#.Beautiful Arabic Christian Song
tender-hearteddd · 2 years
ya tayr by faïrouz reminds me so much of bert, I love Arabic and I love Arab bertholdt
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kawaiixchaotic · 9 months
i have been crying about this for days. the arabic language is so beautiful. i am both thankful to this artist for sharing this gorgeous song with us, and torn to pieces thinking about how much pain she must be in watching her home get destroyed and her people suffer.
she mentions sending peace on an olive branch. edit: "olive" means zaytun (زيتون) watch out for this word if you read/see/hear Palestinian art, the cultural context will help you understand the message more. besides the olive branch being a well known symbol for peace (it's even on the United States dollar AND the United States Seal) there is a rich historical and cultural context behind this lyric. for those who don't know, Palestine has been known for its olive trees for millennia. some of the oldest living olive trees in the entire world are in Palestine (although i really don't know if they are still standing at this moment). olives are well-loved and crucial to Palestinian cuisine, as well as being a major source of income, since many Palestinians are olive farmers and have been for generations. a symbol for peace, harmony, friendship, resilience, and perserverance, the olive tree represents Palestinian spirit, and olive leaf patterns are also featured on the Palestinian keffiyeh.
there is another lyric where she says "in the land of peace, peace is dead." one english transliteration of this arabic phrase is "fi 'ard alsalam mat alsalam" with 'ard (أرض) meaning land/earth, al-salam or more commonly salam (سلام) meaning peace, and mat (مات) being a conjugation from the word mawt (موت) meaning death. (I'm not sure in which tense, arabic has so many tenses and I don't want to spread misinformation, my knowledge of the arabic language is like 1st grade level and mostly from osmosis due to growing up Muslim and having early exposure to the language through the Quran and basic classes at Islamic school, and I'm not even a practicing Muslim anymore, so pls feel free to correct my mistakes) lyrically, it was this phrase that stuck out to me the most, because of the emphasis placed on "peace" through its repetition. in the land of peace, peace is dead; Palestine is The Holy Land in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. peace was the foundation of the land, not just peace meaning lack of war but peace as in spiritual peace, the kind of peace that fills your heart with love for this world and the people in it. now that this peace is being actively destroyed, Palestine is losing itself. Elyanna (the singer) is saying that her home is being gutted from the inside out, until it's unrecognizable, until it lacks the one thing that MADE Palestine; peace. It is heartbreaking.
The reason I am sharing this song and breaking down this lyric is because I want to re-humanize the Arabic language and Arab culture. It has been demonized for far too long, and it was/is on PURPOSE. IDF soldiers bombing Al-Shifa hospital and claiming (lying) that they found a list of Hamas guards and hostages (that were never in the hospital) when it was a CALENDAR and the only names of "Hamas guards" listed were fucking Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, is exactly what I mean when I say that the world has been so successfully brainwashed against MENA (the Middle East and North Africa) that even the Arabic language itself, written or spoken, is perceived as inherently violent and threatening.
I hope this post has contributed in helping you unlearn the racism and anti-Arab/anti-Middle Eastern propoganda you have been taught.
From the river to the sea, Palestine 🇵🇸 will be free.
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namesforwriters · 1 year
Music Inspired Names (fem)
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Aida ~ Arabic, Italian, meaning "reward," "happy."
Aida is the name of a famous, tragic opera composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Set in Ancient Egypt, Aida is an Ethiopian princess who is captured and enslaved by the Egyptians. She and Radamès, an Egyptian military captain, fall in love. pronunciation: ay-ee-da, aid-ah
Allegra ~ Italian, meaning "cheerful," "lively," "playful."
Derived from the musical term "allegro" indicating the tempo, or speed, at which a piece should be played. Allegro usually indicates a lively and fast tempo. pronunciation: ah-leg-grah
Aria ~ Italian, meaning "air."
An aria is a piece of music written for a single voice or singer. Arias are most commonly associated with opera productions and refer to both male and female solos. Arias are usually part of a larger work and can be accompanied by instruments or sung without. pronunciation: ah-ree-ah
Bell ~ Old English, meaning "to roar," "to make loud noise."
Most know this word as the name of an instrument. A bell is used in both music and in other parts of life. Bells are commonly used in Christian churches to signal the beginning of service, and bells are also known to come in many shapes, sizes, and tones. pronunciation: bell
Cadence ~ Latin, meaning "a falling."
The term "cadence" is used, in Western music theory, to describe the end of a musical phrase in which a melody or harmony comes to a resolution. It always feels like closure, like a conclusion. pronunciation: kay-dence
Calliope ~ Greek, meaning "beautiful-voiced."
Calliope, in Greek mythology, is one of the nine Muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Calliope was the leader of the Muses and ruled over epic poetry. pronunciation: cah-lie-ah-pee
Carmen ~ Spanish, Latin, meaning "garden," "song."
Carmen is a French opera composed by Georges Bizet. Set in Spain, the story tells of a soldier, Don José, who abandons his post and sweetheart for the fearless, free-spirited, fiery, Romani girl Carmen. pronunciation: car-men
Carol ~ French, English, meaning "circle dance," "joyful song."
A carol is a type of song that is usually festive and sometimes religious in nature. Originally, many carols were upbeat and easy to dance to. pronunciation: care-ol
Cecilia ~ Latin, meaning "blind," also spelled as "Caecilia."
Cecilia is the Catholic patron saint of music. It is supposed that Cecilia was a Roman noble lady who was forced to marry despite her vow of virginity. At the wedding, Cecilia sang to God in her heart, and later, her husband Valerian promised to respect Cecilia's vow. Both she and her husband experienced Catholic martyrdom. pronunciation: seh-see-lee-ah, kae-kil-ee-ah
Celeste ~ French, meaning "heavenly."
Sometimes called a "celesta," a celeste is a musical instrument similar to a glockenspiel and resembling an upright piano. More tinkling, soft, and bell-like in sound and tone than a piano, the most famous music piece using a celeste is Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." pronunciation: seh-lest
Chantelle ~ French, meaning "singer."
Derived from the French verb "chanter," meaning "to sing," Chantelle is a wonderful name with a musical meaning. It can also be spelled as Chantel, and Chantal. pronunciation: shawn-tell
Clio ~ Greek, meaning "to recount," "to celebrate."
Clio, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Clio is mainly the muse of history, but is also occasionally considered the muse of lyre playing. pronunciation: clee-oh, cl-eye-oh
Demi ~ Italian, meaning "half."
In music, "demi" is rarely used on its own. In music theory, demi can sometimes be used to describe half of something. A demi-cadence (a half resolution), or a demisemiquaver note (half of a sixteenth note, so a thirty-second note). pronunciation: deh-mee
Giselle ~ French, meaning "pledge."
Giselle is the name of a popular ballet. It is considered a masterwork in classical ballet, and is not only one of the most-performed, but most challenging productions in the world of ballet. It tells the tragic, romantic story of young Giselle and a disguised noble, Albrecht. pronunciation: jih-zelle
Harmony ~ Greek, meaning "concord," "agreement," "joint."
Harmony is a huge concept and part of Western music, largely relating to the layering of complimentary notes and passages on top of a melody to create chords, textures, tonalities, and unique sounds in music. Harmonies can be both simple and complex. Sometimes the term "harmony" is used to refer to an ensemble line that is not the melody. pronunciation: har-mon-ee
Hilde ~ German, meaning "ready for battle," "battle woman."
Derived from Hildegard, Hildegard von Bingen was a composer, writer, philosopher, visionary, and medical writer from Germany in the Middle Ages. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred Christian music in the world and one of the best-recorded as well. pronunciation: hill-dah, hill-deh-gard
Kassia ~ Greek, Latin, meaning "hollow."
Sometimes seen as Cassia or Kassiani, Kassia was a Byzantine-Greek composer and poet who lived over 1,200 years ago. She is unique for being the sole female composer to exist in Byzantine liturgy with over 50 hymns and over 260 verses attributed to her. pronunciation: kah-see-ah
Lauda ~ Italian, meaning "praise."
A lauda was the singular most important form of sacred music in the late Medieval to Renaissance times in Italy. The lauda is largely considered the precurser to the modern Christmas carol. Laude are characterized by their simple melodies sung in the vernacular, which at the time, was Latin. pronunciation: lau-dah, lah-dah
Lyra ~ Greek, meaning "lyre."
Derived from "Lyre," Lyra is a feminine name related to the Ancient Greek stringed instrument. Lyres were usually played as accompaniment to epic poetry and story telling. The Ancient Greeks tended to strum the stings like a guitar, but other cultures plucked the strings like a harp. pronunciation: lie-ra
Madrigal ~ Latin, meaning "song for unaccompanied voices."
This term has a couple meanings when it comes to music. The earlier type of madrigal was a Medieval, Italian music form composed for two voices. Later, during the Renaissance and Baroque periods, madrigals were secular compositions written for two to eight voices with no instrumental accompaniment. pronunciation: mad-rih-gahl
Melody ~ Greek, meaning "singing," "chanting."
The term melody can describe the main tune of rhythms and pitches that make a song or piece. The foreground of a piece of music, the melody is arguably the most important element of composition. pronunciation: mel-oh-dee
Meret ~ Egyptian, meaning "she who is beloved."
In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Meret is the goddess of music, dancing, singing, and joy. She helps maintain cosmic order through music. She is usually seen with a blue lotus flower or papyrus reed. pronunciation: mehr-eht, mehr-iht
Musette ~ French, meaning "little bagpipe."
Derived from both "Muse," the name for the nine Ancient Greek goddess of music, literature, sciences, and the arts, as well as a type of French bagpipe, Musette is a great music-inspired name. pronunciation: moo-zette, myoo-zette
Octavia ~ Latin, meaning "eighth."
Octavia is a name taken from the Latin octave, meaning "eight." In music, an octave is a range of typically eight notes. The first and eighth note are always the same, with one higher than the other in pitch. pronunciation: oct-ehve
Scheherazade ~ Persian, meaning "exalted one," "noble lineage."
