#*indian food obvi
windingpathways · 1 year
it's my birthday today (4/18)-- I'm turning 25! unfortunately I'm still dealing with health issues, and my bank account is sitting at -$248 due to rent automatically withdrawing from my account too soon before my paycheck arrives in a couple days :/
not an emergency, please don't feel bad if you can't help, but if anyone would like to send me a few bucks to my v*nmo or c*shapp, I have cards attached to those and would love to be able to use them get a little something nice to eat. they're dead empty rn.
you can find me on both those apps at $wanderingivy
love y'all <3
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atthebell · 10 months
Do you have any vod recommendations to rewarch until our streamer comes back?
chants of sennaar - incredible game about translation and languages, very fun to watch him play since it's something he's pretty interested in, very cool if you're into linguistics like i am
tchia - cool game, interesting story and mechanics, nice long vod and someone in chat was from new caledonia so gave some cool context
stray - catboy moments of all time, beautiful game obvi
scorn - batshit gorgeous very gross (/pos) very horny game he acts like a freak the entire time it's great
mirror layers - wild ass game he once again acts like a freak the whole time fun and interesting concept and he gets scared a lot so 👍🏻
the tartarus key - fun game, interesting puzzles
scp secret files - solid game, if you're into scp stuff my impression is it's by far the best scp game to have come out
escape from mystwood mansion - cute short puzzle game very fun
decarnation - INCREDIBLE game, nails the topics it covers, cool to watch him play it since he really appreciated the style & understood the themes
viewfinder - very cool concept, fun puzzles, chill vibes
amnesia the bunker - i watched most of this live but remember nothing, fun to watch him scream and it's a nice looking game
birth - chill vibes, short and sweet
among us monastery - deranged game, he acts like a freak, very funny
the past within - any puzzle game him and felps play together is a fun watch, this one's a rusty lake game so it's got a weird fun style
underground blossom - another rusty lake game, fun puzzles, he's deranged in this for reasons you'll understand once you watch it
venba - incredible game about an indian family in canada & their relationships with each other through the lens of food, very cute very cool, tbh might go play it myself it's very much my kind of game
fear the spotlight - origins of many lesbian protector/shipper moments, and a nice little high school horror game
cellboier cryptic killer [cellbit] [roier] - i recommend watching these synced up tbh bc otherwise you will not know what the other person is fucking talking about but yeah its a cellboier stream its great watch it if you haven't already rewatch it if you feel like it
homebody - idr anything about this vod but i remember enjoying it, some horror shit in a house, he probably screams a lot and maybe there's puzzles either way a solid time
killer frequency - very fun game, cool vibes, it's been a while since i watched it but he's probably a freak in it
in no particular order
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chelseachilly · 1 year
THIS LOVE - prologue | high tide came and brought you in
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pairing: ben chilwell x reader
rating: T
word count: 1.5k
summary: you and ben have been best friends since you were kids. there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him, including pretending to be his girlfriend to help his career when his public image has taken a hit. what’s the worst that can happen?
A/N: hi everyone! welcome to my latest ben fic! thanks to everyone who voted in the poll i made recently, ultimately i couldn’t decide so ended up going with both fake dating and friends to lovers lol. the title is from this love by taylor swift (taylor’s version obvi) <3
view all chapters
When you woke up today, becoming Ben Chilwell’s girlfriend is the last thing you would’ve expected to happen. Short of an alien invasion or a complete nuclear apocalypse, there is hardly any conceivable scenario that you would’ve had a harder time believing.
The day starts like any other.
You wake up after hitting snooze a couple times then hurry to get ready for work. You don’t have time to make coffee at home, so you grab a latte and a bagel from Pret on your way to the hospital.
It’s a typical, stressful day in the life of an A&E nurse, with a few major traumas coming in and the usual NHS understaffing issues.
You have lunch with your favourite coworker talk close friend Valerie, who you met in uni, and talked shit about your least favourite coworkers while eating mediocre salads from the cafeteria.
By the end of the day, you’re totally exhausted, practically dragging your feet as you walk up the stairs to your flat and collapse on the couch.
You’ve just mustered the energy to change into your pyjamas when there’s a knock on your door, and you excitedly run over to grab your dinner.
Unfortunately, it isn’t the Indian takeaway you’ve ordered waiting for you on the other side, it’s your best friend Ben.
“I thought you were Indian food,” you groan.
“Sorry to disappoint,” Ben chuckles as you step aside to let him in and he kicks off his shoes. “Tough day?”
“Long day,” you reply, walking back over to your couch and plopping down as Ben walks into your kitchen to get a drink, making himself at home.
You and Ben have been best friends since you were six, when you and your family moved and you started at the same primary school as him. He was the first kid to show you some kindness by asking if you wanted to join him and his mates for a game of football at recess. Obviously, at the time you couldn’t have predicted that the childhood pastime would turn into a massively successful career for him.
You two grew closer over the years and remained close even when he started at Leicester’s academy and you didn’t get to spend nearly as much time together. You almost never missed a home game, regardless of if it was a friendly in the academy days or a monumental Champions League match once he made it to Chelsea.
