#-to no avail. Also school is kicking my ass my little to no energy I have is drained. I don't have anymore spoons to give :(
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caluupin · 10 months ago
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[WIP] - Thinking abt the dgs investigations crew lately djdnhedbehdh
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koreanpepamadrigal · 1 year ago
hi y'all! happy opening 🎉 as a housewarming gift, i (yun, 20+, s/h) bring what the cat dragged in: miss KYUNG SEOYOUNG, your friendly neighbour grad student ta who you see more than the actual professor.
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more under the cut, with both ims & discord available for plotting upon request! like this 4 plotting, and i'll come say hi! ♡
pre-sua: much like her parents, she stays unregistered. they're living a nice cushy life parading as humans, and they want the same for seoyoung. tell her to keep her mutation a secret, and she'll do fine.
and yk what, they're right! she's living the life! gets into her dream university after she graduates from high school, and even manages to date a nice guy!
and well…. attitudes towards mutants are changing. she lets him in on her little m-word secret, and everything's peachy keen- till she gets an internship and he doesn't.
that's when he lets slip to their school that she's a big bad. she's kicked out of the university, the government's on her ass, and it's on top of the news cycle for a week.
she spins it as best as she can; a dumb, silly girl who was of course getting around to registering when questioned by the relevant authorities--- it's not her fault she found out during finals season! there's interest in the case, and she capitalises off it in hopes the attention will mean lesser repercussions. she's just a girl who wanted to live a quiet normal life like everyone else, ok? :(
girlbossed, gaslit and gatekept (from university)
goes to show that dating men is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself
'lying is ok if it gets you what you want' - seoyoung, probably
anyway, sua opens its doors shortly after, and she gets back on track! she's more than happy to take the patch rash in exchange for a degree, thanks.
currently, she's pursuing a phd in one of sua's labs and regretting it... she's determined to stick it out, though, simply out of spite. her advisor may be the worst person to walk the face of the earth, but seoyoung's absolutely not giving her the satisfaction of quitting
for plotting's sake, i'll keep the classes she tas for pretty vague-- if they take a science class/lab, let's gaurrr. staff shortages also have her covering for unrelated classes, so it's really a toss-up re: whether she actually knows the content or not.
if u've read this far... send me a welcome msg w/ a science class ur muse would take and we can figure it out from there... i'll even throw in a funny seoyoung-esque email reply... ooo u wanna message me so bad 🌀🌀🌀
emails students back at 5am. uses emojis and thinks ‘😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❓❓❓❓❓’ constitutes a proper reply. has fucky signoffs- if you ask her a dumb question, expect a: Why?, Kyung Seoyoung
serious serious ‘Sent from my iPhone’ energy
please don’t talk to her, she has no self control and will talk to you for 4h instead of getting work done.
is also a ra at yellow hall. if it comes down to the resident vs her free housing? she's picking the housing every time. doesn't care that much, though. just don't fuck around during her rounds and she'll close an eye to whatever.
takes weather-related requests and charges an arm and leg for it. if you want your first date to be sunny, be prepared to cough up for it per hour.
always tired, but also always awake.
will never miss an offer to drink and bitch about her advisor, and is quite possibly landsliding towards alcoholism.
connection ideas: late 20s and up squad... / undergrads who love her as a ta / undergrads who hate her as a ta / yellow hall residents / someone who pissed her off and is now being rained on 24/7 / someone who really wants x weather but isn't willing to/can't cough up the $$ to make it happen... they WILL be bothering her for it tho!
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years ago
All This Hassle, and What For?
Pairing | Loki Laufeyson x reader
Summary | getting taken hostage, along with Loki, is far more amusing than ever intended to be, despite it leaving your captors anything but impressed.
Warnings | kidnapping, mentions of depression, swearing, implied smut, innuendos
Based off this tiktok. All original rights to the plot go back to the creator.
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Opening your aching eyes, you found yourself to be in a large room, there were plenty of feet stood at your eye level, and such a sight made you frown. You certainly didn’t remember being knocked out, but who would, the exposure to unconsciousness was most likely sudden.
But nevertheless, you raised your head, glaring up at those whom had captured you. As your eyes scoured the room, your eyes landed promptly on the god of mischief, who had his hands bound and shackled in chains, and by Odin, did he look good.
However, your attraction the man who once reigned terror down upon New York wasn’t the focus now, and so you licked your lips, and kicked the nearest guard in the leg. He stumbled, the noise loud enough to draw the attention of all others, and you were pleased to stifle a laugh. Loki frowned at your behaviour, knowing that this was not the way that you were trained to be an avenger, but it was clear that you were no longer on earth, so human pleasantries did not apply here.
“And by the gods, who in the galactic council’s name do you think you are?” The closest asked, wrapping his large hand through your hair, and tugging your face up to stare up at him, wanting you to be treated as the lesser being he thought you as.
“Actually, he’s the god.” Tilting your head, you diverted it towards Loki, who squinted feebly at your answer. “But I think you already knew that, since you have him rattled in metal. Just a word of advice, rumour has it that he likes to be restrained in such ways; really, you’re doing him a favour, and you may just earn yourself a big tip.”
You sent a wink up at the commander, watching with inward joy as he grimaced at your development within your speech. “Quite a nice sight, to see him so vulnerable and at someone’s mercy, so thank you general.”
Sending him a smile, he huffed, whilst Loki tried his darnedest to contain an amused grin. It wouldn’t be the first occasion that you had made suggestions regarding the new troop of the avengers; even when he was around causing mischief, (which he still tended to do), there were always words said that gained the god’s intrigue.
Tony at the time, and to this day, despite him being a part of the heroic team, which Thor was ‘inclined’ to drag him into, thought nothing more than disgust at your meaningful jokes. In his words, ‘you two may as well screw so we don’t have to listen to anymore of this dirty banter, you in regards to reindeer games’.
How you wished right now, preached silently even, that Tony could bare to listen again, so that he could send in the team whom could deal with these aliens that were keeping your imprisoned. But all communications were cut, and that just left you and Loki.
By no means did you doubt if Loki got the chance to escape, he would leave you. It was in his nature to do so, but if you could pose a lack of threat, they may loosen up on their efficiency in guarding you. After all, Loki was the one they wanted, not you. And then, both of you could get away from this galactic nonsense.
“Humans.” The general huffed, causing you to grimace as the stench of his breath wafted through the air, and hit your nose. “You all think that you are so special, but when it comes down to it, those who are not from your planet do not care. Loki here, this god, does not care about you little one. And he never will.”
“That’s okay with me, because I don’t care about him either. It’d called self preservation.” You informed your captor, noticing Loki staring across at you with an icy gaze. Who were you kidding? Of course you cared about the god, but right now, you would do anything to get out of this predicament.
“Aw would you look at that.” The feet moved back towards the main reward of their capture, staring down at the green eyed trickster with mocking eyes. “This woman has attitude just like yours, if either of you cared, I’d call it a match made in Asgard.” A laugh bellowed from the wide chest of the being, finding his own comedy quite humorous.
“Excuse me, I’m way out of his league!” You pretended to be offended, bringing your hands that were free of restraint to your chest. They thought not to tie you down as they did to him, after all, you were nothing but a midguardian. That was their mistake. “What’d you want with old horse shagger over there anyways? Don’t be alarmed, but he actually does some kind of good now, even if it be out of his own self interest.”
A heavy sigh fell on deaf ears, as the protector of space glanced unsurely between the pair of you. “He has the tesseract, and I wish to take it from his slippery hands, he cannot be trusted with such a powerful source of energy.” His words bellowed a laugh of absolute surprise from your mouth, earning a frown from those keeping you hear, and a cock of the head from the god of mischief.
It was clear that not only was he confused by your supple, yet somewhat pleasant burst of amusement, but he was also in the dark about what in the Hela this predominant being was speaking of. Yes, he had had the tesseract at one point , however, no longer was it in his untrustworthy grasp.
Thanos had taken ownership over it, after killing many of the people that he had saved from the events of Ragnarok. It was not just some energy source, it had been an infinity stone all along, tricking the eyes of elders and the young to believe that it was nothing more than a harbouring of power. But it had indeed been the space stone, and it was taken from him, in exchange for saving Thor’s life.
The Guardians of the Galaxy had found the pair of them upon the aftermath of the wreckage, taking them in, amongst plans of taking Thanos down. It had been a failure, up until the avengers went back in time, going to their past that would not affect their future, so that they could reverse the affects the Titan had brought upon earth and everywhere else.
During that time, Loki had nurtured his brother, watching as he fell apart with the responsibility of their people, and collapsed into a spiral of depression. You had also been there for Thor, doing your best to take the drink away from the bulky god, but to no avail did you manage to succeed. And so, during those tormenting five years, you and Loki would sit side by side, both basking silently in your failures.
“I thought you guys’d know everything, but I guess that you and your highness are stuck in one time line; all of them. But for us humans and every lesser being, there are multiple, and that Loki that stole the tesseract, yet I say again, is one much different. And we are on the search for him, to stop his disruption and crossing over of the times!” An exonerated, and audible exhale of air left you after your little speech.
Loki smirked, at the premise of you protecting him with the admission of the truth. But he couldn’t help but feel a feeling of warmth flutter within his immortal insides, it was rather a nice feeling he realised. “He is quite difficult to catch, we have been tracking him since the time heist went sideways.”
“That’s because he’s you!” You pointedly exclaimed, unable to pin some of the blame upon the god himself. Sure, in recent times he had changed, and was much different from back when he wanted all mortals to kneel before him (which you’d willingly do if it ever came to that, though you’d never tell him under which circumstances that would be), but at the end of the day, that had been him once!
The tricks and the lies still remained, but he had found a reason to thrive, and a long and enduring career that he was well at tackling. Often, he made out being an avenger, despite the government’s rouse of concern, to be a bore, and that he had far better things to do. But he stayed, with a light in his eyes, and continued following along with the heroic traditions, breaking a few rules here and there.
“Dear, why do you always have to put the blame upon me? I was not the one who decided to put that green dye within your shampoo, but I’ll have to admit, did you look so enrapturing.” He was running a ploy, dragging out the time that you spent bantering in hopes of something happening.
Unlike Heimdall, he did not have foresight, but it was a requirement whilst the pair of you were on your expediting mission, that you check in with the base, via the comms that had cracked under brutal feet. And so, he spoke, with the promise that you’d return the conversation and leave all others in the room confused with your meaningless discussion.
“I did, didn’t I?” You asked, to which he hummed in reply, lightly nodding his head, as his feline eyes ran up your body, paying ample attention to how your limbs were free, unlike his own. “But I’d say fine sir, that the blame is down to Clint, and if I’m correct, may we kick his ass as soon as we get back home?”
“Of course we can my beloved-“ you froze at his choice of words, and it appears that he did too, suddenly realising his mistake. Gulping for a second he went to speak again, but the commander felt much inclined to but in, and stop the headache that was bubbling in his large head.
“Shut up; the pair of you!” His scolding made you feel as though you were in school over again, it was impossible not to drop your head down and try to contain your laughter. Loki too found such enjoyment in this predicament, sporting a cheshire grin to emit his emotions.
“I’m sorry, can you say that again? Maybe a just a tad louder?” You pinched your thumb and forefinger together to show how much, and it was clear that you were pissing this primal being off. He began towards you, and you were prepared to fight him, you were never one to back down, which was one feature upon the various reasons that Fury had initially recruited you.
Awaiting the first strike, you stood despite the others around you, your eyes wide open as you bravely stared up at your opponent. But before the fight could begin, a distant crash assumed preference in your ears, causing you to turn your head in the direction it had came from. And then, all of a sudden, a ship crashed through the dock, guns blazing from its side.
“What are you waiting for?” The distinct voice of Rocket asked, and obediently you ran through the terror, finding Loki already upon the ship, but then, he appeared behind you also. “Quill, get ready to go!”
Taking glances, you stared between the two practically identical copies, a light frown on your face. Both were restrained, yet the one that was seated beside Groot, whom was playing a game on some nineties device, was glaring up at the pair of you.
“An avenger, really?” The seated one laughed, mocking his once future self, as you felt the ship steer clear away from the scene. Your Loki quirked his brow, smirking at his self that had avoided the wars that he had chosen to fight upon earth.
“Yes, an avenger.” He responded, causing his other to languidly scoff. An ‘I am groot’ came from the tree, and it was uncertain in your spoken languages of what he had said, but either way, you were more intrigued by the conversation that was happening between the Loki’s. “And I’ll have you know, that she is infinitely more brave than you, you cower-some fool.”
“Oh, so we’re going there?” You asked, causing the pair to snap out of their mutual rivalry, and stare haphazardly at you. “No, don’t mind me, feel free to continue.”
“We’re not going to be unable to unbind your until we reach earth.” Gamora cut in, speaking to the Loki that you knew to be the original.
“That’s fine.” He nodded humbly, before casting his attention back at his alternate reflection. “And this woman, is not only an avenger. She was there for your brother when you were not.”
“Aw.” The other Loki smirked, almost cruelly. “So she’s your beloved?” He remarked rudely, and it seemed to break something within Loki, him wishing not to listen to the other version of himself. He decided he did not like him, and understand how you must have felt upon your initial meeting.
“Yes.” You went to speak, but instead, Loki stood before you, powerlessly pulling your face to his own, and colliding his lips upon yours. On impulse, you ravenously replied with much affection, clasping his jaw and allowing him entrance into your mouth. It earned a disgusted groan out of the Loki that had caused all this hassle.
“I hate to interrupt...” Rocket returned, after putting his gun down and having gone to the front of the ship with Quill, so that he could contact Stark. “But these may get those off.” He held a pair of golden pliers, that were far larger than his body. At the sight , you pulled away from Loki’s face for a moment, raising a brow.
“It’s fine, I think I want to keep them on.” You smirked, earning another sound of disapproval from Loki’s identical rival, pulling him back to your face. Wildly, he hummed into the cavern of your mouth, as the pair of you stumbled around on the spaceship.
“Bedrooms are down the hall to the right.” Nebula informed you, her voice monotone, and in turn, you dragged the god towards said direction, finally releasing all the tension that had been pent up through the years.
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shadowonwater · 2 years ago
Pokemon Scarlet Playthrough, part the 5th: I beat up a fire breathing car, went to school, and beat up a streamer's pets
So I'm gonna try doing this one in shorter segments, see how it goes.
Right now I pretty much have only just defeated the 1st Star Base. I'm just exploring around at the moment, thinking about going to a nearby city that has a gym but I should talk to Nurse Joy first. I'm also thinking about going back to the school to try to figure out what those [blank] class is now available means.
So the first battle with the kid at the gate was mixed. He only had one Pokemon but he kept using roar whenever I had a Pokemon with a type advantage, which was annoying, but I do respect. Also I realized that I was like, just, at the correct level to be doing this. So I was getting a little worried about this might go.
The raid itself was easy, defeating 30 Pokemon in i-don't-remember-how-many-minutes was a breeze tbh. Two of the Pokemon I was using had a type advantage, and one (my Flamingo) was just kick ass in general and doesn't need a type advantage. I just ran around, let them out, and the Team Star members Pokemon would would taken out pretty quickly, no healing needed.
Mela was a lot harder though. I was a little underleveled for her. I used Jimin my Clodsire against her Torkoal. I can't say it's the usual way people win but Jimin's Poison Point really came in clutch. It got poisoned right away. 2 attacks from it would have taken out Jimin, but I just kept healing him every turn, stalling out the poisoning until her Torkoal fainted.
Her fire car is a different story though. I'm not sure if it's actually a real Pokemon or not, it's kind of wild. After she was defeated in her backstory she was saying something about powering something (the car I think) up with the uhhhh little fire soldier things (whatever they were called) Char-something. I wonder if each of the leaders has one. That's charged up with different energy types.
Anyway, I had a lot of trouble with this one. All my Pokemon were a lower level than it, and it kept using screech, and just going faster and faster, even when I used a move that lowers speed, it did nothing.
I tried to have Jimin out for awhile to see if Poison Point would activate, but I don't think it works on a car. Seems to be the sort of thing that's part steel, but idk. It was fire though. Fire type I mean. I didn't really get that far w/ Jimin before he was knocked out. I sent out Wiggles the Wiglet next, I got one attack in before it was also knocked out. Then I sent out what would turn out to be my hero, Wowza the Flamigo.
At first I did a double kick, but then realized I should use low kick. Low kick is said to do more damage on heavy opponents. Cars are heavy! Wowza did get knocked out but I revived it while letting my grass cat take damage. I sent Wowza back out fully healed. Something that surprised me was that the car did Flame Charge, first and only time I ever saw it do that during the battle. Well I just kept using low kick, it was 2-3 time of doing that and I won. If I have to fight more cars, I should keep low kick in mind.
I was surprised by how chill miss-giant-boots was after I defeated her. She gave me her Fire/Star badge (ha ha Firestar, any Warrior cats fans here?). According to "Cass" they lose the right to be the boss after giving away the badge. Does that mean I'm the new boss? I want to be the new boss. I'll tell them to do cool public art like murals if I was in charge. I'll be "Alright, you guys want to be punks? Well it's time to be artsy punks! If you have a problem with 'The Man' I want to see it represented via art!"
Anyway "Clive" saying something about rumors of Team Star "plotting against the school" gave me the heeby jeebies. Y'know as an American. We got a nasty history of students "plotting against the school". Well good thing it was rumors. But what is "Operation Star???" I really want to know, it seems important.
Anyway am I very certain now that "Cass" is Pennny. What with Penny being the "Supply Dropper" and all. Se even literally said she was a hacker! It was you who hacked my phone. Anyway, got nothing else for now, see you when I play the game more.
Oh! I just remembered to say how much I love it when they say "Hasta la vi star" it amuses me greatly.
Okay so my 2nd session ended sooner than I would have hoped because I needed to charge my Switch, lol. But I'll tell you want I did during that time.
I asked the Pokecenter lady where I should go next and she told me to go to the Electric Gym. Worked out well because that was already the direction I was heading.
Lots of electric types on the way, ran into a hoard of Magnemites. So I just started whaling on the horde with Jimin, ha ha electric immunity. I'm aalmost surprised I didn't run into a shiny with the amount that I beat up. The Electric Gum leader is going to have a rough time with my little buddy, here. He's now almost level 30, the highest level on my team. I once considered him potentially replaceable but that was more when he was a Wooper. He's probably staying on my team for the rest of the game, he kicks ass.
Someone who I don't think will stay on the team is Wiggles the Wiglett. I hardly ever use him and when I do he gets taken out very easily. He has very low HP. I'm pretty sure he evolves so I'm at least keeping him till then. (ok I checked he does evolve and it should be soon) Depending on how well he does after evolving I'll consider keeping him but probably not.
Wiggles replacement will likely be this dolphin I caught. It reminds me of the dolphin model from Animal Jam so I named him Jam. It reminds me of the dolphin I had in particular because of having similar colors as well as a swirl pattern. I've seen images of the dolphin around, apparently its kinda broken?
Also Tinkerton evolved! They now have a bigger hammer and a ponytail! I've been using it for fighting Pokemon I don't want to faint because it has Metal Claw and Draining Kiss, which are both pretty weak moves.
Also I saw the Dung Beetle Pokemon for the first time, a trainer had it. I've heard mention of it online, but this was my first time seeing it.
After healing at the Pokecenter in the city the Electric Gym is at I flew back to the city the school is in because I wanted to check out those Classes, to see what they were. I was about to do one when my Switch ran out of power, so I guess I'll see you again after doing the available Classes.
Ok so I haven't done the classes quite yet, I decided to explore the school first and see what the npcs have to say. I read the books and some of them have some interesting things to say.
The Occulature Magazine has info about the paradox Pokemon. It amuses me that, while I know these things are real, as far as most people in the Pokemon world would be concerned it's just a weird tabloid magazine, it certainly reads like one. Makes me think of the song Midnight Star by Weird Al. In particular the mention of the "Scarlet Book" has really caught me attention.
There was a book that referenced an event from the SWSH games. And also a book that seems to reference PLA to a degree. There was a book that had a student registry but the last few pages were torn out, that seems important.
There were some books that seem to be about characters. There was a book talking about the Bug Gym Leader and her bakery. And a book about a snow boarder, who I assume is the Ice Gym Leader that appeared in the trailers. There was also a book about a musician who I assume is also a gym leader? I'm guessing ghost. The mention of bringing a dog back to life by his singing is wild tho. I'm guessing that dog is the fire/ghost one we saw in a trailer? Also the book's use of slang was very amusing to see in a Pokemon game.
I talked to some of the teacher's while they were hanging in their class. I've chatted a bit with the nurse, not much comment there. The director though? lol. He wanted my character to explain a slang word to him. That is very funny, amuses me greatly. It's also funny seeing the message about growing closer to the teacher, it reminds me of dating sims.
Also got False Swipe from Jacq. I think I accidentally glitched him a little. You see I was trying to see if I could click on the little diorama, to see if there was any flavor text, but instead I started talking to Jacq for the first time, causing a cut scene. My character model was teleported to be in front of him, but his body was pointed in the direction of where I was. So he was still facing the wall while talking to me, a little rude Jacq.
One other thing, some random kid said something about Penny that implied she's returning to school rather than being a new student. I think I remember some other character saying something similar. I don't know what happened to her that made her stop coming to school, but I'm guessing it has something to do with Team Star? I'm guessing her connection runs deeper with them than I initially thought. Anyway gonna take the classes now~
Art Class 1: I thought this one would be interesting to take as an irl art student. Hassel opens by saying that many people there would forget whatever they learned in art class. I won't Hassel, it is my intended career. But he does have a point about mandatory art classes. Also I agree that the small beauties of the world are something to behold and treasure.
Art Class 2: When I saw the Gible I was like <3 <3 and when it did the Tera, my immediate thought was that we would be drawing it. Or that's at least what would have if this was a real art class. Instead the teacher just talked about the Tera phenomenon.
Biology 1: Jacq explained the Let's Go Together function. And talked a bit about why Pokemon aren't let out of their ball indoors. I understand but I think it's shame. I do find it funny that a lot of students violate that rule anyway tho.
