#--life has treated him up to that point. rather than being reassuring it is confusing enough that daan asking if it is okay if he--
beeapocalypse · 1 year
my horrible awful little family (guy with a death wish, child soldier, and some goat they picked up and keep around out of pity)
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loosescrewslefty · 9 months
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Screaming, crying and OBSESSING over the way Anya and Demetrius are on opposite sides of the Neurodivergent scale and also far more similar to one another than either one realizes. More than any other character we've seen so far, it feels like these two are Yin and Yang, opposite sides of the same coin.
Demetrius easily absorbs facts, figures, and other information that follows a set pattern. But people confuse and frustrate him, and he deals with that by not dealing with it. Anya has the ability to understand more about strangers she passes on the street than people who see them regularly ever could, but traditional academics can overwhelm her so she is resistant to studying. And yet both of them are othered and seen as abnormal by everyone around them, building a wall between them and their peers that they both find difficult to overcome.
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Anya tries to fit in through masking, pretending as hard as she can to be normal (with limited success) but Demetrius has given up after going so long without anyone helping him better understand others which leads to him disassociating in social situations as a self defense mechanism, to get in and out as quickly and painlessly as possible while telling himself it doesn't matter.
Except it does.
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Demetrius didn't need to ask about Damian's stella. But he did. Because he wants to find some sort of common ground with his brother even as he reassures himself that it doesn't matter and he doesn't care. He doesn't pick up on the fact that this makes Damian feel self conscious, that he's comparing his one stella to Demetrius' six and worried their father will love him less for not being as successful. Demetrius doesn't understand how the subject switched to Donovan at all, and shuts down hard when their father is mentioned. Just like he did when Damian called and asked him to be a bridge between them way back when.
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(Demetrius warning Damian not to get his hopes up about Donovan coming to meet him also conflicts with his internal dialog about how the people around him don't matter and he doesn't need to care about understanding them. If it actually doesn't matter to him, then he wouldn't care if Donovan blew Damian off.)
Circling back to the original thought though, I desperately hope that we're going to get Demetrius and Anya interacting directly with one another at some point in the future because I have a feeling that Anya's blunt, child-like nature will lead to her just directly telling Demetrius the things that are eluding him when he interacts with others, demystifying all the unspoken social cues he's supposed to yet cannot intuit for the first time in his life. And he is going to be in awe of this child for her ability to not only understand others, but translate for him when he cannot grasp whatever it is they are trying and failing to say to him.
Demetrius could appreciate Anya's abilities, rather than being afraid of or disturbed by them. And they could both understand the feeling of not fitting in with the crowd. Of knowing that others regard them with fear and contempt, or want to use the things that make them different for their own purposes and treat them like they are just a tool instead of a person. The potential is there for a very interesting platonic relationship between two kids who have spent their whole lives feeling like their differences alienated them from everyone else in their life, and in Anya's case a fear that the discovery of that difference would lead to her losing the love of everyone important to her in her life.
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
Headcanon catch up — CAPTAIN WINTERS
@thelocalbozo has to deal with me being down bad for winters on stream , and now he has to deal with me being down bad for him elsewhere !! yipee !!!
all headcanons that were done for the fbi units will be written up here [with a few exceptions] . i’ll be doing chains and bain catch-ups soon !
First meeting
Rather than being recruited as a medic, you managed to snag a spot as one of Captain Winters’s shield assistants
The two of you first met upon your arrival to the PD, having met up with him in his office
Things went relatively smoothly. He told you the ropes, gave you a warning or two, then dismissed you. Nothing special.
At least not to you.
The second you left his office, mf nearly doubled over and had a HEART ATTACK over how precious you were
Like- how??? Why are you so fucking scrunkly????
He had no clue how to handle the feeling, but he managed to conceal this fact from others
The fact wouldn’t be hidden for long though…
How you’re treated
Like the way he does with the rest of shield-failings, he treats you rather harshly, both in and out of battle
It was understandable why he was so harsh when on the field. After all, it was straight death that all of you were jumping into
Outside of battle is what confused you most. Like, none of you were in any particular danger so why be so cruel?
Some of the rumors that commonly circulated around the PD had crossed you. Some of them suggested that he’s had a rough life, others suggested that he’s just an asshole
Regardless, you didn’t want to prod him about it. As curious as you were, he’d probably kick your ass if you tried
So you just minded your business, and he somewhat minded his own
They fall in love with you
Winters has been in love before, so he’s not new to the sensation. However, he had never felt like this to such a high degree before
Every time you passed by him, he struggled to not just lock up and start sputtering nonsense, both in and out of combat. So what did he do to prevent embarrassment?
He treated you worse of course
He was a lot more protective about you on the field, him often yelling at you and even physically tugging you towards him as a means of making sure you’d be okay
Winters would also deny anything regarding his lovey dovey behavior. If you point out that he’s blushing your shaking, he’ll tell you that you’re just being crazy and might even threaten you with the risk of losing your job
However, all of these harsh statements are empty. He could never do something like that to you
But at some point, it starts to take a toll on you…
You love to sing
Winters was passing through the halls and making sure that nobody was causing a ruckus when he heard your singing around the corner
Mf was ready to tell you to shut up and get back to work, but he stopped when he registered that it was you singing
Once he managed to process that, he nearly melted
He listened closely and realized how lovely you sounded, especially while singing
It wasn’t long before you had taken notice of his stillness, in which he was quick to deny as he told you to shut it and do something productive
He wouldn’t try to get you to quiet yourself in case he happened to be around while you were singing again. He wants to encourage you singing but he also has a bit of an image he wants to keep up
Winters didn’t want the confession to be obvious, especially since he knew that the other units would get on his nerves about it.
So he just calls you to his office to have a little ‘chat’
Due to his harsh behavior prior to the confession, you end up nearly crying as you accuse him of lying to you
Cue the absolute fuckinf PANIC
He’s quick to try and console you, attempting to reassure you that he just wanted to protect you
It was only when he took you by the hands and looked you in the eye, his voice stern as he once more tried to get his message across
“Listen. I know I seem harsh, but all I want to do is protect you. I’m worried that you might get hurt while we’re on the field, and I just want to make sure that you’re okay. I love you too much to lose you. Do you understand?”
Once you give him a small nod, he gets out of his seat to offer you a hug. If you don’t let him, he respects that boundary and just gives you a small smile
Later on, you go back to his office, having calmed down as you tell him that you reciprocated his feelings
Winters wasn’t too giddy about it, but he was definitely happy to hear that you felt the same way
First kiss
So Winters got really fuckin hurt once during battle
You weren’t there at the time, but when you saw him come back into his office you were just like “oh god oh fuck what happened”
He refused to go to the medical ward, so instead you grabbed some supplies [courtesy of the medics] and patched him up while he was doing paperwork in his office
You let Winters rant on to you abt what happened while you patched him up
Just as you finished, you gave him a small peck on the lips as you told him that it would be okay
He realized what you did and gave you a smirk bc like- damn you wastin your first kiss w/ me a situation like this
He wasted no time pulling you in for another kiss lol
You reject them
Okay so same thing as the confession right?
The only difference is that you don’t go up to him and tell him anything
You kinda just leave him hanging
He panics initially, unsure of whether or not to interact with you aside from work things bc he didn’t want to provoke or pry
But then he ends up putting two and two together and realized that you probably don’t love him back
He softens up a little with the battlefield treatment, still protective, but he does his best not to be too harsh
Winters tries his best to treat it like nothing happened, but when he gets home he’s poundin all the fuckin whiskey
Worst hangovers ever while at work, and the other units take notice but don’t do anything bc they don’t want their ass kicked by a drunken or hungover Winters of all things
So to summarize: he just develops an alcohol addiction lol
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tearsofellen · 3 years
One Way or Another (yandere!Dabi x f!Reader)
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Pairing: Yandere!Dabi x f!Reader, Hawks x f!Reader
Synopsis: Being a doctor at the hero hospital is stressful enough. However, what happens when your beloved friend Hawks begins to take a liking to you? And what if he isn’t the only one who has his eye on you? An evil Dabi starts to fall for you immensely after one dark night. Nothing can hold him back from his urge to have you.
Part 1 / ?
Words: 3.5k
Warning: This story will eventually have mentions of stalking, violence, gore, language, and hard smut. Viewer’s discretion is advised.
The sounds of birds tweeting filled your ears. Today your bed seemed just that more comfortable as the sunlight dripped though your curtains. The sound of the traffic in your city was at a minimum as you sighed into your pillow. Finally, a day off from work. This week had kicked your ass hard. Your job at the Hero hospital was a privilege and a burden. While you were one of a very small group who could treat and aid the top heroes, it was a very stressful job. The hours weren’t exactly nine to five and some nights you were heading home with your head low in complete exhaustion. However, you still loved your job. You had a great sense of pride knowing that you could give back to the heroes who protected you and everyone around you. 
But today is your day off.  You knew how to separate your job and your personal life.  You lay in bed thinking of what you planned to do with your free time.  Your kitchen could do with a cleaning, but the idea of sitting on the couch watching bad reality television sounded more appeasing to you. You smiled into your pillow, finally a day to relax and do absolutely nothing.
Then your phone buzzed.
You opened one eye to see your boss’ caller ID on your screen. You grabbed the phone from your nightstand and reluctantly answered. Before you could even say hello, the sound of your boss yelling over the phone broke the silence in your room.
"_______ get in here now we need you!"
 With your shoelaces undone and a piece of toast in your mouth, you dashed outside of your apartment with your work bag tossed on your back. Your boss informed you of a villain attack in the city centre which caused some heroes to be injured. Fire injuries were your specialty, so you were called immediately. Your legs were running to the train station, hoping not to miss the train to the hospital and having to wait another ten minutes for the next train.
While you were fixing your tie around your neck, your eyes caught sight of a small red object flying across in front of you. After a small moment of confusion, you heard the sound of wings flapping behind you and immediately knew who it was.
"Hey hey hey, didn’t know you were into running these days ______?"
You scoffed, swallowing the last bit of your toast as you dodged hitting into a random person in the street.
"Not now Hawks" You yelled up at him. "I’m running late."
Hawks. Number 2 Hero. You both met each other when he had only just graduated from this hero training. He survived a nasty attack from a villain, resulting in his feathers being pretty damaged. You were the one who took care of him and patched him up.  He was in the hospital for two days straight and most of that time was spent with you monitoring his health. His determination to become a top hero and his snarky charisma allow you two to immediately have a connection. After he was discharged, he still kept in contact with you and now he could consider you one of his closest friends. Till this day, he is forever grateful for you helping him, but these days teasing you seems more fun to him.
The man was now gliding alongside you, clearly mocking your lack of speed.
"Why am I not surprised?" He chuckled, eyeing you.
You sent him a stern glare. Unfortunately, you could not argue with him and run at the same time without losing your breath.
"You know, sweetheart, the train is about to leave in a minute, and unless you just gained a speed quirk, chances are you're not going to make it," he teased.
You held your tongue at his words. When you first told him you didn’t have a quirk, he thought you were joking and laughed in your face. Needless to say, you weren’t too happy about that. So whenever he sees the chance, he always enjoys pointing it out.
Hawks continued to fly beside you, now sighing and crossing his arms behind his head.
"Only if you knew someone who could get you to the hospital in time." He groaned.
He raised his eyebrow at you. You knew what he was trying to imply. Your stomach immediately started to do flips at the thought of it. You hated heights and Hawks knew this about you. But he also knows about how much your work matters to you.
You eyed your watch on your wrist, already you were ten minutes late. You glanced down to see Hawks’ red feathers tying your shoelaces. You finally stopped running and stood trying to catch your breath.  You ignored the rational thoughts in your head and returned back to glare at Hawks.
"I swear Hawks if you do anything funny." You sneered at him.
His face immediately lit up with glee and a smirk spread across his face.
"Trust me _____. It will be like floating on a cloud. " He reassured you by putting his hand on his heart.
"Just don’t throw up on me again." He hushed quickly. 
Before you even had time to swear at him, he whooshed behind you and lifted you up in his arms. You immediately let out a squeak in fear, earning a laugh from Hawks. Your hands gripped his neck and your body tensed up as you both started to rise to the sky. You both were now above the skyscrapers and the whole city seemed so small. It was truly breath taking and you wondered if Hawks ever just spent his days looking down at the city.  
You cast a quick glance down at the people who had turned into ants. Your stomach dropped and you turned your face into hawks’ chest for the rest of the journey to avoid throwing up.
"You can look up now doll."
You cranked your head to see if Hawks was telling the truth. You were relieved to see that his feet were touching the ground. He had landed on the hospital roof, a perfect spot.
"Nice landing" you jerked at him.
"You’re welcome Miss." He said, rolling his eyes.
You hopped out of his arms and stood attempting to fix yourself up before you entered the hospital. You could tell the wind messed up your hair quite a bit.
"You look fine ____."
Now you were the one to roll your eyes. Last time he said that you walked into your meeting with your lipstick smeared across your face.
"Shouldn’t you have been helping save your colleagues from that villain attack?"
"Had to make sure my _____ was safe first." Hawks was always skilled at avoiding questions he didn’t want to answer. You chalked it up to his media training.
You made your way to the door leading down to the hospital as soon as you felt you had put yourself together decently. Hawks' mouth dropped at your actions. He flew to block the door to prevent you from leaving.
"Nothing else you want to say?" He pestered at you. "No thank you, hawks or hawks; you are my hero; you are incredible?"
He really made a poor impression of you.
"Thank you, Hawks. Now shove it. " You snapped thinking of the time you are wasting with him up here. Your words, however, did not convince the young hero.
"How about takeaway and a movie at your place?" He questioned.
"Did you just invite yourself over to my place?" You sneered at him; your arms now crossed.
"Is it a deal?" He spoke. You were beginning to realise that there was no way hawks was going to let you though unless you said yes. You both haven’t done anything together in a while, you thought to yourself.
"Deal." You nodded.
Hawks’ feathers fluttered and he busted into a sing-song voice.
"Perfect! I’ll buy the food and you can pick the movie. Bye _____! " He yelled, tossing himself over the building as he flew away into the clouds.
Your mouth dropped at how he was able to make you agree to invite him over to your house within a minute. You sighed, rolling your eyes as you pushed the door open to enter the hospital.
As you entered your unit of the hospital, your boss was stood there waiting for you and your co-workers busily hurrying around.
"Look who finally decided to turn up."
You did your best not to glare at him.  You apologised profusely about being late to him and how it wouldn’t happen again.
"I heard she was seen with her boyfriend Hawks" A staff member piped up with a sneer.
You cringed at her words and her attempt to cause drama in front of your boss. Hawks is many things, but your boyfriend is definitely not one of them. 
"He is not my boyfriend. He was helping me to work. " You defended yourself. 
"I don’t want to hear anymore of the bird boy. Get working now _____. " Your boss yelled. 
You gave a low nod and immediately jumped into work, making your way over to your first patient.
When you actually finished with the last patient, you had no idea what time it was. You gathered your belongings and exited the building, only to find the city engulfed in darkness. You sighed, your shoulders heavy from fatigue. The thought of a relaxing bath and a comfortable bed appealed to you. You checked your phone to find that the train station had closed long ago. Your eyes darted across the street for a taxi, but you had no luck. Walking it was, you thought.
You tried your best to stick to bright lit areas of the city. It was one of the disadvantages of being quirkless, you were practically defenceless. If a villain wanted to kill you, they would have no problem with doing it. That is why you prefer to work behind the scenes helping the heroes rather than being at the front of the violence.
Your walking stopped as you reached an alleyway. You debated or not if you should enter it. If you stuck to the bright areas, you wouldn’t reach your apartment for another fifteen minutes. However, if you went down this dark alleyway it would only take you five minutes. You stood listening for any noise to indicate if there was anyone down the dark path. After standing in silence, you made the decision to chance it. You took a breath and made your way down the narrow street.
All was well and you finally started to calm down as you walked. You thought of what leftovers you had in your fridge to eat when you heard the noise of glass breaking behind you. Your blood turned to ice as your body froze into place. When you looked to the source of the racket, a single drop of sweat ran down your brow.
A man with his head hanging low sat beside one of the big trash bins. You quickly realised the man wasn't all there when he didn't acknowledge you as you walked by. Your brain was screaming at you to keep walking. Your heart and morals, on the other hand, told you to check on the man's safety. You bit your lower lip, carefully weighing your options. Your morals came out on top.
"Sir?" you asked.
You were met with silence since the man did not respond. As you got closer, it became clear that the man was in pain. When you were within arm’s reach, you cautiously put your hand on the individual's neck to check for a pulse. Fortunately, it was at a consistent rate. You now knelt beside him. You tapped his shoulder lightly. Finally, the man let out a groan. You breathed a sigh of relief.
You gently pushed his head back, allowing you to see his face in the moonlight. You immediately noticed the faulty stitching and staples all around his face and body. The damaged deep purpled skin contrasted sharply with his pale skin. His eyelids hung low, but the brightness of the moon resulted in the stranger opening his eyes halfway. You were almost in shock at his bright blue eyes as they stared into yours.
"Am I dreaming?" He mumbled painfully.
You shook your head as you examined his body.
"What is the problem sir?" You questioned.
He sent a sly grin at you. Your concern was able to amuse the man. His finger weakly pointed at his opposite arm. One of the stitches on his arm had obviously ripped open and blood was steadily pouring out and onto the dirty ground.
You stared at the wound for a moment and considered if he needed to be taken to the hospital.
Almost as if he were reading your mind, he said, "No hospitals."
You chose not to question him and began to act on your feet. You removed your bag from your back and pulled out your first aid kit and some tools you used at work. You began to place a thread into your incision needle and prepared the medical stapler for use.
You could sense his apprehensiveness as he eyed your needle.
"Trust me sir, I’m a doctor." You explained to him.
"You'd better cut the sir crap; you're making me feel like an old man." He laughed lightly,
Feeling like you were getting somewhere with him, you continued the conversation. 
"Do you have a name?" You asked, hoping to distract him from the pain about to happen.
The man had a slight hesitation as his name fell from his mouth.
You placed some hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball as you continued to talk to him.
"You have a lovely name, Dabi."
"I bet you say that to all your patients."
You smiled at his words and you placed the cotton on his wound. He immediately tensed up and hissed in pain as the alcohol did its job.
"I can promise you I don’t, Dabi." His name fell off your lips with such ease.
After you felt the wound was disinfected, you grabbed the needle and began to stitch his skin together. Dabi was now sat up straight admiring your concentration with the needle. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had cared for him like this.
"Did you get caught up in that villain attack this morning? “You asked him.
Dabi's mouth turned into a smirk, "I guess you can say I was."
"I bet it was scary," you said.
Dabi raised his eyebrow at you. "Do I look like the sort of person who gets scared?"
You took your attention from his wound and looked at his unamused face. You giggled slightly at his expression.
"You can tell me. I promise I won’t tell anyone. " You teased him.
He chuckled at your humour. You really did do a good job at distracting him from the pain.
"Those villains are pieces of shit, aren’t they?" He said, hoping for your opinion.
As you took the stapler in your hand, you moved on to the staples of the wound.
"Hmm, I don’t know if I would say that." You mentioned focusing on placing the stapler in the right position on his skin.
"What? You side with the League of Villains? " Dabi pried at you, staring at you with interest.
"Not exactly." You explained, "I believe a lot of the villains didn’t exactly have a choice of which side they wanted to be on. Also, working with Heroes, you begin to see that quirks determine what society thinks of you. If you don’t have a quirk, then you must be useless. If you have a dangerous quirk, then you are destined to be a villain. I find it all very frustrating if I am honest. "
Dabi listened intently to your rambling. It was nice to see someone agree with some of his opinions. You were obviously very intelligent. As you continued to work on his arm, he made note of your face and its beauty.
As you had just finished the last staple, you asked him, "Did you patch your skin up yourself?"
"Yeah, I did. I prefer to do it my own way because the majority of my skin is brunt to a crisp.” He explained.
"You have a fire quirk?"
He nodded as your eyes moved across his body to look at his skin. Your eyes finally meet his face. Without even thinking, you reached your hand out to cup in check and brushed your thumb along the staples in his face.
Dabi let out a small gasp. It had been a while since someone had touched him. You finally realised what you did and immediately yanked your hand away from him and stood up, hoping he wouldn’t see you blush in embarrassment.
"I’m really sorry Dabi" you said, putting your face in your hand, "I’ve just never seen anyone with a fire quirk like this."
He smiled at your embarrassment.
"Don’t worry. There is no need to be sorry. I didn’t mind it. " He reassured you.
You sighed and reached a hand out to help him up off the ground.
As he towered over your frame, you suddenly realised how tall he was in comparison to you. As soon as you realised your work was done, you let his hand out of yours.
"Well Dabi" you said, "I guess I better be heading home."
"Thank you" was all he said.
While your arms hugged you around your stomach, his deep blue gaze on you made you feel even more insecure.
"Are you going to be okay?" You asked him.
A small smile was on his face.
"Don’t worry about me."
You nodded to let him know you understood.
"Then I better go." You said, turning away from him.
Before Dabi could open his mouth to say anything to you, a black car drove into the alleyway with a large honk of its horn.  The tinted window rolled down the slightest bit and a voice called out Dabi’s name.
"That’s my ride," Dabi explained.
He didn't want to abandon you in the dark, but he also knew that you getting into the car would be impossible.
"Well take care Dabi", You said your last words and turned the corner away from him and the car.
You knew that it wouldn’t have been a good idea if you stayed any longer. You did your duty and left without anything else occurring. You had visions of the man’s blue eyes and face. You could tell from his body and face he was probably conventionally attractive before his burn scars. You ignored the flutters you had in your stomach as you took the stairs up to your apartment floor.
After entering the code to your apartment, you quickly tossed your bag to the floor and threw your jacket off. You sighed with relief to finally be home alone. Peace and quiet was the thing you needed after your long day.
"Finally home sweetheart?"
When you saw the man behind you holding a plate of takeaway sushi, you shrieked and nearly fell to the floor in shock.
"Hawks you little-!"
Dabi threw up his hands in frustration as he approached the LOV's hideout. He completely forgot to ask for your name. After you had taken care of his injuries, the very least he could do was ask for your name.
He sighed and sat on the grimy couch. His thoughts returned to the events of your and his meeting. He was still bewildered that you chose to help a random stranger in the dark. Dabi knew that if it hadn't been for you, he would have bled out until he passed out and died. His fingertips traced the stitching on his arm that you had done. It was noticeably better done than his own work.
"What are you smiling about?" Toga spoke up, breaking Dabi of his thoughts.
His face immediately dropped, and he muttered a nothing. Toga shrugged off his reply and reached for the TV remote. The sound of the TV made Dabi’s head throb, so he stood up and headed out of the room to find somewhere more peaceful to rest for the night.
"What was the situation like in the hospital tonight Doctor?" the interviewer asked.
"Well, I would personally like to thank the heroes who were able to transport the citizens and other heroes who were harmed in the attack to the hospital so quickly."
