skrubu · 22 days
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
What is the lawsuit about?
What is the lawsuit about? I'm on this sub much more than I need to be lol...and I post and comment regularly. But somehow I have lost the thread of this case. Harry has two cases going on right now, but the only one being covered is this hacking case? And he has a few more cases pending?And this phone hacking one that's in the news now...the publication wasn't charged, so that means it's a civil trial. But, what exactly is Harry seeking in damages? Also, if I read it correctly, he has NO evidence that they hacked his phones. I'm confused...he didn't like things that were written about him but how did he get from that to hacking? Were they private conversations or public events that the press reported about? From what I've seen, everyone in his life has been discreet before Meghan. Why would he think he was hacked, and why is Chelsy Davy mentioned so much? Sorry for all the questions...as I said, I'm a very active member and not trying to take the lazy way out to get info, but I really can't figure out what's going on...please feel free to answer any or all questions. Thank you! Submitted June 08, 2023 at 06:34AM by Equivalent-Date-4796 https://ift.tt/DQ1OSEq via /r/SaintMeghanMarkle
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poop4u · 1 year
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Just my son having a cuddle with my puppy. via Submitted March 25, 2020 at 08:34AM by Batt_Ledoom, Poop4U
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Veritaserum https://ift.tt/TV2uAFI by Iceemist One lover goes to extreme lengths to test the other's power over veritaserum, as the stakes of the war began to increase. this is a prequel/earlier glimpse from the timeline of 'imperio' pls mind the tags, this is a kinky series. alt summary: The head of his cock found her mouth again, this time pressing forward and replacing his thumb as the wedge. Hermione heard the faintest moan as it sought for the back of her throat. “Feel that veritserum still flowing through your veins?” He snidely commented after a moment of composing himself. He tentatively began thrusting in her mouth. “Think you can still fight it with my dick in your throat?” Words: 3278, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of the list Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: CNC, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Veritaserum Potion (Harry Potter), Inappropriate use of Veritaserum, They consent, this is healing for them, its war, death eater sex, Mask? On., Choking, Deepthroat, throatfuck, Creampie, Doggy Style, Breeding kink?, I think so., she cant breathe for a moment, during the throat fuck, Kinky, not vanilla, She knows its him, maybe rape fantasy elements?, Light Dom Draco, Sub Hermione, Wand Play, ;), Use of Good Girl, Use Of Bad Girl, degrading a bit?, dracos an actor or whatever, Order Member Hermione Granger, altered voice charm?, Restraints, Mildly Dubious Consent, but there is consent, with a safe word, its there thing via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/O40esv1 May 05, 2024 at 08:34AM
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lalunameli · 8 months
Yuri Petrov's Daily Schedule
From: The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook
@tnbscans really made my day today with this scan of Yuri's Daily Schedule from The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook. It has been previously translated but like all things Yuri, it's so quirky and hilarious that I was really happy to get a chance to read about the robot vacuum cleaner and the forgotten banana in their native language. Not only that, this man showered from 9:06pm to 10:28pm (must be nice to prevent pruning with your own built-in furnace 🤣), then noticed one of his nails was broken and filed it down. Werk 💅
Yuri Petrov, you silly silly lovable weirdo.
Note: I have also been provided with a cleaner scan of Yuri's KOW Profile which I will add to that post.
Yuri Petrov
0: 00 自宅にて、抱えている案件の書類に目を通している
12:00am At home. Looked through the documents for his cases.
1 : 34ミネラルウォーターを飲みながらオペラを鑑賞
1:34am Drank mineral water while listening to opera
2:38am Went to bed
6:30am Alarm went off, got out of bed.
6:35 洗顔&歯磨き
6:35am Washed his face and brushed his teeth
6:44 着替え。整髪
6:44am Changed his clothes and fixed his hair
6:51 母親の分も朝食を作る
6:51am Made breakfast for him and his mother
7:12am Ate breakfast with his mother who had woken up
7:50am The Nursing Staff arrived to pick up his mother.