Likewise, Ben has always been there for you, supporting you as you worked your butt off to make it through uni and get your nursing certification. He was elated when you landed a job at a hospital in London not long after he signed with Chelsea, immediately offering you a spare bedroom.
Although you did take him up on that offer for a couple months while you saved up and looked for a decent flat, you eventually got your own place to be closer to work. And because you found that guys you went out with were either threatened or way too excited when they found out you lived with a Premier League footballer.
You’ve both been living in London for about three years now, and while you’ve made your fair share of friends in the city, there is something special about the bond you have with Ben. He knows you better than anyone else, just as you know him, and hanging out with him always feels right.
He feels like home.
Ben joins you on the couch with two beers he stole from your fridge, one of which he passes to you.
You raise an eyebrow, accepting the drink and taking a sip. “Since when are you allowed to drink the week of a game?”
“I’m just having one,” Ben retorts, kicking his feet up on your coffee table. “I’ve had a long day, too.”
“Oh, right, the PR meeting was today,” you recall. “How did it go?”
“Not great,” he sighs. “Do you think I’m a man whore?”
You nearly spit out your beer, trying very hard not to laugh as Ben looks at you with complete earnestness.
“Well, um, I wouldn’t say it like that,” you chuckle. “But…”
“Oh my god,” Ben groans. “If my best friend thinks that, no wonder my publicist says my image is shit.”
Frankly, Ben’s reputation has been better. Lately, he’s been spotted with more models and influencers than you can keep track of, none of whom stick around for very long. The media has been loving it, branding him as Chelsea’s resident playboy and splashing photos of him leaving clubs with beautiful women all over the tabloids.
You try not to judge, as it’s none of your business who Ben hooks up with, but you do think it’s a bit unlike him to be so reckless about it. Nevertheless, you’ve kept those thoughts to yourself.
“Isn’t that sort of the norm for footballers, though?” you question. “I mean, it’s not like a cheating scandal or something. Some of those guys are way worse than you, at least from what I’ve seen online.”
“Yeah, but according to Shreya, my publicist, times are changing and people don’t like the playboy shit anymore. Apparently I would have more luck getting brand deals and stuff if I seemed more…wholesome.”
You love Ben, but you struggle to see the man who proudly told you he left Jack Grealish’s party with two girls a few weeks ago as wholesome.
“So, what’s the plan?” you ask, taking another sip of beer. “Be more discreet with your hookups?”
“Not exactly,” Ben replies. “The team thinks…and I know this sounds crazy, but they want me to get a girlfriend. Well, a fake one. Someone to improve my image.”
You can’t help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation, and Ben narrows his eyes at you.
“God, I didn’t know famous people actually did that,” you say, trying to hold back your laughter. “Who’s she gonna set you up with? Please say it’s Taylor Swift. She’s single now!”
Ben laughs for a moment before setting his beer down on the table and turning to face you with a slightly more serious expression on his face.
“Actually, they had someone else in mind,” he says sheepishly. “Someone I already know.”
“Who is it?” you ask, trying to rack your brain to think of what girls Ben knows that would improve his image. Outside of his family and his mates’ girlfriends, you’re pretty much the only woman who is a constant presence in his life. “Wait, are you - don’t tell me you’re asking me?”
Ben pauses for a moment before hesitantly nodding, looking a bit as though he’s afraid you’re going to hit him. Which, frankly, you’re considering.
“The PR team asked if I knew any girls that would work and Mark started going on and on about how you’re my best friend and a nurse and they all said you would be perfect-“
“Ben, I can’t date you!” you exclaim, cursing his agent, Mark, for even suggesting something so absurd. “Who would even believe that?”
“We don’t need people who know us to believe it, just the public,” he states. “And you don’t have to actually date me, we just have to pretend in public for a couple months.”
“I know, but…”
“Please, Y/N?” Ben says, looking at you with wide eyes that you’ve found hard to resist since he was using them to get your extra biscuits in fourth year. “I know it’s a weird request, but it could really help me out.”
It’s really hard to say no to that. Ben has always been there for you in every way imaginable. He once flew to Leeds, where you went to uni, on a moment’s notice because you were stressing over finals and needed a friend. A couple years into his time at Leicester, your dad lost his job and Ben insisted upon covering your parents’ mortgage for six months to help out, claiming he “owed them for all the Sunday roasts” and refusing to accept repayment even when your dad found work again.
He would never use any of that as a bargaining chip or try to cash in a favour, but you really do feel as though you owe him one. And more importantly, you want to help him.
“Okay,” you sigh. “I’ll be your stupid fake girlfriend or whatever.”
“Really?” Ben’s face lights up and he pulls you into a tight hug. “Thank you so much. God, you’re a lifesaver.”
You hug him back just as tightly, breathing in his familiar scent - a mix of his aftershave with a bit of grass and something else.
“You’re welcome,” you say, rolling your eyes slightly as you pull back. “I feel like I’m gonna regret this.”
“You won’t, I promise,” Ben assures you. “I’ll give you a cut when I land the next big brand deal, how’s that?”
