#......or he's all bark but WE'LL HAVE TO FIND O
otomiyaa · 21 days
Kaiju Experiment
Kafka & Reno
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A/N: Second to last story I crafted during my trip. Ha ha, ha...
Summary: Reno and Kafka are suddenly curious about something. Are Kaiju ticklish? (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 1.1K
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Everyone had already left the dining hall for their training. Kafka huffed, breathing out as he counted.
"O-one huhundred... One h-hundred one... One hundred t-two....." So harsh, Mina. He couldn't let go of the habit and accidentally called her by her first name again during lunch. Seriously? Two hundred push-ups?
To his embarrassment, the others had stayed behind until the count of fifty at least. They then were all ordered to leave, which luckily gave him the privacy to finish his punishment.
No one would even bother checking on him, but he knew that he couldn't disappoint Mina, not even behind her back. He was going to finish up to two hundred push-ups as she ordered him to.
"Senpai! You're still not done?"
Eep! Kafka wheezed like an old man and looked up tiredly to see Reno enter again.
"W-why a-are you hehere," Kafka asked, continuing his push-ups with every bit of strength he had. Which wasn't very much, to be honest.
"I came to tell you we're assigned to the same team for our next training. Hm... No one's here now. Should you keep going?"
Kafka nodded. "O-otherwise M-Mina will..." He continued to do the push-ups, and Reno snickered.
"One hundred six.... One hundred seven....."
"Senpai, you'll never make it to two hundred. I think she was just messing with you."
"N-not Mina...." Kafka's arms were starting to give in. He was shaking.
"Senpai, come on. They're more likely to scold you if you come late for the training."
"One... hundred.... t-t-t-ten," Kafka whined when he finally reached that number. Yes! Ninety more to go, he was definitely going to -
"WAHAHAHA!" Kafka was surprised by his own sudden cackles, caused by a very ticklish sensation under his arms. Reno!!!
"Heehee. Are you ticklish, senpai?"
Wait, how dare he- NO! "Ihihihichikahahawa! Nohoho I'm- gahahah!" Kafka shook his head hysterically and tried his best to continue. But Reno continued the tickles and eventually his arms gave in.
"Nohoho! Okahay I'll cohohome!" Kafka giggled like a school kid, curling up and kicking his legs as Reno continued to tickle him.
"Hehe. Good. Let's go," Reno said, helping him up. Then as they were still holding hands, Reno suddenly halted.
"W-what?" Kafka asked, still out of breath.
"Senpai. Are Kaiju ticklish?"
"Huh? How should I know?"
They both stared at each other, the thought sinking in slowly.
"Oh. You really want to know?" Kafka finally asked when Reno continued to stare.
"I actually want to. You?"
Kafka hesitated. "Me too...."
They were still holding hands because Reno helped him up, but now those same hands were shaking each other's in a firm handshake.
"We'll find out. After training, okay?"
It was going to be a useless Kaiju experiment, Kafka knew that. But he was now curious too. Would he still be ticklish in his Kaiju form? And what would this mean for other Kaiju, did they actually have such a weakness? If skin was too hard to get penetrated with bullets and swords, could it be subjected to tickles?
He needed answers. It took them a while to find the right moment. Training, lecturing, eating, bathing, but eventually they managed to sneak out together and found an abandoned spot near the base.
There, Kafka transformed in the dark of the night.
"So cool that you have it under control now," Reno said, applauding humbly. Kafka nodded proudly. Reno was so tiny now.
"Right?" Kafka giggled. He then spread his arms.
"Okay. Tickle me."
"GROSS!" Reno barked.
"Huh? That's why we are here, isn't it?"
"Well yes but don't say it like that!"
Reno very nervously approached him, his fingers wiggling. "Well then, here goes." He first wiggled his fingers under Kafka's spread arms, right where he had tickled him earlier.
Kafka felt no difference. He immediately sucked in a lot of air, but was quick to explode in a hysterical giggle fit as he wrapped his arms around himself and kneeled down.
"HAhahaha okay thahahat s-still ticklehehes!"
Reno kneeled down by his side. "Then what about here?" he asked, tickling his sides and ribs with fierce clawing moves. Kafka squealed and squirmed pathetically.
"YEHehes tihihickles! Bwahahah!"
Reno looked amused. "Here too?" He poked his tummy. Kafka screeched like a woman.
"Interesting. Your pain tolerance is impressive, so how is this form so sensitive to this?" Reno experimented with softer tickles, and somehow that felt even worse. Just the mere scribbling against his Kaiju skin, Kafka felt more ticklish than ever.
"I don't think it proves anything. You might just be too ticklish," Reno observed, scribbling all ten fingers against Kafka's tummy and making him howl.
He couldn't imagine tickling Kaiju like this. Yes, it was a silly experiment.
"But stihihill! Wahahah!" He had a hard time controlling his reflexes too. He didn't want to hurt him.
"OKAhahay okay ehehenough plehehease! Ichikahahawaaa!"
"What was that?" Reno lowered his hands, his fingers brushing against Kafka's apparently very sensitive Kaiju hips.
"HEEEHEE! PLEHEhease! Nohoho! Stohohop!"
He must've looked hilarious; a huge Kaiju giggling and begging for Reno to stop tickling him. Smiling, Reno sat back and watched Kafka catch his breath.
"Sorry, I got carried away. You will forgive me right?" he asked with a gentle smile. Kafka nodded.
"S-sure. I wanted it too. Besides, I'd crush you if I tickled you back now," he said, and he winked. Together they sat in silence until Kafka recovered from the tickle attack, and he managed to gasp for air.
"That was interesting. This body shouldn't be this sensitive. I wonder if all Kaiju are this ticklish, or it's just me," he said. Reno nodded.
"I doubt we can ever find out, but. I liked the experiment," he said. Kafka nodded, grinning.
"Me too." Reno was staring at the night sky and didn't notice him transforming back into his human form.
Kafka watched him in this peaceful state for a moment, smiling fondly. It was the perfect calm before the storm moment.
Reno looked at him. "Hmm?"
Kafka raised his hands, holding them out like two big tickle claws. "Payback time."
"Huh WHA-?! You said- WAHahahah! Hohohold on- hehehey! Noooo!" Reno wailed as Kafka pinned him down and tickled him playfully. Looked like he was actually quite ticklish too!
"I said I wouldn't tickle you in my Kaiju form. But I'm actually pretty good at tickle fights~" Kafka sang proudly, bringing out some fun and sweet laughter that he never heard.
"HEeeheheheee! Sehehenpai plehehease hehehe! F-fohohorgihihive mehehe!" Sweet friendly Reno, even apologizing for something Kafka quite voluntarily subjected himself to. Well yeah, Reno did lose a bit of control there earlier.
"What was that?" Kafka said teasingly, and he continued to tickle.
"Forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
And just like that, their sweet laughter continued to brighten the dark and gloomy night. It wasn't a very useful experiment, but Kafka definitely thought it brought him even closer to Reno, and for that reason alone, he was enjoying himself immensely!
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mamoonde · 2 years
dadxian who has a tattoo over the long jagged scar on his belly. a tattoo which facinates 2 y/o a-yuan, who's been told that's where he sprouted.
(it's not. but it made a-yuan turn from teary eyed breakdown to starry eyed awe, so. whatever works.)
a-yuan likes to look and rub the pretty tattoo-scar. and so, it has become a thing that if a-yuan needs extra comfort or has been especially good, he gets "tummy time." which is nice and all when they're at home.
but then one time, they go to the big city to buy a-yuan's Big School stuff, and after a solid three hours of keeping close to his baba and not wandering off or asking to buy new toys or asking to be carried, a-yuan deems he Deserves some tummy time.
"—we'll just pay for these at the cashier then we'll be off to lunch and—"
"Tummy Time!" A-Yuan declares, sticking his hand up Wei Ying's shirt. In public. In the middle of the long queue to the cashier. At the big stationary store.
Of course at that exact moment, the tall, broad-shouldered guy in front of him turns around. And makes eye contact. (And eye-to-tummy contact.)
It takes another moment for wei ying to realize he actually Recognizes the man.
"Wei Ying...?"
...And that Lan Zhan, his highschool crush and maybe-friend, also recognizes him, too.
embarrassingly, their drawn out staring is cut off by a pointed cough and the woman at the cashier calling out, "next!" in that tone that suggests she's been calling for a while.
The whole time, A-Yuan still has his hand up Wei Ying's shirt, patting and pinching at his soft belly where his fave part of the tattoo is.
By the time they finish ringing up all of A-Yuan's new school stuff, Wei Ying finds Lan Zhan still waiting for them outside the store.
"Would you like to have lunch together?" Lan Zhan asks first. Wei Ying is too surprised to do anything but say yes.
"Pretty gege eat with us?"
Wei Ying barks out a laugh. "Yes, it seems so! Why don't you introduce yourself to the pretty gege?"
A-Yuan finally releases his grip on Wei Ying's stretched out shirt to wave shyly up at Lan Zhan.
"Hi, I'm A-Yuan and I'm baba's. Are you baba's too?"
Wei Ying, who has been enjoying watching Lan Zhan's ears turn red at being called pretty gege, now takes his turn with embarrassment.
"Ah aha A-Yuan, not all people I know are mine—"
"Mn." Lan Zhan cuts in. "I am Lan Zhan, Wei Ying's friend."
Friend. Yes, that's what they were.
Over the course of lunch, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan catch up:
No, Wei Ying didn't die in that notorious car crash like the rumors may have implied.
But yeah, that may have been the last straw that broke the Jiang family apart — tho therapy and jiejie have been working in making him believe it wasn't his fault.
Lan Zhan has become an editor at a major publishing house.
Neither of them are married. (through a long, winding explanation cut off multiple times awkwardly)
By dessert, it's also apparent that Lan Zhan has a sweet tooth and a soft spot for children. Especially ones with A-Yuan's level of cuteness.
Wei Ying watches in awe as the two devour their own slices of chocolate cake with equal enthusiasm (if more grace, on Lan Zhan's part).
Needless to say, A-Yuan gets attached to his shiny new pretty gege who treats him to more sweets and toys after lunch.
Wei Ying's protests are all ignored, if not absolutely gutted by not one, but TWO 🥺 pitiful 🥺 somehow identical pouts every time he tries.
Somehow, by the end of the day – much later than Wei Ying had planned – he and A-Yuan go home with Lan Zhan's contact details and a promise to meet with Lan Zhan again.
The meetings turn from once or twice a month to weekly, then with an addition of nightly video calls.
What first had been calls dominated by A-Yuan's latest art exhibit exclusive to Zhan-gege, becomes more and more filled with one-on-one chats between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan.
Long story short, A-Yuan soon gains a diedie 🥰
Unfortunately, his diedie's belly is too hard; baba remains his exclusive go-to for Tummy Time.
Until he hits 8 and is apparently too much of a "pre-teenager" by then for Tummy Time.
It's ok. Lan Zhan never misses out Tummy Time.
The End 🥰
(of another This-Wasn't-Supposed-To-Be-A-Thead)
ALSO thought more and more abt Wei Ying's scar tattoo and thought of the scar being drawn like a crack from which a fiery nine-tailed-fox leaps out of, and from which lotus stems also grow out of like a gnarly portal sprouting beautiful/cute things
and then over the years little tidbits inspired by A-Yuan & LWJ also get added:
little colored stars shooting out
a small pair of bunnies cuddling on one of the lotus pads
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inz-lokisdottir · 1 year
She’d somehow managed to travel to another universe. And back in time. And to another country. Though she doesn't leave. She's already there, so why not explore?
Inz does so and she roams around for a bit, wandering the streets before she spots a park, which doesn't seem too busy asides from a few people and their dogs, and she decides to head towards it. Maybe she should start finding clues to figure out where she is...and maybe she should've brought Aegir. Walking around alone probably isn't the smartest idea. Most people she's seeing are either with a pet or another person.
Crouching down to 'tie her shoelaces', her head moves down and her eyes glow green momentarily as they're covered from the view of others. Her hound runs up from behind and bumps into her, nearly making her lose balance and fall, but she quickly catches and pushes herself up, dusting her hands off.
"Aegir, hi! C'mon, time for a walk." She smiles softly and gently pets his head before she continues to walk, letting him run ahead a short bit. Aegir was quite a large canine and he may attract some attention, but getting attention for having a big and cute, fluffy dog was probably better than receiving suspicious looks for wandering around on her own, looking as if she were in search of something.
Aegir, after a while, runs off towards another dog to go and play. Inz smiles a little, just leaving him to do so after glancing at the owner to see if they were okay with it. Aegir's a smart dog, he knew when to play less rough and more friendly. She instead sits down on a bench where her canine still remains in view, and she picks up a newspaper that had been left there, looking at the front page.
"Daily...Ost? Tensions...spies...O and W...Cold War? ...Wasn't that...like-"
She looks back up as Aegir hops up onto the bench next to her and she neatly folds the newspaper, putting it back down and standing up. "Come on. Say bye to your friend and we'll get going. I wanna stay here for a bit longer..." She gives a wave to the owner of the dog Aegir was playing with whilst the hound barks out to his new friend, his tail wagging, and they both walk out of the park again, Inz now looking around more intently.
She does now see that it's quite different to the present, or what she's used to, and it's kind of what she'd expect it to be given the time period and such. She knows some history, from what she's read. Just a little bit. Inz and Aegir just walk along a few streets, though the teen has to slow down a little and her expression shifts slightly.
She'd felt a weird...feeling, in her mind. Hard to explain. Like a pull at her mental barrier, or her telepathic abilities triggering randomly. She looks around for a moment and tilts her head, wondering what could've been the cause, though all she can see is a few people walking up and down the street, minding their own business. Her eyes focus on a small family of three, the youngest of which is pointing at Aegir, her voice filled with excitement as she speaks to her the two with her.
Inz quickly puts on a small smile as she looks at the family and then at Aegir. She nods softly towards him and watches him trot forward, sniffing the young girl curiously with his snout and then nuzzling into her hand, asking to be pet. The child looked at her parents, her big green eyes almost pleading before she smiled with a gasp of glee when she received a nod from her father, starting to pet and hug Aegir.
The girl's father had blonde hair, he was pretty tall, and he had a sort of cool, calm look. The woman beside him had more of a warmer expression and feeling about her, and she had red eyes and long black hair which looked quite similar to Inz's. Inz moves closer to the two adults, her eyes first on her dog with the pink-haired child and then on the man when he speaks, his voice filled with warmth and kindness, though there's a little bit of something else she can't fully catch onto.
"Heh, sorry about her, she gets a little overly excited. We have a dog too, kind of the same size as yours and she loves him a lot."
"Yeah! My doggy's called Bond, like the spy!" The child chimes whilst hugging Aegir, who's thoroughly enjoying the attention, his tail wagging and his tongue sticking out as he looks towards Inz, who's smile grows a little as she replies.
"It's fine, Aegir likes to meet new people, he's a friendly dog. And your dog sounds very cool!" She makes sure she makes her tone sound a little more enthusiastic when replying to Anya. She usually does so when speaking with her younger copy whilst she's playing, just to keep her happy and not dampen the mood, so she's used to it.
She notices the man gazing at her momentarily in the corner of her eye when their short exchange of words stops, and how he's almost scanning her as if he's trying to recognise her from somewhere or something. She, however, ignores it and pretends not to notice, gently pulling Aegir back after a while. She does want to find out what that interference was, as much as she'd like for Aegir to be happy as well as the little girl. "Well, we should be going. Have a nice day."
"Likewise, we have places to be, goodbye." He gives a kind smile in return to her soft one and then holds his daughter's hand, allowing her to wave enthusiastically at the large dog before starting to lead her and his wife away once they had also bid the two farewell.
"Byyye! Bye doggy!"
"It was nice meeting you!"
Inz nodded politely at the dark-haired woman with a smile, replying with a quick "You too." and she waved at the three before she turned around, slowly starting to walk again whilst her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. Something had activated or linked to one of her powers. The problem is, she didn't know what. She may need to stay just a little longer than she had planned to if she's to find out.
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outcast-thingz · 2 years
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Chapter 5:
That Went... Well?
It'd only been maybe an hour's worth of searching but it felt like ten as far as Galieo was concerned.
"What if she lived in the woods. I doubt we'll find her"
"Atticus don't even joke like that."
"I wasn't, but whatever helps you sleep at night" the blonde shrugs. Both boys' attention are caught by the excited barks from Sweetpea and the shriek that followed. Running over the find the young woman half way up a rope that led to a tree house.
"Go. The FuCk. Away!"
"Can you hear us out for a second?"
"If it gets you to go back to that wretched house then yes." Her voice was a bit rugged both from anger and sickness.
"Let me put it this way dear: you still looked sweaty as hell when we got back, looked wondered after throwing a can, not to mention you look like yer two seconds from dropping off that rope ther-." He brings his hands up like a closed book, "to sum up, and excuse my language.." he opens his hands "you look like shit"
"Did you come all the way out here to tell me? I'm not afraid to punch you pretty boy, guard -dogs- or not"
"N-no, no. Of course not I-"
"Fuck this. I'm going up" the young women starts climbing up th erope.
"Wait just! -ugh.." Galieo sighs, "please let us help you. I don't know what yer house situation is like-"
"You're looking at it dumbass"
"Oh good heavens... *clears his throat* BuT none of us really feel comfortable about leaving a sick person to fend for themself in the middle of the woods." After Galieo finishes Atticus shrugs, Galieo elbows him for this. Styx sighs,
"Whatever. You guys owe me anyways." She states as she resumes her climb up the rope."
"Right- wait es-scu-zy?"
"You're not suppose to have pets, it's like the second thing in the listing. So when you leave i gotta make it look like that horse-sized pup was never there."
"Does that mean you'll come back?"
"Did you rub your last to braincells to come with that answer? ..yes. Just let me grab some stuff." She pauses at the top and peaks her head over the railing. "You all know how fucking creepy this all sounds right?" She leave before either boy can Asner to let them simmer in the thought.
Galieo sighs, his shoulders slumping down, "Y-yeah... I know." Ten minutes of twiddling thumbs later *plop* the sudden drop of a duffle bag made the poor man yelp and Styx snicker. As if karma was listening she started coughing and nearly fell off the rope. "Please be careful." The worried man sighs.
