hosgeldinhuzun · 4 months
Halk eğitim kursunun sergisini ilk siz gezin :)
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zaynjmsource · 4 months
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inZAYN: zcroll for more ☁️
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anchorandrope · 4 months
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loveformybelly · 3 months
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Stir fried tom yum noodles with king oyster mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, choy sum vegetable paired with freshly sliced tomatoes.
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hemipteran · 5 months
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todaysromano · 5 months
Today, Romano wore some new fuzzy socks and they were happiness.
Arab.com link
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bekindtoyou4007 · 4 months
Trying something new with weightlifting and dieting, excited to give it a go today and we will see. Had a massive headache after nightmare customer so when I finally took my lunch I had a lemonade and a beta blocker while catching up on emails then ignored my laptop for the rest of the afternoon. I don't feel I know enough about upper body stuff so I'm trying to educate myself. Protein goals without eggs are really hard to make up. As much as I love kefir it is far interior to Greek Yogurt as a protein source. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night then had a nightmare involving M which I can't remember clearly. I didn't wake up freaking out but I was unsettled. The rest of the day worked out better. Don't feel incredibly connected to the dog right now because of him being pushy for walks. It was good today actually on the walk but he really got under my feet earlier and nearly knocked me over. I could exercise him harder but with his condition threatening to be full blown arthritis I'm hesitant. I wish he understood that.
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wdlm · 4 months
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maskedteaser · 4 months
I feel you about rdr2, I feel like I'm walking through a desert with no water😭
But if you don't mind me requesting something...
Maybe Sean or Kieran (or whoever you want, I'm fine with anybody) with a crush on s/o who's just an absolute ray of sunshine and they're too nervous to ask s/o out because of this
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hii! i'm so glad to be able to do my first request ever! hope you like it! I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes - english is not my first language! requests are open. Sorry it took so long to write - it is like...my second time writing an actual thing with plot in english! [not proofread i'm sorry i cringed too hard when i tried to read it] CW: none? i think? mentions of alcohol if you squint in javier's part the spanish petnames he uses are feminine(?) but i think there is no other use of any gender comfirming things so i guess it's gender neutral reader fic? ALSO THEY ARE PROBABLY OOC IM SO SORRY :((( 05.06.2024. signed TEASER 📺 [ BANNERS ARE MADE BY ME! ]
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You were ethereal in his eyes. Always shining, blooming, filling every space you were in with joy and feeling of safety. Soft hair sparkling in the sun, pupils always wandering around, looking for a sad soul to cheer up. Hands in the air, moving around uncontrollably when you tried to tell a story, gesturing the things that you were imagining. Truly mesmerising, he felt like he just had to have you, but his every attempt at flirting with you was just taken as a joke, rewarded by a small smile from you, a little giggle, and it broke his heart, making it rush at the same time.
But Sean MacGuire was an impatient man. Impatient and so obvious with his emotions. Expressive, always made it known when he felt good or bad, when he was falling apart (which was a really rare sigh anyways) or his heart was full of passion. But you made it easy to feel euphoric and then send him to the lowest mental state he could ever be. He couldn't wait to tell you how he wanted you to be his and only his, but for some reason - you were always busy, someone always wanted to talk with you, stealing your attencion. And when you were free, he was too stunned to speak. That never happened in his entire life! His never ending monologue, his mouth that was always talking, everything stopped. Sean MacGuire smiled, excused himself for bothering you and left, leaving you confused but a smile didn't leave your soft lips. He was sitting alone, planning a new way to confess to you. Never in his life would he admit that he was, simply but truly, scared. Of rejection? Maybe. Or of the fact that you might take it as a joke. That would be even worse in his eyes. Sean suddenly remembered the fact that Arthur one day came up to him and asked about his relationship with you, he said that it was so horrendously obvious that he likes you, that he's sweet on you, but he also told him that he might be too simple for you. Too straightforward but at the same time - not cultured enough. Bascially telling him that he might be too dumb for you, straight into his poor face, into his lost puppy eyes. The truth was that, in fact, Sean was just lost without you. With you around, he felt like a better version of himself. That's why he wanted you so badly. He asked Lenny to teach him to read, so he could become a well-read person for you. But Sean MacGuire was an impatient man. Abandoning his mission after only few pages. His impulsitivity took over, he decided that if he's not the one for you, it's better to know as soon as it's possible. In case he had to move on, in case you decide to break his young, so obsessed with you heart. Stealing Dutch's cologne, Lenny's good shirt and wearing his only pants that were clean and somehow not holey - he got ready for you. He even washed his hair in the river, using actual soap that one of the girls from the camp once gave him. What a sweetheart. His plans were suprisingly really detailed. Sean wanted to pick some flowers for you and ask you to go to the town with him, he wanted to mount his horse, see you mount yours and go. But his dreams and distant goals got interrupted by hearing your voice coming near his tent. — Sean! Javier was just asking if you... — you didn't finish your sentence. Halfway in his tent, you laid your eyes on him, clearly preparing for some event. A date? Maybe? How could you know? — Oh! Sean, you look really good! What happened? — you looked up, his soft hair, freshly washed, much more shinier, looking healthy for once. — you washed your hair, so it must be something big. — you added, smiling. It was semi-dark in his tent, light being casted only by a little lamp with a candle inside of it. So you couldn't see how his cheeks got redder when he heard your compliment. — well, I actually...You know... — he started, nervously, but who wouldn't be nervous in that kind of a situation? Being caught preparing for a date, that wasn't even accepted by the other side in the first place. — It is something big. — Sean's voice still had his iconic cheerfulness, but you could hear the little shakes in it as well. But you didn't interrupt, you listened. He took a deep breath and said quickly, his accent almost making it incomprehensible — I was wondering if you'd like to go to the town with me and maybe you know have a drink or two? Like a party, just the two of us, you know? Ay, yeah! Actually I also wanted to say that I really like you! Maybe love...Yeah, that might be a better word for that. I love ya. So? Would you like to go with me? — he looked up at you, his heart beating so fast, he could almost hear it. It's now up to you. Do you agree or not?
