#... one day- i know i've said that time and time before
izadi234 · 2 days
Forget me not
-Warning: Contain yandere themes, neglected! gn!reader, mention of low self-esteem, the writer's first language isn't English.
Yan! Batfamily x gn! reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (You're here)
Chapter 3
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Chapter 2
The moment you retreated to your room Alfred's gaze hardened as he looked at the kitchen door through which you had left.
With a sigh he returned to making breakfast, however, something couldn't stop going around in his head.
Why do you have to leave?
Why do you have to leave ME?
He doesn't blame you. Your "family" has done nothing but ignore you and push you aside on more than one occasion since you arrived at Wayne Manor. And if it weren't for him, Bruce wouldn't have remembered to pay for your needs and education.
No. He could never blame you for your decision, but he can blame Bruce and your brothers. He had never felt such anger for them, not even when Martha and Thomas died at the hands of that cruel man. But that never had a solution, but this did. His family has a solution and he was going to fix it for you and for you. To always have his ray of sunshine at his side.
He wasn't going to lose you without having fought a war.
But for now, he had to stay calm. He sighed once more and finally relaxed as he served breakfast on the plates. He has to talk to Duje after you told him about your decision.
He had to think with a cool head. As he had told Bruce many years ago: "Fear doesn't make you think clearly" and not only was he scared of his little ones going out into the world alone, he also had anger built up. And he was going to use those two feelings to his advantage.
It was not for nothing that he was a very feared soldier during the war.
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You were in your room as usual texting with a friend when Duke knocked on your bedroom door before coming in.
"Hey (name)!" said Duke happily who sat on your bed while you sat at your desk
"Oh hey Duke!" you greeted him with a smile anyway "How was school today?"
"A little boring, but at least it's Friday now" he chuckled
"And you? How was your day?"
It's now or never.
You sighed and got up from your spot to sit next to him on your bed.
"I have something to tell you Duke…" you put a hand on his shoulder
"And what is it?" He asked worriedly seeing your seriousness "Don't tell me it's something bad"
"No, it's nothing bad. At least I don't consider it bad" you started to say "But, Duke, I've decided to move out of the mansion"
"…What?…" he said in a quiet tone of voice surprised by your words
No, it can't be…
"I know it's sudden, but I can't stand this place" you sighed "I want- No, I need to start over without being in the shadow of others"
You turned to look at him and caressed his cheek.
"But this doesn't mean we won't see each other again. We'll be able to talk and keep in touch" you offered him a smile
Without saying anything, Duke hugged you and nestled his head in the crook of your neck. You put a hand on his neck and caressed him.
"Just… Don't forget about me…" he said after a few minutes of silence.
He pulled away from you and wiped away some tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.
"I could never do that, brother," you wiped one of his eyes with your thumb.
After that emotional conversation, you and Duke spent the afternoon in your room talking and watching movies on your laptop. However, Duke's mind was still on that conversation.
There was no chance that you would leave him. He had to find a way to prevent you from leaving his side.
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The week you moved went by so fast that when you realized it, you were already taking the last box with your belongings out of the mansion.
You looked back at that mansion one last time and felt like that little kid again who arrived with fear and excitement to what he would call home for years. But soon your face darkened as you remembered the suffering you had experienced there. Without thinking twice, you turned around and got on your motorcycle, but not before securing your last box. You started the bike and left Wayne Manor.
You hadn't said goodbye to Alfred nor Duke but you left a letter on both of their beds wishing each of them the best, thanking them for everything and giving them the phone number of your second cell phone in case they needed something or just wanted to check on you. However, you didn't leave anything else, not even an address. You wanted to completely erase the Waynes from your life, you wanted to erase the fact that you were a Wayne too. You wanted to forget them so much that you turned off the cameras in the mansion for a period of time so you could take out your things in peace, so that no one would see the license plates of your motorcycle that you had been keeping at a friend's house and whose motorcycle was registered.
If nothing else, you had developed the same paranoia as Bruce and decided to take every measure to avoid being located. You even thought about going to live in Metropolis or Star City but the rent and sale of apartments there were much more expensive than in Gotham. Maybe when you earn more money once you finish college.
But for now focus on your present.
Before it is taken away from you.
When you got to your apartment you let out a sigh that you didn't know you were holding. You looked around, there were some pieces of furniture that came with the apartment like a leather armchair that was a little worn but looked pretty new, a wooden bookcase, several coffee tables, some pots and kitchen stuff. The only thing you had to buy was your bed but your best friend did you the favor of giving you a headboard for your bed as a gift of independence and you only bought a mattress. It wasn't as comfortable as the one you had in the mansion but at least you had things you could consider yours. NOT thanks to Wayne, but thanks to your efforts.
You put the box on the kitchen counter and before going to your room you saw several boxes.
Damn... You hadn't thought about how lazy you were going to be when you had to unpack.
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That same day you left, Alfred had returned from going grocery shopping. At that time of the morning you and he used to spend the morning together, while you were in your online classes, he did the housework along with the food. Between the breaks you had between classes you used to go see what he was doing in the kitchen and you were his personal taster.
Now that you were on vacation, you spent more time with him because Bruce, Tim and sometimes Damian went to Wayne Enterprises, Dick and Jason weren't usually at the mansion and Duke, Cass and Stephanie were training in the Batcave or with their friends. For that same reason Alfred was alarmed when he called your name and you didn't answer.
He quickly went up to your room only to find it completely empty. His heart raced and he started to sweat lightly.
You couldn't have left so quickly, right?
He went down again and checked all the rooms in the big mansion and found nothing. Only his own room was missing. As he entered he could see an envelope of your favorite color on his pillow. He approached and read it.
In the letter you apologized for not saying goodbye to him in person but if you did you were more than sure that you wouldn't be able to leave. You also left him a private cell phone number where he could call you and you wished him all the best.
It had been a long time since Alfred felt the need to cry but without realizing it he had already shed a few tears. He couldn't believe that his little one was already gone.
After having shed a few tears, he quickly wiped his eyes and composed himself. No, he couldn't cry because you were going to return. He was sure of that.
However, he would let you enjoy your independence a little before implementing his plan for you to return home to your family. With him.
But first he'll have to talk with Duke.
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Helloooo! I hope you liked the second chapter! If you did leave a heart and i'll see you in the next one. I kind of think this chapter is kind of bland but the story is just begining. This are the first impressions of you leaving the Manor but soon enough the rest of the family will appear.
Thanks you for reading!
-Izadi <3
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thinkinginpen · 3 days
I Want This
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a/n: Just sit back and enjoy pairing: old!logan x reader w/c: 2.4k warnings: angst, arguing, pregnancy, etc. summary: You didn't tell him. He already knew.
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You woke up that morning feeling sick, nauseous, and your head pounding. You knew you had to tell Logan soon, but the thought of telling him filled you with dread. You didn't know if he was even ready to be a father, and the thought of being rejected by him was too painful to bear.
As you went about your day, trying to put on a brave face, Logan noticed that you were off. He could tell that something was bothering you, but he wasn't sure what it was. As the day went on, his concern slowly morphed into irritation.
"You've been acting strange all day," he said, his voice tight with frustration. "Is something going on, something you're not telling me?"
You felt your heart skip a beat, your stomach clenching with anxiety. You had been trying to put off this conversation as long as possible, but now it seemed like the moment had arrived whether you were ready or not.
"Nothing," you said, trying to keep your voice steady. "I just didn't sleep well last night, that's all."
Logan let out a huff of breath, clearly not believing you.
"Bullshit," he said bluntly. "You're hiding something, I can tell."
You felt a flash of anger at his accusation. It wasn't fair that he seemed to know you so well, that he could see right through your attempts to keep this secret. But before you could say anything, he spoke again.
"Is it someone else?" he asked, his voice taking on a dangerous edge. "Are you cheating on me?"
"No!" you said, your voice rising with your anger and fear. "No, it's nothing like that."
Logan's eyes narrowed, his expression hardened. "Then what is it? Because something is definitely going on, and it's about time you told me what it is."
The baby chose that moment to send a wave of nausea through you, making you gag. You tried to cover it up, but it didn't escape Logan's notice.
"Are you sick?" he asked, his tone shifting to one of concern as he moved closer to you.
You shook your head, trying to wave off his concern. "I'm fine," you said, your voice a little bit shaky. "Just a bit of morning sickness, that's all."
Logan's expression darkened as he heard your lie.
"Now don't ya lie to me," he said sternly. "Little girls like you should behave themselves."
The way he said 'little girls' sounded almost dismissive, and it irritated you. You were a grown woman, not some child to be lectured.
"I'm not a 'little girl'," you retorted sharply. "I'm a grown woman, and I don't appreciate being talked down to like that."
Logan's lips tightened in annoyance at your tone.
"Well, you're sure acting like a little girl," he said in a sarcastic tone. "Running around keeping secrets and lying to my face."
"I wasn't keeping secrets," you protested, feeling your anger flare up even more. "I was just waiting for the right time to tell you."
Logan's eyes narrowed again. "The right time?" he echoed. "And when would that be, exactly? When were ya planning on telling me that you're pregnant?"
You froze, your mouth open in surprise. Had he known? How could he possibly have guessed?
"How... how did you know?" you asked, your voice soft and shaky.
Logan's face dropped just a bit. "I've been around a long time," he said. "I know the signs. Plus, you're not exactly subtle. How could ya go behind my back like that, bub? Were you tired of me? Who was it?"
Your eyes widened as you realized what he meant. "No, no, it's not like that," you said quickly. "It's yours, Logan. It's not what you think."
Logan's expression remained skeptical. "And you expect me to believe that? After you've been lying to me all day?"
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, the weight of the pregnancy hormones and the emotional strain of the argument starting to wear you down.
"Please believe me," you said, your voice cracking with emotion. "I would never cheat on you. I promise. It's yours."
Logan's expression softened a bit as he saw your tears. He seemed to be wavering, but he was clearly still struggling to believe you.
"If it's mine," he said gruffly, "then why didn't you tell me? Why keep secrets like this? Don't ya trust me?"
You wiped at the tears that were now streaming down your cheeks.
"Of course I trust you," you said. "I just wasn't sure how you would react. I wasn't sure if you even wanted to be a father."
Logan tensed at that, his shoulders going tighter.
"And what makes ya think I don't want to be a father?" he asked, his voice taking on a dangerous edge.
You hesitated, knowing that you were walking on eggshells now.
"I just... you've always seemed so closed off," you said carefully. "So guarded. I didn't know if you would want this kind of responsibility."
Logan's expression darkened at your words. "What are ya implying, huh? That I'm not good enough to be a dad? That I can't step up and take care of ma own kin?"
"No, no, that's not what I meant," you said quickly, backpedaling. "I just... I didn't want to assume anything. I know you've had a rough past, and I wasn't sure if you were ready for something like this."
"I'm not getting younger, baby."
You could hear the defensiveness in his voice, the way he was taking your words personally.
"I know you're not," you said gently. "I know you're getting older. I just... I didn't want to force something on you that you weren't ready for."
Logan's face showed a mixture of hurt and frustration, his jaw clenching tight.
"So you do think I'm an old man, huh!?" He snapped. "Is that why you didn't say anything? I'm too old for ya? You're embarrassed?"
"No, no, that's not it," you said quickly, your heart aching as you saw the hurt in his eyes. "I don't think you're too old, not at all. I just-"
But before you could finish, Logan cut you off with a snort of derisive laughter.
"You just don't want to be saddled with an old man," he said scornfully. "An old man who can't keep up with you. An old man who can't keep you satisfied."
You felt your own anger rising at his words.
"That's not it at all!" you protested, your voice rising to match his volume. "I don't care how old you are. I love you, Logan. I always have. I always will. I just wasn't sure if you wanted to be a father."
Logan laughed again, but there was no humor in the sound.
"Love," he spat. "Love, that's rich. If ya loved me, you woulda told me about this from the start. Instead, ya waited until I had to drag it outta ya."
Your jaw clenched tight, your own hurt and anger making it hard to keep your voice steady.
"I did love you," you said firmly. "I still do, more than anything. And I didn't tell you because I was afraid, okay? I was afraid of how you would react."
Logan sneered at your words. "Oh, so you were just sparing ma feelings, is that it? How kind of ya."
"That's not it, and you know it," you snapped. "I was afraid because I thought you would reject me, reject this baby. And honestly, right now it seems like I was right to be worried."
Logan's eyes narrowed further at that. "Reject you? Is that what ya think of me, huh? That I would just walk out on ya?"
"It crossed my mind," you admitted, your voice hard. "After all, you've been closed off for so long. I didn't know if you would let yourself care about this baby, or if you would just run away."
"Run away," he echoed, his voice going dangerously soft. "You think I would run away. After all we've been through, you think I would just cut and run."
He was clearly hurt and offended, but there was something else in his eyes as well, something that looked like desperation.
"I don't know what you would do," you said, feeling more and more frustrated. "And that's the problem. I didn't know if you would be excited to be a father, or if you would just see it as something tying you down. I didn't know if you even wanted a family with me."
Logan's eyes flashed with anger and pain at your words. "Not want a family with you? Not want a family?" he repeated incredulously. "How could you think that? Of course I want a family with you. That's all I've ever wanted. How could you even-"
"How could I even think that?" you interrupted, your voice rising with anger. "Maybe it's because you've never let yourself get close to anyone before! Maybe it's because you've always kept me at arm's length, never letting me get too close."
"Ya sound like your mother, bub!"
"Don't bring my mother into this," you said through gritted teeth. "This is about us, not her."
But Logan wasn't done yet.
"And ya sound just like her," he pressed. "Always nagging and criticizing, always telling me how I should be living ma life. Just like I remember her."
You felt your anger flare at his words.
"Don't you dare compare me to her," you said, your voice shaking with emotion. "I'm not her, Logan. I'm nothing like her. And I never will be."
"You went over there, baby, didn't you?"
You clenched your fists, feeling a fresh wave of anger and hurt wash over you.
"Yes, I went over there," you said, your voice tight. "I went and asked her for advice, because I didn't know what else to do. Because I thought maybe she could help me understand you better."
Logan's face twisted into a sneer, his eyes narrow with contempt.
"Did she tell ya what a piece of trash I am? Did she tell ya I'm no good for you?"
You felt your stomach twist with guilt. It was true that your mother hadn't exactly sung his praises, but you hadn't wanted to listen to her harsh words.
"She..." you started, your voice trailing off as you struggled to find the right words. "She said you weren't the best choice. She said you were dangerous, and that I deserved better."
"Ha! There it is," Logan said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Knew I could count on good ol' ma for that."
He turned away from you, crossing his arms and clenching his jaw tight. You could see the hurt and anger in the line of his shoulders, the way his muscles were tensed and ready for a fight.
"It doesn't matter what she said," you said, taking a step forward and reaching out to touch his arm.
But Logan jerked away from you, clearly not in the mood for any comfort. He turned back to glare at you, his eyes cold and hard.
"Doesn't matter?" he echoed incredulously. "Don'tcha think I deserve to know what your mama thinks of me?"
You knew he was right, and you felt the guilt and shame welling up inside of you. You had let your mother influence you, had let her words plant a seed of doubt in your mind.
"First ya ain't tell me 'bout the pregnancy, now ya ain't tell me about your mama. What next?" he practically growled. "Let me see your phone."
You were taken aback by the blunt command.
"What, why?" you asked, even as you reached into your pocket to pull out your phone.
Logan snatched it out of your hand before you could protest. He quickly swiped through it, scrolling through your messages and call history. You could see him bristling as he read through your conversations with your mother.
"Here I thought you were a good girl," he said, his voice still hard and cold. "But looks like you been sneaking around behind my back, listening to your mother's poison."
"It was a mistake," you said feebly, your heart sinking as you saw the betrayed expression on his face. "I just... I didn't know who else to turn to. I needed someone to talk to."
"I want this baby with you."
Those simple words hit you like a punch to the gut. They were so short, so simple, and yet so full of emotion. You could see the raw, desperate honesty on Logan's face, the way he was struggling to keep his walls up.
"You... you do?" you whispered, your throat tight with emotion.
Logan nodded, his eyes locked on yours. "More than anything," he said gruffly. "I ain't gonna pretend I know what I'm doin'. But I want this, bub. I want it with you."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you, a weight lifting from your shoulders that you hadn't even realized was there. Logan wanted to be a father. He wanted to be a family with you.
