#*gestures at Seth*
oplishin · 7 months
finally seeking out the rolleigns 2022 match in its entirety (by which i mean. including their full entrances/introductions
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i just really appreciate how shitty both of them are. they're the worst. especially to each other.
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ravensilversea · 9 months
Radek: How do I make Izra like me? 🥺
Odrica, seeing an opportunity: So you go out to the idol, ask Suoduny for intercession, and take a red string of fate from the idol back to my brother and offer it to him. You then proceed to do what is absolutely NOT a handfasting and is most definitely a "friendship ceremony"
Izra: *excitedly accepts marriage proposal without clarifying that Radek 100% knows what he's doing*
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payasita · 27 days
8 for the oc asks :3c
(Which OC is closest to being a villain?)
oh you're well aware I'm excited about this one LMAO
its actually Carlos, the protagonist! mainly because the game will have A Few Ways his personality can develop, somewhat by steering him towards either curiosity or apathy.
but either way, he's very ambitious! this is his biggest strength, and he knows that about himself! and he knows he's very good at what he does!
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he knows it a little too well, is the thing
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fatestouch · 1 year
@soulsxng​ from here!
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“I... really can’t tell you why we came here. All I was thinking was that we needed to get away... that I needed to keep Hayden and Nao safe. And next thing, we were in the bushes here.” Seth shrugged, shifting a bit closer to Hayden, as if to reassure himself that his cousin was safe. “Yeah, I made the deal, but what else could I have done, we were cornered.”
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[...He said we were ‘theirs’, but they would keep us safe. I don’t really get what they want from us, but he wasn’t lying.] Hayden huffed a little. [I dunno what being ‘theirs’ means, but it can’t be worse than being on the run from... from them.]
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soulsxng · 1 year
Me: Swivels, I feel like you should be on the "I can make them worse" list, but like...
Sivel: I would happily do all of the "bad" actions myself. Why would I let anyone that I love dirty their hands dealing with it themselves? Absolutely not.
Me: Which is why I'm conflicted!
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armatization · 16 minutes
“ i didn’t want to tell you until i was sure, but… i’m pregnant. “ sethrika pls
[ sacred romantic moments ; accepting ]
They had talked about having a family at length. They had been trying, too - and Seth may admit that the trying had been rather fun. They had both been excited by the prospect of having a family, but the reality always felt so distant to Seth, like a faraway idea.
As it turned out, the idea wasn't so far away. It was much, much closer than Seth realised.
All the thoughts and questions ran into him at once, like a horse pelting straight into him. All words had left him. Eirika was carrying their child. They were going to be a family: the two of them, and a child.
"Do you know how far along you are?" She wasn't showing; Seth would have noticed. But that surely wasn't the right thing to do or to say. "And you're certain?" He couldn't help the wonder in his tone; he still couldn't believe it.
"We're truly having a child?" He was going to be a father. Eirika would make the most wonderful mother, too. He could see them already. He pulled her in close, one arm around her waist and another cupping her cheek. His heart swelled to such a point that he thought it may explode.
He already loved that child just as fiercely as he loved Eirika. He knew this was only the beginning of the rest of their lives.
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nocturnal-ds · 1 year
I hate drawing like this.
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noahjamesmass · 2 years
Trump Hands
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punkshort · 5 months
i know who you are | 6. the fight
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Chapter Summary: Word of Joel's indiscretion spreads quickly through town, leading to a vicious fight. When Joel begins to worry you may never forgive him, he sets into motion a plan to win you back.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, pining, sad!Joel, amnesia, slow burn, previous infidelity mentioned, violence (fist fight), blood, bruises, jealousy/possessiveness
WC: 8K
Series Masterlist
The thought of leaving your bed was excruciating.
For nearly three days, you could hardly do much more than use the bathroom and drink some water. When you heard Joel leave for patrol, his footsteps always pausing hesitantly on the other side of your door before begrudgingly going down the steps, you would eventually drag yourself downstairs and force yourself to eat something. Anything. It didn't really matter. You didn't crave anything. Didn't look forward to a single thing except the sweet embrace of sleep. But by the fourth day, you knew you would have to go back to work or else Nick would make a house call to check on you.
You had lied and said you hurt your back so you could get out of working for a few days, but enough time had passed, enough tears were shed, enough pity was wasted when you finally forced yourself to get up one morning and take a shower.
It helped more than you thought it would. The steam billowing around you in the confined space, the warm water pummeling your shoulders, working out the kinks in your muscles from too many hours hunched over in agony. If you had any self-awareness, you might have asked yourself why you had such a powerful reaction to Joel kissing someone else. If you had a clear enough mind, you might have remembered you didn't even react this badly when you woke from your accident only to discover your whole family was dead and the world went to hell.
No, you only seemed to fall into a deep depression over Joel finding comfort from another woman.
And not just any woman. Angie.
It still made your blood boil as you slipped on clean clothes for work. You should have known she was a shark, smelling blood in the water that very first night when she cornered you in the bathroom.
And to make matters worse, he had the audacity to accuse you of not caring. Not giving a shit about him, to be exact.
That fucking asshole.
When you came down the stairs and spotted the coffee maker still on with your favorite mug next to the carafe, you scoffed and kept walking to grab your coat. As much as you wanted some coffee, you were too stubborn to accept Joel's shitty gesture.
The winter sun was blinding against the snow. Or maybe your eyes were just too swollen and dry, too accustomed to staying in the darkness of your bedroom for days on end, but whatever it was caused you to wince and rub your face.
"Hey! You're alive!" you heard Ellie's voice call out from the driveway. She was walking up the path at the exact same time as you with her backpack slung over one shoulder and her winter jacket unzipped.
"Yeah, barely," you replied, wishing you had some of the coffee Joel had left behind. You took the porch steps carefully and met her out on the sidewalk, your pupils finally adjusting to the brightness. "How's it going, kid?"
She opened her mouth to reply but paused, giving you a funny look.
"What's wrong?" you asked, unable to read her expression.
"Nothing, just that nickname... took me by surprise," she laughed with a shake of her head, "you used to call me that before. Haven't heard it in a long time, I guess." You shielded your eyes and shrugged.
"Common nickname, I suppose," you reasoned, and she nodded in agreement.
"How's the back?" she asked with a point, and you almost had to ask her what she was talking about before you remembered your lie.
"Oh! Much better, thanks. Must've pulled a muscle or something, who knows."
"Well, that's good. Listen, I gotta get to school, but do you wanna get dinner later with me and Dina? Seth's making mac and cheese, and it's like, the fucking best, dude," she said excitedly, and you didn't have the heart to say no.
