#*looking at all my mods nervously*
lelianaslefthand · 2 days
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chat whaddahell is happening
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cookiescribble · 7 months
I’m The Only One Who Touches You
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A/N: This one kinda got away from me, ngl 😅 I’ve been sitting on it for a while. enjoy anyway, though! sorry we've kinda been on hiatus <3 - Mod Ghost
Summary: You and Spencer had decided some quality time with the team could do you both some good, but some jerk has other ideas
TW: sexual harassment, alcohol/drinking, pre-T/ top or bottom surgery body, misgendering
After some discussion between us and the team, Spencer and I agreed to go out that night with the rest of the team to a bar that Rossi wanted to show us.
“Do we really have to go? I…I really don’t want to be inside of a bar tonight, let alone at all,” Spence asked softly, coming up behind me as I brushed my teeth and wrapped his arms around my waist as he dropped his head on top of mine. He looked into my eyes in the mirror, and I could see the puppy dog pout that he had on.
“We already agreed to go, and we won’t have to be there for long. Just enough to say hello and make it seem like we’re personable people.” I spit into the sink then turn around in his arms to hug him back as I speak, rubbing his back. “Plus, if it gets really bad, we can have a secret signal. Just for you to say ‘hey, I hate it here, let’s leave please.’ Okay? While we’re there, you can just tap my elbow three times. Like this.” I reach around and tap his elbow three times to show him then he nods.
“Okay, you’re right. Let’s head out then, the rest of the team should either already be there or will be there soon.” Spence chuckled softly, taking my hand and leading me out of the bathroom then out of the apartment.
Once we got there, Spencer seemed to be a bit more at ease, comfortable in his own skin. He was talking with JJ and Garcia as I was getting some more drinks, soda for Spence and myself while the girls were getting alcohol.
“Another of whatever this pretty lady is getting for me, please.” A man spoke up from next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.
The bartender went about making all the drinks as I looked at this mystery man. He was taller than me and was looking at me with a rather smug face.
“I’m not sure who you think you’re talking to, or why you’d want four drinks for yourself.” I tried to move his hand off my shoulder but he kept it there, which made my discomfort levels skyrocket. I looked around for Spencer but couldn’t see him, which is when this guy finally moved his hand, but he grabbed my chin instead of keeping it away as if he was trying to get my attention back.
“You bought four drinks, huh? Someone’s got a bit of an alcohol problem,” he said with a cocky sneer, leaning in closer so I could smell all the alcohol he’d been drinking.
“You have about 5 seconds to get off me before I make you,” I threatened, trying to pull away from him which only made him yank me closer with his hand trailing down my side. “Hey—“
All I felt was this guy suddenly getting dragged off of me and before I knew what was happening, he was pinned down against the bar.
“When my boyfriend tells you something, you listen. Do you understand me?” The man holding this guy down, who I quickly realized was Spence, growled close to this asshole’s ear. It made him nod nervously. “Good. Now, get the fuck out of here.”
The mystery pervert was up and out of sight before either of us could say anything else, which was when Spencer turned to face me. His entire demeanor changed now, his expression soft as he reached out to me.
“Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?” Before he could even finish his sentence, I was burying myself in his arms. “Hey, what happened?? What did he do that I didn’t see?”
“Nothing, Spence, I promise. I’m just…really glad you showed up..” I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. He rubbed my back slowly as he hugged me tight.
“Alright, it’s okay. I’m going to take you home, let’s go tell the others we’re leaving and then we’ll be out of here,” he whispered back as he leaned in close to my ear, leading me back over to where everyone was standing to politely tell them we were leaving.
“Hey, we’re uh, we’re gonna head home,” Spencer announced, his arm tightly wrapped around my shoulders.
“Aw, already?” Complained Penelope, but then I assumed she saw the look on my face because I saw her demeanor turn concerned. “What happened? Are you two okay?”
“We’re fine, I’m just tired. We’ll see you guys tomorrow.” He didn’t wait for anyone else to say anything before leading me away as I waved meekly. 
We were in a taxi on the way home but I felt detached and out of it. I kept thinking about what could’ve happened if Spencer hadn’t been there when he was. 
“I didn’t lie to Penelope for you, did I?” he joked, gently nudging me to bring me out of my thoughts with a soft tone to his voice and a gentle smile on his face. 
“No, I would never make you do that. I’m okay, just like I said earlier,” I promised, but it didn’t seem to ease his suspicions any.
After getting out of the car, we were heading up to his apartment, his arm around me the whole way until we got to his door where he let go to let us inside. 
I stood behind him, an arm wrapped around myself and looking around the hallway on either side until I heard the telltale sound of the lock clicking open then took his hand that he extended to me. He pulled me through the threshold and then turned around to close the door behind us while I simply stood there.
Spence could tell I was feeling off, but I couldn’t do much about it. My mind couldn’t help taking me through what the worst case scenario would’ve been.
“Hey,” he murmured lovingly, leaning in close enough that I could feel him behind me without him actually touching me, “I don’t care what ‘men’ try to pick you up, I’ll always be the man taking you home,” he mumbled in my ear, just low enough to send shivers down my spine as he pulled me in until I was pressed against his chest and gently tilted my head so he could make eye contact with me, “Okay?”
I nodded, not taking my eyes off of his. 
“Good. Now, c’mon, let’s take a shower and stop thinking about this.” 
“How’d you know I was—“
Spencer simply looked at me with a raised eyebrow, as if he was asking whether or not I was serious.
“…never mind.”
“That’s what I thought. Come with me.” He took my hand, holding it firmly but gently as he led me into the bathroom. “Start the water, I’m gonna grab some clothes and towels for us.” He kissed the back of my head with his hands gently resting on my shoulders before leaving the room. I did as told, though, leaning down to start up the water and making sure the temperature was okay. 
As I was about to get up, I heard him come back into the bathroom, closing the door and coming up behind me. I felt the warmth of his body before his hands slid over my hips, pulling me up to stand and turning me around to face him. 
“Do you want me in here with you? I can start up some food if–” He stopped mid-sentence when I grabbed his wrist, nonverbally signaling that I didn’t want him to leave me, “--okay, don’t worry…I’m right here and I’m going to keep you safe now.” 
Adjusting so he was holding my hand instead, he then leaned down to kiss my forehead before leaning his head against mine. “Is it okay if I take your shirt off for you?” His voice was soft as it broke the silence, barely even there, which made it all the more comforting. 
I nodded again, but he didn’t move, so I got the sense he wanted verbal consent.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” I mumbled back, and he kissed my cheek before he gently started tugging my shirt up and over my head. 
He paused with his hands hovering over the waistband of my jeans, glancing at me as if he was asking me again. 
“That’s uh, that’s okay, too. Jeans and..and just all of it, go ahead.” I smiled at him shyly, admiring how sweet he was to continually make sure I was okay with what was going on. 
Spence smiled at me then continued to undress me, unable to stop himself from looking at me for a moment before turning me around to gently push me into the shower and getting undressed himself so he could join me. I waited patiently for him, letting the water run through my hair and closing my eyes as I felt my muscles relax under the spray while my mind wandered.
It felt a bit odd that I didn’t want Spencer to stop touching me, as if his soft and gentle touch could somehow erase the terror of what could’ve happened to me but didn’t. That it could save me from feeling that man’s hand roughly grabbing my chin and almost forcing me into things I didn’t want. His gentle kisses and soft caresses were all I wanted, and it seemed he was more than willing to give me that.
I hadn’t noticed that Spence had stepped into the shower until I opened my eyes and he was standing in front of me, pouring soap into his hand. His eyes flicked over to meet mine once he realized I was looking at him, giving me a gentle smile.
“Are you still with me over there?” His tone of voice hadn’t changed from that same tender cadence, taking a small step closer to me until I could feel his breath ghosting over my skin. It was moments like this that made me realize just how tall he was. 
“Yeah, I’m right here…hi.” I waved up at him which made us both giggle.
“That’s okay, just checking, sweetheart.” Spence kissed the top of my head, rubbing the soap into both of his hands then he gently started to rub his hands over my shoulders. I leaned forward until my head was pressed against his chest as he ran his hands over my body, gently kissing the top of my head again then leaving a trail of kisses on my face and along my neck. 
I stood up straight again when he had to bend down further, blushing as I felt his hands massage over my legs and up my thighs. 
I slid my hand into his hair, gently playing with it as he left a kiss lower on my stomach and the warm water rained down over me. 
“S-Spence, I…” I trailed off, distracted by him leaving kisses and marks over my body.
“Hmm…?” he stopped, looking up at me. “Are you okay?” He sat back on his knees, looking up at me while holding both of my thighs.
I slid my hand into his hair, gently playing with it as he left a kiss lower on my stomach and the warm water rained down over me. 
“Mmhmm…I’ve just...I’ve never done this before, and everything that happened tonight, I just…I didn’t think it affected me because he only grabbed at me, but…”
“Stop,” he stood up, wrapping his arms around me with his hands on my lower back so he could pull me closer to him. “It’s alright that what happened affected you, any kind of unwanted touch is a very disorienting thing. Especially if you’ve never been touched like that. We don’t have to do anything unless you’re comfortable.” His voice was more serious than before, and I couldn’t bring myself to do anything but nod to show that I understood. “Are you still comfortable with this? Because it’s completely alright to have changed your mind. Just tell me, darling. I’m smart but I’m not a mind reader,” he joked, gently tugging me closer to him until I was almost pressed up against him. 
“Yes…Yeah, I’m still comfortable with this. I think I just needed a minute.” I speak only loud enough to be heard over the water. 
He nods and presses his lips to my cheek before he kneels in front of me again, marking his path with kisses down my stomach back toward where he was before I stopped him, sucking and gently biting at my skin along the way. 
As he got lower and lower, he shifted to loop his arms around my knees, pulling me even closer as he got ever closer to exactly where I wanted–no, needed him to be. I could feel his breathing getting heavier, each breath washing over me between each kiss. 
I slid both of my hands into his hair, gently gripping random fistfuls of it as I moaned lowly and tilted my head back. I felt him chuckle more than I heard it as his head found its way between my legs. 
Soon enough, his tongue glided smoothly in circles over my skin as I gasped and groaned, my grip tightening on his hair and almost pulling with each motion as any thought of getting cleaned up was abandoned. God, if I had known this was where I was going to be before I left the house with him, I wouldn’t have wanted us to leave either. 
Spencer eventually came up for air ever so briefly before he was back to kissing all over my body, marking my skin wherever he could without seeming to care where, like he was claiming every inch of me. Little did he know, all he’d have to do was say ‘please’ in the softest tone of voice he could muster and I’d be on my knees for him. Or worse, he knew and he was more than willing to take advantage of that fact. Not that I minded, per say. 
He slowly made his way back up to my lips, kissing every possible spot on my body that he could so I’d be littered in hickeys and would feel them as a constant reminder of this moment. Of him. 
I tugged on his hair lightly until he was on his feet, my arms going around his neck as I pulled him into a deep kiss with my lips parting against his as he pulled me in closer until our bodies were all but pressed together. 
Feeling him this close to me sent a shiver down my spine.
He finished washing me off, getting out and wrapping a towel around himself before he held out his hand to help me out of the shower. He wrapped the other towel around me and helped me dry off, getting me dressed in a white and gray hoodie of his that said Washington DC and a pair of his pajama pants that he had to tie in a neat bow so they didn’t fall. 
I went digging in his drawers and helped him pick out as well as get into his own pajamas, then he picked me up as I squeaked loudly and started laughing. 
“Spencer! What’re you doing?!” I yelled through giggles. 
“I’m not doing anything!” He smirked as he dropped me onto his bed then sat next to me. 
Spence was barely on the bed two seconds before I was in his lap, hugging him tight. He looped his arms back around me as he leaned back, hugging me close as he pulled the blankets over us and I nuzzled into his shoulder. 
Neither of us moved for a while, long enough for us both to fall asleep. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, I felt his lips press against the back of my head with a whispered ‘I love you’.
“Can you like…talk to me? Like just…just tell me about something. Anything you want.”
“You’re giving me a lot of power here, sweetheart.” 
“I know, pretty boy, but your voice is…it’s comforting to me.” 
“Okay, you asked for it…” he cleared his throat in a dramatic fashion, making me giggle, before continuing, “The first thing I could think of that could be a lot of fun was Star Wars, so did you know that the name Yoda can be translated to ‘warrior’ in Sanskrit? Also, the word ‘Ewok’ was never spoken aloud in any of the films, even when they visit Endor, the only time it ever comes up is in the credits of ‘Return of the Jedi’,” Spencer rambled excitedly, and I was happy to listen to him for as long as he could talk. Just listening to him, it felt like the rest of the world melted away. Nothing else mattered, and that was the way I preferred it. 
I didn’t even notice I had been falling asleep until he kissed my head and softly wished me goodnight. 
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forbidding-souda · 1 month
if you haven't already, could you do mondo, kazuichi and hajime with a goth girlfriend who's very feminine? tyty <3
Mondo Oowada, Kazuichi Souda, and Hajime Hinata with a very feminine goth girlfriend
I looked through my masterlists bc i thought already wrote one and that i wrote hella goth fics but appareantly it's only 2 so I'm tweaking. here you go anon ily here.
might be repetitive but who caresss
thumbs up emote
Sorry if it's underwhelming, I didn't realize how short it was until I read it over this morning. Highkey was high when I wrote the small scenario parts and the bold text. [next day, afternoon edit: wtf was i talking about this shit long ash LMFAO]
-Mod Souda
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Mondo Oowada
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❤ Perfect. Perfect for his aesthetic. Perfect for the atmosphere his home presents and you're such a perfect doll to great him at the gate of Hope's Peak every day. People are only surprised to know you two are together because of the fact that he pulled such a baddie. He'll wrap an arm around his shoulder and tell anybody who makes a comment to fuck off. He can pull. Duh. He's got you. But it's hard for anybody to take him seriously when he'll melt at the sound of your laugh.