Biology 2: Jacq talked about picnics and Pokemon eggs. I found it funny it gave the option to say Pokemon are born from Boxes or Pokeballs. And how relieved Jacq sounded when I choose the correct answer. He said that no one really knows where eggs come, c'mon lets be real, they do, Gamefreak just can't really allude to where they come from because it's a kids game. And he also said Pokemon entrust us w/ their kids. Reminds me of stories of cats and dogs leaving their babies with their human to watch while they go do something else.
Home Ec. 1: He talks about Meal Powers, can't say I know that much about them but I don't really care about them either.
Home Ec. 2: He talks about healing items. I find it funny that the game treats items just laying on the ground as a normal thing.
Languages 1: Salvatore is a pretty guy. Ha ha, I already took a French Class I know what "Je m'appelle" and "Merci beaucoup" mean. "Popular streamer?" I'm guessing it's the Electric Gym Leader from the trailer.
Languages 2: talking about his classes in general I just find funny from the perspective of someone who knows a bit of French. Because he's just using French everywhere in his speech. Also I find it funny how in Pokemon the word Region sort of accidentally became the word for country.
Math 1: Generally not a math fan, but she's just talking about how super effective moves double the damage. "It makes math fun, even if you don't like the subject" you got me maim. Connecting math to video games like this is more fun.
Math 2: she's talking about shopping, the math involved with spending money. I must admit she got me on the trick question. I was too busy doing math to remember the Premier Balls were a thing.
History 1: Pretty lady. One of her hair strands keeps jumping up and down, think that's a glitch. Oh hell yeah, tell me about that crater. "A certain something" WHAT, WHAT IS THERE. I'm so curious. So apprently people think treasure is there, I can see how that relates to the "treasure hunt"
History 2: "Paldean Empire" :eyes emoji: very interesting story about a dictator sending people in a dangers place to look for treasure. Makes me think of people looking for the fountain of youth and the golden city. btw, it makes smile to see references to PLA on the board.
battle Studies 1: The joke about having a type and Pokemon types is funny. Just basic Pokemon battleing stuff really.
Battle Studies 2: "Wham-Bam Potion!" and "Explosive Healing Wave!" would be great names for cheers, too bad they aren't. Anyway just some info about Tera raids, nothing I didn't really know.
Anyway that's the classes done for now, I just ended up writing about them as I was playing them. There were 2 classes of each and I have two badges, so I'm guessing there's one per badge, and I'll unlock more as I play. Anyway that's it for now, I'll be seeing about facing Iono (that was her name right?) next time.
Okay, this should be my last session before I post this, this has already gotten pretty long already. The city Iono is in has so far been the largest city since Mesagosa. I had a fun time exploring it, altho I got a little lost and completely passed by the gym center.
I was happy to battle Nemona, I'm excited for when she can go all out on me. I defeated her relatively easily. Also Wiggles evolved into Wugtrio, their skin changing from white to red was a surprise, didn't expect that. I like how all the heads are coming out of a single rock.
Well I go for Iono next and she makes me be on her stream and play Where's Waldo with Clavell of all people. He was easy to find the first two rounds, but it took me a little to find him on the last round. I battled some Iono fans between rounds. Gotta say that the PokeManiacs have such a weird outfit. But I guess that's why they are called maniacs.
The battle with Iono herself went well, I used Jimin the whole time, woo-hoo electric immunity. It didn't go by quite as easy as I thought it would though. First she used a flying type so I couldn't use ground moves. Then she used the frog, but while I had a type advantage, it was just really bulky. I took out her Luxio instantly tho. Then she used Mismagious and made it Tera Electric.
Thing is, I knew she had a Mismagious because a friend told me about the gym leaders all having a Pokemon that becomes their type via Tera. And she used Iono as an example. So I knew that ground type moves were useless here. Jimin's Sludge Wave worked just fine though.
Gotta say, I love that Iono is an influencer. I just think it's a very modern thing to include into a Pokemon game and I love that. Also I wonder if the Magnemite on her head are alive? They float off her once and awhile so idk. I loved her defeated animation of her Magnemite flying around her head like stars/birds in a cartoon.
After the battle my Wattrel evolved into Kilowattrel (clever name). I'm not sure if it evolves again or not, but looking at the Pokedex I think it does? There's a single space in between Kilowattrel and Wingull. So unless a single stage is there, it evolves one more time. I'm guessing the name is Megawattrel?
Just as I thought more classes for school became available. I'll do some more of those some other time though.
Saw Crazy Hair Lady again. Apparently she's the chairwoman of the Pokemon league. I suppose I'll be running into her more.
Anyway I was thinking about heading in the opposite direction I came into the town in. I asked the nurse, and she agreed I should keep going that way. So I've been catching a bunch of Pokemon in the area, mostly old ones. I also did my first 3 star Tera raid, so that was cool, the better rewards are nice.
I also saw a Pokemon that I've never seen before, nor heard mention of. A Tumbleweed! I already figured it would be a ghost type considering irl Tumbleweeds are dead. And it is! What a fun find!
I decided to finally switch out Wiggles with something else. I decided on the Rock Salt Pokemon for now. It evolved after I gave it candy to make it catch up to the rest of my team. The Salt Cure move looks really interesting, I do enjoy moves that chip away at health.
Anyway that's all for now, I'll continue exploring this area and eventually fight the Steel Titan.
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aphrodite-would-be-proud · 4 years ago
🕯Anon said: just wanna say I adore your writing and how you write Reiner and the kids and the other warriors is my favourite thing ever !! I just wanna give them all hugs :) do u have any hcs for the types of jobs you see them all doing in modernverse ?🕯
The types of jobs they have in modern au
{Annie, Bertolt, Colt, Marcel, Pieck, Porco, Reiner, Zeke, }
{Implied Reiner x reader}
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{ "Porto" 1935 by Renato Natali 1883-1979 }
Annie is an Animal rescue worker.
Having had experience as a dog trainer before, it wasn't hard to find a full time job at her local shelter after graduating high school, having volunteered there before.
With time, effort and a lot of energy she made her way into the position of "animal control officer" now she spends her days busting animal's abusers doors and rescuing injured or neglected pets.
With long shifts and a high maintenance job, her time was all poured into her work. Usually she'd be exhausted after a long day.
Despite that, she's fulfilled and satisfied with her job. Not having to deal with a lot of people is a plus too, it's a hard job yes but she prefers it this way.
Her friends are bumped about not being able to see her a lot but they understand, plus she keeps in touch with them by lurking in the group chat only to send a snarky remark to stir the pot every now and then.
Bertolt sees her everyday because they work at the same animal shelter, even if their jobs are different they still walk home together, she also met some different people like Hitch and Marco at her job.
The kids love her job, they think it's badass, especially Gabi and Udo. Gabi because Annie gets to kick people in the face and Udo because he genuinely cares about animals.
She'd never tell anyone this, but part of the reason she wanted the job was because she felt guilty for her past self and wanted to fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves.
Bertolt is a veterinarian.
Having changed his mind post graduation and going to college instead of with Reiner, he graduated after 4 years of studying and is currently working with Annie at the local shelter while also planning to open his own clinic one day.
He takes some animals under his personal care for weeks or months even till they get adopted, he fears something bad will happen to the weak or ill ones if left at the shelter overnight.
Just like Annie, the job takes a lot of his time, not to mention caring for animals off of work. So he's in the same situation as her, but for the sake of his best friend he still finds time to visit and hang out once a week.
Reiner and him still text daily, it's mostly pictures Bertolt took of the animals, Annie on her break, interesting plants he finds along the way. And Reiner replies with pictures of the kids.
They still find time to play basketball together, they try to keep it a secret from Annie because she will kick their ass in it.
Bertolt is comfortable with his job, he feels like he belongs and likes being needed. Yes the long hours are a con but seeing the fruits of his labour grow and get better day by day makes it all worth it.
The kids like visiting his house because there usually will be a new dog or some animal in there every month or so, Reiner makes sure they don't bother the animals. 
Something he's never told anyone is a big part of the reason he changed his mind last minute was because Animals feel much safer and secure for him to work with than humans.
Colt is a college student working part time.
He's majoring in nursing, being a four years degree he's trying to balance his studies with work and taking care of Falco.
Zeke offered him to work full time after graduation at his clinic, since he's been working part time there for a while and the pay is good, plus it's really convenientnal.
He has worked different part time jobs in the past like a barista, flower shop assistant, tutor, kindergarten teacher, etc.
Between all his responsibilities he barely has time for himself, his courses end right before his work starts and the small bits in-between is spent on Falco and his friends. Zeke and Pieck try to take some of his responsibility but he refuses saying it's the least he could do to Falco.
He's really good at his job like multitasking, reading people, gaining their trust and having high stamina that he could stay for night shifts even.
He relies on coffee a lot.
Falco sees him as a real life superhero, they weren't that close before but after the incident he really started appreciating his big brother. 
Something he keeps inside is that despite pursuing this job because he genuinely wanted to make a difference in people's lives and help the sick, he also felt a crushing guilt after his parents passed away, and so he's trying to save other people's lives now instead.
Marcel is a pilot.
It's a dream he always had since middle school, soon after graduation he joined the military to gain enough flying hours and experience to apply to a commercial airline after taking some mathematics, aviation and some general flying courses.
He was officially hired as a pilot after getting his first class medical certificate to check his health.
His work isn't measured by hours to him but by days, he needs to be available 24/7 in case of an emergency call. Now he's working overseas and far away from his friends.
You've actually never met Marcel, only seen pictures of him and received letters. The person he keeps in touch with the most is Porco.
He likes his work, it's his dream. He doesn't like the work hours and being so absent from his friends and brother, he misses them so much at times.
Pieck is a tattoo artist.
Her shop is actually her old flower shop after she decided to change her career. She's always been good with plants and taking care of them, at that time Colt worked as her assistant. 
It wasn't till later after some years of practice and training under other artists that she was confident enough about her skills to start the project 
Her art is full of life, mesmerising and beautiful. She puts her soul in every piece and has gained a good reputation because of it, plus having really high ratings and strict hygiene rules, no health inspector could ever challenge her.
Having her own independent work meant that she has a very flexible schedule, being mostly free ment she could pursue other hobbies like gardening.
A peaceful and simple life where she can indulge in her art and be happy is all she ever wanted
Porco is a frequent customer of hers that gets a family discount, Zeke came once before and later sent his friend, a really tall and blonde woman who became her most frequent customer.
Zofia thinks her work is really cool and wants to go and just watch her do her thing, but it's frowned upon to have a kid just sitting at a tattoo shop.
Despite changing into this career, the town people still think of her as the sweet flower shop lady.
Porco is a bartender.
That job came to him by accident more than anything, he was working part time as a bouncer in a local bar but a slot was open after the old bartender suddenly quit and he gave it a chance.
He didn't expect to love it so much, neither did he know about his hidden talent in mixing drinks. So he took it as full time and changed to better bars after gaining the experience he needed.
Being naturally charismatic and good at influencing people, while also multitasking in making drinks and keeping a conversation going, he was instantly a hit in whatever place he worked at.
Working the night shift ment he's mostly free in the morning, he tries to help Pieck with her gardening and is actually attempting to grow some plants at his house.
Naturally whenever there's a gathering, he's the one mixing drinks and being the self assigned bartender who openly judges his friends for their choice in drinks. The charismatic persona being thrown out the window and replaced by a no mouth filter.
He genuinely cares tho, he's the one taking care of someone when they drink more they can handle. It's mostly Colt who underestimates his drinks and is left clinging to Porco who drives him home.
Because of his line of work, tattoos and general brash personality, the kids' parents don't like him even one bit. They're suspicious of him no matter how many times Reiner assures them he's trustworthy.
It's actually only Colt who trusts Falco with him, and maybe Zofia's mom who is at the bar every weekend. 
Reiner is a firefighter.
With his mother pushing him into this line of work, he applied for the physical and psychological exams after graduation before getting accepted. He wasn't unprepared per say but actually being in that line of work was more than he could ever prepare for.
It instantly took a great hit at his mental health, so much in fact that he was thankful Bertolt changed his mind last minute and didn't follow him in this job.
It was both everything he ever wanted, like saving people, helping children, animals and knowing it's him who saved them even if it means putting his own life at risk.
But also everything he hated, like the hunting faces and screams of the people who were far too gone for him to save, the recurring nightmares and constant guilt paired with imposter syndrome.
He works a 24/72 shift, meaning he works for a whole day before getting 3 days off. Approximately only working 7-8 days a month, not to mention unpaid leave, sick days and holidays.
So it both gave him a really tight schedule on some days and on others more free time than he knows what to do with, that's why he naturally took the main role of being the kid's caretaker. Looking after his little cousins genuinely helped him and he liked playing the big brother role.
Especially to Gabi, he was the only stable adult in her life. It's common knowledge that you call Reiner first for anything concerning her before her parents because he's more likely to answer and be available.
After meeting you, his life improved to the better as you moved in and became a trustworthy person in his life, someone he can depend on to take care of his little cousins on the days he works.
Not to mention that after you persuaded him to see a therapist, his mental health began improving too.
Gabi may or may have not committed arson at one point, she still wants to be a firefighter despite that and follow in Reiner's footsteps.
He hasn't told anyone beside you this, but he really fears for her, but doesn't have the heart to tell her no.
Zeke is a doctor.
Previously he worked in a hospital but was able to open his own clinic afterwards, Colt was a great help to him at that time when he was getting on his own feet and even worked a lot of unpaid hours.
After that he insisted Colt works an official part time job there with a much higher pay, till he graduates at least. Plus the experience will greatly improve his resume.
Zeke is brilliant at his job, he'd be a perfect doctor wasn't it for the fact he's a huge hypocrite who doesn't follow the advice he gives his patients. 
He does a side job in his free time that honestly no one of his friends know what it is, but they know it gained him a lot of connections and made new friends.
Something he always keeps buried inside was that he really never expected himself to become a doctor especially after what his dad did to his mother, and yet here he is. In some way it's like his own personal stepping stone to prove he's a better man than his father ever was.
Falco: middle schooler
He does volunteer work on the weekends, sometimes Udo joins him.
Doesn't want Gabi becoming a firefighter.
Likes all videogames , just all types.
Likes watching cartoons and medical shows with Colt who covers Falco eyes whenever an adult scene is on
His favourite food is chicken nuggets
Wants to try coffee
Is good at PE
Reads comic books
Likes yellow and blue
Gabi: middle schooler
Takes self defence classes and really wants to go to summer camp
Wants to be like Reiner, aspires to be as strong too.
Likes shooter videogames or really hard ones.
Likes watching Anime and cartoons
Her favourite food is Pizza
Wants to try energy drinks
Is also really good at PE and surprisingly good at puzzles.
Likes red and pink 
Udo: middle schooler
Takes music classes at the weekend, wants to go to science camp
Kinda wants to be like Reiner or an astronaut.
Likes calming videogames
Likes watching anime and Minecraft let's play
His favourite food is mac and cheese 
His favourite drink is strawberry milk
Is good at language classes and creative writing, he also just likes animals a lot.
Likes green and black
Zofia: middle schooler (could've been in a special program)
Takes music classes with Udo
Wants to be a lawyer
Likes co-op Videogames 
Likes watching true crime and youtubers drama
Her favourite food is Donuts
She likes strawberry milk and ice tea 
Is good at all classes
Likes white and purple
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cyannaid · 3 years ago
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A letter to Technoblade:
Two years ago, I was at my lowest point, my last year of high school was the MOST miserable I have ever been. I completely lost all energy to do anything kike I wouldn’t turn in my assignments, later I would start skipping classes, stopped doing the things I used to love. Hell, it got to the point where even eating or going to the bathroom was *exhausting* for me. I spent most of my time in bed, basically sleeping all day. I honestly couldn’t see a better future from here.
October 2020. I first get introduced to the Dream SMP. I remember laughing like crazy watching compilations of the vods, I haven’t felt such joy in a long time.
Two weeks later, November 16, 2020. The finale of the l’manburg war. I didn’t know what twitch was or how it worked, so I watched the very first stream that was available to me: Technoblade’s. And I’m SO glad I did. I remember being at the edge of my seat completely amazed by everything that unfolded, especially his character and acting. I kept repeating parts and snippets of his stream over and over again because he was just SO badass!
Technoblade instantly became my favorite character.
From then on, I could only wander “what’s gonna happen from here???”. And *THAT* SIMPLE THING is what gave me the energy and my motivation to get up from bed for the next months. To see where this silly little Minecraft roleplay story was going, mostly through the perspective of Technoblade. Each time he always delivered with his acting, humor, wit. He’s overall personality quickly drew me in, so I decided to also check some of his other content.
Technoblade instantly became one of my favorite Minecraft ccs.
He always made me laugh, put a smile on my face when I needed it the most at the time.
If I didn’t come across him, I probably would’ve never gotten up from my bed…
2021. I begin going to therapy and taking medication. I survive graduate from high school, partly thanks to that now I had a distraction. After that here I go... now what?
Watching your passion for what you did was contagious, it infected me soon after. MY passion for my interests not only started to come back… I also started to learn how not to be embarrassed of them anymore... of what I do (I’m still learning).
YOU reminded me what I loved about drawing,, watching cartoons,, playing videogames,, what I love about CREATION: THE JOY IT BRINGS.
July 2022. I now have a new outlook on life. I’m about to start my second year of college for a career I love so far. I’ve made new friends like I’ve NEVER had before. I hope I keep getting to do what I do; I even hope someday I become a content creator of my own!
I recognize my own strength; I know the progress I made in my journey of healing was all due to my efforts. But Techno… YOU were the one who JUMPSTARTED this journey
I feel kind of dumb writing all this out, afterall we’re strangers to each other. But in the short time I was your fan, you’ve made such a huge impact on my life and I will FOREVER be grateful.
You were an amazing person Alexander ‘Technoblade’ but you were taken too soon. However, you fought bravely with your humor and positivity at the face of adversity till the very end! Rest assured your legend will never die! Because Technoblade never dies!! If a heaven does exist, I hope your kicking the ass of whatever god is up there!!!  >:] hehe…
So long, King 
Rest easy 🤍
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wheresmynaya · 4 years ago
Hate to Date Ch.8 | Brittana
A/N - These next two chapters are probably some of the more difficult ones I've written so far for this story so be gentle LOL. Also, I've noticed readers saying in their reviews lately that these weekly updates are like waiting for a new episode of a fav tv show and I love that. One of the things I miss about Glee or whatever show I’m obsessed with is having something to look forward to each week so I'm really happy this story offers you all that kind of comfort! Hopefully I can keep it up 💙
Before you read on, consider treating your local fav fic writer with a coffee through Ko-Fi!
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & under the cut!
When Saturday rolls around, Santana putters around the apartment attempting to busy herself with meaningless tasks – anything that’ll keep her from anxiously watching the clock. She lounges in her sweatpants and a tank top all day, switching from vegging out on the couch to catching up on some coursework, but it gets harder for her to resist the urge to check the time the later it gets.
No matter what she does, no matter the many distractions she tries piling on – she can’t help but cave.
She can’t help but think about Brittany.  
When Puck gets home a little later from hanging out with a couple guys from his team, he finds Santana close to falling asleep on the couch. He takes in the lazy clothes she wears, the messy hair, the sea of snacks that surrounds her and lifts a brow.
“What’s this?”
“What’s it look like?” Santana snarks.
“It looks like you’ve just gone through a rough break up.”
Santana shoots him a look, “I’m clearly having a lazy day.”
He glances from her to the tv screen and back to her again, “Is that what you call it?”
“Yeah,” Santana replies and averts her eyes as she tugs on her blanket. “You can either join or scram.”
Puck rolls his eyes and reaches for the remote. When the screen shuts off, Santana lets out a huff but Puck only crosses his arms.
“What the hell?” She snaps. “I was watching that!”
“So?” Puck challenges.
“So turn it back on.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll kick your ass.”
Puck barks out a laugh, “I’d like to see you try. Go ahead.”
Santana doesn’t move, “I don’t have the energy for this.”
“You’re so damn frustrating,” Puck shakes his head.
The comment makes Santana falter a little; it makes her think about Brittany again, it makes her think about how she let her down, it makes her think about how it made her feel to watch the blonde run away.
But Brittany isn’t here, it’s Puck and Santana knows he doesn’t scare off too easily.
“Just leave me alone,” Santana grumbles.
Of course, Puck doesn’t.
“Are you seriously not going tonight?”
Santana clenches her jaw as the anxious feeling returns. It didn’t take much but she’s wavering and she knows it. Puck probably knows it too or else he wouldn’t be here pressing her buttons still.
“I told you I can’t go,” She tells him defiantly. “I’d only ruin her night. She doesn’t need that, no one does. It’s better if I stay here.”
“Bullshit,” Puck disputes. “You don’t know that.”
Santana stays quiet, she can feel her foundation cracking.
“I do know that,” She says. “You saw how pissed she was when she left. I’d just make things worse if I go.”
Puck sighs tiredly, “Why do you always do that?”
“That,” Puck tries to explain. “It’s just like high school – you’re taking yourself out of the game before you even play it.”
That strikes a nerve with Santana, “That’s not what happened and you know it. This is so much different.”
“You gave up then,” Puck tells her. “And you’re giving up now. Why? I don’t know. This should be way easier for you. There’s no scholarship on the line or this big scary secret you need to help hide. You’re not even in love with the girl this time but here you are sitting on the damn bench.”
Santana shrinks back. She doesn’t want to talk about the past, she doesn’t want it mixing in with her present so she deflects, “Can you stop with the ridiculous sports metaphors?”
“No. Now get your ass up,” Puck huffs as he pulls off the blanket Santana covers herself with.
“Goddamn it, Puckerman! Cut the shit!”
“You first, Lopez!”
This time, Santana rises to her feet. She faces Puck head on and glares. Her fists are tight and her chest aches with rage and something else, something she’s tried so many times to push away.
“You know what you have to do,” Puck says. “Stop with the excuses and just go do it already. Quit being a little punk about it.”
“I’m not being a punk,” Santana grumbles.
Puck laughs as he waves his hand at her mess, “All this because Britt finally called you out on your shit? Come on, you’re better than that.”