8:00am Set the "ON" button of the robot vacuum cleaner
8:03am Left his house
8:30am Got to work 30 mins early. Started his work day
8:43am Went to the washroom and noticed it hadn't been attended to by the cleaning staff as it was out of toilet paper. He refilled each stall with toilet paper.
9:00am Morning Meeting
9:35 案件の資料に目を通す
9:35am Looked over his case materials
11:00 休憩。コーヒーにシロップを入れて飲む
11:00am Break. Drank coffee with syrup.
12:08 司法局内でデリバリーの昼食
12:08am Lunch delivered to the Justice Bureau
12:49 経済誌とバナナを購入
12:49pm Bought a business magazine and a banana.
12:55 歯磨き&身だしなみチェック
12:55pm Brushed his teeth and checked his appearance
13:00 デスクワーク
1:00pm Deskwork (paperwork)
14:45 休憩に入る。コーヒーにシロップを入れようとして、きれている事に気付く。悲しくなる
2:45pm Took a break. Tried to put syrup in his coffee and noticed it was out. Felt sad.
14:48 仕事を再開
2:48pm Resumed working
18:00 帰り支度。バナナを忘れていたことを思い出し、鞄に仕舞う
6:00pm Got ready to go home. Realized he had forgotten about his banana and placed it in his bag
18:04 司法局を出る
6:04pm Left the Justice Bureau
18:16 スーパーマーケットに立ち寄り、ミネラルウォーターを6本購入
6:16pm Stopped by the supermarket and bought 6 bottles of mineral water
6:44pm Returned home
18:45 手洗い&うがい
6:45pm Washed his hands and gargled
19:00 介護STAFFが母親を連れてくる
7:00pm The Nursing Staff brought his mother home
19:17 調理
7:17pm Cooked
19:48 母親は既に食事を終えているので、一人きりで夕食。デザートにバナナを食べる
7:48pm Ate dinner alone since his mother had already eaten. Had a banana for dessert.
20:21 TVでニュースをチェック
8:21pm: Watched the News on TV
20:59 今日もシュテルンビルトで殺人事件は発生していない。無言で小さく頷く
8:59pm Took note there were no murders today in Stern Bild. Gave a small nod in silence.
21:06 入浴(シャワー)
9:06pm Bathed (took a shower)
22:28 身体を拭き、髪の毛を乾かす。爪が割れているのに気付き、ヤスリで磨く
10:28pm Wiped off his body and dried his hair. Noticed he had broken a nail and filed it.
22:38 母親が何やら話し始める。今日は機嫌が良いらしく、ユーリの中学時代の思い出を楽しそうに話している。相槌を打ち、優しい笑みを浮かべる
10:38pm His mother started talking about something. Noticed she seemed to be in a good mood today, and was happily talking about the memories of Yuri's junior high school days. He nodded while smiling gently.
23:06 眠ってしまった母親をベッドに連れて行く
11:06pm Took his sleeping mother to her bed
23:15 携帯電話がメールが届いたことを知らせる音を鳴らす。誰にもアドレスを伝えていない筈なので驚く。ゆっくりとメールを見てみると宛先を間違えたメールだった。「アドレスをお間違えのようです」とメールを返す。だが、先方からの返信はなかった
11:15pm Received an alert on his cellphone about a new email. This surprised him because he doesn't give his email address to anyone. He looked at the email slowly, and noticed it had a wrong address. "It seems that you have the wrong address," he responded. There was no response from the other party.
23:21 抱えている案件の資料に目を通す
11:21pm Looked over case materials
23:54pm Unwittingly fell asleep on his desk
12:00am (next day)
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soopsiesdaisies · 2 years
Chapter 1: hot autumn babe at springcourt dot gov
Read on AO3
[03-01-501, 08:34AM]
[03-01-501, 08:34AM]
Subject: Bargain Arrangement
Dear Mr Vanserra,
I am contacting you to remind the Spring Court of the Magical Bargain between His Grace, Lord Rhysand Nightingale, High Lord of the Night Court, and Miss Feyre Archeron, the Cursebreaker.
The agreement states:
“In exchange for the healing of an open fracture of Feyre Archeron’s right arm, she shall spend one week per month in the Night Court for the rest of her life starting at any moment of Lord Rhysand’s choosing.”
