#*whispers very loudly* PLS ASK ME ABOUT MY AU;;; (-:;
clowningaroundmars · 6 months
morales twins vigilantes: getting found out pt 2
okayyyy this part's a slight bit longer but hopefully, uh, worth it lol
kinda made myself tear up a lil at the end ahahaha
also pls don't ask when this takes place, like either in between istv and atsv or atsv and btsv.... idk bro LMFAO this is technically a whole other au in and of itself soooo yuh
disclaimer: i'm a whole ass anarchist, however miles and milo are two teenage boys who've grown up with a cop dad and they play a lil lip service to the police force during their big speech so... yeah i don't support the existence of the police force, but it is what it is. characters don't reflect author's beliefs and all that
>1st part here<
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Jeff happened to be lucky enough to be pardoned for the rest of the night, and he also opted to use some PTO on this very very important occasion, so he sped off in the squad car with his sons in the back immediately after visiting the police department and signing off on some papers. He did not utter a word until they all got back home safely.
In the car, it was eerily silent as Jeff fumed in the front. Miles practiced what he was going to say over and over in his head, picking at his suit and avoiding his twin brother’s eyes. Milo held what remained of his mask in his hands, gauntlets off and tucked between his feet on the floor of the car. They both hung their heads low, counting down the minutes until they got back home and had to face their inevitable death sentence.
They were in so much trouble. Yikes. This was exactly what Miles dreaded for so damn long now, and it almost felt like a dream the way it happened so quickly.
Back home, both boys were sat down in the dining room area behind the couch, waiting for their mother to come back from her night shift. Milo was given an ice pack for his head and some painkillers, and then they were both sternly ordered to take off their respective suits.
Miles turned inquisitive eyes towards his dad.
“If your mom comes in and sees you two wearing those outfits right after work, that woman will have a heart attack and faint. Take ‘em off,” was Jeff’s sharp explanation.
They were not gonna argue with that. To the bedroom they both went.
“And then you both come right back out the second you change, got it?”
“Yeah dad, got it,” was Miles’ unenthused mumble before closing the door.
Miles turned back around with his mask in his hands, and immediately threw it at Milo.
“What were you thinking?!?!” he hissed, arms flying up into the air, making grabbing motions at his twin brother’s neck. “You absolute idiot, my god, we are so. Freaking. Dead!!”
Milo ducked back, scowling. “Me?!” he hissed back, keeping his voice at a harsh whisper as well. “What did you want me to do, pendejo, just let our dad fry, just like that? I didn’t see you moving to stop the guy!”
They were both snapping at each other, hands flying everywhere as they argued in harsh tones and whispers. They only stopped when they heard a loud knock on the door.
“Don’t take all night, either,” came their father’s booming voice from behind the wood.
Miles hung his head. Milo rolled his eyes and moved towards the closet, ripping his jacket off and kicking off his shoes. “Yes dad,” they both intoned at the same time.
A few glares were exchanged as clothes were tossed onto the floor, and Miles sighed loudly as he pulled on a pair of pajama pants, throwing himself onto his bed to get them up his legs all at once. He glanced at his bedside alarm clock, knowing his mom would be home any minute now. He felt his heart beat in his chest much louder and faster than usual.
Milo pulled on a hoodie over his head, gingerly easing the fabric over his bruised chest.
“Did the blast hit your chest too, man?” Miles asked quietly, eyes playing over the mess of a bruise over slightly-scarred skin, wincing a bit.
Milo exhaled sharply. “Shuddup.”
Miles frowned. “You have to let mom know about that soon. Don’t ‘shuddup’ me.”
“Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
Miles knew his brother was sulking, but that really looked… bad. If he was responsible for not only dragging his brother into vigilantism, but also putting him in the hospital as well, he had no idea how he was getting out of this one alive. He was probably never going to see the light of day until college. Maybe not even then.
Once ready, both boys stood side-by-side in front of the door, hesitating. They both glanced at each other, then back at the door.
This was it, they both thought. The moment of truth. This was the night where it was all gonna go down, and their painstakingly-kept secret would finally be revealed to their parents. D-day. My god. He didn’t even know if the speech he prepared in the car on the way home was even gonna suffice against their mother’s explosive anger. She was gonna have a cow the second Jeff told her. Damnit.
Guess I can kiss the whole Spider-man thing goodbye, Miles thought, the very idea leaving a very heavy weight in his chest that he just couldn’t ignore. He leaned forward to turn the knob and swing open the door. With one last glance back at his brother, he stepped out. Then his brother followed him slowly, ice pack pressed to the side of his head again.
It was like a funeral procession the way they marched solemnly back to their chairs placed side-by-side by the table. Jeff leaned on the doorway to the hallway with his arms crossed sternly over his chest, still in his police uniform, hat already hung up.
As if on cue, Rio’s keys jangled against the door, and she stepped inside once the lock clicked open. Her slightly tired expression changed in an instant once she hung up her bag and walked into the apartment.
“Hello boys, I’m home!” She announced, a bit surprised. Not only were her husband and two sons all home at the same time, but they were all hanging around to watch her come home after work at such a late hour. Granted, it was summertime and the weekend, but still. Weird.
Jeff had texted her that something important came up and that she needed to be home ASAP, but didn’t elaborate further. She didn’t know what to expect when she got back. She crossed her fingers and hoped that it wasn’t that bad, if her husband texted her instead of calling. If it was an emergency, surely he would’ve called.
Her eyes widened once she saw the ice pack Milo held against his head, and quickly made her way over to him.
“Qué pasó?” She kneeled next to her boy, checking him over quickly.
Milo winced and tried to dodge his mother’s hands, holding a protective arm over his chest that no one missed. “Ma, stop. I’m fine, seriously. It’s… it’s fine.”
“Is it? What is going on, why is everyone so… so sad right now, and what are you two doing sitting here like this? Jeff…?” She turned to face her husband but he was already making his way back to the boys’ bedroom, scooping up their respective vigilante costumes and heading back out with the incriminating evidence in both hands.
Once he got back to the table, he tossed them onto the surface and crossed his arms again.
For a second, no one moved. The whole world held its breath for one precious moment.
Then, with deadly calm in her tone, Rio slowly stood up and placed her hands on her hips. “...What are those things?”
Both boys braced for impact.
Miles swallowed hard, hands gripped together tightly. “Uhm. They’re. They’re… our outfits. Y’know… for fighting crime.”
Rio gaped at her sons.
“He’s Spider-man, mom. Miles is Spider-man,” Milo clarified solemnly. His chin was at his chest now, avoiding eye contact with his mother.
“...And you’re the Prowler.” Rio finished.
She took a step back and exhaled, running her hands through her hair and rubbing her face. “Oh… oh my god. Dios mió, me voy a morir. I knew it, but still... me voy a morir!” ¹
Finally, Jeff spoke up behind her. “They’re not Halloween costumes, either. Guess where I found ‘em tonight?”
With tears in her eyes, Rio looked back at her husband, a pleading look on her face. “Don’t tell me,” she begged. But Jeff continued anyways.
“I took tonight’s shift on as a bit of extra, and when I was called to take care of an electric freak close to downtown, I found these two at the scene already.”
Finally, Rio exploded. “What?!?”
The twins flinched.
Jeff exhaled and pressed on, licking his lips. “Yeah, and not only that, but Milo here took on a direct blast of electricity to the face. He jumped in front of me and put himself in harm’s way!”
Scandalized, Milo leaped up from his seat, wincing only a little bit. “Wait a minute, I did it to protect you! That’s my job!”
The anger fizzled out immediately once both parents swung their withering glares around back to him, rage hot enough to almost burn two holes into his skull. Miles pulled Milo’s hoodie sleeve and quietly hissed, “stop making it worse!”
Milo clammed up and quickly sat back down, pouting.
“Your job?” Rio shot back incredulously, laughing angrily.
“That is not your job, Milo! That is mine! My job! I wear this badge every single day so that I can protect the people of Brooklyn. You are a kid with homework and chores to do, not fighting dangerous bad guys on the streets like some kinda—” Jeff worked himself up but then stopped, as if he suddenly ran out of steam. He placed his hands over his head, clearly stressed, and exhaled loudly.
“How long?” Rio’s tone was sharp.
They were definitely not getting out of this alive. Damn. Rest in power, Morales twins.
Miles shuffled his feet, hesitating. “Uhm—”
“Speak up, Miles. How long have you two been running around behind our backs and lying to us like this? Huh?”
Miles sighed. “I, uhm. We’ve been doing this… for a while now.”
“A while?”
“…A -a year.”
“A YEAR?!”
“I mean I’unno about Miles, but I’ve only been doin’ this for like a couple months, so…” Milo mumbled half-heartedly beside his brother. That comment earned him another set of glares, including one from Miles.
“A year. A year! A year, that’s how long you’ve been lying to us?” Jeff was pacing now, clearly stressed out. He was mumbling things under his breath that both boys would rather not know anything about.
Miles jumped up from his seat, seizing the opportunity when he could. “Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait, guys. Mom, dad. Listen to me, please,” he begged, hands splayed out in front of him.
He took a breath. He opened his mouth.
“Until college.” Rio interrupted, holding a finger up. “Both of you. Grounded! Until college! You will both be adults before you ever go out without my permission ever again!”
Miles deflated. “O-kay but mom, please! Hear me out first!”
Rio held a hand up. “I don’t wanna hear it! I cannot believe that both of my sons would lie to me like this! For an entire year, no less! Dios, dame paciencia, coño!” ² She shook her head as she held her face in her hands. “Do you two know what you’re doing to me? Look at me, I’m getting grey hairs as we speak!”
Jeff immediately took her side. “Do you realize what you’re doing to your mother? You’re killing her! And you--” he rounded on Milo all of a sudden, jolting the poor boy into sitting up straight. “You are killing me! You’re going around wearing those godforsaken gloves around, punching bad guys just cuz you wanna feel like a big man, huh? Do you know what that does to me?!”
Milo visibly prickled up, hunching in on himself. “I’m not doing it for me,” he bit out angrily.
“Then for who, huh?”
“I wanted to save the little guys on the street... when the cops couldn’t. I wanted to help Miles.” Milo sounded tired, and for a split second he looked much older beyond his years. Both of his parents softened for only a fraction of a second before Jeff rubbed his eyes and turned back to Miles.
"And who made you Spider-man all of a sudden? What happened a year ago? Tell me the truth. I don't want any detail left out!"
Ah, interrogation mode already, Miles thought humorlessly.
He sighed and dutifully got started on the whole backstory, careful to leave out the fact that he was with Aaron the moment he got shot, skipping to the part where he "found" his uncle's nearly lifeless body in that alleyway that fateful day. It was a harmless enough lie… Miles presumed. Right?
"Did you… then... h-how did you see who shot Aaron, Miles? Were you there?" Jeff asked quietly, also looking as tired as Milo did. Miles paused, not expecting the question.
Rio shot him a look. "Jeff, mi amor, please. Now is really not the time." She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Right now, we have to talk about this... this... situation we have going on here. What's next?"
Miles shrugged, palms facing forward as if to say and the rest is history. "I'm... pretty sure you guys know the rest. Dad... you were uh, there. At the collider. I stopped Kingpin and then I just. Well, yeah. Y'all have already watched all of the news stories and the videos. So," he finished lamely.
Then, a surge of confidence as he looked at the concerned expressions dawning on his parents' faces. It's now or never.
"...B-but I love being Spider-man! Dad, you've seen me out there, the way I fight, the fact that you guys have less to deal with cuz I'm out there kicking ass!"
Oops. Wrong words.
Miles' confidence deflated as soon as those concerned and sympathetic looks turned into ones of anger.
"Kicking ass?! More like getting your ass kicked, little boy! How many NewTube videos are out there of you getting crushed by cars," Jeff started to count off of his fingers, "hit by buses, tossed in the air, punched and flung halfway across the block--"
"Jeff, please!" Rio cried, wobbling a bit. She pulled out the chair closest to her from the table and slumped down into it, rubbing at her temples.
"S-sorry, hon..." Jeff placed an apologetic hand on his wife's shoulder.
Rio sighed deeply.
"I get it. I know. But dad..." Miles steeled himself this time. "When you put on that badge every single day and you go out into those streets to protect the city, you think you're never gonna get shot at? Jumped? It is literally your responsibility to put yourself in the way of danger so no one else has to." He turns to the table and grabs his mask.
"For me," Miles continues, "this is my badge. Okay? I put this on every single day and swing out into the streets so people can shoot at me, or ask me for directions, or wait for me to get weird guys in stupid costumes away from the train tracks. I do this every single day, because if I don't, who will? Peter is dead--" ...wow, that feels weird to say.
"Miles..." Rio's big brown eyes gaze sadly at her boy, standing tall with this awful mask in his hand. A mask that she desperately wished wasn't his.
"Mom. Peter is dead. He is. Okay? If I don't step up and take his place, knowing what I can do? Then I might as well not even be alive at all." He tosses his mask dramatically back onto the table to punctuate his point. "I can shoot webs from my wrists and I have strength like y'all wouldn't believe. I can stick to walls and do everything that Peter Parker was able to do before he passed away. If I just sit here doing nothing with these abilities while everyone struggles to live their lives every single day, letting bad guys with superpowers do whatever they want, then what's the point of anything? The exact same reason why I put on this suit to go fight crime is the exact same reason why you do, dad." Miles turns to his father now. "You have your suit, I have mine."
Milo jumps in, enthused. "And the reason why I put on my mask is because of him. And the civilians, too... of course. But it's not because I 'wanna feel like a big man', dad. It's because it drives me crazy seeing my own brother taking on all of this responsibility on his shoulders all by himself. Miles is gonna do crazy things now that he got bit by a super-spider, right? We literally cannot stop him, even if we tried. Trust me. Might as well go along with him and support him so he doesn't get himself killed out there. That's why I do this. Every single day."
Jeff opens his mouth to say something, but is then cut off by Rio's own small, sad voice. "... Why does it have to be you two?" She asks quietly.
She looks so small sitting there on their wooden dining room chair, and a million times more tired than when she came in through the door. She wasn't even out of her own nurse's uniform yet, either. Miles felt a pang of sympathy for her.
Miles... did not know the answer to her question either. He really didn't. Why was it him-- out of all of the people in Brooklyn-- that got bit by that spider? Clearly, the universe had a grand, elaborate joke planned for him. That was really probably the only explanation for it all. But, no. No, there had to be something else in the cards for Miles. After all, he was bitten by the spider while out with his uncle who was secretly the Prowler, and he was present for not only Peter Parker's death, but that same uncle as well.
He squared his shoulders. And then told the truth.
"I... don't know," he admitted. "But... I do know this. Growing up, I always knew Spider-man was there to answer the call no matter what. He didn't pick this life of battling bad guys that wanna tear the city up all the time, a spider bit him, too. But he made me promise something before he died, and I have to live up to that promise. What else am I gonna do when I'm able to pick up cars with my bare hands?"
Granted, it was only a promise to stop the collider from opening a black hole inside of the city they lived in, but. Details. Anyways...
Rio hid her face in her hands again.
Miles softened his tone, sitting down. "This is something I worked really, really hard for and it's important to me. Milo... is kinda right. You can ground me. Until college. Or whenever. But as long as I've got these powers," he held his hands open, propping his elbows on his knees and meeting his mom's eyes, "and there's people out there that need saving? I gotta do what I gotta do, mami."
Milo leaned forward, too. "Yeah. Same here. He's not alone. The same reason we do this stuff is cuz... ever since we were little, we also watched you guys answer the call, no matter what. I never met Spider-man, before... y'know, but it doesn't matter. We do this for New York City."
Neither of their parents spoke for a bit, digesting all of this information in solemn silence. The anger from earlier all but melted away as they ruminated over all of this. All this time, their little boy was running around in a spandex costume, swinging around, punching bad guys and lifting fallen buildings off of people. There was... a hint of pride underneath all of the fear and anger and betrayal and anxiety, even Rio couldn't lie.
But god, how would things ever be the same again after knowing that the very hero who swung from building to building and knocked villains down before webbing them up was the very same boy with the brightest brown eyes they've ever seen; the boy who brought home A's on his test like he won a medal, the same boy who sang horribly off-key while doodling all over his sketchbook, who refused to tie his shoelaces and drove Jeff up the wall when he found graffiti and stickers all around the city in Miles' name? It was impossible... Rio's heart broke into two pieces.
And Milo... a tougher counterpart to her little ray of sunshine, but just as sweet. The same boy who would feed stray cats on the block, beam like a ray of light after winning a boxing match against a tough opponent, who would hide behind Rio at parties and join her happily to watch the latest episode of the new telenovela they both got hooked on... that same boy was wearing those gloves, swinging around the city looking like a bad guy himself. Rio's shattered heart gained another huge crack before finally breaking into three pieces.
Finally, she sighed again.
"You have superpowers?" She asked, hesitantly.
"... I... yeah, I do." Miles answered, fearing that this was a trick question.
Rio nodded sadly. "Of course. Of course..."
Jeff spoke up, now kneeling beside his wife, caressing her hand clasped in between both of his. "Just because you have superpowers, doesn't mean you're invincible. Miles, we do this because we care about you. Maybe we won't be able to stop either of you from putting yourself in harm's way... I mean, hell, nobody can stop me. But... god, isn't there any other way?"
Miles raised a brow. "Any other way to...?"
Jeff blew out a breath. "I-I dunno, can't you use your super strength to... well, maybe help the transportation department move some tracks around, build some new stations... that'd help the city. Swing around and deliver medicine to people for free? God, I don't know. I just don't want either of you to jump in front of bullets for other people... man..." he shook his head.
Miles and Milo exchanged glances. "I... I know it's tough to accept this," Miles started, unsure of what to say. "Maybe I can scale back the dangerous stuff some but... I... can't just stand around directing traffic when someone's getting mugged. Or a bank is getting robbed. Dad, I just can't. Maybe you guys will hate it every time I put the suit on and swing outside but... I can't give this up now. I'm sorry." He dipped his head apologetically.
Another long stretch of silence.
A clock ticks on the wall in the kitchen, and the ice maker in the fridge starts humming again. It's all so painfully domestic, painfully ordinary, it's almost an insult to the people living in this apartment facing these serious revelations all at the same time. It sure is a sharp contrast to the solemn mood settling all over everyone right now.
Rio looks deeply into Miles' eyes, then Milo's. After a while, she turns to face Jeff. "Jeff. You will not like what I'm about to say."
Jeff returns her look with one of confusion. "Honey..."
Rio shrugs, a small gesture but one that makes Miles and Milo's hearts skip a beat. "Mi vida, these are our boys. They have... this big responsibility now, to the people here in this city. Just like you. Just like me," she swallows and continues. "You and me? We've seen what Miles is capable of. Well, the both of them. And as much as it hurts, it would probably hurt even more if we kept them both back from being the heroes they need to be. What we need to do now is... we need to support them. We love them. They need us. We need them! Qué más puedo decir?" ³
Jeff looked deeply into his wife's eyes and then inhaled deeply. Not quite a sigh. That was maybe a good sign?
He stands up.
The twins took their cue. They both stood up, too. Milo quickly discards his ice pack on his chair. Rio joins them, leaning on Jeff for support.
"When police officers get sworn in, they usually just have to do paperwork nowadays. Not too much of the whole bells and whistles due to high turnover rates, but tonight... if either of you want to continue to fight crime in this city, you both have to put your right hand up. Right now."
Miles could cry. Milo bit his lip to try and hide his grin, and they both dutifully raised their right hands at the same time. Jeff does the same, and reaches his left hand out to take Miles'. Rio takes Milo's.
"Pretend we are the Bible. Not paperwork. The Bible."
Both boys nod with all the seriousness they could manage, looking their father in the eyes.
"Do you solemnly swear on your mother and father's life that you will uphold the law and do right by the citizens of Brooklyn, New York, so help you God?"
"I mean... the law law? Cuz sometimes we--" Milo started, immediately earning an elbow to the side. He shut up.
"Yes, the law. I will not be having the DA of New York City up in my home lookin' for you two in case anyone gets badly hurt. I don't want him in my office, either." Jeff gives them both a look.
Miles pipes up. "Yes, we swear, so help us God."
Milo nods emphatically. "Yes, I swear, so help me God."
Jeff nods once.
"Mijos. You will both be allowed to go and fight crime outside, con mi bendiciones. But. But... you will both also do it under two conditions. If either of you break my rules, you will have wished that spider never bit you," Rio glared at Miles. Then to Milo, "and you will have wished you never stole your uncle's gloves from his apartment. Got it?"
Both boys nodded, still holding onto their parents' hands.
"So, my two rules are this. Only two. Easy to remember, okay? Number one. Milo, you will take care of your brother as best as you can. Miles, you will take care of Milo as best as you can. Both of you will always be seen together when going out and doing hero things, do you understand?"
"Yes, mamí" the boys say simultaneously.
"Never, ever go out alone, ever. Neither of you will be alone for even a second, especially during the nighttime. Promise me this."
Miles puts his right hand down to take his mother's other hand in his. "Yes, mom. I promise. We both promise."
Rio bows her head. "...And as for my second rule."
"Do we have to have a curfew?" Milo asks quietly. Everyone shoots him a look again.
"No, no curfew." Before the boys could get excited, she quickly adds, "except for on school nights." They both calm back down.
"Your education is always, always more important. Don't forget this," she lets go of their hands to hold up a finger. "But as for my second rule? No more secrets between us. All of us. Okay? You tell me exactly when it is you leave to go and do what you need to do, and exactly when you come back. Promise me this, too."
This time, it was Miles' turn to start saying something dumb. "I meaann, like every single time? Cuz sometimes it's not really a one-and-done kinda thing, like a shift or--"
Everyone glares at Miles. Miles promptly shuts up.
"...Sí, mamí. Te prometemos todo eso." ⁴ Milo answers seriously.
Rio sucks in a breath. "Okay. Okay..."
She looks as if she's about to burst into tears, so everyone draws in tightly for a group hug. Rio sniffles against Milo's shoulder and Jeff leans his chin on Mile's head. Miles laughs wetly.
"Geez, y'all are crying? Man, for what? Ain't nobody dying or anything..." Milo interjects suddenly, causing the whole mood to dissipate all at once. Everyone laughs incredulously.
"Boy, if you don't know how to read a room..." Jeff starts, a warning tone laced into his playful grin.
"Man, I was just trying to lighten the mood! Damn, I mean shouldn't we be celebrating? Miles literally has super strength, you guys. Like c'mon, right? That is literally the coolest thing in the whole world!"
Rio groans, tossing her head back. "Mira esté, 'coolest thing in the whole world'... déjame agarrarte, maldito cabron..." ⁵ she mutters sarcastically, moving to grab at Milo's neck in the exact same way Miles did not even an hour earlier. He playfully dodged out of the way, putting his arms up to block, out of habit.
"Cabron?! Mom, you're so mean!" Milo complained.
Jeff leans in and interrupts their banter. "Milo. Son. You have to sit with me on the couch now, cuz we have to have a little chat about how you got your hands on those gloves, actually..." He grabs at one of Milo's arms, his smile just a tad bit too wide. Milo gulps.
Jeff continues, steering them both away from Miles and Rio. "And we also have to talk a bit about the history behind those things, too..."
Rio turns to Miles and cups his cheeks in her hands, looking into his eyes. "Do you actually, actually swear to me that you will try your hardest to stay safe?"
"Yes, mom, I do! We said it like a hundred times."
"Your father was right. Just because you have super strength now--"
"And super-healing."
Rio stares at him for a beat.
Miles squirms nervously. "...What? I do!"
"Super-healing, sure. Uh huh. If I catch you with bullet holes inside of you, I am not taking you to the ER then, Mr. Invincible."
"Ouch. Harsh."
"I warned you! I'm smiling like I'm joking but I'm really not!"
"Okay, okay, geez. C'mon, ma. It's really not that big of a deal. I don't get shot at as much as you'd think! Seriously! I'm fast. And... and I've been doing this for a while now. You have to trust me, okay?"
Rio sobered up. "I know. I know. I just... mi amor, I am your mother. I worry about you. You know... I've been taking care of my two little boys for so many years now. I just... I care about the both of you even when you two drive me completamente loca! I trust that you can both handle yourselves, I really do. It's just hard. It is. I-it'll... take some time to get used to."
Miles nodded. "Growing up is tough. I get it."
Rio smacked him on the shoulder.
"Ow! What, it's true! We're all growing up right now, I'm not a little kid anymore and... and you're not the mom of two little kids now. It's just... it's a transitional period! Life's tough!" Miles shrugs, smiling warmly.
Rio smirked, crossing her arms. "Uh huh. It sure is."
Then, she opened her arms for another hug from Miles, which he happily returned.
"I mean it, Miles. Whatever happens, I want you to keep yourselves safe. And ask for help. Papí, your father is a police officer. And whatever you need, whatever you need... I'm here, too."
Miles beamed at his mother with tears in his eyes.
"I know, mom. Thank you."
☆ translations:
¹ "my god, i'm going to die."
² "god, grant me patience, fuck!"
³ "what more can i say?"
⁴ "yes, mom. we promise you all of that."
⁵ "Lookit this guy, 'coolest thing in the whole world'... lemme get my hands on you, fucking bastard..."
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ash-etherwood · 4 years
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Hallo Kinder, der Onkel ist wieder da! Und er hat einen ganzen Sack voll Blanked Runes dabei. :---D
Ja, das ging jetzt diesen Monat doch recht … schnell. Aber ich habe momentan auch einfach sehr hart BOCK zu zeichnen, deswegen werde ich das wohl einfach mal tun. (Wann und wie ich die Inktober-Teile hochladen, weiß ich noch nicht, aber sie sind auf jeden Fall schon gut in Arbeit. :3c)
Das hier wird jetzt auf den ersten Blick etwas … verwirrend aussehen, fürchte ich. Vielleicht erinnert sich noch der eine oder andere daran, dass ich beim letzten Mal von einer Demonhunter!AU sprach … nun, das hier ist sie. (---:
Das Worldbuilding ist noch etwas wackelig, aber es ist basically Fantasy mit sehr vielen modern Elementen und es soll auch ein halbwegs sinnvolles Magic System geben (I basically never write Fantasy so AHHA) und wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin, dann wollte ich einfach nur Blank-Rune-Charaktere mit coolen Stiefeln und gayen Hemden zeichnen,,, Mission geglückt! 8D Ebenfalls ein wichtiges Detail: the boys get longer hair and the girls get shorter hair because I’m gay. <3
Werde ich jemals etwas hierzu schreiben oder es auf ewig nur eine fun AU sein lassen, über die ich ab und zu tagträume? Das weiß nur der liebe Gott allein. 8DD Mal schauen, was die Zeit so bringt.
Ich werde vermutlich nicht für alle Charaktere Refs machen, weil ich für nicht alle wirklich eine Storyline im Kopf hab (Spoiler, Finn stirbt am Anfang. :^B), aber mit ein paar weiteren könnt ihr sicher noch rechnen. Tave, Coal (Ingwuz!), Rhy und Phillip haben bisher mit das größte Development erfahren, deswegen hab ich sie hier schon mal.
