#-> because people change! aint that fucking wild.....
istherewifiinhell · 2 years
i will post funneys later but really trying to. brain out. the like. oh we are both people and as we grow and change and interact with the world the way we interact can be changed. FOR THE BETTER. ness. wild shit. u_u.
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dearmagenta · 1 year
I hate the fact that Quackity at least setted up his community for this, all of us knew that he'sworking on big project. He have something like purpose of this server. Its not pointless at wery last because we all knew that Quackity a guy who wanted his culture being learnt at both of the sides, its not a secret. He wanted for people to interact with eachother and learn things the hard but funny way of it and people was not randomly chosen. He tried and put all esp and eng mcyts He Knew Would Be A Good Choice together and we have something interesting and fun! Way to go Quackity i trust you with culture sharing! And then there's a wild Dream spawns like a fucking annoying child taking away the idea without any sence to it. Why Dream so SUDDENLY wants people of languages to communicate while he never ever fucked about other country's mcyt people or cultures even NOW ("i like to beat people cuz im russian" eh? kill yourself. Maybe im a bit snowflake for joke like that and but you cant say that you want people connect with eachother and pretend friendly AND then put this shit in the video like its a normal joke for theese times.) . It just doesn't make any sence? And mode? Are seriously thinking its mode? Are you Really thinking this mode working on realtime in the video? Ah yes, sure, without any accent all those people learnt multiple languages and changed voices? Have you ever heard Sapnap talking like that? This itsy-bitsy voice? Im aint joking this shit is a big made up and i really wished its late-time april fools jike but its NOT It just FEELS like spit on Quackity's and his work and his communities face, especially after "its FIRST multilingual server" Like it doesn't big qsmp event in few hours and like it doesnt qsmp even existing.
I dont give a shit about dream and i dont give a shit about any of his doings. He's boring to me so i never watched him and never been interested in dsmp untill Las Nevadas arc cuz Dream's arc was boring as fuck
But i watch Quackity. I like his content. He deserves to be watched and he put some effort in his projects. He doing it not for some hype but for something he wants to exist. Its something about respect. And then someone overrated shitlike dumb greenish puker comes and say "um yeah thats not like i paying attention or respect someones efforts" i drew the fucking line.
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messmersflame · 2 years
now accusing anyone who messages u in support of being a message u sent to urself spreading "lies". and tumblr is so messed up blocking him doesn't do any good bc he just makes a fake account to stalk u like he does everyone else who calls him out. couldn't even blink before he'd stalked up and reposted that last one.
he says everyone else is mean to him but has been directly responsible for people being bullied off tumblr because of the group of bigots he surrounds himself with, who patently insist they're not bigots because everyone else is the bigot or the other people's opinions aren't real.
i feel real bad for the situation he's in bc like no one should live in that kind of home situation ever but it's hard to continue to want to continue to give aid to someone who spreads so much hate and misinformation.
hope u stop getting harrassed. u aren't the first person he's done this to and u won't be the last unless he changes, sadly.
well that's wild considering before this, we got along p well and he was very much aware of the shit i'd have said to me and my friends.
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yes it is definitely me sending this to myself and my friends. /s
i hope he learns to realise that as the 30 yr old it is in fact my responsibility to try and educate or correct thinking that is bigoted or unhealthy that is seen in younger ppl, which is why i did it in the first place.
it's pretty fucking disturbing that instead of being like 'they that's fucked up im sorry ppl that defend me are doing this', he's uh. doing whatever it is he's doing. idk i'm not gonna go look at his blog.
sure hope he finds himself around other adults that arent blatantly cryptoterfs or just plain old evil bigots bc it aint my responsibility any more.
im sorry youve had bad interactions with him as well, and im generally just really disappointed in him.
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thenixkat · 3 months
Dr. Alchemy stole the promethium as a power source
again why was the promethium being turned into armor plating and not being used as free infinite energy source
also if you have the fucking philosopher's stone why the fuck are you wasting yer time on petty villainy and not converting base metals into precious metals and being rich?
Oh this alchemist is a Flash villain.
local secretary's plot is ongoing. Also, these are not small and unnoticeable things that her uncle is having her steal.
this ted kord is also an ex-smoker who'd rather folks not around him. I will assume that his time smoking did not have good effects on his cardiovascular health
it's almost like absorbing radiation and magic rock that changes stuff into other stuff was a bad idea
also man wouldn't it be wild if Slade/Deathstroke just dropped dead one day from super cancer
oh hey its Vic.
that's 2 villains thus far this run that died b4 beetle could catch/defeat them. Firefist and Dr. Alchemy dead from their own shit with the Madmen getting defeated and arrested.
hey, free philosopher's stone. take a chunk beetle, free transmutations of materials are a great way to save money
of course the ethical thing to do would be to see if dude's still alive and cure him if possible
Next issue the Question is investigating the Blue Beetle
why do so many of the white people in this have blue eyes?? I know its not that common
local youth gang has been causing a ruckus. They're backed by someone bigger than them. Beetle chases down their car with the Bug
oh hey the Bug's head still rotates. Nice. That has been my issue with the newer designs for her that make her so completely squat/round. She's supposed to be able to twist her body to fit in narrow places
local rich ass mafia angry that local street toughs keep robbing their fronts
oh hey Vic/The Question doing detective work and not torturing people for information unlike some detective heroes
damn ted, sometimes the bad guys get lucky it be like that
Ted, it's been years yer thoughts about Dan and yer guilt are not healthy
damn papa Kord really went on a dig years ago and aint said shit to Ted since. Sir, yer dad doesn't like you
i personally likely won't go with Ted was the one who built up the fortune yo ho bootstraps and shit. Several generations of built-up wealth from an ancestor doing shady shady shit makes more sense with the billionaire angle and I don't care for that bootstraps industrialist shit
especially if we're not supposed to see Ted as a villain given the kinds of shit ya gotta do to get billions
also really fucking wild that papa Kord really straight up ditched the family and Ted hasn't caught on yet
like yer approaching the conclusion but not quite reaching it dude
also like if papa kord didn't give a shit about the company and would rather play archeologist and Uncle Jarvis clearly was doing his own thing b4 Ted was old enough to take over the funds from the company had to come from somewhere and generational wealth makes more sense
Ted tortures local punk for info by threatening to drop him from the sky. Bad Ted, bad superhero. Also again this man is strong as hell, supporting both of their weights by one arm
I do still think that the Gestion has one of the better disguises among superheroes. Dyes his outfit and hair, the very distracting facelessness
Beetle and Question work well together. Very much banter building off each other
this version of the Bug doesn't have any passenger seats yet b/c Beetle's been a solo act
the Beetle's chair in the Bug is mechanized and rolls itself to the different stations in the Bug. Ted can just sit back and relax
The Question really just fucking jumped out of the Bug with zero safety lines or equipment or anything just because he wanted to look cool in front of Blue Beetle. Sir!