Known best as as the storyteller from the narrative A Thousand and One Nights, Scheherazade is also the name of an orchestral work composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which is acclaimed to have one of the most beautiful violin solos ever written. Scheherezade is not only a beautiful name, but also has nickname potential. pronunciation: sheh-hair-eh-zahd-eh, sheh-hair-eh-zahd-ee, sheh-hair-eh-zahd
Sirena ~ Greek, meaning "enchanter."
In Ancient Greek mythology, sirens were humanlike beings who often took on the appearances of beautiful women. They lived in the seas, singing in alluring voices, and luring men to their deaths. In modern tales, sirens and mermaids are sometimes described as the same creature. Sirena is derived from "siren." pronunciation: sir-een-ah
Symphonia ~ Greek, meaning "agreement."
"Symphonia" was sometimes used to describe various instruments, including bagpipes, drums, and a hurdy-gurdy. In more common knowledge, a "symphony" is an extended musical composition from Western classical music. Some of the most famous symphonies are Beethoven's Fifth, Mozart's 40th, and Dvořák's Ninth. pronunciation: sim-phone-ee-ah
Thalia ~ Greek, meaning "the joyous," "the flourishing."
Thalia, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Thalia is the muse of comedy, or, stories that have happy endings. She's sometimes portrayed with a horn or trumpet in hand. pronunciation: t-ah-lia, th-al-ia
Viola ~ Latin, Italian, meaning "violet," "of the arm."
The viola is a musical instrument slightly bigger than and lower in pitch than a violin. A traditional string quartet usually has two violins, a viola, and a cello. Overshadowed by the violin, violas are nevertheless beautiful instruments. pronunciation: vie-oh-la, vee-oh-la
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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hebrewbyinbal · 17 days
"Hallelujah"—a song that transcends language, culture, and borders. Today, I'm honored to share a beautiful rendition by Valerie Hamatay, an Arab-Israeli woman, who sings it in both Arabic and English.
In Israel, we live together—Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bedouins, Druze, and others. We are all Israelis.
Standing with Israel means standing with acceptance, celebrating the mosaic of identities and beliefs that coexist within its borders.
The lyrics of "Hallelujah" reminds me of the shared human experience—the highs and lows, the trials and triumphs.
Standing with Israel is standing with freedom, upholding the ideals that foster expression and individual rights.
It's also about standing with enlightenment, where education and wisdom light the path to progress. Let's celebrate the harmony in diversity, and let Valerie's voice be a beacon of hope and unity for us all.
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docpiplup · 7 months
Fifth part of the bookscans of Al Andalus. Historical Figures, here's the previous part
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expelled from their homes, since they had not surrendered peacefully, but had fought.
Charlemagne, chastened, realized that the pacts signed with the Muslim lords of northern Spain deserved no trust. He would never set foot on the Peninsula again, and subsequently dedicated itself to strengthening its borders with Hispanic Islam. For this he created the kingdom of Aquitaine, whose mission consisted of not taking our eyes off the activity of the Muslims of the places bordering Gaul.
From the disaster suffered by Charlemagne in Roncesvalles we have remains what some consider the most beautiful song of deeds of literature, La Chanson de Roland, an authentic gem of the epic poetry. Within the Spanish Ballads we find two romances that have this fact as their theme: Of the battle of Roncesvalles and the Romance of Doña Alda. The Basques also preserve a song dedicated to Roncesvalles, the Altabizaren cantua, which according to the Irishman Macnab, was written in the same century in which this event took place. But Ibn al-Arabí, who had been the originator of this whole story, was not reflected in any of these beautiful romances!
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Amrus ben Yusuf: the muladí of Huesca
Muladí comes from an Arabic word that translates as "mixed race or foreigner", and was applied to those Christians who converted to Islam and continued living among the Muslims. There were many who decided to abandon Christianity, possibly for practical reasons, including stopping paying taxes, or reaching a position of social relevance among the new owners of the country and there were not a few who achieved it. There was also sincere converts, since in those centuries the roots of the Christianity was not as deep as it may seem.
This was the case of our character, Amrus ben Yusuf, whom the Christian chronicles will know him as Amorroz, born in Huesca and one of the staunchest defenders of the policies of al-Hakam I. After the death of Abd al-Rahman I, his son Hisham, a very pious emir, introducer of the Maliki doctrine in Spain, and who Driven by his religious fervor, he dedicated himself to waging war on the Northern Christians. Al-Andalus remained at peace and therefore the new emir was able to dedicate himself
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to harass the Asturian monarchy. But his reign was to be very short, just seven years, and was succeeded by his second son, al-Hakam I.
But the arrival of the new emir was greeted with rebellions in all the border marches. In the most remote areas of Córdoba, the authority of the emir hardly represented anything and the governors lived in a regime of almost total independence. The insurrections against the power of the emirate were more than frequent and al-Hakam had the unfortunate luck to have to face them all. In this hard task, he will have a paladin who will always be at his side: Amrus, who will not hesitate to take radical measures when the matter is serious. This muladí would become famous on what was known as the “day of the pit.”
In the year 797, the always restless Toledo, inhabited mostly by muladíes, rose up against the Umayyad power to recognize a rebel Ubayd Allah ben Jamir, who together with a poet of Toledo, Girbib ben Abd Allah, dissatisfied with the emir, had in charge of calming down the spirits. It wasn't the first time this happen, nor would it be the last, and al-Hakam's predecessors had already had to work hard to put a stop to the rebels of Toledo.
Amrus, who at that time ruled the stronghold of Huesca, was commissioned by the emir to subdue that uprising by the means that it considers opportune. And there went Amrus willing not to disappoint his lord.
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He began by eliminating the leader of the rebellion, Ubayd Allah ben Jamir, who fell into a trap prepared by him and then decided to give a lesson to the people of Toledo that they would find difficult to forget.
Amrus, according to him to avoid friction with the population, said that the best would be that, along with his troops, he would settle on a mound near the city. Towards the northwest, near the bridge over the Tagus River, rose a small fortress, possibly on the site now occupied by the Alcazar. When the enclosure was more or less finished, the emir, in agreement with Amrus, he sent an army under the command of his son, the prince Abd al-Rahman, pretending that he was going on an expedition against the Christians and that "coincidentally" had to pass near Toledo. It was a good occasion to invite the prince to visit Toledo, and Amrus, accompanied by the most important people of the city, they came out to receive him and begged him to honor them with his presence.
Abd al-Rahman seemed somewhat reluctant to accept the invitation, but In the end he agreed to it and to celebrate it the most influential mula-díes of Toledo were invited to the new fortress to celebrate a banquet in honor of the emir's son. Until then everything was more or less normal, but as the guests arrived, they became enter through a narrow passage, at the very edge of a large ditch, and the Amrus's executioners cut off their heads, while their bodies was thrown into the pit. That was the " castle of you will go and no you will come back"!
The number of those beheaded was very large. Maybe not as much as 5,000, according to some chroniclers; maybe about 700
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being a very high number. What the leading class of Toledo was thus beheaded and the terrible impression produced by this event remained, for a long time, both among the Muslims and among the muladies of Toledo and from other cities.
Dozy narrates that terrible day like this: "At daybreak, a doctor that had not seen anyone leave through either of the two door, became suspicious and asked the people gathered near the entrance of the castle what had happened to the guests who had arrived early. "They must have gone out through the other door," they answered- It's strange!-the doctor then objected -; I have been for some time at the other door and I haven't seen anyone leave. After watching the steam rising above the walls, exclaimed:
Unfortunates! I swear to you that this vapor is not the smoke of a feast, but the vapor of the shed blood of your brothers, beheaded"
When things got really bad, al-Hakam knew that he could count on Amrus and so he also entrusted him with the submission of Zaragoza, the capital of the Upper March, as seditious as Toledo.
After the advent of al-Hakam, the two best generals of his father, Abd al-Karim ben Mugith and his brother, Abd al-Malik, in those moments at enmity with the new emir, they tried to evict the Aragonese chief Bahlul ben Marzuq from Zaragoza, to They settled in the city, but they did not succeed. He got a Cordoban army, and
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Bahlul fled towards upper Aragon. Later this Bahlul, would take over Huesca, while other small rebellions by the Banu Qasi took place, who were descendants, it seems, of Musa ben Fortún, that Aragonese count who converted to Islam in the first moments of the conquest.
Given this panorama, it was evident that the action of Amrus who, also with full powers of the emir, came to Zaragoza in 802. Its activity was frenetic. Persecuted and killed Bahlul; took over the fiefdom of the Banu Qasi, and harshly punished to the muladíes of Huesca for their rebellious attitude. In that same year he ordered the construction of the stronghold of Tudela, between Zaragoza and Pamplona, an intermediate point that would serve as support in that always upheaval area. In this stronghold there was his son, Yusuf, commanding a strong garrison. He reinforced the walls of Huesca and put one of his cousins in charge of this city. Al-Hakam could sleep peacefully when it came to the Upper March... but even the most faithful soul is tempted in some occasions.
Installed on the banks of the Ebro, Amrus lived like a prince, enjoying your well-earned peace of mind. He had everything, or almost everything he could want, but he began to think that he too, which had garnered so much success for the emir of Cordoba, could become independent of his tutelage. It seems that he came to engage conversations with the Frankish monarch, Louis the Pious, so that supported their independence intentions and all these maneuvers reached al-Hakam's ears. The emir acted intelligent, and instead of openly declaring war on that subject that now
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showed to be unfaithful, but that he had served him so many times with loyalty, he sent troops to the border, under the command of General Abd al-Karim ben Mugith, urging him not to act with the weapons until seeing Amrus's reaction to the message that the emir gave him.
This message from al-Hakam was written in the most praiseworthy and affectionate towards the muladí that you can imagine and Amrus, after reading it, was ashamed of his thoughts. He left Zaragoza and marched towards Córdoba to, once again, bear witness the emir his fidelity. Al-Hakam showered him with attention and gifts and confirmed him in the government of the Upper March. Amrus, after of this trip, he only lived two years and at his death the son of the emir, Abd al-Rahman, took charge of this March, for some time, to later pass to the son of Amrus, such was the good memory that his father had left in the emirate of Cordoba.
