#...i wish jared was back tho
oh-no-boi · 1 year
i think..... mike sheppard (brokenwood) is.. my blorbo
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mynameisnotsoda · 8 months
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I'm probably gonna be yelling into the void but here's my refs of my favorite burs !!!! I would say bursonas but one of them is literally just my au,,,, can you tell which one it is,,
Anyway here's some hcs and stuff it's gonna be a long post LMAO I'm just copying all this stuff from Instagram cause I practically live on that shit ass app
He LOVES Hatsune Miku.. like LOVE LOVES HER. He owns so much fuckin merch it's actually insane. But he has never once in his life listened to vocaloid and probably never will. Hes just in love with Miku LMAO
He's aromantic bc I said so !!!!! But he doesn't know that, he hasn't really figured it out and he confuses his obsession with love.
Him and Jared actually used to be friends back when they were like middle schoolers. But then Jared got "hot and cool" and he kinda drifted away from Simp. Mostly cause Simp was SO FUCKING JEALOUS!!!!! and it was obvious too. Imagine how devastated he was when egirl started dating his old friend lmaooo what a loser
Him and e-girl started dating when they were 17, both of them were in pretty bad places in their lives so they just,,, clung onto each other. Both of them were codependent but Simp was significantly worse with his codependency. Adrianne (my name for e-girl) was the one who broke it off when they were both in their early 20s
His stupid little cat beanie is his comfort item !!!! He wears it ALL THE TIME and hates having to take it off, although he would never go out in public with it. He's got some issues with presenting the way he wants to in public so he literally just goes out in his work uniform regardless if he's working or not
Grabs him and aggressively shakes him around !!! Hes autistic (I'm autistic I can give him the tism) his special interests are anime and video games :33
He's definitely not cishet but he tries SOOO hard to present as such (shout-out to @starrixle for that hc ive adopted it for my version of simp)
He's bi but heavily in denial like DEEP DEEP in denial
He HATES being tall !!! He wishes he was shorter because his height makes him stand out a lot and that's the LAST thing he wants
He prays literally every night before bed. Mostly asking for forgiveness (which he shouldnt have to ask for) because he thinks he's a horrible person just for being himself
He CLINGS onto Charlie, they're not like super close friends or anything but he LOVES Charlie. He looks up to Charlie a lot and WISHES he had his confidence and sense of self :')
He doesn't like Tommy, he thinks Tommy's too loud and disrespectful and hates how much attention he attracts. So he tends to just avoid him even if they're in the same classes
He absolutely regrets smoking with Bill and Ranboo but he also feels INCREDIBLY GUILTY for wanting to do it again (because he actually had fun and was able to relax for a moment)
He LOVES emo rock, indie, modern rock and other similar genres. His parents are really strict so he has to listen to his music in secret and ALWAYS has his earbuds on him, its a comfort item too. His three favorite bands are MCR, Ghost and Radiohead :]
The only game he was ever allowed to play was and still is Minecraft. He LOVES Minecraft but at the same time he desperately wishes to be able to play other games
He fucking LOVES GOING TO PUBLIC SCHOOL !!!!! he used to be in a Christian school but it gave him so much anxiety he was physically ill every single day and he just couldn't take it anymore!!!! To his surprise his parents actually agreed to let him go to public school during his sophomore year and he's been there ever since (now hes a senior)
Charlie is really his only friend, he's tried talking to other kids but he's horribly awkward and socially inept. Charlie basically adopted him and takes care of him like a brother !!!! Even if they're not super close Charlie's always looking out for him and tries to include him with his friends even tho Stu declines most the time :((
Keith Smith
HIS WIFE LEFT HIM AND TOOK THE KIDS TOO 😭😭😭 he's still trying to find her but he's slowly losing hope and he's really considering just giving up
He's basically the "king" of the end, even though he's not actually the ruler, it was his wife. But since she's GONE he basically had to take her place, until he finds a new wife or convinces her to come back if he ever found her (the end is a matriarchy)
He's kind of insufferable why do you think his wife left him
He has two kids, Lune (pronounced like loon) and Sunny. He LOVES his kids and is actually a really great dad despite being kind of an ass and fucking annoying. He misses them a lot and it breaks his heart that he might not be able to see them ever again
Dr. Malpractice
He's a geneticist specifically experimenting with mob/human hybrids.
His experiments are NOT ETHICAL AT ALL!!! He does whatever tf he wants whenever he wants. His only healthy, surviving test subjects are Phil (enderman), Tommy (spider), Charlie (creeper) and Quackity (duck). (He also experiments on my sona,, that I added for funsies,, but they weren't created by him he just happened to find them one day more on that later)
He's actually trying to make humans more powerful in a way, because they're the weakest humanoid species of them all. He wants to "save" humanity from their own biological inferiority and doesn't care how long it takes or how much damage he causes to others so long as he reaches his goal. Because he's fucking delusional and thinks he's doing something good
He even experimented on his kid, Fundy, and he didn't make it. He has a,,, complicated relationship with what happened to Fundy. On one hand the guilt eats away at him constantly, on the other he brushes it off as just another failed experiment since in the long run,, the ends justify the means in his mind
So far his deceased test subjects include Fundy, Niki, George, and Toby (Tubbo). His only escaped subject was Randy (Ranboo) and he's so fucking paranoid that somehow he'd be able to get the authorities to stop his experiments. But it's been months since Ran escaped and nothing's happened so he isn't AS paranoid anymore, but he still worries about it
He names all the test subjects himself, it's easier for him to remember than numbers because he has dyscalculia funnily enough
All the test subjects were made in his lab with stolen DNA so he didn't have to use his own. He basically grew them in tubes and used a rapid growth serum in the tanks to make everyone adult sized since it was easier to run tests that way. He accidentally left Phil cookin for too long so he's the oldest out of everyone LMAO (except for Dr mal himself, he's 37)
Ok so onto the cringe part !!!! cSoda is a shapeshifter, shapeshifters are VERY rare and often hide themselves because they're very sought after to hunt for sport or used for various reasons. They're basically "born" from the planet itself, they grow in pockets underground for many years and kinda just pop up when they're ready. (Think of like. Steven Universe gems but organic) cSoda is erm undercooked let's say LMAO because they popped up early in their development they're basically defective. They age (albeit slowly), their body scars, they can't regrow limbs properly, their shapeshifting is limited to only animals/people they've SEEN before and they are incredibly naive and have a harder time understanding/learning about the world.
Dr. Mal found cSoda (no idea how yet) and he normally wouldn't have cared but he saw their shapeshifting and immediately decided to "take them in". He takes advantage of their naivety and basically brainwashed them into thinking he cares for them. cSoda presents as a dog (more lore I don't feel like getting into rn) so they have the personality traits of one as well, very loyal and loving and INCREDIBLY affectionate. Which Dr Mal HATES.
