#.behind the muse
Does Barnaby
Does Barnaby tell the others to get off his lawn when he's angry
psh, who do you think he is, an old man? he'd Bark, like any lively young dog
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my-t4t-romance · 1 year
pro tip for watching a haunting in venice: being in a theater that's inexplicably empty increases the creep factor by like 20%
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expectiations · 4 months
The Husbands of River Song is not and has never been about the Eleventh Doctor being a deadbeat, distant husband (gross mischaracterization by the way) and the Twelfth Doctor being the "better, more mature, affectionate" husband.
It was about River Song. It was about River and how the events in Manhattan took such a toll on her. It was about letting us see River dealing with grief the way The Snowmen showed us how the Doctor coped after losing believing he had used up all his time with River.
Looking at THORS now with The Ruby's Curse in mind, I get the instinct (for lack of a word that I cannot remember) that the Manhattan incident Blue Roach read from River's diary was not the Manhattan episode that we saw in series 7.
On that note, I'd also like to bring up the fact that the Doctor grounds River and River grounds the Doctor. As Tree talked about in one of her tags, River's empathy is more cognitive than emotional and after musing on it for a bit – considering that the Doctor can no longer go to Manhattan (which may have changed in later series but I wouldn't know at the moment because I have yet to overcome series 7b) and that River does spend time with her parents in Manhattan post-TATM, would the latest Manhattan incident in River's diary be the funeral for Amy? Amy's death? Perhaps even Anthony's? I mean, we already know Rory died five years earlier than Amy. So, knowing how deep River's love for her mother is, it's not too farfetched to say that River spent that time with them. River was by their bedsides as they drew their last breath.
Then Rory's gone, Amy's gone, Anthony's gone. Where does that leave River? Where is the Doctor? (sulking on a cloud on top of Victorian London? trying to figure out the mystery of his newest companion? all while constantly mentioning a certain Professor Song who actually turns out to be his dearly sort of departed absolutely beloved wife?)
Without her parents (and her husband) to ground her, she goes on this maddened, grieving space Robin Hood spree. She seeks fun to fill in the void and takes up marriage as a hobby/side quest. Does she look for the Doctor? Perhaps. Yes, actually. Considering she crashed her latest sort-of-husband's ship onto a planet where she purported the TARDIS to be.
But... she's stealing the TARDIS. She could have just called the Doctor, yeah? So, she doesn't want the Doctor to know then. Well... yeah, considering she has two sort-of-husbands in hand.
So, River would just have gone on from one space Robin Hood spree to the next had the TARDIS not sort-of-stranded herself on Mendorax Dellora to make sure her Water stopped being stubborn and reconcile(?) with her Thief?
Also taking note of how River has read stories about them and knows that Darillium is purported to be their last night together (I could also bring up the fact that this is why I find it easy to digest the "River meeting regenerations of the Doctor younger than the Tenth Doctor makes sense and doesn't break cannon nor ruin SITL/FOTD" but that would take a whole other post). Does this River believe her time with the Eleventh Doctor has ended? The same way series 7b Eleven believed his time with older versions of River has ended? Is this all part of some grand fuckup in communication all thanks to their tangled timelines?
Maybe. Maybe not.
But has River not just been running from her family's death? Has River been running from her supposed last night with the Doctor?
"But River doesn't run." Oh yes. Yes, she does. She knows when to stand her ground. She knows when to charge. And she knows when to run.
"That's out of character for her." No, it's not. She's not invincible. She's this well trained assassin, yes. But invincible? No.
Invincible from the tendency to be blinded by their emotions? Obviously not.
River lies. And River runs.
She is not afraid of her death. She is afraid of the day when her husband, her Doctor, looks into her eyes and looks right through her. And it shouldn't kill her but it does. It did.
So she ran and ran until her bigger-on-the-inside Mum gently reached out and put her back together with the only person left who could ground her. Who she didn't recognize at first but still fell in love with (and would have loved even if he hadn't been revealed to be her actual, long missing husband). Who finally found out their last night wasn't just any night – it was a twenty-four year long last night. Who finally gave her a breather from all the running she'd been doing.
And oh what a night that was (it was the talk of the universe).