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The "Rabadis": adventurous spirits
Most historians consider the emir al-Ha-kam I despotic and cruel. There is no doubt that his character was too impulsive and his justice extremely summary, but it is also true that his reign was affected by a series of rebellions and serious events that he had to repress as best he could. He never enjoyed the appreciation of his subjects who considered him inflexible, little inclined to piety, although it was not like that, abusive with taxes and little given to listening advice from no one. However, Dozy believes that he also had humanitarian feelings, like any other man, and that, despite of his cruel actions, his bad reputation was due, especially, to the wrath of the rebellious alfaquis, whom this emir never appreciated. And in this context, the terrible events of the suburb, rabad in Arabic, took place.
The emiral city of Córdoba had grown a lot. From Africa and from the East any Arabs and Berbers from the Maghreb continually arrived attracted by the prosperity of al-Andalus. The mosque had to be expanded larger to accommodate the number of believers who came to pray to it, and
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The city was expanding beyond its walls. After the Roman bridge over the Guadalquivir was restored, there was no longer a problem for the population to settle in a suburb on the left bank of the river, which reached the vicinity from a village, Shaqunda, ancient Roman Secunda.
The inhabitants of this suburb were of very diverse origins and they carried out a multitude of diverse jobs. Besides of what could be considered the Cordoba plebs, there were many small Mullawad and Christian artisans and merchants, but due to its proximity to the main mosque and the emiral palace, many Cordobans who were employed, either in the mosque or in the palace, they settled there. Among this diverse population, also found the alfaquíes, religious leaders of the doctrine Malikí, who had reached a very prominent position and a very notable influence at court, especially with the emir Hisham, father of al-Hakam I.
This suburb will soon become a focus of discontent towards the emir's policy, promoted by the same alfaquies who with al-Hakam had neither the appreciation nor the influence that they achieved with his predecessor. On the other hand, in the city al-Hakam did not enjoy of many sympathies so it was only a matter of time before the situation exploded.
And it happened that one day a rumor spread through the city that seventy-two leading citizens had been executed and that their corpses were going to be exposed, crucified, on the right bank of the Guadalquivir. The mood be-
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gan to exalt, without knowing or without asking themselves the reason for these executions. What happened was that a plot had been hatched to overthrow the emir and put in his place one of his cousins, the Umayyad Muhammad ben al-Qasim. Many notable people from the Córdoba of that time were involved in this conspiracy. Al-Hakam's cousin pretended to accept the proposal, but was immediately to tell the emir, also providing him with the list of the conspirators. Inthat same day, the emir ordered them to be arrested and executed, taking advantage of the occasion to order the murder of two of his uncles, sons of Abd al-Rahman I, who had been imprisoned since his ascension to the throne, possibly to prevent them from rebelling against him or challenging him for power. Between the crucified were figures of great social relevance, such as the son of a cadi, a palace eunuch, a market inspector and even a alfaqui. The impression that this action produced in Córdoba could not be more negative towards the emir, and the discontent, already notable, increased.
There was a plotting everywhere, at any time of the day. In the mosques, in the markets, in the streets discontent was chewed, while everyone distrusted everyone, believing they saw spies and confidants of the emir throughout the entire city.
Al-Hakam, aware of the mood, equipped himself withweapons, restored the walls, surrounded himself with a strong personal guard under the command of a Christian, Count Rabí, and prepared himself for the worst.
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papirouge · 1 year
in an unfortunate turn of event (me visiting my sister who scheduled a movie seance for my niece), I went to see The Little Mermaid🥴
Cliffs **spoilers** :
- Halle is breathtakingly beautiful... Like- it was lowkey distracting lol. She was perfect for that role. She has those outlandish features that are perfect to pull off the look of a mythical creature such as a mermaid (I feel the same for Michaela Coel). Something tells me the fact she's so pretty and Black AND paired with a White man is one of the reason White Conservative/ANTI/NLOG pickmes seethed particularly hard at that casting🥴
- it's obvious that the story is based in the Caribbeans so Ariel being Black is totally coherent. There's absolutely no "Black in the middle of the snow" syndrome since the cast is extremely diverse and multiracial (Creole type of demographic). The (White) Prince is an adoptee of the Black queen, and most islanders look mixed to some degree. And it's echoing what's happening in the sea kindgom since Ariel and her sisters are supposed to represent the 7 seas (2 mermaids are Black, 2 are White, 1 Arabic, 1 East Asian, 1 Indian) so screaming about White erasure is stupid lol
Oh, And let's not forget King Triton who's Latino LMAO (Javier Bardem)
In the end of the day, directors are entitled to make remake through their own perspective and a Creole Little Mermaid was an interesting and convincing move considering how well put together and highlighted this culture is throughout the entire movie (and let's no forget that even in the OG Little Mermaid Sebastian already had a Creole accent so the call was from inside the building at this point). In retrospective, the whole outrage surrounding this movie lookw even more embarrassing & stupid...
- kinda off that Ariel is 15 years old while the Prince is 21...🥴
- the songs are good - there are 3 additional songs - of which one sang by the Prince (which is okay but still a bit awkward lol). "Under the Sea" SLAPS and is visually marvelous. Scuffle ragga song is funny idc lol
- the CGI looks better in motion (especially Sebastian), but the realism kinda kills the mood. Although I suspect they made this choice so that the animals aren't too much out of place when interacting with humans (which happens A LOT in the movie). It's not like Finding Nemo where humans were only a tiny fraction of screen time.
- the building up of the romance is surprisingly cute. The chemistry between the 2 actors is very convincing. The Creole dancing scene is absolutely lovely. Their bonding around their curiosity for the world and exploration is very credible and fleshes out their romance beyond the 'Prince fell in love with mute unknown girl'/'mermaid falls in love at first sight' thing. I like how they added in the scenario that Ariel forgot that she had to kiss the prince to remain human forever (it was a ruse from Ursula to prevent Ariel of reaching that goal, but also a scenaristic ploy to avoid Ariel rushing to kiss the Prince who quickly felt in love with her) so their romance looked more genuine.
- the Prince is pretty handsome 👀 that's a first for a live action Disney movie imo I also think we dodged a bullet concerning the rumors of Harry Styles being initially casted for the role
- the final fight with (giant) Ursula is kinda underwhelming
- from a Christian perspective: this movie is a total rehabilitation of mermaids. At some point, when Ariel reverts to a mermaid right before the prince and his mom, the Queen says (talking to the prince) "I told you the creatures from the kingdom of sea were DEMONIC" ....and the thing is.... she's supposed to be the evil one for rejecting the mermaids. There's an obvious satanic demon acceptance agenda so don't get it twisted to the purpose of that movie.. it's Disney after all....
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penhive · 1 year
April 10th 2023
Last night I had a dream of seeing a courier and I looked for it in the dream dictionary and it said that the dream of delivery signifies prosperity and success. It also rained last night as the sound of clashing cymbals on the roof. Thunder was the sound of swine defecating. The earth became a wet vagina. I saw a cherub prancing in the sky and its wings were a playful color of many hues. It was an angelic poem, a finesse of a dancer in rendition. Here the school in I am working as an English teacher belongs to my mother and wife. I am being paid no salary except the allowance to buy fags. I can barely make both ends meet. I have been writing affirmative prayers for winning lotteries but I become sullen when I look at the results. Writing is the only art which gives me immense pleasure. I wonder why God is turning a deaf ear to my prayers. Writing for me is the art of passion, a song of the muse, a poetry of the bird in flight. I have reached 52 years and sad to say, I have no savings. Yet I live by faith knowing that God will provide. I have disowned God many times but he has been generous in forgiving me. God has offered me a prodigal welcome, and idiom which means acceptance with flaws. To sin and make mistakes is being human, but I have God’s magnanimity as forgiveness. My faith has kept my alive and making my life a bouncing reality. I sometimes wonder what I am as a self. I wonder where I am going in the journey of life. Yes, I have wishes, goals, dreams and a reality. Sometimes my relatives look down upon me as the black sheep of the family. I don’t mind as I know fully that God will elevate me at the right time. God is celebrating my life as the last supper.  The Holy Communion is a beautiful epiphany, when Christ said that this is my body and this is my wine and eat it in remembrance of me. The Holy Communion releases the soul of negative energy and makes the mind in affectionate catharsis. The Holy Communion is an art which becomes an experience of being made in the likeness of God. We don’t need to go to church but we can take Holy Communion ourselves and I do it with water and bread. Every day I ask God to help me transcend the novelists, poets and philosophers that I have read and the painters that I have seen. I have an inspiration to paint Jackson Pollock’s abstract drip painting. My experience of art in my school days was a sad and deplorable one. I was caned constantly by my art teacher. It took me years to escape out of this prison. It’s my dream to visit art galleries and write narratives. I long to be the Picasso of the pen. God as the muse is my guiding light. I love the Greek religion where Gods and Goddesses are liberal and permissive. My body is a carnal Epicurean machine where as my soul is divine as for the God of Judaism and Christianity. Meaning is the labyrinth of possession. My wallet is filled with praises and invocations but to this day it is devoid of cash. Yes the Judaist God blessed both Isaac and Ishmael the sons of Abraham. Their generations have become Arabs and the Jews. I wonder why God is not blessing me. I am not giving up my faith if God and I will not let go until he blesses me. I think about the life of Gauguin the French impressionistic painter. Gauguin abandoned his family and job and departed to Tahiti for the sake of art. Yes to be an artist writer one has to sacrifice and sometimes I wish to follow the path of Gauguin. To want to be an artist is to have an inner calling. Writing is the beauty of experience. It’s a sedative tool that triggers my bipolar mind to creativity. It has to be free of the shadows of conformism and belief.  I have been fascinated by the sign theory of structuralism. In it a sign is made up of the signifier and the signified a thing which is sensible and the other an idea. Suppose I say that Hitler hated the Jews, Hitler is the signifier and hatred the signified. When the idea of the sign in put into practice, it becomes one of experience. And the sign becomes an experiential state of possession, affirmation, appropriation, passion, ecstasy and so on. The sign becomes something beyond its concept in structuralism. I would also like to add on my view of existentialism from the writing of Philosophers: Sartre and Camus. The Philosopher Camus in the myth of the Sisyphus said that Sisyphus is punished by the Gods to roll a boulder uphill which to his agony rolls down and he is forced to repeat this meaningless task. From it Camus said: life is meaningless, absurd and chaotic. I rewrite Camus absurdist philosophy by introducing Prospero Prometheus for whom life is a celebration of meaning.  For Prospero Prometheus life is an authentication of existence.  Sartre condemned man as he is the solely responsible for the choices that he makes. I rewrite Sartre by saying that choices that a man makes in his life make him a privileged being. My two core existentialist philosophies are: one, life is a celebration of meaning and the other, the choices man makes make him privileged being.