"It's going to take more than a fall to kill me, sunshine." Styx states sharing an eye roll with Atticus when Galieo does a bashful look-away.
'He gets that way with any nickname' Atticus signs with another eye roll.
'One of those people.. Bet he mixes up insults with compliments. H-i-m-b-o?' She signs and snickers when the blonde nods in agreement.
"Secrets don't make friend, you two!" The 'Himbo' pouts only to recieve more eye rolls.
"Seems like it's making friends just fine right now." This comments manages to crack a chuckle from Atticus.
"Yeah well..." Galieo huffs, "you keep rolling your eyes they're gonna get stuck in yer head."
The rest of the walk ended up being pretty quiet. This didn't bother Styx or Atticus but was practically killing Galieo.
"There you guys are. I was worried you'd gotten yourselves lost." Kyran greets the group only to recieve sighs and silence. The red head clears his throat, "well, lunch is ready!" He retracts back into the kitchen. He pours everyone a bowl of the soup. The group makes their way to the table and the boys each take a seat. The three of them give Styx a weird look.
"You know you can take a seat, right, hun?" Galieo spoke in a soft voice trying not to offend her.
"Don't call me hun."
"Habit, sorry. I don't rightly think we caught your name?"
"Cause I didn't throw it." She says then clicks her tounge. After expectant silences from the boys she huffs, "you may call me Styx."
"-Kay, well you can take a seat Styx, I promise we don't bite." Galieo pauses, "well- I can't guarantee Kyran won't, living embodiment of gremlins."
"Hey-... actually, you right." Kyran grins and sits at the head of the table.
"Damn right I'm right!" His brother huffs. It was once all three boys were seated that Styx took her seat. All three of them notices this and the fact that she didn't start eating till all three of them has taken a bite. Despite the confused and concerned glances they shared with one other, not one of them asked about it.
Unfortunately lunch and later dinner ended up being pretty awkward. Any attempt to make conversation with Styx was either shut down or met with silence. Even so, when everyone was finished with their food Styx took up their dishes and washed them all. Galieo attempted to offer to take over but quickly shot down and shooed out of the kitchen.
"You still sure about asking her to come on the trip with us? You realize how weird and insane that is right?" Galieo asks in a hushed voice. An amused grin stretches across Kyran's face as light seems to dance in his eyes.
"Yeah dude. If she says no then 'oh well her loss' but I'm telling you she's not gonna say no. I can feel it in my bones, this is so meant to happen"
"You're scary sometimes Kyri, you know that? And bat-shit crazy too"
"Awe thank you. Life isn't fun if I'm not."
Tagglist: @bisexual-confusion @gayfanficanonymous @yeet-man @astro-pioneer
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Gee, can't believe it's almost December in the next 7 days, and it's been almost quite a while how long I haven't done a lot of drawing ever since. And anyways, I recovered my coolness after having to take care of my dog from all week.
Also this is a scene where I'm here spending time together with the two elemental cousins.
Seyvert: "Say, it's splendid how it's lovely to go out in the park with an enchanted little cousin like you little darling."
Simphoni: "Heeheehee! 😁 Me too! Oh look, it's Destiny! Our heroic neighbour from our foreign world!"
Me: (*Sitting on the bench as I stand up looking at the clouds peacefully.*)
Simphoni: "Destiny!!" (*Comes to run and hug Destiny.*)
Me: "O-Oh man, hello there little buddy!"
Seyvert: "Why if it isn't the hero of the stars himself, it's been quite a while since we three of us together last manage to succeed your nemesis into the unknown."
Me: "Seyvert! You totally bet! It was wicked, and it's so far so good how Dreadlock never seem to track my footsteps ever since I've been taking some care looking after my dog."
Simphoni: (*GASPS..!*) "You have a dog?!"
Seyvert: "Oh wow. What kind of dog do you got young man?"
Me: "Oh. Mines a Frenchie, but at this time, he'll grow older once he will be like most dog species who are intelligent enough."
Seyvert: "Ah, nothing personal darling, but we use to have a kitten of our own before."
Simphoni: "But... Sadly.. She's gone.."
Seyvert: "It happened a while after the calamity ever since Dreadlock had execute the pursuit of not such a peaceful beginning."
Me: "Ohh.... I'm terribly sorry for what happened to your lost pet for what Dreadlock's doing.."
Simphoni: "Aww that's okay bestie, I'm sure it's always best that we'll find a new kitten to take care of someday." ^^
Me: "Yeah.. Although.. Rarely, I usually get into too much issue with my dog, because of his mentality behaviour that barked me each time and tried to bite me all of a sudden. Though sadly.. To tell you this.. sometimes it didn't go well to discipline him enough, so my family in my house put him in the cage as a timeout. And sadly... I always get targeted by him, and I somewhat did made a mistake by being rough enough by smacking on the head, incidentally..."
Seyvert: "Oh... Oh my."
Me: "But.... I did apologize after my mistake.. Just to discipline a dog of ours.. Because if I weren't serious enough by letting my dog make a mess and causing a little damage and aware of taking other non-edible objects, instead of disciplining him, then I don't have any other choices anymore, all I wanted myself was to be the good person of who I can learn to understand."
Simphoni: "Oh Destiny, it's alright, I always will accept your apology when you have come to confess with us together."
Seyvert: "That's right, and after all, we people are the same."
Seyvert: "Mhm." 😌
Me: "Eh-hehe.. Thanks girls. I'll do the best to try and develop."
Credit me when using
Do not steal my art without permission
Do not trace my art
Do not report
No pedophilia
No Incest
No homophobia/transphobia
Definitely no sexual/erotic Roleplaying
Please respect everything what's featured
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avatarloverfrfr · 4 months
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Dreamwalker Siblings
Chapter I: Cryo-sleep Masterlist Summary: Y/n and Jake Sully. Siblings, shipped off into the depths of space to explore the mysterious world of Pandora. Warnings: Mentions of death, reader is NOT excited at all, Constant reminder of deceased loved one. Word count: 3,6k
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"You cannot ask this of us! Tommy is the scientist not us. He wanted to be shot light years into space, not us. We cannot do it." I shrieked, pleading with my brother for validation, but my cries were met with oppressive silence. His gaze fixed onto our fallen sibling, Tommy, robbed of life right before he went off to do the only thing that put a smile to his face. All sacrificed for the contents of his wallet.
"Your brother represented a significant investment, we'd urge you to accept taking over his contract." The man besides Jake had said, completely disregarding all that I had said. "I'm sure he would hate to have all his hard work go to waste, knowing someone so close to him would be able to continue his legacy." The second man, besides me, added with a curt nod.
Outrage boils within me at the audacity of these men, exploiting the loss of one of us, former triplets, as leverage against us. How dare they use Jake and I with their clear motives of greed, revealing to us that our worth to them is nothing but a budget they refuse to abandon.
"It'll be a fresh start, on a new world. And the pays good, very good." they said staring at Jake and I. Before I could even say something in retaliation. Jake had spoken for the first time that night. "We'll do it." Disbelief swept over me as I locked eyes with him. How could he agree so easily? How could he not see that these men were just using us— he probably could, yet chose to turn a bind eye.
"Perfect, Y/n we will get your Avatar ready, they will mature on the trip there." the men said walking out, leaving me in there with Jake.
"How could you just accept like that Jake. You caved! Just like that? You know they are just playing us, and you still went along with it! Don't you see–" I started, but he interrupted me. "Maybe you don't see it, but I do. We are dirt poor Y/n! Struggling... This cash could change everything. We could finally be able to live." he pleaded, desperate for understanding. "I could afford to use my legs again." he confessed.
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While I was sitting there, next to my brother, a big whole blown right in the middle of our lives, I started having these dreams. Dreams that whispered secrets of possibility and untold wonders. Sooner or later though, you always have to wake up.
As I wake up, I glance around and it hits me, I'm in some sort of cryo pod. Flashbacks flood my mind, reminding me of the time before my life had got frozen, five years of my life, gone. The memories of Tommy's death, as if it was yesterday. 'We had to do it, so we could live." I think to myself, trying to find comfort in all of this.
"Rise and shine sleepy head." a doctor had greeted me as I exit the cryo pod I had spent the last five years of my life in. "We're here."
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"Exo-packs on! Let's go! Exo packs on! Remember people, you lose that mask, you're unconscious in 20 seconds, and dead in four minutes–" I stopped listening to what the sergeant had to say. Looking around my eyes landing on Jake. We should not be here, this is not our home. But what's the point in dwelling now, there's no turning back. I think to myself while putting on my exo pack, adjusting it so oxygen could freely flow through.
"When that ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop! Go straight inside wait for my mark!" the sergeant yelled. Standing up I walk over to Jake who was still seated waiting for everyone in front of him to leave the air craft so that he was able to freely able to deploy his wheelchair.
"Let's go special case! Do not make me wait for you Sully's!" he barks. Not bothering to acknowledge him Jake and I walk off the ramp and onto Pandora, our "fresh start." Taking a long look around I spot soldiers, back on earth these guys were heroes, marines fighting for freedom. But out here they were all just a bunch of hired guns, serving the RDA until their last breath.
"You're not in Kansas anymore, you're on Pandora ladies and gentlemen–" the man, Quartrich, continued. Tommy was meant to be listening to this, not Jake and I.
"Excuse me. Excuse me. Jake!" a lanky man rushes up to us after the "safety brief." "You're Jake right? Tom's brother." he asked looking down at him to meet his eyes. I just stare at him, does he just not see me here?
"You look just like him." he says eyes finally landing on me. "Sorry– I forgot he had mentioned he had two siblings, Y/n. I'm Norm. Spellman. Went through Avatar training with him." he says leading us into some sort of bio-lab.
As Norm continues briefing us on the bio-lab procedures, my attention drifts, drawn to avatars in three separate cry-chambers. I approach them, circling until I stop at a particular one.
"Looks like him." Jake and I simultaneously say, not once taking our eyes off what our brother could have been.
"No, looks like you. This is your avatar now Jake." Norm reassures him placing a hand on Jakes shoulder before moving to the last tube in the bio-lab.
"And this is your avatar Y/n. She had to get to the lab as soon as possible, since you know–" Norm starts, but I cut in, "–I wasn't meant to be here. Yeah, I'm aware." I finish, stepping closer to my avatar.
She looks so much like me, except for the obvious differences. Blue skin, a queue, and her sheer size. "She's beautiful." I whisper, touching the glass, feeling a soft heartbeat pass between us.
"The idea is that every driver is matched to their own Avatar, so their nervous systems are in tune... Or something. That's why they offered us the gig. It's insanely expensive... Is this right? Do we just say whatever to the video log?" Jake questions turning to Norm and Max.
"And do we have to share the exact same camera to film these things?" I interject, trying to nudge Jake out of the screens view.
"Yeah, you both need to document everything you see, what you feel. Plus, you're twins, who knows if you both are able to feel the same emotions or not. It's all apart of the science." Norm explains, retuning to his work.
"Plus it'll keep you sane for the next six years," Norm adds chuckling.
"Not if I have to sit next to Mr. Jarhead it's not." I remark, rolling my eyes but smiling slightly.
"Look who's talking Miss. 'I might not be a marine, but I sure can beat your ass,' " Jake adds, playfully pushing me.
This was one the first times I had smiled since arriving to Pandora. Usually keeping a stoic face, only smiling around my brother. My only family, the only thing from my past life.
Entering the link room behind Norm and Max, we're greeted by a voice. "Who's got my goddamn cigarette?" a redheaded woman demands, emerging from one of the link pods.
"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, I mean literally write the book on Pandora botany." Norm gushes. "Well that's because she likes plants more than people." Max adds teasingly.
"Well, there she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, and Jake and Y/n Sully." Max says pointing at each of us in turn.
"Norm, I've heard good things about you. How's your Na'vi?" she asks, completely ignoring my brother and me, then begins to speak in a language I can only assume is Na'vi.
"Uh- Grace, this is Jake and Y/n Sully," Max interjects, trying to redirect her attention.
"Yeah, yeah. I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know. the PhD who trained for years for this mission? Yeah him." she snaps.
"He's dead. We know it's a big inconvenience for everyone, including me." I reply bluntly. There's no need to sugar coat anything that's already happened.
"How much lab training have you had?" she asks, looking between Jake and I.
"We dissected a frog once." Jake simply states.
"You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I mean hell, the girl isn't even supposed to be here! I'm going to Selfridge, this is such bullshit." she rants, storming off but not before putting out her cigar.
"Well she's kind." I remark dryly.
As Jake and I arrive precisely at the time Max had instructed us to the day before, 0800, Jake and I hasten to catch up with Grace and Norm, who are already stationed at the link pods.
"You're late Sully's. You're in there, you're here." Grace remarks, gesturing towards two pods for Jake and I, and we obediently follow her directions.
"How much have you both logged?" she inquires, turning to the screen besides Jakes link pod.
"Zip, but I read a manual." Jake replies with a nonchalant shrug, as he wheels over to his pod.
"I listened to him read it out loud, if that counts." I confess making my way to my own pod.
"Tell me you're joking." Grace says incredulously, as she abandons her work on Jakes screen to approach mine.
"So you just decided to venture out here, to the most hostile environment known to man with no training whatsoever and see how it went? What was going on through your head?" she questions, setting up both mine and Jakes link screens for launch.
"Maybe I was tired of doctors telling what I couldn't do." Jake retorts, lying down in this link pod. I look at him wondering if that is why he spared no chance in me saying anything back when those men asked us to take the place of Tommy, because he was tired of the life he had.
"Keep you arms in, heads down." Grace instructs, pushing me into my link bed before I had the chance to ask Jake what he had truly meant.
"Just relax and let your mind go blank." are the last words I hear Grace utter before she seals my link pod.
Off to the side, Max examines scans of Jake and my brain. Studying the intently, he remarks. "Jakes brain is gorgeous, with nice activity. However we're detecting some resistance in Y/n's brain. She's unconsciously pushing back against the transfer, if this continues it could potentially harm the link." he informs, turning to Grace for guidance.
"Once the link is established, it cannot be interrupted. It will only worsen the issue," Grace states matter-of-factly, keeping an eye on my Avatar. Stubborn and resistant to change- that's Grace's initial assessment of Y/n, even after less than 48 hrs of meeting her.
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As my eyes flutter open, I'm greeted by a blinding light that pierces my eyes. A sharp ache throbs in my head, intensifying until two figures materialize before me- doctors, no doubt.
"She's awake. Y/n, can you hear me? Are you feeling alright?" the female doctor inquires, checking my expression for any sign of discomfort.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply, opting not to mention the pounding headache. Slowly, I sit up, only to find my hands adorned with five blue fingers.
"I made it." I murmur to myself in disbelief. Glancing around, I notice Jake already on his feet, a grin stretching across his face. He's standing, a sight I never thought I'd witness again, his legs finally functioning.
"Y/n you've got to see this. When's the last time you saw your brother standing tall, huh?" he exclaims, turning to face me while his tail knocks over everything in it's path.
Finally on my feet, I chuckle, "Bro, we're giants." The realisation hits me as I gaze at Jake and then towards the exit to find that he was already smiling at me– we're thinking the same thing. Tri– Twin telepathy perhaps?
Without a word Jake and I bolt, dodging Avatars engaged in a game of basketball, evading Norm and the two doctors running after us. We hurdle obstacles until a humanoid robot comes into view.
"Sorry! we both exclaim breathlessly, narrowly avoiding a collision as we skid to a stop near some flora. Catching our breath, we're approached by an avatar bearing striking resemblance to Grace.
"Hey, Sully's!" she calls out, closing in on us.
"Grace?" Jake questions, eyeing her up and down.
"Who else were you expecting numbnuts?" she retorts with a grin, with me laughing at the nickname Grace gave him.
As Jake and Grace catch up, I slip away into the area where Avatars are housed, searching for a change of attire. Opting for a top similar to Graces but in a deep shade of blue, that are about a shade darker than my current skin tone, pairing it with green cargo shorts. Hoping to blend in slightly to the flora and fauna of the forest.
Gazing up at the darkening sky, I realize it's nearly nightfall, meaning I had to delink for the night. "Alright, everyone, settle down! Lights out." Grace commands, ushering the remaining humans away.
"See you at dinner kiddos," she adds, flicking the lights off.
Lying back, I can still feel the remnants of the headache, but I decided to let sleep wash it away. Closing my eyes, I drift off into a peaceful slumber.
next II
Tag list: @pinkvrydag @neytirismissingtoe @youskawng @tsuteyssyulang @lylalaminated
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
The question is come up but what about the planetoids and the answer is that they are going to begin the attack momentarily and they're trying to threaten our son too and it's bad very bad and they're going after stan. After Time we'll have to stand in for stan. Max will too they say and I'm going to go ahead and plan on that. And yes they agree I understand is fighting though and others are helping and it is a nightmare we are going to take these idiots out at the knees they're so dumb and gross okay they go along with the clothes and they're all killed off after.
