#1 everyone is trying to paint themselves in the best possible light
There's a lot of reddit refugees/AI bot accounts here and on other websites that are spreading AITA posts around, but not sharing the required-reading post that's necessary if you want to engage with that content without becoming a goblin
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ireneaesthetic · 1 year
• young royals : wilmon fanfic rec •
I've been reading a lot of yr fics lately and it's a daily habit of mine at this point, so i'll recommend some of my fav ones (i'm so bad at choosing and idk if i'll make this a part 1/2/3 thing or update it from time to time - let's see!!)
Completed : multi-chaptered
Summer of love • by @ungaroyals
summary: Through flashes to the past, follow the story of simon and wilhelm's summer of love as they reconnect years later, having moved on with their lives despite always wondering what could have been.
rating (plot, writing, characters): ☆☆☆☆☆/5
We left footprints when we passed by • by This_time_its_just_me
summary: It has been eight years since the video. Five years since hillerska. Three years since wilhelm disappeared from his life as quickly and as intensely as he had returned. Simon has done his best to move on from his past, but old ghosts are the hardest ones to exorcise.
rating (plot, writing, characters): ☆☆☆☆☆/5
The most beautiful boy • by lovelysarcastic
summary: When wilhelm first meets simon, he thinks he is the most beautiful boy he has ever seen. But simon is already in a relationship, so he does what anyone in his situation would do: try to get over his crush. What could possibly go wrong?
rating (plot, writing, characters): ☆☆☆☆/5
Right where you left me • by YourDemiurge | check the tags
summary: When crown prince wilhelm died at the early age of 18, he left three legacies behind: a video that he'd denied being in, a precautionary tale of young love and a statue outside an otherwise unknown public school.
rating (plot, writing, characters): ☆☆☆☆/5
Not if it's you • by @prince-simon
summary: A hallmark-esque christmas au in which simon is a nanny for the crown prince's son.
rating (plot, writing, characters): ☆☆☆☆/5
Letters to Romeo • by willeseas
summary: Wilhelm is romeo, a secretive entity that helps lovesick people in his hometown by answering their letters. Wille keeps himself at an arm-length distance from involving personally in the stories he's confided to, until a curly-haired boy crosses his way, and turns his world upside down from the very beginning.
rating (plot, writing, characters): ☆☆☆/5
In progress : multi-chaptered
This is everything • by paspeurpasseul | check the tags
summary: A childhood friends au where simon makes wille question everything. But their love is just as strong.
(special mention to Dark come soon also - and literally everything they write)
Obviously • by @grapehyasynth | check the tags
summary: Normal people au. In their final year of secondary school, simon and wille find themselves entering a potent, secret relationship that threatens to upend both their lives. It can't last, but neither can they stop being a part of each other's lives.
Heavy is the head • by @prncewilhelm
summary: At 8 years old, wilhelm and simon are inseparable. When simon abruptly stops showing up to play, wilhelm just wants his best friend back. At 16, wilhelm is sent to hillerska to find himself and instead finds simon—but simon wants nothing to do with him.
Doesn’t everyone belong in the arms of the sacred • by @alltoowille
summary: He painted and painted and painted and wille held him and watched, shared simon’s perspective, watched the whole thing happen, and simon felt like a fucking miracle worker, creating a world in front of both of their eyes, a world of color and light, saturated with gratitude and love and affection, a documentation of simon’s search for joy, his desire to grasp onto it, cling onto it, make it permanent.
Monotony blues • by @stardiveatnight | check the tags
summary: Over the years simon has learned that the best way to cope with the trauma that was his seventeenth year of life was telling himself two things over and over again: he was always meant to be miserable and wilhelm didn’t love him.
Get in loser, we’re going camping • by @piebingo
summary: Simon and wille go camping together, except they don’t know a thing about camping and Wille is madly in love with his best friend.
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
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'Revenge and Redemption
In the Name of Love'
Ayo, we are BACK! Also...it was probably obvious by how I painted everything, but yeah...Kyra isn't dead. Yet. 👀
Thanks to everyone who voted for the second book in the last week, I will try my best to not disappoint.
But, to balance out my other hobbies and the few hours of freetime I have, I probably won't post new chapters as quick as for the first book, depending on how easy the chapters write themselves. After all there is a new Star Wars game to play- (and I finally need to finish Fallen Order...)
Enough talk, here is the as always boring introduction chapter featuring a new side character!
Enjoy! :)
Word Count: approx. 3.650 Words
(Also, in case you haven't read the first book yet, here you can read from the beginning of it.)
You still felt the cracking and twisting of your neck, your spine being bent in ways that shouldn't be possible, even for you…and you remember the last words you heard before…before…
You died.
Or…at least you were pretty sure you were dead, as you slowly felt some light fall into the void you had been stuck motionless in for almost an eternity now, only your vast amounts of past mistakes and the same memories as always left for you to ponder over and over again as you were sure this was the end. The light had to be the afterlife, right?
You didn't want to leave Cal and BD like this…no, not yet…
This is too early…
But the light grew stronger, despite your protests and groveling.
Ever stronger. 
And now you were able to blink- wait, pause. You weren't able to blink in the void before, neither had you been able to move-
"Kyra?! She...she moved her hands! Quick!"
That voice…that's…that's-
"C-cal…" you groan, the name rolling from your tongue instinctively, the bright lights continuing to blind you as you regain full control over your eyelids – feeling the sleep crust stuck at your eyelashes – trying to adjust to the light…of this room. This wasn't death.
This is an infirmary.
"I'm here, Kyra, i'm here... I won't leave your side, never again!" Cal sat at your bed side, visibly exhausted with dark, sunked rings under his eyes and his hair not having seen a comb or brush for a good while now, holding onto your free right hand as his golden eyes filled with more than just worry, relief and joy. You never expected to see such emotions in these types of eyes…
These weren't just anyone's eyes though, those are Cal's eyes, no matter if they were still green or now golden and the slightest bit of red, they had never lost the warmth familiar to them. Of anything, they looked more emotional than before. He no longer had to hide his feelings from himself...
And the connection you two had…had it been tethered the whole time, had he been able to see and hear what you did? If yes, why couldn't you see his thoughts while…in a coma, you guessed?
Cal had just opened his mouth to respond when a woman dressed like a doctor nearly ran into the room, partially sliding to an abrupt stop as she looked into your eyes. Dressed like a doctor, probably is a doctor. Instead of continuing his own explanation, he can't help but chuckle lightly at your unfiltered thoughts about the woman that just came in, shaking his head in disbelief, "You don't know how glad I am that the fall didn't change you…"
Change you? Because you struck your head? Well, it's probably a very viable risk you had, you had read about amnesia and whole personalities changing after heavy head trauma-
"I came as soon as I heard your shout from the hall down, Eleventh Brother!" The older, quite energetic doctor rambled, staring at you in awe and odd wonder. Like a child seeing a Wookie for the first time.
Never seen a drago-…no…no, probably not.
"You can't believe how long I have waited for such a moment, ever after I read the old research pa-" "Dr. Puloria…" Cal, unfamiliarly cold, snaps her back to reality as her eyes widen from…fear? Or just Respect?
And did she just call him Eleventh Brother?
So, it's official…he really became an Inquisitor. But you knew that for longer now, finding out about his new "nickname" clearly just caught you off guard. You came with him knowing what would happen…and after all these things you saw on the Mantis, some too gruesome that even BD begged you to not watch any further? 
You're ready to join his side, fully and determined.
"Right, right, I am so sorry. We can continue about this when you're well rested and on the next routine check-up …okay. How do you feel, darling?" The doctor calmed herself down significantly after Cal called out her behavior, evidently needing to take a deep breath twice before she could return to a normal tone with you. What made you that interesting to her? In the end, you're just another girl in this wide-spread Galaxy. She did almost mention research papers when Cal…the Eleventh Brother…stopped her from rambling on any further. To be honest, it grabbed your attention more than it probably should right after waking up from a coma of unknown lenght.
You next realized how dried out your throat was at that moment, watching 'Dr. Puloria' look for a folder on the messy desk at the wall. Well, as good as you could look in your apparent condition, every rash and quick movement with your neck stung like a thousand microscopic vibro-blades and soon you just gave up trying to force the pain away, sticking to turning your head as slow as possible, but even that ended up being too exhausting.
Slumping back against the pillow, you feel Cal caress your unusually pale hand gently, like he could accidentally hurt you even more with the wrong touch. "Your neck took quite a hit…the Doctor said you're lucky to be naturally armored at so many parts of your body, as it saved you from getting paralyzed neck down." He laments, bringing attention to the offending and immensely obstructing object around your neck. You remember one of your assigned Clones once had to wear one of these, it stabilizes the wearer's neck until it can carry its own weight again without causing more damage or pain and the injury has healed.
Accepting your current fate, for now, you ask Cal if he could please find a glass of water for you, that your throat felt like you had swallowed a bucket of burning, coarse sand. Something he didn't even have to answer with a nod or words as he jumped to his feet and began looking for a glass and leaving the room, returning in under a minute.
"Here. Drink as many as you think you'll need, the Doctor prepared me for the moment you would hopefully wake up, so I know by now where most necessities should be..." 
So caring…and loving. You missed your Cal, missed his kind and understanding nature. Your perfect mate.
You were so…afraid, of losing this light forever. Your light, that became everything you needed and wanted in such a short and unexpected time. All because you met in the right circumstances and you were both in desperate for affection, something nobody cared for in either of you for way too long at that point. And now, for you, it's eternal. You just hoped you would never end up boring him…because you aren't his mate. Humans don't have just one mate by nature, they didn't get bound to one another like you did...
"You're overthinking again…you would never bore me, dragonfly…" And you missed your nickname, only ever used by him, rolling off his tongue.
From the corner of your vision, you saw Dr. Puloria listening along very clearly, at some points even forgetting to look more for the folder instead, which in turn called her out to you. She really was interested in…you, or it seemed like that to you at least.
"Cal, can I get another one, pretty please?" You ask sweetly, holding out your glass, the puppy eyes very much unnecessary as he had already gone to fetch you a fresh glass of water. He would do anything just to know you're not in any more unneeded pain.
This was the fourth now. But you were sure that one would then be enough for now, feeling your throat being hydrated once more, not the grizzly dryness from before. Now you were just extremely thirsty.
Just as quickly as the other three times, the completely dressed in black – and some red accents – Boy returned, his eyes kept trained on you the whole time, afraid you could fall back out of consciousness if he didn't for some reason. But you wouldn't go anywhere, you're staying right here with him, at his side and his warmth.
"I was so scared…I never felt so out of control in the air..." you didn't even plan to say that, it just…slipped out, Cal grimacing at your wounded words, "Me too, I thought- I mean…there, there was so much blood, Trilla said that you were a lost cause, but I just couldn't leave you to die…all, all alone, nobody at your side…not after the things you told me, about the things you witnessed yourself."
The image he had to have seen flooded your thoughts, something you weren't sure if he even knew he let you see through your connection. He was right, there was a lot of blood. So much purple on the sharp rocks that stopped your fall…and…oh- oh no…
Your seemingly lifeless body was forgotten by you as you saw something else lie close to you, broken limps scattered and sparks coming from the ripped cables and broken optics, was BD. He…he didn't make the fall. And you began to remember that he slipped from your weakened grasp at that moment. 
He trusted you, to keep him safe. He jumped for you…
And you couldn't keep even BD safe…
"BD…" you mumble, a stray tear on your scales wiped away by Cal as he realized with panic what you saw, first apologizing for forgetting how open the thoughts of yours were to each other if you didn't restrict them or similar. "He…I took him with me. I couldn't leave him either way, he had been my companion for this whole journey, he risked his memories for my stupid waste of a journey …"
You know exactly how it feels, to lose even the smallest size of a friend…it hurts no less than the other full sized ones. Maybe even more since they clearly were depending on you keeping them safe. It was your own failure that took your own former companion from you…just like with BD.
But BD…you saw a sliver of hope for him. Unlike with the little green blob you were grateful to have called your friend once upon a time, BD is fixable. His bones aren't unfixable, there was no blood to lose and no skin to tear.
Would you ever be able to scrub that image from your mind, or at least...learn to deal with the fact that it happened?
Just as Cal is about to ask you about the friend you meant, he is once again interrupted by the Doctor, a bitter pout wandering onto his expression as he sighs. 
Later, Cal, later…
"So, well, first of all, I should inform you of your current whereabouts. You're on Nur, the Moon of Mustafar. I hope to the dear makers you're not claustrophobic, because we are 90% underwater in this base." Nur…you remember the name, you once passed through the Mustafar System with a different Jedi Master you found trying to "hide" out. Quite insulting to your actual attempt trying to hide from the Empire when he was just two planets off of Coruscant, trying to drink himself into his own Coma.
You knew that man well from your former time at the Temple, sometimes having been the substitute for when your actual Master was needed by the Council for a meeting. You also knew he once had a Padawan of his own, one you never had the pleasure to meet…but to hear the various stories and adventures of the two. The good and the bad, all while his said former Master got wasted beyond the stars...
Master Tegra never let you meet the other Padawan as he was afraid of you getting rejected once more, like usual. He never told you out right, but it was so obvious it sometimes hurt more than the possible rejections from your peers. He didn't want you to get rejected left and right because it would lead to frustration. And frustration was an entrance path to getting on the wrong side of the force.
Worked out very well for you, old man…
You were long gone…how long? Maybe already before Cal lost his way, maybe on that or that planet a few years ago…but you never fully realized when you began to lose the balance Master Tegra taught you feverishly. Your course changed so subtly, not even you noticed until it was too late to really ever return...
The doctor continued reading the folder for you, pointing out some of the minor injuries that healed while you had been bound to the bed…for how long were you even unconscious? Days? Weeks?...Months?
"Okay, that list being done, let's continue to the two that still have to take their time to heal, the ones you have to be careful with to not worsen them once I release you from the Infirmary tomorrow." You would be getting released already tomorrow? That sounds too good to be true, you absolutely hated Doctors. Well, not the people. But having to go to their office…back in the Temple you remember clinging to door frames with all your four claws, sometimes even utilizing your fangs, your Clones trying in groups of five to tear you off the said frames because you were up for the monthly blood tests.
You were nearly fearless, but needles…oh nononono. Not needles. You didn't even know why you had that particular fear in the first place, as the needles they used didn't even hurt on your skin. Some weren't even strong enough to penetrate deep enough at your normal skin, it also being tougher than your average human's skin.
"First off, your neck injury. It was heavy blunt trauma, it shook your spine up a bit, to say it in layman's terms. But nothing some position correction couldn't fix. You're getting the neck brace taken off in two days by the way, as you're healing very well. I account that to your heightened immune system of your species." Right, a neck brace, that's what they were called…you already felt bad for the Clone back then, but wearing one yourself felt like a tiny prison, even drinking your karking water just now had been a struggle. 
"And secondly, the only thing you will need to be careful of for a while…your wing. I bonded the torn membrane with advanced bacta patches, to draw them together and let them heal and scar naturally."
She cut your wing…she took what made you who you are. She is the reason you're here today, stuck in an infirmary bed.
The reason you woul-
"Relax, Kyra, you'll be having all the time in the Galaxy to think about your revenge…but you need to get better first." You hated it when Cal was your only voice of reason – now not even BD was here anymore to encourage your chaotic thoughts, just for fun and to see what would happen – of all possibilities, it had to be the boy that chose the Empire of all places as your safest choice. 
"I heard that." "Good." You already back in the next breath, giving him the first snarky smile since a while now again before your attention went to the odd feeling behind you, something you noticed just now only.
It's gauze wrapped around your entire wing…how did they manage that and just how much gauze did they waste on that?
Did they really think some weirdly advanced bacta patch of all things the medical field had to karking offer, could fix your wing? Such injuries have crippled your ancestors for life, why would you be any different! 
You…you would never fly again, you would never be able to feel the breeze on your face and scales once more…
No more were you a proud drago-
"The gauze I will take off tomorrow morning, don't worry about that restricting feeling as of now, it is only there in case you thrash in your sleep or subconsciously tried stretching your wing in your unconscious state." That- That wasn't the problem…the problem was that something so important couldn't be just fixed by slapping a karking bacta patch on it, hoping it would magically heal like they did with every other wound…
Never could you take Cal…or BD, for flights again, all your worth your body had, cut apart like cheap paper, by your own Lightsaber…insult to injury.
"We can do nothing else but try, Kyra. And I trust Dr. Puloria. She is maybe a bit too energetic and a bit hectic sometimes, but she does great work!" At the 'energetic and hectic' part, the white haired woman pulls her eyebrows up in question before chuckling, "Yeah, I might need to drink a bit less Caf before my shifts. But you need to understand, it's really hard to stay awake without it in a job like mine. Doctors and Nurses need to be up almost 24/7, especially when your understaffed." That had also been a common problem at the Temple, but they let their patients feel their exhaustion…they were rude and rough with you, hoping to be done with you as soon as possible. 
And then people really had the audacity to wonder why you tried avoiding their offices as much as possible. Not only to not be forced to get treated like that as well, but also with a small thought in the back of your head: If they had at least one less patient…would it lift some of their work off their shoulders?
Your stomach suddenly intervened your thoughts, gurgling loudly in protest. It had to have been empty all this time, the…ugh…needle in the back of your hand – however they managed to penetrate through the scales of all possible places – probably part of some bag with a mineral and vitamin liquid to keep you from becoming too malnourished while you couldn't eat. Cal reacted the quickest at the foreign, strange noise, his unoccupied hand going to look and search through the pockets at the back of his uniform's pants. It proudly returned with a bar somewhat the length of his palm, wrapped in matt black plastic, which he immediately went to unwrap for you.
'Energy Bar - Imperial Ration #28907ENB' it simply read…minimal design, you liked that. 
At the sight of the small Energy Bar, the Doctor sighs in some distinct type of disappointment, "Eleventh Brother, an Energy Bar like that, basically nothing but sugar for said Energy, is not going to make her any less hungry…this is for training, so keep it for that. Eat that yourself, I will get her something different, more nutritious in the meantime…"
Makers, you hated Doctors and their sense of needing to be correct all the time sometimes.
Pouting, both of you, you wait for her to leave the darkly colored yet incredibly bright room. Then, Cal went to break the bar in half anyways. "Here, at least take a bit of it while she's out…" For an Energy Bar made for and probably by the Empire, it did look karking delicious. But that could also be just your stomach thinking and making decisions for you.
"Then you'll also get a culinary taste of what awaits you, I guess?" What awaits you in the first place? You didn't care in the end, you would be ready for anything if it is at his side again…you would've even continued suffering on the Mantis, if he had decided to stay.
"You know I eat absolutely everything." You return with the same tired and a bit loopy smile as before. The needle was feeding you more than just vitamins and minerals, definitely.
"Which speaks even more against Greez's cooking, not even you brought every meal down…"
While Greez wasn't exactly bad at cooking…he was definitely a niche chef, as you would call it. He had certain ingredients he was able to cook well with and others, oh well, they were a lost cause in his four hands…
Fortunately you no longer had to witness that daily disaster. "You want to eat your half yourself or can I…" "Yes, you can…you forgot that I can hear your thoughts too?"
He looked just a bit stunned before he shook his head sheepishly, coming closer to your already slightly open mouth with the Energy Bar. "Please don't bite my finger, I know you're hungry- Ow." 
Now you just had to do it, for the simple fact that he really thought you would eat his hand. But you bit him only very gently, his 'ow.' ending up to be more playful than anything else as he pulls the baked and glazed bar away again, "What did I just say? You're a bad girl."
A- a w-what...
The second attempt, you kept your sharp fangs to yourself and finally also ended up getting the food he promised you, chewing satisfied on the still slightly crunchy cereals and fruits it contained. It really tasted as good as it looked, maybe favorite snack worthy…
No, that was Cal-
"I heard that one too." "Ah good, I was worried for a moment it didn't reach you-" another snarky moment of yours was cut short when you felt his soft and as always needy lips on yours, a low moan growing in his throat as you melted back together. As surprising as this came right now, you waited for him to finally claim you once more.
You remember the final, burning feelings of regret as you fell back down to the planet, how you regretted not kissing Cal when you had found him again in the mountains after all these months, that you wished you had just gone with your guts and kissed him then and there.
That you would've just believed him and Trilla instead of having to investigate yourself, but anyone would've done the same thing after having been fed these lies by the Republic all their life…
Just as he deepened the kiss, becoming rougher with his lips, feeling his tongue ask for entrance and his hands starting to carefully as possible cradle your injured head, you both heard someone clear their throat. Dr. Puloria…
"She is supposed to eat food, not your face, Eleventh Brother. Same accounts for you." 
He jumps off of you instantly, face burning as bright red as your fire as his hands had been quite obviously been caught in the cookie jar. Was…was it still forbidden for you two? Did you still have to hide your relationships and feelings for each other?
Cal heard your thoughts perfectly, you knew that and still he kept his mouth shut this time as the Doctor placed a tablet with two plates onto a bed-table for you. "Usually I would have a Droid helping me with these tablets, but that stupid thing broke down two days a-" she stops rambling to mostly herself at this point when she realizes that neither of you two had really listened to her, eyes going from you to him and back to you.
"Right…The Eleventh Brother has been "vaguely" hinting at you two being…more than friends. And apparently no one has bothered to tell him in his three, nearly four, months here that relationships aren't forbidden. But it is kind of awkward running into two people just kissing…"
That does explain her odd reaction...
That also means though you're wrong with your earlier fearful assumption, you no longer have to hide your relationship…you can finally live your life, even if it meant being on the apparently bad side of this intergalactic war…
This was the moment Cal always talked about, wasn't it? About having to be selfish at some point for one's own happiness instead of constantly watching out for others. A teaching only oneself can learn, as no Jedi was taught that piece of advice. If anything, showing selfishness was also forbidden, like many other freedoms that made up living life as a whole.
