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Happy Pancake Day! This is the only time I’ve repeated a drawing of a pokémon by accident. I can’t help it, Stunfisk is the pancake!
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alligator-dreaming · 6 months
I had a nap today and I saw Sonic the Hedgehog fight a second, smaller Sonic the Hedgehog
There was also a checkerboard wormhole
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fernand0 · 1 year
Flores amarillas. 
(2023-03-24) (2022-12-11) (2022-12-11) (2022-12-24) (2022-12-24) (2022-12-24) (2023-01-21) (2023-01-21) (2023-02-09) (2023-02-09) (2023-03-06) (2023-03-06) (2023-03-24) (2023-03-24) (2023-03-24) (2023-03-24) (2023-03-24) (2023-03-24)
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mft-toyama · 2 years
富山県立美術館の「デザインスコープ」展に出展しています。作品は高精細メッシュによって可視化される光学現象を活用した「Peep」。筒を覗くと分光されたさまざまな色彩が浮かび上がります。他の出展作家の作品も圧倒的で、デザインの新しい視点を感じさせる意欲的なエキシビジョンになっています。 https://t.co/Dz5GOfWfci
— Hokuto Ando / we+ (@hokutoando) Dec 21, 2022
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elicatkin · 2 years
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Zuck’s gravity-defying metaverse money-pit
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Tomorrow (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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Think of everything that makes you miserable as being caught between two opposing, irresistible, irrefutable truths:
"Anything that can't go on forever eventually stops" (Stein's Law)
"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent" (Keynes)
Both of these are true, even though they seemingly contradict one another, and no one embodies that contradiction more perfectly than Mark Zuckerberg.
Take the metaverse.
Zuck's "pivot" to a virtual world he ripped off from a quarter-century old cyberpunk novel (reminder: cyberpunk is a warning, not a suggestion) was born of desperation.
Zuck fancies himself an avatar of the Emperor Augustus (that's why he has that haircut) (no, really). The emperors of antiquity are infamous for getting all weepy when they run out of lands to conquer.
But the lachrymosity of emperors has little causal relationship to the anxieties of tech monopolists! Alexander weeps because he just loves a good conquest and when he finishes conquering the world, he's terminally bored. That's not Zuck's problem at all. When Zuck attains monopoly status, his company develops an autoimmune disorder, as his vicious princelings run out of enemies to destroy and begin to knife one another.
Any monopoly faces these destructive microincentives, but tech is exceptional here because tech has the realtime flexibility and speed that brick-and-mortar businesses can never match:
Sociopaths with tech monopolies are worse for the same reason that road-rage would be worse in a flying car: adding new capacity to indiscriminate self-destructive urges turns ordinary car crashes into low-level airburst warfare:
The flexibility of digital gives tech platforms so much latitude to break things in tiny increments. A tech platform is like a Jenga tower composed of infinitely divisible blocks. The Jenga players are the product managers and executives who have run out of the ability to grow by attracting new business thanks to their monopoly dominance. Now they compete with one another to increase the yield from their respective divisions by visiting pain upon the business customers and end users their platform connects. By tiny increments, they increase the product's cost, lower its reliability, and strip it of its utility and then charge rent to restore its functionality:
This is the terminal stage of enshittification, the unstoppable autocannibalism of platforms as they seek to harvest all the value created by business customers and end users, leaving the absolute minimum of residual value needed to keep both stuck to the platform. This is a brittle equilibrium, because the difference between "I hate this service but I just can't stop using it," and "Get me the fuck out of here" is razor-thin.
All it takes is one tiny push – a whistleblower, a livestreamed mass-shooting, a Cambridge Analytica – and people bolt for the doors. This triggers the final stage: the "pivot," which is a tech euphemism for "panic."
For Zuck, the pivot got real after a disappointing earnings call triggered a mass sell-off of Facebook stock, history's worst one-day value incineration, which lopped a quarter of a trillion dollars off the company's market cap:
This was when the metaverse became the company's top priority.
Now, in my theory of enshittification, the step that follows the pivot is death: "Finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die":
Many people have asked me about the conspicuous non-death of Facebook! That's where I have to fall back on Stein's Law: "Anything that can't go on forever eventually stops." Facebook can't continue to annihilate value, alienate its workers, harm the public, hemorrhage money in support of a mediocrity's cherished folly forever. Can it?
Admittedly, it sure seems like it can. Facebook's metaverse pivot has thus far cost the company $46,500,000,000. That is: $46.5 billion. That's even more money than Uber torched, seeking to maintain the illusion that they will be able to create monopolies on both transport and the labor market for driving and recoup the billions the Saudi royal family let them use for the con:
Don't worry: the Saudi royals are fine! They cashed out at the IPO, collecting a tidy profit at the expense of retail investors who assumed that a pile of shit as big as Uber must have a pony under it, somewhere:
Uber has doubled the cost of rides and halved drivers' wages, using illegal gimmicks like "algorithmic wage discrimination" to squeeze a little more juice out of the nearly exhausted husks of its workforce:
But Stein's Law hasn't been repealed. Drivers can't drive for sub-subsistence wages. Do that long enough and they'll literally starve: that's what "subsistence" means. We lost a decade of transit investment thanks to the Uber con, at the same time as traditional taxi drivers were forced out of the industry. Uber can't be profitable and still pay a living wage, and the fantasy of self-driving cars as a means of zeroing out the wage-bill altogether remains stubbornly, lethally unworkable:
Which means we're at the point where you can get off a commuter train at a main station and find yourself stranded: no taxis at the taxi-queue, no busses due for an hour, and no Uber cars available unless you're willing to pay $95 for a ten-minute ride in a luxury SUV (why yes, this did happen to me recently, thanks for asking).
As more and more of us are exposed to these micro-crises, the political will to do something will increase. This can't go on forever. "Don't use commuter rail" isn't a viable option. "Walk three miles each way to the commuter rail station" isn't viable either. Neither is "Pay $95 for an Uber to get to the station." Something's gotta give…eventually.
"Eventually" is the key word here. Remember the corollary of Stein's Law: Keynes's maxim that "markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent." Sure, anything that can't go on forever eventually stops, but that is no guarantee of a soft landing. You can't smoke two packs a day forever – but in the absence of smoking cessation, the eventual terminus of that habit is stage-four lung cancer. Keep hammering butts into your face and your last smoke will come out a crematorium chimney.
Zuckerberg hasn't merely blown a whole-ass Twitter on the metaverse with nothing to show for it – he's gotten richer while doing it! In the past year, his net worth increased by 130%, to $59 billion, thanks to an increase in Facebook's share-price, driven by investors who stubbornly remain irrational, keeping the Boy Emperor solvent long past any reasonable assessment of his performance.