Stan lost another million ships in the Western Jefferson and all those millions 300,000 were shield chips and they were above Michigan and Indiana. Feels about a million left over the upper Midwest and none over the Midwest but he has about 4 million ships and they are beginning their tax in the eastern hemisphere and he's not very pleased and with the 300,000 ships they lost they still took about a million and Mac is working on it and in the upper Midwest they are pouring in where he is in his force in great numbers huge numbers it's probably 1 billion people a minute so he started to use the heavy barking and so what hes still using it. The point is that he's occupied and this is in Ohio and West Virginia and western Pennsylvania and up in parts of Canada so what we're doing is raiding, usually he just devastates the force they just keep coming so as they're leaving we're pulling everything out it's kind of cheesy but that's what Trump used to do to areas and ours were left with nothing and he's left with nothing and it looks like Billy z
Thor Freya
We hope you're getting the message from you screw around with him and it's not helping for whichever reason it's not very scientific you don't need to be an analyst and you should have been able to figure it out and apparently not. I've been around you for a while and I know that you're just not listening and you're stupid now. There's a ton of people going to the Utah and North Port Florida and here and across the way and they're all looking to see what happened to d and JC and they're finding out that the clones have the secret and they took them and he was right and he says that Trump may have been sitting on it but he doesn't sit on things right and it would have taken longer elsewhere because that's where he was and it's a lot more than him doing it and it really is that's a huge Force to it and speaking of huge forces and he says yes Hera go ahead, this is a giant Force that the warlock have ready it is humongous is the largest Force I've ever seen anyone assemble it's bigger than our Force up north of nights in white satin. And it is growing all over the world they have these pick up points and they're getting ready right now they all have uniforms they all have weapons and the uniforms look like NATO but space version and they're all ready to go at these pieces of crap they said he also said we know how to operate the weaponry and they didn't put up much of a fight this time compared to last time and the more luck yeah I would probably get a lot more than that and clothes have been doing that lately so they're going up there shortly and once it hits the fan they are going to be killed all over the world by clones and they will be engaging clothes no matter what they're doing there's going to be a lot of surprised idiots
Oh I can't wait I can hear why why all over the damn world was saying why right here I'm going to attack the clothes and Tommy f and it will be done stop War all over the world just like I said if you sit there asking why well good riddance it's so damn dumb no one can help you, we're in a war with our persecutor so get real
There's a lot of people out there you don't understand this and we're going to send out an infomercial and warnings and more I'm going to put stuff out there okay we have to
I got one ready and I'm sending to get now
Don't ever take me online dish you f****** fool and goodbye and good riddance
0 notes
boxmoreinc · 5 years
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“ You know what?! It’s the other way around, buster! SHADOWY’s stuck with ME!! And even if that cheeky chump thinks he can get the best of ol’ Boxy, he’s got another thing comin’! ”
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“ And if youuuu think I’m just gonna sit around and let him shove me about like a hockey puck, you’ve also got another thing coming. SPECIAL DELIVERY, BOZO! IT’S MY FIST TO YOUR FACE!!! ”
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“ ...And a robot. ”
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touching 35 for yennskier or geraskefer please?? ❤
35. Touching their bruises and scars
And @handwrittenhello asked for "kissing each finger" for Yennskier, which tied nicely into this ficlet, so here's some post season 2 Yennskier hurt/comfort. Warnings for mentions of canonical self-harm and a past suicide attempt.
Yennefer finds Jaskier sitting on one of Kaer Morhen's few undamaged ramparts , feet swinging over the edge as he takes a long drink from a bottle of White Gull. It's just past dawn and the half-destroyed keep is lit up with a soft pink glow.
"Did you ever sleep, bardling?" Yennefer asks.
Jaskier yelps and drops the bottle. Far below, there's the sound of glass shattering as it hits the ground. "Fucking hells, witch! Are you trying to kill me?"
"I have my chaos back," she reminds him, perching on the rampart next to him. "I could use a more direct method if I wanted to kill you now."
"You don't need to remind me," he says. "I'm surprised you're not off with Geralt."
Yennefer shrugs, ignoring the sting of the words. "I don't think he has much to say to me right now."
"He'll forgive you, you know."
She stares hard at the horizon. "Maybe he shouldn't."
"Of course he should." He nudges her shoulder with his. "Yennefer, you had a demon inside your head."
"It didn't force me to do anything."
"Are you sure? Or did it just let you think you had free will so it could feed off your guilt and despair? That was its thing, right?"
She swallows the acid feeling in her throat. The inside of her mind still feels dirty and violated. "I suppose we'll never know."
"I know," he says with far too much confidence. "You wouldn't hurt Ciri, not of your own volition. And I'm saying that as someone who has absolutely no faith in your better nature."
Yennefer snorts and rolls her eyes. "I suppose you're right. I almost enjoyed your company back in Oxenfurt. Only demonic possession could achieve such a thing."
He barks a laugh. "Horrible woman."
"That's no way to talk to your wife."
Jaskier laughs so hard at that, she fears he'll fall off the rampart. When he gets control of himself, she expects him to make some pithy remark that isn't half as amusing as he thinks it is. Instead, he reaches out and takes her hand, turning it over. She sucks in a breath as he runs a finger over the scars on her wrists, old and new.
"Does it hurt?" he asks in a undertone.
"Not anymore. When my chaos came back, the cuts healed."
"Why did you do it?"
"Because someone had to," Yennefer says. "I brought that thing to Kaer Morhen's doorstep. If anyone was going to make a sacrifice, it should have been me."
Jaskier makes a small, wounded noise.
Yennefer touches the decades-old scar on her wrist. "My first night at Aretuza, I tried to kill myself. When I woke up, the rectoress asked me, 'Do you know how many people wouldn't even blink if you died?' And she was right. I could have died that night and not a single person would have given a shit."
"I would blink, Yenn," Jaskier whispers. "So would Geralt. So would Ciri. If you had died tonight, we very much would have given a shit."`
Yennefer feels too exposed in the soft morning light. It makes her want to say something cruel, something to start a fight and make him stop looking at her with those earnest eyes. "You don't need me to save you anymore, bardling. You have Geralt back."
"I get in a lot of trouble. There's plenty of rescuing to go around."
Yennefer huffs, but says nothing as he tentatively lifts her wrist to his lips and presses a feather-light kiss to the new scar there. It's a chaste kiss, but she feels it all the way down to her toes. "Trying to kiss it better?"
"No, I'm not the one with the chaos." His voice is light, but she can see the pain in his eyes and she remembers that he has some wounds of his own. She pulls her hand from his grasp and takes his hand, turning it over so she can see his burnt fingertips. His index and middle fingers are both shiny with burns.
"Fire fucker," she growls, thinking of the twisted, burnt corpses of that poor family in Sodden. She has no doubt that would have been Jaskier if she hadn't interfered and the thought is enough to make her want to hunt the bastard down.
"Yeah." Jaskier releases a shaky breath. "He was the worst."
She remembers the desperate, terrified despair in Jaskier's screams, the way he begged the mage not to hurt her, when anyone else would have been begging for their own lives. The way he leaned against her afterwards, completely trusting. She raises his burnt fingertips to her lips and kisses each of them in turn. His fingers tremble under her touch.
"Yennefer," he whispers.
When she pulls back, his burns are gone, the skin of his fingertips pale and unblemished, save for his callouses. His smile is more than a little watery.
"Yennefer of Vengerberg," he says, a quaver in his voice. "No one ever told me you were adorable. You kissed it and made it better."
She scowls at him, hoping to cover up the too many emotions welling up inside her. "Tell no one about this."
"Oh, I'm telling everyone. My next song will be about the witch with the healing lips. It will be my greatest--"
Yennefer pulls him into a kiss, silencing him. It's a long, lingering kiss, full of promises that need to wait until they're not still exhausted and recovering from the events of the last few days.
When Yennefer pulls away, she looks at Jaskier's dopey smile and says, "You're wrong. I don't have a healing kiss."
"Don't you?" He sound a bit breathless.
"No, because I just kissed you and you're as insufferable as ever."
Jaskier's mouth drops open. "You--"
She kisses him again. It seems to be the only way to shut him up.
It's not a surefire method, because between kisses, he murmurs, "I'm still writing a song about you."
"Don't you dare."
"I'm not even a little scared of you, witch."
Yennefer nips at his lower lip. "Yes, you are."
"Yes," Jaskier says, sounding a little dreamy. "I am."
Touch prompts
Tag list: @kueble @maya-the-yellow-bee @feral-jaskier
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
is nsfw ok? im unsure rn but i cant rly find any info- if it is: horny teldryn headcanons? or just in general some more... spicy stuff? if not: sorry! but i appreciate your teldryn mood tho <3
Teldryn Horny Headcanons:
Holyshitholyshitholyshiyholyshit- I have no confidence in my NSFW content but we'll see how this goes.
Warnings: Suggestive content!!🥀
You know how eyes are windows to the soul? Excessive eye contact is this guy's best persuader when aiming to show his lover what he wants. An easy method would be to surprise you by grabbing ahold of your hips and chin and staring deep into your orbs, lust burning evident in his gaze.
He usually has a firm grip on controlling his libido,,, usually. It's in the moments when he gets caught off guard that almost makes him lose it. For instance, seeing you bathe, bending over a tad too far, exposing your thighs, etc. Your mercenary's face will scald red, and then suddenly his pants begin to feel tight.
He gets really turned on by body movement. He definitely won't deny that he's fantasized you half-clothed in revealing lingerie while giving him a dance. In other words, he'd be the guy to throw money at a stripper.
He gets all warm and fuzzy down there when he spots you wearing his scarf, or any of his clothes for that matter. Something about it just gives him a giant sense of ownership... as well as a giant boner...
He's a nipple biter/sucker and no one can change my mind.
He loves having a teasing s/o. It can be a pain when trying to get them in bed, but it's worth it. He get's driven mad when they approach him with that special sway in their hip, reaching to fondle his reddened ears and ever-so-slightly brush their lips over his. He'll naturally lean in to claim the kiss, when they retract from his touch with swift actions. It'll torment him for the rest of the day, but oh, he'll get them back.
He kind of likes the idea of being a potential power bottom. If you wanna take the reigns one night, he'll have no complaints and let you do whatever you want to him, saying, "by all means, outlander. Show me what you've got~."
He'll litter your body in hickies and proudly smack your ass afterwards.
Barking, respectfully.
I'm really hoping that this doesn't turn into an avalanche of NSFW asks😳😳
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awoogayanderes · 3 years
➪ word count: 1,692 words
➪ summary: the three of you go interrogate benny wrights’ dealer. only to find out that your lead is now gone. zeke later on gets an idea on who could be involved.
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"And this is where Benny gets his meth. You know what that is?" Zeke asked William as I stared at the building. "Is this a test?" William asked him unimpressed. "Do you know," I teased him. "Uh yeah, it's a meth house. You put money in the bucket, the meth comes down." He replied.
"Oh somebody watched The Wire. This is some New Jack City s*it. Goddamn," Zeke said getting out of the car. "Don't we need a warrant for this?" William asked as Zeke opened the trunk of his car. "It's a meth house, we'll be okay," I reassured him. "Y/N," William mumbled as Zeke got ready for his disguise.
William and I watched from a distance as Zeke tried to persuade the dealer. "What's he planning,” William asked me, looking a bit confused. "You'll see," I smiled at him. "Do you think we'll find a lead," he asked me. "Most likely, if Benny buys all of his meth from this guy, then he must know something," I said.
"Yeah, but what if they don't have a real relationship, they're just the stereotypical producer-consumer relationship," William made a good point. "That's true, but if you were in the dealer's shoes, wouldn't you want to have a good relationship with your loyal customers so that they'll buy more," I said. "You're right, I didn't think of that," he said with a thinking face.
Suddenly I saw Zeke running at us. "Zeke, what the f**k?" William and I ran after him. "It's got ten seconds, come on!" Zeke yelled. "Jesus Christ," I heard William mumble. We busted through the door pushing past people. "Move," Zeke pushed past a man with a white tank top. "Get out of the way," I exclaimed, pushing past people.
"Out of my way, put of my way! Police!" Zeke yelled. "Five-o! Everybody, five-o!" I heard someone yell. "Move, move, move! Come on! Go! Coming through!" We kept dashing up the stairs. Zeke was in front, I was in the middle, and William was in the back. As we went up another flight of stairs, we saw a big dog barking at us.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! S*it! Get your dog!" Zeke panicked. "F**k you man," the guy holding the dog's leash said. "Get your f**king dog! Now!" Zeke threatened. Slowly, the guy backed up with his still barking dog. "Hey nice doggy," I tried my best to be nice to the dog. "Hey, be nice," I heard William say more sternly.
Finally, we were arriving at the dealer's door. We walked towards it slowly. "Holy f**king s*it," William said. "You could say that again," I replied. "What the f**k's going on," a man came out of a room that had a red hue of light inside. "Back inside. Get back inside," William warned. The man immediately backed away.
As we’re in front of the door, Zeke kicks it down. Immediately, the dealer starts shooting at us with no aim whatsoever. I pulled back William so he wouldn’t get shot. Suddenly the dealer stopped shooting. “Come on! F**k, f**k!” I could hear him trying to reload and hitting the gun. The three of us connected eyes and nodded at each other.
We rushed in and Zeke pushed the dealer back into a glass table. The glass shattered and I realized that a bone was sticking out of the dealer’s leg. “My f**king leg!” He exclaimed in pain. “Come on man, why’d you make it so difficult? What if we really wanted to get high out of our minds,” I said rolling my eyes. “Motherf**kers,” the guy seethed.
“You got to make it easy for the customer skeeve!” Zeke said. “My f**king leg!” The guy kept saying with frustration. “That leg is f**ked up,” Zeke said taking a better look at the leg. “Yo, yo, yo, yo! Let me get a shot for the gram. Hold on for one second,” Zeke pulled out his phone. I looked at William and he just stared back at me. I then walked over to a passed-out girl on the couch.
“Cute girlfriend,” I taunted the dealer. He just kept whining in agony. William kicked the girl’s thigh to see if she woke up. She didn’t, she just kept sleeping, I would’ve thought she was dead if it weren’t for her chest to rise and drop. “What the f**k,” the dealer said as Zeke leaned back with his phone in his hand.
“Hold on, hold on, my man, here we go,” Zeke takes the picture. “You want me to tag you?” Zeke returned to his crouched position. “F**k…f**k you,” the man said now hyperventilating. “Can I tag you motherf**ker?” Zeke asked more aggressively. “F**k you…” the man mumbled out with discomfort on his face.
I then crouched down along with William. “You see this man before,” William pulled out the photo of Benny Wrights. “I ain’t telling you s*it!” The man spat at us. I sighed in frustration. “Why? Cause you worried about that bone sticking out of your leg? Why don’t you let me sterilize it?” Zeke grabbed a bottle of alcohol on the floor.
“No…no…no! F**k!” The dealer screamed in pain as Zeke poured the alcohol into the wound. My face contorted in disgust and William as well looked disgusted as the alcohol caused the wound to bleed even more. Zeke then broke the bottle with the bone sticking out. Finally, the man broke.
“It’s Benny! Stop, please! Everybody knows that motherf**ker Benny Wrights! He’s one of my best customers man,” his eyes were now glassy with tears. The three of us exchanged looks. “When was the last time you saw Benny,” I asked the teary man. “I ain’t seen that b**ch in two days. Word on the street is that motherf**ker OD’d,”
I balled up my hands in frustration, realizing that our lead was practically gone. What were we going to do now that the one suspect we thought was guilty was now rumored dead? “F**k this snitch,” William stood up. Zeke and I followed his lead and headed out. “F**k,” was the last thing I heard the dealer say before we left.
We sat in the restaurant Zeke recommended we should eat at. “Well that was a waste of time,” William sighed. “Well, we know Benny’s dead. Meth isn’t the type of thing you take a break from, besides you see that device? That was not designed by anybody with rotten teeth,” Zeke said. I nodded in agreement as I was almost finishing my food.
“What do you two think about this whole Jigsaw angle? You think it’s a, what-do-you-call-them, one of those disciples?” William asked us. “John Kramer didn’t target cops,” Zeke said. “Well maybe not Kramer, but he could’ve had an apprentice that also chose the victims, like Amanda Young,” Zeke nodded at me.
“There were some dead cops though, like Allison Kerry and Daniel Rigg, but I’m starting to think that this whole thing is something personal,” I said, still thinking about all the possibilities. “And they’re not following orders, especially the orders of a ghost,” Zeke added to my statement.
“Ghost or not, somebody’s out there pulling all the strings. You think this guy sent you guys the boxes because you’re both the lead detectives on the case, or because you’re you?” William asked us. “I don’t know,” Zeke said. I simply shrugged. “Well, you got any enemies? That aren’t cops,” I shook my head, but Zeke thought for a few seconds.
“I might have someone,” Zeke looked at both of us. “So let’s head there,” I said. “Yeah just let me go to the bathroom,” Zeke said standing up. As Zeke walked away William turned his gaze towards me. “You look disappointed,” he said. “I am, it seems like every time we have a lead, somebody’s dead,” I said running a hand through my hair.
He nodded in agreement. “How come you think this is something personal,” he asked me. “Well like Zeke said, the culprit won’t go follow the orders of a ghost and so far, it’s only targeted cops who’ve done something corrupt. Like Boz lying on the stand and Fitch killing an innocent kid,” I said slouching over a bit.
“If it wasn’t personal, then this jigsaw copycat would’ve target regular cops that haven’t done anything wrong,” I continued. “So there’s someone out there trying to get their what I can only assume revenge,” I said. “That’s a good reason to think it’s something personal,” William said. “You’re really smart,” he smiled.
I lightly laughed. “No, I’m just trying to pick this whole thing apart,” I smiled softly at him. “You need to give more credit to yourself, you’re one of the smartest people I’ve met so far at the station,” he said. “Thank you, William,” I smiled sincerely at his honesty.
“By the way, thanks for pulling me back, when we were in the meth house,” he said. “It’s no problem, I was just looking out for you,” I shrugged it off. “This is what I’m talking about when I say that you should give yourself more credit,” he said. “Whatever,” I jokingly said.
“Alright come on you two,” Zeke returned. We quickly paid for our food and headed out of the restaurant. “So where are we going Zeke,” I asked, getting into the back seat of his car. He turned around before starting the car. “To church,” he simply said. I looked at him puzzled but nonetheless, put on my seatbelt.
“Who are we meeting there, a priest?” I slightly joked. “An old friend that could be involved with this,” he said pulling out of the parking space. “So your suspect works in a church,” William asked him, as confused as I was. “You could say that,” Zeke replied. With that, we drove off to the nearby church.
Hopefully this time our suspect will know something or at least be useful to our investigation. From the back seat, my gaze turned to William. Why does he catch my attention so much? He just makes me feel warm, like an old friend. An old friend that I would like to meet once again.
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 9
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word count: 2,756
Warnings: Cursing
Oh dear lord I'm slow at getting these out. Life's been kickin' my ass lately. But thank you to everyone who's been giving me feedback on my stuff, I really love to hear from you guys!
(So sorry, I forgot when I originally posted!) 
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
Chapter 8 Chapter 10
Two months. You've been "missing" for two months now. The days flew by, your time occupied by quirk training Shigaraki insisted on but never told you why. The times you tried to ask he'd brush it off, or say something like:
"So you don’t throw another fit." His words were harsh but he said them with a flat and bored tone. Like it was a poorly acted line.
