#*spelled wrong but idc to correct it now
On todays episode of Train Travel Trips:
Missed my regular train and took the backup buffer train instead because sleepy
Later switched onto a train that apparently time travelled here from September 4th 2003
The train was still dealing with time dilation and space distortion because as it turns out, the screen was showing the names of stations with 1 station of lag behind
Cue me not realizing I missed my station until I got out and walked outside even though it was very obvious
Take the train back to my station but my usual path to the subway is closed and the other sides‘ escalators are too
Instead of realizing there’s. Yknow. Stairs. Behind that escalator. I overlook the stairs and instead take the subway one station in the other direction to then switch
After switching I go off at the station. My previous station. The one I just got away from. Even though that was the train in my directionskslsldkSLSFJGS
Tldr if you ever think you’re an idiot, don’t worry, you’re good <3
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snekdood · 1 year
my bf told me it was “might as well” not minus well but idc bc my version is quicker and u already know what im saying so who care
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I seriously think I’m speaking to a three year old because there’s no way you can be older than a toddler with how stupid you are. If you are older, please consider going back to school because you’re not gonna get far in life with your lack of common sense and underdeveloped brain. There is no way you can call me illiterate when you literally started your reply with, ‘not you’re mad’ and ended with ‘stay one that Jujutsu Kaisen season two’. And in your first reply you did get your ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ mixed up - you used ‘your’ when it should’ve been ‘you’re so scared’. Now please tell me if that made any sense. Take your head out of your ass and admit how much of an imbecile you are.
Love don’t worry about if I have a job or not, I know I am and will be fine but it’s you that you should be worried about right now. I don’t think you can get a job with your stupidity and illiteracy - no wonder why you read manga, bro just follows the pictures and ignores all the actual writing. Please do yourself and everyone else a favour and log off of Tumblr and every other social and pick up an actual book.
Oh come on now, don’t be a coward and avoid my question. I’ll stop bothering you when you either answer what media you are planning to consume soon or admit that you putting a Gojo spoiler without any spoiler warning and under a Toji tag was idiotic and insensitive (even though you strongly disagree - I’m sorry I didn’t know we had a new Joker over here- not that you have the IQ to be able to pull that off). I’m sorry that I’m the only honest person in your life to say you are insensitive. I bet you don’t even know what that word means given that your literacy and comprehension skills are very limited. So I’ll help you out a bit (because I doubt you can even spell it) and give you a definition, ‘insensitive’ (an adjective) - showing or feeling no concern for other’s feelings. A synonym would be ‘inconsiderate’. You can’t prove me wrong that those words don’t describe you. It was a big spoiler and I know it because you were probably crying over it and in your post you literally say you’re not ‘reading jjk anymore idc’ - therefore, you had no right in spoiling it for others, get that into your thick head and small fish brain.
I’m sorry I didn’t know you were a sheep and posting spoilers without warnings because, ‘literally everyone on here isn’t’. Are you that daft? Just because everyone isn’t, doesn’t mean it’s not wrong. Bro are you saying that if the purge happened and everyone was out wreaking havoc, you’d do the same thing and still say it’s not wrong? Are you a child that doesn’t know right from wrong? Please for the love of God, for your own future and safety, go back to school.
TLDR: stfu and tell me your opinion when you have a present dad x and sorry if this was too much writing for your bozo self to process mwah.
I think I'm speaking to someone who dropped out of school, like literally dropped out of school in the 7th grade. Because if YOU'RE SO SCARED OF SPOILERS WHY ARE YOU ON TUMBLR?? LIKE I FUCKING SAID YOU PEOPLE HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES. IF YOU DONT READ THE NEW CHAPTERS THEN THATS, ON WHO??? ITS ON YOU. and why are you harassing me about my spelling?? Bitch it's fucking Tumblr, I'm not writing a thesis, a research paper or even a fucking essay. If I wanted to write a whole fucking article and then yes I would make sure that my spellings of both 'your' and 'you're were correct. However IM NOT. AND IDGAF. So why tf would I care if I spelt something wrong or mixed a few words up???. You bitches are talentless, jobless, bored and can't fucking read nor write and still live with YOURE parents in their BASEMENT. AND WANNA COME AFTER ME BECAUSE YOU GOT SPOILED. BITCH I DONT CARE IF YOU DIDNT READ THE CHAPTER AND FOUND OUT GOJO IS DEAD!!!!! BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA HAS SPOILERS E V E R Y W H E R E. DONT COME ONLINE AND YOU WONT GET SPOLUED THEN YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. YOUR mother must have dropped your special ass on the head as a baby, because why are you at YOUR grown ass age GOING ON DIFFERENT PROFILES TO HARASS ME ABOUT A FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER. I just fucking know you don't take baths OR EVEN WASH THAT FUCKING FILTHY ASS OF YOURS. it's fucking disgusting that YOUR Neanderthal ass came on here to give me a hard time because you what??? Can't keep up with the chapters when it releases??? Not my problem fucktard. And I'll tag my fucking posts with whatever I want. And I did answer your question, I said and I quote I don't care sweetie. So why don't you go to sleep and roll over on that cockroach infested ass floor mattress you sleep on every night. Roll over and go get caught up to the new chapters. Imagine trying to harass someone because YOU live in a section 8 apartment, with 15 other family members, have roaches and rats crawling all over you while you sleep and mad at me. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU!!! I'm just sure YOURE a fucking foster child whose mother and father left your Crack baby ass in foster care. Because there's no way that someone who had a loving, family or SUPPORT SYSTEM IS THIS BOTHERED. AND IF YOU'RE SO FUCKING BRAVE WHY WERE YOU POSTING ANONYMOUSLY??? GET A LIFE YOU SMALL BRAINED, LONELY, PATHETIC, NEANDERTHAL ASS BITCH. I HOPE YOU TOSS AND TURN ON THAT FLOOR MATTRESS YOU SHARE WITH YOU 8 SIBLINGS EVERY NIGHT.
and stop coming on my page, mad ass., stupid ass, MONKEY ASS BITCH.
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marmett · 6 months
i like lepi's new vet but the receptionist sure is smth. she kept getting lepi's name wrong the first time i took her in and i tried to correct her twice and spelled it out, but then gave up and was like, fine, fuck it shes leddy now. the vet techs corrected it after i gave them paperwork for lepi that had her actual name printed on them.
also she keeps misgendering lepi which is skjnakjsd like idc its just really funny to me.
and today when i was picking lepi up she tried to give someone else the wrong cat 😭
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rihannatoxic · 2 years
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Continued chapter
Chapter 10:Lost & Found prt.2
Previous on distance...
Told you what?They told me to text you and tell you we shouldn’t be friends anymore and to leave a never come back because you have more important things to do besides spending time on distractions in other words a kid me. So when you sent that text I thought they had told you.
What no. What do you mean no? I mean I didn’t say any of that or heard my parents say something like that. Well if you didn’t send the text then who did?
Tf is going on hoseok said. Idk but I’m getting fed up with it atp. Idk neither but I’m gonna look into it?And how are you going to do that you said?Leave that to me he insisted. But tedd- sorry hoseo-.Before you can even correct yourself he grabs you by the neck pulling you into a passionate kiss feeling like he was about to eat your face. You tried pulling back hitting his chest but he grabbed you by your wrist finishing what he started. He finally pulled back letting your breath. The sight of your face turning slightly red as a tomato made him chuckle which turned into a smirk. You turned around quickly felling embarrassed because you didn't knew you can turn color.He then wrapped him arm around your waist pulling you close to him as he kissed your forehead.Hoseok!What he said.”What” did you just say “what”!Y-You just kissed me what the hell?I don't see nun wrong with it baby girl he said with a smirk.Stop smirking it's weird and let go of me.No he said.What did you just say to m- No?. Get it N-O No. Are you trying to be sarcastic? you turned around asking him. Maybe....maybe not he said. Wanna get to slap you glanced your eyes at him. Nope, he said straightforwardly. Anyways back to this situation about your parents and us separating thing.Yea like I said I'll handle it hoseok said be messing towards the elevator door.You then grab his arm pulling him back.Dont do nothing stupid hoseok.You know I c-.Promise Me!You won't go do anything stupid you yelled. You know I can't promise you that baby girl. Please I lost you once because of them I can't lose you again you said in a low tone as your eyes started to water. He then turned around pulling you into a hug. Please don't cry you know you won't lose me again so you don't have to worry baby girl he said placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
After a while, you finally let him go
Hoseok P.O.V
He let out a sigh getting off the elevator.🧠I hate seeing her sad and upset. But I hope she understands I have to do this. He then pulled out his phone to contact his assistant wang. Wang, I need you to investigate an important matter. What exactly.The incident that happened 2 years ago between me and y/n.I want even the smallest details name, date, pet, dog or cat anything IDC I wanna know everything, especially about my parents. Wang then replied and started doing as he was told. While on the other hand he also assigned wang to another task.
You were finally done doing your work and tasks, waving and saying goodbye to your workers.Getting on the elevator to the basement.🧠Fuck these heels are killing me. Soon as you were about to step off the elevator a dark figure stood behind you covering your nose and mouth with a rag. Everything around you became black and fuzzy the last thing you remember was a black car approaching your way. Now you were just sitting there all the noise and motion around you weren’t clear. Everything was just dark and felt like you were under a spell you couldn’t move or speak. All you could do is just sit there like a dead body who couldn't move and the only thought that ran thru your mind was. Am I dead? Did I die? You soon felt the urge to cry but couldn't see the state you were in. Why is this happening to me what did I do wrong to deserve this? Who would wanna kidnap me?
Wang P.O.V
Boss, I found info about the incident that happened 2 years ago. Also, Your parents were involved in what happened. I found witnesses. Along with camera footage that was secretly deleted.
Good report them to me and I’ll handle the rest hoseok said. After he got off the phone with wang he sent the evidence to his phone. Looking down at his phone he wanted to smash it into pieces looking at the person who was on his phone smiling. The sight of it made him frown with a disgusted look. He then sent the photos and papers to his printer and then plugged the flash drive into his computer he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
His parents deleted evidence from the camera on the flask drive he saw bodyguards his parents sent after you. The camera in the office showed what happened during the conversation between his parents and you. He could feel his blood boil over the top just by looking at it his glaze and expression became cold as if the devil rose over him.
