#.komaru speaks
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danganmaticx · 23 days ago
Remember when makoto said you’re so full of SHIT at the end of the game?
Like that’s your dark moment?
That’s your crash out?
Bro your friends are dead!
You’ve been beaten up and assaulted multiple times!
You regularly watch executions!
Byakuya tells you to stfu if you breathe wrong around him!
Hiro wanted to take your fucking organs!
Your damn investigation partner ignored you, tried to get you put in a body bag, and then showed you her dead dad in a box!
Hajime didn’t even get that disrespected and he was tweaking out!
And all you could say is the word shit?!
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years ago
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‘ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS TWO: MORE GIRLS AND EVEN MORE DESPAIR’ WHERE TOKOMARU HELP NAEGI AND CO WRANGLE THE REMNANTS OF DESPAIR!! (Also the warriors of hope (sans Monaca ofc) are their Guys In The Chair, reluctantly added to the team since they’d know the most about how the remnants operate due to their time w/ junko, and who grow to be friends with tokomaru because I said so and I say friendship is real and the dynamic could be hilarious — plus the concept of the wohs popping in to tell komaru to do something dumb like check out an abandoned candy store for treats or do a kick flip on a mostly intact skateboard is really fun to me)
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cr4cked-maxxx · 1 month ago
Thoughts speedrun go-
I'd like to think Komaru would go through an emo/metal/punk phase in my au, what made me come to this conclusion, listening to 'Chocolate Helicopter'.
Speaking of 'Chocolate Helicopter', I wanna learn how to play it so bad bc I love l4d & l4d2 and I know how to play the guitar.
Also woah, been thinking about Igbo transfem Tenko omg-
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years ago
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himitenkiyo · 2 years ago
komaru is transfem + the reason she sounds different between thh + udg is because she was getting the hang of making her voice sound naturally feminine
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freezethunder · 2 years ago
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Little tea party on board a moving train, no biggie.
Fanart of Lucky Melody in Towa by @spyrkle4 from Chapter 14. Kotoko kidnapped Komaru and Hibiki, but Hibiki’s catatonic due to seeing Syo in action so instead they had a little tea party with Hibiki eating the same crumpet for like 5 minutes.
You should check it out. It’s a text fic alternate universe combing the end of SDRA2 with UDG and it’s really funny and good.
(Sorry about Hibiki I can’t draw that good and I tried my best with her dark eyes look but I’m as aaaaahhhhh)
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ultfan · 11 months ago
@dragcns-den sent in: “  your bandages— you’re bleeding through them.  ” — (( Makoto - Hiya :3 Hope you don’t mind me yeeting my boi ))
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                     ‶  ah... so the wounds have reopened again... how inconvenient.  ″ well, ever since that murderous fiend sliced up his thighs with her scissors he hasn't had the time to actually tend to his wounds. not that he had any will to. pain was just part of his existence these days — not that these future foundation people have realized that yet.
                     apparently they were on the lookout for fifteen surviving students of hopes peak — wanting to safely secure them before the remnants of despair do something to cause them harm. komaeda's sure once they begin to encounter more of his old classmates they'll realize that the very people they're trying to save are their enemies. how despairing that will be for them... but only for a brief moment.
                     with their identities uncovered they should be easier to track down and eliminate. and once all the remnants of despair are gone from this world komaeda is sure that the world will finally be filled with a glowing hope like no other. his only hope is that he gets a glimpse of that before his inevitable execution.
                     he's stayed cagey about is identity — making sure that no one removed the glove on his hand. that would be a dead giveaway. and to show his hand (figuratively and literally) too early just wouldn't be any fun. there would be no challenge to overcome. no... it would be too easy.
                     ‶  it's my fault for picking at them. what a troublesome habit...  ″
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 1 year ago
Bunny I’m know right I’m am absolutely happy about that I’m finally going to have that cute boy all to myself hihi soon komaru let go of the hug bunny hey kazuichi soon the three see bunny telling him he is going to marry haruki soon see kazuichi bursting into tears running away crying bunny I’m don’t regret this
Mizuki: ...Damn, that was ruthless.
Komaru: Um... You didn't have to rub it in his face like that, Bunny.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 2 years ago
Add 'gave us the first female protagonist, only to kill her in chapter one and switch a new, less interesting, male protagonist' to the list of reasons why I'm gonna throttle the Danganronpa staff with my bare hands
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Sasuke and his trouble: When you really love and care someone, you can't hide it.
☞ Offering his bento
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Right before this scene, Sasuke gives a grand speech to Sakura about he needs to pass this exam to get his revenge. Even though he knew full well that if he shared the food he would be disqualified and not allowed to train as a shinobi… but… when he saw Naruto's face he threw everything away and risked his ninja career as well.