So now you had better control. You could move things on command, you knew basic combat, you certainly knew how to kick Dabi's ass by now, that didn't take too long. You were being allowed more and more freedom. Even allowed to leave for a convenience store runs with Toga once or twice. No one policed you, told you what you could and could not do anymore. You could have easily ran away by now. You supposed they really didn't need you either. For their plan to work all they would need was some blood and Toga could easily pass as you.
That idea sent a shiver down your spine. You're sure Shigaraki has thought of that already, so why hadn't he? Why was he training you? Would he use your quirk against the heroes in some way? Was he grooming you to turn and fight your father? You wouldn't. No matter what you wouldn't fight your father. Would you? You shook yourself of this thought as you walked down the ally to the back door of the hide out.
Toga unlocked the door and you stepped in, greeted by a dark and dingy back room. You made your way through the dark halls, following closely behind her as she led you up the stairs that finally led to the parts of the building with power. Soon you found yourself walking to the familiar living space where a few people rested. Dabi laid himself out on one of the couches, Spinner sat fiddling with his burner phone, and Twice had started yelling at the TV before you arrived.
"Luuuunch!" Toga shouted. Toga was often used as the errand girl, she brought back necessary supplies, oftentimes food. Today Toga asked you to tag along and help out, and there wasn't a single objection to the hostage going out on the town. You sat the heavy bags down on the coffee table, taking out the contents as you spoke.
"Where are the others?" You asked.
"Mr. Compress was sent on an errand of his own. And Shigaraki's probably pouting in his room. He'll come out when he's hungry." Dabi groaned as he took his meal from your hand.
"Oh. I'll just bring it to him." You said, absent-minded. All eyes turned to you, looking confused and shocked. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing! It's just-"
"He doesn't like to be disturbed." Toga and Twice spoke. You paused and looked at the box in your hand. It would get cold if he didn't eat soon, and besides, none of you had had much to eat lately, you were sure he was hungry. You knew you were.
"I'll just leave it at the door and knock. It'll get cold and then he'll be in an even worse mood." You told them. They watched you turn and walk up the stairs to his "room". You stood in front of the door, with such thin walls you could hear furious typing on the other side. Loud clicking of a mouse, and the sound of a computer's fan. You took a deep breath and softly knocked on the door. Suddenly the sounds abruptly stopped, followed by a bark.
"Foods here." You called back. You heard footsteps on the other side growing louder and louder until the door flew open. You stared up at the tall man as he looked down on you. His hair hung over his face, his eyes hardly visible. Your heart rate quickened the longer you looked at him. What the hell is wrong with you?
"Give it to me." He held out his hand, his pinky holding out in preparation to receive the box.
"You said you liked spice stuff, right?" You asked as you placed it in his hand.
"We got you their spicy special. I hope it's not too much. The sign said 'caution' on it." He scoffed at you, turning the box and looking at the writing on it. He fell very quiet. Inspecting the box, you suddenly worried that something was wrong with it. That maybe you'd messed up somehow. But before your anxiety could reach its peak-
"Thank you." His voice was low and soft. You could hardly hear him. Then before you could respond he closed the door and left you alone again. Did he really say that? You never heard him say that to anyone. Granted, you hardly knew him but still, the way he said it, it made you feel... special in some way. You shook yourself from your train of thought and shuffled down the hallway, pausing when you heard movement and the door to Shigaraki's room open. You froze.
"Wait a minute." He barked. You turned too look at him. He hung out of the doorway to stare at you.
"W-What?" You asked. Shigaraki had a way of making people feel like they were in trouble. His ability to easily become an authority figure was something you were beginning to understand now.
"You...went out?" You nodded. He paused and looked away, his eyes shifting as the gears spun in his head. He turned back into his room as he spoke, "come here for a second." He asked. You slowly made your way to his room, the door left wide for you to peak inside. A dark room lit by portable light fixtures and a laptop computer which sat on an old desk. A cot thrown to the corner covered by the same old and tattered blankets the rest of you had.
"Am I... in trouble?" You croaked.
"What? No. Close the door behind you, you'll let in a draft." He ordered, seeming genuinely confused by your question. You closed the door behind you, leaving you completely alone with him in his space. Your heart raced.
You watched him turn and look up at the wall which he had decorated with plans. Pictures of heroes and villains cut out and pinned. Newspaper clippings, printed out articles and research essays. He was planning something, but what it was was difficult to determine. You did notice however, a cut out of an empty figure with your name on it pinned to the center of it all. You stared at it for a second before he broke you from your train of thought.
"What do you think?" He asked. His attention turned to his meal, he picked at it, taking a few bites.
"Of what?"
"...the plan." You looked back at the wall, puzzled you tried your best to gain any sort of information from it. Only being able to find bits and pieces. You knew it involved you, your father, and the take down of hero society. A cut out piece of article said something about the rise of villains, that more and more people were turning to villain work. How those rates have a correlation with classes. You slowly turned back to look at him.
"I'm sorry you're gonna have to explain this to me." You told him. He rolled his eyes and stood, directing his attention to his work as he spoke.
"This is the second part of the plan."
"What was the first?"
"Taking you as a hostage."
"Right. But, didn't you say the plan was to expose the heroes after they weren't able to rescue me and not only expose the faulty heroes but also my father as a neglectful and flawed individual not worthy of the hero title?" He paused.
"But that didn't go as planned."
"Didn't you say something about making a video to broadcast outing myself as All Might's daughter and causing panic? What happened to that plan?"
"It became leverage. If they attempt to come for you, then we'll go with that. But if we do that now, they'll come for you now and we'll be forced to fight."
"Isn't a fight...a good thing? You'd get news coverage and You'd no doubt gain supporters."
"Normally it would. But a fight isn't what we need right now. The heroes have us surrounded. If we make any move at all, we're in their hands. We won't be able to win."
"Not even with your quirk? Couldn't you-"
"Not with everyone here. As strong as I've gotten, I'm not strong enough to keep them from getting swept up and dusted too."
"We're in a tight spot. One wrong move and we'll be wiped out."
"What about your supporters? Couldn't you get help from the outside."
"I could, but the heroes would see it coming. They have our signal tapped. Any sort of communication has to be verbal or written."
"Homing pigeon?" You offered. It made him smirk.
"Right now we're like a fox trapped in its own hole by hunters."
"So... we dig?" That made him smile, wide.
"Dig. If we could smuggle ourselves out of the city, we could reach a clear spot where we can call for backup to get us."
"Why not send one person to smuggle themselves out? Toga could easily disguise herself and leave."
"They have a barrier."
"Part of the city is closed off until further notice. They know exactly where we are. If one gets out, they won't hesitate to come for all of us. We all have to get out at once and they can't notice until it's too late."
"But how the hell are you gonna do that?" His smile widened. He looked truly excited and happy. For the first time you saw your capture seem truly excited about something.
"We have a few secret recruits in the city. Spies." He turned his attention back to his meal box, reaching in to pull out the inner box that held the food, to reveal a piece of paper sitting underneath in the flimsy take out box. "I didn't know they were letting you out of the base now." He spoke as he opened and read the note within the box.
"I thought, you knew. I thought you were the one that said I could. Dabi said it was fine." He read the note and stood to pin it up on the wall before speaking.
"I've been too busy with this to worry about you. You shouldn't believe everything that Dabi says. I told him to make sure you just don't have another episode and cause a scene before we leave. I thought assigning him babysitting duty would keep him busy." He chuckled. "There's just one thing I don't understand." He turned back to you. "Why didn't you leave?"
"You had the opportunity, but you're still here. Why?" You froze. Why? Why didn't you run?
"I was scared I'd be killed." You lied. He laughed at you.
"Don't lie to me. You lost that fear a long time ago. You know that's not true. If I wanted you dead I would have killed you a long time ago."
"You've kept me alive to use me as bate. To, to expose the truth." You argued.
"With Toga, we wouldn't need to." You swallowed hard. You knew he had thought about this.
"I'll tell you why I stayed, if you tell me why you've been training me." He scoffed.
"To keep you busy, to keep you from having another episode."
"That doesn't make sense. You could have drugged me, killed me, you said it yourself. But you kept me alive, you kept me busy. You could have kept me on my meds, unable to use it at all but you insisted I learn my quirk. You trained me yourself. Why?" His smile faded and his expression became dark.
"I asked you first." He growled. You looked away from him and thought for a moment before gaining the strength to answer. You knew the truth for a while now. You never wanted to say it out loud. You refused to look at him as you spoke.
"I don't wanna go back. But you probably already knew that by now. You just wanted to hear me say it, huh?" His smirk returned.
"Had a hunch." He snickered.
"Now you answer me."
"Why don't you wanna go back?"
"We had a deal. Answer my question now." You barked at him. It took him a long pause. A full minute of waiting in silence felt like agony.
"I thought it would help you feel better." He muttered in a surprisingly husky tone. "Keep you from asking me to dust you again." That's right, during your episode...
"I'm sorry." You blurted.
"I'm sorry I... I asked you to kill me." You hid your face from him. He shifted and crossed his arms across his chest.
"It's not a big deal, I dust people all the time."
"No, I know. But like, I can't imagine being asked to by someone having a fucking break down happens all the time too. I kinda...kinda put you in a shitty position." When you looked up, he looked confused. Comically so. "What?"
"I took you hostage." He reminded you. You couldn't help but chuckle, that made him more confused.
"Shit, yeah, you're right. Guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself huh?" He looked away. "Still. My intentions weren't to upset you."
"You didn't upset me."
"It seems like I upset you." You toyed. His guard was down, he was vulnerable, and allowing you to be there.
"Shut up. You didn't answer my other question!" He shouted in an almost playful tone. You couldn't help but smile, only to have it slowly fade as you thought about your second answer.
"I don't want to go back because..." you stopped, the words getting stuck in your throat. You were unable to speak. He looked down at you, waiting for an answer. He seemed almost relaxed. He seemed normal. Like a normal guy leaning against the wall of his bedroom with his arms folded across his chest. Your eyes wandered up to his scarred neck, bright red scabs forming. Inflamed and fresh. He had recently scratched at it again, clearly in an upset state too. When he blinked you got a clear view of the scarring around his eyes.
"Boss!" A familiar voice shouted from outside the door. "Boss!" Before you could move the door was thrown open, Spinner's wide eyes finding you standing there. He shook his confusion loose before turning back to Shigaraki who quickly changed his position to attention. "Come quick!"
You followed him back to the living space where the old television sat. The news playing loudly as everyone gathered around to watch in panic. Swat teams and heroes decorated the screen as shot after shot showed them surrounding your building. Fear ran from your toes to your head, making you feel nauseous and dizzy. Shit. Shit. Shit. They're here for you. But you...you weren't ready to leave. And what about-
"Not again! - We can take 'em'!" Twice shouted at it like a sport was playing.
"Tomura, what are we going to do!?" Toga asked, frantically bobbing up and down in panic. He watched the TV intently listening in.
"After receiving a tip from an anonymous source, police and heroes found missing tourist Y/L/N Y/N being held captive by The League of Villains in this abandoned office building. Officials are working now to safely rescue the hostage."
Suddenly a loud voice was heard both on TV and through the halls of the building.
"League of Villains. We have you surrounded. Please let Y/L/N go and no one will be hurt." A cop shouted through a megaphone.
"C'mon Shigaraki, what's the plan?" Dabi asked, clearly starting to get uncomfortable. Before Shigaraki could respond, you spoke.
"Well, looks like this is it for me." You began walking away, only to be stopped by a strong, four-fingered grip pulling you back.
"Where do you think you're going!?" He growled.
"The jig is up, Shigaraki! Let me go! I'm not useful anymore. All they want is me, if I'm out of your hair you'll be able to escape easier." His grip tightened, pulling you closer as his red eyes bore into yours.
"So long as you're here they won't dare make a move. You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here."
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Ch 10 - Bunker Law
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Ch 11
47 days after death wave.
The council of grounders and Skaikru disagree like always. We've been forced to go on half rations. Rory sits across from Jaha's boy, Ethan Halter. His actual father I sent to die. Dad sits next to me and mom doesn't sit with us. My braid falls over my right shoulder as I watch rory talk a little with Ethan.
Ethan taps Jaha's shoulder "uncle Theo, may I have seconds please - for Bethany too?" My smile drops from my face. I grip the chancellor's pin still on my jacket. Dad starts to slide his rations forward, but I grab his wrist "Dad - we can't" he ignores me and tries again only for Jaha to join in. "No. Thank you. Now uncle Marcus and aunt Kristin, have to eat too."
Rory glanced at Ethan, who mutters a 'sorry Beth'. She eats the last bit of her food, sighing. "I guess we'll have to get used to this, huh." Resting a hand on her shoulder, I give her a weak smile.
Our people knocked me and dad out, restrained us with mom and rory. Rory spins a string ring on her ring finger of her right hand. Leaning near her "is that a gift from Ethan?" She slowly nods her head yes, twirling a piece of her hair loose from her braid. Ethan and her have become close friends - talking and laughing about simple things. Giving her a gift reminds me so much of Bellamy. This morning I snuck into the main office, just acted like he could actually hear my messages. Mom hasn't spoken to me for a whole month, she keeps taking pain pills and I'm afraid she might become addicted to them.
Hours have passed and rory leaves against me fast asleep. Mom snapped quite "you took away my choice. Marcus, Kristin!"
Dad says "we're not gonna apologize for saying your life, Abby."
I shifted a bit to face her directly "We made the right choice. You're my mom, a doctor and Rory's grandma."
Dad chimed with "I would've made the same choice, even if I didn't love you."
Mom barks "really, then why were you willing to float me on the ark?" I look at my dad with my mouth hung open - he's never mentioned that. He barely made eye contact with me.
Dad puts a hand on her arm, saying "Kristin and I couldn't bare to lose you. We'd just got you back. The world was ending before our very eyes and I thought I could weather any storm as long as you were by our side..."
I let tears slip, grabbing her other arm, making her look me in eyes "Mom, how could you ever think. Dad and I would be able to carry you outside and shut the door...I - I'm not that strong- I killed 364 of our people out to die....mom...I couldn't...lose you." Tears appear in her eyes but they don't fall.
Dad voices sniffing some tears out along with me. "Abby, I'm sorry, but I'm not that strong either. I would do the same thing a thousand times. "
They lean in about to kiss, but a loud thud starts making Rory bolt awake. They're trying to round out the grounders- like that will work.
I hear Octavia slash her sword and yelling 'you are Wonkru, or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose!' O what are you doing!
Octavia runs, unlocking our chains. Blood of grounders is what she's covered in. Rory whimpers into me, scared a bit of her aunt o. I can't blame her. All of us run to find jaha, dying. Rory gets on her knees with me and mom. Dad stands with Octavia.
Jaha shutters "Octavia- Kristin. Promise me you'll both take care of Ethan." Taking his hand in mine I vow "of course." Octavia finishes "you have my word."
Jaha slurs in tired breath. "Mar - Marcus - take me home..."
Dad sniffs, taking my shacky hand in his we say the oath of the Ark. "In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you reach the next. Safe passage on your travels...until our final journey to the ground. - may we meet again." All of us say that last line. Rory wraps her arms around herself as I bawl into my dad's shirt. Mom cries on his shoulder.
Octavia and I now stand above our people again. Blood remains on her and I have a few cuts on me. I grip the chancellor's pin with one hand and the railing with my other. I breath out "there are too many people in this bunker..." Octavia takes over as I struggle to stand. Traitors kneel on the ground as our people fight and say that Skaikru should be punished. Ethan holds Rory in his side, comforting her thr best he can. "There is no Skaikru. There is only Wonkru and the enemies of Wonkru." Octavia creates the fighting pits - like the gladiators.
'Conclave rules. Win the fight - save your life.' That's our world now.
Bethany's POV
It's been 3 years since aunt O created the fight pits. Mom stepped down from being a leader at her side. Grandpa kane thinks I've been scarred like Ethan, he's half right. Ethan is 2 years old than me. I'm 10 - making him 12. He has wavy blonde locks, wears a Arkadia guard jacket- it was mine but mom gave it to him. Now I wear one of my dad's old ones. A dark blue shirt, gray pants and ankle length boots. My hair is in a loose mess over my shoulders. I still wears mom's necklace from grandma Abby. My boots bang against the metal of the bunker floor. Laying my chin on my arms crossed on the metal railing I sigh, looking down at the blood stained floor.
Grandpa kane and mom have tried to make this bunker sound like a princess castle - like how the Ark appeared for her a long time ago. I believed their fairy tales for about 3 years. Footsteps approached and I wipe my head around to see Ethan. He's an inch taller than me, his green eyes lock with mine. Striding up to me, he kisses my cheek causing me to blush. I know I'm way early to be feeling things for boys but I can't help. He's charming, protective like my dad and looks nice in that guard jacket. We've been friends for years- but he's been getting the courage to tell my mom about our relationship. He says when he's 15, he'll ask me to be his girlfriend at 13 - plus give me my first kiss. I can't wait till then.
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with a bright smile, showing off his perfect teeth "Now what are you doing out here alone, Beth. Without your escort no less."
I snort, lightly poking him in the chest "Haha Ethan. I can take care of myself - my mom doesn't need to know everything" he takes my hands in his, Spinning me into his chest as he hums a old toon from the Ark.
We dance around the platform above the fighting pits. He acts like he's one of aunt O's followers but really it's just an act. We don't think it's right - mom came home crying from a meeting one night. Clutching grandpa kane, who cried alone with her.
She had sobbed 'Octavia has lost her mind - this isn't how we should be living...I can't be chancellor with her anymore.'
Ethan twirls me and my jacket flies up a little- I imagine I'm wearing a real princess gown of gold or ocean blue maybe. I'd give anything to see Ethan rock a tux.
Ethan wraps his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest. My hands hold onto the guard jacket- inhaling his scent. Mom had to send his father to die, she's never really ever got over that. I tilt my head up to his, to see him looking down at me. Our noses touch and we can feel the others breath.
His right hand cues my cheek while te other stays resting on my tiny back. His voice choked "Bethany, can I kiss you?" Blush rises to our cheeks.