"I'm so sorry," you said, your voice breaking as the tears started to fall again. "I never should have listened to my mother. I should have told you right away, I should have-"
"Shhh," Logan said, his voice gentle now. He closed the distance between you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight against his chest. "Don't cry, baby. Don't cry."
You buried your face in his chest, your tears staining his shirt as you let yourself cling to him. You felt his arms tighten around you, his fingers running through your hair as he tried to soothe you.
"I know ya been listenin' to your mother all your life," he said gruffly. "I know ya take her advice when she's around. But when she ain't, when it's just the two of us, I need ya to trust me more than you trust her. Can ya do that for me, darlin'?"
You nodded against his chest, swallowing back your tears.
"Yes," you said, your voice muffled. "I can do that. I'll trust you, I promise. No more secrets, no more lies."
Logan pulled back a bit so he could look you in the eyes. He put a gentle finger under your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze.
"I don't ever want ya to feel like ya can't talk to me, either," he said firmly. "You can come to me about anything. This, us, the baby... it's our business, nobody else's. Understand?"
You nodded again, your heart swelling with emotion. The way he was looking at you, the way he was holding you... it felt like he was really seeing you, really connecting with you. You had never felt closer to him.
"I understand," you said, your voice soft but firm. "I promise. From now on, it's you and me."
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 days
"Just Friends..." | L.Norris
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Summary: You and Lando have told everyone you are just friends. Until you let it slip you have made out with him a couple of times, as just friends of course.
You and Lando have been best friends for... well since forever. As one of Lando's best friends you of course get to pick and choose what races you want to go to. Luck was just on your side and you were able to get next week off for Miami.
You: Hey Lan do you by chance have any spare tickets for Miami I would love to come.
Lando: I in fact do
You: Great I would love to come out I got that weekend off
Lando: I'll have McLaren send one right over
You smiled happy to be able to support him.
People would always tease you and Lando about dating it started with your parents and both of you would just laugh it off. Then your friends started teasing you too. Some days it just got so annoying until one drunk night when you and Lando had a moment. You started to develop feelings for him after that night but you always pushed them away afraid of rejection and ruining such a great friendship.
You finally made it to Miami and walked into the paddock ready to take on the world. You walked down the paddock towards the McLaren Garage when two hands wrap around your waist and spin you around. "ahhh Lan put me down" You squeal, he sets you down and you turn around hugging him. "It's so good to see you" "you too Y/n" you smile at him one last time before spotting Ria and Aarava a short way behind him. "Ria, Aarava hey I haven't seen you guys in such a long time" you say pulling both into a hug.
"hey I got media but i'll see you guys later" Lando said giving you a side hug and leaving. "I'm also going to go i'm going to scout our our place Ria" Aarav said leaving just the two girls "and then there was just us" You say. You and Ria chat about work and how living in Ibiza was for her and making your way to the hospitality. " Now tell me girl what is going on with you and Lando" "Nothing i've said this thousands of times we are just friends" Ria shook her head "oh come. He spun you around like some romantic comedy. Not to mention you were the only one he hugged when he left" you rolled your eyes. "Your being dramatic" "Y/n it's right in front of your eyes" "what is?" "Girl Lando is in love with you and has been for quite some time now" "What no he hasn't" Ria sighed. "You are very smart Y/n but so dumb when it comes to Lando he looks at you the same way you look at him" "and how is that" "your in love" "pffff... no i'm not" you denied "You are such a bad liar" Ria said. "I am not" "ok fine but I know there is definitely something going on between you too"
When Lando won you had tears streaming down your face. All his hard work, all of McLaren's hard work he had done it he had finally done he won his first race ever. After he celebrated with his team he made his way to you bringing you into a hug. "I did it" He says making you cry harder "You did" he pulls away "don't cry" He says bring his had up to your cheek to wipe the tears away. You pulled him in for another hug before pushing him to go do media.
To Celebrate Lando's first win you all went out and hit the clubs. You were a few drinks in before going to sit on the couch where you saw Oscar and his girlfriend sitting on the couch. "Hey Oscar good job today" Oscar smiled "Thank you Y/n this is my girlfriend Lily" You smiled "Nice to meet you" "yeah you too I love your dress by the way" Lily compliments. "Thank you I love your outfit too" you say taking a sip of your drink. It was silent for a bit before Lily spoke up. "So are you and Lando dating" "No we're just friends" Oscar makes a face "what was that face for Osc" "Nothing" he says "Oscar seriously what" "I just don't believe you when you say your just friends" "we are gosh no one believes us" "I mean come on there's just no way" "We are just friends even if we did make out a few times" Oscar chokes on his drink "what was that" He asks "we are just friends?" "No after that" Oscar says "what did I say after that?" Oscar rolled his eyes knowing your playing with him "You and Lando have made out" "oh yeah that only like once or twice actually no it was three times" "friends don't just randomly make out" Oscar says "what you don't kiss the homies' you joke. Oscar spoke once again but you drowned him out after seeing Lando dancing. As if he felt eyes in him he looked around and found your eyes making you suck in a break. He really did have this post race glow. Fuck it you thought and stood up handing someone your drink before walking over to him.
You tapped him, he turned and you pulled him in for a kiss. Sparks were practically flying you were on top of the world. You pulled away for air and putting your head against his. "Woah" Lando said making you chuckle. "I like you Lando, a lot and I have for a while" He smile got wider "I like you too Y/n" he then pulled you in for another kiss making everyone around you cheer finally you two confessed.
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fallstaticexit · 2 days
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Trigger Warning: Intimate Scene (Sim Spice) / Death mentioned // Transcript & AN under the cut
Prev/ Part III: Wife - Coming Soon / Beginning/ Pillowfort
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
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Coming soon is Part III, in which we will experience the next chapter in Nancy's life—as a wife, mother, and businesswoman. Nancy has put her past behind her and is working hard to continue elevating her family's business while raising two rambunctious boys with her husband and business partner, but is it all truly enough to keep her past and her desires at bay? Can she continue playing the perfect wife and mother when temptation shows up at her front door?Trigger Warnings: infidelity, drug use, sex and nudity.
AN: I will admit this update was killer. The lighting for the Queenie and Nancy scene drove me up the wall and I was debating to cut it after so many attempts at reshooting it. I couldn't bear to do it because of how absolutely important it was for Nancy to hear her mother's bitter self reflection. For context, Nancy and Geoffrey spends holiday break at Nancy’s parent’s cabin. There was a small scene before Nancy's talk with her mother and her deciding to pick Geoffrey of just them celebrating the holiday together with Nancy's parents and Nancy seeing how distant her own parents were with each other vs how Geoffrey was with her. I guess with me being sick and my game crashing I lost the drive to keep having to fix it. I hope this update reads well without it😞 💜
AN cont.: So what's next: I'm going to take another mini break to prep for Part III in which Nancy trades in her sad girl era for her hot girl office siren era 💅🏾. During the break, I'll be starting my sim downloads (which depending on when you see this, I've already posted them or will post them within the hour) I also have a pose coming for download too as a thank you for everyone who has been enjoying and viewing my story so far! ✨
[’You have 1 New Message’]
Nancy: [exhales] Vanessa... it’s me, Nancy.
Nancy: I’ve spent every day the last two years thinking of what I’d say if I ever got the chance to speak to you again...
Nancy: There’s just so much I want to say. I miss you. I miss your voice. Hearing it just now made me cry. It made me want to laugh [sniffles, chuckles]. I’m so happy I didn’t forget the sound of your voice. You still sound the same. You still sound like my Vanessa.
Nancy: Do you still look the same? Are you still as beautiful and bright as the sun? Are you still a blonde? In my dreams, I see red. I’d like to think you slowly grew the color out of your hair. There’s nothing in the world like a fiery redhead. There’s no one in the world like you.
Nancy: [sighs] I know I don’t have much time before this call ends. I want to ask you so many questions. There are so many things I need to know and so many things I have to tell you, but when you listen to this, I need you to know first that I love you, Vanessa. I'm so in love with you.
Nancy: I should have told you that after we kissed. I should have said it between each breath. I should have whispered it into your skin. I should have said it until I lost my voice, until it’s the only truth we knew.
Nancy: Do you love me, Vanessa? Do you love me too? Do you miss me so much it hurts to breath? Call me. I need you to call me. Please. My number is 932-
[’Message Deleted’]
Nancy Narrates: [She never called. Every day that past, I felt my heart break more and more]
Queenie: Nancy, is that you?
Nancy: Yes mother.
Queenie: [slurs] Sit with me awhile, will you?
Queenie: [sighs] Oh, Nancy. You truly have it all, don’t you?
Queenie: I had to marry a man I met once in order to elevate my family status. I bore his children, and now I support him while he runs an empire. It hardly mattered what I was capable of; he made me a mother. There was no better gift, no greater task to have, but then my son dies. Now all I have left is you. Because my son is dead, you get to stand in his place and inherit it all. All of this is now yours, and all you had to do was be born. That’s it. You will never know true sacrifice and loss. You get to live so effortlessly. [hums] My lucky girl.
Queenie: But you will be great, won’t you? All that I’ve loss will not have been for nothing, will it?
Nancy: I- I promise, mother. I’ll be great.
Queenie: [softly] Good girl.
Nancy Narrates: [ I understand.]
Nancy: [softly] Make love to me.
Geoffrey: Are you sure?
Nancy: I’m sure. You’re the one I want.
Geoffrey: [softly] Nance.. I love you so much.
Nancy Narrates: [I’ve grown to love him. I’ll grow to love this too]
Nancy Narrates: [Whatever it takes]
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 hours
Different II
Katie McCabe x Teen!Reader
Summary: You get your diagnosis
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There's a lot of hoops to jump through to finally work out what's wrong with you.
Mam doesn't like you using those words. She doesn't like referring to it as 'what's wrong with you'. She tells you that you're perfect. Nothing is wrong with you. You're perfect the way you are.
There's nothing wrong. You're jumping through these hoops so Katie can finally understand how to help you.
You meet with the paediatrician who makes follow-up appointments for you with a psychologist and an occupational therapist.
The psychologist rules out things like dyscalculia and dyslexia. She says you don't have anxiety and depression either.
You go to the occupational therapist. He runs you through a series of tests. At first, it's big things like jumping or using a skipping rope before he moves onto the smaller things like holding a paintbrush and placing weird pegs things into small holes.
You go back to the paediatrician.
"Dyspraxia," Katie says that evening as you both sit on her bed together," That's what it's called. Dyspraxia."
"I know," You say," I was in the room with you when we got told."
She's holding the pamphlet and folder that the doctor had given you, explaining all the ins and outs of the condition.
It's nothing that you haven't experienced first-hand. You imagine all of these documents were made for parents of little kids who got diagnosed. You imagine it's more for Katie's benefit than your own.
You know what it's like to live with this condition. You know what to expect and how to adapt.
Katie is the one that will be reading those pages front to back, well into the night even though she's got training the next day.
You're off school for the week.
One of the gas taps in the science laps has started leaking so the whole school was shut down as a precaution.
You're more than happy to tag along to training, stealing one of the muffins from the dining hall to eat by yourself out on the pitch.
"So," Kim says as she sits next to you," I heard from Katie that you finally got that diagnosis."
You shrug. "It's nice to have a name for it now. I think Mam's read that folder at least ten times now. I don't know if she even got any sleep last night."
"That sounds like Katie." Kim nudges you with her knee. "How are you feeling about it?"
"It is what it is," You reply, picking at your muffin," Mam said that she's still trying to take it all in. I don't know if that's good or bad."
Katie had been resistant at first. She hadn't wanted you to get tested for anything. You were perfect the way you were and she didn't want anyone to make you think otherwise.
She was all denial.
Deny, deny, deny.
You were brutal acceptance.
There was something that made you different to the other kids. There was something that made you different to most other people you had ever met.
You don't know now what Katie thinks of your diagnosis, this new label to stick on yourself.
You don't know if it'll change how she thinks of you. If she'll think you're less perfect now that you've got something official to say that you aren't.
"Katie loves you," Kim says," That won't ever change. You're her kid."
"I'm not a kid," You grumble and Kim laughs.
"You're her teenager then," She corrects," But she does love you and all she wants is to give you the best possible life."
"Yeah but-"
"It's not going to change anything," Kim insists," Okay? Katie loves you."
You don't doubt that. You've never doubted that.
You just hope Katie doesn't doubt it either.
She paces in front of you that evening and you hold your breath.
"I've talked to your school," She says," They're working on getting you a school-issued laptop but for the time being you're allowed to bring in one of ours from home. You'll get extra time for your exams and the teachers are going to start giving you more handouts rather than making you write everything up."
"What do you mean what?"
You frown. "Mam...I...I don't get it."
"You're getting accommodations," katie says, sitting right next to you," Because you're different to the other kids and need a bit more support. You're a smart kid. You just need to do things a little differently. We're getting you help."
"Mam, I..." You don't quite know what to say. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me," Katie says," I love you. I'm just making sure you get what you deserve."
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shjsnjkj · 1 day
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COME 2 ME〘 l.hs
kinktober day 1! - masterlist
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warnings : smut, MDNI, making out, pussy eating, nicknames, unprotected sex
featuring: Enhypen-Jungwon
genre: smut
taglist: @blackp1nkfan @mitmit01 @pasteltheghost16 @harukayoiiiiiiizzz @mlywon @lhspeachie @seraphira @kaykay11sworld @winuvs @yuniesluv @shhth @rizzki09 @mylettterstoyou
wc: 1,6 k ✧.*
☆ boyfriend!heeseung x girlfriend!reader
; After a rough day at work, you finally stepped out of the office building, only to find yourself caught in a sudden downpour. That would've been no problem because you love rainy days, but you didn't have an umbrella, and your phone's battery died as well. You prayed that your boyfriend, Heeseung would pass by your workplace and pick you up, but you knew he was working late. But not today, he came to you with his new car. You were so happy to see him and couldn't wait to thank him for saving you tonight. “You know, I’m ready. Waiting for you every night. Entrusting myself to your touch”
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Another long, stressful day at work.
You enjoyed your job, but lately, you've been feeling more anxious than usual. It's because of your new boss at work. She's always late with everything and is quick to point out mistakes in everyone's work.
"What do you think, would this dress be suitable for the gala?" -she touched the dress you made with a look of disgust on her face.
"Yes, ma'am."
"How can you say that to my face like that? You need to make another one."
"Right now!
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You stayed on to finish the dress even after she decided to head home.
"Y/n, I'll take care of it. I'll stick around for the night since my online meeting is scheduled for tonight due to time zone differences. I've got time until then, so let me help you with that dress. Go home and unwind. You've already done so much today." -Jungwon said.
"Are you sure about that?” -he nodded- "Thank you so much. You're the best!"
Jungwon was undoubtedly one of the best stylists at your company and in your country. He's worked with all the big names, from Prada to Bvlgari. But he was also your best friend. He showed you all the tricks and techniques to follow in his footsteps and become the next most successful fashion designer like he was before he shifted his focus to styling.
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You packed up your stuff and went straight home. You were relieved to finally leave the office for the day when something wet fell on your head. And another one, too. Before you knew it, it was pouring with rain and there were big lightning bolts in the distance. You were fine with it because you always loved rainy days. You could be reading a romantic book at home under a warm blanket or you could be under the blanket with your boyfriend, Heeseung, making love all night. However, Heeseung was nowhere to be found now. So does your umbrella. You thought about calling an Uber, but as soon as you pulled your phone from your pocket, you realized it was turned off. It probably doesn't have any battery left. Fantastic.
You went under the building's roof to wait out the storm. Twenty minutes later, the situation hadn't changed. You didn't want to bother Jungwon in the middle of his meeting, so the only thing you could do was pray for Heeseung to come pick you up.
He usually works late, so you had less hope as time passed. Another ten minutes passed, and you saw a big black Porsche pull up in front of the building, the driver slowly lowering the car window.
It was Heeseung. He came to rescue you. Your mood changed instantly. You didn't even notice the rain as you ran to the car and got inside.
“Hi baby!” -he smiled at you.
“Heeseung you came!” -you leaned to kiss him on the cheek.
“Of course, I came to pick you up! I called you countless times so I assumed your phone must've died and I couldn’t leave my princess here for the night in the heavy rain.”
“Awww….my love. What should I do without you?! You’re such a gentleman.” -you gave him another kiss on the cheek.- “And what’s this car? Did you borrow it from someone?”
“No, this is mine. I bought it today and I wanted to surprise you with it. Do you like it, baby?”