He then got on the elevator when he got to the lobby no one dared to look or speak to him but kept their heads down instead the Secretary caught a chill just from his cold Aura.
He then got in the car and directed wang to take him to his parent's residents. But wang questioned him, sir? Aren't you forgetting something? It took him a while before realizing what he was talking about. Then he instructed him to head home to the villa. Hoseok couldn't help but feel anxious to get home. He got out of the car telling wang he didn't need to open the door for him as for the both of them had a long day. He insisted he go home and have the day off and tomorrow.
But sir-Knowing he couldn’t obey his boss order he didn’t bother speaking anymore and pulled off.
To be continued…
Copyright © 2022, rihannatoxic| Tumblr | no reposts, translations, copies, etc.
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lovingfinn · 2 years
hey haha im here with a lovely rant not on the st show it self but the actors * clears throat*
and no i didnt check for misspelling and tw: mention of gr**ming
without further ado
EXZIBIT A: shiping real people 😐
if youve heard or read wattpad and like stranger things i would like to tell you
i find it very weird including that ff with fillie ( finn and mille) or foah ( finn and noah )
most that i have found was made even while they were kinda still maturing like 15 or 14 i think that it shouldnt be a thing and if you really care about the show you wouldnt have made it
just because your little senses think they are a good ship doesnt mean shit its disgusting and makes me sick they are just friends but i would like to talk about fillie just no correct me if im wrong they have confirmed they are friends best friends even and it most likely make them uncomfortable its just weird
EZIBIT B : babying the actors 🍼🤮
ahem first off let set an example lets say noah finn and millie and talking and one of the use a word like fuck or shit
theres always that one person thats like ‘aw my baby they cant say that awww 🥺🥺’
yes they can they are older and mature so stop acting like they are 12 bc at the end of the day half of them are adults able to own a house and get a car and drive it idk why you think your they’re parents…
EZIBIT C: e*ise😷
or how you spell her name idc now
this girl is finns ex btw if u didnt know
please stop including finn he does have anything to do with that situation and if he want to talk about it thats him but yalll need to start talking about the victims of her gr**ming young teens and talking about how they don’t deserve it
so what im trying to say is shes a potential gr**mer and i would want to support or defend her until shes proven innocent. ykwim? bc i dont care if someone tells me oh the screenshots are fake blah blah blah i want her to be proven innocent thats all
EZIBIT D: lastly respect
dont be disrespectful to other ships or maybe dont say anything at all bc its their opinion and i guess people are so stuck they think everything should be how they think it should be like byler just bc its not mileven doesnt mean you go hate on it bc its not ur stereotypical boy and girl love
if so ur a homophobic
homophobics = 🗑
so i advise u think before u post about ur ship thats probably hanging on by a limb mileven *cough cough* A JOKE OK?
oh and yeah if its a joke get over it yall need to learn life isnt your way don’t control people
also uh thank for being there for me st fandom and actors the last ep will be very hard for me i will for love you guys ( crying bc im not ready for the end ) we had an amazing run 🥰🥰
oh shit bi lmao o forgot to say that bc sadie is somethin 😩
but to the conclusion idk why the world is like this and im rlly disappointed
now im done im tried me so im signing off enjoy ur night/day lol
i love u 🤟 < 3
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Now, I’m objectively correct, so there should be no debate at all. Also, since the English language is very very very wrong, this is probably going to take forever, or until I get bored.
SO. To start with, the Alphabet. Most of the letters are okay, but there are some redundancies and stupid exceptions that need to be fixed.
The first fix to be done is pronunciation.
Now, vowels are special because they’re vowels, and so are all incorrect. A rule that will come into effect later, is the double letter rule. Before, this only applied to the letter E, so that two E’s together makes the long E sound. Now, this applies to ALL vowels and is the only way to make their long sounds. Easy.
Also, all consonants should start with the sound they make FIRST, and then idk we’ll go from there. B is perfect, sounding like it’s spelled like BEE. F sucks, sounding like it’s spelled like EFF. which is wrong.
Finally, is C. I hate C. Literally completely redundant. So, instead, C only makes the CH sound. And, here’s the list.
A: “ah” B✅ C: “chee” D✅ E: “eh” F: “feh” G⚠️ H: “*a dog panting* AKA huh” I: “ih…” like in tic. J✅ K✅ L: “Leh” M: “Meh” N: “Nah” O: “(like the first o in octopus or in sock.)” P✅ Q✅ R: “rrrrrrrrr” S: “seh” T✅ U: “uh” V✅ W: “wah” X: “ksaw” (I know it’s weird) Y: “yew” (like u used to be spelled) Z✅
Oh, you’re wondering about “G” huh? Well, it’s pronounced “guh”. BUT, I needed it for this segway. Every letter can now ONLY say it’s name. Excluding vowels, but I already covered that. Basically, G can’t be used in giraffe anymore that’s for J. This means that SH, TH, R like in roar and whatever the heck Q used to say like in quail have suddenly been removed. We can’t give the first two the vowels’ special rules, since they would be exceptions, and aren’t actually “long sounds.” We can for R and Q though. Now R and Q are vowels. Good for them. So is Y now that we’re on the topic. It’s getting a promotion. Now for TH and SH. hm. Well we will need new letters. We’ll just reuse old ones. TH is now þ, which was called “thorn” and is now called “the.” and we can just turn “G” backwards and call it SH because why not. Now our alphabet has 28 letters. Boom done. ANOTHER new issue though, is when to say the letter’s name, and when to just say the first part. SO, welcome “•!” now •, which you can just call “Dot,” simply means “say the first part of the letter. For instance, “Peas” would be pronounced “Pee - Eh - Ah - Seh,” but Peas•, sounds normal. But wait! What about the first P? well. We’ll just make the rule that a constant follwed by a vowel will only say the first part of its name. Done. Now, it’s spelled PEAS•
Our new alphabet is now:
The old alphabet spelled phonetically (I think that’s how you say it) using our new perfect alphabet for reference is:
idc about lowercase letters they just add more confusion therefore I’ve deleted every single one. Boom. No such thing as lowercase. If you want to specify yelling or not yelling idc figure it out.
Hope you enjoy my new and better alphabet! Ask me literally anything about it. I’ll probably focus on fixing words with double meanings in the next post. Okay cool stop reading.
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rafecameron · 4 years
Hi can I request a part 2 of that wheezie asking for boy advice cause bro when she said “Rafe doesn’t love anyone anymore” my heart shattered for her so in part 2 can he be telling her he loves her because dude, my heart? Broken. My soul? Crushed. That shit HURTED she needs some love. It could literally just be like “Rafe sat on wheezies bed “I love you” Rage said, wheezie nodded” idc I just need to relieve some pain over here
You smile into the crook of Rafes neck, letting out a soft laugh as his fingers glide across the ticklish spot on your side. You had been in this same position for hours now. You laying half across his chest, leg draped over his thigh, head against his shoulder and arm resting against his chest. One of rafes arms draped over your shoulders while the other moved gently against your side and thigh, tracing soothing patterns against your skin.
You could stay like this for the rest of the day and that’s exactly what you wanted to do, your mind however had different ideas. You couldn’t stop thinking about something that had been bothering you for a while now, finally deciding to bring it up to your boyfriend in hopes he would be able to do something about it.
“Baby?” You ask quietly, your breath ticking his neck as you spoke.
“Hmm?” He hums in reply, idly toying with the waist band of your shorts.
Rafes eyes were closed, his body threatening to drift off to sleep as the afternoon soon lazily drifted through his window and warmed his skin, not having felt this content in a long time.
“I’m worried about your sister.” You mumble, watching as your fingers trace patterns against his chest through his shirt.
“Sarah?” Rafe asks quietly.
“Wheezie.” You correct him, lifting your head to rest against your hand so you could look at him, he opens one eye to look over at you when he felt your movements, “she just seems really down lately, ever since I spoke to her in her room last week.” Your fingers stroke his shoulder through his shirt as you spoke.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine, just the usual teenage girl things.” Rafe squeezes your side in a comforting manner and closes his eyes once again.
“Probably, I just hate seeing her look so sad. Do you think you could say something?” You ask hopefully.
“Me? You know I’m not good at that kinda thing babe.” Rafe mumbles.
“I know but it’s your sister and I’ve already tried.” You pout up at him, knowing you had won the moment he let out a sigh.
“Will it make you feel better if I did?” He asks, finally opening both eyes and lifting his head to see you properly.
You nod your head quickly, a large grin forming on your lips as you lean up and kiss him quickly, “you’re the best!” You slap his chest gently before moving your leg from his to allow him to get up.
Rafe sighs again, rising from his laying position and throwing his legs off the side of the bed, he runs a hand through his hair, pushing the strands that had fallen into his face back into place again. “What do I say?” He asks, looking back at you over his shoulder.
You shrug, offering him a small smile, “I don’t know, just be her brother.”
Rafe frowns at you before standing up and heading out of the room to find his youngest sister. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed her moping around more often than usual but he had hoped you or Sarah would have been able to talk to her, feeling this was more of a girls job than a big brothers job, but he would try his best nonetheless.
He found wheezie sat out back on the swing seat, phone in her lap as she looked out across the lawn, a sad expression ever present on her features.
“Hey, wheeze.” Rafe teases softly as he approaches her, placing his hand on the side of the swing and leaning against it.
“Hey, Rafe.” Wheezie sighs back, “what are you doing here? Don’t you have a girlfriend to entertain?”
“Just checking you’re okay.” He replies, watching her closely for the answer.
“Well as you can see I’m not dead, you can go now.” She rolls her eyes and picks her phone up from her lap.
Rafe chews on his lower lip, wanting nothing more than to retreat back inside to the comfort and safety of his bed but he knew he couldn’t, his sister needed him and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t even try and help her feel better.
Rafe made his way around the swing and sat next to her, pulling the phone from her hands and placing it face down between them.