I give him a little smirk "We'd be breaking another one of the rules. My mom or aunt O could throw us in the pit" I can't hold back my laugh as he does laugh at my response.
He straightened his back, puffing out his chest acting like a true knight "I'll always protect you - forever and always." Those words leaving his lips made tears come to my eyes. I wipe my eyes seeing him drop his smile.
Those words were the last words my dad said to me. Mom still has hope that he'll come down from space in 2 more years.
I put a smile back on my face, pulling his lips closer to mine. In a low whisper I tell him. "I truly believe you. Now kiss me Ethan Halter." He hesitated for a moment before I felt his lips onto mine. It was quick but I crashed mine back onto his, savoring their flavor, how soft they are.
Mom said she'd always describe her first kiss with dad as - magical. I described mine as - fireworks.
I slowly opened my eyes staring up at the ceiling of this bunker. Resting in my bunk with my arms behind my head. Mom and dad rest in their bunks across from mine and rory's. They've finally made up - yet mom still takes the pills. Last week she stole some from medical. My hair is still wet and a little curly from the shower this morning. Rolling on my side I picked up a radio.
'Bellamy if you can hear me. If you're alive it's been exactly three years since the death wave - 2 more to go.' I paused glancing towards the door, clipping the radio to me belt I get up heading out the door wearing.
Everyone is asleep thankfully so they can't hear me basically talking to myself. Octavia and I have had our fights - about how we should be leading in this bunker. Yet a few weeks ago I'd had enough. The fighting pits just got worse and worse. Everytime rory has to watch she hides her face in my jacket. 'Rory has a friend bell. His name's Ethan Halter - one of Skaikru's people -' I hear laughter and stop on the other side of the railing. Squinting I see Ethan and rory kissing. Placing the radio back to my lips, i corrected myself 'scratch that bell - her boyfriend.'
Running over to them I ca out in a low whisper "Bethany Rory Blake!" Ethan and her separated blushing mad. Rory stuttered "Mom hi - ah this isn't what you think." Crossing my arms over my chest I glare at her.
Ethan slowly starts "chancellor Kristin Blake. I - um - I'm dating your daughter"
Crosding my eyebrows I rest the tips of my fingers against it, letting out a low sigh "you're lucky I'm not your father Rory....or you'd be forbidden to see him. Now let's start over. Hi I'm Kristin Blake, Bethany's mother and you are?"
Sticking a hand out to Ethan, he shacked my hand "I'm Ethan Halter, Mrs. Blake. I'd like permission to date your daughter."
Rory glanced up at me with puppy dogs eyes. When she does that she looks so much like her father. Nodding my head I agree "you have it"
Ethan mouths "thank you" before picking her up by the waist and spinning her around with laughs.
3 more years later.
Well time down here has only got darker. We had to become canaballs. Food wasn't growing fast enough. The people who died in the fighting pits were our food. The first time we started dad and I weren't gonna do it, but Octavia held a sword up to my throat- threatening me. Ethan and Rory did as they were told, holding each other's hand under the table as they gagged it down.
Ethan's lived up to his promise to keep her happy and safe. Now she's 13 and he's 15. I see them always with one another unless he's training with Octavia. This morning rory stands next to me, watching the fights. Ethan roars and gia scolds him. Octavia sends in the next round and I gasped, gripping the bars. Down in the fighting pits is my father.
Mom got caught stealing pills- those stupid pills. Dad must be taking the crime for her. They truly love one another but this is madness. Bending down to rory I order her as she tries to wipe away her tears "Go to Ethan - no matter what happens to us. Don't follow me!" She bolts to Ethan l, gripping him hard in a hug. At first he's surprised but grips het back tightly. Racing up to Octavia I beg her on my knees 'Octavia please - you can't do this."
She looks down at me, pointing a hand down to me "Kristin you know the rules...you win the fight and you get to live. Marcus Kane is an enemy of Wonkru unless he wins."
Tears fall down my face as I plead with her, making my voice crack "Octavia put me in instead- let me fight....I can't let my father die." She glances to the guards who throw ke into the pits. Blood gets spattered on my face as dad helps me to my feet "Kristin, are you insane!"
Taking his hands in mine I breath out "Dad years ago I promised you that I wouldn't let you die to save my life." Wonkru starts cheering as we fight.
Octavia gets on the ground about to behead my father but I grab a sword off the floor. Racing in front of him I block her blow.
Rory screams "Mom. No!" Ethan lowers them to the ground as she sobs thinking it's my end. A rumbling comes above us and a giant hole opened, letting light in. Everyone freezes- not used to seeing the sunlight. Strange people come down as O pulls her sword away from me and dad.
I get a lump in my throat as I see a familiar someone coming down. He unhooked himself, before turning around to lock eyes with me. I flicked my gaze to my sister to see her wearing a cameo styled outfit with short to her shoulder hair, red dye in some places. Her focus goes around the bloody fighting pit bunker for a slight shift but she raced to me engulfed me in a tight hug. "Kristin!"
"Clarke!" I bear hugged her back letting tears slip in the very relief that she's alive, this reminds of the time of Mount weather when she entered Arkadia's gates all bloody and bruised but still fully alive.
My ponytail braid is a rock, tarred clothing. Blood on me with a bloodied sword in my hands. She pulls away with a bright smile as I wipe away happy tears. "When the radio died - and I didn't get to say goodbye. . . I feared the worst but-" She tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, reassuring me. "I became a nightblood and survived. Also you're an aunt now too." I gasped sharply before eyeing my husband from the corner of my eye.
Bellamy stands stunned in front of me, he has a bread now. His hairs longer and his clothes are a little dirty but otherwise better then mine.
Cracking out like a frog, I drop the sword raising forward to him. "Bellamy- you're alive...you're really here!"
He wrapped his strong arms around me, crying "Yes Kristin. It's me. I'm home." His familiar arms gently hold me like they always did, making being in his embrace my home. I pulled slightly back to wrap my arms around his neck drawing him in for a long awaited kiss. His hands run up my sides and hold my face in them seeping the already passionate kiss.
Bethany's POV
Grandpa Kane is in the ring. Mom begged aunt o to stop, yet she ends up in the pit herself. My hands are clutching Ethan in a death grip. Tears consumed me as he holds me in his muscular arms, trying to calm me down. Yet I can't my mom and grandpa are about to die by my aunt o's sword. I scream and drop lower to the ground before a huge hole is blown above us. Strangers drool down with ropes. A blondie with a black curly haired guy come down too. Mom drops the sword in her hands, racing and jumping into the curly haired boys arms. She cries out in happiness.
'Bellamy - you're alive...you're really here!' My eyes go big and I force myself out of Ethan's grip to run hearing his protest as he cashes me "Beth -Bethany - wait!" But I can't he's home.
I climb the railing, jumping down hitting the floor on my feet. Tears come to my eyes as I notice the blonde right away - aunt C. Crying in a run I threw myself into her arms. "Aunt Clarke!" She stumbles a bit before hugging me tight. Her hair is cut really short and she has some red dye in it. Wearing a wicked cool outfit. Mom breaks away from dad, cupping his face in her hands she crashes her lips onto his just as Ethan reaches me, a little out of breath. Finally dad wrapped an arm around mom our of breath. He takes in a sharp breath noticing me.
A huge smile plastered on both our faces as I race to his arms. Mom steps back as he spins me around in the air, when I grip tightly to his jacket. Mom had told me stories of how he wasn't always the good guy but he'd do anything for his family. He took in a sharp exhale gripping me "Oh my god princess Rory - you have no idea how much I've missed you."
I squeal as he sets me on my feet, taking in my appearance. "Almost as much as me and mom have missed you dad!" His chocolate eyes look me over. Seeing me wear a black jacket like he used too when the 100 were on the ground. A dark blue tea shirt, dark gray pants and gray dusty boots. Mom's necklace hanging around my neck. Pigtail braids hang over my shoulders with a Skaikru designed headband around my forehead holding back the rest of my free flowing hair.
Ethan coughs behind me, making me spin to see him shifting from foot to foot. Sticking a hand out for him, I pull him forward and he gets even more nervous blushing and shaking as my dad raises an eyebrow to my mom.
"Who's this, Kristin?," Mom rest a gentle hand on his shoulder "Bellamy this is Ethan Halter - our daughter's boyfriend." Dad locks gazes with Ethan, who hasn't taken a breath in a few minutes. Nudging him in the side he takes a sharp breath. Earning a chuckle from ne at his nervous.
Copying my smirk dad voices "boyfriend ah - princess." I wrap an arm around ethan's shoulders answering "yes daddy. Ethan is the best!"
My whole family is finally home.
Y/n pov
Nights here again as I lay my head in Bell's lap allowing him to play with my hair. Clarke sits across from us, watching us with a smile. Rory lays down on the ground next to Ethan who has his arms crossed behind his head, she giggles at something he says. He points up at the sky and they both laugh with smile on their faces. Looking at how they are I realize that Bellamy kept me safe as I did for him. Rory and Ethan are like us, just a stiff bit innocent - not having to kill to survive.
"What's brought a smirk to your face, Kristin?" Bellamy asks, helping me fully sit up to face him. I know this is crazy but I want to do it with him again- we've been separated for six years.
Leaning up I kiss him deeply, thankful that Clarke isn't around. Bellamy kisses me back wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me further into his lap. At some point of this heated make out we break for air.
"Bell I want you again- I've missed you and I want to make up for it." He nods his head slowly, glancing over my shoulder to see 'Bethan' as I call them in my head. Bellamy's hot breaths meets my ear, sending a shiver down my spine "all we have to do Is act normal, tell Ethan to watch rory then we can slip away to my tent.:
Getting to our feet bell and I walk over to the pair. Ethan broke away from Kissing her at our presence. Getting on one knee I whispered in his ear as rory looks at dad with a bright smile - loving that he's back in our lives. "Ethan watch rory for us. We have to go check on something." He nods, revealing his gun to us as a sign of protection.
Once inside the tent Bellamy and I take the others clothes off and well you can figure out the rest. My joy breath is against his bare chest as I run a hand through his hair while he draws patterns on my arm. Big smiles on both our faces, his bread tickled at first but now I'm used to it. For in this moment I'm happy - I feel like we have a normal life. No grounders, no wars. Just me and Bellamy alone together.
Bethany's POV
Ethan and I sit our packs on the ground. He said that our first official date would be showing me the stars. Laying on my back he lays with his arms behind his head, looking up at the stars. I barely remember ever looking at them before life in the bunker, I remember seeing the glowing butterfly's with my mom and dad. Ethan's wavy locks fall in his eyes and he tries to blow them out his face but falls. Resting on one of my elbows I reach over helping him "you should consider trimming your bangs - you wouldn't have this problem." He chuckled at my statement, pulling me down so my head rests on his chest.
A few seconds passed before he's pointing out the Ark in the sky. "See Beth it's right there." I put my head up to his finger where he points squinting with a giggle "Ethan, that's a star - not the Ark."
He runs a hand through his hair fighting "nah, the Ark only looks like a star from here - but the brightest star up there is the Ark." Facing him i quipped "what about the sun then Ethan miksmartie pants Haltet. Huh?"
He glares at me before a grin appears. He cups my face and kisses me. I throw my arms around his neck and pull us down so he's hovering over me. The stars dance almost above his as I grin up at him. Ethan is attractive to me and he's not even 17 yet. His green eyes pour into mine with such hope for a better life. Like my grandpa Kane's used too.
Ethan forces himself up to his feet, a hand outstretched to me. Raising an eyebrow to him "what is it, Ethan?" He pulls me closer to his side, riffle slung over his shoulder. We head only a few feet from our campsite. He uses a knife to carve a x in the tree. Way back when mom said she'd learned gun training from dad, so I grin at Ethan's face.
"You're mom said to protect you so - I thought you should learn how to shoot" he comes behind me as I hold his rifle in my hands, looking through the scope I stand "my mom only let me hold a handgun and she yelled at me for nearly using it to save my dad...although I was only 7 at the time." Ethan chuckles before wrapping his arms around mine, positing me.
"Here, a little higher. I only put three bullets in it." He let's go of ne as I take a breath slowly pulling the trigger. The gunshot sound surprises me at first but the next two shots give me an exciting feeling.
"Oh my gosh...that felt awesome!" I turned to him with a smirk. He removes the gun from my hands. With a smirk playing on his lips he kisses me deeply, catching me off guard. I slowly kiss him back liking the feeling of his lips hungry on mine. We start backing up till I hit a tree. I gasp causing Ethan to break apart noticing our hairs are messed up. My heartbeats fast as he runs his fingers through his locks, in a panic.
"Bethany I - I'm sorry. I got carried away." He explained.
Stepping up to him, I rest a hand on his cheek letting him lean into my palm "it's okay Ethan. I want to go further in the future....just give me time." He leans forward kissing my forehead "I understand. I promise I'll control myself from here on, Beth."
This is one of the reasons I love Ethan. Because he's respectful of my decisions.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights
Or, russian Snow White and the seven Bogatyrs, legendary slavic warriors, similar to the knight-errant in Western tradition
This is a 1833 poem by russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin, inspired by the childhood tales told by his nurse. It's basically russian Snow White, been astonishly closer to the Disney film than the original Brothers Grimm's fairy tale
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With his suite the Tsar departed. The Tsarina tender-hearted at the window sat alone, wishing he would hurry home.
All day every day she waited, gazing till her dedicated eyes grew weak from overstrain, gazing at the empty plain. Not a sign of her beloved!
Nothing but the snowflakes hurried, heaping drifts upon the lea. Earth was white as white could be. Nine long months she sat and waited, kept her vigil unabated.
Then from God on Christmas Eve, she a daughter did receive. Next day early in the morning, love and loyalty rewarding. Home again from travel far, came at last the father-Tsar.
One fond glance at him she darted, gasped for joy with thin lips parted. Then fell back upon her bed and by prayer-time was dead.
Long the Tsar sat lonely, brooding. But he, too, was only human.
Tears for one sad year he shed... And another woman wed.
She (if one be strictly truthful) was a born Tsarina. Youthful, slim, tall, fair to look upon. Clever, witty, and so on.
But she was in equal measure stubborn, haughty, wilful, jealous. In her dowry rich and vast was a little looking-glass.
It had this unique distinction: It could speak with perfect diction. Only with this glass would she in a pleasant humour be.
Many times a day she'd greet it and coquettishly entreat it:
"Tell me, pretty looking-glass, nothing but the truth, I ask: Who in all the world is fairest, and has beauty of the rarest?"
And the looking-glass replied:
"You, it cannot be denied. You in all the world are fairest and your beauty is the rarest."
The Tsarina laughed with glee, shrugged her shoulders merrily, puffed her cheeks and bat her eyelids, flicked her fingers coyly, slyly, pranced around with hand on hips, arrogance upon her lips.
All this time the Tsar's own daughter quietly, as Nature taught her, grew and grew, and came quite soon like a flower into bloom: Raven-browed, of fair complexion, breathing kindness and affection.
And the choice of fiance lighted on Prince Yelisei. Suit was made. The Tsar consented and her dowry was indented:
Seven towns with wealthy store. Mansion-houses, sevenscore. On the night before the wedding, for a bridal party dressing, the Tsarina, time to pass, chatted with her looking-glass:
"Who in all the world is fairest, and has beauty of the rarest?"
Then what did the glass reply?
"You are fair, I can't deny. But the Princess is the fairest. And her beauty is the rarest."
Up the proud Tsarina jumped. On the table how she thumped, angrily the mirror slapping, slipper heel in fury tapping!
"O you loathsome looking-glass, telling lies as bold as brass! By what right is she my rival?Such young folly I shall bridle. So she's grown up? Me to spite! Little wonder she's so white: With her bulging mother gazing. At that snow?What's so amazing! Now look here, explain to me. How can she the fairer be? Scour this realm of ours and seek well, nowhere shall you find my equal. Is not that the truth?" she cried.
Still the looking-glass replied:
"But the Princess is the fairest and her beauty is the rarest."
The Tsarina burst with spite, hurled the mirror out of sight, underneath the nearest cupboard, and when breath she had recovered, summoned Smudge, her chamber maid and to her instructions gave:
"Take the Princess to the forest. Bind her hand and foot and forehead to a tree! When wolves arrive let them eat the girl alive!"
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Woman's wrath would daunt the devil! Protest was no use whatever.
Soon the Princess left with Smudge for the woods. So far they trudged that the Princess guessed the reason. Scared to death by such foul treason, loud she pleaded:
"Spare my life! Innocent of guilt am I! Do not kill me, I beseech you! And when I become Tsarina I shall give you rich reward."
Smudge, who really loved her ward, being loth to kill or bind her, let her go, remarking kindly:
"God be with you! Do not moan!"
And, this said, went back alone.
"Well?" demanded the Tsarina. "Where's that pretty little creature?"
"In the forest on her own," Smudge replied. "And there she'll stay. To a tree I firmly lashed her. When a hungry beast attacks her, she'll have little time to cry, and the quicker she shall die!"
Rumour spread and caused a panic: "What, the Tsar's own daughter vanished!"
Mournful was the Tsar that day, but the young Prince Yelisei offered God a fervent prayer and departed then and there, to seek out and homeward guide, his sweet-tempered, youthful bride.
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Meanwhile his young bride kept walking through the forest until morning, vague as to her whereabouts.
Suddenly she spied a house. Out a dog ran growling, yapping, then sat down, his tail tap-tapping. At the gate there was no guard. All was quiet in the yard.
Close at heel the good dog bounded as the Princess slowly mounted stairs to gain the living floor, turned the ring upon the door.
Silently the door swung open and before her eyes unfolded a bright chamber: all around benches strewn with rugs she found, board of oak beneath the ikon and a stove with tiles to lie on.
To the Princess it was clear, kindly folk were dwelling here, who would not deny her shelter.
No one was at home, however. So she set to, cleaned the pans, made the whole house spick and span, lit a candle in the corner, fed the fire to be warmer, climbed onto the platform bed, there to lay her sleepy head.
Dinner time. The yard resounded, horses stamped and men dismounted. Thick-moustached and ruddy-skinned, seven lusty Knights walked in.
