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quillwritten · 4 years
00Q YouTuber AU - 1: Q
Okay so
Q is a tech youtuber bc duh
his name is Peter
his channel name is The Quartermaster
but he just goes by Q
he works with software and engineering
“Today we’re going to make an ai to read all of twilight and all of paradise lost and make it write a crossover”
Sometimes he does Top Gear challenges for fun
“Today I’m going to make a push-pull car using the front halves of a Ford Fiesta and a Fiat 500 welded together”
his twitter is a mess
curate???? your feed??? what’s that??
he retweets anything and everything
look I don’t understand how do the twitter
but it’s find bc neither does Q
this things he tweets are exclusively:
updates about his youtube channel
requests for help with the youtube channel
‘does anyone have a spare soldering iron in London I could borrow mine broke’
‘vote which of these top gear challenges I should do next: the van boat or the diy campervan’ (the van boat wins but he does both anyway)
random things that happen in his life with little-to-no context
‘today a bloody komodo dragon ate the earphones I made for James so we’re leaving the zoo quickly before the keepers kill us for bad animal husbandry or smth’
James is his boyfriend
but no one actually knows who he is
people want to know but Q is oblivious and hardly ever checks his mentions
when people theorise in his comments he answers them in the most unhelpful and vague ways possible
‘:eyeemoji: who’s James’ ‘my boyfriend’
‘wait so who actually is q’s bf???? do we know???’ ‘his name is james’
does he know what he’s doing? maybe (yes)
he has a pretty solid core following of a maybe ten thousand ish
people suggest he make merch but he doesn’t know what design
eventually he decides to make a t-shirt with a picture of his Q mug
(the Q mug features heavily in every video)
(fans have theories about what’s in it)
(current favourites are: straight vodka, strawberry milkshake, just plain water)
(it’s tea. it’s a mug of tea.)
(but that’s not fun. so. theories)
when that sells out, he adds his cats to the mix, drawn like they’re tucked into the mug
those designs sell out even faster
the cats also feature heavily in every video
Rameses presides over projects like a line manager
Romulus ‘helps’ with the projects
aka knocks tools off the table constantly and/or spends half the time laying over Q’s hands while he’s trying to type
new subscribers think it’s cool that Q named his cats after historical figures
the ogs think it’s hilarious that he named them after computer storage
(RAM and ROM)
well this got out of hand ig I’ll do a separate post for Bond
oh no this is going to become a Thing isn’t it
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007Fest2020 Masterpost
I didn’t write much, so it’s just 
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Felix Leiter Day
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Agent Day - Bill Tanner
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When people think of MI6 agents, the SIS’s Chief of Staff doesn’t often come to mind, but Bill Tanner is more than M’s right hand man.  A Senior Intelligence Officer slated to become the new 002 before an assassin’s toxin left him with heart damage preventing him from ever returning to field work, Tanner is in a unique position to understand both sides of the game -- the bureaucratic and the practical -- and is able to provide M and agents alike with knowledgeable, first-hand observations and suggestions that often lend critical context to a situation.  Extremely detail oriented, Bill works his arse off to ensure Mallory has everything he needs going into every meeting or meet, and can often be found burning the midnight oil even later than Q does.  He counts James Bond, Alec Trevelyan, Eve Moneypenny, and The Quartermaster among his friends, and they readily claim him for his quick, biting wit and compassionate nature.
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Reverse Tropes
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“CAT!” is something of a fic “in-joke” at the moment, but if you’d like in on the meaning, pop over to read “Without Being Told” on Ao3, and you’ll soon find out.  Without Being Told by @boffin1710​ and @dassandre-00qpidsarrow​
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quillwritten · 4 years
00Q YouTuber AU - 2: Bond
right. Bond.
Bond is a stunt youtuber
his channel is called Double Oh Seven bc he’s part of a squad
he only ever uses his surname on the channel
why?? something something boys bonding boarding school no christian names thank you
sometimes he cameos on other Double Oh channels and sometimes they cameo on his
other times they collab to post elaborate videos on a channel called M Presents where they do stuff like recreate movie fight scenes in a back garden
all the Double Ohs (there’s 13 of them) have their fan bases but Bond is one of the most popular
if not the most popular
bc he’s the most reckless which makes for the most fun watching and also he’s pretty shameless and ends up shirtless an unreasonable amount
so yeah he’s got Fans
unfortunately for them, he also has a boyfriend
he does not mention his bf very often, and never by name
just occasionally he’ll say something like “I’m gonna be in trouble when I get home” whilst staring at a wrecked heap of motorbike
someone eventually asks why? and he’s like “oh yeah my boyfriend makes most of our gear”
this is during a Q&A with Double Oh Three who immediately points out that Bond is the only one who can get away with his level of destruction
he immediately shoots back that she also gets leeway bc of her gf
(more on those two later)
still, he has guest stars on both his own channel and M Presents
and The Straights are always trying to ship him with whatever woman with whom he’s been on screen for three whole minutes
meanwhile everyone with eeyes and ears and half a functioning braincell are like?????? he says he has a boyfriend???? stop being fucking weird about this and also homophobic
Bond does not have a twitter bc he can’t be bothered to check any sort of social media
but he has an insta for bts photos which is a solid fifty-five percent showing off ridiculous injuries
one time he gets actually shot bc someone didn’t swap the bullets out for blanks in an M Presents scene
Double Oh Three films an ig live laughing too hard to keep the camera steady bc Bond is being grumpy in the back of an ambulance
people call her out for it
Bond ‘somehow’ gets into the M Presents twitter and makes a statement telling people to knock it tf off bc she’s a friend and he was fine
and then he steps back and lets Carter deal with the rest herself bc she is Very Capable
The next video on his channel is a more sedate one that involves him scaling a human sized cat tower with two very confused actual cats
“both the climbing frame and the cats belong to my bf bc he made me promise to take it easy until I’m slightly less shot”
after approx. four years of this, someone on twitter finally makes a connection
‘wait so his bf makes all the gear and has two cats??? also [extremely zoomed in blurry screenshot of the Q scrabble mug in the background of a video]’
‘guys are you seeing this???????’