If it weren't for the fact that cSoda is more useful to him while alive he probably would've just killed them because he's CONSTANTLY annoyed and irritated by them LMAO he wants to be able to replicate their shapeshifting and hopes that it might be able to help him achieve his goal
He fucking LOVES working the burger van with Ranboo, it gives him something to do and he actually enjoys spending time with them even after initially not really liking them. He thinks Ranboo is SO interesting and loves to analyze everything he says and does pFF
He fucking REEKS no matter how much he showers or uses deodorant. It'll help with the intensity of the smell but he just reeks of death bc he was rotting !!!! he also smells like cigarettes and alcohol which does mask the rot and is actually preferable by most people (especially Quackity, who's VERY vocal about how much Wilbur stinks)
He's REALLY clingy, like he NEEDS someone to be holding him at all times. Normally it's Tommy (who's so obviously his favorite even tho he denies it)
It doesn't remember being human for the most part but he does miss it, especially being a normal height
He HATES when people baby him, he's a grown man who just happens to be child sized. If you talk down to him he WILL be an asshole
It was surprised when people started referring to him as an "it" but he kinda liked it !! It doesn't have the same feelings about its gender since becoming a doll and he thinks it's kinda weird but cool at the same time. It really is just vibin
It's voice is high pitched and he kinda hates it, its gotten used to it but it doesnt really like how its voice changed
He's so fucking annoying and is always flirting with parents for whatever reason. He fucking LOVES if they get flustered too it boosts his ego
He's SOO jealous of Ranboo its kind of embarrassing. He thinks he should be the lead singer and mascot but doesn't vocalize it, although he does make it painfully obvious
He's the lead guitarist and back up vocalist in the band (Tommy plays keytar, Ranboo is lead singer and James is the bassist)
He's actually really fucking insecure despite being a fan favorite. One time someone left their phone and it didn't have a password so he was able to use the internet which was. A mistake. He's seen the horrors of the Beloved Ent. Fandom and he thinks people only like him because he was made to be the "attractive one" and not because he actually has anything of substance.
He fucking HATES Schlatt with a passion, so he avoids the bowling alley entirely now. Jimmy (solidarity) used to be the bowling mascot but he was too fragile and a push over with guests so they replaced him with Schlatt. Who's nice enough to guests but does have a bit of a temper and doesn't take ANYONES bullshit. Wilbur was actually really close with Jimmy and he misses him terribly :(
Can you tell who I have more brainrot for LMAO
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Some of Jensen’s Instagram Post replies:
“Wish them the best but honestly the whole cast felt forced and yes even the level of “inclusivity" in the characters y supernatural magic was the seamless chemistry between the characters and not just the main ones! Plus the plot was a lot more solid... Maybe it's saved and it gets better idk”
“We love u Jensen and the idea behind this new series but the acting FOR ME was just not there....Favorite episode was the last one where u made a cameo with our fellow Idit bobby ©  missed seeing you guys. . Perhaps if u get renewed there will be more of u and maybe #savethewinchesters”
“I loved Supernatural. Actually I love still. But the show The Winchesters needs to end. It is so very woke. That's my issue with it. Maybe next time don't go full woke to don't go broke again”
“@jensenackles love to love this show, but it's lacking something..good lucky always tho”
“The Winchesters were Sam and Dean period. That's why people was not interested in that other series.”
“I loved supernatural, I loved the chemistry between you, jarad and all the others but this show for me was a bomb. No chemistry and poor story”
“Seems like there were a lot of directions to go but this one didn't land with the fans I think. Sorry man”
“Honestly I rather have a real sequel or prequel done and not save this one this one wasnt even OUR John and marry”
“Yeah I have to agree with the general consensus of evervone's comments, I loved the idea but it didn't really hit the mark for me, I know it was to reveal other twists and turns throughout the seasons connected to SPN and the whole going back in time ect ect but it wasn't for me and like everyone said the Winchesters are Sam and Dean • no matter what spin off they do this is what it all boils down to #samanddeanforever) I would like to see a Bobby and Rufus spin off that would be awesome...if produced and directed properly a and directed properly”
“Jensen, the homie. I love you, but it didn't look good” (translated)
“Hey Jensen take the loss buddy, you had a whole season, time to move on to bigger things”
“Nah the show is absolutely trash”
“It just didn't feel
"tough "enough to be the lead up to Sam & Dean”
“Nah the show wasn't any good”
“Jensen blink 3 times if you need help”
“Jensen honey let it go please”
Mist of the comments that are negative about TW are very level headed. Most of these people aren’t just “antis”. Of course there was pleanty of fawning or supportive comments. But the majority I saw just want the show to end.
I think Jensen doesn’t really care himself about TW anymore, but he let/made the cast go ahead and make this video to look like an effort was made. I honestly think he’d rather it just go away at this point.
If they're really hoping executives review the SM posts, they'll find that and so much more on Twitter. For a fan campaign to be successful, it usually involves universal support, which TW just doesn't have. (Not that I think the fan campaign for a show that failed in all aspects would even work).
I really think this is just Jensen pretending to care, and quite possibly acting out of jealousy that Jared's show is still going and his isn't. (Why else would he try and hijack SM during Walker?) It's too little, too late and he knows it. Guess he's going to have to actually feel what it's like to fail. I hope he learns from it instead of being bitter about it.
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I used to watch "Dark Angel" religiously, but I was just a little shit, so I don't remember Jensen at all. 😂 I got tired of SPN after a while, but The Boys refueled my interest in Jensen 'cause he was really good. I'd like to see Misha in more projects too, I feel like Jensen and Misha have more potential than Jared (sorry Jay). But you know, there's nothing wrong with doing cons, JJM seem to enjoy it a lot. Chris though... I feel like he'd hate it, even tho I still think it's in his future.
You don't remember Jensen Ackles, who single handedly stole almost all the attention away from Michael Weatherly and was the cause for some of the drama behind the scenes because of his popularity?
This Jensen?:
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Who had one episode as Ben, the x5 who went on a murder spree and Max had to kill so he wouldn't be taken back to Manticore and put with the "nomlies"? Who after that one episode convinced the makers to bring him back in a bigger role because they liked his work? Who was an instant hit with the viewers?
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Or Alec who was supposed to be the bad guy but turned out to be fun and charming and who made Max look like a sour puss and Logan boring? Who has great expressions and deliveries of his lines?
You forgot about him?? 😲
I tried watching supernatural after dark angel, but i couldn't get into it, so forgot and then something got me on a jensen bender and i gave it another try and i got really into it. Until s5. Then i stopped buying the seasons dvds,and life interrupted, and then suddenly there were lots of other seasons that had passed me which they did suddenly send out (my country is really good with not showing anything, or behind your back years later continuing on a different channel at different times) ... and so i have watched some episodes of some later seasons, but missed a lot too.
Haven't watched the boys yet. I am on poor men's tv, and don't know how to be able to watch it without spending a lot more money and a lot more effort to find ways to see it. But i do want to watch it because Jensen is looking so so good...😳
And yeah i think those two might be easier to get a variety of roles and have proven to play different characters well.
Although look at the acting Jared shows in a Christmas Cottage, where his cry scene is top notch... I'm so sorry jared, it's just what i remember all these years later, is that it was a lot.
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At least he's looking cozy and they styled his hair. It's almost unnerving.
Oh look i found some gifs to give you the idea if you haven't seen it:
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I mean i want to add all of them, but you should really see for yourself. It's a lot! A lot.