"If you get your fucking," he wipes his cheek, "lipstick on me one more time." "You're going to what?" He stares down at his hand, the black lipstick smeared on the back of it from his touch. His cheek is stained. It's going to look ridiculous (but not as much as post-smear). His eyes hold a glare that's more intense than if you had just cursed at him. "Nothin'." Once again, he wipes his cheek, smearing it more. "Don't do that shit again." You in fact do that shit again.
❤ Don't get your makeup on him. It ruins his masculinity. His gang makes fun of him when he rides with black lipstick on his face, forehead to chin.
❤ On the back of a motorcycle in all black with heeled shoes brrr brrr.
❤ Yeah but tuck those necklaces in.
❤ And omg he's going to steal some of your hairspray sorry but he will. Whether you mind it or not. He's going to do it.
❤ + your over-the-top makeup yesss the both of you attract so many stares.
❤ I imagine people would want to take pictures of you two. He'd fucking hate it but you're like yes of course!!!!
❤ He tries to avoid main cities anyway as much as he can anyway.
Kazuichi Souda
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❤ Worships you like it's nobodies business. You look just like a dream. The prettiest girl he's ever seen. From the cover of a magazine. Literally that fr. He's that obsessed with you. He's the type to carry you over a sewer grate so you don't get your heels stuck in it. He helps you tie your corsets and he'll buckle your boots for you. He'll kiss your neck whenever you're leaned over the bathroom counter doing your makeup. His intimacy is acts of service, but only for you. He'd do anything for you.
"Kazuichi?" You call from your bedroom. In the early morning, he's in the living room watching TV. At the sound of your call, your tone mildly concerned, he stands without hesitation. But you weren't in danger or anything. You were just having a hard time buckling your bra. Once he opened the door, you glance over. "Do it for me." It was more of a command than a request. "W-Woah there," he laughs nervously, taking a few steps at a time. "Sure, yeah. Sure thing." With no sign of the internal fluster, he hides the urge he gets to just stare at your half-covered chest like it were glowing. He steps behind you, focusing his eyes on your shoulder blades before strapping on the second hook of your bra. You had only managed to get one in. "There you go, gorgeous." You hum, a small smile on your face. "Thank you." Looking over your shoulder at him, you see his composure and how it changed drastically while you weren't looking. His cheeks were pink and his eyebrows were furrowed with distress. "Yeah," he says breathlessly, finally getting a look at your chest. "Anytime."
❤ Lord knows he just wants to gobble you whole like om nom nom.
❤ Yes he does the cooking yes he does the cleaning.
❤ He's your malewife.
❤ It makes sense to me somehow that he would be with somebody who's hyper-feminine. It's a good match.
❤ I'm in between the thought that he'd either make goth girlfriend jokes or hate them. I feel like he'd hate seeing memes about it bc it makes him feel like they're about you specifically. Bc you're HIS girlfriend. HIS.
❤ Shows you off.
❤ You'd probably be taller than him in some of your shoes.
❤ You'd get along with his classmates hella.
❤ And he'll give you the cutest pet names. Enchantress, spider, might call you evil as a tease.
Hajime Hinata
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❤ You're both each other's scary dog privileges. With his glare and your outward appearance, it makes you two completely unapproachable. Hangouts in the dark of night have never been safer. You don't have to be scared of shit. He's here, and you're here. Fair's fair. There's not a person in the world that would want to bother you, and the fear of annoying you breaks any onlookers confidence. Plus, you're gorgeous, and it's threatening.
"Press this button to jump." He handed you the controller, and now he's practically leaning over you as he places his hands over your own. "I got it Hajime." "Just making sure." When you try and hone in on the button, your nail gets in the way. You smile to yourself before outstretching your finger to place the pad of your finger on it, your fingerprints practically sticking to it as you press down hard. But your nail had reached the button ahead of it, grazing down, lifting a bit upwards. Your face scrunches up at the sensation. "Uhh, are you alright?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed but smiling with adoration. "I'm good," you chuckle. "Beauty is pain."
❤ I see him as not gaf or being overly appreciative of the fact that you're goth. It's just your style. Nothing to get handsy over.
❤ He does like uniqueness tho and ofc you're the embodiment of that.
❤ Fucking hates when tourists want to take a picture though because they'll exclude him. I imagine tourists are the people that would walk up to you, locals not so much.
❤ Literally those memes of goth girlfriend with plain gamer boy.
❤ He can work an all-black wardrobe though.
❤ He looks a bit alternative just naturally. So replace those white button-ups with a black one and bam. You'll match.
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jesi555 · 1 year
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𝐖𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒. | © jesi555 — kinktober 2023
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warnings. | wlw sex yessir, fem reader, recording, twt vids [im compensating for the fact that im shit at writing smut], camgirl, hints at vivi x nami, cunnilingus, scissoring, making out yum. im not super proud of this :( lmk if i miss anything.
tags : @aizensgf, @wolflover384, @bun-parade, @3v37773, @guccilaw, @immindingmyown @ruledbyproblematique
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Nami loves her followers. After all, they rain money on her. Her tip menu is pricey, but her followers were down bad and As her no 1 fan, so were you. Sometimes Nami thought you were some pervy old man based on your tip, But money is money, and Nami loves money.
Nami felt generous recently, so she announced a competition. 131: one lucky winner, three entries max, one video of both of us, Her community post read. It was a tempting risk, so you mindlessly entered the competition.
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At around 9:30 on a Thursday night, you silently studied at your university's library, a few other students doing the same. You were in the zone until a silent vibrating buzz broke your focus. Irritated, you checked your notifications, your eyes bulging out as you saw the email from @namimi. A soft squeal left your lips as you read over the contents of the email.
Congratulations ___! You have won the 131 competition. Your proof of winning is in this email. Please take a screenshot of this email along with the attached verification number and send it to me on Instagram as soon as possible! love, Nami!
You leaned back in your chair, your chest heaving. After a silent scream, you hurriedly headed back to your dorm. After screaming into your pillow and thoroughly contemplating the reward, you finally texted Nami.
___: hii! I received an email saying I won the 131 competition! here’s a screenshot!
You awaited her response for a few minutes, but as it turned into an hour and another, you slowly lost hope. You honestly felt disappointed. Your fave just flaked out on you!
Before you could wallow in sadness anymore, a buzz got you running towards the device.
namimi: omg hi! I'm so sry for the late response! I was getting my hair done. I see you're the lucky winner!
Before you could reply, a small notification popped up, '@namimi followed you'. You quickly accepted the request and waited.
namimi: hold on, you're a girl?! thank god. I was not looking forward to having sex with a middle-aged Discord mod.
you laughed and messaged her back,
___: haha no I'm very much a girl. so do you need any information from me?
namimi: just general stuff, I'd prefer it to be face-to-face though, is that okay with you?
___: Absolutely!
namimi: cool! I'll text you the location soon!
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You bit your lip nervously. Nami was coming to meet you. The Nami. Your leg bounced up and down, waiting for her arrival. A few minutes pass as you see a head of orange hair enter the cafe. She looked around for a second before she saw your smiley face.
"Damn, you're even hotter in person." she chuckled, "do you wanna make the video today? I'm free tonight. You look good as it is."
Your mouth slightly fell open as a small 'huh' voice out of your throat. "I mean Yes!" you quickly said.
"Awesome, let's go back to my place then."
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Her home was nice. It smelt like tangerines.
"You're okay being recorded right?" she asked. Nodding in agreement, you looked over her room.
"Alright, the camera's set up. do you want a dom or sub role?"
"girl do anything to me," you spoke without thinking, processing what you said. she laughed out and asked you if you were ready.
"good. then strip"
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A new notification spelled out 'namimi is live', and soon hundreds and thousands of followers joined the livestream. To many of them, the stream was pure heaven. 2 hot girls making the fuck out? Yes, please!
namiismymommy sent 10$: holy fuck namisslut sent 2$: wait is that @princessvivi? ilovevivi sent 4$: Nah bro that's the lucky winner namisslut sent 5$: I'm so jealous
"Are you reading the comments?" Nami whispered in your ear, both of you, skin to skin.
namiismymommy sent 20$: eat her out.
"My lovely followers are asking us a favor" she moaned, "let's give them what they want baby."
You dropped down in front of her cunt, giving her lips soft kitten licks until she pushed you into her pussy. Nami getting eaten out by an equally hotter chick was a God-sent gift.
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This was probably Nami's best video yet. Not to mention, the scissoring was a highlight.
As the live stream ended, the two girls looked at the comment section.
ilovevivi sent 50$: Vivi, Nami and lucky winner threesome when?
It seems like you'll frequent her channel soon.
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꩜ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐢𝟓𝟓𝟓 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫. 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!! 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
hey, I love what you guys are doing here! true community work <3
I was wondering if you could recommend something that takes place during/after the pandemic and is about the miscommunication in regards to Crowley's living situation. Like, Crowley dropped hints that he would want to move into the bookshop, Azi freaked out but then started dropping hints himself but Crowley didn't get him. Basically, both of them wanting to live together but sucking at communication.
Hello! I can't find fics exactly like what you've described, but here are some fics regarding (mis)communication about Crowley's living situation...
I'm Asking You To Stay by losttosleep (G)
It was only right Crowley brought his plants, but that did not explain why they stayed inside the Bentley. Aziraphale could see them now through the windows of Crowley’s beloved car, and it puzzled him to no end. Or Aziraphale finds out Crowley is living in the Bentley and invites him to move in.
Living Together by luciferfemme (G)
Crowley wants to tell Aziraphale he's been kicked out of his flat, he really does… only the idea of it is rather embarrassing, what's a demon to do after all?
Would That I by sobertodeathh (G)
"With the roar of the fire, my heart rose to its feet, like the ashes of ash I saw rise in the heat settle soft and as pure as snow, I fell in love with the fire long ago." Crowley disliked living in the Bentley nearly as much as it did.
Moving In(to Your Heart) by Bazzpop (T)
Crowley made a series of half choked noises, suddenly feeling much soberer than he had been moments ago. “Ngk— ‘s not that far— um, it’s just down the road, actually. A really nice place, very spacious.” He grinned nervously, tugging at his silver necktie. He’d never been good at lying to Aziraphale. “Might just stay there for a while, I think, ‘cus I like it so much.” The Bentley, his intermediate ‘place’, wasn’t any of those things. Well, he did like it, that much was true, but it wasn’t a very nice place to live— cramped and crowded as it was with all his plants taking up the backseat— but it was good enough for now. — Crowley loses his flat, after having a minor tiff about his current living situation, Aziraphale invites him in
why are you living in your car by ghostybreads (G)
“Wait, Shax? Why on Earth would she have your plants?” Aziraphale asked, confused as to how she got brought up at all. Crowley paused. Visibly. He had the look of a man (not literally, but so to speak) who accidentally let something slip. “Nhh. You know.” “Crowley.”
Sin Pays But Botany Doesn’t by Anonymous (G)
After averting the apocalypse, Crowley is living in his car with a lot of free time on his hands. He posts a YouTube video talking about plants as a joke but finds internet famedom where a punchline should be. Being a YouTube botanist agrees with him, though. He likes talking about plants, and he usually doesn’t find many opportunities to do that outside of YouTube. So, Crowley adopts traveling the world in search of plants to film as a new hobby. Kept in the dark about this new hobby, Aziraphale, who is used to being Crowley’s sole object of attention and is unused to having to compete with anything for Crowley’s time, is curious about where Crowley goes when he’s not in London.
- Mod D
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overtail · 5 months
hey queen it’s me sawda with another toph ask </3 (im toph content deprived literally crying) but!! can i req a toph x fem!r where toph’s s/o is literally mulan but in the firebending army?? Thank you!!!
ALSO just wanna make yall aware my pronouns are they/them
I'm also so sorry for the delay. I've been on the worst writers block due to a lack of motivation. my whole family was sick, and we've been unable to pick up my anti-depressants 😭
Little Soldier - Toph x F!Reader
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Summary: When Toph's lover turns 13, she tells her that she has to fight alongside the fire nation to protect her family.
Trigger Warning: Sexism, Implied racism, Forbidden love
Info: Pre-Book 2, long hair reader
'We're not gonna lose anyone else close to us again
We swore that we would always be there for each other
No matter what happens though, I promise that I'll protect you
If you were a boy
I would have actually have fallen for you if you were careful
Oh, c'mon, well maybe I'm the one who should have a crush on you'
"Watcha doin?" Toph feet dug into the dirt of the valley's grass, trying to identify (Y/N)'s action. Her delt held a look of confusion as se did so.
"Im just.." (Y/N) began, glancing back at Toph as she thought. "Thinking."
She held a clump of hair in her fingers, combing her digits through the strands. Something was obviously on her mind, like she was stuck in a loop up in her little head.
"About what?" Toph shuffled over, crouching down so she was eye level (if you wanted to say that) with the other. She smiled softly while (Y/N) thought: only if she knew
"You know how theres news of the Avatar returning?" (Y/N) whispered, letting out a shaky breath. Toph hummed a quiet 'yes', letting her feet slip so she would fall on her bottom. "And you also know how they're drafting men from the fire nation?"
Toph wondered where this was going. She modded carefully, feeling the floor to hear (Y/N)'s heartbeat. It was fast paced, causing the earthbender to worry.