Santana tenses her jaw again but Puck only softens as he puts his heavy hands on her shoulders, going into total pep talk mode. Santana tries to squirm away, but Puck steadies her like always.
No one would ever expect that this guy, the one with a ratty mohawk, could be the voice of reason for Santana but he’s never failed her before. Just like her, he doesn’t back down. He sticks by her even when she’s being a stubborn dumbass and if anyone needs someone in their life like that it’s Santana.
“I know you,” He says solemnly. “Going to this thing tonight is a piece of cake, all you have to do is quit selling yourself short and go.”
Santana’s shoulders drop even further as Puck continues.
“Prove yourself wrong and kill it,” He says. “You owe it to yourself and you owe it to Brittany.”
There’s an uneasiness still but Santana can’t lie and say Puck’s words didn’t ignite something within her. It goes without saying that his words have had an impact. She bats off his hands and glances at the time, frowning when she sees how late it has gotten.
“I don’t think I can make it in time,” Santana says. “I can’t get ready in forty minutes. My hair alone takes at least an hour.”
“Well what’s that saying?” Puck questions. “Better late than never?”
Santana sighs through a small smile, “I mean, I do like to make an entrance.”
Puck smirks, “Then you better get going.”
Santana’s used to walking into parties like she owns the place, but she finds herself struggling as she approaches the entrance of the Brainiacs’ Ball. She stares up at the prominent steps flanked by solid columns and has never felt so small in all her life. She’s way out of her comfort zone, but she takes the first step anyway.
Slowly, she puts one foot in front of the other. She can feel the low thrum of the bass from the music inside before she can actually hear it. At least that’s something she’s a little more familiar with and with that in mind, she continues her journey.
Maybe Puck was right? This is a piece of cake!
When she reaches the top and looks back, she finds Puck still waiting at the bottom of the stairs watching on like a proud soccer mom. He catcalls at her loudly and it causes the last of the guests making their way inside to stare.
Santana scrunches her face and waves him away, not wanting to be embarrassed by how he sticks out like a sore thumb in his ripped jeans and jersey. He gets the message though and gives her one last round of thumbs up before heading off.
Though she tries to play it off like she can’t stand his dorkiness, she’s thankful for that little bit of extra support and finds enough courage to walk into the building with her head held high.
She might not feel like she owns the place right now, but that’ll change by the end of the night!
Santana knew it was a black tie affair, but she really didn’t expect such extravagance.
There’s a great crystal chandelier hanging from above casting iridescent shadows across the lobby, spotless marbled floors speckled with flecks of gold, the ruby red carpet leading the way into the grand hall where guests dressed to kill mingle with champagne flutes in their hands.
All that’s missing are the annoying paparazzi and the blinding flashes from their cameras and she’d feel like she was at some gaudy Hollywood party.
It’s like she just walked into one of the parties Maribel���s firm throws for holidays and she so wasn’t expecting that. Although she’s been to many of those, she still feels a little out of place as she makes her way through the double doors.
“Good evening,” The doorman greets politely before extending a gloved had to the party. “Welcome to the Brainiacs’ Ball.”
Santana smiles in return and heads in. She tries to keep an eye out for Brittany all while trying to wrap her head around the fact that all of this is in celebration of a handful of academic decathlon clubs.
Who the hell knew they got down like this? Even their DJ has great music playing! Santana’s so surprised, almost distractingly so but then she spots a familiar someone in the crowd.
There’s a sudden sense of relief but it’s soon replaced with a frown as Santana finds that the girl isn’t alone. She’s with some tall guy; Santana can’t really see that far to tell who it is or if she knows him. All she knows is that Brittany is standing with him and she’s laughing.
He’s making her laugh.
Santana’s frown deepens before she squints her eyes, trying to get a better look at the guy. Like the others here, he’s dressed to the nines in a dashing suit with his black hair slicked back.
Okay, whatever – he can clean up well. Santana can too! But the important question is, what’s he doing with Brittany?
She ducks behind a vase of flowers, peering through the gaps in the leaves so Brittany doesn’t spot her. She only briefly thinks about how ridiculous she must look before other guests unknowingly happen to block her view.
Frustrated, she tries ducking and dodging them but even in her stilettos she’s just too short. She’ll need to get closer if she wants to see what this guy’s deal is, but as she makes her way over she can’t help but think: did Brittany really replace her?
Surely not, that would definitely raise suspicion. She wouldn’t do that.
Would she?
Suddenly, a waiter dressed formally in a suit and tie steps in Santana’s path. There’s a silver tray full of champagne flutes atop his hand and he looks to Santana expectantly.
Santana takes one last look at Brittany and that guy and goes for a glass.
“Yeah, sure.” She takes one and downs it in two gulps.
The waiter raises his brows in awe and quickly goes to turn away, but Santana stops him.
“Hold up,” She says and puts down her empty glass in favor of taking two more. She smiles sweetly at him in thanks before getting her game face on. She finds herself thinking about what Puck said before and starts to fill with confidence – no more sitting on the sidelines for her!
Santana saunters over to Brittany with determination in her eyes.
It’s go time.
“There you are!” Santana greets cheerfully as she reaches Brittany with a champagne flute in each hand. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Brittany stops mid-sentence, her face pale as if she’s just seen a ghost.
“You’re here.”
“Of course I am. I wouldn’t miss it,” Santana replies as she hands her the spare flute before pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek. She looks up at pretty blue eyes and adds, “I know how important this night is for you.”
Brittany blinks, it’s like she can’t believe what she’s hearing. Santana thinks she’s off to a good start so far – naturally – and sizes up the guy Brittany was talking to before she came over.
“And who are you?” She asks with a slight bite to her tone as she wraps her arm around Brittany’s waist.
He falters as he looks back and forth between her and Brittany, “I’m Mike.”
Santana lifts her brow challengingly, but Brittany steps in to add.
“He’s a friend of mine.”
Santana continues to stare at the guy, “Friend.”
“Yeah,” Brittany glances at her with slight confusion but it quickly disappears as she slips into character too. “I was just telling him you weren’t feeling too good and that you probably wouldn’t make it tonight.”
“Right,” Santana replies. Her smile turns devilish, “Well I appreciate the concern but I’m all better now, Mike.”
He looks a little nervous but nods, “That’s good to hear.”
“Mhmm,” Santana brings her glass to her lips. She maintains eye contact with him while she threads her fingers with Brittany’s and sips her champagne slowly.  
“Well Britt, I’m gonna go,” He says hesitantly to Brittany before jutting a thumb over his shoulder. “I want to make sure we grab a good seat. I’ll see you over at the table.”
“Okay cool,” Brittany smiles. “See you there.”
“It was nice finally meeting you, Santana,” Mike says kindly to the brunette before disappearing into the crowd.
Santana watches him go as she takes another sip. This Mike character really changed up his tune once Santana was around – all nice and polite. He wasn’t fooling her though! Trying to steal her fake girlfriend, not today!
“He’s gone,” Brittany says gruffly. “You can let go of my hand now.”
“Oh sorry,” Santana pulls away and glances in the direction Mike went. “So he’s attractive…what’s he doing at a place like this?”
Brittany doesn’t even smile, “You know not everyone with a brain looks like Steve Urkel.”
Santana doesn’t notice Brittany’s dismissive tone as she looks around. She’s still mind blown by the atmosphere and the people and everything.
“Clearly,” She replies. “I mean, did you see that man’s jawline? I’m a lesbian, but I can still admire a good looking – “
“What are you doing here, Santana?”
Brittany’s curt tone pulls Santana right back to the other day where they sat together at her tiny dining table and she watched as Brittany grew more and more disappointed in her. There’s a hardness to her, an annoyance, that doesn’t go unnoticed. It makes Santana shrink back, that confidence before taking a big hit, but she stands her ground – even if Brittany makes her feel shaken.
“I’m here to be your arm candy,” Santana says in return – attempting to make this exchange lighthearted.
Brittany’s not having it though as she says bitterly, “I don’t need it.”
“Sure you do.”
“No,” Brittany admonishes. “I don’t so you can leave now.”
Santana slips up out of frustration, “Are you really going to make this difficult for me?”
That sets Brittany off once again, the bitterness intensifying.
“Seriously? You did not just ask me that. After everything you said the other night, after the way you just put your foot down and refused to budge? You want to talk to me about being difficult?” Brittany lets out a dry laugh, “You’ve got some nerve.”
Santana cringes as she takes a subtle look around to make sure no one notices them arguing, but no one pays them any mind. It’s a relief, but it doesn’t offer Santana much comfort with the way Brittany’s still glaring at her.
She was a little prepared for the backlash, she just wasn’t sure how bad Brittany’s words would sting. She isn’t used to the harshness in Brittany’s tone and she kind of hates that she’s the reason for it.
Still, she pushes forward. She’s determined to fix this, no matter how hard Brittany fights her.
“Okay,” Santana’s voice is meek. “So that was a poor choice of words... ”
“You think?” Brittany replies, her tone thick with sarcasm.
Santana’s instincts have her wanting to retreat. She has clearly messed up big time and everything in her is telling her to just listen to Brittany and leave – yet her feet don’t move.
Maybe she’s hardheaded, maybe she’s too damn stubborn for her own good; whatever it is, she continues to stand her ground.
“I’m here now,” Santana says earnestly. “That has to count for something?”
Brittany shakes her head, “It doesn’t.”
Santana lets out a laugh out of aggravation. Who knew the girl could be just as stubborn as her? Talk about grudges, no wonder no one ever gets on Brittany’s bad side! It’s damn near impossible to get off of it! But Santana’s made proving she can be there for Brittany her new mission so she’s not going anywhere just yet.
“What do you want me to do?” Santana asks dejectedly. “Get on my hands and knees? Beg for your forgiveness?”
“Save your breath,” Brittany replies briskly as she sets down her glass. “I don’t want to be here with someone that would rather be elsewhere and I’m tired of trying to force you to care.”
That one surprisingly hurts a little more than Santana expected, but it doesn’t top the feeling that quickly follows as she watches Brittany begin to turn her back on her.
“Brittany,” Santana finds herself calling out. When the blonde doesn’t stop, Santana calls out to her again. “Britt – “
“No,” Brittany pauses as she looks over her shoulder at Santana. “You were right. You’d just ruin my night. Go home, Santana.”
It’s another blow to the chest as the blonde turns to walk away again. Only this time, Santana kicks into gear. She’s got something to prove and she’s not leaving until she does! She quickly sets down her glass too and reaches out, catching Brittany by the wrist before she gets too far.
“Can you just wait?” Santana pleads.
“What?” Brittany snaps back.
Santana softens as she tucks her tail between her legs, “I’m sorry.”
Brittany looks a little taken aback by the relaxing of her tensed jaw, but it only last for a moment as she looks down at Santana’s hand still around her wrist.
“Okay, great,” Brittany says sarcastically. “Now let me go.”
Brittany doesn’t wait for Santana to loosen her grip and instead shakes Santana off of her. The brunette doesn’t try reaching for her again, but she does take a step closer.
“Hold on,” Santana urges again. “I’m not finished.”
Brittany pauses, taking a wary look back her. Santana can see that she’s wearing her down, but who knows how long it’ll last. There’s no reason for Brittany to give her another chance after having so many, so she has to make this count.
“I thought about what you said,” Santana tells her. “Like I really, really thought about it and I think you might be right.”
Brittany remains looking indifferent and that makes Santana nervous, but she continues on.
“You’re right about this being one sided. You’re right about you putting in most of the work and doing things that benefit me,” Santana says. “You’re right about it all – minus one thing.”
Brittany quirks her brow, “What’s that?”
“I’m not selfish.”
“No?” Brittany scoffs. “Then you must not know the meaning of the word because your past actions would say otherwise.”
Santana sighs, “Yeah, I know but I guess that’s why I’m here…to prove that you’re wrong.”
Brittany softens in the slightest as she listens.
“I haven’t been fair to you,” Santana explains. “You always go above and beyond. I mean, you climbed through a window for me and you’re learning Spanish to get on Abuela’s good side! Like what the hell? Who does that?” Santana pauses when she realizes she’s veering from her point.
“I know I’m still not on your level when it comes to doing the most,” She continues. “But I figured it’s only fair that I do something that I normally wouldn’t just to show you that all you do isn’t for nothing. By coming here tonight, I’m trying to return the favor. This is my metaphorical window and I want to climb through it for you.”
Santana pauses when she realizes how lame she sounds, but maybe this huge fuck up calls for a little lameness. Maybe a lot; whatever works at this point!
Brittany watches Santana for a moment as if she’s trying to decide whether or not Santana’s words have any weight to them. It isn’t the first time she’s said she’d do better, so it’s no surprise Brittany isn’t as quick to accept her apology.
“I don’t really know if I believe you,” She finally says. Her tone has lost most of its bite but Santana knows she’s not in the clear just yet.
“That’s fine,” Santana replies. She stands a little taller, puffs out her chest and says, “I’ll just have to spend all night trying to convince you. You want a perfect fake girlfriend? Well Britt-Britt, you’ve got one.”
There’s the slightest hint of a smile that graces Brittany’s lips and it makes the dimming beacon of hope in Santana begin to shine a little brighter.
“That is,” Santana adds. “If you want me to. I know this night is important for you. I can go if that’s what you really want.”
She bats her eyelashes for the extra touch – because if after all of that Brittany still makes her leave…well that would just be embarrassing. Surprisingly though, it makes Brittany’s smile grow. Santana can tell she’s fighting to keep it small, fighting to keep from giving in, and she takes that as a personal victory.
“You can stay,” Brittany says after making Santana wait a little longer.
Santana beams, “Okay gre – ”
“For now.”
“Okay,” Santana’s grin softens. “I can handle that.”
“I don’t want to fight with you here,” Brittany tells her firmly. “I only want to have a good time and if you try to mess that up then you’re out of here.”
“I’ll be on my best behavior,” Santana replies.
Brittany holds out her pinky, “Promise?”
Santana eyes her skeptically, “Are you trying to make me pinky promise? What are we twelve?”
“It’s a yes or no question,” Brittany replies flatly – still holding out her pinky.
“Promise,” Santana sighs and curls her pinky around Brittany’s.
Satisfied, Brittany nods and pulls away. While Santana chuckles, she looks over to the direction Mike left.
“So I guess you can go ahead and tell Hot Stuff over there that he doesn’t need to be coming around here anymore too.”
That pulls a genuine laugh out of Brittany who can’t help but smirk at Santana’s comment.
“Shocking; you’re the jealous type.”
Santana lifts her brow, “I’m not. I’m just saying – his assistance as interim date is no longer required if I’m here.”
“I said you can stay for now. I can change my mind at any time.”
Santana’s shoulders droop as she’s once again put back in her place. Brittany notices and smirks.
“He has a date already,” Brittany continues. “His girlfriend. You know her. Tina?”
Santana’s jaw drops a little, “No shit, really?”
“Yeah, they’ve been together for awhile now.”
“Wow, I had no idea. Well good,” Santana lifts her chin. “He can carry his fine ass on over to her and stay there then.”
“You’re really hung up on how people can be both smart and hot,” Brittany points out with a laugh. “Like you and I aren’t also examples of that being a thing.”
“Hold up,” Santana starts to smirk. “Did you just say I’m hot?”
Brittany rolls her eyes, “I mean, you do look nice.”
Santana frowns, “Just nice?”
Brittany eyes her up and down slowly before shrugging, “Yeah, nice. I’m actually surprised you didn’t wear one of your stripper dresses. Guess you won’t be making it rain tonight.”
Santana lets out a laugh. She’s glad Brittany’s back to bantering with her instead of the heavy intensity from before. Maybe they’re not completely back on good terms, but at least it’s better than what it was.
“We’ll see. Those moves are for later,” Santana winks jokingly before giving her compliments. “You clean up pretty good too. I like what you’ve done with your hair. It’s cute.”
Brittany gets a little bashful as she fluffs her softly tussled hair, “Thanks.”
Santana only nods, “Now where’s this elusive open bar I’ve heard so much about? I needs me something other than champagne.”
“Ah, so that’s the real reason you’re here,” Brittany quips.
Santana feels like Brittany’s testing her although her tone remains playful.
“Yeah, but I’m mostly here for you,” Santana replies super sweetly. “I mean, how can I say no to an open bar? I am a broke college student after all.”
Brittany chuckles, “I see your priorities are straight.”
“It’s the only straight thing about me,” Santana jokes before hooking her arm with Brittany’s.
After getting their drinks, the couple roam around the room arm in arm. It’s mostly to keep up appearances; a way to make up for Santana arriving late and to show that Brittany really isn’t here all alone.
She’s surprised by how many come up to greet them – well, greet Brittany. Santana guesses the blonde really is a big deal here after all and everyone happily chats away with her. Who can blame them though? Brittany’s probably the friendliest person Santana knows.
They bump into Mike and Tina again near the giant owl ice sculpture while they make their rounds – because yeah, of course this party has one of those – but the conversation is kept brief with Tina trying to get in as many interviews with everyone before dinner.
Mike tags along after her with a proud smile on his face as he offers to hold her drink and for a second Santana kind of feels a little guilty about having her claws out when they first met. He seems kind, happy to be alongside Tina and Santana finds herself wondering if people get that vibe when she’s with Brittany.
While Santana and Brittany linger by the ice sculpture, Santana notices a small group of people that look a lot like the guys from Brittany’s team. At least the one in the center of it all is for sure. They stick out to her because they’re probably some of the lasts who haven’t come to greet Brittany which seems odd considering she’s their teammate.
Wouldn’t they have been the first to see her? Maybe Santana missed that part since she arrived late, then again judging by how they seemed to shun her at the match they probably haven’t come to say hi on purpose.
Santana quietly watches them though as Brittany chats with another guest about robotics or whatever nerdy talk that goes completely over Santana’s head. She notices how they all gravitate to the one guy in the center and it’s like they hang on his every word. They laugh when he does, they nod when he nods – they’re puppets and he’s the puppet master.
Santana doesn’t realize she’s pulling a face until Brittany bumps her with her elbow.
“Quit it,” Brittany chastises. “People can see you.”
“My bad,” Santana fixes her face and gestures over to the group. “He’s on your team, right? The one in the dusty grandpa sweater.”
Brittany glances in the direction and nods.
Santana wrinkles her nose, “He seems like a tool.”
“He’s not,” Brittany’s quick to defend before softening. “Not really.”
Santana doesn’t looked convinced so Brittany adds.
“He’s a pretty big deal to this community. People say he has one of the most gifted minds in our generation.”
Santana picks up on Brittany’s tone, but she can’t tell whether it’s envy or something entirely different. She knows one thing is for sure though.
“People say that about you too,” Santana tells her honestly. “The whole gifted mind thing.”
Brittany shakes her head and looks to the ground, “No they don’t.”
Her dismissiveness confuses Santana. She’s never not seen Brittany confident in how intelligent she actually is. If there’s one thing Santana knows the blonde is sure about, it’s her smarts. They argue about it all the time! That’s the very foundation of their rivalry, but apparently here that’s not the case.
“Word about his work has travelled all the way to MIT,” Brittany adds. “It’s so impressive.”
“And yet, he never went there. You did,” Santana reminds her as she continues to stare down the guy. She glances to Brittany again skeptically, “Or is he a transfer too?”
“He’s not. But I’m sure he would’ve gotten in easy. His work is…it’s legendary.”
Santana watches Brittany, trying to figure her out. It sounds a lot like admiration rather than envy, but why? How great can this guy possibly be if he has Brittany doubting herself?
“I didn’t know you were such a fan,” Santana comments.
“I just admire him is all,” Brittany says, confirming Santana’s thoughts.
Santana still doesn’t get it though and frowns around the word, “Admire…”
The both of them watch the man chat with the others silently for two very different reasons. The longer Santana stares, the more she kind of wants to punch him. He just has a very punchable face she supposes, especially when he laughs louder than anyone else in the room.
The sound makes Santana grit her teeth while it has the opposite effect on Brittany.
“He’s kind of cute too,” The blonde admits.
“Cute?” Santana raises both brows and laughs. “We looking at the same guy?”
Brittany shrugs, “He’s cute in that boy next door kind of way.”
“Seriously?” Santana snickers. “That Mike guy was kind of cute. Him? He ain’t it.”
Brittany suddenly hardens, “Well it doesn’t matter what you think. Does it?”
Santana’s taken aback.
“It’s not always about looks,” Brittany further chastises. “There’s more to people than that.”
Santana keeps quiet and nods, not wanting to piss Brittany off again. Afterall, her presence is completely dependent on whether or not Brittany wants her around. She can revoke the privilege at any second and Santana would hate to be kicked to the curb because she once again can’t keep her opinions to herself.
“What’d you say his name was again?” She asks a moment later.
Suddenly something clicks. She remembers the conversation she had with Brittany’s parents at Brittany’s last match and the comment about someone named Artie.
“So that’s who your parents were talking about,” Santana hums.
“Wait what?” Brittany whirls on her. “I’ve mentioned him like twice. What’d they say?”
Santana shrugs, “They said dating me is an upgrade.”
Brittany gives her a look and slumps, “They didn’t say that.”
“No, but it’s true.”
“They clearly don’t know you well enough.”
Santana cringes, “Hey, I’m trying. At least I’m not a tool like that guy.”
They settle into silence again. Santana goes from scanning the crowd to glancing Brittany’s way. She notices how the blonde continues to gravitate towards Artie too, just like one of his puppets. Santana finds it so odd and the curiosity begins to get the better of her.
“So what’s your deal with him?” She asks. “He an ex I need to worry about?”
“No. It’s nothing like that,” Brittany replies.
Santana doesn’t believe that for a second though.
“I sense a story.”
“There isn’t one,” Brittany says with a shrug. “We were friends and now, I don’t know what we are. Things got weird after I was asked to join the robotics team and he wasn’t. We used to study all the time together, but after that happened he kind of kept me at a distance.”
Santana struggles to mask the disdain she has for this guy. He really is a tool if that’s how he acts. But she fights the urge to speak on it, sensing Brittany still has some kind of connection with him.
“Do you like him or something?” Santana wonders.