“Mhm, of course, I love this one just as much. Nevertheless, I didn’t see much from the car because it’s dark outside and I'm excited to try the backseat as well.”
“You can’t go there now”
“Why??” -you watched him with puppy eyes.
“There’s a surprise for you, but you have to wait for that.” -he said seriously and turned on the engine to drive you home.
“What kind of surprise?”
“You’ll see baby! Just stay still.”
The ride home was chilly, Heeseung’s hand remained on your thighs while slow music played on the radio. The rain hasn’t stopped but the car did at an empty parking lot.
“Why did we stop?”
“Didn’t you want to try out the backseat?”
“Oh, yeah you’re right. But let me dry myself with something because I’m still a bit wet from the rain outside.”
“There’s no need for that Y/n. Just go.”
“Okay?” -you stood up as much as you could and went to the backseat. There were two gift boxes there. One big and a smaller one.
“Omg, Heeseung what are these”
“Open it up.” -he said as he climbed over to your side from the driver’s seat. There wasn't much space for him because of the boxes so you insisted him sit down on your place and you’ll sit on his lap to be more comfortable.
“Ah, this is more comfortable. I missed you so much, Y/n. Your smell, your touch.” -Heeseung kissed your neck as you opened up the first box, trying to keep your moans inside.
“Heeseung this is so pretty! Can you put this necklace on my neck, please?” -he didn’t hesitate and did what you asked. To be precise, he did more than what you asked.
Wet kisses all over your neck. The straps of your dress are halfway down on your arms, while you try to put them back because you know that you two would make a mess if you gave in. So you tried to get away from Heeseung a bit and opened the next box. You discovered a beautiful short black, silk dress and a Prada symbol on it.
“Hee…I should be the one to give you something for coming to me today.”
“Then change into that dress and come for me.”
That sentence was all it took for you to lose your ability to restrain yourself. You had originally planned to wait until you got home, but you couldn't resist him anymore. You turned around to face him and started to unzip the dress you were wearing, leaving you in just your black lingerie. Heeseung watched the scene unfold before him, picturing what he'd do to you in the next few minutes.
Heeseung came closer and started kissing you deeply, ruining your red lipstick. Your tongues were locked in a passionate embrace, saliva dripping all over your jaws. You unintentionally pressed yourself against him through his pants and started riding him, which made Heeseung want more from you. Suddenly you felt Heeseung’s cold hands on your warm back, unclipping your bra.
"Let's wait until you're ready to change into the dress. I want to make sure you're feeling better first."
You just nodded, and before you knew it, he was kissing your breasts and sucking gently on your nipples while massaging the other with his hand. Your pants were getting more and more wet, and you couldn't stop yourself from moaning.
"Just be patient, Y/N. There's more on the way." He helped you get dressed in the Prada dress. Heeseung bent you down on the seat and reached between your thighs. He gave you a smirk when he saw how wet you were. He pulled down your lingerie and threw it on the gearshift.
In no time, your legs were open for him and you felt his hot breath at your entrance. Heeseung slowly started to place sweet kisses on your pussy, following that with his warm tongue tasting each line of your folds. You couldn’t stop mewing and your desire for him just kept growing.
He came up to you, kissing your swollen lips, meanwhile, his fingers found their way to your entrance. The next moment, you felt his long and thick fingers curling inside your pussy. Leaving you breathless, your back arching.
“Mhmm. I-I w-wanted to thank you for your help. But you make me like this instead.”
“Shh baby. You already thanked me with being a good girl for me.” -he kissed your forehead while increasing the pace of his fingers.
It didn’t last too long before you cummed, arousal drenched his index and middle fingers. He put them in your mouth to lick it down, letting you taste your own cum.
“It’s so sweet, right? Like yourself baby.”
“Now turn around”
You were on your knees with him behind your back. Heeseung pulled your dress up to your waist and put his tip close to your entrance. One last kiss on your neck and he was inside you fully. Sliding in and out while you support yourself with the window, your hands leaving prints on the fogged glass.
You could only hear the clapping of your skin together and the beautiful moanings Heeseung filled your ear with. With every pump, you felt like losing yourself and so did Heeseung. You just moaned from the pain and the pleasure while you tightened around him until you felt something form in your stomach. It hurt but felt so right at the same time. You truly felt how much he loves you and you tried to reciprocate that every time.
“He-Heeseung..I-I’m gonna…” -you weren’t able to form words normally but Heeseung knew what you meant and he felt the same.
"Cum for me, baby" -Heeseung whispered, his voice husky with desire. With a few more deep thrusts, you both reached your climax together, your bodies shuddering in unison. You lay there for a moment, catching your breath, feeling the warmth of Heeseung's body against yours. The rain continued to patter against the car windows, creating a soothing rhythm that matched your slowing heartbeats. As the fog on the windows slowly cleared, you realized how much you loved these spontaneous moments with him. As you came down from your high, Heeseung held you close, placing gentle kisses on your shoulder.
“I love you Heeseung!” -you melted into his body.
"I love you too, Y/n," -Heeseung whispered, his breath warm against your skin. "You know, I'm ready. Waiting for you every night. Entrusting myself to your touch."
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Hello~~ This is the opening story for our masterlist with @luviwon ღ
I hope you’ll like it and I recommend you to stick around because there’s more to come! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
It’s the first day of the month, so I wish everyone amazing weeks and make sure to rest and read a lot this month as well! 🧸ྀི
Sending lots of love! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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minus-plus-zer0 · 1 day
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"You Know You're Fictional, Right?"
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♡ Genre: Fluff, crack ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader ♡ Tags: Established relationships
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You just wanted to fuck with his head, that's all.
"Katsuki," you said to your loving and ever-patient boyfriend, "you know you're fictional, right?"
You leaned on his bedroom desk, giving him the utmost pitying and concerned look. Bakugou was not having it today.
"Don't you got anything better to do than to mess with me?!" Bakugou banged his fist on the desk. "Why the hell are you accusing me of being fictional?"
"I'm only warning you for you own sake," you said, voice wobbling from sadness. Bakugou just narrowed his eyes at you. "I've wanted to tell you for a while... but..." You sniffled. "I didn't know how to bring it up!"
"So now that we're dating, you wanna pull this shit?"
"...Yes? I-I just needed to earn your trust before I--ah!"
Bakugou tickled you and you giggled, wrenching yourself away from his evil fingers. You caught your breath a short distance away from him, while he grinned madly in his seat.
"Got you back," Bakugou said, satisfied at your state of disarray from the tickles. "Now don't go calling me fictional again! I'm your real boyfriend! Not a fake one. Who do you think you're calling 'fictional'?"
"But what if I have to go back to my home world someday? you asked. "You can't just avoid this conversation, Katsuki!"
"I can and I will. Now, are you gonna cuddle with me or not, babe?"
You sighed and curled up in his lap while he finished his homework. You continued to ramble on about your theories regarding your shared world, how superpowers weren't natural, and how even All Might didn't exist in the world you supposedly came from.
“Am I the most popular in your world?” he asked, barely trying to humor you. “Or do those idiots got bad taste?”
He was the most popular, but you wouldn’t tell him that. “No, it’s actually Midoriya.”
“What?! Him?! You’re lying! That world is messed up.”
“You still have plenty of fans though!”
“...Are they weird and creepy fans?”
“Um… define ‘weird and creepy’.”
“Uggggghhh." Bakugou held you tighter in his lap. "Just shoot me.”
“Don’t say that!" You stroked his head. "At least people still like you at all! They love seeing your adventures!”
Bakugou slammed his pencil on the desk. “That wasn’t for them to see! That was private! You hear me? Private!” Bakugou lowered his voice, his face close to yours. “What goes on between us is private too. Now don’t go telling your little imaginary friends what we do. That’s only for us to know.”
Bakugou kissed you and then turned back to his homework. You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You still don’t believe you’re fictional,” you murmured. “Poor baby is in denial.”
"It’s ’cause your world sounds boring," Bakugou said, mindlessly writing out answers in his homework. Then, he turned back to you. "You should stick with this one. I want you staying here forever. You’re mine.”
"Katsuki, I was only trying to prank you. Of course I'm staying here!"
"Then why the fuck did you bring up all that sad shit about leaving to your own world! Don't say that kinda crap outta nowhere!"
"But that's my specialty."
Bakugou kiss-attacked your face, making you giggle as you swatted his terrifying kisses away.
"Specialty my ass," Bakugou said, beaming at you. "Go be special at something else then, how about that? Like tell me about your day or who's been bugging you. Don't go talking about how you're leaving me, it pisses me off."
"Katsuki, you know how my day was. We hang out all the time!"
"Well then fucking remind me!"
Nothing you did could convince Bakugou he was fictional, and maybe that was fine. The next day, you instead tried to make him believe that you were his fictional girlfriend, and he didn’t like that either.
“I didn’t get an imaginary girlfriend ‘cause I’m supposedly lonely, dammit!”
“I don’t know,” Kaminari said. “It sounds pretty plausible for you.”
The moment Bakugou’s hands started exploding, Kaminari ran away screaming. From then on, Bakugou had to prove to everyone that you and him were actually together and that no, dating him was not another one of your elaborate pranks. And from now on, Bakugou will side-eye you if you mention any other fictional crushes you have...
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(This one has been sitting in my drafts for ages!)
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Chapter 10: Brother Dearest
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you neve expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!) Soldier Boy calls the reader "Petals."
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (Not in this chapter), Only One Bed (This chapter), Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Soft Ben/ Soldier Boy, Protective Ben/Soldier Boy
Word Count: 9.7K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), Manipulation, Gaslighting, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Sexual Innuendo, Sexual Tension, Shouting, Anger, Talks About Weed, Super Manipulative Trash Man Being Introduced, Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
A/N: Back to our regularly scheduled angst...
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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It feels like you've only had thirty minutes of sleep when your body jerks upwards out of your bed to the sound of crashing and the shattering of pottery, followed by someone who doesn't sound like Ben shout "What the fuck?"
It had been a few days since you faced the supe with the ability to liquidize his form and after about five showers that included you scrubbing the skin of your body raw with both a luffa and a sugar scrub and gargling with Listerine until it felt like all your taste buds were burned off, you felt that you had rid yourself of the oppressive smell and taste of the supe.
Ben and you seemed to be falling in to a familiar pattern, he walked with you to work before going off to see what Butcher had planned for him and if he could Ben would always show up at the end of your shift to walk you home. Though each time he was less than friendly to Jake, who was still trying his upmost to get Ben to talk to him rather than Ben's usual half-grunts, shrugging shoulders, and death glares.
It wasn't working and you stopped trying to get Ben to be more friendly towards your boss, but it didn't make it any less unusual that Ben kept walking with you to and from work.
When you asked him why he walked with you he said that "You shouldn't be walking alone" which of course prompted the conversation of "I don't need a babysitter" and "I've been walking to the store for two years by myself" and him not listening to anything you said. That last bit was becoming more and more normal for the two of you.
So you rationalized that Ben was trying to be nicer to you because he wanted to try to be sort-of friends and you tried not to think about how it was making you have more feelings for him.
It was difficult not to like Ben when he was acting more friendly. When he actually made an effort to have conversations with you or sat with you quietly while you read or when he was walking with you to and from work and stopping along the way to get you coffee or your favorite tea. It was confusing to you why he was doing that, why someone who was so focused on sex was doing sweet things for you after you told him that you wouldn't sleep with him and was making you have deeper feelings for him.
So like a normal person you threw your frustration into your crocheting. Over the past week you had finished Annie's sweater, made four cat toys for Bean, and were currently working on a long cardigan sweater to send your grandmother who called last week to check in and had told you she needed a new one.
Ben had come with you to the craft store and hated every second of it. Not to mention each time you added a bundle of yarn to the basket you made him hold, he would ask "What the fuck are you going to do with that?" to which you responded "Learn quantum physics." Though Ben had been impressed with the knitting needles, thought that they could be useful enough to use for self defense and had embarrassed you when you turned around and found him trying to mime stabbing someone with them while the other people in the store watched him in horror.
You rolled out of bed and threw open your bedroom door before barreling down the darkly lit hallway and sliding into the living room on your crocheted leaf socks. "What is it?" You shout prepared for attack.
Unfortunately when you slide into the room, you do so with too much enthusiasm and you slip and fall, landing on your back with a loud groan.
That one hurt.
"You alright Petals?" You hear Ben ask from somewhere above you. It's not said in a teasing way, it's said in a growl.
Is he mad at me?
"Yep just testing if gravity is still working. It is, if you were curious." You cough out a laugh as you get up and realize that Ben isn't on the couch, he's standing in the middle of your kitchen holding someone by the lapels of his black oversized army jacket against your refrigerator.
Oh that's why he's mad.
The man is rail-thin, dressed completely in black, with hair so blond you sometimes thought it was white, buzzed over his head, and although you can't see his face you know that he'll have a set of dark blue eyes that sometimes turn black when he's angry and a pair of dark hoops curving over his right eyebrow. Ben is holding him up so high that the man's feet aren't touching the ground.
You hadn't seen your brother Darren in at least a year, not since he dropped by to crash on your couch to tell you that his buddy Roach, yes that is what he called him, was opening a restaurant and asked Darren to be his business partner. He had walked you through the technical lingo and acted enthusiastic about the prospects, told you that it was his dream to open a restaurant, but he was having a problem coming up with his half of the cash. Darren had asked you for a small loan and you'd scrambled to get it together for him.
But after about three months  Darren called to tell you that it fell through and that he was onwards and upwards trying to "make his way in the world" which by now you knew was Darren speak for "could you please send me a little more money to get on my feet." Your grandmother had stopped giving him money ages ago, but you couldn't, he was family, your only brother and you loved him.
"Darren?" You say hesitantly.
"Hey sis!" Darren smiles when you turn on the light in the kitchen, looking too happy for someone being smooshed against a raspberry and blackberry covered refrigerator.
"You know this guy?" Ben glances at you over his shoulder. He's not wearing a shirt again and you're trying very hard not to focus on how good he looks without one. The muscles on his back are flexed from the exertion of holding your brother up against the refrigerator and Ben isn't breaking a sweat.
Lifting a person probably feels like lifting up Bean to him.
"Yeah he's my brother." You take a step forward and hear something crunch beneath your foot. Your gaze drops to the floor and you understand exactly what the loud crashing noise was.
The strawberry plant that usually sits on the small kitchen table that you shoved under the window is on the ground. Shards of painted pottery litter your floor in every direction, the strawberry plant smooshed under a boot print that matches up with Darren's infamous buckled motorcycle boots. The same ones he'd had since high school that he'd tell anyone who listened he won in the same bar fight that he got the thin scar on his chin from, when in reality he got them at a thrift store down the street from your grandmother's house and the scar from when he tripped and hit his chin on the toilet when he was fifteen and trying to learn how to shave.
Must have come in the window from the fire escape.
Most of the window had been blocked by a tangerine and lemon tree that you had encouraged to grow, but now the tree was pushed to the side off kilter and the window was open letting in the warm summer breeze.
You didn't understand why Darren did that when he still had the key that you made him when you moved in.
Ben drops Darren unceremoniously onto the hardwood floor, who lands with a loud "clunk” from his boots, but your brother doesn’t look upset. He rubs his hand over the top of his head as if adjusting his buzzed hair with a sheepish smile while Ben steps back onto one of the pieces of pot on your hardwood floor, but doesn't wince.
Darren notices your gaze on the smooshed strawberry plant and the shattered remains of the pot it was in. "Ooo, sorry sissy." He frowns. "But I'm sure you can fix it can't you? That is what you do." Darren emphasizes it by waving his hand around you apartment at the numerous plants covering your walls.
You crouch down and pick up the remnants of the plant gingerly, cradling it to your chest. "Um, yeah." You force a smile, trying not to think about how important the pot was to you. It was the last thing you had of your grandfather, before he passed. It had been one of your favorite memories, sitting out on the back porch in the middle of a thunderstorm painting flowers and dots and zigzags on the terracotta pot that housed the strawberry plant that you grew on the tray of your high chair the day your powers developed.
Darren knew how much the pot meant to me. He had one too before he used it for air-rifle practice.
You put the plant on your kitchen table, before taking the broom from the hook on the wall. "Why didn't you just use the door?" You tried to say it in an upbeat way, but it fell flat.
"I was excited to see my favorite sister." Darren grins pulling you into a hug.
