#-fandom percieves them
butchdykekondraki · 9 months
my favourite part of tumblr is if you make a post specifically about women someone will somehow be able to twist it into their male blorbos <- said while gripping chair in rage
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td-brick · 19 days
The way the td fandom talks about autism/characters who show autistic traits* is literally ridiculous. some of you are so ableist even if you're autistic yourself. especially towards women who have autism (which is also misogyny, but that's not shocking coming from td fans). it's wild!!! because like. take Courtney for example. to me she can very clearly be seen as autistic (a few traits that come to mind for me are her constant list making, need for things to be exactly how she views them, "strong sense of justice" (as some say)/very set in her ways, super rule oriented, sometimes socially inappropriate/struggles with certain aspects of being social) but at least in my perspective of the fandom she's not widely viewed as such and instead demonized for a lot of her autistic traits. and this isn't to say that autism excuses all her actions but like. a lot of people's hatred for her autistic traits is clearly rooted in ableism/misogyny, especially when you look at a character who's autistic traits are similar to hers, Noah, and how he's treated by the fandom. he's widely accepted as autistic, his traits are made out to be quirky personality tidbits (which is ableist in its own right but. yeah), and he's generally not demonized for the same things Courtney is. I wonder why (<- its because Courtney is a woman and people can't fathom that autistic women exist)
Sorry if this isn't eloquent i'm basically just thought dumping here but. ugh it's just so weird to see idk
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passionfruitmango · 3 months
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They have ARRIVED!!! My first long furby, made by WickytackCreations on Etsy, currently semi unnamed but I'll update when I settle on a good long name for this long bab 🥰🥰🥰
[4th photo is from their original listing!!! 🤩]
GTA [Green Tea Arizona] Nike Mogan 6.0 Vaporwave 🩷💚
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adelinamoteru · 7 months
the problem with jason’s writing post resurrection is that like. you spend all this time while he was gone building up these batfam characters and their views and morals and way of interacting with each other and their world. and then you bring back this one character who’s been dead for however long, but an insanely long period of however long, and you’ve made it so his worldview has become drastically different than what he was being taught. then you dump the antagonist route completely and start trying to figure out how to bring him back into the fold.
but once again, you’ve spent around 15yrs expanding these characters separately from jason todd. so what do you do? you mold and reform what jason is meant to be post resurrection until he fits into those standards. its what makes sense to do. how can you justify the batfam characters doing an almost complete 180. maybe a 90. on their views purely because of one character? purely because of jason todd when nothing has set ever been able to set that change in motion beforehand? so now jason has to be the one to change. except the change completely contradicts all the beliefs he’s formed in his post resurrection plot-line.
and now jason todd as a character becomes bland. he becomes a victim to bad writing and character assassinations. he’s wishy washy. nobody knows what to do with him so his character and the characters he interacts with only continue to suffer as a result. everybody begins to stop taking him and his stances seriously. all because you’ll never remove him from the sources that led to the origin of jason todd.
a batfam character away from batfam? well now why would the writers ever think to do that!
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sapphire-drawings · 5 months
I want to start writing Don’t Starve fanfic but I’m a lil bit scared 😭 Your work makes me want to create but I’m nervous about being perceived lmao. I see people saying “this may be OOC” and I didn’t think the Don’t Starve characters had much of a character beyond some implications,, I’m afraid of getting it wrong 😅
I'm also scared of being perceived! :D it freaking sucks!! I hate it ✨
And I'd say, you should create, even if you're afraid of it, even if you don't like it like you used to, even if you're tired, even when the idea doesn't seem that good.
You can have a taste of the characters personalities through their quotes and such but at the end of the day there's a TON of head cannons for each one of them. Some of them make sense, many don't, other are just fun! You could either find head cannons you really like and play with them or just write whatever you want.
I often feel like I draw them super out of character. I doubt Wilson would have such strong paternal instincts and energy but I have fun with it! Even when I'm not really satisfied with the end result. Create for yourself, be a little self indulgent even, people may find it good or interesting, maybe not, but remember, there'll always be a hater for everything and that's ok, they're just sad and immature projecting their pathetic feelings through mean words that mean nothing.
Don't worry about what other's might say, just create! Share it with friends, share it with the world or to no one in particular. I have a shit ton of drawings made for myself and only myself.