What are these investors betting on? One possibility is that the rise and rise of Facebook's share-price represents a bet on technofeudalism. Since the Communist Manifesto, Marxists have been predicting the end of capitalism. That end seems to have come, but what followed capitalism wasn't socialism, it was the return of feudalism, an economic system where elites derive their wealth from rents, not profits:
Profit is the income you get from investing in capital – machinery, systems, plant – and then harvesting the surplus value created by workers who mobilize this capital. Capitalism produces massive returns for its winners – in the Manifesto's first chapter, Marx and Engels just geek out about how productive and dynamic this system is.
But capitalism is also a Red Queen's Race, where the winners have to run faster and faster to stay in the same place. Capitalism drives competition, as other would-be winners pile into the sector, replicating the systems that the current winners are using and then improving on them. This is why the prophets of capitalist end-times like the FBI informant Peter Thiel say that "competition is for losers."
Capitalism's "profits" stand in contrast to the feudalist's "rents." Rents are income you get from owning something that other people need to produce things. The capitalist owns the coffee-shop, but the feudalist owns the building. When a rival capitalist opens a superior coffee-shop and drives the old shop out of business, the capitalist loses, but the rentier wins. Now they can rent out an empty storefront in the neighborhood everyone's coming to because of that hot new cafe.
Feudal and manorial lords also made their fortunes by extracting surplus value from workers, but these rentiers don't care about owning the means of production. The peasant in the field pays for their own agricultural equipment and livestock – control over the means of production is necessary for worker liberation, but it's not sufficient. The worker's co-op that owns its factory can still find the value it produces bled off by the landlord who owns the land the factory sits on.
The jury's still out on whether American workers really see themselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires," but America's capitalists have a palpable, undeniable loathing for capitalism. The dream of an American "entrepreneur" is *PassiveIncome: money you get from owning something capitalists and/or workers use to create value. Digital technology creates exciting new possibilities for rent-extraction: a taxi-operator had to buy and maintain a car that someone else drove. Uber can offload this hassle onto its drivers and rent out access to the chokepoint it created between drivers and riders, charging all the traffic can bear. This is feudalism in the cloud – or as Yannis Varoufakis calls it, cloudalism.
In Varoufakis's Technofeudalism, he describes Amazon as a feudal venture. From a distance, Amazon seems like a bustling marketplace of manic capitalism, with sellers avidly competing to offer more variety and lower costs in a million independently operated storefronts. But closer inspection reveals that Amazon is a planned economy, not a market.
Every one of those storefronts pays rent to the same landlord – Amazon – which determines which goods can be offered for sale. Amazon sets pricing for those goods, and extracts 45-51% of every dollar those sellers make. Amazon even controls which goods are shelved at eye-height when you enter the store, and which ones are banished to a dusty storeroom in a distant sub-basement you'll never find:
Zuck's metaverse is pure-play technofeudalism, Amazon taken to the logical extreme. It's easy to get distracted by the part of Zuck's vision that will convert us all into legless, sexless, heavily surveilled low-resolution cartoon characters. But the real action isn't this digitization of our fleshy wants and needs. Zuck didn't spend $46.5B to torment us.
The cruelty isn't the point of the metaverse.
The point of the metaverse is to rent us out to capitalists.
Zuck doesn't know why we would use the metaverse, but he believes that if he can convince capitalists that we all want to live there, that they'll invest the capital to figure out how to serve us there, and then he can extract rent from those capitalists and start earning "passive income." It's an Uber for Cyberpunk Dystopias play.
Zuck's done this before. Remember the "pivot to video?" Zuckerberg wanted to compete with Youtube, but he didn't want to invest in paying for video production. Videos are really expensive to produce and the median video gets zero views. So Zuck used his captive audience to trick publishers into financing his move into video. He fraudulently told publishers that videos were blowing up on Facebook, outperforming boring old text by vast margins.
Publishers borrowed billions and raised billions more in the capital markets, financing the total conversion of newsrooms from text to video and precipitating a mass extinction event for print journalists. Zuck kept the con alive by giving away (fewer) billions to some of those publishers, falsely claiming that their videos were generating fortunes in advertising revenue. These lucky, credulous publishers became judas goats for their industry, luring others into the con, the same way that the "lucky" guy a carny lets win a giant teddy-bear at the start of the day lures others into putting down $5 to see if they can sink three balls in a rigged peach-basket.
But when we stubbornly refused to watch videos on Facebook, Zuck stopped spreading around these convincer payouts, and precipitated a second mass-extinction event in news media, as the new generation of video journalists joined their predecessors in Facebook-driven unemployment. Given this history, it's surreal to see publishers continue to insist that Facebook is stealing their content, when it is so clearly stealing their money:
Metaverse is the new Pivot to Video. Zuckerberg is building a new world, which he will own, and he wants rent it to capitalists, who will compete with one another in just the way that Amazon's sellers compete. No matter who wins that competition, Zuckerberg will win. The prize for winning will be a rent increase, as Zuckerberg leverages the fact that your "successful" business relies on Facebook's metaverse to drain off all the value your workers have produced:
This can't last forever, but how long until Zuck's reality distortion field runs out of battery? That's the $46.5B question.
The market can certainly remain irrational for a hell of a long time. But the market isn't the only force that regulates corporate outcomes. Regulators also regulate. Europe's GDPR is now seven years old, and it plainly outlaws Facebook's surveillance.
For nearly a decade, Facebook has pretended that this wasn't true, and they got away with it. Mostly, that's thanks to the fact that Ireland is a corporate crime-haven with a worse-than-useless Data Protection Commission:
But anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. Facebook has finally been dragged into EU federal jurisdiction, where it will face exterminatory fines if it continues to spy on Europeans:
In response, Facebook has rolled out a subscription version of its main service and its anticompetitive acquisition, Instagram:
For €10/month, Facebook will give you an ad-free experience across its service offerings (it's €13/month if you pay through an app, as Facebook recoups the 30% #AdTax rents that the feudal Google/Apple mobile duopoly extracts).
But this doesn't come close to satisfying Facebook's legal obligations under the GDPR. The GDPR doesn't ban ads, it bans spying. Facebook spies on every single internet user, all the time. The apps we use are built with "free" Facebook toolkits that extract rent from the capitalists who make them by harvesting our data as we use their apps. The web-pages we visit have embedded Facebook libraries that do the same thing for web publishers. Facebook buys our data from brokers. Facebook has so many ways of spying on us that there's almost certainly no way for Facebook to stop spying on you, without radically transforming it operation.
To comply with the GDPR, Facebook must halt surveillance advertising altogether. There's no way to square "spying on users" with "you can't surveil without explicit consent, and you can't punish people for refusing."