Damn, Vic whole ass called his supervisor a narrowminded bigot right to his face
again i dislike the whole no one can know Ted's secret not even hsi lover that this version is doing. Like, its just dull
why is there a gang in this city that's literally just normal businessmen? See, Ted, this is why you should go after white-collar crime too
Ted actually does ram the Bug into the building to buy enough time for him and Vic to untie themselves
well Ted's just that fucking flexible to bring his arms tied behind him to be in front of him by…jumping backwards through his own arms
Local nerd is extremely buff and flexible and i guess that's part of why his girlfriend is all over him
the baby bug has a name now, Snoopy. Its gonna spy on the local gangs
Snoopy has at least a dozen siblings
the Bug has secret jet engines under the shell of its wings for going fast
if I'm remembering right her top speed is like 600 mph
ALso that's 3 dead villians now. From their own shit.
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In some arguments the basic ideas and state of facts of the parties are so different that arguing would be pointless. Like what am I gonna do, explain that the whole thing is insane medical malpractice? Sry but even if the reason the guy was targeted is that he was j-- it's not gonna change the fact that he was a eugenicist. The concept of gender identity didn't even exist back then, but sure. Also like - my dude even if you accuse me of things that doesn't make them true. I know my views fairly well and if you even have to clarify that you wanted to accuse me of sth different but you cant bc I gave the definiton before, then like. I'm not taking a word you say seriously. If the worst thing doesn't work bc of that then I'm not taking you srls just bc u used the second worst thing you could think of.
The historical revisionism is wild. Tw were not targeted for their 'gender identity' but for the fact that they were -generally correctly- assumed to be gay men. That one reply killed me - they wrongly assumed he was a gay man and killed him for that. My dude the killing him was obv wrong but the assumption was correct. They want special victimhood so bad and for some reason it's prohibited to even fucking question whether any of their shit makes any sense. Literally parroting homophobic eugenicist bullshit and no idea. This will be a massive medical malpractice scandal in sth like 10-20 years and then they will come out like 'wow how could anyone think this was a good idea with those roots' and we can only hope history hasn't been revised so much that we can't find the truth anymore by that point. This idea that the 'progressive' take must be to moral and soon-to-be-proven-correct one is so goddamn harmful. We're gonna run into this soon because of multiple topics. Sometimes new ideas are wrong. Or based on terrible science. Or a nice idea that just turns out not to work. Left doesn't equal correct, it's a political ideology and nothing more.
The current sucking up in particular to tras feels like a fever dream. Sure, we'll ignore reality :) whatever :) you want us to say this? Sure we will! Sources? Well, if you read them in this one specific way that's totally unnatural then you will see that we have one :) maybe two if you redefine a word :)
Not looking forward to the fallout of this for ssa people. Considering we're kind of a victim of this id think this wouldnt be a problem but the general public aint smart.
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awriternamedart · 1 year
hello welcome back to arts writing advice/tangent on writing from someone whos not professional but has been writing stories for as long as ive been able to write stories so buckle up were bout to get wild in this bitch-
today were talking about paragraphs and grammer (yay)(yes they go hand in hand)
yes i know i dont have alot of ground but these are mostly just little things I cling onto when writing that sort of define my style and how i write so here we gO-
no one is going to read this and thats ok lmao
paragraphs. lovely, lovely paragraphs.
Paragraphs are cuts, scenes, clips, idk whatever you word you use for a short snippet in media before cutting to a different one. They are not meant to linger and hold out, unless it is crucial its done in one paragraph for effect or something.
in that case you might wanna rethink how you do that kinda thing cause chief it aint cookin, probably.
No, paragraphs are the defining structure, the skeleton for the words to hang off of. They need to be individual but able to work as a whole, never stepping into anothers job unless compesation is needed.
This is where grammer kicks in. i am a firm believer that paragraphs are apart of the grammer structure that is woefully overlooked because we were taught to write essays, not stories, therefore you needed a professional uniform look to fit into the curiculum or however you spell it.
But stories arent essays, and therefore, we can fuck with academic grammer structure for a bit!
wait, what is a break in a paragraph? well its the little space thingy that goes between paragraphs. thats the break, there you go.
A break of a paragraph happens when an example of things happens:
the metaphorical camera moves
someone else talks
dialog starts
a different person starts movin
the focus changes
now you are probably going 'well thats fine and dandy but this list is so small" and to you my fine people, I say this is because these are examples in case you missed that
All of these actions that are being highlighted, actions that are the focus. The paragraph breaks when the action of focus changes. Whether its dialog, a conversation, a fight scene, a sex scene, a change in scenery, an emotional change, an emotional conflict, no matter what it is, if the action of focus changes, the paragraph breaks.
let me give you a few examples to help empathise this point!
oh wait.
already have.
Ive structured this entire tanger like i structure my stories, feel free to study away.
Obviously, there can be flexibility and stylistic choices made about how you chose to break your paragraphs, but stringing them all together can make the reader feel strangled. Choked, even.
And while some of you might be into that, there are others who arent and we should accomadate for both. Feel free to study and nitpick and destroy all sense of pride i have in my writing, and remember that we all die someday so just do what you like and let others live comfortably
farewell i think
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cloama · 1 year
Misplaced aggression is so wild to me bc it is pointless and a time waster, especially when pointed at someone like me. I been doing the same bpd workbook since I was 15. You cannot try to handle me in a way that won't leave you looking foolish to anyone overhearing our exchanges.
But I will say I'm getting tired of coping with cruelty.
Never having caught covid, I feel like the only sober person at a kegger sometimes. Like did Covid melt everyone's brains. Is everyone struggling to cope? Something has changed. People are outwardly horrible. Without sounding ableist i can only compare it to what happens when seniors show symptoms of Alzheimers. Some become aggressive when that's not that natural demeanor. I am seeing this happen to people who I know have had multiple covid infections. Couple that with the price of living doubling overnight and people are just not doing well.