Never stop creating for what other's might say!
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
not to be a hater but it does drive me insane how so many online conversations are so centered around sidon and yona (and link 😞) and not any of the delicious narratives that totk gave us
like why should we talk about rauru and sonia and their relationship w zelda? why would we talk about zelda and how her relationship w link progressed post calamity? oh are we gonna talk about the sheer insanity that is ZELDA TURNIJG INTOA. FUCKING DRAGON??? no??? shipping discourse over sharks? ok
not to swing a bat at a hornet's nest but it really does feel like specifically mlm ships take precedence in fandom spaces over EVERYTHING else regardless of whether the ship in question actually has like. any canon backing whatsoever. like totk specifically, a ton of the story revolves around zelda, a female character which certain fans notoriously hate for the crime of. being a woman with feelings. like gee i wonder why we all simultaneously decided to ignore the story of this one. i wonder why we really really really want to focus on this random male side character's incredibly minor story instead of the literal titular character of the game. could it perhaps be because some of us are predisposed to ignore and dismiss women in all contexts. could it be perhaps that we don't want to reckon with a woman we didn't like in the last game reclaiming her agency and healing from her trauma and being a positive driving force in the narrative and would rather talk about 2 men and how lame and stupid the woman who dares to exist inbetween them is instead. hmm
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Not meaning to throw any shade at Rem, but I hate how her character ended up being restricted to only loving Subaru. It became her personality and her reason to exist
Meanwhile my man Otto has layers and fun dynamics with everyone WHILE also being codependent and hopelessly in love to Subaru (in my point of view)
I hope that now Tappei will be able to balance Rem's character and give her another personality trait besides her love for Subaru
ok so if anyone else is seeing this, this is referring to a poll i made a few days ago pitting rem and otto against each other bc theyre both the resident codependent subaru devotees and they do parallel/contrast each other a bit 👍
but yeah anon… not to affect the poll results or anything wkdndnd but i agree a lot with you!! i have mixed feelings on rem bc i do love her a lot—im halfway through her and ram’s prequel novel and im enjoying it a lot, and also i liked her the moment i watched season 1 of the anime for the first time. shes an intriguing character with a well written backstory and her own set of flaws and traits. but i think the big thing is her and ottos relationships with subaru, while subaru is first place in both of their hearts and subaru comes first before anyone else at this point, rem and ottos flavors of Dependency are different?
like with rem, i think its the point that her whole being ends up revolving around subaru. not that otto isnt like that either, of course, but otto has Way More of a life outside of subaru. otto has a whole group of people from the emilia camp to marone and his family that he cares about other than subaru, and on top of that, ottos job in the emilia camp is to communicate with others both within and outside of his camp. then theres his dp, which is also dependent and ABOUT communication. when it comes to rem and otto, theres absolutely no competing on this, otto is the one with more of. a Life. not that rem doesnt have other people she cares about and other people she talks with and other people she likes (and also rem was unfortunately Gluttonyed), but the top two closest people in her life were always ram then subaru. otto got lucky with his loving family, bc rems Entire Life has molded her into being dependent on others. shes told by her family that the only reason shes alive is bc ram saved her. ram is the only person who loves her. she envies ram and then she feels so guilty after her village is destroyed and rams horn is gone (especially when rem is initially. kind of Glad that rams horn is gone). so rem places her worth on serving the people she loves—ram and subaru. rem has spent her WHOLE LIFE like this. remsuba as a relationship has its ups and downs but arc 3 rem is, while sweet and well meaning, shes not the healthiest. remsuba isnt the healthiest. and then arc 7-8 comes in and yeah while rems pov of subaru and the whole situation is Understandable from what little she knows, yeah its not the healthiest either (and also i dont forgive her for being mean about natsumi wkfndnd).