The sound of your voice echoing throughout the room made Dabi freeze in place. He turned around to face the TV and ordered Toga to turn up the volume.
Dabi barely heard your voice as he continued to stare in a trance at your lovely face.
"We would like to thank you and your unit for all your help today. We are all grateful. " The interview told you.
You nodded and smiled at the camera as you wished everyone well.
Your name suddenly appeared at the bottom of the screen.
"Doctor _____ ______"
Dabi's face lit up with a big grin, and he couldn't help but laugh. He figured it wouldn't be that difficult to find you after all.
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: you find yourself at the tattoo parlor more often as of late. also, jungkook hates lemon jelly filled donuts and is easily bribed by mint chocolate and macarons. pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc warnings: cursing, excessive use of pet names, kinda toxic friendship
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Sora’s unbridled passion for why she believes Jungkook is wrong for you has never irritated you as much as it does in this moment. You’ll never understand why she’s so adamant about the topic, when it’s not her decision. When she knows that you’ve been harboring a small crush on the man for years now, and you’re fairly certain he returns your affections.
When the man told you that he had put an orange heart next to your name, you knew it was real.
You don’t understand why Sora is determined to make things so complicated, when they don’t have to be. You don’t believe her claims that he’s a fuckboy, that he treats people like trash. He’s shown you the opposite. He’s so gentle with everyone, not just you. He’s blunt but he has a big heart under all of the leather and layers of black.
If there’s a word to describe him, it’s dreamy.
Which is why you’re so hurt that Sora refuses to give him a chance. After all, if she was your best friend, shouldn’t she offer him a chance for your sake?
It confuses you.
“I’ve heard so many bad things about him,” Sora says knowingly, swirling her glass of wine in her hands. You don’t feel very much like drinking, not when your stomach swirls in unease. Being in her apartment is nothing new, but right now, you’d rather be anywhere else.
“But what things? And from who? Jungkook is such a genuine guy and he hasn’t done anything for people to start rumors about him,” You protest, but your words fall on deaf ears, “And I like him-”
“I mean come on, have you seen him? The man radiates bad vibes. My friends have all said-”
“Bad vibes? You’re dismissing him because of bad vibes when I’m telling you that-”
“I’m your best friend, don’t you think I know these things?” Sora says, heat and arrogance in her voice, “I’m only looking out for you. It’s shitty that you’re dismissing me for a guy-”
“I’m not dismissing you-” But your voice grows smaller and smaller, something that you think Jungkook might be disappointed in you for.
“It sure as hell sounds like you are,” Sora sneers with a cold sort of tilt to her lips, “Listen. I’m just looking out for you, even if you don’t seem to appreciate it. I thought we were best friends. Friends look out for each other, but if you don’t want to listen to me, that’s on you.”
Something dry settles in your throat and something heavy settles in your chest.
“He’s not good news,” Sora continues, as if she can’t see your heart beginning to ache, “I’ll find someone who will treat you much better, don’t worry.” She pats your knee in a way that is supposed to be reassuring but you wince.
You don’t want her favors, but it’s too late for you to protest. Besides if you did, she’d feel awful and you never want to be the cause of her being upset. She’s your best friend after all. And what kind of friend would you be, if you upset her to that degree?
But still... you don’t want anyone else. You want the sensitive man who gets misty-eyed by powerful renditions of Beyonce songs, the man who texts you until you fall asleep, the man who asks you what color to paint his nails when he feels like it.
You kind of want the sensitive man dressed in layers of black.
You let Sora talk your ear off about all of the guys she has in mind for you, but you stop listening. You don’t understand this vendetta she has against Jungkook, the vendetta that she’s always had. But she is correct about one thing- she is your best friend and has your best interests at heart...right?
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The four walls of the tattoo parlor that you’ve begun frequenting more and more often begins to feel more and more like a welcome place in recent days. You’ve always been friendly with the guys, especially Yoongi and Hoseok.
Even if Yoongi doesn’t work at the parlor, he’s here frequently enough.
Though Yoongi and Hoseok are some of your oldest friends, you’ve only come to the parlor a handful of times in the past. Once that realization hit you, you’d made it a point to stop by more often.
Why hadn’t you before?
They’re your oldest friends, but these days, you feel closer to Mina and Mei as well. While you do have other girlfriends who you see as often as your collective schedules align, it’s still different.
But still. You don’t know if you’ve ever truly belonged with anyone. You feel as if you’ve been floating through life, with Sora by your side (at least half the time, when she’s not spewing criticism over the man you have feelings for).
Thinking about it gives you a headache and makes you feel nostalgic for something that you never had. But maybe it’s something you can have.
“Hey, you,” Mei calls from reception, where she’s sitting next to Hobi who waves at you, “What brings you here? Finally gonna let me pierce you?”
“I brought donuts,” You shrug, “And I’m not ready for that surgical instrument to touch me, thanks very much.”
“You can stop by without the pretense of bringing sweet treats over,” Hobi says knowingly, “I mean none of us will complain about donuts, but you know that right? You can come by anytime you want.”
“O-okay,” You nod, your throat feeling a little dry.
“Now, come here and let me see what you got. If there’s a lemon jelly filled donut, save that for Jungkook. He hates them.”
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“You got plans this evening?” Mei asks, grabbing her bright red purse that’s nearly the size of your head. Her purse matches her bright red nails and for half a second, you’re mesmerized by the glossiness of her nails.
“No, other than getting ready for tomorrow’s day of work-”
“Great! Wanna come with me to the tattoo supply store? I have to pick up more needles, grips and gloves.”
“Sure,” You shrug, a little excited at the prospect of a quick adventure for Mei, “I’ll just say bye to Hobi.”
He’s already watching you with mirth in his eyes, as if he knows what you’re about to say. “Hey, will you tell Jungkook I said hi?” You murmur, feeling your ears burning at his smug grin.
“Sure, I will,” Hobi grins, “I’m sure he feels bad about not being able to say hi to you himself. He’s had a busy day.”
“Understandable,” You nod, “I mean, you guys say he’s the best in the city, right? I’m sure he’s got a waitlist of people who want to be tatted by him.”
“Maybe someday he’ll tattoo you, huh?” He says mischievously to which you roll your eyes and feel your face heat up.
“He would be so lucky,” You scoff, as if the notion of Jungkook tattooing your body doesn’t make something flutter in your belly.
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“We have this competition at the parlor where the person who makes the most tips has to buy the supplies on a monthly basis,” Mei says smugly, “Usually, it’s Kook but for the last few months it’s been me.”
That doesn’t surprise you in the least- Hobi has told you that Mei and Mina are both skilled in realistic and watercolor tattoos, as well as piercings. You think if you were ever to receive a tattoo from either Mei or Mina, you would tip them for the mere fact of them being so close in your presence for so long.
They used to intimidate you, when Hobi had first introduced you to them. Mina with her sleek bob haircut, and Mei with her long, glossy waves. Both of them had nose piercings and their ears were dotted in different hoops and rods. You’d only caught a glimpse of their tattoos a handful of times- Mei has a full sleeve on her right arm where Mina’s tattoos seem to be more hidden.
They’re just so cool and funny and smart.
“How did you all get the idea for the tattoo parlor? Like, was it a business decision or were you all friends before?” You ask curiously.
“Well… Jin, Mina and I have been friends since we were kids, our parents are really close. Jin had this dream of opening his own tattoo and piercing parlor for the longest time. Jungkook and Hobi joined a few months after we officially opened. It took a while, but we’re where we are now,” Mei says fondly.
“That’s incredible! You guys started from the ground up,” You say, in awe, “That parlor is your baby.”
“Fuck, yeah it is,” Mei grins, “What about you? What cool tech stuff is going on in that pretty brain of yours?”
“Um…” Your face heats up at the compliment, “I’m currently helping in developing this app for one of our clients, it’s specific for tracking and trending information related to chronic health conditions. It’s still in its infancy, but it’s been fun! And it’s job security, I guess.”
Mei lets out a low whistle, “Wow, you’re doing something like that by yourself?”
“No, I have a pretty great team,” You shrug, “Something like that definitely can’t be done alone.”
Mei hums, “You’re gonna be great, Ms. CEO.”
“Yeah right, I’d never want that burden,” You scoff, “I’m good right where I am.”
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With both of your arms full of bags of supplies for the tattoo parlor (and some extras), you both walk out of the shop and towards Mei’s sleek, black car. It’s late, and you don’t really feel much like taking public transportation. But you’re nervous to ask Mei for a ride home for some reason.
“Hey, did you drive to the parlor?” Mei asks.
“N-no, I don’t have a car yet,” You reply, “I only just bought my condo and didn’t want to make another big purchase just yet. I want to start looking though…”
“Oh! I’ll drive you home then,” Mei offers once she starts the engine.
“Are you sure? It’s kind of out of the way from here,” You reply, folding in on yourself a little in the passenger seat.
Mei only waves you off. “Oh, please. What kind of friend would I be if I just left you to get home alone?”
You bite your tongue, as vivid memories of Sora claiming that she didn’t have enough gas in the tank or her asking for gas money for the ten minute drive from her apartment building to your condo flash in your mind.
“Thank you, Mei,” You say gratefully, “Let me know how much to Venmo you, for gas money-”
“Gas money? For a seven minute drive? Is that a joke,” Mei gasps, “What do you take me for?”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry I asked!”
“Asking me for gas money,” Mei mutters, “You said you want to start looking for a car?”
Her smile twists into something mischievous.
“Yeah, I have no idea where to start though…”
“Ask your boy, Jungkook. Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin work at a car dealership and they’re his roommates, I’m sure he’d be eager to help you.” Something in her voice is coy but you maintain a neutral face.
“Yeah… maybe I will,” You say thoughtfully, “Hey! He’s not my boy-”
“Alright, alright,” Mei relents gently, “But really, reach out to him. He’ll help you. So that those boys don’t scam you like the sleazy car salesmen that they are.”
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When you see Jungkook next at the tattoo parlor which is conveniently on your way home from work (again with a box of pastries), you muster the courage to step into his office to ask him for help.
“Hi,” You say weakly, “Umm… I come bearing gifts. Got some of those mint chocolate brownie bars that you like, and those macarons-”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to bribe me, baby,” Jungkook says, smirking widely when your lips part in protest.
“If I was trying to bribe you, it wouldn’t be with mint chocolate. Disgusting,” You roll your eyes and squeal out loud when he lunges for you, giving you a teasing but tight back hug.
“Take it back,” Jungkook murmurs lowly in your ear. You hardly hear him, too wrapped up in the warmth of the big black hoodie he’s wearing. The soft, gentle scent of laundry and vanilla floats into your nose when you turn your head to press your cheek against his chest.
His heartbeat is faint against your ear. You wonder if he can hear yours speeding up.
“Mint chocolate sucks. It’s a fact,” You mumble.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” His voice comes as a low grumble from his chest and you swallow nervously. Before your nerves can get the best of you, he changes the topic. “Mei told me you’re in the market for a new car?”
“I don’t really know where to start, but I’ve already started doing some research,” You reply, pointing to your small backpack. You pull out a binder with meticulously colored tabs labeled in neat print that Jungkook raises an eyebrow at.
“You just carry around a binder with your research on car purchases at all times? Is that what you do?”
“I have to be prepared!”
“Sometimes you just need a vibe check-”
“You want me to purchase an entire vehicle worth about a million and one paychecks based on just a vibe check? Is that what you did with your motorcycle?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook gives you a crooked smile, “And a little research. I guess.”
“You guess,” You mutter under your breath.
Jungkook has been more touchy with you once you had given him the go ahead all those weeks ago. He doesn’t show his affections with you unless you’re both alone, and it’s never anything more than hugs and the occasional brush of hands.
He’s melting you from the outside in, and you bask in his radiant heat. The thought of Sora’s approval doesn’t bother you, not when he hugs you like this.
But as always. Her disapproving voice worms its way into your head and you reluctantly peel away from him to sit on the faded burgundy couch with the box of macarons on your lap.
“So,” Jungkook says, immediately feeling the loss of your warmth in his limbs, “How can I help?”
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tags: @kookdbean
MoM tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Razor with a fem teacher darling.
Some sweet lil cute lady in Mondstadt that teaches little kids. Older than our boy, maybe 30s, just old enough to be very maternal (and so that she’ll never see it coming of course). Conscripted by the knights to quit her day job and take on the task of teaching the wolf boy how to adapt to human society, how to speak and interact with others. They find that a normal approach overwhelms and confuses him, so they think your way of doing things would be best for someone... on his intellectual and social level.
They let him stay with her several hours a day and practice talking and teaching him things like the most basic words that he may need to know how to read, how to sign his name, basic addition/subtraction etc... He is like a kid in some ways, namely naivete and maturity, so you kinda deal with him as if he was, almost infantile, like giving him little mantras and poems they teach kids on how to remember basic manners/politeness, giving him stickers and other little trinket-y rewards for correct answers, which he cherishes quite a bit.
And he starts coming more and more often, doesn't want to leave, even stays sometimes overnight, and you let him, because you're glad he wants to learn about human life, so you let him sleep on your couch (although he often ends up just curling up on the floor anyway).
He becomes addicted to praise. Since you once taught little kids, you're used to that whole overenthusiasm people give kids, the "wow! Good job! I'm so proud!" And you give that to him too, because you wanna encourage him after all, and you figure he will only understand if you exaggerate the enthusiasm. He gets hooked on that and is constantly trying to earn your praise and approval, will do things and show them to you as he sits there expectantly, waiting for you to say he did good. Dips his head down expectantly, since you normally pet him on the head. Beaming smile and bright, wide eyes.
As such, the way you view him becomes... soft. Dangerously so, not that you’re aware of that aspect of it yet, but in your mind, he’s like a sweet kid, even ironically a bit puppy-like. He’s so sweet, you tell the knights when giving a report on your progress. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
And then he gets more... comfortable. As all people do in all kinds of relationships, they become less guarded, less careful, less afraid to be open and honest and allow their true self to come out.
You’re forced to become aware of the ways in which he is very much not a kid. Namely physically. One time you told him you had to go for the night and you'd see him tomorrow, but he kept saying you couldn't go yet, he just wants five more minutes! But you sigh and say no, you really have to go, and he huffs and pouts and grabs you by the arm and pins you down. Not yet. Just a few more minutes, he says. You genuinely fear for a moment that he’s about to unintentionally snap your arm, he grips so tightly. You pull, but he doesn’t even budge, you’re not certain that he even processes that you’re struggling, even though you use your full strength. You give a forced, scared smile and ask, hey, remember what we learned about selfishness? And how it's bad? How we can’t force other people do what we want? He hangs his head and says sorry, but seems sad about letting you go. The bruise he leaves lasts over a week. From that point forward, you’re acutely aware of the physical strength he possesses. But still, he didn’t mean to hurt you, he just didn’t understand, you think. He’s still so sweet. He just needs some time.
He likes your attention. That is, he likes to have it. He does not like your attention being given to other things and people. It took you a while to figure out why people would always look so uncomfortable and leave mid-conversation when he was in the room, you couldn’t see how he glared and scowled at people while standing behind you. Once you realize it, you don’t get mad, because it’s not his fault, right? You tell yourself to be patient, just like with the kids. You just have to explain that it’s important to be nice to people. Treat others the way you want to be treated, you say. And how would he want to be treated? Nicely, right? So be nice in the future, ok? He nods, but you get the sense it didn’t really sink in.
And for one thing, you learn he’s, well, appropriately curious about human... love. Relationships. Sex. Very, very curious, and very eager to ask questions. He actually understands and is familiar with quite a bit, you discover (he’s probably witnessed more sex than you have, really), he just doesn’t really know the words, and substitutes as best as he can before you teach him the right words for his... unique terminology, which he uses when describing the things he would like to learn the words for: The thing humans do where they hit each other with their mouths. When the girl-wolf is growing a baby inside and her stomach gets big. The thing mates do together. The white stuff the boy-wolves make, that comes out of their... thing, whatever the word is, tell him that word too, please. Not just wolves, he makes that white stuff too, he clarifies, because he has one of those things, just in case you didn’t know. You... handle it as maturely as you can. You tell him that yes, you’re aware he does, in fact, have one.
But you figure that curiosity is appropriate, he’s a sexually functioning adult, of course he’s curious. He’s fascinated by the female anatomy diagram in the textbook you manage to find in the library, looks at it quite a bit, and, despite your embarrassment, you figure you have a responsibility to make sure he understands. It’s not like it’s wrong, just awkward, so you willingly read the text when asked. Combined with the previous conversation, you soon realize a lesson in... appropriateness is probably needed. That is, since he’s started asking if you have those things too. Does it really look like that? Do those things really have milk in them? Can he feel them? The part of the book that shows the humans mating, why do they do it like that, facing each other? Do they ever do it the way wolves do? Have you done it before? You... have to tell him that he can’t go around asking other people questions like that. It’s not appropriate, you explain, and your job is to help him understand what is and isn’t appropriate. He doesn’t seem to grasp why he can’t ask things like that, seems hurt, like he thinks you just don’t want to, so you have to explain that it’s just... a human social thing.
You soon realize maybe you didn’t explain it well enough. When he keeps staring at your chest, you have to remind him it’s rude. And we don’t want to be rude, right? But he keeps asking why? Why is it bad? He doesn’t understand. When he has a very obvious raging hard-on and just sits there letting it visibly poke at the fabric, you awkwardly chime in that he might want to, uh, cover that up. But he tilts his head because he doesn’t understand why.
It’s only the beginning of such appropriateness conversations. Once when you’re working on something, he wants to show you the work he did, he practiced writing some of those important words. But you tell him to hang on just a minute, I’m working on something important. He doesn’t like that, so he shoves your work off the desk and sends it crashing to the floor. There, now you don’t have to look at all that stuff and can focus on him instead, see? Isn’t his writing good? Aren’t you going to say he did good? He doesn’t understand why you seem upset, but you, having developed an incredible patience in years of working with kids, keep your cool and explain why that’s not nice and why we have to learn to be patient, ok? But you reassure him it is good, put the cute sticker on his paper, and that’s all that matters, he seems happy. You feel like he didn’t hear the important part.
In fact, you were so impressed by the progress in his speaking and intellectual skills that you were a bit blinded to the fact that he’s showing a... concerning lack of understanding some of the more practical social lessons you’ve been teaching.
You swear you’ve said a hundred times now that you can’t just pick up things you want and take them, but he keeps doing it. You had to apologize profusely more times than you can count so the knights didn’t arrest him for theft, but you feel like they’re starting to get tired of the he doesn’t understand excuse.
And you’ve talked about being nice before, you swear, you’ve read several children’s books on the importance of niceness over and over, complete with pictures, and he seemed to like them. And he is sweet, precious even. ...To you. He just needs to work on applying those skills to everyone else, you always tell the superiors. To stop... scowling at people. To stop clinging to you, shyly hiding behind you like a child to their mother whenever someone new comes along. To stop ignoring when other people are trying to talk to him, and to stop interrupting other people who are talking to you when he decides that he wants you to be done with your current conversation and focus on him instead.
And most importantly, you tell them you need to work with him on the little... selfishness problem he seems to have. Stubbornness, rather.  He does not like the word no. He huffs and pouts like a kid, getting sad and sulky. Nor does he react well to being denied anything, and especially not being reprimanded in any way. He sulks quite a bit whenever you get frustrated at him. And he doesn’t exactly... listen. Sometimes he’ll heed your “no,” and sometimes he... does what he wants anyway. You almost get the sense that he thinks that listening to you is optional. As sweet as he is, you become increasingly aware that he very much likes it when things go his way, and can become rather pouty when he can’t get his way. 
It makes sense, you reason with yourself. Do what is necessary to obtain what you want. If you can’t get what you want, use force. Those are the laws of the wild, of survival in the animal world, are they not? He’s just... adjusting. He’s not used to such complex social constructs. Give him time.
He has to learn things can’t always go his way, especially since soon, you’ll have to return to your normal job, and he’ll be left to his own devices. They ruled that he’s improved enough that you’re no longer needed.
You do worry about that a bit. You worry how he’ll manage, and fear he’ll just go back to being a recluse in the woods, since the one thing he didn’t ever make much improvement on was forming bonds and socializing... well, with anyone besides you. You always tried to make him feel like he had a place he was loved and appreciated -- the same you do with the kids.
You always sensed a sort of lonesomeness in the boy. At one point you began to more carefully curate the books you would find to read aloud to him, being sure to leave the ones that featured families in the “don’t read” pile. He would get a sad look on his face and stare wistfully at pages whenever the story contained a mother or a family in any way. Sometimes you would find him flipping through old books at the pictures, looking out the window at children roaming the streets with their parents, and you couldn’t help but wonder how often he thought about what he could have had, if at all, and you wonder if he ever wished he could have had normalcy. You try to be something of a mother figure he never had -- loving, supportive. It’s the least you can do, right? You’ve done plenty of things that you sensed could backfire, but certainly that kindness would not come to be something you’d regret.
And you expected him to react badly to the news that your time together would be ending, but not this badly. You reassure him it’s ok, you’ll visit him all the time! He can come visit you when school isn’t in session! He still seems upset, even tearful. Why can’t you stay with him?
You choose your words carefully. He tends to hear what he wants to hear, rather than what you actually say, so you try your best to be clear. So there’s no confusion... so that he can’t twist your words.
It’s not your decision to make, it’s the board’s.
It’s their fault. They’re keeping her away.
He can visit you any time you’re not busy.
(y/n) will be too busy to play. Too busy with other people.
But you have to go to work, it’s your primary responsibility.
They’re more important than her than me.
He eventually gets quiet, sulks as he does. You sigh and hope he’ll be able to accept it.
... You get the strangest feeling of... premonition as you wrap up for the day. Like something bad is going to happen. You turn to him and remind him that... remember, doing bad things will get you in trouble, right? Hurting people and stuff like that... is illegal in Mondstadt, remember?
He actually becomes very alert at those words, like he’s having a realization. That’s good, you think, he gets it.
The realization was actually the... implication of the words “in Mondstadt.” It’s illegal and wrong... in Mondstadt. He’s not the brightest person in the world, but that gives him an idea. In his mind, Mondstadt isn't the whole region, it's just the city. So outside of the city... If he gets you outside of the city, then, it'll be ok to do anything he wants right? Yes, that makes a lot of sense to him.
So as your days together draw to a close, he asks for one more thing. He visited you so much. Can you come visit him, just once? He wants to show you his home. It'll be fun, you think, you'd genuinely like that. So you smile and agree. You have no reason not to.