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And look at how different Jensen cries. I think we all wish we could look like this crying. We probably look more like Jared...
Shall i see how misha cries? Or is this post already too long? Ah who cares?
This is overused...
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This one's weird
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This is a picture of Toby Maguire crying, which has nothing to do with this whole subject but jeez it's ugly.
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I was going to try to put Jeffrey in here, but tumblr said enough! Which might be wise but annoying.
As for your last sentence, there's a lot of Chris's. Chris Evans, Chris(tian) Kane, Chris Martin whose music i don't listen to, or know anything about and i don't think he does cons. What would he even talk about.
I hope it's not Chris Martin because I don't want to look him up and find anything out. Not that i hate him, i just never think of him. He just came up as one of the chris's in a search. He looks like a lot of British singers had a lovebaby together.
If it's chris evans, i feel he'll like the first one, does okay with the second, grows tired and bored an annoyed and anxious by the time the third one comes around. Honestly the crowds, inappropriate questions and the constant noise would wear me out very quickly too, so i can't blame him. They seem fun but once in a while.
Thanks for sending the ask, it probably wasn't what your were looking for👍
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kmp78 · 2 years
she also found the love of her life from the 1st man she dated right after JL!
🙄🥱🤣🤣🤣🤣 PLEEZE ! She quickly fulfilled her childish life goal of a wedding ring and a meal ticket with the first offer. Clock was ticking and her time finally ran out. When the man you love doesn’t love you back the same way you don’t call the first guy who is nice to you the love of your life and marry him. She loves Jared for the man he is. Who is Dimi? An unaccomplished little rich kid with better manners. Sure, it feels great to hear someone say the ILYs a different way, bring you your morning coffee or some niceties she was not used to. But when one gets used to that and the man himself is boring or uninteresting, it’s just not enough. Love is WAY more than manners and easy “I Love Yous.” I don’t expect those who have never experienced a real adult serious love to get this. But I will go for a self-made, creative, artistic, passionate, hard-working dreamer/risk-taker over an unaccomplished mamas boy who lives on daddy’s allowance and trust fund. Accomplish something Dimi. Prove yourself a man and worthy of this beautiful girl.
VK needs to plan on how to sustain herself as she ages and modeling winds down. She rushed in for the ring instead of growing a lasting relationship strong enough to outlast the honeymoon phase and the 7 year itch. I wished for more and better for her. Sadly, not expecting a long-term happiness here. Who knows tho.
Please yourself. 🙄
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fortinbrasftw · 3 years
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Details from “Terror” Rewatch (03/X) ↪ Ep. 03 “The Ladder” - Tobias Menzies & Jared Harris on their Next Level Face Acting
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merry-the-cookie · 7 years
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i got tired of work so i decided to doodle some conman dancing. instead of, ykno, going to bed when it was already 6:30am
it is now past 9:00am
im. gonna go sleep
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matchaoink · 2 years
Watching the vidcon dsmp panel vod thoughtss
The audio isnt synced sadge
Unannounced guests???
Props to Jack for mc-ing the best ‼️‼️‼️
Shaking rn i just feel so haopy wTching it cringe is dead idgaf
Ranboos outfit is....something at least its not jorts
oh god tommys "HELLO? " AMAZIMGNGNGN
Tommys being tommy again HAHAH
HAHAHAHAH wilbur is like a giant mans just
Oh no questions time HELP
Im so
Im going to get thru this. Without cringing.
Im so glad the pog chanr was stopped TT
So many ppl on stage TT like i feel as if some pekple arent getting questiosn and just sitting there
ghostbur suffering. sadge
Aww i heard "thank you" from the connor choosing person
Good question :OOO
I could never be on top of stage TT
Just realised how ranboo is sitting??? I sit like that too
Tommy is taking control HAHHAHA
Tommy is being so tommy rn ykwim
Im not looking at the video rn bc i cant look at the people who arent speaking and i feel so bad an dim cant
oh no this is THE question isnt it
EVEN WILBUR SAID "youre not doing this"
wilbur wishes he could go back in time and just not
thank god DONT SAY SORRY KING finally now we know tntduo's exacr dynamic
Awww CLINGYDUO :*(#*×*(×
Elytra :::&**((((
HAHAHA the house blowing up is like a passageway into lore
The left hand side be chill asf
Eret damnn bro
Ranboos character is just him when he like new-ish to streaming HAHAH
Ranboo what TTT *skull emoji x7*
Tattoo of the ranboo crown dedicated asf
These questions are nice and i love hearing the content creators talk about what they likr about streamign
Omg i just realised the *minors* of the dsmp are all here
CIEMRBSOSOISOS crimbros cyeing rn
Awwhh :))) i love tubbos answer
Puffy <3<3<3<3
I hinestly cant rlly believe how theyre all friends in the server but its nice
This question is so wholesome :'))))))
no. WHY JUMP IN THE CADILLAC why BUT hinestly iconic tho, ah feels like donos
Awww the karl jacobs person WHOLESOME ASFFFF LETS GOO
Its over
So. That was fun
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xtrastorageblog · 3 years
A compilation of sentences about Jared Hopworth that I wish were elaborated on bc I luv him
Mag 17: “ As I got closer, I realised with a slight start that it was a rat, and not a dirty, wild rat but a large, white one, quite well-kept and clearly once a pet.” 
was this Jared’s pet rat?? I don’t think he would’ve taken the time to just break into someone’s house to steal a pet rat?? I know some people theorize that that was actuall Mike Crew’s doing bc he put the book back/and then small animal bones fell out when the book was with that crazy lady but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
MAG 49: “He removed his apron, walked to the chair, and sat down. His movements were sluggish now, uncoordinated, almost like he was drunk. Once in the chair, his huge frame slumped forward, and his eyes closed. It looked like he was asleep.“
Is he like full on feeding on fear?? It took him 4 hours to pull 200 bones out of someone’s body, does that actually take a ton of energy to do??
MAG 90: “The voice that answered was rough and spoke in the sort of English accent that usually gets my hackles up,”
What does this mean lol, like I understand when the guy hears this accent it makes him angry but why?? I am not British at all so is he being like...classist?? Does Jared sound like a stereotypical criminal or a douchebag?? 
I never listened to the episode lol, just read the transcripts. Thank you to skamos for answering this one!!
“ Despite his enormous size, his face seemed pretty normal, even handsome, with the sort of cheekbones and jawline I’d kill for. “
There’s a 50/50 chance that either Jared has always looked like this and just never cared about changing his face OR he changed his face because he’s vain?? i doubt it, maybe to seem more appealing?? probably??
MAG 131: “I wrecked my school. I did have friends, but they left me, “
Does he mean he just started bullying the entire school?? Or that he was just unteachable??
“No future, no hope; just bitter parents, and whatever misery I could pass on to everyone else. God knows what would’ve happened if that little prick Sebastian hadn’t given me that book.”
“That’s it?[HE SNORTS]Hardly worth a rib.” 