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brother-hermes · 2 years
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Almost finished this book. Putting in a lot of coffee now and disconnecting again for the weekend. Just wanted to share a few revelations from the meditation and introspection that comes from writing about mysticism.
First point, Christianity was birthed in Jewish mysticism- second temple Hekhalot and Merkhavah specifically. All those writers of scriptures were Jewish and there is no separating the roots of the faith from that. Every western interpretation that puts God outside of us and in outer space takes you away from love. What happened at Nicaea was a tragedy.
Next, Kabbalah and hermeticsm are twin flames. Merkhavah is an Egyptian word. Moshe and Akhenaten teach the same lesson. The thrice greatest Trismegistus is a lesson- Enoch, Thoth, and Hermes all taught the same unitive consciousness.Middle Platonism influenced Philo. Plotinus created Neoplatonism explaining how everything emanated from the One via four worlds of creation. Al-Kindi, ibn Arabi, all of those Arabs that fleshed out Kalam- the Logos of Muslim philosophy. Jewish philosophers like Saadi Goeb, ibn Gabirol lived in Muslim countries discussing Neoplatonist forms and continued what Philo started and expressed Judaism in Greek philosophical terms. Gabirol wrote “the source of life” and changed the Greek concept of “thought” being the source of the all to ration- divine will. Kabbalists fleshed out this concept of divine will and ran that line throughput the middle ages. Maimonides battled this interpretation for his entire life.
Somewhere in the 12th century in France the Midrash gets blended with Solomon ign Gabirol’s Neoplatonism and Kabbalah as we know it today gets formed. Multiplicity and dualism begins to be seen as a sort illusion from the shattering of the vessels we see in the Zohar. Non dualism- God is One and Kabbalah and really gets started on awakening and meditations in the sephirot lead to some of those most beautiful metaphysics we’ve ever seen.
Meanwhile, the Syriac Christians who continued teaching the centering prayers of Christ in its original Aramaic were writing texts like the Odes of Solomon as their brand of interpreting Yeshua headed East. The philosophies we call Hinduism became intertwined with the bridal mysticism of the gospel of John and the Songs of Solomon. It grew and flourished and the mystical instruction found in The Gospel of Thomas gave them a common language.
Mysticism is mongrelized. Our best and brightest servants of the Infinite One have looked past all of these religions of the world and found commonality. All of this cultural bravado we have divides us. Kemet, Israel, India, Dominican Friars like Ekhart, German shoemakers like Boehme, Beduizzam Said Nursi, Jesus, The Shakyimuni Buddha, all of them teach the same thing:
We are expressions of the Divine reality. The more we divide and argue the further from the truth we go. Mystics have never opposed their notions of rightness or insisted that, let’s say, Taoism was any less important than St Francis or Abraham Abulafia.
You want to draw close to God and really love 💗 one another? Then forget everything you cling to and let go of the need to speak “truth.” Rightness is ego minded. It divides.
I say this understanding a very old mystical truth I’m going to say in relatively crude terms: “we don’t actually know shit!” We’re afforded glimpses of Union but we can’t comprehend existence and describe it. The collective unconscious of Jung is the same ocean Buddhists feel pulling them into when they’re close to death.
The universe expanded from a singular source that even most scientific had to come to grips with when they realized that spooky action at a distance is real. We’re all the result of quantum entanglement and literally expressions of whatever all of this actually is.
Don’t fight it. Just love one another. It’s what we’re here for.
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shalomelohim · 7 months
Ha Hallelujah… Arabic Christian Song, Egypt (Subtitles@CC)
Belle ambiance en 3 chansons.
Une pensée pour nos Frères et Soeurs du Moyen-Orient.
[A surveiller] Alors que le Ramadan va débuter d’ici quelques jours,
Que les enfants d’Ismaël reviennent à la Maison du Père qui les appelle encore et toujours.
Prions et intercédons pour le salut des musulmans et la protection des chrétiens persécutés en terre d’Islam.
Au nom de Yahshua, notre Sauveur et Roi, unique Chemin, Vérité et Vie. Amen !
Comme dirait le Roi David :
“ Tu m’élèves au-dessus de mes adversaires, tu me sauves de l’homme violent. C’est pourquoi je te louerai parmi les nations, Eternel, et je chanterai à la gloire de Ton Nom. ” (2 Samuel 22:49b-50)
♥  ♥  ♥
1ère chanson - 1rst Song : Yalli Mutti Badali
[Refrain] Ya elaahi, ana albi byusjud leek Oh my God my heart is worshiping You Oh mon Dieu, mon cœur T’adore Ya elaahi, ana albi byeKHda'a leek Oh my God my heart submits to You Oh mon Dieu mon cœur se soumet à Toi Ya Hamal mathbouH a'anni You are the lamb that was slaughtered for me Tu es l’agneau qui a été sacrifié pour moi [x2]
Yalli mutti badali He who was died instead for me Celui qui est mort à ma place, pour moi Wi shayel kulli aHmali And carried all my burdens for me Et a porté tous mes fardeaux, pour moi Bissama btishfa'a feyya In the heavens You intercede for me Dans les cieux Tu intercèdes pour moi O'mri da'a wi shtaretu My life was lost but You bought it back Ma vie était perdue mais Tu l’as rachetée Albi tah wi lae'etu wi fata Ht leya e'nayya My heart was lost and You found it, And opened my eyes Mon cœur était perdu et Tu l’as trouvé, Et ouvert mes yeux [x2]
Leek elmajd wi lkaraama, welbahaa’ All glory and the dignity, honor is for You Toute la gloire et la dignité, l’honneur est pour Toi Leek a'alama sultanak beyHarrarni Your authority sets me free Ton autorité me libère Leek elqowwa weljalal The power and the majesty are Yours Le pouvoir et la majesté sont à Toi Mne-lbashar abra'a jamal You are more beautiful than men Tu es plus beau que les hommes Ne'emetak betGHayyarni Your grace has changed me. Ta grâce m’a changé.
2ème chanson - 2nd song :  Inta Aali
[Refrain] Inta ‘aalii fouk kulli issme mahma ykuun You are high, above every name whatever it may be Tu es élevé, au-dessus de tout nom quel qu'il soit Aalii, fouk elssahaab wimaalil kuun High, above the clouds and filling the universe Elevé, au-dessus des nuages ​​et remplissant l'univers Aalii, hatshuuf mulkak kullil 'uyuun, 'aalii High, all eyes will see Your Kingdom, high Elevé, tous les yeux verront Ton Royaume, élevé [x2]
Malek El-Moloukk we-Galaalak maalil wujuud hawalaynaa King of Kings, Your glory overflows around us Roi des rois, Ta gloire déborde autour de nous Wejbaal betduub oodaamak, Issmak 'aalii ya fadiinaa O Redeemer, mountains level before You, Your name is high Ô Rédempteur, les montagnes s'élèvent devant Toi, Ton nom est élevé [x2] Del anhaar bitsa'af lak, kull il-aalaat ta 'zif lak These rivers clap for You, all instruments play for You Ces rivières applaudissent pour Toi, tous les instruments jouent pour Toi Wiya rabb bikelma mennak kullil muluuk takhdalak And Lord with one word from You, all kings bow down to you Et Seigneur avec un seul mot de Toi, tous les rois se prosternent devant Toi
3ème chanson - 3rd song : Hallelujah
Tasbiih al-Rab ya'la wa ta'la ma'uu al-farhan Praise the Lord on High with joy Louez le Seigneur élevé avec joie Albii yaghanii al-qadiir My heart sings to the Almighty Mon cœur chante au Tout-Puissant Bi yamaanii ashuuf thuruufii hata al-sa’ba My faith will show in good times and bad Ma foi se manifestera dans les bons et les mauvais moments Ghani ya nifsi lil-qadiir I will sing to the same Almighty Je chanterai pour le même Tout-Puissant Bi-ah'lan ayamaanii shaa'if al-Hae lihu al-sultan lihu al-sultan I will declare my faith to the King to the King Je déclarerai ma foi au Roi des rois Wa min amaamii yinuul jabaalii bil-emaan bil-emaan Faith will move my mountains by faith by faith La foi déplacera mes montagnes, par la foi, par la foi Ana afrah wa ahtif magid ahlaek magid ahlaek I will rejoice and shout Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God Je me réjouirai et je crierai Gloire à Dieu, Gloire à Dieu, Gloire à Dieu
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah HalleluYAH,  HalleluYAH, HalleluYAH, HalleluYAH
Bi-ah'lan Yasuah malik wahid ah'la kul hayatii I will declare Jesus is the only King in my life Je déclarerai que Yeshoua est le seul Roi de ma vie Albii yaghanii al'Musiih My heart sings to Christ Mon coeur chante au Messie Wa bisout al-hamdu Rah ashda tathbit salaatii My voice will praise God and testify to Him to prove my prayers Ma voix louera Dieu et Lui témoignera et prouvera mes prières Ghanii bi nifsi lil-Musiih I am rich in Christ Je suis riche dans le Messie A'mrii wa hayatii kul ahdaafii lil-Musiis lil-Musiih All of my life and goals are for Christ for Christ Toute ma vie et mes objectifs sont pour le Messie, pour le Messie Wa lioum magiinu astana ashufu fi al-amgaad al-amgaad When He comes again I will see Him in Glory in Glory Quand il reviendra, je Le verrai dans la Gloire, dans la Gloire Ana afrah wa ahtif magid ahlaek magid ahlaek I will rejoice and shout Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God Je me réjouirai et je crierai Gloire à Dieu, Gloire à Dieu, Gloire à Dieu
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah HalleluYAH,  HalleluYAH, HalleluYAH, HalleluYAH
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shop-korea · 8 months
'I Am Beautiful' - Karen's Audition (Katharine McPhee) | SMASH (TV Serie...