As per Chapter 4, Section 5 of Prythian Magical Bargains, “Dissolution”, a bargain of such nature can, per magical law, only be dismissed if the terms of conditions have been fulfilled wholly, the two agreeing parties both wish to dissolve the bargain, and the magic agrees. Considering the indefinite nature of the bargain between Lord Rhysand and Miss Feyre and the fickleness of ancient magic, the chance of dissolution is small and, likely, dangerous to both Lord Rhysand’s and Miss Feyre’s wellbeing.
It is therefore of the utmost importance His Grace, Lord Tamlin de Blume, High Lord of the Spring Court shall not attempt to break the bargain.
I hope to have informed you enough. Should you have any pressing questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
May the Cauldron bless you,
The Morrigan
Overseer Court of Nightmares
[03-01-501, 08:35AM]
Subject: RE: Bargain Arrangement
This is an automatic response.
I am not in office until 21-01-501 After Hybern and will not answer until then.
Should your e-mail be high priority, please contact me at [email protected].
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lucien Vanserra
Emissary of the Spring Court.
[03-01-501, 08:55AM]
Subject: Bargain Arrangement
Dear Mr Vanserra,
Thank you kindly for your automated e-mail system. It is most helpful.
I am contacting you to remind the entirety of the Spring Court of the Magical Bargain between His Grace, Lord Rhysand Nightingale, High Lord of the Night Court, and Miss Feyre Archeron, the Cursebreaker.
As Lord Rhysand shall decide when Miss Feyre will start to attend one week per month in the Night Court, I am sorry to say I cannot give you an exact date as to when this will be. Ensure Miss Feyre has her bags packed in preparation.
It is against the law – and, likely, incredibly detrimental to the safety and well-being of the two participants – to attempt to break this bargain. Please remind your High Lord to refrain from doing so. Should you have any more questions, please refer to my previous e-mail or contact me in a timely manner.
I hope to have informed you enough.
May the Cauldron bless you,
The Morrigan
Overseer Court of Nightmares
[04-01-501, 07:55AM]
Subject: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Hello Morrigan,
I implore you to give me a specific date – or, at least, an approximation – of when Lord Rhysand shall take Miss Feyre with him to spend the week. As you may know, the Spring Court is in the middle of wedding preparations; I do not wish for Lord Tamlin and Miss Feyre to be unable to be wed or celebrate their honeymoon, should Lord Rhysand drop by.
I will try my hardest to prevent Lord Tamlin from doing anything rash.
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lucien Vanserra
Emissary of the Spring Court
[06-01-501, 10:21AM]
Subject: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Dear Mr Vanserra,
Do not ask questions you already know the answers to. Inform Miss Feyre in a timely manner that Lord Rhysand may take her with him at any moment.
Furthermore, for the love of the Mother, you and I both know ‘rash’ is a very gentle way of putting Lord Tamlin’s behaviour when he is desperate. Try harder. Get sentries involved, or ask Miss Feyre to help you.
Finally, I do not control the speed at which High Lords call in bargains.
Cauldron bless,
[07-01-501, 7:59AM]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Hello Morrigan,
My future Lady is already anxious about her impending marriage: I do not wish to add to her distress by informing her that I do not know when Lord Rhysand will take her with him, but that he will regardless. In addition, I am certain she is already aware of the predicament.
If possible, please ensure Lord Rhysand gives you an approximate date and share it with me.
I do not control the way High Lords make terrible decisions (and neither do you, judging by this bargain).
Cauldron bless,
[07-01-501, 11:45AM]
Subject: FWD: RE: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
I give up.
[07-01-501, 7:59AM]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Hello Morrigan,
My future Lady is already anxious about her impending marriage: I do not wish to add to her distress by informing her that I do not know when Lord Rhysand will take her with him, but that he will regardless. In addition, I am certain she is already aware of the predicament.
If possible, please ensure Lord Rhysand gives you an approximate date and share it with me.
In addition, I do not control the way High Lords make terrible decisions (and neither do you, judging by this bargain).