"Yeah, sounds great," you smiled, then gave her a quick wave before heading in the opposite direction towards the infirmary.
It was only a short ten minute walk to work, but the fresh air combined with stretching your muscles for the first time in days really did something to improve your mood. By the time you pushed open the door to the infirmary, you were actually looking forward to working again.
And so was Nick, apparently, because his eyes lit up and his body sagged with relief when he saw you.
"I was a few hours away from sneaking you the good pills and begging you to come back," he joked, then his face turned serious. "Everything alright? What happened?"
"Oh, I'm fine," you said, waving off his concern, "I slipped on some ice and pulled a muscle, it's all good now."
"Well, be careful out there, alright? You're the best aide I have."
"I'm the only aide you have," you corrected him before hanging up your jacket. "What do you need me to do?"
The morning went by fast. Nick had told you in the few days you were out, the clinic wasn't terribly busy, but he unfortunately did fall behind on housekeeping. So you busied yourself running loads of sheets and blankets to the laundry, then sanitizing equipment until Mr. Phillips came in after lunch with a laceration on his arm from working in the stables. It wasn't a bad injury, but it required some cleaning and a few stitches, which you were secretly eager to observe. You wanted to get more exposure to stitching in the hopes of being able to take care of non-emergency injuries by yourself one day.
It felt good to feel useful again. Staying busy forced your mind off Joel and the whole mess waiting for you at home, and you were grateful for the distraction. So much so that you decided to stay a little longer than usual and fold the linens that came back from the laundry. You were killing two birds with one stone: staying busy and avoiding going home in between work and dinner. By now, you knew he'd be back and likely waiting for you, and you still had no idea what you would say.
As the sun began to set and the world outside the infirmary grew darker, you slid your coat back on and locked the door behind you before heading for the dining hall.
Shoving your hands deep into your pockets, you tucked your chin against your chest, feet carrying you swiftly through the streets, eyes cast down and avoiding others as best you could. When you arrived at the dining hall, it was packed, per usual, but you did manage to spot Ellie and Dina holding a small table in the back of the room. As you weaved your way through the crowd, you noticed they were sharing some bread and butter and you felt your stomach rumble. For the first time in days, you felt excited to eat.
"Hey," you said in greeting as you dropped your coat over the back of an empty chair before giving them each a half hug. "Freezing out there."
"Give it a second. It's hotter than hell in here," Dina joked before pushing the basket of bread in your direction. You plopped down into your chair and moaned when you felt the bread was still warm, then tore off little pieces and popped them into your mouth.
"Hungry?" Ellie asked, only partially joking as you nodded vigorously.
"Did you order the mac and cheese yet?"
"Yeah, didn't want him to run out," she replied as she eased back into her chair and turned her head toward Dina. "Do you see Chris and Holly over there? What are they thinking? They know that shit'll get back to Claire. What a bunch of assholes."
"Who?" you asked, your voice muffled around the bread.
"Couple of kids in our class," Dina explained, nodding towards the other side of the hall. You twisted around, your eyes scanning the crowd until you saw a younger couple sitting together, the girl sitting on the guy's lap and toying with his hair. "That's Chris, and he's been dating this girl, Claire, for like, what? Six months or so? And look at him. Letting that hussy crawl all over him. Men are pigs."
You choked on your laughter and took a swig of water. If only they knew.
Ellie's eyes lit up as she looked at something behind you, and you turned around to follow her gaze, spotting Seth as he made his way through the crowd with three plates of mac and cheese. However, just over his left shoulder you happened to notice Joel for the first time since you arrived, but by the looks of it, it was not the first time he noticed you.
He was sitting at his usual table with Tommy and another guy from patrol you vaguely recognized, the other two men engrossed in conversation while Joel pinned you with his stare. You quickly turned away, your cheeks feeling flush, and tried to focus on your dinner.
"Shit, this looks amazing," you said, distracted by the cheesy, piping hot dish set in front of you.
"I'm telling you, man, it's the fucking best," Ellie told you before digging in. You had to stifle a moan when the food hit your tongue for the first time, eternally grateful for the impeccable timing because all you could think about in that moment was how good it tasted, Joel temporarily forgotten for the first time in days.
"Didn't you eat today?" Dina asked, her lips twitching into a grin, and you shook your head.
"Not really. Haven't had much of an appetite this week," you told her, and Ellie tilted her head to the side.
"Your pain was that bad?"
"Huh?" you asked, then it dawned on you once again. The Lie. "Oh, yeah. I mean, I ate a little, I just wanted to sleep, I guess."
"Joel didn't make sure you ate?" she pressed, her eyes flicking over your shoulder. You dropped your fork, scrambling to come up with yet another lie when her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed, making you twist around to see what made her demeanor change so suddenly.
As you expected, she was looking in Joel's direction, but he was no longer looking at your table. It was impossible considering Angie was standing directly in front of him, blocking his view with her body, her hand resting on the back of his chair.
"What is she up to now?" Dina murmured to Ellie, but you could hardly register her words. The way your anger ignited deep within your chest and licked up your throat, it was a miracle you even remembered to breathe. Joel's legs shifted, knees turned away from her, but that was all you could see. You couldn't see the look on his face or hear what was said. You couldn't see where his hands were. But you could see Angie flick her long, straight hair over her shoulder with a flirty laugh that was clearly meant to pull attention onto her.
If you didn't have tunnel vision, you would have noticed she was successful. A few heads turned, men's eyes lingering on her backside while women's eyes darted in your direction, but you were incapable of processing any of it. Ellie was saying your name, but you couldn't hear her over the ringing in your ears.
It was less than a minute. Thirty seconds, tops, and she walked away from him with a sickly grin plastered across her face, her two friends returning her mischievous smile before flanking her side, making their way towards the exit like a swarm of bees.
Without even thinking, you stood up.
"What are you doing?" Ellie asked, but you ignored her. Instead, you pushed your way through the crowd in a trance, shouldering people out of your way without so much as an apology, too laser focused on your target to care.
"Joel!" Ellie called out to him. He was rubbing his face angrily, trying to avoid his brother's eyes glaring at him in disbelief over what he just overheard Angie say when he heard Ellie. Great, she knows, too, he initially thought, but when he looked up and saw Ellie and Dina, panic-stricken, making their way towards the exit, he realized something was happening. He didn't see you until you emerged from the crowd and reached for the door, swinging it open and allowing a cool blast of air into the room before disappearing outside.
"Oh, shit," Joel mumbled, snatching his coat and forcing his way through all the people as quickly as he could. Tommy followed, confused at first, until he realized you were no longer at your table and then it clicked.
