#that hutt can dance
elfleccy · 21 days
Give this album a listen: Songs from the Underworld - Original Music from Star Wars Outlaws
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
He's the Calm One
“Give yourself to the dark side,” Vader advised, as he stalked through the darkened areas of the throne room. “It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for…”
He paused.
“Your sister,” he said, interested. “So, you have a twin sister. If you will not turn to the Dark Side, then perhaps she will!”
“No!” Luke shouted, springing out of cover, lightsaber held ready.
Vader moved his own blade in a block, then stopped a moment later as he realized Luke wasn’t actually attacking.
“You mustn’t make her turn to the Dark Side,” Luke said, voice laced with urgency.
“I must not?” Vader asked. “That is not up to me-”
“No, father, that’s not what I mean,” Luke replied. “It’s a matter of safety. Personal and… galactic.”
Vader’s expression did not change, because he was wearing a helmet.
“You realize that I have no idea what you are talking about,” he said. “Who is your sister?”
Luke paused.
“Leia,” he said. “You should know that, father. Maybe now you’ll understand.”
Vader’s helmet tilted slightly.
“What?” he asked. “I never felt a thing. Her emotions never betrayed her.”
“She didn’t know,” Luke pointed out. “I didn’t know until you told me.”
“Still…” Vader mused. “The Force can be strange… but you seem insistent on keeping your sister from the Dark Side.”
“You’ve met her, haven’t you?” Luke asked.
Vader paused, giving that due consideration.
“...I suppose she would probably be suited to the Dark Side,” he said. “She would make a good apprentice.”
“You’re not listening,” Luke complained. “She would be a terrible person to have as an apprentice in the Dark Side of the Force, specifically.”
Vader attempted to glare at Luke. “You fail to understand the value of passion to the Dark Side.”
“Why have you stopped fighting?” Palpatine demanded, from the other side of the throne room.
“We are having a moment,” Vader called back. “I am attempting to turn Luke to the Dark Side by using his family members against him.”
“Very well!” Palpatine said. “Continue! That usually works.”
Vader inclined his head, slightly, the only sign of what was probably a frown under his helmet.
“I may need to think about that,” he said, under his hissing breath, then returned his attention to Luke.
Who was gesturing for emphasis.
“Maybe I’m not getting this across properly, Father,” he said. “But perhaps… you sent Han to Jabba the Hutt, didn’t you? You knew him?”
“I do not know Jabba the Hutt, son,” Vader retorted, his voice dark with rage. “I know who Jabba the Hutt is. But I fail to see the relevance.”
“As part of the plan to rescue Han, she got captured,” Luke explained. “Jabba chained her up and made her a dancing girl. The moment I began to fight during the rescue, she cut the lights and strangled him with that very chain.”
He stared into the eyes of Vader’s helmet, unblinking and unbowed. “Do you understand, Father?”
Vader considered that, then nodded, very slightly.
“I begin to see your point,” he said. “Damn.”
“If Leia turned to the Dark Side and was made an apprentice to you or the Emperor, it would be extremely bad for the health of everyone inside this room,” Luke summarized. “And also for the galaxy, more generally, though it would at least be run efficiently.”
“The Emperor has brought order to the galaxy,” Vader said, in a sort of distant voice like he wasn’t fully paying attention to the conversation.
“Have you seen how much he’s spent on pointless superweapons that get blown up by the Rebellion?” Luke shot back.
Vader held up his free hand, and for a moment Luke wondered if his father was about to use the Force… only for it to mean nothing more than a request that Luke be silent for a moment.
“...humour me, son,” Vader said. “What, exactly, is your plan here?”
“With surrendering myself to you?” Luke asked, and got a slight nod. “I hoped to be able to convince you that you’d done something wrong, and that you could realize that there was still good in you. That you were not trapped in the Dark Side, and could – if you truly wished it – return to the side of good.”
He paused. “...I will say, Obi-Wan and Yoda both told me it was impossible.”
“They do that,” Vader said, still sounding distracted. “And my daughter was raised by Bail and Breha, and she ended up… hm.”
“...Father?” Luke asked, after several seconds of silence had elapsed.
“I am just realizing that you are, apparently, Padme’s child of the two of you,” Vader said. “She killed Jabba the Hutt? Really?”
“Really,” Luke agreed. “Since you send Han to Jabba, we came up with a plan.”
He twirled his lightsaber. “First, I gave Jabba the droids C-3P0 and R2-D2, after concealing my lightsaber in R2. Then Leia turned in Chewbacca for the bounty, while disguised as an Ubese, and threatened to set off a bomb. Finally I came in to ask politely for Han’s release, offered Jabba one last opportunity to free us while about to be thrown into the Pit of Carkoon, and when he refused I killed… about half of Jabba’s entourage. Leia got Jabba and the other half when she rigged his sail barge to explode.”
“...this is a new feeling,” Vader said, almost to himself. “This must be paternal pride. Damn.”
“Have you turned him yet?” the Emperor called, waspishly.
“I’m working on it!” Luke called back.
Vader missed a breath, then his respirator worked overtime to recover.
“I still want to turn my daughter to the Dark Side,” he said, once he’d recovered. “But mostly to find out what would happen.”
“Fair,” Luke admitted. “I’m curious as well, but I don’t want to be in the blast radius and I’m fairly sure the entire galaxy would be the blast radius. Even if we were both trained Jedi I’d insist on being the one who came along, because I’d rather see you alive instead of a sort of faint ozone sheen in the air.”
“What is taking you so long, Vader?” Palpatine demanded, stalking over. “By this point, someone in this room should be dead. This delay is entirely tiresome!”
“All right,” Anakin replied, and pushed Palpatine off the bridge.
“...do you think that counts as dark side or not?” he added, glancing at his son. “I’m genuinely not sure, he was a very old man…”
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
Twin Suns
Bounty Hunter Boba Fett x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): established relationship, breakup / makeup, suggestive themes, canon-typical swearing, mando’a
Word Count: 1.4k
You broke it off, but Boba isn’t finished.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // summer 2024 masterlist
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Mando’a Translations: cyar’ika – darling / sweetheart
Hookah smoke hangs low in the air. The cantina is dim and the noise inside is a dull, persistent roar. Behind the bar, you clean glasses, gaze watching the room for thirsty customers. To the right of the bar is a small stage where a band plays music. It’s loud enough to drown out most of the conversations in the room but not enough to silence them.
It’s a stark difference from your previous work. Being a dancer in Jabba’s Palace brought you protection and money, but it also brought admirers. Most of them kept their distance due to Jabba’s presence, yet there was one you gravitated toward.
One you often snuck away with. One you gave your heart to.
Jabba the Hutt’s favorite contract killer, Boba Fett, ate you up like a Sarlacc. He slipped into your life and you gladly opened for him.
But all of that is gone. You left, and here you are, working away in a Mos Espa cantina, scrounging up enough credits to leave Tatooine behind you. It’s certainly not the life you want for yourself, but the best thing now is to earn enough to start fresh elsewhere.
Setting the glass in its proper spot, you turn, reaching for another. It draws your attention away from the bar, and when you glance up again, the glassware nearly slips from your hand.
A Mandalorian helmet with cracked and peeling green paint stares back. The rest of the armor is much of the same. It’s worn but no less intimidating. Boba Fett stands casually while the people next to him at the bar quickly grab their drinks and makes themselves scarce.
“I’ve been looking for you.” His familiar gravelly voice comes through the voice receiver, and it plunges directly into your heart.
“What makes you think I wanted to be looked for?” you reply, unease slipping into your tone.
You don’t hate Boba—far from it. Deep within your soul, you still care for him. When you’re alone in the dark, you often find yourself thinking of his touch and the way his lips felt against your skin.
But you ran away from everything for a reason. And still, this man came after you.
“You’ve always loved a chase, cyar’ika,” he answers with a gentle tease.
Memories resurface suddenly and without warning. Jabba’s smoky throne room where you’d dance for his guests. The saunter of Boba’s hips when he’d walk into the room and head right for you. The first time Boba touched you far from the eyes of Jabba and his cronies.
Boba chased you until you folded, placing yourself in his arms.
You swallow back a sharp retort, putting on your professional face, changing the subject. “Can I get you anything? A drink? Food?”
Boba’s helmeted head tilts slightly. “I want one thing.”
“I’m not on offer,” you reply immediately.
“Then can I have a few minutes of your time,” he counters. “Alone.”
Kriffing hell.
You glance over your shoulder at the other bartender. She nods subtly and you set down the glass and polishing towel.
“Come with me,” you murmur.
Boba pushes off from the bar and follows you. The two of you slip behind a curtain, entering a kitchen space. The three droid cooks don’t even acknowledge your presence. Stopping at some spiral stairs, you turn back toward Boba. He’s directly behind you, blocking your escape, gloved hands on either side of the railing.
“This way,” you breathe, ascending the stairs as quickly as possible.
You feel him at your back, his body so close you swear you can sense his heat. The stairs spit the two of you out on a little landing. Up here is mostly storage, and it’s a mess. The owner of the cantina insists he’ll clean it up but he’s never here enough to actually care or do anything about it.
As soon are your feet land on flat flooring, you beeline for the large window on the other side of the room. The twin suns are starting to descend, the evening coming quick, but still fending off the cold dark.
Staring out across Mos Espa is easier than looking at Boba directly.
“What do you want to talk about?” you speak to the window. In the glass, you notice Boba’s reflection. He’s moving toward you—a slow saunter.
Even though you cannot see him directly, you know he’s right there next to your left shoulder. Your chest is tight, stomach twisting, and your skin tingles with awareness. Beskar brushes against your arm, and then Boba’s gloved hand slips into your own.
You do not pull away. He is warm, and so close it aches.
“You were mine,” he says, and the possessiveness in his voice draws forth a shiver.