Did the Jedi ever truly live life to their fullest?
Surprisingly, it had been a dark question plaguing your mind even as a youngling and Padawan already – just that it was more innocent in nature back then – watching the idle lives of the other Jedi Knights, Master and fellow Padawans pass by without any memorable moments seemingly sticking to them. At least, they never openly showed them to their kin. Everyone would think they're getting attached…and then…well, you didn't know what they did to punish them. Even though your own Master was part of that same Council, he was very tight lipped about what happened beyond these ominous, big doors.
While they followed their boring daily routines, you had a huge amount of natural curiosity that often led to you ending up in trouble, usually saved by your Clone Troops. They had covered for you so many times…if you had been just a bit better behaved- No…it's in the past now, there…there was nothing that could bring Zeta and the rest back to you…nothing.
The scars of that day at last began their healing when Cal abruptly fell into your life, something you still like to describe as a punch to the face from just how sudden it was, the frequent small little conversation you shared ever since the night on that Bardottan Market and at that small lake helping not just with your emotional healing.
"But that's part of a matter that isn't my expertise. I just make sure none of you bleeds out, dies of poisoning or gets an infection…well, and annual check ups."
Kark no, not check ups.
"Here, you should eat now. Afterwards, you should rest up – and no more funny business – you're supposed to speak to the Grand Inquisitor tomorrow noon after I officially released you and we just can't have you looking even more mentally out of it than you're already." She hands you a pair of metal cutlery before turning around to leave, "And Eleventh Brother, you should be rested for tomorrow's hearing as well. Do both of you a favor and sleep at your room tonight."
With that, she left the room once again, which – taken from her overall tone – probably the last time you saw her for today as Cal silently agreed with a nod. But you could hear the growing wish to protest against her, that he wanted to stay at your side even now that you're awake. Especially now…he had waited so long for you to wake up again.
Actually, thinking about that, you hadn't even had the thought to ask about how long you had been unconscious for-
"Four weeks…you were in a coma for four whole weeks, that's why most of your wounds have healed by now." 
Four weeks…of wasted time.
Time you could've used to plan your revenge.
Meaning you had to push even harder than probably expected of you, you needed to get back on your feet as soon as possible.
They would all regret treating you in such ways…they would get to see what happens if you keep pushing...and pushing a person, until they had to figuratively and literally jump over the edge...
Today, we write about the day the Galaxy gained another Sith...
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fishrpg · 9 months
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2024-01-09: Hex 6,5 (Forest)
The scent of fallen leaves and damp earth percolates through the breeze.
Notable Feature: Dungeon (Druid's Tree) 
Medium size dungeon with 10 rooms
This site of abundant wildlife is a sacred site for druids in the area. It is a tower that has been both carved and grown inside a partially-hollowed giant redwood tree. It functions as a nursery for dangerous plants, a repository for rare seeds, and a source of power for the druids. Despite being without windows, the dungeon is lit by the tree's magical heartwood. The light shifts from dim to bright alongside the sunlight outside the tree.
Sometime in the past two days, a wanderer sneaked inside the tree looking for shelter. The wanderer, an elf named Gaelith Kerwin (adolescent male elf thug), became intoxicated and disoriented after eating some dangerous fruit. In a panic, Gaelith has begun destroying plants and injuring the heartwood in an attempt to escape. The tree screams in a language only the druids can hear, and thus the druids are unable to get close to the tree because of the how loud the screams are.
For anyone willing to brave the tower to help, the druids have requested a priority of operations. Save the heartwood first, then save the plants, and if possible, the last priority is to save Gaelith. If the tree is saved, the druids agree to reward the party with a single magical item called the Whispering Leaf. When the leaf is placed in the hollow of a tree or log and and a request for aid is whispered to the leaf, the leaf will disappear. A druid (likely not known to the party) will approach the party in 1d6 hours and assist them to the best of their ability for up to 24 hours.
Note: I won't be listing the full contents of treasure hoards and such because that took more time than I have available.
Hidden: Amphitheater of Malice
A priestess is chanting in an empty amphitheater while a severely-injured man lays on the ground nearby. The priestess is called Sister Aurelia (adult human female priest) and is suspicious of the party's approach. Her voice is ragged and hoarse, because she's been chanting almost nonstop for several hours in an attempt to silence and seal away the malicious whispers. Dozens of disembodied whispers try to goad the party into maiming or mutilating themselves in every language imaginable. This is the fate that has befallen Sister Aurelia's colleague, Brother Grigor. Between chants, Sister Aurelia asks the party to stabilize Brother Grigor and get him to Murlington (Hex 4,4) as soon as possible for medical and spiritual care. 
Hidden: Hogging the Spotlight
Inside a freshly-painted trading post called the Redwood Trading Post, an enthusiastic druid known only as The Moss (young adult nonbinary human druid) is keen to let everyone know about a recent theft in their midst. Two young men, Buck and Tomas, absconded with a prized truffle-hunting hog, presumably in an attempt to make money. The group headed northwest toward Hex 2,6 but are probably in struggling through Hex 3,5 when party is contacted. The Moss wants the hog back alive, but they are not concerned with what happens to Buck and Tomas.
Encounter: Not Dead Yet 
A flock of 6 vultures seem to be following the party closely, and far more stealthily than usual. The vultures continue to follow the party until they reach the overturned wagon of huckster named Reedy Wahler (adult male human scout) seeking to trade at the Redwood Trading Post. Reedy is willing to offer two potions of healing as a reward for assistance, but each potion has been diluted and restores half the usual HP (round down, minimum 1) 
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nyx3927 · 3 years
 @musicfeedsmysoul12​ and @lurking96 this is both of y’all’s fault with that thread about how too many fics where Izuku jumps, gets a quirk and just make Bakugo regret it without any actual character change. Just: Izuku goes splat, and now Bakugo is an uwu soft boy who’s really sorry but had no character development visible.
Y’all both get some of the blame for this fic outline I created after a bang, chocolate, and on 2 hours of sleep. It’s still a really rough outline and I don’t have time to polish it up into an actual outline, draft, then fic with my summer classes and job right now. Enjoy my stream of thought with no filter
The Ripple
Izuku has a concussion from Bakugo attacking him at school so his eyesight is off. Everything else is the same up to when All Might leaves him on the roof.
The concussion fucked with his vision, balance, and depth perception. So he ended up accidentally stepping off the side of the building. (Hush, I know that there’s a railing. We’re pretending that when All Might jumped away from Izuku on the roof, he accidentally took like half of it with him.)
Crash, boom, blood. Ambulance carted him off to the hospital and that’s the last we see of Izuku for a while.
They don’t know that All Might was the one who got him up to the rooftop because the notebook with the signature was blown off the roof and into the river. By the time that it was found, it was nothing but mush and the writing was illegible, all runny and blurry. They also just assumed that a villain ripped the railing off in a previous battle and the owner hadn’t gotten it fixed yet.
Inko tells Mitsuki that they think it was suicide because he couldn’t have accidentally gotten up on the roof (No evidence of All Might). Katsuki hears that but refuses to tell anyone that he told Izuku to jump off a roof because that could hurt his chances of being a hero.
Entrance Exam
Fast-forward to the entrance exam, everything proceeds as canon except for the bits with Izuku, which never happened.
Uraraka is stuck under the boulder with the zero pointer bearing down on her. Canon shows no evidence of any pro except Present Mic at the site, and he was last seen at the gates so he isn’t close by to Uraraka.
Uraraka couldn’t escape from the boulder in time and the kill switch takes up to 30 seconds to receive and process. So, the robot steps on the boulder and crushes her leg. She’s rushed to Recovery Girl but the damage is so severe that they have to amputate a leg.
As compensation, UA takes care of all the medical bills and offers her a spot in the Hero Course at UA with her entire tuition paid for all 3 years. Uraraka accepts to make it easier financially on her parents, so she shows up to the first day of classes with a prosthetic leg that she painted pink in an effort to make it less sad.
Quirk Assessment
A random extra is put into 1-A, but they and Mineta are promptly expelled. The extra just didn’t try at all, relying upon the idea that the teacher wouldn’t actually expel anyone on the first day. Mineta was just too pervy/not heroic enough so he got the boot.
Aizawa was reminded of the death of Oboro when Uraraka nearly got crushed, so he’s on high alert to expel those that he believes would never be good at heroics/ would just get themselves killed. Extra not trying and Mineta just focusing on being a perv, made him convinced they would get killed so he just expelled them straight away [No readmission for them]
This shocked Momo who thought he was bluffing and made her more cognizant of the fact that not everyone plays by the same rules as her.
Battle Trial
Battle trials happen. Momo and Uraraka are paired up together and fight twice in the trials. They won both times because Uraraka floated the bomb and Momo in the fight against Todoroki so that it was impossible for Todoroki to capture them. They win against Iida and Bakugo because Uraraka takes advantage of Iida’s unwillingness to hurt someone he views as disabled/helpless and knocks him out with a bat from Momo, then touches the bomb, Momo just created water and soaked Bakugo so he couldn’t use his Quirk and then ran from him.
All other trials proceeded as in canon.
Since Tsuyu is the only one in the Water Zone [Midoriya not in the story and Mineta expelled], she just went straight for the shore and got back to the entry area via the river. She witnesses the entire beatdown of Aizawa and his fighting, so she’s very traumatized. But because she’s amphibious and is completely underwater [In my hcs, she can breathe underwater as long as water can access most of her skin. So her suit is very permeable and water can get through it], Shigaraki never sees her and so he doesn’t try to kill her.
Rest of the USJ goes as canon dictates including Aizawa getting his head smashed by the Nomu
Sports Festival
Because 1-A has 2 less students, only the first 40 to get to the finish line can pass on. Todoroki ended up getting first place by icing over Bakugo’s legs at the tunnel entrance. Everyone else that originally passed in canon, also passed.
All the teams are the same, except for Uraraka’s team which doesn’t have Midoriya, and Shoji’s who doesn’t have Mineta.
Bakugo is going after Todoroki instead of Uraraka’s team because he’s focused on snagging the winning headband. 
Uraraka uses her Quirk on her team and they just hang out in the sky for awhile, since after the boulder, she practiced to be able to lift more weight so that never happens again. 
Shoji’s team is the same as canon, especially because Mineta never actually did anything important to the team.
Todoroki never uses his fire because he used his ice to create a dome that kept everyone else away from his team. Bakugo runs around stealing other headbands since he can’t get to Todoroki.
At the end of the round, Todoroki is in first, Bakugo is second, Uraraka is third and Shinso is fourth.
Ojiro and Shoda both drop out citing the fact that they couldn’t remember the event as the reason. Shiozaki Ibara and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu replace them
So now we have the 1v1 battles with the following students.
Uraraka Ochako
Tokoyami Fumikage
Hatsume Mei
Bakugo Katsuki
Kirishima Eijiro
Ashido Mina
Sero Hanta
Todoroki Shoto
Iida Tenya
Yaoyorozu Momo
Kaminari Denki
Shinso Hitoshi
Aoyama Yuga
Shiozaki Ibara
Tetsutetsu Tetsutestu
Shinso gets a free pass onto the next round because he is a gen ed student so they wanted to allow him the best chance possible and it’s better for the optics of UA for watchers to see a hero student beating up another hero student instead of a gen ed kid.
Todoroki v. Sero -Todoroki won ala iceberg
Kaminari v. Shiozaki  -Kaminari won by sending electricity through her hair and knocking her out because Aizawa forced him to start thinking outside of the box after he nearly died during the USJ [shiozaki has to have nerves to control her vines and nerves have electricity traveling through them. So they’re a conductor and Kaminari can send his electricity down them]
Iida v. Hatsume -He doesn’t accept her gadgets and just pushes her out of bounds. After the Uraraka debacle in his battle trial, he realizes that he can’t just go off his perceptions and has to be wary of them.
Ashido v. Aoyama - Ashido won
Tokoyami v. Yaoyorozu - Yaoyorozu won by creating an explosion of light and blinding them, then pushing them out of the ring. Uraraka taught her to take advantage of what she can do and Aizawa forced her to realize that others don’t have the same rules.
Tetsutetsu v. Kirishima - Kirishima won by charging Tetsutetsu and knocking him out of the ring. Again Aizawa forced him to not just behave as a shield because of the USJ
Uraraka v. Bakugo -Uraraka won by taking off her prosthetic, leaving it as a decoy and floating herself so that he couldn’t hear her coming, and the dust from his explosions had blinded him. She tackled him from above and hurled him out of bounds. He got a concussion and Recovery Girl forced him to stay in the infirmary.
Todoroki v. Shinso -Shinso won by coming after Todoroki’s weak spot and making him talk
Iida v. Kaminari -Kaminari won by shocking Iida’s engines when he tried to grab him. Made him collapse, and then just dragged him out of bounds.
Tokoyami v. Ashido- Tokoyami won by Dark Shadow kicking her out of bounds
Uraraka v. Kirishima -Uraraka won by preying on Kirishima’s desire for manliness and to not hurt a girl. Got close enough to float him and then just push him out of bounds. Aizawa has plans to lecture Kirishima about when to be manly and when to not be.
Shinso v. Kaminari -Shinso won. He could tell that Kaminari was a memelord, so he just took advantage of that and said a meme that Kaminari couldn’t resist completing. [Don’t know what yet, I’ll figure it out later]
Tokoyami v. Uraraka -Tokoyami won. Uraraka lost because she couldn’t use her Quirk on Dark Shadow and Dark Shadow was the one to attack her. [See doc of quirk analysis for more in depth in case we forget]
Shinso v. Tokoyami -Shinso won by mirroring Tokoyami’s speech patterns which knocked him off guard and got him caught into Shinso’s Quirk.
Shinso got first place, Tokoyami got second, Uraraka and Kaminari shared third place.
Hero names
Todoroki -Shoto
Bakugo -King Explosion
Iida -Tenya
Uraraka -Weightless [As a pun on weigh less because of her amputation and her quirk. She’s not quite as bubbly and didn’t feel like uravity reflected her anymore]
Tsuyu -Froppy
Kirishima -Red Riot
Yaoyorozu -Creati [I really want to change this but I don’t know to whaaaat!!! I’ll come back to it later]
Tokoyami -Tsukuyomi
Jiro -EarJack
Shinso -Silencer [Stupid but his quirk makes people silent plus I love MLB silencer design of the , not the helmet tho that is ugly looking and the coloring needs to be more muted imo]
Shinso gets an internship with Aizawa to assess whether or not he’s fit for heroics. Aizawa also prescreens all of his students' internships to make sure that it’s a good fit for them. [He’s a lot more protective of where they because he wants them to be actually learning useful heroics not shit like how to clean and pose for a camera.]
Mirko offers an internship to Uraraka because she wanted to teach a fighting girl that was perceived as helpless by society. [Society views disabled as helpless, a girl is also viewed as helpless, both is bad combination. Mirko wants to prove anyone can be badass with the right training]
Yaoyorozu gets put with Fatgum because Aizawa sees that she’s struggling with the fat part of her Quirk and knows that if she went with Uwabami, she’d develop more insecurities. [Uwabami is a TV actress/model. She’ll pass on weight/beauty related insecurities because that’s what a lot of actresses have and she seems focused more on a fanbase]
Kirishima goes with Rock Lock to be faced with the blunt truth that ideals are nice, but you can’t have them rule your life as a hero. [Canonly, he’s very blunt and pragmatic, so he’d believe that trying to be manly is fine, but there is a time and place for it.]
Everyone else goes with their canon internships.
The Nomus attack Hosu. Because Gran Torino isn’t there, the Nomus are more dangerous and more civilians die. All the heroes are focused exclusively on managing the Nomus and the interns kinda fall to the wayside since they can’t do anything.
Iida slips away and Manual is too busy putting out fires to notice.
Iida runs off and finds Stain. Battle commences and Iida loses.
Stain calls him and Native fake heroes. Native gets a sliced throat. Stain is a little more lenient with Iida because he is a kid. He goes through the fabric pants and slices the femoral artery to the bone. [Femoral artery cuts can lead to death within minutes especially with Iida running on adrenaline which kicks up the blood pressure and rate of bleeding.]
Endeavour comes through with Shoto burning all the nomus and destroying them. Finally the city is quiet and the search for the dead begins.
Every hero in Hosu grid searched the entire city to retrieve the dead and bring them to the morgue for claiming. 
Manual was the one to find his dead intern and Native. He had to call UA and tell them that he got a student killed while under his supervision. He gets blacklisted by UA and Aizawa puts out a warning on the Underground network that if others are under his care, that he might lose track of them.
Once everyone returned from their internships, they left red spider lilies on his desk as a way to guide him to the afterlife.
Training Camp
The villains still want Bakugo because they saw his aggression, violence, and determination to be the best during the sports festival and the internships. So they think he’d be an easy switch to flip.
This time, Aizawa doesn’t dump them out in the middle of the forest because he’s focusing on forcing his students to interact and bond with each other instead of doing their own thing. So they all stay on the bus and Aizawa makes them talk about something semi-important with a seat partner for 10 minutes before switching so that everyone talks to more than just their friend groups.
When they arrive, Kota is his bratty self and Aizawa shuts that down fast. He tells him that he has two options, one: stay with his aunts and uncle or two: stay with Aizawa. Aizawa can’t have an itty-bitty child running around loose in the forest when 17 hormonal teenagers are letting off their Quirks which are dangerous. [it was an awful idea in canon to let Kota hide in his treehouse. Imagine if one of the kids near the mountain lost control of their quirk.] Kota chooses to stay with his aunts and uncle at all times because Aizawa is scary.
Once the training starts, he pairs everyone up with different partners to force their Quirks to improve.
Ashido-Kirishima to strengthen her acid and his hardening by hurling acid at him
Tokoyami-Kaminari-Aoyama to force Aoyama to maintain his laser beam for longer, Tokoyami to force him to strengthen Dark Shadow against light, Kaminari to power multiple light sources without burning them out and not going into whee mode so he can avoid the laser beam and Dark Shadow
Ojiro-Koda to force Koda to vary the animals that he calls and Ojiro to give him experience with fending off multiple opponents of varying sizes and skill levels without seriously injuring them.
Todoroki-Bakugo-Tsuyu to force Todoroki to be able to control both sides of his quirks and switch them easily, Tsuyu to force her to get accustomed to varying temperatures and making sure they don’t knock her out, Bakugo to force him to sweat more in both cold and hot temperatures so that he’s more versatile.
Jiro-Shoji-Hagakure to force Hagakure to improve her stealth and fighting, Jiro to make her be able to detect people sneaking up on her, and Shoji to improve his locating skills and stealth. [Shoji is a big boy and needs to work on stealth]
Sero-Sato to help Sero with his dodging and speed, and Sato to help him retain more of his planning and forethought while his Quirk is activated
Uraraka-Yaoyorozu to make Uraraka work on her sickness and weight limits and Yaoyorozu to adapt to planning on the fly and create items quickly.
Aizawa forces them to break away from their training partners when it’s time to make dinner and everyone is required to help in some way during the meal. The help can be gathering the ingredients, preparing them, doing the actual cooking, plating, setting the table, cleaning up after, anything as long as they contributed.
Repeat until the trial of courage.
Vlad wants to do the trial and Aizawa refuses to do it. Aizawa is actively trying to squash out the competitiveness of his students in order to make them work together and ask for help so that they’ll survive longer in the hero society. Uraraka lost a leg because people wouldn’t cooperate to help her in the entrance exam and Iida died because he was too focused on himself and didn’t ask for help. The trial would just reignite the competitiveness and ruin his progress.
1-B does the trial on their own while 1-A is given a maze they have to navigate.
The maze is created by Pixie Bob and is huge. It’s large enough that the students on the ground can’t peek over the walls to see the path. There are two students on the ground, the leader and the guide. The leader can see the walls and the turns but has earplugs in so they can’t hear the guide if the guide tries to talk. The guide can hear the directions from the person who sees the entire maze but is blindfolded and has to guide through tapping the shoulders of the leader. The person outside and looking down has to direct their team through the maze quickly without crashing into other teams. The leader can’t just guess a direction because Pixiebob will shift the maze if they try to do that so they can’t backtrack. It’s in teams of three so Aizawa is directing the last team. [Kinda inspired by survivor but with my own twist]
All of them rotate through each position with different teams each go round to impress on them the importance of all the roles.
In the last round, Bakugo was the person issuing instructions, cursing and screaming through the mic the entire time.
That’s when the villains attacked. But there were a few changes in the lineup. 
Toga wasn’t there because the police picked her up and Inko got her case taken on to get her on parole and took her into her home when she saw her at the station while continuing with the criminal charges levied against the owner of the building that Izuku had fallen off of. The appearance of a girl bullied and ostracized for her Quirk, who was going down the path of no return, Inko saw Izuku in her. As such, she wanted to care for her and show her that villainy wasn’t the answer and that there are people who cared for her in spite of her blood Quirk. [Toga is stuck with Inko at this point in time and has a tracking anklet to make sure that she’s behaving. Rehab is going really well with the unconditional care that Inko is providing.]
Dabi got an infection and landed in the hospital ER as an unknown patient and wound up in a coma while his body was busy trying to fight the infection of his staples. [The man’s a walking open wound. You can sneeze in his general vicinity and have a high chance of taking him down in a couple weeks. Haven’t decided if I want to wake him up or not. Depends on my feelings]
Mustard joined the attack via Toga due to them being closer in age and talking. No Toga, no Mustard. [He’s sulking in detention right now.]
So the only ones left are Mr. Compress, Magne, Spinner, Muscular, Moonfish, Twice and the Nomu. Much smaller and no long-range attacks.
Their mission is to get in, extract Bakugo and get out with minimal damage. That’s what happened.