By the time you made it outside, you nearly missed where they went, but luck was on your side because her high-pitched giggle danced through the bitter cold air and you twisted your head to the left, just in time to see the three women in the shadow of night round a corner and head down a residential street.
You were nearly running to catch up with them, but you couldn't feel your feet hit the ground or hear the gravel crunching under your boots. And neither did they, because when you found yourself less than ten feet away, they were still giggling and talking animatedly amongst themselves, completely oblivious to your presence.
Skidding to a stop, you shouted, "Hey!"
All three women swirled around in surprise, their eyes wide and their smiles slipping from their faces when they sensed the rage radiating from your body. But even still, Angie tried to play dumb.
"Can we help you?" she asked sarcastically with a dry laugh, but when you took a step forward, she went quiet.
"Yeah," you sneered, fists clenching at your sides, "I had a question for you, actually."
Angie looked perplexed, not expecting that, so she held her hands out to her side, urging you to continue while Ellie and Dina caught up, standing a few paces back.
"Did you run out of dick to suck in this town or are you just that fucking bored you thought you'd give home wrecking a try?"
Dina snickered behind you and Ellie gasped.
"Home wrecking?" she replied, raising her eyebrow and crossing her arms. "Is that what you'd call your man following me into the ladies room at the bar so he could shove his tongue down my throat?"
Your nostrils flared and your ears began to make that buzzing noise again, so you dug your nails into your palms, desperately trying to ground yourself.
"Can I even call him your man?" she taunted, feeling like she got the upper hand. "Are you even together anymore? You clearly don't fuck him if he was looking for it from-"
You couldn't even remember moving. Your feet had a mind of their own as you closed the distance between you with two long strides and swung your arm back with as much force as you could muster, backhanding Angie right across the mouth.
Her hands flew up to her face and her two friends stumbled backwards in surprise, but all you saw was red. Before she could recover, you grabbed her by the coat and threw her down onto the muddy street, knocking the wind out of her with a sharp gasp. Quickly, before she could get up, you straddled her midsection. With your left hand pressing down on her chest and your right balled into a fist near your head, you landed a punch right on her perfect little nose with a sickening crunch, causing a trail of blood to trickle out of her nostrils seconds later. But that didn't stop you. You kept going, your knuckles, now bloody, marring her flesh over and over again, but when you made contact with her jawbone, you flinched, a jolt of pain shooting down your middle finger making you pause.
That was when Angie saw her opportunity.
She vaulted you off her with her hips and she rolled to her side, pinning you to the ground with blood dripping down her face. She scratched desperately at your eyes and mouth, your hands coming up to protect yourself with a yelp, before she began landing weak punches against your cheek and mouth. And even though they weren't as forceful as your hits, her weight pinning you down kept you from reclaiming the upper hand.
Ellie and Dina were shouting your name, but you tuned them out. All you could focus on was Angie, blocking her punches as best you could while you waited for your opportunity to take her down.
Then, Angie's hand wrapped around your throat, her fingers pressing into your windpipe. Your hands grabbed her wrist as you fought for air and violently thrashed underneath her.
"Face it," she hissed, leaning down and putting more pressure against your throat, "If it was that easy, I was doing you a favor. He never really loved you, you were just an easy fuck before your brain got all scrambled."
Her words were exactly what you needed to get your second wind.
With an angry roar, you punched her right in the throat, and although you couldn't get much force behind it, it was enough to make her loosen her grip in surprise. And just as Tommy and Joel were running up the street, you tossed Angie to the side and scrambled back on top of her. But this time, you didn't stop.
You were merciless, your hands were a blur. Fists rained down blows upon her face while she desperately tried to shield herself, but it was no use.
"Stop!" she sobbed, begging, but the fear in her voice just egged you on.
Blood began to stain her yellow hair, her perfect skin began to turn red and purple while your fists never stopped, each blow creating a new mark or cut. You couldn't stop if you tried. Something snapped and you unlocked a part of yourself you didn't know, or didn't remember, existed. Some part of you that was a warrior. A fighter. A survivor. And it wasn't until Joel hooked his arms underneath yours and hauled you back that you finally stopped, your chest heaving and your eyes wild.
"Y-you crazy b-bitch!" Angie sputtered, blood trickling from her nose and mouth as Tommy knelt in front of her.
"You haven't seen crazy!" you screamed as you kicked and struggled to get out of Joel's grip. Tommy reached down to help Angie up and he motioned for her friends to come forward. "Stay the fuck away from us or I'll fucking kill you!" you shouted, "You hear me, you fucking whore? I will fucking kill you!"
"Calm down!" Joel yelled from behind, but your blood boiled as you focused your rage on him.
"Get your fucking hands off me," you snarled, wrenching your arms out of his grasp. "This is your fault!" you continued, pointing your finger in his face and backing away, ignoring the tortured look he gave you. A sick part of you was pleased to see the sting of your words land.
"I think she needs to see Nick," Tommy said as both of Angie's friends struggled to help her up.
"She's lucky she's alive," you snapped as you wiped the back of your hand over your bloody face.
"Holy shit, dude," Ellie murmured as you turned around, her eyes all wide with shock.
"I'm going home," you grumbled, wiping more blood from your cheek as you began the journey back to your house on shaky legs, wondering how on earth you were expected to share a space with Joel after tonight. Dina and Ellie exchanged some quick words as you left before Ellie quickly caught up with you.
"I'll clean you up."
"You don't-"
"I know. But I want to," she said, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, and it took everything in you not to lean into her and let her drag you home.
You were exhausted. Mentally and physically. And you just wanted to go to bed. But you were grateful for Ellie. Someone who cared, someone who saw you were hurting and needed help without having to ask for it. So you let her clean you up in your bathroom when you arrived back home, her nimble fingers delicately pressing against your wounds, cleansing them as best she could before pressing band aids and butterfly bandages against your cuts and then making you an ice pack to help with the swelling.
She tucked you into bed and made you drink some water before sitting down on the edge of your mattress with a sigh.
"I had no idea," she began, and you quickly waved her off.
"I know. It's... I know," you said, at a loss for words.
"You didn't really hurt your back, did you?" she asked, and you slowly shook your head. "That motherfucker," she seethed, "I can't believe him, I'm going to kill him, I swear-"
"Just leave him alone," you told her, "Let me handle it."
The two of you sat quietly for a moment, each of you lost in your own thoughts before she spoke again.
