hundred? By the time you had processed what had happened he was walking away from the cash register. “Wait— Shouto...sir! I think you accidentally gave me the wrong amount.” 
He shook his head, only briefly turning back to face you. “Nope. It’s for you,” he said simply. “I’m looking forward to the cheese danishes.” 
His words left you stunned, but the next customer in line tapped their foot impatiently, signaling it was now time for you to take their order. You hoped the line died down before Shouto left the cafe so you could return the tip, but seeing as how the queue almost extended out the door, you had the sinking feeling that wouldn’t be a possibility. 
“Hello, I can take the next customer in line!” you recited cheerfully, mind still occupied by thoughts of your last encounter. 
The next few orders went along uneventfully (though you did manage to sell two more cheese danishes) and by the time Shouto got his coffee and pastry boxes, you still had a handful more customers to get through. 
“Pardon me real quick,” you said apologetically to the woman in front of you. “Please give me one moment?” 
She graced you with a nod and you thanked the stars above for an understanding patron. 
“Wait— Excuse me, sir!” You waved in Shouto’s direction before he could exit the cafe. He glanced at you curiously but walked over. In a hushed voice, you said, “I really appreciate the tip, but there’s no way I could accept this much money from you!” 
For the first time today, you say the hints of a frown on his face. “You cannot?” 
“No! $100 is a lot! You already bought $40 worth of cheese danish pastries— Are you sure you meant to give that big of a tip?”
“Of course.” He took a sip of his coffee with a satisfied hum. “You getting up at such an early hour to take people’s orders with a kind attitude isn’t easy. Plus, trying to build rapport with each of them all while keeping the interacting swift is a difficult task itself. And it’s probably worth more than your current pay, the $100 tip, and then some.” 
You blinked, stunned by his words. This man kept surprising you so many times in just one morning. 
“I find it ridiculous how certain occupations are paid an ungodly amount more than others, especially when a lot of it comes from privileges you were born into.” Shouto seemed to mumble the last bit to himself, but you were still able to understand what he said. “It’s bullshit.” Before you could respond, he recollected himself. “Eat the rich, right? All that to say, please accept the tip. You deserve it. And I promise it’s of no detriment to me, so please don’t feel bad.”
Seeing the determined look on his face, you couldn’t help but stare at him before nodding. He didn’t say anything you didn’t already believe yourself, and if someone really wanted to give you $100, you weren’t going to fight them on it. Think of all the dumplings you could buy, you told yourself.
“T-Thank you then.” You gingerly placed the folded bill back into your pants pocket. “I think that was really insightful of you and I’m very grateful.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled before glancing towards the exit. “I’m running a bit late for work now, so I should be going. Have a good day, Y/N.”
“You too, Shouto. And… Thank you again!”
With a glowing expression on your face, you walked back to the cash register ready to face the day and talk to more lovely customers!
“Hey, little barista!” a gruff voice called from the line, snapping you out of your stupor. “Hurry it up already before you force me to complain to your manager.” 
You internally sighed. You understood they were in a rush, but they still had no right to be that rude. 
“Can you even hear me? Or are you too incompetent?”
Cue another internal sigh. 
Yeah, okay. Maybe you did deserve this $100 tip.
Regardless of the rude customers that may have come in, at least you had your thoughts of a cute, kind businessman who went by the name of Shouto to get you through your shift. And you could only hope you’d be able to see him again.
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a/n: the end of part one folks!! oh what i’d give to have gotten a tip like this when i worked as a barista BAHAHA only in my dreams. i hope you enjoyed this little intro part and are excited for what’s to come !! :3
what to expect in the next part:
~maybe~ y/n will see shouto again and,,perhaps,,get more tips from him idk who knows 
old lady imparts some...helpful(?) advice 
we briefly get to see shouto’s pov! ;D
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ the boyz reaction to s/o feeling stressed
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↳ a/n: hello my lovelies! we are back with another tbz reaction! side note, with every reaction i get it’s going to be canon with my ‘as your boyfriend series’ so keep that in mind when requesting. this is for the lovely anon who requested this. i hope you enjoy it. ☻ 18+ due to language
↳ genre: fluff? slight angst? i don’t even know someone tell me
↳ requested? yes
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 3.4k
↳ the boyz x fem reader
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「 Lee Sangyeon  」
you normally weren’t one to get stressed out often but when your job decided to give you a promotion you weren’t expecting the extra workload it would bring
you got assigned to one of the major projects your company was working on and slowly but surely you felt your energy draining with each day passing by
even though sangyeon was extremely busy as well he was worried about you  
after coming home from a long day of practice sangyeon noticed when you weren’t in the front foyer to give him his welcome home kiss like you usually did
as he walked to your bedroom he saw you sitting by the desk typing away at your computer
as he made his way towards you he squatted down slightly to give you a warm cheek kiss
“hey baby, how about you take a break huh? you’ve been working so hard, let me cook something for you” he insisted
“hmm? oh.. okay, i’m sorry sangyeon, work has been driving me up the wall lately i didn’t mean to shut you out” you mumbled
he gave you a small smile as he stroked your cheek before replying “don’t worry about it baby i just don’t want you to overwork yourself” he said
during your break sangyeon is cooking you dinner, listening to all your troubles and even trying his best to help you with your project. by the end of the night expect a lot of cuddles and kisses.
「 Jacob Bae  」
stress was something you’ve always experienced, especially being a university student finishing your final year
jacob was super supportive of your dreams always helping you study in any way he can
sometimes even distracting you to get your mind off it so that you wouldn’t burn out
but as final exams were just around the corner you were so stressed to the point that you cried and threw your book across the table in frustration
jacob turned his head and quickly took notice since he was only a couple of feet away reading a book which he swiftly set down and rushed to your side
“oh babe, don’t cry please, i promise it’s going to be okay” he whispered as he wiped your tears away  
you completely broke down sobbing uncontrollably onto jacob’s sleeve as he held you close giving you hushed praise
“how about we go and rest for a little? a nap would be good for you” he softly asked as you simply nodded
jacob helped you up as you made your way to your bedroom where he made it relaxing as possible turning on the air humidifier and lighting a lavender candle. he also made sure that the curtains were closed so that the room was dark enough to fall asleep to
soon enough your drifting into a calming sleep in jacob’s arms.
「 Kim Younghoon  」
it had been 3 months since you’ve started dating kim younghoon, your relationship was everything you could’ve dreamed of. it was absolutely perfect with no flaws what so ever.  
with all that in mind you started to wonder why you both hadn’t exchange i love you’s. you knew younghoon felt strongly for you, always making sure you were taken care of, constantly hugging and kissing you.
the whole situation started to stress you out and make you second guess everything
you loved younghoon but you had to admit you were a bit apprehensive on saying it first, since you didn’t know what younghoon’s response would be.
he could’ve said it back, or worse, not say anything at all.
one evening when younghoon was sleeping over your place you decided then and there that you were going to muster up your courage and finally say the three words you’ve been stressing over.
as you both were watching t.v his arms draped over your shoulders you looked up over at younghoon who was fixated on the drama that was playing. you cleared your throat
“younghoon.. i have to tell you something… something i’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile now” you announced hesitantly
as he looked over at you he adjusted his body to fully look at you face on
“really? i actually have something to say as well” he replied
your ears perked as you continued “how about we say it at the same?”
he nodded smiling before counting down “3…2…1..”
“i love you” you said “i’m in love with you” he whispered
you breathed the biggest sigh of relief before sliding in his lap giving him the softest kiss as you felt younghoon’s arms around your waist
「 Lee Hyunjae 」
your relationship with hyunjae was many things, exciting, passionate, intense. never in a million years would you think it would be stressful, or let me rephrase: you never thought it would be this stressful  
you received a text message from hyunjae one afternoon saying that he needed to talk to you and that it was important
at that moment your mind was going through so many options on what it could be, your thoughts becoming worse and worse.
oh god is this it? he wants to beak up with me
did he cheat on me? i’ll fucking kill him if he did
oh my god what if he’s not in love with me anymore?
as your mind was going a mile a minute you finally broke out of your daze when your friend who you were out to lunch with told you that it probably wasn’t all that bad and that you should trust hyunjae.
when the evening finally  rolled around you went to visit hyunjae just right when he got home from practice.
“hey baby” he smiled giving you a peck on the lips, giving him a small you replied “hey” back as you two sat on the sofa
“so what’s going on?” you asked as you were rubbing your palms against your knees trying to get rid of the sweat
hyunjae instantly noticed your anxious aura and grabbed your hands holding them tightly giving them a kiss
“well, we’ve been dating for almost a year now and i think it’s time.. for you to meet my parents” he said proudly
you blinked a couple of times as your brain still hadn’t registered the information he just said
“i want them to meet the girl i’m madly in love with” he continued
when you finally heard his words your first instinct was to hit hyunjae’s arm
“ah! hey! what was that for?” he shouted rubbing his arm
“jesus christ hyunjae i thought you were breaking up with me!” you shouted back
he laughed grabbing your waist pulling you close on his lap putting his head in the crook of your neck “i could never” he whispered giving your neck a light kiss
「 Lee Juyeon 」
to say that you were having a bad week was the understatement of the year.
it all started when you caught the flu, you felt horrible. it was constant sneezing, throwing up, runny nose, all of it.
you started to feel stressed when juyeon risked his safety getting sick to take care of you. you especially didn’t want him getting sick when the boyz comeback was nearly a month away.
you told him that you could take care of yourself, but juyeon didn’t take no for an answer.
you had to admit even though you were sick you couldn’t deny that you loved having juyeon with you 24/7 he was being the perfect boyfriend getting you tea, wet cloths for your forehead, and making sure you took your medicine every night.
“open your mouth, good girl” he praised putting the spoonful of medicine in your mouth
“you know if i wasn’t sick you would be saying those exact words another way” you teased coughing slightly
juyeon smirked and kissed your forehead in response
slowly but surely after a week you were starting to feel better but then your sickness hit juyeon as predicted delaying the comeback for nearly two weeks.