That bit aside. Shit aint curling all the way over for me myself personally in having to deal with all y'all. People keep trying to be cruel to me. Trying. Not succeeding. And I know why they try. I look kickable. But how many times will I have to teach people that I actually crave violence and am looking for a reason to maim, but I choose to be a decent human being. How many times will have to keep scaring the shit out of bullies? How many fucking rounds of disarming and teaching will I have to do with fully grown adults?????? I'm an adult. I left my bullies in high school. I owe adult bullies nothing.
Still here I am 34 years old and I have to show teeth and make myself big like a bear at least, or use my teacher voice once a week, which is all stressful for me because I have a hard time calming down after defending myself...because I shouldn't have been put in that position in the first place. This is why agoraphobia be beating my ass some days. Because why leave tge house when outside is literally plague in the air and shitty people on the land.
Like...it is not rejection sensitivity if you're being a dick to me. That's me struggling to cope with a cruel world. Ain't nothing in my workbook about the constant unending horror of humanity. That is not in the text. Sitting in therapy processing some shit that I didn't even do????????? Processing shit the world did to me for no reason other than race glass and perceived gender????????????????No. No more.
Nope. I'm about to start processing all over anyone who tries my nerves. Watch the fuck out.
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
You Can Do All Things (Through Christ)
should read JFK obviously you get my point. earlier i posted a comment on a youtube short that was a very dishonest edit of the dave chappelle snl opening monologue where he talked about kanye and the jews, with a title that said “chappelle roasts ye” or something to that effect and it was just the part where he jokes that kanye said he was so rich addidas couldnt cancel him and then they cancelled him, my comment was short and not at all inflammatory i just said this is a dishonest edit hes not roasting kanye but the jews whatch the rest of the monologue its short, and that comment was banned within 2 minutes for violating youtube hatespeech policy, i only think this is interesting enough to mention because i go fucking buck wild in the youtube comment section, you think this blog is bad? you aint seen NATHAN! but that comment was super mild, used the j word but in exactly the context i described, this has only happened two or three times and its always my most innocuos comment but always on a video that i percieve is really important for them in regards to shifting the narrative, they want people to think dave was roasting ye, he absolutely wasnt and back then i called ye out for misunderstanding the point of the monologue, dave chappelle was the only celebrity to my knowledge that stood with ye, and it makes sense considering hes actually addressed the jewish problem in his prior stand up specials, and he REALLY goes in on them if you know what hes saying. they absofuckinglutely hated that whole ye debacle because it changed the world, it really did, it shifted the overton window permanently, i have said before that one of the overlooked problems of anonymous message boards is theres no way of knowing how many of us there really is, could be a billion could be a hundred its all anons, but when a MAJOR celebrity calls out the jews and refuses to back down, it makes it acceptable whether they like it or not and they are trying to undo the damage done with deceptive shit like this, what they ought to be working on is finding out someway to become impervious to bullets.
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moondonky · 1 year
Lol ☕️.. I'll bring the wild out of u,, dudes get rowdy around me, I can handle my testosterone, I kinda found out I'm fertile af.. my seed still swims they don't need no help, they quick, I function at bare minimum, I don't need to change my attitude, I'm okay with it, they can call themselves a man,, I don't think they are,, them, grown ass boys, soft ass faces to prove it,, it's all an illusion, social construct, enforced hallucination.. mentally still weak, intellectually still weak, immature,, most stop developing, most have no actions to prove it... that's like the general,, most are infantry when it comes to being soldiers,, there's a reason in action the general is the general,, more seasoned,, infants, grown ass boys, I'd give them all the respect as a person,, but I would not call them men, to me they are no different than they/them... I might be smiling but my eyes don't, they watch everything, always scanning, they trust nothing... call me whatever idgaf all ur telling me is sumthing about ur self,, I've never heard no man just name call and judge and label who they've never met before, I never met a man that does that kinda shit, ive never even met a man that claimed to be a man, they just were there was no question about it, all the men I know are old or dead, it's like they were a breed that's not reproduced anymore.. that's no different than women.. raised different, even me,, idk what tf I am, I know what I'm not tho, just a ferel person at this point,, if these men are calling themselves men, then I'm nothing like that, i dont think they are cuz there nothing like those old men at any point in there lives,, I got a penis that works tho I know that,, I got high testosterone I know that, and I'm agressive af but oddly gentle because everyone tells me that, hard to like but hard to not like... sumtime i think there just mindfukcking with me... overthinker people pleaser very intelligent... dafuk does that mean.. there's good people and bad people that I know is certain and what matters, none of my business what u call urself its all illusion,, it can be whatever,, they might call u something else in the future... I know sum dogs, wolves pitbulls and chihuahuas... idk just sum food for thought.. I'm talking to all the dudes, idgaf how big or tough u are, liberal or conservative, what job u have, if ur poor or rich, I dont call you men.. when u look at the world and see all this shit , and Noone doing something about it,, I know there aint no fucking men left.. go drink ur beers it doesnt matter what can it's in, that was proof ur all just controlled,, go be divided and fight each other,,, u wouldn't fucking dare stand up to that beast system
I don't partake in thos traditions of "men"
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voxxian · 3 years
screams in silent italics
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passionesolja · 3 years
Why the Jedi Should Be Held Responsible For the Occupation of Korriban and the Invention of the Sith Order
This is something I need to talk about. This is something I want to speak about. So let’s go.
For anyone who doesn’t know, relatively early on in the Jedi Order, there was a schism.
A group of Jedi used what could be deemed as the dark side and then the Order had a small war called the Hundred-Year Darkness.
The Sith Order did not exist yet, so this group was known as the Dark Jedi—or later, Jedi Exiles.
Of course, they lost.
So what do you with a bunch of dangerous individuals who have force powers and highly advanced weaponry?
The Republic rightfully wanted to execute these dark side Jedi—because they caused a ton of problems.
The Jedi—however—had a different plan and said “nah, let’s just release this group of highly dangerous individuals into outer rim space and let them have a chance to find the lightside of the force again.”
Because that won’t end terribly.
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What Was The Sith Species—Tsis— Doing During This?
For the sake of minimal confusion, I’ll be referring to the Sith Species as Tsis—what they’re actual species name is.
The Sith are a totally different entity.
You may ask, what were the Tsis doing before the Jedi Exiles occupied them?
Chilling, fighting for resources, societally advancing enough to have a King (shoutout Adas).
They were on a outer rim planet and by Republic standards aliens.
The Jedi ain’t give a fuck, neither did the Republic
The Tsis were primitive.
Which I don’t say that in a bad way.
