#. music [ high voltage songs ]
elfleccy · 21 days
Give this album a listen: Songs from the Underworld - Original Music from Star Wars Outlaws
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autism-disco · 9 months
what kind of badges did you get?
4 little badges by hit band gum disease (they’re like queer clown punk music (as they say themselves) pretty fun stuff) based on their ep high voltage! (2023), exciting times
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soulmusicsongs · 10 months
Be - High Voltage (High Voltage, 1972)
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frankie-stcin · 11 months
T A G D U M P . . .
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aniraklova · 1 month
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ELECTRA HARTH for @rainymoodlet Rock of Love with Jackson Roth!
Electra (doesn't use real name anymore) is 30 years old famous singer. She grew up in a family of teachers in San-My. The future popular singer, from an early childhood, she developed a strong passion towards music and singing. Her mom noticed how daughter adored music and bought a piano. It was an expensive gift, but Electra couldn't be more happier! She started to learn how to play the piano, all by herself. While playing, she liked to coming up with different songs and later to write it down.
When Electra ended high school, she went to college of music. She really wanted a place to improve her music and singing talent. New place, new people, new meetings, new relationships. In her free time and away from home, Electra were hanging out with her new college friends. There was a boy in her company, strangely similar to Jackson, she loved, his name was Raymond. Electra and Raymond spent a lot of time together in college and outside of it. A great time indeed, but something went wrong. One day, Electra found out he cheated on her, did he really love her? She was upset, but didn't cry. She simply left him first and scratched a word "asshole" on his car.
Electra ended the college of music and returned to San-My and here she made her first steps as a singer. It was Monday, the hard day as they say, she went to the record studio. Famous local music producer noticed Electra's music talent and singing, and this is where she becomes famous. Her first and most popular song is "Voltage Broken" that she wrote at college.
At this moment she took a small pause after a big tour across the world. Electra was invited by her friend to take part in "Rock of Love". "Why not?" She said "He's cute and seems like my type!". Will Electra and Jackson find something in common and start a relationship of this year? We are going to discover this.
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invadertem · 1 year
Status: Unknown; presumably alive
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Personal Information:
- Pak Model: Defective Superior Model-1
- Gender/Sex: Male (Type B)
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Age: 25 Earth/Irken years
- Sexuality: Omni (Preference: Male)
- Rank: Rogue Super Weapon
- Rogue Code Name: Poltergeist
Physical Description:
- Appearance: Magenta Eyes/Pak
- Height: 5'5"
- Notable Features: Extremely scarred but bandaged arms, small face scar, Pink hoodie
Skills and Enhancements:
- Natural Ability: His pak can release high-voltage shocks capable of killing living beings and destroying technology. Connection to tech results in corruption.
- Pak Weapons: Equipped with powerful weapons designed by Zim himself.
- Emotion-Induced Abilities: Strong emotions can tear holes in time and space, creating small Florpus-like portals.
- Emotional Range: His defect allows him to experience a wide range of emotions.
- Independent Pak: His pak sometimes acts independently from Zim.
- Enhanced Senses: Superior hearing, scent, and sight.
- Training: Proficient in war strategies, combat, anatomy, mechanics, and other fields, driven by Miyuki to be the best.
- Speed and Strength: Quick reflexes allowing for rapid movement. Above-average strength and high pain tolerance.
- Natural Weapons: Claws and teeth sharpened to knife-like sharpness.
Fun Facts:
- Bio-Weapon Origin: The first successful Irken Empire Bio-weapon.
- Unique Scent: Emits a sweet scent with underlying hints of blood and metal.
- Powerhouse: Considered the strongest Irken to ever exist.
- Purring Smeet: Teased for his sleepy nature and purring as a smeet.
- Culinary Preferences: Enjoys sweet foods, while regular food makes him feel sick.
- Musical Inclination: Surprisingly, likes singing songs to himself.
- Personality: Aggressive and cold in nature.
- Troop Membership: Part of Troop 9 during training.
- Infamous Record: Personally responsible for the documented deaths of 10,000 individuals using only his pak.
Notable Events (in chronological order):
1. Caused five years of darkness on Irk upon creation due to a high-voltage electricity shock.
2. Experimented on by Miyuki as a child.
3. Excelled academically, ranking at the top of his classes.
4. Had a height stunter installed by Miyuki for easier control but later removed.
5. Spark from his pak caused four more years of darkness on Irk during a sparring incident.
6. Invented numerous bio-weapons and mass destruction devices.
7. "Accidentally" killed Miyuki and Spork with a bio-weapon.