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Said the Eldest: "How amazing! All so neat! The fire blazing! Somebody's been cleaning here, and is waiting somewhere near. Who is there? Come out of hiding! Be a friend in peace abiding! If you're someone old and hoar, be our uncle evermore! If you're young and love a scuffle.We'll embrace you as a brother. If a venerable dame, then shall 'mother' be your name. If a maiden fair, we'll call you our dear sister and adore you."
So the Princess rose, came down to the Seven Knights and bowed. Her good wishes emphasising, blushing and apologising that to their delightful home uninvited she had come.
Straight they saw her speech bore witness to the presence of a Princess.
So they cleared a corner seat, offered her a pie with meat, filled a glass with wine and served it on a tray, as she deserved it.
But the glass of heady wine she politely did decline, and the pie she broke with caution, savouring a tiny portion.
Pleading she was very tired, soon she gracefully retired and the Seven Knights conveyed her to the best and brightest chamber and, away as they did creep, she was falling fast asleep.
Days flew by? The Princess living all the time without misgiving, in the forest, never bored, with the Seven Knights abroad.
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Darkness would the earth still cover when at dawn the seven brothers would ride out to try their luck with a long-bow, shooting duck.
She, as lady of the house, rose much later, moved about dusting, polishing and cooking, never once the Knights rebuking. They, too, never chided her. Days flew by like gossamer.
And in time they grew to love her. Thereupon all seven brothers, shortly after dawn one day, to her chamber made their way, and the Eldest Knight addressed her:
"As you know, you are our sister. But all seven of us here are in love with you, my dear, and we all desire your favours. But that must not be. God save us! Find some way to give us peace! Be a wife to one at least, to the rest remain a sister! But you shake your head. Is this to say our offer you refuse? Nothing from our stock you'll choose?"
"O my brave and bonny brothers, virtuous beyond all others!"
In reply the Princess'said, "God in heaven strike me dead if my answer be not honest: I've no choice. My hand is promised! You're all equal in my eyes, all so valiant and wise, and I love you all, dear brothers! But my heart is to another pledged for evermore. One day I shall wed Prince Yelisei!"
Hushed, the brothers kept their station, scratched their foreheads in frustration.
"As you wish! So now we know," said the Eldest with a bow.
"Pray, forgive us, and I promise you'll hear nothing further from us!"
"I'm not angry," she replied. "By my pledge I must abide."
Bowing low, the seven suitors left her room with passions muted. So in harmony again did they live and friendship reign.
The Tsarina was still livid, every time she saw in vivid memory the Princess fair.
Long the mirror, lying there, was the object of her hatred;
But at last her wrath abated. So one day it came to pass, that she took the looking-glass, up again and sat before it, smiled and, as before, implored it:
"Greetings, pretty looking-glass! Tell me all the truth, I ask: Who in all the world is fairest, and has beauty of the rarest?"
Said the mirror in reply:
"You are fair, I can't deny. But where Seven Knights go riding, in a green oak-grove residing, humbly lives a person who is more beautiful than you."
The Tsarina's wrath descended on her maid: "What folly tempted you to lie? You disobeyed!"
Smudge a full confession made...
Uttering a threat of torture, the Tsarina grimly swore to send the Princess to her death, or not draw another breath.
One day by her window waiting for her brothers homeward hasting, sat the young Princess and span.
Suddenly the dog began barking. Through the courtyard scurried a poor beggar-woman, worried by the dog she kept at bay with her stick.
"Don't go away! Stay there, stay!" the Princess shouted, from the window leaning outward.
"Let me call the dog to heel, and I'll offer you a meal."
And the beggar-woman answered: "Pretty child, you take my fancy! For that dog of yours, you see, could well be the death of me. See him snarling, bristling yonder! Come here, child!"
The Princess wanted to go out, and took a loaf. But the dog its body wove round her feet, refused to let her step towards the woman-beggar.
When the woman, too, drew near, wilder than an angry bear, it ttacked her. How perplexing!
"Had a bad night's sleep, I reckon!" Said the Princess. "Catch it! There!"
And the bread flew through the air. The poor beggar-woman caught it.
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"I most humbly thank you, daughter, God be merciful!" said she. "In return take this from me!"
The bright apple she was holding, newly picked, fresh, ripe and golden, straight towards the Princess flew...
How the dog leapt in pursuit! But the Princess neatly trapped it in her palms.
"Enjoy the apple at you leisure, little pet! Thank you for the loaf of bread..."
Said the beggar-woman, brandished in the air her stick and vanished...
Up the stairs the Princess ran with the dog, which then began pitifully staring, whining, just as if its heart were pining for the gift of speech to say: "Throw that apple far away!"
Hastily his neck she patted: "Hey, Sokolko, what's the matter? Lie down!"
Entering once more her own room, she shut the door, sat there with her spindle humming, waiting for her brothers' coming.
But she could not take her gaze from the apple where it lay, full of fragrance, rosy, glowing, fresh and juicy, ripe and golden, sweet as honey to the lips! She could even see the pips...
First the Princess thought of waiting until dinner. But temptation proved too strong. She grasped the bright apple, took a stealthy bite and with fair cheek, sweetly hollowed a delicious morsel swallowed.
All at once her breathing stopped, listlessly her white arms dropped. From her lap the rosy apple tumbled to the floor. The hapless maiden closed her swooning eyes, reeled and fell without a cry, on the bench her forehead striking, then lay still beneath the ikon...
Now the brothers, as it chanced, were returning in a band from another warlike foray. Out to meet them in the forest, went the dog and, running hard, led them straight into the yard.
Said the Knights: "An evil omen! Grief in store!"
The door they opened, walked into the room and gasped. But the dog like lightning dashed for the apple and devoured it. Death that instant overpowered it. For the apple was, they saw, filled with poison to the core.
By the dead Princess the brothers bent their heads in tears and uttered holy prayer to save her soul; Nothing could their grief console.
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From the bench they raised her, dressed her, wished within a grave to rest her. Then had second thoughts. For she was as rosy as if sleep. Garlands of repose were wreathing round her, though she was not breathing.
Three whole days they waited, but still her eyes were tightly shut.
So that night with solemn ritual, in a coffin made of crystal, they laid out the body fair of the Princess and from there, to a hollow mountain bore her, where a tomb they fashioned for her:
Iron chains they used to fix her glass case to pillars six. With due caution, and erected iron railings to protect it.
Then the Eldest smote his breast, and the dead Princess addressed:
"Ever peaceful be your slumber! Though your days were few in number On this earth spite took its toll? Yet shall heaven have your soul. With pure love did we regard you, for your loved one did we guard you, but you came not to the groom, only to a chill dark tomb."
That same day the bad Tsarina, waiting for good news to reach her, secretly the mirror took and her usual question put:
"Who is now by far the fairest, and has beauty of the rarest?"
And the answer satisfied:
"You, it cannot be denied. You in all the world are fairest. And your beauty is the rarest!"
In pursuit of his sweet bride, through the country far and wide, still Prince Yelisei goes riding, weeping bitterly. No tidings!
For no matter whom he asks, people either turn their backs, or most rudely rock with laughter: No one knows what he is after.
Now to the bright Sun in zeal, did the bold young Prince appeal:
"Sun, dear Sun! The whole year coursing through the sky, in springtime thawing from the chill earth winter snow! You observe us all below. Surely you'll not grudge an answer? Tell me, did you ever chance to see the Princess I revere? I'm her fiance." "My dear,"
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Said the Sun with some insistence, "I have nowhere seen your Princess, so she's dead, we must presume. That is, if my friend, the Moon, has not met her on his travels, or seen clues you may unravel."
Through the dark night Yelisei, feeling anything but gay, with a lover's perseverance, waited for the Moon's appearance.
"Moon, O Moon, my friend!" he said. "Gold of horn and round of head, from the darkest shadows rising, with your eye the world apprising. You whom stars with love regard as you mount your nightly guard! Surely you'll not grudge an answer? Tell me, did you ever chance to see the Princess I revere? I'm her fiance." "O dear!"
Said the Moon in consternation,
"No, I have not seen the maiden. On my round I only go, when it is my turn, you know.
It would seem that I was resting, when she passed." "How very vexing!"
Cried aloud Prince Yelisei. But the Moon went on to say:
"Wait a minute! I suggest you have the Wind come to the rescue. Call him now! It's worth a try. And cheer up a bit! Goodbye!"
Yelisei, not losing courage, to the Wind's abode now hurried.
"Wind, O Wind! Lord of the sky, herding flocks of clouds on high. Stirring up the dark-blue ocean, setting all the air in motion. Unafraid of anyone, saving God in heaven alone! Surely you'll not grudge an answer? Tell me, did you ever chance to see the Princess I revere? I'm her fiance." "O hear!"
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Said the Wind in turmoil blowing.
"Where a quiet stream is flowing, stands a mountain high and steep. In it lies a cavern deep; In this cave in shadows dismal, sways a coffin, made of crystal. Hung by chains from pillars six. Round it barren land in which no man ever meets another. In that tomb your bride discover!"
With a howl the Wind was gone. Yelisei wept loud and long. To the barren land he journeyed, desperately, sadly yearning, once again to see his bride.
On he rode. A mountain high rose before him, soaring steeply fom a land laid waste completely.
At its foot, an entrance dim. Yelisei went quickly in. There, he saw, in shadows dismal swayed a coffin made of crystal, where the Princess lay at rest, in the deep sleep of the blest. And the Prince in tears dissolving threw himself upon the coffin...
And it broke!
The maiden straight came to life, sat up, in great wonder looked about and yawning as she set her bed see-sawing, said with pretty arms outstretched:
"Gracious me! How long I've slept!"
Down she stepped from out the coffin. O the sighing and the sobbing! Carrying his bride, he strode back to daylight. Home they rode, making pleasant conversation, till they reached their destination.
Swiftly rumour spread around:
"The Princess is safe and sound!"
It so happened the Tsarina in her room was idly seated by her magic looking-glass, and to pass the time did ask:
"Who in all the world is fairest, and has beauty of the rarest?"
Said the mirror in reply:
"You are fair, I can't deny, but the Princess is the fairest, and her beauty is the rarest!"
The Tsarina leapt and smashed on the floor her looking-glass.
Rushing to the door she saw the fair young Princess walk towards her.
Overcome by grief and spite, the Tsarina died that night.
From the grave where she was buried, to a wedding people hurried, for the good Prince Yelisei wed his Princess that same day.
Never since the World's creation, was there such a celebration; I was there, drank mead and yet, barely got my whiskers wet.
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Rise Up (TheFatRat) - Gil Grissom x Reader
(A/N: Of course my first Gil x Reader fic is a song fic. Now, the song is in no way a love song, but I found that it fitted the context. I was writing, and this song came to mind. As my fic progressed, I thought of using Electrified instead. Well, guess what? I'm making a part 2, so I have an excuse to use both songs ;p I have to specify the artist, because Skillet also has a song called Rise Up...so yeah.  I have a lot of other fics to write but...I need the comfort right now...so have another comfort fic. Sara doesn't exist in this.
@addictedtostorytelling thank you so much for all your help 🙏🏻)
You were sitting in the break room.  You had your half-eaten food to one side and the case file on the other, slightly nearer to you.  Your writing hand rested on the paper with the pen slack in between your thumb and forefinger, and your other fist was pressed against your mouth, supported by your elbow on the table.
You were trapped in your own thoughts.  Memories of your past flooded through, overwhelming you.  A tear that you were not conscious of slowly formed and rolled down your cheek.
Gil was walking to the break room. He saw you. He leant against the doorframe and called softly, "(Y/n)."
When you feel it's hopeless
When you think that you've lost, oh
I will take your hand and
We'll rise up from the dust, oh
You jumped in shock but quickly recovered to practically scrub your tear, which you had sensed when Grissom brought you back to consciousness, away.  As you did, you whipped around to face him, immediately going, "What? What?"
He frowned hard as he walked towards you. Somebody who did not know him would think that he was angry, but everybody who did know him would have known that he was concerned. "What's the matter?" he asked.
Here we go, go, go, let us heal and grow, you won't be alone, we're unstoppable
Don't be afraid to show what we're going for, this is what we know
"Nothing," you said, your voice steady.
He sat down beside you and looked at you with that piercing gaze he used whenever he was trying to reach your soul.  "Don't get lost to ghosts of the past."
Here we come back to life, we're still breathing
Standing up, everybody's gonna see it
Oh all you need to know is that we're holding on
Even if we fall, we will rise up
And we follow the path that we believe in
No we're not gonna stop until we reach it
Oh all you need to know is that we're holding on
We rise up from the dust and claim our throne
You would have been able to hide your emotions if it had been anyone else on the team, as good as they were, but you had been working with Gil ever since the two of your were in San Francisco. You smiled sadly and looked down at the table, the hand that was holding your pen fidgeting a little.  You turned back to him and, your voice betraying the fact that your nose was stuffy, said, "Those ghosts still haunt me."
He put a hand on your shoulder. "You have to learn to let go."
We rise up from the dust and claim our throne
"Gil, you know that the hardest thing for me to do is letting go..." you said forlornly, putting a hand over his.
We all have our reasons
Why we are on this track, oh
We all have our burdens yeah but
We just keep on fighting and we never look back
"But you have to try."
Here we come back to life, we're still breathing
Standing up, everybody's gonna see it
Oh all you need to know is that we're holding on
Even if we fall, we will rise up
And we follow the path that we believe in
No we're not gonna stop until we reach it
Oh all you need to know is that we're holding on
We rise up from the dust and claim our throne
"I'm trying, Gil, I'm trying..."
We rise up from the dust and claim our throne
"Try harder.  I have been helping you with this even back in San Francisco, so if you ever need an ear, a shoulder. I have been those all this time. And I promise you, I will never stop.  You will always have me."
We rise up from the dust and claim our throne
You smiled a pained smile.  If only he knew what that meant to you.  "Thank you," you forced out.
Assuming that your pain was because of the matter at hand, he just continued, "After our shift is over, why don't you come over to my place? Spend the night." You had had sleepovers many times before at either one of your houses. This was, however, the first time that it was happening because one of you needed a bit of comfort for the day. Bring Jack over; he and Hank will be happy to see each other again." Jack was, well, your Jack Russell. You were absolutely terrible at giving names. (A/N: Sorry.) He was only two years old.
You nodded stiffly.  His hand slid from your shoulder to rub your back.  He stood up, and his same hand moved to hold your elbow and lifted it, guiding you to stand as well.  He hugged you.  You sighed and buried yourself in him, your face in his chest. You inhaled his alluring scent, which calmed you down considerably. He rested his cheek on the top of your head, a hand slightly stroking your back.
It was the end of shift. Grissom and you drove back to your house in your own cars.  As the two of you neared your front door, scratching and whining could be heard coming from the bottom of the door. You laughed and unlocked and opened it. Jack launched himself into your arms, yapping and licking your face, his tail wagging rapidly.  You laughed heartily and embraced him.  All your previous fatigue and sadness had faded away, at least for the moment. Gil chuckled, happy that you had something that would cheer you up.  Jack tore himself out of your arms and ran in circles around Gil, barking so loudly that you were sure the neighbours would complain.  Oh well.  Everybody else who had normal shifts at their jobs needed to get up for the day anyway.  Gil actually tittered slightly as he knelt down, trying to pet him.  The dog finally stopped in front of Gil, and the human embraced him very much like you did, with Jack licking his face as well.  You smiled as you watched them, your hand still on the doorknob.  "O-kay," Grissom strained as he lifted Jack up and walked him into the house.  You giggled at the sight of 'your' man and your dog.  You just walked up to your room, leaving the two of them alone, because it was mutually understood that when either of you were at the other's house, the guest had the house at their disposal. You went to shower and pack for an overnight stay, plus things that you would need for the following day's work. Grissom sat on the couch downstairs and played with Jack.
You finished doing what you had to, and came back down.  You saw Jack on Gil's lap, facing him, and Gil was fondling his ears. When Gil heard you, he looked up at you. He hoisted Jack into his arms and carried him to his car; the front door had been left open since it was used again in such a short interval. You took Jack's collar and leash and dropped it into a cloth bag, then walked out the door too, turning and locking it. In the meantime, Gil had opened his car's back door and had put Jack's seatbelt on for him. He was now opening the boot. You made your way there. "Here, give," he told you, taking one of your bags and putting it inside while you did the same with another. The both of you arranged the bags before he reached up to close the boot. You noticed how his arm stretched up over you, and if he stood just a bit closer, he could drape it around you and embrace you.
But the sight of the boot falling down so close to your face and the sound of it shutting shook you from your thoughts. Which made it all the worse when you felt just two fingers on your spine, gently pushing you along, with an equally gentle, "Do you wanna sit beside Jack, or next to me?" beside your ear. His rough grey beard only just touched the shell of your ear, sending tremors through you. You heard the words, and had the answer ready, but you could not speak. "(Y/n)?" he asked, leaning around you to look at your face.
"Um, yeah," you got out, still not fully alert. You yanked the back door open and scrambled inside, shutting yourself in safely, immediately pulling the seatbelt across yourself and fastening it, as if you needed to be held secure by something...from something else. Gil stared at you curiously through the window, then just made his way to the driver's seat and strapped himself in so that he could start the car. You petted Jack to calm yourself down. You smiled at him as he yapped and licked your hand, returning your affection. As Gil was reversing the car, he took the opportunity to check on you in the rear view mirror. He decided it best to not say anything, but let you find comfort in your dog instead, again.
Gil drove to his house.  You unbuckled your seatbelt and then Jack's. Gil opened your door for you again, and Jack ran out. Knowing that you would still want to be left alone, the bug man turned his attention to the Jack Russell and caught hold of him, hugging him. You smiled stiffly at his back, then quietly opened the other door.  When Gil heard that, his head whipped round to face your retreating figure sliding out of the seat. You did not notice the look of shock and hurt on his face.  You closed that door and went around to the back of the car.  Jack whimpered and licked Gil's face when he sensed his hurt. Gil turned back to him and stared at him, observing him, so as to occupy himself and not think about you.  You got your bags out and closed the boot, then went to wait patiently by the front door.  You watched Gil, both fondly and guiltily. You knew that all he wanted was to help you, but you were unable to bear being near him after how he had made you feel.