Not sure if this was on purpose, but like way to drive home how Jared’s life was just going to be another nobody, just someone that people look down on in society, like even Jon’s like “wow what a meaningless life” and im like dude he’s a person!! he doesn’t have to have meaning, we’re all just living!! Nice touch tho
MAG 90: “He smiled when I stammered out a hello, and asked if I was Ross from the phone. Sure, I said, and he immediately launched into all sorts of questions about my workout, what I was looking for, what safety measures I had for my steroids, that sort of thing. None of it was unexpected, and he clearly knew his stuff.But then he started asking me some slightly more personal questions: why I’d become a bodybuilder, how it made me feel, what parts of myself I hated. It felt a bit… invasive, but I answered honestly, and he seemed satisfied, turning around and gesturing for me to follow as he headed in to show me around.“
   MAG 171: “What? Says who? (realizing) Ohhh, the gym! Ha! I mean, yeah, they wanted to change, but they were still scared. First at what I’d do to them, then at what would happen if the world couldn’t handle their beautiful new bodies.Not like I was doing it out of the goodness of my heart.“
I’m going to go out on a limb on that last sentence and say that that’s not true because going back to the gym ep
Along with the fact he had whole tracksuit made that had a J on it, like for someone who didn’t really care about how the people felt you sure asked some very great ?s Jared and put in a LOT of effort to keep that gym up. I think his attitude change just comes from how more monstrous you become the longer your an avatar, especially after the world changed. 
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The Twisted Meaning of Words
This is a followup to the Inkheart AU I started during Jonmartin Week.  Tho tbh it’s mostly an ‘Inkheart’ AU in name, as it doesn’t really follow any plot beats of Cornelia Funke’s book whatsoever.  I mainly play with the core concept of people who have the power to read things from books into reality with it.
I like the idea of writing more scenes set in this au, but I don’t have the time or energy to add it onto the chaotic pile of ‘creative things I’m working on’ as a full wip so it’ll only be the odd oneshot every now and again.
Anyways, enjoy!
also content note for Elias being creepy and possessive.
Jon is beautiful.
Not in a way that stirs any sort of attraction in Elias, of course, but he finds something new to appreciate about Jon every time he sees him.  Elias initially chalked it up to relief.  His search for one with Jon’s abilities had gone on for years before he met the man and endured more failures than Elias cares to count.  It’s not simply good enough, he discovered, to find one with the ability to read anything from a written document into reality.  One has to be able to harness their ability, to shape it to their will without it consuming them.
Prior to Jon, Elias only had the pleasure of meeting the acquaintance of one other capable of such control and she…well, it’s best not to dwell, but she hadn’t exactly been inclined to follow Elias’s tutelage.  Not that Jon is, for that matter, but he is more susceptible in some ways than Gertrude ever was.
Elias unscrews the lid of the sleeping medicine bottle.  He tips it to allow a measured, few drops of its contents into the tea and then places it aside.  He stirs a couple cubes of sugar into the tea to mask the taste.  He’s always careful not to give Jon too much, but he’s been through quite the ordeal today and Elias wants to be sure he actually gets rest and not spend his time working himself up in anxious knots as he is wont to do.
Jared Hopworth, ever obedient, stands at attention in front of Jon’s bedroom door.  He courteously steps to the side without being asked.  Though once Elias had been disappointed that the grotesque character killed young Sebastian mere minutes after the youth read Hopworth out of The Boneturner’s Tale, ultimately he’s proven to be a valuable investment.
Upon entering the room, Elias notes Jon is thankfully in bed.  He closes the door softly behind him, careful to ensure it doesn’t make much of a sound, and then approaches the bedside.  He sits down on its edge.  “How many more times must we go through this, Jon?” Elias asks quietly.  He keeps his voice controlled, somewhere between exasperating and concerned.  It won’t do to reveal his pleasure at the success of the day.
Jon glowers at him.  Then, as they’ve been doing more and more recently these days, his shoulders sag in defeat.  “It appears you were right.”  He doesn’t make eye contact with Elias.  “It’s…not safe.”
Internally, Elias preens.  Externally, he trades the teacup he’s brought for the bandages and antiseptic on bedside table.  “I am truly sorry.  I wish it wasn’t this way, but we cannot change the way the world is, only react to it.”  For now, at least.  Once Jon learns control over his ability, alterations to reality itself should be a trivial affair.
Jon doesn’t reply to that, but nor does he protest when Elias reaches for and removes the bloodied bandage across the new cut on his neck.  “As I’ve said in the past, I only brought and keep you here to ensure your safety.”  Elias presses a fresh bandage to Jon’s throat.  “I only wish you’d believe me sooner.”
Jon waits until Elias finishes working to reply.  “You didn’t have to kidnap me to make your point.”
Elias sighs, and sits back.  “An error in judgment on my part, like I’ve said every other time we’ve discussed this.  It was a rash decision, but ultimately it seems to have led to more good than harm.  What is this, the fifth time you’ve run off, only to be hunted down and injured by someone who would have likely killed you?”
Ms. Tonner never would have gone that far.  Elias explicitly instructed her not to do much damage.  The fact that she’d gone for the throat has earned her a harsh reprimand he still needs to deliver too.  Elias knew she could get excited, but honestly, he thought she could show more restraint.  One wrong nick and there goes Jon’s voice box.
“I…”  Jon looks away from Elias, who’s sorely tempted to grab him by the chin and force eye contact until Jon squirms with discomfort.  Jon’s hands ball into fists around his blankets.  Elias raises an eyebrow, and reaches forward to retake the tea he brought into his hands.  “It’s been months, Elias,” Jon continues.  “You promised me Martin.  When—”
“In due time.”  Elias offers the tea, which, considering how many times he’s done so in the past, Jon has no qualms about unconsciously taking or sipping. “But, if I may be honest, I feel you are getting more out of our little arrangement than I.  I keep you safe, fed and watered, cared for.  All which doesn’t come without costs.  Is it so much to ask for a little in return every now and then?”
“Elias…”  Jon’s head dips forward.  He jerks it back up.  “That’s not—I don’t—you—”  His eyelids flutter.  His next protest dies on his lips.
Elias tuts.  “Easy, Jon.  You’ve had a long day.  You need rest.”  He pauses. “Perhaps now we can put an end to all this ‘escaping’ business, hmm?”
Jon’s face scrunches up, but the effects of the sleep medicine keep any forthcoming protests at bay.  Elias leans forward, removes Jon’s glasses from his face, neatly folds them, and places them on the bedside table.  He guides Jon down to resting against his pillows.  “Sleep now, there’s much to do in the morning.”
Jon nods off, his chin tucking against his chest.
Elias allows himself the indulgence of lingering.  He lets his hand trail fondly around Jon’s face, tracing his sharp cheekbones.  Perhaps he’ll allow Jon one more ‘escape’, as a treat.  He quite enjoys setting up the theatrics of a ‘window of opportunity’ and this moment, after his subordinates rough Jon up a little and he sweeps in for the ‘rescue’ to return him to the estate safe and sound, is nice, in its way.  Good for building Jon’s trust and reliance in him.
Elias stands.  He gazes down at Jon’s sleeping form.
He really is beautiful.
“Martin Blackwood.”