not that ottosuba is the Healthiest given they seem like theyre going to become. a bit Toxic in arc 8 if they keep being stubborn, but the big difference is in how otto and rem devote themselves. bc rems problem (in arc 3) is that she enables subaru a little too much. i mean sloth if exists for a reason, she ran away with subaru and RAM AND EVERYONE ELSE DIED. ottos problem is that hes 1. obsessed with opposing subaru and 2. not straightforward with his feelings the way arc 3 rem is. bc at least pre gluttony rem is gonna straightforwardly be like “id do anything for you” and “i love you” etc etc. like yeah ottos like “youre my friend!!” but hes also gonna complain nonstop about subaru to his face and say shit like “ill leave at the first sight of danger!!” RIGHT AFTER RISKING HIS LIFE FOR SUBARU. and also even then arc 8 rems siding with subaru on louis so shes enabling him in that respect too (even though arc 8 rem is different from arc 3 rem of course). ergo, rem is the one who wants to support subaru Unconditionally. even if its not what youd consider the right decision. otto tries to help subaru get what he wants, but if otto doesnt agree he starts getting aggressive. rem makes herself pliable and into a bit of a doormat for subaru, otto starts getting out the pitchforks and tries to control things bc he thinks his way his best for subaru in the end. that, and while subaru does go first in ottos heart, hes STILL loyal to the entire emilia camp as a whole (minus roswaal). thats why he wanted to leave vollachia, he wanted to save the ENTIRE emilia camp.
but like you said anon—while the point is that rem ends up centering her whole life around subaru, i feel that tappei handles otto (who has SIMILAR PLOT BEATS) with far more nuance. like while otto will literally do anything else besides actually say “i love you” or “id do anything for you”, his arc is more straightforward and consistent than rems. again, rem got gluttonyed and a bunch of different stuff have happened with her so of course her arc has been more Dramatic in its changes, but with otto he grows and changes but at the same time he doesnt change At All. his arc 8 self is doing stuff hes been capable of this whole time, vollachia and subaru just bring out his more hidden traits. the narrative is just way more consistent with emphasizing that while otto thinks hes in the right, hes also Wrong in a lot of ways. his mindset rn is Not Healthy and i feel that the narrative shows that more with him than it does rem a lot. like the writing literally goes out of its way to shit on otto a bit for being a little messed up in the head, while you have to read more into rems plot and then some audiences just completely miss the point of her character. that and—yeah, rems reasons are all very understandable, but i feel that tappei romanticizes her a bit too much. all you have to do is look at sloth if bc sloth if seems a Bit too fluffy to me despite the absolute Dark Backdrop. like yeah. subaru rbds back to arc 3 at the end. but i feel like sloth if just sweeps a lot of the dark underbelly under the rug. ottosuba as a dynamic to me just feels more Equal than remsuba does, which is probably a bit strange HAH bc ottosuba as a dynamic is based on Conflict (especially when you remember ottosuba across the ifs too) and their power dynamics in arc 8 are likely going to get crazy at some point.
plus its like—the way the whole louis situation has been handled made me think that tappei wouldnt even bother examining the Problems with louis and subaru + rems relationships with louis, but luckily arc 8 has been getting into that more. so like i dont completely trust tappei with female characters (he has a habit of. fumbling the bag a bit with them sometimes, imo. he gets out such great complex main female characters then he starts messing up with their writing like halfway through). but like you anon, i hope that rem gets far more character development. the poor girl has spent her whole life basing her worth on others….
and well. again, i think the difference in how the writing treats otto vs rem is probably also bc ottos a boy and rems a girl. so of course otto consistently gets a bit more nuance, and of course certain parts of the audience just see rem and think “waifu who would do anything for you” rather than “this is a traumatized girl who means well but has poor boundaries and Codependency Issues”, and some people see otto and think “he doesnt love subaru that much lol” and sweep his own codependency and Issues under the rug. and then you look at the narrative and, like you said anon, otto is allowed to have fun dynamics with everyone while still being Fixated on subaru. rem hasnt had much of a chance in that category yet.
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blee-bleep · 1 year
How does somebody whose only shipped lesbian ships before become so obsessed with Erehisu?