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Absolutely smitten with you. Sitting by the fireside on a warm night, you were situated at the opposite side of the fire, watching people that were finishing their chores around the camp. Your delicate presence, hair moved by wind, shining eyes. His mind was in a different place. Holding his guitar, trying to play and sing, but you were distracting. It was almost impossible to get him to the state that he forgot how to play, but with you around, he literally seemed like he just bought this intrument, constantly making little mistakes. Blood rushing to his cheeks every time he got out of rhythm or the sound his guitar made was closer to a scratch than to any melody. But you seemed to not mind, accepting him the way he was, quietly giggling, but not laughing at him, you were just so full of happiness, your gaze only encouraged him to keep playing and he loved it. Loved you. Badly.
But he felt like loving you was never enough, since you seemed to never actually acknowledge his feelings, the deep desire that made his dreams full of you. Everything reminded him of you. You joined the gang a few months ago, how could you fuck him up so badly in such a short period of time? Wrapped around your finger, willing to give you the entire world if you asked him to. He just knew that you'd never ask him to, you were just too...good. You never asked for help yourself, but always wanted to help others. Putting everyone above yourself, taking care of everyone, even Micah, who said so much bad things about you, spitting poison at you every time you walked by, but when he felt ill, you still was a first person to give him health cure.
Javier could only watch from afar. Fascinated, hypnotised by your moves, your energy, how your voice could put everyone in a good mood. When you were telling stories, you'd tell them with so much passion, but when someone else needed to be listened - you were all ears, asking questions, made everyone feel welcomed and safe. He sometimes really thought that you are not real, that you are an angel sent to the camp in those hard times.
Lost in his thoughts again, he missed a string while playing and his guitar made another weird sound. Immediately grounded by that, he looked in the direction you were sitting, only to realise - you were not there anymore. He started looking for you, and he saw that you were sitting next to him. How could he not notice? God, were his reflexes that poor? If it was a life threatening situation, he'd probably be dead by now.
— I noticed that you are a bit lonely here, Javier, — the way his name slipped of your lips so softly, how he'd kill to hear his name coming from that sweet mouth again and again, until he lost his senses. — Mind if I keep you company? You seem stressed, is something bothering you? — when he heard your voice, and your body getting a bit closer to him, his muscles tensed. He put his guitar away, gently, laying it on a ground, leaned it against the barrel that was near.
— what can I say, hermosa. — he sometimes called you Spanish pet names, because he was sure you didn't understand them (if you could, well, he was not aware...) — There is that one girl that completely took over my mind and I can't focus on anything else because of her. She's not even mine, but I'm jealous of everyone that makes her laugh. It's probably wrong, but it's the truth. She's like a milagro walking on this sad country, healing everyone with her presence, so I'm almost certain I don't deserve her, but oh...I can always dream, can't I? — he could swear you put a spell on him. He never meant to open up about his feelings, especially not around you, especially talking about you.
What a fool he was. He couldn't even manage to raise his eyes up to meet your gaze, so he was not able to see the sadness flicker in your face, soft sigh escaping your lips, which was a sign of your heart getting a bit broken, he taken it as a sign of stress and fatigue.
— do you want me to help you with asking her out? I'm a woman myself so I know what most of us like to do... — you said, and oh, he knew that it would happen. Your first thought when someone has a problem is to help them out, any way you can, no matter your own feelings and struggles.
— tell me...how your perfect date would look like? I think she's really similar to you, she might enjoy the same things. — he said, still nervous, his eyes locked on the ground.
So you started to talk about your perfect date. How you'd spend it, and his head was full of ideas by now. He knew exactly where to take you, what to do, so when you finished your monologue, he offered, finally looking up, making eye contact:
— are you free tonight, angelita? Your wish is my command. — his cheeks a bit red, the orange light from nearby fire slightly shining on his skin.
Not it was up to you if you'd like to go with him. What do you say?
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Oh, that poor boy. His heart couldn't take it. The only person that showed him any kind of affection in this camp, the only one that cared, listened to him, believed him. When he was still tied to the tree, he used to spend all day looking at you with fascination, trying to understand who you were to other gang members, his gaze was subtle, always looking away just in time before anyone would notice. But he was sure you would never look at him the way he looks at you, and his heart ached every time he reminded himself of the fact that he was just a stranger in this camp, he was considered a spy, traitor, enemy. Yet you still treated him with such kindness and care, always asking if he needs anything, if you can do something to ease his pain and stress.