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Tja, was kann ich dazu sagen … Dämonen sind cool, aber auch ostracized from society, weil sie Hörner, Klauen, funky Augen und sehr starke Magic Affinity haben … Magie kann man in dieser Welt lernen, auch wenn man ein Mensch ist, aber Dämonen werden gejagt und weggesperrt oder getötet, weil sie als Ursprung dieser Magie gelten, da beides zur selben Zeit in dieser Welt aufgetaucht ist, und studiert, um diese Magie besser zu verstehen und neue Formen davon kennenzulernen und lehren zu können. Erlernen kann man Magie aber nur, wenn man sie am Institut(™) studiert, womit man sich entweder dazu verpflichtet, ein Jäger zu werden oder sich ihm anderweitig mit Leib und Seele verschreibt und wie wir alle wissen ist capitalism evil and education should be free … das ist so der grobe Plot. :-D
Tave ist ein Jäger und zwar einer der besten, hat aber vor einiger Zeit spitzgekriegt, dass die gefangengenommenen Dämonen sehr unmenschlich behandelt und gefoltert werden und hat sich deswegen dazu entschlossen, sich dagegenzustellen, aber er weiß noch nicht genau, wie er das anstellen soll und versucht deswegen erst mal, bei seinen Missionen keine Dämonen mehr einzufangen, sondern sie, wenn er keine andere Wahl hat, ‘nur’ zu töten, da er das immer noch für humaner hält als sie auszuliefern.
Er bildet ein Team mit Coal, der ebenfalls über die Evil Machenschaften™ bescheid weiß und secretly selbst ein Dämon ist (GASP!!), der vor einiger Zeit einen Deal mit dem Institut gemacht hat, um jemanden zu retten, der ihm sehr wichtig ist (dreimal dürft ihr raten wen <3). Er versteckt seine dämonischen Attribute mit Magie und bis auf Tave (und später Fatima) weiß niemand, was er in Wirklichkeit ist. Er hat ebenfalls vor, eine Rebellion anzuzetteln, kriegt das aber irgendwie noch nicht ganz hin und ja. Die sind alle nicht so initiativ hier. 8D
Phillip … ah yes, Phillip. <3 Er ist wie immer eine Dramaqueen und legt sehr viel Wert darauf, das coolste Outfit von allen zu haben und möglichst stark wie ein Evil Priest auszusehen. 8DD You know, for the aesthetic! Er hat die Ausbildung zum Jäger begonnen, um Rache zu nehmen, nachdem er ganz gewisser Dämon mit Feuerkräften vor einigen Jahren sein Leben und sein halbes Gesicht zerstört hat (aber das ist irgendwo schon okay so, denn jetzt hat er ein sehr cooles Magical Crystal Eye <3) und hat jahrelang trainiert, um ihm wieder gegenüberzustehen und sich selbst einen Dolch geschmiedet, den er seinem Erzfeind durchs Herz jagen will … ja, und als er endlich wieder vor Rhy steht, merkt er sehr schnell, dass er ihn immer noch liebt und sie haben erst mal einen sehr coolen Anime Fight und dann smoochen sie und rennen zusammen weg, so wie es sich gehört. <3 Rhy ist ein kleines bisschen mehr evil hier, bzw. lässt er es mehr raushängen, weil er ein Image hat, aber das trägt leider nur dazu bei, dass Phillip noch gayer für ihn wird. u_u Rip.
Wie gesagt, es ist alles noch ein wenig konfus und noch nicht in Stein gemeißelt (zum Teil auch, weil ich noch auf bestimmte Charakterarcs im Canon warte :-D [und ja, ich hab Rhys Steckbrief zwar schon, aber ich will ihn erst lesen, wenn sein und Phillips Arc vorbei ist!]), aber falls ihr irgendwie Fragen dazu habt … würde ich sie gerne versuchen zu beantworten. :///3 Die AU ist mir doch schon sehr ans Herz gewachsen und das Worldbuilding macht mehr Spaß als erwartet, vielleicht schreibe ich irgendwann tatsächlich mal was dazu, wenn auch nur ein paar lose, halb zusammenhängende Oneshots …
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yoichichi · 4 years
Modern!au Hange Zoë Relationship Headcannons
Hange Zoë x reader
a/n: hi!!! This is my first post for aot on this blog! Plspls tell me your thoughts and if you guys like this :) requests aren’t open quite yet but will he soon, I just need to finish some things up in my drafts first :) you can look at WIP page on my pinned post on my blog to see some other aot works I’m working on atm before I open requests :) pls enjoy !!! I luv them on god
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Please tell them to go to bed, they have no self regard for their sleeping habits and WILL stay up for 2 days straight
It does not matter if they’re in bed with you either, they will lay with their back against the headboard and you cuddling into their side while they stroke your face until you fall asleep and then IMMEDIATELY start reading
The amount of times you’ve woken up to them still awake in the middle of the night looking at you like 👁👄👁😃 good morning sunshine~~ just go back to bed ~~ maybe you’re dreaming ~~ , cause they KNOW you’ll scold them and they’d like to avoid that at all costs
PLS they definitely wear one of those stupid little head light things so they can read while you sleep
* 💡
* 👁👄👁
“good morning sleepy head”
I truly feel like they’re a pro at getting you to fall asleep though, not even so they can stay up they just are so good at soothing you
That one spot in between your shoulders thats always sore? They’re hands find it without you even having to mention
The way you have to cuddle laying on your right side and your left? They’re already adjusting themselves on the couch so that can happen
The way you like kisses on the top of your head but not your temple? Check ✅ they’re fingers are resting at your temple to remind them it’s always the top of your head -as if they’d forget-
Expanding on this, they’re just so good at remembering details about you in general???
And of course some of it is the basics like your favorite snack, your favorite candle, the current show your binging, the laundry detergent you always buy, etc.
But some of it you wouldn’t have even asked them to remember?? Like it gets more and more obscure the longer you’re together
Like how you wouldn’t like the leather seats in their car, which you mention once cause the skin on your legs were sticking to them in the summer
And then they’re in the market looking for a new car and this one doesn’t have leather seats, which to yourself you’re like oh cool :)
But then they just bring it up while you’re driving with them one day like
“Isn’t it nice that now when you wear shorts your legs don’t stick? I tried keeping that in mind for you, babe.”
And it’s just??? You’re almost questioning how they even KNOW that until they tell you about the one ☝🏼 time you mentioned it and it was at least a couple years ago and it’s just??? Thank you?!?
But yes, anything you do Hange WILL remember it for better or for worse cause they just see it as a part of getting to know you and love the person you are!
Okok emperor fidgety over here ‼️
WILL talk with their hands so intensely that they’ve knocked over countless drinks, vases, has even flung their fork once
Queue wide eyes and awkward laughing while they blush a little before they rush for a towel to clean up their mess
But will still continue to ramble while they clean, nothing stops their talking
Carpet cleaner is your best friend
Let’s just say when the two of you decided to move into a new place together, hunting for hardwood floors was a must
But BECAUSE this fools always making a mess and needs to just ~lower the chaos a teensy bit ~ they WILL grab onto your hands while they talk
They’d be getting particularly animated and loud and you’d just let out a giggle and nod your head, letting them know you’re listening and they don’t have to be so loud
And they’d just giggle and shush themselves and be like sorry sorry I know with some big stupid smile on their face
They’d reach their hands out and grab yours and clear their throat and raise their eyebrows a little,
“Ok, so, here’s the best part though. Get. This.”
And they’d just go back to ranting but this time they have so much more energy being focused into you rather than combusting out of them
Their eyes are locked onto yours so hard, no longer darting all over the room while they speak
Their hands moving yours only a little, swinging them up and down, squeezing them when they get particularly excited
Their voice is more hushed and deep, their words shooting sharply at you with an intensity vibrating off them making your cheeks burn
Now, when something would normally result in a flying fork, instead it’s a tug on your hands to bring you closer while their voice gets heavier and quiet - almost a whisper - sharing this moment with you and ending it with raised eyebrows and a squeal - sometimes even shaking your arms about if it’s especially exciting news
Speaking of ranting, when you rant you better expect Hange to get JUST as involved as you
You’re frustrated? Yeah Hange is getting heated too, riling you up in the process, it’s their problem now too
You’re happy? Hange is squealing and jumping up and down with you as if they got the promotion ajakskajaja
I feel like the only exception to this would be if you were stressed, upset, or sad
They’re immediately quiet and looking all over your face for any sign of distress with the most sincere eyes
Nodding and responding with little hums of understanding, ready to scoop you into their arms the moment you need them too
The RULER of taking care of their s/o when they’re down or sick
Not only cause they know everything there is to know about your existence lmao
But cause I think they’re smart enough to be able to not be over bearing when they’re taking care of you
They’ll check in a lot for sure, but never smothering you more than you’d like lmao
Their love language is definitely quality time in my opinion
Do you remember how excited they were when Eren agreed to listen to them talk and they talked literally ALL night?? -I miss them like this pls-
Please just spend time with them while they’re doing research at home or reading, they’ll never feel more loved and appreciated
Ok but like :
It’s late, it’s been dark outside for hours now. Your eyes became heavy hours ago but, you don’t have work tomorrow, and you’d hate leaving Hange in here by themselves, so you decided on cuddling up in the living chair in their office - that they definitely put in there for you - on your phone. You were scrolling mindlessly through apps trying to keep your mind stimulated enough when you heard their chair move from the spot they were in for the first time since you’ve been in their. You looked up to see them crack their neck and stretch their arms above their head, they’re shirt riding up just above their belly button.
They sighed deeply and slowly walked over to you, running their hands down the side of your face and cupping your cheeks to turn your head up to face them.
They leaned down at an agonizingly slow pace and pressed a deep kiss on your lips
“Let’s go to bed now, yeah?”
And while you were laying together drifting off to sleep, they’d just kiss your head one more time and tell you how much they love you
Pls you’d mean the world to them
Like,,, WHEWWW
This isn’t even a relationship HC LMAO
I mean a little -
They’d LOVE to go on roadtrips with you, you can’t tell me otherwise
A fun stupid adventure to buy shitty souvenirs along the way? Meeting strange people and getting all these new stories together? Hange is at peace like this lmao
But more on them driving 👁👅👁
Definitely drives stick, and they’re a FAST driver
Always a little above the speed limit
So good at changing lanes, especially on the freeway
The way they check over their shoulder?? Lawd almighty
Sometimes they’ll check over their shoulder that’s facing you and flick their eyes to your’s for a moment, cause they can feel you staring at them in that brief moment, and they’ll just raise their eyebrows and shoot you a cocky little side smile
And then after they change lanes they reach a hand over and squeeze your thigh before they keep driving
Ok does have bad road rage though LMAO
Not in a dangerous way they just,, swear very loudly in the car and then roll their eyes and apologize that there’s idiots on the road LMAO
All in all, Hange is a very attentive and loud partner, so I hope you’re ok with chaos and intensity
a/n: thanks for reading yall!!! Feel free to check out my blog, more aot content coming soon! And I always love to hear from you guys :)
taglist: @plutowrites
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chocosvt · 4 years
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⚬ pairing: seungcheol x fem!reader ⚬ word count: 4342 ⚬ warnings: brief drug mention ⚬ genres: mainly just fluff! college/uni!au
✧✎ synopsis: your longtime campus crush just received an interesting dare: to ask you out on a date. while the circumstances are questionable, you aren’t going to decline. maybe this is your ticket to romance. 
✧✎ a/n: if this title or plot sounds familiar, then that’s bc i finally accomplished a goal of mine: to rewrite i dare you. this was a fic i originally wrote in 2016!! i did change some aspects, so not everything is identical. PLS ENJOY ;w;
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The bells to the café door jingled.
Normally, you wouldn’t be so attentive about the customers filtering in and out, but at that moment, your gaze shot over the lid of your laptop like a harpoon. It was roughly the right time, the right day. According to your judgement, this was when they usually came for their morning coffees. Jeonghan, Joshua, and Seungcheol: a very popular trio amongst the likings of your campus.  
Jeonghan was a nursing student. Clean-cut, charming to a degree of annoyance, and always ordered a boring black coffee. The second boy, Joshua, was cute enough to stop you in your tracks and force a double-take. However, he liked mathematics, numbers, weird formulas which looked more torture than learning. He preferred lattes with foam. And then there was Seungcheol. You wouldn’t call him your true love, because you didn’t know him all that well, and as far as he was concerned you were the lunatic who accidentally set pages of Joshua’s chemistry homework on fire. But that was a story for another day (you haven’t been near that Yankee candle since).
Nonetheless, you were crushing on him. Badly. To the point where you arrived at the café early, pretending to type a document on your laptop, just so you could flit your eyes every so often at his table while he slurped his chocolate mocha. You even had their scheduling memorized. It was a bit weird, and you would be the first to admit such a thing, but nothing was going to thwart you from daydreaming about those eyes of his. Or that dazzling smile. His short bursts of laughter which were usually tweezed out at Jeonghan pulling some stupid prank on Joshua. Everything about you adored him.
The trio gathered at their usual table, sat obliquely to your nook by the window. You had opened an older document that was already finished, pretended to tap against the keys while they ate a small breakfast before class. Something was different. They were giggling more than usual. And you couldn’t help but blatantly stare with concern when Joshua tore open a salt packet and poured it straight on his tongue. Jeonghan was grinning so widely that you were positive his face must be aching, and Seungcheol cackled into his fist while Joshua immediately grabbed for his latte.
A game. They were playing some sort of game.
Once Joshua had recovered, you noted that he began surveying the café, running his narrowed gaze to each table.
The second he found you huddled in the corner, attempting to shrink behind your laptop and pretend your presence was nothing but invisible, Joshua leaned into Seungcheol’s side to make a very smiley whisper. Pretend I’m working, pretend I’m working on something so damn important I can’t look up for even a second, you reiterated to yourself quietly, ignoring the panic ballooning inside you. A minute later, someone had just pulled out the chair across from you. They sat down with a slight groan, clasping their hands together.
Of course, it was Seungcheol.
“Hey.” He said, watching as you tentatively lowered the lid of your laptop, probably wondering why the hell you looked so stunned.
“What are you, um, doing?” You asked.
Seungcheol could not be sitting across from you just because he wanted to. It was impossible. And as much as that stung to admit, you knew the truth was simply that. He was definitely put up to this.
“We know each other pretty well, correct?” The boy completely ignored your question. “I know that you set Josh’s chem notes on fire. We take toxicology together. Need I say more?”
“Wow,” you replied, twiddling your fingers anxiously under the table, “that’s a whole two things. I can’t even count that high.”
“We can’t all be mathematicians,” Seungcheol moved the conversation along while he angled a white jar of sugar, “and I guess I should tell you, I’m in a predicament, which involves you.”
Your hands squeezed together so firmly that they nearly moulded into permanent fists. Seungcheol was staring at you now rather than flickering his gaze between the objects on the table, with those eyes as dark as sapphire. You were burning up, sweltering, felt like you needed to burst from your clothes and bathe in ice.
“A predicament?”
Seungcheol folded his muscular arms on the table and nodded. “Yeah, I got a dare from Josh. To ask you out. The thing is, I’m not supposed to tell you. But you seem like a nice girl.”
You swallowed very tautly and pushed down the lid of your laptop a little more. Over Seungcheol’s shoulder, you spotted both Joshua and Jeonghan observing, chuckling amongst themselves.
“Another thing,” Seungcheol added, raking a hand through his black locks, “I don’t want to lose to tweedle-dumb and tweedle-idiot over there – you can decide who’s who – so you should accept.”
Straightening your posture against the chair, you decided to spell out the situation, more for your sake than Seungcheol’s. “Let me get this straight. You got dared to ask me out. You have nothing better to do tomorrow night, so you accepted it. And I don’t have a choice.”
“Your wording is a bit disparaging. But essentially, yeah.” He leaned back with a gorgeous smile, turning up his palm. “So, down?”
At that moment, you could not believe the universe had just ladled this ridiculous possibility into your lap. A date with your biggest crush on campus. A date that so many people would be wrangling your neck to steal from you – even if it was based on an innocuous little game which Seungcheol refused to submit because he was too competitive at heart. It might not have been your most prideful choice in life, but you accepted. Any chance to spend the night with him would not be wasted as long as the offer stood.
However, you had one condition.
“I’ll do it,” you grinned, watching the boy’s expression perk like a child who just got handed a cookie, “on the account of another dare. Which you’ll find out on our fake date.”
“Fine.” Seungcheol shrugged, sliding his phone across the table so that you could enter your number. He stood up afterward, on the verge of returning to his friends when he suddenly paused.
“See you tomorrow night, sweetheart.”
There was such a rush of butterflies in your stomach, you were surprised one hadn’t flown out your mouth.
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You didn’t know why you cared so much about a date that was most likely intended to humiliate you. Was Joshua still not over those chemistry sheets? Even after you spent a good two hours in the library attempting to rewrite them with your nicest, smoothest gel pel? Thoughts of what to wear, your style of makeup, and which perfume you should choose amongst the few on your dresser were awfully overwhelming. In fact, you were almost late to the park, the area Seungcheol had picked as a rendezvous point.
He rose from the bench in front of the duck pond once you arrived, checking the time on his wrist while making a tsking sound.
“Four and a half minutes late,” Seungcheol said, shaking his head, “you’re not making a good first impression, my lady.”
Obviously, you weren’t going to admit how you were stressing about a technically-fake date. In the end, you threw on a simple outfit and applied some lipstick on your way out the door, shoving the tube into a small purse hung over your shoulder. It’s not like he was treating you to a five-star restaurant by romantic candlelight. But if he ever did, you had the perfect outfit planned.
“Well, I’m here now. And with your dare.” You grinned.
Seungcheol stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Let’s hear it.”
“I dare you to buy me a week of coffee.”
At first, Seungcheol didn’t utter a thing. But then he erupted into a fit of laughter until his cheeks turned rosy like peaches.
“That’s not how this works,” he half-sighed, half-chuckled while removing a tear from his eye, “I’m rejecting it.”
“You can’t reject it! You definitely owe me. I didn’t let you lose to tweedle-dumb or tweedle-idiot. Plus, it’s low to ask someone out on a dare. I didn’t even have to show up.”  Ensuring your tone was confident, you folded your arms over your chest, raised your brow at the boy, and observed him as he tapped his foot in contemplation.
“Can I have time to consider?” Seungcheol asked.
While it was tough to capitulate so easily and let him have his way, you didn’t want to spend the entirety of your night standing next to a slimy pond, debating the regulations. So you bit the bullet. Besides, Seungcheol announced that there was a party he needed to stop by, that there was a particular someone to which he owned money. It was a short walk to this brick house that reverberated with music, cars stalled up and down the street while a flood of strobing colours illuminated in the windows. Seungcheol knocked on the door quite loudly, and then he reached for your hand, wrapping his fingers around yours. You shot him a puzzled glance just as the door swung open, the stench of marijuana mingling with the cool, night air.  
“Well, well, well,” a fox-eyed boy murmured after taking a long puff from his blunt, “Choi Seungcheol. It’s about damn time.”
“I was in the neighbourhood. Heard you and Soonyoung were lighting this place up. What a good turnout, huh?”
“Mmhm,” the other boy hummed unenthusiastically, leaning his wide shoulder against the doorframe, “you got the money or no?”
Seungcheol laughed. “C’mon, Wonwoo. We don’t even get to go inside? Hang out for a bit? Have a drink? You’re a shitty host.”
Wonwoo slid a finger under his chin, rubbing in contemplation. It was starting to get colder out, for you could hear the tree leaves rustling together as a wind whisked through the dark. You squished yourself a bit closer into Seungcheol’s side, and to your surprise, he let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Finally, Wonwoo concurred, sticking the rolled paper back between his lips while stepping aside with an inviting gesture.
“Make yourselves comfortable,” the boy muttered, “but I’ll be coming to find you in about ten minutes. And I wanna see cash.”
“What’s his problem?” You whispered by Seungcheol’s ear as he guided you around an illy lit corner, into the kitchen.
His warm breath feathered your ear as he said, “I lost a couple bets to him and was slow getting the money back.” Seungcheol then grabbed two solo cups organized in a stack on the counter, filling each with a red, fruit-mixed alcohol which sat in two glass bowls.
“Don’t worry, he’s harmless.”
You accepted the cup and took a sip. “Oh, in case you needed to beat him up? I don’t know,” you lilted,  “he looks pretty sturdy.”
“Are you kidding?” Seungcheol gawked.
He slapped his drink down on the counter and threw his jacket over the back of a chair. With a perplexed, is this man crazy expression, you watched him roll up his sleeve and flex his bicep.
“Go ahead,” the boy grinned, “you’ll see.”
You made sure to roll your eyes and sigh incredibly loud in order to really establish your indifference. Meanwhile, your inner-self was fizzling like a carbonated soda. Grabbing onto Seungcheol’s muscle, you pressed down, forcing back a surprised chuckle at the fact his arm was hard as a rock. In that moment your meter of attraction toward the boy was ticking so absurdly you thought it could break.
“Okay, I’ll give it to you, Seungcheol. You’re strong.”
He tugged his sleeve back down and slid into the jacket again, a very brash smirk beaming on his face. You couldn’t decipher if he’d actually been attempting to impress you or if that was just a display of his cockiness. And yet, you didn’t really care which category it fell into, because you were still blissfully afloat thinking about Seungcheol’s arms. You lifted your drink and took another sip, swishing the sweet but tangy flavour between your cheeks. At that moment, a man you didn’t recognize attempted to scoot behind you – except there was definitely enough room for him to get by without planting his hands on your hips and squeezing them.
“Hey! What the hell?” You squeaked, quickly turning around on your heel to see the crookedly amused look he stared at you with.
“What?” He somehow had the audacity to respond.
But you weren’t going to accept his disgraceful maneuvers, and neither was Seungcheol. He abandoned his cup on the counter and pushed up his sleeves.
“Did you just put your hands on her?” Came his demand. It didn’t sound like the normal, relaxed Seungcheol who liked his jokes, but someone with an unnerving amount of authority and fearlessness.
“I-I was trying to get by.” The man stammered, clearly uncomfortable with the thought of confrontation. He was already stepping backward as Seungcheol approached him.
“Don’t touch other people like that,” Seungcheol admonished him in a deep, staid voice, then pointed toward the threshold of the kitchen, “just get out, man. Seriously. Don’t even go near her.” And like a saddened puppy who received a scolding from its owners to lay down in the pen, the man slinked away without another word.
You were unsure of what to say to Seungcheol for diminishing the situation. Folding your arms tightly, you nodded at him.
Wonwoo came wandering into the kitchen. His eyes brightened the moment he saw Seungcheol, and he rubbed his fingers together to wordlessly convey that he wanted his money now.
“It’s alright,” Seungcheol gave you a soft smile while he revealed a large wad of cash from his pocket, “he was a weirdo.”
“Yeah.” You laughed as Seungcheol handed the sum to his friend, who fleshed out the paper notes to count the correct amount.
It took you a moment to realize that Seungcheol’s arm had wrapped back around your shoulders, this time a bit more securely.  When you leaned into him, it wasn’t because you felt a draft or a chill, but because he was comfortable. He felt and smelled like safety.
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Later that night, you returned to the park, throwing stones into the duck pond while the moon was hidden behind a thin curtain of clouds. Seungcheol claimed that he could throw his stones farther than yours, which prompted your short-lived competition. It had ended so abruptly because you ran out of stones to throw. At one point you tried tossing sticks, but they didn’t travel as far, and they definitely didn’t break the surface of the water with a satisfying plop.
“Hey,” Seungcheol said, nudging your elbow excitedly, “I dare you to get in the pond.”
“No way!” You cackled. “It’s freezing. And that pond is nasty.”
“Just dip your toe in or something.”
“You dip your toe in!”
“I don’t wanna take off my socks.”
You huffed, a plume of your breath escaping into the crisp air.
“Well, we’re at a crossroads then, aren’t we?”
Rather than continue bickering about the dare, you were starting to feel these annoying hunger pangs. You didn’t eat dinner because of how nervous you were toward this fake date (which was rapidly morphing into a very real date) with Seungcheol. The most you ate today had been some toast and pieces of apple your roommate cut the night before. Directly on cue, your stomach gurgled, and your face swelled hot with embarrassment. Seungcheol grinned.
“Starving, more like.” You corrected him.
He pulled out the white fabric liners of his pockets, revealing they were completely empty. “All my cash went to Wonwoo.”
You flashed a playful smile while repeating his statement from earlier. “Oh, wow. Not being able to cover the meal on a first date? You’re not making a good impression, sweetheart.”
In an instant, Seungcheol had snatched your hand, interlocking your fingers together warmly. He began tugging you out of the park and onto a familiar street, where there was a twenty-four-hour diner that the students absolutely loved. Admittedly, you had been there a few times. Once as a giggly drunk who just wanted a waffle plate at three in the morning, and also as a struggling student who was desperate for a cup of coffee in order to power through a procrastinated essay. Now, it seemed you were returning for a date.
“I’ll pay you back, promise.” Seungcheol said as the server placed a nacho platter onto the table. “It’s my new priority.”
The diner was quiet and mostly empty apart from a group of three seated at another table. You didn’t realize just how hungry you were until that first taste of melted cheese, salsa, and seared chicken hit your mouth. Seungcheol didn’t like black olives, so he kept picking them off. You were eating too ravenously to inspect your food.
“You’re taking the olives off?” You smirked. “Baby.”
Seungcheol scoffed. “I am not a baby.” He looked up at you as he shoved another delicious chip in his mouth. “And I know it gives you some sick, twisted pleasure to say that. You should be ashamed.”
Nearly choking on the water you just sipped, you dropped the  cup back on the table to cough a few times.
“You know what’s sick? The fact I’m paying.”
The boy reached for his glass of coca cola. “Yeah, but technically this isn’t a real date. So, doesn’t count.”
“Really?” Raising a questioned eyebrow, you watched Seungcheol take a long gulp from his drink. “Are you willing to say that with your entire chest? That this isn’t a real date?”
And in that moment, Seungcheol genuinely seemed to have met a stupor. In fact, there was a red tint dusting the crest of each his cheeks. He leaned back in the booth, folded his arms over his chest, and pursed his lips. You waited patiently for his response, lifting a nacho to your mouth while threads of cheese dangled in the air.
A smile broke through his stiff, musing expression.
“Okay,” he nodded his head, “maybe this is a real date,” (your heart impossibly fluttered), “you could be right about that.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You answered.
In truth, you couldn’t have been more delighted to hear Seungcheol agree, because if he hadn’t, you would have dined and dashed, fled straight out the restaurant in a haze of shame and embarrassment. In the span of just a few hours, your attraction toward this boy had impressively expanded like a sponge soaking up water. Before, you weren’t positive that he could be your true love. It was mostly a running joke between you and… well, yourself. However, this one night was proving that perhaps your joke could have some actual weight to it. And as Seungcheol continued to make you laugh, choke on your food, stare at him in complete adoration like he was a crowned jewel, you completely lost track of time.
It wasn’t until you burst into another frenzy of laughter at his story and spilt water all down your shirt that you finally checked your phone. Almost one in the morning. The server whisked your cutlery and plates away with a tired expression. You tipped generously, feeling rather guilty for creating such a racket at this hour.
“Do you want my jacket?” Seungcheol asked as you prepared to leave. There was a huge water stain soaking through your shirt.
“A-Are you sure?” You asked him, pulling a few strands of hair from your face. He nodded, already wrestling the jacket off.
“Go change, sweetheart,” Seungcheol told you so casually that you couldn’t hide this blatant look of surprise, “I’ll wait outside.”
Entering a washroom stall, you peeled the damp shirt over your head and folded it to pack nicely within your purse. You then slipped into Seungcheol’s jacket, which had this wonderful, warm fleece patched to the inside. It was soft against your bare skin, and it smelled like a fragrant hint of his cologne. After spending an extra moment freshening up at the sink, you wandered back into the cool night, where Seungcheol was leaning against a street pole. You weren’t sure if your eyes were playing tricks at the late hour, or if he’d actually given you a very smug, very relishing once-over.
