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moondonky · 5 days ago
No rest for the wicked, ur not allowed to know how evil evil is, ur not allowed to know the extents of corruption, ur not allowed to know there world exists, ur not allowed to know there tricks and manipulations, ur not allowed to know there beliefs and religions, the world you live in is constructed and presented, a spiral of your time and perception a clock of sixs a box of lead a pyramid of illness..
Effing millennial why knot.. imma be a little fucker again, take another swing to see who gets hit again RAh sum shit u haven't seen yet
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moondonky · 9 days ago
Got that fucking spice in my mouf, I dont even care to grind I don't wanna give them a cent, I want my fucking money back lol it's fucking sad u know ur all slaves, proof of what u already knew that fucking ur where fucking taking, truth was true bullshit to call it conspiracy mofukers can't treat me like shit for speaking it anymore I'm not crazy anymore no longer isolated I survived what they tried to do to me, when it comes to truth I was a very busy bee and it cost me.. persecutions of those who don't know what they do as they say..
Effing millennial why not, I snuck up and put sum weights on them, not so fast mister miagi lol could u imagine if they had no resistance and everyone was still asleep going along with this shit and all there secrets where still secret lol way easier to see what's going on
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moondonky · 11 days ago
Ledge ends
The unknown and most wanted for all u know the top 4 could all be the same person, and the fith u saw what they tried to do to him, they all have sumthing in common,, they were good with computers and using the internet everything they did was out of protest,, truth would tell u Satoshi did it first Q said it first there was a first dread pirate robert's and there was one annon who started anonymous, cuz the best way to change is to never be known look at what happened to Assange they tried to kill him.. even Trump becoming a legend of his own they tried to kill him too but could be part of there show, because the beast system is a very dark world of very powerful people who have always been in control,, they don't need money they just need to be able to decide who is not poor lol..
Effing millennial why not,, that's not gonna work either, don't you wish they would just fix the problem instead of there own problems, don't u wish they wouldn't just take advantage of an already bad situation, not every flag should be ran with, don't u wish they would just fix the roads and pipes instead of trying to build sum Ai toy to replace humans with lol alot of energy and time to be wasted,, u know what's wild.. I've always seen the future I've walked in it I've explored and lived in it, it's always moved into its direction I used to think it was a glimpse into heavon, then I thought this is a dream and I'm sleepwalking in a fith dimension, like a memory of sorts, and as I get older and older those moments I look I realize it's a possibility that it's the millennial kingdom.. it only make sense they did everything to prevent it they turned the world into the alternate reality of it inverse version,, because as crazy as it sounds there all fuckings satanists because being rich is the quickest way to hell and every person u see promoted as good or bad on any screen no matter what side of division prolly sold there soul to the devil in sum ritual that damns them from heavon, defiling there own temples,, because everything u see is controlled its your mind that has freewill..
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moondonky · 18 days ago
Kept hidden, ur not allowed to know who I am, I keep to myself for a reason my enemies are pissed and bigger, beyond resistance so much was hidden in the control of perception, not so benign from the sideline.. glimpses of sumthing different..
Effing millennial, why not, writing with energy casting thoughts, lol I will, 369 the universe gives u what u want, can rearrange the world to give u path, everything happening all around is because sum people want it to happen and everything happens for a reason, every invention is always the next thing needed, when the 100th monkey figures it out every monkey starts doing it like they already knew it,, if ya know ya kno your body is an antenna, your heart is not a pump, left eye right brain left brain right eye only one side speaks to the mind, if u got a pinecone lol, riddles of truth I guess...