“Talk to me.” Rafe presses, turning slightly towards her as she huffs in annoyance.
“About what, Rafe?” She asks.
“About you, about what’s wrong.” He offers up.
Wheezie turns to look at him for the first time, eyebrows furrowed, “why do you care?”
“Because you’re my sister, I don’t want to see you like his, c’mon you can talk to me.” Rafe pushes as he leans against the back of the seat.
Wheezie chews the inside of her cheek, watching him closely as if debating whether she should say anything before letting out a long sigh.
“I just...” she lifts her hands and then let’s them drop back into her lap, “I feel like no one ever has time for me. Sarah is always with John b, you’re always with Y/N, dads always doing business and rose is always off with her friends. I’m just the odd one out who gets in the way.”
“Hey, that’s not true,” Rafe frowns and shuffles closer, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder, “you’re not the odd one out and you don’t get in the way. I guess we’ve all just been wrapped up in our lives and assumed you were okay.”
Wheezie looks up at him, eyes watering slightly after her confession, “I don’t want you to be left out.” Rafe assures her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into his side, “I love you, Wheeze. I know I don’t always show it or act like it but I really do. You’re the less annoying sister.” He adds as a joke causing her to laugh softly.
“How about we go inside, we order pizza and ice cream and me, you and Y/N have a movie night? Just us three under a blanket with snacks, I’ll even let you pick the movie?” Rafe offers, squeezing her shoulder.
“You don’t have to do that.” Wheezie shakes her head, wiping the stray tear that had slipped from her eye.
“I want to, it will be fun.” Rafe assures her.
She looks up at him, studying him for a moment before finally nodding, “okay...I get to pick the movie? Any movie?”
Rafe nods, standing up and bringing her with him, keeping his arm tight around her shoulders as they walked back to the house, “any movie at all.” He agrees.
@outerbankslut @scandalousfemale
Hope this is okay anon! I also wrote this on my phone and didn’t proof read so there's probably grammar and spelling errors!
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ep1cg33k · 3 years
The AUs (+Dream and Nightmare) Start a Chat Group
Introduction: Alright, I had a random idea, that amused me. What if these dorks started a chat group. Fair warning, this is coming off of G33kVerse, and will potentially contain spoilers for "Literary Nightmare", and "G33kTale". (Yes, I have finally decided that Literary Nightmare is a part of the multiverse of G33kTale.) Now, to the spoilers: Nightmare has been uncorrupted. Ink isn't there because he is dead. (No, I will not tell you how he died.) G33k has met them. (No, I will not say how, all you need to know is that they meet them.) You have been fully informed, now. So...
Onward to the chat group!
The actual thing itself:
MAGNIFICENTSKELETON25 has joined the chat.
Angy Octopus has joined the chat.
G33k has joined the chat.
WalkingWindowsVista has joined the chat.
WalkingWindowsVista: Who named me that?!
Angy Octopus: Not me.
G33k: Lol.
WalkingWindowsVista: G33k!!!
Angy Octopus: You're only supposed to put one exclamation point. Like this: G33k, it's rude to take people's phones, and do things like that! See?
WalkingWindowsVista: 🙄
Angy Octopus: Rude.
G33k: It wasn't me, I just thought it was funny.
WalkingWindowsVista: Who?
Angy Octopus: Blue, your caps lock is on.
G33k: How? Didn't you just get a new phone?
WalkingWindowsVista: Answer me, berry!
Angy Octopus: I don't think you're cursed. Maybe you just have a habit of accidentally turning it on.
G33k: Makes sense.
Angy Octopus: Oh, you turn caps on by holding "Shift"?
G33k: Yeah...?
WalkingWindowsVista: TELL ME WHO CHANGED MY NAME!!!
Angy Octopus: OH, COOL! Now if only I could figure out emojis. :(
G33k: You could get Dream to help you.
Angy Octopus: He's busy helping one of the AUs.
G33k: Oh.
Angy Octopus: No, it's alright, I can wait on Dream. And while I wait on him, I can figure out some of these things on my own. :)
oglzy🦴 has joined the chat.
oglzy🦴: sup
G33k: Hello, Classic.
oglzy🦴: wut's the vista's malfunction
WalkingWindowsVista: About time!
G33k: Aren't Windows Vistas always malfunctioning? 🤨
oglazy🦴: lol
Angy Octopus: How about we talk about something else?
WalkingWindowsVista: Of course it was Fresh. Why can't that parasite leave me alone?!
Angy Octopus left the chat.
G33k: Why did Nightmare leave?
oglazy🦴: prob hit the wrong button
Angy Octopus has joined the chat.
Angy Octopus: Wrong button.
oglazy🦴: called it
Angy Octopus: But, in the process I did find the emoji board! 😄
G33k: 👍
WalkingWindowsVista: Nice*
oglzy🦴: oof
G33k: Mood.
Angy Octopus: All of you are making me feel old.
oglzy🦴: aren't u over 500
Angy Octopus: Maybe.
WalkingWindowsVista: Hey, noot, I found the perfect emojis for you! 🐙👴
Angy Octopus: 😒
oglzy🦴: lol
G33k: Be nice.
Angy Octopus: What does "lol" mean?
WalkingWindowsVista: What the berry said.
WalkingWindowsVista: Ok, berry.
Angy Octopus: This chat group was a terrible idea.
G33k: I couldn't agree more.
NeighbrohoodSkelepal has joined the chat.
G33k: I stand corrected.
NeighbrohoodSkelepal: Sup, broskis?
WalkingWindowsVista: End me. Please just end me.
NeighbrohoodSkelepal has left the chat.
Angy Octopus: Don't ask me, I don't even know how to turn down the brightness on this frustratingly difficult to use piece of technology.
G33k: Don't feel bad. For a long time, I couldn't figure out how to make a screenshot.
oglzy🦴: srsly kid
G33k: Yep.
Angy Octopus: Seriously, kid?*
oglzy🦴: wut's wrong with how i'm typing
Angy Octopus: It's a little annoying to me.
WalkingWindowsVista: Says the one who has "Angy" in their name.
Angy Octopus: I didn't name myself this.
WalkingWindowsVista: Then who did?
Angy Octopus: Cross did.
G33k: 😑
G33k: Of course.
Gold Harted Been has joined the chat.
Gold Harted Been: Hello.
Angy Octopus: Dream, your name is spelled wrong.
Gold Harted Been: I know. I meant to fix it, but I've been too busy.
G33k: That name does seem fitting, though.
WalkingWindowsVista: It would be more fitting if it were "Gold Hearted Nuisance".
oglzy🦴: do u have anything that's not rude to say
WalkingWindowsVista: Nope.
Angy Octopus: Can you please refrain from throwing insults at my brother? At least he hasn't been a pile of salt the whole time he's been here, and does something other than sit around in a blank space watching a soap opera AU.
G33k: Oh dang!
oglzy🦴: 10 points to the noot lord
WalkingWindowsVista: Nerd.
Angy Octopus: Vexatious insect.
Gold Harted Been: Please stop fighting.
WalkingWindowsVista: I would've loved to see you still being controlled by that parasitic creature.
Angy Octopus: Fresh is going to get you one of these days, and I'm going to laugh.
WalkingWindowsVista: You and your corrupted self aren't that different.
Angy Octopus: What's that supposed to mean?!
G33k: Error, stop!
WalkingWindowsVista: You're both evil and only want to see others suffer.
Gold Harted Been: Nightmare, don't listen to him.
oglzy🦴: Error, that was uncalled for!
WalkingWindowsVista: Well, it's true. Only someone who's really evil would wish Fresh upon someone, or laugh if they got nabbed by him.
Gold Harted Been: You started it!
WalkingWindowsVista: He makes people miserable.
Gold Harted Been: No he doesn't! That's just his
Gold Harted Been: I forgot how to spell it.
G33k: Aura?
Gold Harted Been: I think so.
Angy Octopus: Dream, it's fine. There's no need to stand up for me. After all, he's probably right. I'm just going to leave the chat.
Angy Octopus has left the chat.
WalkingWindowsVista: Yup, and I feel no guilt for it. 😎
G33k: Lol, that emoji kinda resembles Fresh.
WalkingWindowsVista: Great... Now I have another thing that parasite has ruined.
oglzy🦴: u do realize wat u might've just done right
WalkingWindowsVista: Upset Nightmare? He'll get over it.
Gold Harted Been: It's not hard for him to get re... Um... Help, I don't know how to spell that.
Gold Harted Been: Thank you, Blue.
WalkingWindowsVista: I doubt the situation will get that bad.
G33k: You literally did exactly what caused him to get corrupted before.
Gold Harted Been: You know about that?
G33k: Yeah, he told me.
oglzy🦴: well they do talk to each other a lot
Gold Harted Been: True.
WalkingWindowsVista: I still don't think he's going to get corrupted. You got rid of it, right? And he would have to eat more of those weird apples, right?
Gold Harted Been: No.
WalkingWindowsVista: You didn't change him back?
Gold Harted Been: No. He got free on his own.
WalkingWindowsVista: I guess that explains why he could get changed back.
oglzy🦴: energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be changed or transported. so, even if dream had managed to change him back, it likely would've just suppressed the corruption.
Gold Harted Been: And you say that you're lazy.
oglzy🦴: i'm
oglzy🦴: idc
G33k: That doesn't seem very lazy, to me.
oglzy🦴: being lzy doesn't mean i'm not a dork
oglzy🦴: who said i typed anything 😏
G33k: Lol.
Gold Harted Been: I'm going to go check on Nightmare. If I don't say anything for 7 hours, I'm likely a statue.
G33k: Yes, please do. Being turned into a statue doesn't sound very pleasant.
oglzy🦴: sounds great to me u don't have to do anything
WalkingWindowsVista: You literally CAN'T do anything.
Stabstabstabstabstab has joined the chat.
oglzy🦴: yep that's the point
Stabstabstabstabstab: Point? 🔪🙂
G33k: 😐
Stabstabstabstabstab: Is Cross here?
