#....i also wanna do more skyrim stuff
silusvesuius · 1 month
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testing out drawing maormer 🪸🐚🪸 and a nelvas 🧣📜🩷 i'll ramble about maormer a bit in the tags
#tes#skyrim#my art#do you like my nelvas emojis🧣📜🧣📜 get it? scarf🤗 and scroll🤗 Everything hurts sofucking bad#anyways i talked about them wif my friend quite a bit i basically 'agree' w/ everything that is written about them && their biology in -#- canon; except tes is very much all Talk and no good actual visual presentation of what it's talking about#cus all of the maormer look like garboooo likeee what am i looking @#but since this is just a first test i think i'll keep playing around with their looks later; they are most close to altmer obvi in the -#- sense of how 'mutated' they r. however maormer are more gross looking for the typical human#they do have flat faces and alldat in canon already but i want them to just have nostrils and no real nose bridge#and they have no lips😝 they also have very visible gums. && have anglerfish teeth#what would be fur on other mer is just scales on them and is placed is scattered in the same places#i was thinking of making swimming most comfortable for them so i gave them more fins#they'd have them on arms and legs and the hair on the tail for them is just a big fin🐠#as for hair i'm thinking of them having none of it at all bcos it looks sooooo ugly on them it's very unnerving to see hair on fish#either no hair at all or something with a different texture. like slimy silky thin seaweed#or the hair that m*necraft striders have LMAO#webbed fingers is cuuuute they'd have webbed armpits like they're those flying rodents🐿 lol#i'd place their gills on both the neck and their ribs#whenever they wear clothes they tie their arm and leg fins up ; i think from birth they just stay in water until they hit puberty and -#- r able to actually walk around#another cute fact is that males and females wud look literally the same almost (women are flat chested too)#fish fish fish#maybe i'll rethink some stuff. i still wanna draw fish babies#but in reality i think even the mere existence of maormer is very pointless bc they don't really matter at all do they#tes lore is soooo overstuffed that's why i don't know anything about it my time is so valuable to meLMFAOAOOO#saw a typo in this sorry i'm just chill like that
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mememan93 · 1 year
I forgot that i did not like wind waker. Theres nothing wrong with it. It’s just so slowwww
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vibrantpuppeteer · 2 years
So my latest Skyrim character is a Vampire Imperial healer who:
Wields a steel mace named Blessing (enchanted with turn undead) and a steel war axe named The Light (it sets stuff on fire)
Joined the Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood for the free clothes and armor.
Is frequently seen running between the Khajiit Caravan outside Dawnstar and Ironbreaker Mine, as if possessed by the Mad God Sheogorath.
Has Destruction 100 thanks to an exploit from the Anniversary edition upgrade.
Is a Vampire Lord and at stage four vampirism, but rarely attacks anyone with a name, having only killed Grellod (to start the DB questline and gain access to adoptions later), Lemkil (his daughters deserve better), and Brother Verulus (to get the Ring of Namira).
Has a nice house outside Falkreath where she can usually be found practicing smithing, enchanting, and brewing potions...or at least trying to brew potions.
Considers herself an expert at disguise, but that's actually a lie she tells herself to justify over half her inventory being various articles of clothes.
Despite being a healer/warpriest, took one look at Meridia's Beacon in a spider eggsack and decided not to take it.
Has adopted all five pets made available by the Anniversary edition upgrade.
Has not started the main questline (nor will she), and remains happily clueless to her destiny as the Last Dragonborn.
Still tries to be a good, law-abiding citizen, wife (she's married to Uthgerd the Unbroken, a first for me since I always used mods in the past to marry Elisif the Fair), and (eventually) adoptive mother.
You could best sum her up as "I'm a healer, but...". Unlike most of my Skyrim characters in the past, I actually put just a bit more effort into naming her (read: I used a name generator). The name I chose for her is actually from two separately generated names, Vanona Matelia. Since she's an Imperial and not a Dunmer, I had to make special steel armor with fireproofing enchantments to lessen the potential fire damage (which I named her Warpriest Armor) and a garnet ring that also lessens fire damage (named Daywalker after the fact that she's just that -- a Vampire who travels by daylight). Blessing and The Light are also generated names.
Edit: No longer a Vampire Lord. The frickin' Dawngoons were hunting her down despite still being a good character.
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thana-topsy · 11 months
So wait, are you implying that Falmer babies are born like normal, but since they're raised by other Falmer, that's why they become animalistic?? But they can be raised by people, and develop normally?? I'm assuming they're born blind tho?? Genuinely, I am curious, not trying to sound accusatory :')
Ahhh my friend, it is safe to say at this point that I have dedicated nearly two years of my life to exploring this question lol. Apologies in advance. You've activated my trap card special interest.
Sarel comes from my fanfic "Halfway to the Sky", in which a mage kidnaps a Falmer child and raises him as an experiment to see if he can be taught to live as a "civilized" person. The short answer to that initial question is: yes, Sarel is just a normal elf child, though still blind.
As to the other part of your question, (if Sarel had been raised among the Falmer, would he become "animalistic"?), I'm going to answer charitably by pointing out that we are dealing with Fictional Races of People, in which our interpretations of these races are going to vary, and that's okay. First off, my interpretation is not "the correct" one. So any answer I give is just my personal take. Second, the way we are told to play the game (by the mechanics of the game) also informs our perception of these races. And lastly, there is no one-to-one allegory at play here in terms of "The Falmer represent [x] race in our world." I just wanna get that out of the way.