8. Played a key role in winning the battle of Meekrob during Mission of Impending Doom One.
9. Banished from the Irken Empire, reappearing during Mission of Impending Doom Two.
10. Banished once more, this time to Earth.
11. Involved in the Florpus Incident.
12. Went Rogue, leaving Earth for four years with no trace of his whereabouts.
13. Destroyed multiple Empire Watch Bases (C1, C2, C3, D5, D6, G9, G11, G18, Z1), with more to be documented.
This document provides official information regarding Defective Superior Model-1, also known as Poltergeist, and his extensive history, abilities, and notable events within the Irken Empire. He is extremely dangerous and is to be reported upon sighting.
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
So, @lysistra was nice enough to tag me to name four albums I’ve been listening to intensively in recent weeks (thank you!). It was a tough decision and I literally lost sleep over this, so everyone please be nice to me or I’ll never do this again.
And they are:
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#1: Sweeping Promises: Good Living Is Coming For You. Their debut, Hunger For A Way Out, was an essential Pandemic Autumn jam and I was drawn to it because of the d.i.y.-ethos album cover. I listened to that album the most out of any others that season. Now this came out with very little heads-up and I reached for it immediately, effectively taking me back to those Pandemic feels. They stuck with the same post-punk-driven, Pylon-influenced formula and these ten songs come with a slightly dirty, muddy splash in their production values. There’s a few new tricks that vocalist Lira Mondal has tried out and they show. They’ve also retained that d.i.y. method of creating records throughout all of their projects and their entire discography. Still not enough? There’s the orphaned single “Pain Without A Touch” and their other just-as-awesome project Splitting Image. And look at this CMYK artwork?!
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#2: Free Love: Luxury Hits. I’m elated to say that I’m the only one here amongst my mutuals who know about this Scottish electronic duo, and that started with Apero, a record that stamps my move into my current residency. Formerly Happy Meals (because they can’t be bothered naming themselves after cancerous toxicity), this married couple have that magic touch in their sound that no one else has. They have such a special soul that could take you to another world; one that could’ve possibly existed but per chance could be a reality. Luxury Hits contain two personal favorites / footnotes of mine: “Tomorrow Could Be Heaven”, one denoting an Autumn Sunday trip out to Greenpoint, and “Pushing Too Hard”, part of a soundtrack to a colorful and vivid but complicated Summer. The latter is a charmer thanks to Suzanne Rodden’s charismatic vocals, and any release of theirs is super high-resolution, sweet colors, and lush sounds. I still hope to keep Free Love as a personal gem only I can have to myself. Maybe not after you see this.
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#3: Kontravoid: Too Deep. Whenever I’m not blasting hardcore music while busting my ass at the gym, I turn to synthwave instead. After hearing the electrically-charged sounds of Kontravoid, I’m becoming more a fan. This all started when Boy Harsher featured Kontra's-“Maskerade” on a one-and-done post and the rest was game over. The original full-length has some severe high-voltage bangers (“Turn Away”, “So It Seems v.2”) and some superior anthems included (“Too Deep”, “Cost Of Life”). If you’re headed for the remix album, go on right to Fractions’ version of “So It Seems”, then tell me that you didn’t lose your shit over it because it’s that crazy.
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#4: Black Marble: A Different Arrangement. It’s Summer, and you know what that means: it’s time to reach for the record that one of my fellow dee-jays opened my eyes to. Black Marble gives me a elevated feeling of superiority thanks to not only its art direction but also its frigid beats and moderately warm but lush-as-heaven synth work. Chris Stewart’s project is so good that I saw them twice: one at Brooklyn’s Warsaw opening for Cold Cave, and closing out Sacred Bones’ 15th at Queens’ Knockout Center. Both amazing experiences. Bonus points for its’ Eighties sentiment which reminds me of Dead Or Alive’s “Brand New Lover”, and double that for being the soundtrack of me moving into a new neighborhood.
And…because I can’t settle for four albums, I’ll throw in a bonus:
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#5: SpaceGhostPurrp: IntoXXXicated. Holy shit. Talk about a venomous Naga-grade pit-viper of a rap release. This has to be the most exotic bars mixtape I ever heard. If you’re looking for a good drugs, money, and sex record? Well...then here it is! It’s super hot.
