#-> things get really sad and awkward really quickly even if you wanted to bring up your own issues
the ONLY reason i have not written a william wisp fic yet is because he activates such a specific emotion within me that i cannot accurately put into words without exposing all of my own mental health issues
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navybrat817 · 26 days
What do we think of a pining Bucky who isn't good at flirting anymore?
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I love that idea, nonnie.
Bucky who is trying to get his bearings after everything and seeing you brings so much comfort to his life. You're patient and accepting. Just a good person. And you're so beautiful to him. One of the most beautiful people he has ever laid eyes on.
But he has a tendency to stare a little bit too long and doesn't exactly look away when you catch him. The old him would've said something charming, but the current him just continues to stare. Sometimes gives you an awkward smile in return. It's kind of sweet though, especially when he cringes before he looks away.
Bucky who wants to spend more time with you and finds excuses to hang out or linger nearby. You're so easy to talk to and listen to and don't seem to mind his company. It's nice that you want him around, especially when so many others want your attention.
But it creates another awkward moment when he laughs at a joke you make... to someone else. Both of you turn to look at him and he can't come up with an excuse for why he's eavesdropping because he wasn't even supposed to be there. How can he blend in so easily in any other situation, except for when it comes to you? You're nice enough to give him a soft smile when he salutes you and walks away. He wants to kick his own ass for that because he. Saluted. You.
Bucky who sees you talking to another guy one day and he once again lingers nearby. Are you attracted to him? Is he funny? Does it treat you well? He blurts out, "So, are you seeing him or something?" when the guy walks away. He looks a little relieved and a bit too eager when you say not only are you not seeing the guy, but you're single. Now's the perfect opportunity to ask you out, right?
But instead of taking a chance, he says, "That's great that you're single. Really great." He can feel the cheek tic the moment the words leave his mouth. At least he doesn't salute you this time when your brows furrow, but he quickly takes his leave again and groans once he's far enough away. He's an idiot.
Bucky who is happy you're still talking to him despite him being him and tries to surprise you one by making your favorite meal. He's so careful, checking the recipe multiple times to get it just right. He even manages a relaxed smile when he sees you and proudly holds up dish. "Heard this was your favorite, so I wanted to surprise you."
But almost like he's watching in slow motion, his super soldier reflexes can't stop him from dropping the meal right at your feet. His eye twitches when he realizes the food splashed on your shoes and legs. Neither of you speak and you hardly react. "I'm so sorry," he finally says. The sadness that takes over your eyes is enough for him to deflate. "I'm fucking hopeless around you," he mutters before grabbing something to clean it up, his shoulders sagging in defeat.
Bucky who doesn't understand why he can't just have this one thing go right. All he wants to do is be with you and be good to you. If you give him a chance... But why would you since he keeps making an ass out of himself? At least Steve and Sam don't witness any of his fumbling when it comes to you.
But his hope renews when you crouch to help him clean up the mess. The hope grows when you smile at him, his heart and stomach twisting in tight knots. "It's okay, Bucky. I'm sorry I didn't get to try it, but I'm sure it was delicious," you say, your hand touching his. He longs to feel you touch him again. "Maybe we can make it together sometime? If you'd like," you offer.
Bucky who isn't sure he heard you correctly even with his excellent hearing. Who says "Yes!" a little too loudly once the words register and makes you giggle when he pinches himself. He can't help himself. He has to make sure he isn't dreaming. And he hopes when you two make that meal together he can convince you to go on a date with him.
Awkwardness and all.
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Our poor awkward Bucky. I kind of love him. What other awkward shenanigans can he get up to? Love and thanks! ❤️
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blastoqueen · 1 month
Chapter 6
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Noa x Mae (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes)
Content warnings: None
Comments: English is not my first language. This is my last chapter before going back to Med School :(
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“How are Noa… and you?” Anaya asked, a little scared to make the female angry or uncomfortable, he knew it was a sensible topic and that the more-than-just-a-friendship thing between them was long time dead.
“Fine” Soona said “He is my friend… like you”
The curiosity was killing Anaya, so he pushed the limits a little bit.
“I know you… were… too close” the male avoided eye contact.
His friend just stood there, not making any movements or showing any emotions.
“Can I be… honest with you, Anaya?”
“Yes! Of course”
Soona inhaled.
“I hoped Noa would see me as… something more… than just his friend” even though her words were sad, her face only showed serenity “He took me… to see the world… once we were… free from Proximus. However… I knew he didn’t… love me that much”
“Oh no, no, no, no, Soona” the male said, he reached to his friend and hugged her tight “He loves you… very much. I do too”
The smaller ape laughed a little, hugging her friend back. When they let go, she continued.
“But you know… what I mean” Anaya looked at the floor, feeling sad for her “And then Mae came back… I didn’t… trust her. And when she… left again I begged… Noa to let her go. He didn’t, but I learned to… forgive. Mae is good and she… is my friend”
He wanted to tell her about the night Mae and Noa were out to see the lighting dancers, but he promised not to tell anyone, so he stayed silent. All he could do was take Soona’s hand in his and act like a true friend.
“Is this another secret spot you wanted to show me?” Mae said. She and the ape were doing a light climbing in a destroyed three-story building covered in leaves.
“No. I want to teach you how to be strong” Noa said, grabbing a branch and pushing himself up.
“I am strong” Mae said, panting.
“When you came to the village you were a twig”
“Sorry for being held captive in a quarantine bunker”
“No excuses”
They were only halfway through when Mae stopped, hugging a big branch with both arms, closing her eyes and exhaling.
“Mae?” the male came closer to the human, hanging only from one arm and feet.
He put his other hand on top of Mae´s head, gently caressing her hair.
“What is wrong?”
“I just… need a minute”
“I´m bringing you to the village”
“No! No, I can. I just need to rest a little bit”
“I can do it”
The Echo reached another branch, but quickly slipped, Noa held her by the waist, while all her limbs hung loose.
The ape took her to the ground and Mae sat immediately.
“Sorry, but the sun and the height…”
“It's okey”
“Tomorrow we can try again”
Noa was a little devastated, he felt anger at himself. He wanted to pretend Mae was the same as him, or maybe that she could be like him, but they were so different in many aspects. He used to think maybe she was weak even among her own, but he had seen her killed Trevathan…
Maybe it was time to accept the reality. They were different.
Why was he trying to make them both seem equal?
“So that it wouldn’t be so weird to have these feelings”
“Let´s go to the village. And then you… can teach me how to read” Noa said.
Mae looked up and made a strange face, the ape was taken back at that.
“I… no”
“Oh. I just thought… you could teach me some things from your… people” he felt shy, embarrassed, suddenly, his hands became awkward.
“I can´t teach you more things” Mae murmured “Sorry”
“Is that… forbidden?”
“For me, yeah, it is”
“For you?” Noa sat besides her “Is someone forbidding you?”
“No, Noa. I am forbidding myself… from teaching you”
He was getting more confused every time, maybe the girl was really tired…
Right when he was about to offer they return to the village, the Echo spoke.
“I can´t teach the apes. It´s dangerous”
Mae refused to look him in the eyes.
“I can not believe you” Noa sighed, he got up and stared at the human “Dangerous? Why would it be dangerous?”
“It is, Noa!” Mae said exasperated, she stood up and almost fall back, Noa resisted the urge to catch her “You are already… evolving. Remember what Proximus said? Those weapons in the bunker would have help the apes to evolve and we don´t want that! Weapons and guns are not the only way your kind can evolve, Noa, knowledge can do that too”
“So you will not share it. Because you are scared that we become… better than you humans. Is that so, Mae?”
“Yes” her face showed security.
Noa walked towards the human and stood in front of her. They were almost the same heigh, both pair of eyes watching each other intensely.
“You are so fake” the ape chuckle “Every time I think you had change… you just prove me wrong. You pretend and lie and steal. Are all humans… like you, Mae? Or are you just a rotten apple among them?”
“Shut up! You stupid animal!” Mae yelled furious, pushing the ape with both hands, only moving him a little.
“How does it feel, Mae? Watching me… evolve”
“You will never know how it feels to be completely human” the human started to cry, tears rolling down her cheeks, anger in her eyes.
“I don’t want to be human” Noa said “And I don’t need you to help me... evolve. I fixed the electric spear… without help and without you, remember?”
“Your time is over, Noa. I delivered the key, got that? The book that could make humans speak again. It´s only a matter of time before the humans reunite and be strong again, it will be our planet again”
“The things with us, princess, is that we don’t claim the planet. We… live here, but it is not ours!”
“You wouldn’t understand”
“No? Am I too dumb, Mae?”
“You didn’t see the world with us in it”
“And you did? How old are you, Mae? Because… I am sure that you never saw the world… either”
“You are being too... cruel” Noa could see the pain in her eyes, the puffy face and red cheeks. The tiredness.
Did he cross the line?
“Let´s go to the village” Noa said, lowering his voice but keeping the cold tone in it.
“I´ll go by myself. I know were it is” Mae started to walk when the ape grabbed her arm. Why did he keep doing that?
“No. We are going together”
“After all that… what makes you think I want your company?”
“I don’t care if you want it or not. I am not… leaving you”
“Whatever” she said with disdain, pushing him away from her.
They started walking putting some distance between them. The ape could hear Mae´s sobs.
Were they going to be able to forgive each other for the words said today?
"Would I ever forgive myself for making her cry?"
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spidybaby · 6 months
The "A" Team
Summary: Kylian needs your help to get out of an awkward situation.
Warnings: none ❤️
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Kylian was impatient, knee bouncing as a sign of it.
He was in a PSG meeting, all the players needed to be there for a very long talk about the new season changes with Luis Enrique.
Kylian was leaving, but that didn't mean he wasn't forced to go. He tried his best to get out of there.
He wasn't going to be there for the new season, so why was he there?
Hakimi and him were making jokes and messing with Ousmane and Fabian. Earning a few glares from the technical team and making them stop.
He needed a plan, he wanted to get out of there. He was thinking about taking a nap, he felt tired.
"Don't yawn again, you're making me yawn." Achraf hit him with his arm. "Why are you even here for? You're fired."
"I'm not fired." He says, the sassy tone makes Achraf smile. "I put up my two weeks."
"Six months better say." Ousmane joins. "Kylian Saint Germain ain't going to be Kylian Saint Germain anymore." He jokes, sad that at the end his friend will leave the team.
Kylian laugh, he can't deny that he will miss the team, the trainers, the family he created there, and people who he will forever love.
When they give them a few minutes to get something to eat or drink at the little table they set for that, Kylian got an idea.
You were home, resting from a flue. You were free to help him to get out of there. Maybe if you called him he can fake an emergency.
He texted you, ready to settle the plan and make it work in the next fifteen minutes he has to use his phone and to eat something.
You were doing some tv marathon, watching Sponge Bob while eating some popcorn. When your phone rings, you check that kylian was asking you to call him in five and ask him to pick you up.
You smile, he was bored and helpless with the talk.
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Credit of the pic to: @kylianmbappee, thank you for letting me use it for this ❤️✨️
You continue watching Sponge Bob, waiting for the time to go. When you checked if the five minutes passed, you were ready to act.
Kylian was with Achraf, Fabian and Luis Enrique when his phone rang, he smiled. "Lover boy can't spend a moment without his lady." Fabian says.
"C'mon, let us say hi to our favorite girl." Achraf jokes. He always request to talk to you and mess with you over the phone.
"Let me put her on speaker." He smiles, he knows the show is about to start. "Bonjour, bébé."
"Kylian, oh my God, please, I need you." You fake cry, it sounds so real that he almost forgets about your plan. "I don't know what happened, I don't have anyone to call, please come. I don't want to be alone here, ky please."
The looks of the three men is a poem, the worried eyes, and open mouths. They're down.
"Joder, where is she?" Fabian says, he's very much worried about you. "Joder, Ky you need to go."
He was about to turn to where they were seated when you kept going.
"Kylian, please hurry. I need you here." You cry harder this time.
"Kylian, go. This meeting can wait." Luis pushed him to the door. They all are worried. "Hurry, go."
He takes the speaker off, you still acting up and crying for help. He asks you where you are, pretending to be worried, and he wins a few glares of people around them.
"I'm on my way, amour, wait please." He grabs his coat, Achraf is asking him is he needs a ride, he shake his head no. "Don't hang up, I'm on my way."
"Text me when you're with her." Hakimi pats his back as he runs to the door. "Be safe."
He exited the club quickly, telling his driver to take him home. Once they're two blocks away from the club he laughs.
"You're such a great actress. If you want, I can get you a role on a show." He jokes with you. "I'll be home in a few, mon amour."
"Bring me some boneless and a soda, a big one, like really big." You say, hungry after that big role you pull. "And some dessert, maybe two pieces of cake." You exaggerate.
"Everything for you, I'll be there as soon as I get your things."
You smile knowing that your role was good and you will have your man all the evening with you.
While he gets back to you, you are still streaming Sponge Bob, realizing and thinking about what a krabby patty taste like.
"Amour, I'm home."
You turn your head to him, getting up and walking to him with your arms open, ready to greet your lover.
"Hello, Mister Mbappé, I heard your girlfriend had a thing going on, poor girl. She's really unstable." You kiss him, smirking about your joke.
"She is, but you know what they say, the crazier the better." He kisses you again, pecking your lips many times until he pulls away.
"I got you your wings and your cake, plus the biggest soda I could purchase." He hug you from the back, pointing at all the things he got you.
You two sit down to watch a movie, not thinking much about the day or the meeting.
"Hakimi just texted me, he's asking if I'm okay." You show him the text. "I'm just going to ignore it for the day."
"Yeah, I left my phone on airplane mode." He smirks. "I'm spending some time with my fav member of our A team."
"We're an A team." You smile, hugging him while cuddling on the couch.
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Puppy Love!
Diluc x fem!reader
Cw: none.
He’s been yearning from the start. When you were little and your father would bring you to the winery. He caught sight of you once as you stomped on the grapes. Laughing and giggling. Your smile caught his eye, sending unfamiliar emotions overwhelming his little brain making him panic. He thought he was dying!
He avoided you then. It took some prodding from Adelinde for him to finally open up about his symptoms. To which she couldn’t help but laugh. When his father came home he talked to Diluc about it. He explained that he was in love, that these feelings are normal and nothing to be ashamed of.
Crepus tried to encourage him not to stay stagnant, in the end you two became friends. Strangely the game he wanted to play most with you was house, and he insisted you were the mom and he the dad,Kaeya always as the baby. It was amusing for Crepus and Adelinde seeing him be so protective at such a young age.
Surprisingly though, even as you aged his feelings didn’t disappear. In fact it got worse. Now a young teenager, going through hormones and workouts, he strived to be big and strong so you would fawn over him as you did the other knights. He showed off more, even staying up doing curl ups in hopes he’d get the hardest abs known to men. Always trying to find some excuse to show off his strength when you were around. But now that you were older you figured out he liked you. You giggled and smiled in ways that drove him crazy on purpose. You wanted to beckon him to confess, you liked him too! But he kept putting it off. Deep down Diluc was scared of his love for you. But he promised he’d do it someday! He’d make you his, you two would be wed and bounded for eternity!
His 18th birthday wasn’t what he thought. Nor what you did. Everything changed. Everything. Kaeya suddenly avoided his home after Crepus’s death. He seemed distressed and frustrated. Jean seemed stressed out more than ever. You ended up getting closer to those two in that time. Sure you two played together but you had been busy learning a new trade. You had been studying and just received a acceptance letter from Sumeru. But you couldn’t share in your excitement, it felt wrong to. So you left saying goodbye to Kaeya and Jean.
You put all your energy into studying in Sumeru. You refused to think about Diluc and worry about him. You had wasted your life and childhood pinning for him, did he even love you afterall? Had your flirty advances been misguided. His change in confidence been a oversight? You were heartbroken in many ways. You were sad for Diluc, losing his father, confused about his relationship with Kaeya the brother he was stuck to like glue, and his sudden departure and withdrawal from the Knights. You dated in Sumeru, you wanted to distract yourself, wanted to bury those feelings. You socialized and made friends. You were admired greatly and loved sure but you had wanted it to be him deep down. Wanted him to finally say those words.
When you returned to Mondstadt things had also changed again. Of course you knew, Jean became Acting Grandmaster, Kaeya was now the Calvary Captain, and… Diluc was back? Now it was awkward between you two. He had a face so cold you wondered if he hated something as simple as breathing. It pained you to see him like this. So you focused your attention else were, putting your degree to good use in whatever. It also meant you didn’t visit the Winery much. You couldn’t really bare to go either, it was just too much for you.
Strangely Diluc didn’t seem to approach or even acknowledge you until he noticed a Fatui agent flirting with you one day. You weren’t too into it but hey you have needs too! The guy seemed to get too bold way too quickly. One night at Angel’s share you noticed him glaring him down as he chatted with you, until finally he got a bit rowdy when you said you didn’t feel good. Quickly said agent found himself thrown out upon the first protest out of his mouth.
“Are you okay?” Diluc asked as he walked back to you. You couldn’t help but feel nervous, there wasn’t too many guests tonight.
“Yes in fine. I just drank.. a bit much..” you said, your speech a little slurred. He seemed worried.
“Hold on let me get you something.” He said leaving briefly, he came back with water. “Drink, you’ll feel better.” You did so. Your cheeks were rosy, was it from the alcohol or him? Oh god when did he get so tall? He seemed so hot now! Not just because of his vision too.
“T-thanks. It wasn’t that big of a deal.” You said smiling.
“It was though. I noticed him taking out a vial and I had to get him out. I’ll make sure he never comes back in here.” Diluc spoke with such certainty then. That shaky overconfidence replaced with a more secure and strong voice. You couldnt help but oogle him.
“Do you think you could walk me home after this? I just want to make sure nothing bad happens.” You asked, your hand moved a inch closer to his as you drank some more water.
