#*tear drop*
holidxyy · 2 months
woah i edited it so hard its digital now
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53v3nfrn5 · 1 month
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A pear-shaped cabochon-cut Canadian emerald (2.10cts) enlarged to show 'garden'.
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tapwater118 · 5 months
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featuring everyone’s seventh favorite characters:
, , , Tearddorp, , , and
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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fuutaprotectionsquad · 5 months
What scenes the Milgram instrumentals would be for if they were video game soundtracks.
Except I make an entire game layout with it, including three mini boss fights and a final boss. They're in order of when they appear in the game, and color coded based on the area.
This took so long why did i do this-
[If you want me to design these bosses based on like. mvs and the character designs. i will.]
Parasite - The music at the starting area, before you've began your expedition. Like the home village. Possibly shows up at the epilogue too, when you return to the village, if you enter certain buildings.
Tear Drop - The salon that acts as an equipment shop. Except the shop keep has intense lore. Is maybe evil. We dont know. It pops up all through the game, or theres a way to get back to it and its in a neutral area.
Delusion Tax - You begin your journey into the first area! It looks very rocky and lava filled, with the stone buildings melded with the rocky mountains.
I Love You - Investigation scene. For what, I have no idea. Probably something related to your mission. The beginning of ILY is like. you find something very shocking and kinda scary, but then the rest is like. you + ur group(?) using it as a cataylst to keep looking and journeying. (its giving danganronpa udg honestly)
[Possibly more Delusion Tax after]
Backdraft - The 1st mini boss fight. A very overconfident, fiery kind of boss, despite being the weakest. This is the first part of the fight, where you're chasing them while they effortlessly hop through/set off many traps you have to dodge.
Salamander - Second part of the 1st boss fight where the boss actually stops to fight you. They fight with fire (...wow who would have guessed)
Purge March - When you get to the second area, and you're. continuing with your journey. Or something idk. I'm thinking this area is circus themed. Many animals.
Vampire - You first meet the boss. You think they're just a friendly child. They're so cheery and happy and childish and innocent. And then 1:19 in Vampire, you realize they're a little fucked up. But thats okay, because they're just a kid and they could never hurt anyone-
INMF - Now they're trying to murder you, so you're running away as they chase you and throw shit at you. Like uh. A million gruesome ways to die from billie bust up.
[More Purge March]
Animal - The second boss fight, filled with many circus props used as weapons. The softer parts of the song are when you're fighting different animals this boss sends after you, like lions and other circus animals.
Android Girl - Adventuring theme for the 3rd area. This area has a glitchy, techy hallucination theme. Like the boss is hacking the area to make illusions. Everything looks very glitchy, and has a kinda cyberpunk city look.
MKDR (DSCF) - Some part of the journey through the 3rd area where you've been completely absorbed into a hallucination, likely before you know that there are hallucinations here. When this happens it becomes a lot less glitchy looking and more real.
[Android Girl part 2]
Reversible Campaign - Phase one of the 3rd mini boss fight. They have a very techy theme. Like ig spamton.
Double - Phase two of the 3rd mini boss. You've pissed them off now, and theyve switched forms. The parts of the song that are softer (when mikoto's singing) are when you're deep in a hallucination. Then when you break free, it goes back to the glitchy harsh vibe.
Neo-Neon - You've defeated the three mini bosses and are filled with a newfound sense of determination. Now you go through the final area (likely a castle?) to get to the final boss. This area is a lot shorter.
Deep Cover - The final boss fight begins ! This is the first phase, which is very long distance and not quite near the boss yet. I imagine this one has a very celestial, crystal / star theme.
Streaming Heart - You weaken the boss via long distance, and they become more enraged. They haven't given up though, and fight with even more determination. This is where you can finally get face to face with them and have an all out battle.
AKAA - This is where their tough exterior cracks. You have a brief conversation, in an attempt to persuade them to stand down. But they put the broken pieces of their form together, for one last stand.
Cat - You've defeated the boss!! Roll end credits. Yeah thats it cat's just end credits. I. could not think of anything else </3
Triage - Epilogue after the boss fight when you're talking with everyone. Everything is happy and good, but there's also those very sentimental convo scenes.