So, all that being said, the question always comes back to "what does it mean to be civilized"?
In the game, we are told that the Falmer are hostile and violent, so we must kill them, and that they are 'devolved', even though evolution cannot move backwards. So, to correct that second misunderstanding, the Falmer are actually evolved to better suit their current living environment, and as to the first, we (the player) are intruding on their settlements. I can only imagine anyone with a sense of self-preservation would react with some amount of hostility to the loud, shouty person carrying weapons.
To continue to use game-logic, we are shown that the Falmer construct buildings, create weapons and armor, craft potions, lay traps, enchant objects, and use magic. Already, these are things that animals, by definition, cannot do. To be a magic user, a character must have a relatively high Intelligence stat, (we see this in the older games more than in Skyrim). In order to construct settlements, people must also have the ability to work in groups and communicate. We never hear the Falmer speak to each other in-game, but the implication that they have language and a social structure is right there in what we're shown.
So, in this long-winded, roundabout answer to your original question: I do not think that the Falmer are animalistic at all. I think they are culturally different, but made of the same stuff as Joe Thalmor over there. They have a different way of living in the world, and they adapted to their environment as best they could. This does not mean that they are perfect or better. But I think that referring to them as animalistic plays into what the game tells you to think, all while giving you a lot of evidence to the contrary. They're very much a complex, functioning society of people. We just never see their side of the story.
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trickstarbrave · 11 days
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this time we've got.... AHKRINAAK!!! his explanation should hopefully be shorter but i'll put it under a cut to be safe @the-elder-polls
ahkrinaak is a dragon. was the second in command during the dawn era. he used to be much more serious (and also more masculine looking). he was also alduin's mate. his name was originally ah-krin-naak (hunt-courage/bravery-devour), but he later changed it to ahkrin-aak (courage/bravery-guide)
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unfortunately for him auriel sent him with trinimac to rip out lorkhan's heart. blood splattered all over him and (sorry i have to go into weird lore) the combination of literally killing one half of auriel-lorkhan (i didnt make that up they are the same god but also not) and getting lorkhan's blood all over him drove him insane. luckily he just became very silly and stupid. he has a poor attention span, goes on rambling tangents, and loves eating and sleeping. he also loves mortals actually and can understand why lorkhan did what he did. he basically pretends to have died. this pisses alduin off royally and helps start alduin's "i want to rule the world" shit. oops.
(alduin argues he lost enough during the war against lorkhan and his faction. and that auriel/akatosh/whatever you call him isnt fit to be god-king anymore given how much power he lost and how hes kind of half dead. that means alduin, as his first born, has a claim to the throne.)
upon getting to nirn ahkrinaak tries to befriend people but a 7 foot tall humanoid dragon-guy is pretty scary and people dont wanna chill with him. so he as a shapeshifter changes his form to look more cute and friendly. he wants to look as non-intimidating as possible and i think he pulls it off. most of the time he's just roaming nirn looking for stuff to do, sometimes he also causes problems in oblivion (he got kicked out of apocrypha. lol).
he started as a kind of self insert just for jokes but he's gotten lore and has become his own thing now. i just think he's so much fun to draw and cause problems with
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(the two rly fancy pictures are when he was stuck in temples to akatosh/auriel after accidentally doing time god adjacent things. he eventually left with no explanation bc he got bored)
if he's present during skyrim stuff he always wants to adopt the dragonborn. he thinks the ldb is a little baby dragon and wants to adopt them and raise them.
the other dragons are very confused by ahkrinaak being. like this now. unfortunately he is still at full power. so he is still more powerful than most other dragons. and is still hot because of that to alduin, much to his humiliation (i hc dragons find power to to be the most attractive trait for obvious reasons)
tl;dr: ahkrinaak is a former joke self insert that became a character of his own and also is paired up with alduin bc im cringe as hell. but i am free
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horatio-fig · 2 months
Seeing as it’s Disability Pride Month and I’ve been having a pretty rough time lately I thought I would share some pictures of what my life is like to see if I can feel less ashamed. I tend to hide my disorder because I’m worried people will judge me, but I wanna try sharing for a while.
My brain doesn’t always process feelings in a safe way. The Logical part of my brain and the Emotional part of my brain don’t communicate very well and so I’m more likely to jump to the worst case scenario (and in every scenario I believe everything is my fault) and make an impulsive dangerous decision based on that.
So, I have to live with constant distractions and safe things to keep me safe and calm me down when the bad thoughts start, here’s what some of that looks like.
This is my floor time blanket. I’m safer on the floor, it’s easier for me to lie down and wrap myself in a safety burrito if I need to and it’s harder for me to get up and do something dangerous.
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These are my distraction games. We discovered it helps me to get lost in a large immersive open world games (Skyrim survival mode is the most helpful, but anything Star Wars is also great)
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Speaking of Star Wars, luckily something about the world of Star Wars creates a pleasant feeling in my brain, so when in need I can always hang out with my best friends.
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These are what we call “safety snacks”. If I start to spiral then a sharp flavour can sometimes shock me out of it. This is anything sour, vinegary or spicy.