Stabstabstabstabstab: No reason.
oglzy🦴: wut's killer doing in the chat
oglzy🦴: y
oglzy🦴: he's crazy
Stabstabstabstabstab: He's right.
WalkingWindowsVista: And you guys were getting onto me for being rude. 🙃 How hypocritical.
G33k: Pu tuhs.
WalkingWindowsVista: ???
G33k: 🙂
G33k: ...
G33k: What?
WalkingWindowsVista: Did you really just spell "shut up" backwards?
oglzy🦴: i think they did
WalkingWindowsVista: Why?
G33k: To confuse you because I'm bored.
oglzy🦴: pls tell me u did said "shoe" on purpose
WalkingWindowsVista: It couldn't have been Fresh, right? He left.
G33k: Yeah, and it would've said it if he rejoined.
Stabstabstabstabstab: It wasn't me.
NeighbrohoodSkelepal: I'm back, mah rad brotato pals! Ya didn't think I'd go that easily, did ya?
WalkingWindowsVista: I'm outta here!
oglzy��: i second that
G33k: Nope, not staying, either.
WalkingWindowsVista has left the chat.
oglzy🦴 has left the chat.
MAGNIFICENTSKELETON25 has left the chat.
G33k has left the chat.
Stabstabstabstabstab has left the chat.
NeighbrohoodSkelepal: Brah, dats cold, I was just gonna hang out with ya.
Le Description-
This was fun. When the AUs make a chat group, what could possibly go wrong? I'll tell you what: Everything. Everything could go wrong. Yes, this was supposed to be Blue's idea. Classic doesn't care about grammar, Dream can't spell, Nightmare doesn't know how to use anything, G33k is just there. Why did Killer want to know Cross's location? Who knows. This is Killer, he unpredictable. And poor Nightmare, he can't get a moment's peace. Error better be sorry for that. Now, to the credits! Undertale is owned by: Toby Fox   Ink is owned by: Myebi/Comyet Error and Fresh are owned by: TheCrayonQueen/loverofpiggies   Killer is owned by: rahafwabas/rahofy-stetch Dreamtale is owned by: JokuDream/jokublog   Cross is owned by: JakeiArtwork/jakei95 Underswap is owned by: The AU Community (originally popcornpr1nce)   G33kTale and G33kVerse are owned by: Me Feel free to do fanart if you want. Just, send a link, or something. I'd love to see it!
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Shitty Canadian Hangman
Also known as: Arguing With Canada, my new job title.
I could put it on my resume. Role: Front Desk/ Office Administrator. Experience: orders shit for kitchen, argues with Canada.
Realistically, we have issues with exporting things with many different countries, especially Vietnam. But those issues are generally handled by our international office, while Canadian issues tend to fall right on my (completely unqualified) shoulders. 
Background: we were trying to send a laptop to our Vancouver office. A thing we have done before. A thing we have had issues doing before, and those issues were long and arduous and should have been solved already. Because I solved them (mostly).
See link for details: https://pieandmurderwednesday.tumblr.com/post/185484398919/the-continuing-struggles-fedex
So there’s this paperwork you fill out, right, for Power of Attorney for FedEx. Supposedly, this means that they will take your account and deal with all customs issues with a certain region and never bother you with it again. Supposedly.
Here’s the thing, though. I filled that paperwork out when I was young and fresh-faced and innocent, a mere babe in the woods (about three months ago), and also it had already been passed around to Canada, Texas, back to me, to the office next to mine, to the Chief Financial officer, back to the neighboring office, back to me, then to Texas and Canada again, and then to FedEx. Twice.
That paperwork got around, is all I’m saying.
And it asked for a “Business Number,” which no one at the time knew, so I left it blank and it got sent to Customs and they accepted it and everything was fine.
For like two months.
Then we try to send another laptop, secure in the knowledge that we have Filled Out All The Things, and it got stuck at the border. Because they wanted a Business Number.
A Business Number, for all you lucky bastards who have never needed to know, is a tax thing in Canada that you apparently apply for when you set up a business there. We didn’t have one (I think?) until March of this year, because back then our Canada office was under a different name and only used by remote contractors, so our shipments were casual instead of commercial and basically no one in Canada gave a single solitary fuck.
Then our parent company acquired us and our Canada branch and set up a business there Officially and didn’t bother to get an import-export account (which does fuck-all except add some extra digits after your Business Number and pacify Customs when you try to send shit to yourself, so I can understand why they never bothered). 
So we had the paperwork but didn’t put the number, FedEx and Canada both thought this was a terrible heinous crime, and they contacted us to get The Number to resolve the issue.
I was on break and totally unaware of the Canadian Shit Storm I was about to walk into when I returned. The laptop had been sent, all bells and whistles attached, I returned to the office to start my day, and then the issue was dumped in my lap.
So I sent our FedEx representative the copies of the paperwork we had already filled out, including the paper that explicitly stated that from this moment forward, they would deal with this shit so we didn’t have to, and they said “this looks fine except you need a Business Number or all of your hard work means nothing.”
(Why is it that you need a Canadian Business number for a Non-Resident power of attorney form anyway??? Doesn’t the very fact that you are Not A Resident of Canada imply that you don’t have a Canadian Business Number??????)
Anyway, I emailed the Canadian IT guy back asking for the Number, he sent me a number that identified their business but had the wrong suffix-- intended only for tax purposes, and not import-export. He suggested I ask payroll about it because accounting people apparently know these things.
I sent the number to FedEx, saying “This is what we have, the suffix is different apparently but can we at least use this for now?” And what I got back was, “We’ll check with Canada if this is correct but without the all-important suffix, this number is just farts in the wind.”
So they called Canada, and then they emailed me in a tither because “OH HEAVENS, CANADA SAYS THIS NUMBER IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR COMPANY.”
To which my response was “Shit.” And a moment later, “What the fuck? That can’t be right, this is the number we use to pay our people, OBVIOUSLY IT IS OURS.”
But then I remembered my company exists under an umbrella company (parent company? I forget the term. Our tiny IT ex-startup has a helicopter parent, is what I’m saying) and it might be under that name instead.
Told FedEx, they said, “If it is under that other company, you need to fill out these three forms and then check if the number is correct and then click your heels together three times and pray the Wicked Bitch of the North will accept your humble offering.”
To which I saw turn red, wrote and deleted several very strongly worded emails, finally whittled it down to a polite-sounding “That seems excessive, can we at least check that the number is under our name and see if we have an account without sending the paperwork to get lost in our other office for a week, please oh please? And also, we pay for all this shit and not our parent company, so isn’t it technically ours to deal with anyway?”
Cue Shitty Canadian Hangman, where I hope at least the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) was having fun, because FedEx Poor Bastard (herefore dubbed FPB) and I sure weren’t. Vaguely, it went like this.
Me: *calls FPB* Okay, so this is our company’s name, is it under that name?
FPB : *calls CRA* “Is this the name?”
CRA: “No, you have three more guesses and then I take your first-born child.”
FPB: *calls me* “No.”
Me: “Okay, is it ~slightly more official name of our company~?”
FPB: ...huh.
FPB: *calls CRA* “How about this?”
CRA: “The first word is correct, I cannot tell you more. You have two more guesses, then I take your first-born child.”
FPB: *calls me* “One word was correct, but is there an official suffix or anything?”
Me: “.... Hang on.” *stands up too fast, bruises knee badly against corner of desk, limps to supervisor* “What’s our company’s official name?”
Supervisor: “~Name Canada has already rejected once~”
Me: “...oh.” *limps back to desk* “This is it, bub.”
FPB: “Can you please call Canada this time, they scare me.”
Me: “Fine.”
Me: *calls CRA*
Me: *on hold*
Me: *on hold some more*
Me: *on hold for an hour*
Me: *opens email, sees Accounting has sent Official Canada Name of Business, which is... just great.*
CRA: “Hi, how can I help you?”
Me: “Can you tell me if this number is associated with ~Actual Official Business Name, for real this time~?”
CRA: “Yes.”
Me: “Okay, phew! So, do we have an import-export account?”
CRA: “I cannot release that information without authorization.”
Me: “... But I work here. Well, not in Canada, but this is our company. That we want to send a thing to. I just want to send a thing and I need to know if you will let me do that.”
CRA: “You need to fill out form IDK and IDC, and also form GO FUCK YOURSELF before I release that information.”
Me: *dying inside* “Okay fine, you’ve been very helpful. Have a... nice day.”
CRA: “Va te faire foutre.”
Me: “To you as well.”
Back to FedEx, they said they couldn’t do shit either, dumped the whole mess into Accounting’s hands, because they originally didn’t set up whatever account it was and I, a lowly front desk worker, don’t have the authorization.
Shirley Bassey: “I love her to bits, but she doesn’t have the authorization.”
This is the culmination of four days of work.
I have talked with FedEx, with Canada Revenue Agency, with our Vancouver office IT person and hiring manager, with Accounting and with my supervisor, and the result of this effort and time is: I confirmed that the number that we use is, in fact ours. And that I cannot use it until Accounting consults with Legal and sets up the fucking account we seem to have been using already (because how else did we manage to send anything before????). And I googled how to curse people in French while I was on hold.
So all in all I was very polite on the phone, while my subtitles were more like, 
*raises middle finger* 
“Thank you for your help” 
*raises other middle finger* 
“throughout this process” 
*raises third middle finger* 
“and I hope you have a great day.” 
*finger-spelling F-U-C-K- O-F-F* 
“I appreciate your time” 
*scribbling on paper “You Useless Bastards”* 
“and I hope you have a great weekend” 
*continues writing “along with the last of my fucks, which has died of fuck deprivation”* 
*finishes writing “I hope you step on a Lego every night before bed and that the toilet paper always runs out when you go to a public bathroom”*
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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“I can bring a smile to your face, A tear to your eye, Or even a thought to your mind. But, I can’t be seen. What am I!?”............(Hint:Answer below) How’s the real Butterfly princess of Mewni doin’? Playing? Sleeping? Attacking Marco? Well, let’s take a look see on the precious half breed baby. Coochie-Coochie Coo!:
*Meteora’s Lesson-What Do “The Rugrats” and “Baby’s Day Out” have in common? They all have terrible child care providers that’s what! Janna just got on that list. Eclipsa was on her way to a meeting with the Pigeon Kingdom, (as she fluently speaks from “Tough Love”), glad to see she’s being more active in her royal duties there, good for her and has Jeepers Creepers Janna watch over Meteora. It sure as Hell can’t be M-A-R-C-O for obvious reasons and idk where the f*** Star was, but we’re not focusing on the teens right now, the spotlights on Meteora now. Janna does what any tween/teen/young adult would do in an authoritive position and just glues her face to her smart phone. Relatable. I’m doin’ that right now too.