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Anna Karina on the set of Alphaville, 1965
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tbh i think that even unwinnable fights should be winnable. some of the BEST fights i've ever run as a dm were ones i built kill the players (in a fun way. I had some cutscenes prepped so even the loss would be a different flavour of win)- but then they were clever bastards and managed to either win the fights or pull themselves out of trouble. I think it's perfectly fine to plan for a fight that players aren't supposed to win, but you need to let them. if they can't win, they can't lose, and the meaning of that encounter is diminished. do that too many times, and they stop trusting you to give them roleplay prompts and start expecting to sit there waiting while you drive the story for them.
but if they can win... if there is always the chance to win, no matter how impossible the odds, then they ALWAYS have hope. they always get invested. they feel the big emotions of success or the big emotions of failure, and you fucking Win as a dm/roleplay prompter/lead bastard.
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marztapatan · 3 days
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Art i did for my mootie 💙💙 Omega with their horrorbrew Parasite. Their ship name is bio terrorists.
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inquirewithbillcipher · 7 months
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A dear pal of mine sent this gif to me and allegedly said how funny it was to picture as Bill, Spooki and Ford. Needless to say I wholeheartedly agreed!
-Spooki 🖤
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nervously holding out & rattling a Little Tip Jar
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spiderwarden · 6 days
when I say 'her life in menzobarranzan ' I don't want you to JUST picture the graceful tactful politician and rebel hunter that she was.
i want you to imagine Minthara as the playboy she also was, the stereotypical child of mommy's riches who spends their days partying and having sex with men and women, and being up to her EARS in cunt and cock. Coming down to the family breakfast table, hungover, naked under a robe, and lighting a canon equivalent to a cigarette and she reaches for the toast. In some cases covered in blood if her lover from the previous night tried to kill her. Known every bit as the pleasure party lover, party animal she was. Eyes scrunching and rubbing her temples because mom is giving her hell again for not focusing on anything else BESIDES cock and cunt.
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bts-trans · 2 months
240731 Big Hit’s Tweet
지민의 한국어 교실🐥✏️ #Jimin_MUSE 녹음 비하인드 (https://youtube.com/shorts/wHAxO1qU3eU) #지민 #Jimin #지민쌤의한국어교실OPEN #수강ㄱㄱ
Jimin's Korean Class🐥✏️
#Jimin_MUSE Recording Behind
#Jimin #JiminsKoreanClassIsOPEN #SignUpLetsGoGo
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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mugmegan · 8 months
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Dyeing Power's hair so they look like siblings to hide her identity.
This is for the latest chapter of the Devour You Whole series by @mistystarshine
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deadlygamemaster · 6 months
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❝ welcome welcome, ladies and gentlemen. put your mask on and get ready, because tonight we are faceless. you can’t trust anybody, including your own senses. A scavenger hunt-ish competition, while diving into the mysterious world of the circue de minuit. Still not convinced you should take part? Well, the prize money is high and the goal is easy. Try to get the King of Spades, by using the cards you'll find on your way and completing the challenges. Sign your name, get your mask and throw yourself into a world of pure madness. Like the cheshire cat to Alice said: we're all mad here.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ✘ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Dante Spades • »⠀ ⠀⠀ the face behind the mask.
⠀·⠀ secretly known as ‟ the game-master ” of the Cirque de Minuit Games.
⠀·⠀ sometimes undercover as a contestant by the name of ‟ cillian” to enjoy more of ⠀⠀the chaos caused by his own murderous games.
⠀·⠀ english or german. smalltalk or novel styled play ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀��� ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ wire: @deadlygamemaster
⠀·⠀ for the whole story around Dante, the cirque de minuit and the game, ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ▽ read below
Dante comes from a family deeply rooted in the performing arts. His parents, siblings, and relatives all embraced roles as playwrights, acrobats, and artists. However, unlike his kin, Dante grappled with a lack of interest and arguably lacked talent when it came to the customary tasks within the Cirque de Minuit. Despite being known for his smug charisma and being hailed as "beautiful as an angel," he found himself stuck selling popcorn at one of the dining areas within the expansive circus.