Cauldron bless,
[07-01-501, 18:05PM]
Subject: FINE
Sent from my StarPhone
[08-01-501, 07:33AM]
Subject: Bargain
Dearest Lucien,
I’ve heard through the grapevine you wish for me to give you a specific date as to when I will steal Feyre darling away from you sorry lot. I am terribly ashamed to say I do not know for sure — there’s lots of Night Court business to catch up to and it is a busy, busy time. Obviously you relate.
Oh wait, you were allowed to stay in Spring. Silly me.
I need you to know that Tamtam cannot, under any circumstance, attempt to break the bargain Feyre and I made. On the off chance he is even a little bit succesful, we will both likely die or (at the very least) be weakened significantly. And though I am sure my death will not bother you at all, Feyre’s might. Prevent him from doing anything stupid, please. It may be hard but it can be done.
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lord Rhysand
High Lord of the Night Court
[08-01-501, 09:02AM]
Subject: RE: Bargain
Your Grace,
I understand the fullness of your schedule. Still, I implore you to scour it for any gaps and inform me of them—just so I can tell Feyre when you will pick her up, at least.
The wedding is the fifteenth, and their honeymoon will last two weeks. Perhaps early February?
I know Lord Tamlin can be reeled in by others, but I have not yet managed to do so properly myself. Would you be so kind to send me some advice, my Lord?
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lucien Vanserra
[08-01-501, 23:57PM]
Subject: RE: RE: Bargain
Dear Lucien,
I know when the wedding is. Everybody and their mum in Prythian does. I promise my imminent arrival — whenever that may be — won’t be too inconvenient. I promise I won’t snatch her away if she truly does not wish to leave.
Regardless, I have not found any gaps in my schedule; I do wish to at least entertain Feyre a little bit in my wretched Court, and without free time, that would be quite hard.
Taming Tamlin is always possible, but, as you may know, quite difficult. Overpowering him is what I always did, though I doubt you will be able to. Here is my advice, little fox.
Do not try to outsmart him in an obvious manner: it may be laughably easy and will stun him temporarily, but it will make him unbelievably angry. The claws will come out! You may have some experience with that.
Playing with his guilt is, I believe, your best bet. Such a tortured soul your High Lord is, is he not? Break out the ancient tomes and tell him to read what broken bargain magic does. What good is a bride of Spring rotting?
Good luck. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.
Cauldron bless,
[10-01-501, 07:43AM]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Bargain
I have attempted to heed your advice. I’m afraid Tamlin is very stubborn.
If you tell me when you will take Feyre with you, I promise I shall keep it to myself. I might be able to hold him back if I know.
Cauldron bless you,
[10-01-501, 14:16PM]
Subject: HA
Dearest Lucien,
[10-01-501, 16:02PM]
Subject: RE: HA
Please. This is a matter of Feyre’s well-being. We both know that.
Tamlin will not listen to me. You know how he is. Please, just tell me—or, at least, give me more advice on how to prevent Tamlin from doing anything too stupid.
[11-01-501, 07:55AM]
Subject: Come on
This is not funny. Their wedding date is quite close and I don’t know what Tamlin is planning to do, but it is obvious he is becoming increasingly uneasy and desperate. You possibly know him better than I do—I know your history.
Just help me. Please.
[13-01-501, 07:54AM]
Subject: Please
Fine. You won’t help me. I know that.
Swear to protect Feyre with your life, then. Please. I am sure he has sought the help of the High Priestess and I do not think I can prevent anything any longer.
[13-01-501, 23:44PM]
Subject: Obviously
Do you truly think I wish to harm Feyre? That’s laughable.
The High Priestess — Ianthe, is it not? — will be useless. She may talk a big game, but she especially will be unable to harm bargain magic. It will backfire on her.
Tamlin has always easily been persuaded by flattery. Watch out.
[14-01-501, 00:02AM]
Subject: …
I know Tamlin is easily swayed by flattery. I KNOW. Ianthe is his childhood friend and she seems to know exactly which buttons to press and which part of his chest to touch. I’m always a bit too late. Any progress I made will be ruined whenever they share a look.