“Of course, you’ll have to wait till closing though. But I’m more than willing to escort you home.” He said with certainty. You couldn’t help but play with your hair a bit, maybe it was more than the alcohol making you feel more attracted to him, he was quite handsome in that jacket.. those gloves too.. and his arms!
“Of course of course. Although with the fatui being so… active maybe its best I avoid my house for now. Unfortunately the Hotel is all sold out.” You played up your distress noticing how his hair seemed to poof uo at the hint of your fear. As if he was ready to scoop you into his arms and carry you off. Or maybe it’s wishful thinking. But you spent genuine years and decades pining for him so you didn’t have much to lose now.
“You can stay at the Winery for tonight. Don’t worry about anything, Adelinde and I will work something out. We have plenty of guest rooms for you to stay in. I’m certain she’d also be glad to see you again.” He said, his face hid any emotions but his eyes gave him away. You realized he was far more expressive if you just focused on his fiery red eyes. He seemed excited to take you home, almost far too eager. You smiled the same smile that sent him falling head over heels all those years ago, chuckling slightly.
“Oh I’ve heard. I’ve just been too busy to visit. I trust she’s doing well right?” Carefully you moved your hand closer to his. You tried not to look at it but from the corner you could see only a little gap.
“She has been a bit annoyed recently. Apparently her two new hires aren’t too diligent and she often has to make them redo their tasks. She complains they gossip too much.” He says. You smile.
“Oh? Isn’t she a gossip herself?” You said recalling from memory how she loved to talk about the latest drama. Your finger stretched out to gently touch his. He seemed to stiffen.
“Yes but she says that she knows how to balance it. From what I’ve seen she’s right, they often just stand and chat alot. But what about you? I heard you went to Sumeru to study correct?” He asked, his hand moving away slightly making you annoyed.
“Well yeah. Honestly it was quite exhausting. And so pricey too! I ended up often having to forage for food more than i’d like and I ended up accidentally taking hallucinogenic mushrooms once because I didn’t bother to research what was edible and not.” You watched him smile. “But i did have some fun, I went on my first date.” You watched his smile fade as he seemed to grow jealous.
“Oh?” He said.
“Yeah, i had plenty of suitors then, a few nights here and there. It was nice. I’m not in anything committed right though.” You moved your hand closer, this time he didn’t move his. He seemed to be overthinking it. You spotted his brows furrowing.
“What about you? Have you dated anyone?” You asked. He shook his head. “Really?!” You couldn’t hold your surprise.
“Yes. Well I was a bit… busy doing other things.. but nowadays there just isn’t any one quite fit for me.” He said, he seemed to eye you though, you felt emboldened by this. Your hand moving ontop of his.
“If you wait too long you might pass up the opportunity.” You say with a wink. You could hardly believe this was the same man who once fell off his horse because he wanted to impress you. His other hand on yours.
“I-god you’re so beautiful.” He said as if he’d been holding that back for so long. You giggled.
“Really? I’m probably a mess right now. I didn’t really put much care into my appearance today.” You say dismissively.
“No no no. You’re stunning. You’ve always been so beautiful. I just… sometimes it feels like I can’t take my eyes off of you.” He admits. You blush, is finally going to confess?
Unfortunately he seems to get cold feet. Clearing his head and pulling away as he clears his throat. You get annoyed, just how long is planning on waiting here?!
“I-its late. I should start closing.” He says. You sigh defeatedly.
“I understand. Just don’t keep me waiting for too long otherwise I’ll just wander out myself.” You say. He stopped then.
“Actually there is something I’ve been meaning to ask.” He says pausing. You shot straight up In excitement. “I’d like to get dinner with you if that’s alright.” He said. You smiled, his eyes looking upon you with such love. You knew his plan as he finally got the courage.
“Lets make it a date shall we?” You said teasingly. He blushed.
“I-uh… if you would like to sure.” He said nervously smiling. You stood up to his level and pressed a kiss to his cheek boldly. “O-oh i didn’t realize you were this into me.”
“Buddy, you’ve been stringing me along for years now. You aren’t going to get all shy on me now.” You said gently patting his cheek.
“I-i feel like a idiot now.. if i had known you had felt the same I could’ve avoided so much heartbreak.” He sighed as it all came down on him. “Wait… why didn’t you confess then?”
“I wanted you to! I thought you would look the cutest all flustered and stammering!” You said.
“I would not have been that nervous.”
“You are right now.” You smile smugly.
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mayullla · 7 months
Hi can i request 🌾+yandere+gorou fenkyew 😗
Title: Valentine's Visit
Character(s): Gorou (Genshin Impact) Summary: You liked Gorou for a while now yet when he confessed you could not say yes. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, Gn!reader, Gorou gives you chocolate, an actual drop of blood mentioned, Soft yandere Gorou, if there are any mistakes pls tell me.
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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Gorou?" You looked at the man in front of your door, surprised. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be staying in Watatsumi Island until next month."
Gorou had been a friend that you made a while back, first meeting and then somehow bonding over what desserts you both liked. This soon changed to something a little cute as you started to like Gorou a lot. So when he confessed to you, you were surprised. Watching his face flustered red, sometimes unable to look in your eyes because of embarrassment. The moment he looked at you, you saw his determined eyes, and his words were genuine, you realized.
Yet you didn't say yes.
You watched as he froze in shock, the swirl of despair and sadness in his eyes as his ears folded, touching his head. Quickly you took his hands, unable to bear seeing him like this but also feeling a bit guilty.
You told him that you were touched by his words, and that you felt the same way. But you were unsure just yet, and just for a little while more, you wanted to get to know him more before making anything official.
Gorou looked at you as you explained your reasons. That you truly do care about him and treasure him, yet as you started to stutter a little, he held your hands tight, shaking his head and smiling at you. "Don't worry. I will wait for you."
The situation turned out all right, but at the same time, returning to what you had was essentially impossible. Both of you told each other that you do like each other more than just friends. While one side wanted to start something new, the other side wanted a little more time, even if you felt butterflies in your stomach sometimes when you looked at him.
Gorou didn't bring up the topic anymore. If anything, it almost turned back to normal, but things just never work that way. As time flowed, Gorou started to hang around you more often whenever he was able to see you. He was awkward, really, with his flirting, as he tried to move closer to you when the both of you were sitting down. His eyes just held a lot of affection towards you, and when he was caught, he would become bright red.
Sometimes it was just too difficult not to tease him a little.
"Her Excellency had given me permission to rest today," Gorou explained, his ears flopped down as his tail moved a little faster, as if nervous. "I... I just wanted to visit you today also."
You smiled at him, opening the door wider. "Why don't you come in then? I will make some tea."
"Uh- uhh... thank you!" Gorou nodded, almost bowing as his hands stayed behind his back. "I also want to give you... something."
Your back was towards him, planning on heading into the house again. As you turned back at Gorou in curiosity, facing him again, you tilted your head at the flustered boy.
It was a little bit of a surprise when he suddenly moved his hands, almost shoving something to your chest. Looking at his hand, you saw a present, a box of chocolates. "Today is Valentine's Day and I want to give this to you," he told you, his voice a little tense, almost stuttering. "T-this is not a confession or anything like that, don't worry. I just wanted to give you something as you are my... my friend!"
You looked at the present in front of you, then you looked at him. He wasn't looking at you, instead elsewhere. You could see that he had to think about it so much giving you these chocolates when the both of you decided that you would not date just yet.
Why did you say no? You do like him, that was true, so it should be easy to accept his love, and it wasn't like he did anything wrong or anybody, even you, could see how much he loved you.
Thank you," you smiled at the present. Instead of the usual red and pink that you see everywhere outside, he had chosen to go for a pastel blue box and a brownish-gold ribbon that reminded you much of the color of his hair. He raised his head and looked at you hopefully. As you smiled back at him, his smile returned to his face, happy that you liked his gift.
You knew that he wanted something more, yet you could not give it to him. There was a snake in your heart biting into your guilt. One time, you even thought that you were playing with his feelings like this, even if you didn't mean to. You were horrified at the idea that maybe you were.
Yet something was stopping you.
"Come in, you must be tired from your journey. Come in and rest for a moment, and I will make some tea." You let him into the house. This wasn't the first time you did, having let him in before in the past when you were friends.
"Thank you," he said, the smile showing his fangs, and you took a second longer staring at them before you went to the kitchen, already knowing that Gorou knew where the living room was. Making tea, the two of you went to see Gorou. You chose to sit down on the floor at the other side of the small low table, but Gorou immediately moved to the side to be closer to you.
On the table, the tea was served, and you opened the chocolates, conscious of the fact that Gorou was staring at you as you did so.
Small bon bon chocolates.
A variety of them of different kinds, ones that you thought you had talked about to him in the past that you would like to get your hands on but didn't because they were too expensive.
Your eyes widened when you realized that it was really those chocolates that you really wanted. "Gorou, aren't these from the brand that I told you about before?" You looked at him with surprise, "They must have been expensive."
Gorou blushed when your eyes met his, looking for an explanation, scratching his cheek with one finger he awkwardly laughed. "I know you always wanted them so." He mumbled. You smiled at his words, unsure of what words to say to express your thanks as guilt tried to rip your heart apart.
"Thank you so much, really." You meant it in your heart. "N-no... no problem." You wondered if Gorou could get any redder than this, wondering to yourself if his ears were also red or if it was your brain playing tricks on you.
You did a mix of a laugh and a sigh, watching. You could not help but view him with affection. Grabbing a chocolate, you took a bite of it and moaned at the taste of the rich flavor of the chocolate, humming at its taste as you ate the rest of the small bonbon chocolate.
Having an idea, you grabbed another and looked at Gorou, who continued to stare at you while you were eating, placing the chocolate right on his lips. "Here, you should eat one too!" You told him, unrelenting when he tried to decline, stating that it was all yours and that he shouldn't eat it. "Oh, come on, it is more delicious when you eat it with others, and I know that you also wanted to try them. Eat." You told him.
Looking hesitantly at the chocolate, Gorou finally closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Biting the chocolate that you positioned on his teeth, you watched as his eyes suddenly opened in surprise, looking at the chocolate like it was the best thing that was ever created, making you start to laugh.
P-please stop laughing so much," Gorou groaned, watching you when he realized why you were laughing again. Trying to calm yourself down, you took a deep breath. "Sorry, Gorou, you are just so fun to tease sometimes." Watching him stutter, stating that he was not, made you chuckle again. "Okay, okay, sorry. Here, why don't you finish the rest of the chocolate," you stated, waving the bitten chocolate in front of him.
Unable to resist, he opened his mouth again, and you placed the chocolate on his lips, wondering to yourself why you declined his confession when you looked at him with so much affection.
It was just for a moment, really. You didn't know how it happened, but in the end, it did. Maybe you left your finger there for a little too long when he closed his mouth, and his canine teeth bit your finger.
Both of you were startled as you quickly pulled your hand back while he opened his mouth to let you go. Looking at your finger, you saw a little blood on it where he bit. He grabbed your hand, looking panicked at the blood. "Are you okay?"
"Ye-yeah," you said, blinking repeatedly at him, starting to calm down while he didn't. "I am so sorry that I bit you. I really didn't mean to," he told you, panicked, and you tried to calm him down.
"Don't worry about it too much. Accidents happen," you told him, trying to ease him from breathing too heavily. Yet you could not help but freeze for a moment as you stared at him. His breathing, a little harsh, wasn't due to panic or anything like that but something else. His eyes moved back to you and then the finger and blood, and his rosy cheeks. There was something in his eyes, something that wasn't worry but instead crazed.
There was something obsessive in that, something that you thought you saw many times in the past but gone too quickly to point out that you thought you were seeing things. There was always this voice in your head right beside your crush, telling you to stop, not to do it, not to say yes. That if you do say yes, something bad would actually happen. A feeling, that were alarm bells telling you not to go farther.
You stared at his eyes, looking at your blood, and then filled with a sickening kind of love in them, hungry and craving for more. You remembered why you had said no that time.
You just couldn't say yes.
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slvttyplum · 8 months
Hello I hv a req here... Satoru being lovesick with reader who has commitment issues [ this kind of is personal haha ] they don't really commit to anything. Not even friendships. It's all just casual talks. They aren't willing to even give satoru a try... But he somehow convinces them 😋 and it wasn't easy. You write so much omg it's crazy ! Kudos to you 👏
ʚɞ overwhelming love | satoru
life wasn’t easy, especially being closed off to everyone around you. not a lot of friends and barely any experience with dating.
that was until you met satoru gojo, the man every guy wanted to be and the perfect man for every person who wanted him.
although he was attractive, you didn’t see the appeal, especially since the both of you didn’t talk that much.
just greetings here and there, nothing more and nothing less.
that was until one day he came into your office knocking with that same perfect smile plastered on his face.
“hey there, i was told to come here.” his suit perfect, and his cologne enters your nose with swiftness.
scrabbling over to your mouse as you clicked on your computer to see why he needed to come see you.
his body was leaning on your desk with his hands in his pockets as he tapped his foot, waiting, making you anxious.
“sorry, one second.” an awkward laugh slipping out of your mouth, satoru laughs back, but it sounds genuine.
“take your time.” his words make your heart beat, but they quickly disperse into nothing when you think about everyone else he smiles at and laughs at.
finally finding what it was, you slide your chair back and open your drawer, taking out a stack of papers and setting it in front of you.
“the higher-ups said to get this done by friday. i filled what i could but there’s but so much i can do.” your eyes flickering to his as he turns around lazily, filling through the papers.
his face a pinkish red as he smiles, slipping his other hand out of his pocket and flipping through the papers more.
he believes that’s the moment when he started to like you, or at least have a crush on you.
you didn’t have to help him out with a few signatures, but you did. no one else bothered to help him but you, yet you kept your distance.
after a few months, the both of you grew closer, having lunch together, having inside jokes, and even occasionally going out outside of work.
yet you still had a wall up; satoru didn’t see why; he thought everything was good, and that beautiful smile of yours was always on when he was in your presence.
even though you started to like satoru, you couldn’t bring yourself to develop any more feelings.
it was a bad feeling, especially when you dwelled on it for too long, but there’s not a lot you can do about it; it’s for the best. at least that’s what you thought.
“i like you.” satoru says, holding a bouquet of flowers, with his cheeks flushed red and a tear welling in your eyes.
not because of happiness but with sadness; instead, the overwhelming feeling of dispare you felt for yourself was enough to slam the door in his face.
avoiding him like the plague for weeks on end, but he wouldn’t give up; he was consistent.
showing up to your office for any little thing, sending you gifts, writing you letters, and texting you more texts than you could read.
all that would sound overwhelming, but after a while, it made you feel at ease, like, “ah, he still likes me.”
putting all your trauma aside, bad relationships, and overwhelming feelings, you finally decide to confront this burden on your back.
finally telling satoru your unfiltered feelings and about everything that happened in the past, of course he was understanding.
kissing you and saying how he’ll never treat you like that, reassuring you over and over again.
the days that were previously cold and lonely turned into warmness that was radiated from satoru.
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joocomics · 2 months
wild cherry: part two (18+)
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read part one here
genre: smut, slice of life wc: 6k
pairing: hyeongjun x fem!reader x skater!jiseok
summary: you thought what happened between you, your best friend jiseok and his friend han hyeongjun was going to be one unforgettable summer night that you’ll look back to with a smile, but looks like fate has plans to not let any of you forget about it so soon
contains: sub/dom dynamics, threesome, unprotected sex, dirty talk, oral sex (f/m), handjobs, marking, creampie, multiple orgasms, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum play, pet names
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“You two are being really weird.”
Your stomach drops when you hear these words. The anxious feeling in your body tightens after Jiseok continues to speak with a raised brow.
He looks intrigued. No, not intrigued - suspicious.
“Really, really weird. Is something wrong?”
He observes the way you turn to Hyeongjun which was a mistake, you instantly realise. His face is infuriatingly calm, yet his eyes are restless if you look close enough.
“No, w-what are you talking about?” You force a chuckle.
Hyeongjun only shakes his head dismissively once. Unfortunately, he’s not convincing anyone.
“I don’t know…” Jiseok leans back in his seat, still analysing the awkward body language both you and his friend share at this moment. You move almost in sync, you and him. As if your bodies have already been familiar with one another.
Jiseok can recognise sexual tension when he sees it. And the one that’s radiating in the room is between you and his pal Hyeongjun. It comes like a big surprise to Jiseok, and the more he thinks about it, the closer he gets to the conclusion that he’s not feeling jealous.
Maybe it’s because of the conversation you had before he left where you both agreed your friendship is too important to try risking something more of it especially from a distance; and maybe it’s because he feels like he’s known you for eternity and one day wants you to be with someone who will offer you stability and will never hurt you. He wants you to explore and have fun, and he’s happy to see you started doing it.
“It’s just that…” He scratches his chin while shifting his gaze from you to Hyeongjun. “Looks like you’re more interested in each other than in me, your friend who you haven’t seen in months. It hurts my feelings.”
Jiseok frowns and finally looks away. Not for long, because he doesn’t want to miss the change in your expression.
Hyeongjun is the first one to break the silence with a scoff.
“You haven’t given us the chance to speak in half an hour.”
“Okay then, what have you been up to?” Jiseok rests elbows on his knees, leaning over the small table. He takes his beer and guides it to his lips. “Have you hung out together after I left the town?”
“Me and him?” Even you can clearly hear the contemplation in your voice as you point at Hyeongjun who's sitting beside you, not too close, but not too far either.
It’s time to tell Jiseok the truth.
three months earlier
Are you always going to look for Jiseok in every guy you go on a date with? It seems like every time you meet someone new you catch yourself comparing them to him. The way they think about certain things, the way they compliment you and even look at you. You don’t know if that’s a good idea or a mistake, judging by the number of unsuccessful dates you’ve had for the last few months it's an obvious mistake…
You know there’s nobody else like him out there, that’s what makes him special besides the fact he also happens to be your best friend and first (unrequited) love. That doesn’t make you sad or mad so your brain should just give up on searching for parts of him everywhere.