Brittany shrugs again, “It’s complicated. We’ve got history I guess.”
Santana nods; she can oddly relate to that.
“You know, he was the first friend I made here?” Brittany smiles at the memory. “I was so freaking nervous – you know, new campus and all. I spent extra time trying to get my bearings the day before but I still ended up getting lost on my first day. Artie was the one who took the time to show me around.”
Santana quirks a brow at that, but notices Brittany’s melancholy even more.
“Don’t tell Tina that,” Santana tries to joke. “We’ll have some conflicting stories.”
When Brittany barely gives her a smile, Santana tries again.
“I thought Puck was the one who showed you around?” Santana asks. “That’s how you guys became friends?”
“He was, but Artie was the first.”
“Huh,” Santana glances at the guy and laughs. “He must not have done a very good job then if you still ended up getting lost.”
This time there’s a small that graces Brittany’s lips, but it’s not nearly as big and bright as Santana’s used to. She’ll just have to try harder.
“He also introduced me to the Brainiacs,” Brittany tells her. “It was pretty cool of him. When I was at MIT, it was hard to get into any clubs. Everyone was kind of cliquey, so it was nice to see that things were different here. Everyone on the team was super accepting at first.”
“At first?” Santana questions.
“Yeah,” Brittany starts to frown. “When I first joined, the team was mostly girls and they were really great – super smart and so lovely – but they graduated last year. Now the dynamic’s changed a lot because of all the new people who seem to worship Artie. That’s probably part of the reason for his ego boost.”
Santana turns up her nose at that, but Brittany’s quick to return to the positives.
“But when it’s just us, he’s not so bad. He really looked out for me when I first came to Columbia. He introduced me to the Brainiacs and recommended me for the tutoring gig,” Brittany tells her. “We used to work together all the time until I got into this fake relationship with you.”
“Sorry not sorry,” Santana quips, but Brittany doesn’t really laugh at that. So Santana softens, a little intrigued by Brittany’s past, “So after all that time spent together, nothing ever happened between you two?”
“No,” Brittany replies. “I don’t think it ever would anyway.”
“Because you’re taken or…”
Brittany sighs at the joke, “Like I said, things got weird after I joined the robotics team. It was like the first time I did something for myself without his help or recommendation and I guess it rubbed him the wrong way?”
“You’re friends, aren’t you?” Santana questions. “Why would he feel some type of way about you branching out?”
“I don’t know,” Brittany shrugs. “Maybe I’m looking too much into things? Maybe he really doesn’t feel the same way about me.”
Santana shakes her head and stares at Artie again, “Well it looks like on top of being a tool, he’s an idiot too.”
Then almost as if he was summoned, Artie looks their way.
Santana finds herself straightening up, trying to stand taller, trying to seem more intimidating, but it doesn’t look like it deters the guy as he begins his journey over.
“Brittany,” Artie greets with a nod. “Hi.”
Brittany smiles, “Hey Artie.”
He then looks to Santana and gives her a curious look full of judgement. It has Santana clenching her teeth, trying her hardest to maintain character when all she wants to do is roll the guy into the giant owl ice sculpture.
“Who’s this?” He asks Brittany as if Santana can’t hear.
Santana breaks slightly and scoffs, “You know how I am.”
Artie raises his brow and looks expectantly to Brittany.
“This is my girlfriend, Santana,” Brittany introduces. “I’ve mentioned her to you before.”
“Right,” Artie looks to Santana again. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”
Santana stares back challengingly, “I bet your hear that a lot.”
Artie sits back in his chair with this smug look on his face, “Funny. She’s funny.”
“It’s one of my many top notch qualities,” Santana fires back before looking to Brittany. Her arm goes around her waist, “Ain’t that right, babe?”
It takes a moment for Brittany to play along, but then she’s smiling and melting into Santana’s side, “Yeah. Totally.”
Artie only eyes the two though, out of suspicion or jealousy – Santana’s unsure. She’s hoping for the latter, because it seems like no one’s ever put him in his place before. Santana’s just the girl for the job!
“So do you think the team is going to get the top spot, Artie?” Brittany asks, trying to keep things light. “It was a lot of close matches this year, I hope our percentage is enough to pull us through.”
Artie shakes his head, almost like he’s disappointed. “I don’t know. Several of those matches shouldn’t have been that close. You really should’ve spent more time studying.”
Santana’s brows rise, but she remains quiet – looking to Brittany to see her reaction. To her surprise, the blonde looks just as remorseful.
“Yeah, you’re right. I think I was having an off day.”
“I think you had a lot of those,” Artie quips. “Too busy with the robotics team maybe?”
Santana scoffs, “Is he joking?”
But Brittany doesn’t say anything so Santana keeps quiet too.
“Some competitors take a little while to warm up,” Artie continues. “You just aren’t a seasoned contender like I am. You know I hold the record for fastest buzz in during my rookie season?”
“I know.”
“No one’s come close to beating it,” Artie flaunts. “We might’ve made state if you didn’t botch the science round during the last match. Maybe I should’ve taken the turn instead.”
Brittany nods and Santana can tell she’s trying to take his criticism constructively – only problem is that it’s not constructive at all. It’s completely condescending and uncalled for.
“Hold up, no,” Santana finds herself interrupting which seems to surprise the pair. “Brittany killed it during the finals or whatever you call it. She was buzzing in when no one else on your little team was. Not even you knew those answers, so what I think you need to be doing is thanking her.”
“For what?” Artie challenges.
“For carrying the team obviously. No way you would’ve gotten far if it wasn’t for her.”
Brittany looks a little shocked by the way Santana stands up for her, but Santana barely notices – too busy willing Artie to step out of line again.
And he does, with an arrogant laugh, he brushes Santana off.
“But the time it took her to buzz in is what we lose points for,” Artie explains. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand how academic decathlons work. They’re not like your cheerleading competitions, we actually have to use our brains.”
“Artie,” Brittany chastises but he’s unfazed.
Meanwhile Santana’s eyes are wide with surprise. The nerve, the audacity – it’s unbelievable!
“I’m sorry,” Santana starts to lean forward, getting down on his level. “Are you jealous that you can’t possibly possess both brains and brawn?”
Artie shifts in his chair and tries to evade Santana’s eye, but she’s so close now that he can’t avoid her.
“Or do you feel threatened by it?” Santana presses. “Threatened because this cheerleader’s GPA is something you’ve only dreamt of having and I didn’t have to waste away in a musty old library to get it? Tell me, Wheels, who was it again that was on track to be valedictorian until Brittany came along because I don’t remember seeing your name anywhere on the list.”
Artie’s face goes a little red that time; out of embarrassment or anger, Santana doesn’t care. All she cares about is making sure that he knows he isn’t shit and there’s no way he’ll talk to Brittany like that while she’s around.
There’s only one person in the world that can pick on Brittany and that’s her.
“The keyword is was,” He retorts.
“The keyword is you’re a prick,” Santana bites back just as fiercely.
“Okay,” Brittany cuts in. She gives Santana a little tug until she can curl an arm around her waist, “I think that’s enough of that.”
Artie continues to look shaken, but he does his best to mask it. Trying to be as macho as he can while in that turtleneck sweater he must’ve stolen from his grandfather’s closet. Safe to say it doesn’t fool Santana one bit.
“Well, I can see why you like her, Britt,” Artie comments with a glance in Santana’s direction. “She’s fiery.”
“She’s also this close to going all Lima He– “
“Santana,” Brittany scolds again.
There’s a pleading look in her eye that has Santana softening. She remembers what Brittany said earlier about tonight being fun and not wanting to fight, so Santana let’s Brittany pull her back. She settles, but it feels like it’s only the calm before the storm.
Artie notices too and puts on a smug grin, “Come to think of it, I have heard your name floating around on campus. Santana Lopez; the girl can’t be tied down to save her life.”
“Well Brittany’s changed that,” Santana quips. “Hasn’t she?”
“Hmm,” Artie nods but the stare he gives her is almost analytical. “It’s not really a pairing I would’ve pictured considering your history.” He then looks to Brittany and frowns, “I’m pretty sure you once told me that she couldn’t possibly have any redeeming qualities.”
Santana tries looking unfazed, but she can’t lie and say that comment didn’t sting. One look at Brittany and she can sense the guilt, but she keeps it hidden from Artie. Santana can’t hold it against Brittany though if she did say something like that about her, there’s been many times she’s complained about the blonde to Puck too.
But that was before they got to know each other, that was before they had to work together to emulate this perfect couple.
“Looks like I was wrong about that,” Brittany replies behind a smile that’s directed at Santana. She squeezes a little at the brunette’s waist, “Who would’ve known, opposites really do attract?”
Santana chuckles, remembering saying something similar during a conversation with Tina months ago.
“It sure took me by surprise,” Santana adds before glancing to Artie. “Guess I have some pretty redeeming qualities after all.”
Artie hums again with this contemplative look on his face, but he doesn’t rock the boat any further. He just nods and says, “Well this was fun. I guess I’ll leave you two to enjoy the Ball.”
Santana sneers at him while Brittany bids him goodbye.
“Oh. By the way Britt,” Artie pauses and glances back. “You look really great.”
Santana raises a brow at the compliment.
She wouldn’t have thought anything of it, but there’s the slightest little smirk on his dumb face as he says it and it has Santana feeling hot. Even if Brittany isn’t her actual girlfriend, what the hell? Who compliments another person’s date right in front of them? It seems as though Artie knows exactly what he’s doing, but given her promise to Brittany she’ll bite her tongue – for now.
While Brittany ducks her head in thanks, Santana stays quiet – waiting until Artie is out of sight before she can finally let down her guard and say what’s really on her mind.  
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kitty0boy · 4 years ago
Marichat May Day 9 prompt: Blanket
As per my usual fics, Marinette is 17, Adrien is 18. Nothing smutty, just goofs being goofy.
It had been a long ass day.
5 am photo shoot, 6 am akuma attack, 6:30 am back to the photo shoot because they “couldn’t seem to capture his likeness today”, 7 am they gave up, 8:45 am rushed off to school, 12 pm another attack, 3 pm photo shoot.
Now finally, at 5 pm, he was back home and able to take a break. Much to Plagg’s disappointment however, Adrien didn’t feel like sitting around at home.
“How is it that you have so much energy? I’m exhausted and I’ve been sitting in your bag all day.”
Adrien laughed at this remark, “I’ve had to sit at home and do nothing for 14 years of my life, I’ve got time to make up haven’t I?”
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Time that can be made up after I eat my well deserved camembert, go and shower or something. Listen to the, what was it you said? ‘The model in you’.” With that he flew into the smelly cupboard by his desk.
He did have a point. The hairspray from this afternoon made his hair stick up in odd angles. Today’s theme had been, ‘Punk Rock’ for the Agreste, Jagged Stone collaboration. His father and Jagged teamed up for his new album debut to create a new clothing line of merchandise and stuff like that. Adrien hadn’t really been paying much attention to that bit.
His attention was drawn towards his cute little classmate who, by personal invitation of Jagged Stone himself, had helped his father design Jagged’s on stage looks.
Marinette was involved for the sole purpose of “a youth opinion” which meant that she did most of the designing herself while Gabriel’s company did all the handy work by making all the garments. Of course she was supervised by Gabriel when it came to the concepts, but as his father had admitted over dinner, “She didn’t need much of my help. Audrey was right in saying that she has potential. Possibly, more potential than myself.” To which Adrien had beamed, proud of his princess.
By the time Adrien had finished in the shower, Plagg had completely emptied the stock of camembert for the next month. “We need to start limiting you camembert intake. I can hear my bank account screaming.” Plagg burped “You’re famous and rich, as long as you keep that up you’ll be fine.” Adrien crossed his arms, “I might not be rich and famous forever you know. How old is Master Fu now, 190? You might not have unlimited camembert when I get into the 70s.” Plagg smirked. “You will when you defeat Hawkmoth and people find out who you and Ladybug are. The pair of you will be rolling in riches for life.” Adrien shrugged. “Maybe I’ll refuse to take them, being the humble hero that I am.” Plagg frowned.
He laughed, “Well Plagg, how about we go check in on your favourite mouse hmm?” Plagg bolted out of the cupboard and shrieked “Hurry up and transform Adrien.” He blinked. “Wow Plagg, I didn’t know you could actually like a person more than cheese.” Plagg crossed his little arms. “Well the sooner you and Marinette get together, the sooner I’ll have pastries with my cheese. Besides, you already know you’re my favourite stinky sock.” Adrien’s face contorted in gratitude at hearing his approval of Marinette, and slight disgust at being called a stinky sock. “Thanks Plagg, Claws Out!”
The journey wasn’t far. A hop, skip, and a jump later he landed on Marinette’s balcony. He stomped on the floor to get her attention but he didn’t need to. The second his hands touched the balcony railing, something heavy came crashing down, pinning him to the floor. He thought it might have been Marinette at first, but she wasn’t wide enough to cover his entire outstretched form. He looked around and saw her peep out from behind her lounge chair with a great “Surprise!” He smiled
“Hello there purrincess, fancy seeing you here.” She strode over to him and kneeled down behind his head. “I had a feeling that you might pawsibly show up.”
“So, this is a nice blanket you’ve chucked on me, did you make it?” She shook her head, “I bought it. It’s a weighted blanket.” He laughed, “Yes I could tell, I’ve never had one before but it feels heavy.” She stood and pulled the blanket off of him. “Imagine if the news saw this. Paris’ superhero, defeated by a weighted blanket.” He propped himself on his elbows. “And Paris’ prettiest girl. Here we quote him.” And he stood to continue, despite her pink face. “I simply couldn’t resist her charms.” He dramatically draped the back of his hand over his forehead. “I fell under her spell and she trapped me, I’m sorry that I’ve let Paris down but I would do it again.”
Marinette seemed to have taken his word to heart, she threw the blanket back towards him with strength he never knew she was capable and he got hit square in the chest. He fell to the floor again. “Even see how, how her grace wounds me, a fatal blow to the chest.” She huffed and, it seemed despite herself, she smiled. “Oh come on Marinette, just teasing. No need to get huffy with me.” She crossed her arms and turned.
He pulled the blanket off and snuck towards her while her back was turned. In one swift motion, he wrapped the blanket around her front and behind his back so the were both wrapped up. She gave a startled “What?” Before he fell backwards making her fall with him. She squeaked as they hit the floor, making sure she didn’t get hurt of course.
His arms had remainder outside of the ‘purrito’ so he placed them on her stomach. “Chat Noir!” She huffed and squirmed under the blanket. He laughed. “Heavy, isn’t it little lady.” She turned over inside so she could look at him, which made him also squirm because it was kinda ticklish. “Foul play kitty.” He ruffled her hair.
“So, how’s the collaboration going? Gabriel Agreste’s little assistant, big big oppurtunity.” She beamed at him and went into full detail. How Jagged Stone had come to her house to ask, how Gabriel had an interview with her and how pleased he was to work with her, how she and Adrien worked on concepts after she took his measurements, how they played UMS after, how she and Gabriel went over the concepts and gave her tips. He of course knew all of this but she was so excited about it. “I’m proud of you little mouse, this is a really big achievement. Next thing you know, you’ll be strolling down red carpets to your own fashion shows.” She flushed and thanked him.
“Anyways, how do you purrpose you’ll get out of this one?” She smirked, “You gave that away while I was turning,” he felt her fingers on either side of his ribs. “I didn’t know cats were ticklish.” He tried his hardest not to laugh as she teasingly poked him. Then she went for it, he squirmed and giggled until he snapped back to his senses and rolled them over.
He grabbed both of Marinette’s wrists and held them above her head with one hand. “Payback time princess.” And he started tickling her. She shrieked, squirmed, and kicked under him. “C-cat!” She tried to protest and bargain with him but to no avail. It wasn’t until he heard a gaps from the trap door, that he stopped.
Who should intrude but the entire gang of secrets. Rose, Juleka, Mylène, Alix, and Alya all stared at their very suggestive position.
Chat Noir had her hands pinned above her head and was straddling her. Her hair was messy and her shirt slightly crumbled and exposing part of her stomach. His face went pink as he looked from a laughing Marinette, to her friends who were taking pictures and cooing at the pair of them.
Unbothered, Marinette turned to her friends and said “Help me out girls! He’s ticklish!” To which he was tackled by all five of them, he howled with laughter. “S-six against one! That’s unfair.” Then they scattered as Marinette flopped on him, blanket in hand, and wrapped him up. She sat on his back and held the opening of the blanket closed. “Good work girls. Cat’s in the bag.” He turned his head to look at them, his cheek against the floor of the balcony. The six of them were high giving and shooting Marinette suspicious looks.
“So Marinette, care to explain this?” Alix crossed her arms. Marinette gave her a quizzical look. “Explain what? Why me and Chat Noir are having a tickle fight on my balcony?”
Alya approached her. “Well to start, your lip gloss is smudged, your hair is a mess, your shirt is crumbled and we found you and Chat Noir in a very suggestive position when we came up.”
Marinette went slightly pink before recalling what had happened. Rose chirped “Oh, that’s so romantic.” And Juleka, who had become more outspoken with the help of her girlfriend, crossed her arms and smirked. “Maybe we should give them their alone time.” Mylène piped up. “We do have to proceed with celebratory girls night though. After all, Jagged Stone and Gabriel Agreste, that’s a crazy good achievement.” Chat Noir smiled, “That’s what I was saying!” He panted slightly, recovering from the laughter.
“Do you want to stay cat?” Marinette asked. He looked up at her. “Well I’d love to but I don’t want to intrude on your celebration.” All at once the girls protested and encouraged him to stay, declaring that he wouldn’t get in the way and that they’d love to have him join in the celebration. He wouldn’t fall for this though. He had the nagging feeling that the girls would turn Marinette’s celebration party into a Chat Noir interview night, he didn’t want the attention pulled away from his princess.
Marinette hopped off him and helped him go his feet again. He brushed dust off of his suit while Marinette held his hand. “No seriously girls it’s alright. My Kwami is bound to be starving by now.” Marinette shot him a sharp look. “How long have you been transformed?” He raised his hands in surrender. “Not long, not long. I transformed and came straight here. Besides he was really eager to see you Mari.” She gapped. “He was? But he’s only worked with me once.” Chat chuckled. “Not sure, you must have left a good impression on him. Besides,” he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “he says that the sooner we get together, the longer he gets to enjoy pastries with his cheese.”
He stood straight up and stared at her. To his surprise she wasn’t flustered in the slightest, in fact she started to laugh. “Well then kitty,” and before he had time to think she pulled him back towards her so their noses brushed, “we shouldn’t keep him waiting.” His face went scarlet. He never thought a whisper could make his face burn. He considered teasing her back, but before he could straighten his expression, there was a cough beside them.
“So should we leave and come back later or..” Alix stated. She already knew Adrien’s identity and was sure she would tease him about this later. He grinned seeing Marinette’s face who was an identical shade of scarlet that his had been seconds before. “Well I’d better be of then.” He wrapped an arm around Marinette’s shoulder and bent over so his face was sideways in front of hers. He dropped his voice to a whisper, “We can celebrate alone later.” Her face flooded with more colour than he thought possible and she buried her face in her hands.
He smiled and gave her a peck on the forehead before addressing her friends. “It was lovely to see you all again, I’ll be taking my leave now. Enjoy your little party.” The he leapt onto the railing, gave a salute, and jumped way.
“Kid, if you want to visit your princess undisturbed, then do it on a day where her friends won’t show up.” Adrien crossed his arms and smiled. “Well we’ve agreed on your pastries at least.” Before the two could settle in, Adrien’s phone chimed. “Oh Plagg, looks like we can’t relax at home just yet.” Plagg groaned. “Not another akuma, I’ll go kill Hawkmoth myself if he doesn’t stop taking away my free time.”
“Nope, not Hawkmoth this time. Girls night has turned into a party and Adrien just got an invitation.” Plagg groaned again. “Can’t we just skip this time?” Adrien shook his head and transformed for the fourth time that day and made his way back to the bakery, where he detransformed and saw his princess again.
That’s all for day 9. I think you’ll notice that the prompts aren’t the entire focus of my stories but they are a part of them. I like them better this way.
Thanks for reading!
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genesisrose74 · 4 years ago
requested by @thatplanetmarz (aka my wifey): okay I finally thought of something! it's super nostalgic for me since the friend group I had kinda ended on bad terms but here we go! Also you can choose whatever fandom you want because I watched all of them minus Dr. Stone :)) So last fall me and my group of friends went to my highschool really late at night to do this thing that the kids at my school called 'manhunt'. Basically it's just a huge game of hide and seek- a ton of kids meet up in the school parking lot and the point is to make it from our highschool all the way to the nearest elementary school (which was like a 3 miles away) without getting caught by other students who were driving trying to hunt everyone down. So just imagine like 60 teenagers at like 9 at night just full on sprinting down the streets and hiding behind the apartment complexes. The adrenaline rush when a car was passing by and someone jumped out and started chasing you oh my god 🤚🏻😩. By the time me and one of my friends got to the elementary school where everyone was supposed to meet, there were a ton of cars filled with the people who got caught and I guess we all looked really suspicious?? because the ONE person who was still at the school called the police and they told us we couldn't do it again 😒
Mars this is literally the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever heard a group of stupid ass teenagers do before and I love it. Screw the buzzkill at the school for calling the police like wtf 😤but anyways, for your fandom I’m gonna go with BNHA because I think their class vibe fits this memory super well, and after a bit of debating my options I’ve decided to match you up with…
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Okay but you cannot comprehend the amount of time and canonical research it took for me to decide between pairing you with Bakugo or Mina — but then I realized Bakugo would most definitely be an ass about it and go to bed super early as usual, and therefore Mina is totally your girl. She is super athletic, kicks ass, and is a huge fan of doing dumb shit for the sake of it.
Mina is one of the most fun-loving and optimistic people in her class, and while I know you don’t favor being overly bubbly yourself (ya menace /lh ily) you make the best pair together. There’s a good balance of trouble making and chill times that has everyone falling in love with you both, and I’m part of the fan club ✋ so yeah just ignore everyone’s ogling and do your shit being super cute and stuff.