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moondonky · 22 days ago
Your gods are all dead but not my God who dwells within, my only trust, I do not believe in your gods, your gods are to convenient, that's yours because your god said, why do I have to believe that lol I also don't believe sum hand came out of lake water to bestowed a sword of kingdomship of the land, I don't believe in magical nonsense to be honest and when it comes to blood there claim is null and invalid, false lineage and history can prove it, dead sea scrolls belong to the Assyrians and jesus was Palestinian lol.. but either way I'm American i know why u don't mix religion with state leads to power corruption, that's not good enough of a reason that's not an excuse for genocide, if your god told u to do that to millions of people then to me your god is a evil coward and petty and false, but I don't acknowledge ur god as real, so it's just evil people being fucking evil cuz there's only two types of people good and bad, wheats and tares... positive and negative and neither have changed
Effing millennial why not, watch this, I'm kinda feeling ornery right now, ur either an American or a pussy gimp lol it's kinda wild, u really just gotta pursue ur happiness to be American, thats the american dream thats protected, there's Americans all over the world that don't realize there already American, there already pursuing our American dream, there already seeking our god given inalienable rights, there already seeking our same freedoms and ladders of a good life, and yes they will even come to America if there own countries class systems force them to be what there born,, we don't give a fuck in America this a big ol pirate ship of fucking dissidents lol no harm no foul, fuk the crown earn sum salt get into a position and mind ur buisness, all u gotta do is be useful and follow the ten commandments or u can get right the fuk outta here
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moondonky · 22 days ago
Let em waste
Not ur job to say, some fuckers dont grow out of things including being a child they think responsibilities are negatives, it's easy to get left low in hierarchy easy to go with flow it's easy to grow old its easy to be a burnout and content with nothing,, it's easy why so many do it, it's always what ur not doing that makes all the difference, the only thing the hater hates is that others take life more seriously, they didn't waste there own time being content with happy, lol cuz being happy is also easy but doesn't really change ur surroundings, u live in a world of capitalism don't be naive u need capital to do real things or u stay in your box of happy idleness..
Effing millennial why not,, i fight demons lol I gotta be hard on myself nerfed world I had to push myself down ruff myself up test my own skin, I've been making myself a God damn problem to a beast system, I stayed aggressive I said no, lol rare salts
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moondonky · 26 days ago
Under the underworld
Seizing hell the spiritual war is not about you in the end but has everything to do with lol everyone knows how Satan fights but not the other side the invisible enemy as they say,, understand what side ur on who's domain u live in who is in control of the inside of this prison don't be fooled by the show ur forced to see the displays of suffering, what's got u on ur knees begging for a savior of relief,, order out of created chaos don't be deceived x marks the spot of the beast, false ten no keys, Godless abominations of peace and security..
They say and do all these things to fix things but they don't think, they naively ignore the freewill of there own corrupted empire of greed and hypocrisy,, the real everything bubble that's about to pop, the illusions of value and worth melting like wax, a year of the snake that forsake..
Effing millennial why not.. winter ain't done overstepping it's power, a tag team of season,, forth corner angel taking a deep breath
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moondonky · 1 month ago
Poke of imagination
Larp of chaos, Itd be kinda fucked up if it was all real a great deception a grand orchestration a massive agenda of entire portion, the deep underworlds of Zions and mafias and archons of society, corporations that don't exist the roads u can see but can't find an entrance to get on, rights of bloodline not how much u own or who u know, laws of coded display a colored black cube of sides and symbols to hide the darkness of mirrored surface...
Effin millennials why know, donkeys got ears that can hear a rabbit, even whispers echo in the labyrinth of the hole that follows root
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moondonky · 1 month ago
Following along that pale horse, knew wealth well to treat it well to be apart of its flow to be where it wants to go, to spend wheres valuable, to follow the orders of the universe.. wealth is more alive than u know..
Effin millennial why not, not completely broke lol, it comes and goes that's what I know, I get a bang for my buck buy not spending it elsewhere but still get the hype because I know money is alive in odds for the grind to move higher, what do u spend it on is the question, whats for u what's paying them how much do u buy into consumerism, nomadic minimalist artizen but I got bags of bags a bag for every occasion for every future and a car for every direction lol definitely an exciting year so far it feels good at least in my world an override of positive in all its chaos, I feel like this gonna be a fun summer gonna be strong when everyone is on the same page again
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moondonky · 2 months ago
For years I guess, I don't think people quite understand how big of a number that really is, yet where is it, these trillions and trillions and trillions, u could buy the world with trillions, net half a quadrillion in the world, its like it's the world's God what everything resolves a round, but where is it all do they not spend it, just takes the velocity of it, they say printed, I don't think there's that much paper in world but then again most of it is digits an illusion of it, u could end world hunger for 100 years with a trillion is what I'm getting at, 40 trillion in debt but where is it, trillions a year of spending on what I don't see it, I thought Americas governments primary focus was serving and raising living standards and it was until it needed trillllllions of fucking dollars every year I remember when there budgets of hundreds of billions was too much, a chart of greed and corruption if u asked me, money growing satan forming, no wonder everything's freezing and burning that's what hells like...