"Yeah. Are people in your village getting drafted?" Toph questioned, thinking about all the possibilities. She heard (Y/N) sigh.
"Worse. My dad was given a note specifically by the current general." Toph's eyebrows raised at her words, realization hitting. (Y/N)'s father used to fight a long time ago, starting when he was just a boy. This was before she was born, before he met his wife.
He was regarded as one of the most intense, bloodthirsty, and brutal generals in history - behind the Dragon of the West. Though, he was old now; not fit for war.
Toph didn't know what to say. She wasn't particularly fond of the fire nation, but she was fond of (Y/N).
The girl across from her sighed, continuing to comb her digits in her hair. How would she tell Toph?
(Y/N) looked up, her face flushing red at the sight of Toph's oblivious face. She looked so calm in the moment, the valley wind ruffling up her hair. During these secret meetings, Toph would let her hair down. The soft locks ran down her back, some falling over her shoulders.
(Y/N) thought she was beautiful.
"Well, I was thinking," (Y/N) let go of her hair, moving to pick at the nail of her index finger. A sickness caused from nervousness settled in her stomach. "of pretending to be a boy."
Toph laughed, not quite knowing what she meant. "Why would you want to do that?" She smirked, before the smile faltered.
"Wait, you're not saying-"
"I'm going to take my fathers place as his eldest son." (Y/N) interjected, her breath hitching at the words. Saying it out loud made the reality hit her light a train - realizing that it wasn't just an idea. This was happening.
Toph stayed unusually silent. She wasn't too expressive when it came to her face, but even now (Y/N) couldn't read her. Was she angry? Happy? Scared? What. was she feeling?
(Y/N) raised a brow, confused by the question. "What do you mean?"
Toph pursed her lips, her eye brows knitting together. "How are you going to pretend to look like a boy?"
Even though Toph couldn't see her, she knew that boys and girls looked different.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath, gripping at her hair lightly. Her family always forced her into the ideal of a perfect, feminine woman - but in secret, she was strong, aggressive, and messy. Even though her personality was changed, her looks were still influenced by her family's wants. Her hair was long, and she wore fancy clothes and makeup.
"Oh, uhm.." (Y/N) was hesitant. She knew, but she sounded like she was protecting herself from her own words. "I'm gonna cut my hair.."
Toph raised an eyebrow, intrigued by (Y/N)'s response. "Cut your hair, huh? That's a bold move. How short are we talking?"
(Y/N) swallowed nervously, fidgeting with a loose thread on her sleeve. "I-I don't know... Short enough to pass as a boy, I guess."
Toph nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, let's do it."
Later that day, the two sat in her bedroom, Toph listening to the sound of (Y/N) snipping her hair. The locks fell onto the floor, sticking to clothes and to skin. After some time, (Y/N) found herself spaced on on Toph's bed, watching her every move.
As Toph unraveled her hair, the room was filled with the sound of gentle brushing, the rhythmic motion soothing in its familiarity. She worked through each tangle with practiced ease, her movements fluid and deliberate.
(Y/N) watched in silence, mesmerized by the way Toph's fingers danced through her hair, untangling knots with effortless grace. There was something intimate about the moment, a quiet exchange between friends bound by unspoken understanding.
"Your hair is beautiful," (Y/N) said softly, breaking the silence.
Toph glanced up, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thanks. It's a pain to manage sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Do you ever wish you could cut it short, like mine?"
Toph paused, her expression thoughtful. "Sometimes, yeah. It would be easier, especially when I'm training. But... it's a part of who I am, you know? Cutting it would feel like losing a piece of myself."
(Y/N) nodded, understanding flickering in her eyes. "I get that."
Toph set down the brush, turning to face (Y/N) fully. "I get that you're worried. I can sense it. Your heart is racing." Toph walked over to her bed where (Y/N) sat, sinking into the mattress. "I'm gonna miss you, but I also believe in you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) felt a weight lift off her shoulders, a sense of freedom washing over her. With Toph's unwavering support, she knew she could embrace her true self, messy hair and all. And as they sat together, basking in the warmth of their friendship, (Y/N) realized that sometimes, the most beautiful thing about a person isn't their appearance, but the authenticity of their spirit.
(Y/N) turned her head to look at toph, her face going red at the sight of her graceful face, She wanted to kiss her. Yeah, she did.
As (Y/N) gazed at Toph, her cheeks flushed with a warmth that had nothing to do with embarrassment. She was captivated by the gentle curve of Toph's lips, the sparkle in her eyes that hinted at hidden depths. And in that moment, a realization washed over her with startling clarity – she wanted to kiss her.
The thought sent a shiver down (Y/N)'s spibe, her heart pounding in her chest as she wrestled with her emotions. It was a risk, she knew, to confess her feelings, especially when their friendship hung in the balance. But the longing in her chest was too powerful to ignore, a flame that refused to be extinguished.
With trembling hands, (Y/N) reached out, cupping Toph's cheek gently as she leaned in, her heart pounding in her ears. And then, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss, a silent affirmation of the emotions that had been brewing beneath the surface.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they savored the sweetness of the moment, their hearts beating in perfect synchrony. And when they finally pulled away, their breath mingling in the air, (Y/N) found herself smiling, a sense of peace settling over her like a warm blanket.
Toph blinked in surprise, her lips curved in a soft smile. (Y/N) chuckled nervously, her cheeks still tinged with pink. And as they sat together, their fingers intertwined, (Y/N) had already started to realize what she was committing to. She's leaving. She's leaving to fight in a war that seemed as if it was never going to end to save her family.
As the reality of (Y/N)'s impending departure settled in, a somber silence descended upon the room, casting a shadow over the warmth of their shared moment. Toph's smile faltered slightly, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.
(Y/N) squeezed Toph's hand tightly, her own heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She had made up her mind to fight in the war, to confront the forces that threatened her her homeland. But with each passing moment, the prospect of leaving Toph behind grew more daunting.
"I... I have to go," (Y/N) murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Toph nodded slowly, her expression a mixture of understanding and sadness. "I know," she said softly. "And I'll be here waiting for you when you get back. No matter what."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she leaned forward, resting her forehead against Toph's. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Toph wrapped her arms around (Y/N) in a tight embrace, holding her close as if trying to shield her from the harsh realities of the world outside. "You won't have to find out," she promised, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her heart.
And as they held each other in the quiet of the room, (Y/N) found solace in Toph's arms, knowing that no matter how far apart they may be, their bond would endure.
Toph was her best friend, Toph was her girl. Toph was, well, Toph, and how could anyone forget someone like her?
should I make a part 2
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the-psyco-simp · 2 years
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Sano Manjiro x Fem!Reader
“…like a starship speeding into the night, you and I get lost in the infinite lights…”
Warnings: Fem!Reader, MINORS DNI, kinda edited but there are probably still mistakes, smut, slight age gap (reader is 20, mikey is 27), mentions of needles, oral (Fem!receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, praise, name calling (angel, princess), teasing, aftercare, probably more
Word Count: 4.4k I went just a bit overboard, oops 😂
Authors Note: This is one of my entries for @sweet-seishu Body Mod Collab!! This is so much longer than I meant for it to be, and it took me way too long to write, but it’s finally here. (Please take the Mitsuya cameo as an apology, my love.)
The little bell above the door chimed as you and your best friend walked into the tattoo parlor. The cool air of the shop helped calm your nerves as you walked up to the counter where your best friend's boyfriend is sitting, looking through a sketchbook. 
Mitsuya looked up at the sound of the door opening and gave you both a smile as he saw you. His eyes quickly moved to your friend who didn’t even pause as she went behind the counter and put her arms around his shoulders from behind. 
“What are you two doing here so late?” He asked as he placed a kiss onto her hands. 
You give your friend a look as she just smiled at you, only tightening her arms around his shoulders. Diverting your attention to Mitsyua you answer his question with a smile, “I’ve decided to go ahead with my idea of getting a tattoo for my birthday this year.” 
“That’s great! Do you know who you want it done by?” Mitsuya opened the appointment book next to him and looked through the openings for the next few days.
“I was going to let you decide that, based on the design and who you think would do the best.” You open your phone to pull up the design and hand it to him. He contemplated the design for a few minutes before handing the phone back to you.
“Personally I think Mikey’s style would be the best for this, and he’s available for a few hours tomorrow, if that works for you. Do you know where and how big you want it?” Mitsuya picked up a pen to put your name down, still listening to what you wanted.
“I’m thinking of having it pretty big on my right thigh.” You nervously chuckle, thinking about Mikey, and having his hands on you as he works, making you blush.
“Yeah, that should be doable. It might take more than one session, though, with the level of detail you probably want. Mikey’s pretty meticulous about-”.
“Meticulous about what?” Mikey himself asked as he walked out of the hall from the back rooms. His dark eyes looking between the three of you. He was as beautiful as always, his dark hair framing his face perfectly. The lines of the tattoo on his neck peeking out from under his shirt. All you can think about is licking the lines of the tattoo…you give your head a slight shake, trying to focus back on the conversation.
“Hey Mikey, you heading out?” Mitsuya asked, turning around in your friend's arms. He put his own arms around her waist and gave her a proper hug which made your friend hum. 
“Yeah, got an appointment I have to get to. You didn’t answer my question, though.” He pointedly said while keeping his eyes on you. You and Mikey knew each other in passing, you’d hang out as a group, but never alone. You couldn’t deny you had a small crush on him, which your friend loved to tease you about. Especially when she caught you looking at him.
“Oh, she’s decided to get a tattoo for her birthday.” Mitsyua said, pointing his thumb in your direction. “She asked who would do the best with it and I recommended you.” 
Mikey raised a brow as he walked closer to you, making you almost want to back up from the intense look in his eyes. “What design are you wanting exactly?” He asked, stopping a bit too close to you. 
You took out your phone to show him the design, knowing you wouldn’t be able to speak without stuttering and embarrassing yourself. You hand him your phone and silently hope he doesn’t notice your slightly shaking hands. 
If he does, he doesn’t say anything, just takes your phone and looks down at the photo. “Yeah , I can do this. Did you know where you want it?” Mikey looked back up at you, still holding your phone.
“Um, on my thigh, the right one, if possible.” You answer quietly, not being able to keep eye contact with him for long. 
Mikey seemed amused at your nerves. “Do you know how big you want it to be?” 
You steel your nerves, reminding yourself that it’s just a  crush and you wouldn’t let it get in the way of what you want. “I want it to be kinda big, taking up most of the front of my thigh.” You use your hands to show him about where and how big you wanted it. 
When you looked at him again his eyes looked contemplative, keeping his eyes on your legs. “That should be doable.” Mikey says as he walks over to the desk, rolling his eyes at Mitsuya and your friend being lovey. “Get a room you two, We’re in public.” He comments as he looks over his appointments. 
“Oh don’t worry, we will.” Your friend gave Mikey, and you, a sly smile, while Mitsuya just blushed. She went back to placing light kisses on his face and ignoring you two. 
Mikey rolled his eyes again and looked back at you. “The appointment tomorrow is only for three hours, and it will probably take longer than that to get this done.” Mikey held up your phone and continued. “Would you mind if I send myself this photo so I can work up a sketch to go on?” 
“Yeah of course.” You say, your eyes roaming over his face. Out of the corner of your eye you see your friend smirk at you, but you can’t figure out why. Once Mikey is done, he hands you back your phone, your figures brushing, sending goosebumps up your arm at the contact.
“I’ve gotta go now, but I’ll see you tomorrow for your appointment.” He gives you a smile and waves at Mitsuya and your friend as he leaves.
Your friend gives Mitsuya one last kiss on his lips with a promise to see him later and takes your hand as you two walk out, you send Mitsuya a wave as you get dragged out of the shop. 
“So, after a year of pinning you finally got his number huh?” Your friend teases you as you get in the car. You freeze for a second in your seat before pulling out your phone to check your messages. There, sitting at the top, was a new message and contact, the name simply reading ‘Mikey’. You smiled to yourself and locked your phone, not wanting your friend to catch you staring at it. 
The next day, you showed up five minutes early to your appointment. As you walked in you saw Mitsuya and Mikey talking at the desk. You walked over to them, catching part of their conversation.
“Finally getting your chance, huh?” Mitsuya teased him.
“Shut up, it’s not that big of a deal.” Mikey grumbled, staring at his phone.
“Just saying man, try not to waste it. Everyone but you can see the way you two-” Mitsuya cut off what he was going to say as you walked up. “Oh hey! Ready to finally do this?” Mikey looked up at you as you approached, quickly locking and putting away his phone. 
“Let’s go to my station, so you can see the design and we can get started.” Mikey grabbed your hand and tried to move you away from his friend quickly.
“You know, wearing jeans when you’re getting a thigh tattoo wasn’t the smartest choice right?” Mitsuya’s voice caught your ears but you didn’t think about his words as you focused on Mikey’s warm hand holding yours. 
Mikey pulled you over to his designated area, letting go of your hand to pick up what looked like a sketch book. He motioned you to sit in the chair and pulled up his stool to sit closer to you. He flipped open his book to a marked page and turned it towards you. “You can take a minute to look it over and let me know if you want anything changed.” 
You took the book from him and looked down at the drawing. It was beautiful. Your eyes danced over the sketch he had drawn for you, taking in the intricate details and flowing lines. You looked up at Mikey with a smile, “It’s perfect. I love it.” His intense eyes studied your face, a smile curled at his lips as took in your expression. 
“Perfect. I prefer to do tattoos free hand. Will that bother you?” Mikey asked as he started to get his equipment ready. 