When Gil was ready, he put Jack down. He pushed the door you had left open closed and locked the car.  He slowly approached you, looking at you questioningly to determine whether it was all right to come near you.  You hung your head.  "I'm sorry Gil..."  you mumbled.
His gaze turned sympathetic, a small smile coming onto his face.  He took a step which brought him very close to you, and placed his arms around you to pull you the rest of the way towards him, fastening his arms around you tightly.  You exhaled heavily through your nose as a form of release for your emotions.  You were frozen still at first, but slowly, your joints stiffly moved so that you could return his embrace.  It was rather clumsy because you were carrying things, but it was a genuine display of affection and appreciation nonetheless. Gil kissed the top of your head, and you buried your face further into his chest to hide your red cheeks.  "It's alright," he said.  You sighed and your fingers gripped his jacket.
He held you for as long as you needed him to.  After a sweet long while, you told him, "We can go in now," still holding onto him.
He gently pushed you back. Your detachment from him was almost like removing glue.  Upon opening the door, Jack barked and bounded inside to where Hank was on the couch, smiling with his tongue out at you all. You petted the Boxer as you walked past, then concentrated on getting down the stairs safely. The dogs followed you, with Gil coming along once he locked the door.
You made a beeline for the guest's bedroom.  As for the dogs, they went to Gil's room, where Hank's toys were.  You put your bags down and started sifting through them.  Gil put a hand on the doorframe as he watched you.  "Are you alright now?"  You could hear the concern in his voice.
You turned to him with a reassuring smile.  "Yes, thanks to you."  He dipped his head in acknowledgment, then turned and walked away, leaving you to your own devices.  He was going to shower.
Since you were staying only for one day, you did not have much to, so you finished just as Gil checked back in on you, the dogs behind him. "Finished?"
"Just," you turned your head to smile at him from where you were, bent over and putting the last bag away.
He turned and walked out again wordlessly, the canines following him. You grabbed Jack's leash and nipped after them, knowing exactly what was to happen next: the dogs were going to be taken for a walk.  At the front door, the humans put the collars on their dogs.  But while you attached Jack's leash to his collar, Hank did not have a leash because was old and trained enough to not require one. The four of you set out. Gil, Jack and you pretty much followed Hank because it was his trail. But of course, Jack remembered everything he had ever smelt before on that path, and easily picked up on everything Hank had been smelling while he had been away.  Hank knew not to walk too fast so that everybody else could keep up.  It was just as well, because while the dogs were eagerly sniffing and receiving new information, Gil and you were taking your time, languidly walking, frequently glancing and smiling at each other, as if you were on a romantic stroll. Gil had his hands in his jacket pockets and your arm was clutching his.  The only thing keeping the one of you focused was the constant tugging of Jack's leash on your other hand. Neither of you said anything. There was nothing to talk about; Gil knew exactly what your problem had been. He did not need to know anymore. And you, too, were tired of dwelling on it. For the time being, both of you wanted to just enjoy the peace and good company.
The first time anyone spoke was when he called out. "Hank, let's go home."
Hank gave a bark of acknowledgment and turned around. Jack, surprisingly, followed easily. "It's just as well he has another dog to follow," you mused.
"A dog, especially those that are still young and therefore seek to fulfil their need for guidance, will eagerly follow an elder dog they deem worthy of their admiration and respect. And, canines have no hierarchy, so an elder dog won't directly ask to be another's guardian. But, he will gladly mentor those who seek his help."  He said this in his usual Grissom Theory voice, but, as usual, his words held a world of meaning to them.  You smiled brightly at him, appreciating what he meant.  You rested your forehead on his shoulder.  Knowing him, he tried to hide the shy smile that came to his face, but failed.  "I wonder," he mused.  He gently detached his arm from yours and walked a bit faster to catch up to Jack.
He took the leash off, and Jack just kept following Hank.  He turned back and smiled at you, happily displaying that he had been right. You just smiled back at him, teeth showing a little. He pocketed the leash as he strolled back to you. When he was near you, he raised his arm, and put it on your shoulders.  You tensed up, because this was, of course, exactly what you had wished Grissom would do only less than an hour ago. He did not understand why he felt you tense, but he rubbed his hand up and down your back to help relax you. It did work. "Thank you, Gil..."
"You keep saying that."
"That's because I don't know what else to say, or how I can repay you." You stopped walking and turned your body to face him fully.
He faced you too.  He took your hands in his and lifted them so that they were just below his mouth.  "You don't have to, (y/n).  Whenever I go through something, it's your turn to take care of me.  Whenever you go through something, it's my turn to take care of you.  It's my turn today."  When he finished speaking, he placed a kiss on each set of knuckles.  Your eyes squeezed shut in response, and you looked away to hide your pink face. Not seeming to have noticed, he let go of your hands and brought his arm around you again, gently pushing you so that you would keep walking. You were glad that he did not make anymore conversation on the way back to his house, because your mind was reeling with too many thoughts at once.
The dogs were standing outside the door, panting from their exercise. Gil pointed to the mat, and the dogs wiped their feet on it. Then the humans did the same with their shoes before Gil opened the door.  Everybody filed inside.  When the door was safely shut, the humans took the collars off the dogs, and the quadrupeds were left to amuse themselves.  Gil took Jack's collar from you so that he could put it and the leash with the rest of the doggy supplies.  "Much thanks," you said as you walked down the stairs behind him, one hand on the banister.
"Don't mention it," he replied.  He went to the kitchen area and put the items in a drawer.  You went to the guest bedroom and changed into more comfortable clothing.  Gil did the same once he got to his own room.  You then made your way back to the sitting room, where Gils's bookshelf was. You pulled out Goldfinger, your favourite comfort novel.  It was just as well that Gil was a Bondian.
Heh.   Not as big as you of course, but still.  Hodges and you always competed to see who knew the most Bond lore.  It was quite a fair fight, but you had your moments.  (A/N:  *bragging* XD)
You headed to a couch and slipped your feet out of your shoes before dropping down onto your back lengthwise on the couch, holding the book open to the first page of the story about half an arm's length above your face. Gil went to prepare dinner. You read until bug man called out that dinner was ready. You put your feet back in your shoes, and put the book back where you had found it. While Gil was setting the table, you got the dog food ready. The dogs smelt their food and heard the pellets clinking in the metal bowls, and came out of the room. They padded up to their food. Gil and you sat down at the table.  The both of you ate in silence. The meal passed quickly this way. You did the dishes.
The both of you headed up to Gil's room, and the dogs followed. "What movie do you wanna watch?" Gil asked.
"Goldfinger," you smiled.
"So that's what you were reading," he mused as he took the DVD casing from the shelf.
"Yeah." He could still hear the smile in your voice. You took off your shoes and settled down on one side off the bed, sitting with your back against the headboard. Gil took the disc out of the casing and put it in the player. He switched the case for the remote and joined you. The dogs lay at the foot of the bed. Grissom pressed the play button.
You immediately adopted the fondest eyes and a toothy smile, letting out a giggle when James' head, along with the fake duck on it, broke the surface of the water, and outright bursting into laughter when he ripped it off his head and threw it into the water as if he could dash it to the rocks on the floor, his grimace contrasting your own guffawing.  Your laughter faded to your smile again so that you could concentrate when James shot his piton over the wall. You could have imploded with adoration when James dropped from the wall and performed his signature kick to the neck - especially since the Bond theme kicked in.  You bobbed your head to the beat.  You chuckled when James placed the explosives over the barrels of nitrogen.  You may or may not have drooled when James took off his wetsuit to reveal the white dinner jacket that had a special place in your heart.  And the fitting of the rose into his pocket was just the icing on the cake. But you smirked from one side of your mouth when James reached into his jacket for his cigarette case, knowing exactly how he was going to trigger the explosion. You laughed appreciatively when James remained cool while everybody else panicked at the sound of the blast - and threw your head back and laughed even harder because of 'heroin-flavoured bananas'. You raised an eyebrow when James mentioned his 'unfinished business'; every Bondian knew what that meant. You smiled again, appreciating the close up of James in his white tuxedo. Your eyes when to his gun when he took his jacket off. You outright snorted at, "I have a...slight inferiority complex." From then, you watched them unemotionally, knowing that the girl would get what she deserved. Because since she saw the intruder and did not alert James, that meant that she was part of the criminal organisation too. You pursed your lips, an outlet of your appreciation of James' judo techniques. You smiled when he threw the intruder into the bathtub, and grinned when James grabbed ahold of the lamp. You watched with eager eyes when the intruder was electrocuted, and fell just a little bit more for James when he said, "Shocking... Positively shocking." But you shook a little when the first note of the opening theme hit just when the door closed.
Gil took this time to turn to you and speak. "You really enjoy this."
"Yeah," you smiled at him.
That made him smile too. "I'm glad you have something that makes you happy."
"Only temporarily...this just keeps me out of my head for a while," you said bluntly, making yourself feel sad again at your admission. Gil said nothing, but took you hand in his. And that was where it stayed for the rest of the movie. As much you moved around, cheering excitedly for James, your one hand never moved. You did not want to let go of him.
When the end credits rolled, the two of you looked at each other again. "Well...I guess this is goodnight," Gil said.
"Yeah."  Your smile was small but genuine.  You stood up and walked to the door.  Jack dropped from the bed and stood at your feet. "Goodnight Gil," you smiled before walking out and closing the door. You went to do your ablutions, and then got into bed. Jack lay on the other side of the bed next to you. "Goodnight Jack," you smiled as you stroked him. He barked and wagged his tail in return. You relaxed and remained still so that you could sleep.
You lay still until you got uncomfortable from stiffness beginning to set in, and flipped over to lie on your other side. You tried to fall asleep again, but had to change positions again. You kept tossing and turning for what was probably two hours. That was to no avail. You could not sleep. You grumbled and thumped your fist on your pillow in frustration. You had always slept better at Gil's house than your own, so why could you not sleep now?  The answer ran you over rather quickly.  There were countless mornings when you got yourself to sleep at your house by thinking about him.  The thought of you comforted you.  But now you wanted more, something more tangible than just your thoughts.  You sighed into your pillow.  Oh well.  It was worth a shot.  You got up from bed, leaving Jack to sleep peacefully.  You walked to Gil's room and quietly opened the door.  He was lying on his side facing the empty side of his bed, with one hand between his cheek and his pillow.  He was too stiff in that uncomfortable position to be asleep.  You walked until you were in Gil's line of sight and crouched slightly, putting your hands on your knees.  He was staring forlornly into space.  "Gil?"  you called softly, feeling guiltless because you had not disturbed him from his sleep.
He just kept staring.  His voice when he spoke sounded as forlorn as he looked.  "Why are you here?"  It was a valid question.
"Oh well I couldn't sleep because..." you trailed off.  You stood back up straight and looked down at him cluelessly.  How were you supposed to tell him that you wanted to be in his arms?
He did not press further.  Instead, he petted the empty spot with his hand that was not under his cheek and said quietly, "Lie down."  Due to the 'late' hour, you did not have any mental restraint to yell that what you were doing was...out of place in a platonic relationship.  You lay down next to him.  At least you still kept what little distance you could, lying on your back on that side of the bed.  But then you felt his hand enclose around your upper arm.  "Come here."  Before you could respond, he explained, "I know why you can't sleep.  I can't sleep for the same reason."
Shyly, you scooted over to him.  As you moved, he flattened himself on his back.  You were tentative when you first touched his side, but once his arm was around you and pulling you close to his body, the feeling was too good to resist.  You relaxed into him.  You were on your side with one arm around his torso.  You lay your head on his chest and inhaled his scent.  His hand held your thigh and guided it to wrap around him as well.  He held you close.  The both of you fell into the most blissful sleep of your lives.
Grissom woke up first.  He slowly blinked his eyes open to look at you sleepily.  He relished the feeling of having you so close to him.  But only for a moment.  He gently moved his hands up and down your back until you woke up.  "Mmh..." you hummed, shifting under his touch, trying to get it to stop so that you could go back to sleep.
"We have to go to work," he said gently in your ear.  Again, his beard brushing against it made you tense.  Not so ironically, it woke you up more.  You sighed.  As much as work called, you did not want to leave his embrace.
"We have to go, my dear..." he tried again, actually trying to push you off this time.  The both of you used pet names on each other on a regular basis.  You grumbled and rolled off him.  The both of you got ready for the day, breakfasted, and set off to the laboratory in Gil's car.
Throughout the whole shift, Gil took every excuse to stand directly next to you.  Aside from that, the both of you let your gazes and touches linger for longer than usual.  When one left an area, they would stare at the other for as long as they could.  And the other would stare back.  Whenever one of you passed something to the other, you both deliberately moved your hands in such a way that allowed for as much surface area of contact as possible.  Affectionate dragging of one hand across the other occurred too.  When Gil praised you for your work, he would stroke your arm.  When you thanked him for new information, you would kiss his cheek.  That was how it was for the whole day.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Seventy-Three
Thank you guys for your patience, if I haven't been replying its because I haven't been getting on tumblr for a hot minute but I am back now!!
This is part 1 of 2 of Seventy-Three, part 2 will be up in tomorrow night.
I love y'all, thank you so much!!
Words: 4.8k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of drug abuse, violence, inappropriate sexual behavior
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
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“I am going to kill you!” I shout, chasing Stevie and Slash over the hotel beds with Duff eventually tackling me when they lock themselves into the bathroom.
“You’re the one who ate the brownies, Viv! It’s common sense not to do that!” Steven tells me from the other side of the door.
“Your ass is grass and I’m going to mow it!” I yell back.
“No one’s mowing ass!” Duff tells me. “We’re just gonna wait for it to pass." He says in reference to my inevitable high.
“I’m gonna puke.” I insist, pushing him off of me.
“D-Do you feel sick?” He asks me, worried, and I open the door of the bathroom, Steven and Slash peeking their heads out of the shower from behind the curtain.
“No, I’m gonna make myself throw up so I don’t trip balls.” I explain.
“Ew.” Slash mumbles.
“Viv, no, it won’t be that bad.” Steven assures me as I kneel over the toilet, and Duff pulls me up.
“It’s not like it’s gonna kill you, Viv, alright, just stay in the room and let it run its course. Don’t do that to yourself.” He tells me, motioning to the toilet and I raise my brows.
“Just go lay down and relax.” Slash adds.
“Fine.” I state, stepping out of the bathroom.
"So, you've got this handled." Stevie starts to Duff. 
"We're going back down to the bar." Steven declares, pulling Slash to the door with him. 
"Dude, what? They were your brownies." Duff tells him. 
"That she ate without asking." Steven points out. 
"I was hungry!"
"Then you go to McDonalds! You don't eat brownies you find in our room!" Steven replies. 
"Alright, okay, you two go. I got this." Duff sighs. 
"Thank you. Bye." He replies and they leave us, Duff shutting the door behind them as I lay down, getting under the covers and turning the TV on, Looney Tunes playing as Duff steps to the bed.
"You can go back downstairs, I'm sure I'll be fine. I don't even feel anything." I mumble and he looks at me, pointedly. 
"No, I'm staying." He states, taking his jacket and boots off, getting in to bed with me, sitting up against the headboard as I lay my head in his lap.
A few minutes later, I'm getting out from under the covers because it's rubbing against my skin too hard.
"You okay?" Duff asks me when I go to pull my shirt over my head. 
"My freaking skin hurts." I reply and he raises his brows. 
"It's the brownies."
"It's not the brownies." I reply, suddenly freezing when I make eye contact with Daffy Duck, catching him staring at me through the TV, and feel feathers against my fingers. 
"What're you doing?" Duff asks me and I realize I'm rubbing my finger tips together on both hands, and when I look at him, another realization comes to mind. 
"If you combine 'Daffy' and 'Duck' you get 'Duffy'." I tell him and he raises a brow. 
"Or 'Dack'. I feel like this is a perfect time for you to tell me my favorite joke." I tell him and he raises his brows. "'Paint my house'." I mock his voice, giggles consuming me once I'm done and he laughs with me.
"--I'm kinda hungry."
"You ate five brownies, babe." He reminds me.
"Pot brownies don't count as food." I state, reaching for the phone. "I'm getting room service." 
"No, no," he stops me, chuckling, grabbing the phone from me. "You do not want to get food while you're high and hungry. You'll order stuff you've never even heard of and we'll be murdered for running up the bill."
"We can just get Doc to pay for it." I shrug, going for the phone in his hand. 
"Which is why it's not a good idea." He explains.
"If he gets his panties in a wad over room service he can just eat a brownie and he'll feel fine." I snatch the phone from him and dart for the bathroom.
"Vivian, baby!" He calls, opening the bathroom door before I can close it but it's too late, I'm dialing the number for room service, swatting Duff's hand away, though the movement seems as if it's delayed--at least my vision is delayed, or my mind, I don't know.
"Hello?" The man on the other line picks up and I furrow my brows, the fear that he knows I'm high infiltrating my mind. "Hello?" He repeats and I hang up and drop the phone. 
"What if he tells my parents?" I ask myself, trying to stay calm as anxiety rises.
"W-What?" Duff asks me, confused.
"Dad will kill me. Mom--oh, God, mom will never let me live it down." I push past him to pace in the room and he furrows his brows. 
"--How do I even begin to explain to my parents I'm on drugs. Does pot even count as a drug? It's natural--so is fucking arsenic but do you see anybody putting that shit in brownies?" I ask myself. "I'm going to hell." I conclude, tears coming to my eyes. "I'm going to hell." I repeat, my voice cracking. 
"Viv, you ate them on accident, you're not going to hell for accidentally getting high." 
"I want Nikki." I say next, my heart beat beginning to hammer.
"If he finds out you're like this, we could get in trouble, Viv." Duff tells me.
"I want Nikki." I repeat, my breathing getting more frantic.
I stare at Fred, Doc, and Rich Fischer...and Bob Timmons, rolling my jaw as they look at me pointedly, waiting for me to say something in response. Anything.
“Are you gonna say anything?” Doc finally asks me and I lick my lips.
“What the hell am I supposed to say, Doc?” I ask him, furrowing my brows a little. “I-I’ve tried to talk to him about it a million times the past three years and he refuses to acknowledge he has an issue.” I state.
