#1/48 scale
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year ago
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Saber - 1/48 Scale by Aurora Model
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eveningdreams8 · 10 months ago
I always plan to take lots of progress photos but then I don't (;´-`)
the 1st floor LOOKS mostly done but will need to do lots of interior work before I can do the next floor. Up to and including plans for passing the wiring from the upper floors down.
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(Second floor is actually not glued on I just checking the fit)
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eltristanexplicitcontent · 5 months ago
Hetch Hetchy Railroad in Black & White On30 Layout Tour with Steve Redeker
This guy is justifiably proud of his man cave. Historic b&w photos of Hetch Hetchy -- as beautiful scenery as Yosemite -- and he's built the model railroad in black and white with just a little "color pop" for contrast. It looks good! And he's quite an interesting explainer.
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The real railroad ran from the Gold Country between Jamestown and Oakdale up along the Tuolumne River and up and over Poopenaut Pass to the Hetch Hetchy damsite, since it was that dam railroad. So perfect combining historical pictures with the b&w models -- this might be one of the the nicest On30 model railroads!
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hobbystationerytagimi · 1 year ago
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プラム / PLUMPMOA 5inM 1/48 X-4+C(PDF-C701) 装甲強襲歩兵 POWERDoLLS2 入荷しました!
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triangleofdog · 2 years ago
4am painting session...
1/35 scale Tamiya ww2 infantry with BAR , laying down the base colours
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And an interesting 1/48 scale 3D printed, all in one, pair of German soldiers
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Fiddly in sections, and quite delicate parts, like the rifle slings...
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thestonecuttersguild · 7 months ago
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Finished stuff Friday!
At Airventure this year, they had all of these tables full of vintage model kits! Oh my, my jaw hit the floor. I picked up this Tamiya Mustang, an Accurate P-51, a Monogram F-8, and two Bearcat kits.
I'd bought this Tamiya RAF Mustang before, but I built it as a Tuskegee mount instead, since I had decals for it. Since this was an original boxing (1996) the decals were in pretty bad shape, and a few of them crumbled as I was applying. Luckily, I have a spare decal sheet for this kit, though the one I have must be a later boxing, because it isn't exactly the same. That one has all of the meatballs seperate from the roundels.
Anyhow, loved the vintage kits, the Tamiya P-51 is a perfect kit, hard to screw this one up. Painted mostly with Tamiya rattle spray, except for the yellow leading edges, the white nose, and the fuselage bamd which were brushed.
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calkale · 1 year ago
18, 19, and 30 for the Top Gun askgame! :)
18. scene that makes you emotional?
answered here
19. unpopular opinion?
oh I have so many lmao but ill keep it tame for now and just say im not a big bob enjoyer, I get why people love him but hes just not a character im drawn to at all, all respect to the bob enjoyers tho he is cute and I love the dynamic he and phoenix have
30. do you own any merch?
I do! most of the stuff I have was gifted to me because planes are like my one interest but I have a half built 😬 model of mavs f18, the movie box set, some dog tags, and three? shirts
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zealouselement · 2 years ago
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It's so much bigger than I thought it was gonna be! The booklet is massive and this is gonna be a month or two of a project once I get to it. Box cutter is for scale.
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year ago
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Medusa - 1/48 Scale by Aurora Model
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sodastupidity · 1 year ago
Tamiya 1/48 Spitfire Mk.I, modified into Mk.II P8088 “Borough of Lambeth”
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Decals are from Airfix. Brush painted and weathered with a pencil.
Despite being an older kit (first tooled up in 1993!), it holds up extremely well! Good detail and part fits with minimal gaps. Honestly my best work so far, also managed to make the door interchangeable between the “closed” and “open” position.
Score: 10/10, would recommend
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eltristanexplicitcontent · 2 years ago
O-scale EM-1 on "Cosmetic Curve" by Tad Daito in Japan 1/48 scale.   Long train. 
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thecraftingwell · 10 days ago
Japanese Roundels - Hinamaru
Scale Modelling Paint Masks for Japanese Roundels (Hinamaru) used on aircraft during WW2.
These are made from quality kabuki sheets and digitally cut.
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transtistic · 1 month ago
50 Lamb Questions
1. Does your lamb go by any name other than The Lamb? If so, what?
2. How old was your lamb when they were sacrificed?
3. How long was your lamb held captive by heretics before their sacrifice?
4. Did your lamb kill anyone prior to their first death? If so, who?
5. When your lamb mourns a dead loved one from their past.. who is it?
6. Who raised your lamb?
7. Where was your lamb raised? A village? A prison? Constantly on the run?
8. Did your lamb have any specific skills pre-sacrifice?
9. How or where was your lamb caught?
10. How did your lamb feel with their head on the pedestal? Afraid? Relieved? Angry?
11. Does your lamb have any notable or unique features?
12. How tall is your lamb?
13. Is your lamb petite? Curvy? Fucking jacked?
14. Is your lamb’s wool pure white?
15. How does your lamb prefer to keep their wool? Short and shorn neat? Wild and untrimmed? Be honest are there branches in that bitch?