He smells like he always does, a bit like cigarette smoke, beer, and the stale smell of weed. But when he pulls back and sees that you're still frowning, his own mouth begins to descend into an exaggerated pout. "Did you not want me to come by?"
"Of course I did." You say, but you weren't sure. "I just thought you would call first or use the key that I got you not come through the window."
“Oh stop being so dramatic.” He pats you on the head. “I’m here now so what’s going on? You got a boyfriend-“ He gestures to Ben. “Who is also a supe?”
“Ben is my roommate.” You emphasize the word roommate before Ben can say boyfriend. That was the last thing you wanted him to say in front of Darren. You'd never hear the end of it You begin to sweep up the pieces, trying to fight the urge to cry over the shattered remains. You knew that crying in front of Darren would only make him tease you about being "too sensitive" so you kept it down and figure that you can cry about it later.
"Uh huh." Darren eyes him. "So he's got super strength?"
"Why do you care?" Ben grouches, crossing his arms over his chest, but he doesn't look away from where you're sweeping up the pieces.
Darren shrugs and holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Touchy Touchy. Just making conversation dude. I mean, you're living with my sister." He breezes, but you notice Darren stand up a little straighter when he talks to Ben and you wonder if he was embarrassed by how easily Ben was able to man-handle him.
Ben opens his mouth, but you interrupt whatever he was about to say. "Darren what are you doing here?"
He brightens with the question. "Oh it's so exciting! My friend is starting up a business and-"
"You need money?" You interrupt, trying not to think about how much you could spare from the already measly sum in your bank account to help him. This month hadn't been the best and after rent and utilities you probably could only spare 70 dollars or so, but even that seemed to be pushing it.
"No nothing like that." Darren waves a hand. "I just needed a place to crash because I'm going to go meet him tomorrow."
"And he wants to meet you."
"Huh?" You look up from the small pile of shards at him. "Why?"
"He said that he wanted to meet the sister who I'm always talking about." Darren shrugs, before pulling a blunt from where it is behind his left ear, and lighting it.
He talks about me to his friends?
"Uh-huh. I think that I've met enough of your friends." You reply continuing to sweep more pieces into the pile.
You were using the word "friends" hesitantly because Darren seemed to go through them so often that you didn't think that it was worth it to learn all their names. And also because one time you had run into one of the "friends" Darren made and he had proceeded to chase you down the block shouting words about your brother that were not worth repeating.
"I think you'll like this one." Darren eyes Ben again. "I showed him your picture and he said that you were classic."
You miss Ben stiffen.
"Please stop trying to set me up. I'm fine." You could feel your cheeks heating because you knew that Ben was watching you.
The last time Darren had tried to set you up you found out half way through the date that your date was his weed dealer, whose idea of a romantic first date was to take you to a gentleman's club and then try to see who would be into having a threesome. Needless to say you were underwhelmed and blocked his number. The only good thing that had come of it was the gummy bear edibles you'd nicked from his pocket when he was flirting with one of the dancers and Annie and you had enjoyed the rest of the evening giggling and eating copious amounts of pizza and snacks.
"I don't know, he's better than the last one. Definitely has more money and he's sophisticated." Darren breathes out a cloud of smoke and you wave your hand to dissipate the smog.
"Charles Manson would be better than the last one, Darren."
"Manson had hundreds of followers and was treated like a god. I think you're being too picky." Darren rolls his eyes at you while he takes a hit from the blunt.
"Only you would see Manson as a role model." You grumble under your breath crouching down to sweep the pieces of the pot into the dust pan. "But if you really want to stay here you can take my bed."
A part of you were expecting Darren to protest, to care that you wouldn't have anywhere to sleep, but he doesn't argue with you.
“Great! Thanks.” He takes a few steps towards the hallway, the cloud of smoke following behind him like a dark omen, before he stops and glances back. “You got anything to drink?”
“No. Fresh out.” You lie without looking up. You didn’t want it to mix with whatever the hell that was in his system, because with Darren it was always something.
“I swear it’s like you don’t even think about me.” Darren flashes a wide grin, but the joke kind of hurts.
As he goes you dump the pieces into a plastic grocery bag, hoping deep down that you could glue it back together, but even you know that it's probably a long shot.
Maybe I can make the bigger pieces into something else? File down the sharp edges?
Ben is still standing in your kitchen, his arms crossed, listening to Darren go down the hallway and into your bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
The door opens again and you hear Darren mutter, “Out stupid cat," sending a fuming Bean hissing down the hallway. He trots into the living room indignantly and you stoop down to calm him down, leaning the broom against the kitchen table as you do.
Ben is quiet, but you can feel the room heat up a few degrees for a second almost as if he's angry. “Does he always talk to you that way?” Ben’s voice is low.
“He’s high.” You continue to pet Bean, not looking up. “He’s not usually so-“ You search for the word.
“Fucking rude?”
You stand up with a sigh. “You sound like Annie.”
“Oh so she doesn’t get along with him either? Shocker.”
He was bristling slightly, annoyed, teetering on angry. “Fine.” He mutters.
You turn your attention to the trampled strawberry plant, gently dragging your fingers over the petals repairing the damage with a wave of your hand as you do, until it looks better than it had a few moments ago, and place it in a plastic black pot temporarily. You were again, trying not to be too upset about the way that Darren entered your apartment, but it was like him to do something like that, like him to break things that you thought were important without a second thought for how you felt.
Your relationship with your brother was hard and sometimes it felt like you were the only one trying, but you didn't want to give up on him. He was the only family that you had besides your grandmother. When your parents died, Darren pulled away, stayed out late drinking and doing whatever drugs he could get his hand on, and had multiple flings with women in the neighborhood that weren't exactly single. Your grandmother had cut him out completely, but you couldn't.
“Are you okay?” Ben asks.
“Yeah, just kind of tired.” You sigh, closing the window that Darren pried open to get into the apartment. When you turn back you realize just how close Ben is standing to you, so close that you can feel the warmth radiating out from his skin and into the air.
His fingertip lightly presses the scrunch between your eyebrows. "You're lying." Ben says it quietly.
"I wish you wouldn't do that."
"Do what?"
"Tell me when I'm lying. It's infuriating."
"Because it's the 21st century and when someone lies because they don't want to talk about how they really feel, it's common courtesy to just say 'ok' and move on!" You snap, grabbing the bag of smashed pottery. You immediately felt bad. You didn't mean to snap at him, but you were upset about Darren showing up unannounced even though you told him each time he came into town to tell you, but he never did, and about him breaking one of the only things in your apartment that had sentimental value to you.
Ben frowns at you for a minute, and you think that he's going to come up with some kind of retort, but instead he says  "Okay."
"Thank you."
You watch Ben's gaze drift back into your living room. "You can take the couch.”
It surprises you. You were just going to camp out in the bathtub and will the moss to make a pillow beneath your head. "But where will you sleep?"
“I can sleep on the floor.” He shrugs. "Don't need a bed. And I've slept enough anyway-"
“Ben you’re not going to sleep on the floor because my brother decided to show up in the middle of the night. It’s unfair.”
It was. You didn’t want Ben to curl into a ball on the floor and try to find a comfortable position, not after he'd spent the last forty years in a Russian Lab without a bed and probably without a pillow.
He shouldn't have to suffer because my brother never remembers how much I hate surprises.
“Well I’m sure as hell  not going to let you sleep on the floor.” Ben shouts.
"I can sleep in the bathtub. The moss is actually really comfortable-"
"In the fucking bathtub? You're kidding right?"
"No. I've done it before-"
"When?" Ben suddenly looks murderous.
"The last time Darren was here I didn't have a couch and-"
"That fucker made you sleep in the bathtub?"
"I mean he didn't volunteer any other options and Darren can't fit in there so-" You try to reason with him, getting confused as to why Ben was suddenly looking down the hallway like he was going to haul Darren out by the lip and make him apologize.
"I'll be fucking damned if you sleep in a fucking bathtub!"
“What is it with you being chivalrous at the most inopportune times?” You stamp your foot in frustration.
You didn’t want to sleep in the bathtub, but you were willing to if it meant that Ben had a soft place to sleep. The moss wasn't all that bad, it was squishy, and the bathroom was kind of cozy in your apartment because of all the plants you had in there.
“Forgive me, but when I grew up it was considered common courtesy to give things like beds to women. And what kind of man would I be if I let you sleep in a mother fucking bathtub?” He shouts back, using the words you had used earlier to yell at him for pointing out your lie.
“Well if you sleep on the floor then I’m going to sleep in the bathtub."
“Fine.” Ben seethes.
You stand there with your arms crossed and eyes narrowed refusing to back down. Ben mirrors your stance, before he loses it.
“I think it’s fucking ridiculous that no one is going to sleep on the couch. So why don’t you just shut up and sleep on the couch?"
“Because it’s your bed!”
“I bought it for both of us to use!” He snaps back.
You glare at him, tapping your foot, before you glance at the large couch.
Honestly, when it was in the pull out position it was about the size of a full bed, maybe a little bigger, more than enough room for Ben and for you. The thought seemed almost too crazy to consider… almost. Your mouth dips into a nervous frown, anxiety electrifying in your veins.
“I mean it’s-“ You clear your throat. “It’s big enough for both of us.” You say quietly.
Ben looks at you like you’re crazy, body going taunt. “I thought you said you didn’t want me to fuck you.”
“I don’t want to fuck me Ben, but I don’t hate the idea of sleeping with you. I mean I don’t think you’re going to do anything while I’m asleep."
Ben looks angry all over again. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! I’m not a fucking rapist.”
“No. Ben I mean-" You were waving your hands in front of you nervously trying to find the words. "I’m not saying you’re a rapist. I’m trying to tell you that I trust you and-“
Ben’s expression slackens. “You trust me?” He interrupts you in a whisper, sounding almost as if he can’t believe it, his face twisted into an emotion that you can't recognize.
“Well yeah.” Your cheeks flame bright red. “I mean we’re kinda friends and I trust my friends. I mean, do you think that I would let you live here if I didn’t trust you?"
Ben clears his throat, but doesn't say anything. "Um-" His eyes flick to the couch then back at you. "I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with." He says gruffly.
"It doesn't make me that uncomfortable." You reply, but you're already trying to figure out the mechanics of how you can sleep on the couch with him, without touching him.
"Uh-huh." Ben raises an eyebrow.
"It's okay. I'm going to get my pillow."
"I'll get it."
"But-" You begin to say, but Ben ignores you and stomps down the hallway.
Why does he want to get it?
He doesn't even bother to knock when he goes into your room and you can hear a quiet scuffle, followed by your brother shouting "What's your problem man?" and Ben's retort of "Just shut the fuck up and go to sleep." 
Ben is still grumbling something under his breath when he comes back into the living room, but he holds out your pillow for you. "Here."
"Thanks. But what did I say about you going into my room?” You hoped that the joke would ease some of the tension that you were holding in your shoulders.
"I think we threw all that out the window the other night. Don't you think Petals?" Ben smirks.
Right, the other night when he broke down my door and let me squeeze his hand.
"Maybe." You hug your pillow against your chest. "Do you-" You cough to clear your throat. "Do you want the inside or the outside?"
His eyes flick to the front door and then to the hallway. "I'll take the outside."
"Okay." You stand there awkwardly for a minute and even though you were the one who suggested this idea in the first place, you suddenly feel anxious.
I can do this. I can lay next to him and avoid touching him. What if I snore? Or drool? Or say embarrassing things? Oh fuck what if I start to have a dream about him with him literally laying right there.
“Petals, if you don’t want to-“
“I want to. I just need to wrap my head around it and I don’t want you to sleep on the floor.” You take in a deep breath and climb onto the couch, pushing yourself as far as you can into the back cushions. You don't look at him when he gets in behind you, leaving about a good three inches of space between your bodies, the two of you back to back.
It's quiet for a few minutes, but then you feel the couch begin to shake lightly and you realize that Ben is laughing.
"What's so funny?" You turn to look over your shoulder at him.
"I was just thinking that it's about time I got you into my bed Petals."
"Shut up." You snort and turn your body enough to hit him on the shoulder, which makes Ben turn over to face you.
His dark hair hangs long over his forehead, his eyes shining, and his signature smirk pulls at the end of his lips. "Make me."
Fuck. You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting the flush that threatens to rise against your cheeks, when you think about kissing him to shut him up. All that did was remind you of the kiss you shared in the hallway the night he first slept in your apartment which then lead to how close he was to you and that only brought back memories of his beard against your neck outside the party. The flush that finally breaks through is coupled with the immediate blooming of the apple tree at the end of the couch. The delicate flowers fluttering open as if they were winking at the two of you.
Shit, maybe he won't notice that.
Ben glances up at the tree above the two of you confused. "Why'd you do that?"
"Do what?" You ask innocently.
"You made the tree make the fucking flowers."
"No, I didn't." You hit your pillow to rid yourself of an imaginary lump.
"Yes, you did. You also did it the other day when you were reading your book." Ben's eyes roam your face as if he's searching for the answer.
Oh right, when I was reading my book and it started to get a little bit steamy and everything in the room started flowering like it had been a long winter… Honestly it kinda has been a long winter, but I'm not going to think about it right now when he's this close to me. I can't believe he noticed that.
"Does it mean something?" He raises an eyebrow.
Ben smirks his eyes drawn to the center of your forehead where you know the scrunch is giving away your lie. "It does, doesn't it?"
"Nope. Goodnight." You turn over and stare at the back cushions of the couch. Hoping that he’ll just drop it.
He doesn’t.
"It means that you're turned on, doesn't it Petals?" Ben's breath is warm against the back of your neck, making goosebumps trail over your arms and you fight to keep control of the blooming.
"No, it doesn't."
"Do I turn you on?" You can hear the smile in his voice.
"No, and it’s not what it means."
"Uh-huh. So when I do something like this-" Ben reaches out to touch the small of your back and trails his warm large hand over the curve of your right hip.
You clench your teeth together to try to stop the power that rushes out of your body with the contact, but it's too late, the Jasmine that creeps along the brick wall behind the tv explodes, the smell of Jasmine wafting over to the couch where Ben and you are laying.
Ben laughs, shaking the couch beneath you.
"Shut up. It's so embarrassing." You moan into the pillow curling further in on yourself and pulling the crocheted blanket over your head, blushing so deeply that you were sure you looked like a giant raspberry.
“It’s not embarrassing Petals.” Ben chuckles, pulling the blanket down from your head. “It’s kinda cute.”
You glare at him over your shoulder. “I will kill you.”
Ben contemplates what he’s going to say next. "So when you're fucking someone-"
"If you finish that sentence you're not going to wake up." You warn, knowing exactly where he's going with this.
Ben only laughs at you. "Come on Petals, I'm curious. Plus you're so adamant about not sleeping with me that I guess I'll never see when you c-."
"Fine!" You shout turning around to face him again, cheeks beet red. He's still staring at you with that ridiculous smirk that makes your legs weak and sends warmth pooling into the pit of your stomach. "When I have an orgasm, I do make everything bloom. Happy?"
"I mean I'd be happier if you'd let me witness it and if you'd let me fuck you." Ben's hand is touching your waist, his thumb teasing the edge of where your t-shirt meets the top of your sleep shorts.
"Ben, we've talked about this." You say it mostly to remind yourself.
"I know." His smirk dips into a frown and he withdraws his hand from your body.
You chew the inside of your cheek thinking about how hard this is and how much you wished it could be different.
"It's okay." You whisper, because he might not have apologized, but you could see the frustration on his face. "Really, it's fine."
Ben doesn't say anything, only continues to look at you with an unreadable expression, so instead you say "I'll see you in the morning" and you turn over to look at the cushions on the back of the couch, hoping that you're able to fall asleep before he does.
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Mike's screech of "I Will Always Love You" is not as loud in the living room as it is in your bedroom, but it's still enough to wake you up. The room is lighter in the morning, the gentle pulse of sunlight filters through the leaves of the plants, but sends a warm glow over your body.
Actually, you were already warm, really warm, warmer than usual.
That's weird why am I-
You inhale sharply when you realize why you're so warm. Your body is pinned into the couch cushions, because Ben is practically laying on top of you. Your back is flush against his chest, his strong arms wrapped around your waist, and his face is pressed into your hair.
This isn't good.
Ben mutters something in his sleep and tightens his grip on your waist, pulling you even further against his chest, and shifting his hips in a way that makes you realize that this is a lot worse than you thought. Because you can feel exactly what makes Ben so cocky begin to get excited.