The Tsis weren’t what you could consider “evil”, because to be evil means you know morality but shy away from it.
The Tsis just didn’t yet have the advanced society yet, like I said no one gave a fuck. There’s no Republic supplies or assistance.
They’re just chilling on they own doing Sith sorcery, making buildings, worshipping gods, etc.
They’re harmless.
The Tsis are a warrior culture, but they’re all means vulnerable and defenseless against a group of well trained, anti-Jedi, war criminals.
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The Arrival of the Exiles
So the Jedi Exiles arrive, and the Tsis are trying to intimate them with some rudimentary magic.
So what do these Jedi Exiles do? Fresh out of the beef with the Jedi Order—given mercy when they shouldn’t have—, the Exiles kill the current Tsis King—Hakagram Graush—them take control of the Tsis.
After hundreds of years generic inbreeding and cultural engineering happens, we get the Sith Empre as we know it.
This species isn’t fighting the Jedi because there’s beef.
They’re fighting the Jedi and Republic because the Jedi said “meh let’s not kill the dangerous criminals, let’s let them loose and hope they have a come to Jesus moment in space”.
Then we get Sorzus Syn’s bitch ass saying “strange, they don’t hail us as space gods”
Bitch you a stupid ass hoe. The Tsis ain’t stupid, they have their own gods and you ain’t them.
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Keep in mind, the Jedi Exiles fuck this poor species’ shit all the way up.
They completely change these people’s culture, society, and genetic code.
Here’s a difference in the species’ pre-and-post Jedi Exile involvement for reference:
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I don’t give a fuck, ima say it: the Tsis pre-Jedi exile were innocent victims of Jedi placing Force Spiritual bullshit morality over law.
The Tsis ain’t have a space force, aint have a galactic economy, and they certainly weren’t hurting anybody.
This terrible fuck up and occupation/destruction of an innocent species is fully on the Jedi. This isn’t even on the Republic since the Republic wanted them dead.
The Jedi Exiles should have died. But no, the Jedi—always seeing the good in everyone, and not giving a fuck about what less advanced species may be forced to live under their rule—just released them out into the wild.
It’s sad, it’s pathetic, and it’s fucked up.
The Tsis were not evil.
Most of the Sith Purebloods in the Old Empire literally never had any other choice, neither their parents, grandparents, or ancestors.
The Jedi and Republic wasn’t some feuding Circle.
They were enemies of the Jedi Exiles who occupied a defenseless species of people, completely molded to suit their ends, and then—boom—you have a whole beef.
So yeah, it’s fuck the Jedi for this.
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anonil88 · 3 years
Euphoria Season 2 Episode 4 Liveblog
It's my birthday so we are jumping straight into this. As always there will be spoilers below.
Aw Rue Rue she definitely may be ace or she has just killed her sex drive via opis.
This is so sweet all ot these analogies to art ugh I can't. I'm kinda tearing up this is too much because the love is so big but it's going to hurt so bad when it ends on flames.
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My heart can't take this but Rue confirmed she has killed her libido with drugs.
I can't im laughing this is hilarious but I also have lied too. Also the fact that Jules could tell she was lying because Rue has actually came before.
No Elliot don't ruin this but also this is funny as fuvk but he's definitely going to um my jaw is just wide open. This is so funny but I know yep.
Oh fuck there it is ugh stop yall stopped. Ugh stop. Oh thank God Rue texted cause omfg. Ugh this is gonna be so bad. I hate that Sam wrote this in.
I can't even blame them cause I too did stuff like this. This sucks though.
Maddy deserves a better boyfriend and bestfriend. (My friend said Maddy looks like a rich wine mom by the pool and yep sis is living in her future right now, sheesh I don't think you want this Maddy.
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Cassie just leave him alone he is fucking playing you both. I hate this man for fucking up this friendship but I also really dislike Cassie for just not breaking it off with him and being a better bestfriend.
I hate Nate, oh Maddy my heart she loved him entirely. Loved him so much and Cassie THAT AINT YOUR NIGGA.
Nate is a piece of shit and Cassie is fucking batshit stupid as hell. Thank you for reading the hell out of her though Nate he clearing this girl out. Never did i think I would be agreeing with Nate fucking Jacobs.
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Cassie....that's literally what you are doing to Maddy.
Ew not him saying "I love you."
I love Lexi, she is a good ass sister and Cassie should open up to her sister.
Tove Lo!! And INXS!! Love love love this.
Cal is reminiscing about Derek and is about to drive drunk I bet. This is funny as hell but accurate, I have seen white guys and their dad have these conversations.
Nate actually cares about his dad which is wild.
They know its wrong and they keep going fucking Elliot and Jules. But also Elliot and Rue are snorting lines for fun....he didnt do it so um he is a bad guy. I know what he's about to do and its shady and manipulative.
Oh oh OHHHH yea maybe the 3 of yall should just do it. Yea Jules is definitely polyamorous and Rue is definitely jealous. This is definitely going to end so badly.
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Cassie and Lexis mom needs her own episode or im just glad to see more of her.
Awww Kat and she looks so pretty, Maddy is really a good fucking friend. Aw I needed to see these two talk like oh my god. Also lol Kat calling out Maddy for using the R word.
Ugh this is too cute.
Yea this is a terrible idea but leaving Rue was so smart. Terrible idea though.
Ayy a car door rig!
Nate said move bitch I'm not here to see you.
Cal is either going to die 👀 or about to see Derek or kill a bunch of people.
My heart is racing seeing both of these cars speeding like I'm scared. At least Elliot isn't high while driving but this is going to end up terribly.
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No Cassie you look like shit and keep crying so obviously Nate working on things with Maddy is hurting her.
Jules is about to be pissed. Yea I saw that coming because Rue is jealous and also high. Rue maybe you should just talk to your girlfriend instead if being stupid and throwing it down the drain. She's going to loose the girl she loves and its going to be her fault.
Wait is this girl about to change because he's coming to the party. God Cassie you dumb bitch. But she is about to ruin Nates entire ego.
Lexi is worried and scared for her sister. Instead of writing it down maybe you should just talk to her? Or tell your mom?
Cal is off his shit at the gay club, bro I think he is going to die and Nate is going to actually be more sad and distraught than he thought he would be.
My nerves are so high and we are only halfway through.
Aw Cassie I need both you and Cal to drink some water. Them sinking this song about being a good person who just wants to be free highkey hurts.
Cal just wants to live the life he never got to with Derek even if its for one night with a stranger. That's so fucking sad.