This time, I will tag: @sibelin, @charliemonroe, @kate2, @tewzz, @aleprouswitch, @sheisthesisterofnight, @restwaerme, @misterwhirly, @maldoror-est-mort, @sclr, @justmakesuresheeatsthemouse, @chickenshit-conformist, @urban-hieroglyphs, @iamdangerace, @the-land-of-rape-and-honey, @testure-1988, @rivetgoth, @theonlycure, @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face and anyone else who wants to play.
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laelior · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
Thank you! I love any excuse to inflict my taste in music on others. <3 Tagging @bisexual-kaidan-alenko and @vela-ad-astra, since they tagged me in a similar game a while back (sorry for taking while!)
Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage!
They Might Be Giants - Particle Man
Tacocat - Men Explain Things to Me
Great Big Sea - The Chemical Workers Song (Process Man)
Nina Simone - Feeling Good
Going to tag @shadoedseptmbr @urrone @favoriteblogonthecitadel @dandenbo and @unicorn-farm (no pressure, of course).
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kuwdora · 9 months
January Posting Meme
January 2 - What was the first vid you made? What drew you to vid it, do you still follow the fandom, etc. -@colls
Happy birthday colls!
Vid nostalgia time, thank you for this prompt.
My very first vid - Ameno - 2007. Stargate Atlantis.
I made my first vid in 2007 with iMovie. Stargate Atlantis, an ensemble vid about the Ancients. It’s titled “Ameno” by eRa and has chanty vocals that made me think of the Ancients/Lanteans in the Pegasus Galaxy. We were about… what 3 seasons into SGA at that time? Stargate SG-1 was my first internet fandom and SGA fandom in its heyday was certainly an Experience so I was in deep. I voraciously read all the fic back then, participated in the communities, wrote some crossover SGA/SG1 fic here and there. So once I started playing around with iMovie and got an external hard drive it seemed pretty natural for me to try and make a Stargate Atlantis vid.
Several years prior I remember my friend thelinz had sent me a bunch of SG-1 fanvids on CD-ROM that I became obsessed with. I knew I wanted to make Stargate vids. Of course I just had to go and use a song without discernible lyrics and try to tell a story about the Ancients/Lanteans. A people who were almost always featured subtextually and mostly as their tech being a macguffin of sorts for the protagonists to deal with. In my head a Narrative made a lot more sense while I was making it but I was still left rather unsatisfied by the end. But I am very proud of it—especially as a first vid. It’s very interesting to see how my eye for kinetic movement works with the musicality of the song as my first vid. And how I refined that over the years.
As for still following the fandom? It’s in my bones, it’s always there. So many of my fandom friends and I started there. Sometimes I go back and reread old SGA flashfic entries.
I do follow a few Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis tags on tumblr which has been an interesting time observing that. Mostly on account of folks remarking on Jack and Daniel’s ages (they are too Old). Or how some people have said that Rodney McKay would have Done Numbers on tumblr if the show was airing now and that people should really watch SGA for him. Which just is, you know. Makes me want to pull out that Aslan meme “I was there” old magics etc, since Rodney McKay Was Everywhere, fanon ran with wild abandon and then some while others did slow laps in their own slash and rare-pair niches. But this is part of growing older in fandom, you were there for that history (and all the various wank, which is what it was called and not Discourse).
Anyway. I was never quite satisfied with Ameno. But I went on to make dozen more vids after it with iMovie until I got a Final Cut Edit license. And I came across a song during a summer job and realized the vibe+lyrics…that song was the Ancient Vid I was trying to make the first time around but didn’t manage. And listening to the song I realized I didn’t have the vidding skills yet to pull it together. Very overwhelmed by the idea. I spent 5 years listening and mentally putting it together in my head while casually rewatching here and there. Which is how I managed to make High Voltage - one of the vids I’m most proud of for narrative, structural and thematic reasons.
High Voltage which someone actually made a Fanlore entry about it!
High Voltage which was selected at Vividcon 2011 for In Depth Vid Review where people spent a good chunk of time discussing it in an in-person group setting. Folks who had never seen Stargate Atlantis or SG-1 or Stargate Universe even said they were very impressed and intrigued with the vid because it looked like nothing they’ve ever seen from Stargate vids before. And those who knew the shows inside and out, who knew the fic, who had meta discussions about it every week, everyone there when another surface-level, shoddily executed storyline rolled out. They saw my vid, too, they saw it and got it. It was really, really incredible experience to get that kind of feedback and realize that so many picked up what I was laying down.