Muscular, Moonfish, and the Nomu all rampage on the opposite side of the mountain to draw attention to them. Magne and Spinner break up the 1-A class and drive them apart. Twice and Mr. Compress work together to snatch up Bakugo in a marble and then they all book it. Muscular and Moonfish are both left behind to keep the heroes distracted long enough for them to get back to Kurogiri and through the portal. Nomu ended up buried in a mountain via a very anger Tiger at the disruption of his naps. The students all worked together to try and bring down the villain to retrieve their classmate, but when that failed, Yaoyorozu managed to attach a tracker to the villains top hat.
Injuries were minimal and the three heavy hitting villains were arrested and locked up. The only casualty was Bakugo being kidnapped.
Kidnapping Arc
Blah, blah, join us you can be stronger and win a villain-Shigaraki
No, fuck off, go fuck yourselves-Bakugo
Repeat until All Might shows up
Then AfO activates goop Quirk [really need a better name for that. better than vomit transport quirk at least. That was my first thought], drags the league and Bakugo to him. Bakugo is held by him, hand on his temple ready to crush him.
Rest of Heroes all show up on the battlefield but aren’t moving so that Bakugo doesn’t get hurt. Essentially a stand off.
You know, you can tell whether or not someone has the potential for villainy by their greatest regret -AfO
AfO has a quirk that allows the user to see someone’s greatest regret, with more details the longer that the quirk is activated. He also has a quirk that allows him to project whatever he’s thinking about in a video format for everyone to see. [the man is old. he probably had a habit of taking whatever quirk he wanted when he was younger before all might turned him into a very ugly potato/alternate darth vader]
Quirks activate and it’s the scene of Bakugo telling Izuku to get jump off a building spliced with the news from Inko that Izuku was suspected of jumping off a building
Interesting. Why is that your greatest regret?-AfO
Quirk gives him more details. 
Bakugo only regrets saying that because if it ever became public, he'd never reach the spot of number one hero which is his only goal in life.
Guess you are nothing but a villain after all. Too obsessed with yourself to see the damage you caused.-Afo 
Afo shoved the boy away from him and forcibly activated Kurogiri’s Quirk to allow the league to escape.
Every hero on site is frozen in shock at the reveal of what a hero student of UA, the most prestigious hero school that graduated most of the top heroes in Japan, actually believed.
At that point, AfO flips All Might the finger and just goes through the portal because the news would shake society’s faith in UA which is really good. He can kill All Might later. [or just wait for any infection to take the man out. He lost his stomach so he probably lost his spleen too which is kinda important for the immune system.]
Bakugo is booted to gen ed because Aizawa refused to teach someone that was just going to end up hurting someone later in life. Because Aizawa is an Underground Hero who specializes in information and predication, schools tend to believe in what he says about the potential/future of heroes in training especially when he has evidence to back up his beliefs. So no other school will take him on as a hero student.
Bakugo is essentially blacklisted from heroics because everyone wants to believe that a hero is good and just. And when the illusion is broken before it has a chance to solidify, they have no chance of becoming a hero. 
Aizawa goes and apologizes in person to Inko. Because even though he had no way of knowing, he feels like he should have recognized the abusive tendencies and/or egocentrism  of Bakugo earlier. So, allowing it to continue was a slap in the face to his victims.
Inko accepts his apology because she didn’t know about it either so how could she blame him when she was closer and still missed all the signs. She offers to let Aizawa visit Izuku because Eraserhead was one of his favorite heroes because of how much skill he had. But because Eraserhead was underground, he didn’t have any merch or enough information to write about him.
*Split path here depending on the angst level I want
1. Izuku is in a coma, all healed up, just hasn’t woken up. When they came, Izuku had just woken up a half hour ago so the doctors were busy checking all his vitals, memory, joints, etc. Inko cries, Aizawa stands away because he’s allergic to emotions, and Izuku is just silently fanboying because he sees one of his favorite heroes.
2.Izuku is in a coma and doesn’t wake up. Inko introduces Aizawa to him and tells Aizawa about his dreams and his story. Aizawa makes sure that at least once a week, he comes and visits to talk to him. He also brings other heroes to introduce to Midoriya to make sure that others know about him.
3.Aizawa and Inko go to a graveyard and the name Midoriya Izuku is carved into a family grave marker with flowers and an All Might figure in front of it. Inko tells Aizawa that Izuku died from falling from the building. They thought he jumped randomly, but with the new info, Inko is thinking that Bakugo might’ve pushed him verbally over the edge. Aizawa promises to investigate more.
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celestialsaturn · 4 years
🌃The Descendant:🌃
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The Astrology of attraction pt.1:
What aspects and placements should we look at in order to find our soulmate?
Our journey begins ironically, at the end.
The descendant:
Your descendant symbolises what you innately desire when it comes to romantic relationships, what provides balance. If you’re curious as to see what you or your crush’s type might be, this is the post for you 😃😋
Note: The descendant symbolises what you need rather than what you might think you want. It’s about bridging the gap. Keep this in mind.
Aries descendant/Libra ascendant:
🐛You watch as the scales tip precariously, hurriedly throwing away the few remaining pieces of yourself that you’ve been saving in your pocket, in efforts to maintain your version of equilibrium, it’s only upon looking down from the oppressive structure of your own design do you realise that they’ve been there all along, catching all of the parts you deemed unworthy like precious snowflakes. The scales are balanced now and somehow they’re in your favour.
🦋You might get caught up in the taxing motions of trying to please everyone around you, constantly putting everyone else’s needs and opinions above your own. Therefore, You might be attracted to those who are loud and outspoken, who easily stand up for those they love and what they are passionate about. They have no problem rocking the boat and setting clear boundaries.
🐛There is something about the fire burning behind their eyes that draws you in. Their rebellious streak, crooked smirk and carefree attitude is awe worthy.
🦋To conclude: you might be attracted to Feisty, bold and active go-getters who inspire you to stop putting your value in the hands of others, and start living for yourself.
Taurus Descendant Scorpio Ascendant:
🕷Being an iconic, independent femme-fatale is a tiring job, it’s hard having everyone fall to your feet,, doesn’t make walking any easier to say the least. But as you push aside the amorphous mass of admirers , you realise that though you’ve built a wall around you, you want someone that’s willing to break it down brick by brick to see the real you.
🕸You are highly receptive and intuitive and this is what causes you to be quite guarded, as you know most don’t have the best intentions. Therefore, you are attracted to the trustworthy, reliable and kind.
🕷Soft teddy bears who are your anchor when you start drowning in a sea of assumptions and jumped-to conclusions. They bring you back to shore carrying you upon their dependable shoulders as dependable people do, and revive you with a fresh breath of reality.
🕸Just overall, you want a genuine person with the kindest eyes who you can call in the middle of the night when it all gets too much, so they can lull you back to sleep with soothing reassurance and solid advice.
Gemini Descendant Sagittarius Ascendant:
🐁As you flit your eyes over the crowd, you begin to realise you’re searching for something, something deeper than hollow small talk and stale jokes on a strangers couch, at a party you have no business being at. You stare intently into the sea of friends and acquaintances but none of the faces register, nothing holds meaning here, you want more.
🐀You need someone to answer the millions of questions that you mull over at night, and even if they can’t they’ll still take the dive with you exploring the depths of the universe, whilst holding your hand 🤢.
🐁You need someone who is open minded, someone who is willing to believe in just about anything because,,, well, why not??? Who are we to pretend that we have all the answers? Someone who gets your weird and some might even say,,,untimely jokes but they get it, that’s how we deal with life around here— with laughter.
🐀In conclusion: you just want an intelligent free spirited soul with your love for travel and learning. Who doesn’t try to tie you down, who would rather embark on all of your journeys with you, and proves that love can truly be expansive and engulfing at the same time.
Cancer Descendant Capricorn Ascendant:
🌑You gaze out the ceiling to floor windows of one of the hundred skyscrapers in the city, so strikingly dull it hurts. You’re working late again, you can hear the monotonous murmur of your coworkers futile attempts to bring you back to speed about the riveting second quarter budget, but your eyes have once again locked upon the moon it always seems to call out to you and who are you to dare look away.
🌕You need someone willing to sand down your edges with their gentle and nurturing spirit. Someone that recognises all that you do to be a reliable and hard working individual, but simultaneously makes you realise you’re so much more than that. You’re so much more than the well polished awards on your mantle, you’re so much more than you let yourself believe.
🌑Someone that forces you to stop and smell the roses, someone that creates an environment in which you feel so safe that vulnerability actually seems possible. And when you do finally open up, surprise surprise,,, they don’t sneer in disgust and tell you to cut the pity party. They allow you to feel, they show you that being in touch with your emotions and even acting upon them doesn’t make you weak, rather it strengthens your heart.
🌕In conclusion: you desire a soft and empathetic individual, that gives you a whole new perspective on life, and teaches you that you don’t have to go out of your way to earn their love, they will forever accept you as you are. Their love flows through you unconditionally, you are at ease now.
Leo Descendant Aquarius Ascendant:
🌱You’re afraid, you’re scared that they won’t understand, that your impassioned speeches will fall upon the ears of the ignorant, you worry that you’ll lose yourself to the herd mentality. You sense that you’re the only one on this planet with some sense of individuality and genuine compassion. Yet for the first time in your life Aquarius, you’ve been proven wrong. You watch as they make slow but sure steps up to the podium, their eyes are warm and set a glow with passion, their arms outstretched to the crowd drawing them in, and as they speak you begin to realise, you’re not alone.
🌻What else can you say? You’re a sucker for the dramatics. You admire their bold and brazen confidence. The way charm just seems to drip off of them, with every hair flick and radiant smile flashed you’re only human after all, even though you hate to admit it you can’t help but to fall for them.
🌱People that recognise the genius in you, people who see the method to your madness, people who take the time to listen to you string together your plans for the future and encourage you to put all of your innovative ideas to action. People who never give up on you. People who have faith.
🌻You are in awe of how they are so unapologetically themselves. You see yourself in their eyes. Two unique individuals both equipped with a strong sense of self, ready to take on the world as the ultimate power couple.
Virgo Descendant Pisces Ascendant:
🚣🏽‍♀️ As night falls the waves get angrier, crashing against the little rowboat, you don’t know how you managed to get here. Your mind procures a crack of lightening and clap of thunder just to add to the ambiance. It’s worse knowing that you can’t even seek solace in daydreams. You’ve been out at sea for quite some time, watching the days go by, but this night it’s different, you see a beam of light cut through the suffocating fog, they’ve come to guide you home.
🌊 You admire their neatly filed papers and freshly sharpened pencils. You like how it contrasts your paint stained hands and brushes strewn across the floor. You like that they always have a plan, you like that they’ve put so much thought into the details you forgot even existed. You find their nagging endearing, it anchors you from floating off into reverie as you like to do. They show you that the real world isn’t that bad after all.
🚣🏽‍♀️ When it all seems hopeless, and there’s nothing left to do but simply wallow in despair, they arrive with tissues and solutions. They listen attentively to all that you have to say. They make sense of the jumbled thoughts in your head carefully laying them out in order as they spill out of your mouth. They understand.
🌊Someone that provides structure and stability without trying to dilute your personality. Someone who would much rather dive in and get to know you for you.
Libra Descendant Aries Ascendant:
👹You drag your sword along the smooth marble of the palace floor trying your best to ignore the images of the battlefield you created,- standing tall amongst the defeated as the lone Victor. You look up to see them waiting for you as the always do, bandages in hand. As they nurse your wounds they observe you stifle a pained wince, and they remind you gently that the war is over now, you can let your guard down. The sword drops to the floor with an echoing clang, you are safe.
👼 You May have a one track mind and whilst that is admirable in a way, it can be stifling for others as you may fail to take into consideration the fact that humans are social creatures dependent on one another for survival. You need someone that gives you a new perspective on life, showing you the value in diplomacy and taking the time to understand all angles of a situation before making an absolute conclusion.
👹You’re attracted to kind, social individuals who charm you with their soft smiles and knowing eyes. The embodiment of grace and poise. They shock you with the way they elegantly waltz through confrontation and debates, remaining objective and calm. You learn from them.
👼 You will attract people who focus on the value of partnership, who strive to seek harmony and balance in every aspect of their lives. They adjust your lens on life to focus on more than just the bubble of defense you have created for yourself. You might be attracted to the whole “beauty with brains” type.
Scorpio Descendant Taurus Ascendant:
🌹You stand unwavering, rooted in the foundation you carefully handcrafted like a solid oak tree with gleaming branches and leaves of gold that grows steadfast through the years. A raven perches upon you whispering the secrets of the universe in a foreign tongue that reverberates through your soul, you begin to feel as though time has lost all meaning, and the seasons pass by in a blur, you emerge transformed. Burgeoning into an evolved sense of self.
🥀You are attracted to people with an alluring aura who you can tell have a red hot intensity simmering underneath their cool exterior.
🌹You are enamoured by the concept of a love that completely immerses you. They are a heady concoction of an individual that embodies loyalty and devotion, who takes the time to prod beneath your surface and understand the essence of your being.
🥀Note: You might attract individuals who seem broken, you might even have broken bird syndrome, eager to “fix” your partner. This can be very taxing, so maintain clear boundaries, and understand that you can’t change everyone.
Sagittarius Descendant Gemini Ascendant:
🥚 You are so aware of your surroundings, it sometimes feels as though you’re on the outside looking in staring through the window at the ongoing house party eyes glazed over, your mind is off journeying through the foreign lands you’ve only ever read about. However your body is very much present going through the motions of social niceties for a brief moment you lock eyes with them, you recognise the look on their face, it mirrors yours.
🐓You’re attracted to deep and philosophical individuals with restless spirits. You both share a love for knowledge, however they amaze you with their passionate stances. They are so attached to all that they learn, as though the process of encoding, storage and retrieval of information, takes place in the heart. It’s foreign to you but that’s why you like it.
🥚You have so much love to give even if you don’t know it, you attract partners who let you tap into that Jupiter-Esque energy. What is life, if not to give wholeheartedly.
🐓 They bring out the wanderer in you, they tell you to turn your thoughts into actions, allowing you to transform that mercurial energy you’ve pent up all this while.
Capricorn Descendant Cancer Ascendant:
🍇You feel like the tides, ensnared by the power of the moon, shifting from one partner to the other, dancing was never your thing. Yet that all seemed to change as you are spun into their arms. Their arms hold you firmly, guiding you through the steps, you flow together seamlessly and you can’t help but to gaze in amazement at the quiet confidence that seeps out from between their self assured movements. You are home.
🍷 You are attracted to ambitious individuals. You are drawn to their stoic faces and freshly pressed button up shirts. The way they hold themselves with utmost composure, the allure of the way you can never tell what’s going on inside their head.
🍇 Someone you can look to as your rock, even as your moods shift tumultuously throughout the day, they remain steadfast at your side.
🍷 You want someone to start a family with. Someone who can build a home with you that’s worth never leaving. Laid up together amongst the memories you’ve created, at peace.
Aquarius Descendant Leo Ascendant:
🕺You are the Sun. A life force. People gather in awe to watch the daily occurrence of you set and rise. Adoration comes naturally but, so does fear. People avoid your direct gaze, shading themselves when you seem to come off too strong. Only knowing how to admire from a distance. But Aquarius is different, their stare bores into you, analysing your every move, you’ve never felt more vulnerable. You’ve never felt more connected. You like it.
💃You are attracted to i n t e l l e c t u a l s 🥴. They appear indifferent upon the surface, a stark contrast to your animated disposition. But their passion runs as deep as yours. They have a unique perspective on life, and are fuelled by the genuine desire to give back to their community. You can’t help but be in awe of their creativity and innovative ideas .
🕺Speaking of genuineness, this is something that is so important to you. You are hyper aware of the fact that most people do things to be perceived a certain a way. Is it because you do the same thing, Leo? Because of this, you see right through the facades that people put up, and are in search of something something real. It’s not enough for someone to just seem kind, they have to have the innate desire to help others, regardless of the prospect of acknowledgement.
💃In closing, your type could be someone who is intelligent, passionate and understanding. Someone who is open minded and tolerant. They might appear emotionally indifferent, but you understand that. Y’all are just two lions, leaders of the pride, looking down from your shared fortress at the masses. Aloof, and in love lmaooo.
Pisces Descendant Virgo Ascendant:
🌧You watch enchanted, as their brush embraces the canvas, with every stroke ;) they slowly but surely create an escape for the both of you, your own universe where the shackles of reality have lost their hold. They take your hand and together you step into the watercolor paradise, a stark contrast from the harsh angles and hostile frigidity of this plane of existence. A love only found in daydreams.
🌈You are attracted to dreamy artistic types. People who are in tune with their emotions and who allow themselves to express their inner artist in every day circumstances.
🌧You have gotten so accustomed to living in the present trying to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, you might not stop to realise you’re tired. Pisces soothes the tension you’ve been holding for so long. They understand how you feel without you even having to say a word. Despite the fact that they might look like they’re off in their own dream world, when they love they form a connection so strong that it’s as if they can read your mind.
🌈You strive for perfection, and they show you the beauty that lies underneath the covers of an unmade bed, or between the hours of a day spent doing absolutely nothing. They wish that you could see yourself through their eyes, reminding you everyday, that you’re nothing short of perfect.
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douxie-casperan · 3 years
Rise of the Titans and the assassination Hisirdoux Casperan’s character development
I’ve been ranting so much since Wednesday morning that I finally condensed by thoughts of WHY this one subject keeps setting me off namely the utterly diabolical way they handled Douxie and Archie’s relationship in Rise of the Titans and how it wasn’t just enough to hit him with the nerf bat.
Please note I’m at the point where I literally cannot tell the difference between Aaron headcanons, Teny headcanons and my own they are all mixed together in the blender that does funky things. I also apologise for typo/weird wording it’s half 1 in the morning and I’d rather sleep than edit.
If asked to sum up Hisirdoux Casperan there are certainly several things that come to mind:
Sees the value in people as a whole and will find do anything if there is a chance of help someone out
Prefers tactics that disable/banish rather than kill an enemy yet willing and able to pull the trigger if circumstances become forced
While not academically inclined he is very capable of thinking on his feet and outside the box calling back to his time on the streets where a split-second decision making is the difference between being caught and not
Terrible at planning he’ll be in there figuring it out as he goes along which is what makes the previous point so vital to literally how he goes through life
A natural charmer that would let him talk his way out of trouble 9/10 providing a perfect cover for his distrustful nature and reluctance to be touched by random people
Very down to earth, humble and never one to brag unless outright sassing someone
Will bang out some hot tunes at the drop of a hat, his love of music has never wavered once since he caught the bug despite instrument hopping ironically becoming a jack of all trades much like his magic style
The earliest memories he can recall are him as a young boy lost in the woods where he was for an unknown amount of time before his soon to be familiar finds him amongst the roots covered in dirt and drying tears, there is nothing before that. Unbeknownst to him is the colour of his magic matches the blue of a lost mother’s eyes and the song that haunts his nightmares as much as fire could well be hers though there is no way to be sure. From that moment on Archibald, shortened to Archie, would become his entire world and their friendship only becoming closer during the years they prowled Camelot together trying to keep themselves in one piece until the fateful day Douxie tricks the wrong person leading him straight into the path of the famous wizard Merlin Ambrosius.
It's no real secret that Merlin is a very closed off person who keeps his emotions as well guarded as his secrets, prefers the style of negative reinforcement over positive encouragement and is a very strict perfectionist in his. At this point in his life he can be very easily described as a disaster that is genuinely doing his best with every little mistake held of his head and his future self when brought back to that time period is belittled by Lancelot (Errand boy) and Arthur (Boy) too meaning it’s hardly a wonder his confidence was very fragile revelling in the times where he could do things without being told off for it. With Morgana largely ignoring him too (Though personally I like to think as he got older she’d occasionally take an interest until the blistering arguments with their master started to talk over daily life) a certain disguised dragon would have remained a lifeline and give that physical affection he craved much like being told he’d done well never seemed able to earn.
With Killahead he’d lose that home and family he made leaving just the two of them behind struggling to figure out their place in the world that had abandoned them.
There wouldn’t have been the words for it back then but the way he had been treated prior was outright abusive instilling very bad habits into Douxie yet by irony he was always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt and help those in trouble without thinking earning a reputation as the Shepard of Fire. He refused to become like him seeking to be better, perhaps not as a wizard (Even though he was learning new charms and spells along the way) but certainly as a person. Despite everything he suffers through or witnesses in the intervening years, the loss of friends and kindling of far newer ones he never loses his good heart 
That said is it any wonder that after rightfully sassing Merlin for resurfacing, ignoring his existence despite being in the same town and only visiting him to run a finding errand that all the confidence he’d managed to build completely from scratch after Camelot wavered causing him to fall back solely into trying impressing his old Master who was acting like his humble apprentice must have coasted the past few centuries who himself fell back into old habits of belittling? It’s only when Merlin started to truly listen and acknowledge that this was not the same Moppet he once knew after Excalibur was fixed that their relationship finally started to become more like equals. After the defeat of Janus the changeling that broke into the castle he touched Douxie’s shoulder with a genuine smile and for a second he simply didn’t know what to do because the old man never did this before his brain kicked into gear and realised he’d finally earned that one thing he’d been so desperate for his entire life: That in Merlin’s eyes he could be more than a failure who only caused problems for the closest thing to a father figure he’d ever had, never solved them.
A staff will be earned, history would be set back on trap by banishing Morgana tag teaming with Archie because they know one another inside and out, as promised he’d get the kids back to the present but soon after things would go badly wrong. They’d lose Jim and because of his very nature he’d make a gamble to try and get him back because that life is worth trying for just for in a moment of surprising selflessness Merlin would be sacrificed to save him. The only constant in his life apart from Archie would apologise, openly express pride and how the greatest thing he’d ever done was saving this orphan, call him son for the first and final time before turning into ash in his arms. There would be no time to grieve for things will barrel into the crescendo of Douxie sacrificing his own life to buy everyone time to escape because if they did that everything he’d ever done would be worth it with one last whispered goodbye.
