#*noticed* that someone was spying on him (which none of the other people who were spied on did)
heph · 1 month
Remember the episode where Wilson pretended he was doing drugs and dating a sex worker after he realised that House was spying on him 😐
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kasagia · 2 months
Dancing with the devil IV
Pairing: Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem! royal!reader Summary: Unknowingly, you fall into a trap from which it will be difficult to get out. The only solution seems to be to make a pact with the devil himself. A devil who seems all too happy to finally get his hands on you. Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen's Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~Main Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ PART III ~•♤♤♤•~ PART V ~•♤♤♤•~
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“It's a refreshing change. Don't you think, Y/N?” Your friend inquires as you sit on the windowsill, gazing out at the landscape of Kaitain.
You hum, nodding your head, keeping your watchful gaze on the ramp where the next ships are landing. A shiver runs through you as you recognise the familiar black Harkonnen orb. Whoever designed their ships must have worked hard to even make them look... disquieting. Y/F/N notices what you are staring at.
"Don't worry." You comfort her and hold her hand. "I won't let you marry that brute. There is no worse fate than being Harkonnen's wife."
"It's not that… just if it was someone else. Na-Baron, for example." You tense slightly at her mention of Feyd. Your eyes follow hers, and you notice her staring at him longingly as he walks out, surrounded by his soldiers. You feel bile rising in your throat.
"Na-Baron?" You ask stupidly, trying to ignore the sudden, unexpected feeling of jealousy. Which, of course, was a pure act of stupidity on your part. Because how could you be jealous of Harkonnen? And yet, you felt like gouging out your friend's eyes for staring at your Feyd for too long.
"He... isn't that bad at all. Despite what they say about him. He cared about me there - on Giedi Prime. In their crazy way... but thanks to him, the stay there wasn't so... terrible." You tense up and roll your eyes at her words.
As if there could be angels on Giedi Prime. As if HE could be something more than the cunning devil who breaks hearts, takes the souls and lives of innocent people. As if he could be something more than a bloodthirsty sadist raised by the most disgusting man who ever lived.
"Believe me, it's just a facade. The moment you let your guard down, he will show you his true colors. And this is a far cry from the image of his personality he painted in your head. He wants you to consider him your ally. This way, it will be easier for him to use you for his own benefits. Spying on his brother or something like that, I'm not sure yet. Maybe he's also looking for sexual release after his harpies are dead?"
"What? I'm just thinking out loud." You reply with a shrug. Your gaze remains focused on Na-Baron. Princess Irulan welcomes him and his brother rather reluctantly. She behaved quite similarly towards you. Except for her special coldness and malice reserved for you, to which you had become accustomed by now.
"You must know him very well to see through his intentions so quickly. I also remember that as children you were often in the company of him, Paul Atreides and Princess Irulan."
You flinch when Na-Baron's gaze suddenly turns to the palace. But you know it's impossible for him to recognise your silhouette among the palace's many windows... or at least you hoped so. Regardless, you decide not to tempt fate and walk away from the window, turning around to face your friend.
"That was a long time ago."
"But you must know him very well. Or at least the child he was."
"Trust me, he was never a child." You reply, pouring yourself a glass of wine. You don't want to tell her anything else.
You don't want to explain to her exactly when Feyd lost his childhood, when he stopped being your friend and the boy you played with, when you lost him, when the place of the charming boy from Lankiveil was taken by the bloodthirsty, psychopathic, brutal Na-Baron of Giedi Prime. Because only you knew the Prince of Lankiveil. And the memory of him will follow you to your grave.
Because you knew there was no salvation for him, that the boy you gave your heart to was dead, and his murderer was none other than the Baron. And all you have left of him is a shell. The one he gave you and the shell of who he once was were a living and painful reminder of what you lost because of the Baron and Princess Irulan. And because of your own fear.
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"I'm bored." You tell Feyd as you sit next to each other in the feast hall.
Your parents, his brother, and his uncle are celebrating with the other great families the birth of the Emperor's (another) daughter, and you and the rest of the children are forced to attend the event until your maids take you away.
And this has been going on for you for ages.
"Act like a lady and don't whine." Feyd responds to you, rolling his eyes at you slightly. You punch his arm, causing him to gasp and look at you indignantly.
"Act like a child and don't talk to me like you're my mother."
"What do you want to do?" He sighs, shaking his head at you.
If he had to list his weaknesses, you would definitely be the first of them on his list. He was always waiting for the moment where he could free himself from Giedi Prime and his uncle's gaze to spend a few minutes with you. You gave him... a sense of freedom. With you, he didn't have to worry about how he acted—whether he was too soft or too lenient.
He could have just been a child for a while—a boy from Lankiveil he had almost forgotten about. A boy you seemed to like quite a lot. And he tried his hardest to show you that he was still able to find in himself nooks and crannies that weren't polluted by the Baron. Mentally and physically.
"To sleep. But I don't have my teddy bear and blanket." Feyd tries his best not to laugh, but he allows his mouth to open slightly, making sure to keep it closed.
He didn't want to scare you with his black teeth—an addition recently introduced on Baron's orders. Feyd couldn't quite get used to them yet. He remembered breaking all the mirrors in his chambers the first day he saw his new row of black teeth. Over time, however, he got used to them, like everything else on Giedi Prime.
"What?" You ask as he stares at you for a few too many seconds or minutes. Feyd clears his throat and manages to lower the corner of his mouth.
"Nothing. I may be not as soft as your precious teddy bear and blanket, but I can keep you warm. And my cloak is... possibly the coziest thing I have." He answers awkwardly, already taking off his coat. He wraps it around you without waiting for your response, remaining in his black military armor.
He knows that the next day he will have scrapes and bruises from too tight armor. He should have gotten a bigger one a long time ago, but the Baron seemed to insist that Feyd keep his old clothes for as long as he could.
"You allow me to nuzzle up to you?" You ask, surprised, as he wraps his arm around you.
Feyd didn't particularly like physical contact; sometimes he flinched when someone's skin touched his—a reaction he tried to hide. However, apart from you, there was one other person who also noticed it. And while Feyd should have hated the Atreides, he would remain forever grateful to Letto Atreides, who had invited him to spend the summer with his son, you, and Princess Irulan shortly after Rabban and he had moved to Giedi Prime. It was the best summer of his life since leaving Lankivieil. A moment of respite.
However, with you, sometimes he could afford to feel your body a little closer to him. Most of all, he WANTED to feel your body press against his. Which, over the years spent on Giedi Prime, was a very rare, even unheard of feeling for him.
"I allow you to rest on me and take a nap. My mother... my mother did this a lot with my father when she was pregnant and had to sit in on these meetings." Feyd says he has vague memories of his mother being pregnant with her third child and how his father acted towards her—before all hell broke loose on Lankiveil, when he could still be... normal.
"But I am not pregnant. And we are not married." You point it out maliciously, but your head is already falling onto his shoulder. You wrap your hand around his waist and snuggle into him. Feyd suppresses a blush as you unconsciously nuzzle his neck and inhale his scent. You were too innocent to know what it did, and he was too tainted for his body not to react to it. Despite everything, he controls himself and holds you, making sure you don't fall out of your chair.
"But you are tired, aren't you?" He hums against your ear, fully aware that you're about to drift off into his arms. And that he would rather kill himself than let anyone take you away from him.
"I am. And I also never miss a chance to hug you, my grumpy Na-Baron." He furrows his hairless eyebrows, unconsciously tracing patterns on your arm with his finger. He relaxes, seeing that his uncle has left the party. So did the young servant who served him. A shiver runs through him, but he ignores it. His focus is on you. On your slow breathing, on your smell, on your warmth, on how perfect you feel next to him, as if you were his missing half. And Feyd allows himself to believe for a moment that this may be the case—that you are truly written in the stars for him.
"I am not grumpy." He says, rolling his eyes at your taunt and completely ignoring Princess Irulan's glare from across the room.
"You are. Like those funny green creature from Paul's book. You know, the old one with weird pictures."
If Feyd could, he would forbid you from meeting Atreides. Unfortunately, your parents seemed to insist on this special closeness to this family. And you loved reading. Same as Paul. Feyd's only consolation was that when Atreides didn't have a book in his hand, he lost any interest in you. Unlike him. He had your attention, regardless of what he was doing or what he might be giving you at that moment.
"Sleep." He mumbles and presses a kiss to your tample.
"Don't tell me what to do. I am not your wife." You mumble, half asleep, but you give in to him anyway and fall asleep on him. You press your cheek against his shoulder, and he begins to worry that his hard armour might accidentally leave a scratch on your cheek. He gently lifts your head and places his hand under your cheek to make sure you don't feel any sharp, protruding metal decorations.
"You are not... but you will be." He promises, fully convinced that you're already asleep and don't hear his little promise. He tightens his hand around you and listens to your calm breathing and heartbeat, wishing that he could listen to this beautiful music every day. Not only during boring balls that you both hate.
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You sigh, wiping the sweat from your forehead. Your maid gives you a horrified look as you lunge at the mannequin in the training room. Stabbing the puppet several times with your blade, taking out your frustration and energy on him.
When you feel the air moving behind you and the added presence, you don't hesitate. You turn around, your blade colliding with Feyd's, and glare at him in response to his cocky smirk.
"I see that old habits die hard. Why don't you accept a real challenge instead of taking out your anger at this motionless pile of threads?"
"Why don't you do it instead of tormenting Atreides' drugged soldiers? At least I don't get dirty while playing with my motionless pile. Not like you." You say, stepping away from him. You let the hand with your dagger fall as you walk over to the table for a drink of water. You freeze, feeling the cool tip of his steel against your throat.
"How many times have I told you not to turn your back on your opponent? Besides..." He steps closer, his chest pressing against your back as he leans in to whisper in your ear. "Did you have the same fun with my harpies? Didn't you want to get dirty, and that's why you chose poison to kill them? And you accuse me of being a bloodthirsty, jealous beast... I guess we're more alike than you want to admit, my little, beautiful, dangerous, jealous swan."
"I… I have no idea what you're talking about." You whisper, tensing in his arms. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that you're alone in the room. He must have gotten your maid out of there somehow. You suddenly feel very vulnerable.
"You do not have? And that's funny. So why did I find a poison in your things the day after they died and just before your departure?" You frown and push his hand with the blade away from you. You turn to look him in the eye, too surprised by his accusation to do anything but say the truth.
"I have no idea. Whatever happened to them, it wasn't me. You know very well that I wouldn't kill anyone." This clearly catches him off guard, and you feel offended that he could be so sure that you took someone's life just because they had the opportunity to fuck him. You roll your eyes at him in annoyance and raise your blade in challenge. You might as well exercise a little while he does his investigation.
"Well… after all, swans don't like getting their beautiful feathers dirty with blood… but who else could do it?" He responds, dodging and blocking all your attacks.
You work harder, jumping away from him and trying to break through his protective shield. You sigh as you manage to get the blade close to his skin, but no telltale shield appears around him. The son of a bitch didn't even put his shield on when fighting you. No one could piss you off and humiliate you at the same time more than him.
"I don't know. I don't care." You growl, pushing against him and trying to draw his black blood at all costs.
You manage to kick him in the stomach, but when he falls, he drags you with him. You land on top of him, but he quickly changes your positions and pins you to the floor beneath him, keeping your wrists in a tight grip as he presses his blade to your neck.
"Do you? Doesn't it make you jealous just thinking that someone could be madly in love with me enough to get rid of the women who give me pleasure? What if you're next on my secret, deadly admirer's little list?" He whispers in your ear, and you shiver as he bites his lobe. He throws his blade aside, his other hand lazily exploring your body, abusing your breast as he squeezes it tightly and digs his fingers into it.
"We have no connections." You moan as his lips move to your jawline. He sucks gently, leaving no trace except a trail of his black saliva as it moves to your exposed neck.
"Not in public. But in the quiet of the night, in your gardens, of my corridors, of the halls of this palace—all these places remember many of our connections."
Unfortunately, he is just as stubborn, maybe even more stubborn than you, and he will do anything to prove that he is right. You gasp, biting your lip, as his hand goes under the fabric of your pants. Your traitorous pussy welcomes his fingers like a permanent resident. You tighten around him, and he chuckles lightly, feeling you already wet. You dig your knee into his stomach, trying to fight back, but he just positions himself between your legs, casually pushing your leg away as if it were just an intrusive, insignificant obstacle to getting what he wants.
"And yet you run from one man to another… but it's my fingers that fill you while you wait for someone to put a ring on your pretty feathers, my little swan." He mumbles against your neck.
You shiver as he pushes his fingers deeper into you, his cold metal Na-Baron signet teasing your warm, wet walls, only making you clench tighter around him.
His hips grind against you madly, his hard length pressing into your thigh as you moan softly, trying miserably to keep from making any grinding sound when all you want to do is feel him deep inside you, splitting you open for him.
"And you… you're pathetic for always looking for me and coming back." You respond, feeling your pleasure building within you. You grind away from him, angling his fingers just right, deciding that since you were already in this position, you might as well show him that you were using him and not him using you. After all, you were always the one who came, not him.
"I am." Surprisingly, he nods, caressing your clit with his thumb as the rest of his fingers penetrate you mercilessly. "And you come pathetically beautiful with my name on your swollen lips. We are both humiliating each other. And we both love it." And that's exactly when he pushes you over the edge. You lift up and connect your lips in a kiss to stop yourself from screaming his name, knowing full well that the guards are outside and could… really guess what happened between you behind closed doors.
You admit to yourself that you loved his plush, soft, full lips on yours, the way he caressed yours, the way his tongue slipped in unnoticed, you loved kissing him. His kisses made you more addicted to him than the orgasms he gave you. That's why you made sure you had them very rarely. Because no one else's mouth has ever given you as much pleasure as his.
In the frenzy of the kiss, he releases your wrist and cups his hand around your cheek. You sigh, biting his lower lip. This is the only warning you give him before you plunge your dagger into his back.
He screams as your blade pierces his skin. Your fingertips are sticky with his thick, black blood, but you don't care. You look him straight in the eyes and rip the dagger from his body, giving him another wave of pain.
"How many times have I told you to never let your guard down?" You ask, using the exact same tone he used as soon as he held the knife to your neck.
You push him away from you and stand up, straightening your clothes a little. He laughs hoarsely and shakes his head in disbelief, still looking at you and ignoring the burning pain in his back. He had wounds worse than a swan's bite.
He comes to you on his knees and takes your fingers into his mouth, sucking his black blood from them and never taking his eyes off you. You dig your fingers into the skin of his pale scalp and tilt his head back, breathing quickly as you melt into the gaze of his cold, oceanic irises and dilated pupils. You can't fucking believe he got so turned on by your stabbing. And that you, too, felt hot again.
"You are sick." You whisper as he lets your fingers pull out with a loud pop. His now gray saliva had replaced his black blood.
"Just like you."
Before you can deny it, the door to the training room creaks loudly. You pull Feyd up, forcing him to stand up, and you wipe his saliva off your fingers on your shirt.
"Michael. You always know when to come. Na-Baron and I were training and unfortunately he got injured."
"Yhm... very unfortunately." Feyd mumbles sarcastically. When you go to Michael, you step on Feyd's foot. You pretend it never happened and join the man's side. He smiles at you, his two-toned eyes hypnotising you for a moment, and a huge smile appears on your lips. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Feyd frowning. There is no better feeling than rubbing salt into someone's wound.
"Always here for you, my love." He says and places a kiss on your forehead. "You should go to the healers, Na-Baron. We wouldn't want such a small wound to do a serious harm to your health. After all, soon we will be celebrating... important events." Michael says this and wraps his arms around my waist, pressing me against him.
"Of course." Feyd growls and nods. He walks away, leaving the two of us alone in the training room, and closes the door loudly behind him.
"He insisted that I train with him. Believe me, I would never…"
"When you will be my wife I won't allow you to do such things." He interrupts your attempt to explain himself and takes your dagger, which is covered in Feyd's blood, from you. He throws it into a box of various weapons and turns back to you.
"Excuse me?" You ask, both surprised and annoyed by his condescending behavior.
"No worry, sweetheart. You are still learning." You feel like he slapped you. He treats you so condescendingly, as if you meant absolutely nothing, as if your opinion was not important to him at all. This sudden change surprises you and makes you even more nervous. However, you cannot understand the reason for his sudden rude behavior. Was it jealousy?
"You know usually women after such a... blunt statment doesn't marry the man who said it."
"Oh, you think you will have a choice?" He asks mockingly and plays with your hair, fixing your hairstyle to his liking. You push his hands away from you and glare at him furiously.
"Won't I?" You ask defiantly, raising an eyebrow at him.
"After my people attack your home planet? I don't think so."
"I beg you pardon?" You ask, completely shocked. He lazily, casually reaches for your chin and lifts it to look at you closely.
Your brain races like crazy, trying to ignore the fatigue in your muscles from fighting the Na-Baron as you wonder if he's just joking with you or if he really means what he said. A shiver passes through you when his fingertip brushes against your cheek.
"I told you. I want to achieve something. To prove myself in the eyes of the emperor. As we speak, my troops are boarding the ships on my home planet. Tomorrow morning, your father will receive notice of the start of war with my country. And you, darling, you will be a beautiful spoil of war. The proof of my greatness."
"You... all those meetings with me on my home planet... you didn't want to marry me; you wanted to explore and review our fortifications and the training of our soldiers. Test the ground before sending your men on my land."
"Your father's lands. You may be smart, honey, but you're only a woman. All you have is a title and a royal pussy. Although your mind and beauty are a dangerous combination. Maybe I should make you my wife instead of a concubine?"
"You… you can't… you won't." You shake your head, trying to deny what he just said. He couldn't just take everything from you, your whole life.
You try to control your emotions and not give him the satisfaction of completely destroying your world. He makes you feel so guilty; after all, you were actually the one who let him onto your planet and showed him around all the places he wanted. How could you be so stupid and naive? How could you not sense that he was more interested in your military and the weak points of your planet than in you?
"Oh, honey... don't insult your own intelligence now. You know very well that I can. You have nothing. No allies, no strong friend. I am your only serious admirer since Atreides. You're lucky I'm a gentleman. I will not touch you until your land, crown, and title are officially mine. And I will give you a good future. You could always end up in a brothel. Don't be a brat and appreciate it, my beautiful war booty."
His touch burns you in an unpleasant way. You want to bite off his hand, but you need to get more information from him to prepare some kind of action plan. You need to lower his guard just as he lowered yours.
"Why are you doing this? If you had married me, you would have had it anyway. Without any war."
"I told you. I want to prove my worth. To achieve something. In small steps. First, I will conquer one planet, then another. You have the honour of being my first conquest. And who knows? Maybe you'll even become empress by my side. Now smile nicely, darling. Your depressed face is ruining my mood."