Fuck, this really isn't good.
"Um Ben?" You whisper, but he doesn't wake up, instead he moans something into your hair, and shifts his hips again in a way that makes your heartbeat stutter in your chest.
Fuck. Really not good.
You knew that Ben was attracted to you, knew that he had wanted to fuck you since the moment he first saw you, so you weren't surprised that this was happening, and there was a part of you that enjoyed this. Laying in bed with him, feeling his warmth transferring to you, having his body relaxed around you as he pulled you deeper and deeper into his chest. The warmth was lovely, you didn't do well in the cold and being with Ben meant that you'd never have to worry about that again. It was moments like this that you wished you never let Ben move in, not because you hated him, but because you liked him too much.
"Ben." You say it louder.
"Hmm?" Ben groans. "If no one is dying then don't wake me up Petals." He murmurs, obviously not understanding what the problem is. You wait another minute, lying beneath him and trying to think about a way to get out of this, when Ben realizes what he's doing.
He raises his head from your hair blinking at where you're staring at him over your shoulder with wide eyes.
"Morning." You whisper.
"Morning." Ben returns, but it's barely audible, just a marvelous deep rumble that you can feel vibrating up through where he's laying on top of you.
Ben doesn't move, his eyes are a soft pine, like fresh sprigs in spring sprouting from the highest branches to stretch towards the early sun. You can't move, you feel frozen beneath his gaze, watching the gentle way the light kisses his bold features, the smooth dip of his bow-like mouth, the rough edge of his strong jaw, and the proud bend of his nose.
His arms loosen from around your waist, but he turns you towards him, so you're pressed chest to chest, without looking away from your face. Your hands are pinned between the two of you, resting against his bare chest right over where his heart beats beneath your fingertips.
Ben's green eyes trace your features, dropping to your lips before raising once more to look you in the eye as if he's asking for your permission. You know what he wants, can see it in the way he watches you, and see it in the way that his head tilts towards yours. Your lips tingle in anticipation, your heart beat loud like the thunder in a summer storm that rattles the windows of your grandmother's home. You can't draw a breath because you know if you do it'll be full of him, until all you can do is breathe him in and sink into his body until there's nothing left of you and everything left of Ben.
You're not sure if it's because you're still a little bit sleepy or if it's because Ben is so warm or if it's because all the hard edges of Ben that you've grown accustomed to have smoothed over and all you see is the version that Ben was only around you. The version who sat with you when you had a nightmare and refused to leave, the version who walked you to work every morning, the version who sat with you while you read your book, and the version who seemed to care more than he was willing to admit. But the longer you lay there with him the bigger the urge is to pull him closer.
Your hands smoothly travel up Ben's chest feeling the strength beneath the palms of your hands before you lock them behind his head, tangling loosely in the dark strands of his hair at the nape of his neck.
The apple tree at the end of the couch begins to shed flowers down on both of you and Ben’s eyes flick up to it for just a second before he smiles. It’s the first time you’ve seen him have a smile like that, one that looked so easy, so genuinely happy and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t think you wanted to make him smile like that all the time.
Ben leans forward to close the distance between the two of you, his lips warm and inviting, his forehead just barely resting against yours, but before your lips touch, your bedroom door opens and slams into the wall with a loud crashing noise that makes you jolt back away from him, breaking the spell.
"Good morning sis!" Darren crows walking in to the room. "Oh sorry, did I interrupt something between you guys?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"No." Your voice sounds high and squeaky, because he had. You're not sure what would have happened if he hadn't come in, well, you did. Ben was going to kiss you and you wanted him to.
This is getting too complicated.
Ben only frowns at your brother from his position on the couch. The two of you are sitting up now, side by side as if nothing happened, but you can't shake the memory of the warmth of his body soaking into yours as he curved himself around you, almost as if he wished to protect you even when he was asleep.
Is that why he wanted to sleep on the outside?
"Sure." Darren smirks. "Do you have anything to eat around here? Or do you only have all this shitty fruit?" Darren frowns at the raspberry and blackberry vines, the strawberry plant, the apple tree, and the lemon and tangerine trees.
"Oh." You shake off the insult. "There should be some cereal in the cabinet"
"I hope you got the name brand stuff this time."
Maybe I'd be able to afford the name brand stuff if someone stopped coming around and asking me for money.
"If you don't like anything we have, I'd suggest going to the diner across the street." Ben says tightly emphasizing that he lives here now.
"No thanks bro. I'm kinda short on cash these days." Darren replies finding the Lucky Charms cereal and pouring himself the last bowl without a second thought.
"Oh really?" Ben says standing from the couch to glare at your brother. "And what exactly is it that you do Darren?"
Darren leans back against the counter eating his cereal, but you can see the tight way he's gripping the spoon. "I'm an entrepreneur."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Ben-" You start to say, unsure as to why Ben was giving your brother a hard time.
"It means that I invest in other opportunities." Darren stabs his cereal with the spoon.
"And if you're so short on cash, how do you do that?" Ben presses.
A dark look passes through Darren's eyes. "What exactly are you getting at?"
"Well you've been here for maybe six hours and the only thing that I've seen you do is break in, take your sister's bed, and insult her." Ben takes a step forward into the living room. "So to me, it kinda looks like you just sit on your ass like a fucking pussy and mooch off of your sister, because you're not man enough to get a real job."
"What the fuck is your problem man?" Darren puts down the bowl. "I don't understand where all this hostility is coming from, but I don't have to explain myself to you. My sister and my relationship is none of your business, and I've been here a lot longer and I'm pretty sure that I'll be here longer than you-"
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Ben growls.
"Whoa wait a second-" You stand up from the couch.
"You have no idea who you're talking to." Darren's voice is low, his eyes leveled on Ben. "You shouldn’t start a fight you can't win."
Ben's lips tilt into a smirk. "Trust me, it's not going to be much of a fight."
"Whoa!" This time you plant yourself between the two of them, one hand resting on Darren's chest. You can feel a deep thrumming buzz coming through the material of his band t-shirt and into your hand and for a moment you're surprised, because your brother wasn't a supe.
Then where is it coming from?
You shake it off. "Let's all just take a nice deep breath."
Ben's eyes are still narrowed at Darren, refusing to back down from a fight, which was like him. And as much as you loved your brother you knew that he tended to have a bad temper, and the last thing you wanted was to clean up the mess when Ben pulled out his spine and reenacted Predator in your small kitchen.
"Ben please." You say it quietly, glancing at where he's towering over the two of you.
You can hear the audible click of his teeth when he unclenches his jaw, his eyes no longer the soft pine they were when you were wrapped in his embrace, but now blaze a dark green. You know that he's about to say something, but Ben's phone rings and continues to ring in the silence, until Ben sighs and turns to pick it up, but he doesn't seem happy about it.
You drop your hand from Darren's chest with a sigh, but happy for the interruption. "Why do you have to be like that?" You ask your brother.
"Me? He started it!" Darren fumes. "Boy, you really know how to pick 'em sis."
"What do you mean? We're not together, we're just friends! And wait, this isn't about him and me. He lives here and if you keep dropping by, you're going to have to be okay with seeing Ben."
"Why can't you just move in with Annie? She's better to look at anyway." Darren rolls his eyes and picks up his bowl of soggy cereal.
Maybe to you. You fight the memory of Ben in the towel still wet from his shower that you witnessed the other day and successfully stop the flush that tries to creep into your cheeks. It's followed again by how wonderful it felt to drag your hands up Ben's chest and catch in the dark strands of his hair. The fruitless tomato plant behind Darren's head begins to swell with bright red tomatoes the size of your fist.
I've got to get that under control.
The memory of Ben figuring out exactly why that happened around you flits through your mind bringing an inescapable wave of embarrassment. The day you'd found it out was when Annie and you were watching Vampire Diaries for the first time in your bedroom back home and as soon as Damon Salvatore walked onto the screen the blueberry bush next to your bed suddenly exploded. Not to mention the first time that your high school boyfriend Newton kissed you in his parent's cornfield, the entire crop suddenly came back tenfold in the middle of winter.
"She's moving in with her boyfriend Hughie." You say, trying not to sound disappointed.
When you first moved to the city, you had wanted to move in with her, but she was apart of the Seven, and when she finally decided to move out of Vought Tower, it was because she wanted to move in with Hughie, not because she wanted to move in with you. It stung the day she told you, and you'd be lying if you said that you were not still a little upset about it, because it felt like she had chosen someone else over you.
"Oh right, that's still going on. Don't know what she sees in that wimp."
"He's sweet. You don’t know him. And I don't know why you’re acting jealous, Annie and you have never gotten along-"
"Because she's a bitch! I can't believe you're still friends with her after all this time."
"Hey don't talk about her that way. Annie is my best friend, practically my sister."
"Right." Darren rolls his eyes again and swings the spoon in a wide arch. "She's always been a bitch and now that she's Starlight she's even worse. She's always had that stick up her ass even when we were kids-"
"If you keep talking about her that way, you can leave." You say simply, feeling your temper begin to flare.
You didn't give a fuck if Darren insulted you or made fun of you, you did however, care if he spoke poorly about Annie. Annie was family to you, Annie had been with you a hell of a lot more than Darren had when you parent's died, she hadn't pulled away from you and vanished into thin air when you needed someone to hold you or when you couldn't sleep or when you woke up screaming or when you couldn't stop crying.
That being said, Annie and Darren had never gotten along, not once in all the years that you'd been friends. Whenever Annie came over, Darren left, and vice versa. You weren't sure why they couldn't get along, but you did think it was infinitely better than Annie being secretly in love with your brother. He never had a lasting relationship in his life that was worth remembering. The longest relationship he'd been in was with his buckled combat boots that he never took off.
Darren lets out an annoyed sigh, but you watch remorse and sympathy drip into his gaze. "Fine. But I just want what's best for you. You know that right?" He puts his hand on your shoulder, his eyes softening. "Come on sis, you know that I'm just looking out for you? I love you, you're the only family I have left that actually cares about me."
Your heart breaks with his words, hurt that he feels like your grandmother doesn't care about him and that he felt like you were the only person in the world that he meant something to. Sure he'd messed up more times than you could count and did occasionally disappear whenever you seemed to need him, but he was your brother.
You sigh. "I know Darren. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mean before."
"It's okay." He glances over to where Ben has just hung up the phone and is glaring at Darren's hand placement on your shoulder. "I guess I should go get dressed."
"But you're coming with me to meet my friend right?" Darren looks at you with a hopeful expression.
"Um... Well I'd have to tell Jake that I'll be a little late." You say slowly not wanting to disappoint Darren. "And I don't really like leaving him high and dry-"
You didn't like calling out from work, in fact you hadn't missed more than a handful of days in the two years that you'd been working there, because you genuinely liked going to work. Being there was like coming home, surrounded by the healing energy of the plants that thrived under your watchful eye.
"Come on the plants will survive without you for an hour or so." Darren smiles. "Do you want me to beg you sissy? I really want you to come with me. It would make me so happy."
"Well, okay." You concede. "Let me just text Jake."
"Yes! I'll be out in a minute and then you can change okay?"
When Darren struts off down the hallway, Ben joins you in the kitchen, glaring at Darren's back as he disappears into your room.
"Who was on the phone?" You ask him while picking up Darren's bowl and scrape the remaining soggy cereal into the trashcan under the sink.
"Butcher." Ben grunts. "Said that he got a lead on the electric supe, but it's all the way in Boston."
"Boston? But that's so far away. Why would he have an operation there and be picking up cars here? He can't be in two places at once."
"No idea, but Butcher said the lead was solid." Ben shrugs.  "And he said that he's getting everyone ready to go right now and that I need to get over there so we can get on the road."
"Everyone's going?" You ask disappointed. The thought of the entire team being gone for a few days made you feel lonely. They were kinda like your extended family. You also felt a little left out that Butcher hadn't asked you to go.
"Yeah. Butcher said that he would have asked you to come, but he knows you work most of this week anyway and that he thinks that it'll be alright if you stay here." Ben rubs the back of his neck, but seems hesitant. "Are you going to-" He clears his throat. "Are you going to be okay?"
You didn't miss the way his eyes flick down the hallway to where your brother is.
Is he worried about me?
"Why? You don't want to leave me with Darren or something?" You joke with a snort.
But Ben looks away when he says it in a way that makes you think that he's lying.
"Believe it or not Darren used to babysit me when I was little and I didn't die or get brain damage-"
"Not to your knowledge."
"Why are you so worried about me?"
"I'm not! I just-" Ben crosses his arms over his chest annoyed. "I don't think you should go meet his friend."
"Why not? I've met plenty of his friends. They're all very dude-bro. At least he has a type."
"I have no idea what that means."
You roll your eyes, before you consider something else. "Wait, are you jealous or something?"
"I am not fucking jealous!" Ben sighs. "I just think that maybe you should use your head Petals."
"What on earth are you talking about?"
"You going to meet his creepy friend without knowing exactly where you're going or what his friend is going to 'make you do'."
"Make me do? Ben where the fuck do you think my brother is taking me? Do you think he's selling me into the sex trade or something?" You look at him incredulously.
Does he really think so lowly of my brother? He'd never do anything like that. Darren cares about me, he's just guarded and a little rough around the edges.
"You're too fucking trusting Petals!” He explodes.
“What? I am not too trusting.”
“Yes you are!”
“No I’m not. And why are you yelling at me? Why are you mad?” You reply in confusion. “I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal about this. I've met his friends before."
“I’m not mad I’m just fucking trying to-“ Ben clenches his jaw so tight you can see the muscle pop on the side of his face. “You’re just so damn kind and too damn stupid to see what’s directly in front of your face!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You plant your hands on your hips staring up at him, not expecting Ben to look so angry, but he does. His arms are folded tightly over his bare chest, his muscles tense, and his eyebrows are pulled together. “Are you really telling me that it’s stupid to trust my brother? He’s my brother! Not some random dude I met on the street-“
“He might as well be! In the fucking five minutes he’s been here he’s been nothing, but be a total dick to you!”
“Oh well excuse me Ben, but I’ve known him for more than the five fucking minutes that you have-“
“Exactly! You should know better!” Ben is getting angrier now and you didn't know where all of this was coming from, especially because of how you'd spent the morning and especially because he was acting differently than he had been the past few days. "You care way to much about other people and you shouldn’t! People like him look for people like you. People who are too stupid to know any better. People who as so trusting and innocent that they take everything at face value."
You stare at him with your mouth open, anger and hurt swirling together to form a cold dagger shoved straight into your heart. You didn't understand why he was doing this or why he was getting so angry.
Oh sweetie, you really thought he cared about you? It's all just an act don't you see? The little voice in your head whispered in your ear.
And it made you furious.
"I am not some innocent little girl Ben. I am a grown woman and I don’t have to listen to your toxic Hemingway Code Hero bullshit." You turn back to the sink prepared to wash out the bowl, but Ben grabs on to your wrist and spins you back to look at him.
"You should listen to me! Because caring about people who don't give a shit about you is going to get you fucking killed or worse!" His grip is tight on your wrist, but not enough to bruise. His skin burns against where his hand wraps around your wrist and you worry how much longer you have until Ben goes Nuclear.
You wrench your wrist from his hand.
"At least I have people who care about me! And yeah, maybe I'm a little trusting, but I'd rather be too trusting than push everyone away before I get a chance to know them." You shout back shoving your finger into his bare chest. "You might think that you're some big strong macho man, but if you actually dropped the fucking macho act and acted like you gave a shit maybe there'd be more people willing to be in your life and willing to care about you! Maybe that's why your entire team  collectively said "fuck you" and stabbed you in the back! Maybe that's why Vogelbaum wanted to start from scratch with your fucked up son because they knew you were too much of a asshole to admit that you need someone and didn't have the common decency to give anyone a chance!"
"I don't need anyone." Ben's gaze turns murderous at the mention of Homelander and his old team.
"I think you do, but I think that you try to bury the real you underneath all this bullshit and-"
"You don't know anything about me Petals." Ben growls, taking a step forward so that he's leaning down over you, the air warming with the heat of his anger, a slight glow emanating from the middle of his chest.
The counter is pressed into your back as he pins you there, so differently than the other day you were in the same position.