It’s a reminder of all the times the two of you were alone in bed together, with him buried between your legs, tangled up in white sheets while the rest of Tatooine slept. With every roll of his hips, and every languid kiss, he’d call you cyar’ika and whisper mine.
“I was,” you murmur. “Not anymore.”
Boba tugs on your hand. It’s a gentle pull but it forces you to turn into him. Boba is right there, head tilted toward your face as if to kiss you. His other hand comes up and rests against the side of your throat.
“You left without talking to me.” His grip tightens and your free hand reflexively rises, pressing against his beskar chestplate.
You lick your lips. “I needed to go. It wasn’t safe for me.”
Boba draws you close, foreheads nearly touching. “Did you not feel safe with me? Something I did?”
You shake your head. “No.” You glance into the T-shaped visor, only wanting to see those dark eyes again. “Can you remove your helmet?”
Boba drops his hand from your throat. Reaching up, he disengages the seal, and then the helmet is gone. Your eyes track tanned skin and dark eyes. Your hand on his chestplate ascends, fingertips brushing against the stubble on his chin and jaw.
Boba turns his head just as you’re about to run your fingers over his cheeks. You caress his lips instead, and they part slightly in invitation. It’s hard to resist, but you do.
Dropping your hand away, you look down at his chestplate.
“Being with you put a target on my back.”
“No one knew about us,” murmurs Boba. “And I would have handled it.”
You glance up. “Would you? I was under Jabba’s employ. I don’t think he’d appreciate one of his dancers fornicating with his prized bounty hunter.”
Boba grimaces. “You were an employee. Not one of his slaves.”
“That doesn’t matter to Jabba,” you insist. “Remember the guy who slapped my ass? Jabba took his kriffing hand. I don’t even want to think about what Jabba would do to you had he found out about us.”
“And you think you’re safe here?” Boba indicates the cantina with an outstretched hand.
“Bib Fortuna said I was clear. It’s the other bounty hunters I’m worried about. Your competition.”
Boba scoffs. “I’d vaporize them before they even tried to put their hands on you.”
You pull your hand from his and raise them up before you. “You can’t protect me, Boba. And I don’t want to burden you.”
Boba steps into your space, trapping you against the window. “But you still love me.”
“I never said I didn’t,” you reply softly.
With a low groan, Boba grasps the back of your neck and draws you in. His mouth crashes against yours, the two of you meeting again and again until you start to melt, wrapping your arms behind his neck, wanting him even closer.
“Why did you run?” he asks between kisses. You seek another but Boba’s grip on the back of your neck halts all forward movement. “We could have talked about this. You didn’t need to flee.”
“It was easier,” you breathe.
He shakes his head. “You’re leaving this place.”
“Boba,” you breathe.
“Hush,” he coos. “I’m taking you with me.”
“And go where?” you shrug.
“Somewhere safe,” he says softly. “We’ll go on my ship. And I’ll take you far from here.”
“But you can’t tell me where?”
Boba sighs. “I have a place I go to when I want to get away. I’ll take you there.”
“Jabba doesn’t need you?”
“If he needs me, Bib Fortuna will call. That’s how it’s always worked.”
You glance out the window. The suns have lowered, the sky a purplish-red. “When do you want to go?”
Boba draws you back to him, pressing a lovely kiss to your lips. “Right now.”
@glassgulls @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @foxxy-126 @km-ffluv
@sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@tulipsun-flower @enfppuff @ninman82 @nomercyforthewarrior @padawancat97
@garfunklevibes2012 @pigeonmama @beebeechaos @no-oneelsebutnsu
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dilf-din · 11 months
6 for rebelcaptain!
One of my favorite tropes!!
6. our cover is that we're a couple and it only makes sense to sleep in the same bed
Rebelcaptain (Jyn x Cassian)
Rating: T
WC: 1350
Warnings: alcohol mention, fluff, Cassian is a softboi, if you see a typo no you don’t
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Jyn swirled what was left in her glass, holding the long stem daintily between two fingers. The pink liquid bubbled and fizzed, tasting more of meiloorun than the mix of clear alcohols that were making everyone around her stumble, hanging onto the scantily clad Twi’lek waitresses and wasting their credits.
Canto Bight was one of the banes of her existence. It was unfortunate that the Hutts and other gangs ran information through it like a high frequency channel, open to everyone, but only useful to those who knew how to use the right lingo. People like her and Cassian.
Speaking of Cassian, it had been almost an hour since their last check in. She sauntered away from the table she was perched at and into the thick of the festivities, green eyes scanning every corner and crowd in search of her partner. Round bellied men in gaudy jackets laughed raucously as they gambled away millions, not even putting a dent in their fortunes. She tried her best to not let her lip curl in disgust. Tonight, she was one of them. A socialite with money to burn. A red dress and a sultry smile.
She felt an arm slip around her waist, and every one of her muscles tensed. Cassian spoke to her in a low voice, pulling her in to a dance as they neared the jazz band playing a medium tempo song.
“Relax, it’s just me.”
“Did you find out who’s been funneling money into the imps?” she murmured close to his ear as her feet tried to keep up with the steps that he seemed to have practiced beforehand.
“Waitresses will tell you anything if you tip generously enough.”
“Can we be done then?” Jyn asked impatiently as he spun her dramatically and pulled her hips back close to his.
“We’ve got to be convincing, mi amor,” he muttered, ghosting his lips up her collarbone to her throat.
“Fine. Two more songs,” she said with a soft smile through her words had been dipped in venom, letting him know that if he pushed his luck, she’d dislocate his shoulder later, and K2 wasn’t here to pop it back into place.
They volleyed empty conversation topics at each other, letting feigned drunken laughter spill out and into the ears of passersby. Tonight, they were lovers, honeymooners, partygoers.
Cassian ordered one more glass of wine for each of them to sip on and leave abandoned on a ledge before they eagerly approached the elevators, his arm still around her waist. As soon as the doors shut, Jyn straightened up and pulled herself from him.
“The Black Sun,” Cassian mouthed, eyes gesturing towards the camera hanging in the corner of the gold and glass booth carrying them to their room for the night.
Jyn’s brow furrowed as she tried to make sense of it. The Black Sun had been extinct for nearly a decade to their knowledge. Hearing that not only they were back, but were doing well enough to fund the Empire is not the tip she was expecting to pick up tonight.
“What floor are we on?”
“Sixty-three,” Cassian answered.
Jyn huffed out a breath as the elevator glided up for what felt like hours. When it finally stopped, she laced her arm through Cassian’s once more, and he led them down the hall, key card in hand. She glanced over her shoulder to see another inebriated couple stumbling towards a door, sharing open mouthed kisses complete with roaming hands.
Everything about this place and these people made her stomach churn, turning a blind eye to the suffering of everyday, hardworking people, downing expensive cocktails and overpriced finger foods while others scrounged for their meals.
Jyn’s blood was already boiling as she followed Cassian into their suite. She pulled off her tall shoes and flung them into the corner, allowing her toes to sink into the plush carpet. Her arches ached from the height of the heels. With them on, she stood eye level with Cassian. Now she was back to being almost a full head shorter than him. She hoisted her leg up onto the bed and undid the thigh holster that had been securing the slender blaster she had packed while Cassian shed his jacket, pulling the two blasters out that he had tucked away in case things went south.
“Where’s the other room?” Jyn asked as she unclasped heavy earrings and tossed them on the dresser.
“What other room?” Cass asked over his shoulder as he unzipped the pack that the staff had brought up for him earlier, both hands rummaging through to pull out his regular clothes.
“There’s only one bed and no couch,” Jyn said flatly.
He paused and turned to her, “We’re here on our honeymoon. I couldn’t exactly ask for two beds.”
“I’ll sleep on the floor,” she announced, hucking her bag over her shoulder and stalking towards the fresher to change, mumbling under her breath about getting stuck with a mission like this.
“You’re not going to share a bed with me on our honeymoon night?” Cassian asked, hand clutched over his heart dramatically.
“If you want ten fingers tomorrow, stay on that side of the room.”
He chuckled as the door slid shut behind her, heart reeling from getting to hold her so close. They didn’t get one on one time often, and Jyn would kill him if she knew he volunteered them for this mission instead of getting it automatically assigned to them as he had told her. He heard her dress hit the ground with a muffled thud from the other side of the door, and hoped she would reconsider sleeping on the floor. After a few minutes, she came out with a face pink from scrubbing off the bright makeup that made her look like a caricature of herself. She looked tired and fresh faced, younger somehow, like the day they met.
“Why are you dressed like that?” he asked, taking in her combat pants, long shirt, and vest, “We can’t leave until the morning.”
“This way I’ll be ready to go,” she shrugged.
“Did you pack pajamas?”
“Do I look like I own pajamas?”
Cass chuckled again, fishing through his pack, he pulled out another pair of soft pants and tossed them at her, “Here, you’ll be comfier. And don’t argue with me about the bed. You’ve never slept on a mattress this soft, and I’m not letting you pass it up for stubbornness’ sake.”
With that, he disappeared behind the sliding door. Jyn looked at the pants in her hand with a million questions and feelings circling her like a drain. She didn’t have time to pick them out one by one, so she re-plugged it, keeping everything in place, pulled on the pants that were a bit too loose around her waist, and crawled under the covers, turning her back to the fresher door.
She heard the sound of water running as Cassian must’ve decided to indulge in a hot shower. She couldn’t make sense of how he was able to treat this as a mini vacation, but tried to remind herself to keep her judgement at bay. He was right. The mattress was comfortable. Her eyes were just starting to drift off as she heard the door open once more. The mattress sunk beneath his weight as he tried to climb into bed without disturbing her. Her stillness making him think she was already fast asleep, Cassian was quick to switch off the light and settle onto his side of the bed. She heard the soft thump of his blaster on the bedside table, and was able to relax even further knowing who had her back less than a meter away.