「 Kevin Moon 」
it was a hard month for kevin, the boyz comeback had just started and he was stressing over all the performances and interviews wanting to make sure that each one was up to his standards
it was so bad that all his stress levels were slowing creeping up on you making you become stressed yourself
it was starting to effect your relationship and you knew you had to do something quick before you and kevin would get into a fight you were not mentally prepared for
the comeback was closing in on it’s last week and you had decided to make one evening extremely special pampering kevin.
you decided to make his favorite meal, wearing your sexy yet tasteful red dress, with your black lacy bra and matching panties for later activities.
as kevin walked into your apartment he noticed you immediately smiling at your attire
“hey babe, what’s all this?” he asked pointing to all the candles and dim lighting
“what do you mean? can’t i do something special for the man i love?” you replied innocently walking up to him giving him a soft kiss on the lips
as kevin deepened the kiss your back found it’s way to the cold wall behind you as kevin started to trail kisses along the side of your jaw making his way down to your neck
you were excited it wasn’t often that kevin was a dom but you had pressing matters to attend to first
“k-kevin wait… i want to talk first” you whimpered as he finally reached your sweet spot
kevin stopped immediately to your words and gave you a quick peck on lips before nodding
you grabbed his hand and made your way to the dining table where the food was most likely cold by now and sat down on the chair
“kev, i just wanted to talk about how you’ve been so stressed with this comeback and everything it’s.. it’s starting to effect our relationship” you mumbled
he sighed and agreed “i know it has, and i’m so sorry for that babe” he said grabbing your hand as he continued “i’ll promise to be better about it, you know that i don’t want to ruin what we have. i love you”
you smiled feeling 100 times better about the situation giving kevin a kiss on the cheek  
you lightly laughed as you pulled apart “the dinner is totally cold now by the way”
“let’s just order a pizza, it probably wasn’t that good anyway” he teased before you shoved him playfully in response
「 Choi Chanhee 」
what was suppose to be a relaxing day off spending it with your boyfriend choi chanhee it drastically changed into a nightmare
you both decided to spend the day shopping for some new clothes together
at first you thought it was a cute idea, thinking you would get matching couple outfits so that you can coordinate for the upcoming summer season
but it quickly turned into a stressful day when chanhee wanted you to try on every shirt, every dress, and pants, you were starting to regret this little outing until you finally snapped at him
“love, you would look so cute in this why don’t you-”
“no!” you yelled quickly covering your mouth at your sudden outburst in public
chanhee gave you a puzzled look not expecting your sudden change in mood
you quickly apologized not wanting to start a fight in public, pulling him to the side of the store where it was secluded from prying eyes
“chanhee… i’m sorry it’s just i’m tired i thought this would be fun but it’s stressing me out, it’s all too much” you sighed looking down at your shoes
chanhee pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear and lifted your head up with his index finger
“oh love, don’t apologize i should be the one apologizing i’m sorry for being excited, i just wanted to have a fun day with you, let’s go home okay?” he reassured kissing your temple
「 Ji Changmin/Q 」
you had it all planned out, you were going to introduce your friends to your wonderful boyfriend ji changmin
you ultimately thought that they should finally meet him after dating for nearly 4 months
at first you had no idea why you decided to wait this long, considering you already met all the members and were close to each of them
you were extremely nervous and stressed for their first interaction you just wanted everything to be perfect with smooth sailing
changmin was going to meet two of your closest friends who were also a couple themselves
it was a chilly fall day when you all decided to meet up at a nearby cafe changmin’s hand in yours trying to warm it up blowing on it while pressing kisses
“don’t worry babe, it’s all going to work out fine” he smiled easing your nervousness
when you finally made it to the cafe your friends were already waiting and quickly made introductions  
they easily took noticed when changmin ordered your drink he knew you loved and paid for everything with his card as your friends gave you hushed whispers
“wow, he’s such a gentlemen” she gushed “yeah, and he even knew your order by heart” he replied giving you a thumbs up
you smiled when changmin returned with both of your orders giving you a cheek kiss when he sat down
to your surprise the conversation between the four of you went smoothly changmin easily wooing them with his charms and cheerful aura
your friends especially had a million questions when it came to his idol life out of general curiosity
changmin didn’t mind at all answering every single one with ease even laughing at the humorous ones
your heart melted at the interaction when you realized in the end you had nothing to worry about
「 Juhaknyeon 」
you knew juhaknyeon always loved your home cooking as he was always excited whenever he came home from practice knowing he would have a hot meal ready for him
but this time was different, you weren’t just cooking for him but cooking for his parents who so happen to be visiting you two
you met juhaknyeon’s parents before who were very down to earth and humble people always making you feel welcomed
but you had to admit you were a bit stressed trying to live up to the expectations
it was less than a couple of hours away before they would be arriving and you were running around the supermarket with juhaknyeon on your tail
“babe, slow down your gonna run out of energy” he grunted breathing heavily
“juhak you don’t understand your parents opinion mean the world to me, i want them to love my cooking” you said looking down at your hands trying to decide between the beef or pork belly
juhaknyeon gave you a side hug pulling you close “they are going to love whatever you make, because i love it too” he promised kissing the top of your head
when you finally made it back to the dorms and cooked up a storm that would’ve fed all 11 members juhakyeon’s parents finally made an appearance
after the quick greetings and the light scolding from juhak’s mother telling him to keep his room neater she finally took in your food spread
“wow! it all looks amazing [name] i’m sure it taste wonderful too” she smiled warmly pinching your cheek lightly
when you all finally sat down to eat you anxiously waited for juhakyeon’s parents comments
after a couple of bites juhak’s mother proudly exclaimed “it’s delicious [name] really! everything taste amazing, i’m so happy our son found someone who can feed him like this” she praised
you bowed your head thanking her for her positive comments as haknyeon grabbed your hand under the table squeezing it giving you a wink
「 Kim Sunwoo 」
you loved your mother dearly, but she was starting to text and call you nearly everyday about when you and sunwoo were finally going to get married
even though you loved sunwoo and were dating for a year and half you told her that it wasn’t a good time yet. sunwoo had major responsibilities when it came to his idol life
not to mention that you and sunwoo were still very young and just wanted to enjoy being together before you had to tackle even more responsibilities like marriage
you were laying in bed when you got off the phone with your mother after another hour long call
you sighed staring at ceiling fan feeling pressured and stressed when sunwoo walked in the bedroom
“hey babe, have you seen my adidas hoodie?” he wondered as he saw you looking emotionless at the ceiling
he hovered over you waving his hands across your face trying to get your attention
“hm? oh sorry it’s behind the door in the bathroom” you mumbled
sunwoo swiftly climbed on top of you resting his chin on your chest “what’s wrong babe? who was on the phone?” he asked
you hesistantly replied “it’s just my mother, she keeps wondering when.. well.. she keeps asking when we’re getting married” you laughed lightly
sunwoo smirked “oh really? close your eyes” he instructed
confused you did as you were told as you felt sunwoo get off you hearing the sound of the dresser opening
“okay now open” he said as you saw sunwoo with your own two eyes on his knee with a black velvet box in his hands
“sunwoo oh my god, don’t do this to me i-i’m” you stammered as you felt your hands begin to shake
he smiled and open the box where you saw a gorgeous sterling silver infinity ring with a small diamond in the middle
“[name] this isn’t an engagement ring, it’s a promise. a promise to always love you and cherish you, and to always respect you. i am going to marry you one day, when we’re both ready. i’ve never loved anyone as much as i love you” he vowed putting the ring on your finger
you then felt the tears flow grabbing his face with both your hands giving him a longing kiss falling back on the bed with him on top of you
as sunwoo began to take off his shirt that’s when you saw his necklace with the same infinity symbol as your ring
you smiled as you grabbed his necklace pulling him back down for another kiss
「 Eric Sohn 」
it was official you wanted to kill eric, he knew you were afraid of heights. yet he manage to persuade you on getting on an airplane to go to okinawa for a weekend getaway trip
you loved that he put so much thought into your weekend, making sure to pick the nicest hotel with a view by lots of restaurants and attractions
but you were beyond stressed, the only time you’ve been on an airplane is when you were little and moved to seoul from america, you barely remember the experience sleeping the entire trip
your body was shaking as you walked up the ramp finally boarding the airplane going to your seats
eric put away your luggage above the overhead bin and took the window seat hoping you would feel more comfortable being in the middle
as you took your seats your heart started to beat extremely fast and you started to breath heavily
eric took your hands in his “babe i promise it’s going to be okay flying is one of the safest ways to travel” he promised rubbing the side of your arm trying to calm you down
you nodded “no yeah your right i need to face my fears sometime” you bravely said
when the flight finally took off your nerves managed to subdued until you hit mild turbulence which freaked you out all over again
eric quickly grabbed his sleeping mask putting it over your eyes and large headphones with loud music trying to mask your senses which worked wonders as you lay your head on his shoulder
he held your hand tightly when you finally landed getting off the 2 hour flight
as you made your way to the hotel you were in awe of okinawa absorbing all the buildings and the mass of people walking by
you looked at eric “thank you eric this is amazing, i don’t think there’s anyone else i would trust to help me face my fears” you said bashfully
he leaned over and kissed your jaw “anytime babe” he murmured
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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greymoonfeelings · 3 years
Warm Embrace
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pairing: Rick Flag x Reader (no specific gender mentioned but female oriented pet names)
summary: you come home from a hard day at work to be comforted by your boyfriend.
word count: 1k
warnings: 1 tiny allusion to naughty acts, mentions of reader having depression, alcohol mention but otherwise FLUFF
Your drive home is quiet. You don’t blast music through the speakers, tapping along to the beat, the way you usually do. Instead, the only noise is the air blowing through the vents and the sound of the engine.
Eventually, you make it to your destination, pulling into the parking lot of your apartment complex. You park in your designated spot, gather your things and get out of your car.
In your effort to close your car door, you drop your keys. You sigh as you reach down to grab them, as you’re coming back up, you hit your head on the door handle.
“Jesus Christ,” you mutter to yourself as you rub the crown of your head.
The whole world felt like it was against you today. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong and you were ready for this day to finally be over.
The trek to the entrance of the apartment building and up the stairs to your front door feels longer than it is.
Your legs are tired, your feet hurt and you’d much rather pass out right where you stand than continue, but you’re desperate for the comfort of your bed and your boyfriend.
Your hand is shaky as it reaches out for the doorknob. You turn it to the right and push it open. The first thing you notice as you enter your home is the smell of popcorn that comes wafting from the kitchen.
“Rick, I’m home!” You place your keys on the side table and kick off your shoes.
Rick’s head pops out from around the wall.
“Hey, baby.” He smiles and you give him a tired smile in return.
He walks out of the kitchen with a large ceramic bowl full of popcorn in one hand and a glass of your favorite alcohol in the other. He hands you the drink on his way to the couch, you follow behind him like a lost puppy.
“How was work?” He asks as he sits down in his usual spot on the large grey couch.
You plop down next to him, letting out a deep sigh as your back connects with the plush cushion.
“Terrible, as usual.” You take a long sip from your drink. “Got anything stronger than this?”