"It wasn't like that before," she began, and at first you weren't following, but then you realized: she was talking about before your accident. "You were crazy about each other. Angie was never an issue. Neither of you paid her any attention. She just saw an opportunity and took advantage," Ellie said as her fingers tangled in her lap. "I shouldn't even be saying this, it feels like I'm defending him, but I swear. I was with you guys all the time. You were in love, man."
"Things changed, I guess," you said sadly, but she shook her head.
"You guys are what inspired me and Dina to go for it," she said softly, avoiding your gaze. "We were scared, but I saw how you two were together and how you made it work and, I don't know," she said, picking at her fingernail, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I look up to you guys. And it's kind of fucking with my head right now that all this is happening."
"Ellie, no," you said, shifting a bit in bed and reaching out to her. "Don't say that. Don't question what you and Dina have because of me and Joel."
She swallowed and looked at you, her eyes soft and worried.
"Why did he do it?" she asked quietly, and you could hear the pain in her voice. Pressing your lips together, you shrugged.
"It's complicated."
She nodded and looked away. "Will you do me a favor?" she asked.
"Would you give him a chance? Just hear him out and let him explain?" she begged, and you immediately bristled. "You don't have to forgive him. Just... don't give up yet. Please. He loves you, I know it, and... and I think you love him, too."
You scoffed then cleared your throat, your fingers coming up to press gently on your tender neck. "I don't love him," you croaked, but she shook her head.
"If you don't love him then why do you care so much?" she countered, and you fell silent, unable to give her an answer, eyes drifting aimlessly around the room. "Why did you almost kill Angie for sleeping with him if you didn't love him?"
"Sleeping with - no, Ellie. They didn't have sex. He kissed her," you quickly explained, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"You rearranged her face because he kissed her?" she asked in disbelief, then laughed softly and stood up. "I'm not saying he didn't fuck up, but dude. Come on. You gotta see it, now, right?"
You took a deep breath and rubbed your eyes.
"Alright. For you, I'll... talk to him, or whatever," you grumbled half-heartedly.
"Thank you," she said, her voice sounding more like herself once again before turning to leave and allowing you to rest. If you had any inkling she was trying to manipulate you into forgiving Joel, it was quickly expunged because you awoke an hour later to her arguing with him in the living room when he arrived home, the conversation ending with her storming out of the house and then his weary footsteps slowly climbing up the stairs.
Once again, you watched as he paused outside your room, two narrow shadows cast by his legs breaking up the thin beam of light under your door until he thought better of it and kept walking, his own bedroom door closing softly with a click.
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The pain was worse the next morning, but you refused to admit it. The cuts burned and the bruises throbbed, but you were too stubborn to let any weakness show, although one look at your bruised neck would tell anyone the truth. You forced yourself out of bed, feeling too guilty to bail on Nick after already taking so many days off to wallow in your own misery, and washed up before heading downstairs. Much to your surprise, Joel was sitting at the kitchen table, his big hand cupping a mug of coffee while he stared blankly at the wall, lost in his own thoughts. When you first saw his face, the bags under his eyes evident, even from across the room, it was clear he hardly got any sleep.
Good, you thought. Then you remembered your promise to Ellie and bit back whatever nasty remark you were getting ready to toss his way. Instead, you dragged yourself to the coffee maker, ignoring the mug Joel left out for you and choosing your own, unable to resist the urge to be just a little bit spiteful.
He cleared his throat as you poured your coffee, a warning he was about to speak, and your shoulders tensed.
"How're you feelin'?"
"About as good as I look," you muttered, bringing the coffee to your lips and taking a tiny sip before turning around. He looked up at you, for the first time seeing the extent of your injuries and he jolted forward in his chair, fighting back the instinct to stand up and inspect your wounds. He blinked rapidly, gaze skirting over your face and neck, worry etching his features until you sighed.
"It's not really that bad," you admitted, looking down at your feet.
"Tell Nick t'give you somethin' when you get to work," he said, voice strained. You nodded and took another sip of your coffee. He swallowed nervously before inching forward in his chair and clasping his hands between his knees. "I'm sorry," he said, the words laced with guilt and shame. "I'm so sorry, I fucked up. But you gotta believe me, I didn't go out that night lookin' for her or anyone else. I just wanted to drink and be alone for a little while." He rubbed his palms over his face while you still stared down at the floor, listening.
"I believe you," you finally said after a tense stretch of silence. He dropped his hands and looked up.
"You do?"
"Doesn't mean I forgive you, but I believe you didn't run out of here looking to shove your tongue down someone else's throat."
He grimaced and dropped his chin to his chest.
"D'you think-" he cut himself off and took a deep breath before forcing himself to look at you again. "D'you think you could ever forgive me?"
You closed your eyes and pressed your lips into a thin line.
"I don't know," you said quietly. Your head was pounding, so you rubbed your forehead, his eyes trained on you anxiously from across the room, knee bouncing slightly as he waited to hear you say anything that would give him a glimmer of hope. "You really fucking hurt me, Joel," you said, trying to hide your lower lip as it trembled, but he heard the pain in your voice and it broke his heart.
"I know, I'm an asshole and I don't deserve you. I never did. Not after what happened at the hospital and definitely not now," he said, standing up and taking a few hesitant steps in your direction, stopping when he reached the kitchen island. "But I'll do whatever it takes. I'll wait as long as I need to, I'll spend the rest of my life makin' it up to you, prove to you that-"
"I don't want to lead you on, Joel," you said solemnly, eyes watering. "I can't promise I'll ever move past it. I'm not sure we're strong enough to get through this."
"Yes, we are," he told you adamantly, "I don't want anyone else. I only want you. You ain't leadin' me on because I don't wanna go anywhere else. I don't care what that looks like in the future, I'll take whatever you give me, that's all I want."
You swallowed hard, trying to ignore the wobble in his voice, and looked into the living room, the framed photo of your house that Ellie drew for you several Christmases ago, the same one you read about in your journal, catching your eye, and you felt yourself tear up.
I just want to go home, you thought, but home no longer existed. This was your home, like it or not.
You turned away, looking out the window over the sink blinking back tears, but Joel had already followed your gaze to the photo.
"I should get going," you said, voice thick. You chugged whatever coffee you could and dumped the rest in the sink.
"I'm gonna make it up to you," he said, following you to the door, "I'm gonna make this right." You scoffed.
"Yeah, okay," you mumbled sarcastically, shoving on your boots and coat before swinging open the door and heading out into the frigid winter morning, big flakes of snow slowly swirling and falling from the sky as Joel watched you trudge down the street, hunched over and curled in on yourself. A shell of the person he knew you to be.
He did that. He caused you pain. And it made him sick.