(Zoe sees him fall, so does Archie – His heart would break if he was conscious just like theirs does when his body crumples into the ground)
On the very fringes of the Light Realm he is gifted one more conversation with Merlin in a truly heart-breaking sequence (THANKS TENY) where they can just talk without any fear of consequence or politics and just be completely honest. Douxie is allowed to stand equal to Merlin, to have the hug he’d needed since he was a child and be allowed to simply let go of every pretense and cry his heart out because this can never happen again. He’s allowed to say goodbye to both his master and Morgana who had both shaped so very much of his life but like the painting he’d always remained firmly in the long shadows of until that moment.
When Hisirdoux Casperan finally leaves Wizards if we just accidently deliberately put the shawarma back in along with checking in with Zoe before departure, it is with having learned to live during his wandering years but this is the point of true freedom because he can finally escape into his own light with Archie by his side to keep Nari out of the hands of those that would see the world harmed. It won’t be easy but it feels possible somehow even with the knowledge everything is simply running on borrowed time.
Then Rise of the Titans happens.
At first everything is genuinely fine! No more running, they engineer a solution shut the Order’s magic down to make them a lot less dangerous and potentially at least incapacitate them until they can come up with a longer-term solution but all the best laid plans and all that. Douxie’s quick thinking stops the train from crushing any of the people below and it’s a very him style move to switch places with Nari to stall for time because for some reason the plot disabled Claire from portaling her or any of the threatened people/heroes to safety. He openly sasses the Order despite knowing the consequences will be bad for him because once again he’s managed to trick them, buy time that at the other end isn’t even slightly utilised until he’s forced back into his own body in excruciating pain. Archie immediately mobs him with comfort just as he has done every single time the wizard is distressed or collapsed with exhaustion without thinking because that is what their bond is like, incredibly close and far more than the Soul Bond mark that connects them together. They’re very alike in that regard, you have to earn the right to touch while equally knowing exactly what form the other needs the most in that precise moment in a way very few others could.
Bar the moment of figuring out that an illusion is in place to hide where the Order is opening the Genesis Seals and the brief insistence on reconnecting with Nari somehow Douxie manages to forget everything that makes him who he is after this point choosing to stand in the background being very no thoughts head empty or can only use the most basic spells of his youthful days not the seasoned master wizard he should be. Nomura is treated like an innocent slip rather than an outright death he did absolutely nothing to prevent (Not to mention the stupid daytime thing) nor seems to care particularly about afterwards yet with Nari’s he’s allowed to openly grieve in a gorgeously animated visual showing how he’d failed to keep her safe despite everything. He did nothing to help here either mind despite allowing himself to be tortured in the same piece of media to keep her safe, just watched another loss happen right in front of his eyes in his conga long line of them.
Then there’s Archie, oh god then there was Archie.
The dragon who even here he’d been shown to have an incredibly close bond with him decides you know what sod that tell him goodbye I’m going to make a joke about having a kingdom now dad and me are trapped in here forever. Douxie on his part looked sad for all of three seconds saying that he hoped he’s happy like it's a pet that wandered out into the world one day and never came back instead of a lifelong companion that has been there for as long as he can remember. He was now completely alone in the world since Zoe was also written out entirely and because every bit of his background had been forgotten about it somehow meant nothing. This wasn’t “I know you miss him, I know you need to grieve but you are running out of time” moment like things had been with Charlie, this was “cool shapeshifting dragon cat is now stuck in a plot hole that’s a shame” with zero pay off or any of the genuine reaction that should have been there or hell even trying to Ohana him back that very second because it never should have happened in the first place. Then even this wasn’t enough somehow, they managed to de-power Douxie even further into uselessness bar the (Admittedly nifty!) sticky feet stunt, the one who fought Skrael and Bellroc to a stalemate was shunted aside with barely a thought and his head would somehow get even emptier.
The one person who knew the danger of time magic the most stood by and said nothing.
The one person who would suffer the most by a reset because the lynchpin to his issues would be asleep if you got it wrong and should have drilled it into Jim’s head the best time to aim for stood by and said nothing.
The one person who had just suffered the loss of his familiar, best friend and only family along with the almost sister like Nari stood by and said nothing.
Then to add further insult to injury the caption when Douxie and Archie is shown says Some go their entire lives living an existence of quiet desperation because every drop of his character growth, his ability to finally start addressing his trauma instilled back in the 12th century, the staff he longed for was instead openly mocked by going “Aww he got his cat friend back how nice!” Everything he’d rightfully earned and had now would be unable to progress until certain criteria are met because it hinges entirely on the Trollhunter going to Merlin’s tomb and there’s only so much your support network of two (One if she’s written out) can do, the root of the majority of his issues all stem from one man.
And this folks is why I’ve been going on multiple rants about Douxie in particular, everyone was hit with the out of character bat to some degree in this film but when they came for him they didn’t just stop after they took his legs out because they wanted him to suffer from something he’s never had any control over to begin with all over again. Abuse survivors deserve better, these characters deserve better and we as viewers deserve far far better writing than we were forced to endure.
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babiesdreams · 4 years
Top 5 +18 Seo Johnny, Qian Kun, Nakamoto Yuta, Kim Dongyoung, Wong Yukei
Warnings: Sixsome, oral (receiving and giving), anal (receiving), overstimulation, praise, public/ voyeur, female! reader.
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“No, okay, if I gotta choose a Top 5.... Number 1 is definitely Johnny” You start speaking, though alcohol is helping you get the words out. “Why him though?” Haechan complies. “He’s just my type I guess” You simply reply, before taking another shot of soju. 
“Number 2 would be Kun” You say confidently, pointing at the boy. “Come on, this is just a daddy issues list” Donghyuck continues complaining. You shh at the boy as you continue with your list. 
“Yuta, number three” You spit out, making the boy whisper an audible  “yes”  “Four Doyoung, Five Lucas” All 10 boys look at you, some happy of your choices, some disappointed and some wanting to continue with another drunk conversation. 
The rest of the night went normal, even if you watched some weird whispering coming from yuta, you would have never thought what he was plotting about. But you noticed how everyone except from your “Top 5″ were slowly leaving your house. 
“So... Y/N... would you ever be down for a threesome?” Yuta asks and you look at him with a judging look. “Yes, yu, I would do a threesome” You hear how two of the boys celebrate your words, so you suppose, it’s Johnny and Kun. 
“And a foursome?” You sigh at his words, getting up, and trying your best to walk towards the boy. “I would, do a sixsome” You tell him, patting his head. “She’s too drunk now” Doyoung says and all the boys sigh at his comment.
“Hey she has to be fully awaken for us to do that, It’s not okay to do this to a completely drunk friend, even if she consented” His words bring the mood down, but everyone agrees with it, as it had been quite a night for all of you. 
So you let the night pass by, leaving your heads free from the effect of alcohol. You look at the ceiling of your bedroom, thinking about the proposition the boys made last night. There’s quite a lot to think about but you were mostly sure about liking it. 
“Are you thinking about it?” Kun whispered, turning over himself so he could face you. Everyone slept on the floor except from him, as he was your best friend and quite trustable as a guy. “I am. And I think I’m sure about doing it” You whisper back, giving him a smile.
His fingertips caress the soft skin of your thighs, leaving goosebumps along the way. You see his eyelids closing as his face gets closer to yours, and you unconsciouslyclose them too. Your lips touch shortly after, making you feel a weird sensation growing on your low stomach. 
His fingers keep on drawing patterns and lines across your skin, getting to your breasts, covered by Johnny’s sweatshirt, which kun gets out of the way. Your nipples harden behind his touch, provocking your chest raise following heavy breaths. 
You feel someone else’s presence behind you, carressing your hair. By his long and rough hands you guess it’s Lucas, who’s been snoring all night. You keep kissing Kun, too unbothered to confirm the other boy’s identity. Kun slices his free hand inside your shorts, drawing circles over your panties. 
Your sensitive clit gets slightly bigger under his touch, while your panties get a wet spot on them, making it feel sort of uncomfortable suddenly. Lucas starts placing kisses on the back of your neck, while you let yourself get lost in Kun’s touch.
His fingers move slower as your panties get wetter, so when it becomes a bother, Kun rips the fabric off, getting them off your body instantly. As his hand returns to your cunt, he gets the shorts down, revealing your cunt. His lips part away from yours for the first time since he first kissed you, and he slowly travels down your body.
Soon you hear a humming sound, making you pull off Lucas’ kiss. Your eyes get fixed on Johnny’s big figure waiting for you to attack him too. You smile cutely at him and open your arms, signing him to come in. The boy chuckles, crawling over the bed to sit next to you. Kun is busy moving his tongue along your folds, getting a taste of your wet cunt.
Lucas and Johnny take turns to kiss you and massage your breasts so that you’re always getting both sensations, tho they feel pretty different. Johnny’s kisses were full of love, softness, and a light taste of lust, which makes you fall for him even more with every kiss. Lucas, on the other hand is much messier, kissing you deeply and heatedly. 
But their actions on your breasts, make the perfect balance, Johnny’s soft and slow motions, made you calm down from Lucas’ lips actions. And Lucas hands playfully rubbing over your nipples, made you feel more during Johnny’s tender kisses. Kun on his own, makes different turns, some more relaxed than others. He makes slow movemenst over your clit with his wet muscle when he wants you to be calmed, but he sucks it hardly when he wants you to moan inside one of the boys mouth. 
And maybe those sounds are what wakes the rest up. But when you realize, all five of them are surrounding you in different ways. They talk about how they’re gonna take turns on you and what will everyone do, so following Yuta’s plan, Johnny gets to be the first to penetrate you, as he’s number one. But Kun gets to do it analy, as they weren’t agreeing on the order.
Johnny’s thrusts keep making you go crazy. His tip hits just the right places making loud moans leave your open lips. Kun holds your body so that he can keeps a steady pace on you, though your movements due to pleasure make it quite hard. As they do that, you can see the other three men touching themsleves to the view, as if it was some sort of porn video. 
The feeling of the two dicks filling you in like that makes you sweat a whole lot. The warmth of your skin makes the drops of sweat feel cold in comparison. “I’m close” Johnny warns you and you nod at him, noticing how Kun was also at his limits, by the heavy breaths he was letting out. 
“Kun b-babe, are you close?” You moan out cutely. Kun furrows his brows in an angry expression, that makes you chuckle. “Babe, ple-ease, you feel so good I-I can’t-” You try to fake a cute voice tone, but Kun doesn’t buy it. Johnny ends up cumming inside of you, letting the cum drip down your body. He rests his bdy next to yours, brushing your skin with his fingertips, while Kun fucks you harder.
You know exactly what the boy needed so you let yourself go to the feeling, getting an intense climax resulting of all the cum denial you did to yourself. Kun smiles satisfied at your shaking reaction and lets himself cum into you as well. 
The two sweaty boys rest on both sides of you, complimenting you and caressing your body to make you relax before the second round.
The second round is much messier as Yuta and Lucas are supposed to fuck both of your entraces and Doyoung was gonna fuck your mouth. The previous dynamics change completely. Yuta is below you, letting you bounce on his dick, while Lucas grows desperate on your uncontrollable moves. 
The boys end up taking control, while they hold your body, making it easier to fuck you hard. Doyoung keeps a fast pace on your mouth, grabbing your hair firmly so that he can reach the deepest parts of your throat. 
Your moans are inaudible, because your mouth is too full with Doyoung’s length. The fast and deep moves provocke him to cum first. And everyone watches closely how a mix of different fluids drip down your mouth, falling over your bedsheets. 
The pleasure that you feel by your holes being constantly full is something you never got to experienced before, but the grunts and groans from the two men don’t let you think deeper about it. Yuta keeps a steady quick pace, just wanting to cum as fast as possible. Lucas took Yuta’s moves as a challenge, making his thrusts get harder every second.
You cum for the second time, when the pleasure overfloads your body. Your shaky figure rests on Yuta’s body, giving yourself a minute to catch your breath. “You’re doing greatly honey” Yuta whispers into your ear, stopping his motions inside you to caress your face softly.
Lucas, on the other hand is too fixed on fucking you stupid to realize your state. A new arousal brushes you as hot cum fills you up again. Lucas, who finally rests on the bed, catching his breath as well, notices for the first time your tiredness. “Are you okay to keep going?” He asks worriedly and you simply nod. 
Your actions have gotten slow, even closing your eyelids felt like something hard to do. Yuta takes it into cosideration, keeping his thrusts soft, even when they are fast. You look around you, noticing how the boys who already fucked you are all touching themselves to the view yet again. You can’t help but smile at how desperate they actually were to make this whole thing happen. 
Yuta cums into your ass, getting it mixed with the rests of Kun’s cum. You sign the rest of the boys to come near the bed and the obey you, surrounding your body with their figures. They all understand your intentions when you let your tongue come out of your mouth. 
Within seconds your whole body is painted by different shades of white. The hot sensation makes you relax instantly, letting yourself fall asleep just like that.
Comment the next 6some you would like to see ;) [Also if there are some typos pls understand, sixsomes are quite hard to write about]
Masterlist –requests open– How to request?  Check out your score.
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 13) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link] // [Main AO3]
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im really sorry for the massive time between each update. i am truly in the struggle  * * * 
the president and the troublemaker (part 13)
“I’m a professional fighter,” Lumine said to Venti. 
Venti stared at her for a long second, before slowly raising one of his brows. “What are you talking about, LuLu?” 
She bit her lip. “You know, like the UFC. That’s my job. I’m a MMA fighter.” 
Again, Venti stared at her, then glanced between her and the unconscious men on the floor. 
Lumine braced herself for him to laugh, to ridicule her, or even shy away in fear—how terrifying it was that she was powerful enough to do all that and even more. He would be disappointed, a bright student like her getting involved with the activities of delinquents. 
“That’s…,” Venti started. Then, he went to Lumine, grabbing her hands, eyes bright. “So cool!”
Lumine looked at him, silent with shock. 
“Wow, I would have never guessed!” he went on. “But I should have known. You’ve always been so strong.” 
“So you’re not...disappointed?” she asked. 
“Of course not. I would never be disappointed in you,” he said, giving her a soft smile. 
Lumine’s eyes stung. From relief? From gratefulness? “Thank you, Venti.” 
His smile widened. “Just wait until everyone at school hears about this! They’re gonna think you’re so cool, and you’re gonna get so popular, and—”
Lumine pulled her hand away from his, a trembling panic overtaking her nerves. “Venti, no one can find out about this,” she blurted. 
His brows furrowed. “Why not? You should be proud of what you do.”
Lumine stood in silence, ruminating. Proud of what I do? 
Venti started reaching out towards her when there was an audible THUMP from the ground. 
Childe stood from where he had hit one of the men on the floor. “He was waking up,” he said after taking in Venti and Lumine’s worried looks. “We should leave now.” 
Lumine let her gaze linger on Venti—his brows furrowed from either confusion or frustration or both—before turning to Childe. 
“Yeah…let’s go back the way we came and try to backtrack,” she suggested. She and Childe started to make their way back.
Venti didn’t budge. “How does Childe know?” 
“What?” Lumine answered. 
“You said you don’t want anyone to know.” His teal green eyes narrowed, ever so slightly, at Childe. “So he’s an exception?” 
“He found out on his own,” Lumine said. Why is he doing this right now? We need to go—
“And I’m her coach,” Childe said, crossing his arms. There was the tiniest curve of a smile on his lips.
Venti let out a meek laugh. “He’s your coach? So do you spend a lot of time together?” 
She threw a glare at Childe. “Yes—Well, I don’t know. I guess.” She shook her head. “This isn’t the time to be talking about this. Let’s go.” She marched off without another word.
As she walked back the direction they came from, she heard the two boys footsteps behind her. She kept her pace up, however, not wanting to speak to either of them at the moment. Any time either of them entered her peripheral vision, she sped up away from them. Stupid boys and their stupid jealously. 
Eventually, after trying to navigate the twists and turns of the alleyways, the group had somehow ended up in a completely new location. 
Lumine first noticed when the scent of salty sea waves hit her nose. Then, was the shuddering of ocean waves lapping against the shore line, and the groaning of metal ships floating in the water.
“Looks like we’re at a dock,” Childe remarked. 
“How did we even get here?” Venti wondered. 
Lumine rubbed at her forehead. “How do we get out?”
The three of them stood silently, thinking, watching as a group of fishermen unloaded from a large docked ship, and funneled into a nearby building—tall and silvery sleek. 
Childe murmured something to himself before heading towards the building himself. “Follow me,” he said to Lumine and Venti. 
The two shared a questioning look, before following Childe forward. 
They all entered the building, finding themselves in a large lobby, business men and women scooting past. Childe instructed Venti and Lumine to wait in the corner as he went alone to approach the receptionist. 
Lumine watched curiously as the receptionist looked at Childe, a mix of wary and annoyance. Childe started saying something to the lady, his face lifted in confidence. The longer he went on, the receptionist’s expression shifted to disbelief, slowly picking up the telephone and making a call. 
The receptionist kept her eyes on Childe while talking on the phone, with Childe smiling right back at her. As the phone call went on, her face stretched into shock, eventually handing the phone right to Childe with wide eyes. 
Lumine furrowed her brows as Childe took the phone, turning away so she no longer saw his face. What in the world is he doing?
When he finished his conversation, Childe turned back to the receptionist, but kept hold on the phone. He gestured to Lumine, and after a nod from the receptionist, he waved her over. 
Lumine awkwardly walked up to the desk, ignoring Venti’s whispered questions behind her. Upon reaching Childe, he held out the phone to her. 
“All yours,” he said. There was something in his expression Lumine hadn’t quite seen before—a sheepishness of sorts, a humbled look that didn’t seem possible for him. 
She hesitantly took the phone, eyes looking to the receptionist who placed the receiver towards her with a smile—much different than her initial standoffish disposition. 
Lumine looked down at the keypad, her fingers already pressing the only number she could remember in the moment. The phone barely rang once before someone immediately picked up.
“Hello?” Aether’s panicked voice crackled on the other end. 
Lumine let out a shaky sigh of relief. “Aether, it’s me—”
“LUMINE!” he interrupted. “Are you okay? Where are you?” 
The slew of Aether’s worried questions bombarded her ear, and she almost laughed. “I’m fine,” she enunciated over his questioning. “I’m safe here with Childe. And Venti.”
“God, you two…,” Aether murmured. “Where are you?”
“Where are we?” Lumine repeated, looking up at the receptionist. The lady quickly pulled out a business card, the address of the building clearly printed; Lumine repeated the address to Aether. “We wound up here because I chased after some asshole who stole all our stuff.” 
There was shuffling on Aether’s end, and she heard him talking to someone in the background. The line crinkled as he returned to the phone. “Okay, I just told Miss Ninguang,” he said. “She wants to talk to you.” 
Lumine swallowed the lump in her throat. The school principal. Oh, I’m definitely in trouble… 
“Miss Lumine?” Ninguang asked. 
“Yes, hello, Miss Ninguang,” Lumine answered. “I am so sorry for the inconvenience; I—”
“Please, do not worry yourself,” Ninguang said, her voice reassuringly mellow. “I am just glad to hear you and your friends are safe.” A chuckle. “We were really quite besides ourselves at your disappearance.” 
Lumine nearly cried in relief. “We-We’re not in trouble?”
“Of course not,” the principal said. “We just want to make sure to get you back safely.” 
“Thank you. Thank you, Miss Ninguang.” 
There was a pause, and Lumine could imagine Ninguang’s small smile. “Now, for the safety of everyone, we’ll meet back up in the morning. For now, it would be best for everyone to rest for the night.”
The night? Lumine glanced out of the large office windows, and blinked at the darkened sky in disbelief. Have we really been lost that long?! 
“From the address Aether gave me, there should be an inn within walking distance from where the three of you are. Stay there for the night, and we will be there to pick you up in the morning.” 
“Stay in the inn for the night? Miss Ninguang, I’m so sorry, but all of our money was stolen—”
“Do not worry. We will call them and make the reservation for you. Please, just rest up. I am sure it has been a stressful day for you.” 
“Th-Thank you, Miss Ninguang.” 
“I trust you. Stay safe.” Then, the line clicked off. 
Lumine slowly handed the phone back to the receptionist, legs shaky from the relief flooding her body. Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel… 
“Well?” Childe asked. “What’s the plan?”
Lumine relayed the information about the nearby inn. 
“Will you be needing a car ride there, Mister Ajax?” the receptionist asked Childe. 
Lumine’s eyes flashed to him. Ajax?
“No, thank you,” he quickly said. “We’d better get going now.” He sauntered away from the desk.
Lumine jogged up to him. “Ajax?” she questioned. 
She saw his body lock up. “It’s nothing,” he said.
A scoff. “Obviously not. How did you—”
“What’s going on?” Venti asked, skipping over to them. He looked over at the receptionist desk. “What was that all about?”   
“We’ve got rooms at a nearby inn thanks to Lady Ninguang,” Childe said. “Let’s get there quickly before the night gets even darker.” He rushed out of the building. 
Venti shot Lumine a confused look. “Uh, what’s wrong with him?”
“Who knows?” Lumine muttered. 
Childe had always been very straightforward with her, rarely hiding any secrets. 
So why was he hiding something now?
* * *
The inn—Wangshu Inn—was a quaint wooden building lit up with glowing lanterns and paintings plastered along the walls. The lobby and outdoor restaurant had a few groups strewn about, a diverse grouping of travelers. Thankfully, Lumine, Childe, and Venti didn’t look too out of place. 
The three approached the lady at the front desk, a woman named Verr Goldet, with Lumine asking about their reservation. 