Nate and Maddy looking at her like that is so sad.
Rue shut up and Jules is so hurt about this. Jules may fuck him to feel less bad about it all but its still going to hurt. Rue is about to do drugs to numb herself again when she could have just said "I'm jealous that I can't fuck you."
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Nate knows him staying is a terrible idea.
If Rue takes these percs and dies i will scream.
Ugh my fucking heart this is how she feels but it is also terrifying like peace but its scary.
I know the game Jules is playing right now, she is about to do it with him and it isn't like he hasn't plotted to do this. It sucks but its coping.
Cassie please get the fuck up out the hot tub, you look desperate. Also Maddy yes girl put it together put together the cheating.
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This is so fucking nasty and I wanna hit them both with a pan.
Okay the music coordinator is doing overtime because she, it is a woman ayy, got a Faith Evans song cleared.
Cal is such a sad sad man. Sad in general like he's actually sad, the life he leads is sad, and just everything about him is sad.
The symbolism for him getting shut out of a gay club, he literally got shut out of being his true self because of Marsha. Ouch.
Even if he doesn't die from this I see Cal killing himself in like 5 years.
They're about to get raided? Oh it's dude...oh fuck the mouse situation.
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This is too close to how Rue treated her when she met Tyler and "Tyler wasn't who she thought he was." But instead of them being sweet its completely just sexual and avoiding.
Someone did need to tell Jules but I am glad he was at least honest with her. But she's now so hurt by these two people she trusted more than anything. Jules please go check on Rue please. Or just go home because you don't need either of them.
No Rue No oh im crying and Jules is going to find her. Oh god no, oh God no and she doesn't wanna die. She's so tired oh she's so tired and she just wants the pain to be over.
Yes you are Rue you're the best of em you just are hurting. She really misses her dad so just really misses her dad and I get that. I get that. No love fills that spot. She needs to tell her mom how much she misses him. She needs to hug someone while sober and hug them for a long time. Where is her mom? How did she not hear her come in and Gia can't exactly save her.
Cal is a teenager he's not a man, Marsha is like a mother to him and he is lonely. He is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and entire breakdown.
He's bi and Marsha you're a bitch because she knew and wouldn't just let him leave. How the fuck does Marsha just walk past him like he didn't say or isn't saying any of this.
Everyone does lead a double life.
Nate is an asshole.
Oh cause she is cheating too damnnnn.
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Aaron is just as fucked up and sadistic as everyone but at least he's just got a pron addiction. I wonder if he also saw those tapes just like Nate.
Not Cal reading his entire fucking family for filth. He's leaving...oh fuck he may really kill himself or dip. Nate looks like a sad ass child. Nah Cate technically you backed yourself into a corner.
Where is their middle son? We all know there's one but him leaving with the photo is wow. He said this is my shit I built this shit.
Fez, you need a plan.
Jules? Oh she stayed with him cause he didn't lie but she's also fucking him because she is sad. But also Elliot did that on purpose because he wanted Jules for himself.
Kat please break up with Ethan please. Its okay not to love him it is okay to leave. Also it is not good to string him along. 🙃
This image of Cassie crying reminds me of Rodarte this is absolute art. Marcel you are a true genius. But Cassie is on the road to alcoholism just like her mom, everything that's happened thats out of character has been while she's drunk.
Well shit has entirely hit the fam.
Jules is cutting again, oh no. Yea honey I'm going to need you to distance yourself from both of them. No matter how much I love Rules she hurt herself because she thinks that Rue's relapse is entirely her fault. Probably like when she was a kid and thought the same about her mom I'm guessing. She doesn't know that its not and Elliot is probably not going to tell her what Rue. He is manipulating her and she doesn't even know. I just want to hug Jules like
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Sigh, wait is Jules about to become the narrator. These two really do love one another but they both need help and not eachother right now.
Also noted Rue didn't narrarate this episode mostly at all. Her voice is gone.
Oh sweetheart your voice is gone. That scares me.
See yall they know what they are doing. This show is visually stunning.
Me and my friends (we do talk backs after the ep) believe that Elliot is sus btw. He gave Rue alcohol and then pointed it out to act like "omg why are you drinking Rue???" Just so her girlfriend would know because you knew Jules would be angry and leave her alone. He's up to no good and knows she wants Rue. We could have had polyamory or a good healthy friendship, but nope non of that. My friend said its a manipulator coming in between a vulnerable drug addict and their partner and how addicts are vulnerable to other people who are ready to manipulate and hurt you for their own.
Edit; I am upset at Jules for her choices in thus situation with Elliot and for just letting Rue leave like that on the highway. Even though I can empathize with both because she's 17 she's a kid as they all are and humans no matter what age make mistakes. I know the whole DND mode move and sneaking around is fucked up from doing that (not cheating really but other stuff). So that game she's playing there is a slippery ass slope and not a good look on her part. Wish Hunter and Zendaya could have just written and stared in a queer perfect love story with its issues but close to perfect though.
Episode 5 preview thoughts:
Elliot wanted a high friend because then her finally had someone he could relate to. Laurie is telling Rue the truth (we know she goes to her). But, everyone is about to go through it. I'm scared like really scared for all my girls. Hoping the best comes for Rue and all the girls. Wishing Ethan the best as well and hope he really smashes his role in Lexi's play about her life.
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weapon13whitefang · 4 years
Here’s why I, personally, don’t think the Daryl Spoiler is as big of a fucking deal as people are making it out to be.
So it’s all over the fandom by now, Imma just say shit now. If you don’t wanna know, don’t read anymore okay? Sorry not sorry at this point.
For those that don’t know what I’m talking about and want to know, here’s the scoop – This is all told in flashback due to Dog leading Daryl and Carol to a Cabin Daryl recognizes. In the flashback, after the bridge explosion that “killed” Rick, Daryl seems to still be off wandering the woods and searching the water for Rick’s body (As we knew he was).  We don’t know his state of mind or how he’s acting but if this isn’t long after Rick’s “Death” then he’s most likely still in mourning.
Well then Daryl runs into a woman named Leah, which we see a glimpse of this woman in one of the trailers (Which, honestly, is so quick and brief and for a second I thought it was Magna funny enough but annyywayyy), and at first she’s very stand-offish and up in arms against Daryl (understandable, most of the survivors that don’t know each other tend to be hostile/guarded against each other). She seems to realize Daryl isn’t a threat and the two part ways.