Considering you had class early the next day, you asked Seungcheol if he’d be willing to walk you home. He obliged, and you paced together in comfortable silence until reaching the bridge. It arched over a swirling, gushing river which ran through the city, the current black as kohl and reflecting the lights of the nearby architecture. In the daytime this bridge wasn’t anything spectacular, but it was a beautiful vantage point during the night; a place to watch the city sparkle and flash like the cosmos.
“Hey,” Seungcheol whispered, grabbing your hand, “I have another dare for you, since you chickened out on the pond.”
You looked at the mischief compiling in his gaze. “What?”
“Climb up there.”
Seungcheol pointed toward a thick, metal beam that slanted upward, like a ramp. It flattened out at the top, and sometimes when you walked by during the day, there would be a few students sitting down after class, eating sandwiches or cracking open sodas. A placement of bars was set behind, only wide enough to stick your leg through. You glanced back at Seungcheol and nodded.
“Okay, fine.”
And so you began to climb up the slanted beam, feeling the breeze nip at your cheeks, your hair, like the smallest of kisses. At the flattened section, you turned around and looked down at Seungcheol, feeling like the empress of a powerful kingdom. His face ignited in the moonlight. He was smiling very wide as you stuck out your tongue.
“Easy. I dare you to climb up here.”
Seungcheol shook his head. “I, uh, can’t.”
“Why not?” You laughed, folding your arms. “Scared?”
“No, I just—I twisted my ankle, so I can’t.”
“When was that?”
“You weren’t looking.”
Rolling your eyes, you decided to tease him. Taking the zipper dangling from his jacket, you began to pull it down slowly, revealing a hidden amount of skin which turned the boy’s face an adorable pink.
“If you come up here, I’ll take the jacket all the way off.” You sang in a promiscuous tone, lifting up the strap of your bra and snapping it. Seungcheol grinned, cupping a hand over his gaze.
“No way. I’m not falling into a trap like that.”
“Fine,” you huffed, lowering to your butt and carefully scooting your way down the metallic beam, “you missed out.”
Seungcheol merely held his tongue; however, he did take the zipper on his jacket and pull it back up, right to your chin, hiding the expanse of flesh from the bright moonlight. You weren’t sure what courageous energy had just taken over your body. In fact, you’d probably regret such a thing by the time your alarm clock erupted tomorrow morning, pulling you from the pit of your sleep.
“I don’t want you getting cold.” He said. “And I can’t believe you nearly gave me a strip tease from the support beam of a bridge. That’s a first.”
“I’m just making sure you don’t forget this date.” You chuckled, half in nonsense, half in truth.
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As he promised, Seungcheol walked you back to the house and made sure the door unlocked using the spare key under the letter box. Thankfully, your roommate left the lights of the front porch on, the bulbs now swathed in grey moths. It was a strange night. A night that wouldn’t have happened if not for the antics of Seungcheol and his two equally competitive friends. Maybe there was a positive side to burning Joshua’s chemistry notes, though you weren’t sure he’d be thrilled to hear you admit that. A game of I Dare You, turned into a fake date, turned into a real date, turned into a sweet affection.
You yawned, feeling the faint glisten of tears stretch in your eyes. “I had fun. And I guess I’ll see you tomorrow in toxicology.”
“With my jacket.” He reminded you.
“Yes, of course. With your jacket.”
And while you expected Seungcheol to simply bid his goodnight and perhaps take a late bus home, firing question after question of why he decided to accept such a stupid dare as he stared out the window, you were surprised when he reached for your hand.
“By the way,” he said, “I accept.”
You crinkled your nose. “Accept what?”
“The dare. I’ll buy you coffee every morning this week.”
“Oh!” There was a small flare crackling to life in your eyes as you recalled the original dare of the night. “That’s right. I forgot.”
“Yeah, I’ll do it.” Seungcheol agreed. He then squeezed your hand. “On the account of one very simple condition.”
“I don’t think you can do that. Doesn’t seem rule-abiding.”
The boy discarded your comment. Instead, his grasp became tighter around your hand. He pulled you swiftly into his chest and stared straight into your helpless, panicking eyes as though he were going to confess something profound and utterly dire.
He smirked. “I want you to kiss me each time.”
Seungcheol lifted his brow in anticipation of your response, which was an undoubted agreement. Probably the fastest, easiest agreement you had ever made in your life. He moved in close to your ear, whispering something about how you should meet at the café tomorrow morning and walk to the lecture hall together, though you were ultimately buzzing and experiencing such a bold heartbeat that you missed most of the details. When he pulled away, you smiled.
“That sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Stepping off the porch, he turned back with a wave.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
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✧✎ a/n: the reason i wanted to rewrite this fic was bc i still rly enjoy the concept. however, i cannot STAND my old style of writing, thus i decided to just rewrite the fic and appease the nagging in my head lol. this is how i would have written this fic today if i hadn’t already done so four years ago. i’m also questioning the possibility of rewriting love café for jeonghan (pls don’t go reading it if u haven’t already)  but that would take much longer ,,,, JUST AN IDEA THOUGH. i hope you enjoyed!!
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 1
A/N: i am Very Very excited for this enemies to lovers au, and also just a quick message that this is about their characters! some characters might seem more villainous than they actually are (even on the smp) and scott and jimmy will absolutely end up being in a romantic relationship (even if it might take a while for them to get there >:)). also, i planned this fic before xornoth was introduced and before sausage started the assassin's guild thing, so if you were hoping for either of those things in this fic, i'm sorry to say that they will not be featured here! (xornoth may be hinted at though, no promises!) pls talk to me in the reblogs i am lonely /hj
Warnings: arguing, flirting, teasing/banter, threats of violence
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Jimmy liked Katherine, he really did! She was one of his first allies, and even though she could come off as a little intense for the ruler of a flower forest, Jimmy really valued her friendship. However, her insistence on staying neutral… it bothered Jimmy. Or really, what bothered Jimmy was the fact that she insisted on having “House Blossom Alliance” meetings at her castle. And specifically, it was who was at these meetings that bothered Jimmy. Sure, there was Joel, Lizzie, and Pixl, three of Jimmy’s own allies, but the rest of the group wasn’t exactly on the best terms with him. Gem and Pearl were alright, he supposed, but Fwhip and Sausage were absolutely terrible. And then there was Scott. There wasn’t anything outwardly bad about the winged elf ruler, but he just got on Jimmy’s nerves. He was just irritating, with his stupid “better-than-you” attitude, stupid smug grin, stupid perfect hair- he was just… stupid. Well, not really. Scott was actually really clever. But he always flaunted when he was right about something, which frankly was often. But he didn’t have to be so smug every time Jimmy was wrong about something.
“Jimmy, what do you know about defensive mob strategy? You can’t even keep people out of your empire,” Scott scoffed, as Jimmy was attempting to offer some advice on how to keep a base safe from monsters. Jimmy glared at the winged elf sitting across from him.
“Because I like to try and keep my empire welcoming, instead of being all high and mighty in the mountains,” Jimmy shot back. Scott rolled his eyes.
“More welcome to attack, Jimmy. How many times have you and Sausage squabbled over something inconsequential?” Scott asked dryly, getting an offended “hey!” from Sausage that he ignored, focusing only on Jimmy.
“Well… okay so maybe I’m not that great at defending against people, but mobs I can handle! They’re predictable, people aren’t,” Jimmy huffed. Scott smirked at Jimmy, and there it was- that smug expression when Jimmy was proven wrong about something.
“Maybe some people aren’t… but you sure are. I knew you’d get all riled up if I started pressing,” Scott taunted. Jimmy shot up from his chair, hand slamming down on the table as he glared at Scott and ignored the concerned voices of his allies.
“I haven’t even begun to be ‘riled up,’ Scott,” Jimmy fumed, hand lightly resting on the hilt of his sword. Scott calmly rose from his seat, still smirking and looking like he was enjoying this far too much.
“What, you gonna fight me, fish boy?” Scott crooned, hand resting on the hilt of his own weapon.
“Maybe I will,” Jimmy growled, and Scott’s smirk grew into a grin.
“Oh, you are getting more riled up… can’t say I’m not enjoying the view,” Scott said in a near purr. Jimmy’s face grew warm as he gritted his teeth and tightened his hand on the hilt of his sword. Scott didn’t look nervous at all, only mildly intrigued, like Jimmy was a puzzle he was seconds away from solving.
“That’s enough!” Katherine shouted, jumping up from her seat at the head of the table and looking at the two of them with a disapproving glare. Scott and Jimmy instantly looked a little embarrassed, both finally remembering that they were in a room full of other rulers, and that it was supposed to be a peaceful meeting as they exchanged various tactics and information on trading.
“C’mon man, it’s not worth it,” Pixl murmured, gently tugging on Jimmy’s arm. Jimmy glared at Scott one last time before he sat back down. Scott looked entirely too pleased as he sat back down gracefully- how did someone even do that, sit down so fluidly like it was a part of a dance?!- and smiled far too innocently at Katherine. She was not having it, frowning with disapproval at both Scott and Jimmy until Scott sheepishly looked down at the table. Katherine sighed, seeming semi-satisfied as she sat back down.
“I think I’m gonna have to implement a rule about weapons at the next meeting… now don’t you two have something to say to each other?” Katherine said expectantly. Scott and Jimmy both looked at Katherine with confused expressions.
“Haven’t they said enough to each other?” Fwhip asked, sounding bored as he leaned back in his chair. Katherine rolled her eyes at Fwhip, and looked back at Scott and Jimmy.
“What I meant is that these two owe each other an apology,” Katherine said pointedly.
“What have I got to apologize for?! Scott started it!” Jimmy protested.
“It’s not my fault Jimmy’s easy to get all hot and bothered,” Scott said with an air of indifference, but the smirk directed at Jimmy told a different story. Jimmy’s face burned again.
“You stop that,” Jimmy scowled.
“Make me,” Scott replied smoothly.
“I’m confused, are they flirting or fighting now?” Sausage whispered far too loudly to Pearl. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head at Sausage.
“We’re not flirting!” Jimmy protested.
“Yeah, I can do way better than Jimmy,” Scott scoffed.
“Wha- hey! What’s that supposed to mean? I am a catch, thank you very much,” Jimmy huffed, crossing his arms.
“Oh, so you want to be flirting now?” Scott crooned with a smirk.
“What?! No! You’re infuriating,” Jimmy shouted.
“Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you,” Scott shot back smoothly. Jimmy opened his mouth to reply, but was halted by a frustrated groan from Katherine.
“You know what? Fine! I declare this meeting adjourned. Everyone out! See you next week,” Katherine exclaimed with a sigh.
“Finally,” Fwhip muttered, getting up from the table first and striding out of the castle. Gem shook her head at his retreating figure, and turned to Katherine with an apologetic smile.
“What he means is thank you for inviting us to the meeting. I look forward to next week- and I’m sure Fwhip does too!” she said, gently patting Katherine’s hand before getting up and following after Fwhip. Pearl and Sausage were the next two to leave, thanking Katherine for inviting them as well. Then finally Scott left, simply bowing his head in respect to Katherine, but smirking at Jimmy before he took off.
“I hate that guy,” Jimmy muttered as he watched Scott fly away.
“I think you’ve made that clear, Jimmy. You’ve gotta stop picking fights you can’t win,” Katherine admonished with a sigh.
“I could have taken him!” Jimmy protested.
“And even if you couldn’t have, I would have avenged you,” Joel added. Lizzie and Pixl nodded in agreement, while Katherine buried her face in her hands.
“Peaceful! These meetings are supposed to be peaceful! I am definitely going to have people leave their weapons at the door at the next meeting,” she sighed, bringing her face up from her hands to lean back in her chair. Jimmy frowned, feeling a bit bad.
“I- sorry, Katherine. I shouldn’t have let Scott get under my skin so easily. I promise next meeting I won’t make a big fuss out of nothing,” Jimmy said solemnly, looking to Katherine with an apologetic smile. She smiled back, but it was a little strained and exasperated.
“It’s alright, Jimmy. Honestly Scott is just as much to blame as you are here. I just wished you two would have apologized to each other- you apologized to me just fine!” Katherine pointed out, her smile turning more bright and encouraging. Jimmy frowned, nose wrinkling slightly.
“Yeah, because I like you,” Jimmy huffed. Katherine giggled, leaning forward in her chair to clasp her hand over Jimmy’s and give it a light squeeze.
“That’s very sweet, but sometimes you’ve gotta apologize to people you don’t like, Jimmy,” Katherine said pointedly.
“From the way they were talking at the meeting, ‘like’ might be too weak of a word,” Pixl commented dryly. Joel poorly hid a laugh behind a cough, while Lizzie elbowed him while trying to hide her own amused smile.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Jimmy asked indignantly. Pixl looked at him blankly, raising an eyebrow.
“You told him that you were a catch, dude. How else are we supposed to interpret that?” Pixl replied with a laugh. Jimmy’s face flushed for what felt like the twentieth time that day.
“I wasn’t thinking straight!” Jimmy protested.
“Clearly,” Lizzie teased with a grin, no longer trying to hide it. The table erupted into laughter, and Jimmy couldn’t help but laugh too, even if it was at his own expense, and even if his friends were wrong. He was not interested in Scott in that way in the slightest, thank you very much. Their argumentative banter just got a little… carried away, that’s all. And he wasn’t saying he was a catch so that Scott would think so… he just had confidence in himself! And Scott was trying to wear down that confidence, Jimmy was just proving him wrong! At least, that’s what Jimmy told himself.
“So this is how the betrayal begins- first you fabricate an attraction to someone I despise-” Jimmy cut off his dramatic monologue with his own laughter, only causing the group to laugh louder.
“We’ll set you up with Sausage next,” Pixl said with a laugh.
“Now that is the ultimate betrayal,” Jimmy said with a shudder, grinning at Pixl all the while.
“Stop it, stop it- no one is betraying anyone! I’ll keel over from laughter with these backstabbing plans at this rate,” Katherine said, wiping at her eyes as the last of her laughs subsided.
“Alright, alright, if you insist. I should get going anyway, I’ve got a long trip back to Pixandria,” Pixl said, standing from the table.
“Safe travels! See you next week!” Katherine said with a wave. Jimmy and the others said their goodbyes, and with a nod and a smile Pixl equipped his elytra and walked out of the castle to fly off.
“Guess we should leave too, I’m sure you’ve got things to be working on,” Joel said, standing up from the table. Lizzie and Jimmy followed his lead. The three of them would often journey back to their empires together, seeing as they were all in fairly close range to each other. Katherine rose from the table with a sigh.
“Yeah, I’ve got some things to sort out. I’ll see you three next week- and I’m serious about the ‘leaving the weapons at the door’ rule,” she said, looking at each of them pointedly.
“Oh I’ll make sure these two follow through with that!” Lizzie said brightly.
“I was talking about you too, Lizzie,” Katherine said flatly. Lizzie placed a hand over her heart in mock offense.
“Me?! Oh please, next to these two I’m downright peaceful! Now we really must be going, nice seeing you!” Lizzie said far too innocently, grabbing both Joel and Jimmy by their arms and all but dragging them out of the castle.
“Oh uh, bye then! I guess,” Jimmy said with a lopsided grin and a wave from his free hand. Katherine shook her head fondly, waving goodbye back. The three of them made their way outside with only some minor grumbling from Joel about how he could walk, Lizzie. She only patted his cheek with a smile before equipping her elytra, Joel and Jimmy doing the same. And as the three allies took off into the skies and off to their own empires, Jimmy’s thoughts couldn’t help but wander back to Scott. Maybe he should try and patch things up, like Katherine suggested? He was a very good ally of Katherine’s as well- they were even planning a plushie business together! And he didn’t want Katherine to be stuck between another conflict again, like she had for all of his issues with Sausage. But how exactly Jimmy was going to fix things with Scott, he wasn’t sure. The winged elf was stubborn, and frankly so was Jimmy. It was unlikely either of them were going to give in or come to any sort of compromise. At the very least, Jimmy just hoped he could keep their arguments to just that- arguments. He couldn’t afford another war.
MCYT Fic Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed! And if you just want to specifically be tagged in this fic, I am open to making a specific taglist for it!): @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @space-ace123
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Charming Girl (J.JK x Reader) 🎀☁️💜🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Good Girl!AU, Angst (a bit), Fluff, Smut of course because I can’t write anything normal these days smh
Warnings: Koo has a fight with his GG and says some mean things, Taehyung has a brief appearance and it’s actually all sfw and fluffy but he curses a lot so beware, smut, usage of toys (a vibrator to be specific), manhandling/restriction of movement, GG swallows because y’all should empty the plate when the meal is good, Mentions of past infidelity and overall toxic relationship, there’s a scene where Jk spits in GGs mouth, pls don’t judge lmao
Summary: Jungkook really didn’t mean to say the things he did. He’s not even sure how his brain could even come up with such hurtful things; yet he did, and now, knowing that you’ve taken shelter in Taehyungs apartment out of all places, he’s forced to clean up his mess- and for the first time he can’t ask you for help.
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl
Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles
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You had everything planned out. You even thought about making an entire PowerPoint presentation on why this was a good idea, why this should be done immediately; yet you decided against it, simply planning on explaining it to him the traditional way instead of overdoing it. This was technically his apartment after all, you were simply living with him and sharing rent and space.
Ever since you were small, your family had pets. Your parents had a dog that died sadly when you were young, later on you got your own pet; a guinea pig named Harold, whom you had all throughout your childhood. Harold died of old age when you were barely 14, and you felt as if your heart had been ripped out and buried in your yard instead of the small Tricoloured body. Ever since then you had promised yourself to get another pet when you were older.
When you had your first relationship, it lasted for a year or so, your ex had never wanted a pet. He'd complained that it was as if he was getting a child- and that he wasn't ready to be a dad yet. So you never got one during that time, even though time and space were there.
Now at 22, you had the space and time (and money most importantly), yet you didn’t have the approval of your dear housemate and boyfriend living with you. You didn’t really think it would be an issue honestly; he’d always been an animal lover- so you couldn’t quite understand the situation you got yourself in.
„But look, I’m gonna do all the work, I’ll only have them in my room, you won’t even notice they’re there!“ you whined, walking after him out of the kitchen. You knew you were being a little childish; he’d said two times already that no, not right now, and no, because no. He couldn’t quite give you a full answer that could satisfy you, and you had already noticed that he was grumpy, but you had grown so safe around him that you didn’t spot the warning signs.
„God y/n can you please sh-...“ he inhaled, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to calm himself. „Please, not now. I’m really not in the mood.“ he said, and you pouted at him. Usually he would find it cute, but right now he was too riled up to really let his vision lead his thoughts. He’d recently started to get more and more agitated whenever he came home, always tired and frustrated. And he didn’t tell you what it was, so maybe that had fueled your pettiness towards him.
„Well tomorrow you’re gonna be grumpy too!“ you said, raising your hands, before facing him. „If you can’t tell me why not then I’m doing it anyways! I’m not just going to blindly do what you want just because-„ you said, but he suddenly snapped, voice way more forceful than yours, making you back off a bit.
„Yeah well if you would do what I said you wouldn’t be standing here throwing a tamper tantrum like a fucking toddler!“ he yelled, taking your opening mouth as another attempt in trying to persuade him. You actually however, wanted to apologize. Those words died down inside your throat when his next left his lips. „Can’t you act your age just for a second? I’m really into fucking you, but also acting like a father isn’t on my list of favorites, thank you very much-„
It was almost comical how his own voice slowly lost volume and tune at the end of his sentence, as soon as he saw the way your eyes widened, face evolving into a look of something he never wanted to see, let alone because of him; it was a look of betrayal, hurt, and even shame- because deep down he knew there was a spark of honesty in between his words, but he also knew that this was you, this was something you couldn’t control. And he’d just used these insecurities and flaws against you.
Your delicate hands suddenly clenched, creating small but angry fists, unraveling just to weakly Push his chest, eyes suddenly swimming with frustrated water that trickled down your cheeks. He just stood there frozen, forced to watch how you stormed away into your room, not even his bedroom you two had been sharing these nights, and he still stood in the exact same spot when you emerged again with your small pink sportsbag, rushing past him and leaving his apartment with nothing more than the lingering scent of you, and the suffocating feeling of his own voice still heavy in the air. A chuckle escaped him, lacking any form of happiness or humor as he began to sob into his hand trying to keep his emotions inside. The wall next to him cracked loudly as his knuckles came in contact with it; breaking skin and wall the same, yet the pain he felt inside his soul was greater than the sting of his scratched up hand.
Right now, Jeon Jungkook really hated himself.
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You didn’t have high hopes honestly, and as the door opened, you only looked at the mismatched socks of the older friend of Jungkook. Alex didn‘t have an own apartment, and you honestly didn’t have enough money to stay at a hotel, so Taehyung had been the only option left. You had his number still, and he’d answered to your text that he was home; yet you still had some worry down your throat that he wouldn’t let you in. He simply opened the door fully, leading you inside, and showing you were to hang your jacket and leave your shoes.
His apartment wasn’t huge, but it was nice; you didn’t expect what you saw at all. It was warm, it smelled nice- not like your own home of course, but you’d expected his living space to be a bit more.. chaotic. He was quiet, walking into the kitchen and pouring two cups of something, before placing them down on his living room table. Here and there you could spot small things that showed he lived there; his Juul on the windowsill next to his balcony door, polaroids taped onto the wall, or his sweater halfheartedly thrown over the couch. You sat down on the edge of said seating place, your pink socks running over his light wood laminate. It was scratched, showed that he’d moved the furniture a couple of times since he lived here. Your eyes snapped towards the soft looking slippers he tossed next to your feet, shoe size way too small to be his. „My uhm-„ he scratched his head a bit before actually looking a bit shy. „My girlfriend she.. her feet get cold easily on my flooring so uhm, you can use these.“ he said, and for the first time you actually looked at him. His red hair was gone, dyed pitch black, a little curly too- it suited him well, you decided. „Ah yeah I- Guess I wanted a change.“ he said, going into the kitchen to shut down the lights before sitting down, looking at you. „So.. trouble in paradise huh?“ he said, taking a sip of his cup, eyes watching you.
You felt your eyes sting again, and Taehyubg Shuffle around in his spot. “I just..” you said, before reaching for the mug, hands uncaring of the hot temperature seeping into your skin, taking it as a punishment in a weird way. “I didn’t think About him you know? I mean, he told he he likes to take care of me but.. maybe he changed his mind?“ you said, shrugging your shoulders and sighing. „Sorry to invade like that too..“ tryout mumbled, back arching as if to cower. Taehyung clicked his tongue, crossing his legs.
„You’re Not, don’t worry.“ he said, setting his cup down with a crack against the table. His hands were so different from Jungkooks you noticed; fingers longer and thinner, nails wide. He was a tall person, so it made sense. „Jungkook can be.. difficult.“ he said, leaning his head on his hand. „He doesn’t show it but he’s clumsy. That combined with his usefulness when it comes to apologizing doesn’t really make a good mix.“ he admitted, smirking a bit as his phone lit up from the table, showing a notification from Jungkook, before vibrating a bit again and again, stopping at the count of 12. he didn’t comment on it, but continued. „I don’t think he meant what he said in a bad way. I guess he’s having a bad day, which doesn’t make it better honestly.“ he shrugged, and you bit your lip. „Also lean back a bit will ya? You look like you’re about to break a bone.“ he said, and you sat down more properly.
„I’m worried Taehyung.“ you said. „He.. I really like him, but I’m so scared he’ll get tired of me.“ you mumbled, finally taking a sip, hot chocolate swishing over your tongue, liquid warming your throat as you swallowed. „They all do.“ you whispered into the cup, and Taehyung got serious.
„Have you’ve been in a relationship before?“ he asked, and you nodded.
„Hmhm.. he cheated when he noticed I wanted to wait longer than he did. He stayed with me though because I paid for dinner. His words by the way.“
Taehyung laughed humorously, giving you a look of empathy. „Dickhead.“ he said. „Listen, Jungkook doesn’t know how relationships work. He’s horrible at it honestly, worse than me.“ he said, laughing a bit. „He doesn’t know jackshit about stuff, so you gotta teach him.“ he said. „I’m honestly surprised you both are together at all. Cause he knows this, and he never continues in things he’s bad at.“ you nodded at this. Though he knew Jungkook way longer than you did, you also knew this small detail about him. You'd wondered several times before, but you've never asked him openly about his actual dating history. If you were honest you didn't even knew if he had one to begin with. Maybe he'd always been like he was before you? You couldn't know. "What I'm trying to say is-" Taehyung said, breaking the silence, before standing up and patting your head a bit playfully to cheer you up. "Give it time. Don't try and fix things this time; let him do the work for once. God knows he needs a slap in the face once in a while, you've been babying him too much." He laughed, and you actually smiled as well. Maybe you really did need to wait. After all, his words had hurt deep down in your soul, leaving you embarrassed and insecure- he should get his cut of the cake as well. Sharing is caring, and all that.
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Whatever the fuck that was he did that night, it definitely hadn't been sleeping, that much was clear to him. He honestly looked like shit, he'd been told at work, and after several hours of snapping at his coworkers because of his headache, he'd been sent home for the rest of the remaining day, leaving him to visit his local doc and calling in sick for the last two days of the week. He highly doubted that he'd gain enough energy to really get anything done- having made mistakes over and over again today, leaving him with a feeling of uselessness. And the worst part?
Coming home.
Now usually, this would be his favorite part; he'd lay his head onto your lap while you looked at something on your laptop in the living room, or he'd get to catch you silently humming along a song on your phone while you cooked something. But he'd fucked things up these days, so his apartment had gotten a stale aftertaste as he walked through his door, nothing greeting him but silence. The lights were off, darkness swallowing the rooms until he switched them on. Has his lights always been so cold? He never noticed anymore whenever you were there.
He knew he was supposed to do something, but exactly that was the issue. He didn't knew what- because even if he asked you for forgiveness, it wouldn't make up for the crack that he'd seen in your eyes, not to mention how he didn't feel like he deserved it at all. He knew you would accept his apology as soon as he'd say it to you, and that made it so much worse for him. He couldn't even start to imagine how easy prey you were for men- and not in any way good.
This had become an issue over time. He felt like he had to protect you from everything it seemed, yet he also wanted you to become more independent- but there was the issue. He was actually scared. Because if you started to become less and less dependent on him,
would you still want him, if you didn't need him?
This had been a question riling him up greatly. It popped up randomly in his head, making it hard to really think of anything else- because deep down there was this voice, telling him that no; as soon as you found the amount of confidence you should have, considering your angelic character in his eyes- you'd start to see what an actual asshole he was. He'd never understood what exactly you saw in him to begin with. Sure, he had the looks kind of, he knew that from the amount of flirty comments he'd get, but character wise he was an absolute garbage can. He was picky, needy of being held in high standards, he craved praise and recognition. He was selfish, wanted everything for himself, and hated sharing anything. He was too honest, swore way too much, and had a chaotic way of keeping track of things.
He'd punched the poor wall in the living room again last night, the remnants still lingering like a bleeding wound, white dust from the broken material scattered over the dark carpet. After he'd heard you went to Taehyung out of all people, he'd completely lost it- eventually falling asleep on the couch, crying like a toddler after a tantrum. Ironic, since he'd called you one, when in reality it seemed that he was the immature one in this relationship.
This time he simply let himself fall onto the couch, a stray blanket still crumpled up pathetically on the cushions, looking almost how he felt. He knew he should do something, but he couldn't get himself to- simply falling onto his side, just to fall asleep, dreams haunting him much worse than before without you there to soothe him.