You walk out of the door of the coffee shop from yet another unsuccessful date to complain to your friends about.
You quickly delete the number of the guy, because you won’t be needing it ever again. The moment you’re about to lock your phone you receive a sudden message which brings a smile to your face.
16:04 [🛹 Jiseok] How’s the date going?
He remembers.
16:04 [Y/N] I just deleted his number
16:05 [🛹 Jiseok] Yikes
16:05 [🛹 Jiseok] Hahaha
Your fingers are just about to start typing an answer when you bump shoulders with someone. You look up only to see Hyeongjun.
He looks just as surprised by the sudden encounter.
“It’s you.” He says softly, more to himself. He cannot believe that you’re in front of him again after that one summer night. “Hi.”
You both don’t say a word for a moment, just looking in each other’s eyes till the silence gets awkward as the memories burst into your heads one by one, forcing you to glance down shyly at the pavement.
“How are you doing?” You quickly ask to stop yourself from overthinking and embarass yourself. As you drop your cellphone into your bag, you notice that your hands are trembling for some reason.
“I’m good,” he nods, “I’m headed to this one store for some supplies for my art classes. What about you? What are you up to?”
“Oh, I was at the cafe and now I’m going home.” The corners of your lips curl up in a small smile.
“Are you hurrying to go home?” Hyeongjun tilts his head to the side a bit, now focusing his eyes more comfortably on you. He sees your mouth slightly opens to respond, but no words come out just yet, so he decides to be more concrete: “You can come with me if you want.”
Your heart continues to race wildly as you finally answer.
Hyeongjun opens the door and lets you walk into the store first. It's not far away from the coffee shop you were at earlier, just a few minutes walk during which you talked about Jiseok - his last social media posts, his new small business with designing custom skateboard decks; what he’s been up to in general.
None of you brought up the thing that happened between the three of you during your walk. Of course, the time and place isn’t right to discuss something intimate like this, but you wonder if you will ever mention it. You’ve never done anything out of the ordinary like that before in your life - what if the moment never comes and it just stays unspoken forever?
Hyeongjun brings out a piece of paper and starts speaking to the cashier, a middle aged man. You secretly watch their interaction while browsing the place, and you can’t tell if they know each other personally, or if Hyeongjun is a regular and the man has gotten fond of him.
His hair has gotten a bit longer since the last time you saw him, and is put up in a half ponytail that compliments his sharp features very well. His black jeans are styled with an oversized pleated shirt on top of a graphic tee, and as you watch him take out his cellphone from his back pocket, you remember the sound of his zipper in the darkness and a hot wave washes over you.
“Do you need something?”
Hyeongjun appears behind your shoulder, pulling you out of your own thoughts. You tell him you’re good, and since he’s picked everything he came for, you head towards the exit door together only to find out it’s raining outside. The sky has gotten surprisingly dark and the rain seems to get more intense.
You sigh with disappointment when you hear the cashier calling out to Hyeongjun. He hands him an umbrella. He always keeps an extra one and wants him to take it, he says. The boy thanks him with the promise to return it tomorrow, and you step outside hiding underneath it.
The sudden closeness of your bodies creates a ball of excitement in your stomach, making you wonder what may follow from now on.
“Please, take it.” Hyeongjun speaks. “The bus stop is near by I don’t mind a little bit of rain.”
“Actually, I live closely…” You fight the small nerves that slow down your speech by confidently facing him. “Do you want to come over for tea?”
He smiles, and that’s how you end up in your apartment after the only encounter you’ve ever had was the day after Jiseok returned for the summer. Now it’s October, and you’re surprised you haven’t bumped into each other at least once in the hallways of the university you both attend. You chat a lot about it - school, your majors, tricky assignments, good and bad professors… and many more things.
As the hours pass by, and the heavy rain continues to pour, you begin to bring up Jiseok less and less. His name stops feeling like something that needs to appear in your conversation just because of the circumstances that led to you knowing each other; and both of you now feel a much smaller amount of that weird type of guilt in the moments when you forget about your mutual friend.
“Oh, it’s time for dinner.” You comment surprised by how fast the time has passed. You stand up from your seat to make some more tea. “I can make us something quick to eat if you’re hungry.”
“Sure, whatever you want.”
Hyeongjun keeps an eye on you as you walk around the small kitchen area, refilling his mug with more hot tea. His fingers tap on the table nervously.
“You know…” He mumbles, and gathers the courage to continue while he’s still facing only your back. “I’ve been wanting to text you after what happened that day, but… I don’t know, I chickened out I guess.”
You move his mug aside and start filling up your own.
“It’s okay, I understand.” You reply with eyes focused on your hands. “I would’ve felt the same way. Even now…” You stop for a moment to try find the right words to describe the emotion that lingers inside you since you run into him.
“It’s odd?” Hyeongjun guesses with a half-smile as you pick up your drinks.
“Yeah, odd.” You chuckle.
“But I don’t regret it.”
Your eyes shift to Hyeongjun’s face as you place the hot drink in front of him. Your whole body slows down as a reaction to his words.
His voice turns lower and more quieter as he shares more of his thoughts.
“I liked it… watching you like that.” His gaze travels up your legs, that are so close to him, all the way to your eyes. “Hope you don’t mind me telling you that.”
“No,” you say as you stand in one place, “I don’t, I enjoyed what happened too.”
There’s almost no more left from the awkwardness you felt on the street hours ago.
You lock eyes with Hyeongjun and maintain the contact that turns more intimate with each passing second. The air around you shifts, turning heavier as you make a step closer. Suddenly, you’re between his knees, and as the fingertips of your one hand glide on the table, Hyeongjun’s attach to the back of your thighs.
The lustful warmth radiating from his eyes is intoxicating and you haven’t even done anything yet.
You take off your shirt, a soft sigh slips from his lips once he sees your bra.
He hasn’t forgotten how gorgeous your boobs are. He still remembers their irresistible shape and their pretty nipples, and he’s called himself a pervert multiple times for that.
He takes in the sight of your half-naked body, wondering how he even got here in the first place.
His hands finally move. They crawl up your ass and slow down at the waist wanting to savour the nice feeling of your naked skin. Eventually his fingers cause the lingerie to slip to the floor and his mouth meets your breasts.
Now you’re the one sighing from the way he sensually sucks on your left boob meanwhile the other one is being caressed from his hand. His tongue feels so nice, wet and gentle, as he twirls it around your nipple before running it along your skin to leave open mouthed kisses on other parts of your figure.
“Have you thought about me?” The question escapes you before you have the chance to hold back. You want to know.
“Yes,” he utters while his hands unbutton your pants. “So many times.”
You help him tug them down and then sit on his lap with hands on both sides of his face. Seconds later, you’re kissing. Deeply, not rushing anything, but instead taking the time to really get familiar with how your lips move together. Yes, you’ve done it before, but it feels different when nobody is watching.
Eventually, you open mouths allowing each other to taste the tip of your tongues and that sparks something even stronger in your tummy. It makes you press yourself harder into Hyeongjun’s crotch and he releases a small gasp which you swallow with satisfaction.
You pull his bottom lip with your teeth and in response his erection throbbed inside his pants, but you couldn’t feel it, because you stand up, escaping his embrace.
The boy’s hazed from lust eyes slightly widen as they follow your movements leading to you stripping him from his jeans and taking his hard cock in your palm. He wets his lips watching your fist move up and down, smearing the already leaking essence along his length.
The rush in his core grows stronger, it bubbles up as he alternates between staring at your twisting hand, at your fluttering lashes as you stare down at his flushed tip, and at your exposed boobs as you kneel between his legs.
“Mm…” he humms quietly after you glide your tongue up to the head of his cock, then on the sticky sides, teasing him a little before inviting him into your mouth.
He represses any other sounds by biting his lip which is unfortunate, because you crave to hear him, but you want him to take his time and do it whenever he feels comfortable enough. Or maybe he’s just not very vocal.
You’re excited to find out.
You suck gently then swallow the slightly salty taste as your hand twirls around his base. The slow way you start to fuck your mouth only with his flushed swollen tip causes Hyeongjun’s head to fall back and his jaw to drop from sudden heavy panting.
He’s not sure how, but he manages to move one hand over yours to stop what you’re doing. The pressure in his body is too high and few more seconds inside your mouth can end all of this, and he doesn’t want that yet.
He swipes his thumb along your messy lips; the black nail polish contrasts nicely against your front teeth. His two fingers slide through, and as if you think of the same thing at the same time, you both stand up only for him to push you back into the table.
You moan softly as you feel the fingers that were just on your tongue glide down your stomach and sneak into your panties. Your thighs instinctively separate some more, your back arches from the thrill of your clit feeling the needed friction.
“Have you thought about me?” Hyeongjun speaks out for the first time in minutes.
Your eyes open weakly to look at him meanwhile the circles he makes cause your brain to function slower. Your stomach clenches from the coming thrill as you keep yourself steady with hands propped on the surface.
He kisses your jaw, sloppily making his way down your neck like he didn’t just ask a question.
“Yeah, I have.” A louder moan escapes your throat the moment Hyeongjun’s fingers go through your walls.
“Fuck—“ he sighs at the wetness coating his hand. He doesn’t only feel it, he hears it too; the lewd noise spreads throughout the kitchen, mixing with the sounds of the rain against the windows.
The pleasure he feels just by this small feeling from your arousal is unbelievable.
“I was hoping to see you around,” he admits curling them up.
“I did t-too.” You grip Hyeongjun by the shirt with two hands, pulling his face close. He smashes his lips into yours on the instant, and you whine one more time after he pulls back. “Please, Hyeongjun…”
Hyeongjun’s stomach swirls with excitement at your weak voice pleading for him shamelessly, and he doesn’t wait any longer. He needs you just as bad too.
He runs his fingertips along your folds after pulling them out, and removes your underwear. Just as quickly he guides you to sit on top of the table, then slides into you with ease.
You feel just as good and warm as he imagined you’d feel, but even tighter than he expected. His eyes squeeze shut from the sudden overwhelming emotions that clash together when he makes the first slow thrusts; yours stay half-open, blinking weakly to catch a glimpse of every single expression of Hyeongjun’s face as you’re taking him.
“Fuck…” he mutters and his head falls forward. “Fuck—“ the second cussing comes out more airy and vulnerable.
As Hyeongjun picks up the pace of his hips, you trail your hand up his neck to hide it inside his hair. Your fingers loosely grip on a few locks as your mouth opens wider because of the way his cock now enters you deeper; hitting at your cervix eagerly.
“Yes,” you moan tugging his hair harder. His grip that helps you keep your bend knees open turns stronger too. “Yes, yes, o-oh god—“
“You feel so good…” Hyeongjun slows down, bottoming out as your foreheads touch from how close your washed out faces are in this moment. “I knew you’d feel amazing.”
His words force your eyes to open and you realise you didn’t even think of taking his shirt off from being so needy and impatient. You strip him from the last piece of clothing then you step on the floor, bending over the table for him.
The sight of your behind gets Hyeongjun weak at the knees and his hands squeeze your cheeks imagining what would be like to finish all over your back. Despite you being wet enough he still spits on his fingers and spreads the saliva with rubbing motions all over your pussy. He’s already obsessed with the feeling of your intimate lips against his palm, and he’ll use every opportunity to touch them.
That’s when it hits you how aroused he’s got you; to the point this so light caressing has your bend figure squirm with desire.
Once he pushes himself back inside you, Hyeongjun doesn’t waste time. He builds up the pace of his thrusts right away while digging fingers deep into your skin. His body smacks loudly against yours and the sound of it mixing with your pleasant sounds only adds to his arousal.
This time your voice has even bigger effects on his body, because you don’t have a reason to keep quiet. You let yourself be as loud as you need while the wooden surface turns the side of your face red, and your fingers start to hurt from gripping the edge of the table tightly.
“I’m so c-close…” you whimper as your cunt pulses around Hyeongjun more intensely.
Without hesitation, he pulls you against his chest. One hand lowers to your sensitive clit while the other gently stays on your throat as he proceeds to fuck you; to glide in and out of you until your orgasm washes over you.
The sensation of your strong clenching turns the knot in Hyeongjun’s core tighter than never before. Enduring the pressure while your climax lasts, he groans into your shoulder, not stopping the quick motions of his fingers. His overwhelmed cock twitches a few times, squeezed by your walls as you coat him with your cum.
“You’re so pretty,” is the only thing Hyeongjun says as he carefully lets you out of his arms after you made the most captivating sound of pleasure he’s ever heard.
You lean back against the table again and you see his lips form an irresistible playful smirk at your signal to get him closer.
Your hand wraps around his cock in a perfect fist. As you enjoy the feeling of how hard and needy it throbs in your palm, you think about how you can easily cum again like this, just from watching his face go from one ecstatic emotion to another, because of the way you jerk him off.
“Shit… I-I need to—“ He chokes as his mouth waters.
“Yeah?” You smile, glancing down at his leaky tip. “Go ahead, you can cum all over me.”
Your words push Hyeongjun over the edge and his mind goes blank.
The arousal sprays onto your stomach and chest, reaching further into your neck too. Your fingers gradually calm down as he releases it all on your naked body.
The first moment after his rush fades down Hyeongjun feels as if he needs to get pinched to make sure this is real, that this really just happened.
Undeniably, you feel the same kind of excitement as you smear some of his essence with two fingers only to lick them, curious to find out what he tastes like.
present day
“We’ve been seeing each other.” You admit.
When you shoot Jiseok a glance you see his lips curve with amusement.
You were not sure what exact reaction to expect from him, but seeing him smile immediately after you say this surprises you.
“I knew it.” He nods. “You both suck at hiding it.”
You can’t tell if he’s laughing because he’s mad or because he finds it genuinely funny.
Hyeongjun speaks up first.
“Are you mad?”
“About what?”
“That I like Y/N.”
Your heart skips a beat when you hear Hyeongjun say it out loud.
Jiseok remains silent for a few seconds that keep you on edge before shaking his head.
“No, I just don’t know why you both tried to hide it from me.”
“It hasn’t been very long, we wanted to see where this is going.” You explain and catch a glimpse of Hyeongjun nodding in agreement. “Then you told us that you’re visiting so we preferred to tell you in person.”
It’s the truth.
You and Hyeongjun still haven’t talked about turning what you have into a committed relationship yet. You’re getting to know each other without rushing anything, without putting labels and thinking too much of the future. But what you’ve established recently is that none of you are interested in seeing other people.
“I appreciate that.” Jiseok gives you a genuine smile then turns to Hyeongjun. “I knew you’ll hit on her sooner or later.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” His friend huffs from the other end of the couch where you’re both sitting in front of Jiseok.
“Everyone likes Y/N.” He simply replies with a calm mellow tone.
He doesn’t look at you when he says it, and that makes you a little bit sad and little bit relieved at the same time.
“But you’re a good match, I really hope it works out for you two.” He finally looks up at the two of you. “I will find out if you don’t treat her right, you know that.”
“Jiseok.” You spit out, frowning at his face.
He chuckles at your defensive reaction and stands up for another drink.
Using the little bit of privacy you have, you get closer to Hyeongjun by moving on your knees, and you place a hand on his thigh.
“This went well.”
“Yeah,” he smiles leaning over to feel your lips.
Kissing him has turned into the fastest way for you to escape your reality. As your lips stay connected you completely forget about anything around you; you’re able to feel and think about Hyeongjun and him only.
Hyeongjun’s muscles tense a bit as your hand keeps gliding around his thigh, too close to his crotch area.
You recognise the subtle change in his posture and the way his mouth becomes more sloppy, and you decide to move on his lap.
“Y/N…” Your name slips from his wet lips as a soft warning.
“It’s okay, we’re just kissing.”
You’re just about to lock lips again when Jiseok’s complain bursts out behind your back.
“Great, I’m the third wheel now.” He slouches back into the sofa, giving you one last look before grabbing his phone. “It’s fine, you can keep making out. Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
“Just a few more.” You whisper playfully to Hyeongjun so only he can hear, and lean forward, kissing his smiling lips.
It was supposed to be few more kisses, nothing more.
Jiseok said making out not fucking.
Yet, here you are, sitting on his friend’s lap, moaning against his lips as his hands roam all over your ass. The skirt you’re wearing scrunches in his fingers. One wrong move and Jiseok will be able to see the colour of the panties you’re wearing.
Before that happens, he looks away.
Determined to ignore you from now on until you’re done he opens up his Instagram account. The girl he met at the start of the new semester, and that he hooked up with not long after, has left a comment on his last skating video. She also commented on his story, asking how he’s doing back home. She was a fun time now that he thinks about it. Maybe he can head home and call her… The pressure in his pants tells him that’s not a bad idea.
A certain noise causes Jiseok’s gaze to shift from his phone screen and he notices that you have no shirt on anymore.
He rolls his eyes in annoyance, not able to dismiss the way Hyeongjun’s hands push your hips down on him. He knows this guy is not aware of his own strength so your cunt must have received a right amount of friction. The idea of your folds getting more and more aroused as you keep rocking back and forth makes Jiseok’s mouth water, and he doesn’t even realise his jaw has dropped like of a cartoon character.
At once, Hyeongjun hikes up your skirt and the pretty view of your underwear forces Jiseok to imagine the way it’s sticking to your wet pussy that judging by the eager motions of your hips, is begging to be eaten out…
“I’m going home.”
Jiseok forces his legs to move; to get him far away from here before his boner gets worse, and his thoughts unbearable. He’ll go home and just watch porn. Yeah, that sounds better, why complicate things for himself by calling a girl?
“We can meet up in the weekend if you guys are free.” He heads towards the door avoiding laying eyes on you. “I’m leaving next Friday.”
“Wait!” You call out, peeking from your shoulder. “Won’t you give me a hug before you leave?”
Your eyes sparkle as you watch Jiseok walk up to you. It’s from all of the kissing he figures.
You leave Hyeongjun’s lap to wrap hands around your friend’s chest more comfortably as you kneel on the couch.