“Ew, no, that makes me feel a bit prostitutey,” you chuckle. “It’s just a favour, no need to compensate me. Although you can pay for the food when it gets here, since you’re gonna end up stealing half of it anyways.”
“Deal,” he grins, grabbing your TV remote and putting on an episode of New Girl you’ve both seen before.
As you settle in with your beers and samosas, laughing at the television together, you can’t help but wonder what you’ve just signed up for.
Oh well. What’s the worst that could happen?
A/N: i hope you enjoyed this first part, please let me know what you thought!! should have the next up soon! 💕 (also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!)
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We only have three days to go until Cassian Week 2024!
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3moken · 4 months
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Late intro...... oops.
Hi, We collectively go by Dallas :)) But, I am a Postal 2 Dude alter who mainly runs this account, sometimes other headmates fuck around on here.
Obviously, we're a DID system, but we don't really tie that into our media..but we might talk about it here and thereee.
DNI: TCC, bigot fucks, homophobes, trandphobes, yknow...the basics...But honestly we're good at coexisting with people.
so, now that I have our collective info out of the way, Heres some info about me personally :D!!!
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My name is Postal Dude Jr...duh...obvi..
I'm 46..(not bodily.) yeah I'm a peepaw leave me alone!!! I'm also genderfluid, sometimes I'm just a she/her, yknow how it is. I like guns and analog horror shit. I cuss alot mb. If you're sensitive you probably wont like me, Idgaf when shit flies out my face hole, I am lowkey very opinionated and will give you word vomit. My favorite color is blue x3 and I like asian food alot, especially Indian.
I do NOT care about cancel culture, what's problematic and what's not. I will block you faster than I can finish in your mom. I like what I like, and ignore what I want. I will not listen to your "That's problematic!!" speech. thank yaur!!
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Despite my last paragraph I'm nice, I swear.
anyway, add our Discord: 4mokenn
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Wait Shreya to be clear he didn't actually say it like that . Wait guys sorry I'm realizing I might have spread misinfo Lxjxksjsks he just said that it was to ensure the smells of indian food don't permeate the whole house . He didn't say dirty or stinky (and obvi he didn't say curry muncher but I'm sure that was obvious 😭)
SORRY I just got annoyed w his attitude about the whole thing and started editorializing
It literally is a complete second kitchen and that is truly its express purpose. Specifically Indian food behind that door. God you know what I'm getting mad all over again
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
I am hardcore traveling at the moment, and my watch schedule has gotten all kinds of messed up (I still haven’t watched the latest episode of Be My Favorite, EGADS), but anyway, I have thoughts about another show on my mind at the moment: I didn’t have Wi-Fi on this ultra-long flight I took last night, so I could NOT live-blog the FIVE EPISODES I was able to slam out of Manner of Death for the OGMMTVC. And I was DYING because all y’all and I know that this is SUCH A LIVE-BLOGGABLE SHOW, AAAAHHH!!!, so let me just see if I can remember everything I wanted to write about in my travel haze that I usually live-blog during my very late hours (I’m caught up to episode 10):
- I KNEW Inspector M would come around
- Um, REALLY LOVED the elder uncle looks that Inspector M was giving Bun and Tan in the safe house after the fake shooting, lol
- So are That and Sorawit a side couple?! SMART MOVE for a not-BL
- KIND OF OBSESSED with the lovey music during Bun and Tan’s romantic scenes, like — this show hasn’t forgotten its roots, whatever those roots are (BLs? CSI?)
- I kinda think Rungtiva is somehow involved in the whole crime ring. She can take in a whole bunch of trafficked women? AND ask why they need to leave her place afterwards? A little sus. I hope I’m wrong, because I love her outfits
- Speaking of outfits, I like how MoD is quietly repping rural Thailand. I LOVE shows set in the country or outside of Bangkok — ATOTS, MLC, The Promise (not the show, just the setting, ha), ITSAY, the parts of BBS in the eco-village. Even Dew the Movie was revealing by way of setting. I really appreciate seeing clothing more akin to ethnic Thai clothing choices — reminds me of watching Indian movies and shows
- There is a SURPRISING amount of food in this show, for which I am very grateful, and
- Just, MaxTul. Love them. So my read right now (without having finished the show yet) is that I think Max is the better actor. When I was looking up Viangpha Mork, I came across a Reddit post on MoD that commented on Tul having this tic where he kinda takes a half a breath and looks up before saying his lines, which made me lol a bit, and doesn’t really bother me, but it’s like, he *does* need a second before he says anything, and I’m not sure it’s intentional for Bun. But I’m not complaining, I just think it’s funny that I saw that about him. Max, on the other hand — he’s GREAT, and I think they’re both so much improved from Together With Me.
- Oh, one more point. Bun and Tan: CLEARLY INVINCIBLE. Too many injuries to count!
I am TOTALLY into this show. Going from ITSAY to YYY to MoD has been a damn SWING, but a fun one, and it’s just extremely cool to watch a show where a romance aspect is not necessarily the center of the show. More on this analysis in my write-up, but like 3 Will Be Free, queerness here is inclusionary, and not the central point of the plot. I just love the structure, and ABSOLUTELY see how it precedes KinnPorsche. More soon as I finish it out over the next few nights.