“Some whiskey under the sink.” He tosses a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
“Great, I’ll take the whole bottle.” You chug the rest of your alcoholic drink before placing the glass down on the coffee table with a loud clink.
“It was that bad?” Rick looks at you sympathetically.
You nod in response, “I hate working with the public. People can be so fucking rude.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“I just don’t get paid enough for the shit I deal with. People can be assholes and I was not built for customer service. I feel like I could be doing so much more, an actual job, like you, but I never went to school or got into anything. I can’t work some low standing job forever.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Darlin. You could do anything you put your mind to.”
“Yeah right,” you scoff.
“Hey,” he tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his. “You’re amazing and I know that you’ll find your thing soon enough.”
“Well, I wish it would happen a little quicker.”
“Don’t rush it, baby. You can do whatever you want, you don’t have to work right now if you don’t want to.”
“I have to do something. I’m not just gonna sit around while you bring home all the money, you’re not my sugar daddy.”
“You don’t wanna sit around all day just looking pretty? You don’t wanna be my sugar baby?” Rick jokes.
“No, I wanna contribute. I want to do something important, I just don’t know what.”
You lay your head on his shoulder and his arm immediately wraps around you.
“I believe in you. Anything I can do to help?”
“Not unless you can tell the whole world to fuck off.”
“I can try.” Rick’s response causes you to look up at him lovingly.
One of your favorite things about your boyfriend was his desire to protect you. He wanted to make you feel safe and he always tried his hardest.
Rick knew a lot of aspects of this life affected your mood and happiness. You struggled with depression, anxiety, and an overall negative outlook on life, but he was your one saving grace.
You knew his job was hard and sometimes you worried that you just added to the depressing atmosphere around him, but no matter how much you complained Rick always had a refreshing sense of hope, funnily enough, because of you.
Sometimes you were the only good thing in his life, the way he was the only good thing is yours. He had experienced some of the darkest parts of this world, but every time he came home to you he was reminded that there are always good things in the presence of bad.
He vowed to himself that one day he would whisk you away from all the troubles that held you down and show you all the best things life had to offer.
You grab your boyfriend’s face with both your hands and kiss him lovingly. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I’m the lucky one. How’d a bastard like me land an angel like you?”
You laugh, “Not sure I’m much of an angel, Ricky.”
“Mm sometimes you’re a kinky little devil, but you’re still my angel.”
“Rick!” You gasp and playfully slap his chest.
“Am I wrong?”
“No,” you concede, “But I’m too tired right now. I wanna cuddle.”
“That's perfectly fine. C’mere, baby.”
Rick opens his arms, allowing you to climb into his lap. You lay your head on his shoulder, your arms circle around his torso, and your legs lay across his. He reaches for your favorite fluffy blanket, wrapping it around your huddled figure ensuring you’re nice and cozy.
He uses the remote to flip through the channels until he lands on a random movie.
“I love you, Ricky.” You yawn and close your eyes.
“I love you too, honey.”
You fall asleep to the sound of the movie playing softly as Rick rubs your back.
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my-soul-sings · 2 years
what’s wrong with secretary kim: ch 2
Fandom: Tears of Themis Characters: Vincent Kim, Marius von Hagen (not shipped)
Summary: Five times Vincent Kim put up with his boss’ antics, and one time he didn’t.
ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 
You can read this on AO3! See the replies to this post for the AO3 link.
Chapter 2: He’s Not Just A Secretary
Being a secretary is tough. It’s not just the long hours or the late nights or the burnt weekends; it’s the fact that being a secretary means you often have to put on many hats and do things well beyond your job scope.
Or, maybe that’s just how it is in Vincent Kim’s case.
(1) Personal stylist
Just yesterday, he became his boss’ personal stylist. And by that, he means that his boss had “no time” to hire an actual stylist because he was in a rush to get to a date. Yet, the busy man apparently had time to make Vincent sit in front of his walk-in closet for close to an hour just to watch his boss come out in different outfits for him to assess.
His first look was his usual, go-to outfit: a black T-shirt with his white overshirt and a pair of blue denim jeans. 
“I think it looks good,” Vincent had told him, but his compliment was met with a disapproving click of the tongue.
“But this is probably too casual for the venue. Let me try something else.” 
Another ten minutes went by. This time, Marius emerged in a black button-up shirt and a pair of grey pants. 
“This looks more formal and fitting for the venue, young master. I think this is perfect.”
Again, Marius doesn’t look satisfied with that. 
“But I don’t know… I think I’ve worn this out with her too much, it might look bad to keep repeating the same clothes. What if she thinks I don’t do my laundry?”
You don’t. Someone else does it for you.
“Hold on, let me try something else.” 
To Vincent’s chagrin, his boss decides to repeat the same process several times. 
For his fifth outfit choice, Marius chose to put on his formal purple suit embroidered with the family crest. 
“What do you think? Too much?” 
Vincent doesn’t know what he’s done to possibly deserve this. All he wants is some peace and quiet to focus on the mountains of paperwork that he has yet to finish. But no, no no no, he’s here, watching his boss play a game of Barbie dress-up. 
“It looks good on you, young master,” he says with his usual polite smile. For the fifth time, he sees Marius’ lips turn downwards with dissatisfaction. 
“Vincent, I get that you’re trying to be nice, but I want your honest opinion here.”
My honest opinion? Hire someone else to do this and let me do the work I’m actually being paid to do! 
“Hmm… It might be a little too formal for dinner at the restaurant you picked out.”
Marius snaps his fingers and brightens into a smile. “Right? Exactly what I thought.”
…Then why ask me?
“I’ll be right back with something else.” 
Vincent emits an inaudible sigh after his boss withdraws into the closet once again to ruffle through the drawers and hangers of clothes. He checks the time on his watch for what could be the thousandth time that evening, and realises that it’s another twenty minutes till 7pm, which is when he’s supposed to pick her up to go to the restaurant. 
“Um, young master, I think it’s about time you left, or you’ll be late for your date.”
“Crap! You’re right. Okay I think—” Vincent hears Marius snapping his fingers, “—I”ll just go with this then.” 
One minute later, Marius emerges in his second outfit: the black button-up shirt and grey pants that Vincent had already told him was good enough for the date. 
“Done! Thanks for your help. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Marius grins, patting Vincent on the shoulder twice before making a beeline for the door. 
With a sigh, Vincent shakes his head. 
Time to get back to work. 
(2) Cupid 
Vincent Kim had entered this job expecting to have to run small errands, like getting coffee for his boss, or a sandwich from a nearby shop if his boss has no time to eat lunch in between meetings and conference calls.
But what he didn’t expect was that his range of errands would extend to playing Cupid for his lovesick and lovestruck boss.
“Vincent, I think she’s too busy to get lunch today. Could you pick up a bouquet of flowers and a nice packed lunch and send it to her office? And I know this is asking a lot, but I want you to go personally. Let me know how she is. I’m worried about her.” 
The phone call came at 1pm. Precisely at lunch time. 
Vincent’s grip around the phone tightens, but he manages to keep his voice light and cheerful as always. “Of course, young master. I’ll get it done right away.” 
“Oh, and use my credit card. Don’t forget a good lunch for yourself too, okay? It’s on me.” 
“Thank you, young master. I will.” 
“Thanks Vincent. I owe you one.” 
After hanging up, Vincent finds himself softening a little. Working with Marius may be difficult, but it’s not all bad. At least the young man is genuinely nice and caring, unlike many other CEOs he’s had the misfortune of meeting and speaking with. 
So without any further mental complaints, Vincent grabs his things and heads straight out of the Pax Group building to get the flowers and packed lunch for his boss’ girlfriend. 
Fingers crossed, she hasn’t eaten yet. 
(By the time he gets there, she’s already eaten lunch that she ordered via a delivery app. Still, the flowers were a nice surprise.)
(3) Mother
In truth, this is usually Payton’s role. The senior butler took care of Marius since he was a young boy, well before Vincent ever came into the picture. But now that Marius is a grown man and spends more time out than at home, Payton isn’t able to watch over the young master like he used to. 
That’s why the role sort of got passed on to Vincent, whose job is to follow Marius around every day and make sure he does things like eating his veggies and buttoning his shirt right.
The job is simple enough, except that Vincent has to double up as Payton too whenever he has to accompany his boss on overseas business trips.
Usually, the business trips go by uneventfully. But then there are business trips like the present one, where things go on a rapid downward spiral, involving a virus and Marius coming down with a high fever, one day before they are due to attend the conference that they flew all the way here to Japan for. 
At times like these, Vincent knows exactly what he has to do: reschedule Marius’ appointments, inform everyone that he has to about Pax Group’s CEO’s current physical condition, and then arrange for a private doctor to see Marius in his hotel room and watch the young man take his prescribed medicine. It also means he has to liaise with the hotel staff to make sure they cook something suitable for a patient like Marius—strictly no greasy or oily food—and ensure that the ice pack on Marius’ forehead is changed regularly. 
The job requires him to be attentive to Marius’ every need, 24/7.  
Yet, as exhausting and stressful as it is, Vincent admittedly feels bad to see Marius in this state: bedridden and unable to move. It brings up old memories of the time when he first started working for Marius, back when the latter was still a young teen. 
Just like now, Marius hardly ever fell sick, but when he did, the young boy would always look quite miserable. Of course, being the rebellious teenager that he then was, he would put on a brave face and refuse to take his meds when told, but there were nights when Vincent caught him shedding a tear in his sleep. Perhaps it was the fact that his own family was rarely available to care for him when he was sick, or maybe it was something else altogether. 
Nevertheless, the memory of that lonely sight has remained fresh and vivid in Vincent’s mind to this day.
“Vincent.” The man snaps back to reality when he hears his boss call his name in a hoarse voice. He approaches the bedside, offering Marius a glass of water. After taking a sip, Marius offers him a weak smile. “Sorry to cause you this much trouble. You should go back to your room and sleep now. I don’t want to pass this bug to you.” 
“It’s no trouble at all, young master. You should just focus on recovering for now.” Noticing that the blanket is uneven, Vincent reaches down to smoothen the sheets and to tuck Marius in properly. 
“The conference?”
“I’ve informed everyone we need to that you may be absent tomorrow, depending on your physical condition.” 
“Good. Thanks. And uh, did… did you tell her about this?” 
Vincent smiles at that. “I did. But since it’s late over there I told her to go to sleep first. I said I can arrange for a video call between the two of you first thing in the morning. I also assured her that she doesn’t need to worry because I’ll be here to take care of you on her behalf.”