“If that’s what you want, it’s good with me. You’re the expert here.” You watch as he rolls up his sleeves, not being able to look away from his hands flexing. 
Mikey looked over at you and seemed to hesitate before speaking again. “Since you’re getting this done on your thigh, I’m going to need access to your leg…” He trailed off, his eyes fixed on your legs.
The words Mitsuya called out to you finally clicked. You would have to pull your jeans down to let him work. Your mouth went dry and your face heated up. “Oh, right, of course.”
“I can get something to block off the space if it will make you feel more comfortable.” He offered, running his hand through his dark hair. 
“I would really appreciate that, if it’s not too much trouble.” You can’t look up at him, so you just keep your eyes on your hands.
Mikey walks away and comes back a few minutes later with a partition, maneuvering it to block off the space from wandering eyes. You stood up to pull your jeans down, while Mikey continued to get his things ready to begin, pointedly keeping his back  to you giving you a bit of privacy. 
When he turned back around, you were sitting on the chair, your pants pulled down to just below your knees. You pulled your tank top down to try to save some modesty, but it didn’t seem to do much. Mikey turned back around, his gaze drifted down to your legs, but you couldn’t decipher the look in them.
Mikey cleared his throat before looking back up into your eyes. “Ready to get started?” He sat back on the stool as you simply nodded your head. He grabbed the wipes next to him. “I just need to clean the area off, then we can start, ok?” All you could do was nod again as Mikey placed his gloved hand on your knee. 
He rubbed the wipe on up and down your thigh, seeming to take his time. Once He deems the arena clean enough, he picked up his tattoo gun and looked at you one last time. “This is probably going to hurt at first, but once you get used to it, it can be relaxing. Just let me know if you need to take a break, ok?” He explained while situating his arm between your legs to get a better angle at the space he would be working on.
You give Mikey a small smile and nod, focusing more on the arm he put between your legs. Your breathing gets heavier as his fingers unconsciously stroked your knee. You hear the buzzing and jerk your head towards the sound.
Mikey chucked a little at your expression before focusing back on his work. As the needle touched your skin you took a sharp inhale and clenched your hands together. Mikey seemed to notice you tensing under his hand. “Just breathe angel, close your eyes and relax.” You closed your eyes and relaxed into the chair, choosing to focus on his soothing and warm hand. It wasn’t too long before you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up to a warm hand on your face, opening your eyes to see Mikey smiling softly at you. “Is something wrong?” You ask sleepily, rubbing your eyes.
“No, angel. We’re done for today, you slept through the whole thing.” He chuckled at your confused look. “It’s really not that uncommon, a lot of people fall asleep while getting tattoos.” He held his hand out to help you stand up. When you put weight on your right leg, you falter, almost falling but Mikey quickly puts his arms around you to keep you steady.
“Don’t rush, your leg is probably a little sore. You can sit as long as you need.” He didn’t seem to want to let go of you, keeping his arms tight around you. You stood in his arms for a few more minutes, slowly putting your own arms around his shoulders. 
When you looked up at him you noticed your faces were centimeters apart, your breaths mingling. Looking into his eyes, you saw as they looked between your eyes and lips. “Mikey..” you breathed out his name just before his lips connected with yours.
You melted into his arms, kissing him back. His lips were so soft against yours, moving hesitantly, almost like he was worried you would pull away from. You would never pull away from him, not when you had been wanting this since you met him. You move your hands to his hair, pulling him closer, and moan into the kiss, forgetting everything around you.
He runs his tongue along your lips, and you open for him, letting him take whatever he wants. His tongue explores your mouth, making your hands tighten in his hair. You push your body completely against his, wanting more of him. He groans at the feeling of your body against his, he moves his hands down to your ass and squeezes.
You can feel him getting hard where your bodies are pressed together. You grind on him, trying to get more friction for burning heat inside of you. Mikey pulls away from the kiss, ghosting his lips over your check, moving to your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Mikey chuckles at your eagerness, “Not here, princess. You’ll get what you want, but somewhere more private, where I can make you moan as loud as I want.” His words do nothing to help the need inside of you.
“Please, Mikey, need you so bad.” You breathe out, moving your face to kiss him again. He meets you halfway and gives you another heated kiss. It’s shorter than you want, Mikey pulling away before you’re ready.
“Come on, let’s go somewhere more comfortable.” He pulled his body away from yours, leaving you cold. He took your hand in his, pulling you behind him and towards the door. As you walk past the desk, Mitsuya looks up at the two of you, a small smirk on his face.
“About fucking time you two got togther.” you hear him mutter as you leave.
Mikey kept his hand on your thigh the entire drive back to his apartment, using his thumb to draw circles over your skin slowly getting closer to your core but never quite touching you, keeping you on edge and needing more.
He barely waited until the door shut behind you two to have his hands and mouth on you again. He pushed you up against the wall, his hands going to your hips, his mouth on yours. His kiss was frenzied, his tongue licking at your bottom lip, asking for entrance. All you can do is melt into him, letting him take what he wants from you.
You part your lips, his tongue tangling with yours. His hands move down to your ass squeezing, before moving down further to the back of your thighs. You lift them, wrapping your legs around his waist. You grind yourself against his already hard cock, needing more friction. Your hands wrapping around his shoulders, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
He pulls you from the wall, supporting your weight, and walking with you in his arms. His lips haven’t left yours, still kissing you as if you were his air. He took you into his room and only pulled away from the kiss to lay you gently on his bed. He loomed over you, raking his eyes over your form. 
 He groaned at how disheveled you already looked, lips swollen from the kissing and your eyes blown out with lust. “I’ve wanted to have you in my bed for so long, and now that you’re here, it’s better than I could have imagined.” Mikey murmured, leaned down over you and placed another teasing kiss on your lips before you could respond, moving off you again, just as quickly.
Your head was swimming with his words, but they were quickly pushed to the back of your mind as his hands reached for the edge of your shirt and you lifted up off the bed a little to help him get it off of you. Mikey eyes immediately going to your breasts, you reach around to unclasp your bra tossing it to the side. 
You watch as Mikey licks his lips as he stares at your bare chest, before he leaned down and places teasing kisses around your right breast before taking your nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around, making you moan. His free hand moves to your other breast, kneading it. Your hands in hair tug his head head up to have him look at you. 
“Mikey, please, need you.” You breathe out, your hands reaching for his shirt trying to get it off of him. He helps you, lifting his shirt over his head. Your eyes roam over his muscles, watching them flex, and wanting to run your mouth over them. You shake your head, promising yourself that you would indulge in all your fantasies later. You hoped this wouldn’t be the last time you were with him.
His hands quickly moved to your jeans, unbuttoning them and looking up at you, seemingly asking permission. You nod, and Mikey quickly pulls them down, along with your panties. He drops them to the floor, unable to pull his eyes from your naked body in front of him. He takes off the rest of his clothes and you finally get to see his body, fully exposed to you. 
His already hard cock makes you lick your lips. Mikey chuckles seeing this, “Next time, angel. Right now is about you.” He places his lips back on your neck, teasing his way down your body, before settling himself between your legs. He uses his hands to keep you spread, giving him the space to do what he wants. 
Mikey places teasing kisses on your upper thighs, making you thrust your hips up wanting him to stop his teasing. He gives in and moves to place an open mouth kiss on your aching cunt, causing you to whimper, your hands threading through his hair. 
His tongue swirls around your clit, sucking it lightly, you arch your back at the intense feeling. One of his hands moves from your thigh, pushing one of his fingers slowly into your pussy, your eyes rolling back. He pulls his mouth away slightly, “So tight, baby, gotta loosen you up if you want my cock.” He groans before you feel his tongue toying with your clit again, his finger slowly starts to pump in and out of you, building up a steady pace, before adding another moving them faster.
You can feel your orgasm getting closer as he plays your body like a finely tuned instrument. “Mikey, please need to cum, need it so bad.” You whine loudly, making Mikey groan, feeling your cunt clench around his fingers. 
“Go ahead, angel, cum on my fingers. Want to feel you let go.” His words sound slurred, he curls his fingers and the pressure inside you snapes, your vision going white and your hands tugging his hair with the pleasure coursing through you. 
He removes his fingers, his tongue moving to lick up all your release, helping you come down from your high. He sits up on his knees the moonlight streaming in from the window bathing him in soft light, making him almost ethereal to your hazy mind. His tongue darts out to lick your wetness off his face, lifting his fingers to clean them off as well. “You taste so good princess, could send hours eating this sweet pussy of yours. But I want to feel you to come on my cock now.” 
You reach your hands out to him, wanting to feel him on top of you again. Not able to ask him with words, your mind still not functioning properly after your orgasm. He takes in the view of you fucked out in front of him, your breast bouncing with the quickness of your breaths. 
He leans down, letting you wrap your arms around his shoulders, his arms resting beside your head, keeping some of his weight off of you, your mouths meeting in a heated kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue, focusing on this kiss so much your breath hitches when you feel his cock pressing against your slit. He paused for only a second before pushing himself into your wet cunt. 
You mewl at the stretch, digging your nails into his shoulders, trying to distract yourself from the pain. He groans at the feeling of your pulsing around him, your pussy feeling like it’s trying to pull him in further. He does his best to go slow, trying not to hurt you, but he can’t stop himself from bottoming out in one thrust. “So good angel, you feel so good around me.” He breaths into your ear, placing a small kiss on your jaw, breathing heavy from the pleasure of finally being nestled in your warm walls.
“Too much, s’too much.” You manage to get out, feeling tears gather in your eyes.
“Just relax for me, princess, relax so I can make you feel good. Y’er squeezing me so fucking tight.” Mikey moves one hand down your body, pressing his thumb to your clit slowly rubbing it in small circles. Adjusting to his size, you relax your hold on him. His thrusts start slow and shallow, before he works up his speed, pulling out more with each thrust, until only his tip stays in you, thrusting back into you hard, his tip hitting your sweet spot. 
Your moans and whimpers spur him on, until he’s pounding into you. The tears gathering in your eyes start to fall as he abuses your sweet spot, his hand that was rubbing your clit moving up to massage your breast, his fingers rubbing your nipple sending waves of pleasure through you.
“Please…Mikey…need to cum, need it so bad…” Your words were slurred, barely understandable,  tears still falling from your eyes, you can’t think straight with how good his cock is making you feel. 
He removes his face from where he was nipping at the skin of your neck, seeing the tears on your face he leans in to kiss them away, never stopping the movement of his hips. “Go ahead and cum princess, wanna feel you make a mess.” His hand moved from your breast and up to your neck, squeezing  just enough to cut off your air, but still leave marks on you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
That was the last push you needed to fall off the edge, your mind blanked, back arching off the bed, as you moaned his name. Mikey groaned, feeling your pussy clench tight around him, pounding even harder into you, lessening his hold on your neck, but not letting go.
All you could say was his name, chanting it while trying to come down. Your nails dragging down his back as you feel the overstimulation taking over. “Mikey-too much, can’t take anymore.” You're sobbing now, all the feelings in your body clashing with each other.
“Yes you can, princess, just a little bit more. Want me to fill this little cunt up don’t you?” He kissed his way to your lips, before sealing them together, swallowing your whines.
“Yes, yes, fill me up, please, want your cum.” you try to say against his lips, not sure if he could even understand you. Mikey thrusts become erratic, seeking his own high. After a few more thrusts, the image of your face, so beautiful and fucked out underneath him, is what did him in. 
He pushed as far as he could into you, not wanting to waste a drop of his cum, groaning as your pussy fluttered around him. You moan at the feeling of his hot cum spilling into you, making you feel even almost too full.
Mikey’s thrusts turned shallow, trying to keep his high as long as possible, not wanting the moment to end. He breathes coming quickly, his cock softening inside of you. He didn’t want to pull out, but knew he should. As much as he wanted to keep going his energy was leaving him, and he still needed to take care of you and make sure you were ok.
He fell beside you, putting his arm around your waist. “Are you ok, princess?” He murmured quietly, not wanting to break the peace surrounding you two now. The smile on your face, taking his breath away for a second. He knew that he was hooked on you, on your smile, your taste, even your presence. 
All you could was nod at his question, your brain still muddled from the pleasure. He smiled at you, before rolling over and standing up. You whimper, thinking the moment is over, but he shushes you, leaning down to place a quick kiss on your forehead. “Just getting a towel to clean you up, princess, I’ll be right back.”
True to his word, Mikey was back a moment later, wet washcloth in hand. He was gentle as cleaned you up, the coolness of it felt wonderful against your heated skin. His eyes roving over your body, stopping on your neck. He could see bruises forming from when he choked you, a bit of guilt swirling in his mind. He took the cloth back to his bathroom, cleaning himself up while in there.
When he was done, he climbed back into bed pulling you close, and murmuring sweet words in your ear, helping lull you into a peaceful sleep. Mikey stayed awake a little longer, finger brushing up and down your back, sighing as you nuzzled your face into his chest. Your now even breathing and steady heartbeat helping him find his own way to sleep, looking forward to waking up with you in his arms.
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noisettecafe · 4 months
♡Introduction post!♡
(Please read before interacting with this blog!)
Hiya! This is a Noisette RP/parody askblog. This introduction will be out of character, as I believe it'd be more fun for you guys to learn more about Noisette as the blog goes on.
First things first, my name is Truffle. Please use they/he to refer to me if you are not talking to/about Noisette. I will put a proper introduction to myself later on, as the rules and boundaries of this blog are more important.