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(It’s gonna get a little bit dark now and I’m gonna mention suicide)
This is the view I have of the city. I love living here and it helps sometimes to rest my head on the glass and remember all the things I still have to experience before I die. Sadly, the door is always locked and I’m not allowed out there unsupervised for obvious reasons.
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I also have a view of the river, the bridges, and that little gap in the fence I know a person can fit through, which as you can imagine can be a bit of a problem. This is a bowl of cold water I always have on hand. In extreme situations I need to hold my head under freezing cold water for at least 30 seconds with no breaks. Suicide attempts are usually brought on by extreme adrenaline rush that triggers my fight or flight. If I simulate drowning it can trick my body into thinking we have acted on this and bring my adrenaline down.
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I don’t really tell people about this because when I do the reaction is very “Oh you just get to play video games and eat snacks all day, must be nice 🙄”. And yes, under some circumstances that is nice, but a lot of the time I am doing this under very very unpleasnt circumstances. I don’t live like this all the time, this is only when it’s a must.
I’m not sharing this for sympathy or clout, I just don’t think masking and hiding this part of me is very healthy and I thought maybe during Disability Pride people would be a little more open to this sort of stuff. I’m not really allowed to leave the apartment unsupervised and I don’t get much human interaction. It feels a bit like a prison at times and I’m tired of feeling so alone in all this. (Don’t feel sorry for me! It’ll just make it worse. Just tell me I’m a stinky a lil guy and drop a game recommendation or something)
Any way thank you for listening, this was really more for myself than anything and I already feel a bit lighter 🥰 Be safe out there x
Here’s the T-shirt I made after I got diagnosed.
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Coz even tho I’m ill, I’m still just a silly little guy x
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the-gateway-to-madness · 11 months
I haven't really... clarified what this blog is, huh
Hi folks, I'm Mad. I'm mostly just here to vibe with whatever fandom is on my mind at any given moment. My main ones are Rise of the Guardians, Big Hero 6/the series, and Tales of Arcadia, but I go in for Encanto, Ducktales (2017), Tangled/the series, Elemental, and crossovers like The Big 4/ROTBTD and the Futuristic Four. I play video games such as Skyrim and Baldur's Gate 3. Casually, for enjoyment. I will yeet my thoughts at you and I cannot guarantee I will do more than that. Sometimes there will be art maybe.
I shalst enclose a list of OCs.
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Mahina, Rise of the Guardians. Clever, calm most of the time but prone to anxiety, sharp-minded, and reserved. Very genuine sort. She's into Jack Frost, like most things on Tumblr are.
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McKenzie Jamesson, Big Hero 6. Quick-witted, fascinated by brains, caring, protective. All she really wants is to give and tell her loved ones all the amazing things they deserve. And also to use force fields to make them all safer. She's a cinammon roll. And a big ol Hiro Hamada simp.
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Cara Okhrana, Tales of Arcadia, noblewoman of Akiridion-5 and sworn protector of Krel Tarron. She grew up on earth from age 6 on, and has self-esteem issues due to only vaguely recalling the way that Akiridions consider honor- and thinking other Akiridions, if they could ever find her, would believe she'd failed her oath to House Tarron. She's fierce, outgoing, tactical, sassy and sarcastic, but only really emotionally opens to a handful of close, trusted people. Cara Williams is her human disguise name. Also she's into Krel, but no way in heck is she bold enough to tell him. She sees the way he acts about romance. She's not that stupid.
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Brook Ripple Jr., Elemental, named after her aunt (Wade's mother, I believe). Wade's cousin, as introverted as water gets. Emotional as any of her family, though in more of a stressed depressed lemon zest way. And dating fire runs in the family.
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Madeleine "Mad" Corr, Ducktales. Eldest of ten, chaotic, a bit sketchy- imagine Louie but more emotionally genuine, and instead of a good liar she can pick locks, and she genuinely loves the thrill of stealing stuff over the payoff. She talks Louie out of his truly terrible ideas, only to offer more practical alternatives.
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Betania Madrigal, Encanto. My brain said, "Hey, they never told us if Bruno was ever married in the past" and so I came up with idea that he was, his wife left the Encanto 17 years prior to the movie for her own protection, and whoops she was pregnant and now he's got a long lost daughter. She's shy and uncertain but sweet and smart and oh gosh that's such a Y/N description... anyway. Stuttery clumsy baby who just wants to get to know her long-lost dad and figure out how to control her new ability to go into/change people's dreams.
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Aelvy, Tangled the Series. Once a dryad, she gave up her tree and longevity to experience the full range of human emotion.
Long story short, for the most part they're just normal people in weird universes who just wanna be loved.
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siofra-river · 9 months
Ive been trying to play morrowind. But unfortunetly I grew up with Skyrim and I can tell it's effecting my gameplay descisions. (Just picking something up, but I couldnt see any indication that I was stealing) Any begginer tips?
I almost deleted this ask by accident gave myself a heart attack 😭 but um ok I’ve got a few tips.