“You always know exactly what to do, Vincent. Thank you.” 
“It’s my job, young master. Now go to sleep. You can talk to her in the morning.”
Wordlessly, Vincent watches as his boss easily falls back into a quiet slumber. He then glances at the text messages from Marius’ girlfriend and cracks a tired smile to himself.
For what it’s worth, he’s glad that he now has someone else to take care of him too. 
(And then soon enough, she can take over this job of his.)
A/N: so i wrote a sick fic for marius and vincent before writing one for marius and mc. no regrets!
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
I Did Something Bad - 1.
Bodyguard!Stucky x Reader AU
Part 2 <<
Run-through: You’re a rich spoilt brat, and your two bodyguards are the ones who have to put up with you and your attitude all day every day. Until one day, they’ve had about enough. And they decide to tame the brat in you…
Themes: bratty!reader, smut, daddy kink, bodyguard!stucky
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“What a brat.” Steve mumbled under his breath.
“I agree.” Bucky sent a brief nod towards him.
They were both right behind you, each holding your countless shopping bags as they walked the steps which led to the front door of your house.
Correction, your father’s house. You didn’t actually own anything, you were just blessed enough to have been born in a filthy rich family. And you were an only child, so your parents treated you like you were the most precious thing in the world. You were spoilt.
Spoilt like Steve and Bucky had never seen before. You had people to do everything for you. You didn’t even do your own make up or hair in the morning; you had an entire team for that.
Your parents were away most of the time, on business trips and earning more money so you could be even more of a spoilt brat. Given they were away, they had two of the most highly trained, professional bodyguards stay with you to ensure your safety – Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.
The two were the best of friends, and initially they didn’t even want to put up with you. But the paychecks which came from your father each month were hefty. So they compromised; put up with your annoying, bratty self just for the salary.
There were other perks of the job. They got to stay in a lavish mansion, they got to travel everywhere, enjoy the finest things in life, along with you.
 “Uh, can one of you guys come help me?” came the sound of your voice from inside your bedroom. The two men who were outside your bedroom groaned quietly.
They shared a look and opened the door to your grand bedroom and stepped in. They always envied you, and all the nice things you had without even having work a day in your life. They both looked around, looking for you in the spacious bedroom.
You stepped out of the walk-in closet wearing a black, lace bodysuit – showing off your cleavage and your legs.
The two men’s eyes almost fell out of their sockets.
Oh another perk to the job, you were smoking hot. And that almost made up for your attitude that they had to put up with at times, because who wouldn’t like a doll parading around them all the time?  
You walked up till you stood in front of them, nonchalantly checking out the new rings and jewelry you had on, which you had bought earlier. Not caring about the fact that you were semi-naked in front of the two.
“Can one of you zip me up?” you spoke, without looking up.
And it took both of them a few seconds to process everything. They shared a look again, filthy things on both their minds.
“I’ll do it.” Steve spoke up before Bucky could even open his mouth and offer to help. The latter glared at his friend. Steve walked up behind you, and gently pushed all your hair out of the way and shifting it over your shoulder while he shamelessly let his eyes roam over your semi-exposed body.
He took his sweet time to find the zipper and closing it gently, letting his fingertips lightly caress your skin. He admired the shape of your body once he was done, Bucky did the same. You walked away from Steve, not even thanking him and went on to admire yourself in the mirror.
The two men couldn’t take their eyes off you as you posed in front of the mirror, checking yourself out and clicking pictures here and there.
“I want a green smoothie.” You said, to no one in particular. But neither of them heard because they were busy checking you out. And seeing they weren’t moving you turned around and faced them. “Hello? I said I want green smoothie.” You said, as usual, in that bratty voice of yours. You had absolutely no patience, you were a total brat.
But that didn’t matter right now. Not when you looked like that; beautiful and enticing, but so out of their league.
Bucky cleared his throat and peeled his eyes off you. “Steve will get it. Someone has to stay here with you.” He made the decision without even sparing Steve a look.
And poor Steve had to agree and leave the room. While Bucky stayed in your room and enjoyed the show as you tried on all the clothes and lingerie you bought earlier today.
 You caught Bucky staring at you through the mirror and you internally smirked. You considered yourself lucky that the two bodyguards your dad had appointed were both eye candy. All your friends drooled over both of them; you included.
How could you not? They were always so… hot. Black suits, dark sunglasses whenever you were out, broody and handsome; they could make any one’s heart flutter. You knew how the brat in you annoyed them, but you couldn’t help it. You liked the look on their faces when they realize that they can’t do otherwise but obey you.
 Steve returned with your smoothie and you took it, again without thanking him. He noticed you were in another bodysuit, nude colored this time and much more flimsy. He discretely sent a questioning look towards Bucky and the latter smirked and raised his eyebrow at him. As if boasting and saying, ‘yup, I helped her with that one.’
 “I’m going to the club later tonight.” You announced and the two men almost groaned out loud.
You were a true party animal. And Steve and Bucky hated your useless, equally as spoilt, friends. Each time you went clubbing, they always had to carry you home because you cannot handle alcohol for too long. And the worst part, they’d have to deal with your hungover self the next day.
Steve couldn’t help but point out. “This is the fifth time in the past three weeks. Are you sure you should be partying so much?” he sounded like he was done with you, but was still trying to be polite because you were still his boss’ daughter.
Bucky nodded, agreeing with his friend. And you frowned at both of them.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but do I pay you to lecture me?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, your action accentuating your breasts.
Steve looked down at the ground, afraid he might have been staring at your chest for too long. “No ma’am.” He replied, hands in front of him – standing in a classic bodyguard pose.
You scoffed, giving them both a look which told them not to mess with you. “Good. We leave at ten thirty.” You announced and walked back into your walk-in closet.
As predicted, you were wasted within the first three hours of being at the club. And just like always, Steve and Bucky had to carry you out and bring you home.
Luckily you didn’t throw up on the sidewalk or in the car this time. Your driver drove all of you home, and Bucky had you on his lap in the backseat, your feet on Steve’s lap. You were blacked out.
“She looks so angelic when she sleeps.” Steve commented, quietly.
Bucky chuckled. “Wait till she wakes up tomorrow and makes everyone’s life a living hell.” Bucky said, remembering the last time you were hungover and how you had him, Steve, your housekeeper, maids and chefs, all run around like headless chickens.
Steve chuckled at the same memory. “I swear if she treats us as her slaves like last time, I’m gonna quit.”
Bucky sent a look towards his friend. “Please don’t, I can’t handle her on my own.” He pretended to shiver at the thought of him having to put up with your antics all on his own.
And the two men shared a laugh.
 They put you to bed once you all made it home. They placed you under the covers, the maid took off your shoes and most of your jewelry, took out the pins in your hair and turned the lights off before they stepped out of your room.
The next day, the minute they each woke up in their rooms, they heard your loud voice coming from upstairs. And they both groaned as they got ready for the day.
Steve was out of his room and on his way to you first. Bucky came shortly after. And they found you in bed, whining about having a terrible headache.
“Do you need painkillers?” Bucky asked and you glared at him.
“I already took them.” you spat at him.
Clearly you were going to be even more of a bitch today.
“Did you have breakfast?” Steve asked, standing at the end of your bed.
You groaned.
“The thought of food makes me want to throw up.” You whined, testing his patience already.
Steve sighed. “Look, you need to eat. It’s the only way you’ll get rid of the hangover-,”
You cut him off.
“Ugh, okay mom!” you mocked. “Fine, whatever, just get out.” You said rather rudely. And while Steve was still debating what to say to you, Bucky spoke up.
He stepped up closer to you, standing by the side of your bed. “Hey, easy. We’re just trying to help. You need to eat so y-,”
You cut him off as well. “Like I said before, I don’t pay you to lecture me, why do you even-,” you were going off but this time Steve cut you off.
“Enough!” he raised his voice, and both you and Bucky turned to look at him. He had never acted like this before. You could see the irritation on his face as he stared at you.
“You don’t pay us, first of all, your father does! You don’t do anything other than sit there and be a brat and spend his money! We technically don’t work for you, we work for him. So let us do our jobs, which is to take care of his spoilt daughter who has no manners whatsoever. His daughter who treats people like slaves! People who actually care about her more than her own parents do!” He spat, making your jaw drop.
He continued, less loudly this time. “For once, drop your attitude and do as we say. Get in the shower, and then come downstairs. Breakfast will be ready by then.” He looked at you dead in the eyes while he scolded you. “Move, now!” the authority in his voice had you scram out of bed and rush into the bathroom immediately.
Once you shut the bathroom door behind you, Bucky turned to Steve and extended his arm so they could do their secret handshake.
“What was that?” he asked, clearly impressed.
Steve smirked. “Just taming the brat.” He answered.
Bucky laughed. “What if she tells her dad and gets us both fired?” he asked.
Steve knew you would never tell your dad because you would be somewhat ashamed in saying you got blacked out drunk at the club and then were rude to people afterwards. “She won’t.” he said and they both made their way out and into the kitchen.
 Breakfast was ready by the time you came downstairs, rather sheepishly. You kept your eyes to the ground as you sat at the kitchen island. Surprisingly, you waited patiently for your breakfast.
Bucky took the plate and placed it in front of you. Baked beans, hash browns, eggs, toast – not your usual breakfast because you normally had sugary cereal in the morning.
You sighed rather loudly, frowned and began complaining, “But this is n-,”
Bucky cut you off by grabbing your chin gently and tilting your head up so you looked up at him. He didn’t even think twice before touching your face, but you didn’t mind it. At all.
You looked up into his ocean blue eyes, very similar to Steve’s.
“A big breakfast will help, trust me. And it’s better than that bowl of sugar you’re used to.” He said, cracking a faint smile. You shyly returned him a smile. “Eat.” He pointed at the plate and went to find Steve in the living room.
You were pretty quiet for the rest of the morning. Quiet as in, you weren’t throwing a fit when the meal that the chef made for you wasn’t what you wanted. Or you weren’t whining about how you hate everyone in this house. Or you weren’t being a bitch to absolutely everyone you saw because you were hungover.
You spent most of the day in your room, sulking. Mainly because you weren’t used to people talking in loud voices at you. Steve and Bucky came to check up on you a few times, asked you if there’s anywhere you need to go. But you said no each time. You barely spoke to them, at least you weren’t rude.
 You were tame – but it didn’t last for long.
The next day, you were back to being a brat. Once the hangover passed, you were just as loud and rude as before. You were even rude to Bucky – all your manners from the previous day forgotten – when he came to ask you what you wanted for breakfast.