Beatrice Otter wrote a lovely fancake rec for it in 2022 — 11 years after it premiered! A rec I have screencapped and saved in my happy folder to look at when I’m feeling down.
I elaborated a little more about my vidding process and reception of the vid on tumblr
So Ameno is my very first vid that I was VERY proud of but still wanted to go and “do over”/“do again” because it didn’t feel quite right. That foundation and growth lead to High Voltage. :)
I highly recommend anyone who wants to make a fix-it to an old fanwork of theirs to do go ahead and do it and see how it feels. You never know where it might lead.
January Posting Meme - claim a date! Send me any kind of prompt!
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ungoliantschilde · 2 months
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High Voltage, 1975
A little background is in order first. In the early 1960s, Scotland had the worst winter in its recorded history. 8 feet of snow. A TV advertisement was offering travel assistance for people seeking a new life in Australia.
The Youngs emigrated to Australia in 1963. Angus recalls their government assistance house had a dirt floor with a tin roof. When it rained, there would be several inches of standing water on the floor, with worms swimming around. But hey, at least it wasn’t 8 feet of snow.
The eldest son, George was the first to pursue a career in music. His band, along with friend Harry Vanda had some hit songs but -frankly- the reason people remember the Easy Beats and Flash and the Pan is because George’s little brothers started a band and George and Harry were the producers.
The band was named by one of their sisters. She saw the AC/DC logo written on a sowing machine, and it stuck.
The original lead singer, Dave Evans, was not the right fit. He was more glam rock than the Youngs wanted.
A friend of George and Harry’s, Ronald “Bon” Scott, was occasionally driving the band to gigs and doing odd jobs. He had sung before, he had played drums and other instruments. They let Bon sing for one show, and the Youngs were sold.
This album had a number of different people playing drums and bass. Malcolm and George played some of the bass parts.
The band is and always was based on what Malcolm and Angus wrote. The rhythm sections changed a lot in these early bands, but the real magic happened with what Bon brought to the table.
Malcolm and Angus are amongst the best riff writers in rock history. Bon Scott, though, was a natural lyricist that knew how to hear a riff and write lyrics that bounced along in just the right way. The saying is that AC/DC hired a singer, and wound up with a lyricist.
Bon’s family all called him “Ronny”. He was Scottish born as well. He was also a bit older than the Youngs, so he was kind of the older brother in the band. Bon had demons of his own. He had been in some trouble with the law as a teenager, but no one really seems to give specifics on what he did. He was a daily drinker from his early teens as well.
The lead off single for this album was initially supposed to be “Love Song (Oh Jene)”. But the radio DJ heard the B-Side, a cover of the delta blues standard “Baby Please Don’t Go”, and AC/DC had their first big hit.
Bonny’s screaming, wailing, and pleading version is a definitive take on the song, and widely considered to be the best version in Rock.
So, the standouts are the clear choice, “Baby Please Don’t Go”, and I really like “You Ain’t Got a Hold on Me”.
This album has never been rereleased. The songs showed up on several other box sets and compilations, but this Australia and New Zealand-Only first edition is best left where it is. The follow up to this album is the real jumping off point for AC/DC.
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graveyardxghoul · 8 months
(This is copy and pasted from my inbox) when you get this ask you have to you could perhaps maybe bless us with 5 of ur fav songs (currently or of all time), and then send this ask to 5 of your moots who you think have good taste!
thank u for passing this my way!! i love music vry much so this sounds fun!😊 my favorites tend to rotate so i'll list some that i've been playing on repeat lately!
• top dog - magdalena bay
• cupid de locke - smashing pumpkins
• danger! high voltage - electric six
• aberdeen - cage the elephant
• we will commit wolf murder - of montreal
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morgana-ren · 9 months
Are there any songs you associate with your ocs?Like, something that fits them?
Oh yeah, we both have a small list. Sea shanties work for any one of them, so I haven't put many of those on here. Obviously there's many more than this, but these are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head. Some of them are very circumstantial in a 'you had to be there' kind of way, but a lot of them are vague as well. Yeah, some of them are the stereotypical ones you see on lists like this, but hey, I've been hanging around for too long not to have some of those.