“Text me when you get home.”
Jiseok laughs quietly while patting your head.
“Okay, mom.”
You back away startled from a loud noise that comes between the two of you. It’s Jiseok’s cellphone that slips from his hand. He squats down cussing at the possibility of his phone screen cracking again, but fortunately it’s all good.
He notices the bright sparkles in your gaze again - the twinkles lure him in as he stays at the level of your eyes, finding it difficult to rise up. Your lips are close, your hands are close… just like before.
But he shouldn’t.
He wants to, but it’s wrong.
Yet, kissing you is exactly what he does.
Your lips clash together for one long kiss that has Jiseok’s mind foggy - with lust, confusion and frustration. That welcomes back memories with taste of sweet wild cherry.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles immediately after, and looks down. “I shouldn’t have…”
“It’s nothing you haven’t done before.” Hyeongjun interrupts him by commenting. “It’s fine as long as it is with her too.”
You assure Jiseok that he did nothing wrong, and he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you again.
He is so chaotic. Each touch of Hyeongjun’s comes as if it’s precisely thought out, at its own time and pace, meanwhile Jiseok still surprises you with the way he manhandles you as if it’s the last time he’s going to touch you.
Maybe it is, and that’s what makes him so greedy and impatient right now.
He grips your boobs through your bra before deciding to tug the lace down so he can see them whenever he wants.
You sigh with bliss as he kisses his way down to your cunt, kiss by kiss on your stomach while he’s still kneeling on the floor. The excitement lingers strongly inside you when you feel his firm fingers remove your panties. His breath on your clit sends you shivers after you spread your legs, slouching on the couch.
At the same time, your hand reaches for Hyeongjun’s stiff cock, because he freed it out earlier when the three of you realised where this is going. His precum is already dripping down the side of his length, and you smear it slowly stroke after stroke.
Even if you want to move your hand quicker you might not be able to do it soon, because of Jiseok’s mouth diving into you intensely. The thrill of his quick tongue causes your body to jerk up, and the view of the room spin.
“Oh my god…” Your spare hand tugs on his hair trying to help you keep some of the control you still have left.
But the sensation builds up so fast. He licks and sucks, and some of his sounds are even louder than yours despite being muffled to some extent from your soaked flesh.
You open eyes to see Hyeongjun getting closer wanting to kiss you. His one hand caresses your boob, then moves to wrap around your neck as you whine louder before he silence you with his lips.
The warm growing rush turns you dizzy, but you do your best to keep moving your fist to make him feel good too. You also try to look into his dark eyes longer, but you fail after Jiseok shoves two fingers inside you and pumps them right against the desired spot.
“Cum one more time for me,” he utters, stopping his gaze on your face. “One more.”
A confident smirk appears on his lips once he feels you’re seconds away from your peak.
Once it hits you, Jiseok’s cock twitches from the hypnotising sound of your voice braking from pleasure. It’s so satisfying not having to cover your mouth and being able to hear how he makes you feel.
He empties your pussy and gives it a light smack before rising on his feet.
You and Hyeongjun are left on the couch together and your eyes meet with the same energy from that summer night; like you’re about to kiss for the first time.
He tosses his shirt to the floor, but you keep your skirt on when you sit on his cock after you wet his erection nicely using your own arousal. You’re pretty sure they both like watching you in it by the way they cannot stop staring at the clothing, and gripping on it too.
“Ah, you’re s-so…” Hyeongjun’s words suddenly stop there as he throws his head back, baffled by the amazing feeling.
You smile although he cannot see you. Your hands run up and down his chest while his own rest on your hips.
“Wet?” You try to guess how his thought continues. You lift up your ass extra slowly while holding your skirt around your waist so Jiseok who’s sitting behind you can see the nice grip of your cunt. “Tight?”
“Mmm, both.” Hyeongjun answers with much weaker voice and the way he still finds it difficult to keep his head up makes you chuckle cutely. His hands tighten on your ass cheeks, keeping them apart, which means his friend earns an even better view of the way you sink down his cock, dripping on his length. But he’s not squeezing and separating them with the goal to give him a show, he just desperately needs to grip on something; to feel as much of you as possible and occasionally force you down into him as deeply as he can. “Can you move faster, baby? Yeah, you’re so good.”
You quit bouncing up and down, and begin to ride him instead, doubling the speed of your hips to get him to cum as soon as possible. His hands support your movements, digging painfully into your skin, but you’re numb to everything at this point that’s not the pleasure coming from his dick inside you. The nice friction from your clit rubbing against him as you sway back and forth stimulates you further, and you’re just about to lean back to prop yourself on Hyeongjun’s knees to better your motions when Jiseok approaches you.
“Let me.” He speaks at your ear, taking your arms together behind your back. “That’s more fun, isn’t it? Go on, ride it.”
You’re already out of breath and having to bring back the previous pace of your body is a challenge when your arms are held by Jiseok. Your legs and thighs are sweating, you can’t stop whimpering from getting tired, but also being so close to cumming again…
Hyeongjun helps you out by guiding you with hands on your lower waist which makes it easier for you to keep going. Your moans mix together as you reach your high meanwhile Jiseok observes the moment with obvious interest.
When orgasm washes over both of you the thrill of it is indescribable.
Hyeongjun smacks the sides of your thighs before forcing his grip to keep you down on his cock once his seed flows out of his tip.
You slowly ride through your high, that bursts times stronger than the first, with Jiseok’s mouth kissing the side of your face and neck passionately. He releases your arms and directs his two hands towards your face. As he still stands behind you, still in his pants and hoodie, one hand holds your chin up while the other roams all over your chest. Your body heats up even more from his attention and you sense how his touch turns your breathing heavy again.
The only thing you feel from Hyeongjun right now is his lazy gaze on you and his thumbs slowly caressing the skin of your thighs. Until Jiseok takes a seat on the coffee table behind him, and he uses the opportunity to remove a strand of hair from your cheek, placing it behind your ear.
Jiseok focuses his full attention on your cunt; how you slowly free Hyeongjun’s dick, letting his thick cum seep out into your palm only to cover your clenching cunt with it in front of his eyes. You smear some of it on your ass too, and what’s left on your sticky fingers, you push back into you.
The two boys swallow at the sight.
When you stick out your hand to Jiseok he stands to his feet on the instant. His clothes fall to the ground; the hoodie makes a mess of his hair that he runs his fingers through once you grip his cock, guiding it to your messy entrance. His eyes roll back meanwhile you gush over the thrill of being full again, being a little bit more stretched out from Jiseok cause he's slightly thicker than Hyeongjun.
Jiseok stares down at your ass that’s stained from the previous orgasms while Hyeongjun marks your chest and stomach with his mouth. His thumb occasionally toys with your sensitive clit, but his lips and teeth don’t rest; they kiss you everywhere they can reach, and paint you with pretty love bites while your hands gently pull his hair that falls freely on his shoulders.
“Fuck,” Jiseok grunts behind you still getting used to seeing you in this new light, “you’ve turned into such a filthy girl.”
He feels ecstatic…
Like he’s dreaming with his eyes open.
He feels… a little bit in love with his best friend.
With you.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 11 months
Where the Wild Things Are - Chapter 8
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Chapter Seven: Because of You
Plot: Wild men or monstrous infected creatures, the world is wild and ravaged by Cordecyps but some are raised in it and flourish becoming a wild thing.
Word Count: 5.4K
Pairing: Joel Miller x Platonic!Teen!Reader, Ellie Williams x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: canon-typical fighting/violence, injuries, harsh language, joel actually cares :0, just fucking sad shit tw: trauma from abusive mother, description of child abuse
I cannot cry because I know that's weakness in your eyes. I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh every day of my life. My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with.
Joel and Tommy returned soon after you passed on the question. They expected some resistance or some smart comment but you accepted the meal with a noise of thanks and eyed the medicine Joel provided but took it regardless.
Ellie was quickly berated by both Miller brothers to understand what the sudden calm behavior came from and clearly, the young girl had something to do with it. “I just talked to her?” That was her response and it was the truth. A single conversation with the young girl that didn’t involve scolding or harassment about being seen as ‘normal’ in Jackson was what occurred. Ellie worked at your pace not pushing you to reveal everything and treated you like a human being, not some wild animal that the people of Jackson think you are.
Whatever you took knocked you out leaving you sleeping throughout the rest of the day only to awaken nearing sunset with a healthy meal Ellie had gotten from the mess hall by Joel’s orders but she did sneak some desserts in for you to eat. The environment and relationship that was changing from your near-death experience started to become more noticeable. You still kept to yourself, your bedroom and the stables your sanctuary from all that was outside, you hardly talked to Joel this instinct that keeps you at a distance from the man, Tommy it was more of him talking to you but you would add your two cents in and were so rigid when he would appear at the stables at random times to check in on you or to bring you something to eat.
The only person you would really ‘close’ to was Ellie. You started eating some meals with Ellie just the two of you and she would fill the silence by talking about whatever was on her mind with you speaking at times, she would hang around the stables and help with the horses when she wasn’t at school or hanging with Dina and Jesse. She took you to some places she would go with her friends and there was one interaction where you met Dina and Jesse that didn’t involve you beating someone up or trying to kill them when you first met them. It was awkward with you standing slightly behind Ellie just staring at the two teens as they tried making conversation with you either responding with grunts and nods or not even saying anything. But when Ellie would speak to you a few short sentences would come out but directed to her.
Despite being close to the younger girl and interacting with her friends you kept that boundary with the Millers and yourself. No matter how many times Tommy would invite you over for a ‘family’ dinner you refused.
“I’m not in your family.” And that’s how it would end, no amount of begging or offering of your favorite meals would convince you. Why would you have dinner with people who claimed it was for a family when you had no relation to them?
The cold was only getting more colder entering the final month of the year before spring would soon come. Making sure all the horses had extra hay for this chill in the air especially the two colts that are Dakota’s. Once they were situated you went out to do some last-minute things only to be interrupted by the appearance of Ellie petting one of the horses Shimmer.
“What are you doing here?” Your tone may have sounded cold and threatening to others but the young girl knew otherwise.
“Just wanted to see if you’re done here. I need help moving something from Tommy’s to the house.” She says rocking on her feet it looks like she just got out of school her pack still strapped to her back.
“Why can’t you get Dina or Jesse?” You question grabbing feed from some of the older horses petting Red in passing, “Because the two of them have this dinner date thing—blegh.” She says rolling her eyes and making a gagging noise.
“I thought they broke up?” You were very confused by the two’s on-and-off relationship, “Yeah they are doing this date to see if they want to get back together. Come on let’s go I need your help and everyone else is busy.”
Adding the remaining food in the large trough outside all of the older horses' section you move back inside grabbing your coat and throwing it on. “Fine.” Ellie pumps a fist up in the air with glee as you take your time signing out in the log and writing some notes on items needed. Ellie rocks on the heels of her feet,
“Come on let’s goooo.” She groans and you follow the girl out of the stables trying to take the quickest route to Rancher Street. Normally you would take backstreets walking through the few wooded areas only to walk through the main streets when completely abandoned. The awkwardness from the lingering stares from people as you follow the younger girl like a shadow keeping close by but distant enough that people seemed to move away when the two of you came near. It didn’t bother you, you weren’t looking for companionship or kindness from these people you didn’t know them and they didn’t need to know you.
The family street appears as the two of you pass by the house you reside in towards the other house containing the younger Miller brother and his wife and child. Ellie bounds up the porch steps letting herself in holding the door open for you to follow. You hear the door close behind you and the sound of voices further into the house but you can’t make it out.
“Tommy we’re here!” Ellie calls out and Tommy responds with an ‘Over here!’ and the two of you enter more into the house. You should have noticed something was off with Ellie’s almost nervous but excited energy. When the two of you turned the corner and saw the dining room you stopped in your tracks. The table was set for dinner food was already prepared Tommy held his son on his hip bouncing the slightly fussy baby, Joel sat on one side of the table already nursing a glass of whiskey, while Maria entered with what you assume was the final piece of the dinner.
“Great you guys are here come sit food is still hot.” Tommy gestures as he places his son into the chair designed for the baby before taking his seat at the head of the table. Maria moves to sit beside her child the baby separating the couple. Ellie already throws off her pack and coat taking a seat beside Tommy leaving an empty seat between Ellie and Joel. You still haven’t moved staring at the display.
“Come on kid, food’s gonna get cold,” Tommy calls out to you and your eyes slowly move from the table to the man. He carries an almost hopeful smile on his face as the others stare at you waiting for you to join in their family meal.
“What the fuck is this.” Void of emotion and sharp edge to your words. You were cornered the air was thin and a pit in your stomach made your insides churn.
“Hey, language,” Joel calls out in a warning tone, especially before the young child. Your gaze snaps away from Joel to Ellie who looks anxious about the growing tension, “You said we were just picking something up from here.” Your throat felt tight and a tingling sensation fills your fingers flexing them trying to gain feeling.
A sheepish look covers the young girl, “You wouldn’t have said yes if I asked. You never said yes before. So I thought this would be the best way to get you to come…” Her plan which everyone else seemed to be involved in had backfired horribly.
“I’m not hungry.” Your response is short already rejecting all of this: this idea, the meal, the people, everything. You didn’t want this. “You haven’t eaten since lunch and that was hours ago.” Tommy brings up having been the one to bring lunch for you just a simple sandwich not filling enough to miss dinner.
“I’m not eating that.” You shake your head sending a glare to the meal before you. Though the smell and appearance of it once made your mouth water and crave it you only felt ill looking at it.
“We can get you something I’m sure we can mix something up real quick. It would be good to all sit together and talk about how our day has been anything just a nice family dinner.” Tommy tries to convince you but it was that one word that made you want to hurl.
“I’m not part of your fucking family.” You hiss taking a step back, “I don’t want this or you or anyone.” You wanted to bolt you wanted to be back in that cabin maybe you should have pressured them more to put you out of your misery back then or maybe not fought as hard against those raiders.
“Why can’t you just accept our help or the fact we care about you?! Sure the world is fucked up but you don’t need to hate the small amount of good that is left,” Ellie stands taking a step towards and a frustrated look crosses her face. “If some shit happened to you just talk to us but don’t fucking act like your the only one suffering. You don’t want a chance to be a part of a family that cares for you again be my fucking guest.” It was like a punch in your gut and if there was any food in your system it would have left your stomach. Your gaze snaps to the three adults each of them with ranges of pity.
Fucking pity.
They saw you as someone weak.
Some broken little thing that needed fixing.
Your gaze pauses briefly with Maria’s, the understanding of how hard those words affected you. She knew the truth she knew why you were cold-hearted your life focused on yourself and everyone else was your enemy. The look of a mother who wished to comfort a child. Why hadn’t you ever received that look? What made you so different that she could never give you that look? It made you fucking sick.
A metallic taste floods your mouth from how hard you are biting your cheek. The weight on your chest felt unbearable just having them stare at you. You don’t even think you could respond unless it was to throw up. It was hot and uncomfortable in that room and it only seemed to rise in temperature. Your vision just seems to tunnel black creeping in from the side.
Fuck you can’t breathe.
You probably could have ripped the door from the hinges from how hard you swung the door open. A loud crash as the door slams against the wall but you don’t even care. Numb feet trip down the steps the coldness of the air heightens as you rush away. The people inside that house their voices fall on deaf ears. You couldn’t hear anything. Blindly letting your body guide you somewhere finding the familiar clearing that was introduced to you by Ellie. Where you sat awkwardly to the side just observing the trio of friends laugh and tell jokes. They tried to include you but you just shook your head listening in as you picked the dirt under your nails. Your chest screamed for air that it desperately needed. The blood spills freely from your mouth staining the snow a crisp crimson. You hold onto a tree with one hand hunched over gasping for air surprised you haven’t buckled over.
Why didn’t she care about you?
Why didn’t she love you? She could have at least pretended for your sake.
And why didn’t he stay? Did he care that little that he didn’t want to try?
Was she right? Just a bastard child to a bastard father.
“Kid?” Your eyes darted spotting the couple standing a few feet away from you. Maria holds her son in her arms the baby is sound asleep wrapped up. Tommy takes a step forward and you react taking a stumbling step back swiping your mouth ridding the blood that paints your lips and a bit of your chin. “You’re alright..” Tommy stops holding his hands out like he’s talking down some rabid animal.
“Tommy,” Maria calls out to her husband who glances back as the woman moves forward, “Go tell the other I got her…give us some time to talk. Girl on girl.” She says before looking over at you who watches the interaction with cautious eyes. Tommy hesitates just for a moment before taking his son and leaving the clearing until it’s just the two of you. Maria heads swiping some snow off the log that substitutes as a bench taking a sit before patting one end. You don’t move keeping your distance.
“You don’t have to might be nice just to sit and talk.” She says warmly, not an ounce of disgust or even remotely upset with your actions in her home. You shuffle forward but sit on the snowy floor a good foot or two separating you. “Ellie is sorry for what she said, though I’m sure she’d feel even worse if she knew how hard those words hit you huh.” She speaks not expecting you to respond. Finding more interest in the snow your gloved hand tracing shapes in the snow.
“Is it the fact that you don’t want to have dinner with us or you’ve never been given the opportunity to have a normal meal with people?” Maria saw the way your gaze snapped to her before darting back to the snow avoidant of the adult’s gaze.
You’re not even sure you’ve had a decent meal in your entire life. Even being here in Jackson you’ve eaten the bare minimum to survive. Why would you indulge yourself in the luxuries of a homecooked meal or even fresh food? You didn’t deserve it, a stranger in this place. No reason for them to feed you well enough until they can throw you make in that cell or perhaps turn you over to the raiders.
“It’s not fair.” You mumble and Maria looks down at you not rushing you to speak, “You live this great life, a perfect little family in this perfect town. Nothing is wrong with you.”