“Yes, we just received that phone call about your situation,” she said kindly. “We have the last two rooms ready for you.” 
“Oh,” Lumine uttered. She had assumed there would be three rooms, one for each of them. “I guess Venti and Childe can share a room—”
“I am not sharing a room with him,” Childe said. 
“Ehe, I wasn’t going to say anything, but I will not be sharing a room with the likes of him either,” Venti retorted. 
“Oh, I am so sorry,” Verr Goldet interrupted. “I didn’t realize there are three of you! The last two rooms are single bed only.” 
Lumine’s jaw barely had time to drop before Venti was pulling on her arm. “Let’s have a sleepover like when we were younger, LuLu! We can build forts, watch movies—”
Childe’s hand slid down Lumine’s arm, shoving’s Venti’s hands away. “The only way that’s happening is in your dreams, buddy.”
Lumine shrugged off both of the boys, leaning in towards Verr Goldet. “There are absolutely no other rooms available?” Any combination of the three of them would surely result in a dead body in the morning. 
Verr Goldet started typing away at her computer. “I’ll double check for you!” 
The sound of Childe and Venti hissing insults at each other made Lumine snap around. “Just. Go to the rooms. I will figure where I’m staying for the night. Alone,” she said definitively, pulling the two keys off the counter and holding them out in front of her. 
There was a pause as the two of them stared at the keys. Childe was the first to grab one. 
“Guess this is goodnight then,” he said. He pressed a swift kiss to Lumine’s forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning, Lumi.” Just as quickly, he left, disappearing into the elevator, leaving Lumine’s forehead (along with the rest of her face) to melt with boiling heat. 
Before she had time to process that, Venti’s cheeks puffed, and he planted a kiss on the side of Lumine’s face. “Goodnight, LuLu. If you still want to pig out on junk food, you know where to find me,” he said, jingling his room key. He quickly disappeared into the elevator as well.
Stupid boys. Stupid boys. Stupid boys. Lumine’s mind buzzed. And who was causing this sensation? 
“I am so sorry, ma’am,” Verr Goldet said, bringing Lumine back to reality. “On such short notice we truly gave you the last two rooms.” She clicked around on the computer a little more. “I can find another inn for you to stay at if you’d like.”
Lumine took a deep breath in. Her body was already feeling weighty with fatigue, and she didn’t want to complicate the situation even more. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just...stay in one of the rooms.” 
Verr Goldet nodded. “Which room would you like a key to?”
* * * 
Standing outside the door, Lumine suddenly felt a pang of anxiety burn in her gut. Was she really about to do this? Was it a completely idiotic choice of hers? It wasn’t too late: she could turn right back around and take Verr Goldet’s offer of staying at a separate inn. 
But it wasn’t like she could avoid this choice forever, lest the two boys kept fighting for eternity.
And this was the right choice. She knew it in her heart, no matter how much pain it would cause the other one. She cared for them both, deeply. But in different ways. One as a good friend, the other...something more. 
She started to push the key into the lock, but stopped herself as images of her walking in someone changing brought blood rushing to her head. 
She cleared her throat and knocked on the door instead. 
Seconds passed, and Lumine’s heartbeat picked up, just a bit. Was it anticipation? 
The door opened, and Childe stood there, fully clothed, thankfully. 
He stared at her in silence, as if in disbelief, not sure if she was really there. 
“Move,” was all Lumine could say, feeling heat creep up her spine.
He blinked, and stood to the side, still silent. Lumine stepped through the doorway, moving her way to the corner of the room, and plopping herself on the armchair. Wordlessly, she yanked a blanket from the bed, and wrapped herself in it, then closing her eyes. 
Maybe neither of them would speak. Maybe it would make the situation more bearable. Childe, please, don’t say anything—
“Take the bed,” he said, pulling the blanket off of her. “I’m not having you sleep in an armchair for the night.” 
She tried pulling the blanket back. “It’s fine. You take the bed.” 
A tsk. “Why are you always so difficult?” 
“I am not diff—”
Childe picked her up from the waist, tossing her on the bed. Then he tossed the blanket on top of her. “There. Just sleep now.” 
Her chest fluttered as her breath shortened under the blanket. “And you say I’m the difficult one,” she grumbled. She kept the blanket over her face for as long as she could, not wanting to make eye contact with Childe. 
After a while, she peeled it off for air, and couldn’t help but glance over to the armchair where Childe was sitting, eyes closed. It was obvious he was uncomfortable, his lanky legs crossed awkwardly, and his neck looking oddly stiff. 
Lumine let out a disgruntled groan, and turned on her side so her back was to Childe. “Sleep in the bed before you break your neck in your sleep,” she said. “Just...stay on your side.” 
A long pause. Lumine thought he had fallen asleep. 
“Are you sure about that, Lumi?” he asked. 
“Do it before I change my mind and make you sleep in the bathtub instead.” 
He chuckled lightly. The bed weighed down as he climbed on. Lumine glanced over her shoulder, finding Childe’s back turned to her. 
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do, Lumi,” he said, as if sensing her eyes on his back. 
She quickly turned her head back, heat flushing into her cheeks. “Good. Because I’d beat you up.”
“I know you would.” 
They laid there in silence, in the dark for a while, backs to each other. 
Lumine couldn’t fall asleep. And she was sure Childe couldn’t either. 
“Why’d that lady call you Ajax?” Lumine asked quietly. 
“Curious about me? I’m flattered.” 
“Nevermind. Goodnight.” 
“It’s my birth name,” he said. “And that place is actually owned by my father.” 
Images of his luxurious mansion flashed in Lumine’s mind. 
“That entire dock, actually, is mostly his. He, uh, runs a very big fishing company. Very famous. Very rich.” 
“Oh,” was all Lumine could utter. That amount of wealth was something she could only dream about. “And you don’t tell anyone because...?”
“We all have our secrets, don’t we, Pres?” he reminded. “People are greedy. If anyone truly knew who I was, all I’d ever be used for is my money.” 
“That’s...very true,” she responded. How...sad. “Is there a reason why you’re not at some big fancy boarding school then?” 
Childe laughed. “Can you imagine me in that kind of environment? I’m not interested in that at all.” 
The bed shifted as Childe moved around. Lumine glanced over her shoulder again, finding Childe laying on his back, eyes open and staring at the ceiling.
“Besides,” he continued. “If I had gone to one of those schools, I wouldn’t have met you.”
Lumine turned onto her back as well. “You would’ve met me anyways,” she murmured. “You ran into me at the arena, remember?” 
“You think so?”
“Our paths would’ve crossed eventually...right?” 
A beat of silence. Fluttering of breaths. 
“Do you regret meeting me?” 
Something about his words, the way he said them, made Lumine’s entire body seize up. It was almost the quietest she had ever heard Childe speak, the tiniest tinge of fear, like his heart had hissed it out before he even really knew what he was saying. 
“No,” she answered, just as quiet, her heart responding to his. 
Another slight pause. Then a small exhale from Childe, breath lilting in a soft laugh. 
“You know. It’s been quite a lonely existence. Before you,” he said. 
Lumine looked over at him. His hand was resting on his chest—right where that huge scar was. 
It was rare to see him so vulnerable, and her to be just as such. Her past self wouldn’t have been able to fathom this happening with Childe of all people.
But just like she said, she didn’t regret it. 
He understood her, better than herself sometimes. And there wasn’t anyone in Childe’s life who came close to knowing who he really was. They both wore facades of sorts, but not around each other. Not anymore. 
Her hand started reaching out without thought. It was the right thing to do, to comfort him, to connect with him. 
Lumine’s hand sat atop Childe’s. “You’re not so lonely anymore, right?”
She felt his hand flex under hers, hesitant. Then, he relaxed, and his fingers intertwined with hers. “Of course not.” 
The warmth from their hold sparked something in her. The warmth of a promise she had made.
She finally turned onto her side, completely facing him. “Did I do it?” Her amber eyes met with his. “Did I save you?” 
He stared at her, gaze lost in gaze. He smiled, small, but real, genuine, from the heart. “Yes.” He brought her hand to his lips, lips brushing over her knuckles. “You saved me, Lumine.” 
She stared at him, wide-eyed with anticipation, heart beating in a frenzy. She swore her chest was going to burst. 
“I love you,” she said. 
Childe was frozen, speechless for once.
He’s surprised. He was never surprised. He was always so calm and collected. 
Should I have even said it? No, she had to. She was going to explode otherwise.
“Lumi, are you serious—”
“Yes, I’m serious. I can’t explain it; I just do and I know it sounds crazy, but you—”
He pulled her close and kissed her. 
He kissed her, and this time, she kissed him back. 
* * *
[part 14]
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bush-viper-cutie · 3 years
Chapter One: The New House
Pairing: Snape x OC
Word Count: 2,472
Rating: E
Plot:  Severus, forced to live with his parents once again, moves into a new house with them… except the house itself isn’t new. Its old, very old indeed.
Warnings: none
A/N: Snapetober! I will be posting chapters often to this slice-of-life gothic slow-burn romance I have in my head :D Not following any prompts but I hope the general atmosphere of these chapters are spooky? Mixed with some gothic… maybe some supernatural elements ahead ;) Enjoy :D
Posted: 10/1/21
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~*~*~ = time skip
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Severus Snape hated his life. His parents were awful, his family had no money, no support from anyone, and everyone he'd ever known hated him. The majority of his 20 years of life had been like that, except for a small bit of it where it wasn't, where it had been alright. For a few quick years, he had one friend who understood him, although it was now as he sat in the backseat of his father's car, looking up at the clouds, that he wondered if she ever did.
The clouds coated the sky, covering every sliver of sunshine with thick grey. No light broke through and as a result, everything looked as miserable as his life felt. The droning of the car engine and tires on concrete grated his ears as he tried for peace of mind.
His father's suitcase - sandwiched above Severus' trunk and his mother's large bag - dug into his side, poking at him deeper with every turn the car took. They'd been driving for almost an hour but he knew they weren't even close to their destination; they were still inside the city, still inside its limits. He didn't need to know where they were going, even if he'd like to, he knew his father couldn't afford to move to any city nor any country home close by.
His mother sat quietly in the passenger seat, watching classy houses with nice, white picket fences and short little rose hedges pass by as they drove. She looked away from the window when they stopped at lights or when his father needed to look at the map for directions; Severus suspected she didn't want to know if any of the four-member families out on their daily evening walk around their block looked in to see who owned the beat-up little pile of scrap metal driving by their house.
He didn't care though. He hardly cared about anything lately. The last time he could remember caring was the scroll parchment he'd received for graduating Hogwarts. That was all he'd wanted for two years. After he'd lost his only friend - his only best friend - he focused on school and school alone. He thought everything about his life would change the second he got hold of that certificate. For a few long days it had felt like a first-place trophy, but it wasn't. It was what it was: A certificate, of completion, of participation. Nothing more.
Maybe he could have been something. If he'd gotten a job, saved up while living with his parents, and finally moved out, leaving them behind forever... But he didn't do that. He spent two years wasting time meddling in a bigoted cult working, selling potions for scrap. Hardly making enough to stay off the streets pretending like it was better than living at home just because the new sinking ship he'd found himself in was with his friends. Maybe eventually he could have made it work if it hadn't been for the Aurors who busted their small section of Death Eaters dedicated to making money selling illegal potions.
He supposed they threw themselves a party, thinking themselves big-shots, catching a handful of young adults making money out the back of a shady pub. He remembered the headline in the Daily Prophet: "Fourteen Death Eaters caught and awaiting sentencing". He supposed his mother thought herself a saint now too, bailing him out, saving him from days of "possible abuse" as if it were any worse than the prison he'd lived in all his life.
At first, he couldn't figure why - not for the life of him - she'd even care what happened to him. He wasn't a child and he wasn't her problem anymore. He knew she derived some sick pleasure knowing he not only owed his existence to her but now his freedom as well... and then it all came out. They bought a new house and it wasn't built to be kept up by two people, hell not even three but he was sure his extra pair of hands would come very handy to them.
They didn't even need to pay him. Not only was he their child, but that bail money was something he couldn't even attempt at paying back, and not because it had been a lot. She'd paid it in wizarding money left over from her witch days and she knew his wand had been broken as part of his sentencing. He'd have to beg some stuck-up department deep in the government for a wand permit which cost money. Then he'd have to buy himself a new wand, then work to pay her back all while "bumming" it at home while his father yelled about getting a "real job", one that didn't involve "devil magic" in the "devil society" that was the wizarding world. And he was sure he wouldn't be able to show up for work with a bruised eye or swollen jaw, even if by some miracle his employer could look past his new criminal record.
He held in a wince as the car turned again and the top luggage fell onto his head. He was back to old habits trying to pretend he didn't exist.
"Hey," Tobias said, glancing at him in the rearview mirror. "Fix that."
Without a word, Severus shoved the luggage back onto the pile behind the driver's seat and sat back. They were on the outskirts of society now. The scenery had turned to country, and the smog of the city had cleared, though the skies were still dark.
His father stopped for a few moments and refolded the map on his lap. His mother carried on watching the world outside, unresponsive to either of them or the happenings inside the car.
"What's that say," Tobias handed Severus the map and lit a cigarette while he waited, not bothering to open the window.
Severus brought the map up to his eyes and squinted. His eyesight was poor and worsened by the approaching dark. "S-starts with 'c'..."
"S'got a double 't' or 'h'?"
"'H'." Severus handed it back and Tobias started driving again.  He took several turns and headed onto a rougher road.
Within minutes the tame country became wild and morphed into a long stretch of woods. For the first few minutes, he hadn't even noticed despite being completely focused on the environment that passed them, like his mother still was. The first few trees seemed to go on, and just when he thought they'd clear them and continue driving past open fields, the trees persisted until he realized they were deep inside a forest now.
A few more minutes passed and they finally did exit the forest into a wide field of dead chopped trees cleared to the side on either edge of the steep hill the car was climbing. Severus sat up finally, hearing his spine crack and snap into place after being hunched over for the better part of the day. He liked the colorful mushrooms and bright green moss growing on the black logs of the discarded trees.
"Here," Tobias grumbled, rolling down the window. He flicked his cigarette butt and rolled it back up.
Severus sat forward and looked out the windshield up at the house they were approaching. It was large and clearly abandoned, probably for a good decade. The shingles were covered in dead leaves, the paint was chipping, the windows were gray and smeared with dirt likely blown during wind storms. The porch was missing a step and the columns holding up the covering were slanted. It was more yellow at the top and browner at the bottom - rot on the foundation most likely.
He slumped back in his seat. At least, if it turned out horrible, if it came down the second they stepped inside, or the walls melted from mold before their eyes, their old home was still waiting for them, the cursed thing. Almost all houses back home on Spinners End were abandoned. No one to sell to, no one to buy decrepit eyesores in the shadow of rundown factories. But at least he still had the option if it all went wrong.
Severus stuffed his suitcase into the closet, kicked it in, and shut the door. Unpacking could wait. He turned around and looked at his room as a whole. It was small, located up the stairs in a corner. It had a slanted roof which was odd, considering there was a third floor above him. It would do though, it was on the opposite side of the house as his parent's room, so it would certainly do quite nicely.
He moved to the window and looked out to watch the mist settle below. His father was gone to town to purchase things they'd need: a lighter apparently for the fireplaces since this house was built before furnaces and never renovated. He felt like a poor house servant to a rich Lord, but it was better than feeling like a roach in his old home. They needed coal too, or maybe wood, whatever old metal kitchen stoves and ovens used.
Severus walked out of his room to look down the hall again. It was a larger house than he was used to - it practically felt like a palace - and was sure it would take a few days to memorize how to find the correct corridor places.  It wasn't Like Hogwarts, which typically took several years to memorize the right paths.
He walked down the opposite way he came and observed the way the dust clung to the walls giving the blue wallpaper a very muted look. The original owners liked their colors, practically every room had a different color to it. Corridors were blue, bedrooms green, dining room orange, library red, kitchen white, bathrooms pink... At least none of the colors were very offensive to the eyes, even without the dust they were all very muted and earthy.
He had explored the bottom floor, the second floor had all the bedrooms, and the third-floor stairs must be around somewhere, hidden. As he walked a new corridor he noticed there were spaces on the wall which had, at one time or another, held frames or mirrors but they were long gone. He turned the corner to a long hallway with very tall windows on one side. He could see the mist again and possibly behind it was more to the forest surrounding the house. He mentally noted which turn brought him to the back wall of the house. He walked on and at the center were the stairs to the third floor tucked into a gap in the wall opposite the windows.
The handrails were covered in dust and between the wood pillars were cobwebs that swayed as he crept up. There was an open floor filled with ghostly sheet-covered furniture. A chandelier holding half-used candles lay on the floor with a long chain still connected to the ceiling. Its crystals refracted light from the large windows on either side of the room.
He sat on a couch - not bothering with the cloth - and sighed. Eventually, they'd put him up to getting all this old stuff down so that his father could sell it, although, they'd already been inside once before and said they couldn't find the stairs to this floor - or large room.
He got up and walked back down the stairs peering into the small crevice between the handrail and wall. When he reached the bottom step he noticed the indent on the edge of the left-hand wall and pulled on it. A little ring popped out and when he pulled on that, the wall rolled out. No, it was a door. He pulled it further and closed it behind him. He stepped back against the windows. The wallpaper blended seamlessly and would have been hard for him to tell that it was a door at all. He pressed the blue-colored ring back against the wall and walked back to his room.
Severus heard a car door slam and sat up in bed. His father was finally back with the supplies to hopefully get dinner started. His nap must have been a few hours because the sun had already dipped below the tree lines.
"Severus," his father called out to him, his echoes from one side of the house bounced off every wall to reach Severus' ears. "Now."
He swung his legs over the bed and left his room, stumbling down the dark hallway towards the front of the house. He stopped at the foot of the stairs looking down. His father was smoking again and had dropped several grocery bags on the floor. He blew the smoke out of his mouth and looked up at Severus, then motioned for the bags and pointed in the general direction of the kitchen.
Severus obeyed and carried them in, placing them on the counter - which had been dusted - and started taking out the contents. The only modern appliance in the house was the fridge, tall silver and brand new; it must have been the real major cost of the house.
His father had bought a large head of cabbage and a pack of sausages. There were matches but no coal which means they might be having cold soup for dinner again. He put everything away and came back to stand at the door.
He stepped aside as Tobias entered the house again. Severus thought about stepping out and walking around for a bit, not wanting to be in the same house as his parents, but felt the distance between his room and theirs was enough for today.
He turned to the stairs and saw his mother holding the banister looking down at him.
"Tomorrow there'll be a list of chores for you in the kitchen," she said. Her stiff voice echoed throughout the house and she kept her eyes on him waiting for a response.
He gave none and she left, unbothered. It was the way of their relationship. She'd ignore everything he said, and he'd do the same. He walked up the stairs, hearing how they creaked and groaned under his weight, echoing off walls and resonating down the hall. He headed to his room and closed the door. It was only around nine, fully dark, but he was done with the day. Dinner wasn't worth facing them and staying awake any longer wasn't worth the boredom and loneliness.
He took his pillow out of his trunk and fell onto the bed, almost disappointed it didn't break and send any amount of adrenaline or chemical of any kind to his brain. He moved his pillow, slid his arm under it, and closed his eyes.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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yournameyn · 3 years
Feeling Deeply Chapter 5
Genre: Arranged Marriage Fic. Fluff turning into angst?
Pairing: Namjoon x OC
Summary: The story of two deeply feeling nerds who find themselves in an arranged marriage. (Details here). Our OC is called Brishti. It’s a Bengali name meaning rain. Namjoon calls her Rim (short for her pet name, RimJhim which means the pitter-patter of rain). She calls him Joon.
Warnings: NOT THE NAMJOON OF OUR DREAMS. Argument. Fight over tiny discrepancies that turn out to be a huge problem. Domestic violence. Not a happy chapter.
A/N: Have you ever felt this, reader? When you watch something and realise exactly what you need to realise in that moment? I’ve had that so many times - seeing my feelings mirrored in a show. That’s something that I’ve tried to have Brishti feel here. Also, this is how I see the natural progression of this Namjoon, the one who obliged to duty rather than his dreams. It took me a long time to write this but I love what’s come out. Let me know what you think!
Current Chapter: London, late 1963. Love fully blooms between Namjoon and Brishti. And yet, something’s not right. A visit to the ballet and a conversation brings forth realisations. The inklings that Brishti was trying to avoid transform into writing on the wall.
Previously in Feeling Deeply: Preface Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
The magic about new love isn’t really in romance or even in true intimacy. It’s in how violent new love is… and just how much time it takes us to feel it’s impact.
In the new love between Namjoon and Brishti, everything had been roses and honey, overflowing, swaying in a gentle breeze. They spent every second possible in each other’s arms. They had to tear themselves away from each other when they had to leave home. And even then, it hurt as though they were part of the same cloth.
Brishti had thought about how they had become woven, their souls an ornate tapestry. Namjoon had told her then about a Japanese tradition of weaving that was a sort of meditation and a kind of worship to a god called ‘Musubi’. The disciples say it is like being part of the cosmic tapestry. Being tied to each other.
“Just like we are… I felt a pull toward you and I followed it. I was scared… so full of doubts about who you were and how this was all going to go… I had promised myself that I would fulfil my duty… whatever happened ” Namjoon had said, petting Brishti’s hand gently, “And I… I still can’t believe it… It… you make me feel like I can… trust myself.” Brishti had looked at her genius then and wondered what a strange world it must be that made a man like Namjoon doubt himself, “Always, always trust yourself, Namjoon-ah.” and settled into the crook of his neck.