While she’s doin’ that, Glossaryck shows up (with a “broken arm”) and it turns out, he’s been secretly teaching Meteora how to do her magic! Huh, that’s funny, Eclipsa’s the Queen, but he “doesn’t work for her”, Star has a piece of The Magic Book of Spells and he doesn’t really pay attention to her too and instead he’s mentoring Meteora! Guess he was right, he really doesn’t have a side! Glossaryck was teaching what Star learned from “My New Wand!” and that was to Dip Down! They seem to have an understandable language barrier between them and it looks like Meteoras a prodigy! He’s also real sweet with her too, guess he found a new favorite. After still not getting the hang of Dipping Down, Glossaryck sneaks Meteora away to teach her another lesson right from under Janna’s nose who was playing Candy Crush or Super Mario or whatever, IDK, IDC!
He takes her to The Plains of Time where Father Time was, ironically, not on time to help them with a time travel lesson Glossaryck was trying to teach Meteora from the past, so he’s stuck with the forgotten member of the Magic High Commission, a bald giraff named Reynaldo, The Bald Pate! Oh Lookie! Lookie! It’s him! He was first known to us in The Magic Book of Spells where he was in charge of orderliness in the universe. Glossaryck wasn’t really interested in seeing him (as he is with the rest of the commission) cuz he only speaks in riddles/rhythms. Reynaldo doesn’t even like riddles!? Blame it on one of the former false Butterfly family line of queens of Mewni, Rhina, The Riddled! She was riddle obsessed and tired to use a spell to get him to like riddles like her, but she f***ed up and instead made him speak in riddles. The commission couldn’t understand him cuz of that, so he was forced to leave. Now he just rows a boat to time tunnels in The Plains of Time. What’s worse!? Glossy is exasperated with him and won’t bring him back to the commission either! (Father of the Year over here (rolls eyes)). Yeah, that’s right, Glossaryck created the commission and its members, so therefore, they’re his children. His very shameful children :P.
Their first stop was a mistake as Reynaldo lead them too far back in time where Glossaryck makes the first Butterfly Queen! Then tells them to take shelter in a stump ;). Finally, they get to the correct past and they meet a gang of young lizards lead by-OMG! IT’S TOFFEE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! He’s so young! Okay! Okay! Sorry ‘bout that, it’s just (squee) Toffee! Anyways, this was before his General days and he’s now runnin’ a gang through initiation where he was also rude and aggressive. The second lesson to Meteora here is that “Jerks like (Toffee) will never change”. Glossaryck triggers Toffees bullying by making him break his other arm (Yeah, it was Toffees fault, what a brute) and that’s when Meteora DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPS DOOOOOOOOOOWN! Whoa! That may not have been the best idea since it’s what fueled him to kill Comet for later (say good-bye to that pudding pie Glossy). Despite that, Glossaryck is proud of her.
Sorry Star, but I guess Meteora here surpassed you as youngest princess in history to Dip Down. Smart little cookie there, maybe she still does have some of her subconscious knowledge from her old life in there, the good ones I mean. Some fans thought she would go through a Renesmee Cullen phase, but no folks, she’s still a little bundle of joy. Sorry. Is Glossaryck training her to fight off Mina when she comes in to attack!? I’m guessing it is! Cuz the upcoming episodes are “Queen-Napped” and I’m she’ll probably be there to crash at “Cornonation” too. I knew we would see Reynaldo the Bald Pate eventually, the book wasn’t given to us just for fun you know, we know more then what the nonbook owners know! Hee Hee! Before he was forced to leave, Reynaldo was basically a “stick in the mud” type and not as exciting as the other members of the Magic High Commission such as Hekapoo or Rhombulus. Poor guys just lonely and stuck speaking in riddles for centuries! Maybe if there were a way to break off that spell he can replace everyone in the Magic High Commission!? Cuz one of Glossarycks “List of Things To Do” from The Magic Book of Spells was “Fire the Magic High Commission”! Or he just realized the whole thing was a mistake and wants it dissembled? Glossaryck plays favorites here. He loves and treats Meteora nicely, but doesn’t give two s*** about his biological children! Well, considering what they did, I think it’s reasonable. From what we just saw in time, Glossaryck started the whole thing! Like the first Butterfly Queen, she was just come random pilgrim woman with magical amnesia and Glossaryck was all, “There! You’re queen now!” WTF!? That’s how it all began! Did he just feel bad leaving them defenseless!? Is that why!? Then it’s the holiday of Stump Day where that thing will almost kill everyone at Stars Quinceañera! And finally, igniting Toffees hatred of magical girls and the assassination of Comet! He’s favorite queen! What’s wrong with you Glossaryck!? Are you crazy!? Huh!? HUH!? HUH!? Why is he doing all this!? He sees it all coming, but he never prevented any of it from happening! What’s the outcome of it all!? (annoyingly shrugs). On a bright note. I am just SO happy we got to see Toffee again, a Past Toffee, but Toffee none the less, and Michael C. Hall still voiced him, but in a juvenile tone! Nice job there Mike! ;). To me, Toffee looked to be 18yrs, but that’s just me admiring his pretty boy look 😅. I mean, it’s medieval times, but he was all 80’s grunge style cuz he had like a mullet and a red leather jacket straight out of a Micheal Jackson music video! XD! He was so the Bad Boy of Mewni back then! So this was the “No spoiler” Daron mentioned at The Grove of her Q&A at Barnes and Nobles when one fan asked if Toffee was “truly dead” (I was there!). I know he was only cameoed for the fans (and fangirls) cuz we all missed him, but what a transition he went through from an impulsive punk gang leader to an authoritive General and then a calculated conservative slightly polite gadgeteer “lawyer”! What a surprise that was! I was really really hoping we’d see Toffee again, cuz this is the final season and he deserves to be in it! I always kinda thought he was “too cool to die”, but if he’s truly dead, he was the best villain of the show and if not, then let the fangirls scream it from the mountains above! I miss him. Thank you, Daron!😘 (Answer:Princess Meteora Butterfly!).
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exid-though · 6 years
An ask turned into an essay/presentation and I’m hoping MBTI blogs don’t block me for this here’s EXID’s possible MBTI types!
Before anyone who actually knows about MBTI types more in depth jumps on me for how poorly done this is, I’d like to request you do better. That sounds hella sarcastic but like legit I’m curious about what someone else would think about this especially someone who knows a lot bit more so like actually correct me on something or give your opinion like fr I’d enjoy it. I don’t word things well, I don’t say things well. But like?? power through? you can figure it out it’s not a puzzle it’s just poorly written so play English teacher and work through it. 
Solji- ESTJ
The first thing that we (we being @lencoexid and I thank you for helping me/co writing this basically) decided was that Solji has a higher Te (look at me picking up the lingo?). The girl was voted the scariest member just because she’s very about her business I guess you could say? That’s not the best way to put it but anyway, she comes off as “scary” because she’s very quick to remind the girls that she’s not only the leader but also the oldest and she knows best, not because she’s actually being mean or anything but just because she wants to help and keep them doing what they’re supposed to be doing. But also Jeonghwa helps. She’s later. Anyway.
One website says 
“Dominant Te types may come across as bossy or know-it-all-ish, even when they genuinely mean well.“ 
and another says:
“Te involves the outward expression of rational judgments and opinions; TJs literally think (i.e., make judgments, conclusions, and decisions) aloud. Te is more fact-oriented than Ti is. STJs, in particular, see the world as composed of discrete, black-and-white parts. This allows them to institute clear definitions, objective standards, and measurable goals. While Ti is forever backtracking to question and clarify underlying ideas and assumptions, Te is more positivistic and forward-moving, working to improve definitions, plans, policies, classifications, procedures, etc. It carefully spells out how to get from here to there, using as many maps, labels, and instructions as necessary.”
Solji is very sweet of course we love her whatever but she also comes across as bossy sometimes and as lenco pointed out, even Heeyeon said she also likes to do things her own way. She made Jeonghwa mad in that infamous Showtime fight because she kept teasing Jeonghwa about how slow she was washing the food and telling her to do it faster. She, like the true mom of EXID that she is, took the knife from her and showed her how to cut the food faster, too. Like literally just showed her “you can cut two at a time, see?” and Jjong was just like -_-. To Solji, this wasn’t being bossy or anything, she just had a better way to do it that was more efficient and she wanted to show her younger friend who was wasting time, but Jeonghwa was young and sensitive so she got angry lmao 
Then we had to decide if she was more of a secondary Si user or Ni and Si seems to fit better. 
“SJs do not venture out seeking novel sensations, experiences, or material goods. Instead, they prefer a more routinized and predictable lifestyle, functioning more as “homebodies.” ISJs may also fail to notice external details to the degree exhibited among ESPs. Unlike SPs, who are oriented to the present moment and the current trends, SJs rely on information from the past to inform the present. They grow attached to past ways of doing things, compelling them to conserve and protect traditions or conventions. Because of their concern for the remembered past, Si might be considered more abstract and less concrete than Se is.” 
Solji also has moments where she goes on about things and she gets very excited when thinking about possibilities of what she could be doing, even when it’s small and just a game EXID are playing, she really seems to enjoy banter and clever thinking like an Ne might?
“When orating, NPs may not always seem to “have a point” as they haphazardly move from one idea to the next. Ne is more divergent and expansive in nature than its introverted cousin, Ni. NPs feel compelled to outwardly explore all the options and possibilities, making it difficult for them to draw firm conclusions or make confident decisions.”