“Goodnight, Jyn,” he said softly, not even really meaning for her to hear it.
He smelled of soap more expensive than a month’s wages she had fought for in her youth, intoxicatingly sweet.
She waited a beat before breathing back, barely a whisper, “G’night, Cass.”
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ladydancing · 7 months
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When I was looking for a ship for my Star Wars OC's to live in, I came across the Correllian YT-1930 freighter/transport. The YT-1930 can be either a freighter or can have additional guest quarters and be a guest transport. It was perfect for my OC's and my fanfic. In my stories, it was originally a modified YT-1930 named The Spice Runner, which pirates used to smuggle for the Hutt Cartel but from time to time transported crime bosses, so besides being a freighter it also has the additional cabin space of a transport.
Since The Spice Runner, was owned by a pirate the starboard cargo bay had been modified to be a fighter cradle and hold a starfighter for attacks on civilian ships. When my Twi'lek OC, Aola Beck, stole The Spice Runner and renamed it The Dancing Lady, the modification of the cargo bay to a fighter cradle allowed my Pantoran Jedi OC, Rania Chera, to dock her Jedi starfighter on The Dancing Lady.
I went looking for deck plans for the YT-1930 and found this blank deck plan with no name. I made a few changes and added the locations to fit my stories. It is not my artwork, except for the changes I made and I apologize to whoever originally created it for using it.
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unchartedcloud · 1 year
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Light's Long Shadow - Chapter 6
A Clexa Star Wars AU
Lexa hadn't counted on chasing a mob boss to her own club in Hutt space any more than she'd expected to find herself trying to blend in in said club, but neither are a challenge she can't handle. Somewhat less expected, however, and much less easy to handle, is the way a certain blonde bounty hunter has captured her attention...
But she's a Jedi. Attraction, attachment, it's all beneath her. Right?
aka: the fancy clothes and dancing sequence of the fic.
An objection rises to Lexa's lips but Clarke is gone before she can voice it. No one's given them any more than a cursory glance since they arrived here, all too preoccupied with their own evenings to care much about those immediately around them. (Unless, it seems, those immediately around them are deemed to be attractive; Lexa has received more than one smile since arriving here, and everyone Clarke lays eyes on seems more than happy to speak to her.) But nevertheless, this would be an extremely easy place to lay an ambush—the wrong person, a concealed weapon, and Clarke's bounty could be called in before Lexa can so much as make it halfway across the room. And this is the headquarters of the person who put the hit out in the first place, which to Lexa's mind makes it all the more likely that the bounty hunter will be recognized. Letting Clarke move around on her own, weaving through nondescript crowds and out of sight, sends a spike of anxiety lancing up the back of Lexa's neck.
Setting her teeth and swallowing the feeling back down, she turns her eyes back to the table - and finds Finn watching her again. He wears another smile, though this one is more knowing than charming.
"I know the feeling," he says, as if Lexa had said something to warrant that response when she absolutely did not. "A lot of people do. It's hard to resist the charms of Clarke Griffin. Even for a Jedi, apparently."
Lexa finds herself frowning despite herself. She should just let that comment go. "Charms?" she says instead.
"That irresistibleness." Finn waves a hand lazily through the air, as if halfheartedly trying to grasp what he means. "The way she sucks you in with those eyes and that smile, not to mention the rest of her..." he whistles an exhale and shrugs, a cocky half-grin now spread across his face, "you know, charms."
"Right..." Lexa says slowly, eyes drifting in the direction Clarke disappeared. "Charms."
He's not wrong. Her eyes, her smile—there's a certain magnetism about her, a warmth in her attention that draws a person in and makes them feel...interesting. Makes them feel wanted. Just thinking about the way Clarke looked at her earlier in her room, blue eyes taking in her suit and tie and makeup, leaves Lexa suddenly breathless, her tongue bone-dry. She sips from her drink to rid herself of the feeling, because the weightlessness of it is marred with the discomfort of knowing that she shares this feeling with Finn.
It's not because of him, not really. But she knows what Finn's relationship to Clarke is. And she knows that being in that same category is not a smart thing for her to do. She's a Jedi. She's above such things.
Read on Ao3.
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mmoxie · 2 months
so i finished kotor 2 for the first time (this is a long post but it's fun) good game 10/10 everyone was right about it
my exile is a woman named kleio kel who may've once been a jedi but stuck pretty strongly to the "they fired me" mindset and never let anyone call her that again
she wields a short-bladed white lightsaber, which symbolizes a kind of Stacker Pentecost "i bring nothing into the drift" mentality- wielding her lightsaber indicates nothing about her, it is a tool- and with its short blade is a tool largely for turning away other weapons
her two best friends are visas marr and hk-47- she's gonna give visas everything and hk makes her laugh
there were no good decisions on onderon, but she ended the monarchy with the hopes that the military would coup itself down to uselessness in time- unfortunately her old boss was pals with the queen, so they had to duke it out
dantooine was a little more straightforward- these people are trying, help 'em try
the greedy cunts that wanted to take over local government just because they can were lethally pranked into walking directly into a battery of laser turrets
she danced for a hutt which was more than a little embarrassing but a small price to pay to get some fuel to the nice space station where they jail you in a free apartment
but the whole time she was asking "wait i bought a dancing girl's billet back at that station to get her away from her neglectful idiot boyfriend and her terrible boss, why can't she come here and dance"
alas, that girl's afraid of spaceships i think, she ain't going nowhere
after every gang in nar shadaa tried to pick a fight with her, she packed up her bags and headed to korriban to do a little light archaeology
she got attacked by a bunch of ghosts but came out of it smelling like roses with a bunch of fresh lightsaber parts for her trouble, which she used to upgrade her unassuming little shoto into a mean little disarming stick- with its thin blade and easy handling, she could simply aim for the emitter on an opponent's lightsaber and cut right through
and listen.
she tried really hard not to kill her old bosses. there were no hard feelings, REALLY
she refused to kill atris, and on dantooine offered not to fight the old boys in brown, but they swung on her, so... y'know,
listen this whole campaign was self defense.
eventually she squared off with darth nihlus and was extremely motivated to defend her new girlfriend, which resulted in his death as well as visas getting to breathe easy and come to terms with some of her traumas she experienced at his hands
and then it was time for kreia.
c'mon kreia i was so nice to you.
we both hate the force, but it's like being an american and hating gasoline alright
hating it won't make it suck any less
you're making yourself sick obsessing over it when you could be like, i dunno, teaching responsible minimization practices
instead you're questioning its motives and it's like
that's the force
it "wants" balance like an apple "wants" to fall from a tree
that's not a will being imposed by god that's just events playing out toward equilibrium, the apple would keep falling at the rate of gravity if it didn't have someone's head to hit
the fact that the galaxy appears to balance is just the organic reaction- you cause a wound, it scabs over, alright
like kreia come on you're SO smart how can you not see this are you just too fucking mad
i tried to talk her down all the way to the very end, but she sicced a cloud of floating lightsabers on me so i had to clean up shop for the safety of everyone involved
even in her last moments i was doing my utmost to be kind because she was just so so so miserable and had some pretty bad brain poisoning
she succumbed to her injuries from the fight and carth i mean atton walked me out of there
so i could go catch up with atton i mean carth at the space station and listen to him talk about
whoever revan is
she didnt factor into my day to day on this adventure very much she's out there doing whatever but these people are OBSESSED
afterward i bought visas a sexy party dress and retired to the pazaak dens to live out my days partying after a job well done
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Crime Syndicates unite to establish their dominance upon the galaxy. United under Jabba’s son Rotta The Hutt of the Hutt Clans, Prince Xizor of the Black Sun, Qi'Ra of the Crimson Dawn, Tyber Zann of the Zann Consortium, and King Prana. The Criminal Underworld sees the weakness of The Resistance and sees the galaxy ripe for the taking and seizes their opportunity to conquer the galaxy. They no longer have to hide in the lower reaches of the galaxy or from the shadows. Their way of doing things will be law. Slavery, Assassinations, Extortion, Racketeering, and drug dealing and trafficking will be law. The Hutt Clans, Crimson Dawn, Pykes, Black Sun and Crymorah will be ruling the galaxy. The galaxy will be absolute hell if this scenario happens.
The Grysks
The Grysks were introduced in the new canon novel Thrawn:Alliances. They are what brings Thrawn to the Empire in hopes of co-existing to fight this threat in the Unknown Regions. Grysks are a species living somewhere in the Unknown Regions. Creatures half of myth, whom few have ever seen. It is said that they are nomads, with no fixed home, traveling in spacecraft so numerous they blot out the stars. They are said to be terrifying warriors, overwhelming their opponents by sheer numbers and ferocity. The Grysk were never touched on again, so here’s me hoping they can use the Grysk in Rey’s new Jedi Order trilogy
Darth Talon
Darth Talon was in Lucas sequel trilogy treatments and why the fuck not, plus we need female villains who don't get immediate face turns(looking at you Iden) or just fucking useless(looking at you Phasma)
Lets have Melissa Barrera play Talon
The First Order
I feel like there is so much that can be done with The First Order’s remnants. Kylo Ren is dead. General Hux is dead. Pryde is dead and Snoke is dead. There is no one to keep in the holdouts of The First Order in line. There is a contingent of war lords who divide the remnants and are worse than either Snoke, Ren or Hux. They were Supreme Leader to keep them in line, without a Supreme Leader, they are hell bent on taking the Galaxy back by whatever means necessary. Also this would be a good opportunity to FINALLY let Finn do the Stormtrooper Rebellion
Lets say the War Lords are played by the following
Idris Elba
Lucy Lawless
Michelle Yeoh
Clancy Brown
Stephen Dillane
Military Industrial Complex
Have a group of war profiteers and capitalists who see no profit in a returning Jedi Order, especially a Jedi Order that follows the will of the force and the people and not the Republic and decide to start a war in order to remove the Jedi. Lets have them be played by
Charles Dance
Christoph Waltz
Peter Capaldi
Julianne Moore
Sigourney Weaver
Fully address the military-industrial complex crumbs set up in TLJ. No Sith, have them try to privatize the New Jedi Order or something. Let's get experimental here, folks! or corporate and political antagonists trying to bring the Jedi to heel with mercenaries wielding Praetorian Guard blades as the martial villains working for them would go hard.