Y'see, anon, it's a little something called "bisexuality"
#i actually watched aot becuz of yumihisu but then i read the manga and i slapped my head and said#'shit why did they cut off so many scenes of them together'#them being erehisu#and then ymir fritz dropped and THEN i listened to that Linked Horizon song where a baby wailed at the end#then im like yooooooo fcuking hell theyre future parents to this poor girl omggggg#honestly i stumbled into erehisu by my own becuz after reading the uprising arc in the manga i felt like i had to do the ship justice#just cuz how overlooked it was and how i realized that they probably had the better chemistry#the more i looked into their characterizations and parallels to each other#like them being burdened putting up a fake facade just for others and having to come to terms to it#as well as the way their family shaped them (carla frieda and freckled ymir are the goats)#it wasnt much back then BUT THEN i read apple and lamp theory#and its soooooooo fucking beautiful it just seared into my mind forever.#Enemies To Humanity is something so unbelievable yet fascinating to me as a dynamic but it all clicked the moment i put it in its context#i dont support whatever the fuck the alt-right part of the fandom has of it thats another ball game#i ship erehisu in the way i percieve it to be the most fitting to the mature themes of the story#its not the first 'straight' ship i liked but it IS the first ship where i think it's ultimately superior to others including the wlw ships#thats why im so obsessed with them
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dullorangepulp · 8 months
Detective Nyx (formerly Aeris Akamatsu)'s logic be like:
"god i HATE when people make respectful and well-constructed responses to my kokichi hate video from two years ago. cant they see that i dont agree with that video anymore? People who respond to that video only now are obviously just trying to stir up drama, and also are just stalking me and are parasocially obsessed with me.
Anyways these people shouldve had the tact to stalk and obsess over me for long enough to know that i recently changed my name, pronouns, opinions on kokichi and those vids i made about him. I mean, Even though i never publicly stated that the vids are my outdated opinions, i never labeled the vids "(OUTDATED)" or changed the description, or made a pinned comment, or acknowledged that my vids may have had drastic effects on the dr community's ability to critically think about the story and characters, thats not MY fault! people shouldve just assumed that my opinions have now changed even though i have given no implication that they have while I rudely dismiss my critics."
Disclaimer: Harassment is bad and misgendering Nyx even if you dislike them is bad
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
one thing i feel is that andor as a show has a complex line between having a HELL of a lot of white characters for a show about a latino man’s personal rebellion, in fact, arguably too many, and also, absolutely refutes the white saviour trope over and over again with most of them 
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deepfriedtrout · 1 month
im gonna speedrun rayahski main story when im free so i can get to vila's event so i can find out whats going on with the samodiva guy and her and the whole thing with threatening her with windsong
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hungry-skeleton · 1 year
People with horrible annoying blorbos that no one likes rise up
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crimson--freak · 1 year
As an aro person, I’m not unfamiliar with the fact that canonically aspec characters are few and far between, but the way that some people regard people shipping arospec and acespec characters is kind of annoying.
Like you do realise that fanon shipping isn’t always going to reflect canon, right? Shippers aren’t erasing canonically aroace characters by shipping them with others. If characters are aroace in canon, they will most likely continue to be so* even if fans shipped them with other characters.
The way that some people regard aroace characters as “off-limits” from shipping when their orientations are confirmed in canon also ignores the fact that some (e.g. romance/sex favourable/indifferent, partnering, oriented, angled) aroace people do in fact choose to enter romantic/sexual relationships regardless of their orientation.
Also, fandom is pretty much built on non-canonical ships. Some of the largest early slash ships were between characters who were textually straight (or at least not textually percieved as non-straight). It didn’t matter if those ships didn’t become canon, because you can enjoy fanon/headcanons without wanting them to become canon!
I can of course agree though that fandoms are on the whole extremely amatonormative/allonormative, especially with tropes like “everyone has a soulmate” or “Pair the Spares” or “more than friends”, so it can be annoying to see canonically aroace characters treated in that way. However, this is a wider issue not just acertaining to fandom but to pretty much all popular media, so it would be unwise to blame only shippers for the abysmal lack of aspec representation. Instead of focusing on what characters “should” and “should not” be shipped together, maybe the focus should be on creating fandom communities where shipping is not the only goal.
*(of course, there is the problem of aroace characters’ identities being erased in canon, for example Jughead Jones from the Archie comics, but this was an unfortunately terrible choice made by the producers of Riverdale, not by fans of the Archie comics. There is a very significant difference between characters’ identites being erased in canon and fans making alternate fanon versions of characters, and I hope you all can recognise which is worse for aspec representation and knowledge of aspec experiences within wider culture.)