Martin’s entire body goes rigid.  It has been a long, long time since anyone has addressed him by his former full name.  He tenses, takes a moment to prepare himself, and then turns, very slowly, with his best customer service smile plastered on, to face the front of his bookshop.
The woman standing there, if she hadn’t greeted him like that, would have struck him as a new, elderly patron who might enjoy a spot of tea while she browses his books.  She goes on, “You are a very hard young man to find.”
“Excuse me?”  Martin forces a laugh that sounds so fake he probably shouldn’t have bothered.  “I don’t think I know what you’re—”
“Let me be succinct,” the woman cuts him off.  Her sharp gaze makes a shiver run up Martin’s spine.  “I know you are not from this world.  I know you came here by extraordinary means.  I have worked extremely hard to locate you.  I will not waste time on foolishness.  There is much to be done.”
“Okay, what?!”
“Jonathan Sims.”  The woman takes out a cell phone, touch screen and everything and wow it has been really long time since Martin has seen one of those.  She unlocks the phone, scrolls through her emails until she finds one sent from an ‘Adelard Dekker’, and taps to open the attached photo.  “Recognize him?”
Martin stares.  Of course he does.  It may be years since he last saw Jon, but he’s never truly left him.  He haunts Martin.  The ghost of his love for Jon threatens to overwhelm him on bad days.  The question of ‘did he mean to send me here on purpose?’ on the worst days.
The photo is of Jon, a little older than Martin remembers—but then, he’s aged too—walking alongside a posh-looking man across the lawn of a grand estate.  They’re conversing, it looks like Jon is in the middle of saying something heated, and oh doesn’t that take Martin back—memories of Jon getting worked up about his things he’s passionate about erupt to the forefront of his mind—Martin shakes his head to clear it.  He looks at the photo again.  His blood runs cold.  Despite the angle indicating the photographer is hiding in some bushes, the posh man is looking directly at him, an indulgent smile spread across his face.
“What…is this?”  Martin asks quietly without looking at the woman.
“I’d prefer not to explain here.”  She rummages in her purse, and then takes out a few sheets of paper full of words.  “But suffice to say, it would be best if we remove Mr. Sims from his current situation.”
Martin’s heart skips a beat.  “Is he in trouble?”
The woman doesn’t respond immediately and, when she does, her words are calculated.  “In a matter of speaking, yes, but, as I’ve said, I’d prefer not to elaborate here.  Now, come along,” she takes out a pair of small reading glasses and perches them on her nose.  “I’m not as young as I once was and I’ve already done this enough times just in getting here.”
“What are you—?”  Martin yelps when the woman grabs him by the wrist.  He’s about to protest when she begins to read.  Then, for the second time in his life, the world around him goes a bit wobbly and blurry at the edges.  The cosy, little bookshop he’d spent the years after his sudden arrival in a world he thought fictional building up is gone, and he’s standing on a sidewalk of a London street.  Martin doesn’t have time to mourn its loss before the woman, who he’ll eventually learn is one Gertrude Robinson, pulls him along as she marches with purpose to wherever it is they’re going.
Martin can only hope Jon is truly at the end of that road.
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
ok me and my gender thinky thoughts
so i’ve always imagined that i was pretty confident in being femme/being female and i think i still am. i am also sure i’m not nonbinary, which to me implies outside of the western gender binary. however looking back at my history, i do wonder.
i’ve always wished i could crossplay and pass as a hot guy (but before, mostly for attention and to attract the ladies). i also seriously admired kpop crossdress cover dancers and other crossplayers.
when i was a fanimaid, one thing stuck out to me- maid cafe language is very gendered but we address our patrons in japanese as whatever gender they’re presenting as, including the character.
when i first got in the BDSM scene, i used a masculine scene name because i associated masculinity with dominance, which i now know is very not right.
when i signed up for Fetlife, that was the first social media site that i saw trans & nonbinary gender options available. i immediately went to a nongendered profile option, although at the time i think it was cause of the “want to present masculine dominance” thing. 
i’ve always wished i had flatter boobs & did not want my period. But i love me some fuckin’ dresses, skirts, feminine clothes, feminine makeup, & being a girl.
oh and ofc when i was in high school being an underage fan of yaoi- am i into it because i fantasize m/m, want to explore trauma without a female character, or have penis envy?
The first sign I began questioning things pre-2019 were when Shay and Pele kept using “they” for me, even though I never told them to. I never stopped them, but in the back of my mind, I kept thinking “um I’m not nonbinary? Don’t misgender me?”
But then i started listening to a whole lotta queer audio dramas and even tho i had pleeenty of trans & nonbinary friends it never occurred to me to rethink my own gender. Especially Dr Jared Hel from Jar of Rebuke, who mid-season begins experimenting their own gender.
after another Twisted Windows event where Shay kept using “they” for me, i realized “i really dont care what pronoun you call me” & began saying “any pronouns” when introducing myself. i mean i think the only ones i dont like are the neopronouns which seem kinda pretentious to me personally. but if you “accidentally call me a guy”? i think i’m totally fine with it. 
somewhere during this time, i also became a fan of the Percy Jackson series and, although I don’t plan to read Magnus Chase, I am *very* aware of Alex Fierro, a genderfluid character who only uses she/he & presents male/female. Also Glen/Glenda from the Chucky series. Also I participated in some audio drama productions where we had “she/he” characters. And i think i relate to this more. I don’t mind anymore if someone uses “they” for me, but my mind is still more used to the gender binary for myself, so she/he i feel more comfortable with.
I think i’m still in my Jared Hel phase of gender exploration, but unlike a lot of people who have gender dysphoria, i feel freeing? It feels *fun* to explore not being *only* a girl, i’m not traumatized or have envy on or feel like i was born in the wrong body. I’m still very comfortable identifying as a girl, but i also don’t mind the idea of identifying as a guy.
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gncrevan · 2 years
alright, i'm bringing back my "nor says some shit about every ESC entry" tradition, sorry or you're welcome, whichever you prefer.
ukraine: i wanna bring goodwill here but the rap is very bad and using black people as set dressing is arguably worse. i like the singing tho
austria: choice quote from this literal girlboss anthem — "we can be CEO / yeah you already know / we can be the boss / fly higher than the gods" cringe
netherlands: boring as usual but it's nice they're singing in dutch for a change
albania: potential to be really funny, the song sucks ass but the music video is game of thrones meets stolen visuals from, like, florence and the machine's king mv and kiki rockwell's same old energy mv it's hilarious
uk: oh my god it's white jesus! he's here! honestly it's not horrible so germany has good chances of being in last place again and that's a reason to celebrate in and of itself, thank you white jesus
sweden: this song has such a weird fucking structure, first it just starts without any real intro which is uncommon for a ballad, then it suddenly drops a synth bass in the second verse, i have no idea what's going on? like i don't hate it but what
france: finally, some good fucking trash! and from france no less, that's so unexpected
serbia: i wish it was a little more unhinged but this is genuinely a good song i would listen to in my free time. i hope she washes her hands on stage.
armenia: walmart mumford & sons
spain: sounds like something they would play in 365 days. also extreme y2k vibes in the video for some reason?