And of course, "not spying" isn't the same as "not advertising." "Contextual advertising" – where ads are placed based on the thing you're looking at, not who you are and what you do – is hundreds of years old. Context ads underperform surveillance ads by a slim margin – about 5% – but they're vastly more profitable for publishers. That's because surveillance ads are feudal, controlled by rentiers like Facebook, who own vast troves of the surveillance data needed to run these ads. Traditional ad intermediaries (agencies, brokers) took 10-15% out of the total advertising market. Ad-tech companies – the Google/Facebook duopoly – take 51% out of every ad dollar spent.
Eliminate surveillance ads and you torch their feudal estates. Facebook will always know more about someone reading a news article than the publisher – but the publisher will always know more about the article than Facebook does:
There are rents under capitalism, just as there are profits under feudalism. The defining characteristic of a system is what happens when rents and profits come into conflict. If profits win – for example, if productive companies beat patent trolls, or if news publishers escape Facebook's rent-extraction – then the system is capitalist. If rents win – if investors continue to bet large on the metaverse as its losses pass $50 billion and head for the $100 billion mark – then the system is feudal.
Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. The question isn't whether the platforms will eventually become so enshittified that they die – the question is whether they will go down in an all-consuming fireball, or whether they'll go down in a controlled demolition that lets us evacuate the people they've trapped inside them first:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Diego Delso (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Puente_de_las_cataratas_Victoria,_Zambia-Zimbabue,_2018-07-27,_DD_10.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
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toskarinarchive · 7 months
Toskarin Database
Last updated: 2024-08-25, 23:02+00:00
Current Toskarinlike Count: 44
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digimonarchive · 2 months
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Digimon in all animated media - Anime, Movies and OVA
1st pic = Digimon Adventure anime (Japan: March 7, 1999 - March 26, 2000; USA: August 14, 1999 - June 24, 2000)
2nd pic = Digimon Adenture 02 anime (Japan: April 2, 2000 - March 25, 2001; USA: August 19, 2000 - May 19, 2001)
3rd pic = Digimon Tamers anime (Japan: April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002; USA: September 1, 2001 - June 8, 2002)
4th pic = Digimon Frontier anime (Japan: April 7, 2002 - March 30, 2003; USA: September 9, 2002 - July 14, 2003)
5th pic = Digimon Savers / Data Squad anime (Japan: April 2, 2006 – March 25, 2007; USA: October 1, 2007 - November 2, 2008)
6th pic = Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion anime (Japan: July 6, 2010 - March 25, 2012; USA: September 7, 2013 - August 16, 2015)
7th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars part 2) (Japan: April 3, 2011 - September 25, 2011; USA: March 8, 2015 - August 16, 2015) **
8th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars Hunters or Digimon Xros Wars part 3) (Japan: October 2, 2011 - March 25, 2012) ***
9th pic = Digimon Adventure Tri OVA (Japan: November 21, 2015 - May 5, 2018; USA: September 15, 2016 - September 20, 2018)
10th pic = Digimon Universe Appli Monsters anime (a.k.a Appmon) (Japan: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017)
11th pic = Digimon Adventure: (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 2020 or Digimon Adventure reboot) (Japan: April 5, 2020 - September 26, 2021; USA: November 19, 2022 - April 13, 2023)
12th pic = Digimon Ghost Game (Japan: October 3, 2021 - March 26, 2023)
13th pic = Digimon Adventure (Movie) short film (Japan: March 6, 1999; USA: October 6, 2000 as the first segment part of Digimon The Movie)
14th pic = Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! movie (Japan: March 4, 2000; USA: October 6 2000 as the second segment part of Digimon The Movie)
15th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution! The Golden Digimentals movie (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 02 Vol 1 and 2) (Japan: July 8, 2000; USA: October 6, 2000 as the third segment part of Digimon The Movie) ****
16th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back / Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon movie (Japan: March 3, 2001; USA: August 5, 2005)
17th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle / Digimon: Battle of Adventurers movie (Japan: July 14, 2001; USA: October 16, 2005)
18th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express / Digimon: Runaway Locomon movie (Japan: March 2, 2002; USA: October 2, 2005)
19th pic = Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! / Digimon: Island of Lost Digimon movie (Japan: July 20, 2002; USA: October 23, 2005)
20th pic = Digital Monster X-evolution movie (Japan: January 3, 2005; USA: August 1, 2020)
21st pic = Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! movie (Japan: December 9, 2006)
22nd pic = Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grandprix! short film OVA (Japan: July 20, 2000)
23rd pic = Digimon Savers 3D: The Digital World in Imminent Danger! short film OVA (Japan: July 8, 2006)
24th pic = Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project OVA short films (Japan: November 22 2019 - December 25, 2020)
25th pic = Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie (Japan: February 21, 2020; USA: September 29, 2020)
26th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning movie (Japan: October 5, 2023; USA: November 8, 2023)
** This is the 2nd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Taiki, Kiriha and Nene on their adventure while Akari and Zenjirou are left out.
*** This is the 3rd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Tagiru, Yuu and Taiki as the protagonists. This 3rd part has the overly long title so we fans prefer to call it 'Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters' or 'Digimon Young Hunters'.
**** Yes, this movie has an overly long title. I had a hard time deciding whether to highlight it in bold or not.
Happy Digimon Day!
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jetix · 2 months
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astraofdelos · 3 months
My Personal Headcanons for the Batfamily
(All ages are calculated for the last day of 2024. If people want me to add onto this for other Batfamily members or associates, lmk)
Bruce Thomas Wayne: 43, 02/19/1981
— 19 when he went off to the LoA (2000)
— 24 when he became Batman (2005)
— 27 when he took in Dick (2008)
Barbara Joan Gordon: 24, 09/23/2000
— 12 when she became Batgirl (2012)
— 17; paralyzed (2017)
— 18 when she became Oracle (2018)
Richard John “Dick” Grayson-Wayne: 24, 11/11/2000
— 10 when he became Robin I (2010)
— 15 when he became Nightwing (2015)
Cassandra Carolyn “Cass” Cain-Wayne: 22, 01/26/2002
— 18 when she became Batgirl II (2020)
— 19 when she became Black Bat (2021)
— 21 when she became Orphan (2023)
Jason Peter Todd-Wayne: 22, 8/16/2002
— 13 when he became Robin II (2015)
— 15; died (2017)
— 18 when he became Red Hood (2020)
Timothy Jackson “Tim” Drake-Wayne: 19, 07/19/2005
— 13 when he became Robin III (2018)
— 16 when he became Red Robin (2021)
Stephanie Brown: 19, 08/11/2005
— 14 when she became Spoiler (2019)
— 16 when she became Robin IV (2021)
— 16 when she became Batgirl III (2021)
— 18 when she became Spoiler again (2023)
Duke Thomas: 17, 08/13/2007
— 14 when he became Robin (2021)
— 15 when he became Signal (2022)
Damian Thomas al Ghul- Wayne: 12, 08/09/2012
— 10 when he became Robin VI (2022)
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lunarfied · 2 years
WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP ME ?; masterlist
a genshin impact scaramouche x gender neutral reader ; social media au
this au is DISCONTINUED. please stop asking me to be added to the taglist and for updates, it’s not going to happen.