"You think just because we’ve talked a few times and because I sleep on this fucking couch every night that you know me?" He laughs cruelly.  "I'd rather have no one than be saddled with someone like you who struts around like a fucking tease with stars in her eyes trying to romanticize every single damn person she runs into. It's no wonder you haven't found a man to fuck you, because you're too busy chasing after a stupid fantasy version of a man who doesn't fucking exist and latching on to assholes like your brother who do nothing but use you!" Ben's eyes have shifted into the darkened pits again, the ones that seem to be ready to drag you beneath the raging waves.
"And I'd rather have no one than someone like you who's too insecure about his own masculinity that he feels the need to project a fucked up toxic "together" version of himself and pretends to care about other people to manipulate them into getting what he wants." You spit back, your eyes shifting bright green.
Every plant in your home begins to tremble, the energy from them flooding through your body, strengthening you, merging together as they prepare to bend to your will.
Ben's expression turns murderous, his lips pulling back in a snarl, prepared to no doubt spit back something that he'd be unable to take back, but Darren walks back into the kitchen wearing a fresh pair of clothes.
He's oblivious to the conversation that Ben and you just had and drops his arm over your shoulder. “What did I miss?”
You feel your eyes shift back to normal, but the anger and frustration still war in your chest, beating against your rib cage, begging to be unleashed. Ben doesn’t respond instead he only glares at you.
“Alrighty then.” Darren snorts when neither of you fill the silence, not sensing the tension in the air. "Don't worry there Benny, I'll take good care of her. I always do." You miss the glare that Darren throws Ben over your head.
But just for a second you think that Darren may have heard more of the conversation between Ben and you than he was willing to admit.
Ben's jaw is tight, eyes still blazing with his own anger and annoyance. "Do whatever the fuck you want. It's not like a give a shit what happens to her." He states before he stomps down the hallway and slams the bathroom door so loud that all the dishes in your kitchen cabinets shudder.
You weren't expecting those words to hurt as much as they did, but it felt like you had taken a two by four to the chest.
"What's his problem?" Darren asks.
"I don't know." You grumble, because you didn't.
The shift of conversation from Ben almost acting concerned about you going with Darren to him insulting you was giving you whiplash. You didn't understand why Ben had said those things to you, why he had yelled at you for being "too trusting." You didn't think that you were too trusting. It wasn't weak to love someone or care for someone else, but you guessed that was how Ben saw it. You wondered if it was because of what Countess did to him or if it came from his trust of his team or if it was ingrained in him from when he was a child.
Does he really think I'm too trusting? I mean he saw how long it took me to trust him? Or how long it took me to warm up to him? Or I guess, sort of warm up to him?
"Are you going to change?" Darren presses, looking down at your soft shirt and sleep shorts with a frown. "You should. Maybe wear something different than those overalls though. Kinda want you to make a good impression you know?"
"Yeah. Um. I guess I'll go now." You murmur walking down the hallway. For a moment you pause outside of the bathroom where you know Ben is, and you're unsure what he's doing because you don't hear the water running, before you go into your bedroom.
You stand there for a minute, taking in a soothing breath, but it does little to calm your racing heart. The anger and frustration you felt began to crash over you and you feel frustrated tears begin to trail down your cheeks.
You weren't sure if it was what Ben had yelled at you or what you had yelled at him, all you knew was that you were hurt and you were happy that Ben was going out of town for a few days, because you didn't think that you could look at him again, not without throwing him out of your apartment on his ass.
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A/N: I know, I know, maybe I'm a little addicted to the drama and the angst. And oh my word slow burns are so hard, but I promise that I do have a plan of when the two of them do finally get together and it IS GLORIOUS.
As always thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series please let me know :)
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D-16 (TFO) x Cybertronian!Reader
The prettiest bot I've ever seen in my whole life ( do not tell Starscream I said that ♪(´▽`) ) - I kid you not, not a single Megatron has ever moved my heart as Transformers: One did. D-16 got me giggling, crying and screaming at the same time. Gender Neutral Cybertronian Reader!
WARNING: Spoilers from the movie (Transformers One 2024). First love to Angst.
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I have two scenarios on mind: 1) You are another miner that works alongside Orion Pax, D-16 and the others. Or 2) You work on something else, You and D-16 getting to catch each other on daily basis from time to time, but never interact.
1st scenario gives me the vibes that you two get to always chat and work together, watching Orion drag D-16 to his little disastrous advnetures and D-16 smiling at you awkwardly whenever that happens.
But you don't mind (you get worried sometimes, of course), always giving D-16 a soft smile or a lively chuckle as you go back to work.
And you don't get to see how Orion teases his best friend at how he is smiling like a dumb. D-16 tries to deny it... to then gush to his best friend about you. "Did you see how they smiled at me? They're so... (sigh) perfect."
2nd scenario would be a slow burn type situation - both of you always wondering about... well, everything!
And the first interaction both of you had was when, by pure coincidence, found each other in the middle of a busy day, among many walking by bots.
"Hello, m-my designation is-" / "Hi, I'm so happy to..." both of you start at the same time, fell silent and then laugh together at each other's interruption.
You get to see how D-16 and Orion end at the race, celebrating their ups and worry at their downs, even more at how D-16 got hurt nearly at the end of the race.
After that... it was like he vanished. And while you prayed to Primus for him to be safe and sound, he would be thinking about you from time to time the whole journey.
As you would keep going with your job (growing tired and tired for the sudden high demand of shifts at the mines or feel like something bad was about to happen) - D-16 would slowly spiral between rage, confusion, realizations and the worst thing - to find out about the whole true and how not only him and his friends were stolen from their freedom and right to transform... but you were also a victim. Just like them. Just like all of them.
With the 1st scenario... It brigns you joy to see Orion back at the mines, now changed and looking like a true transformer. And your spark breaks at finding out about the true - but the words of the new changed Orion brings you hope.
But you can´t shake this concerned feeling inside of your spark. Where is D-16?
With the 2nd scenario... you are a sea of feelings, confusion and fear, not knowing why there was suddenly so much chaos and - wait, is that... Dee? But... he looks so different! Like Orion, but there is something else that makes your spark tremble.
And hell - you cover your mouth with your servos at the sight of Orion being shot, at watching how D-16 tries to save him but then decide to let him fall. You watch how Elita nearly jumps after Orion's body and Bee stop her.
The worst part? After witnessing Sentinel's brutal murder, Dee- no, Megatron's speech and how he takes Megatronus t-cog and change even more... you feel your spark break even more the moment your optics and his find each other.
Bright yellow optics found (color) optics in the middle of a busy day... and there was nothing but new found feelings. But now... aggressive red optics find (color) optics... and while the red optics try to remain strong, they can't help but soften at the sight of how your (color) optics hold fear. As if you were watching the optics of an unknown bot.
How badly he wanted to go after you and hold you - to tell you he finally avenged you just like he did for himself and everyone else...
We all know how it goes - Orion comes back now as Optimus Prime and defeats Megatron.
And before Megatron leaves Iacon - he looks after you. And your optics meet for the last time.
And you swear you got to see the same D-16 you met the very first time in your whole life.
And Megatron knows he has changed, from the top of his helm to the last atom of his pedes. But something never changed in him.
His love for you.
"... The only thing I'll ever regret was never tell them how I felt."
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Well damn I hurt myself with this I guess o(TヘTo) Vhaos out!
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lexirosewrites · 2 days
so i'm a massive fan of single parent omegaverse steddie tropes (if you hadn't noticed by now) but i'm switching it up a little this time. usually i go the single parent omega!steve route, but today i'm thinking about single parent alpha!eddie.
eddie, who got a little ahead of himself one night while out dealing at a party. he's a teenager, just shy of his 18th birthday. he's not thinking straight. he supposes that's what he gets for smoking a joint before he left the house that night.
eight months later, there's a tiny baby in his arms.
(disclaimer, i tend to always make steddie girl dads bc that's my typical preference, but you could imagine this any way you please. i tried to be vague)
his pup was born prematurely, by only a couple weeks. they had to stay a few extra days in the hospital, but that was it. when they finally left, the mom had showed up at the trailer and handed him the pup. eddie had no idea, this whole time. the person he'd hooked up with was from a few towns over, so eddie hadn't seen them the whole time. and now they were on his front step, handing him a tiny baby wrapped in a soft blanket and telling him they can't take care of the pup. they don't want to. and then they leave.
i imagine eddie panics for a little bit. he's holding this child, who is actually surprisingly content in his arms at the moment, panicking about how he's meant to raise his pup on his own. what's he supposed to do? he doesn't have the caring instincts of an omega (or woman) and frankly, he has no idea what to do with a baby. he's pacing the trailer, a small diaper bag of basic essentials sitting on the shabby coffee table, heart pounding in his chest as he tries to figure out what to do now.
that's how wayne finds him when he gets home about an hour later. he doesn't even have time to ask a single question before eddie is launching into panicked rambling.
"what am i supposed to do, wayne? i don't know what to do with a baby! i've never even been around a baby before!"
"ed, take a breath, kid. settle down a little, 'fore you give yourself a damn aneurysm."
"i can't, wayne! i- i don't know what i'm doing. what if i screw everything up?"
"eddie, you gotta tell me what's going on. whose baby is that?"
eddie stopped pacing, turning to look at wayne with nothing but terror in his eyes. "mine."
despite all of eddie's initial panicking, i think he's a great dad. he devotes everything he can to his pup. stops selling, gets a job at the garage (with wayne's help), and really cleans up his act. can't afford any run-ins with the cops when you've got a pup at home counting on you, right? and wayne is a saint, as always, helping with everything. he watches the pup when eddie's at work, and picks up extra shifts here and there to help them afford the extra mouth to feed.
eddie is more determined than ever. he still struggles with a lot of things, panics over the littlest stuff. he's so protective of his little pup, and he tries so hard to get things right, but there's still a lot he doesn't know. a lot he's not good at. he gets really in over his head when his pup is about a year and a half old. they've started throwing massive tantrums, and eddie has no clue how to handle it. he's tried everything he can think of. none of it works.
one day, they're at the library, and eddie isn't sure what even set the pup off anymore. all he knows is that they're screaming and thrashing on the floor. people are staring. eddie's face is on fire as he tries desperately to get them to calm down. of course, it's not working. it's just getting worse, when an absolute angel comes to eddie's rescue.
the omega (who he later recognizes as steve harrington of all people) swoops in like this is just an every day occurrence for him. he manages to stop the tantrum in barely five minutes, and eddie can't help but stare at him in awe. when all is said and done, eddie has a much happier toddler on his hip and is thanking steve for his help.
"don't mention it," steve said with a smile and a shrug. "happens more often than you'd think. why don't we get you guys checked out with your new books?"
eddie and his pup go to the library a lot more often after that. there's just something about steve that has eddie coming back just to see him again. and again. and again. luckily, his toddler makes for a good enough cover story. they like going to the library, and they like getting to see steve. he's always so good with them, with all the kids that come into the library, really. it becomes a big part of their routine.
even wayne has made a few comments about how often eddie is at the library these days, asking if it has anything to do with a certain sweet, fluffy-haired omega that works there. of course, eddie vehemently denies everything, but wayne sees right through him.
eventually, steve comes up to eddie at the library, watching for a moment as the pup flips through a picture book and points at various things. then he looks at eddie, and asks him out on a date.
(eddie soon finds out that steve had been waiting on eddie to make a move, constantly dropping hints, but got too impatient to wait any longer.)
it isn't long before they're engaged, planning a beautiful wedding and mating of their own. it's also a bonus that steve is such a great parent to eddie's pup, always treating them as if they were his own. meanwhile, steve is doing everything he can to convince eddie he is an amazing father, and wouldn't mind at all if they grew their little family by a few more pairs of tiny feet.
choking on the domesticity and affection😭
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schlattsdarling · 1 day
12 + 30 fake dating sorta thing with schlatt please!
SORRY FOR NOT POSTING, I've started college and I'm getting into the swing of things - I love doing theatre 😝
"Just pretend to be my date"
"They're looking kiss me"
• It's your sisters wedding and practically everyone you know didn't expect you to bring a plus 1
• But it'd be nice if you got that option on your invitation
• So at your weekly family dinner, the wedding topic came up, and you gave them a shock when you said you had a date
• The only problem was, you didn't
• So you're now standing in your best friends living room, pleading
• "Jay c'mon it's for ONE night!"
• "I dunno toots, I think you'll fall in love with me"
• "Shut up idiot... just pretend to be my date"
• "Fine. You owe me big time"
• "Yeah, whatever"
• Your palms sweat as you run them down the sides of your outfit
• You shouldn't be nervous, no one will know he's not actually your boyfriend... maybe that's not the reason you're actually nervous
• *Knock Knock*
• Shit
• "Well hello beautiful"
• Your cheeks are blushing bright red as you shove Schlatt out of the doorway and to his car
• "Aren't you gonna compliment me or something?"
• "You look handsome or whatever"
• Your leg is bouncing through the duration of the car ride to the venue
• Schlatts hand makes it's way to your thigh, thumb making soothing circles to try and calm your nerves
• He smirks as he sees your face redden from the corner of his eyes, "Just doing my job as your boyfriend, doll"
• Oh he's gonna be the death of you
• You brush yourself down as you stand outside the church
• Eyes glancing down to the small gap between you and Schlatt
• "Are we gonna stand here all day?"
• He grabs your hand, gently intertwining your fingers as his other hand pushes you forwards from the small of your back
• You smile gratefully and blow out a steady breath before entering
• You felt like a movie star
• Your family bombarded you and Schlatt, gushing over the fact you have a boyfriend. A real boyfriend
• "Oh he's cute" "You guys are adorable" "He's a keeper y/n"
• It's later on in the night, your head is resting on Schlatts shoulder as his arm is draped around you
• It's a peaceful silence between you both. The wedding had been fun but nonstop, the silence was much needed
• "Thank you for tonight, y'know being my fake boyfriend and everything"
• "No big deal... it was fun" he shrugs, his gaze meeting yours
• He looks extra good tonight, the curls are out, the navy suit fits him perfectly and his eyes held a tender gaze
• "Whatcha staring at?"
• "Nothing-" "Quick kiss me, they're looking?"
• "Wh-"
• His hand cups your cheek, lips pressing gently against yours. Simple and sweet
• "No one's here, Jay"
• "Don't act like you didn't want it"
• You smirk moving closer to him, "Touche"
• The world around you blurred, your lips met his again gently, years of friendship and unspoken feelings melting into nothingness
• Your fingers tugged on his curls and his hands caressed your cheek and waist, pulling you closer
• Okay, maybe you could get used to this too
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oliversrarebooks · 2 days
The Rare Bookseller Part 69: Emily's Lady
Previous > Masterlist
tw: mind control, captivity, blood drinking, character death
October 1925
"You know her?" said Alexander.
Emily tore her gaze away from Miss Lily, her expression dazed and drowsy as she regarded Oliver. "Hello…?"
"Emily, it's me, Oliver! We were in the auction house together. Don't you remember?"
Her brows furrowed in confusion, as though considering Oliver's words was taking a great effort.
"Oh, that's right, of course you were," said Miss Lily. "I remember now. Unfortunately, she likely does not. I was employed to fade most of her memories as part of her pet conditioning." She stroked Emily's hair with something like a fond smile. "It's okay, Emily, dear, it's nothing at all to worry about."
An empty smile returned to Emily's face as Miss Lily pet her, and a feeling of sick dread pooled in Oliver's stomach. He remembered how hard she had fought, how adamantly she hadn't wanted the vampires to take her mind. Now, she might not even be able to remember the person that she was -- like Miriam, who was lounging on Miss Lily's lap.
But it was one thing to meet Miriam and another thing to have actually known Emily before she'd been enthralled. Before both of them had been enthralled.
"Oliver, dear, please don't stare at Emily like that. You're making her uncomfortable."
"Sorry, sir," he said automatically. Emily did indeed look uncomfortable, fidgeting with her fingers. "I didn't mean to stare, Emily, I was just happy to… meet you again. I hope you've been well?"
She nodded shyly. "I've been very well. My lady is so kind to me."
"And who is your lady?" asked Alexander.
"Lady Jessica, sir."
Fitz groaned. "Oh god, we'd better send this girl away before --"
"Oh, there you are!" The voice was high-pitched and frilly, and belonged to a vampire in an elaborate rose-pink gown, dripping with even more jewelry than Emily was, carrying a hat covered in dried flowers and peacock feathers and netting. "You got away from me. I should have guessed you'd have found Lily here. How are you this evening, Lily?"
"Surrounded by my handiwork as usual."