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baddingtonbitch · 1 year
one of the worst running themes in like sooo much american media is when people are like whooaaaa MEXICAN food? damn i'm gonna be SHITTING up a fuckin storm tonight that's fuckin FART food bro i'd hate to be my fuckin toilet tonight ha ha ha at least it's not INDIAN food amirite i'd literally fuckin diarrhea SHIT MY PANTS if it was some spicy laxative cuisine LOL!!!
it's so weird and gross and idk if they know how weird and gross it is i mean it's like some really obnoxious rich kid going outside for the first time and being like oh no papa says i can't eat anything that's ever seen the sun or dirt or anything that doesn't have 18 different kinds of antibiotics and dyes and hormones that are literally illegal everywhere but my house also my breakfast was a big bowl of sugar gravel soaked in milk if i eat any other kind of food i'm gonna SHIT AND FART MY FUCKING SOUL OUT ISN'T THAT SO FUNNY YOU PEOPLE IN (insert country here) EAT MY SHITTING AND FARTING FOOD HA HA HA
like obvi people are sensitive to things and dietary/digestive issues are real but the way this specific type of humour has been like baked into so much american culture as if it's a universal truth is so fucking weird like why stereotype yourself as the rude megashitters like why would you so repeatedly and deliberately brand yourself that way lmfao
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
HIII i’m going to london this week, pls give me all ur recs & also harry-esque things to do 🫣
also if anyone has been to paris, recs for that too🤲🫶
oh man I have a whole ass note that I typed up for a friend who visited so ill put that under a cut here cause its long JNFHJIK
and paris I didnt get to do much when I went but the eiffel tower obvi and the lourve if you have a lot of time cause its fucking huge jNBFHGHUJI and we went to Ferdi for dinner its where like bella gigi and the kardashians always go but its honestly so good imo jfnhbhujiek
here is my london tips note:
Camden Market: takes a bit to get there (on northern like most likely if you are in central) about an hour: would def be a tad activity, theres lots of shops and markets and food stands decent prices too 
Soho: tourist trap city but super fun and always crowded has all the chain stores and such and china town is there I tried a few different Chinese places all were super good 
Carnaby Street: In soho main attraction with all the shops and restaurants and bars
Shoreditch: cute area new and up and coming
Spitalfields market: in shoreditch, super cute market closes early though usually around 5pm, has cute vendor shops and lots of fun food vendors and has cute shops around it as well (humble crumble had amazing desserts and dumpling shack had the best dumplings I ever had)
Brick Lane: lots of Indian and other asian cuisine foods and great bakeries, on the weekend it turns into an outdoor market with lots of vintage shops and food vendors
Notting Hill/Portobello road: super cute also takes a bit to get here, def recommend going on the weekend especially for portobello market its only open Saturdays and Sundays: streets of vendors and markets and street food, the cute pastel colored houses are all over for good insta pics
Hyde park: huge and cute for picnics but you dont need to go here any park will do tbh
London Eye: super cool it was $33 when I went, waited in line for about 45 mins and then you’re on for 30 mins if you have time its cool but not a need
Westminster Abbey/Parliament square/Big Ben: same area you will probably wanna go here just for the walking tour its cool to see and take pictures but its basically like a time square lots of tourists just walking around taking pictures *strawberry tours: free walking tours of west end landmarks to see all of them ^^^ 
Also recommend the Jack the Ripper tour they do if you are into true crime/horror*
Trafalgar Square/Picadilly Circus: very close together you can walk from one to the other, also kind of like a time square full of tourists taking pictures 
Regent Street: right next to picadilly circus more up scale shopping and fancier stores has a super good Zara though
Ronnie Scotts: jazz club open till like 6am in soho
Hampstead Heath: so beautiful but VERY muddy wear rainboots or shoes you dont mind getting filthy if you’re gonna walk around
Covent Garden: cute market with mostly chain stores, theres a shake shack in there which I frequented often lol and has lots of cute areas surrounding it
Oxford Street: lots and lots of shopping huge primark there which I did most of my shopping
Baker Street/Bond Street: more shopping not a necessity to go to
Harrods: super cool to see but also a tourist trap but the food market is insane so if you’re gonna go anywhere in there I would just go to that 
Selfridges: a smaller harrods but also not as fancy and expensive 
Kensington: such a fun and cute area lots of cute cafes and cute shopping areas and has the classic looking houses like in the parent trap 
Chelsea: next to Kensington super cute and fancy nothing really to do though
Primrose Hill: suer fancy are has the huge park and hill where you can see the London skyline amazingly (hill is a bitch to walk up but view is worth it imo) the pics of harry in that weird body suit with organs were there lmfao and also Eleanor is always walking her dog there lmfao
Borough Market: on the Southside of the river (across from central London) but super cool food vendors open mainly during the week till 5pm
Oxford Circus: huge strip of stores, restaurants etc similar to id say 5th ave in nyc but way more cool
Liberty London: kind of like a fancy Macys but has way cuter stuff and stores
Farm girl: theres one in notting hill and one in soho I went to the notting hill one, amazing breakfast but you need to make a reservation in advanced if you wanna go
Victoria & Albert Museum: free and has the harry cardigan (also Harris reed exhibit but that was $25)