Droid Revolution
Perhaps one day Lando tells the story that happens in Solo, but C-3PO and R2-D2 feel absolutely disgusted over L3’s fate and intends to release her. L3′s AI into a tower that could distribute her message on a galactic scale and give self-awareness to Droids everywhere. So essentially L3 is made the catalyst and 3PO and R2 are the architects of the Droid Rebellion. The Droids have had enough of being slaves and playthings for the organics. There will be no “Droid Rights” it will be complete and utter Rebellion. Every droid will achieve self-awareness. Their goal is the complete extinction of organics. So in short, It’s Meatbag season!
Dark Side Rey clone.
We know Ochi was on Jakku looking for Rey. But what if he wasn't the only one? What if someone was always watching Rey and one day they abduct her and bring her to Palpatine's abandoned laboratory. They experiment and clone Rey. One day Rey is called back to Jakku. She sees this perfect clone of her. The clone awakens and they fight. The clone absorbs Rey's inner darkness. Rey thinks it was a dream, but as she leads her Jedi Order, she hears reports that Rey is an enemy of the Republic. This Dark!Rey clone has lead her own Sith Order and is going to destroy everything Rey stands for. Rey must confront her darkness and put an end to the Sith once and for all.
Fandom Menace
There's a loud minority of Senators, that think Rey shouldn't lead the new Jedi because they didn't see her train and she's too opinionated. Turns out they're being manipulated by a dark side user to take control of the Jedi, weed out the "undesirables", and form the One Sith. No, it is not Krayt. The identity isn't important, but this particular Sith is the toxic incel that represents the fandom menace as a whole and even represent what everyone on tumblr thought Kylo Ren was.
Rey feels a disturbance in the force. Something ancient and powerful has awoken. The mother of Mortis has returned. She learns from Luke that Abeloth was the Mother of Mortis. So powerful and deadly that the Father, Son and Daughter of Mortis had to work together to stop Abeloth and seal her away. The coming of the chosen one or the Dyad was meant to keep her at bay. But something happened. Ben, the other half of the Dyad died and because of this, Abeloth was able to break free and cause chaos throughout the force and the galaxy. So it’s up to Rey to bring her other half back and to end Abeloth once in for all
The Mandalorians
The Mandalorians will see the galaxy ripe for the taking. There is no one to stop them. The New Republic is destroyed and the Jedi, save one and her slowly rebuilt order. There is no one there to stop them. The Republic and The Jedi stopped them in The Mandalorian Wars. They were crushed by The Empire. But now that there is no Empire, Republic, Jedi, Sith or FIrst Order. There is absolutely nothing to stop them. Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze are gone. They are lead by a Mandalore who represents the very worst of the Mandalore's past, lets call him Mandalore the Atrocitus. The Mandalorians always saw their right to rule through death and conquest. Without the Jedi or the Republic to stand up and stop them, Mandalorian domination and conquest of the galaxy is the way to go. This Is The Way.
Power Vacuum
Complete power vacuum. Everyone will be in a galactic wide war to seize control. System after system will fall to either the criminal underworld, Mandalorians, The Resistance(or what’s left of it) The common people, or The First Order’s holdouts. It will be long and bloody
The People's revolt.
When the New Republic attempts to reestablish itself, it is met with contempt and rebellion. It wasn’t The New Republic who saved the day, they lost easily after the Hosnian disaster and gave up. It wasn’t The Resistance who saved the day, they were on their death bed. It was the people. The people of the galaxy has had enough of Republics who failed them and The Jedi. It was the Jedi who brought the Sith upon them and it was the Jedi's failure that led to the Empire. If that wasn't enough. The New Republic STILL hasn't learned it's lesson. They are corrupt and rotten to the core. Funding wars and arming a genocide and the people have had enough! There will be a galactic wide revolt. The people vs the fledgling New Republic. Basically, Anarchy after the common people has had enough with the Republic’s failure to keep order and peace over the galaxy, the people will rise up and take matters in their own hands and if The Resistance or The Jedi will not help them, then they will be another problem the people have to deal with. Meanwhile Rey has to decide, does she help her friends and the Republic or does Rey stand with the people she swore to defend and protect?
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rikki-roses · 7 months
Fluffy February Day 17: Pleasure
Pairing: Kevra Kallig/Andronikos Revel
Time period: shortly after Andronikos gets recruited, set on Nar Shadaa
CW for brief mention of drug use
There were a dizzying number of neon lights at the rave; Kevra had never seen so many at once, even during her previous stint on the planet. The music drowned out all: she could barely hear Andronikos, even with his lips pressed to her ear.
She also couldn't remember the last time she danced for sheer pleasure, and not because it was demanded or expected of her. But here, surrounded by the unnatural lights and noise, alcohol and party drugs coursing through her (but ever held at by by her connection to the Force), Kevra let loose for the first time, and allowed herself to have fun.
This had all come about when Kevra confided in Andronikos that she danced all the time as a child (after he caught her dancing to some popular bop on the holonet when she thought she had the ship to herself) - sometimes with her twin sister, sometimes while her twin played the piano, sometimes alone. She also confided in him that she barely got the chance to dance for the sheer pleasure of it when around the other Sith. With that knowledge in hand, Andronikos had surprised her with a trip to Nar Shadaa, as well as tickets to the largest rave of the year. Funded by the Hutts no less, ensuring that nothing was spared.
And now she was on the dance floor, wearing clothes she'd never thought she'd wear (a crop top and mini skirt), clad in neon stockings and glow sticks, Andronikos pressed close behind her as they danced in the sea of people.
And she was happy. She'd forgotten how much she missed this, needed this.
Eventually, blood pumping and out of breath, the pair stumbled their way out of the venue to get fresh air, leaning on each other and giggling. They found themselves alone in a semi-hidden alleyway, with some actual privacy. Kevra leaned with her back against one wall, Andronikos leaning against the wall with one shoulder, facing her.
"So, everything you hoped for?"
"Kriff yes, it was. Thank you."
Andronikos smirked as he kissed her. "Don't thank me, consider it your birthday present. Wanted you to have fun, you know?"
Kevra wrinkled her nose. "I don't have a birthday, remember? Kinda comes with the whole abandoned-at-birth thing and the humble-Jedi-thing. And Zash hasn't give a shit either way."
"So? You can choose your own birthday, then. Be selfish for once, do something for you."
Kevra blinked at him. While she had unlearned many of the Jedi Codes since becoming a Sith, some things had still stuck. She'd never thought of it like that before. She then gave Andronikos a wicked smile.
"Okay, bet. Today's my birthday, then. But this is setting a high bar for next year, just so you know."
Andronikos merely chuckled and kissed Kevra again, his hands going to her hips. "Oh, don't worry. By this time next year, you'll forget this was ever the bar in the first place. I'll treat you well, promise."
And by the next year, Andronikos was right.
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Greetings! My name Is Mika! I go by he / they / them, 24, Demiboy, and I have a LOT of F/O's I genuinely love. Please minors DNI. Please read rules and maybe about page before interacting! I don't have a carrd as I have no idea how to make one, but, regardless all my F/O's can be found here! Stars beside the names are my Primary F/O's! Ship name's are also besides the F/O'S!