So you smile. You put on a good face for a bad game and try to control your anger and despair. Because what can you do with them now? Nothing at all. You needed a different approach. Better. Smarter. You couldn't just give up your future without a fight; let him take over your country and do what he wanted to you. If you were going to be someone's property, wife, trophy, or whatever, you wanted to decide who it would be.
Michael was wrong. You had one secret ally who was much stronger than him. But you know very well that asking him for help will cost you a lot. Unfortunately, you were not in a good situation. You were in a hopeless position. So it required you to take desperate, risky, and embarrassing measures. This required making a pact with the devil himself.
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" I need to talk with you." You say this as soon as the door opens for you, before you change your mind and run away. You tug at the sleeve of your silk robe and stare pleadingly into the ocean irises before you.
"At this time? What do I owe this pleasure to?" He mocks you, crossing his arms over his bare chest. You swallow, looking away from his muscles and back into his eyes.
"Feyd. Please." You say this seriously, looking around to make sure no one sees you at his door. He tenses a little, hearing the desperation in your voice. Wordlessly, he moves to the side, allowing you to step inside.
He closes the door behind you, and you shudder as you realise there's no going back. You close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths and trying to calm down. Feyd furrows his hairless eyebrows at your condition. He walks over to you and tentatively places a hand on your shoulder, not used to comforting... anyone. Not since the two of you were kids.
"Y/N. What happened?"
"I need your help." You reply and move away from him. Feyd sees you trying your hardest to control your emotions. The same way that even though he's happy about your late-night visit and the sight of you in that skimpy robe, you look terrified and disgusted that you have to be here.
"Michael wants to attack my home planet and dethrone my father. In the process, make me his whore or wife. He's not sure yet." You interrupt him and blurt it out before he says anything else.
This stuns Feyd for a moment as he takes in this new information. He would have smiled at the mockery and anger in your voice if his blood hadn't boiled at the thought that you could belong to anyone other than him. That anyone else would have the right to touch you like he did and has long dreamed of doing even more.
"Your duke that you've been parading around with and admiring for the last few months? The same one you hug and cling to at every recent party?"
"The one you gave the right to hold you and kiss you?"
"The one..."
"YES! This one!" You interrupt him, annoyed and embarrassed. You sigh, rubbing your eyes, and realise that screaming at him and venting your anger isn't the best idea right now if you want to ask for his favour. "Please, help me."
"And what I can do? You chose your fiancé. Or a lover. Whatever. What do you want me to do? Fight with him for your hand? And then get rejected by you? Thrown away when you don't need me anymore?" He mocks you, turning his back on you. He pours himself a glass of wine and sips it leisurely, making no move to turn towards you.
"Feyd. Please. I beg you. I... my people can't die just because of the whim of some man." You say, your voice cracking. Your throat burns from the dryness, and tears suddenly appear in your eyes. This is a very strange phenomenon considering that you have been crying for the last three hours in your chambers.
Your sniffling makes Feyd involuntarily turn back to you. This is a bad move. His heart clenches uncomfortably at the sight of your watery eyes and red nose. He wants to take you in his arms, run his hand through your hair tenderly, and sink into your touch.
"You know very well, little swan, that this is how most wars start. By the whim of one man." Feyd says, crossing his arms over his chest to somehow keep from touching you, from taking you in his arms and burying his face in your hair, whispering comforting words in your ear. He had to play this... unique opportunity well. If he won't have you willingly, he might as well have you by trick.
"I will do everything." He does everything not to smile, not to immediately make his demands. He has been waiting so long to have you that a few minutes more won't do a big difference to him.
"So get ready for the husband of your own choosing." He says icily, acting unfazed, as if the mere thought of someone else having you didn't make him want to murder every man who ever had the chance to touch you.
As if he didn't dream at night of having you by his side, of arguing with you every day, of having you with him forever on Giedi Prime, sitting on the throne next to him and being as terrifying as he is.
"Feyd..." You mumble and walk over to him. Feyd tenses, controlling all his muscles, stopping them from making the slightest movement towards you.
He watches your every move carefully as you approach him. The air between you is thick and full of tension. He swallows when you come within his reach and tries his best not to even touch you with his fingertip. However, all his control is put to the test when you stand directly in front of him and lean towards him.
Feyd clenches his fists tightly, so tightly that he feels the blood slowly seeping from where his nails dig into his abalaster skin. The familiar scent of you and your favourite perfume reaches his nostrils, and Feyd does the stupidest thing he can do at that moment. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply into your sweet, seductive scent.
"You can have me. Right now. Wherever you want. However you want. Wouldn't you like to? All you have to do is order some troops to my home planet and scare off Michael's army." You whisper into his ear, brushing your lips against his lobe. Feyd holds his breath as your lips trace his jawline and up to his neck, where you begin to kiss and suck his skin.
Feyd stands frozen, unable to move, allowing you to do whatever you want with him. He sighs as your two long, delicate hands slip under his black robe and caress his chest. His heart is racing as you play with his nipples, pinching them and twisting them in your fingers as you work tirelessly to leave as many marks on his neck as possible. He grunts, trying to stifle a groan as he feels his manhood respond to your caresses and begin to harden painfully.
He reaches for your hips and pulls you closer to him, and Feyd would probably give in to his desires if he didn't feel you tense up under his touch. He sighs and musters all his willpower to grab your arms and pull you away from him.
"You can't just... kiss me, come into my chambers dressed like that at this hour, and demand such things from me when all you show me is hatred and loathing. Don't act like a whore. I won't fall for it. I… not when I know you don't mean anything that you are doing right now." He says this without meeting your eyes, somehow unable to see your reaction. He lets go of you, as if touching you hurts him, and walks to the other side of his chamber, escaping to the balcony.
A cold breeze hits his skin. He sighs, gripping the railings tightly and holding on to them with all his might, as if crushing the marble in his hands would bring his full self-control back.
It doesn't take a minute for your scent to hit his nostrils again.
"And how I should act?! What do you think I can do?!" You shout after him, walking towards him. Feyd tenses, sensing your presence behind him, but makes no move to turn towards you. You sigh in defeat, and Feyd thinks you've given up when suddenly he hears your shaky voice and your pure panic as you try to convince him to help you one last time. "My people will die tomorrow morning, I… I'm begging you. Please, I will do anything, Feyd. Whatever you want."
"Then marry me." He replies, his back still turned to you as he stares into the distance at the Kaitain hills in front of him.
Even though he can't see your face, he can clearly hear the gasp of shock you let out. He imagines your beautiful, full lips falling open, your eyes widening, and you holding your breath as you process his words. He knew that this was the only way for now to ensure his right to you—to make a claim. He had too little time to try to change your opinion of him.
When you're finally "safely his", then Feyd can try to fight for your affections and prove that he is not the monster you think he is. For now, your anger will have to be enough for him. But he would eventually melt it. You loved him once; when you were kids, he might try to make you feel this way about him again.
"What?" You ask, shocked. Feyd slowly turns towards you, and this time he takes a step closer to you, making you both breathe the same air again.
"You have two options. You can agree to... your Michael's terms, marry him and be his property for the rest of your life... or you will marry me and I will protect you, your parents and your people from anyone's invasion." He replies calmly and unfazed, keeping his hands behind his back.
"And be yours property for the rest of my life?" You ask mockingly, almost furiously, with that gleam of mischief in your eyes that Feyd loved so much. This was his little swan. Finally.
It might have been nice to have your mouth and hands on him, but in your case, he didn't want forced submission. He wanted just that blazing fire that captivated him, where he could burn himself if he made one wrong move. He wanted it all... even if he had to gently steer you down the right path—down the altar to him and only him.
"Don't pretend to be so disgusted. We both know how you love some... aspects of being my property. A moment ago you were begging me, saying you would do whatever I wanted. Marry me then. What would you say?"
"I... you know I have no other optiom... neither time to assure I will have any other option. But we also know that I don't trust you and never will." He nods, knowing full well that trust will be the last thing he gets from you. But if Feyd valued anything in life, it was his honor.
"You have my word. I will protect your people as mine. Even better. My uncle or brother or I will never order to attack your home planet. You would became one of our closest ally and thus ensure your country the safety against anyone's invasion. It's a win win situation."
"And how you will win?"
"I will get you." He replies with a shrug, as if it were an obvious reward.
He sees the gears in your head turning as you silently consider all the consequences and benefits of marrying him. He knew clearly that this wasn't what you wanted, that your search for a husband was supposed to be completely different, that he was probably the last man you wanted as a husband, from whom you wanted a nice ring, whose planet you wanted to move to, but Feyd had been waiting for you for so long; he did so much to have you that the circumstances of your marriage didn't really matter to him anymore.
"You will get bored of me. You can't love or trust, not trully or neither can be loved or trusted by anyone else. You know that what's going on between us won't be sexy anymore when it will be no longer forbidden." Your words somehow hurt him more than the worst wound he received. He grunts, clenching his fists behind him, waiting for the unexpected, unpleasant lump in his throat to subside so he can somehow respond to your blasphemous words.
"That's how you see your future husband?" He finally asks, glad that he managed to keep his voice from shaking.
"I didn't say yes to anything yet."
"But we both know you will. You have tied hands. And we both know that you can't dance with them for a long, before you fall." His comment makes you even more furious. Feyd does his best not to smirk at your flushed cheeks and pursed lips. Oh, how he wanted to kiss those lips so much…
"Yes... but you can put chains on them instead of ropes and I will be even worse tied." You respond calmly, carefully analysing his words, looking for a trap—a hidden intention behind his actions beyond his obvious desire to marry you.
"I guess you have to take a risk." He replies calmly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Hmm. Such a convinient situation for you." You mutter, crossing your arms. His eyes automatically fall on the valley of your breasts, but he quickly tries to return his attention to your eyes. If everything goes his way, he'll soon be able to caress every inch of your body he wants.
"Very much. I got to call you my wife and all I have to do is to scare away some lord's family who shouldn't even touch you in the first place."
"I decide who touch me." You say, angry that he hasn't even put a ring on your finger yet, and he's already forbidding you from doing something.
"Not for long I guess."
He sees you biting your lip in anger. You take a step towards him, and Feyd thinks you're going to slap him, but you do something completely different. You cup his cheek in your hand and lean in to whisper in his ear:
"I hate you so much. With whole my heart. If you think this will somehow change my opinion of you, you are wrong. I feel exactly the same about you, and maybe even worse things than what I told you on Giedi Prime. You are the baron's spoiled nephew who only has to snap his fingers to get something. I hate you and I will hate you forever, no matter what you do, no matter how well you fuck me, how good or bad of a husband you are, my feelings towards you will remain the same as they are now." And with that, you press your lips to his, sealing your promise with a sudden, unexpected kiss.
Feyd moans into your mouth, feeling himself start to get hard again, which should be absurd in this situation, but he remembers times when he was aroused by… worse things.
"Is that a yes?" He asks, swallowing thickly as your lips leave his—too quickly for Feyd to enjoy the taste and softness of them.
"What the fuck do you think I can do in this situation?" You growl at him angrily, at which he smiles, unable to stop himself, showing you his row of black teeth. Surprisingly, you don't tremble in fear or disgust.
"I want to hear it."
"And I want a decent proposal." You reply in return, forever trying to argue with him.
You're surprised when he walks past you and goes back to his room. You stand alone on the balcony for a moment, taking a shaky breath and staring at the stars in the sky, wondering how the hell you ended up in this situation. Just a week ago, the idea of marrying Feyd would have seemed completely absurd to you.
You freeze in shock when he comes back with a small black box and actually kneels down in front of you.
"Y/N Y/L/N. The darkness of my life, the bane of my existence, the ghostly apparition that haunts my dreams, the heartless witch, the murderous siren, the deceptive nymph leading me to my death, will you do me an honour of beeing my wife and let me fuck our heirs into you?"
You would have smiled at this if his icy blue eyes weren't piercing through yours and carefully analysing your every little reaction. You don't even look at the ring he's offering you—a ring he clearly must be wearing somewhere close to himself. Your heart is racing, despite the fact that this isn't exactly the proposal you wanted. Despite everything, it is... in a strange and twisted way, a nice feeling.
"You could try better." You finally reply in a hoarse voice, suddenly aware of how dry your throat is.
"I am waiting for an answer." He growls, really waiting for your response.
If it weren't for the nature of the whole situation, you'd actually think it was cute. The way the most dangerous man in the world kneels before you, asking for your hand. You sigh, mentally preparing yourself before signing a pact with the devil.
"With great disgust and reluctance: yes."
"Yes what?"
"Haven't you already had your fun?" You ask, frowning furiously. He bites his tongue to keep from giggling, absolutely loving to tease you.
"I didn't even start, my little swan." You roll your eyes at him and look at him expectantly, sticking out your hand. But he makes no move to put the ring on it. You decide not to fight him on this one matter.
"Yes. I will marry you, Feyd-Rautha."
You can see from his face that he is remembering these words and that he is taking a mental picture of this moment. He takes the ring out of the box and, with unusual gentleness for him, takes your hand in his and slides the metal onto your finger.
The ring is nice. Made of white gold, its eyelet is a black onyx stone, which is held by engraved flowers on a metal ring. It was… astonishingly beautiful and thoughtful. And not as big as you assumed it would be. Y/F/N got a ring with a gemstone on half of her finger. You're surprised Feyd didn't give you something similar.
"There. Was that so hard?"
It's a tricky question. Because, as much as that ring weighed on your finger, you couldn't admit that you hated the whole idea of marrying him with all your heart. After all, you could do worse than him... right?
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Taglist for Feyd: @avidreader73
Taglist for DWTD: @iloved1lfs0 @heartarianagran @hueanhdang @barnes70stark @forgedfromthestars
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sexhaver · 6 months
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me n bailey marathoned the first season of this show over the last few days. some thoughts:
Alan Cumming, specifically his accent and wardrobe, are by far the highlights of this show. i sincerely hope someone has made an edit compiling all of his outfits without any of the actual gameplay, because he is consistently serving cunt
like just look at this
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that being said i did keep seeing him as Fegan Floop from Spy Kids
oh right there's an actual game/competition component to this
im just gonna get this out of the way: the entire premise of the show is fundamentally flawed. they keep trying to make it sound like the three Traitors in the group are "backstabbing" and "working against" the Faithful (non-Traitors), but, like, everyone on the show (Traitor or Faithful) is competing for the exact same prize pool. it's not like The Mole (or any other social deduction game), where the secret evil team actually has different goals diametrically opposed to those of the good team and has to complete them without having anyone notice. here, the evil team just... votes on someone to "murder" every night. that's it.
to emphasize this point: the literal only thing that can ever give you away as a Traitor is being bad at lying/concealing guilt. there are ZERO gameplay differences between the goals of a Traitor and the goals of a Faithful, which means the arguments over who to vote for banishing are based entirely on "gut feelings"
nobody on the show has ever played a social deduction game before. late into the season, there's a day where all 3 Traitors are alive and it's down to 6 people total (so 3v3). anyone who has played Mafia/Werewolf/ToS/etc knows what this means: barring bullshit last-minute rules from the producers, it is quite literally impossible for the Traitors to lose, because none of them can be voted up. it takes 4 out of 6 votes to exile someone, and there are only 3 Faithful left. if no Traitor votes for another Traitor, then it is, again, literally impossible for a Traitor to be exiled. furthermore, if they all coordinate their votes on one Faithful, all they have to do is convince one of the remaining two Faithfuls to vote with them, and they instantly win $180k (split three ways). and hey, wouldn't you know it, one of the Faithfuls (Kate) was already really suspicious, and another one of the Faithfuls (Quentin) said out loud multiple times that he was voting for her!
so what do you think the Traitors did?
god this part pissed me off so much im having to pause for breathe while typing this. okay. so.
two of the Traitors voted for the third Traitor, who got voted off.
after being voted off, youre supposed to walk up to the Circle of Truth and reveal if you were a Traitor or not. the guy who got eliminated (Christian) was entirely too nice and gracious about it. me n bailey discussed this and came to the conclusion that we would either a) out the other Traitors on the stand and explain, using game theory and math, exactly how fucking stupid they are, completely ruining the game for them, or b) pretend to cry a little while walking up to the Circle of Truth but as soon as you walk behind the first other Traitor's chair you flip it over backwards and elbow drop their nose into their face while screaming "YOU STOLE $60K FROM ME YOU SON OF A BITCH"
also the guy who got eliminated (Christian) was very clearly autistic and Every Single Reason the other traitors gave for not liking him was like straight out of the DSM V diagnostic criteria ("he talks too loud and laughs weird", "he's got way too much energy all the time", "his emotional responses don't make sense")
apparently there's a season 2 but i cannot bring myself to watch it after seeing Christian thrown to the lions (ayyy Sunday school reference)
also at one point a Faithful has to leave because of COVID (this was filmed in 2020) so the producers don't let the Traitors murder anyone that night for balance reasons, but to compensate, they tell them they can like. write down three names that will be publicly revealed to everyone the next morning, and then one of those people dies the next night. so obviously this is mostly a nerf for the Traitors because they miss a night of killing someone, but the intention was clearly to give the Traitors an opportunity to sow confusion by putting one or two of their OWN names onto the list to make them seem like Faithfuls. and they even had an extra objective during that day's game where one of the three people could earn a "shield" to protect them that night, so if a Traitor was on the list, they could basically "steal" the shield from the other 2 (since they obviously weren't getting killed no matter what). but i think the Traitors heard "write down three names" and "kill" and had all the blood rush to their respective dicks because they just wrote three Faithfuls lmao. deeply unserious show
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agaypanic · 2 years
Can you do a Benny weir fic where the reader is like a cupid or something and she had transferred to the gangs school to help people find their soulmates. Obviously the gang gets suspicious of her just like they pretty much do to everyone and spy on her. One day the gang sees her about to shoot a love arrow at someone and Benny tackles her but because of that he ends up falling in love with her. The gang and reader can't seem to figure out how to get him to leave her alone he's constantly clinging to her and kissing her cheek and resting his head on top of hers. In the end the gang figured out a solution but it didn't matter because they fell in love with each other anyways.
A Nudge (Benny Weir X Cupid!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: As a descendant of Cupid, Y/n moved to Whitechapel to help people find and connect with their soulmates. The supernatural gang gets suspicious of the new girl. What happens when they catch her about to shoot a love arrow and Benny gets hit?
When the gang heard that there was a new girl in town, they immediately became suspicious. Whenever new people came to Whitechapel, it usually ended in the group finding out that they were some kind of supernatural villain and an exhausting fight. It was honestly getting old.
However, Y/n L/n, the new girl in town, didn’t know any of this. This is why she was so confused whenever she’d catch a group of teens hanging around her from a distance, borderline glaring at her with curiosity and suspicion. It made her even more aware of her surroundings. But sometimes, you get lost in the moment.
Y/n was currently at the park, leaning against a tree as she stared at a pair of friends. The two were interacting with a smile but, at the same time, seemed very bashful. Y/n knew why perfectly well. Being a descendant of Cupid, she knew all about romance and love. Her specialty is being able to spot soulmates.