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After staying with Taehyung and his Girlfriend for two days, you felt like you were intruding, in a way. You also didn't like to run away anymore, deciding to face whatever would be waiting for you at home. Jungkooks friend had driven you, asking if he should come upstairs with you but you had declined- this was something you needed to do by yourself.
To say the apartment was a mess was an understatement. Empty noodle cups on the kitchen counter, sink filled with dishes. The bathroom door was open, showing that he'd been showering just recently it seemed, yet the clothes on the floor made you wonder if it was in a hurry. Even though he was chaotic, Jungkook was never really messy in a way. But the way everything looked told a different story.
You also noticed just how dark it was. The curtains were closed, room stuffy from not airing out like you did every morning, and the couch looked like he slept on it. But why? Even if he felt bad, he could at least sleep in his own bed, you wondered.
But you also noticed the lack of the person in question.
Worried, you crept into the bedroom, not finding him there. What helped to ease your mind however was, that his open dresser was still filled with clothes- he didn't leave.
So wherever he was, maybe at work? You decided to clean up, and get things a bit more comfortable around the small apartment. He did tell you to be mature, after all.
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Opening the apartment door with a bit of struggle considering the items in his hands, he instantly noticed something different. Maybe it was the fresh air, the amount of light in the apartment, or the fact that soft music played in the background, dishes clattering in the kitchen. He slowly set down everything he'd bought, almost tip-toeing into his home, eyes widening upon your form standing in front of the sink, hands occupied inside soapy water. You didn't turn around, but he could see in the way you bit your lip that you'd noticed him already, yet chose not to look at him. You feared one look would be enough to set you off, make you cry, and you knew this would probably end up as something new he could complain about. Okay, maybe not, you knew he wouldn't, but you were so unsure how to act around him now that it just felt.. awkward.
And Jungkook hated it.
He chewed on his lip as well, moving to get the stuff he'd bought set up inside the living room, wordlessly working on setting down the doggy bed, placing the other bags filled with food and toys down as well. You couldn't help but peak around the corner, almost comically leaning behind the wall between the kitchen and living room, only showing a fraction of your face. Jungkook actually chuckled at the picture you posed to him as, although it did sting a bit that you seemed too cautious around him now to actually get closer. "Can you come over here for a second please?" He timidly asked, and you looked a bit hesitant, before eventually walking closer to him, sitting on the floor in front of him, with a bit of space keeping you both apart. He sighed, before lowering his head. "I.. You can't imagine how fucking sorry I am for what I said. I didn't.. I had no right to talk to you like that, and I really fucking regret it." He said, making you nod, not looking at him either, occupying yourself with a stray string of your sock that you'd accidentally put on inside out. "I'm just.. I dont know how to actually explain it without sounding like an ass, so I'll just.." He started, running a hand through his rather long hair. "I've been noticing how you started to change like, you're becoming so much more confident and I love it, I really do, but at the same time it absolutely terrifies me because-" He sighed, scratching his neck and hand reaching out to you, not really grabbing or anything, but simply brushing against your smaller hand with his finger. It was a pathetic gesture really, but he had to clear his throat again before he spoke. "The more you can stand up for yourself, the less you'll need me, and I.. I know I sound like an asshole but I need you to need me, I just.. I need to have you lean on me and like, make me do shit for you because I'm selfish, yeah, I'll admit it. I'm a fucking dick who needs to get his ego stroked and-" Suddenly your hand grabbed his, both hands running over his tattooed skin on the back of his, and he looked at you with the eyes of desperation written in capslock. You smiled at him, so understanding and warm that he felt like crying.
"I'll always need you Jungkookie." You said, scooting forward and straddling him, burying your head into his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of him as he wrapped his arms around you, his head in the crook of your neck. "Who's gonna kick someones butt when they bully me in PvP games?" You said, and he chuckled, laughing, and pulled you even closer for a moment before you pulled away from him, brushing his hair out of his eyes and intentionally messily wiping his eyes, making him grin and laugh before grabbing your wrists, kissing your nose, cheeks, your entire face before you gasped for air from laughing so hard, begging him to stop. "What do you-" You said, catching your breath. "What is all that though?" You asked, and he pulled out his phone out of his back pocket, sniffling still a bit as he tapped away on his cracked screen, before he showed you a picture of a small white puppy, pink tongue peaking out of its mouth as it looked at the camera. You squealed, before connecting the dots. The dog toys. The bags filled with food. "No way.." You said, eyes wide as he became a bit shy.
"I know you wanted something small, but.. I found her on our local shelter's website, and I met her yesterday. I thought, a dog could be a good addition-" He said, before you hugged him again, squealing into his chest and making him chuckle. "Don't let yourself be fooled though." His eyebrows raised as he playfully looked at you in a serious way. "She's your personal bodyguard- an absolute killer machine if someone gets too close, we already talked about that." And you had to snort at the image in your head, imagining Jungkook all serious talking to the white fluffy dog about guarding his owner. "We're getting here on Monday, so we got two more days to go until then." He said, and you nodded, not letting go of him. He ran his hand over your head, suddenly more serious again. "I really mean it though." You raised your head at that, looking at him questioningly. "I.. I really like how you are. Deep down I guess I know that you're actually the mature one in this, so I guess I at least want to feel as if I have the upper hand, you know?" He said, and you smiled at that.
"Well, you do though." You said, leaning your head to the side before toying with the hem of his shirt. He looked at you now, before you answered. "I still.. trust you." Your voice got a bit breathier, before you said your next sentence. "You can do all you want with me. I'm yours after all." And he groaned, letting his head fall back. "What?" You questioned amused.
"Don't say shit like that right now-" He whined, trying to force the image of the cute puppy into his head instead of you, lying underneath him in all your glory, ready for him to- nop, no no no, cute puppies, cute puppies. But you didn't understand his standpoint it seemed.
"But why though? Don't you.. you know, want to?" You said hesitantly.
He shook his head. "No, you know I kind of always want to but.. I don't want you to feel as if that's all I want." He said, looking stressed. You smiled again, leaning into him.
"I mean, that's not true. I know that." You answered, before getting a teasing spark inside your eyes. "Either that, or its so good that you go as far as to get me a cute puppy." You chuckled, and his eyes got just as impish as yours, hand smacking your behind in a playful way.
"Careful. You could charm anyone into buying you a dog with those eyes." He said, smirking. You grinned proudly, and he suddenly attacked your neck, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder, the sound of your laughter music to his ears. He actually hadn't slept in his own bedroom solely because of the reason that he'd be tormented with the memories of you both, showing him almost mockingly what he'd almost lost. Now he didn't feel pressured anymore, he felt as if he was worthy enough to be in here, as weird as it sounded.
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Letting you fall onto the mattress, you giggled as you jumped a bit on it, making him grin as he crawled over your form, immediately attacking your lips in a searing kiss, not even asking for entrance at all, simply taking. He slowly grew more and more impatient, hands grabbing and running over your skin almost possessively as he growled out his displeasure about your choice of shelter. He didn't say it out loud because he had no right to talk about it, plus he was deep down grateful that you've spent the night there instead of somewhere else, but he hated the fact that you slept over at Taehyungs place. He knew you'd never be unfaithful, yet he couldn't help but feel insecure when you left, knowing that you could easily find someone else, someone better in his eyes than him. The time apart made him cherish you again in a new way, teeth biting your skin gently, leaving marks on your skin that would soon blossom beautifully in different shades. You mewled at that, his grin reappearing, before he opened his infamous drawer under his bedside table, taking something out that seemed to be still packaged. You looked curiously, yet turned all shades of pink when you saw what it was.
"Hm.. you like it princess?" He asked, opening the plastic and cardboard packaging of the device as you began to grow a little more restless at the sight of it. It appeared to be a vibrator of some sorts, coloring just the way you liked it- soft pink with white details, making you wonder how on earth something so sinful could also look so pretty. You'd never really cared for toys like that, but Jungkook had talked about maybe using them before. "Thought you'd like it." He said lowly. "You're gonna love it once I'm done with you." He promised, glad that he saw the small green LED light up- it luckily came pre-charged, so he could use it right away after he'd cleaned it with a babywipe. "Hm, lets see what it can do, yeah?" he huskily proposed, sitting on his legs in front of you. "Strip princess. Lemme' see my gorgeous baby." He said, and you started to undress just as he told you. You've long stopped feeling self-conscious around him after all the times he'd seen you, and he also always made sure to make you feel good about yourself, so you didn't hesitate anymore when it came to things like these.
As soon as you laid there, bare as the day you joined humanity, he used the tip of the toy to gather your slick between your legs, nudging against your very center, making you jump a bit at the foreign feeling. He smiled like the devil himself as he covered it in your own personal lubrication, before it entered you, making you sigh. It definitely couldn't match up to his own length, that was something you immediately noticed, but once he clicked a button, your whines started to sound in the room, making him smile at the view of your squirming form. Oh how long he'd imagined about this exact moment, the way you moved even more bewitching as he could've imagined to be. His mind tried to burn the image into its memory, the way your toes curled, your hands grabbed the sheets, or how your hips moved in a rhythm only you seemed to feel. "hmm, so sweet. You look absolutely divine like that pretty baby." He hummed, before turning the intensity up, making you gasp a bit. He chuckled, moving the vibrator around a bit so the additional small detail close to the switches and buttons pressed against your clit, making you huff out deliciously. He'd always been addicted to your sounds, the way you responded to him oh so well- he felt like he was watching a goddess unravel in his bed, as cheesy as it may sounded. The way you trusted him, gave yourself to him, let him control you like this- it made him feel as if he was on drugs, higher than he could ever get from any substance people used to cloud their minds with. He didn't need anything illegal or toxic to set himself free and let his mind reset back into place. Not when he had someone like you at his mercy, ready to be played with however he may wanted.
As his free hand moves to fondle your breast, kneading the flesh in an almost massaging way and kissing you silly, you yelled out his name as you came undone, breaking apart just to be put together by him later. Your mouth was open in a silent scream, and as he spotted the small strand of saliva still connecting you both he couldn't stop himself from letting a drop of his own fall onto your tongue, pupils dilating at the way you simply swallowed, uncaring how just plain dirty this entire tiny gesture just was. God he'd buy you an entire kennel full of dogs if it meant he'd get to see you like this, all his and his only. He decided to not enter you as you still whined from overstimulation, taking the toy out of you as you weakly reached for him, asking him to help you sit on a little. He helped you as you clumsily tokk him into your mouth, eyes closed and pace steady as he began to groan under his breath, brushing his hand through your hair as he fondly looked down onto your head, lips around him so perfectly that it didn't take him long to suddenly gasp out, giving him no time to warn you. Yet he only felt you swallow before letting him go, his tip sensitive making him hiss a bit, breathing heavy. "God you're perfect." He breathed out, kissing you feverishly as he slowly calmed down, laying on the bed, toy long forgotten on the floor next to the mattress.
You woke up as you felt something cold and weirdly damp against your inner thighs, spotting Jungkooks naked torso as he took out another babywipe, cleaning you with gentle movements. The soft smell of the wet tissues made you smile a bit, as Jungkook used one to clean himself up as well before joining you in bed again, pulling the covers over you. "I really mean it you know." He said, and you hummed questioningly. "I know I don't say it very often if at all but.." he looked at your face with fondness, before he pulled you closer again, letting you rest your head on his bare chest. "I really love you." He said silently, and you smiled, kissing his skin as he placed one to your shoulder, his hand running along your spine.
"I really love you too, Jungkookie." You said, before falling asleep, content and happy in his arms.
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"I can't wait to see you holding the pink leash of the cute little princess."
"Do you mean the dog or you? Because I wouldn't mind holding eithe- OW, WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!"
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912 notes · View notes
Sweet dreams, TN
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Helena Craig) x M!OC (Clay Banner)
Words count: ~2.1k
Category: Smut/Angst/AU
Warning: 🔞 content/Language
A.N: I really wanted to picture something else. What if my MC didn’t get her place at Edenbrook Hospital in her first year and her boyfriend did? And what happens if she comes as a surgical resident in the 2nd year? Also I’ve decided that in this fic I’ll call MC in her middle name Helena or shortened Helen/Ellie. It’s the alter-ego of Klaw so it has nothing to do with her. After posting this I’ll log off from Tumblr ‘cause I know it’s a disaster😭😭😭😭
Song: “Sweet dreams, TN” - The Last Shadow Puppets (pls hear this first to understand it better ❤️)
I just sort of always feel sick without you baby
I ain’t got anything to lick without you baby
Nothing seems to stick without you baby
Ain’t I fallen in love
“Do you have the keys for the handcuffs?”
“Whoa. Is someone getting a little afraid hm?”
“Well I don’t want to be useless without my hands. So I can touch you.”
“I do have the keys darling.” The two faces were closer breathing into each other’s air. “But I need you to be quiet now.”
“Show me then.”
It’s just the pits without you baby
It’s really just the pits without you baby
It’s like everyone’s a dick without you baby
Ain’t I fallen in love
The command was clear and both of them entered to the inevitable path.
Feeling each other’s skins in the most obscenely way and falling to that wild imagination that both of them had been restraining for a long time.
It was a heavenly and a desirably emotion that led themselves to be part of this trap.
They could hear their accelerated heartbeats as more and more they looked hungrily and darkly like animals fighting for domination.
Blue vs Brown.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
And all my pals will tell me is that I’m crazy
You bet I’m loopy alright
And I just don’t recognise this fool
That you have made me
Whoa I ain’t seen him for a while
Panting breath wasn’t in their expectations and shared a laugh before they reached the culmination and he unlocked her handcuffs to fall completely in his arms.
Their strong embrace fitted perfectly the curves of their bodies despite their sweat. When he was about to pull off she pouted in a whisper.
“No. Stay.”
“I will.” He promised with a searing kiss.
“But you did left me.” Her expression changed completely and in a mere of seconds she wasn’t there.
He blinked. “What?”
The sound of the alarm woke him up and suddenly he felt his underwear soaked.
“Holy shit I did this again!” He growled in frustration as he rubbed his face.
He made attempts to get up but his knees were too weak to keep his balance. Another attempt and he slowly started to walk. Or better a crawling you may call it.
He turned on his bathtub to make a quick shower and to clear this mess of himself. But the hot water made him feel again those goosebumps of that sweet dream and closed his eyes again.
She looped his arms around his waist and start to kiss his shoulders slowly and gently while moving her hands up and down his bellybutton. He let a content sigh while drifting again to that imaginary scene.
And as your shrinking figure blows a kiss
I catch and smash it on my lips
Darling I can’t seem to quit.
When there wasn’t a shoulder to lean on his head, he slapped his face growling loudly and continued his shower in disappointment.
Completely falling to bits
I really might be losing it
The idea that you’ve existed all along is ridiculous
I don’t know what to say
He missed her.
Not longer after that he arrived at Edenbrook gladly on time thanks to his fast BMW vehicle. He carried his bag through the hall of the hospital and a megawatt smile that he recognised it very well stopped him.
“Yo yo look who’s back again. My mann!” They clapped their backs.
“Ooff Bryce!” He was breathing hardly. “We were celebrating yesterday for the end of our intern year. I’m sure that we didn’t miss each other that much.”
“C’mon Banner can’t you just be funnier person in your life for once hm?”
Clay rolled his eyes. “Anyways I have to change my clothes unless you don’t have anything else to say.”
“I do actually.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “I met someone today.”
“You have no idea whom I have met.”
“Let me guess did President Biden come here?” He snorted when he saw Bryce’s not amused reaction. “Okay fine go on.”
“As I was saying I met today a female but let me tell you man... this woman is not like the others. She’s like a goddess that entered to this building and blessed my life when I made eye contact with her.”
Clay was really trying his best not to laugh to this exaggeration. “You have met plenty of women and it’s not your first time Bryce.”
“Tsk. It is my first time. And may I add she was like queen Cleopatra that summoned everyone when she walked here.” Bryce added in a wandering gaze while he was doing his usual ministrations. “Black stilettos clicking and wearing those black leathery pants revealing her curves...ohh I’m thinking I’m going to fall in love man. She had a long coat on her shoulders and that white shirt mmhmm.” He closed his eyes. “She truly was the boss and I’m betting on this... her elegant body will be in my bed. But-”
“And there’s always a but right?”
“Can you believe I didn’t get her name?! Not even her number!”
His friend squealed in laughter. “What did you think fool? That she was going to follow you straight into the on-call room?”
“Yes!” Bryce exclaimed. “That’s what I thought too man but I lost her because that damn nurse came to me for signing a patient in a surgery.” He sighed and shook his head. “I lost the most perfect chance today and I don’t even know what she was doing here... she can’t be a doctor though ‘cause she’s too beautiful for this job.”
“Well then good luck on finding her ‘cause I have to go now. See you.” He trailed off to the direction of the elevator.
“Yea see ya.” He waved back at him before he muttered. “Go back to surgery Bryce before Tanaka cuts you off.”
“This is going to be your office.”
“Thank you so much Mist- Dr. Tennant!” She corrected herself briefly before she would say another embarrassing thing. “I really don’t know how to express my gratitude for this.”
He scoffed. “Please can you just talk normally Dr. Craig? I think at the first time we met the rule was by names. Call me Simon.”
“Sure. Simon.” She really wasn’t used to it though. First no title of Miss/Mister and now calling by names. USA had really big differences with UK not only in titles but also in medical policy and legacy.
“And now I must say to you congratulations!” They shook hands. “And also I’d like to introduce you to our Diagnostics Team.”
She nodded in agreement.
When they finally arrived at the front door Simon stepped first to get the attention of his colleagues who seemed to be occupied as they were studying a case so he cleared his throat loudly. All of them turned their gazes to him except for an attending who didn’t even have to recognise his friend’s voice.
“What now Simon?”
“Hello to you too my pal. You know everyone that there was going to be a resident in the absence of Edgar’s, right?”
“Yes we know that.” The Japanese-British woman spoke.
“Have you brought him here?!” Judging by his accent it was an Indian man who exclaimed happily.
Simon chuckled. “Yes Baz but it’s her.”
“Let’s hope she’ll be useful for this job.”
“Don’t worry Ethan. She was selected as the best surgical intern in Imperial College of London Hospital and many other things among but I’ll let her to present herself.” He made her a signal to come inside.
“Everyone this is Dr. Helena Craig.”
“Please you can call me Helen or Ellie if you want.”
“I like Helen better.” The woman got up and shook her hand. “Dr. June Hirata.”
“Me too! Hi I’m Dr. Sebastian Mirani but everyone calls me simply Baz.”
“Ethan?” Simon asked quietly to get up and greet with her but he wasn’t moving any inch.
Helen gave him a knowing smile and said without breaking her gaze to him. “It’s alright for me if we don’t shake hands. I feel the same way too when I meet people that haven’t given me a good and a reliable impression at first so I completely understand your condition now.”
She caught him off guard. Ethan Ramsey expected her to scowl or glare into his eyes but instead she was killing him with that radiating smile.
The same smile that was reserved for him yesterday at Donahue’s bar.
In the corner of his eyes there was an unfamiliar face that stayed some stools away from him.
She lit up a cigarette even though Reggie had been strictly to every client not to use it but it seemed she didn’t care about it.
Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun revealing her constructed jaw and her long neck.
She had also earrings pierced. Was she a troublesome woman? Or maybe a drugs dealer judging by her extravagant outfit. But what caught his attention was that she didn’t look amused or happy.
She was sad. And exhausted.
Along with her was a small luggage that she had carried with herself here. She called Reggie to bring her a strong scotch and found by the latter that she was British and it was her first time in Boston.
She had also asked him for a hotel nearby this place and Reggie suggested some of them including “La Vista” Hotel which was the best. She thanked and left him the payment.
Now her eyes landed on the icy blue that had been staring on her for a long time and gave him a wicked smile. She raised her glass in purpose and licked her lips after drinking bits of it.
She was really gorgeous in all of his honesty and they didn’t break their eye contact for maybe a couple of minutes. He could do it every time without any hesitation just to rest in those piercing brown’s.
He was a very handsome man and even though he seemed older than her, she didn’t give a single shit. She could imagine his toned muscles and abs beyond those pesky clothes. She was marveled and could sense that he felt the same too.
It was like they both understood each other.
No words needed.
Only looks.
But she knew who he was. Ethan Ramsey. And she was glad that made him completely at her mercy and was enjoying it.
Poor man she thought.
She couldn’t wait for his reaction tomorrow when he would find out who she was actually.
His colleague.
Helen could imagine his flustered face and transfixed into her with his mouth agape.
She got up from her seat slowly in a tantalizing move while he drank in one gulp his scotch and called Reggie again for another fill.
She walked past him but before leaving with her luggage she lowered her head to his ear whispering dangerously. Her breath was a tingle in his ears and could almost feel her lips brushed.
“Thank you for the distraction. I really needed it.” 
She left unceremoniously when something dropped from her and he immediately caught it.
It was one of her earrings with the initial ‘H’. He was about to call her but she was gone.
Maybe he would find her tomorrow again. Here.
And he really found her. In the most obscenely and the most embarrassing way if he could describe it. Instead of what she said he got up with his smuggling look.
“Wrong observation.” When she heard his deep voice for the first time she gulped and could see his eyes glimmering triumphantly. “I hope you don’t ruin this opportunity.”
He caught her off guard. While they were touching each other’s palms an unknown heat coursed down in their bodies. Bullshit they thought because he was just an attending and she was a resident. Suddenly another voice was approaching to them.
“I’m terribly sorry for my lateness but I was-”
He abruptly stopped himself when he saw her.
His eyes were widened and his breath hitched.
She was here.
Baby we ought to fuck
Seven years of bad luck
Out of the powder room mirror
Could I have made it any clearer
She saw him too.
But not with a happy or a grateful face that always had welcomed his heart.
This was a mere seconds of glaring and then a plastered smile that he knew too well.
Clay Banner had screwed things up a year before he entered Edenbrook Hospital.
And now the woman of his dreams was standing right in front of him with his attending.
His girlfriend.
His Helen.
Or... was?
It’s love like a tongue in a nostril
Love like an ache in the jaw
You’re the first day of spring
With a septum piercing
Little Miss Sweet Dreams, TN
Ps: if this fic doesn’t surpass The Grinch Girl fic notes... there’s not going to be a part two😂😂 sorry...and Happy (late) International Women’s Day💪🏻💋🥰🥰
UPDATE: Part two is posted and it’s called- She’s thunderstorms
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kecpdriving · 4 years
Illicit Affairs - Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
pls like & reblog & pls send me asks (i’ve turned anon on now) about how you feel ily <3
note: this is not a soulmate au, but there's soulmate energy happening so it moves fast-ish? also lmk if you wanted to be added to the tag list.
previous chapters
Chapter three: I’ll be awake and I’ll be with you.
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THROUGHOUT THE LAST MONTH OR SO You and Aaron had exchanged flirtatious letters between each other. They were filled with admirations and stories. Aaron wrote about how badly he craved to hold you - to touch you in every way imaginable. He told you stories about when he thinks of your beauty and your laugh while working a case. 
You wrote how this was exhilarating. Leaving the letters where Haley could possibly notice was thrilling to you. It was fun now. You were seeing them everyday now. You wrote too Aaron in one letter that you needed to be alone with him. You wanted to see that rare smile you and Jack cause up close and personal. You told him that you needed to hear the words he wrote whispered in her ear. 
They got the letters every night when you would leave. You would leave Aaron’s in his coat pocket when hugging them goodbye, in their mail addressed to Aaron only, or in his office on the desk. Aaron had the easy way out. He put the one he wrote to you in with your nightly pay. This had been your only way to be romantic with each other. The only way to flirt. Of course you texted with each other. Aaron wasn’t big on texting though and Haley knew that. And he knew Haley better than anyone, Aaron knew she would be suspicious if he suddenly was glued to his phone. Plus, you told him to not worry about texting you at night when it was time for him to be with Jack. 
You did talk on the phone a lot. Almost every night around eleven or twelve. Even when Aaron had been away on a case, he would still call.  One night about four days ago, one of Aaron’s agents heard him telling you that he missed you so much and how he couldn’t wait to see you. You laughed when hearing the panic in his voice when they heard the agent tease him for flirting with his wife. Only if they knew who he was really talking to.
You were finishing up writing your letter for tonight while watching the news on the tv. A big storm was hitting and it did not look pretty. You hated storms much like Jack who was sitting a distance away from the window but still watching the harsh rain fall and the big gusts of wind blow trash cans around and branches off trees. It was to get worse. Thunder clapped loudly in the sky and that’s when Jack ran over to you and cuddled into your side. You could see the bright lightning bolts in the sky light up what usually is a pretty sunny street.
“Hey, Jack,” you rubbed his back to comfort him. He cried into you and broke your heart. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“What secret?” He peeked his head out of your side with tear stained eyes. You frowned and wiped the tears away from the boy's eyes and dried his cheeks.
You picked Jack up into your lap and faced the window while sitting on the couch. “I’m also afraid of storms. When I was about your age though, My Papa told me that when it would thunder it meant all the Angels in heaven were bowling. And when it’s really loud and there’s a bolt of lightning that means they got a strike! It helped me to not be so scared of storms.” you explained the old tale parents would tell their children to not be scared anymore. you watched as Jack relaxed. He didn’t seem so afraid anymore.
Jack turned to you and pointed out of the window, “Can we watch them play?”
“We sure can! We just have to stay here and not go close to the window, okay?” Jack nodded and laid against you. They stayed like that for a few hours while Jack told  stories about random things he’s either made up or stories about his dad. He loved that man so much and it warmed your heart. Maybe one day you could love Aaron just as much. Jack was dozing off in your lap and to be quite honest, you too was dozing off. Watching the rainfall for so long felt so relaxing. Right before you were about to fall into a slumber, the front door opened with a huff and puff of someone who could only be Aaron. Like always, he put his keys down, his briefcase, and his coat away.
“Hey there sleepy heads,” you smiled lazily and Jack waved at his father who was approaching jack and you. Everything in Aaron wanted to lay down with you and just fall asleep, but he couldn’t. Something within him was so happy at the sight of you and Jack cuddled together. “Hey buddy, go to your room, okay? I’ll be up soon.” Aaron shook Jack and he listened. Jack ran right up the stairs.
you sat up and smiled at Aaron while yawning and stretching your arms a bit. “Sorry for nodding off a bit. I know I’m supposed to have all eyes on him. We were watching the rain- I told him the old angels tale. It’s 8:30, you’re home late.”you realized the time when looking at the tv box in front of them. “I literally thought Jack and I were sitting there for like twenty minutes.” you laughed to herself.
“Don’t worry about nodding off. You looked tired this morning,”  you were exhausted. Lately, you’ve been tossing and turning and only getting a few hours of sleep every night. It was probably from stress and your mind constantly spinning with thoughts. “Haley should be home in a few. She was about ten minutes from here when she called me right before I walked in.”
“Okay. Jack already ate. He’s all set for bed. Just needs to brush his teeth and- Ah!” You were cut off by yourself when you screamed at the world's loudest thunderclap. It sounded as if every house around them fell down. Covering your mouth from pure shock and embarrassment, you looked up at Aaron who was laughing at you. “It’s not funny!”
He finished up laughing and dragged his hand down his face that rested on his chin, “Yes, it is. It’s okay, we’re all afraid of something. Now just listen to those angels bowl while I go get Jack ready for bed.”
Aaron went upstairs and maybe two minutes later Haley walked in absolutely drenched in rain. You had gotten up and collected your things when Haley stopped you. “Honey, I can’t let you drive in that. My car was slipping all over the road. I couldn’t see through my windshield even with my wipers on. It’s bad out there. We have a guest room, please stay here tonight. It’s bad out there. Aaron won’t care if you stay.” No, Haley, he most certainly will not care.