Salisbury’s: great for cheap food if you end up cooking and meal deals, also super cheap bakery items, I would get a croissant every morning for 95 cents
Boots: super cheap food like a 7/11 and meal deals
Pret A Manger: sign up for 1 free month trial to get up to 5 free barista made drinks a day
Boots: convince store and pharmacy all in one like a CVS 
Simmons: great chain bar with cheap drinks and fun vibes
Weatherspoons: basically an Applebee’s with cheap drinks and food
Gails Bakery: good bakery items and lunch food 
The Ivy: theres multiple locations but great for a splurge dinner one night, soho or covent garden ones look most fun, we did covent garden one
Sketch: the infamous pink room tea place but they just changed the pink room smh but it has other cool rooms if you want to splurge one day and do tea and brunch and of course the iconic instagramable bathroom is there too
Ole & Steen: chain, good cafe and coffee shop for a quick lunch
Kanada-Ya: good ramen place 
Eataly London: multiple restaurants and wine bars
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
I found this book of my mum’s about different Indian tribes and like how they built their homes and kinds of art they made and the types of dances they did and such and bro not the painting of like how this one tribe went about their daily life and there’s a baby in the lil baby carrier hanging from a tree. So idk but ok and not the rituals they did to prove things but like hanging from hooks suspended in the air like brutal how come there weren’t other ways that weren’t so dark? And like I get killing animals and using every part of the animal to survive right, food, weapons, clothing right but there’s those horses that got their heads and tails cut off and put on a stake cause they were the warrior or chief’s fav horses like..was there no other way that’s brutal like I get the euros did brutal things to the Natives but why would they do that to their own kind? I don’t get it?
Also the pic I’ve seen so often about the Flathead tribes the women had flat heads obvi but them taking the babies and forcing their heads to be flat seems..a bit much to say the least like ok different culture do different things like when the Chinese did the foot wrapping and those tribes in Africa that do the plate things like that’s just their culture but I can’t help question why. Esp when some of it seems so brutal and damaging to people’s bodies like not how the Flathead’s flattened the babies heads.
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That’s horrifying and I’ll never understand but ok. Anyway some of those pics in this pic they slayed tho also also there’s a map of all the tribes in 1650 and I found mine
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Check it Montana. Still super confused on the placement of the Flathead/Salish tribes since and I haven’t looked into it yet. Anyway thought the book was interesting to look through and can’t believe I never knew about it til now.
No you guys have to see this
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Slayed like not even to joke the headdresses Natives have are hella and I wonder if they still use real feathers cause they use a lot
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Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
"'I'm not a pirate. I'm a wild girl from a cursed line of women. I paw at the ground and run under the moon. I like the feel of my own body. I'm not a slut or a nympho or someone who's just asking for it. And if I talk too loud it's just that I'm trying to be heard.'"
Year Read: 2020
Rating: 4/5
About: Fifty beauty queens are ready to compete on camera for the title of Miss Teen Dream, but only a handful of them survive when their plane crashes on a desert island. The survivors are left with little food and water and the choice of whether to put their considerable talents toward survival or continue their pageant training for their almost certain rescue. But as the days pass, it becomes more obvious that the girls won't be rescued any time soon--and the island may not be as deserted as it first appears. Government conspiracy, political intrigue, consumerism, and feminism combine to make a sharply satirical novel about what it means to be a girl under constant scrutiny--and what happens when that scrutiny is suddenly lifted. Trigger warnings: racism (some countered, some not), transphobia (same), misgendering, sexism, guns, violence, explosions, plane crash (obvi), mild body horror, bugs, snakes.
Thoughts: Can you believe it? Libba Bray really just went: I'm going to rewrite a classic with an all-girl cast, and while I'm at it, I'm going to tackle pretty much every feminist issue alongside a blatant critique of consumerism in one fell swoop. AND I'm going to include characters of color, trans representation, characters with disabilities, and a wlw romance. What a queen. If that sounds like something you'd like, then there's no reason to read the rest of this review. It's mostly just quibbles. Overall, I think this novel is a huge success, and I would have been obsessed with it in high school.
While reading, half of me was like "I know this is a satire," and the other half was like, "Where's the lie, tho?" It's spot on in its critiques of consumerism and the raging market of beauty products for women, most of which subtly (or not so subtly, in the book's case) point out that there are things Wrong with our appearances that society will never accept. It's quite heavy-handed, and the many product inserts or commercial breaks started to wear on me, as I imagine they're supposed to. Ads are so ubiquitous we often don't even notice them in day to day life. This ties in with the sheer number of feminist issues the book touches on, from the ways we expect girls to be pretty and quiet to expecting girls to be sexy but shaming them for showing any kind of sexuality. There isn't time to dig deep on all these issues, and there's no subtlety on the bigger ones, but I think it works for what it's doing.