UP - 2 - HELP - YOU - HOW IS
I - SING - A - SONG - I - SHOW
ROSS - HAVING - $0.49 - $2
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 7.19
Battle of Mirbat Day (UK)
Bender Day
Bloomer Day
Brian May Day
Changing Places Awareness Day (UK)
Colt 45 Day
Feast of Cranks
Festival of the Puzzlebox
Flight Attendant Safety Professionals’ Day
Flitch Day (Bacon given to any married couple who could prove they had lived in harmony and fidelity for 1 year; very few took home the bacon)
Glioblastoma Awareness Day
Grocery Heroes Day (Canada)
International Retainer Day
K Days begin (Canada)
Lord of the Rings Day
Lumberjack World Championships (Wisconsin)
Martyr’s Day (Burma)
National Barbara Day
National Football Day
National Hug Your Kids Day
National Secretary Day (Mexico)
National Tell A Girl She’s Beautiful Day
National Urban Beekeeping Day
National Words With Friends Day
New Friends Day [also 1.19; 10.19]
One Voice Day
Palace Day
Rojava Revolution Anniversary Day (Syria)
Roy Orbison Day (Odessa, Texas)
Sandinista Day (Nicaragua)
719 Day (Colorado)
Solomon Burke Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Spelt Day (French Republic)
Stick Out Your Tongue Day
Tabaski Day (Cameroon)
Tims Camp Day (Tim Hortons; Canada)
Triple Play Day
World Product Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
National Daiquiri Day
Raspberry Cake Day
3rd Wednesday in July
Bump Day [3rd Wednesday]
International Balloon Dog Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Hot Dog Day [Wednesday closest to 19th; also 3.30 & 9.10]
Take Your Poet to Work Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Cyberia (Declared; 1997) [unrecognized]
Einglen (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Laos (from France, 1949)
Feast Days
Adonis and Aphrodite Wedding Day (Ancient Greece)
Ancient Egyptian New Year
Arsenius (Catholic Church)
Bernold, Bishop of Utrecht (Christian; Saint)
Cervantes (Positivist; Saint)
Daiquiri Day (Pastafarian)
Dr. Doom/Thulsa Doom Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Duke (Muppetism)
Edgar Degas (Artology)
Festival of Honos (Personification of morality & honor; Ancient Rome)
Isis and Osiris Wedding Day (Ancient Egypt)
Islamic New Year [Hijri New Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Amun Jadid (Philippines)
Arabic New Year
Awal Mouharam (Algeria, Djibouti, Malaysia)
Hegira (Lebanon)
Hejira New Year (Kuwait)
Islamic New Year 1443 (Bahrain, Iraq, Libya, Maldives, Sudan, Syria, Yemen)
Muharam (Comoros, Niger)
Muharram (Comoros)
1er Moharrem (Morocco)
Premier Moharram (Mauritania)
Raʿs as-Sanah al-Hijrīyah
Sasi Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
She Came to Stay, by Simone de Beauvoir (Novel; 1943)
Tahun Baru (Indonesia)
Tamharrat (Gambia)
Justa and Rufina (Christian; Saint)
Kirdjun (a.k.a. Abakerazum; Christian; Saint)
The Lucaria (Festival of the Grove to Sucellus, Gaulish God of Alcohol); Ancient Rome) [also 2.1 & 7.21]
Macrina the Younger, Sister of St. Basil the Great (Christian; Saint)
Opet (Day of the Marriage of Isis and Osiris; Pagan)
Symmachus (Christian; Saint)
Vincent de Paul (Christian; Saint)
Wedding Day of Adonis & Aphrodite (Ancient Greece)
Wedding Day of Isis & Osiris (Ancient Egypt)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [41 of 71]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [22 of 32]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 33 of 60)
An Affair to Remember (Film; 1957)
Awkward (TV Series; 2011)
Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (Film; 1991)
Clueless (Film; 1995)
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (Talk Show; 2012)
Crazy, Stupid, Love (Film; 2011)
Dance With Me, by Orleans (Song; 1975)
Day of the Dead (Film; 1985)
The Everlasting Man, by G.K. Chesterton (Novel; 1925)
Foul Play (Film; 1978)
Help!, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
K-19: The Widowmaker (Film; 2002)
The Legend of Billie Jean (Film; 1985)
A Little Bit of Mambo, by Lou Bega (Album; 1999)
Liv and Maddie (TV Series; 2013)
Mad Men (TV Series; 2007)
The Man with One Red Shoe (Film; 1985)
The Midnight Snack, featuring Tom & Jerry (MGM Cartoon; 1941)
Movin’ Out (Musical Play; 2002)
Narcissus and Goldmund, by Hermann Hesse (Novel; 1930)
Our Miss Brooks (Radio Series; 1948)
RED 2 (Film; 2013)
Revenge of the Pink Panther (Film; 1978)
R.I.P.D. (Film; 2013)
Speedy Ghost to Town (WB LT Cartoon; 1967)
A Squeak in the Deep (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
That’s All Right/Blue Moon of Kentucky, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1954)
Trainspotting (Film; 1996)
Treasure Island (Film; 1950)
Weathering with You (Anime Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Bernulf, Justa, Marina, Poppo, Reto (Austria)
Aurelija, Zlata, Zora (Croatia)
Čeněk (Czech Republic)
Justa (Denmark)
Saara, Saare, Saari, Salli (Estonia)
Saara, Salla, Salli, Sara, Sari, Sarita (Finland)
Arsène, Micheline (France)
Bernard, Marina, Reto (Germany)
Dias, Garyfallia, Makrina (Greece)
Emília (Hungary)
Arsenio (Italy)
Digna, Jautrīte, Kamila, Kamilla, Sari (Latvia)
Aura, Aurėja, Galigantas, Mantigailė, Vincas, Vincentas (Lithuania)
Gerhard, Gjert (Norway)
Alfred, Arseniusz, Lutobor, Rufin, Wincenty, Wodzisław (Poland)
Dušana (Slovakia)
Arsenio, Áurea, Justa, Rufina (Spain)
Sara (Sweden)
Arsene, Arsène (Universal)
Armenia, Arcenio, Arsenia, Arsenio, Wayne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 200 of 2024; 165 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 29 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 2 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 1 Av 5783
Islamic: 1 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 20 Lux; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 July 2023
Moon: 3%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 4 Dante (8th Month) [Cervantes]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 29 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 29 of 31)
Calendar Changes
al-Muḥarram [ٱلْمُحَرَّم] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 1 of 12] (Forbidden)
ʼĀḇ (a.k.a. Av or Ab) [אָב] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 5 of 12]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 7.19
Battle of Mirbat Day (UK)
Bender Day
Bloomer Day
Brian May Day
Changing Places Awareness Day (UK)
Colt 45 Day
Feast of Cranks
Festival of the Puzzlebox
Flight Attendant Safety Professionals’ Day
Flitch Day (Bacon given to any married couple who could prove they had lived in harmony and fidelity for 1 year; very few took home the bacon)
Glioblastoma Awareness Day
Grocery Heroes Day (Canada)
International Retainer Day
K Days begin (Canada)
Lord of the Rings Day
Lumberjack World Championships (Wisconsin)
Martyr’s Day (Burma)
National Barbara Day
National Football Day
National Hug Your Kids Day
National Secretary Day (Mexico)
National Tell A Girl She’s Beautiful Day
National Urban Beekeeping Day
National Words With Friends Day
New Friends Day [also 1.19; 10.19]
One Voice Day
Palace Day
Rojava Revolution Anniversary Day (Syria)
Roy Orbison Day (Odessa, Texas)
Sandinista Day (Nicaragua)
719 Day (Colorado)
Solomon Burke Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Spelt Day (French Republic)
Stick Out Your Tongue Day
Tabaski Day (Cameroon)
Tims Camp Day (Tim Hortons; Canada)
Triple Play Day
World Product Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
National Daiquiri Day
Raspberry Cake Day
3rd Wednesday in July
Bump Day [3rd Wednesday]
International Balloon Dog Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Hot Dog Day [Wednesday closest to 19th; also 3.30 & 9.10]
Take Your Poet to Work Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Cyberia (Declared; 1997) [unrecognized]
Einglen (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Laos (from France, 1949)
Feast Days
Adonis and Aphrodite Wedding Day (Ancient Greece)
Ancient Egyptian New Year
Arsenius (Catholic Church)
Bernold, Bishop of Utrecht (Christian; Saint)
Cervantes (Positivist; Saint)
Daiquiri Day (Pastafarian)
Dr. Doom/Thulsa Doom Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Duke (Muppetism)
Edgar Degas (Artology)
Festival of Honos (Personification of morality & honor; Ancient Rome)
Isis and Osiris Wedding Day (Ancient Egypt)
Islamic New Year [Hijri New Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Amun Jadid (Philippines)
Arabic New Year
Awal Mouharam (Algeria, Djibouti, Malaysia)
Hegira (Lebanon)
Hejira New Year (Kuwait)
Islamic New Year 1443 (Bahrain, Iraq, Libya, Maldives, Sudan, Syria, Yemen)
Muharam (Comoros, Niger)
Muharram (Comoros)
1er Moharrem (Morocco)
Premier Moharram (Mauritania)
Raʿs as-Sanah al-Hijrīyah
Sasi Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
She Came to Stay, by Simone de Beauvoir (Novel; 1943)
Tahun Baru (Indonesia)
Tamharrat (Gambia)
Justa and Rufina (Christian; Saint)
Kirdjun (a.k.a. Abakerazum; Christian; Saint)
The Lucaria (Festival of the Grove to Sucellus, Gaulish God of Alcohol); Ancient Rome) [also 2.1 & 7.21]
Macrina the Younger, Sister of St. Basil the Great (Christian; Saint)
Opet (Day of the Marriage of Isis and Osiris; Pagan)
Symmachus (Christian; Saint)
Vincent de Paul (Christian; Saint)
Wedding Day of Adonis & Aphrodite (Ancient Greece)
Wedding Day of Isis & Osiris (Ancient Egypt)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [41 of 71]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [22 of 32]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 33 of 60)
An Affair to Remember (Film; 1957)
Awkward (TV Series; 2011)
Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (Film; 1991)
Clueless (Film; 1995)
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (Talk Show; 2012)
Crazy, Stupid, Love (Film; 2011)
Dance With Me, by Orleans (Song; 1975)
Day of the Dead (Film; 1985)
The Everlasting Man, by G.K. Chesterton (Novel; 1925)
Foul Play (Film; 1978)
Help!, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
K-19: The Widowmaker (Film; 2002)
The Legend of Billie Jean (Film; 1985)
A Little Bit of Mambo, by Lou Bega (Album; 1999)
Liv and Maddie (TV Series; 2013)
Mad Men (TV Series; 2007)
The Man with One Red Shoe (Film; 1985)
The Midnight Snack, featuring Tom & Jerry (MGM Cartoon; 1941)
Movin’ Out (Musical Play; 2002)
Narcissus and Goldmund, by Hermann Hesse (Novel; 1930)
Our Miss Brooks (Radio Series; 1948)
RED 2 (Film; 2013)
Revenge of the Pink Panther (Film; 1978)
R.I.P.D. (Film; 2013)
Speedy Ghost to Town (WB LT Cartoon; 1967)
A Squeak in the Deep (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
That’s All Right/Blue Moon of Kentucky, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1954)
Trainspotting (Film; 1996)
Treasure Island (Film; 1950)
Weathering with You (Anime Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Bernulf, Justa, Marina, Poppo, Reto (Austria)
Aurelija, Zlata, Zora (Croatia)
Čeněk (Czech Republic)
Justa (Denmark)
Saara, Saare, Saari, Salli (Estonia)