Rhys. I beg of you.
[14-01-501, 04:44]
Subject: RE: …
And how much shall you beg, then? Do you wish to strike a bargain with me, much like Feyre darling did? Will you too perhaps strike a bargain with me? Tamlin won’t be very happy with you if you do.
I will take Feyre with me if she wishes to leave the Spring Court, if only for a brief time. I’ll always answer her call. Who knows when that will be? A little bird told me she has been quite apprehensive about her upcoming union, but who knows. Perhaps just jitters.
[14-01-501, 17:54PM]
Subject: Don’t you dare
You’re planning on crashing the wedding, aren’t you?
If you will, I will kill you. I won’t hesitate. I don’t care if all your little cronies descend upon me; if I die, I’ll die with honour, by protecting my future Lady from your sadistic hands.
Damn you.
[15-01-501, 07:26AM]
Subject: Don’t you dare 2: electric boogaloo
There are twenty sentries. Tamlin is vibrating out of his skin with pent-up energy. There are three hundred guests.
You will not take Feyre away. She will not ask you to do so, because she does not want to go with you. She’ll tell me.
Stay away.
[15-01-501, 21:49PM]
Subject: Bargain
Lord Rhysand,
Your week starts as of today, on the 15th of January, in the year 501 After Hybern. Miss Feyre Archeron is to be returned to the Spring Court on the 22nd of January, 501, before half past five in the evening.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
May the Cauldron bless you.
Lucien Vanserra
Emissary of the Spring Court
[15-01-501, 22:55PM]
Subject: Play with fire?
If she fucking asks, I will come. If she is scared, I will come. I don’t care if mr tanline has a fucking aneurysm when I do it; it seems he currently is too wrapped up in his own grief to think straight, and he does not have her best wishes at heart.
I will always come for her.
Hope you die horrifically,
[16-01-501, 03:17AM]
Subject: okay
Make sure she eats, will you?
May the Cauldron give you chronic warts,
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ao3feed-samjack · 3 months
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
Yours Truly
Yours, Truly https://ift.tt/rYk7yHj by abstractsta Alone time in the bunker, in their own room, Dean and Cas can do whatever they please, and some enthusiastic blowjobs happen to be what pleases them tonight. Cas's oral fixation has found a very satisfying object. In other words, Castiel worshiping at the altar of Dean Winchester. Words: 1680, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Mild Kink, Blow Jobs, enthusiastic blowjobs, Snowballing, Cas is a cum slut, so is dean, Oral Sex, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Enthusiastic Consent, Castiel has an oral fixation, Smut From Start To Finish via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/YszfFa8 November 11, 2023 at 08:34AM
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firstprince-ao3feed · 9 months
one night in december
one night in december https://ift.tt/HTebqXa by alexclrmontdiaz Henry has convinced Alex to join him to a cabin for the holidays with the promise that it will be fun, but as Alex comes back inside from chopping wood in the icy winter cold, he is not seeing the fun of their stay there. So Henry offers to warm him up in front of the fireplace. Words: 3858, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: POV Alex Claremont-Diaz, where Henry asked Alex to come to a cabin for the holidays, Top Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Bottom Alex Claremont-Diaz, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Alex's first time, Henry with brown hair and an earring supremacy, most romantic kind of smut I have ever written via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/vqmI0Yh December 15, 2023 at 08:34AM
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aro-aizawa · 1 year
OKAY blease i am at wits end can anyone help me w this
what i am looking for is a super basic app or tool whatever that tracks when a button was last pushed. that's it. i have recently fallen out of the swing of taking my medication. i work better taking it shortly after i've woken up, but with my spectacularly horrendous memory problems i do not remember if i've taken them already or not.
using a tally system faces the same problem of when i stare at my medication trying to remember if there's less than i remember or not.
using a notepad to write (for example) 11/08/23 10:34am every single time i take my meds is arduous and would not get done consistently meaning it become useless in tracking my last dose
however if it was as simple as loading up an app and pressing a button to log the time, it would go SO FAR in remembering when i last had my meds.