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SYNOPSIS ; SCARAMOUCHE and Y/N were once lovers. high school sweethearts if you will, but a week before your birthday, he broke up with you and disappeared from your life. you thought you’d never see the boy who broke your heart again until the new roommate moving in with you and your best friends happens to be none other than your ex boyfriend, KUNI.
WARNING ; this will contain slight heavy material at some parts; nothing is set in stone yet though & timestamps do not matter. all characters in this are young adults (18+) unless stated otherwise. written parts are marked with a ✎
GENRES ; friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers to exes to enemies to friends to lovers (lol) fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, social media au, modern au, college au, we will see where the vibes take us….
TAGS ; mommy issues, kinda toxic exes but it’s more of a miscommunication type thing, alcohol and drug usgae, nsfw jokes, family member death, random side ships, etc.,
STATUS ; discontinued. started [dec. 27th, 2022] and ended on [---].
PLAYLIST ; here - give it a listen pls i swear its good
TAGLIST ; closed.
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PROFILES : skittle squad + emo band
ACT ONE : first love / late spring
✎ 01 : stream start
✎ 02 : venti the dropout
03 : scara is sus
04 : uh oh
05 : i luv my boyf
✎ 06 : dinner gone questionable
✎ 07 : left on read
08 : sims stream
09: party planners
10 : huggy wuggy
✎ 11 : fucked
12 : flowers have a language?
✎ 13 : family bonding
✎ 14 — : the party
✎ 15 — : talk to me
16 — : hungover (bonus)
17 — : omori (bonus)
ACT TWO: francis forever
✎ 18 — : picnic
✎ 19 — : oops
✎ 20 — : raid shadow legends
✎ 21 — : tbd
© lunarfied : do not copy or steal my work. taking inspiration is fine as long as you ask beforehand and credit me. do not translate, repost, republish or edit without my permission.
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agentstarkid · 3 months
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NEPENTHE, a term rooted in Greek mythology, refers to a legendary potion believed to dispel sorrow and induce forgetfulness of pain. This concept has evolved to symbolize anything that eases suffering and promotes emotional healing. When applied to love and post-heartbreak, nepenthe can be seen as a metaphor for the various ways people cope with the pain of lost love. This could include time, new relationships, self-discovery, or therapeutic activities that help one heal. Just as nepenthe provided mythical relief, these modern "potions" help individuals gradually let go of their heartache and find happiness again.
✦ PAIRING: daniel ricciardo x famous!latina!reader
✦ PIT BOARD: social media au | ✦ FC: becky g
✦ TRACK LIMITS: female!reader, latina!reader, age gap, language, drama, internet meanies.
✦ MAY'S RADIO: holi, loves! sorry for the long wait, adult life is a bitch. Hope y'all like this chapter because I'm not fully convinced I like it yet lol if there's any mistake...it's 02:21 a.m. and I'm dead on my feet but I was set on posting this today. If you've been playing attention to my easter eggs, you'd have seen this coming 😜 Pretty please tell me your thoughts!! I’ve been stewing on this for like two months so I beg of you to reply/reblog/send me an ask (anon or not!!) telling me what you thought!! Feeds me!! Also, shoutout to Nonnie!!! can't wait to read what you think of this 🙊❤️ Anyways, eat up, babes.
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JULY 1, 2022
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⇥ tiktok search: y/n l/n sings devuélveme el corazón
JULY 15, 2022
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⥂ translation:
- Hey, friend! How are you? + Kuniii! What a surprise! I'm good, and you? What have you been up to? - Everything is fine here in Miami, enjoying a little bit of the sun. Listen, we haven't seen each other in a while. Aug 7 is City's first game of the season at the Etihad and I was invited. With Sofi we thought about taking you with us, so are you in? + Sounds great, Kuni! I've never been to the Etihad. But I don't know. Lately, things hasn't been going well for me with all the negative attention. I'm not sure if being in the public eye would be for the best. - I get it, Y/N. But c'mon, you should come! We'll be in a private box, far away from the paparazzis. No one is gonna bother you there, I promise. Besides, Sofi and I are gonna make you have a great time! + I don't know, Kun. To be honest, more drama is the last thing I want. - That's why I'm telling you this. It will be good for you to have a change of scenery, enjoy a good game and be with friends! And, we miss you. Sofi is already planning a great day for you. You can't let people's opinions to affect you like that. You have to live your life and enjoy it. Come with us, it will do you good. + To be fair, I do need a break. I'm gonna think about it and I'll give you my answer soon! - There's nothing to think about, Y/N! Come with us and let's have a spectacular weekend. Sofi and I are gonna take care of you and make sure you have a great time! + Ok ok, alright. I'm going! It's gonna be great seeing you and Sofi again. What should I bring? - Awesome! Just bring good vibes, a crazy desire to have a good time and something blue to support City. You come to Miami and and we leave in the jet, is that alright? We will coordinate better later. + Oki! I'm already excited! Thank you, Kuni. I really needed this! - That's what friends are for! I promise you that it will be very good for you! See you soon! + See you soon! Thank you for everything!