Sometimes you sat near him and talked with him, not caring about what others might think, saying that as long as there is no proof of him doing anything wrong, you will not act like he is a criminal. And he was honestly so thankful for that. He was not sure what he deserved to have you as some sort of ally, but since you were the only one he trusted (even if it was only a little bit) he started to actually feel something deeper than friendship towards you.
He didn't want to admit that it was love. But if not love, then what was it? Unreasonable high blood pressure when he saw you, his eyes sparkly, heart beating faster, his body always felt so full of life, shattering when he saw that someone disrespected you or treated you badly. He couldn't do anything, so he just watched when Micah, because he was literally the only one that ever mistreated you, decided to yell at you. He could only sigh, waiting for you to come to him and moan about how you hate this blonde, egocentric guy.
His most common way of showing his affection to you was by taking care of your horse while listening to you, always remembering everything you said, whether it was a mention of your favourite food, people that you like, your dream future or what beautiful clothes you saw at the shop when you travelled to town the other day. Your complaints that you couldn't afford them though... How Kieran wished he could be rich, so he could buy you those clothes, so he could see you happy. But he knew he could never be able to do that.
He dreamed of asking you out. You were on his mind all day and night, but, god, how was he supposed to do that? He couldn't leave the camp, and if he could, it was supposed to be a fishing trip or something, no going to town, no having too much fun, no buying things (he had no money anyways).
So the day you came to him and said that Micah once again told you that you are an useless addition to the camp, instead of passive listening and nodding his head, he actually asked: — how about we go fishing? I will teach you how to do that so next time he says something like that, you can prove him wrong by bringing bunch of fishes to the camp! — his voice started to shake at the end of his sentence, when he understood that he is basically asking you out on an almost date. He looked at you with hope in his eyes.
— fishing? I don't know if Micah would consider fishing as an useful skill...I don't think if anything that is done by a woman is useful in his eyes. I actually believe he might be jealous of Dutch, he wants him all to himself... — you said, giggling a bit. And Kieran had to agree with you. The way Micah was always complimenting Dutch was actually a bit concerning, but as long as he could stay in this camp, he didn't want to ask. He guessed that "that's how the things are in this gang".
— well, you're probably right. He will treat everyone badly regardless of their hard work. But hey, fishing is a nice thing to do anyways, right? I promise you, it's really relaxing! — Kieran was nervous, of course, but you could also see an honest, bright smile on his face, he showed signs of happiness, and that was something really nice to see.
So? Do you agree to go with him? It's your choice. 
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pls give me any feedback, even as anons <3 much love, teaser
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apara-dise-penguin · 4 months
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ben barnes on his instagramstory [05.06.2024] @blairwaldorfvibezzz ...
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immanuelcvnt · 4 months
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Another day, no highlight.
I had an english lesson
I almost finished my german assignment, reviewed 148 flashcards, watched some easy german videos
I watched khan academy videos on the electric field, solved problems on hydrostatics
I also went on a bike ride
total time studied: 4 hrs 48 min
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tobethemselves · 2 months
Larry Timeline
June 2024
01.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis’ show in Mexico City, Mexico
02.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
03.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
04.06.2024 Harry is in Rome / Louis’ show in Queretaro, Mexico
05.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
06.06.2024 Harry is in Rome / Louis is MIA
07.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
08.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis’ away from home festival in Merida, Mexico
09.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Mexico
[more here]
10.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
11.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
12.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
13.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
14.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
15.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
16.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
17.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
18.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
19.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
20.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Frankfurt [more here]
21.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
22.06.2024 Harry is in Rome / Louis’ show at pinkpop festival , Netherlands
23.06.2024 Harry is in Rome / Louis is MIA [more here]
24.06.2024 Harry is in Rome / Louis is MIA [more here]
25.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is MIA
26.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Glastonbury
27.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Glastonbury
28.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Glastonbury
29.06.2024 Harry is MIA / Louis is in Glastonbury
30.06.2024 Harry is in Tuscany / Louis is in Glastonbury
[More of Louis’ time at the Glastonbury Festival 2024 can be found here]
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camillasgirl · 4 months
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King Charles III and Queen Camilla as well as The Prince of Wales attend the UK's national commemorative event for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, hosted by the Ministry of Defence on Southsea Common, Portsmouth, 05.06.2024
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lukaherehelp · 5 months
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Q12 | 05.06.2024
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larstudy · 4 months
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🧪 05.06.2024 // I visited a laboratory at the Sorbonne university! We talked with a lot of scientist and it was sooo interesting, like I want to do a thesis so bad nowww
I know it will be hard but like it gave me the strength to study to pass my exams!! (at least I hope so)
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faedastudies · 4 months
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Doing some revision before my final exam for human anatomy! Also pink marshmallow flavoured milk is a 4/10 - a bit of a let down but it tastes okay (it pretty much tastes like straight milk until the marshmallow after taste comes in).
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