Here's a small list of my songs for each idiot:
Mare of my Night - Týr
Bloodstains on the captain's log - Carach Angren
Pretty when you cry - Vast
I'm your nightmare - The Brains
Sweeter than wine - The Brains
Sweet Things - The Pretty Reckless
Novelty Crosses - The Black Dahlia Murder
Whisper - Burn the Ballroom
In this world or the one below - Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Mother Russia/Dominion - Sisters of Mercy
Pain - Boy Harsher
The Bondage Song (Unchained Mix) - London After Midnight (Slight flash warning)
Love you to death - London After Midnight
Keelhauled - Alestorm
Lorely - Blackmore's Night
One winged angel - Aurora Australis Music
Smells Blood - Kensuke Ushio
Fear and Delight - The Correspondents
The scorpion and the frog - Marc Senter
Cry little sister - The Anix
Scream - Avenged Sevenfold
Luci - Zand
He's a pirate - Falkkone
Lingering in an imprint haunting - Carach Angren
Katyusha - Megaraptor
Yuve Yuve Yu - The Hu
Black Thunder - The Hu
Wolf Totem - The Hu
This is Mongol - The Hu
Kiss - London After Midnight
Lacrymosa - Kalafina
Swan Lake - The Agonist
Where good girls go to die - London After Midnight
Russian Girl - Женя Любич
Batse tsyku - Бетал Иванов
Грустная Сука - IC3PEAK
Dead but Pretty - IC3SPEAK
Это пройдёт - Pornofilmy
Дядя Володя - Pornofilmy
She's in Parties - Bauhaus
Bind, Torture, Kill - Suicide Commando
Alone again, or - The Damned
History of Artemisia - Junkie XL
I, Caligvla - Ex Deo
Doce Doce - Fred Bongusto
The Masochisn Tango - Ringlefinch
Kiss me you animal - Burn the Ballroom
Villainous Thing - Shayfer James
Hades OST... but it's funky - Alex Moukala Music
Bruises and Bitemarks - Good with Grenades
Danger! High Voltage - Electric Six
She dominates - Blitzkid
La Bomba- Lord of the Lost
Hit me like a man - The Pretty Reckless
After Dark - Tito y Tarantula
Jolly Sailor Bold - Ashley Serena
Choke - Royal and the Serpent
Hatefuck - The Bravery
Sex Hat Keine Macht - Oomph!
Tongues and Teeth - The Crane Wives
Lovesong - Snake River Conspiracy
Before I'm Dead - Kidneythieves
Metal Woman - 3 Inches of Blood
I'm Charming - Black Dahlia Murder
White Wedding - Billy Idol
You are a pirate - Alestorm
Bad Voodoo - Kreeps
Dead Girls are Easy - The 69 Eyes
Ex Mortis - Ice Nine Kills
Paradise - Satanicpornocultshop
Fuck Me - Vernon Jane
You belong to me - Cat Pierce
Laisse tomber les filles - April March
Sisters - Pain of Salvation
Stand and Deliver - Adam & the Ants
The pain looks good on you - London After Midnight
Esmeralda - Burn the Ballroom
Love me, love me, love me - Kikuo
Who is she - I Monster
Gunslingers Glory - The Dead South
Gett off - Prince
Bloodsport - KMFDM Vs Skold
Gintleman's Club - The Dreadnoughts
Sleep is for the weak - The Dreadnoughts
Stupid Girl - Cold
Platz Eins - LINDEMANN
G Spot Micheal - LINDEMANN
Skin City - Steven Tyler
Violent Pornography - System of a Down
Santiano - The Longest Johns ft. SKALD
Sex - Oomph!