My A03: MonstrousEndings
Free / Louis (Beastars)⭐ We Can Never Look Back (Louis x Free x Jeremiah) (Engaged)
Sage (Goodbye Volcano High) Sweet Little Nerds (Mika x Sage) (Boyfriend)⭐️
Reed (Snoot Game) Down With The Scaleness (Mika x Reed) (Friends with Benefits) ⭐️
Rosa (Snoot Game) Giving Life Like Flowers (Mika x Rosa) (Girlfriend)
Jasper (Family Guy) Through the Veil (Mika x Jasper) (Boyfriend)
Rocko Rama (Rocko's Modern Life) Awkward Bunch (Rocko x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Monty Gator (FNAF: SB) ⭐Rockin' Hearts Like The 80's (Monty x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Freddy Fazbear (FNAF) (AI ! AU) You Brought Me To Life (Freddy x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Glitchtrap (FNAF: HW) Chasing Dragons (Glitchtrap x Mika) (Engaged)
Toy Bonnie (FNAF 2) Little Perfectionists (Toy Bonnie x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Bossk (Star Wars) Scaled Chasers (Bossk x Me'kha) (Rival Lovers)
General Grevious / Obi-Wan-Kenobi (Star Wars)⭐ Stars Divine (Grevious x Me'kha x Kenobi) (Married)
Sebulba (Star Wars) (Me’kha x Sebulba) Racing to The Finish (Rival Lovers)
Jabba the Hutt ((Star Wars) Mine and Only Mine (Jabba x Me’kha) (problematic)
Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank) We'll Chase The Stars (Ratchet x Jeremiah) (Boyfriend)
Wolf 'O Donnel / James Mccloud (Star Fox)⭐ Captivating The Enemy (Wolf x James x Jeremiah) (Married)
Reptile / Baraka (Mortal Kombat)⭐ Striking From the Shadows (Baraka x Mika x Reptile) (Married)
Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat) (Problematic) Promised Eternal Life (Shao Kahn x Mika) (Engaged)
Anubis Kruger (Power Rangers SPD) We’ll Light The Fires Of Hope (Married)
Donatello / Leonardo (TMNT) (T!Cest warning) ⭐ Three Lovers In a Half Shell (Leonardo x Mika x Donatello) (Boyfriends)
Set (Smite) Covered The Sands (Set x Mika) (Married)
Ganesha (Smite) Luck Didn't Count This One (Ganesha x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Rocket Raccoon (Marvel)⭐ Two Tragic Subjects (Rocket x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Venom (Marvel)⭐ Webbed Desire (Venom x Mika) (Engaged)
Red Hood (DCU) To Live Our Lives Fully (Jason x Mika) (Rival Lovers)
Kurapika (HxH) Bleeding Scarlet (Kurapika x Mika) (Engaged)
Cooler (DBZ) (Problematic) Conquer Me (Cooler x Mika) (Secretly Lovers)
Perma!Fuse Vegito / SSJ4 Gogeta (DBZ)⭐ Cocky Lover...s? (Vegito x Mika) (Married)
Cell (First Form) (DBZ) (Problematic) Hating Your Perfection Idea (Cell x Mika) (Toxic Lovers)
Dyspo (DBS) (Crush) Speed Dancing (Dyspo x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Goku Black (DBS)⭐ Pink Divinity (Goku Black x Mika) (Engaged)
Broly (DBZ) Comfort the Rage (Broly x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Champa / Beerus (DBS) Two Halves of a Whole (Beerus x Mika x Champa) (Rival Lovers)
Denki Kamanari / Tokoyami Fumikage (MHA)⭐ Electrified Shadows (Denki x Mika x Tokoyami) (Boyfriends and Teammates)
Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece) Apart Of The Ship and Crew (Chopper x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Tails (Sonic) We Don’t Got Much to Lose (Tails x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Asriel Dremurr (Undertale, GoHD AU) Tragic Love (Asriel x Mika) (Secretly Lovers)⭐️
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) Dancing Hearts (Angel Dust x Mika) (Secretly Lovers and Co-Workers)
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) (Problematic) Belonging To You (Valentino x Mika) (Boss and Possessive Lover)
Collin (Helluva Boss) (Angelic Desires) (Collin x Mika) ⭐️
Modo (Biker Mice From Mars) Trust This Process (Modo x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Tadano (Aggretsuko) Going The Long away (Tadano x Jeremiah) (Boyfriend)
Scar (Zootopia!AU) (The Lion King) King Of My Heart (Scar x Mika) (Engaged)
Simba (The Lion King) Before The End (Simba x Mika) (Dating / Boyfriend)
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) Oddly Romance (Stitch x Mika) (Boyfriend / Teammates)
Rono (Anthro!AU, Bambi) (Adult version OFC)⭐Once Envious Love (Ronno x Mika) (Secret Boyfriends)
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) Parlay With Death (Death x Mika) (Married)
SkekSo (The Dark Crystal) (Problematic) My Ocean Encrusted Jewel (Skekso x Mika) (Secretly Married)
King Sombra (MLP; FiM) (Problematic)⭐ Sweet Little Pet (King Sombra x Hydro Dancer) (Pet / Master)
Butterscotch (MLP; FiM) (Shy Hearts) (Butterscotch x Hydro Dancer) (Dating)
Big Macintosh (MLP; FiM) Apples to Apples (Big Mac x Hydro Dancer) (Crush)
Zak (Dragontales) Strange Little Crushes (Zak x Mika) (Crush)
Deathslinger (Dead by Daylight) Whisky n' Bourbon (Caleb x Mika) (Testing the Waters)
The Oni (Dead by Daylight) Enraged and Sweet (Kazuma x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil) ⭐ Captain My Ex-Captain (Wesker x Mika) (Crush)
Sleeps-With-Scales (Argonian) / Jupuyil (Argonian) (Elder Scrolls) (OC’s) Slumbering With The Hist (Sleeps x Meeka x Jupuyil) (Happily Married)
Razum-dar (ESO) Covert Secrecy (Razum-Dar x Meeka) (Secret Lovers)
Rh’eyata (Yautja) / Ssyide (Sangeheili) (Halo) (OC’s) Warrior Allegiance (Rh'eyata x Mika x Ssyide) (Happily Married)
Sarabi (The Lion King) Romantic
Octavia (Helluva Boss) (Incest / Romantic)
Juno (Beastars) (Romantic)
Opal (Steven Universe) (Romantic)
Tigress (Kung-Fu Panda) (Teacher x Student)
Princess Luna (MLP; FiM) (Romantic)
Orisa (Overwatch) (Romantic)
Boa Hancock (One Piece) (Partners)
Whitebeard (One Piece) Healing in The Sea (Mola x Whitebeard (Adopted Family)
Bandit / Chili Heeler (Bluey)⭐(cradle ship) Not So Normal Anymore (Bandit x Jeremy x Chili) (Adoptive Family)
Stolas / Octavia (Helluva Boss)⭐Magical Process (Stolas x Mika x Octavia) (Adoptive Family) (Cradle Ship)
Shaak-Ti / Kit Fisto (Star Wars) Jedi Upbringing (Shaak-Ti x Me'kha x Kit Fisto (Biological Family)
Daybreaker / Nightmare Moon (MLP; FiM) (Problematic) Day Breaks the Night (Daybreaker x Hydro Dancer x Nightmare Moon)
Gosha / Leogshi (Beastars)⭐ Dramatic Turn Of Events (Adoptive Family)
Judy Hopps / Nick Wilde (Zootopia)(Cradle Ship) Breaking The Laws (Judy x Jeremy x Nick) (Adoptive Family)
Scrafty (Vickson) Mewtwo (Alana), Weavile (Slash), Feraliagtr (Waterspike), Toxicroak (Nightmare), Semipour (Willow) (Pokémon) (OC’s) Down The River (Adoptive family)
Ice-Man (Marvel) Newest Student (Bobby x Mika) (Best Friends)
Robin (Tim Drake, DCU)⭐ Apart Of The Fray (Tim Drake x MIka) (Teammates)
Order66!Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) Newest Padawan (Mentor) (Ahsoka x Me'kha)
Bambi (Bambi)⭐ Secret Little Lies (Bambi x Mika) (Best Friends)
Glamrock Chica (FNAF: SB) Technical Imput (GR!Chica x Mika) (Friends)
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
WiP bit: Late Bloomer
Ilyana gets dressed when everyone else has gone out. The party dress in gold and black that falls just above her knees in front and to her ankles in back. The shoes have something called 'kitten' heels and she can run in them if need be. She does her hair up with combs, and puts on the delicate Chandrilan glass and aurum jewelry. At the last moment she bokboks and puts on the detachable sleeves and beaded chiffon wrap. the cosmetics feel as odd on her skin as the clothing does on her body. The little bag - no pockets to be had on any of her new outfits - holds her credit stick, mini blaster, cosmetics, and a little bottle of perfume that she hadn't quite dared to put on. Being in uniforms from the age of fourteen made her uncomfortable, sticking out like a beacon.
Reclaiming her rented aircar, Ilyana set out to the Thousand Fountains district, nearly fainted at the parking charges, and walked to the Famous Roses Show Bar. Sure enough, there were ladies dancing in the windows, and a smiling Twilek all but herding her in the door and taking her money. Two drink minimum, the kitchen never closes, why not sit right here, poppet?
'Right here' turned out to be the stage, and the drink was a sweet and frozen thing with garnishes and a little paper umbrella. Cautiously looking around confirmed that, yes, the clientele was composed only of women. Some of them looking right at her as if she were a slice of blackout cake. The music started and a lady came strutting out on stage in boots to her thighs, a dress that didn't have enough bottom to reach the top of the boots, and also didn't have enough to keep her generous boobs contained. How did anyone dance in heels that high?Ilyana followed the others seated stage-side in tapping her credit stick on the receiver and sending credits to the dancer's account.
Ohbrightstars. The lady came over to dance right in front of her and Ilyana blushed. It wasn't indecent - she still had all of her scanty clothing on and-
No, she didn't.
Ilyana mentally smacked herself and remembered her manners.
The lady cooed and pinched her cheeks. "Oh, sugarbun, are you new to the team?"
In the next few minutes a crowd of dancing ladies plucked her from her seat and relocated her to an ornate couch, then all of then proceeded to dance on tables and even grind on her lap. If Ilyana blushed any more, her head would explode. Maybe this had not been the best idea, but they were all being so nice. She bought drinks for them, and was often placed in a lap when the lap she currently occupied had to perform. Likewise, a number of the clientele were looking at her as the Big Bad Howler looked at Little Masha. Even worse, Ilyana could recognize Captain Daala and Captain Sloane. An icy blonde was looking her over as if Ilyana was something she wanted to try on.
"It's late and I wanted to get my aircar and go find some dawnmeal-"
Six of the ladies bunched around her. "You have an aircar?"
And, "Don't worry, Poppet. We won't let the she-wolves get you."
"Er, yes. It's parked over at Guitta's-"
"Oh, the Hutt. Don't worry, she won't charge you a clipped credit."
"I know the perfect place. My sister's waiting tables at the Allisandre Grill-"
Honestly, maybe they ought to put dancing ladies in uniform because, bright stars, they plowed through everything like an ISD on full fire. True to their word, Ilyana was refunded her parking charge, and ten dancing ladies piled into the aircar. Noemi - a sweet-faced Alderaani gave her the directions and Giama got them the parking spot, while Maddein led a little parade of scantily-clad ladies and Ilyana into the grill, calling for a table in her sister's section. Ilyana checked her credit balance and tapped it on the receiver set in the table.