So #1 would honestly be. Get openmw. It’s not hard to figure out how to download but it’s basically a new engine for the game and it’s super easy to mod for things like bug fixes(which you really want), new textures, better texture mapping etc. really useful stuff. You also need morrowind on steam to run it iirc so maybe snag it when it’s on sale. It might be on sale rn I think the winter sale on steam just started …
2. Find some kind of character making guide. Unlike Skyrim and a lesser extent oblivion. How you make your character like really really actually matters. You choose your race, your class, and a star to be born under. All of these have different stats that mesh w eachother differently . Like each race has stats they’re better in and so you want to choose a starting class that can actually mesh with those skills. Skills are separated into major,minor, and misc skills which determines your proficiency in them. The game is very very reliant on your skills and like th other games the more you do it the better you are but if your short or long blade skill is like 5, you’re not going to hit someone very often. ALSO, there’s a lot more skills than Skyrim, armor is divided into 3 class skills, heavy medium and light, swords are separated by long sword and short sword. There’s skills like armorer which will determine how much you can fix your own armor, and some skills will level up just as you run around like acrobatics. Also, just bcuz your skill levels up does not mean you leveled up, you have to level up a bunch of skills before you get a whole level up.
Which also gets me into 3. Which is like. Combat and dying. Combat is weird and a little clunky, you’re not guaranteed a hit every swing but neither is your enemy (again, dependent on skills) ,stamina really matters, and if you choose magic (which iirc is like one of the more first time player friendly paths) than you regain magic by resting, not passively overtime . Which is smth I wish I knew first time I got into a fight I was so confused 😭. And uh, you’re going to die a lot at first? It’s frustrating but like it’s part of the growing pains imo. If you can stick with it you’ll get a lot a lot better.
4. Would be , get used to a different way of questing. In morrowind you don’t have a quest marker, you don’t have a quest list, and you can’t fast travel outside a few select ways but even then not to everywhere. If you join the mages guild they can teleport you to a few other mages guilds, for a small fee, or you can ride a silt strider for a much bigger fee, but again they don’t take you everywhere. You may also run into a spell or scroll that can teleport you. It may sound intimidating but I swear it gets better, it’s not as bad after running around for a couple hours. You do get a map, but like it only fills out where you go, which I honestly really like, gives a good sense of your progression. But most importantly, you store all your quest info in a little booklet, which will automatically update as you progress thru a quest, so it’s important to remember and check it when you need directions .
5. A little cheesy but . Have fun? It’s a different style of game and can get a lot of getting used to, if it’s really frustrating, not fun at all. Don’t be afraid to step back and look at what might be frustrating you. If you don’t like one style of combat don’t be afraid to start another character and try another kind.
I know I have a few friends who know a lot more abt morrowind so if they wanna add on to this I don’t mind. But yeah, morrowind is a good game! With good(and crazy) writing!
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argisthebulwark · 6 months
Ao3 20 Questions
thank you @kagedbird for the tag!! <3<3 i will tag some friends @daedrabait @miraakswhore @somethingscarlet13 @queerbashir if u wanna participate <3
How many works do you currently have on ao3? Currently 25. holy shit, i thought it was more than that lol
What's your total ao3 word count? 98,336. Used to be like 200k before i cleaned out some old works i didn't care for anymore.
What fandoms do you write for? Skyrim and Star Trek TOS & AOS
What are your top five fics by kudos? Sorry Lass, Make Me Feel Mortal, Don't Shut Me Out, Fascinating, and Destroy Rebuild
Do you respond to comments? Sometimes! Honestly it depends on whether or not i'm online and see them. if i don't respond right away it feels rude to respond weeks after the fact, but for repeat commenters or usernames i recognize i try to!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Idk i used to like to emotionally beat up Jim a lot, so probably one of the short stories where i explore all his traumas
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Sorry, Lass. I originally wrote it in 2015 and i'm fairly certain it ends with a mushy marriage scene.
Do you get hate on fics? Surprisingly, no. I think i got a few rude comments back when i first started, but honestly everyone's been too kind to me.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hell yeah brother that's what i do!! I love angsty, emotionally charged smut. my personal favorite to write is angry, hatefuck type of stuff. or when they're using it to avoid talking about feelings.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not that i've ever posted lmao. I don't usually post non canon compliant fics for whatever fandom i'm working in.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Kinda. a few years ago someone let me know that my work had been reposted to a fic site i don't use and one quick message got them to take it down. Also, i once posted a fic as a one off, forgot that i'd done that, and used the same scene much later in a larger story - and some nice commenter on the original let me know that someone had stolen my idea lmao
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, never had anyone request that and don't want to do so incorrectly.
Have you ever cowritten a fic? Kind of? an old friend and i used to write separate chapters of our self insert marvel fics and mush them together into one story lol. never posted it anywhere, it was just shared emails and google docs.
What's your all time favorite ship? God, that's hard. probably McKirk. as i've gotten older and unlearned all the internal shame about self inserts it's gotten easier to do a self insert story instead of an established pair.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Every few weeks i pluck away at my regency au Miraak fic. i don't think i'll ever actually finish it because it's just so big in my head it's hard to get on paper, but i hope i do someday.
What are your writing strengths? I'm very comfortable writing sex scenes. I think that often when the author is uncomfortable about writing explicit sex the reader can really feel it in the story and i put in a lot of work to get over those mental hurdles. i've been told i'm good at characterization, which is awesome! i love getting in a character's head!