“Because he feels like he’s got nothing to lose.” Doc informs me. “I know you two aren’t on good terms, anyway, but, Vivian, we can’t have one of our guys nearly falling out on stage on smack. That’s not good press.”
“Since when the hell do we care about good or bad press?” I laugh humorlessly.
“Since I don’t want Nikki to fucking die on this tour.” Doc snaps.
“Can’t make money off tickets if the bassist dies and there’s no band to tour, anymore, right?” I ask him, poking my lip out sarcastically for a moment and he glares at me.
“I’m not in it for money.” Fred cuts in, seriously, a genuine look of worry on his face. “He’s like a brother to me. I’m not fucking in it for the money. I just don’t wanna see him dead.”
“We’re already getting a divorce so what the hell is it gonna do to threaten divorce if he doesn’t stop shooting up?” I ask them, raising my brows.
“I promise, it’ll get his attention.” Fred assures me.
“Do you know something that I don’t?” I cut my eyes at him. “Because all I’ve heard is how ready he is to get away from me and be free.”
“Just talk to him.” Fred ignores my question, which confirms that whatever shit Nikki feeds me about wanting to leave me as soon as possible is all bark with no bite behind it.
“What’s in it for me?” I ask them.
“The gratification of knowing you’re doing what Jesus would do.” Doc sarcastically replies.
“Jesus would exorcise him.” I bite back.
“I promise we haven’t ruled that option out yet.” He sighs out.
That was the first of many “what’re we going to do about Nikki?” meetings on that tour. Nikki had gone on high as hell--thinking no one noticed--and nearly passed out after flipping down the stage and taking way too long to get back up, and when he did get up, he nearly fell off the stage and could barely keep his eyes open. They had to remedy his stupor with a few bumps of coke during Tommy’s drum solo.
He got up in arms if anyone tried to confront him about it, brushing it off like he was just really tired that night, so they called me up to bat.
I guess they forgot I couldn’t talk to him about anything without it turning into a fight--especially not about his heroin addiction.
"So, even though we're separated and he's your client, you're leaving it up to me to convince him to get sober?" I clarify. 
"He's not doing himself any favors, Vivian, you know that. This isn't just affecting your marriage." Doc tells me. 
"Um, yeah, I've been trying to tell you that for years now but the second it turns into him risking the loss of money going in to your pockets you're all about getting him some fucking help." I snap, standing up. "Thank you for confirming you're the piece of shit I was afraid you were." 
"Vivian, wai--"
"--Go fuck yourself, Doc. You're lucky I don't fucking fire you." 
I leave the meeting with Fred at my heels. 
"Viv, wait." He grasps at my wrist and turns me to face him, making me flare my nostrils with frustration. 
"I'm not talking to him, Fred."
"Vivian, he's more likely to listen to you than any of us."
"Are you kidding me?! He'll laugh in my face!" I give up and raise my voice, hoping it'll get my point across since they seem to not understand english when it's spoken calmly and quietly. 
"Viv, just try it. Just once. Please." He begs.
I already felt like it was my job to fix him, and having that responsibility of being the only one capable of getting Nikki to slow down only added to that burden that I knew right away I'd be unable to bear but tried to do so anyway.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I was locked out of mine and my husband's room. I accidentally left the key in there before I left and he doesn't have his with him, either." I tell the receptionist at the front desk of the hotel.
"Do you have any ID?" She asks me and I pull out my license, smiling.
"Here you go." I show her. "Vivian and Nikki Sixx, but the room name is probably under Doc McGhee." I add and she flips through bookings for a moment before she nods. 
"Got it." She tells me, opening a drawer and pulling a spare out. 
"Thank you." I tell her politely, taking the key and heading to the elevator. 
"Enjoy your night." She replies. 
"Thanks, you too." I grin to myself mischievously, ready to piss on Nikki's parade. 
I get up to his room and unlock the door, smelling sweaty clothes, vomit, possibly urine, definite shit, semen, smoke, heroin, and coke.
"Ew." I mumble, seeing that he is nowhere to be found. 
I immediately start shuffling through his things, every pant pocket, every compartment in his suitcase, under the bed, in the drawers, under the mattress, in the pillow cases, in the bathroom, the closet, under the dresser, under the TV stand, the night stand, behind the bed, behind wall paintings, everywhere, and find absolutely nothing. 
"You've got to be kidding me." I say to myself, looking at the disheveled room. "If I were Nikki Sixx where would I hide my stash?" I say next…an idea popping into my mind. "The last thing I'd think anyone would suspect I would even touch." I answer myself, going back to the nightstand drawer, opening it back up to see a bible.
I open it and find the jackpot. 
I don't know where he found the time to hollow it out and put a baggie of china white and a small bindle of coke inside but I don't have time to think about it. 
"Really should have taken the expensive stuff with you, baby." I state, taking the china white out and pouring the powder into the toilet before throwing the baggie away, doing the same with the coke. 
I go to fix everything the way I found it but I'm stopped by the sound of the door knob being unlocked. 
I dodge into the closet, shutting the door as best as I can, hearing the room door swing open, and the sound of Nikki stumbling in, laughing while another woman giggles, making my heart hammer in my chest. 
"What's wrong?" I hear her giggling come to an abrupt stop. 
"I don't feel good, take a rain check." He brushes her off, and I hear him walk around the room, probably noticing it looks like a tornado hit it, worse than how he left it. 
"I thought we were gonna have some fun, though." I hear the pout in her voice.
"I'm sure Vinnie would take you up on that. He's across the hall." He sounds even more disinterested by the second, aggravation in his tone, but I don't believe it's because her. 
"Fucking rockstars." She complains, stomping out and slamming the door. 
"I can smell your perfume from here, Viv." He says, and I hear him kick some stuff out of his way before the sound of him sitting on the bed. 
I roll my eyes and step out of the closet, smiling at him innocently. 
"What the fuck are you doing in here? How'd you even fucking get it?" 
"I got a key." I inform him. 
"What are you doing here?" He asks again and I go to speak but can't, not knowing what lie to come up with.
I hesitate for too long, giving him too much time to think about it.
"Oh, you didn't." He sneers, before quickly walking to the nightstand, opening the drawer and grabbing the bible before he opens it to see it's empty. "God damnit, Vivian!" 
By this time I'm already almost at the door, within arms reach, but he's rushing to me and grabbing my hair, pulling me back, causing me to cry out before he's shoving me to the bed. 
"Where did you put it?!" He demands and I take deep breaths, staring at him. 
"I flushed it." I admit honestly and his face turns red, his fist balling up at his sides. 
"You did what?" He shakily asks again and I sit up.
"I. Flushed. It." I repeat. 
"Do you realize how much money that shit costs?!" He outbursts and I move to get off the bed, but he grabs my arm roughly so I can't get away. 
"Let go of me." I warn him, trying to get out of his grasp. 
"Answer me!" He barks at me.
I don't say another thing, my foot jutting out to kick him off of me, hard.
"Trust me, I know how much money that shit costs because you've been prioritizing it over our other finances for the past five years!" I argue back. 
"You fucking bitch!" He screams as I go for the door again.
"You strung out junkie!" I yell back.
The lamp shatters against the door when he throws it, the only light in the room is now coming from the bathroom and I turn to face him, anger growing in me at the fact he threw a lamp at me over something so stupid.
I'm taking my heel off and throwing it at him next before turning back around to leave, but when the blade of his switchblade lands a foot away from me, in the carpet, I get fed up.
I lunge at him, the two of us hitting the hotel floor with a heavy thud, my nails clawing at his bare chest before he shoves me off of him and grabs my wrists, the two of us in a stare off, catching our breath. 
"I'm only here because I'm worried about you, asshole!" I outburst at him."Your health is going to shit and--"
"--Oh, for fucks sake, Viv, when I die everything's going to you so don't act like you're not foaming at the mouth for me to finally croak." He snaps at me, pulling himself onto the bed, laying on his back.
"If I were eagerly awaiting your death I wouldn't be flushing anything to keep you away from it."
"As if I won't call up a dealer the second you get the fuck out. Speaking of which: get the fuck out." He motions to the door and I stand over him. 
"I'm not done talking."
"I am."
"Good, then you won't argue when I say that you need to slow down because Doc's getting uneasy due to that stunt you pulled last night." 
"I was tired."
"You were high."
"They don't know that."
"They sure do know that, they just haven't confronted you themselves because they don't need you going at them like a rabid dog." 
"There was a meeting. They even brought in Bob Timmons, Nikki." I reply and he closes his eyes and lets out a sharp breath before he sits up. "They were hoping maybe us talking about it might encourage you to put your health as a priority." I add, leaving out "get sober or get divorced," deciding that's the last thing he needs to hear, and he nods. "I know it probably won't do much, but, Nikki, we're really worried--I'm really worried." 
"We've had this conversation how many fucking times, Vivian?" He scoffs out, looking up at me. 
"I'm not an idiot, Nikki, you're not okay. You don't look good, you don't smell good, you didn't sound good--"
"--Are you done?" His voice gravels out, unamused, and in denial. 
"I don't look good because I'm tired, I don't smell good because I haven't showered yet, and you don't know shit about music so who the fuck are you to tell me if I sounded good or not?" 
"You realize I'm not that naive little pipsqueak that just wanted to keep the peace and went along with whatever you said years ago, right?" 
"At least you knew how to keep your fucking mouth shut unless I wanted it open for reasons that had nothing to do with talking." He grumbles. 
I glare at him a moment longer and exhale.
"Tell your dealer I said 'hello'." I yield, grabbing my other shoe, leaving in defeat, holding back the tears leaking to my eyes. 
"The fuck's going on?" Izzy asks us as Steven, Slash and Duff look like deer caught in headlights, interrupted as they try to coax me back into the room.
"I'm too high." I state, panicking, and Izzy furrows his brows.
"You're what?" He asks me, looking at the guys. "She's what?"
"Too high." I repeat.
"Who is?" Axl asks, approaching us with a beer in hand, obviously not prepared for what he's about to find out.
"I am." I say at the same time, Steven says, "nobody."
Everybody's at a stand still for a moment, all of us staring at each other before Axl starts in. 
"She's what?!" He demands while Slash and Steven scramble to explain.
"Well, she, like...ate something and now--"
"--Don't tell me she ate those fucking brownies you two have been smuggling." He tells them and Slash slowly puts his sunglasses on to avoid direct eye contact as Stevie stutters out:
"Uh-Um, w-well...she had like five and it was a complete accident." 
"Five?!" He shouts next and I slowly back away as they become further occupied, darting down the hall and turning the corner, hearing Duff say, "wait, Viv!", making my feet go faster. 
The next morning is spent on the phone with Sharise while she goes over last minute wedding details for the date set for the one day the band has off next week. 
"She told me she wants bright pink bridesmaids dresses." I tell Vince, raising a brow.
"Yeah, I helped her pick them out." He smugly replies, knowing I was dreading the idea of looking like a cupcake.
"I hate you."
"I love you." He sarcastically states, leaning back in his chair at the breakfast table in the hotel's cafeteria. 
"Where the hell is everybody else, we're outta here in 20 minutes." Fred tells us and I raise my brows.
"Being that Tansy and Sparkie and Nikki were all up doing God knows what last night, I'm assuming they aren't even aware what year it is, currently." I reply to him, drinking a sip of orange juice.
"And what about Guns?" He asks next. 
"Heck if I know." I tell him and he groans, rubbing his forehead. "Okay, fine, I'll go get everybody rounded up. K?" I offer, standing.
"Thank you." He says to me as I walk to the elevator. 
Once I get to our floor, I start at Tommy's room, banging on the door until I hear, "What?!" from the other side.
"Get up, we leave in 20 minutes!" I say back, going to Tansy and Sparkie's room, knocking at the door.
It opens within seconds, Sparkie, completely naked, standing at the door with his brows raised.
I gag at the sight of him wearing nothing.
"We're leaving in 20 minutes." I tell him neutrally.
"I'll wake Tans up." He replies, smirking at me and I go to turn away but he's grabbing my arm. "You thought about what I said?" He asks me and I roll my jaw. 
"Mmm, still thinking on it." I don't even hide my sarcasm and he licks his lips. 
"Think a little harder, baby, because I almost let it out when we were hanging out last night." He informs me and my blood runs cold. "The longer you wait the easier it's gonna start wanting to just slip out without a second thought." He adds, shutting the door in my face and I let out a defeated breath, squeezing my eyes closed for a second and rubbing my forehead. 
When I turn to walk down to Steven's room, he and Slash are coming out, leaning on each other, both of them wearing sunglasses to shield their hangovers, dragging their luggage along behind them.
"Is Axl, Izzy and Duff up?" I ask them as I pass by. 
"I don't even think Axl slept. Izzy's trying to shoo away some girl and Duff's trying to finish packing." Steven replies flatly, obviously tired, and I go to Duff's room, knocking a few times before he opens the door. 
He opens it and his eyes light up.
"There you are." He says, stepping back to his suitcase that's on the bed as he starts tossing his belongings in.
"Yeah, I got up earlier for breakfast." I reply, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste out of the bathroom.
"I figured." He states, running a hand through his hair before rubbing his eye. "Um, Izzy and Axl just left, I think, and I'll be down in a second, so." He informs me and I nod.
"Okay, I'm gonna go grab my stuff from my room." 
"K." He replies as I leave, going across the hall to unlock my door and gather my stuff. 
The door, that I left crack, is soon opening again and I think it's Fred or Doc or one of the guys, but when I look up from my suitcase to see Sparkie, I feel sick.
"You do realize sexual coercion is rape, right?" I blatantly ask, wanting him to know good and well what he's doing. 
"Not if it's consensual." He shrugs and I roll my jaw and zip up my bag.
"It's not consensual if you're having to blackmail me into doing it." I bite back, shoving past me to get out of the room, and I run smack dab into Fred, and pray he didn't hear our exchange. 
He opens his mouth to speak, quickly halting when Sparkie comes out behind me, smirking.
"Morning." He says to Fred. "Vivian." He more so sneers, heading to the elevator.
"The fuck is that about?" Fred asks, referring to Sparkie being in the room with me.
"Um, he was helping me pack." I lie, knowing if I tell him the truth he'll be arrested for murder.
"Right." He looks at me with unsure eyes before brushing it off. "We're loading up." 
Fred was a damn good actor.
The only thing keeping him from beating the shit out of Sparkie, was knowing when he told Nikki later on that night, Nikki would do a worse number on the bastard than he would.
"Wow, I can actually run a brush through it." I comment to Duff, combing out his hair before he picks up a can of hair spray to tease it a little.
"Extra conditioner. Who'da thought." He adds, grinning at me like a little kid.
"Viv, can you do this?" Stevie asks next, a slight whine to his voice.
"What is it?" I ask, stepping to him in the dressing room. 
When I see what he means, I look at him, unamused.
"Steven Adler. You know how to lace your pants up." 
"No, these are hard to do because the string is almost too big for the little holes they go through." He pleads his case, raising his brows. "You have tinier fingers, plus you're not fighting off an everlasting hangover and coke jitters."
I look down at his pants, seeing very well he's not wearing underwear, and take a deep breath.
"I'll keep my hands to myself, alright? I promise." He assures me, tucking his hands behind his back. 
"It's not your hands I'm worried about." I mumble, rolling my eyes.
I end up having to crouch to get eye level with the laces, and when the door opens up to reveal Axl, and I'm on my knees with my hands on the strings keeping Steven's penis separated from my face, it looks assbackwards--well, blowjobbackwards. 
"Can you stop blowing my band?!" Axl's meltdown tone on full effect and I look at him, wide eyed.
"I'm not blowing anybody!" I snap. 
"Except Duff." Slash mumbles with a little chuckle and Izzy finds humor in it as well. 
"Axl, dude, she's just helping me with my pants." Stevie defends me, raising his brows. "Besides if she was blowing me that'd be our fucking business."
"What did you just say to me?" Axl hones in on Steven, his eyes sharply narrowing, his jaw tightening. 
"I said, if she was sucking my fucking cock it would be mine and her's business--ya know, since we're both fucking grown-ass adults and you can't tell us what the fuck to do?" 
"You're in my fucking band, Steven, so yeah, actually, I believe I can tell you--"
"--Guys, don't fight." I say, standing up and crossing my arms. 
"--You can't tell me shit!" Steven outbursts. "Just like you can't tell Duff shit! He's a big boy and Viv's a big girl--what goes on between them doesn't concern any of us, especially not you." Steven pushes me out ot the way so he can stand nearly chest with chest with Axl. 
"Axl, Stevie, c'mon, now." Duff says, gently pulling me behind him as he steps to the guys, slowly urging them apart. 
"It does concern me because it's affecting Guns N' Roses." Axl hisses. 
"You act like she's fucking everything up, Axl! Just because he was late for one fucking rehearsal--"
"--A studio session, soundcheck, and, one fucking rehearsal." The red head snaps and I look at Duff, confused.
I didn't know he missed a studio session and soundcheck for me at one point...the look on Duff's face says that Axl was supposed to keep quiet about the studio session mishap and soundcheck.
He looks pissed.
"And I said it wouldn't happen again." Duff cuts in.
"Why can't you just back off?" I ask next without another thought.
"Because you spreading your legs is fucking up my band, Yoko!" Axl doesn't hesitate, and Steven's shoving at his shoulders, sending him shuffling back, catching himself on the closed door.
Just as Axl goes to get back at Steven, Duff intervenes, holding at Axl while I get in front of Steven and face him, keeping him from taking advantage of Axl being held still. 
There's a loud knock at the door and Doc peeks his head in.
"You're on." He tells the guys, shutting the door back.
Axl shoves Duff off of him and storms out while Steven ties his pants since I fixed the laces, and huffs out a breath.
"Izzy, either straighten your fucking buddy out or I will. I've about had his shit." Stevie threatens. 
Axl and Steven butted heads more than anybody in the band did at that time. Steven couldn't stand Axl's uptight arrogance, and Axl couldn't understand Steven's nonchalance. 
I think that's why it was so easy for Axl to give up on Steven when his drug abuse got so bad--he was tired of trying to understand Steven when he was decently sober, trying to understand him putting drugs before the band would have exhausted him to the point of no return.
They just couldn't ever get in tune with one another.
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