That had been why she moved to Whitechapel in the first place. Being a descendant of a god came with some responsibilities. Hers was to go around giving people the little nudge they needed to be with the person their soul was connected to. Which was what Y/n was about to do.
She could see Jenny and Matt’s connection from miles away. They seemed to be at that stage of “we’re friends who both know we want each other, but we’re still too scared to act on it.” This is where Y/n came in, ready to shoot an arrow to give the two the boost of confidence they needed.
Unbeknownst to Y/n, who was drawing an arrow, a certain group of teenagers watched her from a small distance. They were surprised as she pulled back the arrow, none of them knowing what to do. Benny was the first to act. Not really thinking, he just started running.
One moment, Y/n was ready to help two lovebirds. The next, she was on the ground, bow and arrow knocked out of her grip with a body lying on her. She looked up to see dark green eyes and an expression that slowly went from panicked to lovey-dovey.
Looking around, she saw that the tip of her arrow had hit the strange boy on their way down. While gently pushing him up and off of her, she saw his friend group run over to them.
“What did you do to him?” A small dark-haired boy asked somewhat venomously, pulling the lovestruck boy away from her, despite his light protest. Y/n went from worried to angry.
“What did I do to him? He tackled me!” She said, picking up her bow and arrow.
“Why do you even have that?” The boy asked, gesturing to her equipment. 
“I… like archery.” Y/n tried to lie. A blonde girl started getting closer to her, baring her teeth. Y/n noticed that her canines were more like fangs, realizing that she wasn’t the only non-human person in Whitechapel.
“Wanna try that again?” The blonde asked. A blonde boy and the other girl came behind her, also showing sharp teeth. Y/n took a deep breath, looking around to ensure no one was nearby. She noticed that Jenny and Matt had left, which pissed her off. But at the least, the group was now alone.
“Okay, the only reason I’m not dusting you with memory dust right now is because I know you’re not exactly human. At least most of you.” She glanced at the two dark-haired boys, one inching closer to her with a grin while the other tried holding him back. “I’m basically a however-many-great’s grandchild of Cupid. Hence, the bow and arrow. I was about to give two soulmates a nudge towards each other, which is my job, by the way, but someone tackled me and got hit instead.”
“So you hit Benny with a love arrow?” Y/n was somewhat surprised that her being a descendant of a god didn’t seem to phase them.
“It wasn’t intentional!” Y/n whined. She had no idea how to solve this problem.
“I wouldn’t even need a love arrow,” Benny said, grinning at the girl while finally breaking out of his friend’s grasp. “One look at her, and I was hooked.” He moved to stand next to her.
Y/n was a love professional of sorts. But she had never experienced it personally, being too busy with others’ relationships and moving around too much to ever really connect with someone. So Benny’s words quickly brought heat to her cheeks, which she tried to ignore.
“Is he gonna be like this forever?” The blonde boy asked, staring at Benny in confusion. Y/n sighed, frustrated at the situation.
“I don’t know!” She sensed Benny moving even closer to her, which she reluctantly allowed because of the circumstances. “I’ve never struck anyone I wasn’t supposed to hit before! My magic wears off when soulmates get to the stage of their connection that I was supposed to help them get to. I have no clue how long your friend’s gonna be like this.”
The group, besides Benny, looked stumped, having no idea how to proceed.
“Oh, it’s okay, Lovebug. It wasn’t your fault.” Benny put a comforting hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “You’ll figure something out. Or I can stay like this! I don’t mind.”
“We mind.” Benny’s friend group interjected.
“Come on, B.” The dark-haired boy held his hands out, trying to coax Benny towards him. “Let’s get you to my place.” Benny gasped, feeling giddy.
“Can Y/n come?” This confused the girl. She never remembered telling him her name. But she was brought out of her thoughts when Benny put his hands on her shoulders to pull her closer. “Please, E?”
Everyone contemplated the idea. She was still a stranger, but they don’t know what Benny would do if he was separated from the one he “loved.” The dark-haired vampire girl spoke.
“We might as well let her come with us, Ethan. She might be able to help us break whatever spell he’s under, and we can ask her more questions about why she’s here in the first place.” Y/n rolled her eyes. She was willing to try to help the group fix their friend, but being subjected to their interrogations on top of it seemed draining. But everyone looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer.
“Please, come, Y/n.” Benny pouted, giving her puppy dog eyes. Y/n couldn’t help but soften a little at the sight. 
Y/n felt weird, to say the least. She was sitting on Ethan’s couch with Benny cuddled up to her, surrounded by the rest of their friends. They looked between the two, waiting for something to happen.
“Well? Any ideas?” Ethan asked.
“No, this has never happened before.” Y/n groaned in frustration. Benny kissed her cheek, something he’d done regularly since they left the park, to try to comfort her. Y/n had weirdly grown fond of his affection, not really knowing why.
“Well, what usually happens when you shoot people?” Rory asked. Y/n cringed at his wording.
“That’s just gruesome, man.”
“Well, what do you call it then?”
“...I don’t really call it anything. I try to keep the whole cupid thing under wraps, so I don’t exactly have names for stuff.” Y/n smiled awkwardly before going back to Rory’s first question. “When I hit someone with an arrow, I’m giving them a little push toward their soulmate. If they don’t know each other yet, the nudge helps them meet. If they’re both too scared to make a move, what I do helps one of them make one.”
“So why is Benny all over you?”
“I dunno. Maybe his soulmate is too far, so my magic made him latch onto the first person he saw.”
“You don’t know who his soulmate is?” Erica asked. “I thought you were like a love god or something.”
“I’m not a love god; I’m in one’s lineage. I have powers, but they’re a bit limited. So no, I don’t know who Benny’s soulmate is. They have to be near each other for me to sense it.”
“I already know who my soulmate is.” All attention turned to Benny at his comment.
“Who, Benny?” Ethan asked adamantly.
“Y/n.” The girl could feel the lovey-dovey energy radiating off the boy as the group groaned at his answer. He cuddled further into her, and she allowed it by putting an arm around his shoulders. “Y/n is my soulmate. Y/n is my soulmate.” He goofily sang, smushing his cheek into her shoulder.
“If I knew how to undo this, I would. Believe me.” Y/n whispered, fighting the smile that tried to make its way to her face.
A week had passed, and they still had no idea how to reverse the effects of Y/n’s arrow. The girl spent more time with the supernatural group. For Benny’s sake, she would say. She didn’t want to admit it because of how often she would move around, but she grew a bit fond of the group and the antics they would get up to when they weren’t trying to solve their current problem.
Plus, it was amusing for her to watch Sarah and Ethan interact. Y/n could sense their feelings before she’d see them.
“Hey, N/n!” Benny’s cheerful voice sounded, coming closer to her. She lit up, especially when Benny kissed her cheek as a greeting.
“Hey, Bens.” Benny and Y/n had been spending a lot of time together because Benny just couldn’t seem to get enough of her. She was developing her own little crush but chose to keep it a secret. They still had no idea if Benny would stop feeling this way toward Y/n if they figured out a way to stop the effects of her magic.
“You okay?” He asked, analyzing her somewhat blank expression as she went off in thought. She shook them away, closing her locker.
“Yeah. Walk me to class?” Benny answered by taking her hand, enthusiastically swinging them back and forth as they walked to her English class. They talked about the hangout that the group had planned for tomorrow night, deciding they could walk to Ethan’s house by the time they reached Y/n’s class. They said goodbye to each other, and she went in to sit in her spot next to Ethan.
“How’s it going with Benny?” He asked, taking things out of his backpack. Y/n shrugged, doing the same.
“Fine. The effects are wearing off a bit, but not too much. I don’t really mind, though; I’ve gotten used to it.” Ethan nodded.
“What will happen if we can’t fix him?” The words stung a little, despite Y/n knowing what he meant. It sounded like he was saying that Benny liking her was a problem. “I mean, you move around a lot. How will that affect him?”
“I don’t know,” Y/n whispered, partially because the teacher was about to begin the lesson and partly because she felt she no longer wanted to talk.
The short conversation Y/n had with Ethan was stuck in her mind the next day. What if she had to leave and the magic hadn’t worn off? What if she stayed, and it did wear off? What if the time they’ve spent together would soon mean nothing?
There was a knock on Y/n’s front door, so she pushed the thoughts out of her mind. Slipping her shoes on, she opened the door to see the guy who seemed to constantly be on her mind.
“Ready?” Benny asked. Y/n nodded, and they left, making their way to Ethan’s house. The walk was peaceful, the air crisp and the leaves turning different shades of red and yellow.
“Are you okay?” Benny asked, squeezing Y/n’s hand to get her attention. “You’re being really quiet.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Y/n quickly nodded, but it didn’t convince Benny. “Just thinking about things.”
“What kind of things?”
“Just… things.”
“Are you thinking about how to make me stop liking you?” Y/n abruptly stopped from his question, making Benny stumble a little. He looked a little sad but kept a smile as he waited for her response.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not dumb, N/n. I know you guys are trying to figure out how to wear off your magic.” Benny’s eyes darted to the ground, kicking around stray pebbles and leaves. “Honestly, I don’t even think this is all because of the arrow. I remember that I still thought of you before it. I’d wonder about who you were and all the different ways I could try to become friends with you.”
Y/n didn’t say anything, so Benny continued.
“I mean, what if I’m acting like this because we’re actually soulmates like I think we are? You’ve only nudged people who you knew were soulmates. Is it really so hard to believe that we could be soulmates, and you just can’t see it because you’ve only seen other people with their soulmates? You literally have love powers; please don’t tell me that you’ve never thought there was even a possibility that you would have a soulmate like everyone else.”
Y/n sighed. A small part of her had always wondered if she had a soulmate of her own. It only amplified when she accidentally struck Benny, but she pushed the thoughts away, thinking it was because of the magic.
But honestly, what Benny said was making sense. As far as she knew, her magic gave people a nudge toward who they were meant to be with. They had never fully considered that her magic was just doing the same for her and Benny. They had never interacted before her arrow accidentally hit him. Possibly, the magic was amplified because his soulmate had love powers of sorts.
“Please, say something, Y/n,” Benny whispered, squeezing her hand again.
“Can I kiss you?” Benny hadn’t expected her to say that. But nonetheless, he nodded and moved closer to her, waiting for her to make the move. Y/n’s hand that wasn’t held in Benny’s moved up to cup his face. She took a deep breath before pressing her lips to his.
Benny’s breath hitched as he pulled her closer with his free hand. Y/n had never kissed anyone before, but she knew that if she had, this kiss would’ve felt entirely different than any she would’ve experienced. It was like new knowledge had flooded her brain, taking over all her senses.
He was her soulmate. And she was his.
The two broke apart, leaning their foreheads against each other. They were both deep in thought. Y/n realized she couldn’t leave town like she’d done in the past. Benny was here, and so were her new friends.
“I knew it.” Benny grinned. Y/n laughed, pecking him on the cheeks.
“You really did.”
They started to continue their adventure to Ethan’s house, closer than when they started. When they reached the house, Benny opened the door, and they walked in. They heard a commotion in the living room and curiously made their way through the hallway.
“Thank god you guys are here!” Ethan exclaimed, quieting everyone else down. “We finally figured it out. We just have to find out who Benny’s soulmate actually is. I bet there’s a spell in his book that could- Wait, what’s up with you guys?” He pointed at his two friends, who were very close together. Seeing it coming from Benny was normal now, but everyone was surprised that Y/n reciprocated the affection more than she usually would. The new couple smiled at each other before looking at their friends.
“We figured it out ourselves.” Y/n smiled. Benny grinned at her expression.
“It just took a little nudge.”
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layla4567 · 1 year
Imagine with Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
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Summary: You are a mutant with the power to grow plants, flowers or roots. Basically you manipulate nature at will. You always seemed to be on your own and didn't hang out with many people, but a certain boy with silver hair caught your eye. Too much
Warning: None, just cheesy love :)
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I was in the school yard trying to find a good place to study quietly. It was supposed to be free time but I took the opportunity to review some notes in my notebook, so with my books in my arms hugging them I went downstairs and headed somewhere under the trees, but unfortunately my favorite place was taken by Jean and Scott. It was a hundred-year-old cherry tree with beautiful pink flowers that fell to the ground in a showy carpet of petals. I didn't want to bother them even though they were my friends, so I tried to look for other empty trees that are far from people, I can't concentrate if I have people around me talking loudly. Sick of not finding a good spot and inwardly cursing my bad luck, I leaned my back against the outer wall on the west side of the school and sat like a Buddha.
I was quite hidden from the other students thanks to the massive walls of the mansion. In front of me there were more trees that expanded in a forest and nobody near me. Perfect I thought, I enjoyed my solitude even though not many understood it. It's not that I don't like to be with someone, but from time to time I needed some alone time with myself.
I was reading my history notes when in the distance I heard Peter's shrill laugh. He was a few meters away from me but I had good acute hearing. Of course he couldn't see me since I was hidden behind the wall, but I could see him. Slowly I got up and stuck my head out a bit to spy on him. His back was to me and he was talking to a blonde girl, I don't know what they were talking about but it must have been something very funny because they were both laughing heartily.
I felt my cheeks burn and frowned, Peter was on his hips while that blonde played with her hair and looked at him smiling. It's been a while since I had mixed feelings with Maximoff, was it love? no, no, impossible. I pushed that silly idea out of my head. How could I like Peter? He was a hyperactive idiot who likes to run fast and can't sit still, as well as playing practical jokes. Oh but when he smiles.. It's like the day is brighter or the sun shines brighter with diamond intensity, and those cute dimples on the side of his cheeks make him look adorable...! No! Stop __! I can't fall for his charms, not now!
While trying to get those thoughts out of my head, I noticed how the girl was getting closer and closer to him. Alarmed, I slightly extended my hand towards where the two of them were and concentrated on the vibrations of the earth to extract roots from it. I slowly raised them until they reached Peter's wrist which now rested on the side of his hip. I mentally ordered them to hold on to his hand firmly but without hurting him and with a downward yank with my clenched fist I sent Maximoff sprawling to the ground.
The boy was so focused on talking and everything happened so fast that he didn't feel anything and when he wanted to realize it he was already lying on the ground with his hands resting on the grass so as not to break his jaw
"What the fu-" -He exclaimed in surprise as he looked everywhere trying to figure out what happened.
All he saw was people cracking up, including the blonde girl he was talking to, except for a brown head poking out of the corner of the school walls.
Annoyed, he jumped to his feet and said addressing Laura, the girl he was talking to
"Excuse me for a second, I have unfinished business"- He said smiling and then with a buzz he ran away and disappeared from where he was.
¡Oh no he saw me I'm sure he saw me damn! I thought. I was wondering fearfully where he had gone when I turned around and the notebooks I still had in my arms fell from fright.
"AHH PETER!! ¡Don't do that!"- I yelled closing my eyes and covering my face
The sprinter had stopped right in front of me looking at me funny and with crossed arms
"I could tell you the same. Since when do you humiliate handsome guys in front of everyone?"
I rolled my eyes in frustration, now I would have to put up with his sermons camouflaged as immature flirtations.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about"- I bent down to pick up my books but he was faster
"Don't play dumb __, I don't know any other student who can do what you do, which by the way is a very nice superpower"- He handed me the books with a sly smile, the one I knew so well and that made me blush.
"T-thank you.."
The only thing I could do was mumble a thank you, trying to hide my face with my hair so that my blushing would not show.
"Also, I know you're dying for me, or do you think I don't realize how you look at me sometimes in class? But don't worry, your secret is safe with me"- He winked
I opened my eyes in surprise and sighed annoyed to turn around, but as soon as I took a step forward, Peter came back in front of me at the speed of light, making my hair fly a little because of the speed and the wind.
I was startled a little and closed my eyes angrily
"Stop it Maximoff, you stress me out"- When I opened my eyes, he was still standing with that stupid smile that I loved and hated at the same time, it seemed that he liked to make me angry.
´"Ugh don't call me Maximoff, you sound like my mom"- then he made a disgusted face that made me laugh
"Aww see? You really love me"- and he pointed a finger towards my face touching my cheek while pouting
I quickly removed his finger while I kept smiling sideways
"Ok, enough of the talk, I need to study, so if you don't have anything else to say, go away."
"Whoa whoa ok the cat is sticking out its claws, well I won't bother you anymore if that's what you want"
"Thanks"- I slid back down the wall to sit down again while my eyes were focused on my handwriting.
Peter was already turning to leave when he quickly turns to me and yells at me.
"Jealousy!"- And he disappeared as if he had teleported away before I could hit him.
"Peter Maximoff!!"- I yelled but it was useless, I yelled into the air because he had already left
I went back to concentrating on reading as best I could but I was still upset, he always seemed to get his way. Jealous, me? yes of course.. I laughed ironically
but not even 30 seconds had passed when suddenly I felt something warm on my cheek, it was a quick soft touch as if someone had kissed me..
I couldn't help but smile tenderly at that display of affection. Damn dumbass and adorable Pet, I couldn't get mad at him. Even with a smile on my lips, I continued reading in silence.
"Hey did you see that?"
"See what? oh wait I know don't tell me let me guess, Peter and __ bothering again, right?"
"Bingo! I don't know when they're going to take the first step, it's obvious that they like each other"- Said Jean biting into an apple
"Leave them, they love each other in their own way"- Scott said as he played with a stone, throwing it into the air to catch it again.
"Oh you mean Peter talking to girls and __ getting jealous while hitting him with her magical roots?"
They both burst out laughing imagining the scene.
"Yep, so romantic"- He laughed
And so they both stayed laughing under the cherry tree and looking at the two almost lovebirds, each one in a corner of the yard.
_ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _
i know, i know i said I wouldn't do this again but guess what? I have a lot of free time and wattpad one shots tempt me
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orchideous-nox · 5 days
Talk more about Peter please!!!!
Okay I've let this sit here for a hot minute while I think.
I think Peter is not only underutilised by the fandom, but also a victim of his own future. So many headcanons about Peter come from what he does years down the lines as if his past is a consequence of his later betrayal. I hate this because it means he's never truly made his own character.
I'm going to try my best to yap about him in my own way and not just whatever I ingest from conversations with @futurequibblerjournalist about him.
Yes, Peter is fat. I don't want to talk about that though, but we're getting it out of the way because I won't stand for an Dane DeHaan fancasts when I feel like we're better than making fat characters skinny.
I love that idea that Peter and Marlene were friends before Hogwarts, his limited muggle knowledge comes from her family. They know each other through their parents and Marlene is just glad to have someone her age to play with and Peter is used to being around girls because of his older sisters.
When they got to Hogwarts and found other friends, they weren't necessarily as close anymore. Peter shared a dorm with the boys and they all became friends. With Sirius and James being so loud and energetic, Peter felt drawn to the quieter Remus and they became friends, and he ultimately was the reason Peter became part of the Marauders.