You looked out the window to see how bad it actually was outside. It was bad and it was only getting worse. looking at Haley who was awaiting for your answer and took a deep breath. “That would be nice, Haley, thank you.”
“Awesome. I’ll go set up the guest room.” Haley was off to the room down the hall near Aaron’s office. you put your bag back down and keys beside it. She hung her coat and left her shoes by the door where they had been all day long. Aaron had come down the stairs dressed in black joggers, a plain t-shirt and some socks. It made you smile to see him dressed so casually. His hair even looked a bit messy.
“Hey,” you crossed your arms and stood in front of him. “I’m spending the night. Haley didn’t want me to drive in the storm.” you explained the situation to Aaron who smirked. You knew what he was thinking -- you were thinking it too. “I’m grateful. I hate driving in storms.”
Aaron walked past you, following him to the little cart they had with all kinds of alcohol displayed on it. He poured himself a glass of something. It looked like scotch or bourbon but to you they were the same drink. “Sounds nice. We are very glad to have you.” For a minute there you thought he was mad. “Would you like a drink?”
“I shouldn’t. I’m at my workplace.” you chuckled softly. Aaron loved that sound.
“Nonsense. You’re off now, Y/N! Have a drink,” Haley spoke as she rounded the corner. It was like she was listening in on the conversation. She leaned into Aaron and held onto his arm as if she was marking her territory. She kissed his arm lightly and smiled. “You’re our guest, let us treat you.”
“I’ll have a glass of wine, please. Red,” Aaron took out two bottles of wine to have you pick which one you wanted. “Thanks.” Aaron went to go open the bottle and left you and Haley alone together. It felt awkward to just to stand there looking at each other and not talking. And that’s when it dawned on you, youhad the perfect thing to say.
“Haley, do you have any tampons?” Really, Y/N, that’s your best ice breaker? You did need one though. you grinned awkwardly and Haley just laughed and took your hand, leading you to the half bath.
“You look petrified to ask! They’re under the sink in a basket. There are also some pads if you like those. Usually I keep them in here and in the bathroom in Aaron and my bedroom. Don’t be afraid to go in there if you need to.” Haley nodded and let you do what you needed. Did you really look scared? It was probably because you felt so weird knowing you and Aaron were going to have their little chat later in his house with his wife around. When you were done, you walked out of the bathroom to see them sitting in the living room. Aaron looked half dead and Haley did too.
Aaron smiled at her and handed her the glass. “Hey, Y/N, i’m wiped out. I’m going to get some sleep. All three of us sleep like rocks so make yourself at home. Goodnight.”
You nodded at Haley’s announcement, “Alright, get some rest. Goodnight!” And then there were two. Hotch looked at you when he heard the bedroom door shut upstairs and smiled. God, his smile was so nice. He didn’t look like the intimidating FBI agent anymore. He looked relaxed and happy. You were drowning in his eyes. They were so pretty--sometimes they looked green and sometimes brown but never a mixture of the two.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He asked in a low voice while you toyed around with the glass in hand. you stayed silent for a second and looked off to the picture of the family that was placed on the mantle next to the tv. “Hey, talk to me.”
You shook your head and sipped the wine you had left. “Not while she’s still awake okay? This is risky right now because all I want to do is kiss you and run my fingers through your hair. I can’t do that out in the open where she can walk out any second.” You explained and he understood completely. You were right, it was risky. All he wanted to do was lift you into his lap and kiss you all over.
“You’re right. Okay, come to my office in like an hour. Go rest and clear that pretty head of yours.”
“Sounds good to me.”
About an hour or so later you knocked on the door and the knock was so gentle he could have sworn and it was jack. “Come in.”
“Hey,” you stood in the room and closed the door behind you. hour body language was awkward and uncomfortable, not your usual confidant stance. “I uh.. Can I sit?”
“Please, yes, of course.” Aaron motioned towards the chairs in front of his desk. He closed the file he was working on and slipped some papers into the manila folder that had the bureau logo on it.
“Our letters seem so confident and bold and now i can’t even figure out if it’s appropriate to ask you how you are.” Aaron laughed because he felt the same way you did. It was new territory for the both of you. All of this was so new and so wrong.
Aaron didn’t waste a single second before asking the one thing they were both thinking. “Y/N... I- what is this? Obviously there's feelings here. And I mean real feelings.”
You shook your head and looked around the office. “I have no idea, Aaron. I’ve never even felt you. I haven't hugged you, shaken your hand, even brushed my fingers over yours. We’ve never even kissed. How could you ask me what this is when we’ve never even touched. I feel so helpless, she is always around.” You had a frustrated tone in your voice. You wasn’t angry or upset, just confused. You thought Aaron thought you were insane.
“Come here.”
“Come here, Y/N.”
you got up, confused, and walked around to Aaron. He turned in his office chair to face you. You were just standing in front of him awkwardly. Taking him all in. You smiled at his casual wear. You wore something similar. To her babysitting duties they have no dress code for you, but to just dress appropriate. You dressed pretty nice for Aaron to notice, but this morning you got your period and threw on leggings, a white tank top that was tight to your skin that was slightly cropped. He took your hands in his and smiled. You could have melted to the ground right then and there. “That's how my hands feel,” he whispered to her.
He let go of your hands and started to feel your body. Starting with your arms, his fingers lightly traveled the soft skin, giving you goosebumps all over. His hands swiftly moved to your torso. He ran them over your back and then to the front again. He felt the skin exposed from your short shirt, and even went riskier and moved his hands under the thin fabric. He didn’t do it in a way that he was going to feel your breasts, he was craving to feel you just as much as you were craving to feel him. He took you by the hips and brought you to sit in his lap.
“And this is what my lips feel like,” he whispered to you as he brought his hands to your cheeks and cupped them. When your lips touched, you could have sworn you felt real sparks. It was the best kiss either of you have ever had in your lives. His lips were rough but tender. Yours were plump and soft against his. Your hand came up and held his wrist, your other hand held your balance on his shoulder. Soon, it started getting heated. He swiped his tongue at your bottom lip for entrance. It was pure bliss for you both to be doing this. his lips found your neck and left wet sloppy kisses down it and onto your collarbones. You were also grinding on each other a bit which earned whimpers and groans from both of you.
“Wait, wait, let’s stop here for now. I can’t-” You fixed your posture while still sitting in his lap. You were catching your when you put her hands on Aaron’s chest and like instinct, he held them.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have been so forward like that. Did this make you uncomfortable?” You loved seeing the caring side of Aaron. He was so gentle.
“No, Aaron. That was amazing. I can’t go any further because I have my period and your wife is upstairs. I can’t have sex with you if she could pop in any minute.”
“So, you do want to have sex eventually?” he smirked and leaned his head on the back of the chair while he held your hands on his chest.
“Well… yes.” You blushed.
You teasingly rolled your eyes, “Shut up! Kiss me again, please.” Their lips met again but this time a lot more softer. One of Aaron’s hands held your thigh and rubbed gentle circles into it with his thumb while his other hand played with your hair. You had your arms wrapped around his neck while your hands played with his hair. Your lips danced together so perfectly. It was as if their only purpose in life was to kiss one another. And in these small romantic moments, all of the stress and anxiety from Haley washed away. It wasn’t even a thought in mind while you held each other close and made out.
“You are a very good kisser, Aaron Hotchner.” you said while breaking the kiss again. you sunk down on him a bit and took his arms to wrap around your waist. You leaned your head on his shoulder and squeezed him tight. He held you tighter in his arms and rubbed your back so softly you almost didn’t feel it. He leaned his head against yours and breathed in your scent. You smelled like vanilla and lavender. “I don’t want to let go.”
“You don’t have to sweet girl,” He whispered to you and left a kiss on the top of your head. “But I can make this a lot more comfortable,” He said as you felt his hands at the bottom of your thighs pick you up and walk over to the small couch he had against the office wall. He laid down with you still in his arms. Finally, you stretched your legs out and fixed your position to be more comfortable. Your head was leant against his chest where you could hear his rapid heartbeat. “This better?”
“A lot better,” He let his hand play with your hair as you held onto his free one. you didn’t want to let go of him but eventually you knew you were going to have to. It felt unfair, but truly it was unfair to Haley. This was happening right under her bedroom and she had no idea. “We have to talk about this.”
“I know.” Aaron sighed and looked down at the girl he held. It felt so nice to be falling for someone again. It had been years and years since his heart raced like this. Since genuine excitement and nervousness arose inside of him because of another person. It had been so long since since he’d actually kissed someone with passion and even longer since he held a person who wasn’t his son close to him like this. He missed having small intimate moments with another person.
Truth be told, him and Haley weren’t as perfect as they made it seem. They had Jack because they both wanted kids but Aaron had fallen out of love with her long before Jack came along four years ago. They, in his opinion, lost their spark. He loved her as a friend, not a forever partner. He once did though. He had no idea where it went and he tried to get it back, but nothing saved his marriage for him. He didn’t have the heart to tell Haley because he knew she still felt the spark-- the love he lost. He knew this didn’t make it any better. Cheating made the heartbreak she’ll feel worse, but when he first saw you, he felt that spark again. He couldn’t waste a minute on it either. You noticed he was in a bit of a daze, so you began laying small kisses on his neck. He giggled softly.
“What are we doing?” You asked. you had a serious tone. “Aaron, you’re married. This is wrong--so wrong. You make me feel different and it scares me. LIke, I don’t even know your exact age by the way. There is so much to talk about here.”
“I’m forty-one. Forty-two in November. And I really want to take you on a few dates and hopefully become your… unfortunately married boyfriend.” Aaron laughed and you rolled your eyes at him.
you sat up but stayed on his lap, your hands cupped his cheeks. He looked so good it was hard to be annoyed with him. “It’s not funny, Aaron.”
“I’m serious. Soon enough I’ll be asking for a divorce. I just need to get certain things squared away and figured out, okay? I want to do this with you, Y/N.” He meant that and you could tell. You hated all of this so much. It wasn’t like you to do something so stupid.
You nodded your head to what he was saying. “Fine. That doesn’t mean I like doing this. Haley is kind and she deserves a lot better.”
“I agree.”
“You really want to try dating? We barely know each other. We call and write notes and sometimes text, I know. But what do we really know?” You questioned.
“Isn’t that the whole point of dating, to get to know each other? And then when you finally are comfortable enough to admit you know each other that's when you establish you’re boyfriend and girlfriend and in a relationship?” He did make fair points.
“That’s true. Okay, we’re dating? Or going to start to? When do either of us even have time for dates?” You stressed. To calm you down Aaron took your hands, kissed both and held them in his own. “Aaron.”
“Friday you’re not working. Haley has the day off. I’ll take you to lunch, okay? Lunch date good for you?” You nodded and kissed him.
“We’re so wrong for this.” you sighed.
“It’ll be okay, sweet girl, I promise. Now let me read that letter you shoved into your pants when I walked into the house earlier.” Damnit, he saw that? You reached into the waistband of your leggings and pulled out the folded sheet of paper. You sat up on top of him again and covered your face with your hands as he read over the words.
   Lately, you’re all I think about before I sleep. Your smile, your eyes that are so easy to drown in, your voice. The way you look at Jack when he runs into your arms after a long day. You infiltrated my head, Mr. Hotchner. And I’m so very okay with it. I hope to get you up close and personal soon and to talk all of this over like you’ve been promising. You’ve got me helpless here.
“You’re very cute, angel. Seems to me you got what you hoped for too.” Aaron smiled at the letter before putting it on the table next to the couch. “You’re all I think about too. I know I say it often but you are so special.” He took you in for a hug and you basically melted into each other.
“You are too, Aaron.”
Some time went by of you just talking about random things and taking breaks to make out and feel each other. When it got later, you began to fall asleep in Aaron’s arms and it killed him to disrupt your relaxation.
“Hey, let me take you to bed, okay?” you whimpered what sounded like no, no. Which made Aaron kiss your head. He moved around a bit and pick you up bridal style. “I know, sweet girl. I don’t want to let you go either. You need sleep.” He spoke as he walked quietly to your room. He gently laid you down into the guest bed. He undid the made bed and let you cuddle into it. You looked so beautiful when relaxed. Aaron bent down and gave you one last kiss before going to his own bed. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Aaron.”
That morning, you woke up to the smell of coffee being brewed. You almost forgot where you were for a moment. Looking out the window next to you, you saw how the storm had finally cleared. Breathing in, you got out of the much too comfortable bed and made your way to the kitchen. Aaron and Haley were standing there drinking coffee. You looked at the clock on your phone and it was only 7:05am. Aaron was reading a file and Haley was doing something on her phone.
“Good morning,” You broke the silence and the couple looked up from what they were doing. Aaron and her were both dressed for their jobs already and damn did he look good. “Thank you for letting me sleep here last night.”
“That’s no problem, sweetheart. Anytime. Coffee?” Haley said with that same gorgeous smile plastered on her face. You just wanted to rip it off. Not because you had something against Haley, no. You liked her. You were just not a morning person.
“I’m okay, thank you. I’m more of an iced coffee with lots of hazelnut creamer and sugar type of person,” Haley giggled. “Is it okay if i just run back to my apartment and freshen up? I live like a 15 minute drive away, I’ll be quick and be back in time before you guys leave.” you asked nicely. you really wanted to shower and change your clothes and brush your teeth and hair. You could only imagine how insane you must look right now. You weren’t the calmest sleeper.
Aaron looked at you and smiled. Looking into his eyes felt different since last night. It felt better than before actually. you almost wanted to run into his arms and give him a big ol’ kiss and tell him to have a great day at work. You couldn’t do that for obvious reasons.
Haley sawolled her coffee and began speaking, “Actually, we decided we’d relieve you for the day. Since you’ve spent every day here for the last month and because you had to sleep here. My sister is on her way. I hope that’s okay! We thought you deserved a break.” Haley explained nervously. You smiled at her kindly.
“That’s very kind of you guys, thank you. I appreciate it a lot. Tell Jack I'll be back to bug him tomorrow! And again, Thank you for everything.” Both Haley and Aaron said you’re welcome and all three said goodbye. You were just about to open the door when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Your pay, sweet girl,” He whispered that last part. “Have a nice day.” “You too.”
you got into the car and opened the envelope of money for your note immediately:
     I’m writing to you from this morning. I scraped my last letter because now I have better things to say. I miss your lips already. And that soft skin. Holding you made me feel the same happiness I feel whenever I hear Jack’s laugh or see him smile. I can’t wait to kiss those pretty lips again, sweet girl. I promise this will all work out and we will be happy, okay? Now, whenever you read this, please text me your favorite type of food so I can figure something out for friday.
you kissed the paper and drove home with a smile on your face with the memories of last night playing over and over in your head.
38 notes · View notes
hiraemy · 4 years
Lumine and The Goblet of Fire
Word count: roughly 2.7k for this part
disclaimer: first of all, this au was heavily inspired by @majunju 's incredible art! she made chilumi as beauxbatons and durmstrang students and my brain went brrr so i had to write something for them??
both Genshin Impact and Harry Potter are not created by me. However, i took the liberty to mix a lot of concepts in this AU, so have that in mind when reading. 
for sake of plot, lets pretend that Durmstrang is located in Russia. Lumine, Paimon and Aether are the only ones from Beauxbatons, while the rest are from Hogwarts unless mentioned otherwise. All the characters that have adult models, like Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and Diluc are presumed to be adults, with Childe being the only exception. Also, all the characters that use children or teens’ models are students, with a few exceptions like Venti and Scaramouche [mihoyo pls stop giving us confusing ages and body models i never asked you anything]
(please, have in mind that english is like, my third language, if you notice a spelling or grammar error, feel free to message me!)
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Act One: Lumine and her stupid impulse control
“I’m going to put my name on it.” Aether broke the silence suddenly
“What...? No! Oh god, I expected that from Paimon, but you’re just as bad as her!”
There were a lot of things that Lumine hated. 
Open shoes. A very specific type of silk-flower based perfume(Aether once tried it because he wanted to impress a girl, but it ended stinking for two weeks straight). History of Magic. Condensed slime— those that Paimon loved, but she couldn’t even see it without being sick—, potions that took more than one single day to brew. But the worst, certainly was—
“C’mon, Lumine! You’re just afraid that you’re going to get your ass kicked in the tournament!”
...when Aether was being dumb. 
“No, I’m not!” She countered quickly, ignoring the way Aether smirked like he knew exactly what buttons to push. Actually, it wasn't that far from reality, if she was being honest. She eyed the paper carelessly torn from his notebook that had his name as if she could burn it only with the power her heavy gaze. “You’re being dumb! Are you deaf or something? DIdn’t you hear them saying that the Triwizard Tournament has a high death count?”
“Paimon is sure it isn’t that bad!” The half-fairy smiled at her, eyes twinkling in greed and mischief. Lumine narrowed her eyes at the way she happily jumped in her steps, staying afloat in air for more time than it was normal to common humans “After all, they're opening it again, right? I’m certain that the ministry has done something to make it safer!”
“You’re the one to talk! You don’t care about anything other than the mora!” Lumine was quick to shut her down, sending a glare that didn’t affect any of the two. In that moment, the three of them entered the hall which had the Goblet of Fire in its full glory, a bunch of Hogwarts students surrounding it like curious birds, eager to know which students were applying for the tournament. 
“Have a bit of faith, wont’ya?” Aether smiled boyishly, flicking his wand from his sleeve and hitting it slightly at the top of his head, also giving a wave to a bunch of ravenclaw girls that awed at his presence. He continued in his confident stride, each step leaving him closer to the Goblet “Arent I the best of our school when it comes to Charms? Besides, I have my beautiful, great and awesome sister which of course, will give her full support and use her full knowledge to—”
“Shut up, you know it's not that what I’m concerned with!” Lumine hissed, grabbing her brother’s wrist and tugging, lowering her voice. In the corner of her eye, she saw the Dumstrang guys eyeing her, Aether and Paimon like wolves, ready to pounce on them. “You heard the rumors, right? Please, don’t tell my you’re that reckless-”
“What rumors?” Paimon squeaked, her eyes going wide for a fraction.
“The Fatui. You know them, right? The Tsaritsa’s pawns.” She whispered, narrowing her golden eyes and not daring to let her guard down when she was in the same room as the Durmstrang and Hogwarts students. “There are rumours that they are at the move. Some say that her personal minions, The Harbingers, are also involved in some dark scheme around Hogwarts.”
“Nah. You’re just being paranoid, there’s no way someone of that caliber would be here" Aether raised his eyebrow and Lumine wanted to tug her hair out in pure frustration. “Besides, it’s not like I'm some helpless dead weight. I know I already said it before, but I’m really confident it’s going to be fine.”
“Aether is right, Paimon thinks you should relax!” The white-haired girl smiled brightly, nodding her head to herself. “Or even better, you could enter the tournament too! It would make our chances of representing Beauxbatons even higher!”
“Don’t you ever listen to me? Why would I—” Before she could complete her nagging, Aether quickly threw his paper into the Goblet, the flames flickering aggressively before consuming his entry. Her mouth fell open in disbelief, but the crowd around them didn’t seem to notice her reaction as they gave a round of applause for her twin.
“What, Lumi? Are you afraid of losing?” He made a point of taunting her with the most infuriating shit-eating grin he had “Or… Maybe you’re not up to the challenge…? Y’know, it’s really okay if you feel too scared to face some bad guys—”
Ah. Right.
Aether knew how much she loathed being underestimated.
“Shut up!”
"Aww, there is no need to be this angry! I'm your big brother, of course I'll know when you feel too scared to put your name on the Goblet! It's okay to feel insecure, and I think it is better for you to not enter as you might not be able to—"
The crowd cheered again as the Goblet of Fire consumed another entry from Beauxbatons Academy.
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“Shut up, im still mad at you.” 
Aether smiled sheepishly under his sister’s heavy glare and Paimon giggled. Lumine also sent her a heated look, making the half-fairy squeal childishly. 
“Luuuuumi!” Aether whined, making her sigh. “Don’t be mad at me! You were the one who put your name on the Goblet, right?”
“Don’t act like you’re innocent! You know damn well what you did—” She hissed like a annoyed cat. Aether pouted and tried to trap his sister into a hug, but she slapped him away on pure instinct. 
“Chill, chill! At least we’re getting a feast tonight, right? Not like we don’t eat well in any of the other nights, but a guy told me that Hogwarts’s food is really amazing on these special days!” Aether pleaded, the bright grin revealing how amused he was with his sister’s grumpiness. 
“Free food is great, but free great food is even better! There is absolutely no way you can be mad after you eat, right?” Paimon tried, and Lumine let out an even more tired sigh. “Besides, a lot of students applied for Beauxbatons! What are the chances of you being chosen, especially since you don’t actually want to do it?”
“Shut up Paimon, you just jinxed it,” Lumine scolded half heartedly, tucking her notebook under her arm. 
The bunch of Hogwarts students were a handful. Even with the merged classes to accomodate the Beauxbatons and Durmstrand delegations, it seemed like the hosting school’s own students were never going to be used to see them in the classrooms and corridors of the castle. Everywhere they went, their blue uniforms made the crowds stare them down with admiration, suspicion, curiosity or even anger in some cases. 
Aether and her were somehow getting even more stares than the other Beauxbatons students. Her twin shined under the spotlight, offering a gentle smile to the brave girls who tried to talk to him sometimes —how strange it was to see her brother gathering a bunch of fangirls—, but she felt uncomfortable under the attention.
“You’re too tense, Lumi” Her brother chimed, as if he could read her thoughts. His arms were carelessly fold behind his head and he shot her a gentle smile. “No one is going to bite your head off if you smile a bit, right? Just relax!”
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“Now, the moment you all have been waiting for...! The Champion Selection!” The Headmaster, Barbatos announced, his voice carrying in the big hall and being able to shush all chatter. With a swoosh of his hands, the lights on the walls dimmed down, leaving the Goblet of Fire as the main attraction.
Lumine felt a shudder in her spine, knowing that despite seeming like a simple gesture, the skill level required to perform a wandless and also wordless spell was higher than everything could even imagine herself doing. Deep inside her gut, the respect she had for the Hogwarts Headmaster was raised to the roof, especially since his appearance was nothing but of a kind and carefree young boy. 
Below the table, her hands were connected in a silent prayer. Her luck couldn’t be that bad, could it?
If everything went well, neither her or Aether would be chosen.
“Mr. Alberich, would you like to do the honors?” Barbatos asked a blue-haired man, who Lumine vaguely recalled being a member of the Ministry of Magic named Kaeya. As he nodded and approached the Goblet, she felt her shoulders getting even more tenser.
The flames flickered aggressively, but Kaeya didn’t seem to be intimidated by it. He slowly extended his hand, the fire spiking suddenly and changeling from blue to a menacing pink as it spat a piece of paper.
“From Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albedo!”
The crowd— majority being from Hogwarts itself, the hosting school— cheered loudly, the most excited ones being from Ravenclaw. A boy dressed in blue rose from his seat, his ash-blonde hair styled in a braid at the back of his head and teal eyes immediately catching Lumine’s attention. He quickly went to the front and was guided by one of the teachers to a backroom, disappearing from everyone’s view. Mr. Alberich waited until the cheers died down to announce the next Champion, the flames shaking as if the own Goblet was impatient. Finally, with a burst of green, another paper flew into his hands
“From Durmstrang Institute, Childe!”
This time was the turn of the students seated at the end of Slytherin’s table to scream, a lot of figures rising at once and making it almost impossible to pinpoint who exactly was Childe. However, Lumine could see how a tall guy with a slim build was receiving some strong pats on his back, his messy ginger hair being attacked by another short guy who was too enthusiastic. His eyes still glinted with pride and excitement, even if the neatness of his red uniform was entirely ruined by his peers.
She clapped politely, lowkey still distressed about the next Champion. She was suddenly startled when the guy, who was definitely Childe as he finally went to the front, made unexpected eye contact with her. His eyes lingered a few seconds more than she would be comfortable to admit, making her even more anxious.
Mr. Alberich approached the Goblet again for the third name. For some reason, Lumine thought that the man was being slow on purpose, or that the Goblet was being too indecisive, as the flames flickered between blue, yellow and orange aggressively for a few seconds. Everyone else seemed to notice this too, a few curious whispers breaking out between the students. Kaeya narrowed his eyes and then, not a second too late, the Goblet spat the last entry.
“From Beauxbatons Academy…”
Her stomach dropped and she thought she would throw up on the spot.
Aether screamed the loudest, right beside her ears. Paimon came to a close second though, shaking her by her shoulders like a ragdoll as if there wasn't a tomorrow. 
"Lumi! Lumi! What are you waitin' for? Go to the front!" She got up, feeling her stomach do all the kinds of flips and lowkey dizzy. Her head couldn't even register properly the cheers, her mind too busy shouting all the bad words she knew at her mental images of Paimon and her brother. 
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She took in a deep inhale, keeping her breath until she was in the front of the whole hall, right in front of the teachers. Lumine saw the Beauxbatons Headmaster’s eyes take her in with slight tension in his slender fingers and she couldn’t help but to feel out of place.
"Mr. Zhongli…" She greeted quietly at the man, his tiny nod being the only thing to indicate his acknowledgment. He quickly led her into the backroom she saw both Champions go before, his brown cape flying elegantly behind him with every step.
"Miss Lumine, what a pleasant surprise… I must admit I didn't expect you to put your name in the Goblet." Zhongli started as a matter of fact, even if his eyebrow had a curious arch, as if expecting her to explain this turn of events.
“Yeah, neither did I, if I’m being honest.” She sighed, her hand wrapping around her stomach to hopefully help with the nausea and anxiousness
“Be assured, I’m sure the Goblet of Fire made an excellent choice for our school.” Zhongli said, his voice acquiring a softer tone, probably noticing how the blonde fidgeted a lot. Lumine clenched her fists, taking a deep breath. The man didn’t say anything else, and both of them reached a room decorated with Hogwarts’ trophies from the many tournaments held before.
She immediately saw Childe in a corner, poking a shiny statue that seemed to react at his mean touches, his eyes shining with some kind of rush and impatience she really didn’t want to explore any further. A tall woman, with elegant white hair that reached at her waist and ice blue eyes, slapped his hand harshly, freeing the poor statue from the Dumstrang’s clutches. Lumine didn’t know who exactly this woman was— It was common knowledge that Durmstrang Institute’s headmaster couldn’t be bored to attend the tournament personally—, but she could assume safely that she was at least a teacher.
With his distraction taken forcefully from him, Childe finally seemed to notice Lumine, turning on his heels with hands on his pockets. The witch felt another chill, incredibly uncomfortable with his heavy gaze analysing every feature, but she prayed to every god that she could at least maintain the stoic features she was quite infamous for. His blue eyes stopped carefully to analyze her face— a fact that she pretended to not notice by looking away—, with a satisfied(?) smirk appearing on his face that screamed bad intentions.
It took more than she would like to admit to pretend she wasn't the least affected by his heavy gaze on the side of her face. Her arms crossed around her face, her hand resting discreetly above the hidden pocket in her blazer that had her wand. Golden eyes searched the room again for another distraction, until they landed on the figure of the ash blonde boy chosen for Hogwarts.
He was pretty, no one could deny that, but even if he had those stupid charming eyes of his, there still was something about him that really threw her off. She couldn't exactly pinpoint it, but Lumine was sure that Albedo had some kind of deep dark secret kept hidden in himself. Was the whole Harbinger thing making her paranoid? 