Rules/boundaries/imporant information (I will most likely add more in the future)
I am a minor, so please do not interact with me if you are an NSFW blog. And I will not respond to NSFW asks. Suggestive jokes are fine, but straight-up NSFW will be ignored (and the person who posted the ask will be blocked if they're not anonymous).
I'm a bit new to tumblr, so I'm not very good at it yet. Just be patient, I'll figure things out eventually.
Do not interact with this blog if you are/support any of the following: pr*ship/c*mship, zooph*le, p*dophile, l*li/sh*tacon, or bigoted in any way. (I censored the nasty words so that this post doesn't show up in search results for those words)
I am autistic, so I might not understand certain things and might have difficulties with explaining myself properly, leading to some of my sentences to be a little incomprehensible, and my tone to come off more harsh than what I intended. If something like that occurs, please let me know so that I can try to explain myself again. English is also not my first language, making communication even harder for me. Please be patient with me.
Please keep in mind that this blog might contain triggering or upsetting subject matters, such as s*lf h*rm and mental illness, as well as ships that some may not agree with.
Please don't spam my askbox. I most likely won't be able to respond to all asks for multiple reasons. Please do not be upset if I don't answer an ask from you. If you really need an answer from me, don't spam me. Wait a while before asking again, and if I don't respond a second time, then that's my answer.
Just don't be weird in general. Again, weird jokes are allowed, but don't be too extreme.
I often lose motivation for a while, but I'll make sure to make a proper post if I need to take a long hiatus.
I'll mostly be doing sprite edits instead of drawing, but I might draw for this blog a few times.
Noisette is a bit of a self insert in this blog, meaning that she'll have similar issues and thought processes to myself, as well as looking slightly similar to myself.
OCs are of course allowed to interact with the characters! Just please don't beg me to draw them. I will if I want to.
Fanart is allowed and very appreciated, of course!
Introduction to the mod
Again, my name is Truffle. I am nonbinary (they/he). I will use blue text and an out of character tag while talking out of character, but I might forget to sometimes. I don't know if I even need to clarify this, but the way I act in character is much different from the way I act as a person. My name is totally not a reference to the Truffle NPC from Terraria sweats nervously.. I might use characters from other franchises as background characters hehehe
And once again, I cannot stress this enough:
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Don't be weird.
♡I think that's all, I'll update this if I need to!♡
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raibebe · 1 year
Moving foreward
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Genre: fluff Words: 2.457 Prompt: Samoyed hybrid Jeno x fem. reader
Warnings: unspecific allusions to childhood trauma, allusions to genetic modification
A/N: MY BABY IS BACK! And more baby and insecure than ever because this is set very early in the story and we get to learn some of his background! Bonus points for everyone who can guess which game he was playing. Also please appreciate the header, I ripped my hair out for streamer Jeno.
Hybridverse masterlist
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“Wow, I can’t believe they’d just end it like that,” Jeno shook his head, falling back into his chair as he stared blankly at the ending screen of the game he had been playing on stream, “I need answers. This can’t be it. I know this isn’t it.” “We missed a few clues in the mines and the hospital I think,” he read a comment from his chat, “The mines were so creepy, you can’t blame me for that,” he whined, his ears flattening into his fluffy hair, “I was busy not getting that annoying girl killed even though she deserved it for being an absolute ass.” At that, his chat broke out in laughing emotes. “Am I wrong though?” He giggled, closing the game and enlarging his facecam for the viewers instead, so they didn’t have to look at the menu screen. For the cozy atmosphere that he was always striving for, he pulled up his curated playlist of calming videogame soundtracks. 
 “So… I kinda didn’t think we’d be able to finish so quickly, so I don’t really have anything else planned,” he admitted, “We could just jump into some other game real quick but I’m not in the mood for any shooters right now and I might launch myself out of my chair when I get jumpscared again.” He scanned the chat for good suggestions for a little while, his eyes darting over to the clock at the bottom of his screen. It was already quite late and the last half an hour of that game had been way too intense. So maybe he could just cut the stream early today and just get some extra cuddles. That would be nice. He’d very much like some cuddles. And maybe some ear scratches. 
 “Will you be playing ‘No home for us’ once it’s out?” He read out a question from one of his mods. “You know actually,” Jeno sighed, nervously picking at his cuticles, he knew that this question would be coming up sooner or later and that his answer might be unexpected. “I won’t.” Before he could even explain himself, his chat exploded with messages and confused emotes, the messages coming in so fast, twitch was barely able to buffer all of them. “Wait, wait wait, let me explain,” he asked, taking a deep breath to collect his thoughts, “I think the game is going to be great. From what I’ve seen in the trailers and promotional videos, it’s going to bring attention to lots of valid concerns regarding us hybrids and the graphics are absolutely phenomenal. But… But I think the story will hit too close to home for me. I don’t think I’d be in the right mindset to play this and for my mental health, I’ll refrain from playing it on stream. Maybe I’ll take a look and play it in private so I can tell you guys my thoughts on it at least. But I really can’t do this on stream for my own safety.”
 The tone of the chat messages immediately turned from confused to concerned at his words. The game was supposed to be a heavily story-based game following the journey of three different hybrids and it had been praised to high heavens because of that. But especially the story of the female cat hybrid had made the hairs at the back of Jeno’s neck stand up just from seeing the promotional videos and the behind-the-scenes the company had sent him because they obviously wanted hybrid content creators to talk about their game. It was eerily similar to his story even though hers would probably be even more dramatic for obvious reasons of storytelling and would only have a happy ending if you made the correct choices throughout the game. And Jeno already knew that if he were sitting alone in his streaming room, he’d go insane with anxiety over every little choice he had made because he needed this potential happy ending to happen or he’d just end up crying. 
“I- I’ve never really spoken about my story and how I ended up here but I know some longtime followers have probably a good understanding of it,” Jeno mused, sipping on his Redbull just to get a sense of comfort from having the stupid metal straw in his mouth. A coping mechanism - and a comparatively healthy one or so his therapist had told him.
 “Yeah, my story sadly isn’t the one of the golden retriever hybrid,” he laughed uncomfortably, “No privileged background despite my breed. I- I actually grew up in a shelter for most of my life and I’ll always be incredibly grateful for how good care I was receiving there, the social workers really did their best trying to take care of me and all the others.” “Prestigious breed,” Jeno read the comment flying past, his head tilting in confusion, “What’s that even supposed to mean.” He could only snort. Unsure if he should be angry and tell this person off or if he should’ve just ignored the comment to avoid fueling the discussion further. “I mean I guess Samoyeds are on the rarer side of Hybrids but there’s more to it - to me - than that. Multiple factors go into adoption and- Maybe I should do a whole video about this. With a dramatic title and all.” Jeno cut himself short with a giggle before he could get worked up about it. Some people - humans - just didn’t know what life was like for lots of hybrids. Especially the younger humans who didn’t know much about the history and the continuous fight of Hybrids for basic human rights. And while it was seen as normal for Hybrids to attend college and school nowadays, they still had a long way to go until they’d reach true equality.
“Our family just took in a cat hybrid the other day from a shelter and it has been such a process and a half.” “I’m glad to hear that”, Jeno smiled, “Not that it’s been so hard but that you decided to take someone in need in. And I  hope you’ll take the time and effort to try to understand them and learn if they need any special care so you can provide for them. I should really just make a video on this since you’re always so interested in anything hybrid matters. And you really seemed to like the last video where my girlfriend helped to test just how good my sense of smell really is.”
“I’ve actually thought about telling my story multiple times but- But it’s really not a pretty story. And I never wanted my platform to be about me as a person but rather about the games and just having fun and making your days better with it, maybe making some fun content about hybrids with my friend but that’s it. And I already know that if I end up telling my story, people will be nasty about it and tell me that I’m only doing it for attention. But at the same time, this obviously is a huge part of my life and why I am the person I am today and maybe I can do something good for the community if I use my platform to call attention to things like that.”
 A soft knock on the door pulled Jeno from his train of thought, his head snapping to where you quietly slipped into the room. Despite the heavy topic feeling like a weight pressing down on his chest, he couldn’t fight the smile that spread on his lips nor how his tail started wagging. “Hi puppy,” you whispered, mirroring his smile. Making sure that your face was out of the camera shot, you stepped into the frame, letting Jeno pull you close with a grip around your waist. “Thought you might need some company,” you explained yourself, shyly waving to the viewers who were welcoming you warmly. “I’m okay,” Jeno promised, taking a deep breath to fill his lungs with your comforting smell. “You think it’s a good idea?” “Telling your story?” In lieu of an answer, he simply nodded, looking up at you from beneath his lashes. Smiling, you playfully scratched beneath his chin, always endlessly endeared with his puppy-like mannerisms.
“I think it could be a really good thing. To shine a light on some stuff people don’t really talk about and to make people pay attention to things they didn’t know existed,” you spoke your mind, “But it will also make you very vulnerable and I don’t know if you feel comfortable doing that. It’s- It’s a heavy topic just like you said and I don’t know what it’ll do to you mentally if you revisit that time.” “So you’re saying that I shouldn’t do it,” Jeno asked, his brows pulled together in a frown. “That’s not what I said,” you smiled, gently rubbing your thumb through the crease to make him stop frowning, “I know you’re much stronger than when we first met and that you grew so much as a person in such a short time but these memories are- they’re traumatic and you know I hate nothing more than seeing you distressed or in pain.” 
With a glance to his chat that seemed to just be filled with his cute samoyed heart emote, Jeno took a deep breath, giving in to the urge to bury his face in your stomach, nuzzling into the comforting smell of your laundry detergent and something just inherently you. “I asked Doyoung for my files a while back. I have them here but I didn’t have the courage to look into them.” “Do you wanna do that?” You whispered, carefully taking his headset off so you could card your hands through his silky hair and scratch your nails gently against his scalp and along the base of his ears to relax him. “I think I do,” he whispered back, “I wanna do this. I need to know.” “Then I’ll be here to support you,” you smiled, resisting the urge to kiss the crown of Jenos head to keep your face off of the internet, “For every step of the way.” “Love you,” he mumbled into the fabric of your shirt but you were so used to hearing the words from him that you understood them anyways. “Love you too, pup.” Playfully, you pulled his chair off-screen, swallowing his surprised yelp with a sweet kiss. “I have to end the stream,” he sighed against your lips but contradictory to his words, he stole another kiss that you couldn’t help but smile into, butterflies erupting in your stomach like it was the first kiss you shared. “I’ll wait in bed,” you promised, carefully rolling Jeno back into the frame of his facecam. 
Smiling fondly, you watched him stumble over his words with a pinkened face as he said goodbye to his followers. “I- Uhm- Yeah. Oh god,” he giggled, putting his hands on his cheeks to cool down his burning face, “Yeah. I- Like. Uhm. Bye?” At his flustered stuttering, the heart emotes in his chat were replaced by laughing emotes and only then did Jeno notice that his mods must have changed the chat to emote-only mode possibly due to the comments either being mean or it becoming so many, they couldn’t monitor all of them for his mental health. “We can leave the emote-only mode now I think,” he smiled gently, “Everyone, say thank you to our mods for keeping this a safe and positive space.”
“How dare my favorite streamer make me feel single,” he read out a comment, immediately feeling more blood rush to his face, “Well, yeah for those who don’t know or haven’t suspected, that was my girlfriend and I guess we’re going to try and figure out more about my story and stuff… And eventually, I’ll post a video and share as much as I feel comfortable. To… You know raise awareness and actually use my platform for something else rather than getting jumpscared by scary-looking creatures in an old asylum.” “Hmm, yeah, I don’t know what we’ll do on Friday yet. I have to see if Haechan and Chenle are free, so we can play keep expanding our base in ‘The Forest’ and get some more exploring done for once. Yeah… Oh no, I absolutely haven’t forgotten that Chenle betrayed me and left me by myself with that crazy mutant. I’ll get my revenge.” “So yeah, we’ll let you guys know beforehand if the terrible trio will get together on Friday or if I play something by myself. There is this new ghost-hunting game I wanted to give a shot. But until then, stay safe, be kind and don’t forget to stay hydrated. Bye bye, guys.” 
Smiling into the camera and blowing a kiss to it, Jeno turned off his stream. Sighing, he slumped back into his chair for a bit, staring at the empty overlay of his streaming software. He was really going to do this. With his heartbeat picking up and his blood loudly rushing through his veins, he slowly reached out to the bottommost drawer of his desk. The drawer was empty, safe for two things: A thick, light brown file with his name written in Doyoung’s neat handwriting and the stamp of the shelter and an almost sterile-looking white one that just had the number 423 and a logo that resembled DNA splicing printed in black ink. The brown file didn’t worry him too much. Doyoung had already told him that it was mostly his medical records, court cases and documentation of his past failed adoptions. The white file on the other hand gave him chills just looking at it. He didn’t have many memories from when he was a young child - trauma-blocking his therapist had called it - but he could for some reason vividly remember the DNA splicing logo and it was enough to make him sick to the stomach. Gritting his teeth, he picked up the file to put it on his desk. Between all the dark equipment in his room, it stood out like a sore thumb. It clearly didn’t belong here. But whatever was documented in there, it was part of Jeno, no matter how much he hated it. “Tomorrow,” he whispered to no one but himself, pulling his lower lip between his sharp teeth. Tomorrow, he was going to ask you to sit down to look through the file. 
Tonight, he only wanted the comfort of your touch. And if he was demanding to be the small spoon that night, scrolling through Twitter to see the cute clips his fans had made of your visit to the streaming room, that was between him and his browser history. 
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subwaytostardew · 5 months
Will we need to start a new save for this mod? Or for the adoptable Joltik mod?