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batmayne · 3 years
𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆? - peter maximoff
author’s note: this is my first Peter fic so I apologize if I mischaracterize him! Also some notes, Peter is 17 in 1973/Days of Future Past (he was born in 1956) and 27 in 1983/Apocalypse. The X Men timeline is mad wonky so I just have Logan waking up sometime in his future when the timeline has been fixed. Reader is referred to with she/her pronouns. I hope y’all enjoy!
genre: slight enemies to lovers, fluff
word count: 1350
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As you watched the pot filled with some strange boiling liquid hurl itself toward you, all you could do was hold your arms up in a feeble defense. Though a mutant yourself, nothing could’ve prepared your powers for the amount of commotion and chaos that was occurring at the moment. Even with three strange men showing up at your door randomly (with one claiming to be a friend of yours in the distant future), you still hadn’t expected to lose your life already, you were only 16 for goodness sake! There was so much more to life than killed by a stray pot containing a sad excuse for food.
A couple of seconds passed and instead of being knocked unconscious, you felt a swift breeze rustle your clothing. Removing your hands from your face, you were met with a smirking Peter Maximoff holding said now empty pot a few inches from your face - much to your disappointment.
Despite only knowing him for several hours, Peter had managed to get on your nerves more than anyone you’d ever met, which was saying something. That being said, he wasn’t exactly too fond of you either, hence why he attempted to spend every minute of your time together trying to get under your skin. He could tell by the look of disapproval on your features that you weren’t in moral agreement with the stacks of stolen merchandise that lined his basement walls. But for the sake of breaking Magneto out of prison you two agreed to get along for the time being, it took a lot of reassurance from Logan though.
At one point he had to pull over on the side of the road because your bickering was distracting him from driving.
“Are you two going to stop flirting long enough for us to reach the Pentagon?”
“Flirting?” Peter questioned incredulously, placing his arms behind his head and slouching further in his seat. “I wouldn’t date her if she was the last woman on this planet.” Instead of responding with a sarcastic remark, you just shoved him and ignored his comment. Crossing your legs and peering out of the window as Logan pulled off the curb, you had asked yourself why that last comment bothered you so much. But what you didn’t know was that Peter would be asking himself a similar question when he stared at you for a couple of seconds too long when making sure the pot and it’s contents didn’t hit your head. Sure, he couldn’t see your face because of your hands and while your body position was rather comical at the moment - he had to admit, you were cute. Not that he would ever say it aloud though.
“Thank you.” You replied quietly, and attempted to shuffle out of the room along with Charles and Erik.
“What?” He called back at you, causing you to stop and let Logan brush pass you into the hallway. “No response this time?” He asked once again, wondering why you didn’t call him stupid or at least have some sort of comeback, but all he got in return was an eye roll.
“Y/N, Peter, I just want to thank you both for helping us, it is greatly appreciated.” Charles and Hank bidded you both farewell, and handed the keys over to Peter. “And Y/N, make sure he gets the car back safely please, and Peter make sure she gets back home safe.”
Peter’s horrid driving skills made you wonder why he wasn’t imprisoned with Erik for being a danger to society, but that wasn’t a surprise to you of course. You thought everything about him was reckless, which was the sole reason you couldn’t see eye to eye. As stated earlier, Peter found you insufferable as well, thinking that you were allergic to fun or something. Despite that, couldn’t deny that the way the afternoon sunlight coated his features made your stomach flutter the slightest bit. What were you even thinking? You were obviously suffering from exhaustion from the days events that were clouding your mind anyway.
“Where do you want me to drop you off at anyway?” Peter asked, breaching your thoughts as he ran another light.
“U-um, the public library is fine.” You stuttered out quickly, now concerned as to why him just glancing in your direction caused you to temporarily lose your usually cool composure.
After about an hour of awkward silence and Aerosmith blasting from the radio, you reached your destination.
“Thanks for the ride, make sure you get it back safely.” You eyed him seriously before waving briskly and closing the door. Before you could even reach the top stair, you heard him call your name and so you turned around.
“Hey Y/N!” He shouted from about 20 feet away, catching the attention of onlookers. “Tell your mom I said hey!” Instead of getting angry you found yourself chuckling quietly before waving again as he sped off down the road.
After phoning a relative via a pay phone to come pick you up (fully expecting to hear an ear full for disappearing for an entire Saturday), you took a seat on a bench outside. Mulling over the intense events of the day, one would expect you to feel relieved that it was over and that you were away from all the craziness, but you instead felt quite the opposite. Growing up in a rather sheltered home, a part of you missed the action and adventure, but another part of you was missing Peter for some reason? Sure, he was aggravating and annoying and you were sure that he felt the same way, but at the same time he was the closest thing you’ve ever had to a friend.
Being a mutant was already difficult enough, and controlling your powers in a high school setting certainly wasn’t a day in the park. Everyone treated you as if you were some sort of alien or simply avoided you, but at least Peter treated you like you were normal? But there was no sense in pondering about that anyway, it wasn’t like you’d ever get to see him again.
Once you had graduated high school and then gone on to higher education all the way up to receiving a masters degree, you were somewhat at a loss with what to do with your life. Having such a unique mutation as your own, you felt that you could be of use other than in a common workplace. Lucky for you, you got a call from a familiar Professor with his own school.
Having been a part of the staff of Xavier’s School for Gifted Individuals for several years now, you had achieved a steady routine, often operating as the school's nurse whenever a student was injured - which happened often.
It had started off as a normal enough day before you heard a rather boisterous explosion from deep within the school’s basement. Before you even had the chance to move or react, you found yourself outside with the rest of the students… in someone’s arms. Supporting your back with one hand and the underside of your knees, there stood an older Peter whose gaze was currently focused on the exploding building in front of you.
“Peter?” You gasped confusedly, still attempting to fathom the events that were occurring around you.
“Hey.” He replied dazedly, looking down at you with a lazy smile.
Hearing a helicopter approach in the distance, he gently set you back onto your feet. Darting around to check on the confused students, you were completely caught off guard by the wave of energy that hit you, effectively knocking you and everyone else out.
Eventually waking up and recovering after all of the commotion occurred a couple of days later, you helped treat Peter for his broken knee, which was a bit awkward. While you obviously weren’t thinking about him every second of the day, you would poke into Charles’ office occasionally and ask if he had heard about his whereabouts.
“What have you been up to these days?” You asked tentatively, not looking up from wrapping his bandages.
“I originally came here to look for my dad, er Magneto, but I think I’ll stick around a little while.” He replied, smiling as he placed his hands behind his head.
“I think I’d like that.”
The Future
Waking up years after the events of time meddling into the future, Logan found himself quite disoriented as he bumbled around the hallways. The first thing that immediately caught his attention was two voices behind a nearby door, opening to reveal an older you and Peter - with intertwined hands.
“You were supposed to be ready thirty minutes ago.” You complained light heartedly, stepping further out into the hallway. “For someone with super speed you sure do take-“ Peter abruptly brought your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it, effectively shutting you up for the time being.
“Aw, babe, you know you’d never get rid of me.” He teased with a smirk, nodding his head slightly in greeting to Logan, while you rolled your eyes and gave him a wave.
Logan found himself giving the slightest smile at the sight of the matching rings on your hands.
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
For Honor [Samurai!Yamada Ichiro/Reader] - Chapter 6
The silence is painful.
You can’t help but feel used, the romance having burned up so shortly after you’d gotten what you wanted. You expected more from someone like him, from someone you thought you had known though it was probably your naivety speaking now. You shouldn’t have made assumptions about a man that you had hardly known a week and you shouldn’t have pushed him to do something he was clearly having doubts about, no matter how enthusiastic he seemed in the moment. You’re left alone in the back to ponder your thoughts, only getting a word out of Ichiro when he asks if you’re hungry or if you need to stop to stretch your legs.
You just want this trip over with.
The castle loomed in the distance and though your journey had taken a turn, you almost wished you were back in the woods again. The future that was practically decided for you was now within reach when it had felt thousands of miles away just this morning. There’s a sinking feeling in your gut but you swallowed back your worry and instead presented yourself as you knew you should, standing tall and proud as you approached the royal family of this region with your chin held high. Pleasantries are exchanged while Ichiro stood off to the side to allow you some room, your eyes meeting his for a split second before you both whipped your heads in another direction. Thankfully this little action isn’t caught as the Queen is far too happy to see you, pointing you towards a room where you could change before officially meeting the prince.
You’re attended to by the lady-in-waiting who thankfully doesn’t force conversation, wiping the dirt from skin and helping you into a dress perfectly suited for you. She gave you a few compliments in an attempt to brighten your mood and things felt almost normal again, like your priorities hadn’t taken a total turn while out in the wilderness with a wild samurai. You almost wished you could tell this stranger about your journey but it was too dangerous, Ichiro might be acting like a bastard now but you’d never do something to endanger him and his brothers. Before she left the room she said to take a few more moments for yourself, giving an understanding smile before she exited.
You’re thankful to finally be alone with your thoughts yet at the same time having others around distracted you from the pain of a one-sided love. You had a difficult time falling asleep the night before with how coldly Ichiro had treated you, and the fact he woke up the very next morning acting as though nothing had happened… It set you on edge. You had never met a man like him and you had been smitten so quickly perhaps you hadn’t gotten a full sense of the reality of his situation.
You knew as well as he did that there truly wasn’t a chance, no way for this to work in your favor.
You took another deep breath, hoping the prince wasn’t a total bastard and that your marriage to him would be merciful. When you finally had your wedding night with him would he be gentle? Would he know what to do? Would he guide his hands along your body with such precision you would think he was made for making love with you? It felt wrong to think of Ichiro when you were going out to meet your husband but you supposed this was just the beginning of the challenges you’d face as royalty, being bound by duty rather than getting to live a free life.
Ichiro stood off to the side as he watched you exit the room, his duty still wasn’t over until he saw you home safely and if anything happened here under his careful watch… He didn’t want to think of the repercussions. You looked so beautiful in your new gown but then again, he thought you’d looked beautiful in anything, even a potato sack though he’s sure you’d never consider fitting in one just so he could double-check. He bit his tongue to stop himself from addressing you, knowing it would seem too casual and that there were listening ears everywhere now. He gave a slight bow and then followed behind you as you were led to a more open room, where the prince was waiting with bated breath.
Well, Ichiro thought he should be but he was rather unimpressed by the overall demeanor of this so-called royalty. He didn’t graciously kiss your hand or have a sparkle in his eye when he first saw you, instead he approached like you were any other person off the street and greeted you almost normally. You wouldn’t think this was a meeting between two people soon to be betrothed and there was lingering confusion on your part as well, a careful glance back at Ichiro for reassurance that this was indeed an odd situation
“My prince it’s-“
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you. Just call me Samatoki if we’re gonna be doing this.” You’re even more confused, head tilted but you nodded; he was certainly unlike any other prince you met before, that was for sure. You’re fascinated by him almost immediately, wondering if this was just a test and they’d switched out the prince with some street urchin to test you. “I don’t like this at all. I want you to know that.”
“Uh, I’m… I’m sorry? Is there something I’ve done?”
“Get out.” You think he’s talking to you at first but he’s glaring at the guards at the entrance of the room, who looked rather wary but quickly ducked their heads and fled as Samatoki’s glare intensified. When his eyes trailed to Ichiro there was a moment of panic, suddenly feeling exposed and all too aware that you’d be completely at this man’s mercy should you be stuck alone with him. You gave Ichiro a pleading look and, despite the awkwardness between you, it was clear he still took his job seriously.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Ichiro’s voice is steady and calm, his arms crossed over his chest as he fixed the prince with a steady glare. “Anything you say to her can be said to me.”
“And what if I don’t want to fuckin’ talk to you?” Ichiro seemed taken aback by the curse, his wide eyes cluing you in that he hadn’t been aware of the prince’s unsavory personality. “Get lost, or I can have you thrown in the dungeons so you really can’t guard your sweet little princess.”
Ichiro seemed at a loss but you’d rather not have your only protection thrown somewhere unreachable, so you put your brave face on and address him yourself.
“Could you just…wait outside the door, please? I’ll scream if anything happens.” Ichiro wondered if that was really okay with you but he nodded, not willing to show you the same disrespect the prince had been. It was making his blood boil to think you’d be marrying someone so blatantly disrespectful but then again, he had violated you, stolen your virginity and that made him even guiltier of this crime.
“You think I’d give you a chance to do that?” Samatoki is smirking, and you rolled your eyes at the childish retort that was clearly meant just to get under Ichiro’s skin.
“As you can see the prince is nothing but a petulant child. I’ll be okay.”
Once you were alone, you felt the obligation to be proper slip away.
“What exactly is your problem?” You started off the conversation, cutting Samatoki off before he could get another word in. He regarded you with a raised eyebrow, allowing you to continue on. “I traveled for days in the most uncomfortable way possible to come here, to meet a prince who was worthy of marrying, and I’m met with a rude oaf who can’t even properly greet a lady? I’m not happy about this arrangement either but at least I know how to fake it!”
“You think I haven’t faked it my whole life? Think you’re the only one who’s ever struggled?” Samatoki shrugged his shoulders, turning away from you to look out a window that led to a garden area. You walked closer to see what he was staring at, noticing that the princess, his younger sister if you heard correctly, was outside with the same lady-in-waiting who had helped you get ready to meet him. You can’t tell which one of them he’s looking at but as soon as you open your mouth to ask Samatoki held his hand up.
“What is it?”
“Do you think you could fake being married to me for your entire life? Do you think that would make either one of us happy?” He’s regarding you with a serious expression. “Don’t bother answering now, I want you to really think about it. I’ve rebelled against my parents my entire life and don’t think I’ll stop now, but this is the last thing I want.”
“Are you one of those true romantics? The type that believes marriage should be between two people in love rather than arranged for the sake of money or territory?”
“And if I am?”
“I’d say you weren’t really the type.”
“That’s the thing then, isn’t it? You don’t know me.” Samatoki started to mess with his belt, a dagger safely harnessed to the side of his thigh. You were fascinated about why he would be carrying such a thing around but he seemed unwilling to answer your questions, at least for now, more focused on debating philosophical views that wouldn’t do either of you any good. “I’m willing to tell my parents it won’t work out.”
“You’ve hardly known me a day and you’ve already decided that?”
“It has nothing to do with you. I’m sure you’re a fine…princess.” He’s staring longingly outside again, such a vulnerable expression you wonder if he realized he was even making it. It was clear he wanted to be anywhere but here, anywhere but confined by the walls of a castle, bound to a royal duty he hadn’t asked for.
You felt a kinship with the prince, even if it wasn’t the romantic spark that had been hoped for.
“Shouldn’t we at least… Attempt a connection? I have no problem denying this proposal as well but to keep our parents on good terms I feel as though we should… pretend to get along?”
“I’ll take the blame when this heads south, you won’t have to worry about that. You’ll just have to figure out a plan on how to deal with the suitor who gets thrown your way.” You hated the truth behind his words but knew the reality was the same for him; even if you both found someone you loved, if they didn’t hold the proper title there would be no point. You wouldn’t be able to be together.
“I think I like talking to you, at least.”
Samatoki seemed baffled by that statement, but the grin on his face told you that your honesty was appreciated.
“You’re not half bad, either. Could be snootier, I’ve met plenty of uptight women in my life… Have you ever handled a blade?”
“Yes, actually.” In a very controlled environment, but still.
“Interesting. Come then, show me your skills. If we’re going to pretend, we might as well have some fun with how we spend our time together.”
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
S/O is asexual
Bang Chan
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° Loves you for who you are, and doesn't think sex should be a main focus of a relationship anyways. Even though he will have times where he is turned on and needy, he won't go to you for it or cheat on you... He'll simply just handle it himself.
° He respects your sexuality and makes sure he doesn't say anything to offend you. He will even attend pride with you if you are going. There have been some people who have gone up to him, trying to get him alone and reassuring that you wouldn't care.
° But he knows deep down that you would care, even though you aren't sexually active... It still doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt if you caught him cheating. Chan loves you no no matter what, and doesn't want to offend you or hurt in the slightest.
° It is also a benefit for Chan since he is quite busy, and probably wouldn't have the time to have a long passionate night. So in reality he is actually really happy that he doesn't have to worry about that, but he still gets worried if he is too busy some days.
Lee Know
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° Even though many people tease Minho calling him Mean hoe, Cold, Evil ect. He is honestly a sweetheart with a very good sense of humor. He can be a bit dirty minded at times, but will not speak those thoughts if the make you uncomfortable in any way.
° Doesn't like when people criticize your relation ship just because you don't have sex, he realizes how truly awful people can be once your sexuality is revealed. He'll be there by your side nonetheless and makes sure no one makes you feel ashamed for being you.
° You show your live for each other in many different ways, with cuddling, playing with his cats, taking care of each other, and going on thoughtful dates. Minho will also secretly research everything he can about someone who is asexual, just to be prepared.
° Minho would like to have kids with you in the future, and he is 100% on board with doing that through adoption. He just wants to spend his life with you, and have a happy ending. Minho also wants a kitten for each kid you adopt, so be prepared for chaos.
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° Is so cautious with you that it melts your heart every day, he'll always ask if a kiss has made you feel uncomfortable or if he went to far. He understands your sexuality and doesn't want you to hide any uncomfortable feelings from him, just so he can work on it.
° Appreciates your affection towards him, always making sure he is being healthy and not draining himself too much. Yet even though he is completely fine with you being asexual, some fans and nosy interviewers just can't seem to let that fact go.
° It has gotten so bad that JYP had to make a statement towards fans and hosts, stating that Changbin will take a longer hiatus if the hate will not die down. The fans got worried of him leaving Stray Kids, and soon left the sensitive topic alone once and for all.
° Is the type to come up with cute nicknames with your sexuality (I've been called a BIcycle). Ace of hearts is his personal favorite because you are asexual and own his heart, the members will tease him relentlessly when he explains it.
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° This softie is very clingy, and will need lots of cuddles throughout the day to survive. As long as he gets cuddles and can have someone to go to when he is stressed, then there should be no issue with you being asexual. You'll also have to cuddle Kkami.
° He finds it strange when people become confused about you being asexual, your relationship is literally like everyone else's except you don't do the do. Hyunjin reassures you that they are just jealous because you are a much cuter couple.
° Prefers being a little spoon, even if he is taller than you. But sometimes he'll get worried if he gets to touchy and will make you feel uncomfortable, so when cuddling in bed his transitions to new positions and displays of affect, are slow and very gentle.
° Fans will critique you for every little thing even if you were asexual or not, and he reassures you many times that he doesn't care what they say. The only matters is your relationship, himself, the members, and your families. He will also shut down hate attacks.
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° Loves you for who you are, and appreciates that you came out to him before he tried to make any advances. This unveil wouldn't change anything in your relationship, the only slight notice that some people may see is that he is very gentle with you.
° Like Chan, he will solve his own problems if he ever gets needy and will not go to anyone else. You are still his and he refuses to see anyone else in a romantic setting, unless you two break up at any point. Which he hopes will never happen since he adores you.
° He will pat your bum if you are okay with it, he doesn't do it in a sexual or romantic way. But more so just to fidget and be playful, you see no sensual intentions behind it and actually find it adorable when he does a drum solo on your butt.
° You love how open and loving he is about the whole situation, he didn't make a big deal out of it or overcompensate like some people do. He treats you like how you should be treated, Jisung treats you like everyone else and doesn't see you as just a sexuality.
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° Is such a sweetheart, he would probably smile so bright when you came out to him about your sexuality. Felix would feel so honoured to know you trust him with such a sensitive unveil that probably drive you crazy on the inside, he feels truly loved.
° Felix is a cuddle bug, so as long as you are okay with cuddles and occasional playful bite then he is fine. He wouldn't want sex to be a main key of a relationship anyways, since it can sometimes control a relationship in a toxic manner. Plus he's mostly soft.
° There will be nights or days where he gets turned on, but he'll handle it himself and make sure you don't notice his problem. He's very aware of everything and always checks in on you to make sure no one or topic is making you feel uncomfortable.
° Felix is a giddy softie who also has a very busy schedule, so being asexual would also help him out quite a bit. Since I personally can't see him being the type to want to bone their s/o every night, or someone who has the time to do that every night.
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° Seungmin is a person who thinks it is unhealthy for a relationship to be based on sex, he seems to also be the type of boyfriend who wouldn't become needy that often. Seungmin honestly wouldn't mind you being asexual at all, he loves you either way.
° He's pretty calm about your sexuality, not making a huge deal over it. But there will be few times where he sends you lists of celebrities who came out as asexual, along with a heart emoji. He does this to remind you that he's proud of you for being open.
° You both aren't into PDA that much, usually letting the affection stay private. But he will send secret flying kisses to you, and hold your hand. Some people some times mistake you as best friends, but Seungmin is always very quick to correct them on their mistake.
° You both spend more time bonding together when he gets back from tour, rather than other couples who just leave their clothes at the door. You both jam out to Day6 while cuddling on the couch as he gently kisses your head from time to time.
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° Jeongin would honestly feel a bit of relief when you told him, knowing that he'll never have to get teased by fans or members for having sex with you. Even though he is an adult, he is still babied by fans and his members nonetheless.
° Is the type to become awkward when talking about sex lives and stuff that is very described within the passionate topic. So he naturally feels more comfortable around you, knowing that he doesn't have to worry about those types of topics when around you.
° Enjoys softer affection in general, like soft kisses, pecks across the face, tickle fights, and long back hugs. Jeongin likes how gentle you are with affection, and how giggly you get whenever he holds you in his arms or kisses your cheeks repeatedly.
° He's support your sexuality 100% and would never shame you on it, in fact he'd shame people who even try to be rude to you about your sexuality or in general. He loves you immensely and wouldn't want you to change for anyone, because you're perfect.
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Oppa Knows Best | Part 6
Word Count: 2.3k (short but super sweet) Genre: Angst, minimal smut Summary: How will Jaehyun react when you suggest that the two of you separate? 
Warnings: violence, blood, manipulation, abusive relationship, suicidal thoughts, dub-con
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Gif credit “I think… I need some time to think about this.” You say, wrapping your robe tighter around your naked body and warily glancing at Jaehyun who was now dressed in his boxers and pacing around the room. Just as predicted, he stops abruptly at your words and turns to you with barely contained wrath and exasperation. He was at the edge of his rope and you could tell. “You’ve had your time! I’ve waited years for you!” 
You gulp, staring down at the knot tying your robe together, and seeing the thin fabric vibrate over your skin with the power of your erratic heartbeat. “I know but---can’t you wait just a little bit longer.... This is all too much for me and I-- I don’t know what I should do.”
“It’s always been too much for you. You’ve always run away from confronting this and I won’t let you run again. This ends tonight.” The finality of his words suffocates you. He has you trapped, forcing you to make a decision that you don’t even know if you can make. 
“I didn’t know...I never wanted to hurt you, oppa.” You put your head between your hands, but his accusations still cut their way through to you easily.  “You knew. No one is that fucking oblivious. You must’ve seen how you pulled away from me every time I tried to confess to you.” 
Guilt eats away at you as you remember all the times you had inexplicably shied away from him every time you seemed to get close to getting what you’ve always wanted from him. You never understood it. You would just close up--the blood in your veins drawing back to your heart and pooling into your abdomen, leaving your limbs cold and shaky. You’d feel so imperiled, like any utterance of his potential love for you would make you bleed out. It didn’t make any sense but it was just so overpowering, a survival instinct, that you were forced to follow it.  You couldn’t even discuss it with him, because how could you without revealing your true feelings for him? A prospect that terrified you just as much as the other one.