Follow me down - The Pretty Reckless
Amore Fermati - Fred Bongusto
Pervert - The Descendents
Your heart is as black as night - Melody Gardot
Bück Dich - Rammstein
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thelensofyashunews · 2 months
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Fresh off his performance at London's Wireless Festival, burgeoning new wave star OsamaSon has just shared a new single, "popstar", out now along with an accompanying video. The high-voltage outing is defined by OsamaSon's uptempo flow, experimental production, and an offbeat visual rooted in hyper-online imagery. "popstar" follows last month's viral track with resident internet "badass kid" Nettspend on their OK-produced single "withdrawals" (2M+ Streams), which marked a high-profile collaboration between two of Gen Alpha's must-watch new acts. Known for his irresistible hooks, off-kilter adlibs, and otherworldly flows, the Charleston, South Carolina, native has been on a transcendent run as of late. 2023 saw OsamaSon release his critically-acclaimed debut project Osama Season, which was lauded by the likes of Pitchfork and Our Generation Music and featured tracks “X & Sex” (18M Streams), "Werkin" (5M+ Streams), and“Troops” (5M Streams). Project Flex Musix quickly followed later that year, which boasted contributions from some of rap's most noteworthy new producers, including Rok (Young Thug, Lil Uzi Vert, Future, Ken Carson), Legiiion (Ken Carson), and Skai (SoFaygo) and was bolstered by hit tracks "Pop" (11M Streams), "Trenches" (9M Streams), "All Star" (8M Streams), "Blonde"(7M Streams), and "Baghdad" (3M Streams).
It's already been an explosive year for OsamaSon, who kicked off his Flex Musix Tour on February 18th with eleven sold-out shows across the United States. The tour followed the release of the deluxe version of Flex Musix, FLXTRA, which debuted at #8 on Apple Music's All Genre charts and garnered strong buzz thanks to songs like "Rehhab"(6M Streams) and "Cartel" (5M Streams). Recent months have seen the rapper link with Glokk40Spaz for collaborative project 3vil Reflection and turn heads with a high-energy performance at Lyrical Lemonade's Summer Smash in Chicago as well as an appearance at Rolling Loud Europe in Vienna.
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soulmusicsongs · 1 year
What Can We Do - High Voltage (High Voltage, 1972)
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the-crow-caws-witch · 3 months
Kiss From A Fleur: A Piers x Plumeria Fic
Hey there crackshippers, it's me, ya boi (girl). Here's a songfic, inspired by Wake Me's cover of Kiss From A Rose (originally by Seal, and yeah, both versions slap. I'm old). Some words were changed, all rights reserved to Seal though. And I don't own Pokemon, just some OCs.
Summary: Plumeria attends her first concert in Spikemuth, watching her boyfriend Piers perform for the first time. And of course, he's got some new material to make it special.
Rated Teen for swearing because I can't help it.
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Plumeria looked around the arena, her nerves only heightening as more and more people flooded the small space of what was the Spikemuth gym.  Marnie had mentioned the show to her earlier this week, telling the foreigner that she wouldn’t want to miss it.  Piers had told her earlier too that she can stay backstage if she preferred, but Plumeria shot that idea down immediately. “How the hell do you expect me to get the full experience from behind the curtain?”  Now, she was wishing that maybe she did stay backstage, if  for no other reason than to be able to breathe.  Surely the stadium couldn’t get more packed..
She was proven wrong within minutes.  By the time the show started she had been pushed and maneuvered by the grunts and inhabitants of the small city to the damn near complete back of the venue.  The plus side?  She was no longer overcrowded and was able to relax herself a little bit.  The downside? She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to see her boyfriend perform over the sea of fans.  Luckily she still had a clear view, smiling at his energy as he appeared on stage with the rest of the band.  “GOOD EVENIN’ SPIKEMUTH!!” he welcomed, and the crowd went wild. “ARE YA READY TO ROCK?!”  Once again, cheers and whoops filled the area.  He scanned the crowd, finally finding her in the way back, and winked at her, causing her to blush.  He laughed into the microphone.  “Alright, alright ya lot, let’s GO!”
The show started with a bang, drums hitting hard and loud, guitars and bass being strummed with such power and precision, and Piers’ voice ringing out with beautiful, intense vibrato.  Plumeria was fascinated, hooked by the first song.  He had mentioned during his stay in Alola that he was a musician back home, but he never really delved into it, other than playing some softer, acoustic songs for her.  She was always entranced by his voice then, but this; this was completely different.  She was more than just entranced, she was completely enthralled.  Between the high voltage energy on the stage and in the crowd, the physical feeling of sound and harmony represented by each individual instrument, and Piers just being Piers, it was easy for Plumeria to be just as lost inside the show.  