We’re give moments of time that show Daryl and Leah keep running into each other as he’s searching for Rick and Leah is doing whatever she is doing. We aren’t specified on how these constant run-ins are played out. We don’t know if Daryl talks to her or she confronts him a lot. We don’t know. We just know that time goes by and that they’ve formed a relationship with each other. We don’t get any specifics, again, besides she’s cooking for him at his camp, they’re snuggles up watching stars together, and apparently there’s a hint that they’re noodling with one another because the. we see Daryl and Leah under a blanket together in front of a fire and she snuggles him closer to her… And we get Dog as a Puppy… Which, does that mean Daryl and Leah found dog together? Or was Dog Leah’s dog and she left him to Daryl? Or what?... Oh well, Puppy Dog! Also… They don’t SHOW Daryl having sex. It’s implied, sure, but anything can look sexually implied with the right lighting and angle. So if they did bump uglies, I don’t know for certain until I get to SEE the episode.
Well, anyway, we then go from snuggles by the fire and puppies to back at the cabin with Leah telling Daryl that he needs to start choosing what he wants because she thinks he’s all over the place… Now, to be fair, it’s kind of always been that Daryl gets dragged all over the place. He’s torn between his loyalty to Rick and finding him, his loyalty to those in Alexandria, and now apparently his whatever relationship with Leah. Well if Daryl says anything to this, I don’t know the spoiler doesn’t say. But he apparently leaves and goes back to his search for Rick’s body before he’s back at the camp. Which leads to a meetup with Carol, who comes by his camp to bring him stuff but also to tell him she isn’t going to be able to visit him anymore because Ezekiel and Henry need her at the Kingdom (which explains a little to why Daryl seemed surprised to see her later on when she and Henry go looking for him). This news seems to settle things for Daryl and he wanders back to the cabin for Leah… But Leah isn’t there. But her shit is still around, so Daryl believes she’ll be back. So he leaves her, basically, a little love note. “I belong here with you. Come find me.” But it’s implied she chose to just leave him, even knowing the routes he takes to look for Rick and how to get to his camp.
So… that’s the big booharah that has everyone shitting themselves and freaking the fuck out… Over what? This is a flashback. FLASHBACK. Something that happened during the missing years of the time jump… This implies Daryl has been out in the woods for YEARS looking for Rick, first of all (Which OMG my fucking heart. Knew this but the confirmation makes my heart want to cry for their brotherly love U3U ). But this whole mess has shown me that… A lot of people would rather have Daryl alone and miserable in the woods than find any form of comfort in someone. He’s lonely for fuck sake! He’s lonely, his best friend said she won’t be coming around anymore, his brother-friend is “Dead”, and he’s not happy back at Alexandria without being able to put Rick to rest but doesn’t wanna be far from them in case they need him… He’s just a lonely guy. And, I’m sorry, but this belief that Daryl needs to be alone for six/seven years… That’s just cruel.
But here’s what is making me laugh. This is OBVIOUSLY a show of character develop for Daryl. About why he is more comfortable with opening up to someone like Connie (this isn’t a ship call out, this is an observation). That Daryl can be open to having a romantic interest when, up until now, he’s been the lone wolf character just floating around everyone. No real settlement to a character (no matter what you all think or wanna say, Daryl was never in-canon called out as being with any character in a romantic way. Can still say the same for Leah to). This was an opening for Daryl to not be alone anymore, because Carol wasn’t gonna be coming around anymore and no one else came out to help him/stay with him. So I don’t blame him for reaching for someone he connected to, even if only briefly. If Daryl is comfortable with you/cares for you in any capacity, he will reach out for you. And whether we like it or not, he got comfortable with Leah. He let her snuggle him, guys. That’s a big sign he was okay with her. Sexy time aside, whatever. He was something with her and she to him and then she was just outty-3000. Which is really sad for him... Someone else he was close to stopped coming around. Like, Damn. Daryl can’t catch a break. Also, let it be noted, he didn’t go chasing her down. He could’ve easily tracked Leah down to stay with her/let her know in person he’s picking her... He didn’t. That tells me a lot. That should tell you all a lot!
Third thing is… This happened IN THE PAST. This means that the Daryl we see that Carol and Henry finds and up until now is still the same Daryl we’ve been seeing. This doesn’t change his narrative. It just adds more layers to him. It shows more growth, That’s great after all those seasons of Daryl having no lines or actions or any growth. It’s downright beautiful to me!
Nothing has changed for Daryl. He’s still the same as he was… Well right now he’s very angry and hurt and fighting with Carol, but he’s in a raw state right now. Remembering something like that then having a recent heart wrenching event be brought back up – the Connie trapped thing – has made Daryl’s hackles rise and he’s lashing out. We know that’s what Daryl does. He bites hard and digs into what makes you upset. Like when he threw the stuff about Beth cutting her wrist at her. He said that to specifically hurt her. Just as he threw the “No… That’s on You. That’s on you because you never know when to stop”. He held back on biting her head off back when the event happened. Which shows a lot of growth from Daryl and a lot of maturity. But he’s raw and upset so he’s digging at her.
This won’t end their friendship. Friends and couples fight all the time. This doesn’t mean they’re finished with each other. For the Carylers out there hissing a fit, these two are raw and broken characters and sometimes two similar characters hurt each other cause they know how to. But that doesn’t mean they hate each other. And I believe Daryl when he said “I aint ever gonna hate you”. He’s just angry and Carol is defensive and that’s not a good combo for anyone together...
For you Bethylers, so what if he fucked someone else? It’s not like Daryl was an actual virgin. Norman said he liked the idea of playing Daryl LIKE a virgin. But I always took that as emotionally. He’s an emotional virgin learning to experience and grow and shy about his feelings and understanding them…. He’s MERLE DIXON’S little brother. He followed Merle around. You think Daryl didn’t fuck around when he and Merle were running around? Look at Season 1 Daryl. That boy was a rough around wild man. Aint no way he never fucked before. Or at least got a blow job. I’m not saying he couldn’t be, but I don’t see Merle letting his brother move about with him without getting fucked/not letting his brother come off as gay (To put it in Merle’s colorful term). Not the way those characters were before S3. Nah.
For the Donnie fans, this just explains why he’s been so easy to open to Connie. He’s had practice letting someone in and being comfortable with the idea of it again. Connie also makes it easy on him by being her adorable and understanding self. Without Daryl’s growth into a previous emotional/physical relationship, I don’t see them connecting as quickly as they did.