“Not everything is perfect. We’ve all lost something…some more than others. I hav—had a son, Kevin,” Maria falters slightly and you can hear the sudden sadness lace her voice as you look up at her, “He was only three on Outbreak Day. Tommy has lost people he’s cared for, same with Joel and Ellie. It takes time to come to peace and some just never get over it.” Maria says a sense of peace despite the fact of losing a child.
“It still hurts but the pain gets easier but it never leaves. Some days are better than others. I can only be grateful for the life I have now and knowing my little boy is in a better place.” Her voice gets all choked up and she swipes away a stray tear from he misty eyes.
“I’m sure he knows he is loved.” You say softly and she nods looking down as a few tears fall but she takes a moment to compose herself.
“I’m sure in another world both my sons would have known each other. I’m sure in another world your mother would have loved you the way you deserved to be loved.” She says and you’re not sure how to react.
You’re not sure you could ever imagine a world where she loved you. To hold you in her arms like you were fragile glass. To read to you stories about far-off lands of heroes fighting to save the day. To soothe your tears and heal your cuts and scrapes you gained for having too much fun not from getting beaten and burned by those around you. To care about your interests and the things you enjoy. To be funny and make you laugh so hard you cry. To hold your hand when you are scared and protect you from the nightmares and fears that couldn’t hurt you. To make you a homemade meal to sit at a table and talk about your day and just be together. Maybe you would have a day in that picture. He’d come home from whatever job existed before the Outbreak Day, complain about the long day but happy to come home to his daughter and wife.
“I don’t think she’d ever love me no matter what world we lived in.” You wonder what kind of person you’d be in a different life but you believe that some people truly can’t change. Maybe this apocalypse truly brought out the real side that people had hidden in a normal society. “I’d rather have her lie to me. To at least act like she wanted to read me stories, to hold me on the cold nights instead of sleeping by a barely working radiator, to have my father be in my life and not just a string of drug addicts and horrible men, to tend to my wounds from bullies instead of learning how to stitch my first cut at nine, to just sit with me and a goddamn table and talk to me! To treat me like her kid...her fucking daughter instead of some bastard child!” Your throat grew more tight and your vision more blurry. It was anger a hatred towards her. You were jealous of all of those people who had good parents. A father in their life. A mother who loved them. You got neither. You wanted that. You craved it.
“I just wanted a mom.” You gritted out a burning in your eyes until you felt something run down your cheeks. Raising your hand see wetness appear on your gloves before turning your attention to Maria who looks at you sadness covering her eyes. Harshly rubbing your eyes to rid the tears and scowl though not a very good one. “Doesn’t matter it’s stupid anyway.”
“It’s not.” Maria defends against your statement, “You deserved someone to care for you and she failed you. Not you. You deserved that life you wanted and she failed to give that to you. She failed at being a mother. You didn’t fail as a daughter.” She says and it’s quiet between the two of you. A mother who wished she could’ve given the world to her first child but was given the chance to try again and a daughter who gave all she could’ve to a woman who was meant to be a mother and given nothing in return. Maria stands up holding a hand out for you. It’s a moment before you accept her hand though it’s not the action of helping you stand but telling you something deeper.
A mother caring for a child that isn’t even hers.
The walk back to Rancher Street has a new energy and a different feeling. You can’t describe how things changed between yourself and Maria but it did. As the familiar view of the house you occupy with Joel and Ellie comes into view a guiding hand rests on your shoulder and you’re brought away to the house that is Maria and Tommy’s. “Why are we going over here?” You ask confused maybe Joel and Ellie were waiting in their house. But they would have been waiting in their home for you to return.
“Just trust me.” She says and while a part of you, the part that screamed at you to run and hide. To reject this adult’s trust, you didn’t know her, she could hurt you, you don’t know her intentions. But you still followed after her until you reached inside the house that remained empty no sound of Joel or Ellie. Coming around the corner is Tommy and their son held in his arms. “You’re back.”
“Can you go sit at the dining table for a moment?” Maria asks and you nod trailing over to the dinner table to food still set and waiting for someone to eat it. You could hear some muffled voices a whole room separating you from deciphering the words between the couple. The couple returns with the male holding Liam as he places the baby in the highchair. The child babbles at his father before Tommy pulls away heading off to the kitchen with Maria. The baby seems in their own world before he makes eye contact with you and you feel locked in its gaze. A staring contest between a teenager and an infant. Pinned under the child’s innocent gaze unable to react. You weren’t sure what to do. He seems to see something you don’t do before giggles fill the room as it laughs at you. Maria and Tommy return the couple smile softly at the sight.
Your gaze snaps to Maria and Tommy, “I don’t know why it’s laughing at me.” The worried expression only causes the child’s laughter and babbling to increase.
“Well, Liam seems to like you so I don’t think you need to worry about him giggling at you,” Maria says before serving generous portions of food onto a large plate and covering it to keep the food all warm. She gives the plate to Tommy who collects his son and the two head back out and you watch them leave. “Where are they going?” You question as Maria grabs a new plate and starts filling it with a spread of the food placing it at one seat and grabbing a new plate she looks up at you.
“What would you like?” She asks and you look at the food, then the plate, then at her a look of confusion. “What?”
“What would you like to eat? There is chicken, a mix of vegetables, and mashed potatoes with some gravy we also have some leftover cookies but those can be for dessert.” She explains pointing at the different options before you. It hit you hard in the chest what she was doing for you. “You don’t have to stay, I can serve you and you can stay here and I’ll eat somewhere else or you can sit somewhere else in the house if you feel more comfortable.” She reassures you willing to work at your level. To just sit at a table and talk.
“You can choose.” You say fidgeting with the gloves on your hands feeling hot from the layered clothes. She does a spread of the options giving you the option to try everything with portions you would never serve yourself. It was too much food that you didn’t deserve. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen this much food just for you in your life. Maria settles down going to get started on her meal when she looks at you sitting across from her staring at the meal unsure where to start or if you even could. Maria stands up grabbing her plate, “Come on.” She grabs your plate and drink follows after her as the two of you leave the dining room finding yourself in the family room. Maria places her food on the small table in front of the couch gesturing for you to follow.
“You can sit on the floor or the couch whatever you prefer.” She says before moving toward the television to set something up. You sit on the ground your plate of food resting on the table at your chest your legs crossed under the small table. “You can start eating if you’d like. Don’t wait up for me.” She says over her shoulder and the hunger you’ve been holding back has you digging into the meal. Rich flavors and the weight of the fresh warm meal a great feeling in your body. A pleasant sound fills the room as light shines from the tv. Maria sits on the couch her plate resting on her lap as she starts to eat as the film begins on the screen.
“This is one of my favorites.” She says and the film plays and you’re sucked into the story reading the title of the film with wide curious eyes.
“The Lion King? How can a lion be a king?” You say looking back at the older woman, “Just watch the movie.” She says and you return your attention to what’s on screen.
You ended up moving up onto the couch around the midpoint, the food filling you up, and when Maria said that you were allowed to have more servings you declined so full from that. You weren’t sure how you got so invested in the film, feeling a deep sadness and shock when Mufasa died. To be invested in the characters Timon and Pumba a crack of a smile listening to their jokes. By the time the credits came it wasn’t shocking from the full meal, the film, and just the exhaustion from the day's events you drifted asleep your cheek pressed against the arm of the couch your arms acting as a pillow.
Maria got to work quietly cleaning taking your plates to the kitchen and started to pack up the remaining food leaving leftovers for them but having some to give to Joel and Ellie. With the leftovers in hand, she glances at you still asleep on the couch the dim glow of the TV shines on your features before she quietly exits her home to fetch her husband and child.
Joel wasn’t sure what to say or do when you returned. Given Ellie’s outburst that quietly turned to guilt once you fled his brother’s home, they went out looking for you. Looking back at their home, then the stables all the while comforting the young girl who was filled with guilt for the harsh words she had spat. When Ellie suggested a location the young introduced the older one to they ran into Tommy with Liam who reassured them that Maria had you and they were talking things out and to return to their home.
Joel wasn’t expecting Tommy and his nephew to appear at his door with what looked like the meal they were meant to eat. Still, he questioned where you were but Tommy reassured him that Maria was providing her dinner and it would be better to make it a gradual approach involving you in these things. He could understand that, you kept to yourself eating meals alone in your room or at the stables when someone would bring you something, you came and went with little to no warning. Sometimes late a night he had to really strain his already bad hearing for the front door to quietly creak open and even quieter footsteps travel around the first floor before retreating to your room. So the four of them ate the meal Maria prepared in Joel’s dining room. Ellie hoped to apologize to you but for the time being, was able to distract herself with Tommy’s son. Now that it was truly dark and a meal would be over when another knock came at the door and it was Maria with leftovers he couldn’t help but feel slightly frustrated.
“She fell asleep after dinner. Tuckered out from the day.” Maria says while trading the leftovers to Ellie for her son. Joel nods his fingers holding the loops of his belt, “Well myself or Ellie will come over in the morning to collect her.” When he said that he saw the look Tommy and Maria gave each other clearly he was out of the loop with something.
“What is it?” A hint of concern in his tone. “Joel..” Tommy starts not sure the best words as Maria takes Tommy’s hand giving it a reassuring squeeze, “We’d think it might be better if the kid stays with us.”
Joel wasn’t sure how to take that news. Did you ask to stay with them given the events of today? Was it something he did before? “I’m sorry what?” The words didn’t seem to register.
“We just think it might be good for her to be in a more family-oriented environment,” Tommy says and Joel sends him a questioning look, “The hell does family-oriented mean?”
“Joel come on, she stays practically locked up in her room and if not she’s at the stables until she has no choice but to come back. Ellie talks and tries to spend time with her but seriously Joel do you know one thing about her? You both are busy anyways with Ellie in school and you with your patrols she’s left with nothing to do.” Tommy says and Joel feels like this is an attack on his skill of taking care of a child. His hand rests on the broken watch around his wrist. He raises Sarah all by himself with the help of Tommy but it is just him and his babygirl. Then there was Ellie he would say he is raising her well for an ambitious spitfire of a kid. Tommy’s words hurt him and the image he had of being a good parental figure but it shined a light. He saw Ellie as his daughter his kid to protect and care for but in the beginning, you were some brat shoved in his hands as his responsibility now but he couldn’t explain this need to watch over you. Though he did it while keeping a 15-foot pole separating you both.
“You said you couldn’t do it cause of Liam why the sudden change?” Joel wanted to find an excuse just the tiniest one so he could claim he was the better fit but he had no clue why he wished this. The old him would be rejoicing and letting them take you off his hands.
“That’s because we didn’t know her. All of us needed to learn to trust her and we do. She’ll be around at least one of us when with Liam and this might be the first step and getting her out of her shell,” Maria says “She’s been through a lot Joel and she’s only now wants to talk about it. She needs normalcy in her life. I don’t mean this in a wrong way but you and Ellie still live and act like you’re out there fighting to survive.” Now that riled up the older Miller. Sure he kept to himself spoke when only necessary to do his job then returned home to do it all over again but things were different now. Ellie and him had things that they never had out there and being here was their fresh start from everything that has happened to them.
“Tommy.” Joel looked at his brother hoping he would try to defuse the situation and maybe reconsider but he didn’t. “Did you even ask her? Do you really know her well enough to know what’s best for her?” He sounded spiteful a bite to his words.
“Stop it,” Tommy’s voice curt to his brother and his wife, “We just came here to tell you she’s going to be staying with us. Not fight over who knows her better. If she wishes to return to stay with you she’s more than welcome to.” It’s quiet between the three adults before Liam begins fusing and it’s too late for the baby to be out.
“Look you’re welcome to see her. We’re not keeping her away from you Joel but if you really think she’s better off with you. Put some goddamn effort in getting to know her instead of treating her like some stranger.” Tommy says before delivering his brother a pat on his shoulder that was meant to be comforting but only felt like a mockery. The family retreats back to their home as Joel closes the door a weight in his stomach as he stares at the woodgrain on the door.
“Joel?” Ellie’s voice makes him turn from where he stands to find Ellie standing in the living room. He was sure she heard their conversation but didn’t but in. “Is she not staying with us anymore?” Sadness laced her features and it only added more guilty weight to his gut. This wasn’t something he could give some hopeful response that things would be better but he truly didn’t know. You’re decision would be up to you and it may be his fault for not putting in an effort.
“I don’t know kiddo…I don’t know.”
Where the Wild Things Are Tags
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING jacob bae x f!reader
GENRES smut lol
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, fawn writing about jacob bae yet again but i swear this time was necessary!!!, porn without plot but also if u squint there’s a little bit of plot, roommates/best friends with mutual pining, i mixed so many tropes in here tbh, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (pls be safe), mirror sex, soft? dom!jacob, lmk if i missed anything!
SUMMARY the two times jacob bae derails your saturday night plans.
MORE FAWNTOBER DAY 2 IS A GOOOOO 😈 i’m actually doing pretty well timing wise and as far as im concerned, i’ll actually pull this thing off 😭 anyways.. enjoy!! pls remember to reblog if u liked what u read! and stay tuned for the rest of the fics coming out this month <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble
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If it were up to you, you would just stay home for the evening. You’d kick your feet up into the ottoman and put on a random movie, latched onto Jacob’s side like a little leech. You were lucky your roommate was just as much of a cuddler as you were. It’d be kind of awkward if he wasn’t.
Unfortunately, your Saturday night plans would have to be postponed.
“It’s gonna be fun, N/N, I promise,” he tries to convince you, hands clasped together. “Sangyeon even said he’d pay your tab.”
“But I’m tired, Cobie,” you pout, knowing full well that your puppy dog eyes would always be his weakness, even if he’d never admit it to himself. “I don’t wanna go out tonight.”
He must’ve really been looking forward to going out and meeting up with the guys if not even your guilt-tripping face worked on him. He goes off on a tangent about how you always stay in, and despite loving that to an extent, sometimes he wants to enjoy a night out. You were still confused as to why he didn’t just go by himself. Why did he have to bring you along with him?
It’s not like you were dating or anything. You were just roommates. Really close roommates. Roommates who cuddled every other night. Roommates who often found themselves sleeping in the other’s bed rather than their own. Roommates who were so undeniably attracted to each other but masked it by pretending they weren’t.
Couldn’t you have been sucked into a different trope?
“I just think you’re not giving the idea enough credit,” he raises his hands in surrender. “Besides, wouldn’t you feel left out? Wouldn’t you get major FOMO?”
You sigh. He had a point. Even if you didn’t really want to go clubbing, knowing all of your friends were there without you would make you sad. Imposter syndrome came way too easily for you. “Fine, I guess I’ll go.”
Jacob fist bumps the air, dragging you from the couch to your bedroom so you could start getting ready. He knows you take a while and the arranged meet up time was two hours from the current time. You move as quickly as you can, because even if you were only interested half heartedly, you didn’t want to be late. Especially because Jacob had a knack for constantly being punctual.
You kiss your teeth as you stare at your closet after you’ve finished showering and doing your hair and makeup. You felt like there was nothing good enough to wear. This wasn’t just a bar that you usually frequented, so you couldn’t dress casually. But it also wasn’t so fancy that you had to go over the top either. And for some reason, none of your clothes could fall into the perfect in-between category.
There was one dress.
You hadn’t worn it in a while, mostly because you never found the occasion to and it brought bad memories. It was a confidence booster, that was for sure. A tight black dress that stopped just below your ass and showed the perfect amount of cleavage. The moment you put it on, it’s like you’re a new person.
Staring back at you is someone you haven’t seen in a couple years, someone you shoved into the recesses of your subconscious. She used to party every night until she was black out drunk, making out and sleeping with random strangers until she was satisfied. She was stuck in a loop until she became friends with Jacob Bae, eventually moving in to get away from that lifestyle.
You never tell him how grateful you are. Part of you wishes to keep your past buried, hidden from the light of day so you never have to face your mistakes again. But at the same time, you could never tell him thank you enough. For saving you in a way, for helping you close that chapter of your life.
There’s a knock at your door, and you call out a “Come in” before your brain catches up with you. You make eye contact with Jacob in the mirror, watching his expression shift slightly. It wouldn’t have been noticeable if you were anyone else, but you knew him almost as well as you knew yourself. Maybe better.
He walks up behind you, brushing your hair behind your shoulder with a featherlight touch. “I haven’t seen this one on you in a long time.”
He’s so close to you, it’s kind of driving you crazy. You bite the inside of your lip, trying to keep your voice steady. “Should I wear it?”
His fingers start at your waist, trailing down to the hem of your dress. His knuckles skim across the bare skin of your exposed thigh, provoking your body to shudder. “Hmm, I’m not too sure,” Jacob rests his chin on your shoulder, looking at you through the mirror. “Seeing you in this is making me rethink going out tonight. Kinda wanna keep you here, all to myself, like that night at Hyunjae’s party.”
Okay, so perhaps you might’ve skipped a tiny detail in the retelling of your first encounter with Jacob Bae.
The reason you two became friends was because he actually happened to be one of those random strangers you slept with. It was a stroke of luck that you kept in contact with him after that night, considering he was supposed to be nothing more than a nameless face. But he was cute and he was funny, so when he asked to hang out a few days later you couldn’t help but cave in.
“Jacob…” You breathe, chest rising and falling rapidly. “D-Don’t you wanna see the boys?”
His lips press to the juncture between your neck and collarbone, a soft kiss that already packs your head with cotton. He hums into your skin, hands bunching up your dress around your hips. Someone was impatient. “Not important. We can reschedule.”
You didn’t want to reschedule. You wanted to get out of this apartment, fully clothed, with an excuse to ignore the hammering of your heart in your rib cage and the fluttering down there. If you stayed here any longer, Jacob would successfully charm his way into your pants. (Dress?) And you didn’t want to think about the consequences that may come with.
But it’s not like he gives you much of a choice, invading your headspace with every nip and suck of your jugular and jaw. His slender fingers run a line down the front of your panties, a small groan leaving the back of his throat when he feels how wet you are for him. With heavy eyelids, you watch the entire thing in the mirror, lips parting with a gasp at the sight.