It was indeed a strange world that caused Namjoon to build an armour around himself. Because ‘London’ and ‘Lonely’ sounded just the same to him. His years alone in this strange place had been unkind, unrelenting. Brishti had been the only softness he had felt in a long long time. Armours built over years can break in an instant, though. For him, it was the moment when he and his wife had crossed the threshold to becoming lovers. High on the magic of new love, he had not realised it.
Sitting across from each other after that fateful evening, Namjoon and Brishti were both wide awake in the early hours of the next morning. Brishti buttoned up the shirt they never fully took off. Namjoon had tickled her with his toes. They propped their feet against the other’s to see just how vast the difference was (he melted seeing how small her feet were and hadn’t stopped playing with them since). Caressing each toe, he remembered something he wanted to ask -
“How did you know what Saranghae is?”
“Mm…” she stretched her arms, “I know what it means…” Brishti said.
“I know you know… from the way you… after I said it… You asked Yoongi about it?” Namjoon cautiously asked about the only other Korean Brishti knew. To his surprise, she nodded no, still denying him any information. Namjoon had to tickle her foot for the answer.
“Okay! Okay! Wait! Pleeeease!” Namjoon stopped and Brishti bent down to the bureau next to her bed and pulled out a textbook - LEARN HANGUL THROUGH ENGLISH. Namjoon looked more shocked than she had expected. “I asked Yoongi about the book-”
“You don’t need to Rim… I’m not learning Bangla, am I?” Namjoon said. He was touched but he didn’t want his love to do anything he couldn’t reciprocate.
“I would have asked you to learn it… if I wrote poetry in my mothertongue...” Brishti said. Namjoon was shocked. She went on, “You really think I didn’t know?”
Namjoon blushed and smiled and flopped over in Brishti’s lap. She brushed his hair as she explained, “You light up at the mention of lyrics and poetry, you keep a notebook by your side at all times, you’re moved by the things that people usually don’t pay attention to… I know you’re a poet, Joonie.”
Namjoon looked up at her and said, “No one has ever called me that…”
Brishti leaned down and kissed her gorgeous husband. “You are... From what I know, I bet all my books that you are a great one... And… I… I would love nothing more than to be part of your world of words, Joonie… It must be strange… to be understood but in a foreign language. If you would let me, I want to understand you in your language… Do you think that’s something maybe--”
He got up and all but jumped on Brishti, pinning her down to the bed with the cutest puppy-yell she had ever heard. “Yes! Of course, yes!”
They both understood that this was a proposal. The truest kind - a gentle request to explore Namjoon’s universe. They would later joke about how she proposed to him after a month of being married. Namjoon was completely delighted by this person with him, his person… one who really saw him.
He pulled her to him saying, “You’re the best part of my world, Rim...” and kissed her.
Each moment of love flowed through the next. When they had to be separated, they couldn’t wait for the next one, their moment again. On weekends they would visit museums and find their favourite paintings and sculpture or their favourite prehistoric relic and animal. Brishti hated the fact that Namjoon had to work overtime to compensate for these weekends and she often voiced how unfair it was.
In response Namjoon would just give her a peck and say, “As long as I have you, I’m happy.” This pricked her but she was too taken by the man before her to pay heed to it.
Namjoon was just about able to keep a straight face at work but everyone around Brishti was acutely aware of how much she loved Namjoon.
At one point, her colleague and best friend, Min Yoongi had yelled at her, “Yhaaaaa! Stop blushing?! It’s just a clock… what could be romantic about a clock?!” Sayuri-san, and she were hanging around Yoongi’s table when Brishti looked at his new flip clock and started blushing.
Brishti laughed along with everyone else but explained, “It’s involuntary… that’s what happens when you’re married to a poet.”
Sayuri-san corrected, “I know too many wives of poets to know that’s not necessarily true… It is true though, when you’re in love with a poet… Go on… tell us how exactly poet Namjoon makes you blush about a clock...”
Brishti blushed even more at that. Yoongi rubbed his arms and demanded, “Tell us because there’s some really weird things coming to my mind… like you guys have an exact time when...”
Brishti stopped his imagination, “No no no… it’s nothing like that… he loves digital clocks... because he loves to watch the time turn to 00:00… zero o’clock he calls it… and on days he feels sad, it’s like zero o’clock is always there to comfort him… like it’s a point when the whole world holds its breath and he can feel happy again… but these days… with me… he said he wants the clock to keep going after 23:59… he wishes time would stretch on… beyond 24:01…”
Yoongi sighed and sat back down, “You’re making me fall in love with Namjoon… ahhh that is beautiful. He should be published...”
“Imagine him saying this directly to you and you might know how I feel… I can’t stop talking about him...”
“Oh, we know. But honestly none of us care… your poet-librarian romance is getting us through our single-ness.” Yoongi reassured her.
The three of them continued to talk about the ways in which Brishti could repay Namjoon’s wordsmithing in graphic ways.
It was that evening, wasn’t it, when Namjoon had enveloped her back in the warmest hug as soon as he’d entered their flat. Brishti was in the kitchen when she heard him enter but hadn’t expected this. He kissed her neck while telling her the good news, “We got our first Korean client today… because of me… Mmmm… Why do you always smell so amazing?”
Brishti turned around and hugged him again, “That’s amazing! Namjoon-ssi! I’m so proud of you!”
“He’s from a wealthy family… so he can actually afford our firm… its not exactly the work I wanted to do--”
“It is a step toward that idea, right? It’s still good work, fighting for justice?” Brishti asked, stopping him from undermining his own work.
Namjoon nodded, “Yeah… He’s a dancer… Park Jimin. All the posh types know him as one of the best dancers in the Royal Ballet. They call him Jim… as if it’s too difficult to say Jimin?” Namjoon shook his head in disapproval. He began helping Brishti with the chopping and continued, “He was born in the UK and trained since he was 5... He got into the Royal Ballet but he’s been passed up to be a principal over and over even though everyone who has seen him dance apparently knows that he’s far far better… So recently he spoke to the director there... and of course the director made a racist slur and asked not to bother him with this again. He can’t even quit and work at another company because of the contract they have him on. There’s a non compete clause… meaning he won’t be able to dance with any other company. That’s all he wants… to be able to get out of that contract… I’m hoping to convince him to press charges on racial discrimination too. We’re not in the 20s anymore.”
When Brishti didn’t respond, Namjoon looked up at her. “That’s horrible… I’m so so glad you’re taking up the case. But please tell me what you ate when you were alone?” He looked down at the carrot he’d been failing to cut.
Namjoon scrunched his nose and admitted, “Canned food mostly.”
Brishti said, “I’m really really glad you’re getting to do work that you are passionate about, Joonie, you deserve it. Now, you should know how to cut a carrot.”
Namjoon pressed up against Brishti’s back. She reached back up to the nape of his neck and made him moan into her. Then… then Namjoon made her forget how to cut carrots.
He had these ways… Namjoon, with his touch, his voice, his languages both spoken and soundless. He was lighting new paths into her self. She loved learning him. Paths she didn’t know existed, that she’d been longing for.
The scars of the loneliness, emptiness that Namjoon had experienced had turned his longings into a kind of starvation. He needed to be nourished and also devoured. Brishti was just the creature to do it. He could feel her warm fingers trace rows of pleasure onto his skin. He felt them bear down and singe when the two of them had to move away from each other. He felt those ropes tug at him as the end of his workday neared. Namjoon closed his eyes each night at her touch, the feeling and fragrance of her body. He felt blooms of intimacy spring up like seedlings out of the soil of his skin. And deeper. In the earth of his soul. So he did the only thing he could. Reciprocate. Namjoon sowed his love, his desire, his need onto her, into her every night.
There were times, though, when she would feel his absence in the middle of the night and see him working in the dim light of a lamp. She knew he had to work hard to do what he wanted but she also saw he had to continually prove himself to people who weren’t even paying attention. The reason they weren’t paying attention was painfully clear to Brishti but she was yet to experience it’s full stab.
Namjoon wanted to shield her from it. He was counting on an armour that didn’t exist anymore to protect himself and his wife… the reason he liked his life again. Whenever she came out and switched on a brighter light, reprimanding him for straining his gorgeous eyes, he saw that it did prick her - this world and the unfairness he had to endure. She would say something small, an almost-complaint that alerted him… against her for some strange reason. She would say something that would be easy to ignore and yet would prick him, like - “I don’t know why they haven’t promoted you yet.” or “Why haven’t they taken up Jimin’s case yet? You’ve worked so hard on it.” Everytime she did that, he would have to pacify himself.
‘I’ve told her so much about the Jimin case… she’s just really invested’ Namjoon thought to himself. Just so he would avoid thinking, ‘I shouldn’t have told her.’
He would have to calm himself, give her a peck and try to convince her to stop worrying. “As long as I have you, I’m happy.” Namjoon would always say.
Then, Brishti smiled as she always did. While trying to understand why that sentence bothered her so much. After almost five months of exploring this wonderful man, some part of him still felt unfamiliar… like it didn’t fit in with the rest. Still, these things take time, she had heard from so many women over the years. Besides, she was blessed with a man far far above the norms. So, how could she prod? These are things Brishti had told herself - until the night she couldn’t stay silent.
The couple was coming up on their fifth month together and Park Jimin had gifted Namjoon a ticket to the final show of the season as a token of gratitude, for having heard his story.
Brishti was nervous about going to this kind of a gathering and had told her husband to meet her there.
She had enlisted the help of Sayuri-san to look appropriate for the event. Her slightly longer hair was clipped and her eyes were kohled. She wore a burgundy knee length fringe-ended dress that she had received from her gracious host, stylist and make-up artist - an inheritance of her brilliant life tucked into the black pearl beading and deco design. It was a big departure from the usual tie-die or band tees and jeans with her baggy coat. She had carried the coat but felt this strange sort of compulsion to stand in the cold air in the noodle strap dress, for him to see her.
She felt butterflies in her stomach and kept fiddling with the coat she had draped over her arm. It was electric when she saw him.
Namjoon looked gorgeous in a tux. All of Brishti’s nerves were soothed just by looking at him. He had brushed his hair back. Tall and dashing - better than any heathcliffe could ever be. And with his reading glasses, he looked like the lead of a romance novella that would make all the women swoon. Indeed she was swooning. Brishti was suddenly warm in the chilly, windy night. And when Namjoon saw her, blood rushed to her cheeks. Everything inside her was running helter skelter in a panic. Brishti felt everything drop in the few moments it took for Namjoon to reach the top of the stairs. Dolled up like this, outside of her element, she felt like an imposter. Some angel needed to be standing in her place. For the first time, feigning beauty, Brishti felt like she wasn’t worthy of her husband.
She was finally able to keep her feelings aside when he reached her.
Namjoon kissed her palm like a gentleman and whispered in her ear, “Let’s go home… I need a private kind of dance…” Brishti blushed. Namjoon put his arm around her and felt the chill that had settled on her skin. “Aren’t you cold? Why didn’t you wear the coat?” Namjoon asked. Brishti just shook her head no and the two of them walked in.
Brishti assumed that the ballet would be a welcome distraction from the storm that brewed within her. She had read up about the show, the piece they were going to perform -
Tchaikovsky’s venerated Swan Lake. The story of a young girl who falls in love with a prince who promises to save her but fails. Ofcourse there were finer nuances to the story but this was the basic plot. As the lights dimmed, Brishti felt pulled in by the music, the eerie beauty of it’s melody played in perfectly with the questions that were swirling around in Brishti’s mind -
Why do I feel wrong?
Is this what Yoongi was talking about? Anxiety…?
Why does Namjoon look so... different?
Why is he so quiet, so… distant…It’s like he’s keeping himself away from me despite being right next to me, arm in arm, like the true Namjoon is somewhere in a glass case? Deep deep beneath whatever this creature is who is next to me?
I’m thinking too much. No. What is this? Why am I feeling this way?
It’s the music… no its not just the music… something is fucking wrong because all I feel like doing is breaking that glass case that’s locked away My Namjoon and presented this fucking imposter. What the hell is going on?!
Brishti barely managed to keep it together. She kept her eyes on stage…
It was like seeing a moving painting being created by invisible hands and the music was the sound of the brushstrokes, amplified. Park Jimin was playing Rothbart, the owl-like magician who curses Odette into a swan until she finds someone who would promise to love her forever. The questions in her mind and the power of the spectacle before her forced her tears to keep flowing.
Namjoon saw Brishti cry and held on to her. But the more he tried to comfort her, the more uneasy she became, the more she coudln’t contain the tears in her eyes.
The curtain fell at the end of Act three when the prince realises he has been tricked. Brishti, somehow, mirrored his grief. The prince was cheated by Rothbart into believing that his daughter, Odile, was Odette. Rothbart relished his plan so despicably it made Brishti’s stomach turn. The prince had already declared to the ballroom full of people his vow to love and marry the maiden by his side - Odile, not Odette. Park Jimin played Rothbart so skillfully, so beautifully that despite being the villain, despite being covered from head to toe, he was the star. Rothbart giggled delightfully as he revealed to the prince that the girl in his arms wasn’t Odette at all. That Odette was waiting for her prince by the lake. The curtain fell as the prince felt the stab of betrayal and rushed to Odette.
Brishti rushed to where she did not know. She wanted to get away from Namjoon, from this feeling that she couldn’t understand, couldn’t explain. She was angry. She wanted to break something. Tears still flowing down her face, she found a corner that was hidden away in darkness. She went in. Brishti sat on the couch there, for what seemed like eternity, breathing heavily. Nothing made sense. It felt like her insides were twisting into each other. Suddenly, though, a door creaked open and out came an angel. A man, glowing, having just freshened up. He saw her, saw her fear and instead of pulling back in shock, approached with a strange kindness. He held her wrist and stayed silent for a moment.
His beauty was also a kindness to her. In that moment, Brishti could breathe a little bit better. He sat down by her knees, on the floor and when he spoke, his voice flowed like a tonic, “First time at the ballet? It’s overwhelming… I know. You’re okay. You are safe. Rothbart is not here. Talk to me… what are you feeling?”
The tears kept flowing. This man was different, she knew he understood what she was feeling like. She felt safe, but not as if she was with a saviour, rather as though she was with another victim.
“What are you feeling…” Park Jimin repeated. The pieces were falling into place in her head. This is Park Jimin, the man who danced as Rothbart. The man who should have danced the Prince. Who should have played Odette and Odile.
“I feel… rage.” Brishti trembled as she spoke. She could breathe again.
“Yes… Rothbart is… evil… I’m sorry-”
Brishti nodded her head no. “At the prince.”
Jimin was surprised. “Let it out. You can scream in here and no one would know.”
Brishti didn’t need another invitation, but her rage wasn’t a scream, it was a whisper - “I want to hit the prince. How could he not now? He couldn’t see that that girl was not Odette? Is he blind? The way she moved, the way she danced… which only means… it means that the prince knew… somewhere he felt doubt but he… He couldn’t fucking trust himself enough?! I don’t know why this is breaking my heart… Why can’t people trust in themselves?! It’s a pathetic fucking excuse and I can’t buy it… I just can’t. Why did the prince...” Her hands covered her face as she wiped her tears. She composed herself.
Jimin pulled out a kerchief. “May I?” Brishti nodded and he dabbed her face with care.
“The prince trusted his sight more than his soul. And now, Odette will die because of it. As always, the woman pays the price.”
“He dies too, you know.”
“What a waste…”
Jimin smiled, “Thank you… for watching the show, for feeling it so much.”
Brishti managed a weak smile, “Thank you.” Jimin stepped away and sat next to her, at a respectable distance. “I’m being lied to.”
Jimin nodded, “I know what that’s like. I feel that rage against the prince too. And still, we must be kind to our liars.”
Brishti clenched her teeth, “Why? Where’s the fairness in that?”
Jimin moves away, in a dejected kind of daze and pours himself a drink, “That’s the biggest lie, fairness. Cruel joke.”
Brishti walked toward the door. “I should go… Thank you.”
Jimin raised his glass to her.
Brishti wore her coat and walked toward the exit. She found Namjoon in a panic and suddenly felt like she could reach him. He looked so relieved to see her. She couldn’t help but feel awash with love as he crashed into her in the warmest hug. It was as if he was the one who was lost.
“Are you okay? Why were you crying?” Namjoon asked her as he stroked her head and held her in the hug for as long as she needed.
“I need to ask you something.” Brishti whispered as she pulled away. They began walking down the stairs of the theatre.
“Änything.” Namjoon replied.
“Your firm… they refused the Jimin case, right?”
Namjoon froze. His jaw locked up. “Let’s go home.”
The rest of the way, neither of them spoke a word. They entered their home in a cold silence. They washed the night off themselves and entered their bedroom, which was completely devoid of the heat and desire that usually filled it right up to the ceiling. What used to feel like an ocean, now felt like a vacuum.
When Namjoon walked in, Brishti reminded him, as kindly as she could,“I said I need to ask you something. You said, ‘anything’.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to talk about it.” Namjoon was cold again. Unfeeling. Unreachable.
Brishti tried her best to be calm… “When would you want to talk about it?”
Namjoon breathed in - “Why? Am I answerable to you?”
“Well, we disagree. I don’t think I am answerable to you. What would you have done if I wouldn’t have told you about it in the first place?”
“I would still be feeling what I’m feeling… I would be even more furious though.”
“Fu- why would you be furious? I have to work there, I lost the account. I’m feeling hurt and disappointed in myself and instead of helping me, you’re angry?! What the hell could you be angry at?!”
“I’m being lied to. I’m being tricked.”
“What?!” the contempt on Namjoon’s face made her head throb. He was angry now.
“There are two Namjoons here. I’m being told there’s only one and--”
“That is some philosophical trash that you learned from one of your books. Real life doesn’t work that way. But how would you know?! You don’t have a real job. You have a hobby. A hobby of stacking books in order. You’re just plain lucky that someone is paying you for your hobby. That’s not a job. You of all people cannot tell me about the things I have to do to keep my job. I have tried my best to be as honest as I can be--”
“As honest as you can --”
“Listen to me!” Namjoon thundered. His loud voice might as well have been a punch. It rang through her body and rattled her bones. She had tears in her eyes but clenched them down as Namjoon continued yelling, “Enough… enough with the fucking tears. What the fuck are you so sad about?! I don’t need you to pity me. I don’t need anyone to feel sad for me. I have tried to be a good man - do you even know how much other men don’t even mention to their wives?! I told you everything. EVERYTHING. And now I’m being punished for it. Time and time again I tried to console you… even though I was the one hurting… I tried to be there for you and tell you… as long as I have --”
Brishti couldn’t take it anymore “Don’t. Say that.” She didn’t yell. Her voice was just above a whisper and yet it sent a chill down Namjoon’s spine. She wiped her tears. “I didn’t ask to be consoled. I was just… curious. If a few questions from me hurt so much maybe you should ask yourself why. I’m not lucky that someone decided to pay me for my hobby. It’s nice to know what you really think of my job. But whatever you think, I created my job. I created my life. I fought to come to london. I fought for the right to earn--”
“Oh please... spare me the feminist lecture...” scoffed Namjoon.
“Sure. Take up Jimin’s case.”
Namjoon felt the burn of white hot rage. He wanted to strangle her. He was so used to touching her… and she was his… in this bedroom, he had made her his. He wasn’t thinking. Namjoon strode toward her and held one massive palm over her mouth and the other on her neck and pinned her to the wall. “YOU WOULDN’T HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THAT IF I DIDN’T TELL YOU.”
It took him a few moments to realise what he was doing. Brishti was shocked and tried to scream but no voice came out. She was trying to get him out of his daze when he finally saw her, saw his Rim, horrified… by him. Namjoon pulled his hands back instantly. He saw a red bruise bloom where his hands were - on her face and on her neck.
“This is how you make your conscience shut up?” Brishti’s voice was hoarse. “You think this has nothing to do with your conscience? With the best part of you? The part that you made me fall in love with? Are you really telling me you don’t know that this is why you can’t write the way you used to… You’re killing my Joon and asking me to stay silent. I can’t.”
The searing anger still hadn’t died and it burst out of him, “Why are we fighting like this… over Jimin… why don’t you take up his case if you fucking love him so much?”
“What do you think I’m doing right now?”
“You… Why are you fighting for him against me?!” It was here that Namjoon realised his armour was gone. The idea of who he is... suddenly vanished. And the one thing that had made him feel safe, like his true self, was slipping away. “You’re saying… just tell me… you’re saying what I think you’re saying.”
Brishti did him the only kindness she had left in her, she explained, “Jimin wants to leave but can’t. He stays because he needs to dance. He stays because he cannot get out of his contract. You say you want to help people like Jimin, you roll your eyes at white people who can’t pronounce our names, you feel guilty for asians who have much less than we do… but then you also don’t raise an issue when your boss holds meetings in clubs where people of other races and dogs and women are not allowed. You work overtime for the privilege of weekends… You say you are trying but… as far as I know… you don’t have a non-compete clause in your contract, Namjoon.”
That hit him like an iceberg. Namjoon’s legs gave way and he just sat on the bed.
He watched as Brishti put on her coat and left, covering her bruises with a scarf.
Chapter 6 - to be posted.
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikevamp OC: Sandro Botticelli
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Birthday: March 1, 1445
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 173cm (5’8)
Past Occupation: Artist
Vampiric Type: Lesser Vampire
MBTI Personality: ENFJ- A
Build: Lean, but toned. He says his best feature is his ass. Everyone agrees
Fashion Style: Modern day Sandro would wear light academia or cottage core. He would also wear a maid dress or skirt just because he’s proud of his thighs. In Ikevamp’s time period however, his priority is always comfort. He’s wear leather pants with either a white silk or cotton button up. (Tiddies out ofc because he is shameless) 
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Background: Turned in 1510 by Lorenzo de Medici, Botticelli was initially unaware that he had even died and been resurrected as a vampire. As someone who greatly appreciates life, he was angry at first about being brought back without his permission, and immediately left the Medici court. For several decades he traveled the world and realized there was so much undiscovered beauty just waiting to be discovered and immortalized by him. Since then he made it his goal to seek out that beauty wherever he could, and create a painting so extravagant and ethereal that it would put the sun, moon, and stars to shame. 