[Some Parasite sprinkled in]
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pinkitsweet · 27 days
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poetwix · 4 months
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"How will I know where you've been?"
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meowkusunoki · 1 year
Yuno Kashiki's Lover - An Analysis
I apologize for any typos or wonky wording; English is not my first language.
Yuno has stated in Trial 2 that she never had feelings for the people she was going on dates with. However, that contradicts with Umbilical, because these–
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–are not the words of someone who's just in it for the fun or for the money. So, I'd like to propose something else: Yuno, before becoming a rental girlfriend, had a partner whom she genuinely loved, and that person is the one who she (nearly) had a child with.
TW: abortion and pregnancy talk
PART 1: Yuno's Personality (+ Haruka Connection)
Yuno is a very cynical person, and has stated that she hates "cold"– this can also be seen in Umbilical (Just me alone, the warmth starts to fade / Let's reload the warmth) (Just me alone, it really is lonely / Let's reload the warmth) and Tear Drop (The fading warmth makes me anxious again / Tear drops succumb and fall)
Despite this, she has stated in her second voice drama that her family life is stable, and often mentions playing with her brothers in MINIGRAM.
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Something worth taking note is that she also states she found compensated dating to be something she felt was "necessary"– likely to stave off the "cold".
But if such traits didn't come from her home life, where did they come from? I believe it was from disillusionment in a relationship.
I'd also like to present a new theme to connect her and Haruka: abandonment.
PART 2: Umbilical
2.1: The Towers
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During the MV, there can be seen towers composed of a spiralling stairway: at first, there is one. Then, a second one is introduced. Those two come together to form one, and so there is only one left. That tower crumbles. In the end, we can see that there are more towers in the background.
They represent Yuno and her lovers.
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Up until the end of the first chorus, there is only one tower: Yuno's. She is then seen staring at a second, more distant tower. This is her partner.
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On the second chorus, they are together. Yuno can be seen on hers, but the other is empty; we can, however, see someone's shoes left on it. They seem to be men's shoes, so not Yuno's.
It's as if someone is supposed to be there, but they've left, or Yuno now refuses to acknowledge them.
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In this scene, they both come together; this is either when the pregnancy happens, or when Yuno tells them about it (I messed up, I found out)
Also, the shoes are now gone, meaning they have left her completely.
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In the third chorus, we see Yuno's tower again, alone.
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Fourth chorus, the tower crumbles; this represents Yuno's old self "breaking". She, however, grabs onto the balloon (which we will discuss later) and saves herself.
(Alternatively, the tower that crumbles could also represent her child and its death.)
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At the very end, she stares off at new towers in the background. This is when she started to be a rental girlfriend; she is looking at her possible suitors.
PART 2.1: The Balloon
I've heard the theory that it represents her body, and while I think that is possible, I'd like to present something new: it represents her feelings/her mind.
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In the beginning, it's empty: she hasn't caught feelings. As the song progresses, it becomes full of other balloons, one even shaped like a heart: those are her newfound feelings.
Eventually, the pressure becomes too much, and her mind "bursts"; this happens right before her tower crumbles and right after the pregnancy.
When she falls, she grabs onto a now-empty balloon, which represents a mind that's free of feelings. She is saving herself from death by grabbing onto numbnees, by rejecting the feelings that got her here in the first place.
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Something else that's interesting: during the "fu fu" part, she is hiding her face behind an empty balloon; hiding behind a stoic face.
PART 3: Tear Drop
I don't have much to say about Tear Drop, since I agree with most of the fandom about it. I'd like to mention, though, that Yuno is very adamant about not being a "naive little girl", and following this theory, it makes sense.
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She had to build herself back up from the ground and, judging by the multiple Yunos in the MV, it looks like she did it by herself. To reduce her to someone pitiful would be insulting, after she went through so much trouble to lock her old self away.
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Still, in a brief moment of vulnerability, she shows that once the cold starts to seep in, she's still hurting.