Peter is an observer, he notices so much because people either ignore him or don't think much of him. He sits in corners and listens and this is his contributing factor to the pranks. While they're planning them, he'll notice weak spots like "well this won't work because X said that they were going to the library at that time so won't be in the dorm". When they realise how good he is at spying for them, they start sending him off to scout information in the lead up to pranks.
I think there's so much emphasis on the other Marauders and music, but I like to think Pete was really into music too. He would have loved Madness, Ralph McTell and he gained a love of Fairport Convention from his dad who had discovered muggle music, they were hiting up Cropredy Festival every year. I think he would deny his love of folk music to his friends though, that was something he kept to himself.
Okay and now for the fun part that's been brewing for a little bit. Peter and Sybill were an unexpected couple, I think the Marauders noticed that he was sneaking off sometimes and would go missing in Hogsmeade and started placing bets on who it was but none of them had said Sybill Trelawney. They hadn't crossed paths very much, she's a Ravenclaw and he's a Gryffindor, but she'd noticed him in the library struggling to find a charms book. Sybill was known to have been able to produce a non-corporeal Patronus at some point so was gifted in charms and helped Peter to become more confident in his own capability.
I think there was a gentle quietness to their relationship, they weren't loud like Rosekiller or as affectionate as Wolfstar or as tragic as Jegulus. They would sit together at meals or in the library, they'd talk walks by the lake. Peter would love sitting with Sybill while she yaps enthusiastically about divination and prophecies because he loved seeing her light up. He shows a lot of interest when she talks about Cassandra Trelawney who she is proud to be a descended of, which is new for her.
We know that Sybill ends up (briefly) married to another man after Hogwarts but I don't see these two having a big eventful break up, they have different priorities for their futures and decide that after school ends they will go their seperate ways fairly amicably. I think Sybill doesn't particularly like the Marauders and thinks they make Peter reckless, and Peter doesn't like her cat (for obvious reasons) but she won't part with it. There's no drama, they still love each other but they don't want to sacrifice a part of themself for their relationship to work. We know Sybill ends up divorced in canon because she won't change her surname, she knows what she wants, she's stubborn and I love that for her.
After Hogwarts, Peter dates but never really settles down and does feel a bit of regret about Sybill, especially all those years later returning to the school and seeing her there.
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itsfeckinwimdy · 2 years
c!Karlnapity x Reader (Romantic) (Soulmate au)
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: The quartet are soulmates and need help finding their way back to each other. What's better to help them than the Soulmate Goose Of Enforcement?
Warnings: Duck hybrid Quackity, Blaze hybrid (blazeborn) Sapnap, DSMP family canon, Y/n is Phil's kid and Wilbur sibling, angst, mentions of fighting, mention of war, mentions of exile, mention of previous death, ambiguous/open ending, and finally unconscious people who don't want tea.
Word Count: 5.3K (5379 words)
DSMP Masterlist
Published: 22/10/2022
(started writing: 29/05/2021, yes it has taken me over a year to finish this)
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Everyone had a soulmate. Sometimes it was easier to find them and be with them. Other times it was more complex and took a bit of time for everything to fall in place.
At least, that's what Karl told himself. But if he was being truthful, it was partly his fault.
The brunette kept hiding secrets from the people he loved. He claimed it was to protect them and that he would tell them if they needed to know, but honestly, he was scared. He was scared his partners, well now ex-partners, would judge him, and that if he told someone about his memory problems it would only worsen. That he would have to face reality, that he would have to stop time travelling, that he would have to stop trying to find a way to fix everything, that he would have to stop before he lost all his memory. Before he lost his partners. His soulmates.
But a part of him knew it was too late.
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The night before the Pogtopita-Manberg war, the four had holed themselves up inside George's castle, knowing that two of them would be fighting against the other two in the morning. It was something the four of them were trying not to think about, knowing there was a chance that any of them could be getting injured or losing a canon life.
The entirety of the quartet was tired. Quackity's wings were killing him from being buried under his shirt all day, Sapnap was itching to set something on fire, Karl was fidgety with nerves as he didn't want to fight tomorrow, in fact, none of them really did, and Y/n was cold from their bath they had taken to strip all of the soot and grime from their skin, due to Pogtopia not having the best living conditions.
Y/n's brother, Wilbur, and themself were the cause of all this mess. The two of them teamed up once he arrived on the server to cause chaos but ultimately made a power grab and created L'Manberg from a simple drug van and the shared thoughts and beliefs of others.
But then they lost it.
That caused the new leader to exile Y/n, Wilbur, and the teenager, Tommy, who looked up to Y/n and Wilbur as older sibling figures, knowing the three would fight for their country back, even if they no longer had any jurisdiction over it.
This led to them fleeing, Wilbur losing a canon life along the way as he dived in front of Y/n after Punz attempted to shoot his younger sibling. That night Punz feared for his life after Sapnap threatened to kill him if he ever tried to hurt his partner again.
After setting up base in an abandoned ravine, their dad's old friend Technoblade joined them, promising to help destroy the government.
Whilst planning for this upcoming war and having Tubbo as a spy, for which he, unfortunately, got executed, Y/n would try to spend as much time with their partners, that being difficult to do so as two of them lived in L'Manberg and Quackity was forced to work ridiculous hours for the drunken president.
Therefore, the castle became a safe haven for the four.
This led to Y/n spending most nights closer to the impending day of the war there. They were glad they could sleep in a proper bed with the people they loved, and that they got to have a break from the bickering between Wilbur and Tommy.
Noticing Karl fighting the urge to get up and start pacing again, Y/n shuffled closer to Sapnap, letting the blazeborn's naturally high body temperature warm them up, and they wrapped their arms around Karl's midsection, pulling him into their torso.
Reaching forwards, they managed to get Quackity to join to cuddle pile, Sapnap wrapping his arms around the three of them, or at least trying to.
That night, the four made a promise to always stick by each other's side and to never let each other go. To always talk and resolve problems and that they would be truthful to each other. After all, they were now fiancées.
As they made this promise, the sound of an achievement rang through their communicators.
'The Soulmate Bond' it simply read.
That night they knew it was meant to be.
But then again, that wasn't the right saying on this server. What was it again?
Oh yeah,
It was never meant to be.
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Sapnap was worried. And he had every right to be.
First, it was Y/n. After the death of their brother, they had started to pull away from the other three, becoming seemingly distant and only really there at night to sleep, disappearing for hours on end.
Quackity had followed them one day only to find them sitting overlooking a cliff. Apparently, it was where Y/n first took Wilbur on the server, where the two saw their first sunset together. Y/n would sit there as the hours would pass, watching the point on the compass spin, it no longer pointing to their bother. They began to snap back into their old self after Quackity sat with them, becoming who they used to be but more willing to fight.
Then Tommy got exiled. Sapnap and Karl believed they already knew, therefore not bringing it up, and Quackity simply didn't tell them. That sparked one of the biggest arguments they had ever had.
Y/n stayed with Phil that night.
Everything seemed fine for a while, with Y/n coming back home and then the quartet creating Cedar Rapids. And then Ghostbur came back, making it easier for Y/n to move on. Everyone was happy.
But then came the butcher army. Y/n refused to let their dad be pushed around and stepped in, earning themselves house arrest, by orders of Quackity.
That night they left. Sapnap remembers the conversation he had with them before they went. It was seemingly normal, Y/n saying they were staying with Phil for a few days. Except they didn't.
It was two weeks later they returned, hearing that Technoblade had killed Quackity. They helped the stubborn duck with his recovery. The blazeborn remembers the amount of shouting and the arguments that happened that week.
Looking back, he should've stepped in more. But he couldn't have known what was going through Y/n's mind at the time.
See Y/n was planning to blow up L'Manberg again. To finish their brother's job. They had realised how corrupt it had become, now wanting to get rid of the power the people who ran it had.
Sapnap should've seen it coming.
After doomsday, there was the final argument. Tensions were still high, and Quackity still couldn't see why Y/n chose to blow it up. Why Y/n would choose the side of Technoblade. The side of Dream. They explained why though. How L'Manberg was originally a power grab. How it was their idea to blow it up in the first place and that they were just finishing what that had started.
Sapnap should've stopped the fight. He should've stopped it before the words tumbled out of Quackity's mouth, before Y/n and Quackity exploded on each other, before Y/n walked away for what he thought was good.
Everyone's heart broke a bit that night.
Second, it was Karl. He started to disappear for a few days at a time, and when he returned? It was like his brain was scattered, and then he'd started to forget stuff.
At the time Sap had chalked it down to Karl's already bad memory, to his forgetful nature that his fiancée had. It began as small things. Karl forgot what day it was, where he left his book, what time he was meant to be at a certain place, and whether or not he had a meeting with the rest of Manberg's cabinet that day. But then It got worse.
Looking back, Sapnap realised that there were some days when Karl wouldn't say his or their partner's names until someone else said them. He had just thought Karl was messing around at the time, him just being cute and just wanting to call them by pet names but looking back at it, he should've realised sooner.
He should've realised when Karl came up with the idea of creating a new place to live, Kinoko Kingdom, because he said Cedar Rapids held no significate importance to him. Before he said it held no real value and that it was just where he lived because Sapnap lived there. Not because Sapnap, Quackity, and Y/n lived there, but because Sapnap lived there.
He should've realised before Karl completely shut him out. Before Karl would hole himself up in his library which he was forbidden from going in. Before Karl would forget him completely and call him by a stranger's name.
He should've helped Karl sooner. His heart cracked again.
Third, it was Quackity.
See the duck hybrid was stubborn, there was no denying that. Sapnap learnt this early on. If Quackity had his mind set on doing something, then there was a small chance, a very minuscule chance at that, of getting him to change his mind, the chance decreasing if Quackity was the one with the power to do what he wanted to do.
One morning, Sapnap had woken up alone. Karl had gone off again, who knows where, Y/n had just left maybe four days ago, and now Quackity had disappeared.
It stayed like that for a month. Quackity and Y/n were nowhere to be found. Karl occasionally disappeared and returned with his memory shot. Sapnap, probably wouldn't have minded so much if Quackity had told him where he was going, but after another month of no contact?
His heart broke again.
And the worse thing was? Karl had no idea what Quackity or Y/n meant to all of them.
And Finally, it was himself.
He could feel himself slipping away. With Karl coming and going, and no word from either Y/n or Quackity, Sapnap was stuck.
It wasn't like he had anyone to go to. His brother was locked away in a heavily armed prison, rightfully so; his Aunt Puffy was busy trying to deal with the fact one of her sons was locked up and also trying to solve this problem with the egg; his dad had been possessed by said egg, and was currently trying to take over the server; and his best friend was in some sort of deep sleep, only occasionally waking up.
He didn't know how much longer he could be there for Karl. As much as it broke him to ever think about leaving the Jacobs boy, he didn't know if it was worth it anymore, not without his partners. His first love and his third.
He didn't know how he could continue like this.
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About a month after the fight, Y/n wanted to go back. Even if everything wouldn't go back to normal, they still wanted to see them, to check that they were doing okay. Because if their partners, well ex-partners were okay, then they'd be okay.
Or at least that's what they kept telling themselves.
The day they went to leave, Y/n climbed down the ladder leading to their room, only to be met with their dad, Philza, in the main room. As they made their way towards the front door and began to pull their cloak on, he stopped them.
"What are you doing?" he asked, nursing the warm mug between his hands.
Y/n sighed, not wanting to have this conversation with their dad but knowing he wouldn't let him go without telling him first, "I'm heading to Cedar Rapids, why? Is something wrong?"
Phil's face fell slightly, "There's a blizzard. You won't be able to make it Y/n."
Y/n's face dropped, and their heart sank in their chest, "How long will it last?"
They hoped it wouldn't be more than a few days at most, however, they were wrong. They ended up spending the next month trapped in the Arctic, unable to get to where they needed to. Unable to apologise for the shit they said.
The day they were finally able to get to Cedar Rapids, it was empty. The land was barren, but the buildings still standing. Their shared house was empty of the majority of everyone's belongings, only a few of theirs and Quackitys left behind.
Where was everyone?
As they stumbled out of the house, tears trying not to fall from their eyes they hit a solid object. Their hands came up to steady themselves, something grabbing onto their biceps. Looking up they saw the face of one of their fiancées.
Pulling back from their grip, Y/n wiped away their tears, wrapping the arms around their torso curling in on themselves. Their fiancée's wings drooped in response and his arms dropped to his sides. The two noticed the obvious distance between them, both physically and emotionally.
Choosing to break the silence between them, Y/n spoke up, "Hey."
Quackity stood still, having an internal malfunction. He was trying not to say anything he didn't want to say, not wanting to screw up again. His wings tightened up behind him, the slits in his shirt allowing his wings to come through, as he stood defensively. His instincts were screaming at him to comfort Y/n.
Looking up at the duck hybrid, Y/n locked eyes with his, and anyone could practically see the awkwardness between the two.
"So, uh," Y/n began, eyes still locked with his, "How are you?"
Quackity's wings fluttered slightly, "I'm alright I guess?"
His response came out as a sort of question, confusing Y/n slightly but they choose not to question it.
"How're the others?"
Quackity paused and Y/n could see them visible tense and him trying to form an answer but not knowing what to say.
"Quackity?" Y/n began, taking a step closer to him, "What happened?"
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Hopping through the nether portal, Y/n grabbed a bunch of snow and hurled it at the goose that was following them, it letting out an exasperated honk and flapping its wings in annoyance. They stood up letting out curse words at the animal, beginning their trek back to their shared home. The white feathered animal biting against Y/n’s cloak and pants, attempting to pull the human back towards the nether portal.
The door slammed shut as Y/n walked through it, shrugging off the snow that had landed on their cloak. It felt like their ears were ringing, their mind spinning even though they could see clearly.
"What do you mean you left?"
"I did exactly what they did. What you did-"
Phil looked concerned at them, wondering what had happened, as his kid nonchalantly discarded their cloak and bag.
"What do you mean by that, Q? Where's Sapnap and Karl anyway, shouldn't they be around?"
"Well I wouldn't know, I came back one day to get them only to find they had disappeared along with all their stuff and most of ours."
"What do you mean disappeared?"
Phil's confusion began to grow as he heard the patter of webbed feet on his floor.
"Like gone. I don't even know where they are."
"Y/n," Phil began, walking closer and seeing the white goose standing next to his child, the goose attempting to pull on his kid's pant leg, it hissing at them when they shooed it off, "What's that?"
"This?" Y/n looked down at the goose, letting out a hiss in response to it honking at them, "It's a goose. And it won't leave me alone." They began frustration seeping through their voice, "Apparently it won't die, no matter how many times you push it into lava. So now I'm guessing it's some sort of immortal being that's come to spite me for my wrongdoings."
Y/n turned and climbed the ladder to the upper part of the house, the goose nestling down by the stairs, ruffling its feathers before it seemingly began to settle down.
"It's a soulmate goose."
Philza's head snapped around to face the voice, him calming once he realised that it was only Kristin. She made her way towards him, resting her hand gently on his shoulder, Phil leaning into the touch he could barely feel.
"The soulmate goose of enforcement only appears when there is an obstacle a soulmate pairing needs help to overcome," She continued walking over to pet the goose before it vanished, "It seems as if our little crow needs some help after all."
Upstairs, Y/n stared out of their window, watching the snow gently fall as they played with the three rings that were attached to a necklace around their neck. Each one with an engraving that referred to each counterpart in their past relationship.
"What do we do?" Y/n asked sitting down next to Quackity on the ground. The duck hybrid had finally stopped pacing and was now frustratedly pulling strands of grass from the ground before throwing them down, "How are we meant to find them?"
"I don't know," He began, "I don't know. I just- I keep thinking if we hadn't... You know... Then everything would be okay."
The two looked down at the ground, not noticing the goose begin to materialise in the distance. The silence between them was awkward. Neither of them knew how to continue and say what they wanted to.
"I came to apologise," Y/n spoke up, beginning to rip grass up from the ground. "I tried to come a month ago, but then there was a storm. But-"
"It would've still been too late," Quackity cut them off. Y/n looked up at him only to see him staring at the ground, refusing to look at them. "I left because I thought you weren't coming back, and then I had this idea-"
"What do you mean you thought I wasn't coming back? Quackity, I made a promise and so did you and the others! That we'd never walk away. Ever."
"Well, I'm sorry for thinking that then! It's just after the shit we both said I thought you were leaving this time for good! That you'd finally given up on us!"
"Can we not argue for once?"
"Oh, says you."
He stood up, taking a few steps backwards, before groaning in disdain.
"What now?"
"That fucking Goose is back!" Quackity sighed out, "I swear, it won't leave me alone."
"Okay, and what does that have to do with finding Karl and Sapnap?"
"I don't know okay! It's just this fucking thing won't leave me alone and keeps trying to drag me through nether portals." Quackity sighed, clearly frustrated.
"I'm sorry," he grumbled out, "I'm not good with emotions sometimes."
"I know," Y/n replied before standing up and taking Quackity's hands in theirs, rubbing their thumbs on the back of his palms when he didn't object or try to pull away. "You'd think the blaze hybrid would be the most hot-headed out of the four of us. Turns out, he's the least."
Quackity let out a small smile at their words before enveloping them in his arms, his wings fluttering and encasing the two of them.
“We still need to work stuff out,” Y/n said, voice slightly muffled, from where their head was buried in Quackity’s shirt.
“I know sweetheart, I know.”
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Sapnap was outside.
And he was touching grass.
This wasn’t unusual for the blaze hybrid, him liking to sit in the flower fields surrounding his house.
When Karl choose the leave Cedar Rapids, Sapnap couldn't help but follow him, not wanting to lose the last of his partners, even though it felt as if he had already gone. Like Karl had slipped through his fingers and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
He thinks that may be the reason why he subconsciously chose this place to live. The flower fields reminded him of the unproblematic childhood he had and the first home he knew.
The loud honk, which came from his left, startled him enough that he dropped the flower crown he was absentmindedly weaving, fire igniting around his horns. The amber flames swirled before dying down.
The goose waddled over to him, attempting to bite onto his sleeve and drag him. Sapnap attempted to swat him away only for the goose to hiss at him.
After a least a minute of this happening, Sapnap sighed at the animal before grabbing it over its wings and lifting it into his lap, the goose immediately settling down but now gnawing on his hand.
“Why do you have a Soulmate Goose?”
Sapnap didn't tear his eyes away from the creature that was nestled in his lap, it was still keen on trying to bite his fingers off.
“Nice to see you too Drista,” he said back, “What do you want?”
“To know why you have a soulmate goose? Duh?”
Spanap gave her a deadpan look, “Well I don’t know. Shouldn’t you know, aren’t you like a god or something?”
The teenager glared at him from where she was floating in the sky, “Just because you’re best friends with my brother doesn’t mean I like you.”