‘@thequartermaster are you dating bond from double oh seven’
Bond and Q have a conference in the back of the cab on their way to date night while R watches the kids cats
Q tweets back that yes he is dating bond from double oh seven
there are several main responses to this:
‘wait two people I follow are dating and I never knew?’
‘yeah that makes sense actually’
‘aw you guys r cute’
‘wait is bond james????????’
people start making compilations of all Q’s tweets ft stupid stuff James says overlaid over Bond being cool on Double Oh Seven
Bond and Q do one (1) collab video on each of their channels
on Q’s channel: ‘My boyfriend tries to build a bike from scratch’
this is punishment for the last time Bond wrecked his bike
Q helps, but only minimally
mainly he just laughs at Bond being extremely confused by the instructions
on Bond’s channel: ‘Teaching my boyfriend parkour’
this is punishment for the bike building video
Q is surprisingly good at it
except when he nearly brains himself on a bike rack bc he’s too busy staring at Bond a few metres ahead
people turn it into a meme
distracted boyfriend except for a loving (but dumb) relationship
but they do end up actually being in shot in each other’s videos sometimes, now
Bond tries twitter to retaliate for all Q’s dumb stories about him
and gives up in less than a week
instead he just makes a new insta and posts stupid photos of Q
the most liked photo is one of Q absolutely furious after Bond nearly dies in a car stunt
(he nearly dies taking the photo, too, bc Q is about half a second away from throttling him)
tune in tomorrow for more dumb james bond youtuber au
next up: genius lesbian R
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Tell the Time
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Without Being Told Mood Board
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Scavenger Hunt #41 - Tattoos Tell the Tale
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#41  Using only pictures of actual tattoos, summarize a Bond movie Bond Movie:  Skyfall Tattoo source:  My arm A bit of meta, too ... Hear me out on this.  All of the key events in Skyfall -- Bond in Macau, on Silva’s Island, in London at Six, through the Tube, at the enquiry, and finally at Skyfall itself -- revolve around finding a balance between efficiency and innovation.  Whether Bond or Q like it initially or not, theirs is a symbiotic relationship.  The innovation of youth and the efficiency of age are both necessary in order for Silva to be taken out.  Whilst M is a casualty of what is, essentially, a private war, the country she was entrusted to defend is ultimately protected because Silva dies, too.  It takes both Bond and Q, and their unique skill sets, putting their backs into it in order for that to happen.
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quillwritten · 4 years
Scavenger Hunt Item #27
Use google translate to translate the lyrics of a bond song through languages of at least three countries Bond has visited and then back into English. Perform the complete song. Also include the new lyrics.
(new lyrics below the cut)
It's the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move then
Hear my heart explode again
 It's the end
I drowned and dreamed of this moment
So late I owe them
Sweeping, I was stolen
 Let the sky fall
When it collapses
We will keep our heads high
Let's face it all together
 Let the sky fall
When it collapses
We will keep our heads high
Let's face it all together
In the fall of the sky
This falling sky
 Skyfall is the starting point
Thousands of miles and separate poles
Where the worlds collide and the days are dark
You can have my number, you can take my name
But you will never have my heart
 Drop the sky (drop the sky)
When it falls apart (when it falls apart)
We will stop (we will stop)
Let's face it all together
 Drop the sky (drop the sky)
When it falls apart (when it falls apart)
We will stop (we will stop)
Let's face it all together
In the fall of the sky
(Drop the sky
When it collapses
We will hold our head high)
 Where are you going, I'm going
What you see, I see it
I know it will never be me
Without security
From your loving arms
stay away
Put your hand in my hand
And we will stop
 Drop the sky (drop the sky)
When it falls apart (when it falls apart)
We will stop (we will stop)
Let's face it all together
 Drop the sky (drop the sky)
When it falls apart (when it falls apart)
We will stop (we will stop)
Let's face it all together
In the fall of the sky
 Let the sky fall We will keep our heads high In the fall of the sky
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Scavenger Hunt #43 - Mug
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#43 We know Q likes his scrabble mug, but what is his second favourite mug? I chose to use a different definition of “mug” in this instance, the one meaning “a person’s face.” Though it’s a neck and neck race, coffee and tea in his Scrabble mug still come first for Q.  It’s the caffeine that allows him to wake up enough to fully and thoroughly appreciate his second-favourite mug.    Q has more than one Scrabble mug, of course. One for home and one for work.  Odds are R has a few others squirreled away in case of breakage.  No one in Six wants a repeat of “The Sanderson Affair,” after all.  Took bloody weeks for things to settle down and R just doesn’t have the time for that kind of drama. 
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