☞ Sasuke asking Sakura not to divulge about his Curse Mark to Naruto
When Naruto asked her about Sasuke's mark, Sakura remembers what Sasuke told her in the Forest of Death. The next thing we see is Sasuke asking her to promise him not to tell Naruto about the curse mark because he doesn't want to worry him.
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This scene has appeared twice in the manga... once in this chapter (69) and the other in chapter 178. From her recalls in ch. 69, there was this dialogue that sasuke says: 「いいか...これもチーム ワークだ。」 = ī ka ... kore mo chīmu wākuda = Listen... This is also teamwork”. But the interesting thing is that she doesn't include this dialogue in chapter 178.
What prompted her to recall the scene:
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Sakura tried to come between Naruto and Sasuke when they got into a fight on the hospital roof top. And Naruto says this to her: 'Sakura...Don't get in my way!', but the way Naruto saying to Sakura with a sharp manner is completely new and you can see from the panel how much his words shocked her. We all know Naruto isn't the type to speak angrily to Sakura. And yet, we've seen Naruto put Sakura in her place twice when she was trying to get between his goals. Like in this scene and in the 5KS arc. Both of these scenes have one thing in common, which is that Sakura comes between Naruto and Sasuke.
The word Naruto uses here is 邪魔しないで (jama shinaide) which means don't get in the/my way; stay out of the/my way; don't disturb me; don't bother me. This expression 'jama shinaide', is negative and kind of strong to use towards other people. And it is not a polite word.
Then she recalls this:
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Raw: 約束してくれ...このアザのことはナルトには言うな。 あいつに余計な気を遣われても困るんでな...
Romaji: yakusokushitekure...kono aza no koto wa naruto ni wa iu na. aitsu ni yokeina ki wo tsukawarete mo komaru n dena...
Literal: Promise me... You won't say anything about this mark/bruise to Naruto. It's only going to trouble me if he unnecessarily/extra worries about me...
気を遣う (ki wo tsukau) is an expression which means "to be considerate," "to be mindful," "to care about someone/something", or "to go out of one's way (for someone)"
Sasuke is expressing that he would be troubled if Naruto were to go out of his way to show concern and worry for him. Why would it troubles Sasuke to see Naruto worries about him? Even Sakura was worried about him during the Chūnin Exams arc.... Why couldn't her worries bother him, even a little? Towards Sakura, he was completely annoyed & distant whereas with Naruto he worries about him and also feels pain whenever Naruto get hurts.
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noctiiilucaaa · 2 months ago
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danganronpa protags love confessions
type: headcanons , gn!insert sfw cws: none! req box
more under the cut !!!
Makoto Naegi:
His face is all red... trying to find the words to confess. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Makoto wants to tell you face to face but his throat is dry. He fidgets with his sleeves as his face continues to get redder and redder.
The sun is setting, you're behind the school with him. You're curious... what will he say? You have a good feeling on knowing what he's going to confess but you need to hear him say it. Makoto knows that text he sent to you was cryptic but he's just so damn embarrassed!!
When he speaks, his voice is all soft. He's red as hell, he tries to look you in the eyes but it always fails. Though good for him for keeping trying to keep eye contact!
"I like you..." He finally says, "I know my text was weird! I just needed you to meet me here! I wanted to tell you face to face! I like you... a lot, I liked for a while now... can we try it out? Us...?"
Komaru Naegi:
Komaru is also flushed, just like her brother! She stumbles on her words. Komaru is more confident though! She's liked you for a while now and she needs to tell you! She feels as if she's going to explode if she doesn't tell you! What a disaster!
You two are out and about... it's almost time to split off and go home. The moon is out, but as you turn away to walk home... she grabs your hand. Her face is flushed, she's getting hot under her collar. Komaru nods to herself, you tilt your head with a smile.
She speaks with a giant smile on her face, finally she has the most confidence ever! She's going to scream it to the world! Komaru wants it to be known!
"I like you! Like, I like you a lot! Let's go out tomorrow! You and me, a date!!! What do you say?!"
Hajime Hinata:
Hajime knows this will go over smoothly, truly he's not nervous at all. The two of you have been flirting back and forth for over a week, and he's liked you for a long time. Confidence fills his body, and you know something is up with him.
After class he plans on telling you. When you two walk out of the school and start walking home... that's where he wants to tell you. Before you two can split off, he turns to you... forcing you to stop in your tracts. You pause, looking at him with a flushed face.
Hajime smirks softly, knowing that he captured your attention. He loves it when you stare at him with your darling eyes. He has it... all to himself, he speaks... it's makes you shake with excitement.
"Let's go out, right now. I've been into you for a while now so, let's go on our first date now. C'mon, I can hardly wait. I'll treat you."