16. Do you base your lamb on any specific species of sheep? If so, which?
17. Do they use their own wool for anything?
18. On a scale of one to ten how floppy are their ears?
19. Do they bear any traits of forced domestication? Is their tail docked? Was their ear tagged? Do they have scars from being shorn (and nicked) against their will? Were they ever painted with or assigned a number rather than a name?
20. What do their horns look like?
21. Was your lamb born male, female, intersex, or do you have no opinion on their sex at birth?
22. Does your lamb use pronouns other than they/them? If so, which ones!
23. Are they capable of having children and would they want to have children?
24. If they were to be a parent or are, what epithet would they have their child use? Mom? Mama? Dad? Baba? Nony? Abba?
25. Do they wear something other than the canon cloak?
26. Does your lamb wear jewelry or makeup?
27. Is your lamb flirtatious?
28. Did your lamb have any partners pre-sacrifice?
29. Did your lamb take any followers as a partner?
30. Who is your lamb’s second in command or closest follower?
31. Is your lamb ever honest about their feelings or past? With who?
32. Is your lamb merciful? Did they ever refuse to spare someone? If so, why?
33. Is your lamb trustworthy?
34. Is your lamb quick or slow to trust others?
35. If your lamb could pick a cult job other than leader what would it be?
36. Is your lamb a good cook?
37. Does your lamb let cult members cook or heal or do they restrict them from certain duties?
38. What is your lamb’s favorite food or dish?
39. Does your lamb eat meat/fish/eggs?
40. What is your lamb’s stance on cannibalism?
41. What about their stance on torture?
42. Would your lamb ever kill a cult member?
43. How does your lamb deal with dissenters?
44. What is your lamb’s favorite weapon? Their least favorite?
45. Would they ever let a follower embrace their dark desire to eat poop?
46. What is your lamb’s favorite season?
47. Is your lamb’s favorite color something other than red?
48. How does your lamb really feel about death?
49. Does your lamb use substances? Are substance banned from cult grounds?
50. Freebie! Tell us any headcanon you want!
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fibretwo · 3 months ago
˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ Cure Fasting Boredom ⋆⁺‧₊˚
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“Oh, I’m fasting, but I’m incredibly bored!!“ — so what I’m hearing is that you have nothing to do except eat? Or you eat when you’re bored..? Well, that needs to be fixed, but fear not, that will come with time. Keep fasting by the way, you’re doing great! So well in fact that I’ve actually compiled a list of things that you can do to keep yourself occupied!!
1. Make a playlist
2. Find some new music
3. Listen to music!
4. Take a shower
5. wash your hair
6. cut your hair?
7. dye your hair, even?
8. paint your nails
9. put on a perfume you barely wear
10. brush your teeth
11. put on some makeup
12. make a pinterest board of makeup looks and try them out!
13. wash your clothes
14. lay outfits on your bed and take photos/write them down
15. make some “for when i’m skinny outfits” and take photos/write them down
16. meditate
17. compile things that trigger you (YouTube Playlists, Pinterest boards, Screenshots of tumblr posts etc!!!)
18. Go for a walk
19. Walk to the supermarket and look at food (maybe i just like doing this)
20. walk to ur local train station and go to the mall OR!! walk to the mall (sorry if you live in buttfuck no where 😓)
21. journal!! prompts vvv
22. write down everything that’s keeping you going
23. write down all the things you want to eat when ur at ur ugw
24. write down your safe foods
25. write down your fear foods
26. write some triggers
27. write some thinspo quotes
28. reflect on yourself
29. get to know yourself
30. look at journalling prompts on pinterest
31. vent
32. brain dump
33. put lipstick on and cover a page in kisses
34. draw thinspo
35. draw an oc
36. try finding your art style if you don’t draw often
37. draw a scene you remember from your childhood
38. do a jigsaw puzzle
39. find a deck of cards and order them
40. study!!!
41. practice an instrument
42. look for jobs if your unemployed
43. go out with friends
44. talk to online friends
45. text ur irl friends
46. play minecraft
47. clean your room
48. de clutter draws & desks
49. make a thinspo board on pinterest
50. Make a pinterest board with all those facebook mom weight loss motivation quotes and things (they have a special place in my heart, okay?)
51. watch media that has characters w/ EDs in them. i recommend To The Bone (ofc), Skins (Cassie), Gossip Girls (Blair), Heathers (Heather Duke), Heartstopper (Charlie Spring)!!
52. find low calorie recipes
53. practice an instrument
54. contour your bones
55. write down rewards for when you reach another gw (eg, perfumes, new scales, new clothes, safe foods)
56. listen to some ED podcasts (i rlly like SciGuys Ep #201 and DRAMA MAMA Ep #32)
57. sometimes i watch swan liyah on YT
58. Make yourself some ice cold water
59. Fill up the ice cube tray (this is personal, i usually do this when i’m bored)
60. Commentary YouTubers 🙏
61. ED short films on YT
62. ED documentaries on YT
63. Quora ED stuff can be triggering too!!
64. Have a bath
65. De-clutter your phone
66. Get out there and reblog a whole bunch of stuff!
67. Duolingo
68. paint
69. haha 69… uh, read a book!