What are your writing weaknesses? Very often i find myself bogged down with the need to describe every little scene. it's a major reason i haven't posted a longfic in a while - i want to write these big stories but find myself getting lost in the little details. i also have a terrible habit of editing myself while i'm writing, which just gets me stuck in an unproductive loop.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Since i'm only fluent in English, this isn't something i am confident in. i've written in a few fictional languages for fics before but would probably reach out or suggest another author if a reader wanted something that heavily involved this.
First fandom you wrote for? Twilight babey!!! self insert oc to smooch Edward Cullen when i was a little middle schooler!!! i didn't know what fanfiction was but i knew i had a big ol crush on him.
Favorite fic you've written? not to be cringe on main, but most of my favorites are things that never got published. they're the little things still hanging out in my google docs that i go back to over and over. i rewrote all of star trek into darkness word for word just to make bones and jim kiss, i made a self insert just to smooch skurge after hyperfixating on thor ragnarok, and the weird time a few months ago where i wrote like 40k words of a cowboy romance. i read them often and wish that i'd written more on many of them but i do not read my published works.
thanks to anyone who read my rambling lmao. love you all sososo much, thank you for reading my silly little stories and caring about them. <3<3<3
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acti-veg · 1 year
hi this is a really stupid question and i'm sorry if its rude/offensive to ask but some of my friends wont let it go and i'm starting to feel like maybe i'm in the wrong, so i want your opinion if thats ok the argument started because i play a game called skyrim, and in one of the quests theres a god that takes the form of an elk and you have to kill the elk to continue the quest
i try to avoid killing animals as much as possible in games (i even have a mod in minecraft just so i don't have to kill animals) but in the quest this is unavoidable, and since it's not an actual animal (not even in the game is it an actual animal, but a god who wants people to hunt him to gain his favor) i figured it was fine but a handful of my friends both vegan and non vegan respectively have told me that it's not vegan to do that and that while i'm still vegan that it makes me "a questionable vegan", because how can i be against hurting animals if i'm willing to hurt them in video games even though i'm really not! if there was a way to avoid it in skyrim i would :( i even go out of my way to avoid fighting the wolves (which if you've played skyrim you know is super super hard in itself😓)
i thought they were kidding at first but they really wont let it go and its making me feel really bad about it all, i'm sorry if this is silly to bother you with i don't wanna make a mockery of veganism by asking such a silly question as this but as more of my friends tell me that i did something bad i'm starting to worry that i did
I think it’s very understandable to be uncomfortable with this on a personal level (I am a little bit with the more realistic stuff like hunting and skinning in games like RDR2) but to question someone else’s veganism in the basis of in-game actions is absurd. I imagine you also looted houses and launched quite a lot of people off cliffs for fun - does that make you a thief or murderer in real life? Of course it doesn’t.
I can understand a non-vegan who doesn't really know anything about veganism coming to this conclusion, but I can't figure out how any actual vegan could walk around with a view like this. I can only guess that they've just just lost perspective of why we object to animal exploitation and cruelty, or they're playing the classic 'I am more vegan than you are' game.
There is absolutely no harm being caused by killing an animal in a game, there is no victim and no exploitation is taking place. These people really need to gain some perspective - it sounds like an objection for the sake of ideological purity alone.
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callsignbaphomet · 4 months
TranslucentTB and the Better Matchmaking mod are pissing me the fuck off so I'm gonna talk about cute things.
So when Loke reached Skyrim he barely left the house, he was a mess but above all scared and trying to juggle between processing everything that happened, the fact that he now has a 4 month old and that there are people after said 4 month old and he's injured.
I'll explain what happened in Hammerfell in another post.
For a year Loke didn't interact with anyone and despite his neighbors, a dark elf woman and her Argonian wife, trying to at least introduce themselves he kept them at arm's length. He was paranoid that anyone could be a sell sword working for Iain and trying to kill his baby sibling.
I'm being ambiguous about the gender 'cause Jela was born a girl and had a different name; don't wanna overpack this with semi unrelated stuff. He didn't start switching over to male until he was around 4 or 5. But regardless I'll still refer to him as Jelani even before he was 4.
So like I was saying, for a year Loke just barricaded himself in the house until one night one of the neighbors' kids came down with a bad case of Ataxia and had no potions.
Loke had studied under his mom and by the time he was a teenager he was assisting his mom and as an adult he was a healer working alongside his mother. She also taught him about poisons and venoms (this bit of lore is because of an accident in game on my part lmao). So both women went to Loke and asked for help for their kid and Loke obviously helped. As the kid recovered Loke and the dark elf and Argonian sat down to talk and that's when they learned that it wasn't just Loke living by himself. He got nervous and said that that was his daughter and from there fabricated this whole story about how he and his partner lived in Markarth and they'd died shortly after their daughter was born and Loke moved to start over. He felt shitty about lying but he did it to protect himself and his baby sibling but from then on Lo befriended the two women and they actually helped spread the word that Lo's a healer and given the location it was ideal since most people living in the area were far from towns and cities that had apothecaries making Loke the closest thing.