I really do not see why this has everyone in a frantic state, Maybe I just look at things differently? Or I just don’t care that much about who Daryl ends up with forever. As long as he’s in a good headspace and happy… Let Daryl Fuck! Let him develop away from the Alexandrian’s and everyone else. Let him develop at all, Jesus…
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swampgallows · 4 years
my uncle works at blizzard and i know the end of shadowlands
here is my prediction, it’s sloppy as fuck but i wanna just draft my general idea before the shit actually comes out so i can be like “CALLED IT” if i’m right lol
okay so let’s talk DREADLORDS babey. they are not demons per se but a separate race of sentient beings called the nathrezim. apparently they were discovered by sargeras when he was traversing the cosmos. they were sitting around chilling with the old gods, which is how sargeras found out about the old gods and void lords in the first place. so the history of dreadlords and the old gods/void goes way back.
there are three things that dreadlords are very good at:
1. summoning chaotic shit 2. crafting chaotic shit 3. being chaotic neutral emissaries, mostly for the burning legion. mostly.
1. dreadlords are really powerful interdimensional beings from the twisting nether. however, with the afterlives: maldraxxus cinematic it possibly implies that both the denizens of the shadowlands and the nathrezim themselves have the power to move between life and death as well as laterally across realms like the elemental plane, twisting nether, etc.
2: the dreadlords have forged the sword apocalypse and are possibly the original smiths of the helm of domination and frostmourne. we know that these artifacts are not of azeroth. the nathrezim could have smithed both the helm and frostmourne with help from the jailor and his magic. side note is the WoW canon spelling his name Jailor or Jailer? ive seen both. guess it’s one of those imposter/impostor situations.
anyway, point number 3: we have witnessed dreadlords allying themselves with several different factions, including but not limited to the scourge (sub-faction of the legion), the burning legion, the light (lothraxion), and waaaay back when... the forsaken. by sprinkling themselves throughout the cosmos they can tip the scales on several fronts toward chaos/old gods/void (yes, even lothraxion, since the Light seems to have its own agenda per Xe’ra).
newer players may not know that sylvanas once had a dreadlord ally named Varimathras. one of his click-quotes he’d say “I’m always on the winning side.” he claimed to hold no more ties to the burning legion and that he also wanted to get revenge on arthas/the lich king, and since that was sylvanas’ ultimate goal, they teamed up. he used to chill right next to her in the royal quarter, until the battle for the undercity. this was a wotlk-era event not unlike the pre-bfa “war of thorns” that followed The Wrathgate. the horde, including thrall and varok saurfang, led horde troops into the undercity to oust the mutineers from the horde. the alliance was also present, with newly-returned king varian wrynn and lady jaina proudmoore also invading to take their revenge on putress and his loyalists. 
but before all that, sylvanas could have possibly been clued in by varimathras about the jailor’s intentions all the way back in wrath. especially if she was looking for a way to defeat the “death god” lich king, varimathras would have been more than happy to tell her about death’s boss—the jailor—and the suffering arthas would undergo in the maw. (remember, shadowlands itself is not new lore. it has existed since the dawn of warcraft itself; whenever you die in game you are in the shadowlands. the spirit healers in the graveyards are in the shadowlands.)
again, this is just my speculation, but varimathras easily could have told sylvanas about the origins of the helm and frostmourne, the source of arthas/the lich king’s powers. varimathras/putress betray her (though even this has conflicts with new lore, e.g. Chronicle [my bane] saying that Sylvanas had planned the Wrathgate all along). battle for undercity happens, and varimathras is banished. 
sylvanas maybe figures ‘dont worry imma bust that shit open when i go kill arthas’. maybe she even planned to hold dominion over the scourge and wear the helm herself, taking the place bolvar has currently. but the halls of reflection & ICC happen and... she doesnt get to kill arthas, her one reason for continuing her existence.
so we get Edge of Night, which potentially planted a lot of seeds (if blizz is that clever).
VALKYR possibly trick her (i have said this before), as they are agents of the scourge/the jailor, hopefully to get sylvanas on their side to incur more death and be a secondary wave of would-be scourge (since bolvar aint doin that job and he’s not dead so they cant really get to him BUT they can travel throughout the shadowlands). either that or maybe they were planning on her becoming the new lich king and when bolvar got the hat instead they got a lil pist about it.
sylvanas is foisted into the very non-consensual position of “choose death and suffer for eternity or come back to life and Lead Your People™”. there is some OLD ASS LORE that i cannot find and maybe it’s something i misread somewhere or whatever but i was always under the impression that the Light could not save the Scourge, so anyone turned Scourge could possibly end up in the Maw on principle of being inherently irredeemable (hence the name “Forsaken”, they cannot be saved by the Light). the lore might have changed or, like i said, i might have just picked this up from somewhere and it’s wrong entirely. but if that’s the case, more Scourge = more anima dumped into the Maw disposal, which strengthens the jailor. either that or breaking sylvanas’ spirit to redirect her vengeance on Capital D Death rather than arthas himself.
basically everything sylvanas does while “alive” in azeroth pales in comparison to the eternal suffering and torment that awaits her if she is to die. so she has literally nothing to lose and can only gain by at least keeping herself alive as long as possible, no matter what wild shit she gets up to, it cant be as bad as the maw. 
ultimately i think sylvanas becomes the new jailor to satisfy both her loyalists/fans and those who want her to pay for her crimes, she is redeemed by technically stopping the maw expansion by taking over a la bolvar keeping the scourge dormant, all the symbolism of her destroying the helm of domination becomes all the more poetic and poignant along with her ‘this world is a prison and i will set us all free’ bullshit, avoids her potential fate in the maw as a prisoner by becoming the jailor itself (”better to reign in hell than serve in heaven”). PLUS then she gets placed in a limbo much like illidan fighting sargeras for potentially eternity by being dead-but-not-really as the jailor so blizzard can cameo to her or make merch of her all they want or bring her back as deus ex machina if they feel like it.
i had way more details about this shit when me n the best friends talkd about it a while back but it’s  been seemingly an eternity since then but yeah the tldr
sylvanas becomes jailor (predictabo) because varimathras spilled the beans about the funny sword and hat his buddies made purely for the bants w the old gods/void (less predictabo).
boy are they gonna make that covid vaccine soon or what i need a fuckin job
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asking-gereng · 4 years
I think I know the person and the situation the other anon was talking about, I saw the story itself and while I'm not gonna name names, I know it wasn't a joke :/// They've done this multiple times long before the gereng post to anyone who dares to ship Germany with someone other than Italy. I know this because they made a meme bashing my friend who a ships Rusger, which they've since then deleted, but they haven't changed their behaviour since :///
//oof yikes. It’s so wild to me that people can be that serious about shipping fictional characters together. at the end of the day they’re lines, drawings, silly country men. Go outside. I promise there’s more to life than a ship on the internet. 