Anyways, you and Mina would probably be super fucking good at the manhunt game. Literally don’t ask me why — all I know is that Ashido is naturally athletic, and also trained to be agile and efficient, and for whatever reason I just think you’d get this huge drive of competitiveness that motivates you to destroy everyone you make eye contact with. There’s a fuck ton of adrenaline in the air as your classmates try to escape the hunters, with the occasional yelp of surprise or the sound of pounding footsteps on pavement as people run themselves scarce of energy in their attempts to win. Mina would totally make jokes about it too, poking some fun as you’re both booking it from Point A to B.
“Are you keeping up or should I carry you, slowpoke?”
“What if I just threw this rock right now and we can see if anyone comes for us?”
“If we get caught I’m riding shotgun though.”
And you’re just like…ma’am???
“Mina I swear to fuck if you throw anything or give us away I’ll leave you behind so fast it’ll give you whiplash. We’d get a temporary divorce too.”
I just know y’all would constantly try to mess with other players in the manhunt as they tried to reach the end point alongside you. Please for the love of everything make sure to take super blurry videos of y’all just full on SPRINTING and laughing to put on Snapchat and shit, because I guarantee you everyone would love to see that.
So much bickering goes on that I’m surprised as hell y’all did not get caught right off the bat, let alone the entire game. But it’s so cute and everyone you see running by becomes a part of your antics. You motherfuckers are so unexplainably charismatic and shit it makes me sick sometimes because I’m just so in love with those types of people 🤢 smh literally so rude of you to do that. Stop being so magnetic all the time or I will have no choice but to like you :p
But yes, yes, you and Mina make it to the final meetup spot unscathed. No clue how it happened since everyone and their mother could probably hear you both within a twenty mile radius but your methods to win proved successful regardless. Mina would totally jump on top of you and yell for a victory lap around the general vicinity. You would have totally flipped her off and said no because you were exhausted, if it were not for the fucking police sirens that sounded somewhere nearby.
I know in your actual memory everyone got scolded, but for the sake of accuracy and enjoyment I’m saying that you hauled ass towards an available car with Mina still on your back, all while students scattered like spooked rabbits to avoid getting caught. And your last minute escape ended up working like a charm. In my little imaginary world, pretty much everyone who participated got away without reprimand. The idea of people just scrambling to leave whilst you and Mina are laughing like maniacs out of panic makes me smile.
This memory is just 10/10 Mars. You and Mina would be so fucking fun together — it makes perfect sense. Love you wifey and thank you for your immeasurable patience as I got around to your matchup after like 3,000 years. Muah <3
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years ago
Check Up 2
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[Doctor!Erik “Killmonger” Stevens x Reader]
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Teledoc
You let a whole week pass.  Thinking about your ‘prescription’ is all you can do with your free time.  You kept that sheet of paper in your purse and took it out during your lunch break, at happy hour, and every night you sat on the couch alone at night.  And when you went to bed, you gave up on underwear because apparently wet dreams affect women too and you could not get him out of them.
You couldn’t talk to your friends about what happened.  As far as they knew, you chickened out before the appointment.  You really wish you did tell them though because now this prescription is burning a hole in your hand and you can’t figure out what to do with it.  
One night, you decide hanging with your girls is a good distraction and call them up to come over for a get together.  Sipping and snacking with a movie that none of you pay attention to was a great distraction.
“But chile, let me tell y’all about the last time I went to the doctor,”  your high school friend exclaims, setting down her glass.
Your college friend coughs into her chest.  “I told you that bump on your puss was nothing but an ingrown...but if I was wrong, I also told you to stop messing with the dude you met selling phones outside the grocery.”
She waves her off.  “I’ll never have to pay a phone bill again though.  However, you were right about the ingrown but I mean the pussy clinic.”
You perk up, leaning with intrigue.  “Yeah, how did that go?”
“Well, I made my appointment and everything, even requested him specifically to see me.  So after I got my wax and went over there, I got seen and put in a room for examination.  He comes in and BITCH!”
You feel your heart lurch in your throat.  Of course he sees other women with this.  But one of your friends?  Is there anything more disgusting?
She continues, “...so I’m sitting there like a deer in headlights looking at this brown, tall, muscular, educated with an attitude ass that I could never let slip from my grip if he needed it.”
Your college friend hoots and hollers.  “Baby GIRL!  So how did he do?  Did y’all fuck?  Oh my God that’s one of my favorite porn genres:  Doctors and Bosses fucking you all over the office!”  
High school friend shrugs, taking her glass up woefully.  “He is unfortunately long winded and VERY clinical in his explanations of the damn vagina.  I never thought I could be so bored of it, I almost wanted to sit on his face just to shut him the fuck up, which I did offer.”
“To sit on his face?!”  you exclaim loudly, checking yourself internally for your outburst but she doesn’t notice.
“I offered for him to see it.  I thought a gynecological exam came with it, which it does but he steps out and some white woman comes in and does the same bullshit I always get at my regular doctor.”
“Damn, so the streets were telling lies?”  College friend whispers, looking incredulous into the distance as her hopes crumbled in her mind.
“Unfortunately, I think so.  So (y/n) don’t even worry about missing that appointment, it’s literally a lecture with a pap smear at the end, which is worse than any lecture I sat through in college.  At least my TA was down for a make out every exam time.”
You chuckle absentmindedly, but not because of her academic indiscretions.  You had to know why he gave you the treatment differently.  And you have left him on a limb for over a week now when there is no greater sign than this that he may have clearly expressed interest.  You couldn’t be left stuck on stupid.
“Hey y’all, I’ll be right back.  My mama wants me to call her about some movie actors she wants me to look up.  She never gon learn Google.”
Your friends go right back to chatting with each other as you walk back to your room and shut the door.  It’s 6:30, would he even be available to talk?  You have no idea if this is a personal number or his work number, but if you had to leave a message, that would be better than nothing.  You are a patient, after all.
You sneak back to your bedroom, closing the door and laying out the prescription paper on your desk to make the call.  Your heartbeat was pounding strong in your chest as you became excited.  The back and forth pull of hoping he wouldn’t pick up while hoping to he would makes you feel foolishly juvenile, but your muted shriek as the phone rang confirmed how exhilarating this all is for you.
It rings once, twice, three times, then four.  You start to wonder if you should hang up or wait to leave a voicemail.  What would you even say?   How could he respond to-”
“Good evening, Dr. Erik Stevens speaking.”
Your heart couldn’t take the pressure, leaving your body it seems as you freeze in shock.
“Hello?  Is this (Y/N)?”
You plop back on the bed, beating a pillow beside you to work out you sudden burst of energy.  How the hell did he know it was you?
“Uh, yes.  It’s me, thanks for calling,” you reply professionally.
“...you called me,” he says with a warm laugh on his end.
You smack your forehead, “Oh yeah!  I did, you’re correct.  I meant to say thanks for answering.”
“What’s up?”  he asks coolly.
You puff out your cheeks, finding the words as smoothly as possible.  “Um, I had wanted you to fill me, erm, fill YOU in on my progress but really there isn’t much to go on.”
“Really?”  he says, sounding genuinely curious.  “What’s been happening?”
You shrug as if he can see it.  “I mean, who knows but I know I have been busy so I can’t dedicate a ton of time but also, when I have tried...you know…”
You felt your pussy jump 3 feet that time.  The word sounds so 1970s PSA after school special to you but when he says it, it’s like your favorite thing on the menu being a happy hour item when you didn’t expect it.
“Heh, yes.  So when I tried like you did, I couldn’t feel the things I did in your office,”  you feel so meek and shy talking about this.  He is a doctor, it’s his job and he has seen it all but you shrink within yourself discussing this.
He gives a couple uh huhs and pauses before asking, “How did I make you feel during your visit?”
Your body tenses up again as you stammer some, getting worked up.
“Now be easy, that is the start of the issues right there.  Calm down and relax.  Take some deep breaths.”
His voice is like coffee: rich, energizing, needed to get from one activity to the next.  You do so clutching a pillow tightly in front of you.  “Ok.  when I was there honestly I was nervous.  I wasn’t sure what to expect but friends said I should see you just cuz you’re so fine.”
“Hm, I guess that’s a recommendation I won’t complain about.”
You both laugh together.
“It’s crazy but I wanted to see what the fuss was.  I should’ve known better, why would I go do this after so many women before me,”  you make sure to add that to get a gauge of his status of wooing anyone else like you.
“I don’t take on every patient that comes in, so you know,”  Erik says assuredly.
“I know…” you say trailing off with slight disappointment.
“Also...I gave you extra...care because it seemed to work best for you.  I have not done that with any other patients because they seem honestly more into the information I provide or ask for a female doctor or are very enthusiastic about examining themselves.”
You tried to find the right words to say just so that it doesn’t come off as too thirsty but real.  He wanted to know that he took care of you after all.  
“Well, I appreciate you being in tune with your patients like that.  I didn’t necessarily expect what happened but it felt good all the same.  I mean I really had some issues with seeing the good of my…”
“Vagina, though you probably mean vulva,” he says matter-of-factly.
You felt embarrassed again.  How you, a woman, couldn’t say it but from him it’s like reading a feminist poem.  “Vagina/vulva, exactly.  I always hear about so many standards guys have and that influences women to pass on even more standards on what it should look like, smell like, feel like, but none of it matches me to a T.  So you informed me and that made me not feel weird about opening myself up to you after knowing you for 5 minutes.  Plus, it’s your job of course, so I know I ‘m not the first.”
“You weren’t just a part of the job though.”
“Come again?  What?”  you ask, sitting up straight.
“I can’t lie when you were here, I was highly attracted to you.  You engaged me in conversation, which showed me how smart you are.  And you’re...beautiful, in every possible way.”
You practically eat your pillow at the revelation.  “I...that is...amazing you would say that.”
Erik chuckles.  “I mean that too.  And I apologize in advance if it’s forward but I hoped you would call when I gave you the prescription, I almost didn’t think it would happen.”
You fan yourself excitedly, “Can’t seem too eager.  But I could use a refresher on what I was taught.”
“Exactly what this hotline is for!  So let me think here.  You’re in a comfortable space, right?  Alone.”
This reminds you that your friends are in the other room.  “Sure, yeah.”
Erik’s voice drops a little lower as he discusses the topic at hand.  “Ok.  The best way I find that works for you is if I were to spread your legs wide.  It gives me a lot of space to work with.”
You feel yourself warm up at the image.  “Sure, that definitely works.”
“Yeah, cuz I can have you completely open in front of me, so there’s nothing and nowhere to hide.  Your body is served up right and ready for me to...demonstrate.  By now, I could tell already that you’re aroused.  Do you want to do this, while you’re on the phone with me?”
You run lightly over to your bedroom door to lock it, kicking off your shorts and underwear to fly back onto the bed.  “Ok, sure.  And you really could tell already?”
“Uh huh.  Cuz you can’t look straight at me at first and you holding on to the sides of the table to brace yourself.  But I promise I won’t do anything that would hurt, ok?  Then I take my hands and run them along your inner thighs.”
“Oh wow,” you say already breathless, as your fingers feel the softness of your inner thigh, tightening your stomach up from the sensation.
“Does that kinda tickle you?”  he asks gently.
You giggle.  “Yeah it does,”  you say, running one hand down your inner thigh back and forth light as a feather.
“That’s good.  It helps with anticipation, excitement.  Your laugh is cute too, and that makes me want to hear you do other things too, so I kiss the skin on your thigh cuz it’s soft and-”
You gask, jerking your legs together again and smile with all teeth, trying to hold in the goofy laugh that almost spurted from your mouth.  
Erik laughs.  “...and I make you gasp and laugh just like that.  Like I did something so innocent and childish when I’m only getting ready to bring the freak outta you with just my tongue.”
You exhale, feeling yourself become anxious as your body gets antsy.  You wish with all your heart he was in the room.
“Now I can see for real you wanting me.  That pussy starts to talk back to me a little and it makes me curious.  You remember how my fingers felt pulling your lips apart for the first time?”
“God, yes,” you moan, reliving the very moment.  You feel your lips, vulnerably tender to your touch, you take your fingers down between them and shudder, looking down as you part them, you catch a glimpse yourself in the full length mirror on your closet door.  
“And when I do that, it tells me everything.  I can tell your body is getting your shit ready for me, making your skin more sensitive for my touch, those walls getting warm and wet to make you want more and more, and I want to taste it.  The sweet drip that pools from within you, I gotta have it.  But only a taste.”
“You can taste it all,”  you whisper, reaching for your clit.
Erik laughs.  “Ok, thank you.  But don’t you dare touch that fucking clit yet.”
You sit up, putting your knees together feeling frustrated.  “What?  Why?”
“So before I get my taste, I have to taste with my eyes right?  Now I got to taste it with my touch.  So, let me place my hand on top of you, running my fingers through some curls of yours til I get to your lips, dragging my thumb up and down so you good and coated with all that drip.  Go ahead and do that for me.”
“Wow, yeah,” you hiss, turning over on your stomach, spreading your knees wide with a high arch, imagining him seeing you fully vested.
Erik sounds very close to the phone as he says, “I really really like the way your lips look under my fingers, it’s like they dance with my rhythm and it’s hard to stop.  But I had to know what your pussy was talking to me about from earlier, so I put my finger inside you, slowly, pushing in.  That’s when I feel you tighten up a little.”
You slide two fingers in and out of yourself as you bite the pillow.  “More.”
“More?  That’s what I thought too, since you tighten up for one finger, I easily put another in, feeling your walls put their work out on me.”
You dig your forehead into the mattress, not able to wait any longer, you move your soaked finger up to your clit, shuddering against your touch.
“I know, especially, when I work your clit with my fingers in you at the same time.  It’s like you forget to breathe, going quiet then gasping sharper, faster..”
You feel your arousal at its peak, breathing into your chest as your back curls up, pushing your hand deep into your sheets.  You sit into your hand further, not wanting to let go of your climax too soon.
“Ohh, shit, I think you found your nut, didn’t you?”
“Yes, yes!  Fuucck Erik,”  you repeat over and over with the rhythm of your hips as your orgasm grows, messing up your sheets and giving not a fuck about it.
“I did, but you know what I need now?  I got my eyeful, and my touch, but now I really really need to taste you,”  Erik says with a growl.
“Taste it,” you plead.
“I take my fingers out of you and they are soaked with you cuz you wanna give me your all.  I want you to look at me as I lick my hand clean of you.”
“I see it.  Taste some more.”
“Your hips are moving at me, getting closer like you need more.”
“I do!”  You say louder feeling a concentrated force work from your center toward the outer edges of our body.
“I love to see you need it.  You ain’t playing with me laughing and smiling, you’re begging and angst ridden.  Now I have to make you feel me, it’s what I have to do.  Just when my tongue touches down on your lips, your legs jerk around me, but I know that’s only a reflex so I dig my tongue into your deeper, whipping it up to your clit before wrapping my lips around it.  
“Shit!  Fuck!” you whisper feeling your clit get over stimulated, aftershocks leaving you jerky..
“Just like that, baby girl.  You hooked right into me.  Feeling your hands dig into me skin while you cum had me solid.  It took everything for me to not turn you over and show you the real shit.  Now I want you to come.”
You push yourself up slowly, your head feeling hazy.  You hadn’t came that hard since the last time, and you just had to get the full experience.
You roll over, feeling lifted.  “I have.”
“Nah, I need you to meet me.”  Erik demands. You spring up from your bed.  “Where?  When?  Like, huh?”
“Just come to my office.  We closed 30 minutes ago.  I’ll wait for you.”
You run to your shower to get a quick fresh up before putting on something cute but functional.  You figure something that will allow him to get all of you just like he said he wanted over the phone and no one is more naked than going to the bathroom in a romper,s o you chose this olive green, with skinny faux belt in the front and a love neckline.  Some platform sandals that match your skin tone and some curl refresh in your hair, and you’re good to go.  
As you walk out of your bedroom, seeing your friends there almost scare you.
“Uh, girl where are you going?  Is your mom alright?”  Your college friend asks while looking you up and down in your new outfit.
You put on your best acting performance.  “She is, but she lost the remote again and hit a button so I need to reprogram something.  I’ll be back, stay long as y’all want to.”
“AHEM!  You look rather nice for a pop over to your mama’s.  Is there something else going on?”  High school friend asks with a judgmental gaze.
You feign frustration, “Ugh, I know, it’s such a  hassle, but daughter’s gotta do what they gotta do.  I’ll be back in like...a while.”  You exit your apartment in a rush, dodging all follow up questions aimed at your back.
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cockasinthebird · 5 years ago
Spending time beneath the stars - Best Friends AU Part 1
The sun sits grinning in the early morning sky, shining brightly down at the drowsy and utterly listless flock of students, as they stagger about with their suitcases in tow, standing in long lines to whichever bus they've been assigned to for this mandatory little adventure.
A "fun start of the year" senior trip to Hoffman Lake, to sleep in tents for 3 nights and really "rough it out" as a last hurrah before embarking on their last year in Hawkins High. Or so the guidance counselors and teachers and the principal said last Monday at the first school assembly of the year.
Yet somehow one Billy Hargrove manages to stand with a straight back, head held high, and a wide grin with perfect teeth, as he helps some poor, exhausted girls with their luggage.
They giggle at how his exposed biceps flex as he lifts up the baggage and throws it into the storage compartment, then lowers their sunglasses a bit to bash their long lashes at him and chime out a blithe, 
"Thank you, Billy." 
"No problem, ladies," his response near chivalrous as he gives them that panty-dropping smile he's so famous for. 
And as they reluctantly step aside to keep the line moving, Tommy H shoves his way past some other poor student to get all up in Billy's face with two suitcases - his own and Carol's. 
"Hey if you need any condoms on this trip, or maybe the tent alone for a bit, just say the word and I'll drag Steve off to somewhere," Tommy says with barely any discreet insinuation, nodding in the direction of the two girls who nearly trip over themselves as they stare back. 
Billy chuckles and gives them a light wave, "If Harrington even shows up." 
The bus leaves at 6:30, and at 6:11 there's still no sign of the aforementioned trust fund kid. 
"Maybe his daddy bought him a ticket out of this trip," Tommy groans, and if Billy didn't know any better, he'd have guessed there was a hint of jealousy to those words. "Who the fuck even decides to go camping for a senior trip? In goddamn tents!" 
"If you're gonna bitch and whine like this the entire trip, I'm gonna kick you out of the tent to go sleep with the mosquitoes and bears," Billy grunts out with irritation and exertion as he helps with more bags.
He's usually not known for being charitable, but getting to show off like this in front of all his lethargic peers is a bit of a rush.
Billy gets up at 5 every morning to go for a jog, preferably also a swim during summer, lift a bit of weights, take a scalding hot shower, then spend far too long on his hair, picking out the right shirt and deciding on rings. So really this is no issue at all, and by God if he doesn't flaunt that with a blindingly fresh show of teeth. 
"You… You don't think there's actual bears out there, do you?" Tommy seems more awake now than ever, rubbing the back of his neck and brown eyes wide open. 
"Tommy," Billy says with a stern and oh so serious tone, "Either you become useful and help me here, or you can go fuck off to your girlfriend." 
"Alright geez!" Tommy takes a tone of great offense, but keeps a smile to hopefully stay friendly with Billy, then vanishes into the crowd to probably find Carol and save them all some seats on the bus, Billy doesn't care.
It takes 9 more bags stuffed underneath the bus when Billy grows too impatient and finally checks his watch - the one Steve gave him a few months ago for his birthday - and it reads 6:23.
When it ticks into 6:24, the all too familiar brown BMW drives through the parking lot, and Billy has to restrain himself from appearing too eager as he pushes through the crowd of yawning classmates, and stops up perfectly in front of the passenger seat to Steve’s ride.
In one spirited move, he opens up the car door and leans down with the most irritating, shit-eating grin, as he looks at the barely alive Steve Harrington. “Good morning, princess.”
Steve’s stare is cutting, the bags under his eyes heavy and dark, and he can’t even respond with more than a drowsy grunt; his head lolls against the seat as he sinks lower down, oh so defeated. 
Out the driver’s seat jumps Ms Henderson, fresh and beaming with joy as always, no matter the hour of the day. “Oh good morning, Billy!” she chimes and walks briskly to the trunk.
“Morning Ms Claudia,” Billy responds with his undeniable charm. “Stevie here staying up too late again?”
“It’s terrible, really! Him and Dusty stayed up all night playing some new game on that Nintendo box thing!” she sighs with feigned irritation and rolls her eyes, but with a smile that definitely means boys will be boys.
“Why are you so… awake,” Steve asks rhetorically and his feet land with loud thuds onto the pavement.
With what little energy he possesses, Steve hauls his ass out of the car and stands slumped forward in front of Billy’s energetic pose, hands on his hips and a teasing smile that only adds to the irritation of the far more fatigued boy, whom frowns beneath his unkempt mane.
“You know I’m up by 5 every morning; gotta keep fit for all my admirers,” Billy laughs all too loud, and enjoys the way Steve winces at it.
Who then promptly crashes his forehead against Billy’s broad shoulder, groaning out a long, “Ssssssshut up, fuck.”
Which shocks Billy more than it probably should - they’ve been best friends for what feels like all their lives, and in those years they’ve definitely touched each other a fair share, but still, whenever Steve is the one to initiate it, there’s a pang of heartache deep in Billy’s very core, igniting something all too hopeful.
Yet he braves on, slings an arm around Steve and brings him to the back of the beemer.
Where Billy helps Claudia lift up the heavy weekend bag from the trunk, undoubtedly filled with all those thousands of products that Steve uses daily; he even carries an extra bag to PE and practice because of it all. 
She thanks him breathlessly, then steers toward Steve, cups his depleted expression in her hands, and softly says, “Be safe, ok? Wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water, don’t go out too deep in the lake, and if you see a bear, pee your pants! The smell will deter it from mauling you!”
Steve nods and smiles, mumbling out a row of yes’s.
“Good, I’ll be right here to pick you up on Monday, 2pm, alright?” And with the most gracious show of maternal love, she guides him lower till she can reach his forehead, and plants a kiss there.