Saara, Salla, Salli, Sara, Sari, Sarita (Finland)
Arsène, Micheline (France)
Bernard, Marina, Reto (Germany)
Dias, Garyfallia, Makrina (Greece)
Emília (Hungary)
Arsenio (Italy)
Digna, Jautrīte, Kamila, Kamilla, Sari (Latvia)
Aura, Aurėja, Galigantas, Mantigailė, Vincas, Vincentas (Lithuania)
Gerhard, Gjert (Norway)
Alfred, Arseniusz, Lutobor, Rufin, Wincenty, Wodzisław (Poland)
Dušana (Slovakia)
Arsenio, Áurea, Justa, Rufina (Spain)
Sara (Sweden)
Arsene, Arsène (Universal)
Armenia, Arcenio, Arsenia, Arsenio, Wayne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 200 of 2024; 165 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 29 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 2 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 1 Av 5783
Islamic: 1 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 20 Lux; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 July 2023
Moon: 3%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 4 Dante (8th Month) [Cervantes]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 29 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 29 of 31)
Calendar Changes
al-Muḥarram [ٱلْمُحَرَّم] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 1 of 12] (Forbidden)
ʼĀḇ (a.k.a. Av or Ab) [אָב] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 5 of 12]
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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12 Muslim Artists To Listen to on Muslim Women’s Day Whether you’re a hip-hop historian or a casual listener that’s heard an Arabic word or two in a Drake song, it’s hard to miss Islam’s influence on hip-hop, and, by extension, R&B. Poetry culture was popular in pre-Islamic Arabia. Poetry battles complete with creative insults (naqa'id) were commonplace and bore resemblance to battle rap culture. Rhymed Arabic poetry was fifteen meters; Al-Akhfash al-Akbar later identified a sixteenth meter. Hip-hop verses – 16 bars – are similar in theory. Upon the arrival of Islam, poetry retained its cultural significance, with the work of Muslim poets such as Hafez, Rumi and Omar Khayyam still relevant today. Much like hip-hop, their work spoke to the cultural, social and political climate of the time. None — (@) During the slave trade, large numbers of Muslims were enslaved and trafficked into the United States. Despite attempts to forcibly strip them of it, many held on tightly – and spread – their faith. Black Islam continued to influence generations of artists, including some of hip-hop’s pioneers like Afrika Bambaata and the Zulu Nation, Rakim, Public Enemy, Brand Nubian and other legends in the game whose protest rap was inspired by teachings from the Nation of Islam and Five Percenters. As educator and historian Zaheer Ali tweeted, “Because you can’t talk about Hip Hop without talking about Black Islam, which has shaped Black music from blues to jazz to R&B.”In honor of Muslim Women’s Day, we’re showcasing 12 talented Muslim artists (masha’Allah!) that deserve a spot on your playlist – and asked a few how their faith impacts their work. 1. SZASongstress SZA was born to a Muslim father and a Christian mother. She was raised Muslim and pays homage to Islam in her stage name. SZA is an acronym derived from the Supreme Alphabet that stands for “Sovereign Zig-Zag Allah.” The Grammy Award-winning artist told MuslimGirl.com that she realizes spirituality is “super-individualized,” elaborating that “everybody’s journey with God, source, spirit, Allah, whatever you want to call it, is very personal.” She reflects that she did wear a hijab at one point but removed it due to fears about the sociopolitical environment in a post-9/11 world. 2. ABIRAbir Haronni, known professionally as ABIR, was born in Fez, Morocco, arriving in the United States at age five. Young Abir’s penchant for song began soon after the family settled in Arlington, Virginia, when she would listen to Etta James with her father, a chauffeur. Her singing career began with her doing guest vocals for rappers like Fabolous. Within a few years, she made her debut as a solo artist with the song “Wave” and made waves internationally representing Morocco in the Europa Song Contest.Abir tells PAPER that her faith “permeates every aspect of my life and work. It’s in the brief minutes before I take the stage when my team and I recite a surah to bless the show and audience, it’s in the lyrics I compose in my songs that remind me of my faith and God and what a beautiful connection. It makes me feel protected and loved at my best and worst moments.”3. DouniaMoroccan-American Dounia’s original claim to fame was being an Instagram model known for body positivity and thrifting. Dounia’s otherworldly charm helped catch the eyes of the right brands and people, and instead, she ended up working as a professional model for major companies like Forever 21 and Refinery29 before launching her music career.Dounia credits her culture – and Islam – as being formative for her as both an artist and a person. “Growing up with a foundation in God is something I’ve always appreciated,” she says. “My mother always had this trust in a greater divine force; a trust which I’ve also continuously leaned on in music, career, and life in all facets. I remember the daily prayer in my childhood home in Morocco, breaking fasts with a large family, and the energy of love, comfort, and authentic laughter. More than anything, these moments represent a culture that shaped me into the unique human and artist I am today.”4. NeelamNeelam Hakeem is the first Black Muslim woman rapper to be featured in Vogue Arabia. Born in Seattle, Neelam moved to LA, where she currently lives, at the age of 15. She reverted to Islam in 2007. Neelam’s witty bars and smooth delivery captured the attention of music industry majors like Diddy and Erykah Badu.Neelam confessed to Vogue Arabia that she “never felt like I was fully ready to commit to hijab.” In an interview with Amaliah, she cites Muslim Women’s Day as inspiration for her decision to cover and ultimately launch her music career: “Social media is honestly what influenced me to wear modest fashion. On Muslim Women’s Day, I went through the hashtag and became inspired by all the beautiful and confident women and girls who displayed their modesty in such a gorgeous way. That day I decided to dress modestly and wear the hijab, wraps, and turbans. When my platform grew and girls continued to reach out to me telling me how much I inspired them, l felt compelled to do more with my platform and speak on issues going on in the world.”5. ElyannaElyanna is a Palestinian-Chilean singer and songwriter. Coming from a creative family – her mother is a poet and her grandfather is a poet and singer – it was only natural that Elyanna start singing at age seven. Encouraged by her musical family, she began posting covers on SoundCloud. Her family then relocated from Palestine to California to help her achieve her dreams of stardom. Once she arrived stateside, she started posting to Instagram as well, resulting in hundreds of thousands of followers. Her soulful signature sound is a very deliberate fusion of Arabic and English.“I always want to make sure my music sounds different. Yes, I have the Arabic lyrics but at the same time it’s not so Arabic, [and] not so American,” she explains. “It’s in-between and I want to keep that happening... it gets everybody to listen,” she told GQ Middle East.6. Saint LevantSaint Levant (born Marwan Abdelhamid) is an LA-based artist of Palestinian, French, Algerian and Serbian descent. Known for his effortless fusion of English, French and Arabic, Saint Levant was born in Palestine (Jerusalem) during the second intifada and raised in Gaza. His infectious style prompted him to go viral on social media, skyrocketing him to stardom.In an interview with Arab News, Saint Levant described the jarring contrasts of his childhood: “...childhood is very meaningful. And for me, it was a juxtaposition because I remember the sound of the drones and the sounds of the bones. But more than anything, I remember the warmth, and the smell of...and the taste of food and just the odd feeling of soil.”Related | Saint Levant Signs His Political Message 'From Gaza, With Love'7. RotanaRotana Tarabzouni, originally from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, is a US-based artist and pleasure activist. Her work centers on women’s rights and addresses cultural and religious taboos around sex, pleasure, body image and more, encouraging women to shed their shame and embrace what it means to fully experience living in – and feeling good in – our bodies, because only then can we partake in the full experience of being alive. See on Instagram In 2021, Rotana released a comedy special, F*d & Blessed. “This show is me finally saying out loud that sexuality is not bad. It is good, and in fact, holy. It is a gift, and a portal to the divine,” she told MuslimGirl.com. 8. FelukahSara El Messiry’s stage name, Felukah, was inspired by a conversation with her mother. The Egyptian rapstress shared the story with PAPER: “A felucca is essentially a sailboat that the pharaohs used to travel along the Nile River, and modern-day Egyptians still use them for transport – and also celebrations! My mama and I were brainstorming names that were both Arabic and easily pronounced in the West when she thought of Felucca, which then became Felukah. I started developing the Felukah Philosophy around this name easily… we falayek (plural of felucca) are artistic travelers guided by the wind. The ebb and flow of the universe that many call turbulence is necessary for us to continue sailing/floating. It’s all part of the process.”Felukah’s faith takes center stage in her life. She says it brings her a sense of peace and certainty, telling PAPER, “My faith keeps me grounded when everything else feels up in the air. I can rely on the unlimited divine love that brought me here, and know in my heart I’ll always find my way because of it.”9. ilhamMoroccan-American artist ilham had dreams of becoming a singer from a young age. A classically trained vocalist, she initially resisted going to college but relented under pressure from her parents. She applied to Ivy Leagues in hopes of being rejected and pursuing her music but ended up attending Cornell University. Post-college, ilham headed to LA for an internship at Capitol Records. From there, her dreams started coming true, culminating in fellow Moroccan French Montana signing her.For ilham, success is bigger than herself. “Being a Muslim woman in the music industry pushes me to go ten times harder than the average artist because I know how it important it is for young Muslim girls and boys to have representation, especially in entertainment. I want our youth to know we can more than dream to exist in these spaces. We are here. I do it for them. I do it for us.”Her faith has given her the confidence