Several months later Loke is infected with lycanthropy and the day after his first full moon he met Trevor (a fellow werewolf and a Redguard. Ngl Trev made him feel homesick), and the most beautiful orc he'd ever seen. He was instantly smitten and kept coming back to the Lavender Lounge, not only because it was safe but because he befriended Trevor and he was teaching him all there was about being a werewolf and how to navigate life as one too. More importantly he'd get to see and talk to that beautiful orc that owned the lounge. For weeks Uthorim and Loke talked and Uth flirted with him but Loke can't tell when someone's flirting with him...hell, he doesn't even know how to flirt honestly speaking. It wasn't until Trevor outright told him what Uth was doing which caught him by surprise since he didn't think someone like Uthorim would be interested in some scruffy thing like him. Nevertheless some months pass and Loke is pretty much head over heels in love with him.
Here's the thing. Lo had mentioned he had a child and he kind of didn't know what to tell Uthorim, he wanted to tell him the truth but part of him wanted to keep up the lie to protect Jelani. He chose to trust Uth and told him the entire truth but asked him to keep up the lie which he did. At that point Jelani almost 8 months old and Loke had introduced him to Uthorim. Cue adorable shenanigans with Lo raising Jela and Uth helping out too. Also cue Loke losing his absolute shit when Jela said his first word at 8 months. The man turned into a puddle of tears.
So Uth is there to see Jelani's first few things and saw him get a little older and as a toddler (that age that babies just grab whatever's within reach) whenever Uth would carry him around he'd grab onto Uth's tusks and make squeaky sounds. He loved playing with Uthorim and whenever he was in Loke's arms he'd fall asleep while cuddling him.
There's onviously more as Jela gets older but I'll cover that later.
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eye-of-yelough · 3 months
uhhh what would ur other ocs think of gort (me personally i love thinking about how he would break each one of my characters mentally & physically in a way specifically crafted entirely for them but that’s not an ask i should send i think)
so i thought the question was “how would gortash manipulate your ocs” and answered that question as well so. you’re getting the answer to both cos i don’t wanna delete. its kinda long so 👇
Leo Hawke, Dragon Age 2: kill kill kill bite devour mutilate. Gortash is everything he hates and everything she wants to be. cool, commanding, smart, feared, respected, loved, powerful. swag off the charts, i know he’d love the outfit.
How he’d manipulate him: easy. kill the only family he has left, Anders and Isabela, or keep them from her. actually yeah locking Anders up in solitary confinement, somewhere he spent an entire year before, that she regularly holds him about when he gets claustrophobic or has nightmares about. the thought of Anders in a small dark cell all alone with his thoughts would break him and he’d simply do Anything to ensure he’s not in there a moment longer than he has to be :/ that being said her first instinct would simply be to kill the man, and he’d definitely try, even if it’s a dumb idea. and honestly not to hype my own oc up too much but if anyone could, it’d be her. one woman (not really a woman) army of a reaver when a loved one is on the line. monster. could probably cleave his way through a dozen lackeys and at least 2 steel watchers solo before getting tired, and that’s only if they’re even in the way.
Slater Adaar, Dragon Age Inquisition: she’d be smart enough to know to be terrified of him. just be a useful tool while keeping as much distance as possible and keeping an eye out for the exits at all times. run at the first opportunity, no heroics.
How he’d manipulate her: i am realising i don’t actually know her all too well. autistic qunari sera romancing artificer pursedog butch lesbian who just wants a normal life away from politics and armies and magic and sainthood, damnit. that’s all i’ve really got on her. so, i guess using the promise of a normal life. tell ya what, she’d make a great deep cover secret agent. she is definitely an oc i could stand to make more interesting lmao
Vice, Skyrim: competition, quite simply. he has a thing about dragon imagery, right? subtler than the sun stuff, but it’s there? but is it about being a dragon himself, or subduing them. either way, they’d scoff at his posturing. underestimate him for sure, letting their ego and lack of respect for humans stop them from being smart. they have lawful evil no empathy aroace megalomaniac in common, so they’d definitely have an interesting time together :)
How he’d manipulate them: power. specifically the power to do their human experiments in peace. freedom from legal consequence, basically. it would be difficult to dominate or even get a good read on Vice and their desires tho, even for Gort. i mean. they don’t speak. and have pretty good control over their emotions. they’d be playing psychological 4D chess and it would be so entertaining. (remembers it doesn’t have to manipulation, it can be about breaking physically) OH YEAH. YEAH that’s the one. it would still be HARD to keep them down, draconic force of nature that they are, but i’m sure the gorster would be able to figure something out.
uhh . oh man is that all my ocs. i mean no, there’s my newish tav, “we have Romeo’s zeke at home” Ginger (half elf, same face shape, ranger, shart romancer??! i promise this is a coincidence idk how it happened) uhh i have a Khajit oc i’ve never talked about whose name is Ace and i have nothing else on him. OHHH GALE MY DRAGON AGE CIRCLE MAGE OC WHO DIDN’T WORK AS SURANA. uhh yeah he’d simply have no use for that old woman sorry. i need to change her name man can’t let her get confused with the bg3 wizard.
how could i forget Jack, Jack Valentine, my gta 5 guy i’ve had for like 3 years and also never once talked about despite loving him forever even if i’ve kinda forgotten him lately cos i haven’t played it in ages. kind of a self insert type, or at least the closest oc i do have to one, so. he’d make an alright lackey, i think. he’d probably hate the gort but ultimately fall for his shit after a while. like with gale he’d be very disposable.
man i need to think of better ocs these guys are boring
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nabexis · 2 months
Guess my newest hyperfixation is Val, sorry everyone who followed me for other stuff, I'm Val Serano Skyrim posting now.