“Fuck, baby,” he curses in your ear, pulling you backward so the two of you are sitting on the edge of your bed, still facing your mirror. “You want me just as bad don’t you?”
You whine, squirming as he dips his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, collecting your slick and smearing it all over your lower lips. He helps you shimmy out of your panties and dress, leaving you completely nude for him. His fingers resume their previous activities, easily pumping the ring and middle digits in and out of your cunt. His free hand grips your jaw, forcing you to keep your eyes on his movements.
“Cobie,” you whimper, spreading your legs wider to give both of you a better view. “Feels so good…”
His thumb circles your clit, mouth beside your ear to whisper all the filthy things he wants to do to you. Your toes curl at the same time his fingers do, brushing that sweet spot in your pussy. A strangled moan escapes you as you hit your climax, walls tightening around his fingers and back arching into his chest.
“That was so hot. You did so well for me,” he praises, thumb rubbing lazy patterns into your clit to bring you back down. “I just need you to do that on my cock. Can you do that for me, baby?”
“Mhm,” you nod, hands reaching behind yourself to free him from his jeans, fumbling with the button and zipper in your haste. “Need you inside of me already.”
You hope Jacob doesn’t have high expectations for you since you came so quickly with just his fingers. You’re not sure if he’s anticipating you to last longer with his cock. From what you remember, he wasn’t the longest, but he was definitely the thickest, and that’s what scared you the most. You were afraid of how full he’d make you feel.
Once the clothes from his bottom half are removed, you risk a glance at his dick in the mirror, your pussy clenching around nothing. Despite not knowing if you’d be able to take him without turning into a blubbering mess, you really wanted to try. You wanted him to fill you up like a plug in a bathtub drain.
He takes his girth in one hand, sliding his dick through your folds languidly, lubricating himself with the wetness of your cunt. He groans in your ear again, squeezing your hip to steel himself. “You ready for me?”
Your head bobs up and down quickly, patience wearing thin. He chuckles before impaling you on his cock, both of you moaning from the feeling of one another. The stretch burns, but it’s fucking heavenly, your pussy feeling so stuffed you can barely think. (Not that your thoughts were coherent beforehand anyway.)
“You’re— oh god, Jacob— you’re s-so deep,” you mewl, hands supporting yourself on his thighs. “I feel so full.”
He keeps his grip on your waist, fucking up into you as slowly as he can as to not disrupt your adjustment to his cock. Your head lolls back onto his shoulder, lips parted with a gasp every time he thrusts into your tight pussy. He shakes his head, urging you to stay upright.
“I need you to keep your eyes on the mirror, baby. Watch me fuck you until you can’t take it anymore.” Jacob commands, voice as deep as his dick inside of you.
You comply, hooded eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head when you take in the sight of him bouncing you on his cock. Your nails dig into his skin, lip splitting from the force in which you’re biting it. He looks so hot, focused on getting you both to that peak you desperately need to reach.
It’s such a stark contrast to the sweet Jacob Bae you’re used to, this one pounding into you without mercy, eyebrows knitted together in concentration. That first time you had sex, years ago, was pretty vanilla thanks to you both having a little too much to drink that night. You don’t even think you remembered most of it. Had you known he was such a freak, maybe you wouldn’t have pretended your attraction to him was nonexistent. Maybe this would’ve happened a lot sooner.
You don’t dwell on that regret much longer, Jacob yanking your attention back in by rubbing your clit with his middle finger. The amount of overstimulation fogs your vision, voluminous, pornographic level moans reverberating around the room. The words bubbling past your lips don’t make any sense, reduced to babbling until an encouragement is uttered into your ear.
“Cum on my cock, sweetheart,”
A cry is ripped from your vocal cords, your body writhing above him and continuing even after he’s orgasmed inside of you, fucking his cum into your cunt as he calms you down. You whimper when he grasps your jaw once more, egging you on to stare at the mixture of your cum running down your legs.
You both look absolutely feral, skin sticky with sweat and chests heaving up and down as if you’d ran a marathon. Jacob makes no move to pull out, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, back and shoulders. Your eyes flutter shut as a wave of exhaustion rushes over you.
“I think you’re pretty close to succeeding in your mission,” you say hoarsely. “I can hardly function right now.”
He laughs, such a melodic sound it almost doesn’t belong in your current setting. “Yeah? Do you wanna help me pass it?”
And in spite of being on the brink of passing out, who are you to deny such a promising offer?
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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stayevildarling · 5 months
Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode x Reader- I miss you, I'm sorry
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A/N: I got inspired by listening to the song ,,I miss you, I'm sorry'' by Gracie Abrams and this is the result 🤷‍♀️
word count: 7k
tw: sad, breakup, happy ending
taglist: @lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay @whitelotus00, @ninaahs , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime
It was simple really, so simple, yet today had tested you in ways you hadn't been tested before. Finally deciding to do something useful with your weekend off, you decided to head to the markets, maybe even strolling through some shops. Despite wanting to mope and bury yourself inside your apartment, not doing much other than staring at the ceiling or maybe doing some reading. A lilac candle, that's all it took, that same shade of lilac bringing you back to everything you know, bringing you back to them.
Them- you aren't sure how you would describe them to someone, maybe the sun and the moon? maybe soft glances shared, eyes locking and a steady but safe hand on your thigh at all times. Maybe yellow and purple? you aren't sure. And despite it having been so long now, you still remember everything, the way their touches felt on your skin, the way their voices sounded, the way their lips would feel on your own. Cordelia and Mina. Supreme to the academy, HR to a very important company. Your former girlfriends.
It's like everywhere you go it brings you back to them, a building looking a little too familiar to the coven, a colour reminding you a little too much of them. And today a simple lilac candle was enough, strolling through the markets, trying to have a good time and do some forgetting, instead you are pulled back into the past. With trembling hands and tear stained eyes, you make your way back to the nearest bus stop, cutting some corners to get there quicker as the last thing you currently want is embarassing yourself in public like this, despite not a lot of people caring either way, too busy with their own lives.
And then just like that, faith decides to have different plans for you, bumping into a stranger and landing on the floor as a result, quickly blinking some tears away as you open your eyes. However, the person in front of you was definitely no stranger. As soon as your eyes land on their legs, exposing the long flowy pants and those all too familiar shoes, you know exactly who is standing in front of you. Cordelia. You find her brown eyes locking with your own, staring at you, both in shock, sadness, concern and at last love. ,,Y/N'' she surprisingly gasps, blinking away the shock. ,,Here let me help'' she tries, holding out her hand to you. For a second you have no desire of taking it, but the temptation for even the smallest chance to feel her soft hand again too strong.
Quickly you compose yourself, clearing your throat and trying very hard to ignore the lump in your throat and the way your eyes were about to betray you. You can't help it, taking in her all to familiar features, the soft blonde slightly curled hair, that sweater you adore with the flowers on. However she looks tired, your Delia often looked tired, especially on the weekends after a busy week in the academy, looking after her girls and all the responsibilities on her shoulders. There was something else about the little bags under her eyes and the absence of that sparkle in her brown orbs. ,,I'm so sorry'' you practically blurt out, her eyebrows knitting in confusion at your statement.
,,For um- bumping into you'' you quickly compose yourself. She nods then, her lip doing that little thinking thing she would always do. There is a painful silence, not an awkward one, painful, neither of you being able to find the right words. ,,So - how have you been sweetheart?'' she asks, her eyes searching yours and that's enough. The simple pet name sending waves of heartache and pain all over you, making your heart physically hurt at the damage she just caused. ,,Fine, how about you?'' you quickly reply, wanting to escape this situation as soon as possible. She pauses then for a moment, thinking back to the last year without you. ,,It's been hard'' she truthfully tells you and it takes you by surprise, thinking she wouldn't be honest in this moment.
,,I'm sorry to hear that'' you quickly announce, glancing towards the bus stop to check the time table and hoping it would show up any moment so you could leave. But there is no bus in sight, the timetable too far away for your eyes to be able to read it. ,,How's.. how's Mina?'' you ask, absentmindedly almost. And that's when it hits Cordelia, that same heartache and pain crashing over her features. The way you said her name with such ease, sending moments through her head, little flashbacks of when you used to call your other girlfriend just that. ,,She-'' Cordelia pauses then, unsure what to say, the last year having been a lot of things but easy. ,,She's fine'' the supreme eventually explains, unsure how to explain a year worth of events to you just like that. You simply nod, that being all the confirmation you needed.
,,Y/N I-'' she begins and by the way her voice shakes you know exactly what she is about to do. ,,Delia please don't'' you try, tilting your head a little as you search her eyes. You don't want her to say those words, as she or rather they had said them before. You don't want to go back to that place of heartbreak. ,,I really need to get going, my bus is about to get here'' you compose yourself, tensing your shoulders a little to make your statement any more believable. ,,Y/N I- We miss you, I'm sorry'' she almost whispers the words and your eyes close then, having to force them close in order not to cry in front of her in the middle of the busy streets.
She notices, of course she does, Cordelia always noticed absolutely everything, and she frowns then, feeling bad but she couldn't stop herself, having not seen you in so long and undeniably missing you. It had been hard on all of them, the witches at the coven- who eventually became your friends and family. Wilhemina- the thought of her little one not being around killing her. And so you stand there, surrounded by the busy streets, cars zooming past you, your bus long having left, the sun slowly setting, tears streaming down your eyes, your breath hitching and chin wobbling. The blonde watches in silence, in pain, feeling terrible to open up those wounds again, a part of her wishing she never said those words.
There had always been something about your connection to Cordelia, the quiet love, the silent one where neither of you needed to have big conversations in order to bring your feelings across. And despite it being a year, there is something so painful about seeing her like this. You had often thought about it, maybe bumping into them again, maybe in the summer both of them strolling around the markets, maybe in December, running the annual errands for Christmas at the coven. And each time those thoughts crossed your mind, you saw them happy, healthy almost glowing as they walked beside each other hand in hand. But seeing her so tired and vulnerable and honest caused all that strength and stubbornness about showing your feelings in front of her to fade.
,,Y/N I'm so sorry'' she tries, reaching out to wipe your tears but she stops herself just in time, knowing she has no right to do that anymore, often ridding you of your tears in the past. ,,It's fine Cordelia'' you finally manage to muster up, angrily wiping your tears and stopping your pathetic cries. You take a step back, putting a distance between you two, wanting to go so badly, knowing you had been right here before.
,,I should really get going now'' you announce, averting her gaze and glancing towards the bus stop, sighing in frustration as you notice the last one had left. Of course Cordelia knew, being the supreme and all and so her eyes draw you back towards her. ,,Can I take you home please?'' she almost whispers, biting her lip to hide her own anxiety, despite her voice betraying her. Instinctively, you take another step back, shaking your head no. ,,I don't want you to be stranded here in the dark'' she argues back, her voice soft despite the circumstances. And then it dawns on you, how long the two of you had actually been standing there, despite not a lot of words being exchanged, how you left for the market in the afternoon and it being incredibly late now. You could easily walk, despite that taking about an hour for sure, possibly even calling an uber despite that being expensive and you not being the richest.
The exhaustion from seeing her again, crashes down on you like a tidal wave, drowning you in fatigue and sleepiness. Fighting back a yawn, you meet her eyes, blinking away the exhaustion. ,,Come on, I'm just parked around here'' she tries again and sometimes you hated her stubbornness but you could never say no to her- not your Delia and so without having much of a say, your legs take over and follow the woman, catching a sense of the all too familiar perfume and scent of honey and vanilla- home. Sensing your exhaustion, she opens the door to her car for you, offering to buckle you in but you quickly refused, that definitely being too much and bringing too many memories and flashbacks back.
And so with no words exchanged, she begins driving aimlessly at first until you tell her the address. Her phone must have automatically connected to her car as the screen lights up and an all too familiar song begins playing softly in the background. ,,Landslide'' by Fleetwood Mac. And even that is enough to send aches towards your heart again. The car ride is silent and part of you can't believe you are back in that place. Back in that same car, the same little air freshener you had purchased for her almost two years ago. It's a Yankee candle one, vanilla as it reminded you of her and a part of you wonders in your tired state, why she had kept it as the smell had long given up, needing replacement.
But then just like by some magical force, fate again gives you the answers to your question as the screen lights up, Wilhemina's number on the screen, her name and the contact photo with you, Cordelia and Wilhemina. You remember that day well, the day after your birthday when Delia bought you a little polaroid camera with some films and how for that entire day you went around the academy, collecting glimpses of your favourite places and people, eventually snapping one of the three of you, despite Wilhemina's protests. And then it dawns on you, she hadn't forgotten about you, she hadn't even moved on to begin with. Her face meets yours, quickly declining the phone call, knowing this would be too much for you, hearing her voice again. She plays it cool, humming along to the song as if nothing happened. As if that call and the evidence of the photo didn't just betray her like that. And confirming her statement when she said things had been hard.
It takes about thirty seconds for the screen to light up again and given that you are still a good ten minutes from your apartment, you simply look at her and mutter ,,You can answer it''. She hesitates at first but knowing Wilhemina's impatience and the fact she had said she would only pop out for about an hour to get some things and it now being late and leaving Wilhemina with the academy and all the witches, she answers. ,,Hi honey'' she speaks softly as if nothing is happening as if their shared ex- you- isn't sitting in her car right now. And for some reason that angers you, realistically what do you expect her to say?
,,Is everything alright?'' her voice finally rings through the speaker. And for some reason that breaks you even more, you had missed Cordelia in every way you could miss a person over the last year but Wilhemina? her safe comforting presence? her sternness and the way she would look out for you? you had missed that equally as much. They said forever back then and you almost bought it, you even miss fighting in your old bedroom, breaking dishes when Mina was disappointed and then it dawns on you- you still love them.
,,Yes I'm fine darling, just taking care of something before heading home'' Delia announces, pulling you away from the heartache and back into the present. And for some reason you just wanna blurt into the speaker, ask Cordelia to take you home- truly your home and not the apartment you had been staying at for the past year as your home was them, the academy with your family. ,,Okay be safe'' her voice rings through the car again before the call disconnects. Neither of you speak, the remainder of the drive deadly silent as all you want to do is collapse on your bed and cry yourself to sleep, unsure whether sleep would even be an option tonight. And at the same time, you never want the drive to end, feeling an odd amount of content being with her again, despite it all.
,,It's just here'' you announce, pointing towards the building and as she stops the car, you sigh before collecting your bag and opening the door. ,,Th- Thank you'' you mutter out before exiting her car, not even looking back anymore before practically running inside, banging your apartment door shut and collapsing onto your bed. Her car remains outside of your building for a while, wanting nothing more than to run after you but she needed to get home, despite home not feeling very much like it without you.
The pain is unbearable as you sob heavily into your pillow, her scent somehow still lingering in the air, her voice and words repeating over and over again in your head. You are still confused and you had been for a year, about what had actually happened and you try very hard to convince yourself that this was better, that you are better without them. But the but's are too loud in your mind right now, reminding you of all the reasons you love them, of all the reasons you should go back to them.
Your relationship with Wilhemina and Cordelia started almost fairytale like, you had known both women from the academy, living there for several years after figuring out something about you had always been a little odd and stumbling over the academy in your mid twenties. You had always known Cordelia as the supreme and headmistress, before eventually Wilhemina joined as the supremes helper and secretary, you believed at first. However, it quickly dawned on you that they shared more than that. And you were almost disappointed then, always thinking you and the blonde had some sort of connection. But quickly you learnt their shared interest towards you, Wilhemina chatting unusual much with you and wanting to learn about things from your life. Cordelia unusually interested in helping you with your witch craft, despite having the hang of it by then.
And then slowly it turned into a little more, their eyes following your every move, their hands often lingering on yours, the pet names, the invitations just to have dinner with them rather than everyone else, the walks in the garden with Cordelia, the evening tea dates by the fireplace with Wilhemina. And so slowly they opened their private and sacred little life to you, welcoming you in it without question, never questioning the age gap, never questioning the fact it's one more person than most people allow in a relationship. The matching piece as if you had always been there. But somewhere along the lines, throughout the months slowly turning into years, something wasn't working. In the end they had changed, Wilhemina often very agitated, always having a sterner and colder side but taking it out on you more, almost becoming a little physical with you as the last argument involved her throwing around some dishes in frustration.
Cordelia had surprisingly changed too, the academy always being a priority to her but in that time, she never left her office, often you and Mina tried to coax her out of it but she wouldn't leave, often just spending the nights in her office, leaving the loneliness with you and Wilhemina and also the arguments. You felt like you invaded their perfect life and after some more arguments and harsh words you decided to leave, not wanting to intrude on them anymore, not wanting to be intimidated by their love they have for each other anymore. You doubted your decision so many times, from being so happy with them, your life perfect and having all you ever wanted, to being continuously sick to your stomach with heartache and misery.
As the pain and memories continue to drown you in it's intensity, the supreme had made her way to the academy, finding a worried Mina, noticing her change of demeanour and how tired her shoulder looked as she finally made it back to their bedroom. ,,Honey?'' the redhead tried and then it equally poured out of the blonde, telling her about the encounter with you, causing you to cry, how much she misses you and how bad she feels for driving you away. Wilhemina watches in pain as Cordelia sobs into her shoulder, the mere mention of you, causing that same pained expression on Wilhemina's face it had for a year. And so in full circle the night comes to an end, taking the three of you back to the only thing you know- your relationship.
As Cordelia awakens the next morning, confusion washes over her features finding the usual occupied spot next to her empty, shuffling a little before she feels a pounding headache, causing her to fall back on her pillow, probably due to the crying the night prior. Meanwhile Wilhemina has been up early, not being able to sleep a wink, the memories of you keeping her awake during the night. And then when the morning sun finally filtered through the bedroom, she had decided to take matters into her own hands. And with now trembling hands, she finds herself outside of your apartment. Despite not being a witch, the redhead had her ways of finding out things, never having been at your new adress before and if Cordelia knew the lengths her girlfriend went through to find you, she would be left crying again, instead of the headache causing her to fall back to sleep.