You shake your head, feeling your mind swelling up with confusion. “I can’t think right now, oppa.” 
“There is nothing to think about. You’ve been running from this for years and look where it led us. You tried going after someone else, and look where it led us. You want me and I want you. We are made for each other. There is nothing else to think about.” 
“But what if we’re not good for each other?” You whisper quietly, fearing the blasphemy your own tongue was speaking.  “What if it’s not healthy…”
“And who told you that, your barista boy?” Jaehyun accuses indignantly, “What the fuck does he know about us? You had no business involving him in our lives. We were doing just fine before he came along.”
“No, we weren’t!” You can’t help your outburst when he’s always refusing to acknowledge the flaws in your relationship. Just because he ignores them, doesn’t mean they’re not there. The least he could give you is to acknowledge your problems and reassure you that he sees them too and wants to solve them. “You were controlling my life and treating me like a slut for sleeping with other guys.”
“You were whoring around. I was protecting you!”
“This is exactly what I’m talking about! You keep hurting me, and you don’t give a shit! You are so obsessed with getting me that you are willing to break me down so I’d only have you to turn to.” You shrill, unable to hold back your emotions.
“And you chased away any woman I could possibly be with so I’d only have you!” He shouts right back at you, not missing a beat. 
The two of you are at a standstill, anticipating the other’s next attack, and you’re tired of it. You can’t keep doing this. So, full of worry and trepidation, you suggest, “Then maybe we should just stay away from each other for a bit. Take some time to look at things from a---”
“Don’t…” He grits out, fury coiling under his skin.
“I just think it might do us good if--”
“Absolutely not.” He barks at you, making you flinch back, and a thought like a parasite springs up into your mind, taking over you and forcing itself out into the world. “If you can’t even handle me stepping away for a bit then maybe we should just...stop.”
He stares at you in shock and betrayal, hardly believing what you were suggesting. “Don’t you dare.” He hisses, eyes red with tears. 
“We can’t keep hurting each other, oppa.” You futility try to explain yourself to him, and perhaps to yourself too.
“No. You can’t do this to me. Not after everything I’ve been through for you. I won’t let you.” He grabs you by the arm, shaking you roughly and jostling the tears out of your eyes.   “I love you so much, oppa, but--”
“No, fuck you!” He throws you on the bed, the veins in his neck bulging out as he screams at you. “You promised. You said you’ll never leave me.” 
Your fingers dig into the blanket under you, trying to find something to tether yourself to as your world spins into chaos around you. “I was a child back then. I didn’t know how bad things would get.” 
“No, you just didn’t have anyone else to latch onto back then, but now that you do, you’re throwing me out like yesterday’s garbage and hiding behind your bullshit excuses. I stayed loyal to you all this time. I never tried to replace you. I dumped Miyeon for you. I never pursued another woman for you. Everything I ever did was for you, and you're abandoning me the minute someone else gives you any attention?" He grabs your face and presses his forehead against yours. "I can't let you go. I won't. You're mine."
"You're hurting me, oppa." You tremble as his fingers dig into your jaw, but he doesn’t let up.  "Maybe you deserve it. You're a selfish fucking bitch. All you do is take, take, take! You made me dedicate my entire life to you and now you want to leave? Fuck that."
“That's not fair! I waited so long for you.” You cry out, reaching out to him, needing him to reassure you that he believes you. You’re not some evil person that was playing with him all this time. You don’t want to leave him just because you have someone else now. No one could ever replace him. 
But he throws you back against the bed before you can touch him and he whirls around the room like a hurricane, grabbing whatever he can get his hands on and chucking it against the wall, breaking anything and everything. “God-fucking-dammit!” 
Soon the entire room is in disarray, but it does nothing to buffer his anger. You gasp in horror as his hand collides with the mirror, his skin breaking along with the glass. Seeing crimson blood gushing down his pale skin, you jump off the bed and run to him, your fear for him overpowering your fear of him. 
But when you get close, he grabs you by the neck and slams you against the wall, the back of your head bouncing back against the concrete and the shock of the impact making your vision go spotty and your ears ring for a few seconds. 
When you come to, you feel the warmth of his hand being replaced by something cool and jagged pressing against your neck, and you stare at him in horror, hardly believing what is happening, but there is no denying the resentment and malice murking up his warm brown eyes. 
“I have no one else but you. You think I’ll just let you leave?” He asks, voice as jagged as the glass he has pressed against your throat
You close your eyes, a small part of you wishing he’d just do what he’s clearly threatening to do. You’d rather die than live in a world where your oppa would ever try to hurt you. You’ve been struggling for too long and you just want it to stop. This will be easier. You won’t have to fight anymore. 
But you feel the glass move away from you and hear a thud as Jaehyun falls to his knees in front of you, sobbing loudly. “I love you so much. Why are you doing this to me?” 
You feel a twinge of disappointment as you open your eyes and look down at the destitute man in front of you. He looks so small, so scared, resembling the little boy you had made that promise to so long ago and it makes you feel wretched. You were telling him you are going to take everything away from him again after promising him that you’d never leave--after telling him for years and years that you love him and that he’s the most important person in your life. You’re abandoning him just like his father did.
You feel the cold shard of glass on your skin again, this time in your palm as Jaehyun places it in your hand and closes your fist around it. “Kill me then. I’m already dead without you.”
You gasp, shaking your head and trying to pull your hand away. “Stop, please.”
But he tightens his hold around your fist, making your hand close tighter around the glass, the edges of it cutting into your palm. “No. I’ve shielded you from the consequences of your actions for so long. It’s time that you face what you’ve done to me.” 
"I never meant to hurt you.” You wail as your own blood seeps between your fingers. “Please, oppa, stop this. I'm scared. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“You’re killing me.” He insists, poking the skin of his neck with the sharp point of the glass, nicking a small area. “This is just quicker.” 
"I won't leave. I swear I won't leave.” You choke out desperately, panicking at the trail of blood running down his neck. “Just stop it, please!”
He finally loosens his hold on your fist and you immediately drop the glass and pull your hand up to your face, watching the shaking, bloody mess it had become in horror. 
"I love you so much, angel." You hear him say and feel his face nuzzling against your lower belly. You look down at him numbly and see him pulling your robe apart so he can lay kisses directly on your skin.
You can’t feel the warmth from his lips, not when your hand is gushing hot blood still. He doesn’t care though, continuing down your body towards your heat, seeking another warmth all-together. 
You gasp when his tongue slides between your lips and your hand shoots out to clutch at his hair, not caring that you’re messing it up with your blood. Jaehyun’s mouth on you manages to warm you up a bit, and you focus all your attention on how his tongue feels licking around your clit, trying to drown out everything else, trying to pretend that this is just a normal day. 
You almost fool yourself too--if it wasn’t for his quiet sobs that drift up to you every once in a while and the way his hair becomes matted and discolored with your blood, you could almost believe it. But when he stands up, his dick nudging between your legs, you can’t bear to look at him. 
So you turn around and face the wall, feeling more than hearing the strained sound of pain emanating from his chest and flowing into your back.  "I'll make it up to you, angel. I'll make us happy again. I promise you." He grunts, resting his forehead on your shoulder as he pushes inside you. 
“It will be just like before.” He promises lowly, his words are a hiss in your ear, making you shudder. You bite down on your lip to keep down your own cries as he fucks you against the wall like he intends to prove to you just how much he means his words. 
And you stand there and take it. You’re just so tired of fighting back. You don’t want to hurt anymore. 
You lay in his arms in the bathtub, the hot water running down your bodies and carrying the blood with it making it look like a crime scene. And maybe it was. Here lies all your will to break free and every hope that things could change. They wash away from your body like cheap paint to reveal the scars Jaehyun has permanently etched on you, reminding you that he will never go away. 
When the water stops running red with blood, he carries you out of the tub and into the bedroom where he dresses you up and bandages your wound, pressing a gentle kiss onto your palm once he’s done. With not a single evidence of the night’s violence on the both of you, he kneels down in front of you, and grabs your fidgety hands in his bigger ones, squeezing down on them and prompting you to look at him. When you do, you see the determination strong in his eyes and you wonder how he could possibly have the energy to fuel it when you were all dried up. 
You decide that he must’ve stolen it from you.  
"You will not communicate with that boy again. And it goes without saying that Soojin is out of my life too." He informs you. 
You stay quiet, staring straight at him and he sighs, kissing your hands again before getting up to lay the both of you on the bed under the blankets. Pulling you in his arms, he rubs a hand up and down your side soothingly as he whispers quietly to you and smiles his dimpled smile, just like he always does, but it doesn’t look the same to you anymore.
"I won't let anyone tear us apart… even you."
A/N: I know this is super short but like there ain’t much else to say :’) I went with the ending that made the most sense so I hope you guys like it
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clumsy-hood · 4 years
obey me! demon brothers + love languages (giving vs receiving)
prompt: how the demon brothers like to show and receive love
word count: 2,633
a/n: another late night attempt i wrote the night before and found in my notes. i really do appreciate feedback if anyone wants to shoot me a message. obey me, the ikemen otome games, and playchoices have really kept me nice and distracted during the pandemic so if anyone even wants to chat about any of those topics, i have thoughts and would like to hear yours. do this for a broke, bored bitch.
giving: quality time
There is no denying that the Avatar of Pride has a fairly hectic daily schedule—excluding his brothers’ shenanigans, that is still putting it mildly—so it seems best fit he best shows his love for you by simply spending time alone together. No matter if it’s a dinner date at Ristorante Six or spending the night together in his room listening to music, that time is strictly dedicated to you and no one else. You have Lucifer’s undivided attention—unless his brothers nearly destroy the house, then that is an entirely different story. One-on-one time with him may not always be as common as you’d like, but he sure as hell will put in the effort—so much so that if you’ve had scheduled plans for quite some time (ones he can’t afford to miss), he will rush every meeting, speed through paperwork, and all-in-all practically sprint to make it to you on time. 
receiving: acts of service
As much as he’ll go the extra mile to spend so much as a brief moment with you, the way to his heart is doing the little things to make life just a little more bearable for him. Mammon’s plotting to cheat some local low-tier demons? You’re there to redirect his plans to something less potentially chaotic. Lucifer forgot he had to make dinner for the house that night? You’re already on it so long as he helps with cleanup later. Beel ate someone’s food? You’ve already diffused the situation and now the brothers are heading on a snack run. At first, Lucifer was somewhat convinced you were trying to win his brothers’ favors until he realized every little deed or chore completed was to benefit him. Absolutely no ulterior motives planned! It wasn’t until you’d caught him half-asleep and hunched over the desk in his study and offered him a mug of hot tea did he realize how warm and cared for you truly made him feel. The poor guy just isn’t used to be loved and doted on. 
giving: giving gifts
As greedy as he is to spend time with you, Mammon is convinced the best way to show you how much he truly cares for you is to give you anything and everything he can. You are the only person he can never bring himself to steal from—that’s just how special you are to him. In fact, you’re so important to him that every gift—no matter how big or small—given from him was purchased, won, or even made in the most honest ways possible. He sees you eyeballing a toy at a carnival? He’ll spend whatever money his broke ass has left just to win it for you. If you so much as mention in passing that you like a certain jacket, that boy will wait tables at Hell’s Kitchen for however long it takes to buy you what he thinks you deserve. You mean so much to him—a price that can never be paid, it doesn’t even exist—and even though you’re not nearly as materialistic as he tends to be, if he can’t afford to give you the world to see you smile, then he’ll damn well try to earn it some way or another. 
receiving: words of affirmation
Let’s face it, poor Mammon is often the brunt of jokes and insults from his brothers and the occasional low-tier demons, and your small words of kindness leave him a blushing, bumbling mess as he’d be quick to agree and accept your praise. Even if you complimented his hair or told him he had a cute smile in passing, it was as though someone lit sparklers in his chest and he couldn’t help how damn giddy he was. If the Avatar of Greed had a good idea, you were quick to agree and praise him—even defending his choices to his brothers whenever they dismissed or outright ignored him. The sound of your voice had become his favorite thing as though it could be the soundtrack of his day. Though, as much as he enjoyed your compliments and affirmations, you just listening to him vent or complain or even telling you about his day made him feel more heard than he had been for the longest time. And something about that was exciting and confusing all at once, but he knew he never wanted it to end. 
giving: quality time
The Avatar of Envy himself has mentioned that his type is someone he can spend time with—even if that means you both are doing completely different things. So long as you’re in the room with him, he feels completely at ease. It’s honestly one of the best ways he knows how to show how much he trusts you, simply by inviting you into his room and having you make yourself at home there. If you’re trying to read a book, he’ll offer a seat in his room to keep you nearby while he plays his newest game. And Levi loves inviting you to his room for movie nights or binge-watch whatever anime he’s sure you’re going to absolutely love and will keep peeking over at you to gauge your reaction or will occasionally pause it to explain certain plot points. The ultimate show of his affection? The second he invites you to play a video game together—no matter if it’s an RPG, story-driven, or an all-out battle raid—you know you’ve unlocked some type of high-tier level of trust with him and he never wants you to leave. 
receiving: receiving gifts
No matter how often you’d try to reassure Levi you cared for him and didn’t consider him a yucky otaku, your words never seemed to suffice. After plenty of trial and error to show you care, it was after you unknowingly purchased rare Ruri-Chan memorabilia as a gift for him did you realize how he best accepts love. Of course, everything you’d get him anything—even the smallest, most seemingly insignificant thing—he’d become a beet-red, stuttering mess spitting nothing but praise and adoration towards you. Because it means you listened to all the things he loves and went out of your way to show it. No matter if it was preordering a game he had mentioned wanting to play or even picking up a spare treat for him while you were out shopping, he always appreciated knowing you could be out there alone and still thinking of him. 
giving: words of affirmation
Everything the Avatar of Wrath says and does seem to be polished and refined, almost as though he has rehearsed several interactions that may happen to keep his rage at bay. Though, he is quick to realize it is slightly different to do around you. It isn’t that words are difficult for him but expressing them isn’t so much in average verbal praise as it is in written form. Out of all the brothers, he is the most likely to offer books with little notes of paper written inside for you to read, often comparing your relationship to those of fictional characters he has found. I mean, he’s even made you an entire picture book with his own created story starring the two of you just to show how much you truly mean to him. There would never be any doubt how much you truly mean to him, but when speaking those words aloud may come across as more aggressive than intended, it’s the written word where he truly shines in sharing his feeling towards you.
receiving: quality time
As much as he enjoys telling you—or rather, writing to you—how much you mean to him, he has a harder time simply accepting your words for what they are and claims he is not easily swayed with words as his brothers are. Instead, the best way Satan responded to your love and affection was simply from your mere presence. Whether your head rested in his lap while he read his book in his room or the two of you tested different Devildom and human recipes in the kitchen, your general being in the vicinity of him was enough to leave him feeling warm inside. After a suggestion from you, you both would even schedule time aside to take a stroll around RAD and Devildom, just a little adventure here and there where you’d try new restaurants or even pet the random cats you’d find. The demon had a way of coming and going as he’d please—often making acquaintances with those he’d meet—but you were always the one he looked forward to spending time with the most. He could hardly wait for whatever little adventure you’d experience together next.
giving: physical touches
Given that he is the Avatar of Lust, it wouldn’t come across as too much of a surprise that Asmo shows his love and affection through physical touch quite often—so long as you’re comfortable with it, that is. Even though he’d regularly praise you with words, he’d much rather feel your hand pressed to his own or nonchalantly toy with your fingers while you relaxed with one another. If he thought your skin could use a little help, he’d offer hands-on assistance applying his regular regimen to your skin. He has such a gentle touch, if he saw you struggling with your hair in any way—tangles or just struggling to style it?—he’d be quick to offer help and would miraculously make it as painless as possible. And of course, he’d practically shower you in kisses—on your wrist, your lips, your cheeks, your forehead, your tummy, your fingertips, your ear, your neck, your nose, etc. If he could every inch of you with his love—in a less lewd way—he would in a heartbeat.
receiving: words of affirmation
While he’d love you reciprocating his physical love with touches of your own, there is nothing Asmo seems to truly desire from you more than the validation of him, his beauty, and your love for him. You knew the demon was well familiar with past lovers singing praises of his beauty and sexuality, but you had no idea just how much he sought your validation until he’d confessed how much your thoughts of him mattered. It would become a habit to wake up to him tangled beside you, whispering an ‘I love you’, and to be greeted with a gentle kiss. If he was ever overwhelmed or concerned with his overall image, you were quick to cease those worries with reminders about how beautiful he was and what a lovely heart he had as well. The moments you had admitted you loved his soft nature and gentle touch and warm embrace left an odd fluttering feeling in his chest. He knew he loved you, but it seemed he had no idea how much until you’d tell him those three words and gave him your undivided attention.
giving: acts of service
Honestly, Beel was never sure the best way of showing his love for you—he was always worried he’d say the wrong thing or that his hunger would get the best of him. He knew he cared for you and never wanted to cross any boundaries so he figured he’d do little things here and there just to see you smile. If he was excited to try new foods, he’d always get extra just for you. He wasn’t always the best with cooking, but if you mentioned you were homesick for the human world, then he’d ask Barbatos or Luke to help him make human food for you—and some for him to sample. If the Devildom weather left you feeling chillier than usual, he’d offer his jacket—although it was so massive on you, it practically pooled at your feet once he draped it over your shoulders. If you had passed out in the library, Beel wouldn’t hesitate to offer carrying you back to your dorm—or his, per your request. And if he found out you skipped a meal, I swear to Diavolo you are the only one he would ever share snacks with without a second thought. He just wanted you happy, healthy, and in Devildom with him and his brothers. 
receiving: quality time
For all the little things he enjoys doing for you, spending quality time with the Avatar of Gluttony is the best way to his heart—aside from food, that is. Offering to go out with him to Hell’s Kitchen for lunch or inviting him in the kitchen while you make cheeseburgers are the simplest ways to see him grinning wide. Even movie marathons in your room were a treat for him—and not just because he’d have brought a tub of popcorn—but it was an excuse to have you pressed against him and he loved that a little more than the bucket of buttery goodness in his lap. It could be a challenge at times with how packed both your schedules could be—especially if he had several back-to-back Fangol games—but you did your best to make it work. In between classes, you’d meet up and make time for little conversation, offering him a snack if you had anything on you, before going on with your day. If he needed a spotter or someone to record him working out? You were there in a heartbeat. It seemed like a lot of work sometimes to find moments alone together with everyone else around, but he was worth it. Beel would always be worth it. 
giving: quality time
Belphie was never sure the best way to show you how much you meant to him; after all, he was the Avatar of Sloth so he wasn’t as accustomed to offering gifts or doing your chores around the house. But he found the most successful way was to simply spend time with you whenever he could. His brothers often vied for your attention, so if it meant carrying you on his shoulder to take you to the attic room for some one-on-one time then so be it. He did everything he could to stay awake so he could listen to you talk about your day, often nuzzling into your neck and pressing lazy kisses with a sleepy grin. He even tried to make it to more council meetings and RAD classes just so he had an excuse to spend time with you immediately afterward. His absolutely favorite moments would be any time he’d wake up before you or the ones where you’d like curled up against him because he knew he trusted you well enough to sleep on you, but a warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped him wholly, realizing you trusted him enough to do the same.
receiving: physical touches
Similar to his brothers, Belphie could be more than a little greedy for your time and attention—especially any sign of affection—but the best way to show any love was best translated through gentle touches. If you played with his hair and caressed his cheek during a cuddle session, that boy would let out the softest sigh and doze off quickly to sleep. He wouldn’t ever openly admit it out loud but loved the feel of your hand wrapped in his or the way your legs would get all tangled together whenever you were sleeping at night. And your hugs would honestly make his day. If Lucifer was starting to get to him, you’d swoop in with a comforting hug while his heart was practically pounding right out of his chest. Maybe Beel ate the food he was saving? You were quick to salvage his mood with a kiss to the cheek and a squeeze to his arm. He never understood how you could be such a lifeline for him, but somehow a simple touch from you kept him tethered to the rest of the world and left him enjoying being awake. 
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youarejesting · 3 years
Hope in the sheets.7
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Beta: N/A Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Soft boy, Fluff, SMUT, Friends2Lovers, Words: 4.4k
Summary: You held many titles: his neighbor, colleague, wing-man… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things.
What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.
Warning: mentions a sex tape, mentions a birth tape
[First] [Previous] [Masterlist] [Next]
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 “Ah! Ah! Ah!” This videotape felt dirty, Hoseok wasn’t sure why, but he was sweaty, his heart raced, as he tried to look anywhere but at the screen. The woman on the video kept making noises and heaven forbid he look between her legs. Was it warm in here or was it just him?
“As you can see the birth canal opens up wide to let the babies head come down and out and the shoulder here is the widest part, so you have to be careful to listen to your body otherwise you may tear, so here we go these are the final pushes and then the baby will slip out—”
“Hoseok, Hoseok wake up!” You called alarmed, Hoseok opened his eyes to see you and the birth class instructor standing over him.
“Don’t worry love, there is always one in every class who faints” The woman handed over some ice, “Put this behind his neck it will help slow his heart rate, nerves sometimes get the better of the soon to be dads”
Sitting up Hoseok sat up a little embarrassed, “sorry, I didn’t mean to faint”
“No, Hobi, it’s okay I feel nauseous as hell after that video too.  That looks scary as hell I don’t think I can do it” you whined. “This class traumatized me more than it helped, and what do we get a couple of cookies and some watered down juice. 
“You are so strong and I think you can do it?” Hoseok tried to reassure you and you scoffed. 
“If you're so confident you push the baby out.” Hoseok paled again swaying on the spot and you laid him back down. “You are properly scared aren’t you?”
“I am horrified,” he laughed, “I am a big chicken”
“Honestly, I am scared too but I don’t get a choice Hobi, this baby is inside me and it has to get out somehow." you shiver after confessing the fear that had been building in the back of your mind. “If I wasn’t afraid of surgery I would install the old side door”
The gesture of a flat hand across your stomach made Hoseok smile sadly. He took your hands in his. 
“I’m sorry that you have been dreading this. I will try to be someone who can eliminate your fears, little darling momma” he kissed your head. The instructor called everyone back to the mats and began explaining how to wash a baby and how to hold a baby for the first time. 
It was a fun class but you were happy to get home and rest, biding Hoseok good night. He went quickly to his house where Jimin was sitting waiting for him with a hanging clothes bag. 
“What were you so busy doing that I had to pick up your dry cleaning?”
“Y/n’s birthing class” Hoseok's face turned grave as he adopted a serious tone. “Jimin, don’t ever go to a birthing class. I don’t think I can unsee what I saw.”
“Haha, I’m not that silly, I know where babies come from. I am glad I am a man who likes men, so I will never step foot in a birthing class unless you pay me a large fortune. I mean I could watch someone give birth for money."