JULY 29, 2022
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liked by lewishamilton, daddyyankee, thalia and 2,145,873 others
yourinstagram que digan lo que sea, yo subo y bajo como la marea 🌊✨🧿
⥂ translation: let them say whatever, I rise and fall like the tide 🌊✨🧿
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fioamato Se tratan de montar y tambalean 🎶🐸☕
itsvittoriasousa Muchos la critican sin conocerla 💅🏼 iamdannaschwarz Se merece tanto y recibe tan poco 😤 andrew_allen Calle como un Civic, inteligente como un Tesla 🚗 sebastianyatra Mírala cómo camina, lo que le falta es la tarima 👀 yourinstagram No pidas rosas si no aguantas espinas!! 🥀
sebastianyatra q hdptaaa fiesta con la familyyyy 🫠🩵
llane ah con que así son las cosas, acá ya a uno no lo invitan 🙄 (⥂ translation: ah so that's how it is, here's someone who doesn't get invited)
rickymontaner brother somos dos 🙄 (⥂ translation: brother same) sebastianyatra conozco unos manes que no contestan el gc 🙄 (⥂ translation: i know some guys who don't answer the gc) ricardomontaner mau y ricky + llane + sebas + y/n = peligro por donde lo mires 😂❤️ (⥂ translation: danger wherever you look at it) yourinstagram ricardomontaner pero like in the best way, tío 😝❤️
user i absolutely love how her friends are singing the lyrics of bad bunny's song in the comments 😂
userA user even Vitto's bf commented too 😂 userB user they are really specific lyrics tho 🙊
user2 Daniel can't really outrun her, can he? 😂
soficalzetti divina! te extraño 💕
user3 is that HamilGOAT???
badbunnypr Y/N, sé tú y que se mame' un bicho las personas ❤️
yourinstagram ❤️🤘🏽
user4 Andrea is honestly my fav BB song 😭
user5 not me trying to zoom in to read those 🔥 lyrics bc ya know my girl is cooking the baddest album in history 😎
user7 I tried to like this twice once I saw that first photo DAMN 😮
user8 first pic is giving mermaid baddie/H2O vibes
user9 my boy DR fumbled hard 😵‍💫 wdym he just woke up one day next to this woman and decided he wanted smth else??? like ??? bro u ok????? 🤯
lewishamilton surfing ✅📋 next time we are sky diving sis 🪂
yourintagram time and place I'll be there brother 😛 roscoelovescoco can you's take me's with you's?
AUGUST 7, 2022
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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⥂ translation 1: Going to a game with Kun is having a sports commentator explaining every play and probability, and who is who on the field.
⥂ translation 2: The boy is happy with the result of the match.
yourinstagram has followed rubendias!
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AUGUST 18, 2022
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liked by honeymoon, danielricciardo, rubendias and 3,145,873 others
yourinstagram Happi happi ⭐️ note to self: you da bidi bidi bom bom ✨
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userA Mom and Dad; Divorced but never forgotten 😭🖐 userB girl don't, he's not welcome here 😤 userC does this means he agrees she was too much of a bad bitch for his weak ass to handle? 🤣
user2 stay 🤺 the fuck 🤺 away 🤺 you 🤺 unemployed driver 🤺
userA unemployed driver is cold. it's not even official yet buddy userB lmao her replacement better not see his like on our queen's photos 😂 userC homie must be hiding somewhere and crying staring at these photos because she looks 🔥🔥🔥
user3 Literally the love of my life. She's so cute and energetic
user4 you deserve real happiness and loyalty...Don't you ever settle!
juliamichaels hot DAMN
camila_cabello hot DIGGITY DAMN
user5 I'm so glad Daniel dumped her 🗿
beberexha ok hottie!! ❤️🔥
lizzo Everyone STOP TALKING I'm trying to stare at Y/N
blakelively Absolutely fking stunning wowowow
yourinstagram let me hit u with the uno reverse card
user6 this may sound cheesy but you're literally one of the prettiest women I've ever seen 💕
yourinstagram user5 that's so unbelievably kind
user7 i'm single you single... let's make it happen 😍
iamdannaschwarz we live for that smile
user8 such an attention seeker 🤡 because she ain't getting that man back in this life lol
user she is so obsessed with him i swear she's pathetic yourinstagram I don't really care what you think of me because first of all, if you really don't like me, what are you guys doing wasting your time on my page? tell me who's obsessed with who?
user9 Why not? 😭
userA i think when mfs bag a baddie they dont kno how to act right 😭 im not sure sum like that userB userA correct and when they do get a girl like that they leave her for way less userC Lmaoooo frr
user queen is in her idgaf era and I'm fucking here for it!!!
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AUGUST 22, 2022
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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rubendias has added to their story!
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AUGUST 24, 2022
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liked by fioamato and 1,147,693 others
f1 BREAKING: Daniel Ricciardo will leave McLaren at the end of the 2022 season
#F1 #Formula1 mclaren
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user See you later 👏👏
user2 that's called karma
user3 Only McLaren? Why not f1? The queu of young talented drivers is long
user4 So sad that they decided only bet to Lando. All best to Daniel I wish you find better place.
user5 I’m glad I never bought an orange shirt… where are we off to next Dan?
userA that's iconic behavior ngl
user7 and you all were calling y/n a flop, oh how the tables have turned lmaooooo
user8 man lost the greatest woman he could've pulled and now he lost his seat and all in the same year 🤡
user9 mclaren you know this is the best guy you have right? It's not his fault your car is inconsistent. This is not 2021 where you had your car figured out.....this is a bad pr piece for you as well as a bad marketing look since danielricciardo has a look far beyond what your brand reach is. Fire your marketing team as they have failed you...
user10 $21 million going away present?
user11 Honestly Vettel said it best “mclaren didn’t bring the best out of him” I just hope he gets a place in 2023 and does well
SEPTEMBER 11, 2022
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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rubendias has added to their story!
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SEPTEMBER 21, 2022
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OCTOBER 6, 2022
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⥂ translation:
— salmahayek Happy birthday, my precious girl! You are a light in the lives of everyone who knows you. I'm here for you always! — jbalvin Happy birthday, lil sis. Many blessings to you always! — sebastianyatra Happy birthday, Penguin! I keep your friendship like a treasure that will always be with me. I feel lucky to know that big heart you have. I love you a lot, Pulga (Flea)!
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liked by rubendias, aliciakeys, alejandrosanz and 2,756,378 others
yourinstagram Thank you 23, you taught me so much. You brought me so much courage, inspiration, & healing. You reminded me that life is too short. You have brought me even closer to my true self & made me realize just how strong I am. I will remember you as the year that reminded me that living life on anyone else’s terms isn’t living… You taught me to do ME, with grace, love, and kindness. Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday, I love you all. And, of course, a very special thank you to my favorite people in the 🌍 for going above and beyond to make me feel so loved, appreciated, & cared for. Bienvenido 24, un placer conocerte 🥳 ps: had lots of cakes this year, I couldn't be happier!! 😍
natalie_pinkham Happiest of birthdays to the most gorgeous of gals ❤️🥳🥂🎉
yourinstagram natalie_pinkham thank you Nat! Lots of love ❤️❤️
nina ❤️❤️❤️
parishilton happy birthday angel girl ❤️
bohnes happy birthday rockstar 🎉
markhoppus HDB kid 💥
annemarie Make a wish! 🎂✨ Hope all your birthday dreams come true ❤️
lilymhe You are such a beautiful soul, inside and out, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life ❤️
luisfonsi Wishing you an amazing day and a year full of blessings. ¡Un fuerte abrazo!