Sapnap rolled his eyes in response, returning to pet the animal in his lap, the softness of the feathers reminding him of the nights when Quackity would let them help preen his wings. The duck usually ends up curled up on his lap, his head on Sapnap’s chest listening to his heartbeat letting out soft chirps of appreciation. Sapnap's heart clenched at the memory.
The teenager let herself land on the ground, sitting down amongst the flowers as she stared to mess with the grass.
“My brother told me about them.”
“Who, Dream?”
“No, XD,” she glared back at him when he interrupted her, “He used to say that sometimes the humans would need help to be with their soulmate and that he and some of the other gods created this being that would help them, the people giving it its name.”
“The soulmate goose? Really?”
“That’s not its full name, idiot. It’s the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement,” Drista deadpanned. “Anyway, I wouldn’t have thought you would end up meeting it, you know. You get along so well with Karl, Quackity, and Y/n, therefore you wouldn’t- Oh.”
Sap looked down away from the teenager, returning to give the now quiet goose more pets.
“Yeah,” Sapnap whispered in response.
Feeling really awkward about the situation, the teenage god thought it would be best that she left, “I’m going to go and find Tommy, bye Snapchat!”
And with that, she teleported away leaving the blaze hybrid alone in the field.
Sapnap began to think about his choices again. About everything that had happened, about everything he didn’t say, about everything he could’ve, no should’ve done.
He knew he should’ve stepped in and stopped Y/n and Quackity from arguing. He knew he should’ve helped Karl more before he began to forget everything. He knew he should’ve helped himself, to stop himself from walking away from his home.
Yes, Kinoko Kingdom may be where he lived, it may be his, or partly his, but it wasn’t his home. Cedar Rapids was more his home, if anything, the Dream SMP was more of his home than this place.
His fiancées are his home, not here. Not anywhere else.
Not this place he ran to when he was scared. When he was terrified of losing the last person who meant something to him.
A few tears escaped his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away as the Goose in his lap let out another honk.
Unbeknownst to him, a figure started to approach him, coming to a stop a few feet in front of him, gentle cawing being heard a lot more.
“She was right you know,” The woman said, Sap looking up at the person standing in front of him, not recognising the figure. He tensed up, ready to fight the unknown person, but only if it came to it, "I didn't expect you four to have him."
"I'm sorry, but who are you?" he asked only for the woman to gently smile in response.
"I'm Kristin, Goddess of Death-"
"You're Y/n's mom," Sapnap interrupted.
"I am, amongst other things," Kristin sat down in front of the young adult, "It's nice to finally meet you Sapnap. Y/n talks about you quite a bit."
One of the few crows flying around came and hopped down on the ground between the two, dropping Kristin a shiny rock, letting the goddess pet them before flying off and joining the rest of its brethren.
"Sapnap," Kristin began, letting the blaze focus his attention back on her, "The best thing I could do is give you advice. Don't spend time dwelling on what needs to be done. Go, find Y/n and Quackity, and talk. If you keep bottling up your feelings, it's going to get you nowhere, and this guy here is just going to get more mad at the four of you for being idiots."
"They left," Sapnap replied, voice cracking slightly, "They left us-"
He tried to continue talking but sobs left his mouth as tears started to fall. His shoulders shook with each shuddering breath he took, his horns lighting with a dull blue fire once again.
Kristin shuffled forward, wrapping her arms around him, letting his head fall onto her shoulder as she ran a hand through his hair, comforting her almost son-in-law.
And as Sapnap let the tears fall from him and his emotions run, he knew he couldn't continue like this. He knew something had to change.
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The rain was bad that night.
It didn't rain much in Las Nevadas, it being in a warmer part of the smp, but when it rained, it poured like hell.
It was mainly when thunderstorms would happen in the main part of the greater smp that the weather would really be affected. It was like a cycle. Heavy rain that would cause the river to rise where L'Manberg once stood meant that light showers would last an hour at most and thunderstorms would cause heavy rainfall that would soak anyone to the bone.
Quackity knew it was a bad storm because even Slime was holed up inside.
He had managed to zone out the sound of rain hitting the window, the continuous drone allowing him to block it out as inherent background noise. The occasional flashes of light caused his wings to twitch in anticipation.
There was something wrong.
Quackity didn't know what exactly. It was more of an inherent feeling creeping up behind him, causing the occasional shiver to run down his spine. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
Slime was sat by the window, looking out across Las Nevadas. He personally likes the rain, just when it gets too heavy it affects his viscosity too much and throws him off. 'There's always the fountain', he thought, his fingers tracing the raindrops across the window.
Slime was following the raindrops as they fell, his finger reaching up to trace them before he remembered what his friend Quackity had told him the last time he did that.
Slime knew that he was a goopy guy but sometimes he would forget. He knew that he was bones or that he had to be but sometimes his brain didn't connect and say that to his goop. It was something he was working on because he had to seem like a human and that he had bones, even when it was a no-bones day.
Anyway, ignoring Slime's partial existential crisis, the goopy guy in a shirt and pants, and basically an identical outfit to his friend Quackity, he continued to stare out of the window before ultimately attempting to return to his previous task.
Quackity was not paying attention. The paperwork in front of him had been read at least twelve times but he still couldn't take the information in. Something was disrupting him and he couldn't work out what. It was an itch in the back of his mind, an annoying one at that.
He let out a sigh as he dropped the pen onto the table, leaning back against his chair and pushing himself away from his desk. He let out a puff of air, blowing the strands of hair out from in front of his eyes. Quackity really needed another haircut.
He stared up at the ceiling, his mind starting to wander.
How long was it going to take purpled to find Karl and Sapnap, surely not another week right? He couldn't keep living like this. In denial and regret, it was drowning him.
Even if the two decided they never wanted him again, then at least he would apologise to them. It was the least they deserved.
The shadowy figure in the distance continued to draw closer, forcing Quackity, who had unfortunately noticed its presence earlier but chose to ignore it, to rise up out of his seat and head towards the window. It was a person he was staring at, carrying a bundle of something in its arms, but for the life of him he couldn't work out who.
The rain was cascading down now, affecting his vision and the lights of his city did little to unmask them. His heart clenched at the sight of it; that same nagging feeling saying something was wrong hit him tenfold.
He turned to face Slime, having made up his mind he would go see if the masked figure was okay only for the doors behind him to be flung open.
It was Y/n soaked to the bone.
"Q," they began, terror etched onto their face. It made Quackity's feathers ruffle and stand on edge, wanting to wrap them in his arms and protect them from whatever they were afraid of.
"Q, it's Karl."
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The fire flickered casting light across the room. It was the only source of warmth alongside the abundance of blankets piled across the four of them.
The bundle held in Quackity's arms was no stranger to him, the mop of brown hair that usually covered his forehead pushed to the side allowing the damp cloth to rest there and lower the Jacobs boy's raging fever.
The duck's instincts kicked in and the other two stepped aside to allow him to swaddle and care for Karl. They knew he was in safe hands and that Quackity was better at dealing with sick people.
Y/n had propped themselves against the wall, a blanket thrown over their shoulders and wrapped around them. The cloak they had donned earlier was in a pile alongside some of the other wet clothes of both Sap and Karl.
They looked down at the duo huddled on the floor, Quackity's wings furling around the star-eyed boy in a protective cocoon. Chirps left his mouth as he changed the water on the rag before smoothing it over the brunette's unconscious forehead.
There was no guarantee that he would wake up. Y/n could only pray that the gods of prime would help him. They couldn't lose him.
"What happens now?"
Both their own and Sapnaps heads snapped up to look at Quackity, he having the courage to break the scared silence that had overcome them all.
Y/n looked to Sapnap, the blazeborn looking worse for wear. It looked like he hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep in the past years, like he was soon to be death-walking. Just like Karl.
His shirt was clad against his chest, the white material somewhat see-through but now drying allowing them to see the runes that lined his body. He was hunched forward, his own blanket lying over his shoulders as his hands were clasped together in his lap.
Figuring that he wasn't going to speak up, Y/n pushed themselves off the wall and moved to sit between Sapnap's chair, and where the two were huddled together on the floor. They grabbed the blazeborn's hand in their own and placed their other upon Q's shoulder causing him to sway towards them slightly at the affection.
"We talk." They spoke out, the three awake sharing glances at each other.
A distant honk sounded as the goose settled itself into Slime's lap, the goopy guy petting the animal before it began to fade into dust, blowing away into the sky.
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Secrets Chapter 22: She is not for you
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC, Brock Rumlow X OFC.
Word count: 1597 words.
Summary: Sometimes keeping secrets can be dangerous or a heavy burden, which is what Kathleen has been doing for years. She will also be in charge of guiding Steve Rogers into this century; meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be looking for a way to kick-start the Avengers Initiative by integrating her as one of the superheroes, but that won't be the only danger they face.
Warnings: Jealousy.
A/N: After long time working on this longfic, I finally post it. If you wanna be added to the taglist, let me know.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Secrets masterlist.
Previous chapter.
Next chapter.
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Kathleen was walking down the corridor, she had had that horrible dream again, although more than a dream, it was a memory, one of the worst she had, although sometimes she saw the spirit of her best friend... It was simply awful what had happened to her, she didn't even notice that someone was walking behind her.
“Anzai," a woman called out to Kath. Kathleen Anzai! “she grabbed Kath’s shoulder, who turned around when she felt the movement. But if you're in love little Kath, you're in love with Steve, aren't you? “Nat questioned when he saw Kath’s expression.
“ W-what? No... I'm not in love or anything," stammered Kathleen, with a quick movement the spy took her personal phone from Kath.
“Then how do you explain this? “Natasha unlocked the phone to show the photo Kath had as wallpaper. I bet you have hundreds of pictures of him..." she mocked while the other tried to take the phone from her until Natasha realized that the picture was not of Steve, but of Kath, probably in her teens with a group of guys she didn't know or at least didn't work at S.H.I.E.L.D.
“It's none of your business, Romanoff," Kath felt her cheeks burning, she was probably completely red, she didn't want anyone to know what had happened to her friends, to any of them. At least I don't look for silly excuses to go to the Stark Tower to see a certain doctor “she smiled when she saw that she had hit the right spot, so she managed to get her phone back.
“ How do you know that? “Natasha had been careful about it, the only one who knew was Clint.
“Your mind screams "Bruce Banner" as if it were a bright billboard in the middle of the night," Kath replied, however, that was true, whenever Nat was around that thought popped up. What's wrong, why are you making that face? “It was notorious for the sad face of the spy, maybe she missed her hand, although the other one was the one who started to bother.
“I don't think he corresponds to me, he's too busy with his investigations and he's afraid of hurting someone with the other guy “confessed Romanoff with a sad voice leaving the mutant surprised, it was known that Natasha never opened her heart to any other person that wasn't her best friend.
“I think you have a chance, just find a way to control the other guy and with that, you will have earned it “he advised”, on the other hand, I... “Kath kept quiet, she couldn't say more, they were not friends, nor did she have the confidence to tell her absolutely everything that happened.
“Agent Anzai, the Director wants to see you," said Maria, appearing behind Kath.
Kath entered Fury's office, nervous, as she had a bad feeling seeing the director upset.
“ Where were you the other day? “And tell me the truth, you know you can't hide anything from me.
“I went to see someone who might be of use to us," he answered dryly.
“ Who did you go to see? “he asked.
“Doctor Pym; wanted to see me, I know what you are thinking and no, obviously he is not going to give us his particle, but he is looking for someone to take his place to wear a suit and you know that we will probably need in the future," she anticipated before any other question so Fury did not continue asking, she was right, maybe in the future they would need him, if she could talk and convince with all those who had some ability there was the possibility of avoiding future tragedies.
“Speaking of the future, I already got the council to approve Project Insight, so now you will have more work to do," he said as he handed her the files for her to review.
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Taking advantage of the fact that Steve was in an interview with the rest of the team; an interview to which she obviously had not been invited, she would catch up with the review of the files until someone knocked on the door of Kath’s office, she put the documents away before opening the door, she knew that this project had a certain degree of confidentiality and she also knew who was not included. When she opened the door she met Rumlow.
“Kitty, you owe me a date, remember? “Brock said entering the office.
“I know, I know, but Fury really left me a lot of work and I haven't finished, you know his crazy ideas," he lifted his shoulders while making a tender face in apology.
“I can help you with some of your work, while you buy me a drink and I'll consider the debt paid," proposed the commander.
“It was a deal," agreed Kath as she poured him a cup of tea.
They began to arrange the documents in the files to have everything in order while they chatted trivially, everything was in disorder, and many missions were mixed up with others.
“ Aren't they in the archives department supposed to do this? “Kath asked.
“Supposedly," the other replied, his gaze lingering on the picture of Kath and him and them under a cherry tree that had been taken shortly after she had joined the organization and then flicking to one of Kath and Steve at Disneyland. And that miracle your friend isn't here bothering you? “He tried to sound casual rather than jealous.
“Interview with the others for I don't know what magazine, you know the news and you two have to get along or else Fury will force you to go on a mission all alone or something crazy," he replied lightly.
“You don't want that," Brock suddenly blurted out without taking his eyes off the pictures.
“ What? “He wasn't paying attention to what his friend was doing.
“Rogers," he said coldly, she looked at him without understanding, "You like it," her voice was very annoyed.
“ And what's the problem with that? Anyway, I'm not reciprocated, it doesn't matter who I have feelings for or not, I just don't have time for it," she didn't want to have that conversation.
“He's going to hurt you and he's too old for you," Brock warned her. Kitty, I don't want anyone to hurt you," he turned to look at her.
“Brockie, I really don't want to talk about it," her voice sounded sad, "You know people still hate mutants, even though it's been a long time since...that massacre," her voice cracked.
“You look exhausted, you haven't slept well, have you? “Brock asked with concern.
“More or less “Kath answered, if she felt tired, the nightmares were recurring again and the guilt was still there, deep down she thought that maybe she could have saved her friends.
“ Are you having nightmares again? “He stroked her hair and she nodded.
Brock hugged her and they stayed like that for a while, if he could erase all those bad memories she had, if there was any way to make her notice him...he would make her very happy, they could run away, start a new life far away from all that.
“ What about you, are you seeing anyone? “asked Kath suddenly, he shook his head, "You really haven't dated anyone since Suni*? “she looked at him.
“Just a few dates, nothing important, I have to take care of you," Brock clarified, he didn't dare to confess his feelings to her either, although after what had happened in a certain mission he thought that everything would be different... until Rogers appeared.
“Again with that," Kath rolled her eyes, "I'm a big boy and you can't stay alone forever, at least buy yourself another dog or a cat or something, stop being so bitter Brockie," joked Kath.
“You're the one who should change your code name," she replied mockingly.
“ Why, what's wrong with mine? “She didn't know that the STRIKE team had given her some nicknames.
“Agh...no nothing forget it “mentally it hit her, she didn't know anything.
“Now you tell me, I'm giving you the chance or I'm going to get mad at you “she threatened him.
“The guys don't think you can fall in love and they refer to you in different ways because of how mmmmm cold you can be “Rumlow explained, he didn't want to tell her too many details so he wouldn't hurt her.
“Ugh it was probably your little friend Rollins, wasn't it? That's why I dislike him so much, anyway they don't care what he does or doesn't do," she said.
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Steve appeared in the Triskelion's gym, he was looking for Brock, they had to finish planning the strategy for the next mission, and the only one he found was Jack.
“Rollins, have you seen Rumlow? “he asked urgently.
“Oh yes, he's in Anzai's office, just the two of them," the agent pointed out mischievously.
He immediately ran to Kath’s office, thousands of thoughts of all kinds went through his mind, he could not trust her to be alone with the Commander, when he arrived at the place, he opened the door with a bang.
“ Steve? “she exclaimed astonished to see him there, "Didn't you have an interview?
“It ended early, what are you two doing? “she hissed.
“Brock was helping me arrange some documents and I hope you didn't damage my door or else I'll have to file a complaint," the mutant pointed out a bit annoyed, Steve sighed in relief.
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@saiyanprincessswanie  @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
hii !! may i please request some writing abt everyone being really afraid of medic (imagine that this takes place when everyone is still kinda getting to know each other, and left medic out because of his Reputation) but someone eventually bites the bullet to talk to him/give him a chance and they find out that he’s actually decent company (and very, very lonely)?
preferably that Someone is sniper or demo ! whoever you feel more compelled to write. thank you so so much in advance !! adore your writing :]
I think Demo needs some love on this acc!
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
“Alright, now that I have your contracts, you’re free to look around and introduce yourselves. I have to go file these.” Miss Pauling stands from the meeting room chair, walking off with her bundle of papers, agreements, and a handful of amendments a few of the men proposed. Knowing the Administrator, they’ll be lucky if even one of them is processed.
With the door shutting, the nine mercenaries stand to do exactly as instructed: roam about and introduce themselves. They were each given a vague file of their coworkers, nothing more than a work photo and a brief introduction to their class. Anything personal was kept to the discretion of the men.
Medic remains seated, looking around the room. It seems that everyone has gone into their own cliques already. As he stands, he flattens his coat and decides to approach the Scout. He walks up to the young man who was showing Pyro a comic issue.
“Hallo! Scout and Pyro, ja? I’m Medic.” The doctor waves, smiling at the two. Pyro gives him a glance only to hide their face in the pages of the comic. Scout steps back, looking the elder up and down. He rubs his neck, hat shifting slightly from the motion.
“Uh, yeah. I’m Scout.” He turns to his side, trying to avoid the doctor’s gaze. Something about him is…off. Scout can’t tell what it is, but the man isn’t right. His smile is too sharp and evil looking for a supposed doctor.
“Well, you seem like a healthy young man. I imagine your lungs are an excellent shade of pink.” A runner should have the perfect lungs after all! Scout must take care of himself to have this sort of job. Its a strange way of complimenting the man that falls short on Scout.
“Uh…that’s kinda weird.” He shuffles back, trying not to think about what that implies. The runner hopes to wake up with his lungs, and the rest of his organs, in his body by tomorrow. He looks to Pyro who peeks from behind the comic.
“Aheh, I was calling you healthy…” Medic takes his leave. Perhaps not the best way to compliment someone, but he was being honest! A runner needs strong lungs, so Scout must live a healthy lifestyle!
“Look, dude, I read the file. I wanna keep my organs.” Medic had mentioned his joy of experiments and various medical tests. All of which successful despite their frightening nature. Scout just can’t trust a guy who puts hands in guts for a living.
Medic peers around to room, noticing how everyone looks away from him. Well, it is the first day. Surely someone will warm up to him as time goes on. He steps out of the meeting room for the time being. He has birds to unpack.
By the end of the first month, most of the team has found a close friend. Spy and Heavy have afternoon book clubs with coffee, Scout goes rollerskating with Pyro, and Soldier tests sentry durability with Engineer. Everyone has found a companion except Medic.
People only visit when medically necessary. A broken arm, severe burns, and such. Just getting Scout to sit down for his vaccinations was a two day fight. Medic reaches over to stroke Archimedes on his tiny head. The mischievous pigeon has his siblings who flutter along the rafters above.