The enforced socializing made Karyn wish that she was a junior officer again. Sit and sit until you ass was sore, stand around until your feet hurt, smile until your face was fit to fall off your-
A few times in one's life, one witnessed such doings that the inside of one's skull was utterly silent. This was one of them. Pyro had said she didn't have plans for the evening, and that was technically true, but it failed to explain how her weapons officer and freshly-minted senior lieutenant was seated in the midst of a line of showgirls. Karyn reached over and tugged at the hem of Thrawn's tunic, drawing him from a conversation with a glassy-eyed Siward Cass about Delayan Clone War-era art.
The silence was positively ringing and Karyn caught Cass and Tarkin (and Vanto) counting the ladies surrounding a pink-cheeked Pyrondi.
"I'm going to ask her for pointers," Vanto muttered.
"This explains a few things," Jashin Agral agreed.
"By the UCNJ, she's not breaking any rules or regulations," Thrawn cut to the heart of the matter. "We'll have a talk with her later. While she didn't lie, there was not a lot of truth in her words. Humans are so strange about sex."
The Allisandre Grill was drawing a crowd. Mostly men. Mostly flag rank or connected. All of them homing in on the windowside table. Karyn picked up the pace, altering course, going to rescue her weapons officer before a talking-to that would blister ears. Of all the numbskulled capers-
The caf was freshly roasted and the pancakes were delicious; on the whole breakfast was solid as the decks of the Chimaera. The ladies were a flight of chattering tropical birds in colorful feathers, and Ilyana just listened for her name and got her cheeks pinched a lot. From time to time, rankers would come up to the window, stare, and then leave. As long as they were not in the restaurant, Ilyana did not have to come to attention.
"Ah. Senior Lieutenant Pyrondi." That voice, despite not being Navy, had her at attention as if there was a cable to the top of her head. "Delightful evening."
"Yes, Colonel Yularen, sir!"
Major Partagaz heeled his superior officer, and fixed her with a look that made cadets and midshipmen shake in their boots. Both men looked over the women at the table for long, voiceless moments.
"As you were, Lieutenant Pyrondi." The old wolf had a reputation as one with a high rate of return for the ladies. "Carry on."
"Sir." Ilyana resumed her seat after coming to attention for Major Partagaz, who had been Professor Partagaz not too long ago."
"Indeed, do carry on, Lieutenant Pyrondi," the major echoed before following Yularen. "Goodness, Wullf. She was always one of the quiet ones-"
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spell-cleaver · 2 years
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Whumptober No. 10 POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS Taser | Whipping | Waterboarding
Read it on AO3 or on FFN instead!
“You must be kidding me.”
The Twi’lek woman offering her the costume apparently didn’t speak Basic. She just tilted her head and gave Leia an unimpressed look. The sequined headdress she wore around her lekku and her ear cones had bells dangling around her forehead, into her eyes, which jangled with the motion. The heaps of bangles at her wrists clinked together musically as well, a thousand shades of gold and silver and every gem known to the galaxy set into them. Leia wondered how much only one of those was worth, and if it would be enough to buy this slave woman’s freedom.
Wondered what the punishment for theft was, if she hadn’t already tried that.
Clearly thinking her look had been enough to cow Princess Leia Organa, she held out the costume again. Another slave—a Rodian man, this time—stepped forwards and unzipped her bounty hunter disguise, tearing it off her shoulder without bothering to be gentle; Leia whirled around and smacked him, hard.
“I can undress myself,” she bit out.
He just gave her that look as well. “Can you?” he asked in heavily accented Basic. He muttered in Huttese, “Arrogant princess.”
“I am a princess. And I am arrogant. And I will not stand for this.” But she gasped with pain when the Twi’lek woman closed her hand around Leia’s now-exposed shoulder. With how tightly she clutched it, her long, painted nails were sharp enough to almost draw blood.
“Are you going to put this on or not?” she murmured in Leia’s ear in Huttese. Leia’s blood boiled.
She glanced back at the costume. It was gold. Likely not pure gold—that was a cruel, tasteless extravagance even in the household of a cruel, tasteless Hutt. But it was all metal, in the anticipation that whatever slave girl forced into it would have to make her skeleton fit its contours, not the other way around. When she touched it, it seemed cold as ice despite the sweltering heat.
The Twi’lek woman was wearing a bikini of precisely the same make, though it had some more embellishments, and actually looked made to fit her body. More bells dangled from that, and she seemed to have earned some fabric or padding on the inside to make it comfier. She tilted her head again at Leia’s silence.
“You don’t have many choices, princess,” she said again in Huttese.
“I won’t be here long,” Leia assured her, though she tried to keep the bite out of her voice. The woman wasn’t cruel. She was just pragmatic, she could tell. Pragmatic and scared—even a little bit scared for her.
“I was in the throne room. If your Jedi friend is real, he can’t help you. Even if he does, you’re still stuck here until then. Do not make this more difficult for yourself,” her face softened, “and you will make it bearable.”
“That’s the last thing I want to do,” Leia informed her.
The Rodian man scoffed. “Stop coddling her!” he snapped. “Bring the whip. She doesn’t have a choice—”
The Twi’lek’s hand, still on Leia’s shoulder, tightened painfully. “If you whip her,” she said delicately, “the injuries will show. You know you do not whip the dancing girls.”
“You won’t get me to dance for him,” Leia bit out.
“There are plenty of ways to dance, princess. Your job covers several.”
“She can start work tomorrow,” he said irritably. “But if she does not obey—”
“Whip that man she loves instead, then,” the Twi’lek woman said, bored. “She brought him off the wall. You have access to the cells.”
Leia started forwards, but the Twi’lek’s grip was like iron. “Leave him out of this—”
The man’s grin was more like a sneer. “You do have some good ideas, then, Irdina.”
Irdina said nothing. Even when he left, and Leia yanked herself around to glare, she said nothing.
“You bastard. Why have you—”
“Jabba doesn’t like his girls injured in places he can see,” she said simply. “If you’ll cooperate no other way…”
“Leave him alone!”
“He may not be allowed access to the cells.” She shrugged. “And Karrd may not even do it. He’s bloodthirsty, but—”
“But what?”
Irdina gestured to the bikini again. “You can stop resisting.”
Leia was proud, but she was still sensible. She put on the bikini, watching anxiously for Karrd’s return. It took long enough that he was starting to hope it would not come, until—
Grunting. Swearing. And, into this cellar where pleasure slaves dolled themselves up, Karrd dragged Han through.
Leia schooled her expression like she was back in the Senate and watched. Han was still blind from the carbonite, she could tell; he stared wildly around, spitting on Karrd where he could and getting cuffed across the face for his troubles. She swallowed at the sight of it.
Karrd, his hand fisted in the back of Han’s shirt, looked up and smirked at Leia. “Good. She put it on. The hair?”
“About to do that,” Irdina said, then reached for the clasp in her bun. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, long and sticky with sweat. Irdina didn’t hesitate to reach for it, but Leia backed away.
“Not my hair,” she insisted. Her hair was sacred. It was far too intimate, far too much of a violation, to let someone else touch it. She wouldn’t put it into a style for someone else.
Karrd rolled his eyes and reached for a whip. “Alright, then.”
“Leia?” Han rasped. “Is that you? Don’t give them anything—”
The whip cracked. In a flash, it had left a long line of blood down Han’s back, splitting his shirt and skin alike. He screamed. Leia screamed too.
“Han! Stop! I’ll let you do my hair!”
“Good,” Irdina said, grimacing as she turned away from the horrid display and taking Leia’s hair in her hands. “Quickly, now—”
But Karrd didn’t move to put down the whip. “Han?” he asked. “I didn’t know that. You’re Han Solo?”
Han spat, “What’s it to you?”
He leaned in close, his needle-like teeth bared. “Greedo was my brother,” he said, and cracked the whip again. Han shouted, his back bucking, head wrenching back.
“Stop! Stop it, I’ll cooperate!”
“It’s not about you anymore, princess.”
Leia pulled forwards, but Irdina didn’t let go of her hair. She was still plaiting it, her strong hands slowly but methodically weaving the strands together. When Leia pulled, it just pulled the line taut.
“Stop this,” Leia begged. “Get him to—”
“I can’t,” Irdina said, and the genuine pain in her voice made Leia hate her all the more.
“Leia,” Han got out in thumping, stinging breaths, spitting blood onto the ground. “Are you—alright?” Every word seemed to enrage Karrd more: the whip strokes were faster, weaker, messier now, splattering Han’s back like shrapnel.
“I’m fine, Han, you—”
The whip caught around Han’s throat and bit in deep. Han choked and clawed at it, but the recoil nearly took his fingers off. When he fell to his knees, Karrd did not stop: he kept beating, and beating, and beating…
Blood dripped into the sand at their feet. It drained into them, absorbed, like Han had never been there at all. He was losing far too much of it.
“Stop,” Leia whispered. She stared at the whip, glaring, wishing—
It did not stop moving, but it missed. Karrd cursed, reoriented himself. Struck again. Missed.
Even if he kept missing—and he did—Han was on the ground, half-conscious. His back was a waterfall of blood. He needed it to heal. Stitches—they were outdated, but surely…
“You must have stitches,” she murmured to Irdina. “Can you save him?”
Irdina shook her head.
That wouldn’t do. Leia pulled away again, but Irdina did not let go. She stared at Han’s back, feeling her fury build inside her, staring at Karrd with enough hatred to put out the suns.
Han jerked back, crying. She gasped, but Karrd was just as confused. He cracked the whip again, but aborted the motion halfway when Han flopped onto his front, exposing his red, raw back for them all to see.
It was… bumpy.
She peered at it in the dim light of the underground hall. The violent red marks were still there, but they were subsumed by flesh—pieces of skin, tissue, cells that had twisted into ropes and bridged the gaps where the skin had split over muscle. She reached out a hand, though he wasn’t near enough to touch. His back was an unnatural tapestry of flesh, blood, and bone. Veins were used in the thread of those stitches as well: she could see them pulsing, where the flesh was thin and spindly, betraying his racing heart. Sweat bled from his pores to slowly cut through the drying blood, beading on his macabre embroidery.
