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kohlrabi · 29 days ago
Conlang Year 2025 – Day 31-32
Can’t believe a twelfth of the year has already elapsed. It feels like yesterday I was eating pork and sauerkraut for good luck and now I have to spread rose petals all over my apartment in two weeks. I can’t keep up with the passage of time. Today is culminating for the Conlang Year, because this Conlang Month of January ends with “organizing notes and selecting sound changes,” while once February starts, it shall begin with “testing sound changes as a package.” Let’s just say I have done plenty with respect to the later. For a while, and while I was a more novice conlanger, the phonological aspects and the evolution were my favorite portions of language creation, and to me, it is still fun! I spent plenty of time creating a Lexurgy file for the development of the proto-language to a more modern stage, although in my heart of hearts, it is not the final stage. This Lexurgy file was to be linked in this post, but alas Tumblr does not support the file type...
Welp...here you go:
Feature List
Feature Type(*cons, vowel)
Feature Place(bilabial, alveolar, palatal, retroflex, velar, glottal) Feature Manner(stop, affricate, fricative, nasal, approx)
Feature Height(low, high) Feature Depth(front, central, back) Feature Tone(*atonal, hitone, lotone, falling)
Feature +voiced Feature +labialized Feature +long Feature +rounded Feature (syllable) +stress Feature (syllable) +secstress Feature (syllable) +heavy
Diacritic ʷ [+labialized] Diacritic ˈ (before) [+stress] Diacritic ˌ (before) [+secstress] Diacritic ² [+heavy] Diacritic ː (floating) [+long] Diacritic ́ (first) (floating) [hitone] Diacritic ̂ (first) (floating) [falling] Diacritic ̀ (first) (floating) [lotone]
Symbol p [bilabial stop] Symbol t [alveolar stop] Symbol k [velar stop] Symbol kʷ [velar stop +labialized] Symbol ʔ [glottal stop]
Symbol v [bilabial fricative +voiced] Symbol s [alveolar fricative] Symbol x [velar fricative] Symbol h [glottal fricative]
Symbol m [bilabial nasal +voiced] Symbol n [alveolar nasal +voiced]
Symbol ɾ [alveolar approx] Symbol j [palatal approx] Symbol w [velar approx]
Evolved consonants
Symbol b [bilabial stop +voiced] Symbol d [alveolar stop +voiced] Symbol tʃ [palatal stop] Symbol dʒ [palatal stop +voiced] Symbol ɖ [retroflex stop +voiced] Symbol g [velar stop +voiced] Symbol gʷ [velar stop +voiced +labialized]
Symbol bv [bilabial affricate +voiced] Symbol ts [alveolar affricate] Symbol dɾ [alveolar affricate +voiced] Symbol kx [velar affricate] Symbol gh [velar affricate +voiced]
Symbol f [bilabial fricative] Symbol z [alveolar fricative +voiced] Symbol ʃ [palatal fricative] Symbol ʒ [palatal fricative +voiced] Symbol xʷ [velar fricative +labialized] Symbol hʷ [glottal fricative +labialized]
Symbol m̥ [bilabial nasal] Symbol n̥ [alveolar nasal]
Symbol ŋ [velar nasal +voiced]
Symbol i [high front vowel] Symbol ə [high central vowel] Symbol u [high back vowel +rounded]
Symbol ɛ [low front vowel] Symbol a [low central vowel] Symbol ɔ [low back vowel +rounded]
Evolved vowels
Symbol ʌ [low back vowel] Symbol ɯ [high back vowel]
deromanizer: {e, o, c, kw, ', r} => {ɛ, ɔ, ə, kʷ, ʔ, ɾ}
Syllable determination and stress system
Syllables: [cons]? [vowel] {n, [glottal]} => [+heavy] [cons]? [vowel]*(1-2)
0stress-assignment: &[+heavy] => [+stress] / _ &[+heavy] => [+stress] / &[-heavy] _ &[-heavy] => [+stress] / _ &[-heavy] Then: &[+stress] &[+stress] => [] [-stress]
Syllables: [cons]? [vowel] {n, [glottal]} [cons]? [vowel]*(1-2)
0remove-heavy: [+heavy] => [-heavy]
Sound changes!