But at least he finally thought of a way he could prove how much you meant to him.
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Sweat covered your forehead by the time you made it to the infirmary, your wool knit cap to blame for the excessive heat pouring from your head while your face was ice cold. You yanked it off your head and shed your coat before making your way to the back, your hair sticking to your forehead. Nick was nowhere to be found, but one of the exam room doors was closed and you heard voices murmuring on the other side. Assuming he had an early patient, you pulled your hair back and got to work. It was supposed to be a quiet day. Nick wanted you to work on an updated inventory list after getting a big batch of supplies two weeks prior from an unexplored hole-in-the-wall pharmacy.
The exam room door swung open, the voices clearer now, and your shoulders stiffened when you recognized the patient. You should have assumed Angie would be there that day, but for some reason it hadn't occurred to you.
Your anger had diffused a bit since the night before, that raw, exposed nerve quelled by time, but that didn't stop you from glaring at her as she passed by the inventory closet. Her swollen eyes widened with fear when she saw you and for the first time, you got a good look at the damage you inflicted. Her nose was clearly broken, she was missing a tooth and both eyes were black and blue, but the cuts on her cheeks and lips were superficial, at best.
She kept walking, not daring to say a word in your direction as your eyes followed her out the door. When she left, Nick turned around with a sigh and crossed his arms.
"How're you feeling?"
You shrugged and turned back to your clipboard. "I'm alright."
"You look like shit," he said, sidling up next to you and plucking the ibuprofen from the shelf. He tapped out two pills and dropped them into your palm before closing the bottle, putting it back where it belonged. "Did you eat?"
With just a shake of your head you popped the pills, swallowing them dry before turning back to your task.
"You gotta eat something with those, it'll tear up your stomach," he said, disappearing down the hallway and coming back a few minutes later with an apple. You grimaced but took it anyway, unable to stop your mind from replaying the memory of peeling apples with Joel just a week prior. Before everything went to hell.
Nick watched you quietly for a moment as you chewed your apple slowly and read down the list of medications on your clipboard.
"Do you, uh," he began, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, "do you need someone to talk to?" You glanced up at him in surprise and he dropped his hand back to his side. "We don't have to talk about it. But I know you still feel like you're a stranger in this town, and that's gotta be tough." He scratched his greying chin as he glanced around the room and you had to fight back the laugh that bubbled up your throat. You couldn't help it.
He noticed the amused look on your face at his discomfort and pretended to be annoyed when he muttered, "just come find me if you wanna talk or whatever," but you knew it was just an act. Nick was typically a quiet man, kept to himself and hardly ever spoke to his patients, let alone you, his employee, about personal matters. The fact he was trying now must mean he really thought you needed it.
The older man disappeared down the hall to his office and you smiled to yourself, then focused back on work, grateful for something that took your mind off your misery, even if it was just for a moment.
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"What the hell do you want?" Tommy scowled when he flung open his door to find his older brother waiting on the other side, hands shoved deep in his pockets, weight shifting foot to foot in an effort to keep warm.
"C'mon, Tommy, I'm gettin' it from all angles, here."
"I don't give a shit," he spat, turning on his heel to retreat back into the house, but left the front door open. Joel took a step inside and quietly shut the door behind him, glancing around the entryway and peering into the living room as he took off his outerwear.
"Maria home?"
"No, she's down at the stables with Violet. Showin' her the horses, gettin' her outta the house," he grumbled, angrily putting away dishes as he spoke. Joel sighed and flattened his palms against the counter.
"I gotta ask for a favor."
Tommy scoffed and shook his head. "You're a piece of work, y'know that?"
"Yeah, I fuckin' know. Jesus Christ, Tommy, I made one goddamn mistake!" Joel yelled, slapping his hand against the cool countertop. Tommy twisted around, brow furrowed, and crossed his arms.
"Don't take an attitude with me," Tommy said through clenched teeth, "I don't give a shit if everyone's gangin' up on you. You deserve it! I thought she was the one you wanted to spend your life with? The one you'd do anythin' for?"
"She is!" Joel exclaimed, raking his fingers through his hair. Tommy's eyes softened while he watched his brother struggle, the enormity of what he did clearly taking its toll.
"Then what the fuck were you thinkin'?" he asked after a few moments, tone pleading. "Everythin' was goin' so well. You guys were havin' a nice time at the party, laughin' and smilin', we all saw it. Then you take 'er home and step out like that?"
"It's not- I was drunk and misread some things," Joel replied, rubbing his eyes with the pads of his fingers. "I tried to kiss her, she shot me down and I didn't take it all that well, alright?" Joel dropped his hand, exasperated, and looked at Tommy once again, taking a deep breath. "Went to the bar to drink and Angie sunk her claws into me. I got the hell outta there and confessed the second I got home but... didn't matter," he said, hanging his head between his shoulders.
"Angie said you followed her into the bathroom, Joel. Don't bullshit me, I was sittin' right there."
"I know, Jesus, it's my fault. I was drinkin' and upset and she was just... there. Pesterin' me and pushin' my buttons. It was only a second, Tommy. Nothin' else happened, y'hear me?" Joel's eyes were wide and desperate as he stared at his little brother across the kitchen.
"It's no excuse, Joel," Tommy said sadly. Joel pushed off the counter with a huff and yanked angrily at his disheveled hair again.
"I know that. I'm just tellin' you how it went down. But I gotta make it up to her. I gotta make it right."
"How the hell do you plan on doin' that? 'Cause from where I'm sittin', only way she could move past it is if I take her back out into the woods so she can hit her head again and forget," Tommy said.
Joel rolled his eyes and slumped into a chair at the kitchen table.
"I got an idea. Don't know if it'll work, but it's all I can think of to prove what she means to me," he said softly, staring down at his fingers twisting together in his lap.
Tommy sized his brother up and down before taking a few steps closer, his hands coming to grip the back of a chair as he leaned forward.
"Let's hear it."
Joel sighed and tilted his chin up. "I need a week off from patrol. I gotta leave Jackson. And I need a horse."
"What?" Tommy asked incredulously. "In the middle of winter? Absolutely not. You'll die out there."
"I survived out there before I came to Jackson, I'll be fine."
"Been a long fuckin' time and you weren't alone when you did it," Tommy argued.
"You offerin' to help?" Joel asked, and Tommy laughed dryly. But Joel continued to stare at him.
"You're serious, aren't you?"
"'Course I am," Joel replied, "she ain't ever gonna forgive me but I gotta do somethin', Tommy. I can't lose her, and right now, it really feels like I'm gonna lose her." Joel's voice cracked and he turned away, looking out the window so Tommy couldn't see the emotion behind his eyes.