Adoptable Joltik can be added in at anytime. As for Subway to Stardew, it also can be added at any time. We're working on editing where their house spawns and instead giving them a mini-map to station themselves in for better compatibility (also just having their home station be less ugly).
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Previously, we just plopped their house where some trees used to be but well... You would need to use the Reset Terrain Features mod for clean-up.
As for content, it assumes that you're starting a new save so they send letters announcing their arrival on Summer 3rd (when the Railroad opens). Ingo's letter arrives on Spring 1 (mostly just to check if things are working since nothing regarding submas happens for an entire season).
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Emmet's arrives on Summer 2nd (and he's a little bitter about how unreliable the Ferngill postal service is as a result).
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They're also quite cold to you during the winter as their 0-heart lines are written under the assumption that you ignored them for at least two seasons (and didn't just skip to year 2 like how I usually do when testing...).
That said! Winter 0-heart dialogue under the read-more!
▷ Station Steward Thylak
🥶 Winter 0-Heart Dialogue 🥶
@ - Farmer’s name
▲ Ingo ▲
"People have said I am quite difficult to ignore due to the volume of my enthusiasm. You, esteemed passenger, have surprised me."
"Emmet says that it is difficult to trust people... Though I did not want to at first, I now feel as if I must agree... we have been slighted by too many."
"Surely, you wouldn’t confirm that belief... would you?"
"It has been a year... We have been working on this project for yet another year... and you rarely- if ever- took the time to converse with me."
"May I ask what has changed your tracks? You confuse me greatly..."
"You have been... avoiding me? M-may I ask why?" "People have told me before that I am quite stiff... That is why I try to change the way I present myself. I try to express my enthusiasm verbally so that people can understand how I feel despite my face betraying it. I know I smile... at l-least I try to..."
"I-is that why you've been avoiding me?"
"I-I need a moment to sort my schedule....."
"I-if I have done anything to... e-err... have displeased you in any way... I-I apologize for my misconduct..."
"Am I really so difficult to approach that you have avoided myself for such a duration of time? For what reason have you averted your tracks from my station?"
"Did I perhaps come across as intimidating? I made an effort to not come across as such during that time... Now, I feel as if those efforts went to waste."
[Ingo looks to be nervously and meticulously tugging at his uniform sleeves. He seems uncomfortable around you.]
▽ Emmet ▽
"I am Emmet... you are now trying to get to know me. Why?"
"I do not trust you... even if you are helping... Maybe one day. Or not....."
"... You picked a verrrrry weird time to try to talk to me. I'm busy right now."
"You wouldn’t be interested in trains. Especially a station like this."
"I am here. It took you too long to notice that. You are verrrrrrrrry dense.
"I don’t know why I keep trying.",
"...... I am Emmet..."
"Are you allergic to me? I know I missed the first spring here. But you did not have to ignore me."
"At least I try to talk to people first. Sometimes. You did not talk to me at all. Now you are."
"I am- no. I am halting my tracks. What is my name? You never talked to me. Now you are. So. What is my name? Do you even remember?"
"...... Why are you talking to me now? This is not your standard operating procedure."
"... It’s been a year. Leave me alone."
[Emmet refuses to speak to you.]
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sayakamaizonowrites · 2 years
Hello :)
can you do a rantaro, hajime, and shuichi with a toy maker s/O who has really shakey hands? ❤
Sure! I have so much ideas with this one 🫶
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Rantaro Amami , Hajime Hinata and Shuichi Saihara with an Ultimate Toy Maker S/O who have a Shakey Hands.
Rantaro Amami
He's amazed by your Ultimate and would like to see you making a toy himself.
Fortunately, while walking towards the school's cafeteria, he saw you making a toy.
He walked towards you and noticed something off.
Your hands was shaking rapidly and it's making you lose your focus.
It seems like you didn't notice him going to you because your eyes are focused on the toy you're making.
"S/O? Your hands are shaking... Are you alright?"
His voice startled you a little bit and almost made you drop the piece of the toy that you're holding.
"O-oh it's you Rantaro.. I'm fine it's normal for my hand to do this while making a toy.."
He sat beside you and decided to help you make the toy you're making.
He always reassures you that it will came out good.
And it seems like he's right, the toy turned out good after you both finished making it.
"I know that your'e good at making toys but I didn't expect you to be this good." "Well , you helped me after all."
Hajime Hinata
While walking towards the park, he noticed a familiar figure making something.
He walked towards the figure to make sure his guys we're right.
Right there on the bench, he saw you making.....a toy?
Startled, you dropped the screwdriver you're holding.
"Ah! You s-scared me Hajime!"
He apologized many times for startling you and you reassured him that it's fine because it didn't broke the almost finished toy.
He helped you make the toy as an apology.
He almost broke the hand of the toy and decided to just watch you.
He still feel guilty for not being able to help and for startling you earlier.
He noticed that your hands are shaking while you're making the toy.
"Hey S/O san, are you alright? Your hands are shaking... Do you want to rest for just a little bit?"
You told him that its fine and your toy is almost finished anyways.
Amazed by the outcome and begs you to teach him how to make a wonderful toy.
You agreed but...teaching him was pain in the ass.
After a few toy making lessons he finally learned how to make a basic toy.
This baby is so happy😭🫶
"You're so good at making this things S/O, I'm hoping that your creations will reach the media one day."
Shuichi Saihara
He's looking for you in the hallways because of something important.
He immediately found you in the cafeteria because of his Detective Abilities (?).
To not startle you, he knocked on the cafeteria's door before going in even if it's opened.
"S/O? I have something important to discuss with you today, are you free at the moment?"
"Oh hi Shuichi, let me just finish this then we can talk."
Got curious about what you're doing then remembered that you're the Ultimate Toy Maker.
He decided to help you and walked towards you.
"May i help you, S/O?"
You looked up to him and agreed.
He doesn't know anything that much about toy making because he only watches Miu when she's making something.
While in the middle of making the toy, he noticed that your hands are shaking.
"S/O?" "Yes?" "Are you alright? Your hands are shaking."
You told him that's its alright and its basically normal for your hands to shake when making toys because of nervousness.
Reassured you that it will be okay and that you should think positive.
It proved that he's right when the toy turned out okay when you both finished making it.
"I won't be surprised when your creations become popular, with your amazing talent and skill, every toy you make will be recognized by everyone oneday."
Yay! Two requests done in one day :] hope you liked this one, 🫶
~ Mod Sayaka
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gayandpanicked · 13 days
Idiots do fall in love too
Stardew Valley Fanfiction (Ridgeside Village mod)
Pairing: female Reader x Philip
Wordcount: 3k something
Rating: Mature (but not explicit, although with very obvious sexual contents)
Synopsis: Reader catches a crush on Philip but is a little stupid about it. With happy ending.
Warning: sexual content, fluff, minors dni
(Some typos possible, will correct them some day)
When you moved into the valley you were incredibly overwhelmed. Although you were used to many people in Zuzu City, it was something incomparable.
In Zuzu you knew 2 colleagues by name and were surrounded by hundreds of people every day that you were glad to ignore. Now you were facing around 20 or 30 peers at best, but you were supposed to know all of them.
Lewis and Lenny were very active in introducing you to both the residents of Pelican Town and Ridgeside Village. You were invited to several events and happenings where you felt awkward and left out. And as your eyes shifted nervously around, your gaze suddenly fell upon blond hair and a beautiful smile.
During your first flower dance you noticed him. Philips calm demeanor immediately had you captivated. He was like an oasis in the desert for your anxiety. Many people talked to him and he handled them effortlessly. His shoulders were never tensed up like yours when someone new approached him. From time to time you noticed a joyful sparkle in his eyes and gentle wrinkles around his grinning mouth. On other occasions his brows furrowed slightly and his hands pierced forward in an attempt to assist someone in need of help.
When his open gaze suddenly crossed your growing admiration, you flinched and quickly turned around, feeling as if you finally awoke from a dream too sweet to let go. Confused you looked into your empty cup with punch. Your face was hot. Maybe you had a bit too much? You didn’t remember yourself to be a lightweight but if Pam or Shane had their hands on the drinks there was a possibility that it was simply a tad bit too strong for y—…
„Excuse me ma‘am?“
The air was sucked out of your lungs. Every muscle of your body tensed up and you had to consciously remind yourself to breathe, before slowly, shyly turning around. Something about his aura was too dazzling, as if he was living in another dimension from you. It seemed unreal that Philip would actually come over and talk to you out of all people. You heartbeat quickened as if it was attempting to win a race. Did he notice you were staring?
„H-hi“, you stuttered and quickly cleared your throat, before attempting to speak again. „I— I am the new farmer… In Pelican Town. The one n-next to the bus stop.“ Somehow you desperately wanted to explain yourself. As if trying to say that you‘re not a creep or something. But clearly you made it worse.
In your mind you prayed to Yoba to open a hole in the ground for you to burry yourself in. But nothing of that sorts happened. Instead Philip smiled.
„My pleasure. I am Philip, a physical therapist working in Town.“ You nodded quickly as if that was new information to you although Lenny already told you a lot about him during a short visit in Ridgeside. „Sorry for approaching you like that. I noticed you staggering a bit and I just wanted to make sure that you were fine.“
Your eyes widened. „Staggering?“ Once again you looked into your cup. Maybe it really was all just the alcohol in the end. What a relief! With a content sigh you too showed a clumsy smile and shrugged your shoulders a little.
„I think I had too much… But I am alright, thank. I will stop drinking now…“
Philip huffed in a little laugh and nodded. „That‘s good then. If you‘re feeling somehow uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to ask for help. I… tend to be a bit of a busy body, I can‘t seem to stop working entirely.“ He scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment under you wanted to melt at how sweet this boy was. And now that you realized you were drunk you allowed yourself to crush a little on this man.
With a dreamy smile you mustered his pretty cheeks now coloring in a soft pink. „Sounds good“, you whispered. „When I need someone to save me I‘ll come… looking for you.“ You chuckled slightly before being interrupted by an important thought. „But you too! I mean, if you need saving and eh… if you don‘t have someone to save you yet then… I eh… Farmers are strong…?“
You couldn’t guess yourself what it was that you tried to say. Flirting was far from your strong point. But Philip simply showed you a dazzling grin.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
From that day on he crossed your paths more often than before. Or you simply were more aware of him?
Philip always made sure to greet you. Butterflys were born in your core every time his dreamy smile found your eyes and his honey coated voiced called out to you. At first you felt weird. But pretty quickly you noticed that his grinning „ma‘am“ did a lot more for you than you anticipated…
He whispered it into your ear in the middle of the night when you were alone in your cabin with nothing but your fantasy.
„You called for me, ma‘am?“, his imaginary voice chuckled, as your hand transformed into his, slowly caressing your heaving chest. „You called me in the middle of the night. I came as soon as I heard your heavy breath.“ You moaned at the fantasy of his long fingers squeezing your breast. Something resembling a doctor role play manifested in your mind, his fingers thoroughly examining you.
It didn’t took you long to fill your cabin with obscene squelching sounds when your fingers entered your core over and over again as you clawed yourself into your soft flesh. „Oh god… Yoba… Please Philip…“
What could he do to your body? In what positions could he gently guide you? Would he be soft or rough? It didn’t matter to you. You wanted to be ravaged by him so badly. You were a moaning mess as you tossed around, pushing your face into your pillow, raising your hips as if you were giving him access to take you roughly from behind while frantically pumping your fingers inside of you.
„Aren‘t you doing so good, ma‘am?“ You felt dizzy with lust, you drooled into your pillow as you finally came undone with a desperate gasp for air. Your hips still shuddered, your legs trembling. And after slowly coming down from your high you let your body fall numbly into the mattress. Sweat was dripping down your forehead and it took you quite some time to finally catch your breath.
When the clarity crept back into your consciousness and you were crushed by the realization of what you just did, you let out a loud groan and pushed your face further into your pillow. „Fuck… I am so screwed…“, you whined. „I am a pervert. A fucking creep…“ You tried to imagine how you were supposed to look Philip in the eyes now. „Shit…“
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Just as you thought the following days were torturous whenever you found yourself face to face with the beautiful physical therapist. When he called ma‘am now you could feel his voice prickling on your skin. Your face was heating up helplessly, when his eyes were fixed on you and you felt like a stuttering mess.
The worst thing about it all: you were absolutely certain that he was not interested in you. Not in the slightest. So you desperately tried to suppress your crush as you slowly got to know him and growing closer to him. In a completely platonic way. And way too quick you stopped hearing him calling you ma‘am with only your horny fantasies left to purr it into your ear.
„Here you are! I‘ve been looking for you everywhere!“ The excited young man came running up to you as you were tending the farm. You were just about to plant some new seeds, being bent over your field as Philip came to a hold. You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand and pulling the garden gloves from your fingers as you smiled up at him. Your hair was in a messy ponytail, getting lose from work. Philip has seen you in similar fits quite some times already so you convinced yourself to stop minding.
You laughed with a confused frown. „You looked for me everywhere and decided to check my farm last?“ Philip was clenching a little package in his hand and he took a while to answer. You felt him mustering you up and down, as he often did. Your guess was that he was checking for any injuries or something similar. He was incredibly caring and truly a busy body through and through.
„I…“ He shook his head and cleared his throat as if to force himself to concentrate. „I wanted to come here straight on but as I passed Pieres and the community center I decided to check for you there. Just for efficiency.“ You nodded.
„Sounds smart. Well now you found me. What do you have there?“ Quickly he extended his hand with the little package.