romania: the juxtaposition of a dance beat, really involved choreography, and a singer who just has no energy is honestly. it's a lot. i kinda love it. i love this weird twink
italy: ok so i really like mahmood and i have massive respect for him for showing himself in tender embrace with a man in this video, but the song is kinda. meh. that's sad
cyprus: what's with all the history-themed videos this year? lol anyway this sucks toes
greece: props for singing acapella with only some vocoder backing on this for over a minute. i mean it's still bad but that's kinda impressive
belgium: this one's probably gonna be made or broken by the choreography cause what little they showed of that in the vid was really good and really improved the song
azerbaijan: there was the chance for this to be a really melodramatic power ballad and they didn't take it. the video was a little bit hilarious tho, the rain effects killed me
lithuania: very, uh. lynchian idk
portugal: tfw your back-up singers all have better technique than you
israel: what in the rupaul's drag race contestant's original song
australia: terrible lyrics aside this could have been so fucking operatic and y'all just didn't do it? you just didn't? why???
montenegro: "the air is what they need / the air is what they breathe / they'll die without it / it's unforgivable" so true bestie
san marino: jared leto joker
bulgaria: y'all ever heard wolfgang petry make "rock" cause that's kinda this hook
poland: if more of it was like the bridge it would be pretty great, hoping for good staging
moldova: polka!!!!! fuck yeah polka!!!
norway: it's so fucking stupid i love it
north macedonia: ........ i like the rings in her hair. song's boring.
switzerland: yeah unsurprisingly this is absolutely terrible
malta: what is with these gay/trans pandering songs, why are there so many of them, why are they all so disingenuous and why do they all sound like shit
ireland: this sounds like every other song and also not like a song at all
finland: ok listen. i was a the rasmus stan in my early teens, and i stopped listening cause they got worse. in the shadows was their prime. whatever this is is embarrassing and kinda gross. please hike up your pants, lauri, and don't act weird with your new female band member, and don't write fetishistic shit like "a girl who looks like she's a boy". please stop. you're in your 40s and this is sad.
czech republic: i will probably forget this song in 5 minutes
iceland: country abba. abba but country.
estonia: the only good part was the western horse gallop beat
germany: they really couldn't do a second take on that third line, huh? anyway, germany zero points <3
denmark: i think it's so funny when obvious pop artists act like they're playing hard rock or punk or riot grrl or some shit
latvia: LET! THEM! SAY! FUCK! AND! PUSSY!!!!!
georgia: somehow three songs in one and all of them feel like overly long interludes, idk what's going on
slovenia: anime opening sang by a decently ok guy at karaoke. also the video is just a slide show of the storyboard which is funny
croatia: how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man? nobody likes acoustic singer/songwriter bullshit at eurovision
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eatenbywooves · 3 years
I have a lot of thoughts on J2 situation. I don’t think all is well. Things have always been 50/50 between them. In order for the show to survive as long as it did they said they had to do that. After it ended tho their careers in the real world are not guaranteed to be equal. I think there is some building resentment there. Evidence being the recent Twitter debacle.
In the end the WB gave a production deal to Jensen. Jared must have had some thoughts on that. Maybe that’s another reason the finale is so Sam centric. A consolation. He has Walker too obviously. JA won the critic’s choice award and praised JP pretty much exclusively. He thanked everyone else on Instagram. JP didn’t congratulate him publicly which made me think he thought he should’ve won instead. That’s pure conjecture on my end tho.
They are obviously very busy now and their dynamic has changed to a long distance one. They aren’t able to maintain that team aspect. They are individual now, so competition has been reintroduced.
The most concerning thing to me is that JA didn’t warrant the benefit of the doubt to JP. After 15 years, his first thought is betrayal. Social media influencers (if you have a big following I’m sorry that’s what they are) have a tremendous social responsibility. They aren’t just any member of the public that can spout off whatever they want with next to no consequences anymore. Their tweets have weight, and can incite interest, hate, or god forbid even violence. It IS a weapon depending how it’s used.
I don’t want to turn this into a JP hate post. I understand he is impulsive and has issues he struggles with. I’ve seen JA as being nothing but supportive of him with those. I just wish social media wasn’t the first choice to express his reaction. He already stopped using it to mobilize against businesses. He already learned that lesson! That’s why this is concerning to me. He knew.
Take a breath first. If 15 years of support means anything I don’t get why peoples’ first reaction is JA stabbed JP in the back. Everyone he works for and with says he’s a stand up guy. I think JP’s tweets just damaged the relationship in a major way. Because he inadvertently went after his family’s safety. JA not notifying JP of a project in it’s infancy with no guarantee it will ever make it to air is probably just unintentional hurt to JP on JA’s end. The tweets are a different matter based on the reasons above. And the fact that they are still up sends a message as well… JP put JA on notice publicly and does not want anyone to forget it. It’s all business now.
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kmp78 · 2 years
I wish her happiness with her new life tho and same for Jared. That’s my opinion, what do you guys think? I think VK will look back fondly on her time with JL at some point, but perhaps that point is not now. - I think the reason they split is quite different. But... this is a past now, so there is no need to write about it anymore.
And what is the reason then, in your opinion? 🤔
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
Gloria, Jet-lags and Imps [6x11]
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Let’s jump right in:
Kinda love how Kara lamp-shaded addressed the fact she didn't tell the gang about her adventures in the PZ. She’s not wrong, tho.
...what do I want to say about Mxy using what's basically a well-known gay-anthem to tell his tale? I mean, it didn’t lead anywhere. The original song is about freeing oneself, liberation, stepping out of a (gone bad) relationship and moving on, stronger for it - empowerment. The only connection I could make, is that originally it was Nyxly’s aim to just do that (freeing herself and her kind from an oppressor), but in the way Mxy performed it, that part of the parallel was long over before he even reached the chorus. It’s also a popular Karaoke song, tho, so... he chose it because it’s catchy? I’ll try not to overthink it for now. At least, the Superfriend’s reactions were fun.
Nia exiting the elevator, "And what's this Old Stone?" I love it when ppl enter a room / situation and pick up on words that they couldn't have possibly heard. I think cinema sins ding such... Are we to assume, she dreamed Mxy's rendition of ‘I will survive’? Or is the elevator not sound-proof at all? (If it’s the latter, Nia later apparently telling Brainy “in private” between scenes / during the elevator ride about her Nyxly adventures, was a silly thing to do.)
So, "Jared" created the ring Old Stone to rule them all, it got shattered into the Paragons totems? Nyxly needs the totems and to get them she needs a crystal which also belonged to "Jared" - who happens to be Mxy's ancestor, which is why she needs Mxy / his blood, too.
I have one important and incredibly relevant question here, tho... 
With the introduced imps and their names... Why’s dude named Jared of all things?!
Really, did I mishear that? If so, I’ll leave it as is and never edit, bc that would be hilarious in its own right 😋
Not sure what to make about Supergirl paraphrasing a Dirty Dancing quote.  "Nobody puts Mxy into a power crystal on my watch."  ...is he Baby now? (Seriously, though: Which of the writers thought that was a fitting quote to use in that particular context?)
...now, is the exposition section of the episode over yet?