Tommy groaned and yanked a chair out to sit down.
"What'dya need me to do?"
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It was a long day on your feet and your face hurt more than you cared to admit, so by the time you arrived home, you decided to make yourself a sandwich and go to bed early, skipping an appearance at the dining hall where you knew half the town would be gawking at you and your wounds, anyway.
Fortunately, Joel was up in his room with the door closed when you quietly snuck upstairs with your sandwich. You were still emotionally exhausted from your brief conversation that morning and you were grateful he wasn't looking to have another one.
Nick had sent you home with one of the good pills, as he called it, so you took it with your meal and within the hour, you were out cold. Maybe if you hadn't taken the pill, you would have been awake to hear Joel's bedroom door squeak open, the rustling of fabric and the tinkling of metal cutting through the quiet hallway as he gripped his sleeping bag in one hand and his backpack stuffed with supplies in the other.
Like he usually did, he paused outside your room, his eyes lingering on the doorknob, ears straining for any sign that you were awake, that maybe you had a change of heart and he could call the whole trip off, but he was only met with silence.
He swallowed and turned towards the stairs, quietly tiptoeing down and packed another bag with food from the pantry before setting all three items by the door. At the last minute, he decided to leave a note, not even certain you would notice or care he was gone, but he knew Tommy would be furious when he found out he lied to him earlier and he really didn't want his brother to waste manpower trying to hunt him down in the wilderness. So he grabbed a pen from a drawer and an old envelope. The tip of his pen hovered over the paper as he struggled with what to say, then finally decided to keep it brief before scribbling his note, leaving it by the coffee maker where he knew you would see it.
Lastly, he strode into the living room and grabbed one more thing, shoving it into his backpack before piling on his layers and heading out the front door, giving the house one last forlorn glance before slipping quietly into the night.
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It was your day off, so naturally you allowed yourself to sleep in a little, hoping that the extra rest would help your bruises to heal. At the very least, you were pleased to discover the pain around your throat was significantly better than the day before.
You didn't hear Joel when you got up, but that was typical. He usually had early morning patrol shifts and was back by the afternoon, but when you came downstairs and saw the coffee wasn't made like it normally was, you froze. Your eyes drifted around, noticing his coat and boots were missing.
Maybe he was running behind and just didn't have time to make coffee.
As unusual as that might be, it was the only logical conclusion until you walked over to the coffee maker and saw an aged envelope sticking out of your favorite mug. You frowned and picked it up, eyes quickly scanning the words once, then three more times before the panic set in, your stomach churning worse and worse each time.
Tell Tommy I'll be back in a week.
He knows why.
No matter what, just know I love you with my whole heart, in this world or the next.
Boots unlaced and coat unzipped, you raced down the street towards Tommy's house, the envelope gripped tightly in your fist.
What the hell did that mean? Where did he go? What is he doing? And why did he sneak out without telling Tommy?
You banged on the door, the wood rattling violently under your clenched fist, only afterwards realizing you could have been waking their daughter but fortunately when the door opened, you saw Violet and Maria playing in the living room over Tommy's shoulder.
"What's goin' on, sugar? You okay?" he asked, voice filled with concern when he saw the look on your face.
"Joel's gone," you said hurriedly before pushing past him and entering the house, yanking off your hat and exchanging glances with Maria from across the room.
"Gone? What'dya mean, gone?"
"I mean I woke up today and he was gone, Tommy!" you exclaimed, handing him the note. "Where did he go?!"
You were aware your voice was panicky, that your eyes were wide with fear and your breath was fast and shallow, but you didn't care how it looked to them in that moment.
Tommy scanned the note and sighed, rubbing his forehead before urging you to join him in the living room, where he collapsed onto the sofa.
"That idiot," he murmured under his breath, handing you back the envelope.
"Where is he, Tommy?" you tried again, hoping to sound less frantic this time.
He glanced at Maria before meeting your gaze.
"He was here yesterday afternoon. Told me he needed a favor. Said he needed a week off from patrol and a horse."
"To do what?" you pressed, sinking down into an armchair next to the couch.
"He said-" he cut himself off and looked down at the note in your hand, ticking his jaw to the side as if he was contemplating how much to tell you.
"Spit it out," you demanded, and his eyes snapped back up to you.
"Said he had a plan to make things up to you. For, y'know," he waved his hand in the air, not wanting to say it. You shook your head.
"What was his plan?"
"He wouldn't tell me everything but I offered to help," Tommy admitted, glancing guiltily at Maria who shot him a surprised glare. "Said he needed to go to California, that he wanted to bring a piece of you back. I'm guessin' you're from out that way?" Tommy asked, and you nodded slowly. "He said he would wait 'til I talked to Maria and worked out the schedule but I guess he decided to fuck off-"
"Tommy!" Maria scolded sharply, covering Violet's ears, and Tommy cringed.
"Sorry," he said softly before turning back to you. "Guess he decided to lone-wolf it."
Your eyes drifted back to the note in your hand, swallowing the lump in your throat while your mind raced to catch up.
"What if he doesn't make it?" you asked, eyes still glued to the envelope, "what if he dies out there and it's all my fault?"
They heard your voice waver and exchanged sympathetic looks.
"He made a choice, he knew the risks," Maria said, "but he's a capable guy. If there were anybody who could make it out there alone, it's Joel."
"Listen, I'd send a couple guys out there lookin' for him but there's a storm brewin'," Tommy said, rubbing his chin and glancing out the window. "Been watchin' those clouds build up over the mountains all week. Told Joel as much and he agreed to wait but reckon he changed his mind and wanted to get in front of it."
"Or it was his plan all along to leave alone and he just made sure no one would come after him," Maria said, making the three of you fall quiet.
"God, what do I do?" you murmured, burying your face in your hands.
Tommy glanced at Maria and she subtly nodded towards the kitchen. He stood and cleared his throat before reaching his arms out towards his daughter.
"C'mere, let's get you somethin' to eat before naptime," he said, lifting Violet and taking her into the kitchen to give you both some privacy.
"What's going on?" Maria asked softly as she sat down in Tommy's place on the couch. You sighed and dropped your hands to your lap.
"I don't know," you said truthfully, "I'm so fucking angry at him, but..."
Maria pursed her lips knowingly. "But you still care."
You groaned and leaned back into the chair. "Yes."
"It's not like you're telling me or anyone else something we didn't already know," she said, "not after what happened with you and Angie in the middle of the street. I mean, look at you," she pointed to your bruised neck. "No one fights like that for someone they don't love."