“Is there a way to ever get a straight answer out of you for once, without you being sarcastic and bratty all the time?” he asked, wishing you were back to yesterday when you were all quiet and obedient.
You scoffed and got out of bed. “You or Steve yell at me one more time, and I will call dad and have both of you fired. You hear me?” you spat at him.
And he wanted to tell you off, like Steve did, but then he took one look at your appearance. Messy hair, your reading glasses on, an oversized white shirt – no pants. You looked too adorable to scold. So he let you go.
 You tested Steve’s patience too that day. As usual, people ran your errands and Steve brought you something that you had asked for and you took it without thanking him.
“Will a ‘thank you’ hurt?” he asked.
You glared at him.
“Stop it. You’re not my mom.” You said bitterly and he groaned and walked away.
This had been their daily lives for the past year and a half. And each day they thought there was no way you could out do yourself and be any more of a brat. Yet, each day you kept surprising them with how annoying you could be to deal with.
Then one day, you truly out did yourself.
You were nowhere to be found.
 “This is it, I’m calling her dad.” Steve took out his phone but Bucky stopped him.
“She’s our responsibility, calling her dad would be equivalent to digging our own graves. Don’t.” Bucky reasoned. He couldn’t even imagine calling a parent to tell them their child has gone missing.
They were both panicking. You had snuck out earlier in the afternoon, and it was now nighttime and you still weren’t back. The two were pacing around the living room.
“I don’t get it, usually she tells us before even going outside in the yard.” Bucky was trying to figure out what must’ve gone wrong.
Steve sighed, ready to punch something out of frustration. “She acts like such a child sometimes. Can’t even track her phone because she left it here.” He shook his head.
“It’s nearly midnight Steve, she should be back by now. We need to do something. Did you get anything from the camera footage?” Bucky was worried sick – both about your safety and his job.
Steve swore under his breath. “Nothing on there. I mean we don’t even know if she went out on her own or got kidnapped or some-,”
A voice cut him off.
“Chill moms, I’m fine.” You walked into the living room with a smirk on. And the two men looked at you like they were witnessing some miracle. Bucky was relieved, yet somewhat irritated. Steve was just angry.
“Where the hell have you been? You were missing for 8 hours!” Bucky asked, the smug look on your face was beginning to piss him off.
You didn’t bother answering, you walked right past them and into the kitchen. The two, now irritated, followed you.
“Answer, god damn it! Where have you been? We were worried sick!” Steve hissed.
You took a water bottle out of the fridge and took a long sip while looking at them both with nothing but cockiness in your eyes.
“Well good news, I was so annoying and bratty that the kidnappers dropped me right back home.” You fake smiled, obviously being sarcastic and walked out of the kitchen. You heard the two groaned as you left them in the kitchen.
 You rushed upstairs and went right into your bedroom, and not even a few seconds later – they both walked into your room very angrily and without even bothering to knock first.
You sighed. “Get out. I’m tired, I need to sleep.” You spoke, without looking up at them.
“I don’t think so. Now answer me, where the fuck have you been?” Bucky asked, clearly mad.
You chuckled. “Watch your tone with me.” You sassed.
Steve stepped forward and walked right up to you. He stood closer to you than usual, invading your personal space. But you didn’t mind it one bit.
“Or what, huh?” he asked, sliding his hand into your hair gently, tugging on it a little making your head tilt back so you looked up at him.
You were speechless as you looked up into his ocean blue eyes. Mainly because you weren’t expecting this, but also because the look on his face sent a tingle dancing down your spine, and ended right at your core. Definitely not a bad tingle.
When you recovered, you were about to lift your hand up and slap his hand away from you but then you realized that Bucky was behind you, locking your wrists in his grip behind your back.
“Let’s try that again, sweetheart. Where have you been?” Bucky whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear and making you shiver.
You looked up at Steve, immobilized and not hating it. “I… I was out with my girlfriends.” You confessed and almost whimpered when bucky tightened his grip around your wrists.
“And what did we say about sneaking out, or going anywhere without informing us?” Steve asked. You believed it might have been your imagination, but it felt as though he leaned in a little, bringing his face closer to yours.
It took you a few seconds to process given the proximity of the two men was interrupting your ability to think straight. “You… you said it was against the rules.” You remember that long talk you had with both of them the day they joined. When they took the time to explain the rules to you but all you did was roll your eyes at them and sigh.
Bucky chuckled darkly right in your ear. “Seems you have broken an important rule, sweetheart.” He gently kissed the skin beneath your ear and your eyes flew shut. Your lips parted as you tried hard not to moan at the feeling of his soft lips against your skin.
When you opened your eyes, you found Steve smirking down at you. He felt a rush course through him and leaned in to gently take your lower lip between his teeth; tugging on it playfully. His actions were gentle, but you shivered still. Steve bit down on your lip, while Bucky discretely kissed down your neck.
Then and there, something shifted in the air. It was a pleasant shift.
Steve chuckled against your mouth. “You never learn, babygirl.” he mumbled, against the side of your mouth. And the nickname had you almost whimpering.
Bucky softly nibbled on your skin at your shoulder; making you shudder. Steve tugged a little more on your hair and pulled away to look at you. If there’s anything you knew for sure in that moment, is that you wanted them. Both of them. Bad.
“Teach me then.” You whispered. And both of them smirked and shared a look.
If only you had been careful about what you wished for…
 You were kneeling on your bed, naked and with Bucky still holding your wrists behind your back. His grip was tight and strong, but you didn’t complain. You couldn’t because Steve had his two fingers gently pumping in and out of your mouth.
He had searched your bedside table a few minutes ago, and pulled out the vibrator wand which you had hidden in there. You wondered how he knew it was there. But before you could think over it too much, he turned it on and placed it in between your legs; right on top of your entrance.
You whined in pleasure, but he quickly shut you up by pushing his fingers past your lips. “Always whining like a brat.” He commented, smirking and wiggling the wand a little and making you whine louder. And to add on to your sweet torture, Bucky circled his arm around you and gently circled your clit with his two fingers.
“What is it babygirl, you can’t take it?” Steve taunted again.
You whimpered under their touch, but something told you that they wouldn’t let you have your way so easily this time.
“I know you’ve never heard ‘no’ in your life, sweetheart. But you will tonight.” Bucky murmured in your ear, making you tilt your head back; shivering against him.
Steve chuckled, removing his fingers from your warm mouth. “You’re not allowed to cum until you have our permission, babygirl. You hear me?”
You nodded and whimpered a pathetic yes.
Your thighs began trembling as they both messed with you. Steve changed the setting on the wand, making it more intense while Bucky tilted your head back and kissed you deeply. More like invaded your mouth like he owned it; pushing his tongue past your lips and stroking the top of your mouth. You whimpered, happily trapped between the two of them.
You felt the pressure forming in between your legs, and you involuntarily bucked your hips against the vibrator, trying desperately to chase your orgasm. Steve noticed, and he didn’t think twice before lifting the vibrator off you – denying you your release.
You groaned louder, the sound muffled by Bucky’s mouth on top of yours. He pulled away from the kiss and chuckled. “It’s frustrating, isn’t it baby?” he asked, softly. You looked up at him and nodded. His soft demeanor went away the minute you agreed. “Well that’s exactly how it feels when you don’t listen.” He growled leaning in again. You thought he was going to kiss you again, but instead he licked your swollen lower lip and spat into your open mouth.
His actions elicited a loud whine out of you.
“Look at me.” Steve slid his hands into your hair again and tugged on it. You looked at him with nothing but desire in your eyes. He let go of your hair and gripped your jaw while he placed the vibrator back against your core. You felt the vibrations all over your body, a familiar warmth washing over you while you stared into his icy blue eyes.
“Always boasting about your family’s money and power, you little brat.” Steve whispered, leaning in to bite your mouth again while he pressed the vibrator further against your core, making you drip and moan louder. “Who’s your daddy now, huh?”
Bucky fingers found your clit again, and they teased you just like before. “Tell us baby, who owns this bratty little cunt?” Bucky whispered menacingly in your ear, biting on your ear lobe.
You moaned again, both at the sensations and the words. “You do…” you breathed out, unable to form coherent sentences. They both chuckled, and continued their sweet torture on your body. Steve kissed along your jaw as he wiggled the wand around and make you scream louder, while Bucky’s fingers rubbed your clit furiously.
And you couldn’t take it anymore. “Can I-… please…” you begged and it was the first time they heard you ask for something so politely.
“What was that, babygirl?” Steve asked, pretending that he didn’t hear you the first time. And seeing you weren’t answering, he lifted the vibrator off you again. “I said, what was that?” he asked again, more sternly.
You whined and whimpered at being denied again. “Please… please can I cum?” you asked again, begging with your eyes shut to stop the tears of frustration from falling.
Bucky immediately wrapped a hand around your throat and tilted your head back. “Ask nicely sweetheart. Say ‘please daddy, I’ll be a good girl from now.’“ he mumbled against the side of your mouth.
Steve increased the intensity of the vibrator again and it made you repeat Bucky’s words wantonly. They were both pleased at your obedience, but not quite done with you yet.
“Look at me, babygirl.” For a moment, Steve’s voice had you fooled. You thought he was actually going to give in and would actually let you cum. “You want to cum for daddy?” he asked, and you nodded with hot tears falling down your cheeks. And just when you thought you were getting closer to your release, he lifted the wand off your body again.
“No. You will not cum until you’ve learnt your lesson.”
 They both toyed with your body like they owned it. They switched places and Bucky had the most fun in teasing you with the vibrator. He trailed it up and down your body, circling your erected nipples with the tip of the wand and then back down to where you craved it the most.
Tears streamed down your face.
“Are you crying, baby? Good, this would teach you not to be a brat next time,” Bucky spoke as he wiggled the toy around against your wet folds.
You begged them relentlessly, but they denied you each time. Looking you deep in the eyes and saying, ‘No.’ Yet, a twisted part of you liked how they treated you like they owned you. Like you were nothing but a toy to them, for them to play with as they pleased.
Your pleas were incessant, and wanton. Steve pushed two of his fingers past your entrance while Bucky placed the wand right on your clit – unmoving. Steve’s fingers stroked your walls so slowly that it was almost agonizing.
“Aww you’re dripping all over my hand, babygirl.” He commented, making you squeeze around his fingers. Your arousal leaked out of you, coating the tip of the toy and his fingers alike. He could see what they were both doing to you, and he liked the control they both had over you. “Look at how you’re shaking.” He taunted again.
You begged again, to no one in particular. And the reply was just as disappointing as earlier. “No. Spoilt brats with no manners don’t get to cum so easily.”