keleighteller You bring so much joy and light into the lives of everyone around you ✨
anitta feliz aniversário, meu amor! Beijos! 💖
shawnmendes Hope your day is as incredible as you are ❤️ Keep shining! 🌟
daddyyankee ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Y/N! Espero que tengas un día espectacular y un año lleno de éxitos
jenniferaniston Wishing you a day filled with joy, love, and all your favorite things. Have an amazing year ahead! 💖✨
tomholland2013 Happy Birthday, Y/N! 🎉🎂
sofiavergara ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Y/N! Que tengas un día maravilloso lleno de amor y alegría 💃🏻✨
zacefron Have a fantastic day and an even better year. Enjoy every moment! 💫
niallhoran happy birthday 🍻
selenagomez Happy Birthday angel! 🎉 Sending you lots of love and positive vibes on your special day ❤️
kellinquinn Happy Birthday, Y/N! Rock on and have an amazing day!
kellyclarkson May your day be filled with love, laughter, and everything you desire. Cheers to you! 💖✨
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NOVEMBER 3, 2022
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liked by rubendias, landonorris, juliaanalvarez and 2,145,873 others
yourinstagram He(art)
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sasha__rebecca 💙
itsvittoriasousa i like it, picasso
chloestroll what a gorgeous piece of art and the picasso is cute ig
juliaanalvarez 😎🆒
user2 I admire Y/N’s faith in love, no matter how many times she’s heartbroken and let down she still falls in love like it’s the very first time and I think this is how it should be because every single love and relationship is different and unique and should be approached as such
user agree. especially because she's not actually the crazy, guy obsessed girl the media and haters paint her as. she's falling in love when it makes sense, she's not out searching for whirlwind romances and toxic guys. she writes about it bc it's REAL anyway i hope she finds her person one day. first loves lasting forever is nice but isn't possible for most people and that's fine. i think her healthy approach is a great influence on her younger fans who fantasise about love and life just like she did
user3 girlie sure loves her athletes lmao
userA she sure loves the number 3 🤪 userB she once said it was her lucky number and apparently she was really serious about that 🤣
user4 alexa play you belong with me (taylor's version) by taylor swift 😠
user5 watch her ruin him like she ruined daniel
user6 this girl is trying so hard to stay relevant lmao bitch you are a gold digging whore and a massive flop, doesn't matter whose dick you're riding now 🤣
user7 when do we think they're hard launching we already know it's rúben 😂
userA she played the same game with mr. perfectly fine the last time userB MR PERFECTLY FINE OMG YOU'RE SO RIGHT "Cause I hear he's got his arm 'round a brand-new girl. I've been pickin' up my heart, he's been pickin' up her" IS SO DANIEL CODED userC ruben literally posted the same picture on his ig 😂 inconspicuousness left the chat with these two
user8 babygirl decided to stop playing in little league, she's on the big leagues now as she fucking should
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liked by johnstones5, joaofelix79, nathanake and 322,873 others
rubendias life's been good lately 😊
View all 1,548 comments
user who got my boy listening to sleeping at last?
user2 Bro is winning on and off pitch
user3 i still can't believe rúben dias liked every picture she posted for years and also admitted his massive crush for her with his whole chest in a team video and ended up being y/n l/n's boyfriend a few months later
userA bro is the picture of perseverance. He played the long game and at the end, he got the girl 😎 userB he's my GOAT for a reason userC they don't make 'em like him anymore (a total simp for his girl)
jackgrealish alright romeo 🙄😂🩵
johnstones5 kunaguero 🤝🏻
kunaguero johnstones5 🤝🏻
user4 best defender in the world only deserves the best! 🧱
nathanake 🩵
user5 they are not even trying to hide it anymore
user6 Ru we are on the doorstep of the world cup you can't lose your focus with another pop star
userA she's definitely gonna bring him bad luck, everything she touches turns to ashes
user7 "But your heart is your masterpiece, and I'll keep it safe" THIS MOTHERFUCKER BETTER BE SERIOUS 😭
user "Your darkness will be rewritten into a work of fiction, you'll see" 😭😭 userA I'm really wishing that he's the one for her. She deserves a happy ending
♥ rubendias has liked this comment
user9 Mofo better keep his focus we need that 🏆!!!!
DECEMBER 31, 2022
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liked by rubendias, natalie_pinkham, shawnmendes and 2,145,873 others
yourinstagram A student of life I am. Damn it’s humbling as hell when you surrender to the fact that only thing you can control is YOURSELF. Not a person, thing or situation beyond that. Who you become in this life is 100% on you. Letting go of all that doesn’t serve you is self-care. Remember that.
2022 is a year that really marked me… It was filled with moments of all kinds. Wanted to share the ones that made me smile even in the hardest of times. Beyond thankful for the good, the bad and the ugly ❤️‍🩹
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marcusstoinis was the paint supposed to go on the wall or on yourself? 😂 scottyjames31
scottyjames31 don't talk if you don't know about art bro 🤫👨🏼‍🎨 yourinstagram marcusstoinis the technique was questionable but the painter did a good job. His partner on the other hand did a marvelous job ❤️ would recommend their job if you are moving into a new house too 👍🏽 cholestroll 😂❤️
lewishamilton see you soon for the next aventure sis 😎🪂
tinistoessel te adoro muñeca 💖
andrew_allen we might have the next Alex Morgan in our hands 😮‍💨
itsvittoriasousa she said she wants to be a champ like "unca benny" 😅 yourinstagram itsvittoriasousa nah I think she said she /wants/ unca benny, little trouble gave me the stink eye whenever I got too close and didn't let me play 😂 andrew_allen 😅
user i guess it is official official now so welcome to the family dad rubendias
user2 pics 5, 6 & 9 called me single in too many different languages 😭
user4 sunglasses on, hand behing her back... baby iza means business
user6 I really hope next year she is as active on sm as she was before, I miss her too much 🥺
user7 shut up they are the fucking cutest couple already 😍
user8 this is what she deserves!! looots of love and someone who knows how to treat a queen right
rubendias Mô ❤️
userA EEEEEEEEEEKKK!!! 😍😭😍😭 userB any portuguese or brazilian kind enough to tell us what he means? 😩 userC It's an informal abbreviation of "amor" (love), he is calling her love ❤️
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─── Please don't forget to reblog and/or comment! ♡
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unclewarwick · 2 months
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i am making this an art blog now, so i thought i should actually start posting my art here. i finished this drawing today and the rest of the art in this post is from newest to oldest. this post is most of my batman-related art since the last time i posted a big amount of batman art (which was december 2022).
i have a heavy preference for drawing batjokes but am trying to draw more and more of the rogues gallery. i have my own vague storyline ideas that include both batman and the joker being trans men, but in my story he is called bruceman/bat wayne.