to succeed in a tough business. “I think being in an industry like this requires you to have unshakeable faith or you’ll get lost. I love music so much, and it has been part of my life as far back as I can remember. That comes from a pure space, but the reality is not everyone will have pure intentions. My faith allows me to stay grounded when faced with circumstances and situations that conflict with my moral compass. In fact, it’s safe to say most people are trifling AF in this industry, so leaning on my faith is what keeps me going and motivated to achieve my goals as an artist,” she expressed to PAPER.10. NemahsisNemah Hasan’s clever wordplay should be evident from her stage name, Nemahsis. The Palestinian-born, Canada-raised crooner quickly gained a massive social media following for her fashion and beauty looks. She started showcasing her vocal prowess by posting covers on social media before releasing her original single “What If I Took It Off For You?” in 2021. Within a few months, she dropped her sophomore single, “Paper Thin” – a powerful song about her struggles with self-acceptance.11. Ain’t AfraidAin’t Afraid made their debut as musicians in June 2020. Twin sisters Inah and Yahzi have been singing since they were just two years old. The dynamic duo says their mission is to “empower, inspire, and motivate people all over the world.” Their music is a testament to their mission; in less than a year, Ain’t Afraid racked up millions of streams. The multitalented twins are creative souls, with talents including spoken word, dance, fashion, and creative direction, in addition to their music. Advocacy and allyship are at the center of their artistry and creative endeavors. Their work has been featured in HypeBae, GQ Middle East, Vogue Arabia and more. They are currently part of Meta’s “We the Culture” program committed to empowering and elevating Black creators. 12. NarcyYassin Alsalman, known to hip-hop heads as “Narcy,” is an Iraqi-Canadian rapper, writer, and professor. Alsalman teaches at Montreal’s Concordia University, where his curriculum focuses on music as a vessel for social change, as well as media and narrative. His work has been featured on the Netflix show Mo, as well as in the movies Voices of Iraq and Furious 7. His credits include collabs with Shadia Mansour and Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def).Narcy remains true to his roots on his tracks, often weaving in references to his faith. When we asked Narcy about his influences, Islam was undoubtedly at the forefront. “Islam directly impacts my creativity,” he tells PAPER. “I always start with intention whenever I have a show, studio session, creative build, or project. I think about what reverberations my words might have without literally censoring myself. Islam being my science of life, it permeates all my public works, from education to music and video.”If you’d like to read more on Islam’s influence on hip hop, check out Dr. Su'ad Abdul Khabeer’s book, Muslim Cool.Photos via Getty https://www.papermag.com/muslim-womens-day-artists-2659659843.html
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Let’s look at the music! 
(While writing this I realized I was incredibly long winded and lacked the capacity to shut up about things I liked so this is going to be broken up into different posts because holy shit can you imagine? This is just about episode 1. There are going to be several posts after this because I can’t stop myself.) 
I don’t know about you, but I have been obsessed with the Moon Knight soundtrack. I am no music expert. I can’t talk to you about the chords or thematic major and minor shifts. I just know what sounds good to me and how music makes me feel. 
So let this non qualified music listener gush to you about the MUSIC that made this series. 
Firstly: Hesham Nazih is a mastermind. 
Everything about this show has such amazing thought put into it. From the set designs to the costumes to the absolutely fucking amazing easter eggs that we are still finding only by screen shotting each and every single frame. 
The director and composer are both Egyptian and wanted to portray their culture correctly. They wanted to bring their culture to a world that is used to horrid stereotypes and a burnt sienna toned world full of backwards and underdeveloped civilizations. The cinematographer took away the sand filter that Hollywood loves to place over Egypt and the absolute love and care that was taken from hiring an Egyptologist to having real Arabic all over to showing Cairo as a real and beautiful place… There are just no words to express how overwhelmingly wonderful it all is. 
Moon Knight is the first Marvel Piece that can be seen as absolutely stand alone with no prior knowledge of the MCU. It also doesn’t require you to have read any of the comics. But there are so many hidden gems for those that are fans of the comics. Gems that we can pull out and put on a platter and hand to the non-comic fans and everyone can still appreciate. Which is outstanding. 
So it is safe to say that with so much care in everything, is it a far stretch to think that the music would also not hold such wonderful gems? Maybe not always on purpose, but just enough of a wink wink nudge nudge to make you wonder… 
So let’s start with the actual songs chosen.
Episode 1: 
Every Grain of Sand - Bob Dylan
A Man Without Love - Engelbert Humperdinck
Arab Trap: Made in Egypt - DJ KABOO
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Bahlam Maak - Nagat
“Every Grain of Sand” by Bob Dylan 
Firstly, I'm not a Bob Dylan fan. Never have been. But I am very aware of the history of Bob Dylan and the use of his songs in history. The man is meant to stand for peace and love in a tumultuous time. This particular album/song was released during Dylan's 'born again' christian phase. Filled with biblical references, talk of a past sin and looking forward to redemption it very clearly represents Harrow himself. Also there is an obvious motiff of sand, which has a huge born again theme in this show (Marc dying in the desert and becoming Moon Knight. The Duat. Finding Steven and bringing him back. Coming back from the Duat. The sand around Steven’s bed in a protective circle to reveal secrets….). 
A man that has lost faith in what Khonshu stood for and found faith in another path. The song shows Harrow as he works out his own ritual of self penance. 
This is the first song we hear in the whole series. We instantly understand that this is not the main character. In fact, it's easy enough to put together that this is the bad guy who believes in his own cultish/self righteous ideas. (Thank you Ethan Hawke for your glorious idea for the glass in shoes, it paid off). 
He has a routine and it is meticulous and careful with ideas of who he wants to be. It's a calming song that sounds so carefree. 
Now we instantly move to the next song and WHAT A CONTRAST. It's the most beautiful transition opening in ages. 
“A Man Without Love” - Engelbert Humperdinck
I cannot express how much I love this opening. How it first plays over the Marvel credits so you know that NOW we are getting into the show. 
How it fades out and then crescendos into Steven Waking up. 
Now we meet our hero and we see his routine. We don't know him yet but we are rapidly looking into his personal world. His apartment, his tether, his taped door.... We meet him talking to his Mum with love and see him feeding his fish. He heads out to work and every bit about him screams "Lonely is a man without love" along with the song. This song is a love ballad about a man pining for love. It sets the tone, the character, and prepares you to see a man trying to find his way. 
Honestly, can’t you see this song opening with one of those older romantic type movies about a sad man who is alone and falls in love with some perfect lady. It’s misleading. Of course now we know what’s going to happen. It’s not about him finding love out there. It’s about a man without self love. A man who finds a friend/brother/person who can share his life with. But we’ll circle back around to this song in the last episode. And it will have such vital significance then. 
“Arab Trap: Made in Egypt” - DJ KABOO
This is the first song we get that is not immediately served to a white audience. The first two songs are ones your grandparents could have sat down and listened to on the radio while feeling nostalgic. 
The original song is “Khosara” by Abdel Halim. Go give it a listen! DJ Kaboo took that original ditty and turned it into a hell of a Trap sound. 
This one is a play on what we think of when we hear the words 'Egyptian music'. The playful whistle. The beats. What's ironic is that this plays as Steven is LEAVING the museum where he works in the Ancient Egyptian area. 
Here we see Steven talking to the living statue. He talks to him like a friend and explains his continued loneliness. The music fades away. It's a simple touch, but it gives an intro into something different. 
“Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” - Wham!
Okay this song. This scene is absolutely the best. It's the scene that won me over and had me cracking up. Every time we see Steven waking up, we get a song about the state of his waking up. From waking up as a man breaking up without love to a song about a man waking up in a complete state of confusion and panic. This song is so happy and carefree. 
A song about asking for their significant other to wake them up so they don't have to be alone and they can go dancing with them. 
We see Steven and Marc fighting for control and waking up in worse and worse situations. 
“Bahlam Maak” - Nagat
The first song in Arabic. 
Translated it means "Dream with you".
It's romantic and soft. It’s old. It sounds almost like classic elevator music akin to “girl from ipanema”. We hear it while Steven is waiting at the steakhouse for a date that isn’t going to happen. It’s almost like we are looking into Steven’s idea of a romantic date. With his suit and flowers and chocolates. 
It's a song about dreaming of someone sailing to meet them and them sailing together. Here are the lyrics roughly translated (I do mean roughly because I do not speak Arabic...yet). 
I dream with you .. of a ship
and a harbor .. to anchor us
and we sail again
the wind resists ..and i found you
in your eyes .. and your hands
my shore and my wishes
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me 
my name and your name .. my dear
my town .. and my story
my home and my wanderer
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me
So we have yet ANOTHER song about dreaming. Or waking up and secrets. How clever all of the things that are casually tossed in with more meaning. 
All these songs really do add together and build up our picture of Steven. Fun songs, happy sounding songs, loving soft songs, but all about being alone, of wanting someone there to do things with, to share with. 