And you whined again.
“Shh, you’re gonna take all that we give you. And you’re not gonna be a brat about it, you understand?” Steve silenced you.
Bucky gripped your jaw and kissed you deeply again, swallowing your pathetic moans while he pressed the wand further against you. Your body trembled, you moaned as soon as the vibrating tip came in contact with your sensitive spot. Your body shuddered as he wiggled it around just a bit. The sensation was overwhelming.
“Do you want us to stop, babygirl?” Steve mumbled in your ear, his fingers slipping in and out of you and the wet sounds were obscene.
You shook your head and Bucky pulled away to let you talk. “No, no please… don’t stop…” the last thing you wanted was for them to leave you here, frustrated and burning with desire.
 Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they did.
“Well guess what, sweetheart? You don’t get to make the rules this time. You can’t always have what you want.” Bucky smirked as he lifted off the wand from you and turned it off.
Steve chuckled and kissed your neck, releasing your sore wrists. “Good night, babygirl.” They both stood up from your bed, leaving you naked, whimpering, and tear-stained, burning with need and most of all; dripping wet.
Your body was worn out, after being with them for the past hour or two. Or maybe more, you couldn’t tell because you were a little disoriented. But you couldn’t believe that they were just walking away from you, without giving you what you so desperately wanted.
“And don’t you dare touch yourself.” Bucky said, before he walked out of your room.
Steve took a good look at you; what a beautiful mess he and Bucky had made. “See you tomorrow.” He winked before he shut the door behind him.
a/n: fear not, there’s a part 2 coming soon ;)
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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Sending nudes/sexting w/ JJK characters (Nanami, Toji, Gojo, Mei Mei)
Synopsis: Do y’all need one fr? I think the title is self explanatory
TW: mature things obviously, GN!reader, typos like always, nothing outside or masturbation and nudes really, 18+, MINORS DNI!
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Yeah, yeah you miss Nanami’s cuddles, kisses, hugs, and all that soft shit when you spend the whole day without him because of his work schedule, but you also miss that long schlong that’s attached to him. Work has given him such a hectic schedule that sometimes you go a week without having any sex and it drives you crazy and Nanami might not show it, but it drives him crazy as hell too. He’s just praying for an off day so he can get that sweet release from you that he needs.
Though sexting is not the same as physical sex, any form of sexual attention from him is needed. So, bravely one day you decided to send him a picture of you in nothing but one of his button ups barely covering your body while he’s at work. To be fair, you did wait until a time when you knew he usually wasn’t busy and the office was nearly empty.
When I tell you this photo has him blushing like a school girl and horny immediately; he forgets how to breathe for a good two minutes and it takes the sound of someone’s footsteps to bring him back to reality and remember the setting he was in. 
You see, sexting really isn’t Nanami’s cup of tea. He’s big on intimacy and physical touch and sexting hardly fulfills any of his desires. He’d much rather have you in front of him in person. You see those three little lines pop up thinking he’s going to describe to you in detail what he’s going to do to you once he gets off and how much he’s been feening for you too, but no! Instead, all you get is a text that reads “On my way.”
Nanami isn’t the type to call off of work or leave early, but it’s from that picture that he realizes how wanting you must be for him and he can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt, but also realize just how bad he’s been wanting you. The drive home for him is 30 minutes? He’s making it home in like 10, knuckles gripping the wheel and all as he thinks about rushing home to you and your body.
He doesn’t even greet you when he comes in the house. Immediately opting to connect his lips to yours to initiate the long night between you two that’s going to unfold.
“My poor baby. I’ve been so neglectful to you lately, haven’t I? I’m sorry, I’m going to make it up to you so good tonight. Lay back and let me take care of you tonight.” And take care of you is exactly what he does.
You could text Toji for hours on end, tell him your house got burned down and you now live in Bikini Bottom with Sponge-bob, and he still wouldn’t budge. He doesn’t even have to be out doing a job, if he doesn’t see it as urgent urgent then he’s getting back to you in like 2-3 business days minimum.
Let you send him a text that’s like “Currently in bed thinking about you with my hand between my thighs because I haven’t seen you all day.” And all of a sudden his fingers are moving fast like lightening as he texts you back. 
Most likely going to respond with something like “I’ll show you mins if you show me yours” Because that man is a menace that should be locked up. You don’t even have to send one for real though because three minutes later your phone is pinging with a dick pic from him; two bottles resting on dick just to show how big it is because he’s a show off. Might even send you a video of him moving it without his hands in return for some soapy titty pics.
Nudes of you make him go absolutely feral and has him in the bed huffing and puffing as he uses his hands to recreate the feeling of you, but you would never know that because he responds with shit like “So sexy looking”
He’s kinda ass at sexting lowkey.
He’s not too big on dirty talk while sexting, pictures and videos say everything that he needs to, but guarantee that he brings it up once the two of you are finally able to meet up in person. “So you said you were going to do what now to me?” “Sre we going to do what we talked about in those messages or whatr?” Of course, he holds you to your word and the two of you indeed do what you said over text. 
You already knew what the night was going to be like as soon as you got that “U up?” Text from Gojo. Not only was it almost 1 in the morning, but the two of you hadn’t seen each other physically in almost a month and you could just hear the desperation in his voice from when he had called you earlier talking about how much he missed you; him being in front of others being the only thing stopping him from going into great detail about what exactly he missed.
You didn’t even need to reply to him. The fact that you had read it was enough confirmation for him and minutes later you were getting sent a video with his dick as his thumbnail, just out and erect with his hand at the base of it and some lubricant covering it to make it look shiny and presentable.
“Fuck, y/n. You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about you bouncing up and down on my cock all month long. I need you so bad right now.” The sweet moans of your name leaving his mouth and the bucking of his hips into his hands once you pressed play on the video were enough to get you in the mood as well. Quickly you’re stripping your clothes off and sending him videos of you in all types of angles, but that’s not enough for him.
Next thing you know he’s facetiming you and the two of you are on the phone having a mutual masturbation session. The sight of each of you two getting off to each other getting off was enough to make both of you cum more than once. It takes him going completely soft and finally getting all that pent up sexual tension out of him to finally hang up.
Someone get this woman an only fans account because the horny content she sends you should not be free. When I say this woman puts work into the videos and pictures she sends to you, I mean it.
I’m talking a ring light set up to make her angles look appeasing, special lingerie just for pictures to take to send to you, and a phone with amazing quality. She goes all out for you like a professional because she wants you to use them more than once, she wants to make some quality spank bank material for you so you wont even think about going on twitter again when you’re horny.
Tell me shouldn’t have a very popular OnlyFans. You can’t cause you’d be lying to yourself.
She’s such a big tease. She’d send you a picture of her titties all oiled up in a bikini that’s barely covering anything but her nipples along with a text message that’s like “They miss you );” .....While you’re at work because she’s just such a tease like that.
Glances inside of her underwear, boomerangs of her shaking her ass for you, and quick glimpses of her nipple; anything but giving you the real thing. Her whole objective with nudes is to make you want her more and show you what you’re missing out on by not being with her in the moment.
It’s not until you’re sending pictures and videos of yourself begging you to help her out that she finally does and it’s still not with pictures or videos in return ! Instead, she’ll text you through your orgasm in vivid description of what she wants to do to you and bring up past sexual experiences like, “Remember that time when we I picked you up from work and we couldn’t wait until we went home so we fucked right there in the backseat of the car?”
Big on helping you visualize things, so honestly you don’t even need her to go all out.
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mistical52 · 2 years
Travel with Your Regrets - Chapter 3
TUE Vlad goes for a trip back in time.
Chapter 1 (on Tumblr)
Chapter 2 (on Tumblr)
Also on Ao3
Also on FF.Net
Vlad rushed around and made a few preparations for Saturday’s lunch, namely checking how much food he had. His fridge, as usual, was stocked. Vlad looked at what he had and started creating a mental list of what food he could make for the lunch. Vlad wrote himself a note and left it on the bench for later while he waited for the kettle to boil. Once he had a new cup of tea and a sandwich Vlad grabbed the new ghost shield and phased up into his office. He still had so much work to do. He had reports to read before a video conference in an hour, then more reports to read before he had another video conference a few hours after that.
It was ten minutes until Vlad’s second conference started, and an hour after school had ended for the day when the doors to his office were kicked open. 
“I hope you’re going to pay for that,” said Vlad without looking up from his reports. 
“I know you’re up to something Vlad,” exclaimed Phantom. 
Vlad hummed and continued to read the report, he was almost finished. 
Danny stomped up to Vlad’s large oak desk and slammed his hands down onto it, hard enough to rattle the very heavy, very solid desk, “Skulker said he was hired to keep ghosts out of Amity Park. You’re the only one I know who hires Skulker.” 
Vlad knew that it wouldn’t be kept a secret for long, Skulker was far from the best at keeping things discreet. Vlad looked up coolly from his papers, “Yes I did hire him.”
“Why? What do you have planned?” demanded Danny, “What are you up to?”
Vlad lent back in his chair and gestured to the desk covered in paper, that was now out of its neat piles thanks to Danny’s need to slam the desk, “Work. You think I am doing this for fun?” 
“You always have a plan, you’re always scheming something, tell me what are you doing!” yelled Danny. 
Vlad’s breath caught for a fraction of a second and for a moment he saw burning red eyes and flaming white hair. 
“Not everything is about you Daniel,” retorted Vlad with a scowl as he sat forward once again. 
“Yeah you’re right, it’s also about flirting with my mom,” snarked Danny. 
Vlad winced. That, unfortunately, used to be true. 
Vlad sighed, “I have a company to run, and if my company is getting destroyed while I am in town it is a bad look. Not to mention it involves so much more paperwork.” 
Danny scoffed and folded his arms, “So you’re what, just trying to run your business?” 
Vlad laced his fingers together on the desk, “Believe it or not I am. I am very busy this week, I have a job that needs to be done. Don’t you have school or something that can keep you occupied while I am sorting out this logistical nightmare?” 
“Making sure you’re not about to hurt someone is more important,” replied Danny firmly. 
“How very noble, but I will not be hurting anyone until I can get this done, and that will take until the end of the week at least. I’ll likely still be finalising things next Monday,” said Vlad lacing in a hint of anger. 
Danny scowled at him, “You’re up to something.” 
Vlad sighed a heavy weary sigh, “Little Badger, just take the temporary truce, I don’t have the time or the patience to deal with you and your nonsense right now,” Vlad looked at his watch, “I have a video conference in five minutes and I still need to finish this report, so if you are going to fight let’s take it outside and make it quick.” 