Get out while you still can (つ✧ω✧)つ (Gushing below the Readmore, image descriptions in Alt Text)
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"Are you serious? Right in front of my Hoarker loaf?"
I just wanna say, something I love about Val is he's not subtle about always looking at the Dragonborn. No matter where they're standing his attention is on them. They saved him from certain death, so it makes sense that he's intrigued by them.
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Look at him. He's smitten. I hadn't even started the romance quest at this point and he keeps looking at the LDB like they're the only other person in the world. That's [chef's kiss] romance. (ノ´ з `)ノ♡
He's so unsubtle its funny. And ofc the LDB is sitting there wondering about him during the romance quest like "I don't know if he likes me uwu" which in and of itself is funny. I love watching romances where one or both parties are stupid about each other but haven't realized it yet.
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Look at that sunset. Skyrim. It's got great sunsets.
Another thing I love is how much he's commentating about things that are happening or speaking to NPCs without changing or editing their dialogue much. It seems the author is VERY good at splicing lines to feel natural so Val fits right into the world of Skyrim without feeling like he's completely taking over. I think my one qualm is he doesn't have much in the way of interaction with other custom followers, but it does seem that older followers aren't being worked on that much or their authors have stopped updating, so it makes sense. I did find it funny that Lucien Flavius is mentioned (by a Sheogorath Hat that makes fun of Val for various things) and he wasn't even in my party at that point, I'd already dropped him at Dumzbathar to end that part of his quest.
I hope he does get some interaction in the future, as it seems like there's a lot of potential for him to mesh well with other custom followers.
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You've got something on your face. Probably dried bandit blood. Let me get that for you.
There's also a lot to be said here for variety of choices. This mod allows you to actively choose a rocky relationship with this guy, and the mod is aware of that fact. I love that! What a new and interesting way to write a romance mod. It gives it more drama. Now I say this as I've chosen the "lovey dovey" path where the relationship is not rocky, but I am SO EXCITED to make a character where the relationship doesn't go as smoothly.
I have much more to say about this mod (and MANY more screenshots to share!) But I have to go to bed now so I'll do more Val posting later probably.
If you want to know what mods I used here's a spreadsheet link. Unfortunately last I checked the mod repository I used to use is down, so sheets it is.
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Have some more of Val's unsubtle staring for the road. The Dragonborn lives rent free in his head just as much as he lives rent free in mine, it seems.
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So, just to give actual like, stuff about my writing progress, both to motivate myself to continue writing this stuff and to let others know what I’m writing and what I have for it—
My Skyrim-DC crossover: I haven’t actually started writing chapter three, but I have an idea of what I wanna do for that. I will also be doing more art for it.
“Danny Becomes Ancient of the Speedforce” DPxDC: Chapter one has 1088 words so far. 3 out of 5 scenes are written. Scene 4 is in progress. A few scenes for chapter two are planned. After scenes 4 and 5 of chapter one are complete, I will be reading through and posting it. (I will be working on it after this btw-) I also have a few art pieces planned for Danny’s design that I will work on after I post chapter one, and I will likely be putting it on my other blog. (If anyone has a fic title idea, please send it. I really don’t wanna call it what I’m calling it right now-)
Those are the ones I actually have writing for. Once I finished Chapter 3 for fic 1 and Chapter 1 for fic 2, I will possibly work on these ideas below.
Idea One: Dead on Main. Sorta-Eldritch Danny and Sorta-Eldritch Jason (due to the weird reality fuckery with Danny’s portal death and a version of Jason’s revival {specifically the ‘Universe got punched’ one-}). Not exactly sure what else I want for that, but I really just wanna write a Dead on Main fic about these two coping with being embodiments of literal cracks in reality.
Idea Two: Danny is sorta Jason’s Pit Madness- an idea I’ve mentioned and talked a bit more on previously (I tried finding it, but it’s buried too deep. I’ll try again later-). Not likely to be Dead on Main btw, but like- mutual recovery fic? So, fun stuff?
ANYWAYS! Time to go turn on some violin music and write!
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trickstarbrave · 6 days
Opinions on the fuckableness of the following Skyrim Blorbos
-Mjoll the Lioness
Fun fact: Mjoll the Lioness was my sapphic awakening!!!
i can understand the mystique of a man in a mask with a hot voice. pretty fuckable. weirdly not my type personally despite me being into dagoth ur but i think he is under utilized. fsr he has only ever stolen 1 dragon soul from me even though hes supposed to do it like a lot until you defeat him???? i feel like he should be taller and bulkier but i guess thats the flaw of skyrim's engine.
weirdly not my type. idk what it is she is very meh to me. i think i like my powerful women to also be manipulative and red headed (almalexia please call me). she also dies constantly in my games very early on through increasingly weird situations. the most recent was she got in a bar fight and died being punched to death in the inn. tragic. mid tier i think
i like frea. i wish the skaal stuff was elaborated upon more but i guess all of the dragonborn dlc is just a weird morrowind reference they didn't really elaborate upon as much as they should have. pretty fuckable.
this dude is not fuckable to me. but for clown fuckers this murderous little jester must be like catnip. i think a lot of his charm comes from the fact he is a truly unique character in a game that just basically reuses the same 8-10 characters. given a lot of interactions with the player as well. pretty fuckable.
genuinely mad we cant marry him, presumably because they didnt wanna pay for the custom voice lines. could use some more development but poor writing aside hes VERY fuckable.
poor little meow meow. absolutely pathetic old man elf babygirl. not my taste but i see the appeal. truly for ppl that like men is there anything more fuckable than an older man who has a lot of regrets in life and is kind of sopping wet and pathetic? mid for me high for ppl who like men
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xcryinginguccix · 3 months
Buckle up nerds, today were doing something fun.
