#. the elven envoy ( tolkien )
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Lark was roaming the halls of Rivendell in the twilight hours. It had been a time when the day faded into the quietness of the night by painting the realm in shades of pink and gold. Sleep was a rarity for Lark and so she opted to walk the halls like some guardian.
She checked the ramparts, the sentries, and the patrols. All seemed quiet which should've been a comfort but something was ebbing at her senses. It was a faint kind of warning--not danger perhaps, but a growing concern. She elected to follow it.
Through the halls, she went until she was in the wing where she knew Elrond resided. She turned down the winding corridor to come face to face with Elrond's study and ever so quietly, she slipped in. She watched the lord for a moment before speaking.
" My lord." she greeted and lowered her head in a small bow. " Sleep does not prevail you, my lord? Something brought me to your council and I can see that you are exhausting yourself beyond your means. What troubles you?"
@gezelligheiid / continued from here: XXX
#gezelligheid#. the elven envoy ( tolkien )#. stories fade into legends and myths ( thread )#thanks for this friendo!!
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Who is your favorite elf in all of Tolkien-verse (yes, including the massive cast of Silm) and can you please share your favorite headcanon(s) about him/her?
Oohh that's a though one. I haven't read the simarilion yet. (I dont have access to a paper copy and the PDF file hurts my poor eyes. So... I'm pirating it on Wattpad so I can change the font/colors.)
Their are so many to chose from, and if I'm honest I suck at making decisions about favourites. Elrond, hes awsome. Major important and a dad figure for most of middle earth. But also Galadriel is neat, and lives in a whole treehouse community. Like come on. Legolas would be an obvious answer, I love him and all his sass (the snow scene will always be a favourite) then we have Arwen- and Linder-
You get the picture.
However, if I had to pick I would probably go with Thranduil. The last Elven king and father to Legolas (and your whole cast!)
There is so much about him that I absolutly love, and I don't have time to write it all out right now. But a few of mine would have to mention;
His strength of charactor, Elf's wife died. And for a race that litterally DIES of sadness the fact that he didn't is huge. I would also point out that he probably stayed strong for Legolas, and that alone should tell the people who say he is a bad father something. Come on guys, he's running a kingdom and being a single dad.
He is a cool king too, The Hobbit mentions the fact that his subjects love him (and so do we) and he's out there in the spider infested woods having a party with them.
Adding to the party scene, Thranduil has enough power to relocate the entirety of it and knock the dwarves out, giving them dreams of the food? Flex.
He also dosnt have a ring of power. Thats all him. He really is just that badassian.
Another unrelated headcannon is the classic "Elrond, where is my son?" Moment. Did he send and envoy to Rivendale to retreave Legolas? Did he go himself? I just like to imagine the redneck elf king, rolling into Elrond's vally, and seated on his elk with at least a couple warriors behind him. Then elrond is just... "Oh dear"
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Snowflake Challenge Day 2
Crossposting this from my Dreamwidth, where I am doing the whole Snowflake Challenge - I won’t be posting all of it here, but just in case you’re curious you can pop over any time!
> Rec at least three fanworks that you didn’t create.
Guardian x 10
Le beau au bois dormant (16567 words, completed WIP) by @xparrot Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shěn Wēi/Zhào Yúnlán Summary: When Shen Wei falls victim to a mysterious Dixing attack, the SID is on the case, and Zhao Yunlan is going to save him, no matter what.
Look everyone Xparrot is writing h/c fic again and it is astoundingly good. No surprise there, just: go read it! :D The characterisation is fantastic, the mystery is deeply satisfying, and the h/c is just… Ahjkdgklsjgljksfghlsjhkgjfhjsklhh (this is my spoiler-free reaction to all that she has posted so far and also all that is still to come)! (There's so much! It's so good! I AM SO EXCITED!)
down comes the night (9455 words) by @egelantier Relationships: Shěn Wēi/Zhào Yúnlán Summary: Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei, trapped in the darkness under the mountain together while investigating a dangerous case, finally share some secrets and reach a new understanding.
I was lucky enough to have this one sent to me in bits and pieces over chat and survive. It was a close thing!! Egelantier nearly KILLED ME with her fantastic Shen Wei POV, which is absolutely perfect and so incredibly extra. I am laugh-sobbing as I type this remembering some of my favorite moments because PLEASE SHEN WEI. WHY. Seriously it’s so good.
Amaurëa (16983 words) by ancient_moonshine Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Shěn Wēi/Zhào Yúnlán Summary: Kun Lun and his first meeting with the dreaded Black Envoy, in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhauth.