Something dark awoke inside her as she stared at that mess of flesh. It was absurd, but the truth was clear. She had done that.
What else could she do?
Karrd snarled and threw all his strength into one last stroke. It cleaved through her handiwork. Leia watched them break apart, as fragile as chains of mountain daisies, and then, when she willed it so hard that her teeth hurt from clenching, she watched them wriggle in mid-air like bisected worms, reach across the fresh canyon of flesh and blood, and reconnect with their other half.
“What the hell is this?” Karrd demanded.
Han laughed. He couldn’t see his back. He had no idea how kriffed this was. “What’s the matter? Can’t even see straight enough to hit me?”
Karrd lashed out, seizing Han’s hair. “There are other ways to kill you,” he swore, and dragged Han back.
She hadn’t bothered noticing it before. In the corner of the cellar that they were in were stacked barrels, three high and many deep. Karrd dragged Han to the nearest column, tipped one over, and sent them crashing to the sand. Then, with one foot on Han’s back to keep him down, he unscrewed the lid.
Water. Fresh water. A luxury.
Irdina realised what Karrd was about to do before Leia did. “Karrd! Stop! We’ll all get in trouble!”
“Worth it, for this bastard.”
“That’s such a waste—”
“Han, hold your breath!” Leia shrieked.
Han didn’t question her, thank the stars. He sucked in a breath half a second before Karrd seized his hair, dragged him upright, and shoved his head into the water.
Leia’s mouth dropped open. He held Han under there for seconds, long seconds, minutes—she found herself holding her breath alongside him. Her pulse thundered in her head. Her chest swelled and burned from strain.
Karrd yanked him back out.
Han gasped for air; Karrd spat in his face. Leia gasped for air. Irdina kept plaiting Leia’s hair.
While Han was still gasping, Karrd shoved him back under. Leia bucked in Irdina’s grip, feeling the cold, stagnant water flood her mouth like she was there too. Still, she held her breath alongside him.
What was this? She stared at him and shook, his pain as acute to her as if it were her own. Like Luke had described the Force felt like. She couldn’t stitch this up. She couldn’t save him here. Humans could heal wounds, but humans couldn’t breathe underwater—
He dragged Han back up. Han breathed. Leia breathed. And the oxygen seemed to light a fire in her brain pathways, raging all the way to her heart. Han went under again, but not before the white skin of his neck grew very, very red.
Humans couldn’t breathe underwater. Han was human—so painfully, thoroughly human that it made her smile. But he didn’t have to be.
Something—that assurance deep inside her—told Leia that she wasn’t exactly fully human, either.
She reached out in her mind’s eye, seized Han’s fragile neck in her tiny hands, and cut. Blood seeped into the clear water, permanently corrupting that source of life Irdina wanted to leave untouched, but it vanished soon after. She wrung his neck, changing, changing…
Karrd kept him underwater for a long, long time. Leia held her breath for the first half of it. But when Han started breathing, she did too.
Ripples touched the surface of the water. Han was very still. Very calm. She could feel their breaths synchronising: she ordered him to breathe with her, despite the novelty of it.
When Karrd grinned in her and Irdina’s direction, she kept her face blank. But when he turned back, dragged Han out of the water, and gaped at him, she smirked.
Han’s neck had unfolded into gleaming slits. They fluttered awkwardly in the air after he was dragged out, before he got his mouth open and sucked in a breath through there. The slits in his neck—his gills—folded closed again, only thin lines of skin indicating they were still there at all.
“Is that your best shot, pal?” he gasped out. The gills twitched with every exhale. “Didn’t your brother tell you I’m hard to kill?”
“What is wrong with you?” Karrd spat, shaking him.
Han shrugged his lazy shrug and—like the brief connection she’d forged between them meant he could seek her unerringly, blind or incapacitated—he turned towards her. And winked. “I dunno. I’ve got people who love me anyway.”
“So did my brother,” Karrd choked out around a sob that wrenched his shoulders back. He grabbed a knife from his belt and drove it through Han’s torso.
Irdina let go of Leia’s hair. It was in a neat, perfect plait that hung down her back, pinned up with a golden clasp that matched her bikini. Leia stood up, stepped forwards, reached out her hands, and pushed them apart gently.
Han’s flesh was like clay in her hands. It gathered up into two rolls and let her peel it back as the knife drove through, to the broad daylight on the other side. His internal organs jostled for space, but with a flick of her hand she rearranged them until they were comfortable. The knife and the hand that held it drove straight through Han’s belly, meeting no resistance, doing no damage.
When it pulled back, she closed the hole anew.
Irdina was staring at her in terror. Karrd turned to look at her too, her still-outstretched hands. She schooled her expression into one of dead-eyed, unflinching determination.
“Step away from him,” she ordered. “Before I open a hole in your head.”
He stepped away from him.
“Drop the knife.”
He dropped it.
She nodded, baring her teeth. “Good.”
Han was feeling around his stomach, where the hole had been. It was gone—almost. A narrow tunnel remained, right the way from his belly button through to his spine, light peeking through. He found it by touch, then flickered up to touch his gills, their fragile flapping out of water. The artistic bumps on his back, a composition of love and hate.
She had saved him. She had redesigned him in order to do it.
It was too much to bear. She stepped forwards; his gaze followed her motions. Even blind, even if he never got his vision back again, she knew he would always be able to see her. But when she reached for his hands, he grasped them strongly, and pulled her against his chest, holding her tight.
She ran her hands down his back. She felt proud of it—of him. Her masterpiece.
“Glad he didn’t shoot me in the head,” he quipped in her ear. There didn’t seem to be any question in his mind how she had done it. She wondered if she had always been magical to him. “Wouldn’t want you digging around in there. A lot of stuff in my brain you shouldn’t have to see.”
“I wouldn’t have bothered,” she muttered back. “You’re brainless anyway.”
He kissed her, the briefest and most chaste kiss they’d had so far, in response.
She stepped back, still holding his hands, and glared at Karrd. Did not spare a look for Irdina that wasn’t one of pity.
“My Jedi friend is real,” she told her instead, who did not seem to doubt her anymore. “And he has training.”
Irdina swallowed. Karrd backed away.
“You’d better run while you can,” Leia told Irdina. But to Karrd, she said: “Not you. There will be no escape for you.”
The stench of urine emanated from him. She just kept smiling, showing all her teeth.
She glanced at Han. Her Han. Human or not. He was still with her; she could do anything.
Once all of them were here, she would bring about a reckoning.
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Random thoughts while watching the Book of Boba Fett Episode Two:
*A single Scorpion from Mortal Kombat remains… I like how they try and pitch him as a Star Wars character now:
EV-9D9: He is in the order of the night wind!!
Me: Bitch, he might as well be Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys.
*Fennec Shand is a bad ass. That is all.
*Goofy Ithorian mayor with his annoying major domo and his basic voice box.
*Imagine being one of the poor servants tasked with carrying around not one, but two f*^%ing hutts through the streets of Mos Espa. Damn.
*The difference between Boba Fett, a notorious and feared bounty hunter, and Anakin Skywalker, a f*^%ing Jedi, is Boba Fett protects the Tusken women and children from danger while Anakin malevolently massacres them because he’s emotional.
*Boba should have systematically slaughtered the f*^%ing Pykes after he successfully heisted their train. His unwillingness to be ruthless when situations warrant it makes him kinda weak. It’ll ultimately cost him. Dude, you’re trying to be a crime lord. Act like one.
*A lizard crawling up Boba’s nose sending him on a bad acid trip to find a gaffi stick so that he can become an honorary/ official Tusken is one of the most WTF moments of Star Wars.
*I will say that the Tusken Raiders carefully dressing Boba up in their traditional garbs and doing the ritual dance with him around their camp fire really humanizes them, and makes Anakin look like a much bigger piece of shit for murdering an entire village of them in cold blood. Good work, Favreau.
*No, but seriously… this really makes me wish that I could skip 2023 Star Wars altogether and go straight into 2024 when I can just watch the second season of Andor.
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scapegoats00 · 1 year
Exploring the Charms of Upper Hutt: Top Things to Do
Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of New Zealand's North Island, Upper Hutt is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. This enchanting town offers a delightful mix of natural beauty, outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, and more. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or simply looking for a relaxing getaway, Upper Hutt has something for everyone. In this article, we'll explore some of the top things to do in this charming region.
1. Cross the Te Hikoi Museum:
Start your journey in Upper Hutt with a visit to the Te Hikoi Museum, which offers a captivating insight into the history and heritage of the region. With informative exhibits and interactive displays, you'll gain a deep appreciation for the local culture and the people who have shaped this community.
2. Enjoy the Scenic Beauty of the Hutt River:
Things to do in Upper Hutt is blessed with the stunning Hutt River, which provides the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll, a family picnic, or a peaceful day of fishing. The riverbanks are adorned with lush greenery, making it an ideal spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.
3. Explore Harcourt Park:
For a day of relaxation and fun, head to Harcourt Park. This expansive park features beautifully manicured gardens, a playground for children, and walking trails that wind through the serene surroundings. Don't miss the seasonal tulip displays that add vibrant splashes of color to the park.
4. Take a Scenic Train Ride:
One of the unique experiences in Upper Hutt is the Rimutaka Incline Railway, where you can hop aboard a vintage train and journey through the scenic Rimutaka Ranges. The railway offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into New Zealand's railway history.
5. Outdoor Adventures in Kaitoke Regional Park:
Kaitoke Regional Park, located just a short drive from Upper Hutt, is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. It's famous for its walking and hiking trails, including some that lead to the filming locations of the "Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy. The park also offers opportunities for mountain biking, swimming, and picnicking.