And Billy has to look away at that - pretends to scan the crowd for someone or something, and pushes his sunglasses further up in hopes it’ll disguise his painful jealousy of having someone love you like that, of having such a kind hearted mother figure in your life.
“Take good care of him!” she says, directed at Billy, who flashes a convincing smile, and responds cheerfully with a,
“Will do, Ms Henderson!” And he reaches out to pull Steve along. “Come on, pretty boy, or they’ll leave without us!”
“Would that really be so bad?” Steve whines and relies too heavily on Billy’s ability to keep them both upright.
“What, King Steve too good to sleep in the woods?” Billy chuckles as he drags along the suitcase, really doing all the work between them, but for Steve he doesn’t mind.
They’re the last two to board the bus, every single seat filled except for somewhere near the back, where Tommy Hagan waves one hand to ensure that the popular kids stick together, his other arm around Carol whose make-up makes her seem more awake than the way she smiles.
Billy pushes past Steve to walk in front, ready to fight even him for the window seat, and he throws himself onto the bench - scoots all the way up to make sure there’s plenty of room for Steve.
“Hey, Harrington, nice bags,” Tommy mocks like a ‘friend’ would, and points to his eyes.
“Yeah, what are those, Gucci?” Carol quips and laughs at how completely drained Steve is, as he tips his head to the side to look at them both across the way.
“Har har,” he says dryly and is quick to turn away from their jesting ridicule, only to be faced by Billy who laughs all the same. “Don’t even.”
“What?” Billy’s voice incredulous, grinning all mean, “I wasn’t gonna say anything.”
“Uh-huh,” Steve hums out in disbelief.
From the backpack he carried on for the long trip to Hoffman Lake, an hour and a half drive from Hawkins, Steve pulls out a walkman and headset. And he keeps staring straight into Billy’s wonderfully blue eyes, as he lifts up the headset and places it firmly on his ears.
“You really gonna do this to me?” Billy feigns offense as he watches how Steve’s pink lips spread in a smirk. “Just leaving me alone for the ride there?”
And without looking away, Steve turns on the walkman, the mixtape inside whirring into action, and Karma Chameleon starts playing just loud enough for Billy to hear at this short distance from where he leans against the window.
He moves his lips without words, pretending to talk.
“I can’t hear you,” Steve says, not realizing that there’s nothing being said, but notices how Billy’s chest shakes with a chuckle.
He then tilts his head backwards, eyes slipping closed, unaware - or perhaps just oblivious to the fact - that Billy keeps looking at him, admiring the view, whose heavenly gaze smooths down his seatmates weary form, to where there’s barely any space between them, thighs only inches apart from touching.
Perhaps Billy moves his leg; guiding his knee till it’s met with Steve’s own, and when the other doesn’t jerk away at the contact, they stay like that. And maybe Billy is a bit disappointed, or some semblance of it, that Steve is too tired to sit and talk with him on the ride to the camping grounds, but there’s no doubting that the two of them will be sharing a tent together for the next three nights, so they’ll find time to hang out.
Although it’s not as if they haven’t just spent nearly every hour available together during summer break, when neither of them had work or family matters to attend to, that is. Steve had spent three weeks visiting family in Italy, and Billy spent two in California, where all he thought of was Steve Steve Steve. Wonders if Steve thought about him, too.
Billy remains far off in his own thoughts as the bus starts moving, the trees outside passing by quickly, minutes ticking into eternity, songs blasting out Steve’s headset, when he feels an unexpected heat to his right.
He looks to find Steve’s head resting on his shoulder, asleep, drool threatening to drip from his slack mouth onto Billy’s naked arm. And there's an uncomfortable fluttering in his chest, all too familiar, paired horribly with an aching in his hand to hold the other's, the fresh scent of expensive shampoo intoxicating; inviting him to lean in and get a good whiff. And Billy would have, were it not for the fact that they're surrounded by loud mouthed peers, and the way Steve leans against him is already a dangerous affair. 
And Steve’s cheek burns against Billy’s bare shoulder, sweaty skin on skin, making him hyper aware of every breath he feels tickle down his arm hairs. 8 years and he’s still just as sensitive to it all. It’s pathetic and embarrassing, but no one seems to notice, so maybe it’s also ok.
In the row next to them, Carol and Tommy sit just as close as Billy and Steve, albeit a bit more intimately so with their fingers laced together and Tommy occasionally pressing kisses into the ginger hair. And Billy feels jealous at that, at being able to be affectionate with the person you love so openly without fear or shame, but that’s just not meant for him.
Which he’ll hopefully someday come to terms with. Until then though, he’ll allow himself to enjoy what little he can. Like the way Steve leans against him now. With a lovelorn sigh, Billy tears his eyes from that mess of a hair and moled skin, to instead stare out into the blur of green and brown that flies by, and hopefully time will do just the same.
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semicielo · 5 years ago
Hoi Hoi! I’m new to the blog and so far I love your writings! I hope it’s alright to send in a request for Haikyuu! Perhaps Hcs of Hinata, Kuroo And Oikawa (perhaps Bokuto If your more comfortable ;; ) finding out their S/O was actually a female in disguise, but she like still wants to be on the team because she loves the bois so much and doesn’t want anyone else to find out ;; But like during games she has to hit them upside the head to get them back into the game because they lowkey protective
This is going to be l o n g, but I enjoyed writing this, thank u.
I change some things since I feel that Oikawa and mostly Bokuto will be supportive with reader choices.
Genre: Fluff
Guide: (n/n) = nickname.
Hinata Shōyō.
Hinata x Fem! Reader.
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Hinata was happy to see another short boy joining the team, and specially someone as nice as (y/n).
While Kageyama didn’t even wanted to toss the ball to him (y/n) was on to practice every time.
(y/n) position was a libero, so he was usually with Noya-senpai learning everything that he has to teach.
—You were practicing a lot with Noya-senpai, (y/n) you are getting better!!
—thanks Sho-kun —“he” smiled.
In that moment Hinata though “how a boy can be that pretty?”
(y/n) face was delicate, “he” mostly wore baggy clothes at practice, and hasn’t see him in his school uniform.
What a mysterious “boy”
“Practice’s off” said couch Ukai, all the boys at the team were changing their clothes but Hinata notices that (y/n) wasn’t with them.
—Kageyama where is (y/n)?
—um? He was taking with Kiyoko-senpai
“Strange” the red hair though, so he decided to hide in the club room to find out what (y/n) was hiding
(y/n) was changing his clothes, he took his pants off and what Hinata saw was unbelievable.
he saw... panties... panties?? “Why is he wearing panties?” “Is his dear friend a pervert person?” “Or...”
(y/n) screamed while try to hide her low part, finally dressed in her school uniform she told her friend the truth.
—I saw you guys play against Seijoh the first time, and I wanted that! I wanted to be part to a team like yours, close and full of dreams, so I put on this disguise and pretend to be a boy to be part of the team! Please Sho, I want to play with you guys forever!
So he kept the secret, but something in Hinata change, I stated to be overprotective to (y/n), “please be careful” “Hey Kageyama don’t smack (y/n)” “I’m going to stay here to make sure no one enters”
But then, the day that Hinata feared the most came, a match, and not a normal match, it was against Seijoh, and Noya had an emergency so he wasn’t able to play, lucky Karasuno that they had another libero available to play.
—no and no (y/n)! You can’t play! We are against the grand king, something could happen to you!! Have you seen his servers??!!
—Hinata, I don’t care, I’m going to play and we are going to win this.
—you can’t risk yourself (y/n) you can get hurt! I’m sorry but I’m going to tell Daichi-San the truth.
“Oh no he is not going to do that” in a fast movement (y/n) threw the ball at him and hit Hinata’s head.
Everyone was looking at them, what is going on?, Kageyama and Tsukishima were laughing at Hinata’s, while (y/n) has her cheeks colored in pink, she was upset.
—I’m going to play, then I’m going to tell everyone the truth, but need to do this!
Karasuno won that match.
And Hinata kept (y/n) secret for a little bit longer.
Kuroo Tetsurō.
Kuroo x Fem! Reader
Fact: Kenma has been friends with the reader for a long time so he knows reader is a girl.
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With Lev joining the team, not only did they have a new member in the volleyball team, but also another boy was encouraged to be part of the Nekoma’s volleyball club.
(y/n) was a valuable new member, a middle blocker with a lot of talent came to help the team to be winners.
Kenma and (y/n) “became” good friends actually they already were, they were actually classmates, and with Kuroo they were the holy trinity, but only while they were in the club.
so for Kuroo that was suspicious, why if kenma and (y/n) were classmate he hasn’t see him before?, and Kenma’s actitud was suspicious too.
—don’t come to my classroom Kuroo, you are too annoying —kenma said—
That made Kuroo suspicious, why Kenma said that? Also, (y/n) was at Kenma’s course, are they hiding something? Since he joined the team Kenma and (y/n) were to secretive.
Kuroo began to observe (y/n), “why was that boy so delicate” “why does he smells sweet? Like cherries or some fruit”, also (y/n) was shorter than Kenma, and almost as thin as him, but... “that waist, how can a men have that waist?”
When they were cleaning the gym, (y/n) was with Kuroo sweeping the floor, and he notice how nice were the boy’s hands.
—(l/n) I didn’t notice, your hands look really nice... and small... —his voice became lower to the point to be almost a whisper— and with a soft looking...
—uh? What did you said senpai?
—Oh! Nothing, it’s ok, let’s keep cleaning.
Kuroo is an intelligent boy, with his carisma he could get (y/n) files. He chilling in his house decided to read them, “So he was a she?” Let’s see how this turn on.
Since (y/n) was only a backup Kuroo was calm, she wasn’t going to get hurt, but one day...
—Let’s put (l/n) to play, he is ready to handle this —coach Nekomata said.
“Oh no, oh no, pretty girl (y/n) is not going to play against that snakes”
—excuse me —Kuroo raise his hand— i need to talk with (l/n) for a minute —he dragged “him” by “his” arm.
In front of the vending machine (y/n) bought herself an ice tea, while waiting for Kuroo to talk.
—I’m gonna be straight with you (y/n) I know your secret, little miss in a boy disguise.
Damn (y/n) was afraid about what was gonna happen —senpai I can explain!!
—no, (y/n) I don’t want you to play in this match, I’m going to inform the coaches that you feel ill.
He turned around to walk to the gym, that he feel something hit the back of his head.
—did you throw that can to me? —he was amused —you could have knocked me out with that thing!! (y/n) are you nuts?!
—senpai! We are like the blood in our veins, we most flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and your mind working! —she bowed ninety degrees— please let me win this with you!!
Kuroo smiled flirtatiously —how can I say no to a pretty girl?
—oh! Senpai, Don’t tell anyone or I swear I’ll kick your ass
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa x Fem! Reader
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Oikawa was not only tormented by Iwaizumi, now he has (y/n) to supervise every move that he makes.
—(n/n)-chan! Iwa-Chan is already mean to me! Why you have to be mean to me too?!
He only looked at him and ignore him, (y/n) was a tall “boy” almost as Iwaizumi, and blessed with talent, they were constantly in a internal matchup since they both were setters.
—Iwa-Chan which toss are betters? Mine or (n/n)-Chan?
—(l/n) is not a pain in the ass like you shittyKawa, it’s obvious which toss I prefer.
(y/n) will only smirk at that statement.
One day Oikawa saw (y/n) facet, he was surrounded by his fans, and (y/n) appeared to drag him to practice, he was about to whine and tell the boy not to be boring, but one of his fans looked amused when he looked at (y/n).
“Uh? (l/n)-Chan? Why are you wearing the boys volleyball team uniform?”
(y/n) with no hesitation grabbed Oikawa by his wrist and drag him back to the gym.
—did you knew that girl?
—not at all, let’s practice, next Monday we will have a practice match with Shiratorizawa, we need to be ready.
Yeah, he knew that, their team was going to beat stupid Ushijima’s.
Next day was strange, Oikawa had a letter in his desk, well that wasn’t strange, but what was writing on the paper definitely was. “(y/n) (l/n) is girl, not a boy” and some photos were attached.
“Such a pretty girl wow” he thought.
Next days he decided to forget about the setter x setter rivalry and started teaching (y/n) every thing that he knew
“(n/n)-Chan do this like this” “(n/n)-Chan use your legs to impulse your body” “(n/n)-Chan Be careful!”
And he attended to practice with her without paying attention to his fans “(n/n)-Chan let’s go to practice!”
Monday finally came, the team was already in the bus to go to Shiratorizawa, Oikawa sat with (y/n) before anyone else’s.
—so, (n/n)-Chan, you are a girl, right?
There was silence, but (y/n) decided to speak.
But before that she smack his head.
—auch! Why you have to be mean to me? (n/n)-Chan! —he whines.
—I’m gonna play, lame ass trash can.
—of course you are playing, ace setter.
Bokuto Kōtarō
Bokuto x Fem! Reader
Fact: no one knows reader is a girl but Yukie had her suspicions.
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(l/n) (y/n) a second year “boy” who recently joined the team.
He was... troublesome.
(y/n) needed to be trained, the first time that he attended to play was a mess, a mess that catch up Bokuto’s attention.
—Don’t worry (l/n)!! I will train you!!
Best senpai ever.
—Now come on! (l/n)! Hey! Hey! HEY!
—hey! Hey! HEY! —the boy repeat
—good job! Now let’s practice your receives! You suck at that! Hahahaha
They became really good friends, and for Akaashi’s bad luck, now he had to looked not only for their ace, but now he had to looked up for the new baby owl.
(y/n) was a nice member, ready to give all his energy and commitment with the club and always helpful, (y/n) was the most helpful “tool” when Bokuto turned into emo mode.
—Akaashi —Yukie called— Bokuto seems down, Should I ask for a pretty girl to tell him he is awesome?
Meanwhile baby owl wanted to help “his” senpai —BOKUTO-SAN YOU ARE AWESOME!
—Really(l/n)? YES I AM! HAHA HEY HEY HEY.
“Well it’s not going to be necessary to call a girl anymore.
Now their relationship development was faster than (y/n) development in volleyball.
—(n/n)-kun let’s practice!
—I’m on my way! Kō-kun!
One day Bokuto left his backpack on the changing room, “wait for me Akaashee I’m going to find my things” but we he opened the door he saw his “bro” changing clothes.
(y/n) was only wearing joggers and has “his pectorals” were showing.
—wow bro nice pectorals!
(y/n) being a mess, pinky cheeks, teary eyes and squatting hiding her naked torso.
And then Bokuto realized.
—Please don’t tell Akaashi!
—Since the beginning of my life! NOW PLEASE GO I’M NAKED.
Bokuto just left confused, then he went to Akaashi to go to the train station together “what happened with Bokuto-san backpack?”
But he wasn’t going to say anything, when (y/n) joined the team he remembered what he, or she said “I want to be the best player just like all of you, let me be a part of the team please!”
“You are going to be the best player baby owl” he thought while start crying.
Next days were like “(n/n)! Let me help you!” “(n/n) I’ll do that for you!” “(n/n) let’s go home together, it’s too late!” “(n/n) watch out! Be careful with those balls”
Then they have the training camp with the other schools, Bokuto name himself like (y/n)-bodyguard.
“Don’t get too close to (y/n)” “get away be careful” “Eh don’t bother s- HE”
Then Kuroo trying to bother Bokuto said that (y/n) should play, the boy drag her out the gym, he didn’t care that she has a ball in her hands.
—you are not gonna tell anyone?
Bokuto went to the Gym first and feel the ball hit his head.
Sent me more request I love this.
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zodiacrant · 5 years ago
What are you doing in August?
(Zodiac text RPG game)
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*First what will you be doing?*
Aries: Clubbing
Taurus: Having a gathering
Gemini: Sleepover
Cancer: Visiting friends
Leo: Birthday party
Virgo: Taking pictures
Libra: Going out
Scorpio: Cooking
Sagittarius: Family gathering
Capricorn: Watching Netflix
Aquarius: Joining a club
Pisces: Playing video games
*With who?*
9th house:-
Aries: My bitch
Taurus: My BFF
Gemini: Random drunk girl
Cancer: S/O
Leo: Tinder date
Virgo: My parents
Libra: My crush
Scorpio: My pet
Sagittarius: My second personality
Capricorn: My favorite family member
Aquarius: My neighbors
Pisces: A homeless person
*Where is it?*
10th house:-
Aries: An abandoned barn
Taurus: A 5 star resort
Gemini: Around the block
Cancer: Someone’s remodeled basement
Leo: A house party
Virgo: Broadway show
Libra: Your friend’s boyfriend new car
Scorpio: A mansion
Sagittarius: The beach
Capricorn: High-rise penthouse
Aquarius: A junkyard
Pisces: A sketchy club
*Time to get dressed*
Aries: Something bold but simple
Taurus: Something elegant but comfy
Gemini: Something oversized
Cancer: Something Sweet but unique
Leo: Something flashy but not too much
Virgo: Something dressy but practical for any event
Libra: Something trendy but with your own taste
Scorpio: Something Black but with pops of color
Sagittarius: Whatever is available
Capricorn: Jeans and a T-shirts
Aquarius: Something with a statement
Pisces: Pajamas
*Oh no!*
*As you were about to change you trip on your own feet*
Saturn:- What will you grab to balance?
Aries: My dildo
Taurus: My boobs
Gemini: My bag
Cancer: The bed
Leo: The dresser
Virgo: The closet
Libra: The mirror
Scorpio: My junk
Sagittarius: The door knob
Capricorn: The chair
Aquarius: The window
Pisces: My blanket
*Oh no!*
*You ain’t grabbing shit!*
*Now what?!*
Aries: Push yourself to the back
Taurus: Look at yourself go down in the mirror
Gemini: Curse one last time before making contact with the ground
Cancer: Call for your mom
Leo: Protecting your face
Virgo: Cry on the way down
Libra: Save your phone
Scorpio: Falling with a graceful resting bitch face
Sagittarius: Screaming fuck
Capricorn: Bracing
Aquarius: About to take a shit
Pisces: About to fart
*Your attempts in saving yourself have failed*
*you slam into the floor*
*You’re feeling pain*
*What’s hurting?*
8th house:-
Aries: My face
Taurus: My mouth
Gemini: My eyes
Cancer: My chest
Leo: My stomach
Virgo: My arms
Libra: My ears
Scorpio: My junk
Sagittarius: My legs
Capricorn: My head
Aquarius: My back
Pisces: My feet
*You’re scream in pain*
*There’s a sound behind the door*
*As you wail, you hear someone’s voice*
*Who is it?*
4th house:-
Aries: My sibling
Taurus: My partner
Gemini: My young sibling
Cancer: My mother
Leo: My dad
Virgo: My grandmother
Libra: My friend
Scorpio: My step sister Rebecca ?!!
Sagittarius: My Teacher
Capricorn: My grandfather
Aquarius: My cat
Pisces: My dog
*The door opens*
*What are they doing?*
5th house:-
Aries: Shaking you
Taurus: Giving you CPR
Gemini: Slapping you to wake up
Cancer: Crying that you’re dead
Leo: Pulling on your hair and clothes
Virgo: Calling the police
Libra: Passed out on top of you
Scorpio: Hugging you as they cry
Sagittarius: Shouting so you’ll get up
Capricorn: Pouring water on your face
Aquarius: Screaming for help
Pisces: Pulling you outside for some reason
*You’re clearly awake*
*They’re not paying attention to you*
*You’re getting mad*
*What do you do?*
Aries: Square up on that bitch
Taurus: Kick that bitch in the crotch
Gemini: Slap that bitch
Cancer: Bite that bitch
Leo: Scratch that bitch
Virgo: Pull that bitch’s hair
Libra: Poke that bitch in the eye
Scorpio: Choke that bitch
Sagittarius: Punch that bitch in the stomach
Capricorn: Grab that bitch from the ear
Aquarius: Twist that bitch’s arm
Pisces: Push that bitch
*They got off of you*
*What will you do/say?*
3rd house:-
Aries: Curse that bitch out
Taurus: Scream at that bitch
Gemini: Push that bitch out of the room
Cancer: Scream cry at that bitch
Leo: Continues on beating that bitch’s ass out of the room
Virgo: Lectures that bitch
Libra: Aggressively explains what happened to that bitch
Scorpio: Drags that bitch out by the hair
Sagittarius: Frantically scream as the bitch runs out
Capricorn: *Death glare*
Aquarius: Throwing shit at that bitch
Pisces: stays a couple more minutes on the ground moaning
*Now with that over let’s go*
*A few hours later*
*You see someone checking you out*
*You take breath of courage*
*Or a shot*
*You start walking towards them*
*How do you walk there?*
Aries: with confidence, knowing you’ll get them
Taurus: On the outside you’re confident but on the inside you’re freaking out
Gemini: Taking short walks as you think of what to say
Cancer: Reluctant, you walk towards them, then you walk back, you stop yourself and then you walk back towards them
Leo: You walk with all your might, giving them the impression you’re not going towards them but you’re
Virgo: Walking slowly, as you’re reciting all the moves and things you should and shouldn’t say
Libra: Acting like the best to mask the terror on your face
Scorpio: You’re scared they’ll be like the last one
Sagittarius: Memorizing and thinking of catch lines to impress them
Capricorn: You’re walking feeling guarded, like you’re about to go to war
Aquarius: Unsure of whether it’s worth it or not
Pisces: Thinking about memes to talk about
*You get there*
*You introduce yourself *
*How do you introduce yourself?*
Aries: You start up the conversation by straight up telling them that they have caught your attention
Taurus: You take time warming up, standing next to them. You wait about what to say and then they catch you off guard by making their first move
Gemini: Out of nervousness, you pull out your phone and act as if you’re doing something to buy yourself some time to think. You then attempt to say hello only to say jello! They laugh it off and ask if you’re speaking Spanish
Cancer: As you got there they turn to look at you and compliment you, as you give a blushing thanks
Leo: You’re making poses next to them as they’re attempting not to look at you, as you get bored and restless and about to scream what’s wrong with them, they give a simple hi
Virgo: You two look over at each other waiting for one to talk, as you’re about to say hello they also say hello, then you both say sorry at the same time and laugh
Libra: You give them your hair-flip, smile and wink technique, and they smirk at you and get a little closer. You start acting like you don’t know what’s up as they come closer to you and say a simple hi
Scorpio: You take a deep breath, get a drink, and walk over there ask them if there’s a problem by mistake, you slam your head on your forehead and as you stumble on your words they tell you it’s okay and introduce themselves
Sagittarius: You try to act cool, like you own the shit and fail miserably. This, however, gives you an advantage, as it happens that this person has a good sense of humor. You introduce yourselves as you laugh.