Do y'all remember that very tiny game from Bethesda, the one that came out in 2011 called Skyrim?
Well on tonight's episode I'm ranking quests. Not all of them, just the big faction quests. I'm not that insane (yet, it will come eventually).
I can't believe I'm making a Skyrim post in 2024.
Anyways, let's dive in (spoilers ahead)
Number 5: Collage of Winterhold
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Well... I have some opinions. It's underwhelming to say the least. I expected to learn some extremely fun spells, schemes, mystery and general feelings of walking into the coolest campus you have ever seen. What we got was... meh.
You could breathe towards Tolfdir and he would still call you the greatest mage in the history of mages. You can find more magic going into a random cave somewhere near Riverwood than you will find AT THE MAGIC SCHOOL. You also, don't learn anything... Or at least anything of value, and then the principal dies and you take his job. You can literally complete this quest with no more than 3 basic spells in your arsenal. Bethesda should fix this quest line instead of re-releasing this game every 6 months to upgrade the visuals of a single tree. Anyways let's go to the next one, this one is just getting me angry.
Number 4: Civil war shenanigans
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Ahhh civil war. Viva la Revolution... Expect from no.
If 10 year old me was ranking it, it would be much higher (let's just say my tiny brain didn't understand what "Skyrim belongs to the nords" implied). Generally said it's a pretty solid quest. Ulfic sends you to kill some ghost in order to prove yourself, the Whiterun attack is fun, genuinely pushing against Imperial legion by doing some smaller scale attacks is fun, concerning Solitude was great... And you get a pretty funky bear armor. I like funky drip.
Pretty solid but I don't like nationalism sorry. So on the other hand we have...
Imperial legion
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... I think this is one of the few games where I agree on pushing against the revolution. Too bad those guys also suck ass... It's like European politics, I'm choosing the lesser evil.
Generally this questline is pretty similar to the previous one, with the exception that you're fighting in some other areas. Defending Whiterun is extremely fun, I love this city so much. All my points from the last one stand, except this quest has worse drip but more enjoyable npcs.
Also lmao Ulfric fucking dies x D
That alone makes it a better branch.
Number 3: Jorrvarskr questlines
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Oh yeah, it's lycanthropy time baby.
This questline is fun, so much fun. You get introduced to the gang right outside of Whiterun while they are trying to fight off a giant.
Fun dungeons, fun story, extremely enjoyable npcs. Progressing the companion quests enough will allow you to turn yourself into a werewolf, which is an automatic bonus for me. Going nuts on a random dragon in werewolf form will never stop being funny.
Also you can marry Aela and for that I would french kiss Todd Howard on his corrupt mouth. Live laugh love Jorrvarskr. Solid stuff.
Also if you suddenly decided that you "no no wanna :(" be a werewolf anymore you can heal yourself by... Cutting off a hags head and preforming a cleansing ritual with it.
Yeah no I have no idea how that would work but sure.
Number 2: The dark brotherhood
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Words cannot describe how much this questline had me in a chokehold at the ripe age of 10.
This is so so so good. I love egdy shit. This questline starts as a banger from the introduction. I will never forget the feeling of walking into this creepy ass house in Windhelm, and seeing a child doing a ritual.
So much fun stuff right off the gate. I could write an essay about his whole questline. Fun missions, plotting and scheming, funky assassinations that get progressively harder with each contract and the plot twist and the end... Just the right kind of edge I always need. I love it so much.
Each of the members of the dark brotherhood have so much charisma. You get an emo horse, and a wonderful looking armor. Evil twink Cicero forever in my heart.
And finally, creme de la creme... Number 1: Thieves guild
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My. Fucking. God.
There is a reason why I choose any type of rogue class anytime I play anything. This whole quest is living rent free in my head.
The introduction, the location, the npcs... The collage of Winterhold WISHES it had an atom of greatness this quest has.
I love everything about this questline, from start to finish. Every time I see Brynjolf in the market of Riften my heart gets filled with genuine happiness. The whole thing with the Nightingales and Mercer and KarIiah. I love how you can bring back the thieves guild to its former glory once again.
Every single npc is fun to talk to. When I say that I remember almost no one from the shitty wizard academy quest, I meant it. This tho, all of them are engraved in my mind.
Also, you can get ultimate drip, which is the Nightingale armor.
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Best armor in the game, argue with the wall you cannot change my mind.
God I love thieves. God I love the guild.
Anyways that's all. Someday I will rank all the daedric quests once I'm bored at 4am again (spoiler alert: The mind of madness is in first place). If you want to change my mind... Well you won't bc I played this game since I was a child.
Special thanks to Todd Howard for my gay awakenings: Aela and KarIiah.
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