Personality: He is one of the most outgoing people in the mansion. He is not afraid to speak his mind and often compliments random people he meets in town. He is very genuine, almost to a fault. He always sees the good in others and can be a bit naive at times, only because he choses to believe people at face value. His  authenticity and trust in others, inspire the people he cares about to believe in themselves and become more confident. He also tends to have a flair for the dramatic, basically the embodiment of “I’ll get over it, I just need to be dramatic first”. He can be a bit dreamy and carefree, tossing awareness of his surroundings. (One time he went horseback riding with Leonardo and saw a pretty flower. He spaced out, thinking about how he would paint it in the hands of a beautiful person and ended up getting thrown off his horse when he almost rode into a tree. A true himbo). His carefree attitude however, can leave him a bit detached from people. While he’s very empathetic, he doesn’t know what to do when those emotions are coming from him. Finding beauty is his motivation after being brought back, but what happens when he realizes beauty isn’t the only reason he’s so drawn to you?
In Love: At first, he simply thought he was attracted to you for your beauty. After all, that’s the reason he was drawn to people in the past. He understand’s beauty very well, but he doesn't know what true love feels like from his own perspective. A major conflict for him would be realizing that the reason his heart races after time you smile at him, isn't because he simply finds you worthy of his art. He is hopelessly in love with you. 
“Oh don’t worry, I’m just holding your hand because its pretty haha...”
He can be oblivious at the beginning and won’t understand why you’re jealousy that he’s admiring other people for their beauty. It’s only because he wants them to be art subjects right? 
But once he has come to terms with his feelings, he will be the sweetest lover you can ask for. You are a goddess to him, his one and only muse, and he will make sure you know that he worships every single part of you. (He will definitely ask to paint you nude because “beauty such as yours absolutely must be captured. I only hope I can capture your radiance the way you deserve Amore”)
Hobbies: Painting, Meddling in people’s business, Stargazing
Dislikes: Dishonest and close minded people, Spicy Food
Favorite Food: Crème Brûlée
Hated Food: Banana
Weaknesses: Physical fighting, Math, Situational awareness.
Speciality: Making people smile, Chaos
Extra Things:
-Lorenzo brought him back because he believed it would be a waste for the world to loose such talent so quickly. 
- He arrived at the mansion to surprise Leonardo after hearing he was still alive. It was supposed to be a temporary stay but he fell in love with Paris and asked Comte if he could move in with them.
- Sandro is a great singer and dancer and is often asked by Mozart to sing one of his pieces for him. However he only agrees if he is allowed to draw Mozart after. (He can’t help it, Mozart and Jean are so ethereally beautiful, they just have to be drawn.)
- While he is extremely talented artistically, he doesn't know how to cook, wash dishes, or hail a carriage. Sebastian has officially banned him from the kitchen after he set the cupboards on fire trying to make a cake. (Theo nearly had a stroke after taking a bite and realizing he mixed up the salt and sugar)
- He is already very hyper, and he is not allowed to touch coffee. One time Arthur gave him a cup and he was awake all night trying to turned all the residents into the perfect models. He carried their sleeping bodies to the garden and arranged them to resemble the 12 Olympians. Jean woke up the next morning curled up at Comte’s feet and since then he has banned Botticelli from visiting his room or painting him. 
- Botticelli originally met Leonardo while they were both studying in Verrocchio’s workshop, and he considers Leo to be like an older brother to him. Being the two college-age dumbasses they are, they decided to move in together and start working as waiters in a nearby restaurant. After most of the staff died from the plague, Leonardo came up with the bright idea of rebranding the restaurant, calling it called "Le tre rane di Sandro e Leonardo" (the Three Frogs of Sandro and Leonardo), and serving gourmet cuisine. It ended up being a failure because most of their customers were not used to the innovative new food being served. 
- A threeway with Leonardo is definitely a possibility for you.
- He has a pet peacock named Juno.
- Sometimes he lays down in the garden and watches the clouds imagining different animals based on their shapes.
- Surprising Botticelli is very good friends with Dazai, and his positive outlook on life has helped Dazai appreciate his own existence. None of the other residents understand their conversations but it makes perfect sense between them.
- He cannot handle spicy food. One time Dazai slipped chili powder into his dinner and his face turned red while he teared up. To this day he internally shudders every time he sees the others eating something spicy without flinching.
- He tries to avoid conflicts as much as he can because he tends to get emotional very quickly. Being so empathetic can be draining to him and getting into a fight hurts him more than it will ever hurt the other person.
- He loves making random sketches of you and the other residents, and he will leave them your respective rooms with a small note reminding everyone that they are appreciated.
- His love language is physical touch and he has a habit of kissing everyone on the cheek or forehead.
- Something about Napoleon’s room is so cozy and welcoming that it makes him sleepy. He’s woken up cuddling Napoleon many times. Yes they have kissed each other.
- Though, he doesn’t like taking naps with Leonardo because sleeping on the floor makes all his bones hurt.
- He has a sweet tooth that rivals Theo. Between the two of them, any desserts Sebastian buys, are eating within 2 days.
- Sandro loves shopping with Comte and he constantly asks Leonardo to let him pick out a new wardrobe. He cringes every time he sees those mismatched boots.
- Shakespeare is the only resident that makes him a bit wary. He is very good at figuring out when people are lying and Will’s personality unsettles him.
- Besides Leonardo, Vincent is his favorite resident. Sandro appreciates how kind and welcoming he is, and his favorite pastime is painting with him. If he ever hears people talk bad about Vincent he will not hesitate to give that person a piece of his mind.
- Sandro is a bi king who develops crushes very easily, but most of them are fleeting and superficial. He had a major crush on Leonardo that he quickly got over after they became friends. When they lived together, Leo would often tease him for his habit of falling for people so quickly and moving on within a week.
- Modern Botticelli would be a major Ariana Grande, Harry Styles, and FKA Twigs fan.
- One time he was running to show Dazai a pretty butterfly he found and he was so distracted by it that he didn’t notice the tree branch right in front of him. He ran into it so hard that he knocked himself out for 30 minutes and Napoleon had to carry him back inside the mansion.
Other characters he is similar to: Ranpo Edogawa, Tamaki Suoh, Grell Sutcliff
I’m going to be using Ikevamp Botticelli so you can follow that tag if you want to hear more about him!
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tsukihimeyfan · 4 years
Sorting the main cast of AtLA into Hogwarts Houses
I know I’m late to the party because I’ve seen many different people tackle this before, but I feel like it is my civic duty as both a Potterhead and an AtLA stan to put in my two cents, since every single time I’ve seen it talked about people either misinterpret what each House values in their members or pick a House by taking into account only one aspect of their personalities. I want to make it clear that these are my own opinions, which I’m basing on the definitions we’ve gotten of the main traits of each House over the years and the “core values” of each AtLA character, and that I’m in no way am I trying to insult anyone who thinks differently. That being said, here goes nothing!
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Let’s start with the easy ones. Namely, the Fire Siblings:
1) Azula is 100%, undoubtedly, definitely, incontrovertibly Slytherin. Just doing a quick rundown of the qualities Salazar Slytherin prized in his handpicked students, as stated by the Sorting Hat, Albus Dumbledore and Pottermore: Cunning? Check. Resourcefulness? Check. A disregard for rules? Check. Using any means to achieve her ends? Check. Shrewdness? Check. Ambition? Check. Self-preservation? Check. Pride? Check. An argument could even be made that, as a member of the Fire Nation Royal Family, Azula also kind of meets the “blood purity” criteria. I’m sure most of us agree on this. Even if she does exhibit a lot of loyalty to her father as well as courage and intelligence, there is just no contest. Azula is one of the most Slytherin characters I’ve ever seen outside of the Harry Potter universe.
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2) In the same way, Zuko is irrefutably a Hufflepuff. Hear me out! I know that he’s very brave and daring, but when we think of Zuko, what is his most essential trait, what do people tell us again
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and again
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about Zuko’s character?
He’s a hard worker. And what’s the House of the hard-working?
"You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, And unafraid of toil.”
You guessed it. Hufflepuff. Of course, that’s not the only trait valued by this House that he exhibits. Who is more loyal in the series than the child who got half his face burned off and still did his best to earn the love and respect of the one responsible? Who never faltered in his loyalty even when he was sent away on an impossible mission? Who spouted angry words most of the time yet was willing to let his ticket home go temporarily in favor of ensuring the safety of his Uncle and his crew? That’s right, our boy Zuko. That very loyalty to his father is what unfortunately bound him for the longest time, until he was forced to face what a monster he was and let go of it in favor of more important things, namely his own morals and his loyalty to his Uncle.
He also has an incredibly strong sense of justice, as proven by the above statements, as well as this moment:
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and he can be incredibly patient when he needs to be, as seen during The Blue Spirit and the Southern Raiders episodes.
Hufflepuffs are also said to be fair (which he clearly is), dedicated (need I say more?), honest (which Mr. shouts-his-feelings-at-the-top-of-his-lungs and can’t-lie-without-being-obvious-or-glancing-away-and-has-been-found-out-every-time-he-tried of course is) and modest (this one he starts without but by the time he joins the Gaang there isn’t anyone more modest or humble)
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As “an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor” , Zuko is the Hufflepuffiest Hufflepuff to ever Hufflepuff and I will die on this hill
3) Another easy one is our girl Suki, whom I’d say is a Gryffindor through and through, even if she is very loyal to her friends.
The rest of the Gaang under the cut.
The other members of Team Avatar are a bit trickier because they all exhibit a pretty even mix of traits from more than one House, but still if we just concentrate on their defining characteristics we can get to an answer. 
4) I’d argue that Sokka belongs in Ravenclaw, even though he is of course quite brave and extremely loyal to his loved ones, not only because he’s a strategist and an inventor, but also because, as best stated by Master Piandao:
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Ravenclaws most value wit, learning, intelligence, creativity and wisdom (this last one is a bit iffy but I’m sure he’ll get there when he’s older), as well as priding themselves on being original in their ideas and methods. That’s Sokka to a T.
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5) Katara gave me a hard time. She’s unbelievably loyal to her friends and family, she’s compassionate, patient, fair, hard working and dedicated, with a REALLY strong sense of justice, so a case can be made for Hufflepuff easily. However she can also be quite cunning when she wants to (most obviously during The Waterbending Scroll, City of Walls and Secrets, The Painted Lady, and The Runaway), she has a lot of ambition (if you count every variation of “I will make the world a better place by force if I have to”), she disregards the rules when it suits her (again The Waterbending Scroll as well as The Runaway) and she can be proud at times, so we could argue she’s a Slytherin. She’s also undoubtedly very intelligent and even quite wise for her age. It took me a while to decide but then I pondered; at her very core, what are the statements that define her? What words just scream “that’s it, that’s Katara”? They are, of course, these two phrases:
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The first sounded incredibly Gryffindor to me, and the second is half Gryffindor half Hufflepuff, so it had to be between those two. As such, I decided to look into Gryffindor first. Katara is, of course, astoundingly courageous, but what else? I had to actually look up definitions for the Gryffindor traits besides courage because they all just kinda meant “brave” to me initially 😅, but what I found was:
*Nerve: “one's steadiness and courage in a demanding situation”. Yep. Who’s the most level-headed, steady and reliable person whenever the Gaang is in any kind of pinch? That’s right. Katara
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*Daring: “adventurous or audaciously bold“. Yep. I’d say she ties with Toph for boldest in the Gaang
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*Determination: “firmness of purpose”. Yep, absolutely. See the above image from the Painted Lady. ‘Nuff said.
*Chivalry: can mean 2 things, one is “sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms”. All of that is true of her (her “arms” being her waterbending), but I found it interesting that to be chivalrous can also mean “gracious and honorable toward an enemy, especially a defeated one, and toward the weak or poor”. I’d argue that this fits her even more. Once again, just take a look at The Painted Lady episode. 
*Courage and bravery: they can mean the same thing, namely “the ability to do something that frightens you” and of course that fits Katara, but the word courage in particular has another meaning, which is “strength in the face of pain or grief”...
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I’d say she’s pretty good at that. I think that settles it, Katara is a Gryffindor.
Turns out that when it came to the water tribe siblings Bato was right all along
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6) For Toph I was split between Gryffindor (thinking of her brash, bold nature) and Slytherin for a while, but after looking into Katara and researching all those definitions I think I have to give it to Slytherin. Of course, Toph doesn’t seem to be very ambitious unless you count “being recognized as the greatest earthbender in the world”, but she is quite cunning. She knows exactly how to use her “poor helpless blind girl” persona to get what she wants, as seen both on The Blind Bandit and The Runaway. She’s also an extremely good actress, being able to play the “reserved and obedient little girl” to her parents for years, and being easily able to pick it back up when it suits her. 
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She’s also stubborn, proud, and 100% willing to use any means, regardless of laws or rules, to get what she wants. 
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As for self preservation? Remember that her response when asked to teach Aang, which was crucial to save the world but would’ve compromised her secret, was this:
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Slytherins can also “hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done “ and my first instinct was to say that it didn’t fit Toph at all, but what is Toph if not a person who “waits and listens before striking”? Slytherins tend to favor Neutral Jing it seems. 
Almost forgot that as a daughter of the Beifong family she’s sort of nobility and she technically also meets the “blood purity” criteria.
7) Finally, we get to my boy Aang. He was really difficult. He’s loyal, patient, fair, kind, modest (usually) and just but I can’t really call him a hard worker most of the time.  
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He’s brave, adventurous, determined and chivalrous but he does tend to get discouraged during demanding or stressful situations (his friends always make it better though)
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He’s creative, very wise for his age, and quite smart (except when he’s playing around with Sokka in which case they share one brain cell 😂)
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He can even be cunning when he needs to be. If he ever went to Hogwarts, he’d definitely be a Hat Staller like Harry. I heard someone say once that they considered Aang a Gryffindor because he liked to show off a lot, but that’s not really a Gryffindor trait (think of Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter and Minerva McGonagall. I think any one of them would sooner Stupefy themselves than go show off their skills in front of a crowd for no reason other than to brag).
Once again, we must pin down what it is that defines him, what his core is. After much thought, I decided it’s this: 
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It’s his compassion, which he learned from his people, and his desire to value and protect all life. It’s his loyalty to the ideologies of the Air Nomads of which he is the last remaining bastion. It’s his strong moral code, his sense of right and wrong, his wish to make friends and to believe the best of everyone. That’s his center. That is what makes him Avatar Aang. In light of that, I think we can consider Aang, first and foremost, a Hufflepuff.
In the end, Team Avatar is made up of one Ravenclaw, one Slytherin, one Gryffindor (two after Suki joins), and two Hufflepuffs
Ironic, that the House least valued in the Harry Potter universe is the one that houses arguably the most pivotal characters of Avatar the Last Airbender: Zuko and Aang. Fitting, that even in this they parallel each other.
This is already long enough so I don’t think I’ll do Mai, Ty Lee, or Iroh. Maybe some other time.
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venusgirltarot · 3 years
Group 1
who/what is coming towards you?
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This is a general PAC reading. If you’ve stumbled across this post and don’t feel this particular group is for you, you can pick a different group, here
Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
Group one, I believe you all are very skilled in something creative. Maybe music or art. I’m also seeing something about interior design and hearing ‘painting’ I believe you’re a very humble person. You don’t give yourself enough credit and don’t realize how talented you are. I’m hearing ‘you’ve got the world in your hands’ I think there is someone who has contacted you in regards to this talent that you have. I believe this person and the offer they are coming in with is what you have coming into your life. You need to know that this person can’t be trusted. I don’t believe they have your best interests at heart and they either plan to do something malicious/sneaky behind your back or they already are. This person may have already or may be contacting you through social media. Specifically Instagram dms. I’m also getting something about Etsy. I don’t believe this is the first time something like this has happened to you. There may have been a person or people (maybe even this person) that have tried to use your talents for their own benefit in the past. You may have had intuitive feelings about this new person when they came into your life. You don’t fully trust them and I think part of you knows they can’t be trusted and their intentions aren’t good. I want you to know that these suspicions are not all in your head and you should listen to your intuitive mind. I’m hearing ‘go with your gut’ I believe this person coming in is trying to “train” you or paint themselves as a mentor in whatever your creative passion/talent is. I believe this talent is something you are very passionate about and this person is trying to make it a business or something profitable. It doesn’t seem like you like this idea and you may have expressed this to this person. This person may be stubborn, materialistic, and demanding. I heard ‘this person can’t offer you anything you don’t already have’ They may try to make it seem like they’re more experienced or know more than you do but they don’t. Don’t let them make you feel like they are superior or you are less than them. I cannot stress enough how talented you all are. This talent you have seems to be clear to everyone but you. You don’t need anyone to help you achieve your goals and dreams. You have the tools you need to do it on your own. Please, have faith in yourself and your talents/abilities. You can achieve great things, group one.
The advice I got from your guides was to end this connection. I’m hearing ‘cut this person off’ They also want you to start believing in yourself and your creative abilities. You’re not giving yourself enough credit for all of the talent that you have. This mindset is blocking you from achieving so many great things. You are so much more powerful than you realize. Please, have more faith in yourself and what you can do.