"I don't love him," you said sternly, eyes flashing angrily in her direction. "You sound like Ellie."
"Okay, so if two people are telling you-"
"I don't want to talk about it right now," you abruptly stood up, brushing your palms on your jeans. "Sorry to barge in like this. I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm actually looking forward to a week of quiet," you tried to say confidently despite how tight your throat felt as you headed towards the door.
Maria called your name as she trailed after you, urging you to stay and talk, but you just pressed your lips together and shook your head.
"Seriously, I'm fine," you said, forcing a smile across your face. "I have some stuff to do so I'll see you guys at dinner or something."
Before she or Tommy could say anything else, you slipped out the door and rushed down the street, back towards home.
It wasn't until later that afternoon, after you had scrubbed clean the kitchen and bathrooms, doing anything and everything you could to stay busy, that you noticed the missing picture from the wall in the living room.
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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gerardbillet · 2 years
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Capitales : 60 ans d’art urbain a Paris : Madame : Les sens ne se retrouvent.. Romain Froquet : Gesture, 9eme Concept, Kashink, Levaret : Service Public, Tarek Benaoum : Sonja, Seth : Graffiti Boy. #hoteldeville #capitales60ansdarturbainaparis #madame #lessens #romainfroquet #gesture #9emeconcept #kashink #levaret #servicepublic #tarekbenaoum #sonja #seth #graffitiboy #streetart #urbanart #artderue #arturbain #graffiti #graffitiart #wallpainting #spraypaint #acrylicpainting #ɪɴsᴛᴀᴘɪᴄ #photoofthedays #pzrismaville (à Hôtel de ville de Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_1RdLrf_l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spookys · 1 year
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I'm not that girl you thought I was. You're not. You, Summer, are better. See, back then you were just this fantasy. You were this little girl, who, when I would see, you would either ignore me, or make an obscene gesture and keep on walking. Yeah, I kind of remember that, sorry. But now look at you. You fight for sea otters, you've befriended Taylor Townsend. You're an incredible mom to that bunny. I guess I have changed. You've evolved. And over the last 950 days we've been dating, yes, I've counted and yes, I counted the Zach era, because, really, who were we kidding? I've watched you grow into this incredible woman. And that is who I love. SETH & SUMMER in THE OC (2003-2007)
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wherethemagichappens · 4 months
Liam "Is he floating again?"
Matt+Laura "No, he's Seth."
Liam *deep sigh* "I want him to float and I want him to be purple!"
Matt "Well you don't know abou him floating. You have not seen him float yet."
Whole cast teasing Liam
Liam "YES, I HAVE MATT! Yes, I have!"
Matt "Liam has!"
Liam "I've seen him float all oooover the place" *excited hand gestures*
Matt "Caleb has" *sly*
Liam your Caleb is showing! + THE WHOLE CAST IS IN LOVE WITH THE PURPLR ELF!
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theaskywalker · 5 months
hi, it's me again! I wanted to ask something that's a bit less fluff if that's okay:)
(idk if you do smut, couldn't find anything about that, so sorry if you don't)
I was thinking Seth clearwater and fem!reader
(again soz)
having a honeymoon! like Bellas but, little longer and softer
(Because has a soft boy and I love him for that. would love for him to break the bed if you put that in there:)
thank you for reading and drink water and go cute a tasty snack!
(You could do Jacob black with this to if you would like I've read all the good Fics of both and can't get enough of them:( .)
Seth Clearwater x Fem!Reader
A/N: This is my first time writing smut so I hope it turned out decent. A big thank you to ghosty-boo-shh for the request 😊
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Warnings: Mentions of oral sex (fem!receiving), Unprotected sex
❥ Seth Clearwater had always been a romantic at heart.
❥ When he first imprinted on you, he spent hours fantasizing about important relationship milestones such as moving in together, getting married and starting your own family.
❥ He desperately wanted all of these.
❥ If it was up to Seth, the two of you would get married right after your relationship became official.
❥ But you wanted to take the relationship one step at a time and he respected that.
❥ Fast forward to your two-year anniversary, when Seth decided that it was finally time to make you Mrs Clearwater.
❥ Seth suggested celebrating your anniversary at your favourite restaurant in Port Angeles.
❥ After a delicious meal Seth remarked that it was time for a dessert.
❥ The waiter came minutes later with a chocolate cake and placed it right in the middle of the table.
❥ To your surprise the cake had a large ''Will you marry me?'' sign in white frosting.
❥ When you looked over at Seth, he was already kneeling down holding a small box with a beautiful diamond ring.
"Yes" you replied instantly and hugged him with tears in your eyes.
❥ Everyone was ecstatic when you announced it.
❥ Especially the pack.
❥ Preparations for the wedding started right after the announcement.
❥ You and Seth had agreed on a small ceremony at the beach and a barbeque afterwards for your family and close friends.
❥ The pack (minus Leah) set up the whole event and made sure that every little detail was perfect for the big day.
❥ They had help by the vampires of course as most of the Cullens had taken a liking to Seth.
❥ With the boys working on the wedding venue, you and the girls set out to send the invitations and select the dress.
❥ Selecting the right dress was easier said than done.
❥ Leah and Alice had completely different opinions on the matter.
❥ Alice advised you to go for something fancy.
❥ And Leah thought that a boho design would be more appropriate.
❥ But the final word on the matter was yours to make.
❥ So, after many dress fittings you finally found the one.
❥ The weeks passed and the big day finally came.
❥ Seth couldn't take his eyes off you as you walked down the aisle.
❥ Looking breathtaking in your white dress.
❥ Vows were exchanged and with a tender kiss you and Seth became husband and wife.
❥ At the after-wedding barbeque you had the time of your life dancing with your husband and close friends.
❥ When it was time to leave for the honeymoon, Carlisle and Esme surprised both you and Seth by giving you plane tickets for Rio de Janeiro and full access to Isle Esme.
❥ Seth and you were beyond grateful for the gift.
❥ The flight to Rio de Janeiro and boat ride to Isle Esme filled you with excitement about what was to come.
❥ Upon arriving on the house that would be your home for the next month, Seth gently picked you up and carried you inside.
❥ You giggled at the gesture and thanked him with a kiss when he placed you down.
"Shall we take a bath, Mrs Clearwater?" he asked.
"Of course" you replied with a wink.
❥ The two of you headed to the bathroom .
❥ While Seth filled the bathtub, you slowly removed your dress and lingerie.
❥ Without breaking eye contact with him.
❥ Seth felt a lump in his throat as he stared at your curves.