Even on the battlefield, Medic noticed the distance. He was called on, yes, but once he finished healing a teammate, they scurried away. He watched as his coworkers ran in duos, trios even, across the landscape to destroy the enemy teams. Never with Medic unless he was handing out ubercharges.
He eats alone in his office, coming into the kitchen only to grab his portion. Funny how Medic never gets a turn cooking for the team. The German stares at his lukewarm dinner, picking through it while Archimedes naps on his perch. He really shouldn’t complain; Medic has endless funding for his wild experiments. He just wants company is all.
A creak interrupts his solitude. Someone entered the medbay just now. Medic sighs, grabbing his coat and clipboard. Another injury to take care of. At least it gives him some form of human interaction no matter how brief.
“Hello, Demoman. What seems to be the problem?” Medic says when he sees who entered. He takes a pen, filling in a few sections before looking up to the Scotsman. Probably a blown off hand or a chemical burn in need of treatment.
“I’m fine, lad. Soldier’s too busy, so I figured you and I could see a movie.” Demo holds out two tickets. Soldier had every intention of going if not for a sudden flea crisis with the raccoons. Nothing a kiddie pool of water and flea shampoo can’t fix. Besides, when was the last time anyone actually hung out with the German?
“You want me to go with you?” Medic lowers his clipboard as Demo nods. Is…is this really happening? Finally, a chance at an actual friend from work! The doctor sets down his equipment and straightens his vest.
“Let me feed my doves, then we can leave.” He hurries back into the office quick to dump a scoop of feed into a communal bowl. The birds flock to their dinner, wings flapping loudly in their descent. Medic follows Demo out of the room, excited as ever.
“Don’t you want to know what we’re seeing?” Demo raises a brow. Anyone else would have at least wanted the title let alone ask about the plot. Medic chuckles, shaking his head.
“Oh, I don’t care. I’m happy to get out of my office for once.” Locked behind the wooden door, the doctor spent his days toiling away at paperwork. Most of which unnecessary for some time. Papers detailing orders for supplies, health updates, and such.
Demo couldn’t have asked for a better movie companion. Medic paid for their popcorn and was completely silent throughout the film. Unlike the last person Demo went to the movies with, meaning Scout, Medic didn’t speak out once. He even cleans up after himself!
“Gotta say, lad, this was a pleasure. Don’t suppose you’d like to test a few bombs with me tomorrow? Need to see what damage my new mix can do.” Medic beams. This is it! If he can get on Demo’s good side, then everyone else will want to befriend him. No more lonely nights with the birds for company.
“I would be happy to.” Medic drives them to the base, excited as ever. Demo can see it written all over his face. Maybe everyone was wrong about the doctor, he’s actually a decent man.
Besties -H
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xylert · 11 months
Okay so, I know I don’t post that often- or well- ever, but there is one thing that I don’t think I’ll forget in a hurry and i wanted to share with you.
Explaining what TF2 is real quick for those who don’t know
I play a game called team fortress 2 (TF2 for short) and I am a medic main there
For those who don’t know
TF2 is a combat game with multiple classes you can choose from such as heavy weapons guy, engineer, sniper, etc.
And well the thing about medics in particular that makes them the most important- and stressful- class of them all, and because of this, are the ones who receive the most hate and criticism
Is that none of the other teams can heal
Medic is the only one that can bring their health back up, unless they find a medkit or eat a sandvich or something, however in the midst of a battlefield those options aren’t always available since medkits are hidden and such, medics are the only ones who can keep you alive during battle if your health drops low- which is fairly often, and since you can’t heal yourself you have to call the medic over to heal you
Now in the game, there are 2 specific classes that I swear to god always target the medics, and when a medic die it’s almost always due to one of them. Spy and sniper.
The spy has an ability to turn invisible and use disguises to pretend to be your teammates and there’s really no way to tell it’s a spy unless you try to damage them. Whenever the spy is disguised as one of your teammates and shouts for medic however, you will get alerted, no the spy’s own medic. So you (as the medic) go over to the enemy spy in disguise and heal them, only to die just seconds after as they plunge a knife into your back
Now- here comes the part where I really wanted to talk about.
Like I said, I am a medic main, I ALWAYS play as medic. And there was this one spy who constantly used that trick on me. This was a pretty intense match so I usually didn’t have enough time to spy check him as there were others who also needed healing and I needed to be quick
Now what made this spy different from all the rest was, whenever I healed him, he would always thank me in the chat before killing me
And I know that seems silly but, I actually really appreciated it and it lightened up my day, because even though it means I healed an enemy spy AND got killed by said spy right afterwards, I knew I was appreciated anyways, and that I was at least doing a good job as medic, and someone noticed and took the time to actually thank me.
It’s hard being the medic- the only class who can heal, people constantly shouting and spamming your name- having to prioritise others due to health being lower- and having multiple people at once calling your name- having to keep yourself alive because out of them all your the most important to be alive, and keeping yourself alive is always the hardest, having to know where enemies are, looking behind you ever few seconds to make sure there’s no spy, staying out is sniper lines, staying out of enemy fire, and healing your teammates who are in the territory your trying to avoid in order to stay alive in order to keep them alive, it’s all very complicated and that’s only some of it.
It can be draining, especially if your receiving hate from your teammates on top of all of that.
I’m not sure who this spy was- but just know that you were really appreciated, you taking the time to thank me- even if you were an enemy, it really lightened up my day and let me know I was doing a good job. So thank you, and I hope more people- spies in specific, can be like that. Because that was the only spy I ever got killed by who actually bothered to thank me for healing him.
And he did this every single time too
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aoibhinnslater04 · 9 months
Chapter 3: One mistake too many
Chapter 4 will be out on the 15th Jan!
Word count: 1745
Trigger warnings: kidnapping, mind control
Kaz glared at his phone, willing it to light up with a text from Inej. He would even have settled for Jesper at this point, but all was quiet. Something had gone wrong, he was sure of it. Whether they had been caught by Vassa’s guards, or…. No. He shoved his unease down at the thought that the mysterious Rhysand had managed to intercept his Wraith or Sharpshooter. But then… when Kaz was attacked by the shadow, it sounded like he moved on wings, and even after knowing someone was there, it seemed invisible. But no Grisha could fly, or turn invisible. Only the Darkling could control shadows, and he was dead. Kaz had watched his body burn. He had heard rumours of other kinds of powered people, but none around Ketterdam, and no support to back up the outlandish theories, but-
Kaz grabbed his phone and answered it without looking- “Inej?”
He heard a sultry, smooth laugh.
“Kaz, I know you’re still not used to phones, but most people check the name of the caller before picking up, you know that, right?”
Kaz almost hung up on her there and then, but took a deep breath and refrained. Nina was with Queen Zoya in Ravkian on a secret mission, but she was supposed to be on her way back. About time, considering Matthias had been sulking for the last week without her. He supposed even the most honourable people got sexually frustrated sometimes after all.
“What can I do for you, Heartrender?”
“Well, I was looking to speak with Inej, but apparently you’re also waiting on a call from her. She texted me last night to let me know about a job, but she assured me she would be able to talk around now, and that it wouldn’t take that long.”
Her tone changed to one more of concern.
“Wait, is Inej still not back?”
Kaz’s face tightened. “I don’t suppose you’ll be stopping at the markets on the way back, will you, Zenik?”
“Because Wylan is going to send you a list. I have a feeling you won’t get a break after your last job before this next one.”
Cassian glanced down at the Wraith’s phone before powering it down. It seemed like her absence was affecting quite a few people, which only made him feel even worse about this situation. The girl in one of the beds he was guarding didn’t seem like a bad person, and clearly she inspired plenty of loyalty from those around her. He saw how Jesper had ran in when he thought she was in trouble. This was a girl who was cared for.
He glanced at the other bed in the room, where Jesper lay, and felt like the worst person to ever exist. When they were drinking together he seemed like a good person, cheerful and humorous, comfortable in himself. Cauldron, he was leaving the spying and infiltration to Az from now on. It affected him way too much.
He heard a gentle rustle of sheets and looked quickly back towards Jesper’s bed, where the boy was lifting his head and glancing around drowsily. He started moving a lot quicker when he noticed his arms and legs were tied down, and began thrashing when he saw the Wraith in the bed beside him. When he lifted his eyes to meet Cassian’s, the ice in his glare made him take a step back, before feeling foolish and crossing his arms to glare right back. 
“What did you do to her?” Jesper rasped.
“The Wraith is fine, Jesper, she just got a bit of a bigger dose than you did, and she’s a lot smaller, it’s to be expected.”
“You’re calling her the Wraith. Her name is Inej so don’t act like she’s just some nameless soldier!”
Cassian held up his hands in a peaceful gesture, but it only seemed to make Jesper angrier.
“And what the hell is with these beds? You trying to butter us up so we turn on Kaz? What could two Barrel rats like us want more than a soft bed, right?! Or…” his face paled with a dark thought that he didn’t seem inclined to share.
Kaz,  Cassian noticed. It seemed that not only had they caught two of Brekker’s crew, but two members that were comfortable enough to call him by his first name, despite his cruel, ruthless reputation. Brekker’s Inner Circle. The thought made him weirdly uncomfortable, like he was looking at himself in a different font.
A voice from behind him made Cassian look up, but didn’t make him jump the way it made Jesper, like he had seen a ghost. Az stepped out from the shadows, where he had been waiting for the pair to wake up, allowing Cass the joy of being the one who got the anger directed at him. How lovely.
“Don’t be so suspicious, Jesper Fahey. The only reason that you’re both in beds is because we haven’t got cells yet.”
“Budgets, you know, especially after moving to a new place,” Cassian cut in, ignoring the ghost of a smile on the shadowsinger’s face as he shook his head towards his brother. 
“Now brothers, don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten my warnings about young Ms Ghafa here,” Rhys’s voice caused both Cassian and Azriel to look up in surprise. Neither had heard him enter, but they saw him crouched by the Wraith’s- Inej’s- side, pinning her gently back to the bed, where apparently, in the minute where Jesper had been speaking to them, she had managed to untie her bonds and slide off the bed unnoticed.
Cassian softened at the scene in front of him. Inej had tears in her eyes, he could feel the fear rolling off of her, her breath quickening and getting heavier, as though Rhys’s light touch was cutting off her oxygen supply. He had no doubt it was real, especially with Jesper tensing on the bed next to her, as though he was going to try to reach over and comfort her. Rhys had mentioned memories he had seen in her head, but he hadn’t told them specifics yet. Clearly though, the memories held a great deal of power over her, as Rhys leaned in and gazed into her eyes, he saw her twist her head away, but obviously that wasn’t going to help against Rhys’s daemati powers. Cassian saw her breathing slow as she turned her head back to look towards Rhys, her body going limp once more, as he touched her forehead, as though checking for a temperature.
Jesper was staring at her, flickering between Rhys, who’s concentration hadn’t wavered from Inej, and her face, with her glazed dark eyes making her look like she was hypnotised. Which she kind of was, he supposed.
“What did you do to her?!” he cried, his voice half full of anger, half of fear. “Let her go!”
Rhys shifted his gaze towards Jesper, who didn’t seem to have the sense to back down from the threat in front of him. But Rhys just smiled, keeping a hold on Inej as he stared down the Zemini boy. “She’s safe,” he reassured him. “Just…sleeping.”
“I know what sleeping looks like, and that isn’t it. Let her go, you asshole!”
“Fine,” Rhys shrugged, and a second later, Inej’s eyes cleared. She seemed to take in everything at once, before bolting from the bed, quicker than Rhysand expected, as he lunged to catch her before she reached the open door. Luckily, Cassian and Azriel were in her way, and they both grabbed her around the waist before pulling her back, struggling and kicking.
“Enough!” Cassian heard from the door, as another figure- no wait, figure and a half- entered the already crowded room. He smiled widely as Feyre walked in with his nephew, passing the giggling babe into Rhysand’s waiting arms.
“How about you diplomats let me do the talking for a bit, hm?”
Feyre looked down at the two prisoners, her face sad. They were so young, younger than she was when she became Fae. She briefly wondered about their parents, but decided to leave that conversation for a while. Inej had relaxed slightly, with the mug of hot cocoa Feyre had given her, warming her hands, although they were still shaking a bit. Jesper was sitting slightly in front of her,as a protective older brother would. They were currently sitting in her new office, which she was planning on converting into an art studio, but the dull walls definitely added to the whole ‘prisoner’ effect. 
She had been talking for a while, explaining their need for ‘hostages’, to convince Dirtyhands that they were not the gang to be messed with, and to see if they could come to some kind of agreement where they left each other alone. The Dregs were one of the most feared gangs, especially after what they did to the Dime Lions’ leader, Pekka Rollins. She had no doubt that if they were seen avoiding her Inner Circle, that they would mostly be avoided by the other gangs too. It wasn’t exactly a foolproof plan, but what was?
Inej and Jesper weren’t budging, their faces set in stone. She knew they wouldn't ever agree with her, but she had accepted that. It didn’t matter either way, as they were still stuck. It would be near impossible for them to escape unless her or Rhys wanted them to. She sighed and got up, wanting to go back to her mate and spend some time with him before her beautiful boy woke up from his nap. There was nothing left for her to say, and besides, what could they do while locked in a room surrounded by Fae? 
Rhys sighed as his mate went to wake up their child after an unusually long nap. It was fair enough, he supposed, as the entire Inner Circle was exhausted after all their planning and action. It was only fair that Nyx felt tired too, especially if it gave them a chance to rest. But then he heard his mate screaming, a sharp, tortured sound. And he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that they had made a mistake moving, the only thought in his head as he raced towards his love, who was on her knees, clutching the empty blanket that was still warm from Nyx’s small body.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 2 years
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[ID: A Psychonauts fanfic cover. Fred Bonaparte is in the center of the cover and directly facing the viewer, looking as he first appears in the game, though missing his sandals. His right sock has the heel worn off, and the left sock is only on half of his foot, and his heels are exposed and bleeding. He's being dragged backward down a darkened, impossibly-warped hallway in Thorney Towers by two shadowed figures, each of them looping one of their arms around his arms to drag him. Fred has a terrified expression on his face, and his heels are leaving bloody trails on the asylum floor. /end ID]
Fandom: Psychonauts
Rating: T
Genre: Angst
Characters: Fred Bonaparte and the-real-imaginary Napoleon Bonaparte
Warnings: Blood, isolation, electroshock therapy, psychological and physical abuse
Description: The asylum is falling into shambles around him, but no one seems to notice. They're treating him like a patient, but he's not a patient. He's the chief orderly, and he needs to treat the patients here, direct the orderlies, and follow the orders of the nurses and doctors.He just wants to help people. That's what he's always done... isn't it?
Beta Readers: @jaywings​ and @of-science-and-stars
Notes: For @wulverarctos​ for the Midnight at Whispering Rock ( @midnightwhisperingrock ) gift exchange! Doing research for this was... definitely a thing. @__@ Writing Fred was cool though!!
The hallways are so long.
He's been dragged for forever, their arms looped around his bound elbows, his ankles rubbing raw against the dirty floors. They were supposed to be clean. Where are the janitors? The floors aren't clean. Why aren't the floors—
No, don't say that out loud. Had he said that out loud? He wasn't supposed to. Please, please be quiet, he's sorry, he has such a hard time staying quiet—are they listening?
An exposed piece of metal on the leg of a stretcher strikes against his heel as they haul him past it, and he yelps. The stretchers weren't supposed to be just left sitting in the hallway, that was a safety hazard, why was it left out? Please, someone has to fix this, this isn't—
No, no, please, he knows there's no war right now but the other one doesn't—please, they have to listen!
He strains to turn his head, but he can't see their faces. They drag him onward down the never-ending hallways, so long and winding that he swears they're starting to spiral before his eyes. He shakes his head and looks around as he's dragged, trying to spot any other nurses or orderlies he can look to for help. But none of his coworkers look back at him, only the faces of the inmates. He's being dragged so fast he can't recognize each one, aside from the distinct characteristics of some, such as the massive, muscular form of the painter who cringes away from him as he's hauled past, or the glowing eyes of the dentist which seem to bore into his own. They shouldn't be afraid of him, though. He wants to help them, but he can't right now—no one will listen, please, someone has to listen, someone has to help—
No, no, that's not going to help! He does need to be released though, there's so many things that need taken care of, please—
Before he can speak another word he's no longer in the hallway, but instead thrown against the soft floor of a padded cell, the sound of the door slamming behind him practically an explosion for how loud it is in the quietness. The room is too bright, with rips in the padding visible like open wounds, disgusting stains marring other parts of it. Why hasn't it been cleaned? The room needs to be maintained. No one can possibly recover in this filth! He tries to pull himself away from a darkened saliva stain, only to spy a vibrant crimson spot inches from his feet. Frantically he pulls his legs away, and the blood smears with it, trailing from his bleeding ankles. No, no, he has to get the wounds bound and find a janitor to get this place clean, but he can't, he can't move his arms—who would put anyone in a place like this? Why was he—
Shut up, shut up, you're not supposed to say those things, why can't you behave? You have to pull yourself together and do your job, you're the chief orderly, you can't be an inmate, you have to help run the asylum, you have to—
When did it get so cold?
The hinges creak as the window shutters clatter from the force of the icy wind, so much more pronounced than normal. He tries to curl up, but his legs won't move. Looking down, he finds the cause being a blanket—no, multiple blankets, sopping wet with freezing water, wrapped around him as tightly as possible. It's so much colder than it ever looked, the water soaking through his clothing and chilling him to the core, his body trembling to the point that he can feel his very bones shaking, his teeth chattering so badly he fears they might break. But it was therapy, the nurses had told him. It's supposed to help, somehow. But he doesn't feel helped at all, especially not lying alone on muddy, broken tiles in an empty room, his body cocooned in icy numbness. It must've been done wrong. It shouldn't feel like this. This isn't helping—it's only miserable. Who would put someone through this...?
He's too cold and too exhausted to berate him this time. It's hard to think past the inescapable chill, but in the back of his mind he can only wonder when he's going to be out of this, when they'll let him help so things can get better here. Because they're not—it feels like no one has taken his place, and things are being left to fall apart, to rot...
Not conquer, he doesn't want to take over. He just wants to help. That was what he did. He always tries to help people, and direct the other orderlies, and help the nurses and doctors. Follow their orders. He always helped, always, always...
He's not sure when they moved him, but he's in the hallway now, being dragged once again. Who is doing this? He's an orderly, he shouldn't be treated like this—the patients really shouldn't either, but there's so many of them and they're always getting more and they're doing the best they can—they need to let him go!
No, no, he doesn't want to kill anyone—don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about! He's perfectly fine and he's not going to hurt anybody and—wait, wait, no, this isn't right. He remembers these halls. This isn't the way to the padded cells or the wards. This is...
