#. bless
zaycheese · 15 hours
"You look like you listen to will wood" is one of the more creative ways I've been called a faggot apon first meeting someone.
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angelfic · 6 months
annabeth and grover frantically submerging percy in water the way you’d put an iphone in a bowl of rice
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mini-minish · 4 months
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boy prince has to learn to do the dishes
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
Truly something how comforting the LOTR movies continue to be after 20 years and eighty million watches.
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asuddensway · 9 months
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BLESS Nº52 Present Continuous
100% Metal Gold
curved arrow to wear as an accessory over your shoulder
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pixlokita · 5 months
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Aight so infection au ? Saw some cool ones so wanted to try it too✨💕
Blob Greg version under the cut pffft-
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He be a blob otherwise it’s too sad, but I put the original concept with the other spooky designs 👌
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raggedy-spaceman · 2 years
Hob could have simply written the new address here but no, he decided to spray paint an arrow all the way from the old tavern to the New Inn just in case because it’s been 700 years, he knows how dense Morpheus is.
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And he literally named the new place The New Inn to be extra sure
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I love them
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collophora · 1 month
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More minibatch adventure I need a full show maybe too XD
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merelygifted · 1 month
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Atsuko Sato with Shiba Inu dog Kabosu at the Sakura Furusato riverside park, where a commemorative bronze statue was erected last year
Such Sad! Kabosu, Dog Who Inspired Doge Meme, Dies at 18
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laiostoudenn · 3 months
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Archmage Dekarios 🔮
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sabrocha · 1 year
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swagginmun · 1 year
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Lego fig fits never look good /j
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boxingcleverrr · 2 months
You're supposed to be able to do that on your owwwwwwn
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meoneru · 4 months
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Outis ponytail
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Omega Eddie always hates having to take his bedding and nesting material to the laundromat after his heats. It’s not just embarrassing, the looks he gets from the Alphas that are in there sometimes puts him on edge.
When Steve and Eddie start hanging out and Steve finds out about this, he of course offers for Eddie to bring the stuff over to his place and do it there.
But it’s not just good intentions, Steve really wants to smell the slick-soaked sheets as Eddie drags them to the laundry room, and see the pretty pink flush on his cheeks. And from time to time if Eddie has to leave his stuff in the wash and leave, and Steve goes to retrieve an item so he can bury his nose into it and jerk off… well, who’s the wiser?
Eddie kind of has an inkling, think. Not to the extent of what Steve’s doing… but, well, he gets the same look and smell of those Alphas at the laundromat. It’s Steve, though, so Eddie’s more than okay with it. He’s had a thing for Steve for a while. But he assumes it’s just an Alpha reaction to omega slick, not that Steve has a thing for him specifically.
Still, the idea of Steve getting horny because of Eddie is hot as shit. So maybe Eddie “accidentally” drops a pair of slick-soaked briefs for Steve to find here and there, or gets himself just worked up enough before visiting Steve for Steve to smell it on him.
It drives Steve absolutely crazy. He’s jerked off more since he’s met Eddie than in the rest of his life, probably. Soon, Steve starts coating shit in his scent for Eddie to put in his nest, because the idea is Eddie being surrounded by his scent while working himself through his heat gets Steve all worked up too.
Until eventually Steve starts leaving his clothes and stuff coated in his scent with Eddie even when Eddie’s not in heat. (Eddie absolutely uses them to get himself off sometimes). And Eddie returns the favour, leaving stuff over at Steve’s place too. Way more than just normal pack scenting on both their parts.
At some point, the party just start assuming they’ve gotten into a relationship because they smell like each other literally all the time. They don’t even realize until Robin congratulates them on their one-year, and they’re like… “oh” . Because yeah, they’ve been leaving their scent all over each other for a while, to the point where anyone smelling them would think “taken”.
So they finally get on the same page and then go to Eddie’s trailer and have the sloppiest anniversary sex. And then do it again the next day in Steve’s bed while Eddie’s sheets are in the wash.
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ao3commentoftheday · 1 year
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First, let's identify the comment as spam. Some things to look for:
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Here's a comment I've received. The username is a keysmash and I can tell they're a guest because the name doesn't link back to an AO3 user profile page. The comment is formatted more like an email, and it asks me to join a discord server. Also, the comment references that I'm writing for Marvel and while this is true, it's specifically Agents of SHIELD and not a crossover with other Marvel franchises so from the first sentence, I was already suspicious.
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