I just don’t get the negativity and shit I’m totally baffled. how can you take something that’s supposed to be fun and go “hm I think I will antagonise everyone who doesn’t agree with my Personal Opinions :)” it’s totally wack and i think this person and people like this person need to chill the fuck out. It just really aint that deep. 
anyway tldr; ship what you want and block that person on instagram whoever they are. 
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my thoughts on the starkid controversies
{TCB included} yo so i got some opinions that i’m gonna spread...now. So does starkid have some inherently problematic things in their musicals that whether intentionally or not promotes a stereotype? Yeah. Let’s unpack these a little, okay? So let’s start at the beginning with Little White Lie. I think Little White Lie did great, there’s an episode where they defend trans people and the transphobic person is the villain and as a young closeted trans dude watching that...it was totally awesome. Now, AVPM, i dunno mans. I love it, I’ve seen the series many a times and used to watch it to cheer me up at night, I think it critiques JKR’s stereotypes very well and goes full out of “well if dumbledore is gay...let’s make him flaming gay” which is awesome. I saw Devin posted a youtube video talking about how she feels she stole the Cho Chang role away from an Asian actress who is known for playing Lavender Brown called Sango Tajima. I, personally, never got that vibe but I don’t think that’s up to me, I wasn’t there, I’m white, she ended up getting more roles and I encourage y’all to watch Devin’s video on it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fubo7wfGcuo  I’m gonna skip a few cause there’s a lot of musicals and I’m tired. I think a lot of people feel uncomfortable about Umbridge’s portrayal and the way the relationship with Dumbledore is done because it can correlate to the trans women are often seen and portrayed and watching it thinking about it like that...makes it a bit cringey. On a similar note, in Spies Are Forever, Susan is a crossdressing character that has transphobic undertones.  Now, I’m not saying starkid are transphobic or racist or should be cancelled or whatever. And I believe a lot of this stuff they have redeemed and tried to progress forward a lot better and that’s awesome. I am a firm believer everyone should just be judged based on their intentions. If someone has good intentions but does a shite job and people point out they’re not fulfilling those good intentions then they can change and grow and it’s great.  So I love Black Friday but I have a gripe. Can we talk about Gary Goldstein for a bit? Now, I find the character kinda funny, Jon is an amazing actor and his portrayal is awesome. But Gary Goldstein is a lawyer...a very greedy lawyer...with the last name Goldstein. So for those of you that are unaware, Goldstein is a Jewish last name...Jewish stereotypes commonly consist of being very greedy lawyers...you see the issue here? I’m not Jewish, being completely honest I’m still confused about what being Jewish actually means however for Black Friday to take such strong political stances and add to it a so easily avoidable tidbit, literally without the name no one would conflate it with being Jewish but damn. And Hatchetfield names matter so much from what I’ve seen, so there’s thought behind this which makes it worse?  So onto Robert Manion, pitchforks ready? The first controversy I saw about him was to do with something called genderbent pictures. For those that don’t know, it’s when people take someone usually a character from something and switch them to the opposite sex. A lot of the trans community have an issue with this because it kinda eradicates nonbinary people a lot. Really focuses on the binary part, y’know? says “oh now they’re the gender they’re not actually” implying only 2...it’s kinda shitty. For me, personally, it’s dysphoria inducing. It highlights features everyone associates with only each gender and I start recognising all the features on the female version that i have on me and it’s not a fun time. I’m a big boi, i can deal. But many trans people replied to him when talking about this and expressed the dysphoria they were feeling, why promoting those was harming the trans community etc. He apologised but he only apologised for calling it gender bent and not digital drag which...is not what people were saying? I appreciate him making an effort on twitter to promote trans voices, idk much about american politics, so can’t say much on what he’s doing there but at least it’s something. What would be the most awesome thing for him to do is explain what the actual things the trans community told him and promote that to discourage those pictures or to encourage them to also include non binary people in some way cause artistic expression and stuff. More recent Robert Manion controversy is the body positivity pictures. I’m 100% for body positivity, always, anyone body shaming anybody (unless they’re a racist, rapist or general bigot) is a bAD BEAN. However, now this part is gonna get a little nsfw, so if you’re a minor please don’t keep reading, i aint trying to get arrested.  i can’t figure out how to do the keep reading thing so consider this it. Minors leave.  So, onlyfans is a website where you pay for porn basically like a total boomer simp but i digress. Some pages are softcore which is like just outlines of things...like people in their underwear. Robert posted pictures of him in his underwear and tagged it porn and onlyfans. Which if a grown man wants to do sex work I won’t stop him. That’s not the case here, the case here is he posted a picture in his underwear, where his ahem bulge is visible and sexualised it with the tags. There are minors that follow this man, that may have been scrolling through instagram in school and saw oh shit a dong. “But Joey Richter took off his pants in mamd!!!” yeah and that had a ton of warnings, you knew what you were gonna watch was for mature starkids only. “WHat about Lupin!!” couldn’t see the bulge. When I was 17, I went to see a play and a girl in it started stripping right down to her underwear, was just like seeing her in a bikini. The tags sexualised it but so did the bulge outline. He censored it on his story which kinda feels like he knew it was inappropriate. Something else that makes me very uncomfortable about this all is the Body Positivity argument. Now I have gender dysphoria, I have scars, I have stretch marks, acne, I’m so SO for body positivity. I rant so often about how fatphobia shouldn’t happen because weight doesn’t equal health. I’m not saying this is what he’s doing but that argument is used by actual groomers. Like y’know the fucks that groom children? i.e. onision (allegedly) where he’d say it’s just for body positivity and get children to send him pics of them in their underwear? You see why this is a dangerous argument here? I don’t think Robert’s intention was to do that but if you indirectly tell a bunch of teenagers posting pictures in their underwear is a good thing...I can’t be the only one making this link and the fact y’all defend this as “just shirtless pictures” is lowkey driving me wild. He apologised for the tags cause it was making fun of sex workers but please please please think of the risk. Please?  Starkid mess up, they’re human, please stop acting like they do nothing wrong and please stop acting like they’re cancelled forever with no redemption okay bye PS please let me know any trigger warnings to add <3
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