„I just got the new issue of IncrediMan delivered! Do you want to check it out together?“
A loving sigh left your lips, as you couldn’t help the grin growing in your face, looking up at him. Look at him being so passionate and so happy. At first you were surprised finding out that he was a bit of a nerd. But after getting to know him better it fit him perfectly and you thought of it as adorable. You wanted to peck his face all over with kisses when he came running to you, beaming like this.
„I‘d love to. But I still have some work to do before it gets too late. Would you mind waiting for a bit? Or you could already read it here and I‘ll join you when I am ready?“
Philip was clearly conflicted. His eyes jumped from your face to the package and back. „I— I am really stoked for that issue and if it‘s fine with you I‘d start it already. Are you sure though I am not bothering you if I stay here for that?“
You grinned happily and quickly shook your head. „You‘re never a bother. I love having you here. Please make yourself comfortable. I‘ll hurry.“
Again Philip took some time to answer, just looking at you. You never noticed how longingly he stared at you. In your mind it was just him being lost in thought, so you just waited patiently for his reply.
„Deal“, he finally smiled at you and headed towards your porch, making himself comfortable on the bench you placed there. Soon your cat joined the man cuddled up to him, earning herself some pets. Every time you looked up from your work and let your eyes find him, you couldn‘t help to feel a bit envious. What would you give to cuddle up to him like this too…
The evening hours approached quicker than you thought and soon dawn fell upon you. When you were finally ready you slipped past Philip who was completely lost in his comic, took a warm shower, changed your clothes to something comfortable and fresh and took two beers from the refrigerator before sneaking up to the blond man. Grinning you leaned slightly against him from behind gently holding the cold can against his throat.
Immediately Philip tensed up, jumped a little even and you chuckled. „I am ready“, you singsang and came around to fall down next to him, stretching out your naked legs that stretched into a pair of dark booty shorts.
„H-huh?“, Philips eyes widened and he couldn’t tear his eyes from you. Not from the top hugging your chest or your wet long hair framing your flushed face. „You—…“ He turned around to look into the cabin behind him before turning around to face you again.
„You took a shower“, he said, somewhat high pitched and yet as if he wasn’t sure about it. You blinked at him in confusion and tilted your head slightly to the side. You still held the two cans of beer in your hands and issued him to take his.
„Yeah, I have? Do you prefer me to stink after a long day of work?“ Why was he reacting this way? You couldn’t quite grasp the mood. „Are you alright?“
Philip laughed almost mechanically, before stopping all at once and shaking his head. He opened his can of beer and gulped down half of it before leaning back and trying to collect his demeanor.
„Yeah, I— Look, I know of the possibility of making this awkward and I really tried not to! But you make it incredibly hard to not get my hopes up.“
His ears turned red. The issue of IncrediMan was laying next to him and he held the beer can with both hands. And you… you looked at him in utter confusion.
„Getting your… hopes up?“, you asked. And very very slowly the understanding of what might be happening here was beginning to fill your mind. And from one second to the next your face was cooking and you turned beet red. Suddenly you felt self conscious with the amount of skin you were showing and you fumbled slightly with you shorts.
„So uh—… do you… You‘re hoping… What I mean is…“, you begann stuttering and now it was Philip looking up, admiring you fidgeting next to him, hiding away your blushing face and seemingly panicking. He pressed his lips together, took a deep breath and extended his hand to awkwardly hover over you.
„Are you… Would you allow me to touch you?“ Your eyes widened and you frantically bobbed your head. Yoba, you were fantasizing of him touching you for months! Of course you‘d allow him. With a smile he gently brought his fingers up to your scalp and stroke the wet strands of hair out of your face. You felt like a bunny, wanting to run away from a possible threat but also wanting to… make your fantasies a reality.
Philip just look at you squirming under his touch, fighting for control. „Yoba, you‘re so beautiful“, he breathed full of adoration. Your heart skipped several beats just to catch up to them in a second.
You whined slightly, melting under his warmth. „I— uh… I thought you uh… didn’t see me like that and I… Do you… I mean—…? Ugh I am so sorry… I am such a mess.“
Philip laughed. „Yeah you are. But you‘re making me a mess in the process too. I was infatuated with you for a year now… since the flower dance. I saw you staring at me. You were so obvious, so incredibly cute and yet so innocently oblivious. I had good intentions coming over to you, but very bad ones leaving you…“
Your breath was caught in your lungs, your whole body shut down, listening to his deep voice, seducing your very being. You leaned closer to him as if his personal gravity was pulling you in.
„You noticed?“
Philip grinned and nodded.
„I noticed. But I wasn’t a hundred percent sure of how deep your… interest in me actually was. And if you liked me or you just really liked being called ma‘am.“
You gasped, your eyes big in shock. „No way! You noticed even that? How? What did I do? I tried to hide it so hard.“ You pouted, feeling discouraged, still not full grasping where this conversation was going. Not fully realizing that you have put away the can and leaned forward on your hands that were placed between you, being only inches away from his face.
The blond man was unsure how to answer at first. How to proceed in this situation. He knew you were putty in his hands and he desperately searched for his will to behave and not let his mind wander, seeing you so deliciously willing like this.
He brought his hand forward that was still lost in your strands and gently pushed against the plush of your red lips. „Your cheeks turned red every time I called out to you. Your bottom lip started trembling until you sucked it in, looking at me from under your lushes as if you just confessed to dirty little crime that you committed. Your eyes went a bit hazy and you couldn’t stop sighing when you thought I didn’t look at you anymore, being all lost in the clouds.“
That was too much for you. Too close to all of your fantasies. You pursed your lips in reflex and pushed them against his thump. You furrowed your brows as you started placing little kisses over his fingers, over to his knuckles, to the sides of his wrist. He sharply sucked in his breath, watching you with a growing hunger.
„You‘re so mean, Philip…“, you whined. „I was feeling so bad. And I tried so hard to keep my… desires to myself. I was dying on my crush for you and you knew all along. You‘re such a tease.“
You were drunk of him. His scent was tickling your nose and you worshipped his stretched out hand, letting your lips draw over his veins, sucking slightly on his skin, taking in his taste. Oh god you liked him so much. You opened your mouth, letting your tongue lick over his thumb.
Something in his head snapped. His fingers gripped around your throat and at first you gasped in surprise, thinking for a split second you did something wrong. But as he pulled you closer, directing your gaze to look him in the eyes you shuddered. His normally shining, glistening eyes were burning into your soul. You quickly got used to his grip and found yourself comfort in his gentle forcefulness.
„I planned several dates ahead“, he growled slightly. „I wanted to offer up my arm for you to cuddle up to me. I imagined how I‘d take your hand for the first time. How I‘d kiss your lovely smile…“ The tingling sensation for butterflies exploded once again in your stomach. He was thinking of all these things? He meant it, he actually liked you!
He smiled, but it felt strained as if he had to force every single muscle to obey him. „But right now I‘d like to skip all of that and keep it for another day. Is that what you want as well?“ Skipping… Skipping the steps… You blinked up at him, your fuzzy brain had difficulties processing his words, until you gasped.
„Do you want to…?“, your voice was nothing more than a whisper. „You mean… dirty stuff?“
Philip frowned, taking a deep breath, shaking, nodding. „Yes. I‘d love to do some very, very dirty stuff with you.“ - „Me too!“, you answered quicker than you anticipated, nodding. „Yes, yes, yes, please.“
Philip smirked.
His lips crashed against yours, catching you in a hungry kiss. It was sloppy, open mouthed and greedy. Then you both suddenly switched to soft, and gentle, hugging his lips with yours before getting lost in a fight of tongues all over again.
Your breath was heavy. The air leaving his lips was the essence of your life. You swallowed all the little sighs he slipped into your mouth and you repaid him with breathless moans. He snaked his arms around you and you were the one climbing on his lap to be closer. To feel him.
You both were so lost in each other. While his hands roamed carefully over your body, yours grabbed him, teared his clothes out of the way to feel his warm skin underneath your fingertips.
He carried you inside when it was apparent that both your clothes were too much to handle sticking to your bodies right now. Philip put you gently down. You pulled him with you. You both were so hungry for each other, only letting up for seconds to catch your breath before clashing together again.
You pushed him down and climbed on top of him, letting your hands crawl down to his hips, wanting to touch, taste and swallow his pleasure. But Philip quickly turned you around, hovering over you and taking a moment to grin at how eager you were. You both were left in your underwear and he admired your beautiful body before something mischievous appeared in his eyes again.
„You‘re so beautiful tonight, ma‘am.“
Your eyes widened and his words resonated deep within you, reaching your core, screaming for him. „W-what?“
Philip grinned and buried his nose in the crook of your neck. „I think I am losing control at your beauty. Purse those lovely lips of yours and tell me how to please you best, ma‘am.“ He looked deep into your soul. „Pretty please?“
You felt like a fish gasping for air. All of your fantasies somehow becoming real right in front of you. The shame, the embarrassment and the unbearable desire washed over you. You felt like cumming just from your pantie giving you the tiniest friction. Pearls of sweat were coating your body and pouted at him, clearly indicating it was your turn to be pleased first.
A whine left your lips. „I… That‘s not fair. Why am I the first?“ Although you really longed to feel good and to be ravaged by this man, you first wanted to experience him. How he whimpered, if he was vocal or let his body talk. You needed to see him washed over in bliss. But—
His hand reached down for your thigh, boring his fingers into your flesh and you yelped. „Because I am your guest right now, am I not? Let me show my gratitude for your generous invitation.“ He leaned down, pushed your legs open and kissed down your belly until his lips reached the hem of your panty. „Use your voice, ma‘am“, he purred against the twitching center of your lust and you moaned his name.
„That‘s so embarrassing…“, you whined, before your fingers gently snaked into his blond strands. „Devour me, please? Take me with a little force, please. Push me into several positions, make me take you all the way down and pound into me as hard as you‘d like. I want my body to remember you tomorrow, to remind me of right now every time I take a step or sit down. Make me cum so oft I cry, please. Please, is that alright? Please?“ Your face was the deepest shade of red it could reach, you were lightheaded from all the blood rushing into your head.
Philip was frozen for a second, staring at you with a mix of adoration and disbelief. „You are… Fuck. You‘re so perfect!“ He quickly came back up to you to give you a deep loving kiss, over and over again before leaning his forehead against yours. „I will make you feel the best. Today, tomorrow and every day after that.“
While he said those words he pushed your leg up, getting down on you again, pulling away your slip to fulfill every one of your wishes.
You giggled slightly.
„Deal!“, you agreed, before throwing your head back with a surprised moan that filled your cabin.
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hello can I request for one or maybe more inhabitants from each Stardew valley and extension and Ridgeside witnessing the farmer acting strange during weird hours of the night and covered with blood and the farmer doesn’t seem to be hurt at all , the farmer wants warm gentle friendly personality who likes talking to everybody changing to somewhere quiet and distant, causing cold feelings in the air with nervousness and somewhere fear because of the sudden changes, of course the farmer doesn’t directly tries to hurt the other inhabitants but tries to avoid them, maybe even the villagers will go and talk to the farmer in the morning, only to see the farmer is normal and doesn’t have any recollection, got the idea from seeing a beautiful art about the farmer acting different because of the mods. And sorry if it’s confusing English is not my first language.
wish you a wonderful day.
Hello, dear anon ❤️ Don't worry, English is not my first language either, but I understood everything 😊 (God bless the translator, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write headcanons at all).
You got idea from art "about the farmer acting different because of the mods"? I think you meant this beautiful art! by @/a-substantial-trash-pile! (Want to tag artist, but also I don't want to be annoying, will leave a link instead). The last one shock me in a good way, this art is really beautiful and cool ❤️ Enjoy, and have a wonderful day too!
Sam and Sebastian could have sworn their souls had left their bodies at that moment, and Abigail struggled to keep from screaming. It was understandable for the young trio to react to an unknown figure in the woods, covered head to toe in blood, mud, and Yoba's guess what else. Abigail had dragged her friends into the forest at such a late hour, but she wanted to "see the mysterious tower". They, however, saw someone else.
And what was their shock when Sebby shone a flashlight on the stranger's face and it turned out to be.... A farmer?
Sam relaxed too soon, noticing the face of their all-too-familiar friend, the kind and sweet farmer, as he took a closer look at their eyes. That look... No human being could have that look. Cold, aloof.
The farmer didn't respond to his name. He didn't even budge when Sam asked. Abby and Sebastian huddled closer to Sam, afraid of getting lost in the darkness and not knowing what their friend was doing....
Is that really friend, who was standing in front of them...?
Eventually, Abigail's nerves failed her and she grabbed both boys by the arm and ran with them away from the forest, anywhere but away from.... This.
The horror and scolding their parents after night would make them think twice about going out into the wild woods at late hour.
But their curiosity became stronger than their fear when the Farmer, the same Farmer who had frightened the whole Pelican Town trio, behaved as if the meeting in the dark forest had never happened.
If they claim it was not them.....
Then who... Or what?...
Not even the roar of corrupt monsters in the merciless Crimson Baldlans had made Isaac grab the hilt of his sword as quickly as his encounter with that annoying farmer not far from the Adventurer's Guild.
No matter how Isaac tried to call them out, insult them, or growl at them, there was no response from them.
Blank, cold stares, their clothes and their hair exuded the scent of blood and steel, but not fear. Their backpack reeked of black magic, stuffed with the loot of defeated monsters, dripping with someone else's, black as night, blood.
Without breaking his gaze with the tense adventurer, the Farmer took a few steps back until their figure was hidden behind tall bushes. Only now did Isaac wake from his stupor and run toward the bushes, baring his sword. However, no one was already there.