Syllables: [cons]? [vowel] {[nasal], [glottal]} [cons]? [vowel]*(1-2)
romanizer-protophonetic: unchanged
1nasal-assimilation: [nasal] => [bilabial] / _ [bilabial] [nasal] => [velar] / _ [velar] [nasal] [glottal] => [velar] * Then: [nasal]$1 $1 => * [+long]
2glottal-stop-loss: [glottal stop] => * / $ _ [vowel] !ʔ [vowel] [glottal stop] => * / {$ !ʔ, [cons !glottal]} [vowel] _ [vowel] Then: [glottal stop] => * / $ _ [vowel] ʔ? [vowel]
3identical-vowel-lengthening: [vowel]$1 $1 => [+long] *
4gemination: [glottal stop] {[stop !glottal], [nasal]} => * [+long] [glottal stop] [glottal] => * [] [glottal fricative] [glottal stop] => * []
5stop-insertion: [fricative] => [affricate] / [nasal] _ ɾ => dɾ / n _ j => dʒ / n _ w => gʷ / ŋ _
6diphthong-shift: [high] => [low] / [low vowel] _ [low] => [high] / [high vowel] _ Then: [vowel]$1 $1 => [+long] *
7glottal-fricative-spiratization: [glottal fricative] {p, t, k, kʷ} => * {f, ts, x, xʷ} [glottal fricative] [nasal] => * [-voiced] [glottal fricative] [fricative] => * [+long] [glottal fricative] {ɾ, j, w} => * {s, ʃ, xʷ}
8monothongization-part-one: {ɔɛ, ɛɔ, aɛ, aɔ, ui, iu, əi, əu} => {ʌ, ʌ, ʌ, ʌ, ɯ, ɯ, ɯ, ɯ} Then: [vowel +stress] => [-stress] / $ [cons]? _ [cons]? $
9glottal-stop-sonorant-destruction: [glottal stop] {v, s, x} => * {b, ts, k} [glottal stop] {ɾ, j, w} => * {ts, tʃ, kʷ}
10root-level-vowel-harmony ltr: [vowel] => [$Height] / [vowel +stress $Height] [cons]+ _
11central-high-vowel-merger: [high central vowel] => [high back -rounded] // [vowel] _
12diphthong-collapse: [vowel] [central] => [+long] *
13word-final-coda-shift: [vowel -stress] [glottal stop] => [hitone] * / $ [cons]? _ [cons]? $ [vowel -stress] [glottal fricative] => [falling] * / $ [cons]? _ [cons]? $ [glottal stop] => * / [vowel -stress] _ $ [vowel -stress] [glottal fricative] => [+long] * / _ $ [vowel +stress] [glottal stop] => [hitone] * / _ $ [vowel +stress] [glottal fricative] => [falling] * / _ $
14intervocalic-weakening: [cons +long] => [-long] / [vowel] _ [vowel] [stop !glottal] => [+voiced] / [vowel] _ [vowel] {b, f, v, ts, s, ʃ, x, xʷ, h} => {v, v, w, s, z, ʒ, h, hʷ, } / [vowel] _ [vowel] // {[vowel] h [vowel], [vowel]2} _ [vowel] Then: [high] => [low] / [low vowel] _ [low] => [high] / [high vowel] _ Then: [atonal vowel]$1 $1 => [+long] * {aá, ɛɛ́, ʌʌ́, ɔɔ́, ií, ɯɯ́, uú} => {áː, ɛ́ː, ʌ́ː, ɔ́ː, íː, ɯ́ː, úː} {aâ, ɛɛ̂, ʌʌ̂, ɔɔ̂, iî, ɯɯ̂, uû} => {âː, ɛ̂ː, ʌ̂ː, ɔ̂ː, îː, ɯ̂ː, ûː}
15initial-weak-consonant-fortition: {v, h, ɾ, j, w} => {b, x, d, ʒ, hʷ} / $ _
16labialization-resolution: [+labialized] [back -rounded] => [-labialized] [+rounded]
17voicing-assimilation: [cons -voiced] => [+voiced] / [nasal] _
18nasal-lowering: [high] => [low] / _ [nasal] {[cons], $}
19intervocalic-approximant-loss-dissimilation: w [back vowel] => * [low +rounded] / {[cons], $} [low vowel] _ [cons] w [back vowel] => * [high +rounded] / {[cons], $} [high vowel] _ [cons] j [front vowel] => * [low] / {[cons], $} [low vowel] _ [cons] j [front vowel] => * [high] / {[cons], $} [high vowel] _ [cons] Else: j => ʒ / _ [front] w => hʷ / _ [back]
20amonothongization-part-two: [vowel]$1 $1 => [+long] * {aá, ɛɛ́, ʌʌ́, ɔɔ́, ií, ɯɯ́, uú} => {áː, ɛ́ː, ʌ́ː, ɔ́ː, íː, ɯ́ː, úː} {aâ, ɛɛ̂, ʌʌ̂, ɔɔ̂, iî, ɯɯ̂, uû} => {âː, ɛ̂ː, ʌ̂ː, ɔ̂ː, îː, ɯ̂ː, ûː} Then: [low central] {[low back -rounded], [low back +rounded]} => * {[central +long], [+long -rounded]} [low central] [low front] => * [+long] [low !central -long] [low !central] => * [back -rounded] [low !central +long] [low !central] => * [back -rounded] [high front] {[back +rounded], [back -rounded]} => * {[-rounded], [front +long]} [high back +rounded] {[front], [back -rounded]} => * {[back], [back +rounded +long]} [high back -rounded] [high] => * [back -rounded +long]
20b-monosyllabic-stress-to-hitone: [vowel +stress] => [-stress hitone] / $ [cons]? _ n? $ [vowel +stress] => [-stress] / [vowel +stress] [cons] _
21nasal-compensatory-lengthening: [vowel -long] [nasal -voiced] => [+long] [+voiced] [nasal -voiced] => [+voiced] / [vowel +long] _ [vowel -long] [nasal] => [+long] * / _ {[cons], $} [nasal] => * / [vowel +long] _ {[cons], $}
Syllables: [cons]? [vowel]
21affricate-destruction: [affricate !alveolar] => [stop] [alveolar affricate +voiced] => [retroflex stop]
22depalatalization: {dʒ, ʒ, ɾ} => {ts, z, z}
romanizer-before-glommination: unchanged
=> h / [vowel] $$ _ [vowel] Then: &[+stress] => [-stress] / &[+stress] $$ _ Then: $$ => .