This fic came along and completely derailed my Yuletide reading because: Tolkien fusion? Dark Lord Shen Wei?? Half-Elven Prince Yunlan??? YES PLEASE. I mean. It also hit me right in the id with the relationship progression (do heed the warnings if h/c and enemies to lovers is not your cup of tea) but I absolutely adored it and loved the resolution and it makes me so happy this exists.
Come On Baby Light My Fire (4288 words) by @galaxystew Relationships: Shěn Wēi/Zhào Yúnlán Summary: Life as the flame of the Guardian Lantern is both exactly and not at all what Zhao Yunlan had expected.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. This does my soul such good: it’s a happy ending to the canon ending!! I know, that doesn’t sound possible, but galaxystew is a genius and the result is a story that had me crying and then squeeing the softest, happiest squee you have ever heard. <3333
Dare to Hold (7603 words) by Trobadora Rating: Mature Relationships: Shěn Wēi/Zhào Yúnlán Summary: Zhao Yunlan lifts an open palm, his smile turning into a grin. "Welcome to the SID!"
And then, because his brain-to-mouth filter is plainly broken, and upsetting Shen Wei to a previously unknown degree apparently calls for an encore, he adds, "Though I'm wondering, why do I get the impression you'd have been less upset if I'd asked for a kiss?"
This is such a perfect first time fic for these two? So perfect I may actually have blended it seamlessly with canon in my head and can’t actually tell what was already in the show and what Trobadora added. Except for the sex. I mean, that was definitely NOT a scene that could have passed PRC censorship, no matter how talented the whole Guardian crew are at sneaking their gay love story under the radar. (By which I mean that it is fantastically hot).
Getting to Know You (9668 words) by china_shop Rating: Mature Relationships: Shěn Wēi/Zhào Yúnlán Summary: Nine times Zhao Yunlan found out Shen Wei’s secret identity. (Attempt #6 was the one with the bees.)
Such a fun what-if scenario, with such brilliant characterization. I enjoyed this so much and don’t want to ruin the enjoyment for anyone else by giving too much away! :D
Finally - a rec for what is currently four different fics: Five Colors of Kink Series by @tethysian Rated Mature to Explicit, Shěn Wēi/Zhào Yúnlán AKA wow I had no idea it was possible to write porn this hot and wow Shen Wei really enjoys taking care of his Yunlan. And why aren’t there more Butler!AUs because really. And. Just. Yeah. These are marvellous and I adore the characterisation and how the author says “I don’t do romance” and then look at what what these two went and did... (Two of my favorite tags: holy shit this is so domestic, They're so in love it's disgusting.)
Gintama x 5
First off, a series of three amazing, amazing stories that capture everything I love about the Yorozuya family.
Dreams are the shackles of memory by storiewriter Yorozuya, dreams, and finding support in each other.
Honestly I don't know what else to say? These are so immersive and perfect and hit the right note of angst/levity and works with everything we've seen of the characters and what they've been through and who they are...
You Could Turn This Way (6070 words) by @printfogey Characters: Okita Mitsuba, Katsura Kotarou Summary: A Mitsuba-centric story, set a few years before canon starts. Mitsuba makes the acquaintance of a wandering stranger.
Just amazingly soft and thoughtful and well-written - and it makes me so happy to see Mitsuba get a whole story to herself. <3
Denial Isn't Just a River In Egypt, Sometimes It's an Ocean and That Sucks When You Already Can't Really Swim (4237 words) by magnificentbirb Summary: In which Hijikata is missing and Sougo is definitely not at all concerned.
This has Okita with feelings. It makes me so happy. <3
Misc: Nirvana in Fire, Ace Attorney/The Fast & The Furious
Ever Onward (18457 words) by @aboxthecolourofheartache Fandom: 琅琊榜 | Nirvana in Fire (TV) Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Summary: Lin Chen is a fox spirit. Lin Shu/Mei Changsu is a human. They run different, parallel fates but cross lines for friendship's sake.
THIS STORY!! I cannot really remain coherent about it because Lin Chen is a fox spirit and Auntie Ji gets to shine and there is so much tenderness and caretaking and loss and tears and it’s wrenching and beautifully, beautifully written (and also really well researched). It’s all of Nirvana in Fire’s canon shifted slightly sideways into a slightly more magical world, where Gong Yu’s father was an assassin and her mother was a guqin string and… ahhhhh. The descriptions alone make me feel like I’m watching an episode of Mushishi, and the emotions...!
