remyfire · 3 months
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Scenes that knock me unconscious from how cute they are
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psychicpinenut · 4 months
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my favorite moments in every psych episode 12/124
S01E12 -Cloudy... With A Chance Of Murder
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glowinggreeneyes-e · 7 months
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Peter Sandys-Clarke in Torchwood: Captain Jack Harkness, S1E12
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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krdc · 6 months
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episode twelve
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ebenelephant · 9 months
just watched bad wolf and i've gotta say the throuple are really giving it their most. all of them having a dubious to good time until realising the cost of the games? jack having the time of his fucking life on the makeover show? lynda with a y, just generally?
brilliant, super, no notes.
and then when they thought rose was dead? OUGH. eccleston and barrowman ate and left no crumbs. the horror on their faces, jack's use of threat but not violence, the fact that he very definitely wanted to swear there. god, such acting.
great episode, no notes, love the digs made at people's fascination with watching bad things happen to other people.
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naquey · 29 days
so im on the final episode of season 1 of btvs and like....
soooo, its the scene where xander asks buffy to the dance and I'm just... i get why buffy is apologizing, but why is buffy apologizing????
ofc that could be because xander "doesn't take reject well despite all the practice," but it also just kind of feels like rubbing salt in the wound. And I mean, I get it, feeling sorry about not having feelings for someone who clearly had feelings for you because I've been there and it sucks and I love buffy, she's awesome.
She explicitly said that she didn't feel that way towards Xander, and people can't help the way they feel, and he doesn't want her to apologize. I just... I don't get why women have to apologize for shit like that because it's not their fault, it's no ones fault
(if this was sexist, feel free to call me out on my sexist bullshit/gen)
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lesbiankittie · 2 months
one of my favorite moments ever in supernatural is in Faith when they walk past that protester who’s saying the pastor is a fraud and sam and dean are like “amen brother” “keep up the good work” and he’s just like “thank you”
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remyfire · 3 months
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The level of bundled coziness I strive for daily
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ariadne-mouse · 3 months
The end of Coda is really exciting and Moc Weepe is absolutely stone cold for planning to sell out Saskia & the escapees to the Trust and also a complete idiot for exactly the same reason, because he should know better! Weepe, buddy, your business partner's under the table activities helping people escape the Trust are a literal showcase of how dangerous the Trust is, and meanwhile you're ignoring all that and thinking that you, specifically, are going to not get got by the trap because you KNOW it's a trap and you're going to outsmart the trap and use it to your advantage. Sir you are getting got and Imelda is doing it in 5 minute ad-hoc appointments in between her other busy commitments. Barely even had to bait the fish hook. If you don't start checking your hubris at the coat room you are going to experience Consequences (and in that sense please continue, actually, this is all fascinating)
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dailysideshowbob · 1 year
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pitbabetheseries · 14 days
Pit Babe Episode Stills - Episode 12 "Semi-Final" (6/6)
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Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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glowinggreeneyes-e · 7 months
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Peter Sandys-Clarke in Torchwood: Captain Jack Harkness, S1E12
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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marvey-inspiration · 1 year
“Harvey, behave.”
Episode 12 really has it all. Harvey losing his head and Mike having to keep him calm. Mike borrowing his phone and evidently doing it all the time. Them clearly thinking about what kind of Bonny and Clyde and they would’ve made…
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krdc · 6 months
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preview — episode 12 📷
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jessicatates · 1 year
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gravity-falls-daily · 4 months
Date: June 21st, 2024
Episode S1E12: Summerween
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There's only one way for you to avoid his fate. I need a treat. If you can collect 500 pieces of candy, and bring it to me before the last jack-o-melon goes out… I will let you live.
Asks and submissions are now open for S1E12! Please send us any thoughts, memories, insights and memes you have about this episode, or tag us in posts and fanworks, and we'll be sure to reblog.
Gravity Falls is available to watch on Disney+ here. Not sure where else to look? Check out our spreadsheet for more information!
Have fun!
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