Before she could answer her own question, Barbatos entered the room with other Hogwarts teached in tow. The three of them— her, Childe and Albedo— came closer to the fireplace where everyone gathered, eyeing the teachers and the Headmaster who stood in front of them in a neutral position, except for mr. Zhongli, who was behind her, and the mysterious woman she supposed was Childe's teacher behind him. Occupying the vacant space, a pretty woman immediately went to stand at Albedo's back. She had light-brown hair and alluring green eyes, but the most iconic feature was her curvy body accentuated by her purple dress.
If she had to guess, she would assume that she was Ravenclaw's house head. Technically, Barbatos had to be a neutral party, as the hosting Headmaster, even if everyone knew his favouritism towards his own school.
"Well, now that we're back here, far from prying eyes, guess I can finally drop the formalities!" The small man suddenly said with a big smile, catching her off guard. In the corner of eye, she saw that Childe had a similar reaction, but Albedo seemed exasperated. "I must say, this year's competition is going to be tough. But I'm sure you three will be able to handle it just fine, hehe!"
Oh god. Was Barbatos like this in real life…? Suddenly, the previous mighty and ruthless image she had of the Headmaster was shattered. All the books talked about him as one of the seven great wizards of the last war, so she expected something more… Aggressive?
"Venti, please." For a greater surprise, Mr. Zhongli seemed used to his attitude, poorly hiding his smile behind a fist.
"Yeah, right. The Triwizard Tournament" He forced a cough, hardening his expression and straightening his posture. "From now on, Mister Childe, Mister Albedo and Miss Lumine will face difficult trials to determine which one of you is the greater wizard. I should also mention that the prize will be eternal glory and ten million mora, of course." 
"We already warned you before, but let me repeat it. If you don't take these challenges seriously, you'll probably be squashed to the ground." Mr. Alberich stated bluntly. 
"Is there a chance of dying?" Childe asked, the way his head tilted indicating that he wasn't asking just because he was scared. 
"There were a few casualties some years before, but this time, the Ministry is making sure to bring some precautionary methods." He answered cooly, his expression not changing the slightest. "That being said, we still stand on the recommendation that you take extreme caution."
He didn't deny it. The fact didn't pass above any of the students' minds, Lumine tensing her shoulders, Childe grinning madly and Albedo pressing his lips.
"Anyway, about the first task," Barbatos took the lead again, a satisfied smirk on his lips. "The three of you will face an ability challenge. In other words, you'll be facing magic combat right from the start."
"Against each other?" Lumine asked, not wanting to fight Childe even in her dreams. He exhaled some mad, maybe sociopath vibes if she looked at it from a certain angle, and she certainly didn't want to test her theory. 
"Nope," Barbatos said easily, tilting his head in fake innocence "Where's the fun in that? I can't say anything else, since it's supposed to be a secret until the trial— Ah, by the way, about the test, it will be on November 24th. You have two weeks to prepare, so have fun!"
Forget every good thing she had thought of him before. He was a Madman. She was surrounded by a bunch of madmans.
Oh dear lord.
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blushingbaka · 4 years
love like summer rain;
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✰ part six ✰ read part five here ✰ masterlist ✰
|| summary - bokuto was never your first pick as a co-counselor, but eight weeks is plenty of time to change your mind
pairing: bokuto x fem!reader genre: fluffy camp counselor au, slow burn, mutual pining length: 3.1k
✰ a/n: w o w... okay i had this part planned out, but it ended up being longer than i expected !! it’s definitely the longest in the series, but the next one is pretty short. i’m super excited to see your reactions though, so pls indulge me lolol, as always, i hope you enjoy it <3
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⋆week six⋆
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Something about camping outside always brought you a sense of ease. As you listened to the quiet crackling of the campfire, the chorus of chirping insects, and the jovial laughter of the campers you couldn’t help but smile. Letting the campers experience sleeping under the stars was always your favorite part of camp, even if a select few were reluctant to sleep outdoors. But those campers along with the ones who had complained about the task of gathering firewood were all smiles now, huddled around the fire, roasting marshmallows.
“Hands off the chocolate, Bokuto!” you looked just in time to see Yukie swatting at Bokuto’s hand. Her reaction was too slow, however, and he popped the piece of chocolate in his mouth with a smug grin. “Those are for the s’mores!” she reprimanded him, slapping him on the shoulder, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Tonight your smiles seemed to come easier, and you felt less tense surrounded by the comforting hum of nature.
When Bokuto joined the campers around the fire, you saw Yukie steal a piece of chocolate for herself out of the corner of your eye. “I thought those were for the s’mores” you parroted her words, nudging her side with your elbow playfully.
“Eh, we have plenty anyway. I just like giving Bo a hard time” she admitted, the left corner of her mouth quirking up slyly. “Besides it’s not like we can roast a marshmallow for ourselves right now” she pouted, obviously still discontent with the fact you two were manning the s’mores station. You shifted your focus back to the campers and found yourself easily entertained. A portion of the campers was intently focused on Akaashi as he gave them instructions on how to achieve a perfect, golden marshmallow; however, there were also the campers who followed Bokuto’s impatient approach, allowing their marshmallow to catch on fire, before squealing excitedly as they blew it out.
The campers were all too quick to bring you their marshmallows that you soon found yourself busy with helping them make their s’mores. You became distracted by Yukie bantering with a camper who wanted extra chocolate, so it shocked you to suddenly hear Bokuto yelling your name. You whipped your head in his direction concerned with his urgent tone, and you saw him walking hastily through the small crowd of campers.
“Make way! We have a marshmallow barely holding on!” He exclaimed loudly, and you finally saw that his eyes are focused on a marshmallow close to falling off the stick he was holding. “I need a graham cracker stat!” He yelled to you, causing you to scramble to grab one. You met him on the other side of the table, and you could see the marshmallow slipping further, but you reached it just in time, pressing the graham cracker to its bottom.
“See I told you we would save it” Bokuto turned excitedly to the camper you hadn’t even realized was trailing him. After making her s'more, she thanked Bokuto again, the stars still in her eyes.
“Aren’t you quite the hero” you poked his ribcage teasingly, your smile becoming even wider. He mirrored your grin, but suddenly he became nervous, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck.
“I’d bring you a marshmallow since you’re stuck making s’mores, but I burn all mine” there’s a slight pout to his lips that your eyes seem drawn to. “Maybe I can talk Akaashi into roasting you one” he searched your face, waiting for your response, and you have to purse your lips to stop yourself from laughing at how adorable he is.
“Actually, I prefer the taste of burnt marshmallows” you whispered as if you’re telling him some grand secret, relishing in the gleam that entered his amber eyes.
“Say no more!” He exclaimed, slightly puffing out his chest. “I’ll roast you the darkest marshmallow you’ve ever had!” You want to tell him there is a limit to how charred a marshmallow should be, but all you can do is chuckle as he gives you a little salute, heading back to the campfire. As you continued prepping s’mores you couldn’t help but sneak glances of Bokuto by the fire. He was speaking excitedly to Akaashi, who looked very concerned as he placed the burnt marshmallow into the flames again. You had to muffle your laughter when he pulled it back out of the fire, eyes narrowed, as he scrutinized its surface. You’re worried he might stick it back into the fire, but thankfully he heads your way, a pleased smile on your face.
You will admit, you don’t think you’ve ever seen a marshmallow so burnt before, barely being able to find any white on its surface. Your eyes darted to Bokuto, who was watching you expectantly. You started by picking off the burnt exterior, plopping it swiftly into your mouth. A satisfied hum fell from your mouth as you enjoyed the charred sweet taste. You could feel a bit of stickiness on your lips, so you darted your tongue out to capture it, your face suddenly flooding with heat when you realized Bokuto’s eyes were tracking your movements.
“Thank you” you spluttered out, quickly taking the rest of the marshmallow. You mumbled something about getting back to work, and when he left your side, you breathed deeply trying both to steady your heartbeat and to ignore Yukie’s suggestive stare.
Eventually, you ran out of graham crackers, and since you had to set aside chocolate for chocolate chip pancakes in the morning, you told the kids they could only roast what’s left of the marshmallows. You happily take a couple of marshmallows for yourself and a stick, finding yourself an open spot on one of the logs placed close to the campfire. At some point Akaashi had pulled out his guitar, exciting the campers who had excitedly yelled out what songs they wanted him to play. You gently swayed your shoulders to the familiar tune, eyes focused on the dancing flames surrounding your marshmallow. You felt someone plop down beside you, and no surprise, you turned your face to meet the sight of Bokuto.
“This is nice” he sighed beside you, eyes trailing the smoke as it furled and vanished into the velvet sky littered with pinpoints of light.
“It is” you mumbled transfixed by the golden light flickering over his features, the flames of the fire also reflected in his amber irises. The sight was so captivating you forgot about your marshmallow until the camper to your left told you it was falling. You cursed under your breath, taking it out of the fire and bringing it closer to your lips, managing to blow out the small flame and keep it steady.
“Y/N” Bokuto whispered, causing you to bring your attention back to him. When your eyes met his, he had his mouth wide open, and you bit your lip fighting a grin.
“You want my marshmallow” you exclaimed in mock offense, holding your hand to your chest. "My perfectly burnt marshmallow"
“It’s only fair. I gave you mine” he said insistently, knocking your knees together purposefully. Come to think of it, you had only actually seen him eat one s’more, and you wondered if that’s all he had.
“Fine” you huffed, holding out the stick to him, but instead of using his hands, he moved his head forward, attempting to grab it directly with his teeth. “Seriously” you chuckled, your first instinct being to move it further away.
“Hold it still” he whined grabbing your hand that was holding the stick. Your eyes zeroed in on your hands, his touch somehow being hotter than the heat radiating off the fire. You felt your pulse quicken, and you wondered when little things like this would stop driving you insane.
“Easy lovebirds. There are kids around” your body went taut like a wire, hearing the familiar taunting voice of your childhood best friend. You whipped around, looking up to see Kuroo’s prominent smirk. It felt like you were caught in a scandalous moment, so you quickly stood up, stepping over the log.
“Kuroo, what are you doing here? Is something wrong?” You were eager to change the subject, but you knew there had to be some reason why he left his group. Just like yours, they were camping out tonight, but they were at some site further up the mountain.
“Ah, nothing to worry about. I just was hoping you had some spare batteries. We’re going to play flashlight tag, but some of the campers’ flashlights are dead” he sighed dramatically like the ordeal was very inconvenient for him.
“Yeah, I know I have some in my backpack,” you told him already walking towards your bag.
“Oh! Can we play flashlight tag?” You heard Bokuto ask excitedly from behind you. You hadn’t even realized he got up to follow you.
“No that’s really just for the older kids. People can get hurt pretty easily.” You explained, crouching down to rummage through your bag. “By the way, do you need any extra medical supplies?” You questioned, looking up at Kuroo. Now that you were further away from the fire it was harder to see, but the soft reaching light of its flames illuminated his face enough for you to make out his expressions.
“I think we’re good. I can just come back down if we’re running low for some reason. I know you like seeing my face anyways.” he added, but you swore his eyes were trained on Bokuto as he spoke. Deciding it was just a trick of the light, you just rolled your eyes at his weak attempt at teasing.
“Here, this should be plenty” you handed him the small plastic bag of batteries, after you had taken out some for your site. Your hands instinctively went to rub your upper arms, the faint breeze giving you chills now that you didn’t have the comforting heat of the fire.
“Are you cold?” Kuroo immediately picked up on your actions. “It’s supposed to get kind of chilly tonight so I hope you brought a sweatshirt.” You did have a sweatshirt, but unfortunately, you had already given it to a camper that had forgotten theirs. There was always extra blankets in your supplies, however, so it wasn’t something you were worried about.
“I’ll be fine” you sighed. His words isolated would seem caring, but there was a teasing lilt to his voice that you knew meant he had some other ulterior motive to his words.
“Well if you do get cold and can’t sleep, my sleeping bag is big enough for the both of us” he gave you a sly wink, and this time you were almost certain his eyes darted to Bokuto.
“Just get back to your campers. You wonder why I call you annoying” you grabbed his shoulders, gently coaxing him to turn around and start walking.
“I’m just being considerate” he chuckled deeply, but he kept on walking. You shook your head in mild exasperation, heading back to the campfire. You turned seeing Bokuto hadn’t moved, his eyes glancing between you and Kuroo.
“Coming Bokuto?” You questioned, and he shook his head as if your words brought him out of a trance. He gave you a small nod, smiling softly, but it didn’t quite seem to reach his eyes.
Just as you expected, it was a couple of hours into the early morning before you got the campers settled in their sleeping bags. It was difficult for you to sleep, however, the spare blanket not being quite enough to keep you warm and your mind being increasingly aware of your dwindling time at camp. This was probably the last year you’d be able to spend your summer being a counselor, so you clung onto moments like tonight desperately trying to engrain the view of the vast night sky into your memories.
With the fire being put out a couple of hours ago, only the chorus of insects remained, but if you focused hard enough you could hear the distant sound of a stream. Giving up on sleeping, you grabbed your flashlight, deciding to take a small walk to clear your head. You wrapped the blanket over your shoulders, taking advantage of the little warmth it gave you. It wasn’t long until you came across the creek, a clearing allowing the moon’s light to glitter across it’s surface. You found a place on the bank to settle down, admiring the steady stream of water, and pulled your knees to your chest.
“Y/N!” You jumped, hearing Bokuto whisper yell your name, and you turned to see him slowly approaching you. The tension left your body as quickly as it came and you offered him a small smile as he sat beside you.
“You don’t have to whisper you know” you informed him, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“I don’t know. I feel like I might disturb all this peacefulness” he gestured broadly to the space around you, still keeping his voice at a hushed whisper. You chuckled, slightly adjusting yourself so your body was facing his.
“Were you looking for me?” You asked curiously, recalling the hints of worry in his features when you first saw him.
“Hmm not exactly” he mumbled, looking down at a stone he was turning in his hand. “I had gotten up to pee, and just as I was walking back onto the campsite I saw you walking into the opposite part of the woods.”
“And you followed me?” You rose one eyebrow in question. With the moonlight reflecting off his face, you could see a faint shade of pink dusting his cheeks.
“Well actually…” he chewed his bottom lip, reluctant to finish his sentence.
“Tell me” you urged him, laughing softly, tapping his leg gently with your foot.
“I might have been worried that you got cold and that you were going to take Kuroo up on his offer” he spit out the words so fast you almost didn’t register what he said. You stared at him, your mouth gaped open in shock. You didn’t know what notion was more ridiculous. The notion that Kuroo’s offer was genuine or the notion that you’d actually accept it. Your silence must have added to Bokuto’s embarrassment because he turned slightly away from you pouting.
“Even if I was as cold as ice, I wouldn’t get in a sleeping bag with Kuroo” you laughed breathily, managing to find your voice. This piqued Bokuto’s interest, and his golden eyes quickly glanced back to yours. “There is no sharing a sleeping space with that man” you continued huffily. “That hairstyle is not one of a peaceful sleeper, y’ know?”
Your gentle jabs at Kuroo seemed to lighten Bokuto’s mood, but he still seemed bothered by something. “Y/N, will you be honest with me about something?” He was looking into your eyes so deeply, you couldn’t do anything but nod, holding your breath as you waited for his question.
“Do you have feelings for Kuroo?” His expression looked so vulnerable that you decided to shake your head profusely instead of laughing in his face, which would be your typical reply to that question.
“We’ve always just been friends, and that’s how we want it” you couldn’t believe you were having this conversation with him. Was he really that oblivious to your feelings? You thought it was painfully obvious how flustered you got from even the smallest hints of his affection.
“That’s good” Bokuto nodded, but it seemed like he was talking more to himself. “Oh! You can have this if you’re still cold. I don’t need it.” You glanced at the sweatshirt he was holding out for you, noticing its presence for the first time. Your stomach flipped seeing it was the same sweatshirt he gave you last week, which you had begrudgingly washed and given back to him. You wondered if he could sense how ectastic you really were as you slipped the material over your form. When your head reappeared, you could see that Bokuto was smiling fondly at you.
“Here we should at least share this blanket” you felt a sudden rush of bravery as you scooted closer to him draping the blanket over both your shoulders.
“We’re not heading back?” He asked although you were glad to not hear any disappointment in his tone.
“Not yet. I just want to stay here a little longer.” Your body was brimming with so many emotions, but it felt like voicing them now would disturb the peacefulness Bokuto mentioned earlier. So like many times prior, you bottled them inside, choosing instead to focus on Bokuto’s presence. “Will you stay with me please?” You softly requested.
“Of course” he stammered, but when you let your head fall onto his shoulder you could tell his body was tense. You let your knee playfully knock against his, hoping it’d coax him into relaxing. It was effective because he heaved out a sigh, his shoulder relaxing under your cheek, and his head dropped to rest softly on yours. You two fell into a comfortable silence, and now more than ever you wished you could freeze this moment, refusing to let it fade away; however, now the steady stream of water seemed to mock you, reminding you that life would carry on and the seasons would change. Who would you be to Bokuto when autumn came? It was almost as if he could read your mind.
“Hey Y/N” he softly prodded. You hummed in response. “Promise me that when this summer is over, we’ll still hang out like this, okay?” You weren’t sure what ‘this’ really meant, but his words still caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach and your lips curved up in a familiar smile.
“Sure. I’d like that.”
“Okay but this is serious, so we have to seal it with a pinky promise” he demanded resolutely, slightly pulling away from you. He already had his pinky outstretched, and you bit your lip shyly linking yours with his. He had a surprisingly firm grip, and he lightly swayed your hands back and forth, letting the moment linger. You bravely looked up to his face, being met with the guileless boyish grin and twinkling eyes that made affection swirl wildly inside you. Unlike earlier tonight, he was now bathed in the silver light of the moon, rather than the golden light of the fire, but he still looked ethereal. At that moment you knew you wanted more than anything to stay by his side and see how he looked within each season. You wanted to feel summer rain all year long.
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✰ continue reading… part seven ✰
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
Yes! Give me all of the old goodies! I want the good, the bad, and the cringe.
u asked for it!!! it’s terrible and horrible but if literally anyone wants me to go more into it i’d be so down to just starting writing shit for it. i’m straight up just gonna copy and paste it from the message i sent like literally 4 years ago also it’s long as hell so it’s almost all going under a readmore there were no line breaks i had to go put in every line break omfg
okay so this is both a bandfic sort of idea but it's also a high school sort of idea so just bear with me pls 
 so like,,,u know how taemin and kai went to the same arts high school??? what if,,,,and this is a big fun fanficy what if 
 but what if okay so taemin and kai are in one class yes because same school year if i remember correctly, then sehun and krystal are in the year below them i'm like pretty sure so they're also both in the same class just for fics sake lmao 
and like,,,they're all just doing their school thing, and taemin and jongin sit sort of next to each other in their class, and by that i mean taemin sits in like the 3rd row by the window and jongin sits in the seat directly behind him so taemin's always turned around during breaks talking with him and playing like rock paper scissors and all that bullshit 
 and okay so lets just saaaaaay there was like an new reality-ish show, like that one show where taemin went to high school again with all those other idols and it was at an arts school, but like this show is for older idols to do other jobs and lmao this is why i don't wanna put it on tumblr or anything because it's so fanficy it's gross but it's so fun to imagine in my head and i wanna just headcanon it with someone who also likes the idea 
 but like so jaejoong ends up being taemin and kai's teacher for like a week or 2 for this show, and then fuck idk Rain is the teacher for sehun and krystal's class and when taemin finds out he's SO JEALOUS 
"and get stuck with jaejoong, fat fucking chance lee taemin go dance to rising sun or some bullshit why don't you" 
 and also just because why not add more fanficy shit with something that's already so ridiculously fanficy and let's say taemin used to be fairly close with jaejoong before the whole ~lawsuit~ thing happened, and he used to maybe see him and the other dbsk members like once a week because he was close with them and they helped him with dancing, singing, etc whatever cute bonding shit
 and then one day taemin went to go see them and jyj were just gone and taemin was so confused and changmin was upset and yunho was upset but just like "they left the band taemin they're gonna leave the company" and taemin's this lil freshly debuted kid and he just "but they didn't say goodbye?????" 
 and taemin's been so upset with jaejoong since that day because like he feels very hurt about them just leaving and not saying goodbye to him 
 so when jaejoong shows up as his teacher that morning, everyone in their class thought it was just a normal day, and there were cameras in the classroom but they also just assumed that it was something taemin or jongin related because idols in their class and all that so taemin's just turned around playing rock paper scissors with kai, and then the door opens and it's another camera and then a man walking in but it's right after the bell and no one's really looking so they just assume it's their teacher so everyone just "goodmorning teacher" in monotone voices because they have to, and jongin pushes taemin forward so he's facing forward and everyone just 
 "what's going on" 
"taemin what is this!" 
"jongin!! is this a new reality show??" 
 and taekai are just what the fuck because jaejoong is standing at the front of their class and that's definitely not their teacher where the hell is Mrs. Kim 
 and jaejoong explains that it's a new reality show, and he'll be their teacher for the next week or so, and everyone is kind of excited except for taemin and jongin who are like well SHIT because once their company gets a load of this, they're gonna be in a load of shit 
 and jongin just leans forward and whispers in taemin's ear "this is a load of barnacles" like that guy from spongebob, and taemin absolutely SNORTS so of course everyone and the cameras and jaejoong turn to him, and jongin immediately falls back into his seat and taemin tries to put on a straight face and jaejoong just 
 "taemin, jongin, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" 
 "no, nothing," taemin says, sending a very annoyed smile at jaejoong. 
 and then when jaejoong isn't looking (but a camera is still pointed at them), jongin leans back forward and just "we're good noodles" and taemin fucking SNORTS SO LOUDLY and slaps jongin away from him and jaejoong just 
"taemin. stay after class, won't you?" 
 everyone immediately just is like lmao u know how high school students are when someone gets in trouble lmao and taemin just huffs, and when jaejoong turns back around, taemin turns quickly to hit jongin on the shoulder and turn back around before jaejoong can see it 
 and like, taemin and jongin quickly become so annoyed with all the cameras, and like they're honestly just trying to do their work at one point and taemin is slumped over his desk trying to do the work with the person who sits next to him, and he just turns to the cameraman and just 
 "can u get that thing out of my face pls i'm not a cast member on this show"
 "but you're in the class!!!" 
 "i'm not the only one in this class!!" 
taemin is so exasperated like man i'm trying to learn i didn't sign up for this shit and then during a break someone like
 "oh u know those things we sign at the beginning of the year that say we can be on media and shit for the school?? this must file under that, we must be one of the classes where everyone's guardians signed yes" 
 and then at lunch, taemin and jongin go see if sehun and krystal have this same problem and they just walk up to the classroom because it's lunch time and usually the teachers all leave right away and taemin just pushes the door open so dramatically like
 "sehunnie!! you'll never believe who our teacher is this week holy shit!!" 
 and he just runs smack into Rain and just
 "oh my god" 
looks up at him with these wide ass eyes and he's having such a fanboy moment he loves rain so much omg and jongin has to like hold onto him to hold him up because rain just 
"oh, shinee. big fan" 
and walks away and taemin practically fucking FAINTS
 "he said shinee u dipshit"
 "who's your teacher though don't leave us hanging" 
 and the other three come over and taemin immediately sobers up and just "ugh that fuckhead jaejoong i can't fucking believe this you know who's gonna get in toruble for it?? US. un-fucking-believable" 
 "you know, you never had a mouth like that when i knew you. also, if i recall correctly, i asked you to stay after class" 
 and taemin turns and sees jaejoong and a camera and he just "shit" because dammit he hopes he didn't get caught cursing on camera and now he's gotta have some fake heart-to-heart with jaejoong and he's none too pleased and jaejoong pulls him aside but there's still a cameraman following them and taemin is so uncomfortable and just
 "please i'm serious get that thing out of my face" 
 "taemin it's just for a couple minutes." 
 "what do you want?"
 taemin is just so upset and like he's so on edge because at school he can be somewhat normal but no now he's got an idol teacher and cameras following him around and dammit he just wants to go eat his lunch 
 "i wanted to talk to you about what happened when i left"
 "no, sorry, i'm not doing this" 
taemin just cuts him off and walks away, but jaejoong follows him and just 
 "why not"
 "because!! that's a personal thing, and if you're only gonna talk about it because you're being filmed, then you really don't care at all and i don't wanna hear it. now can i go eat my lunch please, i'm hungry" 
 and jaejoong just sighs and looks at taemin, and taemin's just this sad kid right now looking at him with these big eyes and he looks so upset and jaejoong just 
"okay. go. but no more disturbing the class, got it?" 
 "that wasn't even my fault" taemin grumbles "jongin was the one saying shit not me" 
 "don't let it happen again" jaejoong warns him, but taemin just walks off and goes to look for his lil friends. 
 also!!! kwonho is his friend from school right?? that's the guy taemin sits next to in class lmao i just remembered that, and kwonho is part of their lil group and!!! probably also moonkyu!!! moonkyu can sit next to jongin lmao so that's like the general gist of it i'm sorry this is so long lmao but i've had this idea in my head for probably a year now and it flows a lot better in my head than in writing but yeah i just!!! really wanna talk about it
and also another part of this au deals with a manager and is like mm three or so days into jaejoong being their teacher and maybe fuck idk kang hodong is a lil first year class teacher who taekai barely realize is there until they hear him crashing down the hall on day 2 and everyone in the classrooms goes up against the windows to look outside and see what's going on only to find kang hodong leading a bunch of firsties down the hallway as some form of prank or lesson or no one really knows what's happening, but everyone wishes hodong was their teacher after that 
 and anyways a manager comes one day to pick taemin up for a schedule and taemin completely forgot about it so he's absorbed in the lesson that jaejoong is teaching, and so the manager has to go straight up to the classroom to collect taemin because he forgot to go down to the office to get picked up and the manager just knocks once and opens the door and just
"taemin, come on" because this happens rather often but then he sees who's teaching 
 and taemin "shit" and gathers up his things really quickly and just tries to get out of there without some sort of weird fight thing happening and just "sorry hyung sorry sorry i'm coming!!"
 "what is going on" 
 "why is HE in your classroom?? and cameras???" 
 "we're on a show hyung can we go please i'm gonna be late" 
 taemin's just got his backpack slung over his shoulder and he's so anxious to just leave because oh no this is the angry manager and he's getting that angry look and oh no "get in the hall"
 and he just grips taemin's arm and shoves him outside and FUCK it kind of hurts and fuck everyone saw and the cameras saw and just fuck 
 "jongin, get out"
 "what, i don't have a schedule today!" jongin is seriously like annoyed like no today is a day off until like 6 pm fuck that "jongin, NOW" and jongin is so freaked out and he just "sorry okay i'm coming" 
and he gets his things and he's hurrying outside and he just "how long has this been goig on??" 