The characters are a little hard to keep track of at first, and I found it especially difficult when they were referred to by their states instead of their names. I like the way the novel takes time to get to know the main group of girls though, and a handful of them get good development arcs. It explores characters who are trans, lesbian, black, Indian, or deaf, as well as the "archetypal" southern belle and the too-smart-for-pageants girl. While I like most of the characters individually, it's as a whole that they really make a statement. These girls aren't just beautiful and shallowly talented; they're smart and resourceful, and rather than come apart and start killing each other, Lord of the Flies style, they grow closer together and start supporting each other. These girls don't break down without society watching; they come alive for the first time and are able to truly be themselves. It's a great novel for self-discovery and female friendships.
But it's not all perfect. Like a lot of other readers, I found including the pirates to be pretty pointless in all but one case (one embraces cross-dressing, and I like normalizing men dressing how they want). I was hoping that by including the pirates Bray would show how feminism is great for all genders, not just women, but it doesn't really play out that way. It feels like a missed opportunity that's squandered on some rather pointless romances (pointless because they don't matter to the plot or the book's agenda, not because romances can't be feminist--they totally could be, given more attention). There's also some unaddressed racism with a character continually calling Shanti "Bollywood," despite her asking numerous times to stop. The character (caricature, really) of MoMo B. ChaCha is also extremely racist, and that whole political intrigue subplot waves its America Is Best flag pretty hard even while it's critiquing American consumerism and politics. Despite a couple obvious failures, I think it means well, and it's still quite relevant for being almost ten years old.
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mishastoesies · 4 years
tagged by @profoundsbond​!! thank you so much!! 
rules: answer 28 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
1. name/nickname: jessica
2. gender: lesbian
3. star sign: pisces!
4. height: 5'4″ (163 cm)
5. time: 9:32 PM
6. birthday: March 8th, international women’s day!
7. favorite bands/groups: Anti Flag, Dead Kennedys, In This Moment, Evanescence, Paramore, and My Chemical Romance
8. favorite solo artists: Mitski, Rina Sawayama, SOPHIE
9. song stuck in my head: The In-Between by In This Moment
10. last movie: Gone Girl (2014)
11. last show: Supernatural :clown: :clown: :clown” 
12. when did i create this blog: ~2019? I think? but i’ve been using tumblr since 2013. i remember Dashcon is what I’m trying to say. 
13. what do i post: well i USED to be a marvel comics blog but now I’m an SPN and deancas clown
14. last thing googled: jensen ackles cowboy
15. other blogs: my old marvel writing blog is @theotherwasdeath​
16. do i get asks: not really but i have anon off so thats probably why
17. why i chose my url: Earth-1610, aka Marvel’s edgy grimdark CW-esque universe
18. following: 73
19. followers: 1,156
20. average hours of sleep: 8-10 a night!
21. lucky number: 8
22. Instruments: viola and clarinet!
23. what am i wearing: a black nightgown because i am Tired
24. dream job: a prosthetist! i love biomechanics so much, it’s soooo cool, i can’t wait until i graduate!!
25. dream trip: i haven’t been back to india to visit my extended family in a hot minute :( the SECOND i can get back on a plane i’m gonna go see them
26. favorite food: malai kofta + kulcha bc i am Basic
27. nationality: indian american
28. favorite song: It’s Not A Fashion Statement It’s A Deathwish by My Chemical Romance. this song has EVERYTHING in it
29. last book read: just finished my re-read of Othello because i had points to make in the destiel discord server :clown: :clown: :clown:
30. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: doctor who, supernatural, and marvel 616!
tagging: @rhodeywars @lovelyirony @in-a-cave-with @tonystarkisafruit @tinynebula @savannahstanfield27 and anyone else who’d like to do this!! also no pressure obvi!!
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szopenhauer · 4 years
How would you describe yourself in three words? me, myself, I
How would others describe you in three words? depends 
Are you okay with long silences? Do they make you uncomfortable? depends
Do you believe in the paranormal?  some
How high is your pain tolerance? high
Do you bite your nails?: nah When you use stairs, do you usually hold the rail?: probably Have you ever eaten a snail?: nope Have you ever been stung by a bee?: I haven’t yet luckily  Are the best things in life really free?: no Have you ever planted a tree?: sure Are you wearing anything that’s gray?: not currently Are you more likely to text “Okay”, “OK” or just “K”?: ok or k or even kk but not okay When did you last check the time?: 20 minutes ago Do you keep spare change in a jar?: not in a jar Have you ever seen a deer (in real life)?: passing by (bus/train) Right now, what can you hear?: some noise from outside (neighbors’s music) and my parents’ voices Have you ever seen a bear (in real life)?: zoo Have you ever played Truth or Dare?: yup Are you wearing anything that’s blue?: not currently Have you ever eaten glue?: ewww, wtf Do you tend to buy clothes used or new?: used 
How often do you take painkillers? basically never Do you own any leather? fake only Do you party because you like it or because you’re supposed to? I don’t party
Do you have a therapist? not anymore Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? why not Ever used an online dating site? few Have you ever gotten a good grade in math class? yeah Have you ever seen a ghost? I think so Have you parents ever walked in on you having sex? sexting Do you think someone would ever want to marry you? maybe Do you like Thanksgiving? I’m against it
Have you ever thought you were drowning? as a kid
Do straight people make you uncomfortable? sometimes lmfao Would you ever dye your hair pink? doubt it Are you embarassed about your sex life or lack there of? sigh... Are you good at making conversation? dunno Do you go on a lot of dates? recently Are you a comic book geek? I don’t read comics
Did you just think of sex? why would I? Have you ever heard of The Cranberries? obvi
Have you ever lived in a mobile home?: I wanted to buy one
Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement?: nope
Do you think it would be cool to have a lion as a pet?: not really
In the house - shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet?: slippers or socks at least
Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets?: more outside
Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s parent?: nah
A teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad, do you confide in her?: maybe
Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying?: depends
If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it?: doubtful
Do you like or hate to buy new shoes?: they’re expensive :(
Do you keep your phone on you at all times or forget it a lot: I keep it around often now as I have a gf but when I was single I didn’t 
Do you enjoy doing things outdoors?: some, at times
Which of your parents do you laugh more with?: dad
Where do you keep your phone at night?: on my desk
Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money?: I feel uncomfy :(
Five things you need to throw out: ugh...