Panic bolts through his body and he kicks out with his legs and twists and turns. No, it's not the best way to behave if he wants them to let him go, but they can't take him there, they can't, he's not depressed or catatonic, he doesn't need this, he's fine! He's fine!
No, no, it's not torture, it's treatment, but he doesn't need it! He's fine! They can't do this to him, they can't—
The doors creak open, and he doesn't need to see the label on them to know what room this is. But he doesn't need to be here, he really doesn't—
Without a word they throw him onto the rickety bed—it's more uncomfortable than he'd ever thought, but that's not the part that makes his heart pound against his rib cage like a prisoner trying to break free. Multiple sets of hands hold him back as more strap him down, pinning his arms and legs, and he opens his mouth to scream—
His hat is removed—he couldn't even remember where he'd gotten that stupid hat—and they begin placing the electrodes on his head, even as he pleads for them to remove them. He doesn't need this, it's not necessary, he's not a patient! Why are they doing this?! Why—
Something is shoved into his mouth, muffling any further screams. But he tries anyway—he has to get through to someone, someone has to tell him why they're doing this. Who is doing this? Who is the one responsible for this?!
"I-I'm sorry," a voice whispers just to his side.
His head jerks, and then—
He sees himself in his orderly robes, crouching down toward his face, looking at him with a pained expression. "I'm so sorry. We have to do this."
And he sees himself straighten, towering over him but looking away as the nurses prepare the machine behind him. Even he has fallen silent as he stares up at himself—his eyes shut tight, his mouth pulled into a grimace as the device behind them whirs to life, louder and louder and—
His body seizes, his vision goes white, but even above the erratic buzzing in his brain and the muffled screams in his throat, he can still hear—
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...!"
Fred woke up with a jolt, bashing the back of his head against the brick wall he'd been using as a pillow.
It took only seconds for Napoleon to take advantage of his dazed state: "I will not have you sleeping on ze battlefield any longer, simpleton! Wake up! That is an order!"
While normally Fred would stumble to his feet at Napoleon's insistence, he found himself staring down at the floor of the ruined courtyard and seeing instead the blood-streaked padded cell, the sopping wet blankets, the straps holding him against the bed...
...and his own face staring down at him as he was put through all of it.
"O-orders," he stammered, his body trembling. The floor blurred beneath him, but the visions from the nightmare remained clear.
"Yes, orders! Are you not listening to me?"
Something splashed in front of him, and another tear rolled down his nose. "I-I was... I was f-following orders..."
For once Napoleon was rendered silent, and Fred curled up on himself, burying his face into his knees.
"I'm so sorry..."
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A love in the eye of the hurricane ch 21 (unedited)
(Originally posted 19 September 2022. Should be better edited)
Jamyang, eight winters.
Jamyang observed the training with burning curiosity, wondering if she could replicate some of their moves later, on her own. It would be preferable to have someone observe her while she trained, but she was more comfortable training on her own currently.
“You can join them, you know.” Her shoulders twitched, and she squeaked. She didn’t notice them. Jamyang turned to look at the person. Sage Bhuti stood there looking amused. The familiar feeling of her hair flickering in the wind returned. She reminded herself that it wasn’t real. A light breeze, like it was currently, wasn’t strong enough to make her hair flicker.
Gawa theorised it was his presence alone that made that happen. Jamyang thought it could be a mix of spiritual energy and something else.
“They don’t mind.” He told her and sat down beside her. Jamyang knew that. They’ve invited her multiple times, and she declined four times and accepted six other times they asked her. It was more comfortable that way.
“I know. I’m just more comfortable doing some of it on my own currently.” It was more difficult to come to terms that she was learning to fight than she’d expected. Baby lemur steps. She made up by reading about battle strategies and action filled stories about protagonists that use weapons the times she didn’t train.
Some of her classmates even had interests in this, Jaya too. Jamyang was one of possibly three that took it further than a simple ‘interest.’ Ema was interested in the surfing common at Yonggungsa, which was often used to meet battles at sea. Norbu was interested in the style of flying at Tanah lot, which was used to spy and observe one’s enemy; Opame spoke about a loop trick that’s commonly used in assassinations. Norbu came running to her all excited when the letter arrived via a black ringed lemur.
And then there was her. “I’m trying to stop feeling guilty about learning to fight, I guess.” Ama fought with medicine and poisons with a jian and senbon as back up; she giggled and smiled really broadly when Jamyang asked her point-blank if she was the masked bounty hunter from ‘the stories of a shinobi.’ 
Ama never confirmed or denied her question, which was frustrating.
“Fighting isn’t bad.” He said, voice soft. It didn’t sound like Sage Bhuti’s voice. While it had a gentleness, it also had something else. She couldn’t place her finger on it. Elder Sonam, Abbot Dorji and Zopa had it too. Jamyang characterised it as something old people had. Life experience, maybe?
This voice was also younger. Sage Bhuti was close to a century old.
“Fighting brings violence and that brings on more violence.” She said, thinking of the words the nuns would say. The stories they would tell were all about compassion and peacefully solving conflicts. None of them included fighting.
“Then don’t meet violence with violence then.” What? She turned to him and… someone else was sitting there.
A young water tribe woman with eyes so strikingly blue that she thought Palden was sitting beside her at first glance. Her dark hair styled in hair loopies and a single braid, Jamyang stared, tattoos decorated her chin, cheeks and forehead. She was pretty. Who was this woman?
“What do you mean?” The woman hummed, a glint shining in her eyes. “‘Meet them with buoyancy or, hmm, probably not the right word…’” She puffed out her cheeks while she thought. “Let it ricochet off of you in the same way an object is dropped and bounces away.” Jamyang frowned. She guessed that made sense. Violence was the object and what it landed on was the person?
“And to let it bounce off of you, you need to be strong and flexible, just like water.” She said and pulled small amounts of water from the surrounding grass, her hand moving in a circle like movement she didn’t understand; she froze a water sized pebble and formed the rest into a straight line in the air.
Jamyang observed her. This woman was doing this with one hand. She’d read that it took a lot of control to manage that. The frozen pebble shot towards the water line and the line bent to accommodate the pebble and shot it straight back when it straightened.
“See what I mean?”
“Yeah, I do.” She was supposed to be the water and let the violence bounce off of her and let the violence shoot right back at the assailant.
“And to be like this, you have to be strong like a gardening samurai, or so they say.” That was a proverb, a familiar one. Prince Gonryu would say it to Shaohao when he didn’t want to train.
“And to be like this blob of water, you need to be strong. Not insanely strong, just strong, and stubborn. There are styles based on this taught at Karbandi and Karchu.” Jamyang wasn’t familiar with those temples. She only knew that Sister Pema’s brother came from Karbandi. “There are more styles, but the styles taught there are the most famous ones.”
“… why?” she asked, feeling intrigued.
The woman grinned, the fronts of her cheek tattoos shifting slightly at the change of movement, and rubbed the back of her head. 
“I have no idea!”
Jamyang blanched while the woman laughed so much that her shoulders shook.
“I fell asleep during that lesson, but I think the styles are called Aikdo? Aikido? Yeah, aikido and Hapkado? Hipdo? Hapkido? Yeah! Hapkido, they’re….”
Jamyang visited Karchu, irikaji no iri, the western temple in the west in Okin, on her next visit to the Druk’s nest.
She still got lost in between the languages spoken there: there was the air nomad language, then Dzongkha, and then Okin, the main three on the island. Everybody could speak those languages. She just couldn’t with Okin. When she thought she’d made progress, someone threw another dialect her way, and she was lost again; She couldn not for the life of her figure out Amanthi’s dialect. The Miyako dialect sounded like a drunk person speaking. Jamyang was at a loss for words when she observed Amanthi speaking with a friend and they understood each other???
The ‘shinshii’ was an older man who she stumbled upon while exploring the area around the temple; she’d startled him so badly that he almost hit her with an arrow.
On the walls within the temples, she came across a statue of that water tribe woman she’d met. It was a well-taken care of statue. A monk she’d met said it was close to 400 years old. Her name was Ahnah, meaning wise woman.
Was that woman a previous life of Sage Bhuti?
Sage Bhuti entered her train of thoughts while she stared at Jampo, who was getting increasingly impatient. He would know how to deal with her conflicting feelings from the aftermath of the missions.
She could steal a chick while visiting Aika while on her way to visit him. Animals were always fond of him.
“‘Wed panda.” Chi said and reached out with a hand, brushing against his bushy tail. “Yes,” she said and opened the letter tube. “Red panda, his name is Jampo.”
“Champo?” Gawa giggled beside her and Jamyang turned her head to him and patted his head. “Good enough.” He reached out to pet him again, gasping in delight as her panda leaned into her touch.
Unraveling the letter, she’s greeted with the familiar writing of Sister Tsering. Which… she didn’t expect, but the letter held an unexpected surprise. Her eyes widened the more she read.
“… I’ve spoken to the elders. You’re allowed to go ahead with your ceremony. Choose two elders of your liking as Elder Yeshe and Elder Garma have chosen not to take part. The only thing missing is the date…”
Jamyang stared at the letter for a couple of seconds, unmoving. What magic did Sister Tsering pull off now? Whatever it was, she’d like to learn it. Reading the letter one more time, she rolled it back up and put it back into the letter tube on Jampo’s back, picked up a momo and continued eating.
Gawa looked up. “What did it say?” Jamyang was not dealing with that now. She’d do that later. She chewed on her momo quietly. Jampo’s trills and the soft clack of utensils were the only sound around them.
“I’m not dealing with it now.” Gawa pouted at her out of the corner of her eye. She picked up a momo and gave it to Chi, who perked up when he saw it. “This is a momo. Remember how I said it was my favourite food?”
“Yeah, I do.” He grabbed it, gave it a tentative squeeze, and took a bite.
“‘S good.” He said, smiling while he chewed. He even tore off a piece and shared it with Jampo.
“I know. They’re really good.”
She didn’t chide Gawa when she stole a momo off of her plate. They were good, after all.
Gawa gave her hell when she found out the continents of the letter.
“That’s your reaction to being allowed to have your master ceremony?!”
“… Yeah?” she answered hesitantly. “I never expected to be allowed to have a ceremony after I found out that I needed a firebender and so I put it off for as long as I could just to spite them.” Gawa laughed, because what? Jamyang did something out of spite? And she quickly followed up with. “And I’m attached to my hair. I don’t know what to do in the months after when it grows back.”
She gave her a look. “You’re that attached to your hair?”
“I am.” She was not ashamed to admit that. “Yara is like me, but to a lesser degree. Ama said she experienced the same thing when she got her arrows.” The day started by braiding her hair. She’d done it since she’d learn how to braid. She couldn’t just not do it. Ama said she religiously cleaned the hallways and rooms in the temple until her hair grew out so she could start braiding it again.
Sister Tsering said the walls and floor and each statue were spotless, literally shining for months until ama’s hair grew out again.
“That’s the thing holding you back? Losing your hair?”
“Yes.” She answered. “At least until I find something else to start my day with in the months it grows back.”
Gawa was quiet, opened her mouth and closed it, and then she smiled at her with a slight head tilt. “You’re very peculiar.” She’s said that to her a lot. It had never been an insult any of those times.
“Thank you?” Her eyes glinted in a way she couldn’t tell what they meant.
“You’re welcome. You know which elders you want to choose, right?”
“I do…”
Aika’s nest laid in the crooks of Paro valley. It was an unusual spot for such an enormous bird, but Aika made up for it by having a huge nest down to the nooks and crannies so that her chicks could have some independence. At least that’s what it seemed like. The animal caretakers said that Aika was a little unusual for a suzaku.
They greeted her with croons and happy squawks when she landed. 
“Hello.” She picked up a green chick who patted towards her. A blue chick floated towards her from its nest and Jamyang caught that one too and held them close. It was comforting. They were at the stage where they were learning how to use their fire. It felt like she was holding on to two puff balls of warmth. 
Aika dipped her head and nudged her beak at her when she got close enough, a light ‘grrm?’ left her. That was a question. She didn’t know what she asked, though. “I wanted to see you.” She said and Aika blinked her beady eyes at her. “I’m going to visit Sage Bhuti, but I thought I’d visit you first.” Her eyes creased and Aika crooned, a light sound. The animals on the island knew Sage Bhuti, they were fond of him.
Xie knew a previous life of his. She said she didn’t expect any less from ‘Chizu.’
Jamyang sank into Aika’s soft feathers with the blue chick and green chick nuzzling into her sides. She closed her eyes and relaxed.
Jamyang, nine winters:
Red pandas swarmed her in the bamboo forests near Taktsang. Jamyang giggled at their licks of affection and tried to hold all of them.
There were a lot of pandas. All of them were happy to see her. She didn’t know if they had any names.
“Okay, okay.” She sat down and hugged the pile of pandas in her lap. “There, happy?” They squealed and wriggled around on her lap and Jamyang laughed, scratching behind the ear of the nearest panda; its fur was a wooly bright red and raspy voice that rose in pitch the more she scratched behind its ear.
The panda looked at her hand and leaned away from her scratches. It looked at her and then down at her hand again. “Chir chir squee.” It nosed at her hand, a soft sound, almost as if it sounded concerned. Jamyang followed the movement and startled at how her veins glowed a bright blue. It was still weird. She wasn’t used to it happening.
Apa said it was a good thing and nothing to fear; Yara immediately thought that something was wrong when it happened to her and cried. Apa said it showed how connected she was to the spiritual energy in her body and the energy in nature. It was a good thing, even if it looked a little weird.
If your veins glowed, you had the potential to become a powerful spirit guide.
Jamyang pulled her hand back, and the panda looked at her, blinking slowly. “I’m okay.” She covered her hand with the other, rubbing it until the glowing subsided.
“Do you want more pets?” The panda looked hesitant, but leaned into her hand for more when she showed that she truly was okay.
Jamyang was startled out of her sleep when Aika screeched out a plume of colourful fire.
The blue chick and green chick were still sound asleep against her sides. She looked up to see a part of a tree. It looked like a branch, burnt and almost about to fall. In her sleepy state, she rolled out of the way and out of the nest.
It’s not that late. Afternoon maybe? Agni was still in the sky. She should make her way over to Sage Bhuti before it’s too late.
Aika looked very upset at that tree. Jamyang didn’t know why or what happened while she slept. “Um…?” The shift from upset to curious was abrupt. Aika lowered her head so that they were on an equal level. “Squ-crrn?”
“I’m going to visit Sage Bhuti.” Her eyes lit up with familiarity. “And I was wondering if I could take these two with me?” Aika went from sitting on her lap to being able to carry her on her back overnight. She was a little scary now that she was so big. 
Warm air hit her face and, like she was aware of her size, she nudged her neck against the side of her head. A hug; Jamyang would be crushed if Aika attempted to wrap her neck around her shoulders like she used when she was a chick.
“Okay, I’ll be back with them later.”
Sage Bhuti lived at a smaller temple that was carved into the mountain walls. It was a 30-minute walk from Paro valley and a 45-minute walk from Taktsang.
The chicks patted on the trail beside her when they woke up, chirping and making high-pitched squeaks as the wind lifted them in the air and let them float down.
The wind did the same with her, too, messed with her hair and robes. “Stop it.” She scolded. The wind whistled, a playful sound that reminded her of the children giggling back home.
She never actually named the wind, nor had she asked if it had one. A complete lapse in judgement on her part.
Jamyang paused when she reached the base of the mountain. Looking up, she saw the temple entrance decorated in streaks of amber and green. It wasn’t that high up, she could make that jump. 
“Squawk.” She pursed her lips, looking down at the two adorable chicks who looked back up at her. Could they make the jump? They were still very young.
There was a staircase built into the wall.
Jamyang spent the next 20 minutes coaxing blue chick and green chick to jump onto each of the steps so that they could make their way up to the temple on their own.
She stepped in once. The green chick almost missed a step, but other than that, they did just fine.
Did they have names?… Could she name them?
Jamyang found Sage Bhuti in the meditation room furthest back in the temple; the orange flickers of the lanterns cast a warm glow in the room.
“I had a feeling you’d come.” He met her gaze as she slid the door closed. His eyes lit up when he saw the two chicks. “And you bought guests with you.” They patted towards him, their bodies wiggling side to side as they ran, and he cooed and petted them with a weary hand.
Jamyang sat down across from him. “I envy that skill.” Sage Bhuti’s smile dropped a little, and he continued to pet the birds. “I can see the use for it in some situations, but I’ve wanted to turn it off for a majority of my life. So have many others I know.”
“I’ve predicted the deaths of some of those I hold dear to me and not been able to do anything to prevent it.” He answered and looked up at her. “But you’re not here to talk about foresight, are you?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Is it my wisdom, perhaps?”
“… yes, it is.”
He grinned. “Heh, I could tell.” That was a line she’d heard often throughout the years. From Gawa and Koko-chan to be really specific, she didn’t spend enough time around Tora, but he said it from what people told her.
Jamyang always felt left out when those situations occurred. Her instinct made up for some of it, yes, but still. She did feel a little left out; knowing if the person in front of you was fake and knowing the probable outcome of an event wasn’t the same.
“You’ve killed people before, right?” Remembering the statue of Ahnah from 400 years ago, he must have lived countless lives after her. 
“I have.” He answered with zero hesitation, the complete opposite of Jamyang, who hesitated. “Many times. In anger, revenge, justice, or as a small sacrifice for peace. I’ve lost my honour and I’ve lost my faith time and time after again for my choices, rarely regaining any of them back.”
“Did you kill someone?” The question was light. She didn’t hear any judgement. It almost appeared… innocent. She braced herself, hyping herself up to say, yes, I did kill someone, but the words didn’t come immediately. Working through the drought in her mouth and ignoring how hard her heartbeat, which took a couple of seconds, she managed a croaked response.
“I, uh, um, y-yeah, uh, I did.” The admission was heavy, and the words felt wrong. An admission like that wasn’t supposed to be in an air nomad’s vocabulary.
“How many?”
“Ten or more, b-but ten was my count.”
“How many could you send off in the spirit guide way?”
“Three, but I substituted the masks for ones drawn onto the face in blood.” He was quiet, continuing to pet the two chicks.
“Were you angry or hateful when you did it?”
“N-no, just…” she thought back to the moments she stood behind their shoulders; a shaky hand holding a shiny tanto, the sweat beading at her brow and how quick her heart beat. “Scared.” She’d been terrified to mess up and when she willingly put herself into the situation where she went into the siheyuan to look for Gawa and Chi and broke the one rule the nuns taught, it amplified.
“And there were times were I didn’t think, just acted.” Sage Bhuti nodded along, humming.
“I see your reactions are normal and to be expected when something traumatic like that happens. If a next time happens, never swing or shoot with anger or hate, only do so with the utmost calm mind or compassion and pray for them to have a good rebirth.” There wouldn’t be- no, she didn’t control that much of the universe. She’d like for this time to be the last time she’d go through something like that.