However, his life took a transformative turn when he conceived an idea that would alter his fate at the circus. A game — a scavenger hunt — a challenge for those, like him, who grew weary of conventional circus spectacles. What originated as a simple game gradually burgeoned into something far more significant. The rules were easy: "Find as many cards as possible throughout the circus premises, complete the task written on the back of the card, and receive a clue in return, that brings you closer to finding the king of spades card and winning the prize fund."
As the success of the scavenger hunt unfolded, not only did the prize fund escalate, but Dante also marveled at the dedication and energy participants invested in the game. Surprised by their willingness to finish the challenges he devised on the cards, he gradually increased the difficulty, eccentricity, and even danger. Astonishingly, rather than questioning the challenges, the allure of his game extended even to the circus employes. Some were eager to assist, while others were keen to place bets on the contestants.. and since the circus was always moving around, there were no consequences if some of the contestants got hurt.
For a while, this provided enough tension and entertainment. Yet, as months passed, Dante found himself plagued by a growing sense of uninspiration. He craved for more—desiring to immerse himself in the game, to be an active participant, and share in the enjoyment firsthand.
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amusingmusie · 7 months
At the Risk of Being a Weiner
Hello all, Musie here!
Just a super quick announcement- I am insanely thankful and lucky to have so many wonderful people supporting me! Don't think this post is me denying that.
But, I've started to get more asks and messages that make me uncomfortable and I need to say something now instead of simmering in the discomfort. I'm saying this because I had a lot of issues with people ignoring my boundaries and making me extremely uncomfortable in the past, which is part of what made me decide to take my hiatus.
Please don't ignore me when I say that I'm uncomfortable or dislike something. Please don't actively encourage someone to do something that makes me uncomfortable because you want them to do it. Please don't rewrite my fic or ask me to change things to your preferences. Please don't encourage people to do that. Please don't randomly send me gory or potentially triggering topics without a warning. Please don't be rude and demand that I update my fic.
I AM NOT MAD AT ANYONE. I'm not punching the wall Kyle style. I'm setting some ground rules for my sanity's sake so I don't lose it and go back into hiding. Generally I feel really terrible about being anything beyond a doormat and I feel like a bitch for even saying this stuff but when coming online is beginning to make me uncomfortable again I have to speak up.
Thank ya thank ya.
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melverie · 1 year
WAIT I just realized something if Barbatos truly is Nightbringer
In normal lesson 9-A, Solomon has a run in with some sort of illusion (?) of Diavolo and Simeon and in 10-A he has a quick chat with Nightbringer, right
When asked to choose between demons and angels by Simeon and Diavolo,  Solomon says that he chooses neither and states that he doesn’t want to make an enemy out of either of them, and then adds that he just wants to be free and that that’s part of the agreement he has with “him” (him being Nightbringer)
And then in his converstation with Nightbringer, he says that he wishes Solomon would have simply chosen their side as that would make things easier and later remarks that Sol is behaving like a demon, to which Solomon replies with this
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So could it be that Barbatos is actually the reason Solomon is immortal? He has the power to choose which reality becomes........well, reality as we were shown during the lesson 16 incident of the og game, so he might have chosen one that turned Solomon immortal. And now he’s using the fact that he can make him mortal again to force him into whatever agreement Solomon was referring to
The ONLY reason I’m kind of doubting Barbatos -or any demon at all, for that matter- is Nightbringer to begin with is because Solomon also said this to Nightbringer
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Which makes it sound like he’s actually an angel. But if so, who? Angel Lucifer did mention that Michael was interested in a specific human sorcerer back in season 3..........
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gcholdtrops · 12 days
introducing new test muses to the bunch !! like for a one-liner and specify one of them please :3
min seojun, 23 - student who majors in data science and freelancer ( software )
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kwon eunbi, 25 - hair stylist with her own parlor and wine euthanistic
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kang daehyun, 26 - journalist, focusing on celebrities and their whereabouts, little brother to daeho
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kim soobin, 25 - student and gardener, for the rich people in the area, roommate to yongguk
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lee youngjae, 28 - police officer, on patrol around the streets and does a lot crime scene evidence
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kang daeho, 29 - private detective, mainly missing people cases; older brother to daehyun
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pjmdaily · 2 months
지민 (Jimin) ‘MUSE’ Recording Behind - BTS (방탄소년단)
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