Do you think you’re clever? I have my moments
Can you remember how you celebrated your 10th birthday? I don’t 
Do you sleep well most nights? not really, not recently
Is there music in your head right now? Sour candy by Lady Gaga
Did you ever play cowboys and indians when you were growing up? I did not
Would you like to become a dancer? meh
What colour is the bathroom of your house painted? green and purple - I was choosing and painting too :)
Do you like the Austin Powers films? no
Do you work better in a clean or messy environment? if it’s my mess then it doesn’t bother me 
Do you ever wear black lipstick? I did in the past, had goth phase :P
Which colour would you rather have your hair: pink, grey or green? green or grey
Don’t you just hate the sound of people eating? often
Would you rather play a good or an evil character in a play? good
Do most people annoy you? absolutely
When was the last time you just wanted to be left alone? kinda now, just go to sleep everyone omg 
Would you rather have a lazy day or a day of being really busy? lazy
Do you like the way that spoken French sounds? not really
Do people find you “cute”? mostly because I’m short
Don’t you hate it when your cell phone dies in the middle of a convo? yeah Have you ever had to cancel a bank account? yep Was the last conversation you had an argument? sigh... If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? maybe not today but soon Is the last person you kissed, going to be the next person you kiss? if I’m ever going to kiss somebody yet then her How long was your longest make out? short because she forgets to breathe XD Do you want to dance? not now for sure Are you mad at anyone right now? ugh... What was the last thing you found pointless? everything is? If you could have anyone as your roommate, who would you choose? dad Have you ever changed the prices of items at a store? no but I took price and put it on the same product in a different color because I wanted that specific one and someone teared it  Do you go for walks often? would say so Would your parents disown you if you got pregnant? my mom wants grandkids so maybe not How strange do people say you are? just weird, they don’t really say how much  Have you opened food at a grocery store & ate it without or before paying? nooo  Do you believe in the 10 second rule? I’ve only heard of the 5 second rule which I also don’t believe in - once it touched the ground - it’s trash Have you ever been in a limo? nope
You ever kissed someone at your house? not in my house
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? hope not Are you in a good mood right now? ... Do you want someone to call you right now? no thx How artistic are you? kind of Is it possible that you’ll ever be a cat lady? dog lady if anything Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? blergh Have you ever been in a situation where you had to be around your ex everyday? luckily not Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone? I did Could you go a day not talking to the last person you kissed? I could but I won’t  Are you comfortable sharing drinks with your friends? sorry but no Have your parents ever questioned your virginity? my mom questioned it Do you find graveyards scary? nah When was the last time you made a pinky promise? recently Is there anything written on the shirt you’re wearing right now? there is Are you shorter or taller than most of your friends? shortest Honestly, do you double dip? might Anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad? more than one thing Have you ever kissed underwater? no, would never If you were paid 1 million dollars, would you kiss someone that was the same sex as you? I do it for free Who was the last person you cried in front of? my mother
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? meh
Can you say “Sally sells seashells by the sea shore” fast without messing up? I can  Is there anything plaid near you? What is it? not near Was today a bad hair day for you? obvi Do you have all teeth? still Have you ever been sent a postcard in the mail? From who? I even been part of this postcrossing website in the past Do you know how to do the moon walk? I know/can do it Which subject are you better at - science or history? was better at science but I forgot almost everything I learned in school by now Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? believe me or not but someone did even tho I think it was a lie Are you the youngest person living in your house? I am  Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? yep Are you wearing pajamas right now? not yet Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast? mom When was the last time you attended a barbeque? I hate barbeques so never and don’t plan to What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid? swings? Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? I don’t remember
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gingerwerk · 5 years
kelly, i would love to get some tattoos & flowers headcanons! Maybe about everyone's favorite take-out, or maybe how they were as teenagers? I dont want the story to end, but Im so proud of you and glad you've shared it with us
aww you’re so sweet 💛 im sad that the main story is ending too but there are still other stories and ficlets of them and from this universe floating around my brain so if i have it my way this wont be the end 💛
but! love the idea of takeout because its something i havent really thought of before but now that you mention it... 