Capricorn: You try to play hard to get and appear like you’re all that, pretending you don’t see this person. As you notice by the corner of tour eye that they’re getting frustrated, you take a breath and turn around with a “WHAT!” that sounded like a fight more than a flirt. They get pissed off and start to walk away as you apologize and then they chuckle under their breath.
Aquarius: You try to find a subject to talk about, you take your time looking around, so you start a conversation about their drink that ended awkwardly. Then as you wait for them to talk, you say “I am…..” as they’re about to talk.
Pisces: You don’t trip after thinking about walking straight, you get a drink and as you turn you drink flies out of your hand and falls on the floor. As you apologize and try to clean the mess up, you slip and they catch you
*After the puke fest of unrealistic cliche romance meeting scenes*
*It’s a make believe game. Leave me alone*
*You start to get to know this person*
*What are they like?*
7th house:-
Aries: A biker, bad boy/girl vibe, leather and jeans, tattoos and a lot of attitude
Taurus: Charming, elegant, classy, has an old school Hollywood type of vibe, seems opulent
Gemini: Skater, jeans and a hoodie, laid back and easy going, looks like a lot of fun with a good amount of trouble
Cancer: Classic looks but so captivating, beautiful eyes with a matching smile, your notebook fantasy boy/girl
Leo: Dressed for the 10’s, flashy, confident, owns the room, mesmerizing you with those eyes, they got the moves
Virgo: Someone that knows what they want, very intelligent person with an eye for detail and beauty, the muse to your artistic self
Libra: Classic heartthrob that everybody wants, got style and a whole lot of swag, knows what to say to make your head spin, sweet kisses
Scorpio: Seductive, absorbs all the lights in the room, undresses you with your eyes, knows how to show you a an unforgettable night
Sagittarius: A little nerdy, has that next door boy/girl kind of charm, get what they like and love what they get, will show you the world
Capricorn: Strong personality but reserved, put together and clean, angel on the street and a devil in the sheets
Aquarius: Commands and shifts the room’s energy, the wild one, eccentric, marches to the beat of their own drums
Pisces: A big hippie, an artist with an eye that separates things and put them back together, such a weirdo but they’re cute, they see you as their muse
*You two are hitting things off*
*Someone unexpected came through!*
*Who is it?*
12th house:-
Aries: Your hateful sister-in-law
Taurus: Your ex partner
Gemini: Your ex Best friend
Cancer: Janet Jackson??
Leo: Your rival
Virgo: Your elementary school bully
Libra: Your frenemy
Scorpio: Your enemy
Sagittarius: A date that you ghosted
Capricorn: Your annoying boss
Aquarius: Your sister’s asshole boyfriend
Pisces: Your drug dealer!
*You start to freak out*
*You look for your friend*
*You found them*
* You run out with them losing on the possibility of love*
*1 Hour later*
*You sigh as you go to bed*
*And order some food cause ain’t no relationship feels as good as food*
The end
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years ago
🥞☕brunch café owner! jin☕🥞
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tw: a tiny mention of anxiety and shitty people that you may have encountered in school / uni ( but a lot of fluff to make up for it! )
- so far, your day was a complete catastrophe, im not even gonna tone it down, it was a complete shitshow to be honest
-it was like god woke up and went "i’m gonna let y/n have a shit day lmaoo"
-you overslept and missed your bus... on the day you had an appointment with your lecturer about your term paper
- after tripping on the stairs and hitting your knee, you hobbled to the office where this gollum lookalike was already waiting for you
- your lecturer was unreasonable enough to not let you extend your deadline for your paper... the one book you needed wasn't in the library for the past 3 weeks and there was no other edition available. so you explained the situation multiple times even at the beginning of your writing process, you even wrote him mails to explain the issue
- but this man who literally radiated boomer energy with every particle of his being really had the audacity to not answer, not even to your second mail and then he actually said that he does not understand "how someone of your age doesn't manage to even get a simple task as writing a paper" done
-you explained the situation again but he was pretty much tone-deaf to your situation and didn't even care when you said that you're actually gonna go to the library now to get the book scans
- so you went there already drained and exhausted from that conversation
-but the library was an even worse experience tbh .......
[fic mode: on, hohoho]
The lady in the library yelled at you for no apparent reason after you informed her that the scanner wasn't working and made you look stupid in front of other students who were there until one of them intervened and helped you out, which you appreciated. But this whole situation grew even worse on you after you left the library because your anxiety kicked in. You went straight into a quiet alley nearby and started crying quietly. "But hey!" you then exclaimed angrily, while wiping away your tears "At least the paper is gonna get done, right?! because who gives a shit about mental health and all huh, Mr. Go?!" and you started sobbing again. "Dickhead... And that stupid library lady... with her stupid fat 80s glasses. And her ugly yeehaw look...". This was something you wouldn't ever do in public, crying and ranting that is. but the alley was quiet, your only company was a stray cat that was sleeping underneath a tree's shadow. or so you thought. "Ugly yeehaw people and their ugly ass clothes, like... go read a magazine or something...". You started feeling more liberated with each mild insult you'd utter, so you went on. "Ugly library lady and her giant wart, like who the fuck are you? yubaba?" you heard someone snort and start laughing a squeaky laugh that almost sounded like a windshield wiper. Taken aback by the unexpected witness to your mild breakdown, you stood still at first, then looked around, left and right, but you couldn't see anyone. "Over here!" you heard someone say. You looked around again and sighed when you still couldn't see anyone. "Did I finally lose my mind?" you mumbled to yourself, only to hear the squeaky laugh again. "Hey! Turn around and look up!". You got up the bench and did as you were told by the omnipresent voice and finally saw the person it belonged to. Up at the 1st floor, there was a guy looking down to you from his tiny balcony that had plants hanging down from it. He smiled at you when your eyes met and you felt your heart rate go up in an instant, as you realized this stranger, this awfully handsome stranger witnessed how your petty little rant and crying about yubaba's twin in the library. "Tough day, huh?" he asked, you just nodded and quickly wiped your face with your sleeve. "Oh no, hold on" he mumbled and suddenly disappeared from his window, leaving you behind with a surprised look on your face. A box of Kleenex suddenly landed in front of your feet, as he reappeared at his window. "Just one would have done it, too, but thank you. I appreciate it!" you said and smiled at the guy. While you wiped your face, you heard another something land on the bench. You looked up again to the guy who, all of a sudden, avoided your gaze. "That'll help, you know..." he said and looked at you in surprise when you started laughing. What he threw on the bench was a... bar of chocolate. One that also happened to be your favourite. You looked at him and gave him a huge smile that made his heart flutter. He looked away shyly and scratched his head. "Tough day, yeah... but this right here," you raised the chocolate bar, "this makes it all better, you're right about that. Thank you!" The stranger couldn't help but look at you once again. He almost felt compelled to it. It was like staring at the sun when it sets, you know that you shouldn't stare at it directly, but it's so breathtakingly beautiful that you can't help but look. He intently watched you while you happily munched on your chocolate and smiled to himself. "What's your name?" he asked you. "Y/N! How about you?" - "I'm Seokjin. You can call me Jin..." - "Nice to meet you, Jin. I wish it would have been under different circumstances, though. I'm actually quite embarrassed about that, but chocolate helps with that, too." You two smiled at each other. "You know what, Y/N? Sometimes good things happen at weird times. Don't be embarrassed about crying earlier. I'm the last person who'd judge you because of that. I know that library witch, by the way... That Yubaba comparison was spot on!" You laughed out loud - he very much wished to hear this sound more often now. "Y/N, I gotta get ready for work now. But I'm gonna share one last bit of wisdom with you. I know a good remedy for bad days." - "Better than chocolate?" - "Oh, yes. Even better than chocolate. There's a café in XX street. There's a whole lot of lavender growing right in front of it, you can't miss it. That cafe has the best pancakes in the entire city." - Oh my god, pancakes are the best thing on earth!" - "(!!!) You must go there and try then! They're fluffy and come in 5 different variations and the sweetest maple syrup! I'm telling you, if you have a bad day like this again, go straight to that café." He already got you at pancakes, so you definitely would go there. "I'll finish this damn paper and then go reward myself with pancakes! In one or two weeks I'll get like 2 plates of pancakes then!" - "That sounds perfect!", he laughed. Shortly after, he excused himself and you two bid farewell. He disappeared from his window and your troubles had disappeared from your soul. You went home with a smile on your face, thankful for the kindness he had shown you and hoped that you would see him in the café some day. "Who knows... Maybe he's a regular there. It sounded like it."
Roughly one and a half weeks later, many all nighters and a whole lot of take out food, you finished the paper and handed it in. Liberated from this massive pain in the ass, you went straight to the café that your thoughts circled around during the times you weren't busy with your paper. "God, I hope he's there...", you thought and thought of Jin, who you thought about as much as you dreamed of the huge plate of pancakes you were going to get now. The café was not very far from where you lived, you walked there in about 15 minutes and recognised the place by a very accurate description Jin has given you. The smell of lavender bewitched you as soon as you stepped into the alley the café was in. Lots of flower pots were in the front of it, not only was there lavender but also gardenias and petunias. The flowers were all around the tables outside. "Of course, the flower boy loves the flower café" you said to yourself and smiled. The café wasn't too busy, as you came by at a rather early hour, when there were still lectures for most students and older people were busy at the local market place. You were greeted right away when you entered the café, by a younger man, probably also a fellow student, who was wearing an apron and gave you a warm welcome with his bunny smile. He showed you to your table at the window side from where you could watch bees hurdle at the lavender pots outside. You ordered shortly after, it didn't take much thinking when you saw the "Eat the stress away" menu, with regular pancakes, hashbrowns and a tea/coffee option. "Excellent choice! It's my personal favourite~", your waiter added. You glanced at each other. "Fellow student?" you asked and laughed when he suddenly looked at you with a gloomy look, but joined you in laughter right away. "Shared struggle", he said laughing, leaned over real quick and whispered: "I'll get you some blueberry pancakes, too. I'll tell the chef you're a friend of mine." - "Oh my god, thank you!" He winked and went straight to the kitchen, while humming a tune. Well, this was certainly the sweetest waiter you'd ever encountered. But you had your eyes on the door, hoping for a divine intervention that would lead to Jin coincidentally walk into the café when you were there. Around 15 minutes later you finally sipped on your coffee and were about to devour the fluffiest pancakes you'd ever had on a plate in front of you. The hash browns were a tad bit disappointing, as they had a slighty burnt taste and weren't spiced very well, in your opinion. But the pancakes were absolutely amazing. Their soft and fluffy texture was  complemented with butter and the sticky-sweet maple syrup that as truly as good as Jin said. And the blueberry pancakes were so good that you feared losing control over your facial expressions. Your waiter came along to your table, after he got the newest customer orders to the kitchen. You invited him to sit with you, which he gladly accepted. "How do you like it? They're really good, right?" - "I think this is what the kids call 'foodgasm'...", you answered and the two of you giggled. He looked at your plate and noticed the hash browns that you put at the edge of your plate. "Oh? Didn't like the hash browns?" he asked with wide eyes.
"They're slightly burnt, I think..." you said shyly. You were never one to criticize the cook when you didn't like your food in a restaurant. The only time when you actually complained was when you once found hair in your soup in a restaurant, and even back then you apologised for the trouble whereas it was clearly the chef who was at fault. "Please don't tell anyone, this can happen sometimes, I accept that." you quickly added, but your waiter shook his head ferociously. "You paid for this, so it is our duty to bring good food to your table. Our chef is a perfectionist, I don't understand how this can happen anyway. I'll get it sorted out, but not without teasing him. Can you wait a little until the customers are gone here. We close for lunch time. So people are gonna leave soon." You agreed and waited, while befriending the waiter - Jungkook, a 2nd year student who was currently doing a side job at "Café Smeraldo". After the last customer left, Jungkook decided to call the chef by yelling across the café. "He's also the manager you know. We're a bit short-staffed, you know... This is gonna be funny~~ JIN-HYUNG!" You almost spat out your coffee and started coughing as soon as you heard that name. "JIN-HYUNG COME OUT OF YOUR BUREAU! YOU BURNT A CUSTOMER'S FOOD!" He cackled after he heard noise coming from inside, while you sat there mortified. The door from the staff room slammed open and you instantly wished to turn into dust, as said manager/chef was the guy who consoled you on one of the worst days you've had in your academic life. The two of you stared at each other in shock, but before he could say anything to you he started scolding his younger co-worker and the two of them started bickering, while you continued sipping on your coffee, because this whole situation was soon more entertaining than it was mortifying. At some point Jin shushed Jungkook who shut up right away when he realized that this wasn't playful bickering anymore. Jungkook bowed deeply and went to the kitchen where he started cleaning. "You're friends with the boy?" Jin asked and sat down at your table. He looked tired, you thought. "No, actually we met earlier, but I suppose we just clicked very fast." - "So this kid got you my famous blueberry pancakes on the house, huh?" - "...I guess so. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you trouble. I really didn't want him to say anything about the hash browns either." He quickly glanced at them and grabbed one to take a bite, but put it down again before doing so. "I can see it already", he said "you don't need to apologise, it's my bad." He sat there with a gloomy expression and sighed. "Tough day, huh?" you asked and smiled at him when he laughed at your reference. "Tough week is more like it. We're a bit short-staffed at the moment. But enough of me and my manager melancholy. Finished your paper?" You were surprised by his sudden change, but you went along. "Yeah, I turned it in earlier and came here right after. I gave you my word after all." You smiled at him, and he felt the same rush that he had experienced the day he first met you. You continued: "You were right, by the way. These pancakes are everything!! Especially the blueberry ones. Is that your recipe?" He laughed and nodded. "I'm glad you liked them!" he said. "I'll serve you better hash browns the next time, pinky promise. I got a phone call while preparing 3 orders, yours was the only one that suffered from it." - "It happens sometimes. Don't dwell on something so minor." - "Says you, who cried beneath my balcony because of some witch!" The two of you giggled. He looked at you with a look, that made your cheeks burn. His gaze was fond and soft, it was the kind of look you have whenever the sky looks pretty, or when a bird lands near you and sings a little song. Neither of you could break the look you shared, as neither of you could describe a bond that was apparently now formed with chocolate and pancakes. It was him who spoke up first: "Got room for more pancakes?". This question took you by surprise, but pancakes are always a welcome surprise. "Hell yeah, you can never have enough pancakes." - "I need more proof for that, but based on that sentence alone I can say that we may be soulmates, Y/N." You started laughing, as did he. "But why? What do you have in mind? Also, I'm surprised you still remember my name." His cheeks got a very apparent pink hue after your remark and you noticed how grossly you were endeared by this man. "Y/N... How could I forget..." he said with a low voice that made your heart flutter. "How could I forget someone who made me believe there was a banshee at my door for a solid minute!" He broke out in his loud and squeaky laughter as soon as he saw the pure offence and shock on your face, after he said that, because *that* was certainly not what you expected to hear.  "You're mean, oh my god!" you exclaimed but had to laugh, too. You guys needed two minutes to calm down again. The pink hue on his face was still there and you felt the rush of confidence in you. He noticed you looking at him and spoke up:
"Y/N... How could I forget someone who has made me smile on a day I didn't feel like smiling at all? I got the news my cook had to quit on the day we met. I thought this was the end for my café. But then, I met you, shortly after I got the news. And seeing you going from crying to happily munching on some chocolate despite having issues that made you cry in public in the first place... Seeing you forgetting your troubles with something so small as a chocolate bar. I don't know... I felt hopeful for some reason. And I love this feeling. And, god... I really hoped you'd take my advice and come here to have my pancakes! (he chuckled) But I have to admit something... I so regretted not asking for your number. For the past week I jumped through the kitchen door everytime a customer came in...". You were pretty sure your heart was soon gonna explode through your chest. He hid his face with his hands and sighed. "I'm not like this at all~" he whined, before facing you again. "But... How about I make us some more pancakes now? And hash browns, if you like. I haven't had breakfast yet and well... I really want to make you pancakes. Can I?" His voice became thinner with each sentence he added, since he came shyer with each bit. You chuckled, in disbelief about how your rapidly beating heart became so calm, yet so full when this man told you he wanted to make you pancakes. No nervosity whatsoever, no second thoughts, nothing. An epiphany over pancakes... Who would have thought? This was safe. This was a safe place for both of you, and both of you felt it.
"A breakfast date then?"
"Breakfast date it is."
"I like the sound of that."
-you two enter the kitchen after you insisted on watching him cook for you-
jk: hyu- oh, hi y/n! you guys know each other? ah hyung, i cleaned up everything and tidied up in the bureau. i'm sorry about earlier. (bows again and stands there shyly)
jin: (sighs very deeply) come here, you dodo.
the two of them shared a short but sweet hug, after which jungkook had a huge smile on his face again. jin and you shared a look and the same thought as you looked at jungkook after.
jin: jk, you wanna have pancakes with us?
jk: huh? yeah sure, i'm actually pretty hungry... (he smiles at you two) I'll go clean up inside real quick and prepare the table! yayy, pancake brunch with friends ☺️ (he leaves you two in the kitchen)
you turned to jin and smiled. "don't even start." he said quickly, while he started getting the ingredients out. "AWWW~~" - "NOOO!"
-the end-
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fizzingwizard · 5 years ago
Tumblr sucks so I had to post this twice but you should still read it because I had a lot of fun writing it xD Yamato is so easy to tease omg
Today’s Digimon Adventure: 2020 episode is entitled, “Time To Bring Back Visual Kei Bands,” because that’s pretty much where WereGarurumon belongs. I know what you’re thinking, he’s a wolf man in jeans with a kind of grungy rock n roll cowboy theme, how is that visual kei?
My friend, it’s all about the NAILS.
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Those perfectly manicured, PINK freaking nails.
Tto start I’ll say this episode lowers the tension significantly compared to previous ones. That’s to be expected, and doesn’t mean it’s boring. It does a lot - it lets us confirm some things about Yamato, and a couple things about Sora and Jou in relation to him as well. It is otherwise a carbon copy of episode 8 in terms of story arc. More below as usual
So this ep is Yamato/Sora/Jou main inside a Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi sandwich.
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We are starting to see more of Mimi Herself, complaining and whining about the unfairness of it all. Taichi appears to have scaled this wall by himself and Mimi’s like “YOU HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY, YOU’LL PUT THE ENERGIZER BUNNY OUT OF A JOB, DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HOMELESS BUNNIES?? HE HAS TO PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY”
Adding salt to the wound, Koushirou then zips up the wall like this..
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The good thing about Mimi is, though she’s emotional, it’s easy to lift her spirits. She’s very in the moment. And fortunate that she has a partner who is both very patient and useful in these circumstances.
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Meanwhile the slightly-less-energetic group has put their heads together and decided to fly first class to their destination. I would ask where they got the basket but I’m sure I’d get the same answer as Taichi’s raft from episode 4 and Jou’s pergola from episode 7: these kids are extremely good at woodcraft and speedy
(or maybe Sora just had a giant basket in her bag, which we all understand by now is really a Bag of Holding)
While airborne they are Attacked!!! by SandYanmamon and not one but two tornadoes.
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Jou: Wonderful!
(for a hot second there I mistook this for Birdramon’s line and was like “??? birdramon’s unusually sarcastic today” but of course it’s the king of morbid humor kido jou)
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These Kyaromon appear out of nowhere to show off their dramatic eyeliner. Work it baby
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Just when you think SandYanmamon and TWO FREAKING TORNADOES are enough, turns out there’s another threat lurking below the sand for the sole purpose of reminding us yet again “Pokemon this is not!”
SandYanmamon: Aaaaaaahhh nooooooooo i had so much living left to doooo heeeelp mommyyyyyyyyy
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Cool-headed Yamato figures out that the new monster is able to track their movements under the sand. He sends the others away while he stays behind to hold off the bad guy.
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The Kyaromon lead them to a cave where they meet...
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ewww uuggghh noooo I hate them aaaahh make it stoppp
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and also Neemon! and I’m just going to assume this is a parallel universe version of Frontier’s Neemon because it tickles me to think this is what he actually sounds and acts like and is just riding Bokumon out of pure spite
also Bearmon’s cap says “Bears.” Not bear, bears plural. I believe he’s an outcast former member of the Gummy Bears.
The Labramon look like Rainbow Brite rejects
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Pictured above: First lovers’ tiff!
Neemon doesn’t know about the holy Digimon and tells the kids he is leading his group of perfectly helpless Digimon across the monster-infested desert because of the dark forces taking over everywhere. They will seek asylum with Leomon! We got our first mention of Leomon! Quick, cast your bets, how long till he dies? My guess is sooner rather than later because this seems like the kind of show that likes to kill your darlings.
Sora takes one look at this pathetic group and goes “We must go with them to protect them!” conveniently forgetting that she just got her ass kicked, but hey it’s the thought that counts
Yamato is quick to disagree.
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Yamato: Did you forget that I stayed behind while you RAN AWAY? When you say let’s protect them, you mean I’M gonna be protecting them, right? RIGHT? That’s what you mean RIGHT??
(he thinks, but doesn’t say. that wouldn’t be Cool)
Yamato doesn’t want to lose sight of their mission, which is to fix things in their home world. He’s already at his limit hanging out with other human children who don’t know what they’re doing, he doesn’t want to be slowed down by freaking Bearmon. Wishy-washy Jou is like “Eh, either way sounds like death and torment to me, so...”