The composed songs are all dramatic or simple background music. They are huge shifts from the actual songs that we overtly hear. But they are all in the background. They are there to build the tension and mystery that is quietly and slowly pushing into Steven’s life. 
We don't actually hear the Moon Knight Theme until the very end of the episode. This whole episode we've had slow hints in the background composed music. Quiet nods to it. And then as the big reveal happens, it comes blasting in on full chorus. 
HERE IT IS. THE THEME OF THE SHOW. Over the credits! This show is not about the violence and fighting choreography (though when we get it, it is wonderful and a true thing to see). This show is about the slow burn leading up to what makes Moon Knight. It’s about the mystery. The inner workings that come before we can see the man the myth the legend. 
What I love about the music episode to episode is that there is no standard format! Every opening is different. Every closing song is different. EVEN THE CLOSING IMAGES ARE DIFFERENT. You have to pay attention to absolutely every single last thing. 
But oh the Moon Knight main theme. It's so beautiful. The orchestra is playing. The horns smoothly trailing off. It isn’t just blasting about beat’em’up. It’s got the feel of coming out of Egypt. It feels like a song played at night under a full moon. 
The music alone is enough to send me flying. And this is just episode one. You hear any of these songs now and you instantly know what it’s from. What was happening on the screen. This is such a far cry from a lot of big movies/shows now. With throw away background stuff that blends in or is so generic. Each song is picked to mean something. To set the scene. To set the tone. To set the character! 
Anyone listen to Man without love now and not see the apartment and Steven waking up? Anyone hear Wake me up and not see a cupcake truck careening desperately down a mountain? I don’t think so. At least for me that’s the case. But I”m a little hyped up right now. I can’t wait to get into the other episodes as the music ONLY GETS BETTER AND MORE THEMATIC. Oh my god the music gets so much better. GO LISTEN TO IT. 
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A beautiful song with a very genuine sound to it: Balansiya by Xavi Sarrià feat. Sandra Monfort, Rafel Arnal and Pep Gimeno “Botifarra”. “Balansiya” was the Arabic name for València.
This song mixes modern music with traditional Valencian music, and lyrics that talk about Valencian history. In this album, Xavi Sarrià talks about the heritage in Valencian culture (mostly in music) that was inherited from the Moorish people, who lived in large numbers in the Valencian Country and the south of Catalonia. In the year 1609, the Hispanic monarchy released a decree by which all Moorish people had to either convert to Christianity or leave. By that time, one third (!!) of the population of the Kingdom of Valencia was Moorish, so as a result it lost a huge amount of population, but many others stayed and hid among the Christians.
The culture of the Valencian Country and the south of Catalonia was already a mix of Moorish and Christian elements back then, and it has continued to be so until nowadays. This is most noticeable in traditional music, which has similarities with the traditional music of Northern Africa.
Here are the original lyrics in Valencian-Catalan and the translation to English:
Una alqueria, estreles i flors abraça l’aurora un país de cançons els joves dansen, la lluna ha mudat no plores mare que el cel està albat ha mort la innocència, en l’han arrancat ja no hem de mentir per dir la veritat la nostra alegria no ens la dona el vi és l’emoció pura que ens batega al pit
A farmhouse, stars and flowers a country of songs hugs the dawn young people dance, the moon has been changed don’t cry, mother, for the sky is light* innocence has died, it has been stripped from us we no longer have to lie in order to tell the truth it’s not wine that gives us this joy but the pure emotion that beats in our chest
La teua presència és com una oració pregue morir si no visc no amb amor tot l’univers està dins de tu naveguen les barques com rajos de llum pels oceans d’aigües sensorials al centre de tot on brolla qui soc un camp magnètic sense coordenades melodies nues de cançons sagrades
Your presence is like a prayer I pray to die if I don’t live with love the whole universe is inside you the boats sail like rays of light on the oceans of sensorial waters in the centre of everything where who I am springs a magnetic field without coordinates naked melodies of holy songs
Palmes, postisses, guitarra i dolor no et posem cara però et sentim al cor gemecs sense esquema, art de resistència, veus esguerrades d’exili interior negra és l’esperança que es perd però se sent verda és la mort que no vol fer el dol ara ho entenc i no puc callar se m’eriça la pell quan t’escolte cantar
Handclapping, castanets, guitars and pain we don’t know your face but we feel you in our heart groans without plan, resistance art, broken voices of interior exile the hope that is lost but can be felt is black the death that doesn’t want to mourn is green I understand it now and I can’t be quiet I get goosebumps when I hear you sing
Una sandinga, una seguidilla una malaguenya, una granaïna la llavor germina, plora i s’extasia quan s’obri en canal la nostra ferida redades, presons, expulsions i matances no han pogut callar l’emoció amb què cantes et perseguiren però tu et camuflares prenyares per sempre les nostres entranyes
A sandinga, a seguidilla a malaguenya, a granaïna [styles of traditional songs] the seed sprouts, cries and goes into raptures when our wound opens. Raids, prisons, expelling and slaughters have not been able to make quiet the emotion with which you sing they persecuted you but you disguised yourself impregnated forever our entrails
A les nits de l’alqueria, hi ha llaüts i guitarrons pintant les penes d’alegria amb cançons de mil colors Les cantarem tota la nit no oblidarem que ens van ferir que la música és la sang, la festa i la tradició del nostre País Valencià.
In the farmhouse’s nights, there are lutes and guitarrons [traditional instrument similar to an ukelele] Painting the sorrows in happiness with songs of a thousand colours We’ll sing them all night long we won’t forget that we were wounded that music is the blood, the festivity and the tradition of our Valencian Country.
A les nits de l’alqueria a la lluna de Balansiya. (x2)
In the farmhouse’s nights, at the moon of Balansiya. [“at the moon of València” is an expression in the Catalan language that we explained in this previous post]
A les nostres festes, seguirem cantant amb la resiliència que vam heretar canviaren les lletres per negar qui eren i sobreviure a les seues fogueres memòria amputada, versos mutilats queda un dolor íntim que no hem oblidat van cremar els llibres però guardem al pit la biblioteca dels nostres sentits.
In our festivities, we’ll keep singing with the resilience that we inherited they changed the lyrics to deny who they were and survive to their bonfires amputated memory, mutilated verses an intimate pain remains, which we have not forgotten they burned the books but we keep in our chest the library of our senses.
No parle d’altres, parle de nosaltres les arrels profundes que ens van ocultar negres, jueves, morisques, gitanes filles prohibides de Balansiya els teus melismes són recitacions la pena perviu a les nostres cançons et perseguiren però tu et camuflares prenyares per sempre les nostres entranyes.
I don’t talk about others, I talk of ourselves the deep roots that were hidden from us black, Jewish, Moorish, Romani forbidden daughters of Balansiya your vocal runs are recitations the sorrow lives on in our songs they persecuted you but you disguised yourself and impregnated forever our entrails
(Repeat chorus)
*I’m not sure of the translation of this line. “Està albat” could mean that it has light, that the sun has risen (“alba”=sunrise), but the word “albat” means a child that has died in its first days, before being baptised. “Albat” could also be a literary word to mean “white”.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @softlytowardthesun @faintingheroine @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales @princesssarisa @lord-antihero @angelixgutz
Tagged by no one. I just wanted the chance to talk about her character.
Favorite Thing About Them: Her tale is so rich of twists and adventures. She goes to live with a band of thieves to escape her murderous stepfamily and the sourcerour who serves them, them suffers a death like sleep and in her dreams falls in love with a Prince who turns out to be a real person, and them is enchanted into a dove until finally being rescued by her fiancee and father thanks to the old wise woman's help.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: In Howard Schwartz's narration for his version collected in the book Miriam's Tambourine: Jewish Folktales from Around the World Romana/Rimonah is described as having light skin and praysed as extremely beautifull because of it, like its european equivalent stories Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs and The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights. That same narration also has the element of washing a scarf and skin in three different waters: red waters, black waters and white waters. Romana/Rimonah washes the scarf and bathes in the white waters and becomes more beautifull, while her stepsister Laymuna washes the scarf and bathes in the black waters and becomes more ugly. The unfortunate implication is that Romana/Rimonah gained even lighter skin to be considered more "beautifull" while Laymuna becamed darker skinned and as such more "ugly". I am not very fond of that element in the Schwartz version, and i am glad that in his picture book retelling, Rimonah of the Flashing Sword, Eric A. Kimmel changed the description of Romana/Rimonah's beauty by saying she is dark as a pomegranate peel, with eyes as bright as pomenagrate seeds and a voice as sweet as pomegranate juice.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
I have sephardic jewish heritage
I could be naive and manipulated by strangers when i was young
My skin color is reminiscent of a pomegranate peel
Three Things I Don't Have In Common:
I am not royalty
I am not born in Egypt
I have a good relationship with my stepmother
Favorite Line:
This line she says in Eric A. Kimmel's picture book retelling Rimonah of the Flashing Sword, begging to the huntsman for her life as a child
Do not do this wicked deed. Spare my life. Heaven will surely reward you.
brOTP: The Old Wise Woman and The Forty Thieves. Her stepsister Laymuna if someday she regrets her crimes and gets redeemed.
OTP: The Prince.
nOTP: The Sourcerour.
Random Headcanon: She is the daughter of an inter-ethnic and inter-faith marriage between and arab muslim father and a jewish mother, and by her mother's side she descends from another jewish egyptian Fairest of them All type heroine: Kohava the Wonder Child.
Unpopular Opinion: This tale deserves to be adapted into a big budget movie to become more well known for people, who already are familiar with several adaptations of the Grimm's Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. The christian german tale is just one among hundreds of varieties of Fairest of them All type of stories around the Globe. People need to know that beautifull jewish heroines are not limited to the biblical stories of Ruth and Esther and that they also exist in a rich folklore of diverse jewish comunities.
Song I Associate With Them:
Trough Heaven's Eyes
Erev Shel Shoshanim
Hene Ma Tov
Et Dodim
Favorite Picture of Them:
The illustrations made by Omar Rayyan for Eric A. Kimmel's picture book retelling Rimonah of the Flashing Sword
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