Effin millennial why not,, does it still make centz lol
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moondonky · 2 months ago
How many environments can you survive, what settings can u blend in, who all can u get along with, whats ur demeanor, what kind of conversations can u get involved in...
What's fun about me is I've traveled the world poor exploring nice places, I've seen the faces of millions of people, a criminally minded good Samaritan, my formative years were very different, nonstop always experiencing sumthing, every person I meet gets a different version of me, points of connection can relate to alot of things..
Effin millennial why not,, I've been thinking, I just watch really I don't really know what I'm going to do about it, just kinda waiting on myself I guess, it's hard to make long term plans when everything can change in your head, at my own now what crossroad in my own little world of life decisions, it's hard but at least it's interesting, the times we live in is kinda spectacular
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moondonky · 2 months ago
Misery and suffering
Know the difference, Sum fight battles face challenges others drag weights stay in place,, far better to suffer than b miserable, misery is a good slave..
Effin millennial why not, are u ready to hang on.. could go up could go down who knows lol it's like a roller coaster suspense is the fun part, one thing u do know is its gonna keep going not much u can do about it, at least me i can only watch I just live on this planet, chaos positive if it's on a screen it might as well be a show
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moondonky · 2 months ago
My way
I don't really listen to them, I don't want to be like them, there advise is your compliance, thats conformity in a nutshell, I'm doing sumthing else why I don't partake in it that's not how I do it, this world is dyslexic to me, I do not agree with it
Why I be just doing my own shit, goin my own way, on my own journey.. great full for days allotted to create my story, how I managed to exist within this ridiculous planet
Effin millennial why not.. what does society actually need.. wars and battles used to be out in fields away from everybody, the ability to build ur own things raise ur own standards of living, society thinks it needs more money to escape the regulations of everything, finacially escape what??.. the slavery ur not allowed to admit exists lol couldn't possibly be by design,, but here's the twist because of technology neither needs each other to exist and both are each others threat, shits changing I guess
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moondonky · 2 months ago
Fuck you
Lol what could happen next, dafuk u think this is, alil drunk with fun, whats scary to u lacks faith in the longrun, hardest temp is to give no fuks, fearless is more dedication than anything else.. but then again like fuk you u little shits, why would the wild be invested, what about belief isn't that what God intended, sum shit ull never forget maybe ull write it down in history..
Effin millennial why not, lunge like a lion, that's the real game, who's pretending who's watching
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moondonky · 2 months ago
Levels of truth
Truth would tell you everything changes the closer u look, like stars perception changes the farther u get.. truths to truths of depth, admittance of a history of control, truth would ask you why would ur knowledge be any different, what can change from knowing to understanding..
Effin millennial why knot, God still reigns true, Bible still bangs with wisdom ten commandments are good rules, all these cults and clubs beliefs off all there archaic secrets and stories of world views and esoteric beliefs and histories,, was all based off limited knowledge of a past perception, magic isn't fucking real lol noone has super powers there's no fucking alien ufos yall just kinda retarded, lol bunch of fuckin hearsay if u ask me
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moondonky · 2 months ago
Red or green
Ouuuu wee tiss the season,, it's kinda tense right now, shits be rain dropping not a lick of frost or salt, all sorts going on all over the world, I heard the popes suppose to open sum portal lol I heard isreal took over hermon, primlocked but its fun to watch..
Effin millennial why not.. seeing alot of x's, letters do not compare to digits just a fake ten.. sum create others manifest, sum orchestrate others just wait for mysterious ways I guess.. everything is for a reason, sumthing to watch not partake in
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moondonky · 2 months ago
The oldest stories are of the stars, daggers and winged planets, the clash of the old gods,, but its just space being space in the end but that's not what they saw and what they saw means civilization has been around for a very long time and we might see what they saw,
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