Kaede Akamatsu:
You're in her head all day and night! She can't get you out of it! Kaede can barely sleep! She spends all night tossing and turning, thinking about you! Kaede is a blushing mess, but she's determined to tell you no matter what. She can't keep it to herself anymore.
The next day at school, she leaves you a note your shoe locker... telling you to meet her in the music room. You think it's for another opinion on one of her pieces... but little do you know, it's something completely different. You go to the music room before class.
When you're there, Kaede is by the piano... softly playing a scale, warming up her fingers for the coming day. When she hears you approach, she gets up and darts to you. She has half the mind to kiss you but she restrains herself. Kaede smiles so wide, it's infectious.
"I like you! I wanted you to know that! You don't have to like me back, or anything! I just like you a lot! Please, let's go out and have fun!!"
Shuichi Saihara:
Shuichi has liked you for a very long time... and he's just so downright scared to tell you! he's gotten advice from Maki, Kaito, and Kaede... and they're all super supportive of the crush. He has to tell you right away. It sucks but he plans on texting you, but Kaede heavily disagrees with that.
Instead he does shoot you a text... to meet him after school by the dorms. When you see, you have a good gut feeling what's going to happen next. You like him too, but you have your doubts. Shuichi is nervous... he's practically sweating.
You two meet up, his face is flushed. He's stammering on his words, he's practically making up new ones. You can't help but to giggle at each and every one. Though, Shuichi does find the courage to speak.
"I like you, okay? That's what I'm trying to say... please understand that... and I would like to... ahem. I would love to spend more time with you. Will that be okay?"
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affluent-havoc · 4 months ago
It's time for the fiend! Spoilers of course
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For one, Syo here actually breaks the formula I have with these designs, Syo not really working or going out most of the time unless she's heavily disguised. However, I tried my best to ensure she was given some love! So, for her "casual" attire, it's rather simple looking. It's got some LORE though with Syo trying to reform from her murdering days and Komaru helping out in making this outfit! Most of the materials are just thrifted such as the boots with the rest being slightly modified. It holds up rather poorly and has it's flaws. However, Syo seems to like it. Toko, not so much. Toko finds it ugly, no matter how much Komaru tries to give her the puppy eyes, asking for Toko to give it a chance. I also want to take note the bracelet she has on as well as the hat. I thought it would also be cute if Komaru made her a little friendship bracelet. Toko also has one but she finds it childish to just be wearing it out an about (she's not really into much jewelry anyway). Thus, Toko just keeps it on her nightstand. Syo, however, fears nothing and has no shame. Speaking of which, the hat. I was a little lazy with the details but it is indeed one of those "Woman love me, Fish fear me" hats. Syo did the embroidery on it (Syo being oddly good with crochet and sewing) and Toko despises. And, the worst part is that Syo did an amazing job on it which makes Toko hate it even more whenever she ends up in it after Syo finishes fronting. Toko's at least a bit grateful though that Syo doesn't go out that much. Toko is already mortified waking up in the outfit. It'd be way worse to be waking up in one of the ugliest garments present in the apartment while in public. As for Syo's "work" attire, it's just Toko's attire for work with slight Syoifications (Jackifications?) made with the zipper being undone revealing a little pouch she has on, and sleaves rolled up. She even has Toko's purse worn slightly different as well! Thought it would be cute to do! Also, for the pouch, Her iconic scissors are absent, being held deep in a vault somewhere with Byakuya as a safety precaution. Syo doesn't mind too much though. For one, she knows they're safe even though she likes to joke that Byakuya's doing unspeakable things with them which he just sighs at. Additionally she's not planning on murdering anyone anymore as I feel she holds pride in her killing SPECIFICALLY with those scissors. So, she wouldn't be using any random pair. But also, her being reformed and all. Besides, the scissors being held in the care of Byakuya it's not because of the potential of Syo starting all over again with the murders anyway. It's more about the potential of the whole "Toko is Genocider Syo and is a serial killer" thing coming out and as a way of showing that Byakuya does care for Toko, aloofness or not. I like to headcanon that, though footage of the Killing game were indeed broadcasted, for one, the Future Foundation were the main people to see it. Additionally, the average civilian would probably not a bit too busy trying to save their own lives than to be keeping up with the news regarding the Ultimate's in Hopes Peak. Not saying that some of that info wouldn't be able to get out. Some of it certainly could have and added to the despair and all. As to regards on where the footage is held, it's with Future Foundation in partner with Byakuya. Perhaps a bit of Kyoko their too and a bit of Makoto as well though I feel all the survivors pitched in on having the say on what to do with it. After all, it IS the recording of all their Hopes Peak trauma, though I don't think they'd want to destroy it oddly enough. This concept of course has room to change but these are the main thoughts Plus, it's fun to think about as, with Syo in the picture in this AU, the concept of whether the people know or don't know about the whole "notorious serial killer Genocider Syo is sorta just an alter of Toko Fukawa" is something that has to be addressed to SOME extent .