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2024-07-10 -- i do an annual redraw of this meme. this was the fifth version. the first time i drew it (in 2021) was the first time i had tried to properly draw either of them, despite having a deep batman interest for a long long time, and drawing for even longer.
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2024-06-28 -- i spent 41 and a half hours on this one. my first big attempt at pixel art. it was from a bad chronic illness week so it was meant as a purposely ugly and simple drawing but it spiralled out of control.
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2024-07-05 and 2024-05-11 -- my concept art for the scarecrow.
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2024-04-22 and 2024-03-21 and 2024-02-11 -- the joker taunting bat wayne, an argument with alfred, a community meme redraw that i didn't like the end result of but was unwell while drawing so i give myself a break.
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2024-02-08 and 2024-02-06 -- the riddler being desperate for attention on social media, my two-face concept art
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2024-01-27 -- my take on the oft-parodied the amazing spider-man #601 cover art.
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2024-01-18 -- joker thinks he's being sneaky but doesn't know he's with the same person twice.
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2024-01-11 and 2024-01-10 -- catwoman being fun and sillie (from before i redesigned her weird mask and goggles that i originally tried to give her)
art from 1 and 8 december of 2023 that i posted on here
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both from 2023-09-10 -- a couple of quick low effort drawings from when i was feeling funky
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2023-08-06 and 2023-08-13 and 2023-08-18 -- mini comic where you can see the comic formatting skill developing in each part.. just a small story idea i had revolving around a double joke about bat wayne's Identity. and still figuring out how to draw the riddler.
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2023-08-02 -- my first depiction of riddler & first drawing of har-lee (my name for harley quinn) out of costume.
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2023-06-18 and 2023-06-15 -- my first drawings ever of har-lee; i did not stick with this costume design for her because i fixed it and made it actually look good and make sense at all a whole year later (character design is my weakness), and also just a simple meme.
2023-06-15 -- i don't have an animation program, so making this was a real struggle.
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2023-04-28 and 2023-04-23 -- bruceman picking up tampons in the middle of a fight, bruceman and joker "fighting".
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2023-04-04 and 2023-03-21 -- Earring Magic J, joker being the autistic, gay, trans dad of autistic, gay, trans pee-wee herman (including muffin the cat from batman: legends of the dark knight #50)
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all from 2022-11-14 -- a comic Not about being trans, no, not at all...
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2022-11-27 -- a fully rendered version of the last panel.
there's more that's not included here because of the 30 image limitation, but those are mostly further concept drawings of har-lee that i didn't like, and lower quality joke drawings. one bigger thing i've left out are stills from an animatic/animation project i started quite a while back (it's not even my only WIP of that kind) and haven't continued progress on for a while. i would prefer to share that all at once whenever it's finished.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 4 months
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all nct dream imagines can be found here- Mark and Haechan found on the 127 masterlist personal favorites are marked with ☆
last updated August 6, 2024
⭒˚。⋆the newlywed miniseries⋆⭒˚。⋆
[6:47 pm] posted March 27, 2021
A surprise party for the birthday boy with kisses as a gift
you suck at crushes posted August 22, 2021
Renjun wants to help you get with Yangyang who wants to help you couple up with Renjun but they’re both annoying, maybe one less than the other
[5:11 pm] posted January 22, 2022
On your first date with Renjun you get distracted by his pretty eyes
[10:26 am] posted October 8, 2022
You thought Tsundere!Renjun didn’t like you so why is he cuddling you and making it impossible to get out of bed?
☆ [11:56 pm] posted March 12, 2023
You love your best friend, even when she’s throwing up outside a frat house, but you love her brother even more when he picks you both up
[10:14 am] posted October 7, 2023
Renjun would prefer to be awake with you but he can’t bring himself to wake you up himself so he does everything he can to get other factors to do it instead
[5:36 pm] posted January 27, 2024
Your friends find all the lingering touches and glances between you and Renjun to be annoying why won’t you confess?! Wait- did you guys just kiss?!
[4:02 pm] posted February 18, 2024
Renjun is unusually cute and clingy
[3:28 pm] posted March 21, 2021
Prompt generator- Jeno can’t get enough kisses with you rose flavored lip balm
☆ [12:24 pm] posted November 16, 2021
Jeno calls you too often and is too comfortable
[8:51 am] posted April 18, 2022
Jeno is unusually cuddly, why?
☆ [3:43 pm] posted November 5, 2022
Making the bed is something that you and Jeno are supposed to do together, do you even want to be together?
[6:19 pm] posted April 2, 2023
You and Jeno have to work through some relationship issues due to him forgetting your anniversary
☆ [9:19 pm] posted July 8, 2023
When you don’t agree about this being you best time having sex, Jeno decides to imitate your moans to try and change your mind (MDNI)
[12:14 am] posted July 22, 2023
Jeno sleeps can only really sleep well when you scratch his back
☆ [9:33 pm] posted October 31, 2023
Jeno is much too tired to argue with his toddler who should be in bed after a long night of trick-or-treating
[8:41 pm] posted December 19, 2023
Jeno is a nervous dad who happens to get more nervous when your daughter is playing out in the snow 
[3:16 pm] posted February 10, 2024
Jeno would never admit that he likes your trashy reality show-did you watch the season premier without him?!
☆[9:16 am] posted July 14, 2024
Jeno tries to be cute and send you flowers, it's just a shame it wasn't a successful try
☆ mr. worst cup {College and Barista!au} posted April 4, 2021
Jaemin messes up your order and in turn messes up any chance at any sort of relationship with you (or so he thinks)
[2:38 pm] posted June 24, 2021
Some people just don’t like seeing you and Jaemin in love- lovesick they might argue
[4:16 pm] posted January 17, 2022
Jaemin is throwing a fit and you don’t care
[7:14 pm] posted July 15, 2022
You thought Jaemin hated strawberries more than he liked you
[2:37 pm] posted January 22, 2023
Jaemin would do anything for you and that includes running across town and buying you multiple bouquets when he hears you’ve had a bad day
[11:22 pm] posted February 19, 2023
A night out at the club was supposed to help you get over Fuckboy!Jaemin, not get in his bed
[3:41 pm] posted June 17, 2023
You and Barista!Jaemin kiss each other hello and goodbye much to your friends’ disgust- 00′s line cafe 7dream au
[8:02 pm] posted September 17, 2023
Jaemin has been clingy for days, good thing you can have your shower time for yourself, right? wrong.