23a-stress-establishment: &[-stress] => [+stress] / $ _ &[-stress] $
23b-secondary-stress-conversion: &[+stress] => [-stress +secstress] / $ &[+stress] &[-stress](1-2) _ Then: &[+stress] => [-stress +secstress] / $ &[+secstress] &[-stress](1-2) _
23c-tone-requirement: &[-stress] => [+secstress] / &[+stress] &[-stress] &[-stress -secstress] _ // {_ &[+secstress], &[+secstress] } Then: &[-stress] => [+secstress] / &[+secstress] &[-stress] &[-stress -secstress]
24tone-metrification: [vowel !atonal +stress] => [-stress +secstress] // $ ([cons]? [vowel -stress])*(-2) [cons]? _ Then: [vowel -stress -secstress] => [atonal] // {{[hitone +stress], [hitone +secstress]} [cons] , $ [cons]? [cons]? $}
25astressed-condition-vowel-harmony [vowel] ltr: [-stress -secstress !central] => [$Height] / [+stress $Height] []* _ // [+secstress] _ [-stress -secstress !central] => [$Height] / [+secstress $Height] []* _
romanizer-phonetic: unchanged
romanizer: {kʷ, gʷ, hʷ} => {kw, gw, hw} {ɖ, ʔ, x, ŋ, j} => {ḍ, ’, kh, ng, y} {[vowel atonal +stress], [vowel atonal +secstress]} => {[lotone -stress], [lotone -secstress]} // $ [cons]? _ {[+stress], [+secstress]}&[!atonal] => {[-stress], [-secstress]} Then: {ɯ, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[atonal -long] => {ụ, ọ, e, o} {ɯ, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[lotone -long] => {ụ̀, ọ̀, è, ò} {ɯ, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[hitone -long] => {ụ́, ọ́, é, ó} {ɯ, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[falling -long] => {ụ̂, ộ, ê, ô} {i, ɯ, u, a, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[atonal +long] => {ii, ụụ, uu, aa, ọọ, ee, oo} {i, ɯ, u, a, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[lotone +long] => {ìì, ụ̀ụ̀, ùù, àà, ọ̀ọ̀, èè, òò} {i, ɯ, u, a, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[hitone +long] => {íí, ụ́ụ́, úú, áá, ọ́ọ́, éé, óó} {i, ɯ, u, a, ʌ, ɛ, ɔ}&[falling +long] => {íì, ụ́ụ̀, úù, áà, ọ́ọ̀, éè, óò} Then: [+long] => [-long] Then: [+stress] => [-stress] . => *
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getshuttleparis · 3 years ago
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newyorkcheesestick · 5 years ago
Reblog for 0 bouts of anxiety in 2020
From the bottom of my heart I hope 2020 is a better mental health year for everyone
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Today I will not stress over things I can’t control • • • • Follow @overthedream Follow @overthedream Follow @overthedream • • • • #tiktok #stress #toptags #stressrelief #stressmanagement #stressfree #to #stressreliever #stressrelieving #today #stressreduction #stressless #todayshow #stressbuster #stressaway #todayful #stressbuster❤️ #stressful #o #stressrelease #antistress #photooftheday #stressawarenessmonth #stressfreezone #bestoftheday #stressfreelife #picoftheday #stressawareness #0stress https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKETaGp93X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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