 "how long have you two been on a show without telling anyone!!" he's getting so angry and taekai are so freaked out holy shit they didn't think it was that big of a deal
 "hey, do you have permission to take jongin out of class?" jaejoong is like worried like is this even legal 
 "you stay out of this" the manager Does Not like jaejoong. not one bit. and the manager like gets so angry and he's yelling at taekai in the hall and another teacher hears it and peaks out to see what's going on and he like grills them for not telling anyone that they were on a show and that jaejoong was their teacher and blahblah 
and he asks if sehun and krystal have been ont he show too and they both just "yeah" and he makes them go get them and so they hurry down the hall to their classroom and knock on the door and they're so nervous when rain looks at them like 
"excuse me what the fuck you're interrupting my lesson" 
 and taemin just "um, we have to, um, a manager is here and, we sort of, have to have sehun and krystal come with us right now, now, like right now"
 and he's so obviously extremely nervous and the other two immediately know which manager it is just by how nervous taemin is and they start packing their shit up and they all hear the manager yelling for them to hurry up, and rain just "you two stay in here. everyone stay in here, you two come with me, you're going back to class" 
 and taemin just pipes up as rain puts his arm around the two of them to guide them back to class and he just 
 "i actually have a schedule right now i'm actually supposed to be leaving" 
 "then kai will go back to class and you can call another manager"
 "um actually, rain, sir, i go by jongin when i'm at school"
 "then jongin will go back to class, and taemin can call another manager to come pick him up" 
 "yes sir, rain, sir, okay, yes" 
 and by now jaejoong and the manager are outside of the classroom arguing, and a cameraman is out recording the whole thing and then rain joins in like
"hey can we just let this one go back to class and let the other go to his schedule why do we have to fight and get the children involved"
 and then the bell rings but it never fucking stops and after a moment of confusion, taemin and jongin just look at each other like 
"holy shit holy SHIT is this real holy shit HOLY SHIT"
 and all the classroom doors close and lock and the blinds on the windows get shut and jaejoong, rain, the manager, and the cameraman have no idea what's going on but taemin and kai run up to their classroom and start banging on the door and just 
 but their classroom president just "sorry we can't open the door for anyone until the lockdown bell rings again or until the principal says over the intercom that lockdown is over" 
 "hey kids what's going on??" rain is so confused and the camera is going between the boys and the adults
 "i don't know???"
 taekai are just freaking out holy shit because if they're on lockdown that's like serious they never go on lockdown unless it's a drill and they go back to banging on the door begging for their classmates to let them back in but their classroom president keeps saying no despite the fact that many other people are saying they should let them in 
taemin just "THIS IS WHY I VOTED FOR [insert girl's name here] INSTEAD OF YOU" 
 and the girl just "wait taemin you really voted for me???" 
 and taemin and kai just scream a little bit out of frustration before kicking the door one last time but when they realize that the supposed adults in charge aren't doing anything they just 
 "fuck this we're hiding in the bathroom until this is over have fun ARGUING IN THE HALLWAY"
 and they run down the hall to go hide in the bathroom and lock the door and then over the intercom the principal just 
 "there is a man trying to take our student idols without authorization. the proper law enforcement officers have been notified, but do not let any of your student idols go with a man who says he is here to pick them up. this is not a drill. teachers, lock your doors, and keep your students away from the windows." blahblahblah 
 and taemin and kai are int he bathroom just laughing out of both frustration and a little bit out of disbelief that the school is actually calling the cops on their manager and then someone in shinee calls taemin, probably key, and taemin ends up facetiming with them and the other four see that taemin and kai are int he bathroom at school and just 
 "what the hell taemin you're so late for this recording where are you???" 
 "so long story short, manager hyung got the whole school put on lockdown and me and jongin had to hide in the bathroom because our stupid pansy fuck of a class president wouldn't open the door for us to go back inside of our class"
 "what the hell are you talking about" 
 so taemin and jongin explain the whole reality show thing with jaejoong being their teacher for a week and jinki probably just 
"you're saying jaejoong was your teacher all week and you didn't tell anyone" 
"basically yeah and then the manager u fucks sent to pick me up BLEW UP AT US and it was not pretty can you please tell the NOT ASSHOLE MANAGER that i'm going to be late because THE ASSHOLE MANAGER is probably in the process of being arrested ~~thank you~~ COME GET ME. I'M LITERALLY LOCKED IN A BATHROOM. THIS IS NOT FUN."
 and idk other people they were supposed to be on the show with that are just lingering about are giggling at the misfortunes of the young idols and lmao idk the asshole manager probably gets fired literally all our lil high school idols babies get in trouble for not telling anyone they were being filmed at school for a tv show and taemin makes up with jaejoong yay happy ending i just wanna talk about this so bad 
Tbh I mostly just enjoy the image of taemin and Kai being followed by a cameraman as they run through the halls in their school uniforms to the bathroom because their asshole class president won't let them in because of a technicality and just shouting "This is BULLSHIT" and scrambling to lock the door to the second floor boys bathroom
Also just taekai and their two other friends goofing off before class and forgetting a camera is there and they're talking about a new movie or something and taemin just
 "IT! WAS! SO! KICK! ASS" and alternating between fists to punch the air in front of him and they all like re-enact scenes they liked or whatever 
 And they're just being dumb boys u know and then the teacher and jaejoong come in and they all immediately scramble to sit down in their seats and just It's a really funny contrast to what they act like as Exo/shinee u know
And then Kai just "wait when did you go see that movie??" 
 "I went with kwonho on Sunday" 
 And moonkyu just "OR ME??" 
 "I'm sorry but you knew going into this 4-person relationship that I would have to split my time up between the three of you" 
 "Taemin fuck off" 
 Taemin is just unphased and continues "and that sometimes one might get more attention than the other" 
 "You are the worst" 
 "Thank you I'm taking that as a compliment" 
 And just uwu the four of them being smart asses together
And taemin just shakes his head and closes his eyes and shrugs like "I am a busy busy man" 
 And Kai just scoffs like "hey busy man, did you finish the math homework?" 
And he waves around the paper that has half of his homework done 
 And taemin just Pauses 
 "I am a busy busy man who forgot there was math homework" 
 And he leaps forward and takes a piece of paper of moonkyu and a pencil and just "lemme see lemme see lemme see!!" 
Because they have math first and fuck he totally forgot and there's only 5 minutes before class starts 
 And moonkyu lets them copy his homework and then the class president comes over and just "Excuse me IDOLS are you CHEATING?" 
 And taemin just makes a face at him and goes back to it, but before anyone can really say anything about, another classmate comes over and just "Oh shove off asshole, you copied my history homework at lunch yesterday" 
 And everyone just snorts, and he goes shuffling off to his desk 
Everyone hates the class president because right after he won he became a dick about it and everyone regretted voting for him 
 And the girl who ran against him just "I told you to vote for me" 
 And taemin turns to his friends and just "I told you to vote for her" 
 "Taemin shut up"
 "Never trust a man who only wears glasses in class!!!" 
 Kwonho just Shoves taemin closer to the window
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
could you write about robbe getting upset in front of his friends (crying) and sander comforting him.
pls write some more abo
Could you write a Sobbe AU about Sander and Senne becoming friends and talking about their love lives.
Part 2 (can’t remember if that was the last part that I wrote...) 
“You smell like him.” The door was barely opened and Senne was already talking, laughing and stepping inside, taking his jacket off. 
“Shut up.” Sander takes a deep breath in, knowing Senne is not wrong, but he bites his lower lip, watching as Senne walks inside. “And be quiet, he’s sleeping in my room...” 
Senne stops in the hallway, looking at him is disbelief, shaking his head. 
“He’s in your bedroom?” Sander nods his head, ready to hear for the rest of the night how wipped he is for a baby omega. They’re not that different in age, but from all the omegas they knows, everyone acts like Robbe is a baby. His baby now. 
“Yes, Senne! My bedroom, you’re in my house, remember?” He huffs and goes to the kitchen, hearing Senne’s footsteps behind him. 
Senne’s arms are still open wide in surrender as they get to the kitchen. Senne pulls one of the stools to sit while he waits for Sander to decide what they’re going to drink tonight. “Okay, okay! I’m just here to have a drink with my friend. Won’t touch the child you’re keeping hostage inside your bedroom.” 
Sander rolls his eyes, putting two glasses in front of Senne, offering a bottle of beer for him to decide if he’s going to use the glass anyway. “Senne...come on! Stop saying shit like that, it’s creepy. And don’t forget that your precious Zoe is the same age as Robbe, they’re even friends, almost best friends, sharing a roof over their heads, what a cuties...” 
There are some sounds coming from the bedroom, but Sander stops to hear and it’s just Robbe moving around, wiggling his legs to get rid of the sheet, back to breathing calmy as he falls back asleep. 
“Can we...not talk about Zoe tonight? That would be fucking amazing.” Senne talks slowly, careful with every word, with a hint of annoyance and Sander can tell something happened, but he doesn’t need to ask. Senne sighs, putting his beer back on the island without even having a taste of it yet. “Hm, I called Nina by Zoe’s name today...” 
The silence lingers around them while Senne is still looking at his beer, touching it gently with the tips of his fingers, clearly thinking about Zoe and Sander is really trying to find comforting words to say or a way to help his best friend out of the mess he created.
It never happened to him so he doesn’t know how to go about it and he knows Senne is still very much in love with Zoe. Nina is a nice girl, so pretty, but everyone knows Senne doesn’t really like her. 
He might even like her, but it doesn’t compare to his messy situation with Zoe. Sander drinks a little more of his beer to buy himself some time, but Senne finally looks up, raising his eyebrows as Sander swallows his beer. 
“Thank you, very helpful.” 
“Senne, what do you want me to say to you? You know my opinion. You shouldn’t be with Nina so stop pretending already.” 
“I like her, Sander!” Senne says it loud and Sander looks at the hall behind them, still no sounds except the peaceful and heavy breathing inside his bedroom. Senne insists on lying and Sander doesn’t really have the patience. 
He puts his beer down too, cleaning his lips with the back of his hand. 
“Liking is not the same as loving and you know that. She’s your girlfriend, you should want to spend time with her, to get to know her. If you’re in a relationship hoping it’ll end soon, then what’s the point?” 
When Robbe is around and Sander can smell him everywhere and hear his breathing, and almost feel inside himself Robbe’s every move, it’s hard to focus on something else, but Sander was really trying to help his friend, so much that he didn’t hear sleepy footsteps coming closer and closer. 
“Senne...” Robbe was clearly half asleep, only noticing Senne when they’re already looking at each other, with no way of hiding their presences. 
“Hi, Robbe...” Sender says as he exhales loudly, grabbing his beer and finally dirnking it. Sander finally really looks at Robbe. His body is still warm from the bed, radiating comfort and sleepiness, his skin probably so soft and inviting underneath Sander’s shirt. He’s wearing mostly Sander’s clothes. He came earlier after having a fight with Jens or Moyo, Sander is not too sure. He was so worried, with a crying Robbe in his arms, that he just helped him get undressed and under the shower, with warm water trying to balance his temperature back to normal that he forgot the details about whatever disagreement he had with his friends. 
His hair is all messy from the bed and from probably sleeping with his hair still damp. Sander tried to help him dry his hair, but Robbe just wanted to lie down with him for a second. Robbe fell asleep and Sander got up when he smelled Senne at his door. 
Sander doesn’t really know what to do now. Robbe and Senne know each other and Sander is sure he talked about his relationships with both of them, but it’s just weird, his best friend seeing that he let someone in, not only in his house, and he’s not planning on getting rid of Robbe in any way. Senne has seen Robbe and Robbe is inside the kitchen, wearing his underwear and his shirt and nothing more, clearly wanting to go back to bed, maybe not alone. 
“Are you...hungry?” 
Robbe streches his body a little, his hand going to the back of his neck, making a little noise when he streches his whole back, quietly looking from him to Senne. “Hm, yeah...?” 
“Ok. I’m hungry too, I can order some pizza...” 
“You sure? I can go if you want...” Senne finally looks up, but at Robbe and Sander swallows, but his mouth is as dry as it can be, so he gets up. 
“No!....” He coughs to try and hide his desperation to make Robbe stay for the night, looking at Senne from the corner of his eyes, “No, you can stay. Maybe just take a shower? While we wait for the pizza...” Sander gets up from the stool, Robbe is already starting to slowly move back to his bedroom, but he puts his hand on the small of his back and walks with him. 
“Sander, are you sure you don’t want me to leave? I can go and-” Robbe whispers when they get to his bedroom door, turning around to face Sander, looking at the other way, trying to see Senne still drinking his beer. 
“No, don’t worry, ok? It’ll take just a minute. Take a shower, put some clothes on,  preferably mine so he won’t...smell you” Sander can see a frown starting to show in between Robbe’s eyebrows, “but just wait here, ok? I’ll be back with pizza.” 
“Are you jealous?” Robbe smiles and Sander roll his eyes, gently pushing him inside the bedroom, closing the door slowly. 
“I’ll be back with pizza. You stay here.” 
And Robbe obeys. Sander can hear when he turns the shower on, but he tries with all his strength to keep his mind here, hearing Senne complain about not knowing what to do with Nina. And Zoe. 
Sander is not the best at giving love advices, so he just sits there and listens. Senne knows he’s not good with that kind of thing either, so he just wants to tell someone what’s going on inside his head, hoping it makes more sense out loud and that he can find himself a way out if he hears himself. 
“You like Zoe, though...you know that right?” 
Senne doesn’t answer, barely even moves, just finishes his second beer and lets the empty bottle on the marble island, getting up when someone knocks on the door. The pizza is here.
Senne goes to put his jacket and shoes back on and Sander doesn’t want to tell him to go, but he also wants to enjoy his night with Robbe, help him feel better, talk about what happened. So he follows Senne to the door and opens to get his pizzas, looking at Senne. 
“You sure you don’t want to stay?” Senne sighs in annoyance, getting out once the pizza guy left too. 
“No, I’m leaving. Don’t wanna hear you having sex, that would be traumatic. And take a shower, man. You really smell like him, it’s creepy.” 
Senne stops when Sander is about to close the door. 
“Does Britt know he’s here?” 
“Hm, troubles in paradise too I see...You should tell her. Liking is not loving, Sander!” 
And just like that, he’s going, quickly going down the stairs, leaving Sander staring at his pizzas anf thinking. 
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obviouslyelementary · 4 years
Once Upon a Time - chapter 1
You all requested it, and you all got it! A kingdom!AU with our beautiful sides!
Characters: Princes Janus and Patton; Knights Roman and Remus; Mages Virgil and Logan. 
Ships: Moceit; Intrulogical; Prinxiety.
Tag list (and pls tell me if you wanna be added or removed thank you!): @anxiousdreamersworld @datfearlessfangirl @uniquedonutland @walkingonsunshine @sanders-sides-rebloger @lcrnbw @maryann-draws @yuna-dan @eviearie
Chapter 1 - Prologue 
Once upon a time, there were two beautiful kingdoms that lived in peace with each other for centuries. The first kingdom was ruled by the Anguis family, a rich, proud and intelligent clan that had the bold wish of expending their kingdom, growing beyond anyone could ever imagine, rule the world and be good at it. The second kingdom was ruled by the Beatum family, a clan with happiness and kindness, one that put love above all and wished happiness and understanding to all people on earth.
They were different kingdoms, for sure, but their friendship came from centuries of good relationships, deals and amendments. They never wished to attack each other, and they never did, even in the current times. They always swore to protect and help each other in their times of need, despite their different approaches to ruling, and the promises were kept forever.
But the present was not like the warmth of the past. Tired for the Anguis' crusades for power and lands, the kingdoms surrounding theirs declared war, and in the most delicate moment of all. In a malicious attack, both kings and queens from the Anguis and Beatum families were killed during a trip to one of their farthest, shared lands. They were mercilessly assassinated, leaving their kingdoms fragile and shaken, in the perfect shape to be attacked and overruled.
But no one expected for their princes to be so resolute.
In a last attempt of protecting their kingdoms from the attacks from beyond borders, the two princes decided through letters and quick reunions to marry, so they could unite their strengths and make sure their family names would remain intact. They were both brave, intelligent and astute, and they knew the marriage needed to happen fast if they wanted to win that war against the smaller kingdoms around them.
And thus, the date was set.
 "Your majesty?"
"... come in."
Logan made his way inside, slowly, opening the doors to his prince's chambers, bowing his head in respect before making his way inside. None of those gestures were seen, because his prince had his back to the door, staring out through the window, contemplating the steady fields that surrounded his castle. Logan approached him slowly, looking around at the neatly organized room before he stopped next to him, staring out of the window, seeing the busy streets of the castle town, and just beyond the walls a beautiful landscape that went on to the horizon.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Patton, his prince, whispered in a melancholic voice that let the mage afflicted. "My kingdom... it still hurts to say it..."
"I am sorry, your majesty" Logan whispered, but Patton turned to him with his warm smile that filled anyone's heart, even if that warmth did not find its way into his eyes, that were cold and upset.
"Patton, please... you do need to be so serious while we are alone" he said, turning around and sitting by the windowsill. Logan let out a soft sigh, and nodded.
"I am sorry, Patton... sorry for coming to bother you during your calm hours, but there are many things to be arranged, as you surely know" he said, feeling guilty for coming all the way to speak to Patton while he mourned. The king and queen had died a month ago, but it was clear by Patton's unusual silence and contemplating postures that he wasn't yet over their death.
Who would be, if not a cold-blooded monster?
"It is fine, I am very aware we have little time to settle everything" Patton said, nodding for Logan to sit, and he did, pulling a chair close to his prince. "So, how are the wedding preparations? The food, the guests, the decorations? Were you able to contact the bishop that I recommended?"
"Yes, my lord, I have" Logan said softly, and that brought some calmness to Patton's face which pleased him so. "Everything is coming according to plan... however I received a letter today that surely does not help our cause. Prince Anguis is coming in three days, and he wishes the marriage to happen the day he arrives, the latter the day after."
Patton let out a soft sigh, turning his face to the window again and looking out as the trees shook in the distance and the kingdom felt a cold air coming by. It was the dark times arriving, ones Patton never wished to see, much less to rule over.
"I understand his demands... his kingdom is at war and he cannot waist any more time than necessary with arrangements such as these" he said, hugging himself in silence, refusing to cry. These were not times for sadness and mourning, they were times for planning and intelligence. "Send him a letter back. The marriage will happen as soon as he arrives. Make sure all the guests know, and make sure everything is ready for his arrival."
"I will, Patton" Logan said, softly, and then gently placed one hand over his prince's leg, smiling as he turned his face to look at him. "Remember that, whatever happens, I will always be by your side."
"I will. I know" Patton whispered, holding Logan's hand and squeezing it. "Now go. Make it perfect."
"I will."
Logan stood up from his chair and gave his prince another bow before leaving his chambers once again. Outside, the prince's personal knight Roman awaited, clearly anxious.
"So, how did he react?" he asked, as both began to walk down the large hallways of the castle. Logan let out a soft sigh, but shook his head.
"Better than I expected. He does seem inclined to do everything in his power so that this marriage happens as quickly as possible. However he is still... well, clearly hurt" Logan said, frowning, while Roman gave him a nod.
"Who wouldn't be? Our king and queen died less than a month ago, he wasn't even able to give them a proper funeral... is there anything more painful for a son? For a prince?"
"Only losing their kingdom, Roman. Something I do not think he will let happen" Logan said firmly, and looked at his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Go to the nobles, warn them about the new date. Make sure all guards are aware, send letters to the cities and villages. I will make sure the decorations, food and clothes are prepared. We have no time to waste."
"Yes, my mage" Roman said, bowing to Logan and making his leave, while Logan sighed deeply to himself and rushed down the stairs towards the kitchens.
 "My lord, we-"
"FOR HEAVENS' SAKE!" Janus yelled, grabbing the nearby vase over his dresser and throwing it on the opposite wall. Virgil watched as the vase broke down in pieces, all while Remus, the prince's personal guard, stared at him unphased by his tantrum.
"I am sorry, my lord, but breaking pots will not solve any war crises" Remus said, quite seriously, too seriously for his usual self, and Janus reached out for him, grabbing him by the collar and growling loudly.
"My lord" Virgil said again, and both of them turned their heads to the mage. Janus growled loudly and pushed Remus away, but the knight barely moved an inch, while the prince reached for the wine goblet next to him and drank a large gulp.
"Get inside Virgil, let us see if you have anything better to say than this worm."
"... of course, my majesty" Virgil said, bowing to him and making his way inside. "I am here only to announce that you letter has been received and accepted. Your marriage with Patton Beatum will be happening in three days, as you requested."
"Oh thank god for some good news" Janus said, rolling his eyes and sitting down. He sighed loudly, rubbing his forehead with his fingers and then shaking his head. "Remus, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..."
"It is quite alright, my majesty. I know our troops disappointed you" Remus said, and the serious way he spoke showed to Virgil how upset he truly was. "I promise you we will not fail in the next assault."
"There won't be a next assault, at least not for you" Janus said, looking up at him. "We are leaving tomorrow, so that my marriage can happen and we can return with troops and strength. You and Virgil are coming with me, as my testimonies."
"Of course sir" Remus nodded with a bow and Virgil walked closer to them, standing next to Janus. The three of them were quiet for a moment, or rather a few minutes, while Janus finished his goblet of wine and then sighed, standing up and walking over to the windowsill.
"Look at this... so peaceful and quiet" he whispered, touching the glass, watching as dark clouds and harsh winds covered his land. "Once this kingdom was prosperous... beautiful and rich. Now we are losing battles, our soldiers cry out for food, our safes have barely any gold left... I can't believe it has come to this..."
"It isn't your fault sir. You had no way of knowing" Virgil said, trying to calm his soul, but Janus simply shook his head, hand curling into a fist.
"I promised my father I would rule a kingdom as brave and beautiful as his... and I promised my mother I would marry for love and happiness... and here I am. Ruling a kingdom in ruins, marrying a man I do not even know... how is he like?"
"Patton Beatum?" Virgil asked, and Janus nodded, turning around to face his most trusted and loved friends.
"Yes. How is he like? You both saw him in your meetings to organize my wedding... who am I marrying?"
"Well, he is known for being kind, and sweet. He cares for all his people with love and respect. He is not keen on wars, he always rather have a peaceful agreement rather than a heated discussion. As all Beatums do" Virgil said, and Janus turned to Remus.
"He is good looking, soft and plump. Rosy cheeks and a smile that is known for brightening up the darkest of chambers. His hands are warm and he looks like a good lover, for what I can tell" he said, and Janus sighed, rubbing his eyes and then looking up at the ceiling.
"A stranger who is nice and sweet to all... who is beautiful and warm... sounds like the opposite of me" he said, staring at the cracks in the ceiling, the faded paint and the old drawings. "Thank you Virgil, Remus... you are dismissed now."
"Of course sir" they both said, bowing and taking their leave. Once outside the prince's chambers, they looked at each other before making their way down the hallway.
"Is the situation dire?" Virgil asked, and Remus sighed.
"More than you can imagine, mage. Our troops cannot handle another week in these conditions. We are as close to a defeat as we have ever been."
"Our hopes lie on the marriage then" Virgil said, and sighed to himself. "I will pray that... it all goes according to plan."
"Pray, mage" Remus said, stopping in front of Virgil's chambers. "Pray, because that is the last weapon we have."
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pietrotheavenger · 5 years
summary: when your soulmate sings, you can hear it.
pairings: au!bucky barnes x fem!reader, thor x steve
warnings: swearing, alcohol
a/n: it’s currently midnight and if you know me then you know i HATE revising my work. i wrote this in one sitting and i cannot be bothered to revise this. don’t be mean pls
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bucky’s soulmate was always singing. always. he liked to think that she did it on purpose, to entertain him. he absolutely loved listening to her singing. he never listened to music because of her. he didn’t want to listen to something that wasn’t her. she made music into something special to him. he wanted to keep the songs that she sang to him a secret. he didn’t want to hear them on the radio. he learned new songs from her, all the time. but, sometimes her constant singing was inconvenient.
he was out getting coffee with one of his friends, sam. they were chatting when she started singing. bucky held up a finger and pointed to his ear. “she’s singing,” he whispered.
“it’s been too much, i’ve been on the side, and i’m waiting.”
“man, she’s always singing,” sam rolled his eyes.
“i swear she has the most beautiful voice i’ve ever heard. plus, i love this song,” the brunette responded, twirling his hair around his finger as he softly sang along.
“i’ve got a little time, maybe all night, if i’m patient.”
“you know what? maybe i’ll sing to my soulmate,” sam scoffed, and began singing. he crossed his arms over his chest as he sang some random pop song.
“what’s on your mind? i can never read you.”
the distant smile didn’t leave bucky’s face as he closed his eyes. he savored her voice. she faltered slightly when he began singing back to her, but continued on. he had his moments of singing, but they had never sung together before. it was a common thing between soulmates to do duets.
“i always leave you crying when we fight, but i don’t mean to.”
sometimes, soulmates dreamt of each other. he yearned to see her in his dreams. he knew that they didn’t have the connection that others had. one of his friends, natasha and her soulmate were always singing to each other. they developed their soulmate bond and she dreamt of her soulmate.
“no, love don’t come easy. especially when you’re loving me.”
bucky was itching to meet her. he had been waiting his whole life. he was ready. he already felt such immense love towards her just by hearing her singing. he melted on the inside every time she started up.
“it’s never enough for the both of us, so sorry. couldn’t have known it would ever be this hard.”
if he didn’t hear her sing at least once a day, he would panic. it was quite unusual, but he understood that sometimes she would get busy, or maybe she was feeling sick, or maybe sad. none of those thoughts were able to reassure him. in those rare cases, he would sing to her.
“we had it all but we lost and that’s our fault.”
he hoped that she liked his singing, and that it comforted her. throughout his childhood, his parents would always listen to frank sinatra, so that’s what he would sing to her. when he was done, she would sing back a few lines of the chorus to let him know she was there but not wanting to sing, or a whole song.
“i should be here waiting for you to answer my call. but i’m never giving up on what, i’ve been focusing on putting me first.”
his parents were soulmates and they would always sing frank sinatra to each other. he liked that he shared something so special to his parents, with his own soulmate. she didn’t know it, of course, but he still found it heartwarming.
“still could never see you with somebody else. i can’t even live with being by myself. that’s the part of me that really needs your help.”
“is she done yet?” sam questioned.
“no, hush,” bucky replied.
“lately, i haven’t been doing very well. that’s the difference between heaven and hell.”
“aren’t you singing to your girl?” bucky stopped his quiet singing to quickly ask his friend.
“i feel heaven when you’re here with me. i feel hell every time you leave.”
“she started singing, ‘shut up,’ to me,” sam grumbled. bucky let out a deep belly laugh.
“but i need to get you off of my back. i gotta get you off of my back.”
he had heard her giggle once. he believed it to be a mistake of the soulmate bond. he had also heard stories where the bond mistook laughter for music. her laugh sounded like little bells ringing. he knew that he shouldn’t love someone that he didn’t know, but he couldn’t help it. she was already so perfect.
“wished that we would never take it this far. here we are, going back and forth.”
some people had romantic relationships before they met their soulmate. bucky didn’t understand this. there’s one person specifically made for every person on the planet, why can’t they just wait to meet them? those flimsy relationships will be worth nothing to how someone feels when they’re with their soulmate.
“i hoped we would never make it this far. but now, i gotta find my worth.”
he truly wanted nothing more than to meet her. he wanted to feel complete. like a whole person. his parents had both said that when they were with each other, they felt at peace with themselves. he desired that with all of his being.
“she’s done,” bucky smiled. “i can’t wait to meet her. and i can’t wait for you to hear her singing.”
“don’t get ahead of yourself, barnes.”
if he didn’t know that the voice in his head was his soulmate, bucky would’ve wholeheartedly believed that his childhood best friend, steve, was his soulmate. there was no one who understood him quite like steve. they had been through everything together. but, alas, the voice in bucky’s head was feminine, and steve had met his soulmate, thor, in high school. it was steve and thor who dragged him out of the house on a friday night that was just like all the others. lately, all of his days seemed to bleed into one. he could feel himself edging towards a downward spiral. his friends could feel it, too.
“the only problem is i see you in colors that don’t exist,” she began singing while thor was speaking to bucky. he zoned out for a moment as she continued.