Hoseok shivered, making Jimin laugh at his expense. “You look pale, so let's change the subject. I bought Yoongi's old van. He sold it for some new equipment. That means I can get rid of the junk van I was driving before.”
“Can I have your old van?” Hoseok jumped on the opportunity. 
“Uh sure, but I think it’s more money than it’s worth, you can have it for free because it needs new everything.” He shrugged “I was just going to make it scrapped metal”
“Yeah I can fix it up, I got some money lying around.” Hoseok yawned, “anyway thank you so much for getting my suit. I have my first day of work tomorrow, so I should go to bed early”
“Alright, but tomorrow night celebratory drinks for your first day?” Jimin clutched his shoulder. 
“Of course,” Hoseok laughed, waving goodbye and carrying the suit to his apartment. 
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“Hey man, how was your day?” Jimin shouted from his newly acquired van from Yoongi. “Get in, we can celebrate tonight” 
Jimin drove Hoseok home under strict orders to grab a nice change of clothes so the two could get ready at his house and go out celebrating Hoseok’s new job. Hoseok took the stairs two at a time leading to his apartment, his hand brushing past your old door. He missed you. He missed having you at his work, at his home, at his leisure. You two were inseparable and yet torn apart by the stages of life.
Hoseok had assumed you both would be single and somewhere in your mid-thirties you would just get married to one another for convenience. He grabbed some clothes and found the blacklight outfit you had bought for him, he pushed it aside trying to move on for just a moment. 
Instead, he grabbed a classic black button-up and a pair of black dress pants. He placed the items in a bag and headed back down to Jimin waiting excitedly in the driver's seat. He drove them across town singing along to the radio and pulled into the driveway of a beautiful home. Jimin was a sugar baby and so he accumulated a lot of money with ease.
Jimin picked up the package by his doorstep curiously and read the name, his face broke out into a smile. Opening the box he found a beautiful pair of earrings. Hoseok paused, knowing Jimin had been talking about these types of earrings for a long time, but these ones looked handmade and a little cheap, not from a brand-name store like most of Jimin’s other clients would buy.
“They are so cute,” Jimin smiled, lifting the note, reading it aloud. “I don’t have money, so I don’t ask for much, it would just be a waste of your time. Even with this, I still want you to know that I think you are really sweet the way you always help others and never forget to share compliments to those who catch your eye. I will never forget how kind and funny, you are especially at work. The way you run your fingers through your hair unconsciously, how you pout when you think, the way you can glide across the dance floor with drinks without spilling anything. You disappear behind the bar with the cutest laugh and I am completely in love with you.”
“You have an admirer,” Hoseok looked over his shoulder at the letter before asking, “I wonder who it is?”
“I am not sure who it could be?” Jimin frowned, taking the box into a spare room filled with gifts. “They seem really nice”
Once the letter was placed carefully in the room, Jimin stepped out and decided to get dressed for the night. He paused in the doorway walking back and taking the earrings. “Even though they are cheap I think I should at least wear them.”
The two got changed and Jimin posed, “take a picture of me looking over my shoulder, so I can post a picture of the earrings on my Insta”
Hoseok picked up his phone and stepped behind Jimin, ready to take the picture of Jimin’s bare shoulder, earring, and side profile. He stopped when his phone came up with the stupid storage message.
Storage full!
You can free up space on this phone by managing your storage in settings.
“I can’t take a picture,” Hoseok sighed. “My phone storage is full”
“It’s okay, I should put on a bit of makeup to make the picture really pretty. While I do that, use my computer to plug it in and delete stuff. You can save the rest onto a USB, which you will find in the top draw. The USBs should be empty.
Hoseok watched Jimin stroll into the bathroom and thought he might as well take care of this storage issue on the phone. Plugging the device in, Hoseok began going through and deleting memes and stupid screenshots he no longer needed. He went through saving many photos of you, and videos the two of you shared together.
That's when he came across the picture of the two of you dressed in your black light outfits. Both of you looking happy together in the mirror. Hoseok saved the photo to the USB. The next was a blurry picture on the dance floor, he didn’t need that.
Deleting a range of blurred photos, Hoseok kept swiping through them until he came across a video of you and Hoseok walking home. He heard you giggling and unconsciously smiled. He honestly was so in love with you.
There were a few more blurred videos and then there was a video of you two laying in Hoseok’s bed. His heart started to race as he watched you lean down and kiss him in the video. Hoseok couldn’t remember any of this.
The next video was of you removing your dress but it continued, sometimes the phone was just left on the bed face down, at other points, it was lifted and Hoseok heard himself talking as he pointed the camera at you underneath him. “I love you.” He had filmed you while you two were having sex, “I love being inside of you too.”
Hoseok felt a little guilty, while you two were drunk he took a video of you both, not only that but he felt as if he took advantage of you. The next video was taken from behind and Hoseok felt ashamed of himself for the stirring in his pants. 
“Are you watching porn?” Jimin laughed from the next room, confused as Hoseok switched to the next video. The two of you were cuddling on your side, Hoseok being the big spoon. 
Hoseok's face fell. What had he just watched? His head was reeling with so many thoughts that he couldn’t process them fast enough. He understood that it was you in the video, and you were with him. It was that night. Were you his dream girl? “I slept with Y/n?” He blurted and like being hit with a truck he came to a shocking revelation. Hoseok shot to his feet and spoke out loud hoping it would help him make sense of the situation, “Am I, I think, I might be the father?”
“Oh, Finally!” Jimin shouted, his voice carrying into the office. “I have been waiting for you to figure it all out”
“What do you mean?” Hoseok said his stomach was feeling sick, he didn’t know if he wanted to vomit or cry. The betrayal setting in, “How did you know? DID SHE KNOW?”
Jimin stepped into the room, his lips pressed together in a thin line, with a look of pity on his face confirming Hoseok's suspicion. Hoseok got up, his eyes flashing around the room in a panic. He pushed past Jimin and grabbed the old set of keys from the countertop. Hoseok escaped and drove fast. He didn’t have a destination in mind but after a few minutes of driving he ended up at a park by Han River.
Shutting off the engine, Hoseok let his hands fall from the wheel, his head resting back against the seat, letting out a loud guttural shout. He let the tears fall freely as his sobs racked his body, every breath catching in his throat as if he was choking. 
Hoseok wanted to scream, he wanted answers. They all knew. You knew. He thought he was your best friend, someone he trusted with all his secrets, and yet you kept something this big from him. The sick feeling in his stomach grew as did his anger and frustration with the situation.
How long were you going to keep this from him? When the baby was born? When the child was eighteen? Never? He had a right to know but all he wanted to know was why. 
He left the vehicle, his phone ringing with your number but he turned it off. He walked to the nearest bar somewhere dark and quiet and he drank until he couldn’t see his hands. 
“Hey mate you have to go, come on get up.” The bartender said, nudging him with an exaggerated sigh, “Mate can I call someone to come get you?”
“No one, my best friend is a liar, she is pregnant and didn’t even tell me it is my child,” Hoseok mumbled into the table. The bartender sighed again reaching into his pocket, “Who do you want me to call mate?”
“No need to call, I will go,” he said, pulling out his keys only to have them snatched from his hand. Hoseok turned to see Yoongi grabbing Hoseok’s things and thanking the bartender. “What do you want?”
“I got a distressed call from Y/n she is hysterical, I have checked in every bar and searched the nearby streets for Jimin’s old van. Yoongi threw the keys to Jimin who was waiting by the abandoned van and Yoongi scooped Hoseok inside.
Hoseok woke as Yoongi turned the key in the ignition they were headed for his home, but Hoseok had other plans. “You knew didn’t you?” Hoseok growled, “Take me to her."
“Not in this state?” Yoongi said definitely. “You are going to sober up, and then tomorrow you can speak with her.”
“You take me there right now, or I will get out of this car and go there myself!” Hoseok demanded, attempting to remove his seatbelt.
“Alright, alright sit down, I will take you to see her, but if you raise your voice at her I will knock you out and drag you back to your apartment." Yoongi turned to Hoseok with a menacing glare. "Do you understand?”
He nodded needing answers and he wasn't going to stop until you gave them to him. They pulled up outside your home and as he walked to the door he felt as if his legs were weak, ready to give way. He knocked with shaking hands.
He didn’t have to wait long for you to pull open the door eyes pink and swollen from your own tears.
"Hobi, I-" 
"Please don’t talk, you had your chance. This whole time, and you didn’t… You didn’t tell me, little darling.” His voice cracked as he held up a hand to stop you, “it’s my turn to talk, you can listen to me.”
He watched you wipe the tears away, he wanted to comfort you, you were his closest friend. He loved you so much and couldn’t bear to see you upset. “You knew we had sex, you knew what we did and you hid that from me, you fell pregnant and you hid that from me?”
“I told you when I lost my virginity, I told you when I scratched my dad’s car, I told you when I took money from my fathers wallet, or when I stole your homework. I told you when I was moving from home, I told you everything good and bad.” Hoseok pulled out the phone and played the video, the sounds of you two together filling the air. “But you couldn’t tell me, your best friend, that we did this? That I might be the father of this baby?”
“Hobi, I wanted to tell you I was-” Your tears were relentless and it looked like the weight of the world was crushing you with guilt. You looked lost, he knew there must be so much you wanted to say and explain but the words escaped you. All you could think to do was apologize, like some sort of animatronic doll with one function.
“Wanted to tell me isn’t telling me,” he frowned. “Say it, is this baby mine?”
“Yes, you are the father?” You whimpered, holding your stomach. Hoseok didn’t feel better. He didn’t feel better confronting you or getting the truth. He didn’t feel better watching you cry. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. You are all I have Hobi, and I love you.”
“I thought I loved you too. I thought I really truly loved you, that even though I wasn’t the father, I would step in if I could. It turns out the woman I fell in love with is nothing but a liar.” Hoseok turned away unable to see your face contort in pain from the words he was saying, “I am disappointed in you. You said you wanted to grow up, but this is so immature”
Demanding to leave, Yoongi took Hoseok and headed to the van once more, hoping that the two of you could rebuild your relationship. It was painfully obvious that you both were painfully in love, so much so, that it was breaking your hearts more to fight with one another, than over whatever the fight was about.
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You had spent the rest of the night crying until pure exhaustion took over your body and you fell asleep. No matter how many times you texted or called you got no response. You had left almost fifteen voicemails before you became too hysterical to speak. You were emotional and trying your hardest not to break down long enough for you to think things through. 
It took four days and sitting in the bottom of the shower for ten minutes before you came to a decision. Even before Hoseok knew he was the father, you had planned to do it on your own. You weren't weak and you knew for certain that you would be okay. You had planned to raise this child as a single mother, you had hoped to tell Hoseok before all this happened, but you had planned for it just in case something like this did happen.
You could do this without Hoseok, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt, that you weren't mourning the relationship you had lost. You picked yourself up and put on a brave face crying only when you were alone as you single-handedly funded Ben and Jerry's company with the amount of ice cream you consumed.
You arrived at the next prenatal appointment. You watched all the couples cooing at their bellies and the little sonogram photos, as you sat alone quietly rubbing your belly and thinking how much you loved this child.
It strengthened your bond between you and your baby. You were working hard at your job, not ready to go on maternity leave as you didn’t know how financially stable you would be. You also worried because, without the distractions of work, you realized how alone you truly were and how much you missed Hoseok.
You wanted nothing more than to go back in time and take it all back. You wanted to get the courage and tell him. You would give anything to wake up beside him the morning after and just let yourselves deal with the aftermath.
Your mother's words echoed in your head, only able to be drowned out by the sound of your baby's heartbeat through the doppler, as the ultrasound technician measured your sweet little baby girl.
She had done no wrong and deserved only good things. It was on your way home from the scan that you decided to enter the baby boutique. You knew you were filling a Hoseok shaped void in your chest but you didn’t care, purchasing clothes, socks and shoes, and a tiny beanie all in mint green, white, or grey. At the checkout, you saw a small personal travel doppler for eighty dollars. It wasn’t as strong or as reliable as the one at the clinic but you bought it anyway. 
It was the first thing you did when you got home, you put the gel on your stomach and pressed the doppler to your tummy, and listened to the tiny heartbeat and the swishing of the umbilical cord. The tears didn’t stop and that heartbeat in your belly was the mantra to which you swore to live your new life.
You were no longer living for yourself, you were living for your daughter, whom you loved so dearly. You stopped looking for Hoseok through the seventh and moved into the eighth month of your pregnancy feeling semi-okay.
Called by the marketing director to meet with the client, you followed him with documents, “Why did you pick me?” you asked
“You are the only one fit for this job,” He said, which made you feel odd, surely the pregnant lady wasn’t the first choice. However, you obeyed his orders, grabbed your coat, and followed to the restaurant where you were met with an unbelievable sight. 
There was Hoseok standing by a beautiful woman dressed in a suit. Not only was it a punch to the chest, but it also left you self-conscious, resembling a chocolate egg. The way your body was so rotund did not do wonders for one's self-esteem.
Hoseok didn’t notice you until you stepped up to the table, your director announcing your arrival and greeting the young woman with a kiss on each cheek. “This is my hardest working assistant Miss Y/n,” The director said and you wondered again why he had chosen you to accompany him to the meeting.
“Well let’s get to business” the client smiled. You sat at the table and they brought out menus. “I will have the salmon en papillote, with a nice chardonnay.” 
“I will have the same,” the marketing director said, attempting to look cool but you weren’t so sure.
“We will have the Steak au Poivre, I will take medium rare and she will have hers well done. What is in the side salad?” Hoseok asked and you looked up over the menu shocked by his audacity.
“We use a mesclun mix for its various colors and textures, with Lebanese cucumbers and avocado for a fresh and creamy taste and a drizzle of classic french vinaigrette” the waiter smiled politely. 
“Skip the salads and instead vegetables would be preferable for both.” Hoseok closed the menu and looked up, the waiter looked at you for confirmation and you nodded handing over the menu.
“Have you two met before?” The client asked curiously and Hoseok shook his head, “It’s just you ordered for her?”
“She is pregnant so the best meat option is beef well cooked, and the salad would most likely make her sick due to the acidity in the vinaigrette.” Hoseok continued,  “the vegetables, though plain, will be easier to handle and will benefit her better than a salad. It is something I learned in a birthing class once”
“Yeah, and you haven’t been back since.” You scoffed, drinking your water trying to calm yourself so you didn’t explode with anger.
“I didn’t think I had to, seeing as I am not the father of any children.” He said dryly back and you stood up throwing the napkin at him, tears welling up in your eyes. You didn’t care if he didn’t like you and refused to acknowledge your presence ever again, but saying that about your child was not okay.
“You take that back, Hoseok." You almost shouted but restrained yourself due to the setting, Hoseok didn’t appear to move and you tilted your head back and took a shaky breath. “I am sorry, it seems I am feeling ill, allow me to leave first”
You stepped out the door and headed down the road trying to find a cab when a hand grabbed your arm. Disappointed when it turned out to be the marketing director. “I rescheduled our meeting, I am sorry, you had to deal with something like this, it must be stressful being so pregnant”
He touched your belly and you were a little uncomfortable. This man was a little too interested in your pregnancy. At first, you thought he was just a nice boss who was looking out for you, but it was clear he had some strange thoughts running through his mind.
When he said he would drive you home, you told him you had an appointment. Even then he was determined to take you to the appointment, but you waved down a cab and jumped in quickly. You arrived at Jin and Tonic for a much-needed appointment.
“I want a drink” you sighed and Seokjin gave you water and you looked up seriously. I want an actual drink Jin, I am going through the worst year of my life.”
“Worse than the time you tried to become a volunteer at a homeless center, where some weird lady cut chunks out of your hair, so you had to shave it off?"
"Then you got into a fight with Hoseok because he drew an arrow on your head while you were sleeping and everyone called you Aang,” Jimin added as he shed his small jacket, showing off a pretty choker chain necklace with a rose pendant. “Cause you said that was the worst year of your life.”
“This is worse,” you said. “At least I was the one angry at Hobi and I forgave him quickly, now he is angry at me and even denied being the father of our baby. That’s not even the worst of it. My boss has some sort of pregnancy fetish and keeps trying to touch my belly and I am not here for it”
“Pregnancy fetish?”
“It’s not sexy, I am swollen from the neck down, I couldn’t see my feet this morning. I just hope I wore the same shoes. My bladder is so squished I am peeing all the time, I am hormonal and sweaty, and I can’t fit into my favorite pajamas.” The hysterical sobbing was muffled by the bar and it made Jimin giggle behind his hand. He walked around to give you a hug and Jin presented you with an ice cream sundae in an effort to cheer you up.
“Dance with me, pretty lady,” Yoongi said, finishing his drink and taking your hand. He led you to the dance floor where you were slow dancing like you used to. “You are still as pretty as always. Okay, you may not feel beautiful right now due to all those things, but I promise that you are.”
“Thanks, Yoongi.” You tried to get close enough to hug Yoongi but your belly prevented you from doing so, he stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you slipping his hands under your belly and swaying. He was trying to take some of the weight to relieve some pressure on your back. “You are amazing,”
“I am, aren't I.” He laughed, swaying you softly.
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princessphilly · 3 years
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CW: angst, meeting the family, references to the n-word, people sucking
I decided to go ahead and finish it when I got a sudden burst of creativity when I came home.
Nina snuggled in bed, a happy little sigh leaving her lips. Sidney looked at her, a fond smile on his face. It had been a month since they were back together and life was almost perfect. Well, they were 6-3-2, 14 points earned which was okay but not where Sidney wanted the team to be. It was still early in the season, it was mid-November so there was plenty of time to right the ship. He and the boys would fix it. Sidney sighed before attempting to try to go back to sleep. However, he heard the sound of a door opening and he sat up, pushing the covers down inadvertently. 
Sidney racked his brain. It was Sunday, Marta, his housekeeper’s day off. Mario or Nathalie would have called before coming over. He had no idea who the hell it could be. “Fuck,” Sidney breathed. There were only two people who would do a surprise visit and one of them was a week earlier for the Moms trip. 
Lightly brushing his fingers over Nina’s side, Sidney urged, “Pretty girl, wake up.”
It was roughly 8am so it wasn’t hard to get Nina, an early riser by nature to wake up. “Urgh, mawning,” Nina mumbled as she cracked open her eyes. Sidney looked anxious and agitated which made Nina focus. 
Sidney opened his mouth, then closed it. If he was right, he was fucked and his pretty girl was probably going to run away screaming. He finally said, “Um, someone just opened the door and there are exactly five people other than me who have a key. There are two who’d do a surprise visit.”
Looking down, Nina was thankful that she had on one of Sidney’s shirts and shorts while sleeping. “Well, fuck, at least I’m not naked,” she said pointedly. Sidney had the grace to blush as Nina continued, “If it’s what you think it is, you need to get that under control,” pointing at his rather obvious morning wood. Sidney pulled the covers back over himself and Nina
Then a voice called out, “Morming, Sid!”
Sidney sighed in relief. It was Taylor, not his mom. Nina noticed it and arched an eyebrow. “Eh, it’s my sister, pretty girl.”
“Shit,” Nina fretted. This was going to be awkward, she didn’t even know if she wanted to meet his family but now, she was going to,have to. At least it was a sister.
The door creaked open and a blonde-haired head peeked in. “Boo,” Taylor said. Then her eyes perked when she saw who Sidney was with. 
Nina groaned. Her hair was in a scarf, it was obvious she slept over and fuck, fuck, fuck. A devious smile spread on Taylor’s face. “Nice to see that you finally let a girlfriend sleep in your room, Sidney.”
“Shut the fuck up, Taylor,” Sidney yelled as his little sister giggled before closing the door.
Nina facepalmed. “That was fun. Fun fun fun.”
Rolling onto her front, Nina mumbled, “I’m not ready to meet your family.”
“I’ve already met yours,” Sidney reasoned. 
“That was because Yanni was part of your Lil Penguins program. That was work related for you, doesn’t count.”
Trailing his fingers down Nina’s back, Sidney replied, “True but, it still counts. What are you doing next weekend?”
“I’m going to be in Philly for a wedding.”
Nina turned onto her left side, facing Sidney. Sidney sucked his bottom lip into his mouth before letting it go. “Don’t get any ideas.”
She slipped off the bed, pulling the scarf off her braids, letting them fall down her back. Rummaging through her clothes on the floor, Nina pulled out her bra. Pulling her shirt off, she put it on to the sound of Sidney’s groans. Nina rolled her eyes. “I’m stuck having to meet your sister because she decided to give you a surprise visit. I’m not meeting her without wearing a bra.”
“But you look so amazing without one,” Sidney replied. 
 Nina shook her head before leaving his bedroom. Making her way to the kitchen, Nina literally bumped into Taylor. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Nina gasped. 
“I’m okay,” Taylor reassured Nina, taking the moment to check out this girl that Sidney was now seeing. She wasn’t exactly what Taylor was expecting but one thing that Taylor liked about Nina was that she had kind eyes. Taylor had heard about her over the years, especially that Nina had kept rejecting Sidney. Her brother rarely heard the word no so that made Nina intriguing to her. 
Taylor offered, “Have you had breakfast yet?”
“No, and I’m hungry.”
Opening the fridge, Taylor took out the ingredients to make omelets. Nina sat at the island, a pensive look on her face. “You know, I totally didn’t expect to meet you this way. This is awkward as fuck.”
“Eh, don’t feel bad, I should have given Sid a heads up,” Taylor replied. “Plus, I’ve heard about you over the years.”
“Oh really?”
Taylor laughed as she cracked eggs. “Sidney couldn’t shut up about you. First it was he met this nice girl at work. Then, it was that you kept telling him no and he was confused. Later, he was beating himself up because he managed to fuck up before he could even ask you out. I really enjoyed that, I liked that you kept not only telling him no but when he pissed you off, you didn’t forgive him right away. I love my brother but his ego needs to get cut down sometimes.”
“True, he has a huge ego. He needs to take himself less seriously,” Nina concurred. “But it’s probably impossible to get him to do that.”
Taylor shrugged, pursing her lips. “At least he means well,” Nina added. 
Nodding, Taylor replied, “He does mean well, most of the time.”
“Already ganging up on me?”
They both laughed as Sidney entered the kitchen. “Why are you here, Taylor?”
“I went on a camping trip and I decided to be nosy and visit my big brother before heading home,” Taylor chirped. “The look on your face was worth it.”
“Hahaha. Should’ve called,” Sidney grumbled. 
Taylor quipped, “Oh, did I ruin your morning sex plans? I’m so sorry.”
Nina snorted as she laughed. Sidney gave her hurt eyes and Nina blew him a kiss. 
“Don’t worry Sid, I’m not staying long. Just enough to rest and then get back on the road,” Taylor said. 
“You drove,” Nina asked. Sidney was now standing right behind her and she could feel his hands massaging her shoulders. 
Taylor nodded as she flipped the first omelet. “You’re not what I expected, Nina. You’re way too pretty for a hockey player like my brother.”