“So you’re not going to hurt anyone, or try and flirt with my mom?” asked Danny tentatively. 
“I assure you I am very occupied by the task at hand. I don’t have time for that, nor do I have plans to do so until this problem is resolved.” 
Danny narrowed his eye, “Fine, but if I see anything suspicious from you or your company I will come back and beat your ass.” 
“You can try young Daniel,” said Vlad with a sly grin. 
“You won’t be so confident when I wipe that smirk off your face,” said Danny just before he phased out of Vlad’s office. 
Vlad looked at his watch. Three minutes to finish reading the report. 
On Thursday around mid day Vlad got his office doors fixed. Early afternoon Vlad finally got the lab report with the stabilising compounds for the secret sauce. The rest of the day was spent making a plan to safely remove the sauce and ordering the necessary compounds to be delivered to every Nasty Burger branch. 
The removal of the sauce would take place on Friday. That was far too close to the date for comfort, but Vlad knew the compounds and even had them in his own lab. If necessary he could neutralise and remove the sauce himself. However, Vlad would wait to see if his company could do it correctly first. 
On Friday Vlad had a duplicate complete his office work while Vlad went to observe the removal of the sauce. He also had a duplicate observing Jack and Maddie the best it could from outside the Fenton’s home. Vlad had never cursed the ghost shield so much as he did now that he wanted to watch his friends and make sure they were safe. Vlad would have sent a duplicate to the school too, but Danny would detect him and that was not something Vlad wanted. The duplicate at the Fenton home was also keeping enough of a distance that Danny wouldn’t be able to detect it when he was home. Vlad really needed to bug the Fenton house the next time he entered it. 
Like a guardian ghost, Vlad watched over the workers as they added the stabilising compounds and then drained the vat of sauce. All while a bomb squad was on standby. Vlad knew that even with him running intervention this would make the news by next week. There was very little he could do about it when it was required to have a bomb squad present. Vlad had tried to argue against them, but the health, as well as the safety inspectors, insisted they had to be there. People were bound to talk about something like this. Vlad could only try his best to ensure that his company wasn’t publicly named as the new owner. In fact, his duplicate was shelling out hush money at the moment to ensure that at the very least VladCo wasn’t named. 
It was a slow process, but it was being done during school hours. Vlad could only hope they finished before school was out. He didn’t want the chance that Danny and his friends could be nearby while there was still the possibility of danger. Even if the sauce was supposed to be stable now, the thought still made Vlad anxious. Vlad wouldn’t be able to rest properly until it was Sunday. He needed to make sure that fate wouldn’t screw him over again. 
Fortunately, the sauce was removed safely and taken away to be properly disposed of. Vlad followed the truck till it was well out of Amity Park. He left another duplicate to watch over the worker's pack up and to ensure that they locked up the Nasty Burger correctly. 
Everything was completed just before school was over. Which did ease Vlad’s stress levels just a bit. But it brought them up higher for tomorrow. Vlad needed Saturday to go well. If it didn’t, Vlad didn’t know if he could take it a second time. However, he would not allow young Daniel to fall into darkness like the first time. Vlad hoped for the best but was preparing for the worst. 
The day arrived. Saturday. The one Saturday Vlad had never wanted to relive. Now he was, but this time he had changed things. Vlad rose before the sun did. He didn’t sleep much last night. 
Vlad immediately sent a duplicate out to keep an eye on the Fenton house. It would stay and keep an eye on Jazz for the entire day. But it was also keeping an eye on everyone until Danny left, and Jack and Maddie arrived at his home. Until his friends arrived Vlad cooked. He tried to keep his mind off how wrong everything could go and just tried to plan the best lunch he could. 
Vlad was deep in piles of food when the doorbell rang. Vlad froze and looked over the platters and platters of food. Did he make too much? Vlad knew that he could eat quite a large amount if he wanted to, and last he checked Jack could eat almost half his weight in food if he wanted. Vlad phased out of his apron, washed his hands, and put on his suit jacket before heading to the door. 
With a deep calming breath Vlad opened the door. 
Jack beamed at him as soon as he saw Vlad and Maddie gave a polite smile. 
“Come in,” said Vlad, stepping aside so Maddie and Jack could enter. 
They were in regular clothes for once, which took Vlad by surprise. Jack was in jeans and a nice button-up while Maddie wore slacks and a simple blouse. 
Jack stepped in and scooped Vlad up into a crushing hug, “V-man you’re looking so much better!” 
Vlad tensed at the sudden contact but let himself relax into the crushing grip. It wasn’t like he needed to breathe much anyway. 
“Good to see you again Jack.”
Jack put Vlad down as Maddie stepped inside and closed the door. 
“I’m sorry that wasn’t too tight was it?” asked Jack looking a little worried. 
Vlad gave his friend a small smile as he straightened up his suit, “I’m hardly fragile Jack.”
Jack grinned back at Vlad. 
Honestly, that hug probably would have crushed any normal human. But Vlad was not a normal human, and it had been so long since anyone had hugged Vlad. Any hugs, even rib crushing ones were welcome. 
Vlad turned to Maddie, “It’s wonderful to see you again Maddie. Thank you for accepting my invitation.” 
“Thank you for inviting us,” replied Maddie with a put-on smile. 
Vlad’s heart sank just a little seeing Maddie’s false smile, but he didn’t show it, “This way, there’s no need for formalities, we can start eating right away.” 
“We brought some wine,” said Maddie, holding out a bottle of nice red wine. It wasn’t the wine Vlad preferred, but it would go well enough with any food he had prepared. 
They had a good lunch and chatted about what was currently happening in their lives, occasionally reminiscing about their college time. It was overall just a pleasant time. Jack ate most of the food, and Vlad ate a good portion himself while Maddie ate a far more human portion. Maddie and Vlad had a couple of glasses of wine each, while Jack insisted that he was driving and wouldn’t be having any. 
“That was a lovely lunch Vlad, thank you for inviting us,” started Maddie looking like she was about to stand. 
Vlad beat her to it, quickly standing, “Wait,” he didn’t want them to leave, “If you can spare any longer to stay I have something fun we could all do.” 
Vlad clearly had Jack’s attention as he perked up and was grinning, 
Maddie raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, “What is this ‘something fun’?”
“I can get it and show you?” asked Vlad with the slightest smirk as he looked between Maddie and Jack. 
Jack looked pleadingly at his wife and it only took a moment for Maddie to say, “We’ll see what it is.”   
Vlad quickly exited the room. It didn’t take long for him to reappear. He held up his prizes with a smirk. 
Maddie gasped and Jack’s eyes widened in delight. 
“Vladamir Masters, is that a VCR player?” asked Maddie. 
Vlad’s smirk turned into a grin of a cat who got the canary, “Why yes Maddiline Fenton it is. Along with the tapes of Ghostbusters, and Ghostbusters two.” 
“It’d be like the good old days! I remember seeing Ghostbusters for the first time. We all went for a night showing in college. It was a great day!” said Jack enthusiastically. 
Maddie looked between Jack, Vlad and the movies, then she looked down at her watch, “Well I suppose we don’t actually have anything we need to do today and Danny and Jazz are both responsible enough.” 
“Then shall I get it set up?” asked Vlad with a warm smile. 
“Yes!” said Maddie with a light laugh. 
“There’s some sweet and savoury food in the kitchen if you want snacks,” called Vlad over his shoulder as he moved into the living room.  
When Maddie and Jack walked into the living room Vlad had his suit jacket slung over the back of the sofa and his shirt sleeves rolled up while he was finishing up plugging in the VCR player. 
Jack dumped the food they had taken from the kitchen on the coffee table while Maddie placed a tray of drinks, with a large jug of water and three glasses already filled. 
Jack looked at the huge TV screen then down to the VCR Vlad was hooking up, “V-Man why do you have a VCR when you have all this other top, state of the art technology?” 
Vlad shrugged as he grabbed the remotes, “It’s nostalgic. You really feel like you’re in a cinema in the eighties when you have a large TV and an old VCR player.”
Vlad took a step back and turned on the VCR and the TV. The screen blinked to life and the licencing started playing.  
Jack looked overjoyed and Maddie had a brow raised looking somewhat impressed. 
“I see what you mean, it does feel like our own private cinema,” commented Maddie.  
Vlad grinned back at her, it wasn’t an unkind grin, but rather it was closer to how he smiled in college. Back when things were simpler. 
“Are we ready to watch the movie?”  asked Vlad. 
“I need to use the restroom first,” said Maddie. 
“It’s down the hall to the left,” said Vlad, pausing the movie before it could automatically start. 
“Thank you, I’ll be back shortly,” said Maddie leaving the room. 
Jack sat down in the centre of the sofa, his eyes eagerly on the screen. Vlad sat down on the right side of the sofa and only had a moment to lean back before Jack grabbed him around the shoulders and hulled Vlad right up to himself in a one-armed hug. Vlad was surprised by the contact and just let Jack manhandle him. 
“We’ve watched Ghostbusters a few times, mainly with the kids, but it’s just not the same without your comments on the technology,” said Jack with a wide smile.
“Well, their technology is hardly realistic. With the power that their packs would use they’d have to be powered by ectoplasm or the pack would have to be taken up almost entirely by the power source, that’s not even touching on the components they need to create a consistent beam like that,” said Vlad starting an old rant. 
Jack snickered, “Oh I know. I remember you and Maddie arguing about it on the way to the dorms.” 
Vlad straightened his posture, “She thought that if they used the right converters then it would be plausible. But that would cause so many other complications.” 
“It would be possible now,” countered Jack. 
“Yes, but for the technology of the time, it wouldn’t work. Parts have become more efficient and smaller over the years, which you would hope. But it still doesn’t change the fact that it would have been impossible for the technology of that time,” added Vlad slowly relaxing into Jack’s warmth as he continued to rant.  
“I should try making their packs sometime. It would be a fun experiment, and if I could get it to work it would be very effective in catching ghosts!” said Jack with enthusiasm. 
Vlad snorted, “My dear Jack, please don’t set your sights so low. You can do so much better than Ghostbuster technology.”  
“What about Ghostbuster technology?” asked Maddie as she walked back into the room. 
Vlad leant back to meet Maddie’s gaze from behind Jack’s head, “Jack wants to recreate the Ghostbuster packs.” 
“Oh honey, you can do better,” said Maddie. 
“I thought you liked the packs. You always said they were possible to create,” said Jack looking surprised. 
“I said it was possible to make them, I didn’t say they would be good,” responded Maddie with a smile.  
Jack was pouting now, “It would still be fun to make them.” 