In romantic relationships, Solji says she actually prefers someone who will lead her and someone who’s cold on the outside and warm on the inside. If that means anything to you mbti smart people. 
  "I like the manly types. Rather than a man who affectionately takes care of me well, I like the type who will lead me."
"You must like the 'tsundere (cold on the outside, soft on the inside)' types. A blood type-B man (stereotyped to be coarse and bad-tempered)."  Solji said that was correct. 
This woman... her and Solji. Elly is almost definitely an IXXP to me because idk just her general self. She’s very “free” ig, she doesn’t like schedules, she likes to do whatever more on a whim but less so than Hyelin I think. But she has said specifically that she doesn’t like to go by schedules and prefers to be more in the moment.
She has multiple interests but she only goes into them a little bit? The members said (on NCT night night I believe there is a thing in my drafts anyway also it was technically 2 votes for Elly and 2 votes for Heeyeon actually) that she knows a lot and it’s almost weird that she knows the things she knows and Jeonghwa explained that Elly knows about a lot but she knows things in the way that she “knows a little about everything” so like she’s smart in the way that she has a broad range of general/fundamental knowledge on random things. Jeonghwa also said she’s the type that keeps up with trends like in fashion and also just regular trends like slang and other internet things. She’s into fashion. She isn’t the most empathetic member but she did once say that when she isn’t writing songs about her own experience she’s writing about others so that might be something? She’s very blunt and she thinks it’s easier and better to just be open about what you’re thinking and feeling so time isn’t wasted. 
“I hate complicated things. That's such a waste of time."When asked what kind of love she wants to try, LE said, "A both placid and raging love," then added to everyone's amusement, "I like skinship,"
then she also said:
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a boyfriend so I can’t remember, but I don’t get nervous around guys that I like. I like to play hard to get and make them chase me instead. That makes me feel a sense of achievement.”
I think she’s more Se than Si because she definitely seems to be more of an outward sensations type of person, with trends and fashion yeah but also she said she likes skinship and she’s pretty physical even if she’s not athletic. Like she doesn’t like working out but she likes the idea of extreme sports (note the “idea of” part lmao thank you @lencoexid​) she likes video games, she likes to think about the way things physically feel like she’s a very Se person to me.
I was having a hard time figuring out if she was more Fi or Ti but we do really think that she’s more Fi after thinking about how she is towards her friends and her relationships more. Ti would be too logical in her judgements of things and she seems more like a feeler when it comes to things around her. SO I’m going with ISFP.
Hani - INTJ
idc what anyone says (I say that now but like it’s so easy to change my mind you could literally just be like “well what if Hani is this because of this” and I’ll be like shoot you’re right) but anyway I could see Heeyeon being a dominant Ni user and also she’s not an extrovert like Heeyeon would be the last member I’d believe is an extrovert I’m serious e to i in EXID goes Jeonghwa/Solji/Hyelin>LE>Hani don’t argue with me. Or do idc but like I’m not wrong on Jeonghwa and Heeyeon. (like I once saw someone call Ahn Heeyeon an ENFP? nahh) but also idk
I think she shows more of a Te then Fi than the opposite (Fe then Ti) so I’m going with INTJ I think. 
Anyway, Heeyeon is super logical and detailed. Think about what made EXID so famous in the first place, Heeyeon literally taking actual written notes of what exact angles make her look best while performing. Her selfies are really popular (because she’s gorgeous?duh) and when she talks about her selfies she says they’re great because she took note of how she looks prettiest when her head is tilted at a 45 degree angle. Who measures that? Who? Nerds. That’s who. Hot nerds. Nerds trying to make sure their popularity stays up and they have no weaknesses. Scary hot nerds.
She takes notes in her notebook (which they all call her death note) of like everything she possibly can? Her calories, her workouts, any new findings in her selfie angles, and when people make her angry. She literally writes down the date and what they did and everything. She’s like the scary anime kid that comes out of the shadows and pushes their glasses up and says something weird then writes in their notebook. Kyoya Ootori she’s Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club. My husband and my wife I have a type.
But then here’s the thing, she also really feels the need to have people like her? Like she used to diet and gain and lose weight (she’s not anymore thank God) and she got in trouble and was criticized by netizens for “just saying what she thinks will make people happy in that moment” which is honestly pretty true but I think it might’ve only really been true for that time. That was back when she had just gotten popular and she was still getting used to it and she was on so many shows right after doing nothing but eating ramen all day basically so I honestly think she could’ve just been worried about EXID’s fame and her image and everything because lately especially now she’s more like she was back when they were promoting Every Night like she’s very openly braggy and less anxious so I think it could’ve just been a stress and anxiety thing? Because now especially with the other girls she seems much more open about the other sides to her personality so I still think she could be an Fi not an Fe.
She also said when talking about what she’s like in love and all:
“I would say I’m a stronger type. I have charisma. I hear that a lot actually haha.”
She also seems more Se than Si but I can’t place exactly why. @fizzybubblespop also said that they’d say she was an INFJ but she seems so “present” that having Se as her last function doesn’t seem right. 
I kinda agree but I also think it makes sense since she is a bit wired and outward and everything but she’s much more of a person who needs to sit and think about things a bit, spacing out sometimes and stuff. I could see Se over Si for sure but like lower than things like Ni and Te to me. 
Hyelin - ESTP or ESXP
Hyelini hea lini hey lini hey jenny idk umm I think she has a higher F something and she’s a perceiver but I’m not sure on much else. She’s probably an extrovert to me but I also could possibly see her as a social introvert? She said on Showtime that after spending a lot of time with people she needs to spend time alone to relax for a few hours. But @lencoexid​ did point out that it’s more likely that it’s her attention shifting and her getting bored or tired of that situation and wanting something else.
I had never even thought of Hyelin as an ESFP before until lencoexid brought it up and I was like hmm? and when you think about it it could actually work well.
So, ESFP starts with Se, the extroverted sensing function. On this website they explained Se like this:
“Extroverted sensing is focused on taking in the world as it exists in the present moment. It is highly in tune with the sights, smells, sounds and general physical stimulus that surrounds it. Extroverted sensing lives and thrives in the moment, more so than any other function.”
Hyelin is someone who is a regular at bars and actually said she drinks for the feeling of being drunk. She said she doesn’t see the point of drinking if you’re not going to get drunk. She also traveled all the way to Jeonju randomly just to go to a specific restaurant there that she likes.  
The problem here though comes when you get to the 2nd function which is Fi. To me, she seems more Fe. She had a secret job when EXID was broke, she was actually kinda uncomfortable when Solji and Jeonghwa had that argument in Showtime and she tried to make jokes about it and diffuse the situation it seemed.
She said when she’s in a relationship:
“I am really the submissive type, when I am in the wrong I bow down to my boyfriend and apologize right away, (hehe) but when I know that he is lying then I become more of a strong unni style.”
And so she seems pretty Fe when I think about it compared to Fi, she seems more about group harmony than her own inner feelings even if she is blunt and everything, at the end of the day she has many friends who all are very different (Shinsadong Tiger said in an interview once that Hyelin is friends with everyone and is even friends with a politician), she works to keep her friendships with people from her childhood and she doesn’t like when things mess with that. Remember when she just grabbed a mic and said “Minhyuk and I aren’t dating” because she wanted to end rumors before they got big? She’s very blunt and “crazy” and wild and she’s very into being the humorous one of the group that makes everyone laugh but she’s also very open and straight-forward when she doesn’t like something or when something is messing with the dynamic, you know?
Now, ESTP has Se>Ti>Fe>Ni and lencoexid and I both agree that between the two, Hyelin seems more Ti than Te (Te is more Solji’s thing lbr).
Jeonghwa - ISFJ or XSFJ
 I think she has high Fe and probably dominant Fe because the girls are always saying she’s so empathetic and she’s so good at relating to people’s feelings, etc. Heeyeon said she was jealous of how empathetic Jeonghwa is, when Heeyeon was trying to explain herself Jeonghwa jumped in and helped her out (I can’t remember what it was but it was on a radio show and she kinda explained for Heeyeon), she’s very open about how she feels about things and what she thinks of things (all of EXID are pretty blunt but especially Hyelin>LE>Jeonghwa), she’s also the one that takes charge even though she’s the youngest to try to keep things under control just a little but she’s still kinda sensitive? She also likes planning things and sticking to a schedule as she said on NCT night night, her and Heeyeon like sticking to plans and Elly and and Hyelin like to go with the flow. And with ISFJ and ESFJ Si is high (1st or 2nd) and this website says this about higher Si users:
“SJs do not venture out seeking novel sensations, experiences, or material goods. Instead, they prefer a more routinized and predictable lifestyle, functioning more as “homebodies.””
Then it says this about high Fe users:
“FJs, especially EFJs, are quick to outwardly express their feelings, opinions, and grievances. Fe plays a prominent role in attuning to and empathizing with others’ emotions. It allows FJs to recreate another’s emotion state within themselves, allowing them to literally feel what the other person is feeling. FJs also work to meet others’ needs and to maintain harmony in the external environment. They ensure that everyone is getting along and is well cared for. At the same time, since Fe is an Extraverted Judging function, there are times when FJs are compelled to sacrifice external harmony for the sake of asserting their judgments. FJs also enjoy giving counsel and advice, especially with regard to people-related matters.“
She’s the most social and empathetic but she also prefers staying at her house and reading and her favorite author is Alain de Botton (which I think she said on Weekly Idol?) and that guy is a philosopher.
“de Botton deals with the process of falling in and out of love. De Botton wrote a sequel to Essays in Love, published in 2016, titled The Course of Love.”
“In The Consolations of Philosophy, de Botton attempts to demonstrate how the teachings of philosophers such as Epicurus, Montaigne, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Seneca, and Socrates can be applied to modern everyday woes. The book has been both praised and criticized for its therapeutic approach to philosophy.”
In The Architecture of Happiness[11] (2006), he discusses the nature of beauty in architecture and how it is related to the well-being and general contentment of the individual and society. He describes how architecture affects people every day, though people rarely pay particular attention to it. A good portion of the book discusses how human personality traits are reflected in architecture.