"And oh!" Lady Jessica rounded the table to advance at Fitz, who looked appropriately alarmed. "If it isn't Fitzwilliam back in town! Why, it's been simply ages since I've seen you last!"
"I see you're still as charming as the first time I met you," said Fitz.
"I do remember that -- I remember when you were just the most adorable thrall. If only I could have gotten my hands on you! You would have been so precious to doll up and coddle."
"Yes, no doubt," said Fitz icily.
"And isn't that the star of the auction house?" Jessica's eyes went wide as she turned to Oliver, and Oliver couldn't help but flinch closer to Alexander. "How absolutely wonderful. I can't help but be jealous that you got to him first." Before Oliver knew what was happening, Jessica was practically on top of him. She smelled strongly of rose perfume and… and…
…and Oliver could hardly think, as though his thoughts were all coated in heavy syrup, thick and sticky. He lolled over into his master's lap, head filled with cottony bliss. Gosh, his master was just so… so… His master was saying something, and his voice was rumbling through Oliver's chest, and he felt like he could just bathe in it for days. Oliver nuzzled his head against his master, and the scent of old books and fireplaces overcame the sickly perfume.
And then, as suddenly as it began, his head cleared and he blinked heavily. Blood rushed to his cheeks as he realized what a fool he had been, rolling about on his master like a playful kitten. He sat up straight. "What just happened, sir?"
"Jessica's proximity robs humans of their mind," said Alexander casually, apparently unbothered by Oliver's unseemly behavior.
"He responds to it so well!" Lady Jessica was on the other side of the table now, next to Emily, giggling. "That poor thing worries far too much for a thrall, I can tell. I don't know why you don't have Lily take some of those worries away for him."
Oliver's breath caught. "No -- no thank you, sir," he said, dearly hoping that Lady Jessica wouldn't convince Alexander to leave him in an embarrassing stupor for good.
Alexander pulled Oliver close once more, and Oliver could feel the reassurance rolling off him. "I'll tend to my thralls as I see fit, thank you."
"Of course, of course!" she said. "I'm just surprised that you brought such a precious thing along with you to the Tiger's Eye, after what happened to Lord Edgar."
"Hold on, what happened to Lord Edgar?" said Lily, interest piqued.
"You don't know? I'm shocked! Well, I'm not shocked that Lord Alexander didn't know, reclusive as he is, but I thought you heard everything about everyone, Miss Lily."
"Well, that just means that you get to be the first to tell us."
"Yes, I want to hear this, too," said Alexander, leaning in.
"It's only been the talk of the town, darlings. It isn't every day that a vampire of Lord Edgar's stature is reduced to dust."
"Dust!" said Lord Alexander. "You must be joking."
"I can tell you all about it!" Jessica looked very happy to have an excuse to gossip. "Here, pet, amuse yourself while the vampires talk." She pulled a pad of paper and some crayons from her purse, handing them to Emily, whose face lit up as though she'd been handed a great prize. She curled up in a ball between Lady Jessica and Miss Lily, happy as a clam to draw in the notepad.
"So anyway, you know how Lord Edgar would frequent this place, drinking far too much and bragging about this and that. He brought one of his thralls, the short one, I'm not sure if you remember her, but…"
Lady Jessica continued to chatter about vampires Oliver had never heard of, and he couldn't focus. His train of thought kept straying to Emily, occupied in simple crayon drawings like a child. She must be around Lady Jessica's mind-melting influence all of the time, and between that and Miss Lily erasing her memories, she didn't seem to have much of a mind left.
Did she realize that anything was wrong? Her expression seemed to indicate that she didn't. He hadn't thought anything was wrong when he'd fallen under Lady Jessica's power moments ago, either, perfectly content to frolic in his master's lap.
That could have been him.
Although Oliver's memories of the night of the auction were something of a blur, he remembered Lady Jessica now. He'd met her when he was on display, calling him a pet and making him act like a puppy. If Alexander hadn't bid on him, hadn't gotten into a bidding war with Lord Jameson, perhaps it would have been him sitting there coloring, mind as empty as a child's, with no inkling that anything had ever been different.
And who's to say he hadn't been changed?
Oliver thought that his memories were intact and that his personality had only been altered to serve his master -- but would he even know about any part of him that had been stolen without a trace?
It wasn't something he had thought about much ever since he'd arrived at Alexander's. Alexander, whose song so effortlessly subdued Oliver's mind. Alexander, who had instilled such a deep sense of loyalty within him. Alexander, who was still a dangerous vampire in every way.
"I'm not surprised," Fitz was saying. "He was far too cocky for his own good. It was only a matter of time before a hunter got the drop on him."
"What a thing to say!" Jessica chided. "I know you had your differences, but surely he didn't deserve that."
"But how could a vampire hunter get so close to Lord Edgar?" Alexander said. "I've never known a human who could keep their will intact when he starts his enthrallment."
"That's what everyone is wondering," said Lady Jessica, with the tone of voice you might use to tell a ghost story around a fire. "No hunter has ever posed a serious threat to Lord Edgar before. Some vampires think it might have been the witch that Lady Evelyn claims to have encountered -- a witch who can make herself immune to enthrallment."
"A witch, you say?" Alexander leaned forward with keen interest.
Lady Jessica laughed. "Really? I didn't think you would be the type to believe in stories like that."
"It's not just a story," Alexander insisted. "There are many accounts of witches who have wards against vampires. It's a very real possibility."
"If you say so!"
A witch who could resist enthrallment, who was killing vampires… if such a person existed, they'd be a grave danger to his master. The thought of Alexander being killed before his eyes was enough to shake Oliver from his vague concerns about his master's enthrallment. Even if he had been altered in ways he couldn't perceive, even if Alexander wasn't really as kind as he seemed, Oliver couldn't bear the thought of seeing him killed.
"I'm deeply sorry for the delay, sirs. Here are your refreshments." The waitress had returned with a tray of drinks, and she placed a glass of deep red wine in front of his master.
"Be a dear and top up my champagne, won't you?" said Lady Jessica, handing the waitress a flute. "We should really be talking about more pleasant things than hunters. After all, I don't think I've properly shown off my new thrall!" She placed her hand on Emily's head, and Emily looked up with a submissive smile. "Isn't she just absolutely lovely? She looks like a picture in a magazine. And she's so quiet and docile, too! I'm obsessed."
She hadn't been quiet and docile before Miss Lily enthralled her, that much Oliver was sure of. And she certainly didn't seem like the type who wanted to look like a picture in a magazine.
"I'm very pleased with how she turned out. I knew she would be worth the training when she arrived in the auction house," said Miss Lily. "I do hope you keep her longer than your usual habit."
"Oh, Lily, you know I simply can't bear to keep a thrall longer than is fashionable! Not all of us get so attached to our thralls as you and Alexander," she said with a laugh. "Besides, when the time comes, I'm sure she'll do quite well on the secondhand market."
"Secondhand market?" said Oliver in horror. All eyes at the table turned to him.
"Nothing you need to worry about, Oliver," said Alexander.
But it was too late. All of his dread and rumination was bubbling up inside him, along with an emotion that had become so divorced from him that it felt alien -- anger. "How could you?" he said. "You had Emily's memory wiped, you made her into a shell of her former self, all just for your pleasure, and then you'd just discard her when you get bored? How could you treat her that way?"
"Oliver," his master warned, and there was a note of control in it, inducing Oliver to shut his mouth.
Lady Jessica's face twisted into a sour mask. "Lord Alexander, you really do need to keep a better leash on your thralls. We all know you're more than powerful enough to control them effortlessly. It's unseemly to allow them to disrespect their betters like this." Oliver didn't miss her pointed glance to Fitz, who was watching the situation with great amusement.
"Oliver is free to say as he pleases," said Alexander, and this time the warning was directed towards Lady Jessica.
"I just never understood that," said Lady Jessica dismissively. "Thralls are such precious and delicate things. They need discipline to keep them in line. It's not healthy to be so permissive."
"Listen, Jessica," said Miss Lily, intervening before Alexander could open his mouth again. "If you ever do get tired of Emily, do let me know. I can make sure she goes to a good home, or perhaps keep her myself."
The fake-sweet smile returned to Lady Jessica's face. "You're all so sweet when it comes to your thralls. It's so charming." She downed the rest of her champagne and stood up, swaying slightly, pulling Emily up after her. "Well, I had better mingle with the rest of the crowd. The night's still young, you know!"
Lady Jessica wasn't even out of earshot before Fitz laughed uproariously, leaning over to clap Oliver on the shoulder. "Excellent work! I thought she'd never be driven off."
"You shouldn't encourage that sort of behavior," said his master.
"Why not? You didn't mind when it was me."
"I suppose I didn't."
"I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, sir," said Oliver. "I just can't bear to see Emily like that."
"It's all right, Oliver, I'm not cross with you. I also find her practice of discarding her thralls abhorrent. But I've known her for a long time, and her mind is thoroughly made up, so I try to keep the peace."
Oliver thought that this was the kind of difference of opinion that shouldn't be smoothed over so easily, but the fire within him was already quenched, so he swallowed it. "I understand, sir."
"And that's nothing you ever need to worry about yourself. I would never give you over to the secondhand market, not for any amount of money. You'll always have a place in my home."
"Thank you, sir." Oliver did believe him. He remembered the fierceness in Alexander's voice when he told him he'd never let him go.
"I have the blood you ordered, sirs," said a waitress. She was holding onto a leash attached to a man who was wearing nothing more than a collar. He stared straight ahead, unblinking, and there were scars from bites all over his neck, arms, and thighs.
"None of us ordered any blood," said Miss Lily, as casually as can be.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, sirs! I must have the wrong table!" She bowed and led the poor man away.
That could have been him, too, if he had been caught by a different vampire, if he'd had worse blood…
"Lex, look!" said Fitz. "Did you see what that vampire is wearing? I can't believe he walked out like that in public!"
Oliver certainly couldn't concentrate on any of the idle gossip about the Tiger's Eye patrons, not when he was so keenly reminded that he was still merely a defenseless human in a den of hostile vampires.
"Oh, that was so much fun!" Lady Jessica was slurring her words. "I had so much fun. Did you have fun? I had fun."
"Fun," Emily repeated in her daze. Her lady's aura was filling the carriage, and Emily's thoughts were slowed to a crawl, on top of her lady's drunkenness making her feel dizzy.
Usually, she would just let go to the sensations, not bothering to fight the stupor, but tonight, for some reason, her thoughts refused to stop. There was something bothering her. Something important.
Her lady had talked about giving her away when she was done with her. Emily knew that, though. Her lady had been very clear on that point, often using it as a threat when Emily misbehaved.
No, that wasn't it. This was something new.
That thrall knew her name. That thrall knew her. His name was Oliver. That seemed important. Why did he know her?
"I was thinking, maybe we could arrange a playdate between you and Alexander's thrall," Lady Jessica said, as though she could read Emily's thoughts. Perhaps she could. "He lives just a block away, you know. You'd set a good example for him, and I could silence that poor thrall's mind for a bit. I feel awful for him, having so much fear when he should just enjoy serving."
"This one would like that, my lady!" said Emily. "Please."
"Yes, I will do that, then. I'll have to call on that stuffy Alexander and ask him."
Emily knew that her lady usually didn't follow through on things that Emily wanted, so she shouldn't raise her hopes about this, but she really did want to see Oliver again, especially when her lady wasn't around and she could think a bit more. Maybe then she could remember how he knew her.
The carriage came to an abrupt halt, the horse making a distressed sound. "What is that?" said Lady Jessica irritably. "Keep moving, I wanna go hooooome."
There was no response from the coachman.
"Ugh, I have to do everything myself. Stay here, dear." Lady Jessica stumbled drunkenly out of the carriage.
"Oh, a hunter. How very precious," said her lady, and Emily sat up at attention. "Why don't you come closer, sweet girl. Come closer, that's it. Such a good girl. Such a --"
Silence. Emily strained her ears to hear. Had her lady killed the hunter? Her mind felt so much more clear all of a sudden, as though a fog was lifting.
Footsteps approached the carriage, and the door swung open.
It wasn't her lady. It was a stranger, a woman with a leather vest and weapons strapped all over her body. Emily screamed and backed away, fumbling for the latch of the other door.
"Wait!" The stranger grabbed her wrist. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."
Emily tried to comprehend the situation in front of her, and to her surprise, she found that she could. "You're… you're that hunter, aren't you? The hunter who can resist enthrallment?"
"Oh, you've heard of me!" she said with a grin. "My name is Vivian. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to rescue you."
"You killed my lady," said Emily numbly. She should feel bad about that. She should cry and rend her hair. But for some reason she felt only a vague sense of relief.
"I did, but I only kill vampires. Never people, and never thralls." The stranger looked her in the eye. "You still have some of your mind left, don't you? I think I can help you."
"Help me…" Thinking felt so much easier than it had just moments ago, but she still felt slow and muddy. "Yes, please help me."
"I will. I'll help you. You're free now."
"I'm free." The word tasted like sunshine.
Previous > Masterlist
Freedom for now.
Next week, everything goes wrong for Fitz.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin
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@vampiresprite @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @und3ad-mutt
@sowhumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada
@typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia
@a-formless-entity @gobbo-king @writinggremlin @the-agency-archives @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
@enigmawriteswhump @bottlecapreader @whump-on-a-string @whumpinthepot
@cinnamoncandycanes @avvail-whumps @tauntedoctopuses @secret-vampkissers-soiree @whatamidoingherehelpme
@strawbearydreams @ghost-whump @tippytappytyping @natthebatt @fire-bugg14
@fuckcapitalismasshole @slightlydisturbedbeans @paperprinxe @demetercabingreen-thumb @the-broken-pen
@pokemaniacgemini @jumpywhumpywriter @basica11ywhumped @anoontjecanush @cepheusgalaxy
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2thestars-andbeyond · 23 hours
Little Rabbit Part 2
This Is not well edited! But enjoy part 2. Hope you like it!
A knock on my door ripped me from my thoughts. I had confined myself to my room for the past three days, resting from my training with Rhysand.
The door burst open before I had a chance to get up from my seat in front of the large window in my room. Mor and Amren along with Nesta entered the room.
"We thought you were dead." Amren purred as she took a seat on my bed.
"Just inside." I said as I gave her a smile.
I told them of my accidental adventure to the Autumn Court. "It was so beautiful there." I told them and Mor scoffed.
"Honestly, you are lucky you made it out alive especially at the hands of Eris." Mor said and Nesta hummed in agreement.
I shrugged. "Eris was polite. And I'm lucky he found me instead of someone else." I shivered as I remembered how his hands had felt. Now isn't the time to start daydreaming about the Heir again.
"I know how charming Eris can be. But you can't let him get to you." Nesta said sternly. I rolled my eyes at her.
"So what's this I hear about a Masquerade ball? I over heard Rhys and Feyre talking about it this morning." Mor asked.
"Something to do with the Autumn Court. They got the invitation yesterday." Amren informed us.
"Of course it would be the Autumn Court." Mor groaned. "Looks like volunteering to baby sit Nyx that night."
How I got roped into dress shopping with my sisters for this Masquerade was beyond me. I think they may have bribed me with coffee from my favorite shop. But here I stood in the middle of the most elaborate dress shop in Velaris.
I hated shopping, even as a human. Nesta and Elain would always be the ones to pick out my dresses for these types of events. Always dressing me in purples and blues. Night Court colors. After looking at what seemed like a million dresses, a green dress caught my eye.
It was silk and the greenest green I've ever seen. The split may be a little too high for my liking, but it was beautiful. After trying it on, I knew it was the dress. I picked out gold jewelry to go with it. My last purchase was a mask. It had to be a rabbit. Full face gold one that only showed my lips and eyes, it was perfect.
"Are you sure you want to go with the green dress, Y/N?" Elain asked softly before we left the shop. "Shouldn't you wear A Night Court color? Purple always brings out the shade of your eyes."
"The dress is bold. I don't think I've seen you in anything like it." Feyre said.
"A color is a color. Plus, i've grown tired of always wearing the same shades of dark colors."
After buying our findings, or putting them on Rhysands tab, we arrived at the River House for Family dinner. It was always nice to have us all together. I walked into the large dinning room with Nyx on my hip.
"Momma" He cooed as I handed him off to Feyre.
Since my usual seat next to Azriel had been stolen by Elain, I took her usual one across from Feyre. Lucien entered the room awkwardly and took the seat to my right. He wasn't usually here for these meals, or meals at all, but he had been working with Rhysand on something that I wasn't allowed to know. Nothing new there.