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Sensitive Brainy sensed something was up with Nia. He can relate... Nia doubting Kara would understand, too, is ridiculous. But I get it... insecurities and all. But, I mean, just 5 minutes later Kara announces she wants to save Nyxly despite her wrongdoings. And yet Nia still remains convinced, Kara wouldn’t forgive her own personal mini-me... After having witnessed Kara forgiving Lena for a whole season of the writers being stupid messing up to the nth degree. But I digress, Lena’s Lena.
...how old is Nia meant to be again? Just asking out of completely unrelated curiosity.
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F*ck. They really went with NewFoundland...
Imma assume it was an executive choice after realizing they couldn’t find enough actors and actresses with a convincing Irish accent... maybe. Again, no offense to Newfoundland! Just... we got the insinuations of Ireland, not Newfoundland... And truthfully, when I think of magic, Ireland is an easy association. Whereas I only due to this whole debacle learned Newfoundland has Irish ancestry. So, okay, the show forced me to learn something new... I give ‘em that.
An easy journey, she said.
Lena's been off-screen for two whole episodes, Kara announcing at the beginning of ‘Dreamweaver’ [6x09] Lena being “back east” (at least insinuating Lena’s left the west-coast already), which span over at least one full day (feat. a scene at night), and ‘I still rise’ [6x10] at least another a whole day (the whole Nia’s mom back for a day deal). And, now, after at least 48 hours she barely just arrived.
Lemme check how long a regular plane would need to fly from California to NFL......... ... .. .. So... approx. 10 hours with at least one layover. 
Yeah, using a private jet made it easier, but apparently also much, much slower...
Or, Lena randomly went some other places / did some sight-seeing in NFL before she decided to finally visit her mother’s hometown...  [Either that or the timelines don’t match up and Lena’s scenes are flashbacks of sorts.]
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Optimistic and relaxed Lena is a sight to behold. I rewound 3 times, just to enjoy it for as long as possible. We all knew it was going to be short-lived... 
Let’s check off a few more items...
OMG, Kara hiding behind Alex at the mere sight of the PZ-projector broke my heart!  😢
"Elisabeth Walsh" is the new 'the one you shall not name'. ...poor Lena. 😭
Oh, so Mxy wants to be Patrick Swayze instead of Baby... gotcha.
...is this going anywhere?
KITTY!!! Okay, this must be the best opponent in the history of CWSG. 
Despite the horrible CGI, SG using her heat-vision to project a laser-beam to distract the cat had me in (happy-) tears! 🤣
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Gotta love the civilians of National City quickly returning to business as usual once the giant cat is gone. Even the police officers looked rather chill...
Nyxly did look fabulous this episode ^^ 
Andrea being Lena's rock is both great and annoying. I can't fault Andrea. It's just, that we still have to see an on-screen interaction between Lena and Kara and that bugs the heck out of me. I can’t help it. I’m sorry, Andrea.
Nia: "...is my fault." Kara: "Nu, is MY fault!" J'onn: "Stop fighting, kids!" Space-dad has spoken.
Mxy used an LuthorCorp copy machine... and of cos it's faulty. It's not an L-Corp product.
Kara forgiving Nia came as a surprise to her... Oooookay. I mean, the show has been writing Kara a bit inconsistently the past two seasons... so, yeah, maybe being unsure which of her traits apply this week was not such a far stretch...
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Maybe it's the hair, but I wished, Florence was played by Alex Kingston.
So, not-Alex-Kingston shows Lena herself with a funny wig and tells her how her mother was still watching her...
If it wasn't for Katie's acting skills (I love her.) I would have already hit my head against the wall repeatedly. Something about these scenes had me constantly cringe and I made it through 5.5 seasons of this show already... Can’t quite put my finger on it, but it was highly distracting from the story that explained Lena’s mom was special even to another witch, where there was domestic abuse, and an accidental murder. Y’know, important stuff, deep-cutting stuff! 
At least, poor widddle Lena got some closure there. Elisabeth was a good cookie. And filled with magic. And Lena’s gotta have that ‘spark’, too... 
....so... Lena’s gonna stay in NFL for how much longer, to train becoming a witch?  Please, just hand her a how-to manual and send her back home, to figure it out on her own, please... (Yes, that would be horrible decision-making, but I need her back with the team!)
On to the finish line: 
So... Mxy IS Nyxly's brother? Wait, that doesn’t sound right... then Nyxly would have the same blood... Did I miss something? Can someone explain, please? Or is he her ex, and that’s where his rendition of “I will survive” makes sense?
Hnn... I can't help, but think Kara's speech for Nyxly was 85% based on her experiences with Lena in s05.
Awww... he said "stronger together"... Mxy... I hope, you'll be okay!
Lena believes in magic now. And I absolutely love how Lena wants to science magic XD
...but apparently magic isn’t science that hasn’t been explained yet, but parallel... powers? concepts? ether strings?
Nyxly has a loyal henchman now. Which was a bit heavy-handed. Took way too much of screen-time, so it better leads to something interesting.
And Kara is on a warpath now. Wooooot! Girl’s got enough.
...what else? 
Did I miss a third Patrick Swayze hint / quote / mention?  I learned, these things come in threes... Y’know, basic writing rules... 
I guess, for once the episode title was meant to be taken literally, Mxy popping up between characters, to try and help. (I need in-show footage, of Mxy sneaking up on ppl, without his powers, on all fours / crouched, just to get the desired effect.) I mean, I’ve never really watched Malcom, but wasn’t he like what Mxy usually is? A bit of a trouble-maker, prankster, chaos-ensuing wherever he goes? ...well, in that case, the episode title didn’t hold up, as Mxy’s scenes were not fun or really goofy. Yes, there was some superficial humor, but just to serve Mxy dealing with not being able to use his powers, which in turn was only barely scratched at (although it turned out to be his final character development crisis, appreciating not having powers and - in turn - facing consequences for once). Again, a whole lot going on in the episode, so a lot of that may have ended up on the cutting-room floor.
...where’s Kelly? Secretly adopting a kid, maybe?
...Kara’s still a reporter, right? I mean, whenever it serves the immediate plot, yes? ...Not even a throw-away line, that she has to pop up at CatCo for appearances sake? Since Andrea is already upset with her AND looking into her friends’ identities? At least, Kara should take a peek to make sure Andrea hasn’t uncovered anything yet... No?
Well, that’s all I’ve got for now. Kue out.
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panicroom01 · 4 years
"Just a phase" (Connor x reader)
TW: Mostly angst, a little fluff tho, cursing, weed bc it's connor, fem!reader, Connor is probably ooc.
Requested? Nope lol
A/N: This probably could've had a better name lmao, but I'm taking a break from the fics I have in the works to write this, I should hopefully be getting back to writing them lol, also I made this with the song "18" by Anarbor in mind, but it's not exactly like the song, basically Connor tells his parents that he and the reader were dating and she agrees to pretend to be his girlfriend and she eventually catches feelings, might make another version of this tho, or another Connor x Reader based more off the song again. Anyways stay safe!
Here you were laying on your bed with your best friend, Connor Murphy. You noticed he seemed uncomfortable so you decided to ask him about it "Hey Con, what's wrong," his answer came quickly "nothing," a blatant lie that you saw right through. You quickly sat up and tilted your head.