So this girl loves people, is social, also prefers to stay in and read (philosophy), is empathetic, blunt, likes schedules, mischievous, studies English and Chinese just cause she wants to improve in those things (she’s also an idol so there is a bit of a responsibility to do that but she doesn’t have to), etc. Like. Someone who knows MBTI well come type her instead cause idk. To me she’s either ISFJ or ESFJ and she seems more extroverted to me it just seems like she’s got a higher Fe than Si and so on than the other way around, but I think that’s more up to just how you perceive her I mean she is an idol and I forget a lot so ISFJ or ESFJ. 
I’ve learned a lot. Thank you for your time. Also Solji’s was the hardest and the mystery woman needs to come back so we can look into this more, agreed? Agreed. @solji when did you become so hard to figure out you’re louder than Jeonghwa sometimes
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notyouraveragerock · 6 years
Do all the asks.
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Definitely.
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Nope.
3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nope.
4. Is trust a big issue for you? Not at first, but if someone breaks my trust it takes a hell of a lot to gain it back.
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Yes!
6. What are you excited for? Graduation
7. What happened tonight? Well tonight hasn’t happened yet, so I’ll keep you posted.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Depends. Are they puking?
9. Is confidence cute? Very.
10. What is the last beverage you had? Good ol’ dihydrogen monoxide
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Several.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yeup.
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Stay in because I’m broke.
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably food.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Yes!
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Yes.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Ian, Carina, or Liss
18. The last time you felt broken? I broke my toe tripping over a curb a while back. That kinda hurt…
19. Have you had sex today? No. :(
20. Are you starting to realize anything? How much the education system sucks. You shouldn’t have to take something you hate to get a degree no job will care about.
21. Are you in a good mood? I’ve plateau’d today
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? What kind? Nurse sharks hell yeah. Bull sharks hell no.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nope.
24. What do you want right this second? My boyfriend. Ice cream. Snuggles. A guaranteed financially stable future and career I’ll enjoy forever. 
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Idk but I hope I never find out.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yeup.
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nope.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Idk I laugh at everything.
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Very much so.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? No, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still be nice to them. Kill with kindness, people.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Definitely. Not.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? He better. 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Nope.
34. Listening to? Birds outside my window.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Hell yeah. 
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Yeup!
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.
38. Who did you last call? My mother.
39. Who was the last person you danced with? Ian
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Had to say goodbye. :(
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Forever ago.
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Nope.
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Constantly.
44. Do you tan in the nude? Lmao tan. I burn.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Never.
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Yes.
47. Who was the last person to call you? My mother.
48. Do you sing in the shower? Only when no one is home.
49. Do you dance in the car? Yes.
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Duh.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Uhh… Senior pics for high school?
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Sometimes
53. Is Christmas stressful? Can be if you focus on the wrong things.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Had to google this. Unfortunately, no.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple, probably. Or lemon meringue.
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Paleontologist or pilot. I liked dinosaurs and Amelia Earhart.
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Nah.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes.
59. Take a vitamin daily? Not a vitamin, no.
60. Wear slippers? Occasionally/
61. Wear a bath robe? I don’t own one, but if I did, you betcha.
62. What do you wear to bed? Depends. 
63. First concert? TBA… (Although when my brother was like 3 we did see the Wiggles live)
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Depends what I need to get, but usually Target.
65. Nike or Adidas? Idc
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower seeds, I guess. 
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Well, I’m feelin 22 this year so…
69. Ever take dance lessons? Yes
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Anything that makes him happy.
71. Can you curl your tongue? Only taco. I can’t do that weird clover thing.
72. Ever won a spelling bee? No.
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes.
74. What is your favorite book? The Book Thief by Mark Zusak
75. Do you study better with or without music? Without, usually. 
76. Regularly burn incense? No.
77. Ever been in love? Definitely.
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Anyone at this point
79. What was the last concert you saw? N/A
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot. Unless it’s sweet.
81. Tea or coffee? Coffee Lifeblood
82. Favorite type of cookie? Homemade
83. Can you swim well? Yes
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes
85. Are you patient? Sometimes…………………… Usually not.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? No preference as long as the music gets people up and having fun.
87. Ever won a contest? Yes, if flip cup counts.
88. Ever have plastic surgery? Yeup. On the tendon in my thumb after I sliced through 80% of it on accident.... 
89. Which are better black or green olives? Neither
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Yes please, but you do you boo
91. Best room for a fireplace? A cozy room with a couch, blankets, books, and a big window, preferably on a rainy day. 
92. Do you want to get married? Yes.
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heypoliticsdad · 7 years
NYC General Election Endorsements November 2017
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Oh yes, y’all, strap in. Another long one awaits. I am not weighing in on every race here; there’s too much for me to keep track of and there’s a lot I don’t know. Especially in city council races, it’s so local that it’s hard to keep track if you’re too far away. It’s also true that a lot of these races aren’t that contested (have you changed your party affiliation?), so there isn’t much to say. In races where there is a clear front runner, even if I kind of hate them, I’m not bothering to weigh in. 
I also am noticing two things about these endorsements: one, that there are two places where I recommend a male upstart over an existing female candidate; two, that I am clearly biased against incumbents. I’m not quite sure what to do with either of those things, but I wanted to name them as important. The city council stands to lose several women this time around, and while my feminism isn’t as simplistic as “women are automatically the best candidate,” I am still unsure what role misogyny is playing here, especially when incumbency means you have more to be hated for.
Want to know who’s on your ballot? Go here. Want to know where you vote? Go here. Polls are open 6am to 9pm so you really have no excuse.
Finally: when in doubt, write in Beyoncé. 
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Mayor: Write in Beyoncé I can’t in good faith say vote for Bill de Blasio. He just hasn’t done enough good. The approval of the Bedford Armory redevelopment is just the latest fuckery in his “affordable housing” plan; he has the stank of corruption around him. He’s done some cool things but a lot of those cool things were already in process. Short of some kind of freak occurrence, he’s going to win (I’m not even going to bother looking up the correct spelling of his GOP opponent’s last name, it’s like that) and so you might as well write someone in. Beyoncé gets shit done. She would be ruthlessly effective and the longer she goes the more politicized she becomes. If we’re going to live in an oligarchy, I want my billionaire overlord to be the one that sunk a police car in a music video.
Public Advocate: Team Tish! I like what Tish James has done for us. I feel like I am waiting for the romance to be over and it’s possible I’ve missed some things. But she’s been a good public advocate, has stuck up for people, and I feel an overall sense of goodwill about her. The Public Advocate job is a weird one – tasked with advocating for the public – and I think necessarily this requires about some grandstanding as well as actually resolving complaints. It seems like she’s done good work so far, has the work to back up the grandstanding, and she’s definitely the best of the options.
Comptroller: Oh whatever, just go for Scott Stringer, or Beyoncé He’s better than the other guy, I think.
Manhattan DA: Write in Marc Fliedner. Remember the Brooklyn DA primary? With 500 people lining up around the block to be the most progressive? Marc Fliedner was one of those. He actually got ranked the best by the 5 Boro Defenders, a largely POC group of public defenders in the city. I ended up going for Anne Swern by a hair; Marc would have also been a good choice. Now he’s running in Manhattan as a write-in against Cy Vance, the sitting DA who is recently best known as declining to prosecute people who contributed to his campaign. (de Blasio, the Kushners, Harvey Weinstein). I feel great endorsing Marc as a write-in. Tell your friends!
District 1: Christopher Marte, I think I don’t know a lot about the long-term context of this race. I know that Margaret Chin is one of these funny third-term council members, a long-time incumbent. It’s hard to tell what her district thinks of her. I can’t find a good reason she gives for not doing participatory budgeting and it seems like there’s a lot of rage in the neighborhood around her work to preserve affordable housing, especially around the Two Bridges development. I’m a pragmatic guy at heart and her answers were, well, pragmatic; however, they’re a lot of that weird “people don’t really know what went into making these deals, we really tried” without actually telling people what went into making the deals and what she tried. Christopher Marte is from the neighborhood, evidently very involved, but in the way where it’s hard to know if what he does is as important as it looks on paper. He has the League of Independent Theaters’ endorsement, which also matters to me, although Chin’s overall list is much longer and includes Make the Road NYC and Planned Parenthood. She’s squarely in the middle of the City and State NY’s ranking of city council members. I read both of their responses to the Citizens Union survey about open government and found his more compelling. So vote Christopher Marte, I think, but I’m willing to be wrong about this one.
District 35: Jabari Brisport Laurie Cumbo sold out her district to the Bedford Armory. She has repeatedly bowed to developer pressure and the people just don’t like her. She attracted primary pressure, but the power of incumbency propelled her; luckily, people are still running. His Citizens Unite survey is full of the kind of truisms about government you get from the idealistic left, but what the eff, he’ll be a strong member of the progressive caucus. It’s a shame Ede Fox didn’t beat Cumbo in the primary, but I am happy to open the door to Brisport. I don’t think Cumbo is bad – she’s actually very highly ranked as a councilmember in responsiveness to her constituents, and she’s been the prime sponsor on a lot of bills about things that I think matter (% for arts reporting, public art, sex ed, multilingual information on housing.) Butttt…..I’m leaning Brisport. By a hair.
District 40: Brian Cunningham, Brian Cunningham, Brian Cunningham Mathieu Eugene has been a trash councilman. He has been the lead sponsor on only 7 bills in 10 years. He can’t even get a crosswalk made for a school. He might not even live in the district. Cunningham is young, he’s full of energy, he’s from the neighborhood, he’s worked with youth, and even if he ends out to be no good he’ll be no good in a new, better way. Cunningham is endorsed by the Working Families Party, the Stonewall Democrats, Planned Parenthood, TenantsPAC, and the Brooklyn Independent Democrats (we like them! They’re not the IDC!) 60% of the district voted for someone other than Eugene in the Democratic primary, but the vote split; Cunningham had the Reform endorsement which meant he could be on the general ballot on their line. He’s got good ideas about housing and more than that seems to actually care about what he does. You’re going to have to go to the Reform Party line to vote for him – he got the WFP endorsement too late to be on the ballot with them – so scoot that pencil to the right column and fill in that box. (Full disclosure: I’ve been volunteering with them.)