What he had told Marlon and Gil about last night's incident had done nothing: they didn't believe his words. Isaac was not surprised, for he had no proof but his words. That didn't mean he wasn't angry, on the contrary. He was furiously kicking rocks near Marlon's guild, cursing at that strange farmer.
Who, by the way, reappeared before Isaac, and only raised his eyebrows in surprise at all the accusations. What was he talking about? They weren't there.
Either Isaac had gone mad with fatigue...
...or there was a threat in the valley far worse than any monster he'd seen in the Crimson Baldlans.
Poor Sonny had been troubled for days. His job as butler to the Amethyne family was not affected because of it, but Irene couldn't help noticing the huge bags under his eyes. The good-natured butler thanked her for her concern, but assured the worried girl that he was fine. However, Zayne, who had arrived for a few days, overheard their conversation and insisted that Sonny at least rest in the evening. The Amethyne members' words are law for every servants in this mansion, so tired Sonny wanted to visit the fox statue late at night, seeking solace.
Reaching through the forest to the statue, Sonny had no sooner paid his respects to the symbol of the forest spirit than he turned around at a strange sound.
A dark figure, so similar to his farmer friend, wearing a fox mask and covered in scarlet blood, was staring at Sonny like at prey. The old butler realised that all avenues of retreat had been cut off and he had nowhere to run.
But he wasn't going to.
Clenching the symbol of Yoba that hung around his neck in his fist, he spoke calmly:
"Whoever you are, I do not fear you. Yoba and the spirit of the forest will protect me."
Sonny could have sworn something had changed in the gaze of the person who stood before him. Without a word, they seemed to vanish into thin air. With a sigh of relief, old butler hurried back to the mansion.
He was surprised when he saw the Farmer at the next morning, unharmed. Was not them?
All Sonny could do now was thank the spirits for protecting him and ask them to protect the farmer, too, if it wasn't really them...
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kokorosfanfics · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing so much and i hope you are having a good day ❤️ so i was wondering if i could get some Mikan x platonic!reader where the reader always looks out for her when she trips and helps her with anything they can etc, and meaning to confess their love for her? I love Mikan and I heard you like her too
so i can't wait to read your writing:)))
I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I certainly hope I don't disappoint. -Mod Kokoro
Mikan x Reader who looks after her and confesses!
Mikan Tsumiki activated your protective side since day one of you meeting her. From how she constantly apologizes for just existing, to tripping and falling in a very embarrassing pose, you knew something wasn't right. So you took it upon yourself to watch over her, and do your best to protect her from anyone and anything that could try to take advantage of her. This typically involves catching her before she falls and scaring off Hiyoko.
Everyone came to know you as Mikan's protector, and it was widely understood that those who tried to hurt Mikan would suffer the wrath of S/O.
Now, Mikan actually greatly appreciated this. She was grateful to have someone who cared so much about her like this, and wouldn't bully her, and instead look out for her. How you'd always help her with anything she would need, always caught her before she could fall. How anytime someone tried to harass her, you'd immediately scare the daylights out of them and make them regret it.
Every time she forgot something, you always had a spare for her to use. Every time someone bullied her, they'd be met with a fierce reaction that can range from terrifying death glare to shoved against the wall and beat up.
Over time, you couldn't help but develop feelings for her. You grew to fall in love with her and wish to be with her. The two of you became inseparable. Mikan was actually rather obvious, constantly blushing around you, eager to hug you and hold your arm. She'd look at you with dreamy eyes and always be enthusiastic to spend time with you.
So you decided it was time to officialize things. You wanted to be able to call Mikan your beloved girlfriend. You decided to buy her a heart-shaped locket, silver with deep purple lettering that read "Love." In the locket was a picture of the two of you under a Sakura tree, petals in your hair and smiling together.
You took out your phone and called.
"Hey, Miki. Are you free right now?"
"S/O! Yes of course. I'm always available to spend time with you."
"Can you meet me at the botanical garden we saw last week? There's something I have to tell you." You were blushing, realizing you'd truly go through with this.
"That sounds lovely! I'm already on my way. Meet you there!"
You hurriedly made your way there. As luck would have it, the garden was going to be empty besides just the two of you. Waiting patiently, you went over in your head what you were going to say when Mikan got here. You looked at the perfectly wrapped gift in your hands. You couldn't help the nervousness you felt in your chest, but you knew deep down she felt the same. It would only be a matter of mere moments before you'd finally, truly be together.
"S/O!" That adorable voice called out, as she came to hug you. You hugged back and picked her up, spinning her around.
"Hehe! I'm so happy to see you." God she was so cute.
"I'm really, really happy to see you too. There's something I want to give you, and something I have to tell you." Here we go.
"O-Oh? What is it?" She looked at you attentively.
"Mikan. You're special to me. You've become the most important person to me in my life, and I've thought about you a lot. Everything about you is amazing to me. I've thought over all the times we had together, and everything we've done. I've come to realize that, out of everyone in this world, you're the one I want to spend my future with. I love you, Mikan. You mean the world to me. ' You pulled out the gift and held it out to her.
"S/O....." Mikan teared up. You knew they were happy tears.
"I love you too, S/O. You make me feel truly safe, and loved. You're perfect. You're everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you more than anything. More than life itself. I want nothing more than to be with you for eternity." Mikan confessed back. Before you could even respond, she pulled you into a loving, passionate kiss.
You wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as you shared a beautiful kiss together.
"Please, open this. It's for you." You reminded her of the gift.
"Oh, I bet it's something wonderful." She began to carefully unwrap it. Her face lit up at the sight of the locket. She cried another tear of joy at the picture inside.
"S/O, this is so beautiful!"
"Thank you, I'm glad you love it." You helped Mikan put on her new locket.
The Sakura petals fell gracefully from the tree around you, as the sunset gleamed marvelously in sync with a kiss between you and your beloved Mikan.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Welcome!! :D˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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Good morning to all my tumblr followers!!
Welcome to probably my very first ask blog! Where I let you guys ask certain questions' or even roleplay with the Hantengu clones in general. You can also Ask my oc's as they will also be joining in to!
Now without a further a do. Let me introduce the main four!
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— "Hello! I am Urogi, the manifestation of Hantengu's joy. My Blood Demon Art is Sonic Scream, which allows me to generate powerful sound waves from my mouth! Ask me anything and I'll answer all your questions."
Aizetsu walks in after Urogi, he gives a little wave and smiles as he says.
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— "Hello!! I'm Aizetsu, the manifestation of Hantengu's sorrow. My Blood Demon Art allows me to use Spear projection to create punctuating holes on certain enemies! Ask me anything and I'll answer to the best of my ability."
He nervously says as he scratches the back of his head.
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"Greetings, it is I! Karaku, one of the four Hantengu clones. I am here to satisfy your desires and answer your questions to the best of my ability! Please do not hesitate to ask me anything on your mind."
"I look forward to fulfilling you with pleasure~"
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"Urrgghhh! What is it now~? I am Sekido! One of the four Hantengu clones, I am the manifestation of his angry self. You wish to talk to me? Ask whatever you like… and be done with it."
Here are the rules for this blog. Make sure you follow and dont ignore them.
Always respect other's opinions.
Bullying, Harassment, Threats, and Toxicity Are not allowed on this blog.
Hate Speech / Symbols / Discriminatory Behavior's.
No drama that involves something that doesn't match this blog.
Always be nice to each other.
Make sure to put the names in your questions if you wanted to ask one of them. If i dont see any names on your questions ill choose randomly or let them all answer it.
I wont be able to answer that much due to me being busy. So please be patient if your question wont be answered quickly.
Here are the Type of stuff that I will reply to.
Canon x Reader/Oc
Headcannons. [My Au of just the anime headcannons]
Comedy or Adventure.
A Bit of smut.
Here are the type of stuff that I wont reply to.
Incest. [S3Xual type of stuff that involves the clones.]
Paedophillia. [No shipping with a child or adult is allowed.]
Weird and disturbing fetishes [Like Scat or Piss fetishes and all the other cringe that you got in store.]
I'M doing this out of pure boredom or to just carry on the fandom if any other blogs are dying.
I Might also use gacha club to create some scenes to go with the questions, hope you dont mind.
Oh yeah. Here are some of my Oc's that will be joining in to answer some questions as well!:
Anywho! Without a further a do!
✼  ҉ Let the Madness Begin! ҉  ✼
Mod color will be Purple and Bold
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gamergirl-06 · 4 months
Hell-A Proposal
Plot: Ryan x Reader were Ryan Proposes, fluff. This Event takes place after the games main story and reader is on the chopper with Sam and Emma and Ryan comes back to safety later on with a surprise in mind.
Tags: @hyunjinbiased-blog
You sat with Emma and Sam against the chopper on the Hollywood boulevard as you awaited your boyfriend Ryan’s return from the supposed ‘Lab’ that Jimmy mentioned when you couldn’t find the doctor.
You look over to the two people beside you, Emma holding Sam as he was getting weaker by the second. You reach over and feel is forehead as to check his temperature, he was burning up more.
You pull your hand away as you continue to sit in silence, not speaking a single word, you knew they were having a moment, the first since 15 years ago.
You knew Emma still loved him deep down, you could tell she is torn apart at the thought of having to kill Sam if he continued to get worse. If only there was a cure.
Suddenly Emma spoke up “You know, I really thought we would make it out of this together but I guess the universe is given one final ‘fuck you’ because it just doesn’t care about us anymore”
You rub her back to comfort her and she doesn’t say a word, she just enjoys your kind gesture.
“I know hopefully Ryan comes back soon then we can get out of here and get him help” you assure her.
She nods and focuses her Attention back to Sam and you back to the ground in front of you not before looking up at Patton who was also nervously awaiting Ryan’s return.
A little while later you heard the gate open and close and you look up to see Your Handsome Man in all his glory wielding a modded fire axe in his hands.
He puts it away before he embraces you and gives you a quick kiss.
He then makes his way over to The others and pulls out a tube.
“It’s a one shot cure, it was meant for me but..” Ryan’s says and points to Sam.
He then goes to press the injection into The weaker man’s head before Emma stops him
“Not his head” she said with warning
“Oh sorry” Ryan replied
Once Sam got a dose of the one shot cure he was like himself again.
“You see I will always come back for you” he reaches to grab Emma’s cheek and she blushes.
“It’s perfect” Patton said looking at the happy couple on the ground in front of him.
“We can get out of here now?” You ask Ryan giving a little smile.
He smiles in return before it quickly drops “ You guys are, I’m not”.
Your face never changed so quick as you look at him in confusion .
“What the fuck do you mean you’re not coming?”.
Ryan cups your face in his hands before looking right into your eyes.
“Honey, I’m not the cure, Tisha is, the doc’s daughter but she ran off after he…yeah I need to find her”
You were upset but you knew Ryan..he wanted to help the world especially in this instance.
You knew he was doing what he had to.
“I understand that you want to rid the world of whatever the disease is..at least you can be a hero and do good” you smile through tears that appeared in your eyes.
Ryan noticed and he grabbed your hands kissing your forehead.
“Hey listen to me, I promise you that after I find the girl, I will make my way to safety, back to you I promise” he said smiling at you which you return.
“I love you” you say.
“I love you too baby”
He leans forward and finally connects his lips with yours as he brings you closer pouring all of his love for you into the kiss.
When you pull away Sam taps him on the shoulder “Here you might need this” he hands Ryan his Hammer.
“Thanks” Ryan smiles before he turns to Patton
They both salute each other and say “Good luck” before finally He turns to you and gives you one final embrace..for now.
“And I’ll see you soon hopefully” he says as you get onto the chopper with the others his hand going down to his pocket were he could feel the tiny box.
“Yeah I hope so too”
The doors close and off you went to saftey.
You Finally made it to saftey and immediately met with the authorities who checked you guy’s for any sign of sickness or illness you may have brought with you.
You were all given the all clear before you were directed out of the building and into an area with other people.
You all realised that you were in a place with REAL LIVING people who weren’t infected with whatever affected everyone in LA which was far away now as it was a full 4 hours away but it was currently being quarantined and authorities were looking for other survivors within that area.
You hoped they find Ryan and Tisha, You needed Ryan more than anything, you loved him with your whole heart but for now You definitely need to get used to this after a bit of surviving infected humans.
Sam and Emma offered their comfort as you guys sat on a chair.
“I’m sure he’ll be a’right he will be here soon he is one tough motherfucker” Sam said.
You laugh “yeah that’s true”
“WE HAVE MORE SURVIVORS!” Shouted an Officer and the other officer replied with “well let them in”
A few moments later Ryan walks in looking as good as always.
“See I promised you I’d come back” he said wrapping his arms around you as you cry and laugh that he is finally safe and finally home, home to you
You press your lips to his in a passionate kiss which he accepts giving just as much passion back. You feel him smile before pulling away and he looks into your eyes.
“Look I love you (Y/N) and I can’t imagine my life without you, you bring me happiness in the dark times, you are my joy and I’ll be damned if I don’t say it” Ryan begins
He pulls out the box and gets down in one knee and you gasp as your hand flys to your mouth and you cry more.
“So (Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?” Ryan asks. You couldn’t say no, Ryan was your everything.
“Yes, a million times” you say as he slips the ring on your finger and spins you around and puts you down and looks at you with the most shit eating grin ever.
Sam filmed the whole thing while Emma celebrated silently.
“I love you so much” Ryan says the happiness in his voice never faltering.
“Love you too” you say as Ryan kisses your temple.
“I can’t wait to marry you” he says holding you close to him.
Finally you guys didn’t have to worry about anything trying to harm you.
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