"Really, it doesn't look like nothing" you replied to him, Connor was never all that secretive with you, he would tell you everything. "Fine, just promise you won't be mad" he finally said, sitting up now, and you nodded. "We're partners in crime, I can't be mad at you" you teased, punching his shoulder lightheartedly.
"I told my parents you and I were dating" he admitted, running his fingers through his long dark hair and you were rendered speechless. "Wow" was all you could say and Connor took it as a bad wow.
"Shit, look, I'm sorry, my parents have just been so annoying trying to ask me if I'm dating anyone yet and getting in my love life so I just told them we were dating to get them to shut up" he explained and you nodded in understanding. "I get that, if you want we could pretend to date so they get off your case" you suggested and he smiled gratefully "that would be great, thanks."
You couldn't help but smile back at his dopey grin and ruffle his hair a little bit, which caused him to jokingly push you away.
A few days later and you're officially introduced to the Murphy's as Connor's girlfriend, you'd met them before, but it was always brief, like when you'd knock on the door to pick up Connor either to go to your house or go on a walk with him.
You had also been in the house on several occasions and it was just you and Connor, no one else.
Tonight was different, tonight you were actually having dinner with the rest of the family and it was your first time having to pretend to be Connor's girlfriend.
Naturally you sat next to Connor and observed the rest of the family. Mrs. Murphy, had made a gluten free lasagna for dinner, not what you would've chosen but food is food.
The awkward silence was finally broken by Mr. Murphy. "Connor's never mentioned you around us" he stated and you replied back "Connor's never talked to me about you either" that was a lie. You could name multiple occasions Connor snuck to your house to escape the noise of his parents arguing, or just wanting to avoid them overall and he trusted you.
More awkward silence filled the room, until another Murphy spoke, this time it was Zoe. You knew Zoe, she would occasionally sit with you at lunch with Evan, Jared, Alana, and Connor (obviously). But other days she would sit with her friends so you didn't know her all to well.
"Why, out of anyone you could be with, would you pick my brother? I see you guys at lunch and you two just seem like friends," she questioned, causing Cynthia to speak up "Zoe, that's not very nice" "yeah well neither is Connor, I just wanna know what she sees in him" she shrugged.
You answered her question "Connor's sweet and good to me" you looked over at him to see he was staring down at his now mostly empty plate. "May we be excused to Connor's room?" you asked and Larry nodded "keep the door open though," you and Connor nodded in agreement and quickly put your dishes in the sink and went up to his room.
Connor was relieved to finally be in his own room and away from everyone else. "You okay, Con, you didn't say a thing at dinner," you asked, a little concerned, and he sighed.
"Yeah I'm fine [Y/N], it's nothing," "well it didn't seem like nothing," you responded, crossing your arms. "It just feels unfair making you go through all this because I made a dumb mistake of saying something to keep them from asking me more dumb shit."
You frowned "this isn't your fault Connor, besides I wouldn't pass up an excuse to spend time with you" and he grinned slightly, pushing you playfully "you dork" he teased.
Two months later. That's how much time has passed since your first "date" with Connor. You had skipped out on going to a concert with tickets Cynthia and Larry paid for and were instead spending time in your house.
You and Connor usually skipped on these dates Cynthia and Larry paid for the two of you, so this wasn't anything new.
Connor was laying on your bed smoking weed, you were fine with him smoking in your room, you didn't mind the smell. Something about this night seemed different though, you didn't know what but you saw something in Connor.
You were attracted to your best friend, you had no clue why, but you actually started wishing you two were actually boyfriend and girlfriend. But you knew you weren't and it hurt because no matter how convincing he was with his parents you knew it was a phase. Connor didn't really love you.
A week later you started completely avoiding Connor all together. You ate lunch alone that week, ignored all his texts, didn't come over to his place like you normally did, and you definitely didn't invite him over to yours.
Throughout the week you'd gotten texts from Alana, Evan, and Jared asking what happened with you and Connor, because it was impossible for them to not notice, they saw how you would be talking with them one minute and make an excuse to leave when Connor came along.
You ignored them too. That friday Connor had stopped you in the hall to ask why you've been so standoffish but you just shrugged "it's nothing," you stated, trying to make your way to class. "It isn't, you've been ignoring me for the past week now," he said but you drowned out the sound of his voice by putting in your earbuds and playing your music.
That night you were trying to do your homework, but you were too distracted by the thought of Connor, you tried to play music to drown out the thought of him but that didn't work either so you ended up in your bed, putting on a black hoodie of his you had "stolen" from a time you were cold while spending time with him and he let you borrow it and you just forgot to return it. It smelled like him too.
He had a dozen of the same hoodies at home and you knew that but it didn't matter because he was willing to be cold temporarily for you.
You suddenly heard a knock at your window and got up to investigate, you opened it up and lo and behold was Connor Murphy "hey," he said "hey," you replied "can I come in," he asked and you simply nodded, stepping aside so he could climb into your room.
There was a long silence until Connor finally spoke and broke it "what did I do," he asked, "what do you mean?" you asked "you ignored me for a fucking week, when I tried to talk to you all you did was brush me off, so what did I do, did I say something I shouldn't have?" he explained, starting to guess now. You could hear the hurt in his voice and it hurt you.
"You didn't do anything" you said, taking a step closer to him and he looked at the ground "bullshit" he muttered.
"What," you asked, not hearing what he said "bullshit!" he shouted "so I'm asking again, what did I do wrong, please, I need to know, I need to make it right" his voice cracked at please which made your heart sink.
"I'm being honest Connor, you really did nothing, besides it was just a week, it wasn't like you didn't have Jared, Evan, or Alana" you said, "they aren't you, they're fun to hang around, but they don't get me like you do, so I'm asking you again what I did to upset you?" he said, you saw tears brimming at his eyes.
"I'm in love with you Connor" you said softly, and you saw his head lift up slightly "what," he asked "I said I'm in love with you, that day you got high in my room, a week ago, I saw something in you, I didn't want to make things awkward between us" you confessed.
Connor had walked over to your bed and sat on the edge of it "wow," was all he said. "Was that a good or bad wow," you asked. "I don't know" Connor answered.
"How long have you known?" he asked, running a hand through his long brown hair. "Remember that day we were supposed to go to that concert and you got high here instead?" you asked "of course I do," he answered "that's when I realized it, something about you looked different, but familiar too and I just realized that I liked you" you said, sitting on your bed next to Connor.
"Well if it makes you feel better, I think I fell for you that day too, I just thought it was the weed though so I ignored it" he said smiling softly, and you didn't believe him until you looked in his eyes and saw the truth.
You leaned in and kissed him on the lips, it wasn't like the times you kissed him around his family, this time it had meaning to you two.
"Is that the hoodie I lent you," Connor asked realizing what you were wearing finally. "Yeah but you have a dozen hoodies at home, besides, I couldn't stop thinking about you" you answered. "Psh dork," he teased, pushing you lightheartedly and you laughed "hey, I'm your dork," "my beautiful dork," he said with a smile and kissed you on the forehead.
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