Throughout the entire show Piers kept making eye contact with the Alolan, checking in every so often to see how she responded to the music, his heart bursting every time he saw a smile on her face, or her eyes glazed over with fascination.  It provided him with a type of ego boost, giving him the extra adrenaline needed to go above and beyond with his performance.  Before they knew it, it was time for the final song of the night.  His stomach felt full of butterfrees, both from nerves and excitement.  He looked over to Audrey and Vincent, both giving him a thumbs up, and a nod came from Jack with a wide smile.  Once again he scanned his eyes to find his girlfriend in the audience, beaming at her own goofy grin.  He cleared his throat, leaning into the mic.  “Alright everybody, this is the las’ song of the night.”  His declaration was met with sad cries of disappointment, not because of the quality of the show, Piers knew better, but because it always seemed to end so soon.  He chuckled.  “Yeah yeah, bugger off about it,” he joked, then continued, “This las’ song’s a bit different from our usual.  A bit slower, an’ it’s for a special girl.”  His gaze settled directly on Plumeria, who blushed a deep shade of pink in response.  Piers smirked.  The crowd, on the other hand, talked in quiet whispers and hushes, looking around.  The song started with a beautiful, almost romantic opening cord, and everyone looked on at the stage in wonder.  Suddenly the rest of the band joined in, adding flare to the ballad sung. 
“There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea/ You became a light on the dark side of me/ Love remains a drug that’s the high not the pill/ But did you know that when it snows/ My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen..”
Plumeria gasped, as did many others watching.  Mournful Piers singing a ballad?  This was crazy!  But he sang with such conviction that the audience couldn’t second guess it, and as the chorus hit so did the powerchords, and the crowd went wild once again.
“Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a fleur on the grey/ The more I get of you the stranger it feels, yeah/ And now that your aura’s in bloom/ A light hits the gloom on the grey..”  If he was still nervous he didn’t show it, belting out the lyrics like he’d written them years ago, rather than just a month or so back when he had started dating again.  Truth be told, there were many song he had written, and yeah, most of them were love songs, and it was against his very image, but at this moment he didn’t care.  What mattered now was showing the world, his world, that he was happy for the first time in a very long time. 
He continued on with the song, tears brimming Pluemria’s eyes.  She still couldn’t believe it.  This man was extremely talented, loving, and more than she could ever wish to have in a partner.  A hand squeezed hers, tearing her out of her thoughts as she looked to its source.  Marnie was next to her, grinning wickedly.  “Told ya so.” was all the young girl said, then started cheering her brother on with the rest.  Plumeria shook her head with a laugh.
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever.”  She tried to play it off, but Marnie saw right through it.  The song was nearing its end now, Piers’ eyes still glued onto Plumeria’s who also couldn’t bear to look away.  Marnie kept a small hold onto her hand, keeping the woman grounded. 
“Welcome to the family.”  The younger sibling started out of nowhere.  Plumeria beamed.  On stage, Piers couldn’t stop smiling.  Finally the song faded out.  There was a raucous of cheers and applause, and naturally his fans began begging for an encore, fully knowing it wouldn’t be received. Marnie excused herself to the merch booth, helping out however she could, while Plumeria met him backstage, still blushing, and still energized from the show.  He embraced her first, hugging her tight while she laughed. “Thank ya fer comin’.” He whispered, voice hoarse from the show.  
Plumeria kissed him on the cheek.  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world babe.  You’re so amazing and talented!” she complimented, giggling at his blush.
“Yeah well, I’ve had some help lately in the writin’ department.  Got myself a helluva muse.”  He winked at her, and she looked down, flustered.  He laughed, draping his arm around her shoulder.  “Let’s say we find Marnie, and get us some grub?”
Plumeria nodded, her stomach growling as if on cue.  “I vote pizza.”  Her boyfriend nodded in agreement, and then they were off, saying their goodbyes to the others, before rescuing Marnie from the merch stand and heading home for the night.
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mollyhale · 1 year
ten songs + ten people
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up, then tag other people
tagged by @ellliemilller / @mickeysjones ♥️ ily thank u for tagging me !!! 💌
gonna do the same as you and shuffle through a few playlists and try to split em evenly since i have a few in rotation at all times
high voltage - linkin park
rainy days - westside boogie ft. eminem
last one standing - skylar gray, polo g, mozzy, and eminem
bloody nose - hollywood undead
your ex-lover is dead - stars
i want to hear what you have got to say - the subways
keep holding on - avril lavigne
with me - sum 41
the long and winding road - the beatles
i don't know - paul mccartney
tagging: @borntobewondering @seancamerons @flippinfins @bl33ditout @glasstown-resident @dunster @coconutbabydoll @loveution @fullheartss @2008music and whomever else wants to !!! also no pressure to do this :)
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