"but danni why don't you just set an alarm and take your meds then—" HI MY SLEEP SCHEDULE FLUXATES SO MUCH THIS IS USELESS. i will only ever be awake at certain times depending on if i'm mid nocturnal cycle or mid regular cycle. any other time is pot luck.
i am literally at a point where i'd commission someone who knows enough code to make this for me. it does not have to look pretty, just to function. if anyone can point me to either something like this that exists or knows someone i can commission from, pls tell me
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ao3feed-newsies · 9 months
The Cruel Endearment of David Jacobs
by, GetYourPayBackWithSomePayback (Nihlistic_Alto) by GetYourPayBackWithSomePayback (Nihlistic_Alto) David Jacobs, at the beginning of the day, was enthralled with a girl, moonstruck to hell and back. David Jacobs, at the end of the day, had bruised lips and was questioning if he was gay. Words: 1775, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies (1992) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Jack Kelly (Newsies), David Jacobs, Racetrack Higgins, Les Jacobs Relationships: David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Les Jacobs & Jack Kelly, Racetrack Higgins & Les Jacobs, Racetrack Higgins & Jack Kelly Additional Tags: Dialogue Heavy, POV Third Person, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period Typical Attitudes, Let Les Jacobs Cuss, Period-Typical Slurs, yeah - Freeform, i tried to censor them, ones cut off and ones mixed with a cuss, Canon-Typical Violence, Sexuality Crisis, Gay, Rated M for language violence and themes, Non-Consensual Kissing, jack tries to teach Davey a lesson, David Jacobs referred to as Dave, David Jacobs referred to as Davey, Wordcount: 1.000-3.000, Wordcount: Over 1.000, Overuse of the word “ya”, Unfinished read : https://ift.tt/pFO8qKQ - December 29, 2023 at 08:34AM
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skrubu · 2 years
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Monday #morning #helsinki #finland https://instagr.am/p/CkpltzJtNhl/
0 notes
saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Meghan Markle demands answers from King Charles by u/EleFacCafele
Meghan Markle demands answers from King Charles Grey rocking hurts!Meghan thinks she is entitled to question King Charles. Madam has questions she wants the King to answer in person, and has allegedly even tried to arrange a meeting with him to discuss key issues she has found prominent since she joined the family. This One doesn't want clarifications from a Courtier of Royal staff on the BRF rules, she wants explanations from the King, no less. As if the King, the Head of the United Kingdom, owes explanations to someone who is not even British citizen and lives in a foreign country.archived https://ift.tt/V3ibume https://ift.tt/2SvOQAk New Year Sinners around the world. post link: https://ift.tt/1rEHBs4 author: EleFacCafele submitted: January 01, 2024 at 08:34AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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dhr-ao3 · 9 months
mercy in the snow
mercy in the snow https://ift.tt/EP0CkQg by hauntedopal A work trip on Christmas Eve goes awry. “This is all your fault,” Hermione hissed. “You’re quite right, Granger,” drawled Malfoy. “It is my fault we found this pathetic excuse of a cabin to shelter in during this snowstorm. How horrible of me.” Words: 4191, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Romance, Light Angst, Implied Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Pining, Christmas Eve, Blizzards & Snowstorms, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Ministry of Magic Employee Draco Malfoy via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/brqDywT December 25, 2023 at 08:34AM
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 1 year
I'm sad again don't tell my boyfriend
https://ift.tt/C9zwHbk by StabbyMcstabboi Following on from the attack, Jamie tries to heal. He’s lucky to be surrounded by people he loves. But whilst Jamie just wants it all to be over, the world seems to want more from him than he can give. Words: 2712, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of That's the thing with anger, it begs to stick around Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Georgie | Jamie Tartt's Mother, Simon (Ted Lasso), Ted Lasso, AFC Richmond Players (Ted Lasso), Phoebe (Ted Lasso), Roy Kent's Sister Relationships: Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt, Jamie Tartt & Everyone Additional Tags: Jamie Tartt Needs a Hug, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/little bit of comfort, Porn with Feelings, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault source https://archiveofourown.org/works/49654834 August 27, 2023 at 08:34AM
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spoilertv · 8 days
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