She might not have luck like that, but she knows what to expect now and some questions to ask before someone, in a hypothetical scenario, asked her to join another mission; They highly sought after her skill in stealth. Jamyang had already rejected a few mission invites before she went with Gawa. “Something else is bothering you. What is it?”
“They’ve allowed me to have a master ceremony.” Was that worded correctly? 
“Ahh, okay. You’re conflicted on how to feel about having killed someone close to your ceremony?” That summed up most of it. “I am.” It felt wrong.
“You’ll be reborn during your ceremony. Technically, something like this is going to be forgiven. It’s something that you can leave behind.” She knew that. “I still feel guilty.”
“That’s normal. If it interferes with your day, postpone it until you’ve worked through those feelings.” She’d thought about doing that, but wasn’t sure of how they’d react when she got back home. Now that another person said to do that, then she will.
She’d be one of the last out of her classmates to get her arrows, despite being the one who qualified for them before anyone. She could handle that.
“Okay.” She nodded. “I’ll-I’ll have it sometime next year then.” During the late summer, early autumn. It’ll give her a year or so to work through this.
“First kills are difficult, but they’re manageable when dealt with in the right way. Then it’s a valuable learning lesson.” Jamyang didn’t see how a kill could be a lesson in anything, but just like Sage Bhuti’s other wisdom, she’d figure it out later.
Green chick was asleep against his legs, blue chick was still awake.
“Is there something else you wanted to ask me?” Jamyang mulled over her thoughts- there was- but it was off topic.
“Do you remember your first life?” Purely for her own curiosity’s sake. She’d always wanted to ask someone that question. His eyes softened, and he smiled in a way she hadn’t seen before. “I was a healer.” Jamyang could tell it wasn’t him who responded. The features on his face shifted into someone else, soft features. A woman? “I played many instruments because I enjoyed seeing people happy, and I painted for someone.” She/they (?) closed their eyes as if they relived the memory. 
“They liked my paintings, so I tried to paint one every day for them. I held the hand of someone I loved. I took care of them and cherished them until the day I couldn’t anymore.”
Jamyang returned the blue chick and green chick back to their nest and gave Aika a big hug. 
When she got back to Taktsang, she’d write a letter to Yara to ask for help when looking for the spirits of the people she couldn’t send off properly.
She could go on that adventure alone, but it always felt better when she joined her.
Yara was the least judgmental person to exist in the world so, it’ll be okay. She wouldn’t hate her when Jamyang eventually told her why they were going on this adventure.
But she’d bring extra comfort pandas, just in case.
Three pandas and a bullfinch stumbled through her open window. The bullfinches around Agari had an orange hue to their red feathers, but other than that, they were the same as Assam and his family back in the Chenrezig forest.
The bullfinch perched itself in her palm while the visiting pandas climbed up her robes.
“Hello.” It chirped and leaned into her touch as she stroked its head, the act reminding her of Assam. He’d made his presence scarce around the temple. She didn’t know if it was because he was old or if it was spirit stuff. She’s never confirmed if he was part spirit or not, but she’ll get it confirmed within the next three years; Assam was nine years old, an old bird. Bullfinches could, in some cases, live until they were thirteen years old.
If he died within the next years, he was a bird with longevity and if he lived, then he’s part spirit.
Jamyang hoped he was part spirit. She treasured his visits more after Matcha and Oolong passed; she took care of and befriended the children they left behind. 
She looked over her shoulder when her door slid open and Gawa with Jampo perched on top of her head peeked in, holding two plates of food. “I bought food.”
“Thanks.” Gawa made her way in and placed the plates on the desk- every room had one- and grabbed a nearby stool to sit.
A kind monk gifted it to her in her early teens and she kept it here because she enjoyed Gawa’s company. They spent a lot of time around each other and it would be stupid to not accommodate.
“Where were you today?” Jampo jumped off of her head, mindful to not step on the plates of food.
She picked up the utensils, the fried noodles smelled amazing. “I befriend two of Aika’s chicks, had an unplanned nap in her nest and woke up to her being angry at a tree branch-,”
“What?” Gawa laughed.
“I know, don’t know what it did to her, but I got out of her nest in my sleepy state and asked for permission if I could bring them with me as I visited Sage Bhuti. I coaxed green chick and blue chick- yes, that’s what I’ve been calling them because I couldn’t come up with names- up the stairs and they did it all by themselves.”
“Wow, really?”
“Almost, the green chick mis-stepped and I had to step in. And I got some wisdom from Sage Bhuti. The green chick fell asleep and the blue chick almost did. I returned them back to their nest, gave Aika a big hug, and now I’m here. Visited by pandas, a bird, and an overbearing master.”
Gawa scoffed and punched her shoulder.
“I’m joking, I’m joking!” She laughed. It was nice to be brought meals. She should do the same if she had the chance. “A caring master.”
“That’s better.” Her laugh subsided into giggles as Gawa gave her the side eye while eating the noodles.
A silence wrapped around them while they ate, only disrupted by the pandas’ purrs.
“I think you’re pretty too, just so you know.” Gawa’s utensils slipped from her fingers and her head turned so fast she fast Jamyang feared it would snap off. “W-what?!” She reached up with a finger and poked her cheek, her flush intensifying.
She bit back a smile. That’s cute.
“After I extracted the poison, you said you think I’m pretty. It’d be wrong of me not to say it back.” Gawa ducked her head, embarrassed, and Jamyang wrapped her arm over her shoulders and pulled her close. 
In all the years they’d been friends, she’d never done that. It felt nice, stupid that she didn’t do it sooner.
“I didn’t say anything more embarrassing, did I?”
“No, you didn’t.”
Gawa also said that she drew her when she had artblock, but she didn’t need to bring that up. Sketchbooks were a private matter to artists. She wouldn’t repeat it. Jamyang could keep a secret. 
Whoo, hey, I am going to take a break, I need a breather. Next update will be next weekend. I might update my other work in the mean time because I'm already half way through and almost done, but we'll see. So, Jamyang is going to have her master ceremony, Yara will, hopefully, help her deal with the spirits of the people she killed and they called each other pretty! Yay progress! And next chapter is going to be even more progress! Oh, how cool isn't that. Jamyang's glow veins and moment with the pandas in the bamboo forest is inspired by those three gifs. (Ohmygawd! I learned how to use gifs!) I love that game, the rots are the cutest! If there was a notification earlier, then it was a misstep on my part as I was trying to figure out the gifs.  words: Shinshii: dialect for sensei. Aikido: Japanese martial arts Hapkido: korean martial arts Miyako: a dialect in japan
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
As promised, here's me being so very creative about my OCs but just in the direction I like and not the rest.
I've been thinking about two very neglected OCs recently, those two guys whose chibi headshots I posted on my artblog the other day, Ambrose and Léonie. For a long time I only had a vague Team Rocket/some kind of spy vibe for them and didn't know what to do with it, but with the James Bond brainrot I've finally found where I want to take this :D
So I'm slowly making up a vague knock-off secret service for the "main" country of my world, who doesn't have a name (yet!) but is where almost all of my OCs live and also is like, the equivalent of England. It's vibes only for now until I do some uh, research (watch/read more spy stories and some wikipedia articles) but I'm having fun.
Anyway in there the people who do some kind of important stuff (ie not the clerks and Jim the doorman) have work nicknames for uh style and identity protection reasons. Those nicknames are qualities and/or names you could see on a ship from the navy, because I'm me, and they kind of like, pick one or get one assigned when they get their contract as Someone Important, which they then keep the rest of their career. The only exception is heads of departments, whose names are kind of titles, in that the head of tech is always called the same name because it comes with the territory of being head of tech. Generally they'll find themselves a nickname based on that quality name, because those names can be long and they don't really sound like names, but it's not mandatory.
Examples of people and their names include:
Superb and Temeraire, aka Sue and Tem, aka Léonie and Ambrose, who are kind of the protagonists because they were there first and they're close-ish to my main OCs (funfact: they're named after the two other Bellerophon-class dreadnoughts besides the HMS Bellerophon, the HMS Superb and HMS Temeraire, though you'll note that this Temeraire is neither the Fighting Temeraire from the painting or the french ballistic missile submarine Le Téméraire)
Constant (Con), Industrious (Dusa), Innovative (Nova) and Sharp (who goes by Sharp but will use Shaun if there's need for a real person name) for the tech guys
Steadfast (Ed), Glorious (Laurent), Ambitious (Amy), Illustrious (Luce), Mellifluous (Mel) and Spirited (Pilar) for guys I have yet to sort, though I want Luce to be some kind of secretary to some higher-up
And the heads of departments: (I still have to think about which departments there should be but this is the tentative list)
Big Boss Man, highest-up, the head of everything, Majestic. The current one uses Jasper and he got cooler with age (before that he was Triumphant, aka Phil)
The head of tech is Ingenious, current one is Jen (she used to be Daisy, short for Audacious) Her second in command/next in line is Constant, who as I said will use Con until he retires because Jen made such a big impression as Ingenious people just kept calling him Con right after she retired and the name stuck (and because I couldn't find a nickname I liked)
Head of security is Vigilant, currently it's Gillian
Head of intelligence (?) is Observant, who goes by Linda (it's short for Belinda)
and beloved head of medical, Conscientious, my girl Siobhan (let me tell you I had trouble finding a name that would work but I'm so happy about that one) She used to be Courteous but I haven't found a nickname for that yet haha
You might have noticed that the names are generally qualities they should embody in their specific line of work and area, especially the heads of departments, and it's not a hard and fast rule but generally the names fit the type of work they do. Also none of them have real person names except Ambrose and Léonie because I don't need it for now and I don't feel like finding names for everyone right this instant lol.
I've got sooo many more, ranging from normal (Agile, Daring) to obvious (Indomitable, Earnest, Resolute) to kind of strange (Queer, Swiftsure, Odd, Silly, Immortal) to a few that are more negative than positive but sound cool (Furious, Venomous) The weirder ones aren't assigned btw, or even on the lists of available names, their holders would have to think of them on their own and ask for them. The idea is that some people would actually be happy with/proud of being called odd or silly or queer or venomous, but you can't just call someone that unprompted for the rest of their career y'know.
Here's the list (for now), if you've got nickname ideas feel free to contribute :) (the names in fuschia are doubles because I used lists of ships from both the french and british navies to find names and there's multiple Intrepids)
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
New Professor
Characters: Dick Grayson x male, Jason Todd x male, Tim Drake x male
Universe: Somewhere in DC
Warnings: None
The entire class mumbled. After talking about their new professor, they got fired for using drugs in public after their old one. Her actions were unacceptable to the university. But not one single student knew who it was. The university itself held it under lock. Why that was, nobody was really sure, which made all of this so much more enticing.
Maybe a famous person, with a degree? Or a special agent? Maybe even a spy? There weren’t many reasons to hold the information of a new professor under wraps. So, their minds wandered far from the truth.
In the end, they did not even notice someone coming into the room from down where the professor would stand. All of them way too far into their own little worlds and conversations. Which gave that person, enough time to build everything up, get ready, and even write his name on the chalkboard.
Just then, he turned around and clapped once loudly in his hands. Immediately, all eyes flew down, directly to you. A small smile is visible on your perfectly groomed face. „Good morning class, I know it is bright and early. Not all of you are already awake, but please turn it down a notch. My name is (Y/N) or Professor (Y/L/N). I will teach this class at least this year. Hopefully, no incidents will ruin our fun together, okay?“
You turned around and swung the chalkboard up, so everyone could write down your name, only for you to turn around again. „And for the guy, I just met in the toilet. An excellent place to get to know other people, might I add. Yes, I stared at your dick, not because it was that appealing, but because your pubes looked like someone tried to trim it and almost cut the entire thing off. Next time, please be careful.“
For a moment, the entire class was silent. Not knowing how to react to your brutal honesty and savagely. But soon after burst into laughter. It even made your own smile a bit wider.
You let them get everything out, before clapping once more, „Okay that’s enough. Let us begin!“
Maybe it was because you had experience with classrooms already, or cause of the work outside of campuses you have done. The people you met and learned from. But every single person loved the two-hour class you just, had spent together.
Making it boring doesn’t help anyone, so why do it? You guys laughed and even played one or two games, to get the information better in your student's heads. Of course, not all classes could be like this, but sometimes and when it's possible, it should be done that way.
Before you let your pupil go, you had to call out a couple of them. „Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake, please stay behind.“
Especially the guys were confused, one of them even mortified, but no other one really paid any mind to it. Not even after your story at the beginning of class. Most forgotten, just to get remembered later and wondering if the guy you had talked about, was within this small group.
„It is nothing serious guys, relax.“ You smiled at them, as they came to a halt directly at your little podium. Waiting for the last person to leave the room, you immediately turned back to the three guys. „As far as I know, you three are brothers, right?“
The three guys nodded in unison, still confused, except for one. Who looked even more mortified than before, you had called them to you.
„Okay, good Tim here, really needs your help with his self-care. Please show him how to shave, before he does irreparable damage to his own body. I almost feared for his life, when he goes onto me in the toilets and saw his damaged skin.“
Both Dick and Jason looked shocked at their brother, who tried to hide himself away with his hands. „If you guys need tips or… „Help“, just call me, here is my number.“
Before either of the three could say something else, you already were at packing again. Eyes not even met them once more.
Together, the brothers left, confused and with your number in their hands. As Jason looked at his, under your number was only one word written, „Hunk“, at first, he was confused, until he finally understood, that it wasn’t meant innocent.
With a bright grin, he showed it to his brothers. „Look what our hot teacher wants to call me,“ he told them cockily.
Dick, with a satisfied grin, showed him too. As Jason read it, he rolled his eyes, „Stallion? Really? He must be blind, or maybe he gave you the wrong piece of paper?“
Just then he turned the piece around, and showed his first name, „Don’t think so bro. He just knows what he likes.“ His voice arrogantly, knowing how much it would piss him off.
„You don’t even like guys!“, Jason retorted loudly. His anger began to flare up.
Dick just shrugged with his arms, „Don’t care. He is hot, giving him what he wants, could only be profitable for me.“
„What says it on your paper, Tim?“, Jason tried his hardest to get away from Dick and his obvious ego problem.
But Tim said nothing, trying to stuff the paper in his pocket. To his luck, Dick was faster and snatched it out of his hand. „Let’s see… Baby boy?“
While Dick stood there confused, Jason broke out laughing like a maniac. The tallest of the three did not understand it. Was it a joke?
Tim, who already was uncomfortable, tried to get the paperback, but he could see that Dick wanted an explanation. He groaned embarrassed. „He thinks I'm inexperienced and… and-“
„Submissive!“ Jason screamed out laughing. Almost rolling himself over the floor, clutching his sides from the amount he laughed.
Now it was on the tallest to be mortified. He quickly gave the paper back to his smaller brother, which he in return immediately stuffed in his pocket, finally. „Is it true? Are you a baby boy?“
Of course, Dick wanted to know that. He had no experience with any of that and if he hears or sees something, Jason or Tim needed to explain it to him asap. „Yes,“ he mumbled almost silently. Which finally let even Jason shut up.
„Oh fuck, sorry,“ he quickly excused himself. Thinking that you just wanted to make fun of Tim, without knowing that you could see right through the tough guy demeanor he has because of Jason and Dick.
As the three brothers, now in uncomfortable silence, walked back to their car, someone else found something very interesting about you. Another of your students, made it her mission, to expose why the school had made your appearance a secret. And what she found, explained everything and so much more. Already planning, how she could use it to her advantage.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hello there I’m back! Can I request Mitsuba, Kou, Yashiro, and Akane who have a S/O that is basically like Yor from spy x family?
(Take you’re time and have a nice day/night)
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An S/O That acts like Yor From Spy x Family
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Mitsuba Sousuke, Minamoto Kou, Yashiro Nene, Aoi Akane
TW : None
A/N : Hello! Sorry it took a while to do your request aha~ I've only watched Ep 3 Of Spy x Family and I have to rely on my memory on how she acts, But nevertheless it was fun writing this!
I hope you enjoy and also have a good day/night 💗
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When he saw you beat up some delinquents at the back of the school his mouth was agape
Not only that you were so kind~
You had a heart of gold, it was hard to believe that someone so soft and kind looking can beat your ass in a second
and uh
Very gullible and a starting lack of sense-
He once joked about that those frogged designed cakes are made out of frogs
And you believed it
HUH?? he would say
Another is when Yokoo lied about saying he was Spidermans cousin
You also believed it
He asked you if you ACTUALLY believed these things
He would be startled when you say yes
He will now stay by your side 24/7 because he just cant trust you with other people with how gullible you are
Even though he knows you're very strong and can defend yourself
He also wants to keep his S/O safe too
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You were so kind and had a heart of gold
He instantly fell inlove with you because of that !
You two were walking around the school and naughty supernaturals appeared
He brings out his staff but before he could lunge at them
You kicked one of them super hard that caused a crack on the wall from impact
He would stare at you how he stared at tsucigomori when it was the 5pm library chapter in the manga
He absolutely does not know how to react
Should he admire you from your amazing strength, Or be worried that what if you missed it and you got hurt
So you did
You started teaching him
When you two were done he said "Man i think im gonna die" As a joke from the intense training
He saw you freak out and started asking why
And thats when he knew how gullible you were
Meaning you believed everything
Not only that he also noticed your lack of common sense
Would follow you corner by corner making sure that no idiot will make up a lie that might harm his lovely S/O
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She had a hard time approaching you
You had this very, Cold and Distant personality
She thought you were gonna bark at her if she disturbed you
But surprise it was the complete opposite!
She got to know you because of a partering up activity
Shocked because someone with a very aloof personality was this kind
Once when someone was messing with herbecause of her ankles
You came to her rescue and-
kicked them down the stairs...
She was shocked cause you kicked them a bit to hard
Grabbed your hand and ran
She was surprised of your strength
Wish she was that strong
You two were talking on the rooftop about a magazine with a guy failing from the sky
While she was flustered, You got concerned and started looking up
when she asked what you were doing you said that maybe someone will fall from the sky
Your lack of common sense scares her sometimes...
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When i tell you he will notice your lack of common sense right away i mean it
It was a normal day at the student council when he said that his hands are gonna fall out if he keeps on typing which freaked you out
He looked at you and you started tapping his hand
He asked what you were doing and you said that you were taping his hands because it might fall out.
Excuse me?!?!?
He will soon explain that he didn't mean it literally, and it was just a metaphor on how tired his hands were
This guy will also notice how easy it was to persuade you
He would take it as an advantage sometimes
He would tell you that the president, Teru, Loves to put salt in his drink because it was tastier
The day ended with a coughing teru and a laughing akane
But of course he wouldn't use you to commit these little mischief for him
He would protect you, He just doesn't trust any of the students around you
Haha he would chase some of them with a bat
He loves you very much, and he knows that you know about that
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I hope i got Yors personality and how she acts correctly 😭
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