[2:41 pm] posted October 14, 2023
pregnant!reader experiences a pregnancy scare and Jaemin comforts her
[9:18 pm] posted December 25, 2023
Your son can’t resist the Christmas tree, even less so when he finds out there’s a toy hidden somewhere beneath the tree
[7:09 pm] posted January 13, 2024
Your usually hyper daughter is playing with your cats so gently, why? She’s practicing for a baby you didn’t know about
[8:08 am] posted April 28, 2024
CEO!Jaemin walks his daughter to school
[8:04 am] posted June 1, 2024
you wake up to hear Jaemin and your daughter talking over the baby monitor
[2:51 pm] posted December 11, 2021
Did he just bite you? He just bit you
[3:13 am] posted September 26, 2022
College!Chenle decides to come over, joy… it’s not like you were sleeping or anything
☆[5:18 pm] posted May 13, 2023
Situationship!Chenle likes to steal your phone and make horrible pictures of you your new lockscreen, but your new lockscreen has him change his mind 
[6:22 pm] posted November 27, 2021
You’re supposed to be there for a surprise! Why aren’t you there for the surprise?! Oh…
☆[3:56 pm] posted September 4, 2022
Did College!Jisung mean to kiss you while he was leaving?
[4:12 pm] posted August 12, 2023
Jisung comforts you after a stressful exam
☆[5:51 pm] posted June 29, 2024
You just took a pregnancy test and saw it said pregnant, what does Jisung mean "how did this happen?"
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miumura · 2 years
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synopsis : you’ve had a penpal for at least 3 months now. you have been sending letters back and forth with an anonymous person at school. let’s say you might have caught some feelings for him.. little did you know, sunghoon, your rival was your penpal after all? when you realize he is the person you have been writing to all these times, will your feelings still be the same?
pairing : rival!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre : high school au, smau, enemies to lovers, classmates to lovers, angst (?) , fluff, slowburn, second chance thing
featuring : all enhypen members, yoon from stayc , minnie from gidle, yeojin from loona
warnings : me being unfunny 👎, cursing, use of kms + kys jokes, sunghoon and yn being very VERY annoying
status : completed ! [Nov 7 2022 - Dec 25 2022]
authors note : second smau wowowo 😍 heres the smau i was thinking abt while i was going to school 🤗 first time writing enemies to lovers.. this is going to be interesting. i hope you guys like it 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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01 - the letters.
02 - can you like stfu
03 - life is good 😘
04 - what was that, 2nd place?
05 - somethings fishy going on here 🤨
07 - no way..tutor era ???
08 - hes kind of cute..ig 🤢
10 - hold awn… 🤨 (written + smau)
11 - i’ve been lied to my whole life.
12 - sign him up for obedience school
13 - hanging out with the enemy
14 - two choices
15 - enemies to lovers
16 - who tf is hari (written + smau)
17 - #womensupportwomen .. but for hari..
18 - 1 - yn , 0 - hari
19 - why do i miss him 😹
20 - we are now friends
21 - just a little crush #lol
22 - whats this silly letter 😂
23 - what? (written)
24 - emo hours
25 - whats with the sunghoon slander?
— 26.5 - not your strongest soldier.
27 - a mistunderstanding
28 - the confrontation
30 - sunghoons plan
— 30.5 - the facetime call. (written)
31 - step one: sit next to her for all classes!
32 - step two: offer notes
33 - step three: give a gift!
34 - step four: repeat until trust is gained!
35 - the explanation
36 - not scared anymore
37 - FINALLY!!
38 - some progress
39 - lets date? (written)
40 - my bae
41 - under the mistletoe
42 - ice skating !!
43 - snowball fight
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thank you guys sm for showing support for this smau and have been patiently waiting for chaps all this time <33
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
bound by the rules masterlist smau
pairing/s: lesserafim huh yunjin x txt's sixth member! gp! oc x aespa yoo jimin
summary: txt's oldest member, oh hyunseol just want a peaceful life after pandemic with her members, but it seems like fate wants to shake things up.
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tags... crack, fluff; angst; hurt(?); suggestive/smut (not all time); kinda slow burn (not the do i like her slow burn, but those longer than a min touches and longing gazes kind of slow burn); no beta we die like men; love at first sight; friends to lovers
warning/s... love triangle; angst; too many things going on; an ungodly amount of time skips; suggestive/smut themes; dark jokes; toxic staffs and management; scandals; dark themes & graphic content: strong language, bullying (affectionately); multiple mentions of alcohol and its consumption; many more to be added
setting... story will start in 2022
featuring... txt, lesserafim, aespa, itzy (mostly ryujin), ive (mostly annyeongz), choi yena, skz bangchan, nct jaehyun, g-idle yuqi, enhypen heeseung, some bts members, and many more that often pops up in just one of the chapters.
profiles. bighit's baby giants, too pretty to be ais, not-so-fearless with bugs, the seven avengers
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chapters (number of chapters & some titles still unidentified)
⭐ - fav chap
01 | happy birthday to you⭐
02 | new bestie unlocked
03 | birth month twinnie (half written)
04 | pretty elevator girl (kinda half written)
05 | tagged along
06 | birthday money
07 | meeting for what?! (mostly written)
09 | minjeong's research
10 | lee fcking soo-man (written) ⭐
11 | give me your bets
12 | field day (pt.1)⭐
13 | the claw machine⭐
14 | party party yeah
15 | alexa, play drama by txt (written)⭐
16 | she is like dramama ramama
17 | #prayforheeseung
18 | gay panic-ese⭐
19 | txt's first 2022 vlive (written)⭐
20 | lord me when⭐
21 | be careful what you wish for (written) ⭐
22 | something bad just happened ⭐
23 | perfect friends ⭐
24 | matchz? it's a matchz! ⭐
bonus... matchmaker episodes
25 | 0 7 . 3 0
26 | seol & umji?? seolji?
27 | haters gonna hate
28 | wee-woo 🚨🚨
29 | a house of cards (written)
30 | us against the world
31 | through the cracks
32 | without the foundation
bbtr plot timeline
taglist: @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @kimsgayness , @jeindall777 , @notodayeli , @mah4u
misc hyunseol - kprofile | articles | spotify playlist | youtube compilations | fem idols crushing on her | matchz playlist | oddz playlist
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a/n: seol can be interpreted as the reader or whole other person. it was supposed to be y/n, not seol but i find it hard to imagine if i pair yunjin and karina to someone i can't imagine, so that's where seol is born.
disclaimer all images and pictures used in this story are not all mine. they belong to their rightful owners and i therefore give credits to their edits. since this is a smau, all of the happenings and events within are made up and the product of my imagination. any similarity to real-life occurrences or individuals, whether alive or deceased, is entirely coincidental. SEPARATE FICTION FROM REALITY.
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@ eventuallyaugust 2024 | navi
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