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utaitemusic · 5 months
MILGRAM -ミルグラム- / ユノ「Tear Drop」第二審MV
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photo-roulette-wheel · 4 months
Tear drop has a gun
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2amtechnicolor · 2 years
some thoughts about guilty yuno...
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ok so yuno's crime is obvious. she had an abortion.
the fandom seems to see her choices as "is abortion good or bad" but i think that may be...over-simplifying things a bit?
let me preface this by saying i am pro-choice, it's not my decision what someone else does with their body, they need to do what's best for them.
that being said...being pro-choice also means accepting the choice not to have an abortion.
i feel like yuno's story is the most oversimplified simply because the majority doesn't see abortion as something morally wrong. but we're missing the fact that yuno does.
"I have no intent to say abortion isn’t murder. I’m a respectable murderer."
"But if you refer to the law, regardless, I can't be accused of murder."
Yuno wanted to be voted guilty. But why?
"Kotoko is someone I would never want to make my friend, though. She’s the type who picks a conclusion from the very beginning and won’t actually talk with you."
"[The audience] Arbitrarily deciding that I’m pitiable. Arbitrarily making up a backstory for me. Creating a personally idealized version of me. Creating an acceptable version of me."
In Yuno's first MV, most people picked up on the fact that she's doing compensated dating and that it resulted in an abortion. She outright confirms it in her second VD. But then we the audience decided what her reasons were because the majority of people who get abortions don't regret them.
I don't think Yuno wanted to get an abortion.
When you look at her from that angle, a lot of her contradictory behavior begins to make sense, and you begin to see how she fits into Milgram's moral dilemmas. Her story is still a story about choice...but instead of being about her choice to get an abortion it's about her choice to decide to keep her child.
There's a lot of reasons why someone in Yuno's position wouldn't want to have a child.
She's 18.
She's not in a stable relationship with whoever the father would be.
She doesn't have a steady job besides comp dating that we know of.
It was really easy for the audience to come to the conclusion that "she got an abortion because she didn't want to be pregnant." In that case, she's innocent right? She did the best choice for her, so she did nothing wrong.
But if Yuno did want her child...It's no wonder why she's so disgusted with her innocent vote. She was pressured into an abortion she didn't want, and has learned everyone thinks it was for the best. That we know what's best for her, and not herself. If she was voted guilty, I don't think it would be punishing her for the act of having an abortion...but the act of folding to someone else's demands.
If I was in Yuno's position I would abort. But I am not Yuno. I have no right to decide what is best for her. And if we look at the lyrics of Umbilical...I genuinely think she wanted her child.
Verse and Chorus 1 read to me from the first time I heard it as her singing to her child.
"Just the two of us I feel a little tingle inside Our love links us together Just me alone, the warmth starts fading away Let’s reload the warmth"
Verse 2, is her to the child's father, who wants her to abort.
"Am I a bad girl? Please don’t answer What do you want to do? Please tell me"
"Just the two of us I finally found it The lies are endless Just me alone, it really is lonely Let’s reload the warmth"
She's lying about her true feelings to become what this guy wants her to be. But she wants a child.
In Tear Drop, there's a scene where lights flash behind her. Pink, blue, pink, blue, pink, colors associated with child genders. A tear falls from her face, before the final flash. And the final flash is?
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Four negative pregnancy tests.
This seems to me to parallel the balloon in Umbilical.
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Four round balloons, but one heart. Four failed pregnancies, and one successful one.
She blew up this balloon herself. She wanted these balloons. And when she's falling at the end of the MV, it's her balloon that saves her.
We didn't listen to her. 
Yuno doesn't think she's a bad girl for having an abortion. She thinks she's a bad girl because she killed the child she wanted.
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holidxyy · 2 months
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also i’m very sorry kazui looks funky i can’t draw old men
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pen-the-pierrot · 1 year
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Milgram October 2023
Day 4: Tear/ Vampire
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shinsei-hatsumi · 4 months
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" the wanted wanting the wanter "
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milgramfessing · 28 days
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trashartgalleries · 24 days
I gots nails off Temu lolz
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pinkitsweet · 1 month
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Frozen teardrop
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