Sidney wanted to kill his little sister as she continued to chirp him. Well, not only chirp him but ruin his planned lazy morning sex. But as he watched his sister and Nina interact playfully, Sidney could admit there was a slight good point. Taylor and Nina were hitting it off and Sidney knew that Nina would meet his family soon. This was a good sign. 
However, after practice four days later, Sidney was wishing his sister had never stopped by. Nina had been incredibly busy all week and Sidney knew he wouldn’t see her until next week due to her trip out of town. He was feeling extra irritable and hearing his name over the tv didn’t help. 
“So, two weeks ago, Sidney Crosby admitted that he was having relationship issues that were affecting him on the ice.”
Tanger went to change the channel on the tv in the lounge, muttering, “Fucking ESPN.”
“Shh, keep it on,” Sidney urged, crossing his arms over his chest. He wanted to see what kind of bullshit ESPN was saying now.
A couple of the guys stopped to check out the TV. Kevin Neghandi laughed as he responded, “Yeah, he admitted that after breaking a slump. Ever since, he’s been on a 2 point-per-game streak. But this really isn’t about him.”
“Huh,” said Geno, scratching his head.
Buccigross continued, “There was a picture of Crosby and his girlfriend posted on the internet, a nice picture. Someone posted it and made a derogatory statement about his girlfriend, Nina Jackson. This player is a player for Clemson.”
Neghandi laughed again. “Ms. Jackson has a younger brother named Jason Jackson. He was also the number 20 prospect, number 1, 5 star tight end. He also now plays for UNC.”
Sidney chuckled as he realized exactly where this was going. The guy on the tv continued, “Clemson and UNC had the rare Thursday night game last night. #1 Clemson went to the Tar Heels, ranked #22 and got spanked, 56-30. Jason Jackson had 10 catches, 200 yards receiving, and 3 TDs. His response in the postgame.”
The tv showed a clip of Jason talking to the media. A reporter asked, “What inspired you to have such a big game tonight.”
“Lowell decided he needed to talk about my sister on the gram so I had to put him in his place,” Jason drawled.
Sidney’s phone buzzed and it was a message from Nina. my brother is so dramatic 🙄
Nice to know he’ll always have your back, Sidney sent Nina. 
Nina smiled happily as she looked at the Thai food on plate. She was so hungry and excited to see Jamila face to face in person for lunch. Her friend looked more vibrant than usual, as life was treating her good. They made small talk until Jamila said, “I heard something about you, that you aren’t single for the first time in forever.”
“Oh really?”
Jamila looked at her best friend. “You’re dating Mayo boy.”
“What?!?” Perplexed, Nina stared at Jamila while Jamila rolled her eyes. 
“Sidney Crosby is like Mayo. Super white. Damn, my dating habits really did rub off on you. Welcome to being a basic bitch like me.”
It was Nina’s turn to roll her eyes. “Stop being so fucking dramatic, Jamila Brown.”
“I was an actress, I’m supposed to be dramatic. Tell Mayo boy if he ever breaks your heart, I’ll kill and cremate whatever’s left of him after your father and brother are finished with him.”
“Are you really gonna nickname him that?”
Jamila smirked at Nina and Nina sighed. Shrugging elegantly, Jamila replied, “I’m a part of Philly sports Twitter. I got lots of other names I could call him.
“Be a bigger bitch, Mila.”
“He gets a better nickname when he lets you fully run his pockets. And don’t give me that look, don’t be afraid of being called a gold digger. They are probably calling you worse names. Make Mayo boy run that card up when he takes you on baecation. Once that happens, I’ll upgrade his nickname.”
Nina sighed as she looked at the menu. Jamila reached out and put her hand out, covering Nina’s menu. “You know I’m just playing, right?”
“I don’t want to talk about it now, let’s talk about Toyin’s wedding instead,” Nina murmured. 
It was Jamila’s turn to sigh. “I’m sorry, Nina. I’m sorry for being a bitch. I shouldn’t be taking out my bad mood on you. I hate men.”
“Not forgiven yet,” Nina snarked. 
Jamila looked pensive as she said, “I like this guy but I don’t want to admit I like him. He’s like too perfect, too nice, well not that nice. He actually gives a fuck.”
“Let me guess, you’re scared and about to do something super stupid,” Nina dryly replied.
Jamila gave Nina a shocked look before she slumped in her chair. “I don’t want to,” she pouted. 
Nina reasoned, “Then don’t. Just ride it out for once.”
“Easy for you to say,” Jamila replied. 
Nina shrugged as her phone buzzed. It was a message from Sid, well really just a picture of him sweaty post-practice. Nina left him on read, she would get him back later for that. “Stop being stupid, and stop self-sabotaging.”
Jamila rolled her eyes as she ate her food. After swallowing, she arched an eyebrow. “Mayo boy sent you a message?”
“Yeah, but I’m focusing on you. I’ll see him next week… and his parents.”
“This is going fast,” Jamila commented. 
Nina bit her lip before saying, “I guess he had to wait eighty-four years, I mean five years, so he’s going to take advantage while they are in town.”
Nina pointed out, “At least I’m giving my relationships a chance, unlike you.”
“Fuck you.” 
Jamila gave Nina an exaggerated nasty look as Nina quipped, “I’m strictly dickly, bitch.”
The conversation switched to safer topics. However, throughout the wedding weekend, Nina had the thought in the back of her mind that maybe things were going a bit too fast. 
“Well, Taylor says she likes her. I checked out her instagram account and she doesn’t even mention you. Lots of nice vacation pictures though.”
Sidney looked at his mom from across the table. Trina had a pensive look on her face. Troy raised his eyebrows before leaning back in his chair. 
Sidney reasoned, “I want you two to meet her. Give her a chance. Nina is amazing, I’m lucky that she even likes me.”
“Why wouldn’t she like you, you’re Sidney Crosby,” Trina scoffed. 
Sidney shrugged. “Nina’s a PhD student and everything. It hasn’t been easy for her either.”
“Interesting,” Trina said. 
Nina herself was feeling extra nervous. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to meet Sidney’s parents, especially after having to turn in a huge paper and part of her thesis to her advisor. But, as she shook her head and smoothed down her shirt, they were in town and she was going to try to make her best impression.
Midway through dinner, Nina began to wish she was somewhere else on this Friday night. While Troy, Sidney’s dad, seemed nice, it felt like Trina was judging every single thing she did. Every reply Trina made to Nina’s questions was in a dry voice, as if it was boring her. Nina felt a bit discouraged. Sidney obviously loved his parents but it felt like his mother didn’t like her. 
On the other hand, Trina felt like Nina was looking down on them. It seemed like she was mentioning her PhD program, her thesis, like she was too smart for them and her boy. Trina sipped her water as there was a pause. She didn’t know about this girl but at least, every time she looked at Sidney, Trina could see the stars and hearts in her eyes.
Nina looked at Sidney, her palms sweating. She didn’t know what to say as she looked down at her plate. Her appetite was gone. Sidney, himself, didn’t really notice anything as he answered his father’s questions about the beginning of the season. Then Troy turned to Nina. 
“So what do you plan to do now that you’re with Sidney,” Troy casually asked.
Nina replied, “I have about two more years left before I finish earning my PhD. I plan to continue to work and I may teach a class or two.”
“You still plan to work,” Trina asked.
Nina nodded. “Yes. I love what I do and I’m not wasting my degrees.”
“Why do you want to work?”
Nina could tell that Trina intended that question to be light but Nina could still feel the claws. She was tired of this passive-aggressive bullshit and ready to curse her out. But Nina couldn’t so she measured her words carefully. “I did four years of undergrad, three years of school for my doctors in physical therapy, and I will do four more years for my doctorate. Why would I stop working after earning my degrees?”
Trina paused; she had expected some trite, suck-up answer. But it seemed like Nina was serious. “I would think that if you were with my son, you’d rather not work.”
“I’m not built to be a housewife.” Nina laughed. “I love what I do and if I’m expected to stop for Sidney, then maybe I need to reevaluate some things.”
Trina felt like she lost control of this conversation. All she wanted was to see what kind of user her boy’s dream girl was. Now, she had the feeling that her son was going to get dumped and it was going to be her fault.
Sidney laughed. “I don’t expect you to be a housewife. You would be so bored if you were.”
Nina flashed Sidney a quick grin before adding, “Nathalie has let me know the responsibilities though. I’ve done lots of volunteer and charity work over the years so that isn’t new at all. I’m excited about the toy drive, I remember when my parents just got out of the army and cash was tight. I got my favorite doll as a kid from a toy drive.”
“That’s nice,” Trina said. Maybe this Nina girl wasn’t completely stuck up, she thought as the night continued. After a couple of hours, Nina said her goodbyes. It was getting late and she was spending the morning taking her little sister to volleyball practice. After she left, Trina let out a sigh as Sidney turned to her.
“You have to lay off on Nina, Mom.”
Trina turned to look at her son. Sidney was giving her his most serious look and she sighed. 
“I like her but I don’t know if she’s the one for you, Sid. It seems like she’s one step from leaving you,” Trina said. “I don’t see her sticking with you if things go bad.”
“Just because she plans to work?” 
Sidney gave his mother an assessing look. He knew she meant well but this wasn’t for her to decide. “This isn’t your problem.”
“Fine, I like that she has her own life. She’s not obsessed with you and she plans to be her own person,” Trina conceded. “But she’s different.”
He knew this was going to be hard, asking his mom to back off but Sidney knew he had to do it. Nina hadn’t said anything last night but Sidney could sense that she was tired of how his mother was acting. Sidney also knew that if Nina decided to cut ties, it would be completely over. Sidney started, “Compared to Nina, I’m a dumb hockey player. But what I have with her, I’ve never found with anyone else. If you have a problem with that, that’s you. But be civil to Nina.”
“Really, Sidney Patrick Crosby,” Trina said, incredulous. But the look on her son’s face was something she had never seen before. Even though she didn’t believe her son would really pick any woman over her, a voice at the back of her mind told her that if Sidney ever did, this would be the woman he’d pick over her.
It was Saturday night and Nina pasted another smile on her face. If Trina got snide again, Nina didn’t know if she could be nice about it. But at least they were in public. As they sat down for dinner, a couple of guys came up. Sidney and his family had perfect PR smiles but the guys stopped in front of Nina.
“Hey, aren’t you Jason Jackson’s sister?”
Nina grinned. “Yes.”
“Why did he have to have such a great game against Pitt today? He killed them,” one of the guys said.
Nina shrugged. “Pitt should play better defense.”
After the guys left, Troy asked, “your brother plays college football?”
“Yup. He was the top prospect in Pennsylvania last season. Games on tv and everything.”
“I didn’t know that,” Sidney murmured.
Nina giggled as she replied, “All you do is eat, sleep, and breathe hockey.”
Sidney blushed as everyone laughed at that statement. However, through the night, more people came by the table to give Nina props for her brother’s monster game than to try to get a glimpse of Sidney. Jason had 184 yards receiving and 2 TDs for UNC today and there was already buzz about Jason being on the fast track to the NFL. During a lull, Trina stated, “You must get asked about your brother a lot.”
“I’m used to it. Once ESPN comes to your brother’s games when he was a sophomore in high school, you have to get used to it,” Nina said with a shrug. “I’m old enough that it really doesn’t bother me.”
“How does your brother deal with it,” Sidney asked, curious as he remembered some of his early experiences with fame. 
Nina replied, “College football is a different beast than the pros. So, he’s on scholarship and his days are pretty much regimented with meetings, practice, classes, more meetings, video study. I ran track when I was in undergrad so my experience was slightly similar. Main difference is that Jase gets paid for his likeness in video games now and a percentage of any jersey sales with his name and number.”
“You ran track,” Troy asked. Unlike his wife, he felt a bit more open towards Nina. It was obvious that she didn’t need Sidney for anything and Troy could see that his son was able to relax in a way with Nina that he hadn’t been able to relax with a woman before. 
“I had a partial scholarship. I ran the 4x100 relay and the 100 meters. I didn’t have the athletic ability to race for a living but I did decent,” Nina stated, feeling a bit shy. It had been a long time since she even talked about her track career. “I was state champ my senior year and my team won silver at the Penn Relays my sophomore and junior years of college. Now, I just run to stay in shape.”
“Wow,” Sidney said, impressed. “Sounds like you loved it though.”
Nina flashed Sidney a grin. “I did, I love running. What most people forget is that you can’t just run for health, you have to run and do strength training and yoga or Pilates.” 
“Have you been to any of your brother’s games,” Troy asked. “Seems like they are doing well.”
Nina replied, “We went to the season opener. I will never go to North Carolina in August ever again if I can help it. I’m going to their game next weekend at Virginia Tech. We’ll probably go to the bowl game since my little sister will be off school that week.”
“Seems like you stay busy,” Trina mused. 
Nina couldn’t help a little glare as she managed to say without malice, “I plan my calendar in advance.”
Trina said, “That sounds good. You have a life outside of everything.”
“And I will continue to have a life outside of everything,” Nina said with a syrup-sweet smile.
Nina quietly washed her hands, glancing up to the mirror. Trina was looking down on her hands as she washed hers. Tentatively, Nina asked, “Are you having a good time on this trip?”
“I enjoyed the Moms’ trip,” Trina replied. 
Nina looked down at her hands as she dried them. This was so awkward and she wanted to cry. 
“Sidney Crosby is here, and so are his parents,” somebody exclaimed just outside the ladies bathroom. Trina and Nina both shared a look until another person said, “And his n-word girlfriend is here with them too.”
Nina opened her mouth but Trina put up a finger. The second person continued, “His mom doesn't look too happy with that black girl. Maybe you could get a chance, finally.”
The door opener and the two women came in, laughing. The laughter stopped when those women saw Nina and Trina. 
“You don’t have to worry about getting a chance with my son because there’s no way I’d let him be with someone like you when he’s with a lady like Nina,” Trina stated. 
The two women shared a look but Trina stared them down until they left. Nina let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “No wonder my son is always saying that it hasn’t been easy for you,” Trina offered. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they get kicked out.”
Nina sniffled as she said, “That’s the first time I’ve heard it in person. It’s usually nasty messages online. I really, really hate it. But I guess I’m going to be stuck with this for the rest of my life.”
Impulsively, Trina reached out and grabbed Nina’s hand. “From the way that my son looks at you, nasty women like those will just have to be angry forever.”
Nina giggled as they shared a look. It felt like there was a truce and she was going to take it. After Trina talked to the manager and got those women booted, Nina definitely felt like there was definitely a truce.
“Don’t take anything seriously. If they don’t like you, they’ll say absolutely nothing to you. If they make jokes, they like you.”
Two weeks after meeting Sid’s family, it was his turn to meet Nina’s family. The team was home for American Thanksgiving and they didn’t have a game until Friday evening this year. So Sidney was going with Nina to meet her extended family. He was feeling extra nervous and desperate to make a good impression. 
Sidney grimaced as Nina giggled. “Plus, it’s Aryanna’s birthday so they won’t be too mean. I think.”
“Anything else I need to worry about,” Sidney asked. 
Nina reached out over the console and touched Sidney’s hand. “Relax, it’s not a game. You can’t lose.”
“But, I want them-”
Cutting Sidney off, Nina said, “I know, you want them to like you. So be the dork that you are instead of faking like you aren’t a dork.”
Sidney felt a bit insulted but Nina gave him a dazzling smile. “I like it when you’re being dorky, anyway.”
Sidney tried hard to follow Nina’s advice. There were so many people that he couldn’t keep them all straight so he focused on making sure he remembered the names of the older people in Nina’s family. There was Mawmaw, the family matriarch, Tracey and Vernon, Nina’s parents, Aunt Tasha who baked the sweet potato pie that he was having his third slice of, Aunt Dee, Uncle Tony, and Uncle Bashir. All of the cousins kinda blurred together but Sidney figured he’d learn their names quickly. 
Overall, he felt like everything was going well. Sidney answered everyone’s questions and he guessed his answers were good since one of Nina’s older cousins told him his new nickname was White Boy. Nina had snickered while some of the younger ones giggled. Right now, Sidney was talking to Aunt Tasha. “What would it take to get you to bake me a pie of my own,” Sidney asked. 
Tasha laughed while Tracey smirked. Tracey interjected, “Oh no, Tasha gonna be bragging about this forever. ‘Guess who came to Thanksgiving and loved my sweet potato pie? Sidney Crosby loved my sweet potato pie.’ She will never shut up!”
“Don’t be mad that you can’t bake a pie as good as me, Tracey,” Tasha chided, laughing. “Nina makes a better pie than both of us but that girl don’t wanna cook.”
Tracey smirked when she saw the look on Sidney’s face. “Oh no, Tash, now this boy gonna be begging my daughter to make him a pie.”
Everyone laughed as Nina was in a different room. Mawmaw chided, “I’m happy that one of my family don’t got to be in the kitchen like that. I wish I could’ve been the same at her age.”
Sidney decided to scroll his phone as the older women began to argue. Then he felt someone tap his shoulder.
“White boy, you wanna play spades?”
Sidney looked at this cousin of Nina. He was sitting at a table with Vernon, one of her aunts, and another cousin. “No,” he replied, shaking his head. 
The cousin got a devious grin on his face. “It’s easy, you should play for Shantara, she can’t play for shit.”
Sidney’s competitive instinct told him it was a bad idea. And from the way Vernon was eyeing him, Sidney knew he was right for shaking his head. “Nope. I’ll learn by watching.”
“Nina’s white boy smart,” Aunt Tasha hollered. “You play spades and renege, boy, someone about to go for those knees.”
“Stop torturing, Sid, Deonte,” Nina scolded as she sat in Sidney’s lap. “At least wait til the second visit before hazing him over spades.”
“I like this boy, Nini. Keep him, he’s betta than that last boy you brought here, bless his heart. Didn’t know how to talk to people,” Mawmaw advised. 
Nina wanted to die as the rest of her family snickered. Holidays: the time of the year where your greatest fuckups get rehashed for shits and giggles. 
Nafis snorted. “What’s his name... it wasn’t that Ron boy, was it? Naw, it was James’s old friend, Jordan. We all knew he wasn’t shit, I mean, nothing, when he made Tommy mad.”
Nina winced as remembered that. Tommy was one of the sweetest guys and hard to rile up, but anyone who could make cousin Tommy mad was a douchebag. 
“Her pets like him. Tess curls in his lap and Steely lets him pet him,” Vernon said. 
Everyone stared at Sidney, eyes wide. Stuttering, Aunt Tasha said, “T-t-that cat and d-dog hate every damn body other than Nini and her family. I be damned.”
Mawmaw laughed.
The rest of the dinner went without incident. But at a quiet moment, Vernon pulled Sidney from the group to a quiet spot in the yard. It was late November in Western Pennsylvania so no one else was there. 
Vernon Jackson had seen more of his fair share of crap in his life. Growing up in Ward 8 of D.C., Vernon had dodged dealers, hustlers, stick-up kids, etc. to survive. His grades weren’t great so Vernon went into the army to ensure that he escaped. Through being deployed in the Gulf War then to Mogadishu, Vernon had done his best to make sure that all his children had more than he did growing up. 
Now, his sweettart, his eldest, his sweet girl, Nina was grown. She had done more than he and Tracey combined. But looking at the man he was sure his daughter was in love with, Vernon began to wonder if he made a mistake. 
Oh, it was obvious that Sidney Crosby was in love with his daughter. But the feelings of love could fade and given his history, Vernon couldn’t trust that Crosby would do the right thing. 
So as a loving father, Vernon pulled Sidney to the side. “I just wanted to ask you something important before I give my blessing to this.”
“Yes, sir,” Sidney responded. 
“You know your children will be considered Black?”
Vernon watched Sidney’s face after asking that question. Lust and infatuation was nice but this was his little girl. The last thing he wanted was his daughter hurt because she fell for someone not just clueless but maliciously clueless about race. 
Sidney quietly replied, “I know. People will see them as Black and will think the worst of them first.”
Not bad, Vernon thought. He expected a colorblind response.
Then he heard Nina call out, “Dad? Sid? We are about to cut the cake!”
Vernon and Sid both grimaced but for different reasons. Vernon because he couldn’t really have cake because of his diabetes, Sid because cake wasn’t on his meal plan. Vernon told Sidney, “before you start making plans for rings, you need to start thinking about how you are going to start speaking up about race. Think about that.”
Sidney kept Vernon’s words in his mind through the week. Trina had told him what happened in the bathroom that night but Nina told him that his mom had handled it for her. But as he waited for Nina to open her door, Sidney couldn’t help but think what he could do to avoid situations like that from happening for Nina. But words failed as Nina opened the door and gave him a shy smile. 
“Hi pretty girl,” Sidney drawled as he walked in, closing the door. He hung up his coat on her coat rack before sitting on Nina’s couch.
“I missed you daddy”
“Missed you, pretty girl. Did you have fun?”
Nina straddled Sid’s thigh and replied, “it was a good time even though UNC lost. The VT campus is beautiful. How was the road trip?”
Sid laughed as Nina played with his hair. “It went well but Geno got hurt. He’ll be out for two weeks.”
“That sucks.”
Sidney hummed his assent as he wrapped an arm around Nina’s waist. He missed his pretty girl and it seemed like she missed him too. They sat there together for several quiet moments before Nina whispered, “I really missed you, daddy. It’s been too long.”
Sidney gave Nina a slow smile as she began to grind on his thigh. He felt the same way as he kissed Nina, soft and slow. Then as they broke apart, the sensual haze on Nina’s face turned into horror.  “God damn it,” she muttered. 
Sidney frantically asked, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I just felt my period show up, three days early,” Nina said, rubbing her temples. Her period was cock-blocking her after a couple weeks of no dick and she wanted to die. “I just felt cramps and as much as I’d like to slide to my knees and suck you off, it won’t happen tonight.”
Nina groaned as she closed her eyes, head down. Sidney just started to laugh. 
“Cmon, pretty girl. Let’s just watch movies tonight.”
“Movies sound good,” Nina replied, “I just refuse to watch Friends, ever.”
Sidney giggle-honked as Nina moved from straddling his thigh to curling into his lap. 
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forcebewitht · 4 years
Heads Will Roll For Your Insolence...And Maybe Some Hearts With It (Overblot!Riddle Rosehearts x Reader)
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How had things gone wrong so fast? Why were you here to begin with?  What was the deal with some of these crazy people in this crazy world?! Were you going mad?! Regardless of the millions of questions that buzzed in your mind, all you could focus on was the bloodshot, redheaded boy, Riddle Rosehearts, who was completely flipping his lid. Your little ragtag group seemingly had pushed the male to his edge with your constant questioning of his rules- well, the rules of the Queen Of Hearts, that is. The Headmaster of Night Raven College, Dire Crowley, was already placing his hands onto his hips and allowing his eyes to widen in both worry and fear. "Mr. Rosehearts, you mustn't! You know what will happen! If you keep using magic, your Magic Crystal will be covered in Blot!"  Despite the Headmaster's desperate cries, Riddle placed his hand onto his chest, his eyebrows furrowing even further than they had before. "I am….I AM ABSOLUTELY…POSITIVELY….DEFINITELY CORRREEEECCCTTTT!"  Riddle's childhood friend, Trey, was now screaming right back at him in his own, dire moment of fear. "RIDDDDDDDDDLLLEEEEEEEEEE!" But despite the cries and warnings, it was already too late. An odd, black mud-like substance began to seep up and spread out from the ground itself, wrapping itself around Riddle. All your group could do now was to stand by and watch this horrifying transformation take place. 