The knocking slowly brings your consciousness back, away from sleep that eventually came, despite being broken. At first you thought it was a dream but as the knocking continues, you slowly rise from bed, almost stumbling and falling over your own feet, before making it to your door and opening it, your mind still asleep almost. As you suddenly take in the glimpse of her, you feel like dreaming, not having seen her for an entire year. And just like Cordelia, she looked tired, the little bags under her eyes all the evidence and by her posture and grip on her cane, you can tell she was nervous. You don't say anything, simply taking in her features, your mind convinced this was just a dream and some trick your mind was playing on you. But you enjoyed it nevertheless, taking in the outfit plastered in lilac, her brown eyes piercing right through you and her mere presence causing for your heart to ache.
,,Mi-na'' you whisper, not even aware of how long you had been standing there or that your eyes are again pouring with tears. ,,Y/N'' she speaks softly, her hand twitching as all she wants to do is wipe your tears, wipe your pain and take you into her arms. ,,May I speak with you?'' she tries softly and as if you are suddenly awaken, you welcome her inside, very grateful that your place was spotless. As you walk towards your living room, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the little mirror in your hallway, quickly adjusting your hair that was still messy from sleep and angrily wiping your tears. And then as she takes a seat across from you, it suddenly dawns on you this was no dream, the same perfume and sense of lavender lingering in the air. ,,Would you like some water? or tea?'' you ask politely but she is quick to decline with a head shake.
Silence follows and while the redhead internally scolds herself for not thinking this through properly and trying to find the right words for while she is actually there, sitting in your apartment, you are drowned in flashbacks. The painful ones, the last ones with them. It had been some hard weeks, the coven under the careful inspection of the council due to some incidents with some younger witches, Wilhemina in especially bad pains due to her back. They didn't appreciate you at the time, simply acting as if you are another witch at the academy, not realising how much you actually made their lives better. And then one thing led to another and the three of you drifted apart, every day ending up in arguments, fights, the worst one when Wilhemina on an especially bad day lost her temper in a bad way with you, the two of you in the kitchen, you pushing her a little too much about her pains and how maybe she needed to see a doctor. Her really not in the mindset to even think or talk about it and eventually taking her anger out on you and the dishes in the kitchen. And when Cordelia practically ran downstairs, it was too late, tears filled in your vision, that face that they both never forgot. That face when you gave up, all the good memories of meeting them, of belonging with them, replaced with bad ones. And despite their efforts, it all fell down and you slipped their grasp.
,,Cordelia mentioned seeing you yesterday'' she finally speaks as she clears her throat. Bringing you right back into the present, the flashbacks slowly fading from your mind.
And you knew how much how she hated this. How Wilhemina really wasn't one to have these kind of conversations and you can't help but wanting to make it easier for her. ,,Is she okay?'' you question, concern lingering on your features, wondering why Mina showed up so early on your doorstep as you catch a glimpse of the clock on your living room wall.
,,She-'' the redhead hesitates then, averting your gaze and glancing out the window.
,,She- We miss you'' she confesses, her statement taking you by surprise.
,,I miss you too Mina'' you confess, a small but painful smile creeping it's way onto your features.
That was enough for her, the simply nickname causing for her heart to ache, eyes to close as she holds back the pain. ,,I'm sorry'' you whisper, tears swelling up in your eyes again as suddenly a wave of regret washes over you. Regret for leaving, for not trying again, for never going back.
,,Would you come back to the academy with me?'' she suddenly asks, again taking you by surprise. ,,We would like to talk to you'' she carries on, noticing your hesitation at first and wanting to confirm her intentions.
And the redhead is unaware that you would have said yes already, despite unsure what she was implying. After seeing them again, all you want to do is lay in their arms. All you want to do is forget about everything and move on with them but you also know it wasn't that easy. And so in response, you simply stare at her, unable to actually bring any words out as your heart simply aches. Your silence worries the redhead, unsure if she made a mistake coming here, opening the old wounds again. However Wilhemina never let you go like that, she had observed quietly from a distance, keeping in touch with some girls from the academy on how you had been doing, where you had moved and what you had been doing in the past year. Wilhemina was stubborn but the true reason for letting you go was she felt like you deserved better, better than her outbursts, better than either of them too busy or stressed to appreciate you. But after hearing Cordelia's words and seeing your state, she doubts whether that was a good idea and whether maybe just maybe she, they, would be better for you.
And as silence continues, she sits there, unsure whether to just leave you alone, whether to just take you into her arms. Her brown eyes meet yours again as your gaze is focused somewhere on a wall, staring into nothingness. ,,I'm sorry Y/N'' is all she whispers before balancing on her cane and walking towards the door, misreading your silence. And then within seconds the door closes and you let her slip away, not running after her, not begging for her forgiveness, not saying yes and and coming back with her. You simply sit in silence, before darkness consumes you and a mixture of sleep and a breakdown washes over you, drowning you.
By the time you wake up, Wilhemina had long ago made her way back to the academy, of course not mentioning any of this to Cordelia. The redhead had a hard time coping with rejection and she couldn't tell her blonde girlfriend how she had gone to see you, not wanting to get her hopes up. The rest of the day Wilhemina spends in silence, sitting at her desk, staring at the little photo frame of the three of you that you had purchased for her for one of her birthdays and she never took it down, occasionally shoving it into her desk drawer when Cordelia would ask about it a little too many times. And as dawn begins breaking over the city, the sky filled with little stars, you suddenly find yourself outside those very familiar black iron gates and an all too familiar white building.
Somehow you woke from your state and your feet took you straight there, without even changing your clothes, without taking anything with you. You had ran, for hours, aimlessly through the rain, through the city until your heart guided you to where you wanted to be. And so, half drenched and out of breath, you stand in front of the front door, contemplating whether to actually knock, your confidence suddenly knocked from you, similar to the breath knocked from your lungs as you gasp for breaths. What if they are busy? What if they aren't even in? What if they didn't want to see you? However your thoughts are drawn out, when Cordelia noticed a presence by the door, just having finished cleaning the kitchen after dinner and her supreme senses alerting her of a presence.
Without a care in the world, she opens the door, exposing you there, your eyes staring at her as you still struggle to catch your breath, your hair and clothes dripping from the pouring rain. ,,Y/N?'' she almost gasps, expecting anyone but you. She had longed for this so long, for you to finally come back to them, after the countless attempts of her calling, texting you, even trying to find your location through her magic within the past year, eventually giving up, thinking they had driven you away. ,,Are you okay sweetheart?'' she questions, her head tiling to the side a little, as she frowns at your state.
,,May I come in?'' you begin, finally having the ability to breathe properly again. ,,That's if- um- you aren't busy'' you ramble on before your own anxiety betrays you ,,I guess- you know- I can come back another time'' you hastily stumble over your words, heart beating loudly against your chest as you think over your decision of coming here. As if your heart had somehow led you there and only now your brain kicking in and telling you this was a mistake and to run.
,,No- please sweetheart, come on in'' she invites, with a gentle warm smile, making all the worries melt away.
And so you step inside, following her as she leads you through the white hallway, past the kitchen and dining room, reminding you of all the times you had cooked together, all the times you had shared meals together. Past the living room, where you catch a glimpse of the sofa and fireplace, your safe space where the three of you spent many evenings and weekends together, in the comfortable embrace of each other. Eventually, she leads you up the stairs, halting in front of Wilhemina's office before she turns back to you.
,,Did you come here to see us? or did you want to talk to me?'' she tries, still thinking Wilhemina and you hadn't seen each other since the year before and worrying what your reaction would be like seeing each other.
,,Both of you'' you quickly explain, a little confused as to why Wilhemina wouldn't have mentioned seeing you this morning. She nods, before gently knocking on the redheads office door, waiting for a faint reply.
,,Come in'' she announces and you stand awkwardly behind Cordelia as she opens the door.
,,Darling, Y/N is here to see us'' she explains, scanning the redheads features, unsure how Wilhemina would react. But to her surprise, Wilhemina's features soften, almost relief painting her face as she sees the frame of you behind the supreme.
Cordelia steps aside, allowing you to enter and so you enter, standing a little awkwardly in her office as a shiver runs down your spine. As soon as Wilhemina's eyes fall on you, you feel embarassed. Your cheeks coated in red, standing there soaked and still a little out of breath.
,,Please, take a seat sweetheart'' Cordelia invites you, pointing towards one of the chairs, opposite the redhead and you comply, grateful to get a chance to sit after wandering through the city aimlessly for hours.
Cordelia notices your shivering form and without a word, she walks to a corner before reaching for a blanket and handing it to you. Your eyes meet hers and you take it with shaky hands, averting your gaze as you wrap it around yourself. ,,How do you two feel about some tea?'' she asks and Wilhemina simply nods gratefully, you simply agreeing as well as the supreme leaves you both for a minute.
The room fills with silence as every corner of this house feels it's haunted, every piece of furniture, every room reminding you of your time at the academy, reminding you of your time with your former girlfriends and the memories you had made with them. And when Wilhemina clears her throat, you suddenly shiver in your chair, pulled back into the present. ,,I- I'm sorry to just show up like this'' you apologise, finding the courage to meet the redheads gaze on you.
,,Nonsense Y/N, you are always welcome here- this is your home'' she suddenly blurts out, her own confusion written over her features as if some invisible force took over and made her say the words, lingering on her mind.
Her statement both surprises you and shoots a pang of guilt straight towards your heart. Silence follows as you glance around her office, noticing that not a lot had changed, other than some new plants, that you assume Cordelia had gotten for her. And when your eyes linger on her desk, you recognise the picture frame, wondering whether the same picture was still in it or whether she had replaced it with one of just her and Cordelia. Thinking of the blonde, she enters the room with a little tray, pot of tea and three cups placed neatly on it. With a smile she begins pouring the three of you and handing you a warm mug, the steam forming patterns as you wrap your hands around it, soaking in the warmth.
After she takes a seat next to you, you somehow feel obligated to speak, explain what you are doing here but your words leave you as you struggle to explain. Cordelia ever perceptive, notices the way neither you or her girlfriend share that same painful first meeting after the breakup experience and she can't help but wonder when the two of you had met again, before it suddenly dawns on her, how Wilhemina had been gone this morning, mysteriously showing up again some time later and hiding in her office all day, not even showing up for dinner with the girls, despite the supreme's best efforts. And when the realisation hits of how Wilhemina had reached out to see you, after breaking down in her arms the night before, it almost brings tears to her eyes.
Cordelia and Wilhemina's eyes meet as they take in your quiet form, your eyes focused on the cup of tea, the two of them deciding without words who would speak first, knowing this must be hard on you and the redheads eyes practically begging the blonde to do this part. And with a nod, the supreme begins to speak ,,I'm- We are so glad you are here'' she reassures as she meets your gaze, your eyes locking with her brown ones. A small smile creeps its way onto your features, slowly giving you the confidence to speak.
,,I'm honestly not sure what I'm doing here'' you admit with a nervous chuckle before glancing at Wilhemina. ,,But after seeing you both again, I just ended up here somehow'' you admit.
,,I'm sorry for the way things went this morning'' you apologise to Wilhemina and then she meets her girlfriends gaze, silently apologising for not filling her in on the events but she is met with nothing but understanding from the blonde.
,,I shouldn't have come by unannounced like that'' the redhead admits, slowly taking a sip from her cup, before gently placing it on her desk. ,,I'm sorry little one'' she adds quietly.
And that's enough, enough to make you falter, pour your heart out in front of them, as the words pour from your mouth, tears equally pouring down your cheeks.
,,I haven't been able to think about anything else other than you two in this past year, I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for not coming back home and I miss you both so much, I'm sorry'' you apologise over and over again.
Their hearts equally break at your statement, Cordelia having missed her little sunshine so much, Wilhemina having missed her little one equally as much, if not even more over the past year.
,,Everything I know brings me back to us, Everywhere I go it leads me back to you'' you admit, almost guiltily as you try and wipe your tears, despite them keep pouring.
,,Sweetheart'' Cordelia finally speaks ,,We have missed you so much'' she explains, Wilhemina's serious expression confirming the blondes statement, making it all the more believable.
And then her hands find yours as she gently places your cup on the desk, taking both of your hands into her own. ,,I owe you an apology'' she begins, tears already lingering in her brown orbs. ,,I didn't make enough time for you.. both'' she admits, glancing at Wilhemina as well.
,,I should have never let the academy get between us three'' she finishes, tears now flowing down her cheeks and for some reason you feel the urge to wipe them away but something holds you back.
,,I- I should have reached out to you more, tried to get you to come back to us but at the time I thought it was for the best but in these last few months I have missed you so much. This is your home, you belong here'' she explains, squeezing your hands a little tighter to underline the honesty in her statement.
Wilhemina watches in silence, waiting for Cordelia to finish her apology. She takes a deep breath, her hand gripping tighter around her cane before she speaks ,,I'm sorry too little one''. And that's all she can say for the time being, but you know it came from her heart as those words must have already taken a lot. And so in silence, the three of you sit, the only sound to be heard the silence of the academy and occassional shuffling from some witches downstairs. And with their questioning gazes, you know the question lingering on their minds, but somehow a sense of doubt washes over you, filled with some anxiety. Right now, you can't imagine simply going back to how things were and a part of you doubts that could ever happen again, you worry about your dynamics and how it might have changed even between them in the past year.
,,I don't know what you want sweetheart, but we will always be right here for you'' she reassures and with that statement she makes you doubt again, whether to just falter, forget about the past and move on with them.
And then some invisible force takes over again as exhaustion from the past two days suddenly hit you, causing you to go incredibly quiet and with knowing glances the two of them remember quite well what you are like, whenever you are tired. ,,Are you tired sweetie?'' Cordelia tries and you try and snap yourself out of the sleepiness, blinking some of it away, causing their heart to swell up with love as they see you so tired and adorable. ,,Um yeah'' you shily admit, before Cordelia gives you a little smile.
,,Why don't you stay the night?'' she offers but your heart instantly sinks at her offer. ,,Your old room is still free'' she admits and it swells your heart when you hear they kept it for all these years, despite eventually sharing Cordelia's bedroom with them. And in the blink of an eye, the blonde takes you to your old room, leaving you some warm and dry clothes on the bed, before bringing you some water and leaving you to rest. And after changing, you finally collapse on your bed, unable to think much more about the past or current events and sleep knocks you out gently, guiding you towards dreams softly.
After a while, the two of them settle into bed as well, Cordelia glancing at her girlfriend before whispering ,,What do you think?'' her own anxiety betraying her a little bit. ,,I'm just glad our little one is home where she belongs'' the redhead replies, before pressing a kiss to the supremes forehead and sleep equally greeting them.
It's the middle of the night when you finally wake up from sleep, confused at first at the familiar but unfamiliar surroundings at the same time. Slowly memories from the previous night fill your mind and after blinking the sleep away, you sit up in bed, wrapping the blanket a little closer around you as you notice the change of clothes and Cordelia's soft smell lingering on the clothes she had given you. Glancing around your old bedroom, you notice how empty it was, considering you took all of your belongings to their bedroom in the end, however you notice a stack of something on the desk in the corner and your curiosity gets a hold of you. With slow and gentle steps you walk towards it, the little lamp in the corner that Cordelia had kept on for you, providing you with some light. On the desk you find a stack of letters, neatly wrapped in a purple ribbon and you can't help but take a seat and slowly remove the ribbon before opening some letters.
And with the first one your eyes are already lingering with tears, recognising Wilhemina's handwriting.
,,Dear little one,
Today it's Christmas, our first one without you. As you probably know, I'm not big on these things but seeing Cordelia so sad today, made me miss you even more. I hope that wherever you are, you are happier now, celebrating Christmas with people that love and cherish you. Who are grateful for all the little things you do, who love the little things about you. Your adorable smile, how shy you can be at times but realising how big your heart truly is. It pained me, not being able to see your face light up today when everyone unwrapped their presents, missing how truly grateful you are for whatever you are given. It's almost been a year and not a day goes by where I don't miss you, where Cordelia doesn't cry, where I hate myself for driving you away. I miss you little one, I'm sorry.
And with each letter, each confession, tears pour from your eyes, eventually turning into sobs, despite trying to contain them. You knew Wilhemina was never big on words but seeing her emotions so raw and honest touches you deeply. And suddenly you feel the urge to run to them, to hug them, to apologise and to love them again. You already loved them of course, you had never stopped but you needed to tell them, needed to forget about everything that happened and simply move on with them. And this time, nothing holds you back as you make your way past the hallway, not caring about the time as you find yourself outside of their bedroom. And again fate decides to help you out, as both of them had woken a while ago, Cordelia laying in silence as thoughts fill her mind, trying to figure out what to do and how to fix this, Wilhemina equally awake, finding it strange to have you so close, yet so far away. And they both heard shuffling, your door opening and slow but hushed steps walking towards their door before stopping.
At first Cordelia had thought, it may be one of the girls simply going to the bathroom but seeing a little shadow from underneath the door, she is quickly up on her feet, ready to investigate. Wilhemina equally behind her as she suddenly felt the urge to check on you. And so as the door opens, it all comes full circle, the light from the hallway exposing your crying form, a look filled with guilt, longing on your features. ,,Little one are you okay?'' Wilhemina questions quietly, standing behind the supreme but you don't say anything, simply lunging forward and taking the blonde into your arms, holding onto her for dear life as if she was going to slip away again at any moment. Wilhemina watches in silence as the two of you basically collapse into each other's arms, crying into each other and healing. But you feel the urge to pull away, standing in front of Wilhemina with tears in your eyes, your gaze meeting hers.
,,Mina I-'' you try but she is quick to shush you ,,Come here'' she ushers and you quickly comply, holding onto the redhead. And as the night continues, the three of you eventually find yourself truly where you belong, in their bed, you sitting in the middle, both of them next to you while you hold onto each other. Slowly admitting everything to each other, apologising and confessing all the mistakes and your love for each other.