“in colors that don’t even exist, girl. i see the future in your eyes. i see my past and all my sins. i swear to god, i see god when you’re touching on my skin.”
“bucky? you there?” thor raised an eyebrow. he lifted his beer up to his mouth.
“sorry, she was singing to me,” he sheepishly apologized.
“it’s okay. i used to have to lay down every time steve sang to me,” thor gazed lovingly at his soulmate who was making conversation with the bartender.
“that bad, huh?” bucky joked. “where are we, anyway?” he asked, looking around. she began humming in his ear, and he tried his hardest to pay attention to the blond man in front of him.
“it’s a new karaoke bar! steve heard about it from his coworkers, i believe,” he replied. he stroked his beard before asking, “have you been to one before?”
bucky innocently shook his head, brown locks swaying back and forth. “i’ve seen them in movies, though.”
“you’ll have so much fun! we should do a duet,” thor insisted. “no, a trio.”
“i don’t know about that,” bucky laughed nervously.
just then, steve came over, handing bucky a beer. he gave thor a kiss and said, “what’re you lot talking about?”
“bucky agreed to doing a group performance!” thor exclaimed.
“actually-” the man in question began, but was cut off by his best friend.
“fuck yeah! what’s the game plan?” steve’s childish smile reminded bucky so much of their upbringing together, that he let himself get roped into the singing triad. he nursed his beer as his friends argued over a song. he ended up ordering two shoes of vodka and threw them back to accelerate his getting drunk process.
“thanks for joining us today, buck,” steve beamed. “i know that sometimes it’s hard for you to reach out when you need us, but we’re always here for you. i’m with you ‘til the end of the line, pal,” he put his hand on his shoulder.
bucky opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a shout from the stage. “hello new york!” a small brunette lady was the owner of the voice. she was clearly intoxicated as was her giggling friend, standing next to her. he was immediately transfixed by her friend. her lips were painted red and curved into the prettiest smile he’d ever seen. she wore a silk powder blue top which she tied in a knot at the top of her flattering black jeans. the top buttons of her blouse were undone, revealing her collarbones and allowing her to show off some layered necklaces. she teetered in a pair of forest green heeled boots, excitedly bouncing from one foot to another. “i am jane foster, and this is y/n y/l/n!” the original lady yelled into her microphone.
“hi, i’m y/n,” she smiled and waved, laughing. her word were slightly slurring together. bucky repeated her name to himself, under his breath.
“and we are,” jane began by herself but was joined by y/n for the last word, “*NSYNC!” the beginning chords of it’s gonna be me were being played.
“you might have been hurt, babe. that ain’t no lie!” jane sang very loudly. their group of friends near the stage cheered. y/n blew them a kiss before stumbling and regaining her balance and collapsing into giggles as jane continued through the song. “you’ve seen them all come and go, oh. i remember you told me that it made you believe in no man, no cry. maybe that’s why…”
y/n began singing with jane for the chorus and the minute he heard her voice, he got goosebumps. his soulmate sang right along in his head. “every little thing i do never seems enough for you. you don’t want to lose it again. but i’m not like them. baby, when you finally get to love somebody. guess what? it’s gonna be me.”
“wait a fucking minute,” he said to himself, his eyebrows drawing together.
she began her solo, “you’ve got no choice, babe. but to move on, and you know, there ain’t no time to waste. you’re just too blind to see but in the end, you know it’s gonna be me. you can’t deny so just tell me why.”
they went into the chorus for the second time and bucky jumped out of his seat and screamed into steve’s face. “that’s my fucking soulmate!” and pointed at the stage.
“are you serious?” steve gaped.
“justin or jc?”
“it’s our turn next!” thor yelled, grabbing both of their hands and pulling them through the bar to the side of the stage.
“that’s my soulmate,” bucky whispered as she took her bows and staggered off the other side of the stage before he was pushed onto it and handed a microphone. he held onto the microphone like he would die if he let go.
“how are we feeling!” steve howled. thor talked to whoever was in charge of the music on the side before jumping up. “we are steve,” the said man placed his hand on his chest before pointing to his best friend, who was looking quite like a deer in the headlights, “bucky!” he finally gestured to his soulmate, “and thor!” the music started up and the crowd screamed in recognition.
“i can’t stop this feeling deep inside of me. girl, you just don’t realize what you do to me,” steve and thor sang together. steve looked at bucky encouragingly, wrapping his arms around his shoulder as he shakily began singing, looking straight into the crowd and at her. “when you hold me, in your arms so tight. you let me know everything’s alright. i’m hooked on a feeling.”
she was chatting to one of her friends but when he started singing, she whipped her head to the stage, her eyes wide and her lips parted. they made eye contact for the first time and electricity passed between them. he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. he kept singing, just letting his mouth move. he didn’t know if he was singing the right thing, but by the look of joy on steve’s face, he knew he was doing something right. he let his gaze fall away from her before it flickered back. he drank her right up.
when their song was completed, they linked hands and bowed in front of the crowd. bucky practically jumped off of the stage at the first opportunity he got. she had rushed up him, grasping his arm. “did you hear me?” she asked.
“i can’t hear you, it’s too loud!” he yelled back.
she pulled him away from the stage, to the bar, before repeating her question. “did you hear me?” he nodded his head. he returned the question and she nodded back. “are you my soulmate?” her voice was so quiet that he wasn’t entirely sure if he heard her.
“only if you don’t mind me singing frank sinatra all the time,” bucky responded.
her face broke into a smile and she threw her arms around his neck. he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight. he deeply inhaled, savoring every moment. when she pulled away, he gingerly placed his hand on her cheek, slowly moving it to thread his fingers through her hair. he dipped his head down and whispered, “is this okay?” his breath was hot on her lips. she nodded. his lips met hers and for a moment, the universe burned white-hot.
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infinity tags:
@ssweet-empowerment ; @stardustandbucky ; @abuckyrogersworld ; @freightcarcap ; @c-a-v-a-l-r-y ; @coffeebooksandfandom ; @somethingmoreclever ; @2dreamcatcher8 ; @illegalportkey ; @fuckthatfeeling ; @xxashy999xx ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @tuliptx ; @wwhitewwolff ; @thisismysecrethappyplace ; @appreciating-chase-brody ; @renanyx ; @maladaptive-ninja-returns ; @marvelrose ; @sophiealiice ; @dreamsfollowed99 ; @galacticstxrdust ; @fitzsimmons-is-forever ; @dumblani ; @i-padfootblack-things ;
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ddae208e · 5 years
Maybe (goodbyes are in order) I Renjun x Reader, Yangyang x Reader, ft. Haechan
Maybe everyone has a soulmate – maybe when your soulmate dies, your memories of that soulmate are erased – and maybe then you get assigned a new soulmate.
And maybe in this scenario, your dead soulmate loves you too much to let you go, and therefore on his quest to seek your love (and make sure it stays his) maybe he gets a little help from a fallen angel.
Word count: 3k Angst, ghost!au, demon!au,  Warning: death, mention of death
Inspired by “The Good Place” (Only watched 2 seasons so pls don’t spoil!!) and Desiderium by Jaeminhours (one of my favourite fics!!)
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After a long and dreadful week of school, the weekend awaits you. What better way to start your supposed-to-be stress-free weekend, than by getting caught in the rain with no cover of any kind and in the very dark and very lonely park? The rain continues falling and your ears are filled with nothing but the sounds of pitter-patter and the boisterous winds. Maybe you should have taken the bus home instead of walking – but no way to change the past so you must live in the present. You finally decide to seek shelter while waiting for the worst of the storm to be over, then you can run home. 
As you stand under the roof of the bus stop, you hear someone calling out your name. At the same time you receive a message. It is your mother – Honey, it seems you have a new soulmate. We got the letter earlier but wanted to surprise you once you got home. He could not wait though, so he has run out to get you! His name is Yangyang. He seems lovely :)
You chuckle at your phone, quickly sending your mother a heart emoji before putting your phone back in your pocket and then turning around, searching for the source of sound. “Oh, hi!” A boy a few inches taller than you almost runs into you but steadies himself in time. “So clumsy, sorry about that!” His sweet laughter puts a smile on your face. “Ah yeah, it’s nothing. Hey, uh, are you Yangyang?” You smile shyly at him. “Huh?” He looks at you with big puppy eyes. “Ooooooh, your mother texted you already? I wanted to surprise you, saying I would like, kidnap you, and then slowly make you fall in love with me, stockholm syndrome you know?” He starts laughing loudly and even though he is already one of the weirdest people you have met – who tells their soulmate, who they have only just met, that they planned to kidnap them? – you can only stare at him as if he has stars in his eyes. 
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You feel the calmest when Yangyang pats and traces his warm hand across your back. It always makes you feel super dreamy and you wish for the moment never to end. “You’re my person,” you hear Yangyang whisper softly. You look at him and smile saying “and you’re mine.” 
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“Stupid. Annoying. Loud. Oblivious. Better off without him,” you ramble on and on as you walk through the same exact park in which you met this newfound problem of yours. It has been two years since you met Yangyang, and he is indeed the sweetest soulmate you have ever had – he is also the only one I remember, you think – yet this time, it feels as if maybe you have been assigned a wrong soulmate. Not wanting to think more of him and the reason for your unanticipated anger, you walk along the blooming lilac paths as you feel a pang of deja vu. “They’re lovely, aren’t they?” A soft voice asks and you turn around quickly. In front of you stands a dull-looking boy. The wind has swept his hair in every direction all at once, his clothes look old, dirty and worn-out as well as his face looks extremely tired based on the bags under his eyes. “Yeah, they are.” You say as you start to turn around again. You do not want to be mean or judgemental, but it is dark and night and you are all alone in the park with this guy. “Do you know what it means?” He asks another question. Taking in a deep breath, you turn around again. You shake your head and look at the ground. He is not wearing any shoes. “Lilacs are a common flower, yet I do not think a lot of people truly know the meaning behind them. I used to gift these flowers to my soulmate every time I’d see her. I can’t do that anymore, because I never see her.” He smiles sadly and looks down too. Then he bends down and picks a couple of the lilacs. “Youthful innocence. First love.” He takes small steps towards you, making sure not to scare you off. You slowly nod at him, letting him know it was okay. As he stands directly in front of you, he hands you the flowers. You do hesitate for a minute, but then you do take the flowers. But it feels weird. You were so sure you would touch his hand when he handed over the flowers, but you did not actually feel anything. Just a quick whoosh as his hand fell down next to his side again. There is disappointment in his eyes, yet you have no idea why. Maybe because he misses his soulmate? “Sorry, I’ll… I’ll see you around.” He says and then he is gone all at once. He just turned around and disappeared into thin air. “It’s not even foggy out..” You tell yourself as you quietly walk back home, the lilacs still in your grasp. 
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Immense agony. Immense agony is all that Renjun can feel. “Now you listen to me, Renjun,” says a light voice. Renjun strains his eyes, trying to focus in the dimly lit room. “Where and who are you?” Renjun asks without expecting an answer. “Nevermind that, only mind the fact that I can help you make that Yangyang dude either disappear or be put in misery. You decide.” Renjun’s facial expression changes as he furrows his brows and slightly open his mouth to ask another question – but the voice of the unknown beats him to it. “I only want to be of assistance. I will find him and bring him to you, and then you get to do all the action. I’m fine with just watching.” Renjun hears a snicker. “It won’t make you feel any better, you’ll still be in all of this unexplainable pain, but at least you will know that he won’t get the pleasure of being with your soulmate.” This is what sends Renjun over the edge. “Do it.” 
Before Renjun’s vision goes dark once again, he hears another vile-tainted whisper, yet he decides to ignore it. Maybe he should have taken it as a warning sign. “Quid pro quo.”
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You curse under your breath as the cold winter-air hits your soft skin. The sun set a couple hours ago, yet you were too stubborn to stay home and simply go buy snacks tomorrow. So here you are, tightly clutching bags of snacks close to your chest, walking with a fast pace through the dark of the night. 
On your way, a dilemma occurs: do you choose the long but illuminated path, or the very dark path surrounded by overgrown trees and bushes? You choose the lesser-wise option: the latter. The leaves are rustling beneath your feet and above your head, and you hear the crushing of branches even though you are one hundred percent sure that you only step on small pebbles from time to time. A few minutes pass, and you still cannot shake the thought that you are being followed – so you quickly turn around, and once you see the black silhouette standing right in front of you, you gasp loudly, throwing your snacks at the person before sprinting off. While running, you look back for one second and as soon as you turn your gaze back in front of you, you run into something. You run into someone. You slowly turn your eyes upward to see the face of the person – a male, you presume. “Hey there, be careful. Wouldn’t want you getting hurt now,” says the guy lowly. He places his hands on your shoulders and rubs them gently. “Who are you?” You stutter. The man in all black clothing chuckles, turning his head slightly to the left, letting the moon shine on his face. His eyes are red. “Are you wearing contacts?” You ask naively, to which he frowns. “No. Why would I be wearing contacts?” You shrug and smile slightly. “Well, thanks for looking out for me. I’ll just be on my very way,” you start as you shake off his hands, yet as you try to step away, you simply cannot. Your legs will not move. It feels as if you are paralyzed. “Not so fast, honey.” He says smugly. “My friend needs to tell you something… Of the seven sins I am envy, but you should call me Haechan.” He snaps his fingers and your surroundings change. 
In front of you stands Renjun. “So sorry about that, I just needed to speak to you and Haechan told me he could easily get you. Also, I bought you some new snacks. The other ones got dirty and I saw some animals ripping the bags and eating it, so yeah…” He walks toward you and you grab the snacks. “Could I eat them now? As you speak?” You ask mellowly, retrieving a smile accompanied by a small blush from Renjun. He nods. “Um, not sure how to start… Alright, well, cut to the chase, we used to be soulmates.” You choke on your chips. He hurries next to you to pat your back, “are you okay?” You can hear the worry in Renjun’s voice. You nod and gesture for him to continue. “I’m a ghost. I’m dead. I- don’t want to get into the specifics, but I died a while ago and only realized a couple weeks ago.” You look dumbfoundedly at him. When did he realize? How? “When I handed you the lilacs.” He replies as if he had read your mind. “I’m not sure why I’m telling you this – or actually I am. I was hoping you could be mine again, as fate had decided, but I’m not too sure now, seeing as you have already been assigned… Yangyang.” As the name rolls off his tongue, Renjun’s nose scrunches, his eyes turn a slightly darker brown and he frowns. “All I want is for you to be happy, but I would rather it be with me than him.” You have no idea what to say. “Is this a prank?” You ask quietly, putting away your snacks. Renjun shakes his head and sighs deeply. “Chan?” He calls out and Haechan appears in an instance. “Take her back,” Renjun says and Haechan nods with a smirk sitting on his lips. “I love you, but I’m sensing you’d rather be with him than with me.” The hint of sadness in Renjun’s voice makes you want to cry. You stand up and run toward him with open arms, but all that happens is that you run right through him. You turn around to look at him, and it seems that he is straining his eyes as to not start crying. “Haechan,” Renjun calls and you hear a snapping of fingers.
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“Yang?” You call out to a seemingly empty house. “Yes, baby? In here!” Yangyang’s softly distant voice reaches your ears and you hurry toward your bedroom. Yangyang lies on his back while looking up at the ceiling. He seems to be deep in thought, yet as soon as he hears your footsteps approaching, he uses his elbows to push his way up so that he can look at you. He smiles so sweetly at you, and you think about just dropping the whole thing and letting him stay in this happy-peace-of-mind. You decide against it, though. There is a reason that the two of you are soulmates, and if it is not about honesty, then what on earth could it be about? So you tell him about your encounter with Renjun, apparently an earlier soulmate of yours. “We talked for a while, mostly him though, and then I wanted to touch him – hug him, just to let him feel safe or something, you know? But I fell right through him, so I guess he really is a ghost. He must really be dead.” No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot decode Yangyang’s expression. You fear the worst, but luckily you are wrong. “Hey, honey, it’s okay. I’m not mad.” He coos as he softly pushes some of your hair behind your ear. “He knew your name, a lot of facts about you, your whole life story basically. I honestly believe he was your soulmate once. But that is all he ever was and ever will be. An ex-soulmate. I guess that if you could actually touch him, maybe it could have been different. Like, if you got those feelings for him back, I would not blame you. He was your soulmate before me, and it sounds like he was so for a long time, maybe even your first and only soulmate – until me, of course. Just know that I will stand by you no matter what. Okay?” He pecks your lips and stares at you with a small smile playing on his lips and nothing but adoration in his eyes. “Do you think any of your soulmates are dead? Have you had any before me?” Yangyang’s smile slowly disappears. Maybe you were not supposed to ask him that. Maybe he had also been contacted by a former soulmate, whom he still loves to this day. Maybe you should not have told Yangyang about Renjun. Maybe you should have just forced yourself to believe that Renjun played some really well-thought-out prank on you. Maybe you should have just ignored Renjun. Acted like you did not see him. That should not have been hard, for no one else seemed to be able to see him. “As far as I know, I do not know about any former soulmates. No one has told me anything, at least.” You mumble a quick “sorry I asked” before wrapping your arms around Yangyang and hold him close. Trying to cheer him up since you are the cause of his sudden sad face. He snuggles further into your embrace and mumbles something you do not clearly hear. All you know is that you hear the word “love” and it brings a smile onto your face. 
As the sun starts to set, both you and Yangyang start to doze off on top of your soft and super comfortable king-sized bed. Yanyang’s arms are lazily wrapped around your waist with your head lying on his chest. A very serene moment for the both of you. You both wishing it would last forever. Spoiler alert: it does not. 
As soon as your eyes shut along with Yangyang’s, it feels as if the two of you enter an endless void. It is scorchingly hot in there, and since you for some reason are barefoot, it only makes it worse for it feels as if you are stepping on a path of fire. You wince as Yangyang’s hand holds yours – “too hot, yeah, sorry,” he says with an awkward smile as he rubs his neck. A deep roar can be heard, and you jump, grabbing Yangyang’s hand instinctively. He snickers at this, calling you a hypocrite. “So when I hold your hand, it is a sin, yet when you feel like holding mine, it is an act of love?” He laughs at your cutesy pout. Then he shakes his head and points at something behind you. Actually not at something, but rather someone. Just as you are about to turn around, you are flying through the room, being pushed backwards and away from your soulmate. A shiver runs down your spine as a somewhat acquainted voice whispers into your ear: “I want you back, and I want you all to myself.” Then you wake up. Looking around frantically, you shake Yangyang’s body, trying to wake him up. He does not budge. “Yang? Yangyang!” Panic starts to arise in your voice and breathing also gets harder. Why is he not waking up?
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“I’ll go easy on you, okay?” Renjun mutters as he tightens his grip on Yangyang’s neck. “Maybe I could suffocate you with an article of your soulmates clothing?” Renjun states rather than asks. Yangyang whimpers and lets out cries as he begs for his life. “Too feeble to save yourself. How would you ever be able to save your soulmate, huh?” Renjun feels absolutely no remorse. He is wrapped in feelings of despair and wrath as he tortues the innocent boy. “Too gullible. Easily hoaxed into becoming a demon for eternity. My new best friend. Wrath really did choose you, huh?” Haechan says, imitating Renjun’s last word as a ghost.
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“What do you mean you will be meeting your new soulmate today, ? I already have a soulmate! His name is Renjun and I demand to see him right this instant!” Your parents are wearing very worried facial expressions, but you do not understand why. It seems that when Yangyang died, not only were your memories of him erased, but so were the memories and knowledge of Renjun’s death. Maybe you even regained the memories of the two of you before his death, and now that is the reasoning behind your sudden madness and outburst. A mere whisper leaves your mother’s lips. “Darling, Renjun- … He passed away.” Your father sighs as he pats your mother’s back, slightly reassuring her that everything will turn out fine. Just as you are about to talk back to your mother, you hear a voice inside your head. “I cannot go back, Haechan, and you know it!” The voice belongs to Renjun, yet it sounds different than his usual laid-back tone. He sounds frantic. You clutch your head as you fall to the floor and your parents hurry to your side. “I love her. I do. But the… The wrath got the best of me. It is unforgivable. I killed her soulmate because I wanted to be her only. He didn’t deserve her. But neither do I anymore.” You regain your strength and stand back up, starting to pace and roam around the room. The curiosity is killing you. You want to ask your parents about your old soulmate – how did he die? – but you choose not to. “Well, let’s meet my new soulmate, then.”
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kangstellation · 5 years
Yet Another AU Idea
My mind came up with this random AU where Wen Ruohan and Cangse Sanren used to be friends (really good friends too), and when Cangse Sanren and her husband died on a night hunt, the Wen Sect were the ones who took in Wei Wuxian.
Obviously features LOADS of canon divergence, and also a healthy load of tweaking the Wen Sect so it's not as Bad as it was in canon (because I deadass can't handle Dark themes).
So Wen Ruohan takes in Wei Wuxian and his actual sons (Wen Chao and Wen Xu) aren't exactly Happy about it at first but Wei Wuxian eventually worms his way into their hearts lol (also capitalising on the fact that they are kids when wwx comes into the picture). And just cause I can, they also become good friends with Wen Ning. Wen Chao was all arrogant and mean at first (he's learning) but Wei Wuxian wouldn't STOP whining so he eventually conceded and let Wen Ning hang out with them. Wen Ning eventually starts becoming more confident after being influenced by them.
The Wen Sect eventually send Wen Chao, Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian to the Cloud Recesses for studies and ofc that's where Wei Wuxian meets Lan Wangji and the rest is history. When Wei Wuxian eventually leaves the Cloud Recesses, he does so with a Big Fat Crush on the Second Jade of Lan.
For the next few years, while the Wen Sect continues to strengthen its relationships with the other Sects, Wei Wuxian doesn't Shut Up about Lan Wangji. Wen Chao tunes him out, and Wen Ning patiently listens to him, but Wen Xu, his last string of sanity was about to snap.
The Wen Sect eventually holds a competition thing and of course Gusu Lan sends Lan Wangji, so Wei Wuxian can fall in love with him all over again!
Wei Wuxian's ramblings about Lan Wangji come back with renewed vigour and material after that, and Wen Xu finally snaps. He writes a letter to Gusu Lan proposing a marriage between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to "strengthen their ties".
Wen Xu doesn't know what he was expecting but it wasn't for an actual letter reply asking to set up a time and place for further discussion. When Wei Wuxian finds out he practically shrieks so loudly and in such a high pitch that all the animals ran away.
Still, it would look bad if they were to suddenly rescind the suggestion now especially since they were the ones to initiate the offer, so they were basically stuck having to plan where to discuss the potential marriage alliance between the Wen and Lan sects.
Wei Wuxian feels awfully conflicted about all this but he still gleefully jumps at Lan Wangji when he first sees him again (LQR: Such indecent behaviour!). Lan Wangji stumbles, sparking joy in Wei Wuxian's heart that he had somehow managed to ruffle Lan Wangji's feathers again, but he doesn't shrink away from Wei Wuxian's embrace.
During a break in the discussion, Wei Wuxian finds Lan Wangji sitting alone in a secluded area and decides to take this chance to annoy him even further. He bounces over, enthusiastically plops down besides Lan Wangji, and starts rambling about practically anything he can think of. Lan Wangji only replied with "Mn" or "Shameless" so Wei Wuxian quickly runs out of things to talk about.
Then he says, "Say, Lan Zhan, if you don't speak up now, you'll be stuck with me for the rest of our lives! Which would be a blessing, obviously, but really, someone like you who can't stand my shameless behaviour, you know marriage isn't going to change how I act right? I'm not going to become like your Lan sect cultivators! That would be so boring!"
Lan Wangji replies, "... What is your point?"
Wei Wuxian laughs, the sound a bit off but Lan Wangji can't exactly pinpoint why, and continues, "I'm just saying, you should speak up and tell your uncle and older brother to reject the marriage alliance!"
Lan Wangji simply states, "No."
Wei Wuxian stares at him blankly for a while. Then he recovers and with some of the enthusiasm he has left, "Oh! Are you worried about the relationship of our Sects? That we will be offended? Hahahahahaha, don't worry! Wen Xu actually sent that letter as a revenge joke on me... hahahaha... it wasn't really supposed to escalate to this point hahahahah..."
The laughter trailed off after a while. Lan Wangji was looking at Wei Wuxian with an indescribable look in his eyes again. "... So it was a joke? You do not want to marry me?"
The question was so blunt that Wei Wuxian had to blink a few times to process it completely. Then, he had to think a while more on what to reply. "Ahh, Lan Zhan, don't get mad! I'm not saying I wouldn't want to marry you," because I do want to, so much, but I'd never forgive myself for forcing you into a one-sided marriage, "but more that you shouldn't marry me!!"
Lan Wangji is still staring at him with those unflinching golden eyes. "Why not?"
"Because there's no way you would want to spend the rest of your life with someone like me, right?" There's a desperate tint to Wei Wuxian's words now. He wonders just how much more he is away from spilling all the details of his Big Fat Crush and his own insecurities to said Big Fat Crush.
"I do not see a problem with it," Lan Wangji says.
Wei Wuxian thinks his jaw has fallen open as he stares at Lan Wangji in shock. Nonono, why was Lan Wangji such a stupid, considerate, putting-his-sect-before-himself idiot!! He was 100% sure that Lan Wangji was still suppressing his true feelings and wishes, even now when they were making a decision he would have to live with for life!
"Lan Wangji, listen to me. You cannot marry me," Wei Wuxian says slowly.
"Why not?" Lan Wangji repeats his earlier question, still unyielding.
"Because you don't love me!" Wei Wuxian finally cracks. "Because you don't even like me, even if I like you. And I do. I like you so much, you and your stupid perfect face and body and personality, even if it is a bit bland at first, but it's not fair how you can have all three of those! And you're super smart and powerful too, this is really unfair to others you know!! Especially me! Because you always make my heart race whenever I see you and it's not fair, why do you get to make me feel like this when all I can do is pine over you for 5000 years until you eventually get married and have kids with someone else-"
Wei Wuxian would have said more, he really would have since he had about 7 years of pent up feelings to spill, but there was a problem - his lips had been sealed. And not by the Lan Sect's silencing spell either, no, his lips were sealed by another pair of lips.
Lan Wangji's.
Wei Wuxian was sure he had died and gone to Heaven some time during when he had been rambling. Perhaps he had blushed so hard his blood vessels had just burst and he had died on the spot. That would be pretty traumatising for Lan Wangji, actually. Wei Wuxian hoped that wasn't how he had died.
Sensing that Wei Wuxian had calmed down, Lan Wangji finally pulled away from him - a travesty. Wei Wuxian wanted to scream, "Don't stop kissing me!" but he didn't.
There was silence for a while between them.
Then, Lan Wangji is the one to speak, "Wei Ying. I like you. I would not have come today if I did not like you and want to marry you."
It was short, but also possibly the longest Lan Wangji had ever spoken to Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian was still in a daze as he pinched himself and jerked at the pain. Okay, so he wasn't dead. Strange.
"However," Lan Wangji continues. "I think it would be best to postpone the marriage for now. Both of us have just realised our reciprocated affection, perhaps it would be wise to spend time being lovers before we marry."
Wei Wuxian blinks. A slow grin starts to spread on his lips. "Okay, Lan Zhan. I will go on dates with you. Even if you asked me out so weirdly, it's fine since I find it cute hahahahaha..."
Then, he leans in closer to Lan Wangji and whispers, "So... what exactly do you like about me?"
And the rest is history.
P.S: pls forgive any errors, i was very tired when i wrote this and didn't reread it
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