A creature, oddly like the one you encountered with the Shared Brain Cell Squad in the Dwarves' Mines, appeared behind Riddle. The entire rose maze of the Heartslabyl Dorm seemed to come to life as Riddle began to laugh- no, cackle- at this new surge of power he felt. "Hehehehehe….HAHAHAHAHAHA! Those foolish enough to disobey me….they have no place in my world. I am the law in my world! I am the rules! No response other than, 'Yes, Lord Riddle!' Will be accepted! IT'S OFF THE HEADS WITH ANYONE WHO DISOBEYS ME! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA!"  Crowley began to groan at the sight- both in worry and slight annoyance. "In all my years as Headmaster...to see a student Overblot right in front of me!" Grim was quick to vocalize your own concerns, his eyebrows raising and his eyes widening. "GGGHHHH- WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HIM?! THAT GUY HAS A DESPERATE AIR TO HIM NOW!" And you were very swift to join in. "He's completely losing it!"  Everyone near you began to pitch in and explain what Overblot was- a mixture of Boot buildup from too much magic use combined with negative energy. Crowley soon darted off, now evacuating the other students as quickly as he could from the dorm. Your friends boldly began to attack the now rampaging Prefect of Heartslabyl. Riddle turned his head, almost laughing at this pitiful display. Though, his initial reaction of laughter soon faded away with his bubbling rage. "This guy...that guy...I'LL TAKE YOUR HEADS OFF ALL AT ONCE!"  
Riddle charged, though not before he caught your gaze. You. This had all started when you arrived. Why, you had no business coming into his Unbirthday Party celebration on a mere rebellious freshman's behalf. And looking so cute in their uniform….should have been a crime. The split second your eyes met, Riddle sent a rather devilish smirk your way. He'd make a rule follower out of you, yet. Instead of going for the frontal attack he was originally planning, he spun around in a wide circle. The boys were sent flying off their feet, then smacked over into the nearby rose bushes by...whatever that monstrosity was behind Riddle. Cater, Deuce, and Grim were knocked out on impact. Ace and Trey struggled to stand, both gritting their teeth and fighting through the pain of some rose thorns now being lodged in their skin. Trey was the first one to speak up to you. "G-go on- run, [Y/n]! We'll handle him- get back to the school and gather the staff to help out!"  Ace joined right in with a nod. "Run and don't look back, you hear me?! We've got this little rugrat under control!" At their reassurances, you nod. You had no magic to begin with- what else could you possibly do? Riddle, however, wasn't going to let you go that easily…
Riddle simply stood completely still and watched you run off into the rose maze. The second you were out of his line of sight, he swiftly turned on his heels. Both of his arms swung back, making two heart-shaped rose trees soar back and knock out both Ace and Trey with the others. The King of Heartslabyl began to walk, albeit half angry and half amused. You were fiercely running, your heart practically pounding in your chest as you could hear his loud yet slow footsteps behind you. Like he was mocking you. As if to add on to this thought, Riddle called out. "Oh, Prefecccctttttt...don't make your new Lord Riddle wait on you...come back here and let us talk this out."  Riddle's voice held a dangerous growl to it, and you could practically hear the dark grin seeping from the male merely from his tone. This gave power to your mad dash even further, as you were now beginning to attempt to figure a way out of the maze. It seemed like you may collapse at any minute. Disaster soon struck as you turned another corner- and hit a dead end. "GAAAAHHHH! WHY IS THIS DORM SO BIG?!"  You couldn't help but to allow your hands to trail up into your locks in a stressed manner. Suddenly, you heard something begin to shuffle in the bushes. With a tiny shriek of panic, you leap back, watching in utter horror as Riddle seemed to pass straight through the rose Bush itself. His expression was rather blank until he met your gaze. Then, that smirk was back. "Finally got you~" 
You immediately put your hands up into a defensive position, ready to drop kick this boy if need be- or at least try. "Riddle, about what was said before, the words came off rather harshly and we are al-"  You were soon cut off by Riddle placing a finger into your lips. He then places one onto his own, sending a wink your way with a gentle shush. "You came into my dorm, ruined my  tea party with your little friends, and made me truly angry." Riddle's eyebrows had furrowed as he spoke. "And yet...even then...I cannot get you out of my head. Hehe." All you could do was drop your jaw in shock. Suddenly, Riddle began speaking some more- no, wait, was he partially singing?  "You are so mysterious….sealed with your kiss...my words so delirious...from the venom on your lips~" Riddle was beginning to creep towards you, that smirk now back upon his face. Your eyes dart from side to side. What was going on? "You're begging me to stay...I should just walk away. Take this sword from my heart, now I'm bleeding out~" Riddle's expression suddenly shifted to a more serious one for a moment. "I'm not a player in your game."  That smirk floated right back on, the boy now motioning to himself. "I'm the King of Hearts….the King of Hearts, my baby~" Riddle stalked towards you, making your figure begin to back up into the rose bush behind you. His finger shot out, now fiercely pointing at you as his expression seemed to shift to anger once more. "Don't you change the cards….you change the cards, my baby~"  Riddle then placed his hands upon his hips, allowing his head to tilt and a malicious grin to grace his lips now. "'Cause you tried, 'cause you tried, now you're moving onnn~"  Riddle placed a hand onto his heart directly, mad gaze now locking right onto your own. "And I love you, ohhhh I love you, though you did me wrong….'cause I'm the King of Hearts! The King of Hearts, my baby~" 
You attempt to turn around and dart back away past him- which you accomplish for a moment or so. But Riddle was already reemerging from behind another rose bush, making you jump in shock. "Never felt more and more alive...now that you're here~ you're the best I've ever had, yet you're asking where it all went wrong?" Your heart was racing so madly with confusion, it seemed like it may burst. Riddle stalked back towards you once more. He grabbed your wrist, now pulling you towards him. When you attempt to struggle, he simply smiles and allows a patch of a rose bush that was shaped like a tentacle to wrap around your waist instead. The tiny thorns held you in place as the scent of the roses themselves drifted up and into your nostrils. Riddle began to softly caress you, as though you in all your beauty were a rose yourself. His hands gently trailed up your waist, your arms, your neck… "I'm begging you to stay...I should just walk away. Take this sword from my heart, now I'm bleeding out~" Riddle allowed his hands to gently trail onto the back of your neck. Your pulse was quickening by the seconds given how close you were. Riddle's hands gently stroked the back of your neck. Soon, he leaned his head in towards your neck, softly smooching in a heart pattern. His eyes were still mad with a fiery anger yet a passion that you had never seen. "..I'm not the player in your game. I'm the King of Hearts...the King of Hearts, my baby~"  Riddle soon pulled away, now looking down into your eyes. He smirked upon spotting your bewildered expression. "'Cause I tried, oh I tried, but you're moving on~" Riddle's hands cupped your face and brought it towards his own. He allowed your head to settle itself against the side of his neck, the male releasing the tiniest of shudders at the sensation of your breath upon his neck. "..But I love you, ohhhhhhhh I love you, though you did me wrong...I'm the King of Hearts, my baby~" 
Riddle allowed a gloved finger to gently trail against your throat in a slow teasing manner- as though you were being beheaded. His singing soon stopped, his head tilting. "What's the matter, dear [Y/n]? Don't you enjoy your new Lord treating you with such gentleness? All are not as fortunate..ah, of course. You're a rule breaker. Allow me to nullify those urges." With that final growl, Riddle's lips met yours, his finger tilting your head up to him so he could achieve a better angle on you. His other hand cradled the back of your neck, his fingers gently stroking you adoringly. The Overblotted male's lips were rather hot in temperature, as though his prior anger and current passion had all shifted into them. They were also soft, though the kiss itself was a mixture of both gentleness with which you would smell the roses…but also with the ferocity of a King enforcing his will upon his subjects. Soon, Riddle separates, his eyes even more topsy turvy and filled with passion than before. 
"...Heads will indeed roll for your insolence...but maybe some hearts shall go along with it~"
((Hey hey! This is finally done! About as long as my Overblot!Leona x Reader piece! Lemme know if you wish to see a Part 2 to this one along with the Overblot!Jamil x Reader as well! Happy reading and possible simping💖 P.S. You get a cookie if you can guess the song which was referenced 👀
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rosesbxrry-main · 4 years
Todoroki Shoto with a Quirkless S/O [Female Reader]
Warnings: Contain NSFW content separately from SFW
He doesn’t really have a natural affinity for meeting new people other than them being affiliated with his school activities (which always includes them having a quirk). So if he were to meet you, it had to be through someone he knew
And that someone was Midoriya
He met you during his last year of UA high school when Midoriya had invited him together with Iida and Ochako to eat together at a restaurant after school
You were quite surprised to see your old classmate from middle school while working part time as a waitress at the restaurant
Midoriya was equally surprised as well when he saw you. You and him were the only quirkless students back in middle school and because of that, you guys were quite close to each other
He introduce you to the other three while you took their order
Todoroki’s first impression of you was friendly. The conversation you had with lida and Ochako flowed nicely despite meeting them for the first time
But your smile was what caught his eye. You seem genuinely happy to hear that Midoriya was fitting well in school and that he had made friends that cared about him
Todoroki listens silently throughout. But when the topic had turn about you, it took him awhile to realize that-
“Your quirkless”
His statement had no menace to it, no hint of mockery or a way to insult you. He had said it with the intention of confirming it with you.
Iida, Ochako and Midoriya seem to be quite shocked at Todoroki’s blunt statement. They stay frozen with mouth a gape, waiting for your reaction
You weren’t sure how to react to the male’s statement
Todoroki Shoto was definitely not a name you haven’t heard before. The son of the current number one hero and has the quirk of both ice and fire. Your first impression of him? Handsome. Quiet. And surely not someone you’ll associate with
But for some reason, his face held no insult, his heterochromia eyes full of curiosity as he stared back at you. For the first time in your life, you had never felt unashamed at those words
You had to leave the table to take their finished order and serve it to them. The unusually tension soon faded and you bid them farewell after their payment
“Did I say something wrong?” Todoroki soon find himself addressing them, brows furrowed  
“Well Todoroki-kun, although I know you mean well but-” Midoriya said, a hand rubbing the back of his head sheepishly “-Quirkless people aren’t really treated well in general”
Todoroki raised his eyebrows at this. He had never met a Quirkless person before so it never crossed his mind that you’ll feel hurt by his words. It made him feel a little restless knowing that he had offended you in any way possible
That was precisely why he finds himself at the entrance of the same restaurant the next day
You were quite surprised to see Todoroki standing there alone. You assumed he came with Midoriya and the others but they were not in sight
“Sorry about yesterday” He bowed slightly at you, he’s apology was curt but you knew he meant about the comment he said about you being Quirkless
You wave your hands at him, “Ah- no no- it’s okay, I didn’t feel offended if that’s what you thought”
You reassure him with a small smile but it seems that it wasn’t enough to him, his lips still curved into a frown
An idea came into mind and you check the time at the watch on your wrist
“Well it makes you feel better…..” Todoroki’s eyes perk at your suggestion “……my shift ends in another 15 minutes, and I know a good bakery that sells some good cakes…”
Todoroki nodded with no hesitation “My treat”
Soon, you guy’s little amendment situation becomes a regular occurrence in your lives. Other than the bakery, there were other places where the two of you would sit (with snacks that Todoroki insisted he paid) and have small talks until it reach curfew time
There were some days where he doesn’t show up at the restaurant after your shift, which you silently knew that he was busy with school stuff
Though you mostly did the talking, Todoroki actually enjoyed hearing about your mundane life. You rant about your grades, friends and sometimes random trivial matters that he found rather interesting
“Sorry” You said, scratching your cheeks with a bashful smile “I’m probably boring you with my stories”
Todoroki shook his head “No, I like hearing your stories”
Taken aback, you felt something churn at the pit of your stomach, something you haven’t felt for a while since the day you had to present in front of the whole class or whenever you see your crush at the hallway back in middle school
The butterflies in your stomach fluttered more aggressively everyday as the weeks and months goes by
Unbeknownst to you, Todoroki felt the same fluttering as well. He liked you but it seems he’s mind couldn’t comprehend the emotion very clearly. So, imagine the shock on Fuyumi’s face when he ask her about the situation
“I like to hear her talk. Everyday, after school, there is always a sense of relief whenever I see her smiling at me and days where I couldn’t see her-“ Todoroki placed a palm on his beating heart “There is a tight feeling in my chest that makes it hard to breath. Is that normal?”
Fuyumi lips were in a tight line “I think your in love Shoto”
“Love….?” Poor boy, he had mixed feelings about this new emotion. With everything he had gone through during his childhood, every emotion was rigid to him. He doesn’t even know if you share the same feelings with him
But, he was no longer the 16 year old boy focusing solely on his goal. He wants to understand. He has to know.
So that was precisely what he did. He confess to you at the entrance of the train station that you both usually part ways the next day
He watch the confused expression on your face, mouth agape to process his words and finally, the tip of your ears turn a dark shade of red, finally digesting his confession
“A-Are you-confessing?- to m-me, like- r-right now?!” You stuttered, brain still processing his words
With palm sweating and heart racing, Todoroki stood firm “You can reject me if that’s what you really want. I-”
“NO! I like you to Todoroki-kun!” You almost shout, before realizing that you guys were still in public. A few bystanders stared and you never felt so embarrassed in your life.
Todoroki’s eyes widen a bit. He expected you to reject him but now that you clearly share the same feelings with him, he honestly doesn’t know what to do next
“Oh” was his only reply
Let’s just say that the both of you came home, face redden and sleep was not an option with minds still fill with each other
Dating Todoroki was definitely a slow burn process and takes a while for the both of you to be comfortable
Affectionate gesture was something that you try to slowly introduce to him but soon the actions came natural to the both you
Hugging? No problem. Hand holding? A natural. Kissing? still needs a bit more work but it’s definitely for special occasions
As the years progress, the relationship between the two of you has progressed deeper. He had met your parents and friends, vice versa he had introduce you to his friends and more importantly, to his mother
It was after the first visit with his mother did he pour out to you the truth about his childhood and his father. You silently listen with eyes watered at the living room of your apartment before engulfing him in a tight hug
“Thank you for trusting me Shoto”
He buried his face at the crook of your neck, inhaling the sweet scent of home from you and at that moment, he never felt so whole in his life
He was quite sure of himself that he would keep you hidden from his father as long as he can. But Endeavor probably has heard about you through Fuyumi and his mother at some point.
So when Todoroki told you about his father inviting you to dinner at the Todoroki minor, you accepted it much to his dismay.
“Are you sure Y/N? I guarantee you his intention is more than wanting to meet you”
“Don’t worry Shoto, I think it’s time he face the fact that his future daughter-in-law is going to be Quirkless”
You don’t know how much pride bloom in him at your words and he can’t help the small smile forming on his face
Fuyumi greeted the both of you with warm and gleeful smiles, ushering the both you to sit at the dining room
Natsuo was already there as Todoroki introduced you to him. You were happy to know that Todoroki maintain a good relationship with his older siblings
Natsuo was as welcoming as Fuyumi was with you, asking you about your studies and making small talks as Fuyumi continue to pile plates of food onto the table
The sound of footsteps reach the living room, causing both Natsuo and Shoto’s face harden as the sliding screen door to the dining room open, revealing the towering figure of Enji Todoroki
“I see. so you must be-” His turquoise colour eyes bored holes into your figure before switching his gaze to his youngest’s son, and back to you
“-Shoto’s girlfriend”
You swallowed a bit. He was much more intimidating than you had expected but you push your nervousness at the back of your mind
“It’s very nice to meet you Todoroki-san” You bowed your head in greeting with a small smile, hoping to ease the tension building up
“Likewise” His tone was definitely not reflecting his words
Dinner was the 2nd most awkward situation you had even been (Todoroki’s confession being the cherry on top). You were glad that Fuyumi was trying to lighten up the mood a bit by asking you about yourself
“Medical school is more challenging than expected, since most of the students have special skills that would benefit them in the field” You explained when she ask about medical school
“I would be more surprised if you had it easy, especially since you lack what others have”  
Ah yes, the calm before the storm
You place a reassuring hand on top Shoto’s fisted ones under the table.
“I reassure you Todoroki-san, our society once lacked the skills we have now. I know it wouldn’t be easy but not entirely impossible for someone like me”
“Do you take pride in being Quirkless?”
Here comes the storm
If Shoto was angry before, now he was livid. How dare he-
“I do actually” You said, you could feel the temperature rising inside you. But you need to stay calm.
“Did your parents tell you that?” He ask, gaze now adverted to his bowl of food, clearly scorning at your comeback “How disappointing”
You push the wrath slowly invading the hollows of your throat, aching to yell at him (and punching him, but that will only trigger your boyfriend to be involved in the brawl and the last thing you need is having the house on fire) but you it swallowed back.
“I believe my parents said that out of respect and love for me to have a happy childhood. And they don’t need to be the strongest hero in order to do that”
Natsuo chokes on his food, a small smirk evident on his face as Fuyumi panickily hands him a drink to help, patting his back. Endeavor’s face slowly comes to realize with what you had meant and boy was he not happy.
Shoto was having a blast honestly
You were light on your feet as Shoto walked you home after the dinner. You skipped merrily and swung your hand that was intertwined with his. He laugh at your clearly satisfied grinned, content with the idea of having to spend the rest of his life with you 
NSFW (warning. contain breeding kink, vaginal penetration, temperature play and other intercourse actions)
Of course, being in a relationship for at least 2 years have allowed the both of you to be more comfortable with intimacy
There were a few situation that causes Todoroki to be more aware of your body and awakening his sexual desire for you
The way he becomes flustered when you hold his hand against your body and how he could feel your soft breast pressing on his upper arm
Or when the both of you would hang out together at your apartment in a very hot summer, with you sporting a tank top and shorts that reveal so much of your skin that it was hard for him to look away
Todoroki decided to book a 2 days trip to a hot spring. Since the both of you had been really busy pursuing your own career, he thought, it might be a good idea for a short break
He waited outside of the changing room for you, having been done soaking in the hot spring
But when he saw you exit, hair tied in a bun, face glowing from the heat of the hot spring, he couldn’t help but stare at how ethereal you look at the moment
“Shoto?” You question him when he didn’t respond, a hand reaching to place itself on his cheek. The skin contact causes him to flinch out of his frozen state
“I ask you if you wanna go and drink some cold milk?”
He stared at your lips as it moved, how sensual and plump it looked. He wants it against his
He reach out to place a hand on top of yours, standing up to walk closer to you until his forehead rest against yours
You open your mouth to ask him what was wrong but when he kiss you with a bit more force than you were used to, the words died down
A hand was placed at your hip, pulling you flush against him as he deepened the kiss. He took your surprise as an advantage to enter his tongue into you
You could feel the temperature rising at the heated make out session. His tongue caressing every inch of the inside of your mouth, moaning lightly when he made contact with your tongue
Your other hand squeeze the fabric of yukata on his chest, a sign to him that you were at the limit of your breath
Before he broke the kiss, he made sure to nibble and suck on the lower part of your lips, causing you to moan at the pleasure
Flushed and clearly shaking at the intensity of the make out session, there was a thick sexual tension in the air as you watch a string of saliva connecting each other’s lips
“I think we should head back to our room” He breath out, his eyes filled with hunger and thirst to feel you against him
The two of you were virgins and it was the first time the both of you had sex
There was a lot of learning at the beginning of it but it was definitely something when tasted a little bit, the both of you will never stop
The hardest hurdle that Todoroki had to face was the fact that his stamina and intensity was much more than yours, given that he was a hero
So there was a fear that he might hurt you by accident when he was too into it, especially since he was naturally a more dominant type
You had to reassure him several times because of that, telling him how good you felt when he thrust into you hard or when his tongue and lips would never stop sucking and licking your overwhelmingly soak folds
Something he enjoys to do, you notice, is how he likes to leave marks and hickeys on you, decorating every crevasses on your body like your neck, thighs and breast. Sometimes while showering, you would find random bite marks or hickey at hidden places you didn’t know
Temperature play is also something the both you enjoy (especially you). The feeling of his hot tongue licking your left nipple while his cold fingers were tugging on your right. Or when he would do the same while eating your pussy and rubbing your clit at the same time. It always brings you to cloud nine
Riding him is definitely a treat for him. He likes to see your face contract at the pleasure of his dick stroking at the exact spot that pushes you to edge. He likes to watch you moan his name as he grabs your hips, pushing you deeper into him as you bounce harder to meet his pace.  
Todoroki absolutely loves to watch the view of his cum dripping down your pussy after the both of you have climaxed. This was something he would do before he cleans you up, and quite frankly, it’s always the cause of round 2
If the two of you are planning to have kids together, he most likely would develop a breeding kink
“Fuck- you’re gonna look so beautiful all round with my baby” Todoroki thrust harder, his pace quickening as the both you are close to climaxing
He press his chest flush to you back, causing you to choke on your saliva at how good it felt
“Cum inside me Sho- I want you to fill me up with your seed. Make me full with your load” You moan out, gripping the sheets until your knuckles turns white
“You want my cum baby- don’t worry, I’m gonna flood your pretty little pussy and breed you properly”
You’re in one hell of a ride
218 notes · View notes
t-lostinworlds · 4 years
The Choices We Make (Tom Holland) [1]
A/N: Okay so here’s that angst I’ve been babbling about haha. This was so hard for me to write for some reason, like I genuinely felt nervous and anxious, and I cried a lil so yeah asdfghjkl prepare for some heartbreak.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Summary: You find out the real reason why Tom has been distant, but it wasn't due to something out of his control, no, it was entirely his choice, and it wasn’t the right one.
Warnings: just pure heart wrenching angst and then some.
Word Count: 5.6k+
Masterlist in Bio
It's been going on for a month, maybe even more. You weren't proud on letting it stretch for this long, but you were still holding out hope, your faith in him too strong.
Tom was growing distant, farther from your reach despite the fact that you sleep on the same bed and live in the same house. The house that was once coated with warmth, laughter and happiness, but now, it's different, somewhat... cold, unnerving.
As a matter of fact, he barely even is home, and when he is, he treats you as someone who's just occupying the space, not someone who has seen him for him, naked and flawed, both demons and angels alike.
He's always glued to his phone, other times, fast asleep, or that's what you think anyway when he's in the bedroom at two in the afternoon. Simply put, he never truly gets to spend much time with you at all, despite being in the same house.