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For her physical build, it's just Toko's. What really changes is the undergarments anyway. Though they are not colored her, they are very much bright red, very garish. All of her undergarments are which contrasts with Toko's more frilly and pretty undergarments. One other bit to mention is Syo's hair! It's nothing too crazy, just Toko's hair out of the pony tail and ruffled to high hell! Syo makes it work though.
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That's Syo done! Hope I did her justice! Tried my best ;-; (1) | (6)
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years ago
give me anyone else you like as well in the replies I'm working on a project and I need info lol
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cr4cked-maxxx · 2 months ago
Small saigoku family ramble
Okay, it's Gonta and Shuichi, Shuichi is transfem in this, they're both in their late 20's
Their kids are Komaru (12), Nagisa & Kotoko ( both 8 atleast ) and Monaca ( She's like 2-3, but just because she's a baby doesn't mean she's not evil )
Yep....that's about it...
Thanks :3
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years ago
Hot take perhaps. But I don’t think Toko and Komaru are the kinds who would want to get married. Or at the very least, I don’t think they’d want a wedding. If anything, they’d probably have a small thing with like three other people there or just sign paperwork, but I think they actually might skip that and just. Be together the rest of their lives lol
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angelfleurry · 11 months ago
Hi! Idk if this is a different type of request than other peoples', but I really like the idea of it. Could I have headcanons of Makoto, Hajime, Nagito, Komaru, and any other "hopeful" characters (I haven't seen V3 yet, so if there's any then pls add them for the ppl who have) with a friend/romantic partner reader who made the song "Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow" by Orangestar for them as a special gift? The reader doesn't have to be talented in music, they just wanted to write a song for them to express their feelings. 💕🎵
Ultimate Hopes X Reader who wrote “Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow” for them:
Hii!! Thank you so much for requesting, I ended up listening to the song and looking for English lyrics so I could try and do this better! This request is shorter just because of all the characters and my lack of energy, but I really really am so very happy to have done this for you!! I hope it’s good!
Makoto Naegi:
♡ “Let’s start facing tomorrow again…”
♡ The whole song made him feel things, but this…
♡ Oh, this particular line.
♡ It stuck out to him a lot.
♡ Absolutely flattered you bothered to give him a gift, but even more so that you chose to do it through song.
♡ Like, it’s hard to make a whole original song, surely?
♡ And, yet, you did it for him.
♡ He cannot take the smile off his face.
♡ The song reminds him of things he’s been through, things you and him have been through, things he may continue to go through, and it brings him such a rush of determined hope.
♡ Doesn’t quite know what to say, but you know he’s grateful.
Komaru Naegi:
♡ “The Big Dipper's first star illuminates the darkness, dancing into the sky and beyond this world.”
♡ This line sticks out to her a lot. She wonders about the universe quite a lot, honestly, and all the knowledge people seem to know despite not experiencing it.
♡ It just fascinates her, and your song…
♡ She’s mesmerised the entire time.
♡ She’s so honoured you made it for her, and she won’t shut up about it.
♡ She will be flattered, she will be giggling, she may almost cry.
♡ She’ll give you lots of hugs afterwards.
Hajime Hinata:
♡ He doesn’t really emotionally convey himself very well to it, but he’s smiling.
♡ He’s truthfully very moved you made a whole song in dedication to him.
♡ Even if music-making wasn’t your talent, he’s still absolutely captivated.
♡ It takes a lot of effort to write an original song, let alone plan vocals.
♡ He’s very grateful.
Nagito Komaeda:
♡ Just sits there and smiles.
♡ To be so lucky as to have all of this effort directed towards him, whether you’re talented at music or not, it just…oh it just leaves such a weird fuzzy feeling within him.
♡ Does he deserve it? Probably not, he doesn’t think he does, he never thinks he does.
♡ But when you seem so keen for him to hear it, yet so timid in the hopes he’ll like it, he doesn’t have time to think.
♡ He just needs to sit, and listen, and devote his attention to you.
♡ Says nothing the entire time, just listens.
♡ Your only indicator of what he might be feeling is by going off the way his eyes glimmer.
♡ There’s something about it that speaks to him, and to know you wrote it for him…!
♡ Nobody else, just for him…
♡ Something about the song invokes a weird feeling with his code.
♡ “It is…normal to get emotional over music, isn’t it?” he asks, voice shakey.
♡ You laugh, but not in a cruel way, reaching a hand to his hair.
♡ “Yes,” you tell him, “Very.”
♡ He finds such joy in the fact you wrote it for him.
♡ Kiibo very much would love to make music himself, so when you come at him with this wonderful piece…
♡ Oh, he’ll be asking to make music with you for ages.
♡ Just, don’t let him know he cannot sing rather well.
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