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yaesaras · 2 years
theres been a lot said about ei and scara being parallels to frankenstein and while i can see the reasoning behind that, i think it paints ei in an exaggeratedly bad light simply for the sake of,,, idk skrunkly man woobification? like the difference between ei and scara and frankenstein and the creature is admittedly small, but it matters because the difference between these situations isnt circumstances, its intention. i think we all need to step back for a second and take ourselves out of scara’s perspective, because like it or not he’s a unreliable narrator, and we need to see what ei was thinking when she created him, because ultimately her perspective matters too. the reason she isn’t frankenstein and the reason he isn’t the creature is because the point of frankenstein is to condemn victor for intentionally creating a life that he was unwilling to care for. ei did not intentionally give scara life, at least by her own definition of life. what ei was trying to do was create a glorified nuclear waste container – possibly one with the capacity to move and interact with others, but not alive in the same way robots and computers irl are not alive. she accidentally ended up creating a living being, with the capacity to care about itself and with the capacity to feel emotion, and when she realised this she stopped experimenting on him. i feel like this is often glossed over in discussions of ei and scaramouche, but i want to highlight this because despite how scara feels about it, ei, once she saw that he was alive, did not attempt to harm him. it was miko who wanted him dead, not ei.
and as for her abandoning him, i’d make the argument that there… wasn’t really a better option? like what else did you want her to do? her options were: a) keep him and raise him, b) kill him, c) keep him, but dont bother to raise him, d) don’t seal his power and let him go, or e) what she did in canon – seal his powers and let him go. i think options b and c are both bad for obvious reasons, and i dont think d was viable in a situation where his powers may have allowed him to harm people. the only remaining option, if not e, is then option a. and idk about you but i dont think that giving a god who is struggling with grief and trying to avoid ruling her country a child to raise is remotely a good idea. and thats not even getting into her tendency to make impulse decisions and then stubbornly stick to them even when they cause harm to others. that environment would have been absolutely godawful for scara to grow up in, and thats not even getting into yae miko. further, even if she did raise him – there’s the issue of yk. ei going into the plane of euthymia. we can’t be certain that she would still go but like. she might! she absolutely might!! and i think that would again be fucking awful for scara to have to deal with, and while it might fix some of his abandonment issues,,,,,,, idk how you’re going to deal with all the other issues that would come from ei raising him.
i’d also make the argument that ei’s “abandonment” of scara is absolutely not the same as victor abandoning the creature – the biggest reason why being, once again, intention. i feel like when we get into discussions about fictional creation of life, a fair parallel to draw is the creation of life in the real world. victor intentionally created the creature to be a living being, over the course of several months, and when it came to life, he realised it was a mistake, and abandoned it. to me, at least, it seems aligned to someone who intentionally got pregnant, didn’t bother – for literal months – to think about the fact that they would have to take care of a child after it was born, and then when the child was born, decided that they didn’t like how it looked, and gave it away. ei, on the other hand, unintentionally created scara, and didn’t even realise that scara was alive, after which she decided she didn’t want to raise him, and left him. this is more paralleled to someone who unintentionally got pregnant, didn’t realise they were until they gave birth, and then decided they didn’t want a child and gave it away. the intention behind their actions makes a difference. i’m not going to pretend that ei is somehow not flawed or that she couldnt have handled that whole situation better but she’s not, you know. victor fucking frankenstein.
i understand and relate to the sympathy and empathy that a lot of people feel for scaramouche, and i even understand how he, as a character, sees ei as the villain in his story, but i feel like the genshin fandom really needs to stop and realise that they dont need to demonise one character in order to like another. you don’t need to demonise ei’s actions in relation to scara in order for scara’s emotions towards ei to be real and valid. if you want so badly for ei to be a bad person, there is literally so much you can talk about, including but not limited to: her actions during the archon war, the vision hunt and sakoku decrees, the way she treats the puppet, the way she treated miko post cataclysm, etc. there is no fucking shortage of things that ei has absolutely fucked up. however, getting mad at ei for *checks notes* not raising him when she was in an emotionally fucked up state that she might have compromised her ability to raise him is not remotely the argument you seem to think it is.
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lovelikeatruck · 10 months
I wanted to go on a blocking spree on twt but mk fans get super aggressive over that so nvm I guess
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leyyvi · 1 year
soimetimes i think about how a lot of artists i see in the same discord groups as me and at artists alleys are also on tumblr and im like.......very odd bc i talk to them on twt/disc/insta but on here i try to stay mostly in the aot corner JHKGFGJKH
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