Really, I have been waiting for an excuse to rec this, it’s so good. <333
Born for the Fast Life (20010 words) by @the-wintry-mizzenmast Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney, Fast and the Furious Series Summary: When Interpol sets a trap to capture the international spy known only as the "Phantom”, Franziska von Karma recruits Miles Edgeworth to be a part of an elite team led by DSS Special Agent Luke Hobbs and infamous street racer Dominic Toretto.
Look. It’s MILES EDGEWORTH driving cars and having adventures with the Fast & Furious family and it is AMAZING. (And I’m not just saying this because this fic is my wife’s prife & joy.)
Not only is it an absolutely unique concept, but it’s so well executed! It has fantastically exciting car chases and lots of really adorable moments and also Miles Edgeworth’s POV of the whole thing is just fantastic. <333
#snowflake challenge#guardian fic#gintama fic#nirvana in fire fic#weilan#fic recs#guardian#gintama#rec post#long post#(still shortened from the dreamwidth version)#crossposted from dreamwidth
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Tolkien Ficlet
Over at LJ, Dreamflower asked for “ The one in which Boromir lives and convinces Denethor to acknowledge Aragorn. “ This was supposed to be 1-3 sentences, but I got a bit carried away. Denethor does that to me.
I’d love some more prompts, particularly Sherlock-centric ones. Give me a brief description of a story I’ve never written, and I’ll give you a snippet from it. (Post at this LJ post, or drop me an ask.)
“If you are so certain this Aragorn son of Arathorn is rightful heir to Anárion’s throne, then convince me.”
The white rod rested heavy in his hand, Faramir and what remained of the Lord’s Council, the scribe taking note of their every word; there could be little doubt he spoke not as father or even lord, but as Ruling Steward, the arbiter of law in this matter. And to his credit Boromir showed some wisdom, did not point to his great feats in battle, nor the great personal debt the House of Húrin owed this north-man with healing in his hands.
“The Sword that was Broken,” Boromir began, “the fey voice in Faramir’s vision summoning me to Imladris – “
Denethor fixed him with a stern look, and Boromir fell silent mid-sentence. “ – can be explained by your brother’s fancy for elven-legends for his part, and the habañeros you enjoyed at the Haradic envoy’s table, for yours. We speak of precedent, not prophecy.”
“Then I am ill-equipped to argue, being no lawyer,” Boromir said.
“But Eämdir is,” Denethor countered. “He expects you in the archives this afternoon, and will acquaint you with the proper sources.” Boromir exhaled heavily, and if any among the council thought it a frustrated groan rather than the labored breath of a man still healing from the cracked ribs he’d earned at Gorgoroth, they didn’t say it.
When Denethor finally dismissed scribe and council both, Faramir hung back, leaned in closely. “You enjoyed that,” he said.
Denethor pressed his lips together but could not entirely suppress the quirk at the corners.
“And did you ever plan to mention Zimrazôr’s treatise?” The Grey Riders had brought many treasures south with them, not all so widely known as the Banner of Elendil, and whatever legal reasoning Pelendur had relied on to deny Aragorn’s forefathers, the Númenórean codex Halbarad had borne south in his saddlebags left little doubt to Aragorn’s claim in the matter.
“If your brother still feels some need to prove his points through his own work rather than ask for help when it’s easily at hand, that is his own failing. And if his foolhardiness gives me another few weeks to prepare a smooth transition without my motives being called into question, well, I need hardly apologize for that, either.”
Faramir clapped him on the shoulder, shaking his head in amusement. “You can be a cruel taskmaster.”
“So I have been told, and often with more bite behind the words. The treatise is copied and bound, in Adûnaic and with the Sindarin translations even your brother should be able to manage. It will doubtless be archived in the very section Eämdir will direct him.” And there it was again, that press of the lips that hinted at a well-buried sense of humor. “With any luck, it will even be indexed.”
At that Faramir let out a bark of deep laughter. “Let it never be said you lack style.”
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" Elen..." Lark muttered as she limped into their study. She watched them for a moment making medicine and huffed.
" I don't suppose you could spare a moment to look at my knee? I fell off my horse a bit ago."
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" You know if you keep making that face, it'll stay stuck that way." Lark said without looking up from her book. She was meandering around Thorin's room. " It is only dinner, and it took me ages to get Thranduil to even come here. " She had been working hard being an envoy between distrungled peoples; she had culivated a private dinner in which she hoped that the bond between elvenkind and the dwarves would be strengthened. Though, she wouldn't be holding her breath if she were honest. At least she convinced blackmailed Thranduil to join them at Erebor for a private dinner. Perhaps there was hope of burying the hatchet between her people and her friends.