Maddie sat on Jack’s other side, “How about we improve upon them instead.” 
“If you’re making the packs I want to join in,” announced Vlad. 
“Then I suppose it’ll be a collaborative effort,” said Maddie. 
Jack wrapped an arm around Maddie and then squeezed both Vlad and Maddie in a tight hug, “The old gang is back at it again!” 
“Speak for yourself, I look fantastic for my age. I’m hardly old,” sniffed Vlad, holding his chin up high. 
“Of course you do, Vladdie!” agreed Jack. 
Maddie gave an amused snort. 
Vlad instantly shot her a sharp glare over Jack’s chest, “Do you have something to say, Madeline?” his tone sounded half serious, half playful. 
Maddie was softly laughing, but waved him off, “Just play the movie.” 
Vlad and Jack looked at each other and shared a smile, “I don’t know, I think I want to hear what you have to say.”
“Yeah Mads, you got something to say?” said Jack as he gently shook her around. 
Maddie gave in with a smile curling at her lips, “Fine, fine,” started Maddie, “We're hardly in our twenties anymore. But your confidence in your appearance is entertaining Vlad,” Maddie finished with a smile. 
Vlad smirked, “Why thank you Maddie. I know I look fabulous,” 
A large hand came down on top of Vlad’s head and ruffled his neatly tied hair, “Do you still look fabulous now Mr Masters?” asked Jack with a large grin. 
“Jack!” Vlad cried and battered Jack’s large hand away from his now messy hair, feeling very much like a pet cat. 
Jack and Maddie laughed while Vlad tried to flatten his hair. It was no use. 
“Now I’ll need to tie it again,” said Vlad exasperated. 
Vlad pulled his hair tie out and tried to comb it with his fingers. He glared at Jack through his hair, but it held no venom. Jack’s grin was a cheeky one and Maddie was quietly laughing as she looked at Vlad over Jack’s shoulder. 
Vlad just sighed and let his hair be. 
They got to the first Ghostbusters movie eventually. 
They finished the first movie and Vlad put the second in the player then paused it while Jack went to the bathroom
Vlad settled back into his spot on the sofa and leant back, draping his elbow over the back of the sofa. His hand came to rest about halfway between himself and Maddie. Vlad let out a soft breath and smiled at the ceiling, just revelling in Maddie’s presence and the impression of warmth Jack left behind on the sofa. 
“Vlad,” started Maddie. 
Vlad glanced over at her, not bothering to move. She looked serious. She wasn’t going to try and talk more about the ‘ghost’ that attacked him, was she? Maddie agreed not to. 
“What are your intentions?” 
Vlad blinked, “What?”
“You’ve been acting very differently since you came back, and don’t deny it, you haven’t been this kind to Jack since college,” said Maddie, “You’ve changed your attitude towards me too. So I’ll ask again, what are your intentions?”
Vlad was caught so off guard, “I-” Vlad sighed and turned to face Maddie better, “I just want,” he couldn’t lie his way out of this one, not if he wanted to keep seeing his friends. Vlad looked away, he couldn’t look Maddie in the eye for this, “I just want the one thing money could never buy, not in any way that mattered. I want a family.” 
Vlad could see Maddie scowling out of the corner of his eye. 
“And what is the family you want?” asked Maddie with an edge to her voice. 
Vlad closed his eyes and just let himself imagine, let himself truly think about what he wanted other than for the Fenton’s to live. 
“I just want any scrap I can have.” 
Vlad still had his eyes closed, so he couldn’t see Maddie’s reaction, but he heard her shift position on the sofa. 
“I missed you both so much,” said Vlad quietly, so quiet it was barely more than a whisper. 
Vlad heard Maddie let out a sigh, “I want to ask, but I agreed not to. So, Vlad, whenever you’re ready we’re here.” 
Vlad opened his eyes and looked at Maddie, she looked so sincere, “Thank you, Maddie.” 
Maddie studied Vlad’s face for a bit before she spoke again, “Jack and I, we’re your friends, Vlad. Don’t forget that. We never stopped being your friends.” 
Vlad felt a jolt in his heart and tried desperately not to let it show, “I- I’ll remember that.” 
“Did I miss anything?” asked Jack as he walked back into the living room. 
“I was just reminding Vlad that we’ve always been his friends,” explained Maddie keeping her eyes on Vlad. 
Jack dropped between the two of them and pulled them both back in for a hug, “Of course we have, why would we ever stop?” said Jack with a chuckle. 
Because I tried to kill you, was on the tip of Vlad’s tongue. Because I wanted you dead and wanted Maddie for myself. Because I hated you for your part in the accident. Because I hated that you had everything I ever wanted while I was alone. Because I hated how both you and Maddie were happy without me. 
Vlad’s thoughts were spinning for a bit before he pushed them aside enough to pay attention to the movie. But paying attention to the movie grew harder and harder. Vlad was very comfortable wrapped in Jack’s hug and Vlad had hardly slept this week. Vlad’s eyes kept slipping shut, and eventually, they stayed shut. 
Vlad woke up with a twinge in his neck. He fell asleep on the sofa again. Vlad groaned softly as he sat up and pushed the sofa blanket off himself. The coffee table was clean and bare. Vlad froze. Jack and Maddie had been here, hadn't they? But where were they? Where were the snacks and drinks they had? Vlad frantically scanned the room from his sitting position. Nothing gave any indication that the pair had been in the room. The VCR player was still plugged in, but Vlad often used it to watch old romance movies. Did he fall asleep watching one? Did Jack and Maddie not come? Did he just dream it? 
Vlad's breaths were quick and shallow as he curled up on the sofa and dug his nails into his scalp. 
Of course, it was just a dream. Of course, it was a stupid, stupid dream. Of course, he couldn't have any new memories without jealousy bittering it. They deserved better than to have his foolish self around. Why couldn't he have just enjoyed what he had before? He made it all about revenge, and now all he was left with was regret. 
Vlad curled up tighter and dug his nails in harder. No one was here. He was alone. Like always. 
Someone touched Vlad's shoulder and on instinct, Vlad's fangs lengthened slightly and he flinched so hard he almost flew off the sofa. Vlad spun around to see Jack behind him and Maddie in the doorway. 
“Vlad. is everything alright?” asked Jack quietly. It was surprising how soft Jack spoke. 
Vlad’s fangs returned to their human length before he spoke, “I’m fine,” said Vlad, running a hand through his hair and pushing it back while he sat up straighter on the sofa, “I thought you had both already left,” Vlad tried to go for dismissive. 
Jack didn’t look convinced with Vlad saying he was fine, “Vlad, if you want to talk to us you can.” 
“There is nothing to talk about,” said Vlad, standing up smoothly and just catching the glance Jack and Maddie shared. 
Vlad saw the glance and a wave of longing flooded through his chest. He wanted to be so close to someone that you could share what you were thinking with just a look. Vlad took a discrete breath, he would never have that. He was here to protect the Fentons. He would never get what they had. 
“Vlad-” started Maddie. 
“Maddie, please you agreed not to.” 
Jack looked back at Maddie, “What did you agree to?”
Maddie sighed, “To not ask Vlad about the things he doesn’t want to talk about. Like the ghost that attacked him.” 
"Ah. Ok, then Vlad. But if you ever want to talk to someone, we're here," said Jack, gently placing his hand on Vlad's shoulder. 
"It might be best if you get some sleep, Vlad. We need to head home, it's late. But we'll see you again soon," said Maddie.
"Yeah!" exclaimed Jack, "We need to remake the Ghostbuster packs!"
Vlad smiled, but it was a pitiful thing. He didn't want them to go, but Vlad knew he couldn't keep them here forever, no matter how much he longed to. 
With a jolt, Vlad remembered which day it was. Quickly Vlad checked the time. 
It was past sunset, by an hour. 
He did it?
He did it!
His friends were still alive!
But the day wasn't over yet. Things could still go sideways. Vlad's task was not yet complete. 
"Right, well I suppose I better let you go. Thank you for coming, it was a lovely time," said Vlad walking them to the door. 
"See you around Vlad. Call us about your availability and we can figure out when to start on the Ghostbuster pack," Jack beamed as he gave Vlad a small hug before stepping outside. 
Maddie gave Vlad a soft smile as she stepped outside, "Hopefully we'll see you soon Vlad. Today was very nice. Thank you for inviting us." 
"It was my pleasure."
Maddie and Jack drove away back home and Vlad closed the door before transforming and following them. He was going to make sure the Fentons were fine. Vlad wouldn’t go home until it was Sunday. It might be pointless to watch them from a distance since Vlad couldn’t get close to the house without alerting Danny, but that wouldn’t stop Vlad. He would keep them safe. 
Vlad met up with his duplicate watching the Fentons’ house and sent him to keep an eye on the Mason and Foley children. Vlad sat down on a roof invisible. He wouldn’t be moving until the sun rose if things went well. 
In the Fenton lab, Jack and Maddie sat quietly looking at each other. When they got home from Vlad's house they both went straight to the lab after they checked on the kids. They'd been sitting in silence for the last few minutes. 
"We need to do something about the ghost that took Vlad. Whatever it did to him, it was bad," said Maddie, finally breaking the silence. 
"Then we start searching, and making better weapons," replied Jack, "The ghost that took Vlad is clearly the worst one out there. Even worse than that Phantom!"
"We have to be careful. It's smart. It stole some of Vlad's technology so we don't know what it's capable of, or even what it looks like. And we won't know till Vlad tells us." 
Jack nodded, "We can keep an eye on him when we're building the Ghostbuster packs," said Jack. 
Maddie's hands balled into fists, grabbing at the fabric of her slacks, "That'll be only some of the time."
Jack stepped over and engulfed Maddie in a warm hug, "I know," he said quietly, "I'm worried about him too." 
"The face he made today Jack, that was the same face he made the other day. He almost cried, Jack. Vlad hardly ever cries in front of us, and certainly not since we got back in touch with him."
"He's better with hugs," whispered Jack. 
Maddie frowned and looked at her husband, "What do you mean?"
"He never told me he was uncomfortable before. But since he got back, he's smiled more when I hugged him and seems more, relaxed when I give them. He's better with them. He was like this back in college. He wasn’t like that at the reunion. Or other times since then."
"He walked out of the house with the ghost shield on right?" asked Maddie. 
"Yeah he did," replied Jack. 
"Then he's definitely not a ghost," said Maddie, "We need to find the ghost that hurt him. Whatever happened, it changed him. I need to know what that ghost did to him."
"We will. We'll find it and make it pay," reassured Jack as he hugged Maddie tighter.
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