Prop 1: The Con Con:……no, but I hate myself a little and I might change my mind. Oh, the Con Con. I have been wrestling with this one and frankly it’s part of why this is coming out only one day before the election. There is so much good that could come from this, and so much bad that could come from it. The right says it’s a bad idea because the left would control the agenda; the left says it’s a bad idea because the right would control the agenda. Public unions are against it because of the risk to pensions. It’ll cost so much! (Will it cost so much?) It’s the only way to make change aside from our dysfunctional system! (Is it the only way to make change aside from our dysfunctional system?) The last one did nothing in the end! The one before that did so much! Most of our progressive laws come from constitutional conventions! The Koch brothers would take it over! NYCLU is against it; Citizens Union is for it. Unions are against it; progressive politicians are for it. The New York Times is against it; Newsday Long Island is for it. I have been watching debates and reading articles and it is one giant, messy ball.
The fact of the matter is this: no one knows what will happen because everything goes up for grabs. Everyone agrees on this. The pro side is arguing this presents an enormous opportunity for change: home rule for cities! Gender expression could be a protected class! Early voting! Legislative term limits! A unicameral legislature! The con side is basically making the same argument, only the bad side: loss of union pensions! Rolling back of the right to shelter! Gerrymandered senate districts leading to a conservative delegate base! The pro side says this is a chance for the government to truly be shaped by the people; the con side says the process will be hopelessly corrupt and just cost people money.
Voting yes hits all my love of sweeping action and big change. Past conventions are what have given us many of the things that already make New York relatively progressive: the “forever wild” land preserve, the right to welfare, expansion of voting rights. It’s a seductive argument. How often do we as progressives get a chance to build something from the ground up?
And yet. You might have noticed this isn’t a great time for progressives at the ballot box. One of the few things that I have not heard countered by the pro side is the fact that the statewide left is weak; Democrats aren’t even organized enough to get rid of the IDC, let alone a statewide progressive caucus. The unions are against it because they don’t feel they can guarantee a progressive outcome, and to me when someone publicly says they aren’t sure how powerful they are, you listen. That gerrymandering is real, and while a majority of the state senate districts went for Clinton over Trump, the state Senate is split more or less evenly. 
How all that translates to a vote really boils down to this: are you a pragmatist or are you an idealist? Are you a risktaker or do we play it safe? In my heart of hearts, I want to believe in the con con. I want to believe we can do something great. But…I just can’t get over the feeling in my gut that this is not the moment. Politics worldwide don’t look good for progressive, expansive views, and especially in the United States it’s a moment for the left to be very careful with the risks we take. So I say vote no, but grudgingly, and I reserve the right to change my mind at the last minute in the voting box and make an idealistic, possibly reckless vote.
Prop 2: Cut Pensions for Public Officials Convicted of Corruption Yes really. It’s a question. FOR GOODNESS SAKE’S VOTE YES. It doesn’t even automatically cut these pensions. It just makes it an option for judges when the circumstances warrant it. VOTE YES. I’m not even giving you a link; if you vote against this, just go home.
Prop 3: Land Bank for Modifications for Forever Wild This is one of those upstate questions that we down here don’t really think about. Basically, it comes down to this: right now, the “forever wild” lands upstate can’t be developed for any reason. This seems good until you realize, say, a bridge needs to be repaired, only it can’t be repaired without a constitutional amendment because the repair would need to use some small corner of the forever wild land. This proposition would create a bank wherein the state would buy 250 acres of new forever wild land and then make the same amount of land available for projects like bridges and internet cables. This makes sense and is endorsed by the Nature Conservancy as well as a broad coalition of preservation groups for both the Adirondacks and the Catskills, which is good enough for me. 
Ok, if you made it to the end, one more thing: this ad for Kalman Yeger in Boro Park. That race is its own hot ticket - Yoni Hikind, Dov Hikind’s son, against Kalman Yeger. The Forward goes into the underground heat, but I just want to give Kalman Yeger an award for the jingle of the election (and for all I know, this is a dis track, but I don’t know enough Yiddish to figure it out):
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asflowersfade · 7 years
ok you know i'm a big fan of your theories and drabbles, ur plotbunnies make my day but saying fuck you magnus!!! just for that one scene is a little extreme :/ magnus is not an evil character and even if he's not under a spell, it definitely won't be ooc if after centuries of his people being oppressed, killed, exploited, hunted as a sport and enslaved by entitled nephilim dipshits, he just goes fuck it idc abt ur people anymore y'all can go die its not "politically correct" but its still valid
As I said. Magnus is letting his hurt feelings rule his judgment to the extreme. I could’ve understood if he joined the Seelie Queen on equal terms, as her partner, not her lackey. He took his people from under the Clave’s control and gave them over to the Seelie Queen, he signed away their voice at the Cabinet and their freedom to choose, from then on, the Queen decided what was best for HIS people. That gave me a whiplash. 
And then it started piling up. His childish behavior during the meeting - hurt feelings or not, that’s not how you behave at a political meeting. Then he raised the shield and didn’t warn the Shadowhunters. And now, there’re demons in the streets and rifts in space that he knows the Shadowhunters simply can’t close on their own because they don’t have the necessary power and if the rifts aren’t closed, more and more demons will come through, and even knowing he’s the only one who can save all these innocents in the streets, he still refuses to do anything till Alec reminds him that Magnus’ people will die TOO if these things aren’t stopped. 
And honestly? That’s when it crossed the line for me. Should I have used more restrain? Probably. But that sneak peek was literally the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. For weeks now I’ve kept telling myself, “Magnus wouldn’t do that” and “Magnus is smarter than that” and “Magnus is more caring than that” - and not as one half of Malec, but as the wise High Warlock of Brooklyn who lived through “centuries of war” - and every episode so far, he proved me wrong and took it that one step further. 
Valid emotions or not, when you’re willing to let innocent people die just so you can stick it up to someone? No. Just no. 
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uselesslygay · 5 years
All of them :)
oh lord here we go it's gonna be long
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
I think so yes
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Technically, like someone I dated in middle school but I tend to not count it
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
It's an issue for me. Not a huge one
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
No sadly
6. What are you excited for?
7. What happened tonight?
I ate like twenty sour patch kids while laying in bed watching YouTube
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
No they live their lives and I live mine
9. Is confidence cute?
I think it can be but too much is a turn off
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Like five?
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Not sure anymore. I don't tend to wear jeans
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Sleep like a little bitch
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Probably food
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
I think I'll change tomorrow. Life is so unstable and it's constantly changing so to say that it wouldn't change at all in the next three months would be asinine
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
My sister
18. The last time you felt broken?
Physically, every day
19. Have you had sex today?
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
That I'm tired
21. Are you in a good mood?
Overall yes I am
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
I think I would
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Nope. His are brown and mine are blue
24. What do you want right this second?
Sleep tbh
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
No it is not. It's a few shades darker right now than normal
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
No I don't think so. Mostly because it's easy to make me laugh so it's not that hard to do
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Probably a YouTube video
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
I believe some people deserve a second chance but it's very rare and case sensitive
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
No. I think it was either my best friend or my dad so definitely no
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
I don't know. I have a lot of feelings everywhere so maybe
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
No. I drink soda quite a bit
34. Listening to?
Right now it's Gustav Holst's Planet Suite. Mars at the moment
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Yes but I prefer pens
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I think so, yes
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. I believe in attraction at first sight or lust at first sight whatever you want to call it. Love is a deep complex emotion that takes longer than a glance to surface
38. Who did you last call?
My sister
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I think some of my friends at band camp
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
I loved them
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
A few weeks ago
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
No I did not
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Probably definitely
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don't tan.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
No I wouldn't.
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Yes I did
47. Who was the last person to call you?
A scam caller
48. Do you sing in the shower?
I prefer to listen not sing in the shower but sometimes I do
49. Do you dance in the car?
Yes all the time. And sing
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
I have. I was almost obsessed with them when I was like 10 for some reason
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
School photos?? I think
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No. I prefer to perform in them than watch them tho
53. Is Christmas stressful?
No I love it.
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
No sadly. I want to tho
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
Apple pie :)
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
When I was like 5-10 it was veterinarian
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
Not really but idk
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time. I hate them, it gives me the creeps
59. Take a vitamin daily?
I should but no lol
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
62. What do you wear to bed?
Usually either just a sports bra and some shorts or a tee shirt and underwear
63. First concert?
BNL with my family in Chicago
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Wal-Mart? Just because it's the one I frequent more often. I think the Walton family is crooked and shady af and I hate them but that's a story for another day
65. Nike or Adidas?
Either I don't care
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
Cheetos. But like puffs >crunchy>flaming hot
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
I like I'm Only Me When I'm With You
69. Ever take dance lessons?
Nope. That's why I suck at dancing
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Whatever they want to do :)
71. Can you curl your tongue?
Yes but not like a crazy person can
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
No I can't spell for shit. If you could've seen me type this sentence I spelled every word in it wrong and my phone fixed it
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
All the time. Ever see me around a dog?
74. What is your favorite book?
I love DaVinci Code by Brown but I also really liked Animal Farm by Orwell
75. Do you study better with or without music?
With. The music helps me focus
76. Regularly burn incense?
77. Ever been in love?
I believe so but who am I to say what love is technically
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
I'd like to see Lumineers or Bastille in concert
79. What was the last concert you saw?
I've only been to one so BNL in Chicago
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
No tea. Tea sucks
81. Tea or coffee?
Neither. I hate both of them
82. Favorite type of cookie?
I'm a sucker for a good chocolate chip cookie
83. Can you swim well?
I was on swim team for a moment so I'd like to say so, yeah
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
Not at all
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ I think
87. Ever won a contest?
I don't think so.
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
Olives suck ass so
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Do whatever you want to do mate idc
91. Best room for a fireplace?
92. Do you want to get married
Yes I do :)
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