I hope this reading brought you some peace and clarity on your situation. Feedback is always appreciated :) Sending you love and light! 💕
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Who wants a full comparison of episodes 1, 25, and 111 of Welcome to Night Vale? Because I love comparing these episodes and also I have no impulse control. Let’s go
(Spoilers up to episode 111, obviously. Also, I’ll bold every other segment so that it’s easier to tell which ones I’m comparing)
((This is gonna be an incredibly long post. I’m very sorry))
A friendly desert community, where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome to Night Vale. (1)
A friendly desert community, where the sun is still hot, the moon still beautiful, and mysterious lights still pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome to Night Vale. (25)
A friendly desert community, where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead, while we lay open eyed, watching it all. Welcome to Night Vale. (111)
Hello listeners. To start things off, I’ve been asked to read this brief notice. The City Council announces the opening of a new Dog Park at the corner of Earl and Summerset, near the Ralphs. They would like to remind everyone that dogs are not allowed in the Dog Park. People are not allowed in the Dog Park. It is possible you will see hooded figures in the Dog Park. do not approach them. Do not approach the Dog Park. The fence is electrified and highly dangerous. Try not to look at the Dog Park and especially do not look for any period of time at the hooded figures. The Dog Park will not harm you. (1)
One single year since two major events in our town’s history. First, the opening of our lovely, state-of-the-art Dog Park, which is forbidden, and which I will not mention again. (25)
The City Council reiterated for the 1,874th consecutive day that the Dog Park is off limits for both dogs and humans. The fence is electrified and highly dangerous etc. Hooded figures and all that. Since its construction we have shied from and feared the Dog Park. The Dog Park is neither a park nor for dogs, and so what does it even mean to call it a dog park? Why do we use language that means one thing to describe something that is entirely else? I don’t know what the word is for that place the City Council calls the dog park, but I do know it’s time to start searching for that word, and once found, to use it boldly. (111)
And now the news. Old Woman Josie, out near the car lot, says the Angels revealed themselves to her. Said they were ten feet tall, radiant, one of them was black. Said they helped her with various household chores. One of them changed a light bulb for her, the porch light. She’s offering to sell the old light bulb, which has been touched by an angel (it was the black angel, if that sweetens the pot for anyone). If you’re interested, contact Old Woman Josie. She’s out near the car lot. (1)
[none] (25)
The angels, who I can now say are angels, and will say are angels, because they are angels, held a memorial for Old Woman Josie in her house. Everyone in town came, overcome with a feeling that finally they could look at these beings and recognize them for what they were. Even the City Council attended the memorial, but refused to make eye contact with anyone. Of course, this positive, concrete identification only led to more mysteries, for if these are angels, then where did they come from? And what does that mean for us? Even now we find that we cannot voice these questions. Not because we are not allowed. But because we cannot find the words to ask. Instead we ate cake and drank coffee in the living room of Old Woman Josie, which was once just that, a place she lived. Now it is only a room. One by one, we laid our hand on the Angels’ hands, and in that moment of contact each of us, in turn, found ourselves weeping. As the party wound down, we all heard a soft pop outside. It was the lightbulb on Old Woman Josie’s porch, burning out. (111)
A new man came in to town today. Who is he? What does he want from us? Why his perfect and beautiful haircut? Why his perfect and beautiful coat? He says he is a scientist. Well, we have all been scientists at one point or another in our lives. But why now? Why here? And just what does he plan to do with all those beakers and humming electrical instruments in that lab he’s renting, the one next to Big Rico’s Pizza. No one does a slice, like Big Rico. No one. (1)
Second, and more important, it is one year since the arrival in Night Vale of our most beloved and singular citizen. (25)
A man who I know very well came into my house today, which is also his house. He laid his head, with its perfect and beautiful hair, upon my shoulder, and crossed his arms over his perfect and beautiful lab coat. I embraced him. We are creatures of touch, humans, and we retrieve so much meaning and happiness from contact. “I have become too complacent,” he said. “When I came here, I understood this town as scientifically fascinating. And then, gradually, it became my day to day life. I could no longer see the strangeness, but only my home.” “We are all guilty of that,” I said. “But I am a scientist,” he said.“Well,” I said. “We have all been scientists at one point or another in our lives.” (111)
Just a reminder to all the parents out there. Let’s talk about safety when taking your children out to play in the scrub lands and the sand wastes. You need to give them plenty of water, make sure there’s a shade tree in the area, and keep an eye on the helicopter colors. Are the unmarked helicopters circling the area black? Probably World Government, not a good area for play that day. Are they blue? That’s the Sheriff’s Secret Police, they’ll keep a good eye on your kids, and hardly ever take one. Are they painted with complex murals depicting birds of prey diving? No one knows what those helicopters are, or what they want. Do not play in the area. Return to your home and lock the doors until a Sheriff’s Secret Policeman leaves a carnation on your porch to indicate that the danger has passed. Cover your ears to blot out the screams. Also, remember: Gatorade is basically soda, so give your kids plain old water and maybe some orange slices when they play. (1)
Parents: Let’s talk about safety when taking your children to play out in the scrub lands and the sand wastes. All children in Night Vale are missing this week, so there’s no current safety issues. Hope we find them! (25)
Just a reminder to all the parents out there. Let’s talk about safety when taking your children out to play in the scrub lands and the sand wastes. You need to give them plenty of water, make sure there’s a shade tree in the area, and keep an eye on the helicopter colors. I asked my best friend and brother, Steve, to talk me through which helicopters belong to which organizations. Obviously the black helicopters belong to the World Government, although I had not realized, until Steve laid it out for me, how closely they are also associated with the Lizard People. The blue ones are Sheriff’s Secret Police, the pink ones are the new Double Secret Police, and the ones painted with complex murals depicting birds of prey diving? Well not even Steve knows what those helicopters are, nor what they want. On Steve’s chart, those are just labeled with the word RUN and then a few hundred exclamation points. (111)
A commercial airliner flying through local airspace disappeared today, only to reappear in the Night Vale Elementary gymnasium during basketball practice, disrupting practice quite badly. The jet roared through the small gym for only a fraction of a second, and before it could strike any players or structure, it vanished again, this time apparently for good. There is no word yet on if or how this will affect the Night Vale Mountain Lion’s game schedule, and also if this could perhaps be the work of their bitter rivals, the Desert Bluffs Cacti. Desert Bluffs is always trying to show us up through fancier uniforms, better pre-game snacks, and quite possibly by transporting a commercial jet into our gymnasium, delaying practice for several minutes at least. For shame, Desert Bluffs. For shame. (1)
In other news, a commercial airliner appeared today inside the home of surprised Night Vale citizen Becky Canterbury, who said she was about to get in the shower when it roared down her hallway and then disappeared, as suddenly as it had arrived. There is no conclusive evidence that this is the same airliner last seen in the Night Vale Elementary gym one year ago, but we have jumped to that conclusion and will defend it against all naysayers, violently and without mercy. Our truths may or may not be true, but they are ours, and we stand by them, even as the experts and skeptics hold aloft clipboards and intone to us about snow and mountains. Becky added that she would like to take that shower now, and that she has no idea how we managed to arrive for an interview mere seconds after the incident occurred. “My doors are locked.” she said. “My windows too. I’ve had my eyes shut for years. How did you get in here?” (25)
A commercial airliner flying through local airspace disappeared today, only to reappear at the fifth hole of the Sagebrook Pines Private Golf Club and Bulk Supplier. This disrupted all golf activities badly, as well as scaring a family of four who were perusing bulk paper towels offered at a discount price in a nearby sandtrap. I feel, for the first time, that I can articulate that this airliner had flown into some other universe, those divisions being particularly thin here in our quaint little community. This also is the cause of things like dead relatives occasionally joining us for breakfast, or the shimmering skyscrapers and crowded cities that appear for flashing moments in the sky. Of course, it also could be the handywork of the East Night Vale Cacti, the basketball team at the new East Night Vale Elementary School. Those scamps are always pulling pranks. Could they transport a large plane through multiple universes? Who am I to say? But probably yes. For shame, East Night Vale. For shame. (111)
The local chapter of the NRA is selling bumper stickers as part of their fundraising week. They sent the station one to get some publicity, and we’re here to serve the community, so I’m happy to let you all know about it. The stickers are made from good, sturdy vinyl, and they read: “Guns don't kill people. It's impossible to be killed by a gun. We are all invincible to bullets and it's a miracle.” Stand outside of your front door and shout “NRA” to order one. (1)
The local chapter of the NRA has begun market testing some possible new slogans. These include: “Guns don't kill people. Blood loss and organ damage does.” “Guns don't kill people. People kill guns.” “A list of things that kill people: 1. Conceivably anything. 2. Not guns.” “Guns don't kill people. We are all immortal souls living temporarily in shelters of earth and meat.” and “If you say guns kill people one more time I will shoot you with a gun and you will, coincidentally, die.” To vote on the new slogan, simply fire a gun at the object or person that best represents your choice. (25)
The local chapter of the NRA is selling bumper stickers as part of their fundraising week. The stickers are made from good, sturdy vinyl and they read “We genuinely do not value human life.” Cute! (111)
Carlos and his team of scientists warn that one of the houses in the new development of Desert Creek, out back of the elementary school, doesn’t actually exist. “It seems like it exists,” explained Carlos and his perfect hair. “Like it’s just right there when you look at it, and it’s between two other identical houses so it would make more sense for it to be there than not” But, he says, they have done experiments and the house is definitely not there. At news time, the scientists are standing in a group on the sidewalk in front of the nonexistent house, daring each other to go knock on the door. (1)
Scientists, and science in general, would like to remind you that some things exist and some things do not. Usually, you can apply the simple test of seeing if it is there. If it is there, it exists. If not, it probably doesn’t, but it might just be currently existing somewhere else. Existence is tricky, the scientists say. Research shows this. For instance, there is that house in the housing development of Desert Creek out back of the elementary school, the house that doesn’t exist. It seems like it exists. Like it’s just right there when you look at it, and it’s between two other identical houses so it would make more sense for it to be there than not. But it does not exist. They have proved this with science. The scientists still haven’t gotten up the nerve to ring the doorbell and find out what happens. Do you want to do it? They’ll pay you five dollars if you do. Just ring it once ok. We’ll be watching from back here. You’ll probably be fine. (25)
Carlos and his scientists, like Luisa and Nilanjana, are renewing their investigation into the house in the development of Desert Creek, out back of the elementary school. The house that doesn’t actually exist. “It seems like it exists,” muttered Carlos. “Like it’s just right there when you look at it, and it’s between two other identical houses so it would make more sense for it to be there than not.” But he says, it is actually a doorway to another world. A world he himself was once stuck in for a year. There seem to be secrets about that year he is keeping to himself. Maybe someday we will learn what they are. (111)
Lights, seen in the sky above the Arby’s. Not the glowing sign of Arby’s. Something higher and beyond that. We know the difference. We’ve caught on to their game. We understand the lights above Arby’s game. Invaders from another world. Ladies and gentlemen the future is here. And it’s about a hundred feet above the Arby’s. (1)
But here, Carlos and I sat on the trunk of that car, his car, looking together at the lights up in the sky above the Arby’s. They were beautiful in the hushed twilight, shimmering in a night sky already coming alive with bits of the universe. [...] We understand the lights. We understand the lights above the Arby’s. We understand so much. But the sky behind those lights, mostly void, partially stars, that sky reminds us: we don’t understand even more. (25)
Lights, seen in the sky above the Arby’s. Not the glowing sign of Arby’s. Something higher and beyond that. One night, years ago, two people, scared and vulnerable and loving and ready, came together for a quiet moment under that sky. And I pretended at the time to understand the lights. But a big part of recognizing the world for what it is, is recognizing when you have no idea. Invaders from another world? Harbingers of future terror? A fragment of another universe, fading into our own above reasonably priced lunch meat? Maybe any. Maybe all. Maybe none. But here is what I do know. The lights are, among other things, a part of my memory, and a part of my marriage, and a part of my love. They are a piece of my past, and I don’t need to understand them to understand that. Ladies and gentlemen the past is here. And it’s about a hundred feet above the Arby’s. (111)
The City Council would like to remind you about the tiered heavens, and the hierarchy of angels. The reminder is that you should not know anything about this. The structure of heaven and the angelic organizational chart are privileged information, known only to City Council members on a need to know basis. Please to do not speak to or acknowledge any angels that you may come across while shopping at the Ralphs or at the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex. They only tell lies, and do not exist. Report all angels sightings to the City Council for treatment. (1)
The City Council would like to remind you about the tiered heavens, and the hierarchy of angels. The reminder is that you still should not know anything about this. The structure of heaven and the angelic organizational chart are still privileged information. Also, angels aren’t real. “I really get tired of having to say this,” a City Council representative said to a group of disgruntled angels. “Angels aren’t real. They just aren’t.” The angels became unruly and were dispersed by a thunderclap from heaven. (25)
The City Council would like to remind you about the tiered heavens and the hierarchy of angels. The reminder is the Council is grumpy that all of this is not forbidden knowledge, but due to the new laws, they are required to inform you that the angels have made all of that information available. Stop by the house where the angels live if you want to pick up a free packet outlining exactly how all of that is organized. While the packet itself is free, it is likely the angels will ask to borrow five dollars. They tend to do that. (111)
Speaking of the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex, its owner, Teddy Williams, reports that he has found the entrance to a vast, underground city in the pin retrieval area of lane 5. He said he has not yet ventured into it, merely peered down at its strange spires and broad avenues. He also reports voices of a distant crowd in the depths of that subterranean metropolis. Apparently the entrance was discovered when a bowling ball accidentally rolled into it, clattering down to the city below with sounds that echoed for miles across the impossibly huge cavern. So, you know, whatever population that city has, they know about us now and we might be hearing from them very soon. (1)
Word is in about a disturbance at the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex. There has been the sound of chanting and machinery from under the pin retrieval area of lane five, and Teddy Williams has changed all the bowlers’ names on the electronic scorecards to “THEY ARE HERE”. This is causing some confusion and has completely ruined Jeremy Godfrey's 50th birthday party, which had rented out a few lanes for the afternoon. Jeremy was last seen drinking a light beer out of a plastic cup, shaking his head sadly as he swished the liquid around and looking out the window at the sky, mostly void, partially stars. Teddy Williams was last seen howling, commanding his militia to surround the pin retrieval area and prepare for an attack. (25)
Over at the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex, Teddy Williams, its owner, reported the startling news that there is nothing under the pin retrieval area of lane 5. As you may remember, there has been a tiny city of warlike people under the bowling alley for several years now, which has caused some trouble, although not a lot of trouble, because they were very tiny people. But now there is just a hole in the earth under the pin retrieval area, an empty space containing only my own memories of a night that someone I loved almost died before I had a chance to truly love him. So good riddance to whatever that town was. (111)
Carlos, perfect and beautiful, came into our studios during the break earlier but declined to stay for an interview. He had some sort of blinking box in his hand covered with wires and tubes. Said he was testing the place for materials. I don’t know what materials he meant, but that box sure whistled and beeped a lot. When he put it close to the microphone, it sounded like, well, like a bunch of baby birds had just woken up. Really went crazy. Carlos looked nervous. I’ve never seen that kind of look on someone with that strong of a jaw. He left in a hurry. Told us to evacuate the building, but then, who would be here to talk sweetly to all of you out there. (1)
I arrived at the parking lot to find Carlos, perched on the trunk of his car in flannel and jeans, his perfect hair mussed, his perfect teeth hidden. “What is it?” I said. “What danger are we in? What mystery needs to be explored?” He shook his head. “Nothing,” he said. “After everything that happened...I just wanted to see you.” My heart leapt. My heart soared. My heart, metaphorically, performed a number of aerial activities, and, literally, it began beat hard. (25)
Carlos, perfect and beautiful, came into our studios during the break earlier, and we ate lunch together out of Tupperwares. He had some sort of blinking box in his hand covered with wires and tubes. When he put it close to the microphone, it sounded like, well, like a bunch of baby birds had just woken up. Really went crazy. He asked if I remembered it. He had brought it by on the first day we had met. He had told me that it tested for materials, but he wasn’t actually sure what materials it tested for. He had just wanted an excuse to come by and talk to me. “Anyway,” he said, “I thought it was a nice memento. Back when we were fumbling awkwardly toward this life we share.” “But,” he added, “it’s a real instrument that is detecting some actual materials of some kind, so there is a good chance that everything about this studio is deeply dangerous. Please be careful.” (111)
Settling in to be another clear and pretty evening here in Night Vale. I hope all of you out there have someone to sleep through it with, or at least good memories of when you did. Good night, listeners. Good night. (1)
We understand the lights. We understand the lights above the Arby’s. We understand so much. But the sky behind those lights, mostly void, partially stars, that sky reminds us: we don’t understand even more. Good night, Night Vale. Good night. (25)
Settling in to be another clear and pretty evening here in Night Vale, this weird, weird town. I hope all of you out there have someone to sleep through it with. I know I do. Good night, listeners. Good night. (111)
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ichitora · 3 years
「 New born vow 」
:: Kazutora swears another promise after having a realization as a birthday gift.
» with Tokyo Manji Gang
《Content Warning - Canon divergent - AU, third POV, Comfort, just characters interacting with each other, platonic relationship, tr dvd booklet 1 minor spoilers》
【 notes - Again, Happy birthday to my one and only, Kazutora! 】
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The lad hit the breaks immediately. He and his companion almost flew out of the car by how abrupt it was. Kazutora covered his mouth as he stared at what's in front of him with expanded eyes. He glanced to his right to see Chifuyu glaring at him. “What the fuck, Kazutora?! We almost just hit another car!”
“’m sorry!” Kazutora chuckled lightly. He took a deep breath, pushing on again to the road as if nothing happened.
“Did you see something strange again?”
Kazutora shook his head. He continued driving, eyes gazing at the rearview mirror of the black vehicle he was maneuvering. He just saw two kids exchange punches. If he was not mistaken, he would assume that one of them was not experienced in fighting by the way he attacked, let alone his clothing screaming as if he is coming from an average family.
How long has it been? A month or two? Kazutora was no longer certain how long it had been ever since he got released with Chifuyu waiting for him. It was all fresh, everything seemed new to his eyes that he couldn't help observing as much as he could. It was until he saw those children on the sidewalk, just near a newly opened arcade. It was a scene that shallowly brought entertainment to him, given that he felt like a part of his past just replayed without any warning.
“𝘏𝘦𝘺!” 𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘵, 𝘨𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮.
“𝘌𝘩? 𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨~” 𝘏𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥.
“𝘋𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥!”
𝘉𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴.
“𝘋𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘦!” 𝘏𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘸 𝘢 𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦.
“Where are we headed to again?” Kazutora inquired slowing down over a traffic light that speaks yellow.
“Oh.” Kazutora simply raised his eyebrows from the answer. It’s been a long time as well since he last saw that lad. Just remembering his name brings a light smile to his face. That blond eye opener who mourns for everyone. “Why?”
“I just have something to take from him.” Chifuyu’s tone was serious, just as how his eyes are glued on the road as if he manipulates the wheels they’re using.
Kazutora didn’t bother asking anymore and proceeded, allowing the other man to guide his directions. This will be the time where he will be seeing someone else he knew aside from Chifuyu— and if he’s going to be honest with himself, he doesn’t know if he’s ready to see him, rather if he’s ready to be seen by people who were linked to him right from the very beginning.
His hands are sweating from the thought.
“Stay here for a while,” said Chifuyu as soon as they halted. Kazutora’s doe eyes shone shapes of confusion but dared not to ask why. It must be important that he has yet to know what is it about. He only laid back on his seat, fidgeting with the hem of his clothes and scanning the building before him. It was only a simple two-floored house painted in white. Nothing too interesting, to him at least. As much as possible he wouldn’t want to do anything that would irk Chifuyu, not when he has been showing him kindness the moment he was born to this world once again.
A knock almost startled him, his innocent face even more puzzled to see Chifuyu through the tinted window, trying to see him inside.
“Let’s go.” He beamed a little. Kazutora followed like a puppy, making the car door click before leaving. The vibe in the place was pleasing, there then he remembered Takemichi. Of course, it’s him. It seemed like everywhere Takemichi goes and touches cleanses the impurities that live within, giving it a memento of peace.
I wonder how he is right now.
He almost bumped at Chifuyu’s figure due to his musings, not noticing him stopping by another door made with wood. The raven head glanced at him, gesturing to him to open the door.
“Open the door.”
“What do you mean why? Just open it.” Chifuyu chuckled. Weird.
Kazutora could only crease his forehead. He then twisted the knob, pushing it open—
He froze.
There was a pair of eyes, and then another, and more—
All eyes are on him.
Kazutora’s certain his heart dropped its beat.
Chifuyu smirked, walking past him. “Come on in, Kazutora-kun.”
“Oi, Kazutora.” He couldn’t believe his ears. The deep voice simply came from a man in a simple plain blue shirt and gray shorts, relaxing on one of the seats. “It’s been a while.”
His brain cells buffered upon processing what’s before him.
There in front of him was a backyard behind Takemichi’s place, where the Tokyo Manji Gang members waited for him, just in their casual outfits. Draken, now with black hair, sits with someone who had a scar on his face while Mitsuya was on the side, fanning the steak he’s grilling together with a taller lad with blue hair. Pah chin was drinking with another guy he isn’t much familiar with, and then the rest were chit chatting matters that didn't register in his ears.
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴... 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?
“... Kazutora-kun?” The called lad sharply glanced back, seeing Takemichi who also possessed dark-colored hair, now resting naturally on his head. He smiled widely at him, eyes concaving. “Finally, you’re here!”
This is overwhelming Kazutora. It makes him want to explode. He only expected to meet him and now there he acts like a statue in front of everyone else. Takemichi tilted his head. “Happy birthday! I’m sorry this is all we could do for ya.”
The words and letters are in chaos inside Kazutora, he tries to trawl the words to explain what’s going on, only to end up fruitless. Takemichi escorted him to Draken, now beside Chifuyu who’s in his work clothes. The twigs and branches inside a circle formed with rocks at the center caught Kazutora’s eyes as they reached their short destination.
Draken eyed his companion, introducing him to Kazutora. “He’s Seishu. Seishu, he’s Kazutora.”
They nodded at each other without a word. Kazutora simply is afraid that he’d end up stuttering since the shock still hasn’t calmed down in his system. His eyes scrutinized Draken’s face. He still couldn’t believe it— his friend, just a meter away from him.
“The fuck are you staring at?” Draken questioned, breaking Kazutora’s train of thoughts. He lets out a silent laugh. “You looked like you’re seeing ghosts.”
“Let’s let him recover,” Chifuyu said, crossing his arms. “I’ll introduce him to everyone else later.”
“How has it been, Kazutora-kun? I’m happy to see you again.” Takemichi entered, drinking a glass of juice, “Chifuyu told us that today’s your birthday so we tried setting this up so that it can also cater to everyone.”
It’s his birthday today. He nearly forgot.
Kazutora had been spending his years in a four-wall cell on his own that he forgot about celebrating days already.
“You... you didn’t have to do this.”
“Oh, come on, it’s gonna be your birthday after getting released,” Draken responded. “A little gathering won’t hurt.”
The rest of the time was spent trying to catch up with each other. Kazutora nearly bit his tongue on each unfamiliar person being introduced to him by Chifuyu as they sauntered. There were few exchanges of words, eating together and finally gathering in front of a bonfire as soon as the moon decided to join their party. Silence never landed on them as there will be one murmur after another, teasing and shoulder lifting laughter.
It was as if they didn’t have any problem at all concerning themselves.
Kazutora watched the blaze dancing in front of them, eyes penetrating the brightest color it emits.
“𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯, 𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢,” 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘵 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘳, 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧𝘧. “𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘷𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦.”
𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢’𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘴, 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸 𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘮.
“𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘢𝘥𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦. 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘢𝘳𝘦...” 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘨𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢. “𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.”
“... 𝘉𝘢𝘫𝘪...”
Kazutora’s eyes are threatening him with some tears the longer he stares at it.
His very first birthday where he made his first genuine friend who wouldn’t befriend him for any benefit. His best birthday that engraves in his head that assured him that he’s no longer alone.
Baji Keisuke.
“...Thank you.” He mumbled mindlessly at the fire, audible to the people close to him.
“Don’t be.” Draken patted his back. “Remember? You’re always a part of Toman.”
On his other side, Mitsuya spoke with his eyes closed, a grin plastered on his face. “You’ve repented and paid whatever you have done in the past. You deserve to move on and start again, Kazutora.”
“Baji-kun would tell you the same for sure.” Takemichi butted in.
There he can’t hold it.
Kazutora bit his lips as his tears raced down his cheeks. He couldn’t control it. He couldn’t control the way his heart was jumping in both joy and longingness. He’s having a hard time breathing.
In this fire, he’s surrounded by people he used to loathe. People are here to be with him, giving him a warm welcome after the cage finally opened for him to go. The weights on his shoulders remained, but now that he’s here, it was as if he was being told by the universe that it’s okay. Oh god, if this is a dream, he wishes not to wake up anymore.
But thank goodness, it wasn’t.
It’s real.
He’s not alone.
Baji isn’t the only strength he can rely on.
“If 𝘩𝘦’𝘴 here...” Draken paused, eyes also praying some wishes over the fire. “He’d absolutely wish you the best.”
Ah, right.
They didn’t have to know who he is pertaining to. After all, he’s the only person who isn’t present— where little did they know that as they think of him, there he stands on one of the rooftops among the towers of Shibuya, gazing at the city lights with darkened circles under his deep eyes. The wind plays with his white dyed hair, allowing to give emphasis towards the iconic tattoo on his nape.
Kazutora heaved a sigh. He highly hoped for him to be alright wherever he may be as well... Even if he knew he wasn't.
Perhaps his day wouldn’t be complete without the yearning emotions knocking on his chest.
But today is different.
The way his sandy-colored eyes look at the enthusiastic fire also became different. He communicated with it as it said, 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬, 𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢.
There he makes his second vow to it, that one way or another he’d stick with them, that he has more friends who neither wouldn’t be biased to his past sins nor take advantage of him.
That he is Kazutora Hanemiya,
Born on the 16th of September. And from this day onwards, he will take a step forward towards living a better life.
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