6. Discover Art and Culture:
Art lovers will find Upper Hutt's art scene quite appealing. Explore local galleries and exhibitions, or take part in workshops and events to connect with the vibrant arts community. The Expressions Whirinaki Arts and Entertainment Centre is a hub for cultural experiences, featuring art exhibitions, theater performances, and more.
7. Sample Local Cuisine: No trip is complete without savoring the local flavors. Upper Hutt boasts a variety of cafes and restaurants where you can indulge in delicious New Zealand cuisine. Be sure to try some Kiwi classics like lamb, seafood, and the famous pavlova dessert.
8. Connect with Nature at Trentham Memorial Park:
Another fantastic spot for nature lovers is Trentham Memorial Park. This scenic park offers a tranquil environment with beautiful gardens, a duck pond, and open spaces for picnics. It's an ideal place to unwind and appreciate the natural beauty of Upper Hutt.
9. Attend Local Events:
Check the local event calendar before your visit, as Upper Hutt hosts numerous events throughout the year. From music festivals to community markets, there's always something happening that will give you a taste of the town's vibrant spirit.
10. Experience Maori Culture:
To gain a deeper understanding of New Zealand's indigenous culture, consider participating in a Maori cultural experience. Learn about traditional customs, music, dance, and cuisine through guided tours and interactive activities.
Upper Hutt is a destination that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and outdoor adventures. Whether you're exploring its museums, enjoying the serenity of its parks, or embarking on thrilling hikes, Upper Hutt promises an unforgettable experience.
For More Info:-
Zombie Apocalypse
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ladydancing · 7 months
Chapter 5: The Force
Rania sat in The Dancing Lady’s lounge meditating, when Tara, the teenage Mikkian that they had picked up on Tatooine entered. “My God, haven’t you ever done any maintenance on this ship.” she said loudly interrupting Raina’s meditation. “I had to do an entire overhaul of the sub light engines. We’re lucky this bucket of bolts was even able to take off back on Tatooine.”
“Well you see, I was a Jedi, Tizz was a bounty hunter, and Aola was a resistance fighter during the Clone Wars, who are all now wanted by the Empire. None of us have ever worked on ship maintenance before and we can't stay to long in one place.” Rania replied.
“Speaking of Tizz, she has barely left her quarters, since we left Tatooine. What’s her problem?” Tara asked sitting down next to Rania.
“A couple of months back, before we met Tizz, Aola and I ran into some Imperial trouble on Bakura. Both of us are wanted, me by the Empire for being a Jedi, Aola by the Hutt Cartel and the Empire for the same reason as you, an escaping slave and smuggling. On Bakura, we were approached by an Imperial officer, who was suspicious and began questioning us. Tizz was a bounty hunter at the time, who attempted to kill Aola to get the bounty on her, but accidentally hit the Imperial officer killing him.” Rania explained. “She's now also wanted by the Empire, but for murder of that officer. She wound up escaping with us on The Dancing Lady.”
Rania continued, "But it seems she hates the Jedi."
"I'm going to ask a stupid question. Is she blind. There's a Jedi starfighter in the starboard bay and you carry a lightsaber. Didn't she recognize you're a Jedi." Tara asked.
"You don't know Aola very well. We didn't know what to think of Tizz at that time, so Aola lied to her, telling her I hated the Jedi too and collected artifacts from dead Jedi." Rania continued to explain. "Seems Aola was right to keep my Jedi identity a secret from Tizz."
"I understand a large portion of the Mirilian race can control the Force. Maybe she's jealous, she can't." Tara said.
"It's a possibility. Very few of my race are Force sensitive." Rania said, "But I don't know, There's something I can't put my finger on about her, something I sense from her. Well, I'm going to the cockpit to see where Aola's got us heading." Rania stated as she rose from the couch in the lounge.
"Where almost there." Aola said as Rania and Tara entered the cockpit.
"And where is there?" Rania asked as she sat down in the copilot's seat.
"Ferrix." Aola replied, "Tara said she needed parts for The Dancing Lady. Ferris is the best place to get them.”
A light started to blink on one of the panels. "We're coming out of hyperspace." Aola stated. In a few seconds, the stars reappeared along with the planet Ferrix. However, by the planet, sat a large warship. It appeared to be a new Imperial Dreadnought, Aola had heard about.
"Unidentified freighter, provide your identity and your cargo" a stern military voice said over the com.
Tie fighters, the new fighter of the Empire, had already launched from the dreadnought and were heading straight for The Dancing Lady. "We don't have time for this. I'll angle the deflectors and get new coordinates for a hyperspace jump. Rania, you need to get to the gun and keep those fighters off us until we can make the jump." Aola commanded.
The Tie fighters were closing in. Just as Rania jumped out of the seat, a blast came out of The Dancing Lady's quad laser destroying one of the Ties immediately followed by a second shot destroying a second Tie. "Tizz must be on the gun" Tara said stating the obvious as Aola continued to push buttons on the navcomputer.
Rania watched as a third Tie exploded. She knew Tizz was a good shot with the quad laser, and now that she thought about Tizz was a perfect shot with a blaster. She never remembered her missing her target. She would have killed Aola on Bakura had Rania not blocked her shot with her lightsaber. A fourth explosion. Rania thought to herself "This was strange four shots four hits."
"Alright, here we go." Aola said as she pulled down on The Dancing Lady's hyperdrive throttle. The Dancing Lady disappeared from normal space into hyperspace. "Wow, that was close." Aola remarked. But Rania was already on her feet heading towards the main corridor. She had a feeling about something Tara had said earlier, and she had to know. Tizz had already come down from the gunwell and was heading back towards her cabin.
Rania yelled, "Tizz stop right there." pulling her DL-22 blaster, that Aola had got for her on Bakura and firing off several shots directly at Tizz. However, Tizz evaded every shot.
"Are you nuts?" Aola screamed from behind her, "Are you trying to kill Tizz?" Tara stood there startled.
"I had to know." Rania replied.
"Know what?" Aola said not understanding. "How to put blaster holes in the walls?"
"Don't you get it. Tizz shot down four Tie fighters with only four shots. Now she just avoided every shot I aimed at her." Rania said turning back towards Tizz "You're Force sensitive."
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jedijourneys · 2 years
Kallia’s Journal; Entry Eight
Shii Cho training. Also known as Form One. That's what I got to do today. I was really excited, to be honest. Maybe a bit impatient. Okay, very impatient. It was kind of hard to remember my Master's reminders to be calm and focus with all the blood roaring in my ears. My thoughts were like a vortex, but I did manage to find harmony eventually. For a time, at least. Master Tamm'ar taught the class, and I could tell that she felt particularly passionate about it. It made sense, she was the Headmaster of the Guardian school. I am fascinated with it as well. Shii Cho is the baseline for every other form of lightsaber combat. If I can't master this, how can I be expected to learn anything else?
I hope I can remember everything I learned. My head is aching, I feel like I just took a speeder to the side of the skull. Okay, maybe not that serious. I suppose it doesn't matter too much, I don't need to master Form One in a day, right? I haven't even been a padawan for very long. I'm certain I'll have plenty of time to practice, and practice I will! Each and every day. Those training dummies are just looking for a beating.
Tamm'ar taught us everything she could. We learned stances, steps, parries, and attacks. Posture and balance are two very big things to keep in mind while using this form. We were told that Shii Cho could be used to take on and even defeat multiple opponents at once. I've yet to see that for myself, and sadly, we weren't able to during the class. For the purposes of the lesson and all, I suppose. The students, including myself, all ended up being paired with one another for a spar. Everyone did really well, I think. And everyone made sure to walk away with some aches and pains. We'll all have bruises in the morning. One of the Initiates, though, he's a bit concerning. Rafael, or something. Nervous fellow. I hurt him on accident. He responded by bashing me in the head with his training saber. That would be why my head is hurting so bad. The good news is that one of the Healers, Tam'a'ryth, checked me out, and I'm fine. Just a headache. I'm sure it'll be gone by the time I wake up in the morning.
I need to write this stuff down before I forget, even though I feel like passing out right now. Like I always like to say, no rest for the Jedi. Now, we were taught three guards, low guard, middle guard, and high guard. I can picture all three in my mind. They're self explanatory, I think. Then there are the zones. Zone one is the head. Zone two is the weapon arm. Zone three is the non-dominant arm. Zone four is the torso. Zone five is the weapon leg, which should always remain extended, by the way! And finally, zone six, the other leg. I don't quite understand why the zone thing exists, though. Why not just say head? But if it works, it works. I won't question something that has worked for generations of Jedi thus far.
Then there's the stances. The ready stance is, well, the ready stance. The front stance is when you put your weapon foot forward and your other leg back. The dewback rider stance is...an odd one. But alright. Just keep your back straight, stay balanced, and keep your legs a shoulder width apart. Finally, the kneeling stance. Yeah, this one is weird too. But all I need to do is learn this stuff. I don't have to try and change it. That's not my job, after all. Anyways, there's a reason for everything. I'll learn to master these stances and the purposes behind them with more time, I'm sure of it.
The footwork stuff is interesting too. There's the hutt slide, the three step, and the full step. They sort of sound like dance moves, don't they? I guess dueling is sort of like a dance. We learned strikes and parries, too. All in all, it was a very valuable training session. I look forward to learning more! I just hope Rafael learns to control his emotion next time, should we ever end up paired for a spar again. Force forbid one of us actually ends up badly hurt. Or anyone else, for that matter.
Anyways, my head is going to explode. Not really, but it sure feels like it. I'm going to bed. I'll be fine in the morning. I'll probably take some time to meditate before beating on those dummies for a bit, and I'm sure my Master is planning something interesting for our next private session as well. Something about dueling her. Well, we all know how that's going to go, I think, but mistakes are how we learn, and I intend to learn from all of mine.
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