The interesting thing to me here is that no one’s upset. A bit surprised, I think, but Sora just stands her ground, Jou wibbles but eventually gets pumped up enough by Gomamon to decide to help her. They don’t even try much to stop Yamato from leaving which I think is what surprised me the most. I would have expected at least a vibe more like “We shouldn’t split up!” or something. If Taichi were there, maybe we’d have seen more conflict... but I’m really not sure. So far, conflict among the kids has been very low key. Even last week, the first time we saw Taichi and Yamato butt heads, to the other kids it was shocking but to a 99 Adventurer like me it was barely a kerfluffle xP
Well, anyway, the result is Sora and Jou stay with Neemon, and Yamato goes off on his own, and there is surprisingly little bad blood about any of this. They are all just getting to know each other though, so maybe that loyalty’s not quite expected yet.
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Same as episode 8, Gabumon hints that there’s more to Yamato’s behavior than he lets on. He’s not just coldly abandoning his friends... except that he totally is >_> (As an adult, I don’t exactly think Yamato is wrong. I’d be more likely to agree with him than the others probably xP But these are children in a show for children, so Protecting Others and Following Your Feelings get a boost over cool rationale.)
Gabumon says Yamato should open up to the other kids. YEAH RIGHT. Yamato says “You’re all I need.” AWWWWWWWWW this wont backfire on them in a way that will wrench out my heart and tear it to a million pieces in forty episodes or so, no way
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Ikkakumon becomes a Sand Boat while Birdramon covers the sky. At first I was like “hey! not a bad plan!” If they can help Neemon’s group get across the desert faster, it will be a big help even if they can’t take them further.
Of course, first they have to deal with the SandYanmamon.
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Ikkakumon: Why does everyone go straight for the horn!?!
Oh, and also the two tornadoes.
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Sora, standing on Birdramon’s leg: don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down
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And now Sora’s on fire! That is it, I’m headcanoning it that the kids are basically invulnerable as long as they are touching their partners. THERE’S JUST NO EXPLAINING THIS
The flaming elementary school child does well until her partner is snared by the same monster from before, who turns out to be Scorpiomon. But this ain’t your momma’s Scorpimon from 99 Adventure, who was really Anomalocarimon but that was too hard to expect kids to say. This is the real Scorpiomon who is much scarier.
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All of a sudden, from above!
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Yamato and Garurumon, both physically incapable of doing anything normally when there is a cooler, more awesome method available, drop into the battle from the air and start burning shit up.
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They stand, bodies licked by blue flame, piercing eyes bright with the fever of battle, the sound of swooning fan girls echoing into the night
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Garurumon does his best but Scorpiomon is a level higher so, duh, he doesn’t stand much of a chance. WHAT WILL OUR HERO DO.
Well, first, same as in episode 8, he flashes back to each of his newfound friends, gaining strength from their memory. Yamato is so sentimental it Hurts
Then his mind flashes to someone else...
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... his favorite bobble head doll. No wait, that’s his round-headed baby brother, Charlie Brown.
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he is infused with the power of Friendship!!!!!!!
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Garurumon: What... is this feeling... so passionate... so... powerful... FFFRIENDSHIPPPPPP IS MAGIC
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He then evolves into a brony into a furry in the coolest freakiest way he knows how.
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WereGarurumon is basically everything the creators thought little boys like besides dinosaurs (because Taichi’s got that one covered) thrown together to make the ultimate little boy dream action figure: wolves, leather, hardware, piercings, brass knuckles, belts, skulls, scars, dog tags, and fuchsia stiletto nails
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Ikkakumon: Sugoi... so shiny... oooh... blinding me...
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WereGarurumon kicks Scorpiomon’s ass, it’s a cool battle scenes complete with kicks so fast his foot appears detached from his body. He then gives Yamato thumbs up.
Yamato: With nails like those the brass knuckles are kind of overkill...
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Yamato dodges apologizing for going off on his own like that by saying he only came back because it’d be useful to him to have the others around as a decoy. Jou’s like FRIGGING DECOYS AGAIN??
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But his dedication to remaining cool and aloof falters and he ends up telling them he’s just extra pressured to get their mission handled because he has a little brother, Takeru, living in Tokyo who is probably very scared stuck in the blackout. Sora and Jou are like “Oh, that makes sense, that’s why you’re so high strung.” They don’t point out the obvious, which is that they also have families affected by the blackout... >_>
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Jou passionately thanks Yamato for being so forthcoming so early in the season and looks forward to telling Yamato about himself in the future.
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The others: “But we already know all about you.”
Jou: “But HE doesn’t!”
xD look forward to it, Yamato...
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It’s episode 11 and Yamato can already smile like this... I had to cap it.
Yamato: Ahh, I’m finally getting used to wearing this purple shirt. Still can’t get quite suppress the urge to cut off the sleeves though...
The other slice of bread completes our sandwich when we shoot back briefly to Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi’s group.
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Taichi gets annoyed with Koushirou for the first time because of how much time Koushirou spends taking pictures of everything. Koushirou is that kid on the museum field trip who holds up the entire class reading every last word on the exhibit plaques while everyone else groans ‘cmon dude I wanna get to the dinosaurs before we go extinct too!!’
fyi I, Fizzing Wizard, was and am that slow ass kid
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Mimi’s even more impatient than Taichi and in her boredom she starts touching things, because she’s never seen The Mummy.
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Next ep’s trailer includes:
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And Lillymon!!!
Oprah voice: You get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get-
Yeah so, clearly everyone’s gonna get to Perfect level much quicker than in 99 Adventure, which again, it’s good they’re mixing things up. The question is, what’s next? My guess is down the line everyone will get Ultimate levels and of course, at some point we’ll see Omegamon. I wonder if there will be other Jogress possibilities? Just because it’s hard to believe evolution will stop being important, but if they’re going through both Adult and Perfect so fast it doesn’t leave much left for the rest of the season...
I give this ep a 5.5/10 for being basically a remix of episode 8, and I’m looking forward to getting new stuff for Yamato eventually. Next week’s looking to be Mimi-centric if Lillymon’s any indication, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for a few Taishiro moments anyway.
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thanksjro · 5 years ago
More Than Meets the Eye #12- Gay Rights: the Movie
Finally finished with our franchise obligations! Let’s get back to the main story.
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Those are some ominous ellipses. Almost like something bad is going to happen!
Let’s take a look at Cover A for this issue.
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When this was released to the general public, alongside the synopsis that stated the Lost Lighters were going to run into a group of Decepticons, a lot of people thought we’d be seeing them meet the Scavengers. This isn’t the case, and that’s not Fulcrum. It’s some other K-Con, one that has purple in his color scheme.
Our story opens up with a narrative framing device:
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Welcome to “Before & After”, one of the more ambitious issues of MTMTE in terms of storytelling. Roberts really likes bouncing between scenes and POVs, and he’s really indulging that here.
Rodimus and crew have loaded up on one of the Lost Light’s scouting ships to check in on a planet called Temptoria. Whirl’s leading all the guys in the front in a war cry that wouldn’t be out of place in Hollywood’s version of the Vietnam war, while Brawn demonstrates how to not properly handle a gun. Rodimus tries to explain what exactly they’ll be doing, but no one’s listening, feeding off of the chaotic energy. The back seat isn’t quite as rowdy.
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Oh, Ambulon’s here? That’s got to be awkward. And Perceptor’s looking mighty cross about having to pick up a gun again. Isn’t he supposed to be retired from being a science sniper?
Rodimus finally gets everyone to settle down long enough to explain the situation, though not without a little jargon mixup.
Basically, Ultra Magnus went down to Temptoria while the “Shadowplay” story was being told, and found out that the organic populace had been enslaved by a group of Decepticons, and, more importantly, the sovereign agreement that the planet had with Cybertron’s been violated. Also, these guys might have been the one’s who kidnapped the Circle of Light. You remember those guys, right? The guys who were supposed to be in the 2012 Annual, but they weren’t, and Drift got really mad about it.
Rodimus wraps up the briefing with a “’Til all are one!” And we cut over to see what Swerve and Tailgate are up to. Tailgate seems to be a little nervous, not the type to enjoy waiting, but Swerve seems to be doing just fine. Why is that, exactly?
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Even if Rung’s still a steamed side dish of a vegetable, he’s still here, in a way. And good on Swerve for not assuming Tailgate can visualize in the same way he can. Aphantasia is more common than one might think.
Escapism is an interesting way of dealing with your problems, but I don’t know enough about wartime psychiatry to know if this is something that would actually be considered a viable solution or not.
Oh, now that I’ve said it, I’ve got the research itch.
Later, later.
Anyway, Tailgate gives it a spin, and his happy place is surprisingly domestic for such a seasoned professional.
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Pipes, it’s a clear glass, it’s not hiding anything from you.
Speaking of Pipes, he’s seated next to Hound, as they discuss what happened to Red Alert. Or, rather, the cover story that’s been fed to the rest of the crew by Rodimus, which is that the engine room pretty much attacked him. This is how ghost stories get started.
Trailcutter’s gotten some guns installed in his legs, because he’s a hypocrite.
Over with Chromedome and Rewind, there’s trouble in paradise, as they’re having a lovers’ spat. Chromedome’s giving Rewind the silent treatment, and Rewind’s having none of it. What exactly are they fighting about? We don’t get to know about that yet, but it’s digging up other issues, like Chromedome going back on his promise to stop injecting. The only thing keeping this from becoming a total meltdown is Whirl can-canning through the door to kidnap Rewind, so he can film Whirl getting in the zone before the fight. Whirl’s having a great time. This is probably the first time they’ve gotten to fight something since the Lost Light took off, and he’s all about it.
Rewind’s dragged away, and Chromedome just lets it happen, because he’s feeling cross. It’s good to take a moment to cool off, but I’m not quite sure this was the best time or way for it to happen.
Meanwhile, on the Temptorian surface, Blip the Decepticon, who is likely the dirtiest son of a gun we’ve run into so far, is asked to take a look at the monitor by a guy who sounds exactly like Megatron. It doesn’t particularly matter which Megatron, because comics are not an audio-based medium, so you can pick whichever one you like best. What’s on the monitor does not please Blip in the slightest.
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I feel like maybe having guys who don’t turn into flying machines jump out of the bottom of the shuttlecraft isn’t the greatest tactical thinking, but I’m sure everything will be okay. Brawn’s got a gun, maybe he’ll figure out how to rocket-jump before he hits terminal velocity.
Then the narrative jumps to after the fight, as the ship flies away from the scene, and Chromedome isn’t happy. It’s for a different reason than earlier, though.
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Man, Pipes just can’t win, can he?
Ambulon remembers that he is, in fact, a medical professional, and starts working on Rewind, while Chromedome tries to ask Swerve just what the hell happened. Swerve’s having his own issues, however.
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I’d nearly forgotten they had skeletons.
On the production side of this issue, we’ve got two artists: there’s our usual guy, Alex Milne on the “Before” sections, and Brandon Cahill on the “After”. Cahill’s other Transformers work includes The Transformers (2009) and the sister series to MTMTE, Robots in Disguise. Outside of the franchise, he’s worked on several Marvel pieces, including writing Sable & Fortune and Legion of Monsters. Unlike a lot of the alternate artists we’ve seen for the series, Cahill won’t be a one-and-done; we’ll see his art again in Dark Cybertron, Season 2 of MTMTE, and even Lost Light.
Getting back to the story, we’ve jumped back to the point in the battle where everyone’s hit the ground and are just wailing on each other. Tailgate and Swerve watch the chaos unfold, as Ultra Magnus more or less takes on a platoon of Decepticons.
Drift’s having a great time, as he Naruto runs through the enemy, slashing as he goes with a big ol’ smile on his face. He stabs a guy in the back of the head who was trying to grapple with Rodimus, thus interrupting the little dialogue they had going on. Rodimus is vaguely upset that his moment was cut short.
In the “After”, the shuttle’s landed back on the Lost Light, and Chromedome rushes out with Rewind in his arms to find First Aid with a motorized stretcher. He was hoping for Ratchet- he wants only the best for his shnookums. As they run Rewind down to the medibay, Chromedome starts listing off his allergies- which include ultraviolet light, something we know reveals mnemosurgery scars. This is a holdover from a dropped plot point I’ll cover at a later time; as it stands in the canon narrative, Rewind’s just got an allergy to the friggin’ sun.
Back at the shuttle, Tailgate starts dragging Cyclonus down the gangplank. Oh, hell. You know it’s a bad situation when the guy who literally couldn’t die for six million years is out of commission.
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Spoke and Lockstock are a bit of a gag- they always manage to get their asses kicked, but everyone on the ship really likes them. They will never be seen on-panel, and have no character designs.
Over in the medibay, history is being made.
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Esteemed members of the jury, I present to you: canon gay robots. The first in a long line of them. This is the starting point of the queer community being handed the Transformers franchise on a silver platter.
Up to this point, Roberts hadn’t gotten any further than implied attraction and affection between robots, in either his fanworks or professional credits. Pretty heavy-handed implication in some cases-
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-but implication nonetheless. Here is the first, honest-to-god direct confirmation of two male-coded robots in love.
In love and space-married and recognized by the authority in power, in a comic written in 2012, as a part of a major franchise owned by a massive American company, three years before same-sex marriage would be legalized on a federal level.
As part of the story, it’s great. Within the context of the time during which it was published, it’s a whole other level. This wasn’t just good writing, it was important.
Let me part the kimono a little here, with some personal backstory- I grew up in Buttfuck Nowhere, NC, and went to a high school that was so homogeneous, they were threatening to bus students in after I graduated. I didn’t know what a gay person even was until I was 12. “Lesbian” was used as an insult, and it was one I was subjected to because I had cut my hair short in middle school and wore cargo shorts on occasion. It was something I really pushed against, because that’s how a lot of people react to being forcibly given a label.
Not the best environment for a little queer kid, clearly.
It wasn’t until well after I’d gone to college that I really started understanding who I was. Hell, I’m still figuring some things out, but at least I’m getting somewhere.
I remember reading this for the first time in 2015- yes, I got into the comics sort of late- and then having to reread it. I needed a moment just to process what had happened. As a person who had only recently come to terms with their sexuality at the time, it was kind of mind-blowing to have that sort of representation, especially since I was also watching Transformers Prime at around the same time. Talk about the duality of man, am I right?
These days, there’s a lot more representation in many different forms of media. Things are getting better. Which, y’know, yay! I’m glad. I just can’t help but wonder if things would have been a little different if this sort of representation had been available earlier on.
Anyway, so yes, Chromedome’s got a difficult choice to make for Rewind- either let his body try to sort itself out, or let First Aid break out the clamps and try to jumpstart him. Rewind’s got a relatively rare spark type, but luckily Chromedome’s the same type. Looks like everything’s coming up roses for our boys!
Tailgate and Cyclonus aren’t getting nearly as good a break.
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My god, he’s filled with grape soda!
Back in the “Before”, things are getting a little silly.
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Chromedome, what POSSIBLE tactical advantage could you be gaining from riding the giant, fire-breathing robot dinosaur? This is why they threw you in Kimia, isn’t it? Because you’re a dumbass.
While this bullshit is happening, Rewind and Tailgate are stacked on top of each other to look through a window, because I guess that’s just how things turn out when the resident couple on the ship is upset with one another. Rewind’s found something, but it isn’t the Circle of Light. Rather, it seems the Decepticons are dabbling in Pink Alchemy- a rather inefficient process that allows organic creatures to be turned into energon for consumption.
The good guy thing to do would be to save all the organics, but there’s a bit of a problem- the door is wired to a massive bomb. Good thing Tailgate was in Bomb Disposal, and is just generally an impressive and well-established dude. He gets to work.
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Getting back to a point I made during Chaos Theory, Whirl can’t make a fist. Punching himself in the face is probably more akin to slashing it.
Tailgate’s got a weird approach to bombs, taking the time to teach Rewind how to do it, by way of student-led learning. They decide to poke a hole in the bottom of the bomb to drain all the explosive fluid out, which Tailgate does with little robot tears streaming down his face. Fear is a great motivator.
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Oof, not a “Domey” in sight. That’s how you know things are rough.
Outside of this little scene, Whirl and Cyclonus are handling Decepticons. Whirl’s got a hold on that guy who’s voiced by Frank Welker, and we get a nice shot of his sad cat face before Whirl turns his head into a memory.
Swerve- who is also here- asks Whirl to loan him a gun.
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Not a single one of you bastards know proper gun safety! Between all the severe depression and reckless weapon-handling, I genuinely have no idea how the hell are any of you are still alive.
In the “After”, Chromedome’s just finished jumpstarting Rewind, and it’ll take a bit to see if it worked, so he’s left alone with his thoughts.
Just kidding, Tailgate’s come over to check in. Seems like Cyclonus is gonna pull through, something Chromedome’s not terribly thrilled about. Chromedome’s still miffed about the whole Kimia thing.
We finally learn why Chromedome and Rewind were fighting; it was because Rewind, as a walking historical database, has been deemed too important to die, and can opt out of any fight he choose to, but he doesn’t, thereby putting himself in harm’s way unnecessarily. Maybe he just worries about you when you go out there on the battlefield alone, Chromedome, you ever think of that? Maybe he doesn’t want to wonder when his husband will return home from the war.
Tailgate asks about all the little vials that are scattered around Rewind’s hospital bed, and we get a little Cybertronian tradition thrown at us.
The vials are filled with innermost energon, the stuff that surrounds the spark casing and never changes, no matter how much you modify or upgrade your body. Leaving a little of the stuff for someone in an offering signifies that you care very much for that person. Chromedome can’t give Rewind any, because he was “born dry”, but I think being space-married to the guy more than makes up for it.
Tailgate asks how the two of them met, and unlike in issue #6, Chromedome is feeling vulnerable enough to indulge the question this time.
But first we need to establish that Chromedome is insanely insecure.
So, Rewind is fucking old. He’s older than the Cybertronian civil war, he’s older than the calendar system, and he’s old enough to have been affected by Functionist society’s categorization system. Due to being a memory stick- something that there were millions of back in the day- Ratioism dictated that Rewind as an individual was worth very little, and made him and his like into slaves. Because he was a slave, he needed a master, and that master was none other than Dominus Ambus, also known as Cybertron’s Mech of the Year for 40,000 consecutive years.
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Even on Cybertron, there’s a weird stigma about breastfeeding.
Rewind and Dominus quickly became friends, because that’s just the sort of guy Rewind is, and it made Dominus realize that maybe these slaves Cybertron had been working to death were sentient creatures worthy of respect too. He even developed a test to prove that all the slave classes were on the same level of functionality as everyone else.
On their quest to find a cure for the horrible disease Cybercrosis, Rewind and Dominus fucked off into space, on a wild goose chase to try and find Luna 1, the Cybertronian moon that just disappeared one day. Weird, that. They didn’t find it, and by the time they’d come back home, the war was well underway. They immediately became Autobots, and that was it for a while.
Then we move on to how Chromedome and Rewind met, and boy is it a doozy.
Chromedome had decided he wanted to kill himself, so he moseyed on over to the nearest relinquishment clinic- they did assisted suicides instead of body-swaps at this point- to do the deed. He was sitting in the waiting room, when he heard someone screaming. He wandered into the back to find Rewind weeping over a coffin, and he thought to himself “Maybe I don’t need to die after all” as he offered his future conjunx a shoulder to cry on.
What a fucking dark start to a relationship.
Rewind wasn’t upset about anyone who was dead though, but rather missing- Dominus had disappeared into thin air months ago, and Rewind was getting desperate to find him, looking in more and more awful places in the hope of recovering what he’d lost.
As it turns out, he’s still doing that. The reason the two of them are on the Lost Light is because Rewind needs to find Dominus- alive or dead, it doesn’t seem to particularly matter at this point. That’s why he buys snuff films in dark alleys.
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See, Tailgate gets it.
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Guys, bad news.
Chromedome’s spark is too weak to jumpstart Rewind. Unless they find another compatible donor, Rewind’s gonna be in big trouble. There’s nothing to do but wait.
Later, in their room, Chromedome is sitting on the floor and very much not following doctor’s orders to get some sleep. Someone on the opposite side of the door he’s leaning up against starts talking to him. Chromedome doesn’t seem to want to hear any of it, until he does.
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Given who the basement dweller is, this probably won’t turn out so hot.
Chromedome gets a call from the medibay, and fortunately the universe has decided to play nice this go around, because someone came forward as a match.
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But it’s not like Whirl cares about anyone, right? Not in the slightest, nuh-uh, not him!
While Chromedome gives Whirl what is probably an uncomfortably long hug, and they both most likely ignore the fact that Chromedome would be actively suicidal without Rewind, Tailgate’s off in the corner, having taken his hand off and begun pouring cartoon toxic waste into a vial. It’s actually his innermost energon. Boy’s making an offering, but it isn’t to Rewind.
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It’s to this ungrateful fuck.
Cyclonus stalks away from Tailgate’s kindness, until he’s stopped by witnessing the power of love.
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Everyone likes Rewind, and these displays of affection seems to have reminded Cyclonus that he’s horrifically lonely. Feeling some remorse over his actions- not that he’ll ever admit it out loud- he goes back to help Tailgate pick up the pieces of the vial he broke.
Wrapping up our story, we go back to the “Before”, right before the bomb is set to go off. Whirl and Cyclonus have more or less taken care of the Decepticons, Whirl suggests they set aside their differences and agree to stop trying to murder each other, in a surprising show of reason and, perhaps, self-preservation. Cyclonus doesn’t seem to agree with the idea.
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I genuinely think that’s the most he’s said all series up to this point.
Rewind calls the two idiots over for help, because Tailgate’s about to pull a self-sacrifice to get this bomb emptied, and he just isn’t listening to reason. Cyclonus assists.
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Once Tailgate’s been fastball-specialed out of the room, Whirl decides to get back to being a bastard, and locks Cyclonus and Rewind in with the bomb with 10 seconds left on the clock. Ah, so the donation was out of guilt, I see. Still a form of caring, in its own way.
With no way to escape, all Cyclonus can do is attempt to shield Rewind with his body as the bomb goes off.
That’s the end of the issue but it’s the middle of the story, and despite what Cyclonus says, dynamics are changing. Slowly, but surely, things are shifting. He’s headed for a lot of character development, and he’ll be kicking and screaming the whole way.
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