Kisses don't feel as warm, hugs just the same, and the last time you made love... gosh, it was a month and a half ago, which sounds so bad given that, that's how long he's been home for, right after his junket for Onward.
It's like there's an obvious wall between you two, and you know there is, you're just ignori—no, denial is the right word. You're in denial of what your three-year relationship has whittled to.
You're trying to not think much of it, blame it on the busyness of his life, but there's always something about a gut feeling that is too hard to ignore.
"I'm going to spend the night at Harry's again, we're pulling an all-nighter to get the final parts for the script done," Tom stated flatly the moment he stepped into the kitchen, all out of breath and sweaty from his morning run.
You tried to mask your added disappointment as you greeted him with a small smile. Added because you were already disappointed before he came home, and now you're even more let down due to the news he's brought.
It's been an everyday thing, waking up to a cold, empty space beside you in morning, and when you've been sleeping facing away from each other, a literal gap between you two, it makes your heart hurt. But you brush it off every time, seeming used to it.
It's been a weekly thing, him staying at Harry's, or rather, the twin's house overnight to finish this script they've been working so hard on. You were proud of course, never failing to support him through and through, but it doesn't make sleeping alone in that queen-size bed less dreadful.
Tom moved towards your place in front of the kitchen island, placing a swift kiss on your cheek before going for a glass of water. The gesture didn't make the butterflies in your stomach flutter as much as it used to, because there's something off, like he did it out of habit, not because he's sincere about it.
Tom shook his head no as he chugged the tall glass of water empty. His eyes were elsewhere, never meeting yours as he muttered under his breath, "I'm going to go and take a shower."
He didn't even wait for a response as he swiftly left the kitchen, left you there to eat on your own, just like the past few.
You brush it off. You're getting used it.
"Wait, you're leaving now?" you asked with a frown, standing up from the couch once you saw Tom emerge from the hallway, dressed in a casual white shirt and denim jeans with a backpack slung over his shoulder.
He only nodded at you with a hum before retreating towards the kitchen, the sound of the fridge opening and closing bouncing off the white walls. You glanced at the clock perched on top of the fireplace: 10:46 am.
You couldn't stop your frown from deepening as you followed his figure towards the front door. "Uhm, you coming home for lunch?" you tried, still hopeful, even though you already know the answer.
"No, Harry and I will just order something." Tom lifted his head up from his phone to shoot you a small smile, to which you tried to return, and you did, it just didn't come out as honest as you wanted. He noticed this, his eyebrows furrowing as the curve on his lips slowly disappeared. "What's wrong?"
You shook your head and smiled wider, brighter, maybe a little too bright. "It's nothing," you breathed out to try and cover up the lie.
Of course you've talked to him about it, the whole him not often being home, not spending much time with you, but each time you brought it up, it always ends up in a fight. Always.
Voices are raised, accusations are then thrown, all of which are pointed towards you. Too clingy, not understanding his schedule, tying him down, not letting him live his life and it goes on and on and on, each one just cutting deeper, more painful than the prior.
You just don't have the energy to deal with it again, not now, not when he's about to leave. You can't bear to sleep alone as is, what more with an angry and hurting heart?
"Are you sure?" Tom asked, head tilted to the side, trying to get a read on your expression. You nodded, smile never wavering, "Yeah, have fun writing, I love you."
Those last three words hung in the air for a few seconds, almost taunting, deafening. You mean it, undeniably, from every letter to each syllable; you mean it with all your heart. But somehow, in some way, there's something tied to it. You couldn't pinpoint as to what it is exactly, but the words felt heavy between you two.
"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow." Tom cleared his throat before walking closer to you, arms wrapping nimbly around your form to give you a light squeeze, turning his head to press his lips on your cheek. His touch was feathery, making it feel like it's not even there in the first place. You could only hum with a nod, smile forced as you watched him out the front door, inside his car and drive off, disappearing down the road.
You let out a shaky breath as you willed yourself not to cry, fists opening and closing as if you're trying to get a hold of your sanity, anxiousness filling you up to the brim. Your eyes were trained on the skid marks left by the tires of his car, the only trace that he's been here, but also a reminder that he has once again left without even staying for a maximum of sixty minutes.
It's nothing. He's just busy.
Echoed your thoughts, over and over to try and reassure yourself, repeating it like a mantra to tune out the horrible conclusions, the nasty what if's that were crawling out of the depths of your mind, pushing its way to the surface.
It's nothing. He's just busy.
But there's always something about a gut feeling that is too strong for you to ignore.
"Thank you so much, have a good day." You smiled at the cashier, taking the two bags of take outs in each hand — Nando's to be specific — before making your way out of the building and into your car.
Once the bags were safely secured on the passenger's seat, you grabbed the wheel, but you stayed there for a few minutes, drumming your fingers against it. Your eyes glanced down at the key that was already in place, you just had to turn it and drive, but you hesitated.
You were having second thoughts if you should just go home and eat the food yourself, to just not bother to surprise Tom. You visited him on the first time he stayed at the twin's house, and that didn't end well. Your excited smile was quickly slapped off your face when Tom looked at you with nothing but anger and irritation. Said you were a distraction to him, not in a good way, and that's putting it lightly.
Harry and Sam tried to talk to him about it as they found Tom's outburst really uncalled for, but you digress, opting on just going home instead, not wanting to make the problem even bigger. After that, you never tried again.
But maybe this time it's different, maybe, once he sees you've ordered his favorite, he'll be happy about it.
Once parked in front of the twins' house, you let out a nervous breath, palms turning clammy as you stared at the image of a chicken plastered on the bag for a good minute. With a sharp intake of breath, you gathered all your courage before grabbing it and making your way out the car.
The walk towards the front door was making you feel anxious, maybe because of past experience or maybe you were just getting too into your head, but either way, your heart was pounding hard against your chest.
Few seconds after pressing the doorbell with a shaky finger, footsteps where soon heard on the other side. You held your breath, waiting for the door to open, and when it did, Harry emerged with a surprised and very confused look on his face.
"Y/N? Hey, what're you doing here?" the boy greeted with a hug, you returning the gesture as much as you could with full hands. He then moved out of the way as he added, "Come in."
"I wanted to surprise Tom with Nando's. I got you and Sam something too," you spoke as you walked down the hallway, lifting the bags up to prove your point, but Harry only furrowed his brows at you, expression growing even more confused, concerned even.
"Did someone say Nando's?" And on cue, Sam appeared, giving you a warm, welcoming hug before offering to take the bags from you to bring them to the kitchen.
Once he disappeared, Harry turned his attention back to you as you reached the living room. "Wait, Tom? I thought he was with you? He said he can't do a session today because he needed to spend time with you?"
It was your turn to look at him with a confused expression. "He said he was going to sleep over again because you're going to pull an all-nighter with the script," you said, hints of worry coating your voice, a certain feeling bubbling inside your stomach.
"Again? Tom hasn't spent the night here, ever." Harry's frown only deepened, especially when he saw the way your face fell at his words.
Knees weakening, you sat on the couch shakily, hands holding the cushion as you tried to steady yourself, both physically and emotionally.
"Does he even come here every week?" you asked, tone soft, a stark contrast to the chaotic battle inside your mind.
Harry sat beside you, his confusion not diminishing. "Well yeah, he comes at around eleven and then goes home after lunch."
You shook your head, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you avoided Harry's worried gaze. "He doesn't," you took a sharp breath. "He doesn't come home until the next day."
Your voice broke at the end of your sentence, tears brimming in your eyes as your head started to get clouded, darker with every ticking second. The grip you had on the cushion was tight, mind running a hundred miles per second, matching the harsh pace of your heart.
"Y/N, please tell me what's going on," Harry said softly, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. You met his gaze, contemplating, weighing if you should tell, or would it be too much to involve them in this too.
You've grown close with the twins, even with Paddy. You've been with Tom for three years, it wasn't surprising that you have grown that bond.
Granted, Harry and Sam have talked to you about their relationships, seeking advice, like a big-sister-little-brothers type of bond. With that said, this is different because it's Tom, their own brother. You don't know how you feel about talking ill about their brother whom they love so much.
"Look, I know you might think it's weird and awkward because Tom and I are brothers, or that I'll choose his side because he's my brother, but I won't if he's in the wrong. When he does something shitty, you know for a fact we'll be the first ones to call him out on it," Harry started once he saw your hesitation, wearing a reassuring smile as he gave your shoulder a squeeze. "And I'm just here to listen. I'm not going to get involved when it's not my place to be. I know you just need an outlet," he added.
You gave him a nod, breath shaky as you tried to think on it again. But with the situation at hand growing overwhelming, with the horrible thoughts eating away inside your brain, a month and a half long of keeping everything to yourself, suffering by yourself, you broke.
Fresh tears streamed down your face endlessly as you poured your heart out to Harry, sobs in between words as you tell him what's been going on, from the very beginning when you noticed something wasn't right, when things stared to change.
Sam came in the living room confused and worried, him and Harry sharing a look before he disappeared again and then came back with a glass of water, because he too understood what you needed, both of them knew you just needed to let it all out.
And you did.
The twin's offered for you to stay the night and you were glad. You have no idea what you'd do if you came back in the house and slept alone, don't know if you'd be able to stay sane.
They were both sweethearts about it, not jumping to conclusions of course but just tried to take your mind off of it, even if it's just for a little bit. But you knew you can't run and hide for too long.
It was nearing six pm when you decided it was time to go back home and face whatever it is you needed to face. The moment you turned the corner towards the house, your nerves erupted from head to toe, eyes trained on Tom's car that was parked right on the drive way.
Tears were already threatening to spill, but you kept strong, holding everything in as you turned off the ignition and made your way out of the car. When inside, you kept your head low as you took your shoes and jacket off, trying your hardest to not let out even the tiniest of sniffles.
You hear rustling in the kitchen, and surely enough, that's where you saw him, the one and only Tom Holland, eyebrows furrowed as he stared the cooking book down.
If it was any other day, your heart would've melted. You'd find the sight endearing as he navigates his way around the kitchen, but not today, not when your heart and mind were waging war against each other.
"You're home," you muttered, Tom's head lifting at the sound of your voice, a smile appearing its way onto his lips. It was a simple smile, innocent maybe, but it made your stomach slightly churn.
"Yeah, just arrived ten minutes ago," he said, tilting his head to the side in mere curiosity when you avoided his eyes at all costs, when you didn't even bother to come closer to him. "Where've you been?" he pondered.
You shrugged, seeming nonchalant as you turned your back on him, knowing that your face would give it all away the moment you ask him the question. "Just out. How was writing?"
It was an obvious bait, and of course, him being oblivious, he took it.
"Hard as usual, but we've made progress so it's great." The lie rolled off Tom's tongue like second nature, not even a single hint of remorse in his voice, and that in itself hurts. It made you wonder what else he could have lied about, which could have been so many, too many.
The doubts, the fears, the pain, it was consuming you, from every nerve to every bone, the stinging in your heart ever growing, turning harsher, an agonizing torture.
"What'd you want for dinner love?" he asked, the sound of a page flicking, ringing in your ear. You shut your eyes at the term of endearment, one he's only learned to use again just now, and with what you know, it only makes it hurt even worse.
Tom still had no clue to how you were breaking inside, thoughts trailing to a dark path because of his lies as he kept busy with whatever it is he was trying to cook.
You shook your head in response at his question, despite his eyes not being trained on you, despite him not having a clear view of you. You swallowed the lump in your throat, making sure to keep a steady, unwavering tone as you spoke, "I already ate."
"Oh, okay," was the last thing you heard from him as you rushed towards your shared bedroom, palm over your mouth to try and silence the sob the managed to escape.
Of course you'll confront him about it, but not now, you don't have any strength left to do so. You were tired, weakened after pouring it all out to the twins, and you weren't sure if you're ready to hear the truth, not sure if you would be able to handle it.
But despite trying to put it off, the universe had other plans, forcing you to confront it sooner rather than later.
Feet heavy, you made your way towards the bed, ready to just crash and drift off into a deep slumber, to escape reality but when you saw the number of glasses on Tom's bedside table, you couldn't help but sigh in dismay.
It's a habit of his, bringing a new glass of water each time and never taking the old one back, creating a whole bunch of just empty glasses on the table. It's become a routine for you to bring them back out yourself, him flashing you a guilty smile each time you give him a pointed look with your hands full of said glasses.
He'll be quick to put on his best puppy eyes to avoid your scolding, using his baby voice as he apologise and you always give in, unable to resist. Maybe that's why he hasn't really learned from it yet.
You made your way over his bedside table, seeing that there are four this time around. You took each one carefully, balancing two in a hand. Before you could turn around to go back to the kitchen, a familiar rectangular device caught your eye, one that was facing up and hooked on a cable. You stared at it for a minute, maybe more.
Two sides of you were bickering, fighting on who should be more in control. One was telling you to just have a peek, that it wouldn't hurt to snoop just a little bit. The other was telling you the exact opposite, that confronting him was the right path. It went back and forth for a moment, like an angel and devil sitting on each shoulder, and you were torn.
Regardless, as if some being was watching from above and controlling your odds, you didn't get to a decision when the screen lit up on its own.
At first glance, it was nothing but a photo of you and Tessa as the lock screen. Your smile was wide as Tessa gave you a proper lick on the cheek, so innocent, nothing but pure love, it was wholesome. But you weren't looking at that, no, your gaze was dead set on the text message that came through, the notification box screaming at your face.
Message from ***:
Had an amazing time last night, you sure know how to make a girl feel good ;) see you next week tommy xx
Ice cold, it was what you felt from head to toe, body numb but you felt oh so sick in your stomach, outright disgusted.
As a tear rolled down your cheek, the glasses you held with your fingers, slipped from your grasp, landing on the floor with a loud shatter. It turned to pieces, scattered on the floor in shards, all broken, a mirror of the state of your heart.
You stood in your place, stuck and frozen, unable to move as your whole world crashed and burst into flames. Everything you've ever known about your relationship, about him, all were thrown out the window, value reduced to nothing.
The worst nightmare that you've conjured in your head ended up being a reality. The nagging voice that you kept hearing over and over was right all along.
It was a matter of time for Tom to appear. You knew he heard the glasses breaking as you left the door ajar, and surely enough he came rushing in with a worried look on his face, eyes landing on your tear-coated face to the broken glass around your feet.
"Darling are you hurt? What happened?" he asked, the most he's been concerned of your being since the day it all changed.
Before he could take another step closer, you held a hand up, Tom stopping in his tracks, his concern replaced by confusion. "Tom, where were you last night?" you questioned again, hoping that he'll finally have some kind of remorse, but he didn't, he kept on his lies.
"I already told you, I was with Harry writin—"
"You weren't," you cut him off, the hurt in your voice crystal clear. "Sorry?" he asked, still confused, still unaware that you already know the truth. There was no beating around the bush anymore, you just couldn't take it for much longer. Head turning to look at him straight in the eyes, you stated bluntly,
"I was with Harry and Sam last night, you weren't."
Tom's whole face drained out of color, lips pressed into a thin line as he looked at you with guilt, and that's when you stared right at the face of a caught man.
Your lips trembled as you painfully held his gaze. Those brown eyes... looking at those brown used to fill you up with so much warmth, made you feel safe, loved. But now, you just felt betrayed, so betrayed.
"Who is she?"
Tom shook his head hurriedly, brows knitted together at your accusation. "What? There's no one—"
"Tom, please, don't make it hurt some more by lying to my face," you sobbed as you shook your head at him. He looked away at that, the pain in your eyes too much for him to handle, especially with the way your voice was filled with so much sorrow, all because of him.
"Who is she?" you asked again, firmer this time, the slight growl in your voice making Tom's head snapped back at you.
His frown deepened when his eyes fell on the floor for a second before it landed back on your face. "Darling please move away from there, you're going to get hurt," he coaxed, his heart hammering hard against his chest, thoughts a jumbled mess in his head as he watched you break little by little in front of him.
"Tom," you pleaded, not wanting to stall anymore, hands balling into fists as more tears ran down your face, each one dropping on the ground with a silent thump. Tom held his hands up in surrender as he nodded, "Just move away from the broken glass first, please Y/N."
You took a deep, shaky breath to try and rid of the anger, to try and be rational as you moved, stepping over the shards of glass with caution before fully facing him, keeping a much needed distance for you to stay sane.
Silence rang in the room as you waited for him to speak, to let the truth out because there was nowhere to hide anymore. Tom saw this in your eyes, how you just wanted honesty, so he swallowed the lump in his throat, eyes holding your gaze as his heart felt heavier.
"I met her at the press junket for Onward..." he trailed off, voice merely above a whisper but the words tasted vile against Tom's tongue, heart breaking, guilt overflowing once you let out a broken whimper.
You looked away, arms crossing over your chest in mere defense, and piece by piece, it all fell into place, the puzzle completed.
All those weeks of asking why he's been acting the way he is, cold and distant. Just asking why he hasn't given you any affection aside from the small hugs and barely-there kisses on the cheek. All the days questioning why he wouldn't touch you the way he used to, show you how much he loves you and now, well, now you know why.
He was giving it to someone else, showing it to someone else, fucking someone else and it hurts, cruelly it hurts.
Although some questions were now answered, a few more grew, like a hydra, cut off one head and two more shall grow.
Your heart was in deep, excruciating pain, head full of even more questions, full of why's, but something in you clicked, like a switch turning off as the anger left your body, as you slowly went numb.
"Please say something," Tom whispered, voice strained, and you can see how his hands were twitching, itching to reach for you, to hold you, but the look you were giving him was an enough hint for him to keep his distance.
"What do you want me to say?" you whispered, ever so softly as you screwed your eyes shut, the tears never ceasing to run down your already wet cheeks.
And the way that there was no anger in your voice anymore, just pure pain, it scared Tom, the dread starting to consume him. He knows you, he knows how much you blame yourself for the things you have no fault in, and he was sure you were blaming yourself right at this moment.
"Yell at me, curse me out, fucking hell, punch me in the face, anything. Please don't bottle it up," he begged, taking one step closer, and you stood in your place as you felt yourself shut down, brain closing off as well as your heart.
With a deep breath, you met his brown orbs again with a sad smile. "It's okay Tom."
That's when the tears brimmed in Tom's eyes, because that's when he knew. That was the tell-tale sign that you were done, that you weren't going to put up a fight anymore.
It was that moment when Tom knew that you've given up on the relationship, given up on him.
Flashes of memories clouded his vision, both good and bad. Then it was like he watched himself in third person as he came into terms as to how he treated you so badly for the past month and half.
It was like a big punch in the face as he was reminded of all the rotten and sinful things he's done, right at your face but especially behind your back.
How has he managed to become such a monster? A poor excuse of a man?
"It's not oka—"
"I just—I-I'm just going to leave," you ducked your head low and attempted to walk past him, but Tom was quick to grab your arm, turning you back around to face him.
"No, darling please, let me have it, blame me, please, be angry at me. This is all on me Y/N," Tom's lips trembled as he spoke, his shaking fingers interlacing with yours. His were eyes boring deep into your pain-filled orbs, just trying to find any sort of direction, because he has no clue on what to do anymore, no idea on how to fix things, if it was even fixable at this point.
"Tom, it's okay—"
"Stop saying that! You know it's not fucking okay!" Tom cried, his pink cheeks turning damp as he looked at you with so many emotions. There was the guilt, the regret, the hurt, and the fear, but most of those emotions are felt when everything is already too late.
And it was.
You let go of his hand and brought it up to cup his face, thumb grazing his skin sweetly as you gave him a small smile.
This made Tom cry harder. You were such a sweetheart, a kind soul, and the fact that he took advantage of that, the fact that he broke your precious heart when you did nothing but love him unconditionally, Tom wanted to beat himself up until he's all knocked out.
"You already made your choice Tom, and now, I think it's time I make mine," you said softly. The way that you were being so calm about this was unbearable. It was like you're taking the hit like you deserved it, and this was making Tom feel even more disgusted at himself than he already is.
"What is your choice?" Tom held his breath, waiting for the worst case scenario as he leaned into your touch, not knowing if he'll ever feel it again after this.
You didn't need to explain yourself, and you saw it in his eyes that he understood. For the month that he's changed, you were so patient with him, always thought about what he feels, making excuses for him and seeing it in his perspective. But now, it was time for you to think about your own feelings too, to think what's best for you, to put yourself first.
Now, you were choosing yourself.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm such a fucking asshole, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this," Tom sobbed, words repeating over and over, realising deep inside how much he's wasted your love, how much he's thrown away, and the reason wasn't even worth it, he threw it all for nothing. He dropped his head, feeling too ashamed of himself, he was so revolted by what he's become, all the things he done.
You let out a soft sob, both hands now holding his face as you slowly lifted his head back up. "Be happy, that's all I want for you," you said, and you meant it.
You were surprised yourself how you don't feel much resentment. Maybe it was how strong your love was for him, or maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet, but you do mean it. You still want him to be happy, with whatever choice he has to make next.
"You know I don't deserve that," Tom whimpered with a shake of his head, bottom lip quivering as the pain he felt only magnified from there.
You didn't respond to that anymore, knowing that it was time to go, that you needed to go. What you did next just broke Tom's heart even more. You leaned closer, your lips feeling warm against his forehead, pulling away as you stared into his brown eyes with a broken smile on your lips, and you whispered, oh so tenderly,
"I love you."
Tom didn't get to say another word, didn't get a chance too as you took his hands, gave it one last squeeze before making your way out the room.
He stood there, incapable of moving, mind lost, his heart all broken, and when he heard the front door slam shut, that's when everything finally came into light, the weight of his actions, the weight of his choices.
Tom turned towards his bedside table, treading slowly to avoid the glass. With the phone in hand, he turned it on. He felt himself grimace at the message that he assumed you read, such a vile and revolting thing, what he did. But it was unimportant to him now as he closed it, the screen now cleared.
A soft whimper came out of his lips as he stared at the screen, you and Tessa staring right back at him, your smile bright with so much joy and light covering your features. Tom felt so angry at himself knowing that he caused that smile to disappear, that he was the reason why the light has been snuffed out of you.
It's so ironic how realization always comes too late, because just now does Tom realize how much he's lost, how much he screwed things up. Tom just wasted all those precious years where you did nothing but love him, cherish him, brought him nothing but utter happiness. You made him the best man that he could be, and he destroyed that.
With a gut wrenching scream, Tom threw his phone with all his might, the device hitting the wall with a loud crack. It fell on the floor with a thump just as Tom fell on the bed with a broken sob, face buried in his hands, body trembling with cries.
You were right, Tom already made his choice a month ago, it just happened to be the wrong one, the most disgusting and horrible one. Now he has to suffer with the aftermath, and rightfully so, he deserves it, if not, even more.
Because the choices we make, no matter how little it may be, they will always have consequences, and those consequences you will have to deal with, even if it's bad, even if it hurts.
Tom made a choice, and now he has to live with the consequences.
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Tom H. Taglist: @spacebitch2​ @hollanddolanfangirl​ @keepingupwiththehollands @hollandsamor
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