70. Stalk my ED Pinterest Account: https://pin.it/6IDHsH7jh
(it’s very cool i promise)
71. watch ED WIEIAD videos on youtube
72. look for different diets
73. watch cooking videos and save recipes for when your skinny
74. Make a playlist of workouts to try (reminder, you don’t have to work out when ur fasting<3)
75. write a letter to someone
76. practice your handwriting
77. Walk all the way to your local supermarket, get some gum and/or sugar free soda and walk back
78. hold a little fashion show for yourself
79. Listen to those songs you never got around to
80. Get into that artist you’ve never had time to get into
81. watch that show you’ve never started
82. Look into poetry
83. Write a poem
84. make a bookmark
85. draw one of your friends to give to them (no matter how poorly, it’s funnier when it’s bad)
86. Have a dance party, why tf not?
87. put beads on some of your shoelaces
88. Headphones up, eyes closed, laying on your bed blasting your favourite song. Just let yourself be surrounded by the music for a moment. It really helps your mood
89. Mess with spotify equalisers
90. Try some hairstyles out
91. straighten/curl your hair
92. watch a tim burton film
93. Watch a Studio Ghibili film (it helps to have an activity to do at the same time, like literally anything else on the list)
94. look at halloween costumes you can wear next halloween when your skinny
95. heal your inner child and watch a childhood show!!
96. sew something!
97. learn to sew? :)
98. make some jewellery
100. research a random topic (band backstories and mythology are my favourite!!!)
101. Look into the biology of a human digestive system (there’s a video of digestion we had to watch in school once that you can find on YT and it’s so gross and triggering)
102. look at mouldy pictures of food
103. watch time lapse videos of food decomposing
104. count loose change
105. burn your favourite candle because if not now the when?
will add more when i think of them! stay safe and do what feels right for you, don’t push yourself just stay disciplined
Take care <3
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thestonecuttersguild · 6 months ago
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Finished Stuff!
I've had this car door Typhoon in my stash for ages. I started working on this many months ago, but stalled when I got to painting, mostly because I didn't have any of the spray paint that I needed, nor could I justify the 30 bucks in pain that it would need. A couple of months ago, I built the RAF Mustang, and it would need the same paint as the Typhoon. I could justify $30 for two planes worth of paint.
Pretty straight forward and simple build. The only trouble spot is where the cockpit it. Hasegawa makes the cockpit interchangeable between the car door version and the bubble canopy version. There are some seams there that don't match with panel lines that need to be filled. Other than that, pretty basic.
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your-internet-bf · 9 months ago
NSFW asks cuz the other lists are too big or too boring, limit of 3
1. What's your biggest turn-off?
2. What's the largest age gap between you and a sexual partner?
3. Does size really matter?
4. Who was your worst sexual partner?
5. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
6. Where's the riskiest place you've done it?
7. Do you have any unusual fetishes?
8. Have you ever been caught in the act?
9. What do you like least and like most about your body?
10. What do you like least and like most about your personality?
11. What's the craziest thing you've done to attract someone's attention?
12. When's the last time you were flat-out rejected and how did you handle it?
13. What's your biggest sexual fear?
14. What's the most flirtatious thing you've ever done?
15. If one wish could come true right now, what would it be?
16. What's the strangest thing that ever turned you on?
17. How do you really feel about anal?
18. How far would you go to land the partner of your dreams?
19. Do you like when someone else makes the first move?
20. Best dating advice you've ever been given?
21. What's the best kiss you've ever had?
22. Do you prefer to give or to receive?
23. Most outrageous sex dream you've ever had?
24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is your sex drive?
25. What's a red flag for you in a relationship?
26. Who would you have fucked if you thought you two would never be caught?
27. Do you think a relationship can come back from cheating?
28. What's your favorite kind of kiss?
Have you ever...
29. Sent nudes to someone?
30. Had public sex?
31. Had phone sex?
32. Had a threesome?
33. Accidentally sent nudes to the wrong person?
34. Had a threesome?
35. Sexted while at work?
36. Fucked someone at work?
37. Watched porn with someone else?
38. What is something you wish people knew about sex?
39. What's your favorite way to show casual intimacy?
40. Do you prefer morning or evening sex?
41. What's the most challenging part about sex?
42. Ideally, how long does foreplay last?
43. Does the idea of recording porn with someone turn you on?
44. What's the last thing you came to?
45. Do you feel tired or energized after sex?
46. What's the hottest thing someone has ever said to you?
47. Do you like the scent of sweat?
48. What's the most memorable orgasm you've ever had?
49. Is fucking your CLONE incest or masturbation?
50. Ask me anything!
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