both eugene and bill really do just like their greasy diner food. specifically, eugene really likes to order more like, homestyle/southern staples that remind him of home (thats why he instantly takes to that diner cus even if there might be cheeper take out options around, they have a lot of southern food options so its very comforting to him) he’s a huge fan of ordering breakfast foods at any time of the day and his ideal breakfast order probably involves biscuits and gravy (me too bitch) 
bill really is just into gross greasy street food; its cheep as fuck and gets the job done. loves pizza and Absolutely thinks that Chicago deep dish pizza is an abomination to world 
jay loves chinese food. he’s moved around a fair bit in his life but no matter where he is, one of his first tasks in new city is to scope out his new fav chinese place. after he moved to boston he spent a solid month trying out a dozen different places until one stuck 
obvi burgie is a Huge tex mex fan and, similar to jay, puts just a little too much effort into finding a suitable tex mex place but he still can’t find a place that comes close to the one he had back in texas 
growing up in australia, flo had access to Tons of different asian cuisine so she really loves that. i think she’d be into thai and indian food specifically but anything that had a good kick of spice (can totally picture her offering a bit of her food to eugene, who accepted it without thinking, and then almost fucking died because he can’t eat spicy food) i also feel like between living in texas for a while and because its burgie’s fav, she also is down for mexican a Lot 
snafu is a raccoon who will eat anything so if someone suggests getting food he wont make the decision. he does have a Huge soft spot for creole food of course but he very rarely will try any restaurant claiming to serve creole because he knows it wont taste right and he’d rather just not have it than be disappointed 
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tagged by @kamalakhann forever ago lol
Name: manasa
Nicknames: mana, mansa, mansi
Zodiac: aries
Height: 5′1″ (on a good day)
Languages: english, kannada, tulu & havyaka
Nationality: american...
Favorite season: fall
Favorite flower: lavenders, lilac, tulips, poppys
Favorite scent: jasmine, lavender, fabric softener, rain, garlic, eucalyptus 
Dogs or cats?: dogs obvi
Number of blankets: 4+
Dream trip: all the way down the coast of South America
Blog established: 2013? who knows
Random fact: Im procrastinating studying rn
Gender: cisfemale
Current time: 2:54pm
Favorite fictional character: percy jackson, zukko, tony stark, literally any well written female character
Coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate?: tea and coffee
Average hours of sleep: 6? 
Favorite artists: beyonce, adele, linkin park & sleeping at last 
Stuck in my head: blinding lights (the weeknd)
Last movie I saw: Parasite
Last thing I Googled: “this.variable java privacy leaks” 
Other blogs: I technically have a photography blog but last used in 2014
Do I get asks?: never
Reason for URL:  got voted most likely to travel in hs (what a joke)
Followers/following: 130/206 (dash is dead lmao)
Lucky number: 24
Currently wearing: fuzzy shirt & lounge pants 
Dream job: CEO of a non-profit biotech company 
Favorite foods: pasta, any indian food tbh, chocolate & hot soup 
Instruments: :( I used to sing & dance back when I had time for joy
Favorite song: “Saturn” Sleeping at last 
tagging: @thescorpioracer & @insufferableknowit-all
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millievanilly · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
Thank you @keeyo7 for the tag!!
Nickname: Em, (Emy for a select few) 
Zodiac: Aries 
Height: 5′11″
Last movie I saw: Brightburn
Last thing I googled: Ginnie Springs Florida... Because I want to scope out new places to visit
Favorite musician: at the moment...Pouya? Kali Uchis..
Song stuck in my head: I dont have one currently. 
Other blogs: Nope just a really dope instagram lol 
Do I get asks? Sometimes
Blogs following: 357
Amount of sleep: Better than what it was during the semester
Lucky Number: 43 or 21
What am I wearing: Oversized Steelers long sleeve shirt and old shorts 
Dream job: Tropical Herpetologist/conservationist ? 
Dream trip: I really want to go to Thailand and several countries in Africa, as well as Vietnam, Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco.... and more :D
Favorite food: Literally anything from Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, or Indian restaurants <3 
Play an instrument: I used to know how to play the flute
Languages: Fluent in English obvi, I know enough Spanish to survive and like a very simple conversation in French. 
Favorite songs: Just a Stranger- Kali Uchis, Florida Thang- Pouya, 3 Nights- Dominic Fike, bellyache- Bilie Eilish, The Night Survives Again- Pouya and Boobie Lootaveli, Sex with my Ex- Lil Peep, Change (House of Flies)-Deftones, NFWMB-Hozier, Blue Dream-Dance Gavin Dance, No Option-Post Malone.. This list could continue forever. 
Random fact: Male salamanders will leave pockets of sperm called spermatophores and female salamanders will pick up the pockets with their cloacas and fertilize their eggs when they are ready. 
Describe myself as aesthetic things: Fuck this section bc I never know nor do I actually really care. 
I tag ( it wont be 21 people heads up) @thiocyanat @ashlynnsprettyrad @holoskainos @holyfeck @the-swift-tricker @birdghost @heyuwiththeface-blog @misterunloved @nefarious-ailurophile @the-tiniest-doe
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