I always feel bad for him having to be around his mate while she pines over another male. Though, he seems to handle it well enough. I'm sure the bond isn't as strong as it used to be.
Food appeared before us and everyone started to dig in. Nyx taking a spoon full of potatoes and chucking them towards Cassian was the highlight of the night thus far.
"You little-" He exclaimed as everyone scolded him before he finished the sentence.
"It's every time we have potatoes!." He says while taking his napkin and wiping them off his face. "I swear one of you is putting him up to it." Cassian points his fork accusingly at everyone at the table.
"We will leave tomorrow for the Autumn Court." Rhys says. "The ball starts after sunset."
"Y/N, Rhysand and I were talking and we both agree that it not safe for you to attend the ball." Feyre said, carefully.
"But I already have my dress and my mask."
Rhysand sighed, "Eris seemed to take too much of a liking to you, Y/N. I can't take the chance of something happening while we are there."
Choosing to be the better person, I replied with a simple, "Fine" that was laced with venom. And left to plan a way to attend the Masquerade Ball against my sister and High Lords wishes.
The next morning I had it all planned out. I had winnowed myself to the Autumn Court by myself before, so why couldn't I do it again? I ate breakfast and lunch in my room, hoping everyone thought I was too pissed off to eat with them.
I fixed my hair into a fancy up do not focusing too much on makeup. after applying a deep red color to my lips, I turned to my dress. Why was I doing this again? Going against my sister and more importantly Rhysand could get me in a lot of trouble. And what if I get caught? What if someone notices me? We all know how big of a busy body Azriel can be and his shadows tell him everything. Was my mask enough to hide behind?
Truthfully, I had to see him again. He has haunted my dreams and every thought since we met. I was going to that ball. Over grown bats be damned.
I stuffed a change of regular clothes into a bag that I planned on hiding behind the bar at Rita's, thanks to a friend. And from there I winnowed to the Autumn Court, hoping I wouldn't end up in the middle of the woods again.
Opening my eyes I found myself outside of the ball entrance. I sighed, relieved that I hadn't ended up in the forest again.
Upon entering the elaborate wooden doors, I took a drink I was offered. A drink that is only found in Autumn Court the small female said. I downed it, coughing at the strong cinnamon flavor. I gave her a small "Thank You" Before going deeper into the room. I hadn't paid any attention to what masks my family had bought to wear.
Something that did stand out in the crowd of masked Fae were wings. Two sets of them, and I was walking right into their path. I turned around quickly. Coming in contact with something solid. A person. Male. wearing an elaborate fox mask. I stood gaping at him like a scared rabbit that had been caught by a predator.
"Hello little rabbit" The male purred sending goosebumps through me. It was him. Cassians booming laugh came from behind me.
"Rhysand, I'm so glad you could make it." Eris greeted them.
"Thank you Eris, we were glad for the invitation, though I believe that Masquerades that have been thrown in the Night Court were a lot more, put together if you will." Rhysand took Feyres arm and led her to the dancefloor. None of them seemed to notice me.
"Care to dance?" Eris asked offering me his hand, I took it too eagerly. Causing him to chuckle.
The night went on as I stayed on the dance floor with Eris. We didn't talk just danced. Song after song played as he twirled me around the dance floor. Throughout the night I made share to keep up with each of my family members to ensure that I left before them. So I could be home when they got.
"Would you like a drink?" Eris asked. I nodded my head and we walked hand and hand to the drink table. He handed me a glass and motioned towards the balcony. The cold night air hit my over heated skin.
"So, little rabbit, are you enjoying yourself tonight?"
"I am" I replied scared to say too much. What if he remembered what my voice sounded like?
"You are a creature of very little words, hm?" He mused.
"It is a Masquerade ball, isn't the point of the whole night not knowing much about who you are dancing with?" I uttered and he hummed in agreement.
Eris faced me and placed his hand under my chin, lifting my face so that I met his gaze. "Do I know you from somewhere? Something about you seems so familiar."
"I- this is my first time in your Court." I lie.
Eris shakes his head "And you attend a ball by yourself?"
Panic takes over. He's going to figure me out. Just as I open my mouth, a couple catch my eye. Hidden on the other side of the large balcony, I pair of wings catch my eye. And then a female. Azriel and Elain. Kissing.
I let out a shocked noise which makes them pull apart from each other and they return to the dance. "Do you know them?" Eris asks.
"No- I." It was then that I noticed that I had lost sight of my family. I entered the ball room, they were no where to be seen.
"Little rabbit?" Eris grabs for my hand.
"I have to leave." I declare. Turning to walk out.
"But the night has just begun."
"I know. I just-"
"What? Have to get back home before you turn into pumpkin?" He jokes.
"No I just have to go. I bid you goodnight, Prince Eris." I turn to leave the movement so fast that my mask falls to the ground.
"Wait, Little rabbit you lost your-" was the last words I heard before winnowing back to Rita's.
@sunny1616 @rcarbo1 @jesskidding3 @bella-maria2018 @lilah-asteria
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drewmeows · 8 hours
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kinktober day one - degradation w/ logan howlett
cw: explicit smut MDNI, gn!afab!reader, pet names(darling, sweetheart) turned to name calling(slut, whore), breath play, rough sex, implied size difference, no aftercare, squirting (sorry i had to), dacryphilia, creampie, smidgen of a breeding kink
wc: 538
notes: ik degradation means a lot of different things to different people, but this is what i interpret it as bc i'd for real cry if my man said this to me in bed (but horny yk)
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"Come on now, sweetheart, just take it all. For once in your life actually finish the job f'me, yeah?" You whined into the mattress, fingers tangling and twisting the sheets between them as you struggled to hold yourself up, past orgasms weighing your body and mind down.
"Don't-" You hiccuped and attempted again, "Don' say that, Lo..."
"Aw, was that too mean for your sensitive feelings, darlin'?" The press of his chest to your back had you collapsing off your elbows and into the bed entirely. You tried to nod but the hand that wasn't feeding his cock into you spread across the back of your head, forcing it into the pillow further, damn near restricing your breathing.
"Fuck, you can't even do this one thing for me, can you." The statement had you whining, squiriming and reaching backwards for Logan, crying out when he tugged his arm out of your grip. "Nuh-uh sweetheart. Can barely take my cock all the way after I've used this cunt all night and you want to cuddle? Is that it? Can't even do the one thing you were made for, slut?"
The now vicious pace he set had you trembling, Logan's harsh grip on your head and hip leaving a throbbing feeling behind. The slick little sounds of your cunt taking him in deeper than ever almost covered his now barely there grunts.
As that edge rose up again, you tried to warn him, muffled cries into the pillow, tears soaking your face before he rutted into harsh enough you felt him in your throat.
Without warning you gushed around him, sobbing. You continued to cum around him as Logan gritted his teeth at the feeling of you soaking him, yourself and the bed.
"See? You could take it, knew you could, sweetheart," he lets up on your head, only to grip your hair and tilt it back, a debauched look on your face as your thighs continued twitching at his pace.
With a final growl Logan dropped his entire weight on you, pressing you down and burying himself deep. You bawled as he came inside you, heating you up from the inside out.
"There we go, that's it, my pretty little slut," he murmured in your ear as Logan sluggishly pumped his cum deeper into your cunt. This time when you reach back for him, he rests his palm in yours and grips your hand tight.
He presses kisses down your spine before pulling out, kneeling astride your thighs. He clicks his tongue at the mixture of your fluids and his leaking down your cunt and dripping onto the bed. Logan reaches between your legs and pushes his cum back into your cunt, grinning at how you twitch in the soiled sheets.
"C'mon slut, keep that all in ya just like I taught you to. If you don't, you know I have to keep pumping you full." Your cunt fluttered again, gaping at his touch and the ghostly feeling of where his cock had been.
"Please- Lo- no more," You finally turned your head to gasp out for breaths. You opened your mouth again and shrieked when his open palm strikes your clit.
"Good whores always beg for more, remember?"
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lucy90712 · 2 days
Can you write a prank for gavi? Reader wearing a real madrid jersey and gavi getting sad and a lot of fluff after? Thank you!
For months on end Pablo has been pranking me and every time I say I'm going to get him back but he always manages to prank me again before I can. He's done everything from put fake spiders in the house to wiping off the kisses I give him to see my reaction. They are all relatively harmless pranks he never goes too far but still he's definitely winning this prank war if you can even call it that and I'm desperate to get on the scoreboard. 
My friends have been suggesting different things I can do to get back at Pablo but they are all either pranks he's already done on me or the same idea just slight different but that's not what I'm going for. I want something that he hasn't done to me so he won't see it coming but when he's either done every prank or has definitely seen them and has them in the planning stage things are difficult. Then the day came I saw a tiktok with the perfect prank first I sent it to my friends to see what they thought and they loved it although they warned me that if I do it I'll be coming in strong but that's exactly what I want I need to get him back properly. It didn't take long for me to put my plan in action within a few hours I had the one thing I needed for the prank on its way to me. 
Today is the day my package I've been waiting for finally arrived today and I wasn't about to wait so the prank I have planned is going straight ahead full steam. Opening the package I saw the white shirt and then I saw the back with ‘Bellingham’ written on it. Putting it on felt wrong the shirt felt itchy on my skin but that was definitely all in my head as I knew I wasn't supposed to have this let alone have it on but it will be worth it to see the look on Pablo's face. In the tiktok I saw this woman had a Man City shirt on as her boyfriend was a Man Utd fan and his reaction was priceless, the second I saw it I knew this would be the perfect way to get back at Pablo. I know it's slightly different as Pablo plays for Barça and Madrid are their main rivals but I don't think it's too far it's not like I'm actually going to ever support Madrid other than the few minutes of my life I spend pranking him. 
After trying it on I took the shirt off until I heard Pablo's car pulling up in the driveway which is when I put it back on and started watching a video on YouTube about how Madrid will be unbeatable with mbappe just to really grind Pablo's gears. He came in and called for me so I told him I was in the living room so that's where he came as soon as he put his shoes away. First he saw what I was watching and he seemed confused but he wasn't mad yet. As he came closer the tv was distracting him so much that he sat down next to me before realising what I was wearing. That's when he actually started to look mad he almost seemed disgusted with me.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" He seethed 
"Oh I forgot I put this on" I laughed to seem unbothered 
"Better question why are you wearing it?" He asked 
"Just felt like it" I said nonchalantly 
"Wait does it say Bellingham on the back y/n you have it be kidding me" he said using my full name which he literally never does anymore 
"You aren't really making a big deal out of this are you it's just a shirt Pablo" I said 
"You have to be kidding me it's not just a shirt you know you're dating a Barcelona player which means you can't support Real Madrid as in our main rivals if you seriously don't see any issue here then you aren't the person I thought you were" he said walking away 
Before I knew it he'd gone upstairs and I was sat on my own feeling awful about what I'd done. I wanted to get him back I didn't want to hurt him so deeply and change his opinion of me that was never the aim. The aim was never to hurt his feelings he's never done anything like that when pranking me and now I feel like I've taken it too far and he's going to hate me. I left him alone for a few minutes before I couldn't keep going any longer and I had to tell him it was supposed to be a prank and not actually hurt him. 
When I went upstairs he was sat on our bed scrolling on his phone, he must've heard me coming as he looked up but then went straight back to looking at his phone. He was definitely mad at me but not in the way I am after he scares the life out of me by putting a fake spider in my mug in the morning he was properly mad at me. I tried to sit next to him on the bed but he moved further over and turned away from me. That really hurt I guess I was stupid to think me wearing a Real Madrid shirt wouldn't be such a deal breaker but still him ignroning me felt awful. 
"I'm sorry this was supposed to just be a prank I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or betray your trust" I said honestly 
"Why did you think this would be a good idea?" He asked finally speaking to me 
"I don't know you've done so many pranks on me and I wanted to get you back and I saw a tiktok where someone else did it and I thought it would be a good way to get you back but I realise now that it was stupid" I admitted 
"You don't really like Real Madrid right or Bellingham" he questioned 
"No of course not you know I've grown up as a barca fan and I'm sure Bellingham's a nice guy but I've never met him and I don't plan on ever talking to him I support you and the team and that's it" I said 
"Can you take the shirt off I hate looking at it" he said 
He didn't even give me time to respond before he took the shirt off for me and threw it across the other side of the room so it was as far away as possible. He then grabbed one of his shirts from his wardrobe and put it on me which brought back a bit of a smile on his face. Now that I had his name and number on my back he let me get close to him and he pulled me into his arms. Everything felt a lot better now that I didn't have that stupid shirt on and my boyfriend had his arms around me. He didn't seem as mad anymore and I wondered if he was pranking me by pretended to be so mad when he realised what I was doing but that doesn't really matter. I've definitely learnt my lesson not to prank Pablo. 
“I’m really sorry” I said again 
“It’s ok I forgive you just don’t you dare ever wear that hideous thing again” he said half joking 
“Never I’ll only wear shirts with your name from now on” I said 
“Good now you can make it up to me by staying here and cuddling all evening” he said 
“I can definitely do that” I smiled 
He held me even tighter and pressed a kiss to my cheek but that wasn’t good enough for me so I leaned over and kissed his lips. I gave him a couple more kisses before settling back into his arms some could watch a movie together. 
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swaps55 · 12 hours
When does Anderson realise what's going on between Sam and Kaidan?
After the Normandy goes down he glimpses into Kaidan's grief. When Kaidan starts fighting his way back after that he gets to know him better. When does the other shoe drop? He knows Sam so well, shouldn't be taking him forever ..?
This is a FANTASTIC question, and one I have given a fair amount of thought. I'd claim "spoilers!" and keep the answer close to the chest, but it'll be a hot minute before I get to it, and who knows if anyone will still be reading by that point. XD
Still, I'll put it under a spoiler for anyone who doesn't want to know.
I initially asked myself the same question: why hasn't Anderson figured this out yet?
And here's the answer I came to: Anderson is not just grieving a soldier, he's grieving a son, and I imagine he feels very alone in that grief. Plenty of people knew Commander Shepard. Not many people knew Sam. In Kaidan, Anderson has found a rare person who understands his grief. That's a powerful thing. My guess is that he wouldn't take the time to ask why or examine it very deeply - all his emotional and mental energy is going towards burying and moving on for someone he loved like his own child.
When Sam comes back, I don't think it occurs to him to ask, "why do you care so much?" when "thank god you care as much as I do," is all that really matters.
So with that said, when does he figure it out?
Originally, my answer was: he doesn't. I was going to leave it at, "he never figures it out on his own, and Sam doesn't get the chance to tell him." It was going to be a huge regret for Sam that his father figure never knew he'd found someone.
But as I've gotten deeper into Opus and deeper into Mezzo, I'm no longer happy with that. It feels like pain for the sake of pain, rather than pain that's meaningful to the narrative or to the characters.
So toss that one in the garbage. So what does happen, then? Sam and Anderson don't have a whole lot of opportunity to interact before the reapers come. When Sam is in lockup, he's not exactly going to be chatty about his fraternization history. We've already walked through that he doesn't really clock it from Kaidan, because the role Kaidan plays in Anderson's own complicated feelings for Sam's death and resurrection give him a pretty big blind spot.
My working premise, then, is that Anderson does find out, but not because he figures it out.
It's because when Kaidan gets injured on the final push, Sam pulls his helmet off and lays one on him right in front of Anderson before they say goodbye, and Anderson has a bigger "oh" moment than either Sam or Kaidan ever had, lol.
I've written a snippet of the conversation Sam and Anderson might have about it in Anderson's final moments. It's less a snippet and more of some passing dialogue in my head that I scribbled down so I wouldn't forget it:
"Tell me about him. About...you and him."
"What about it?"
Anderson gestures with a weak hand. "Any of it. All of it. I...missed everything, and it was right under my nose."
"No," Shepard says softly. "You didn't. It just sort of...grew up around us. Like it never started and just always...was."
"Tell me."
At first Shepard is silent. Fear strikes Anderson's heart, but then he shifts, exhale coming out like a rattle. "Ever just...meet someone, and then turn around one day and realize there is nothing you wouldn't do, no bridge you wouldn't cross, no sin you wouldn't commit...for them."
A faltering smile touches Anderson's lips as he remembers the lost boy playing in the fountain, the kid who was determined to bend physics to his will, the man who laid in a hospital bed after turning the N7 test on its head and asked if he'd done enough.
"Yes. I have."
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