,,We love you little one'' Wilhemina confesses as her lips slowly draw towards yours and capture you in a kiss. And as her lips softly land on your own, you taste tears, but not just your own, for one of the rare times, the redhead sharing her emotions, grateful to have you back with them. ,,We won't ever let you slip away again sweetie, I promise'' Cordelia reassures after the two of you pull away, needing oxygen, as she snuggles into your side. And eventually, everything goes back to normal, the three of you laying in each other's arms. And despite the future unknown a little, a lot of conversation still needing to be held, for now you all know that you have missed each other and you are sorry.
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jaydizzel2844 · 11 months
Marie x Jordan Drabble
No 2.
“Hey Emma,” Marie said as she met the blonde out in the courtyard after her lectures.
“Sup, you heading back to the dorms?” She asked as she struggled to get her folders and notes into her backpack without dropping her Turbo Rush can.
“Yep” Marie said quickly taking the can out of her hand before it spilled everywhere.
As they entered the dorm building Marie’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled the phone out and unlocked it, the motion was a bit awkward she was still getting used to having a smartphone.
“Emma would it be cool if I went to Jordan’s instead?” She asked, reading the message.
“Sure, you get a booty call?”
“No. Well maybe… Jordan’s just asking me to come over so it could be that or they’re sad and want cuddles. “ Marie paused “don’t tell anyone that last bit”
“What that Jordan Li is a secret softy who likes cuddles? Don’t worry my lips are sealed. Best friend confidentially. “
“Which one do you think it is, horny Jordan or sad Jordan?” Emma asked as they got into the elevator pressing the buttons for their floor and Jordan’s.
“The second one I think. They were expecting a call from their parents.”
“Shit one, hey can I message you for cuddles when my mom calls me?”
“Sure if I’m not busy with Jordan.”
“Fair enough, I’ll make sure to coordinate with them,” the elevator doors opened at Jordan’s floor “see ya later”
Jordan opens their dorm room door in femme form wearing sweatpants, a wife pleaser and a frown on their face.
Sad Jordan it is, Marie was right.
“Hey” she said softly “wanna get into bed and watch Property Brothers?”
Jordan nodded and flopped onto the bed, curling up into a ball.
Marie quickly took off her shoes and jeans and got into bed behind them, pulling their smaller form into her arms.
The two of them stayed curled up together in silence for awhile before Jordan turned around in her arms and buried their face in her neck.
“The call didn’t even go that bad. I shouldn’t feel this shit. “ they mumbled into her skin.
“It’s ok to feel sad about the way things are with your parents.” Marie said bringing her hand up to run through Jordan’s hair.
“Yeah, it’s just I was telling them about how my ratings had gone up to third place and about you and it was going great. Then my dad asked if I was being a gentleman with you and I said of course I’m a gentleman and he got all weirdly excited cuz I referred to myself as a man. Which he always does, it’s so annoying. I tried to explain that I don’t really see gentlemen as a gendered term but my mom changed the subject. It just sucks. “
Marie gives them a squeeze and a kiss on the forehead.
“Yes it does “
Jordan nuzzles into Marie as their hands start to wander, clearly perking up after getting all that out.
“So you’re a gentleman?” Marie asks in a teasing tone.
“Yeah, I like open doors for you and shit.”
“That’s true, you do briefly remove your hand from my ass to open the door for me. It’s very gentlemanly.”
“Hey.” Jordan exclaimed as they leaned back to look Marie in the eyes. “My hands arnt always on your ass.”
“Jordan your hand is on my ass right now.”
Jordan blushed furiously as they pulled back the hand that was unconsciously copping a feel and mumbled something about putting on a Property Brothers episode.
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you're losing me (four) | am. targaryen and j. velaryon
Description: The awkward family and friends dinner continue. Rhaenyra tries to prod deeper into your relationship with her brother. Rating: General Audiences Author's Note: I didn't expect this series to last longer than 3 installments. Might reach longer than 5 or 7, but I'll keep the chapters light. part three
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Jace watches as the waiters began to serve their food. It was gourmet of course, prepared solely for the guests' enjoyment. You couldn't help but feel out of place - an imposter crawling into the inner circles of the upper echelon. "I'm vegan, I'm sorry - I can't eat this." you whisper, declining the wagyu steak in front of you. It looked delicious, but there was no way in hell that you were eating meat.
"Really? Aemond was the one who confirmed the meal samples?" Rhaenyra raised her voice, saddened since she was the one that planned the party. "Oh, he didn't know." you smile, and the waiter places the food back on the tray. "How long have you known each other?" Jace speaks, swirling the wine on his glass.
The first thing that couples do before knowing each other - is going on a date, and if you've been on a date with him countless of times - wouldn't Aemond know about your certain likes or dislikes?
"A year." Aemond answers, flashing you a sorry smile. " - and you can have my food, it doesn't have any meat." he smiles, quickly placing his plate on your table-mat. "Thank you." you mumble, and he motions for the waiter to bring the steak back and to give it to him.
Jacaerys' eyebrows raised in intrigue. A year and his uncle knew nothing about you. Aemond didn't know that your eyebrows bumped into each other when you were worried. He didn't know that your favorite game was Mario Kart even though you sucked at it. He was losing you to a man that hardly knew you - and he could do nothing but watch. "Where did you meet?" Lucerys pipes, realizing that drama was about to go down.
"At a hotel room garden," Aemond smiled - staring at you with stars in his eyes. He looked at you with all the warmth that he could muster. He was a magnetic force of a man. "I wanted to grab a picture for Helaena, but she grabbed my heart." he placed a hand on your chair, a coy smile on his face.
Alicent smiles at the both of you - a look of adoration on her face. Her son has fallen in love with a wonderful woman. "When are you getting married?" she inquired, joyous at the thought of grandbabies. "Soon, somewhere around May or August." you answered. You were staring deep into his eyes - convincing yourself that you were doing this to free yourself from debt, and that you weren't actually in love with Aemond Targaryen. "This year?" Jace choked.
"Of course, the good ones never wait." Aemond smirked.
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Jace finally has you alone.
You were standing on the balcony - with another glass of wine on your hand. The dress that you were wearing was slightly wrinkled, the ring on your finger was beginning to slip. He knows that this is the only chance that he'll be given - and he's taking it.
"Are you sure?" he opened his mouth, leaning on the balcony rails. This wasn't how he imagined it to turn out - you were his sacred new beginning, his sweet nothing, but now - you were his hoax.
"Sure about what?" you asked with a hoarse voice.
What the fuck did you get into?
"My uncle." he responded plainly, looking for something hidden in your eyes. Was it too far gone to bring back to life? Did you win the battle but lose the war? "He's the only thing I'm sure of nowadays, Jace." you answer - he could hear a tinge of sadness in your voice. You were hiding something and it wasn't his place to ask any questions. He takes a deep breath.
His biggest regret - standing in front of him. "I'm sorry," he apologized - and your eyebrows merged into each other. "Sorry for what?" you asked, playing with the rim of the glass. "I'm sorry for chasing fame - when I should've been happy with what I had. In another life, maybe - I'll love you, and you'll still love me back." he chuckled, slowly walking out of the balcony - completely oblivious of the man leaning on the door and eavesdropping on your conversation.
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scammerui streets are saying that aemond targaryen (new dad) and j*ce velaryon are related. 😄 Y/N is a family hopper? IDGAF I STILL SUPPORT HER #SueMe
arthurmenchie: If my bf was related to a hot/rich/tall specimen like aemond targaryen, i'd family hop too 😳 also @ynwebster confirm this boo. - ynwebster: (source, wikipedia but put into terms that we can understand) Aemond is J*ce's uncle, they're related through his mom (Rhaenyra Targaryen) xxx ynwebster OUT
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Aemond smiled at you with a drunken stare. He was evidently tired from all of the mingling and talking, but he still managed to escort you into the safety of his car. There was silence between the both of you. None daring to move or make a sound. He slumps on the backseat. Popping a small mint into his mouth.
You help him unbutton his suit, freeing his chest from the tightness. His smile deepens - staring deep into your eyes. "You're my best friend." he states - slurring though his words due to the amount of wine that he consumed. Your eyes widen slowly. He was in love. The drunken smile continues to paint his mouth, until he falls asleep on the drive home.
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(your first name): here's to forever and more.
89,123 comments 3,128,801 likes
jacintarobinhood: "I wanna teach you how forever feels like," is not for Jack-in-a-box because it's for Aemond now 😭 - bananashake44: You mean Aemond Targaryen; born in Nairobi, Kenya who beat Jacaerys for the spot as President of Fire and Blood Corporations using equal machinery Aemond Targaryen? 🤘🏽 - technobrat61: I think you mean, Aemond Targaryen who was raised in Monte-Carlo and founder of his own corporation Aemond Targaryen. 💪🏽😳 - (your first name): is there a meme about him now? i don't get it
part five
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@glame @xcinnamonmalfoyx @winxchesters @yentroucnagol @hotchnerswife @mxxny-lupin @joliettes @kemillyfreitas @mxtantrights @urmomsgirlfriend1 @kravitzwhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @introverbatim @flrboyd @kemillyfreitas
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lemotmo · 1 month
Can we talk about how awkward it’s going to be when buck breaks up with t*my and dates Eddie?
I don’t see people bringing this up so often but t*mmy is also eddie’s friend, someone that likes the same things as him and has a lot of things in common.
It kinda makes me sad if they end up breaking that friendship because they work as friends and Eddie deserves to have someone that understands the same things as him (something him and buck don’t have a lot in common and that’s fine but it’s true)
And if that DOES happen I wonder how they’re going to do it, I kinda feel bad for t*my now :/ he’s going to be left without a boyfriend or a best friend 🥲
And this is coming from someone that ships buddie and doesn’t like t*mmy and buck together. But rewatching the show again it made me feel kinda bad for him tbh. That will quickly go away once buddie gets canon tho so, but still it’s a beautiful friendship
Hi Nonny!
There will be no awkwardness. You know why? Because Tommy will probably never be mentioned again.
Tommy was a plot device to help Buck out of the closet. But at the same time the writers wanted the audience to see and realise that none of this was really about Tommy himself, but about Tommy stealing Eddie away from Buck.
So they conveniently set Eddie up with Tommy for them to bond and become friends. They did this in one single episode. Eddie never even mentioned Tommy or his friendship with Tommy again in any other episode. In fact, he was pretty hostile towards Tommy in the bachelor's party episode.
As soon as Buddie happens, there will be no more need for Tommy as a plot device, so he will disappear and never be mentioned again. He might show up again in a later season to help in a rescue, but as far as his bond with Eddie? It will be as if it never even existed.
I'll be honest here and I have to ask the question:
Where do you see this beautiful friendship between Eddie and Tommy? We only see a small glimpse of it in episode 7x04. Eddie talks about Tommy and him doing stuff together sure, but they never showed it. So I really don't see a beautiful friendship here. They needed these two to be friends in order for the bi Buck plot to work out. So they made them friends. But there is no build up or focus on this friendship at all.
Eddie has a beautiful friendship with Hen, Chim, Bobby and Buck. He also, canonically, has poker friends and basketball friends. I think he'll manage just fine without Tommy.
As for Tommy? I hardly doubt that Eddie suddenly is his best friend after they hang out a few times. And I'm sorry, but I can't and won't feel sorry for Tommy losing his (maybe) boyfriend and friend. He has been in 6 scenes or something in season 7. They were hardly dating. I'm sure Tommy will be fine. And since I don't expect to even see him again after the break up, I don't think we have to worry about him anymore.
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Yep, that's more or less the general consensus in the Buddie fandom.
This is also the reason why we shouldn't be too concerned about what happens after the break up. What happens to Tommy or to the Tommy & Eddie friendship isn't the point here. Tommy is used as a ploy to make Buddie happen. That is the point.
Have a great day Nonny!
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
Dp x Dc Prompt #3.1: Death Day
I've read plenty of fanfics about Danny's reaction towards his Death Day, so I wanted to talk about the possibilities about what could happen if either possibilities happened.
Party Death Day. It was a normal day for the League and Phantom has been apart of their group for some time now. Sure, they don't know everything about the young hero, but they seem to be making progress. Then, one day, they noticed all of the ghosts. It was during a Justice League meeting, one of the few that Phantom has joined the league on and everyone was getting used to him being around. Then out of nowhere, a ghost appeared. In their hideout that they believed to be untraceable. That, was something Bruce was going to go over later to make sure it doesn't happen again. Before they could grab their barings to try and possibly help Phantom deal with the ghost (Ghosts were his thing after all, they didn't know how to deal with ghosts like he did. But if he needed any assistance, they'd be ready to help.) But instead of attacking, the ghost gave Phantom a...present? Before the Justice League could do anything, the ghost disappeared as quickly as they arrived. And Phantom was seemingly unmoved by it. So, the League left it alone for now. Perhaps it was one of those friendly ghosts that Phantom told them about. The League was fine to leave it there if Phantom didn't mention it. But, it just...kept....happening. By the end of the meeting, another ghost had popped up and gave Phantom a present. Another popped up while Phantom and Green Lantern were speaking. And another while watching the younger justice league members train (Scared them all to death as well). The League was curious as to what was going on, but no one wanted to be one to ask. But Batman was at his breaking point and was the first to ask (Like always, really). The answer shocked them. "Oh that? They do that all the time for my Death Day." Silence was what followed his response, as the Justice League tried to process what they learned. Phantom has told them very little about ghost culture, other than refraining from asking how a ghost died and not to ask about their obsessions, they knew next to nothing about what they did. Let alone what they celebrated. Some of the heroes were a bit awkward with the ordeal. Of course they were curious as to why ghosts celebrated such a thing, but they didn't want to be rude. Though, it did remind them that their teammate was a dead teen. A teen who has died and became the Ghost King through means that would be impossible for anyone else. And this was the day that he died. There were some who were heartbroken by the thought. Wonder Woman was close to tears at the thought, and Flash was too though he wouldn't admit it. Batman mourned for the child lost. Yes, even as a ghost, Phantom was still a boy, no matter what he went through. He was too young to be celebrating the day he died. Superman thought the same: a child that died so young and had to spend his afterlife fighting beings they couldn't. It seemed unfair in his eyes that he had to do that in the first place. Phantom was of course, awkward about the various responses from the Justice League, trying to brush it off about it being no big deal, even if it was to the ghost world. Yes, it was weird for him to bring up his death day this way, but he didn't want them to be sad over it. It has been like this for a while. Thankfully, in Phantom's point of view, he had to leave to head back to Amity for his nightly rounds. So with a quick goodbye Phantom, and his gifts, left the Watchtower without another word. The Justice League were left to think over what they learned. To mourn the child who had to die to become the hero, and to possibly remember the date so that they will remember it next year. But of course, such a sombre attitude, had to be ruined by someone. "What kind of present do you get a ghost?" Flash asked in scepticism.
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candy8448 · 1 month
The final meshi
(reading the final chapters for the first time)
(Previous post)
Man chapter 95 make me wanna cry
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So much father daughter bonding energy here
I love chilchuck so much
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I love how everyone just misunderstands the question XD
I also lodt how marcille is fine with her fate and is like "yay besties!" With the elves who are gonna imprison her, lol
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Man these pages are gonna make me cry i love them so so so much.
I like how marcille learns that she can't make everyone's lifespans longer just like that so she learned what she had been doing this whole story because of senshi and the others 😭
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Chapter 95 is probably my favorite of these final chapters, it gives us a final impression of all the main cast and what's changed about them.
That last pannel makes me go ajsgskaahaba
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This reminds me of that one pannel of chilchuck i keep seeing
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Even at the end of the manga, kui brings uo interesting things to think about in her world, such as what does chimera meat contain? Would some ingredients be toxic to other races?
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Marcille blushing so much at eating her girlfriend XD
Also i heard so much about chilchuck doing marcille's hair and i thought that maybe it would be a few pages long. I really wanted a bonding between them especially since they've been at eachother's thoats the entire series, but alas, its one page and i was slightly dissapointed. I was hoping we at least got one pannel where we see chilchuck doing her hair
(Dadchuck :D)
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Dang im gonna cry again :(
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Ive never been so sad to see one of these end notes
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Ahh!! this chapter page looks so nice !!
Also dadchuck vibes (im so sorry i keep mentioning it, but i just cannot stop seeing it)
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XD i love the "*please don't acctually do this"
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Also that first pannel on that second page looks so good
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Oooh the first page is so cool
And the second page is so cute!! 💖
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This is hilarious XD: falin's nice greeting, shuro's blush, namari's awkwardness, chilchuck's disgust and marcille's pure, hatered filled deadpan.
(Also like how its just characters from laios' first party)
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Sigh... like brother, like sister
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This pannel is a wonderous piece of art
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ahh dungeon food... delicious in dungeon
I love this series so much, its probably one of my favorites and im so sad to see it go. Totally buying the adventurer's guide once i can buy it (i want to have something physical from this series) so there may be anther post or two of these but that will be after probably a long while
Final thoughts:
But i love kui's detail in her world and characters, there is so much depth and questions in every corner to develop further. The story was syper engaging and i loved every step of the way. I was told that this series was goofy but then goes super serious for the rest, but it actually did an amazing job at switching between comedy and seriousness quickly but im a way that seems completely natural. (I also adore the art style)
She also did an amazing job at making me interested in ALL of the characters. Usually in series they introduce so many characters all of a sudden and dont develop them that well at all, but still expect me to be invested in them, so the series remains just have a ton of scenes of these new characters interacting but are so shallow that i skim super quickly over them, and then i fall out of love with the entire series as a whole and have to drop it because im getting bored, but kuo manages to keep me invested with every character introduced, so im invested in them almost as much as the main cast and love them all (also the character designs are all super creative. You probably saw those posts where people say you cant play the "find the main cast game" with dunmeshi because of how great the designs are.
Man this is such a good series
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