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like for a tolkien smol starter, mayhaps?
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Drew Lark in a cute elven dress. Probably going to some fancy elf party.
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Lark followed the beaten path laden with soft grasses. She never had traveled to the Shire before and while she was doing so under the direct order of Elrond--to deliver a message to Gandalf--she would take her time to enjoy the scenery.
With the Shire in the distance; Lark quickened her footsteps. The quicker she could deliver the message, the quicker she could explore these new people. She had heard of Hobbits from others--or read about them in books, but it would be her first time seeing one.
however, what she did not expect when she turned down the path that would lead her to her destination was a gruff looking dwarf.
She schooled her features into neutrality as she approached the man.
“ Well met, stranger.” she greeted, though she did keep ample distance between them as she moved to walk past.
Lark had spent a great deal of time among the men of Gondor, and have come to know the human settlements in the region; but never would she figure a dwarf would make his way to the Shire. The first thought that came to her mind was wondering what Gandalf was truly up to.
“You look lost. Are you truly heading for the Shire?” she tried her best to hide any note of suspicion in her tone. Still, the curiosity got the better of her.
@orcristwielder liked for a tolkien starter
#orcristwielder#. the elven envoy ( tolkien )#. stories fade into legends and myths ( thread )#thanks for liking the starter call!
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I'm a firm believer that elves are like cats. They always land on their feet when they fall. They also follow the " if I fits I sits" philosophy.
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Let it be known that Lark has caused an incident between elven realms because she stole pretty gems from Thranduil to give to her bestie @orcristwielder Sorry Elrond.
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Lark: *babysitting baby Elladan and Elorhir*
Lark: ... You want some wine?
Elrond: They're four!
Lark: What am I supposed to do with them!?
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“ Not all who wander are lost.”
a Tolkien verse feat. on { SAVAGEDOTTIR } Written by Jackie
#. the elven envoy ( tolkien )#. her own self portrait ( self promo )#. creations of the hands ( edits and doodles )
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I drew Lark in her Tolkien verse.
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It had ended swiftly. There was rolling as if there was thunder and yet the sky remained clear and blue as it ever had. Before she could react, the charging rockslide had swept her and her company; the great Beleg of legend ( @thegreatstrongbow ) also had been swept in the rock slide.
As they had been falling off the cliffside and away from the road; the earth seemed to swallow them up and for a long time, Lark remained unconscious in the darkness of a deep, forgotten cave. A dull pain thrummed through her temples and she whined as she stirred awake.
A deep, wheeze like cough escaped her as she shifted off her back. She slowly sat up and winced at the ache in her body. The fall must have been steep. She brought a hand up to rub her eyes in attempt to get them to focus. A Sindarian curse escaped her lips as frustration set in. It was suppose to be a simple trip between the elven realms.
As the anger subsided; she had come to a chilling realization that the cave was exceedingly quiet. She quickly looked around for her companion.
“ Beleg?” she called softly as her eyes began to grow accustomed to the darkness. “ Beleg, are you near?”
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It was the height of the night when Lark rode into the safety of Imladris. The return had been long despite the fact she knew the way by heart. It was more likely procrastination on her part. Per usual, her choice to delve from the assigned path had her delayed in her return by a few days and she knew she would most likely get a long, warning lecture from Rivendell’s lord.
Not that Lark heeded the warnings placed upon her by her lord; rarely did she ever follow his instructions exactly to the letter. It was not her way, and through fault of her own, she has come to meddle in affairs of others.
Lark had dismounted and handed her steed off to a stable hand. As quietly as she could; she began to stealth her way to her private chamber. She forgone the usual and most direct path to her little haven within a haven--knowing those who the eyes and ears of Elrond would have a mind to usher her directly to the lord.
However, she did not foresee that directly in her path was the daughter of Elrond, Arwen. Straightening up her posture, Lark tried to hide the disappointment in her eyes as her plan to rest before presenting herself to the lord had been foiled.
“ Well met, my lady.” Lark said respectfully as she placed a hand over her heart and bowed her head.
“ I hadn’t expected anyone to still be awake.” she went on. Perhaps if she played her cards right; she could sneak past the other and her goal might not be completely out of reach.
“ The stars are beautiful, tonight, are they not?”
@undomerie liked for a Tolkien starter
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