❥ Feeling hornier as each minute passed.
❥ You approached Seth and helped him remove his clothing.
❥ Once the bathtub was ready, you and Seth proceeded to enter.
❥ Seth rubbed your back, helping your muscles relax.
❥ You returned the favour by lovingly massaging his scalp.
❥ What started as a relaxing and intimate moment between a newlywed couple quickly grew into a passionate make out session.
❥ Seth couldn't stop kissing your lips as his hands travelled on your body, before settling on your thighs.
❥ You straddled his hips and deepened the kiss.
❥ His wolf side took over and he picked you up, heading out of the bathtub in a hurry and laying you onto the canopied bed.
❥ Not caring for the mess your wet and shampooed bodies left on the sheets.
❥ Seth left steamy kisses on your neck and breasts.
❥ He then moved to your inner thighs and eventually found the delicate spot between your legs.
❥ Soft moans escaped your lips as his kisses set your body on fire.
"I'm close" you whispered while tightly clutching his black hair.
❥ Seth knew exactly what you wanted and soon the pleasurable feeling spread through your whole body.
❥ He then kissed you hard on the lips and awaited for your consent to take things further.
❥ You nodded impatiently.
❥ Seth entered you gently at first and then picked up his speed.
❥ Pounding relentlessly into you.
❥ Stretching your tight walls with each thrust.
❥ Seth couldn't get enough of this.
❥ He felt divine when inside you.
❥ It was a mutual feeling...
❥ Things got so heated that he ended up using his wolfish strength a little too much.
❥ Resulting in the both of you landing on the floor.
❥ Bye bye bed...
❥ You and Seth laughed it off and continued your erotic dance without interruption.
❥ Having your climaxes simultaneously on the floor. covered with feathers from the mattress.
❥ After getting a proper bath and tidying up the mess in the bedroom, you layed in Seth's arms and enjoyed how blishful it was.
The honeymoon had just started and it was going to be a memorable one...
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trendywaifus · 1 month
cw: fem! reader, reader works for pubsec, slightly suggestive but it’s just fluff, mentions of one night stands, i swear it’s mutual
—can’t quit you, you’re like drugs !
you rouse from your slumber, lazily moving a hand over your eyes to block out the early sun from getting into them as warm shades of yellow pour through the slightly opened blinds. a soft yawn leaves your lips and you turn to your side, subconsciously stretching your arm out for a certain woman who spent one of many nights with you. once feeling the warm, empty space beside you, you sighed with defeat. what did you expect? that woman always sneaks off and leave before daybreak. you don’t really expect her to stay and it wasn’t like you were in a romantic relationship with the criminology consultant. your interactions with her is purely sexual and full of one night stands.
were you satisfied with that? not really. her touch still tingles on your skin, leaving behind an invisible print that’s starting to find its way under your skin and seep into your bones, softening them. the sweet promises and honeyed words she’d whispered into your ear still stays in your mind, floating around like a cloud. “ don’t tell me i. .” you don’t finish your sentence and ran a hand through your tousled locks.
“ oh, i didn’t expect you to be awake this early, pretty. “ a saccharine voice giggles as the rat thiren saunters into your bedroom, wearing one of your cotton white robes that loosely hugs her well-endowed figure. her fluffy, saber hair is beautifully messy. her feline teal eyes softens with amusement at the puzzled look on your face.
“ well jane, i usually get up around this time. but i didn’t expect you to be, well— “
jane finishes your sentence smoothly as she walks over to the bed and sits down on the soft mattress,“ here? usually i get called a little early than this but, the timing seems to be different this morning. “
“ i can see that. “ you mutter, “ but why are you still here? “
she chuckles, grabbing her compact vanity mirror to check herself out. she uses the mirror to fix her bed head, smoothening out the wild strands with her hand.“ i just told you, silly girl. what, you don’t want me here? aww, i’m hurt. “ you can’t tell if she’s offended or not but you fall for it anyways.
you stammer, “ i-i do—that’s not what i meant! i mean regardless if they haven’t called you for a new case to operate on yet, i’m saying why are you still here with me? i assume you have things to do and you seem to be a very busy woman. “
jane titters, closing her compact vanity mirror and places it on the nightstand. “ i’m not as busy as you might think, “ there’s a fond glint in her eyes as she lays down with you, propped up on her side. her long tail sways in a relaxed manner while she speaks honestly, “ i’m just a woman who does side jobs. when you call, i beckon. “
“ yeah, at night. “
she merely smiles, resting her cheek against her palm while her hand reach out to brush the strands of hair away from your eyes. her gesture was affectionate and gentle, inducing a warm feeling inside your belly. “ it doesn’t always have to be that way, darling. things doesn’t have to be strictly sex. truthfully, i want more but i’m just being patient due to our demanding work field. “
you fall silent, processing her words. your gaze pools into hers, searching for any signs of deceit. jane doesn’t shy away from your skeptical gaze, instead, she challenges it. her lips spreads wider, her upper, subtle rat-like incisor teeth peeking through her easy smile. after a few moments of staring, you finally broke the eye contact with a shy expression marinating on your face. at least you know you’re not the only one who got attached.
“ . . .i also wa—“
a melodic ringtone from your phone abruptly cuts you off. you sigh with annoyance, reaching over to grab your phone from the nightstand on your side. “ it’s seth. “ you grumble, (e/c) eyes glossing over the caller id.
“ oh, that cat boy? i met him during my last case, he’s quite. . “
“ the naive hero boy. i know, that boy’s my partner. give me a moment jane.”
you answer the call, bringing the device to your ear. “ hey kiddo, you need something? “ you ask sweetly, ignoring jane’s fingers idly playing with your free hand.
“ uh, good morning (name)! i don’t mean to bother you but captain zhu yuan is requesting your presence for an emergency meeting she’s holding in two hours. “
huh? “ emergency meeting in two hours? ugh, does that woman know i’m off today? what’s it about, seth? “ you groan.
“ w-well, it’s about the new missing person cases that’s been increasing recently. there’s been a report of a group of college students going missing around the metro station just last night. there’s also been a immediate search party team sent out to look for them all over the area and around the city but nothing came out of it! “
your eyes widen in shock. jane, who can hear your conversation, hums in surprise.
“ that’s ridiculous! and nobody found them? i’ll be over there in an hour, don’t worry. i’ll see everyone when i get there, yeah bye. “ you ended the call with a heavy sigh.
“ that’s quite the emergency you got there. I heard about those cases in my department, it seems to have gotten worse in just under a week. “ jane notes with concern in her voice, watching as you sat up against the headboard, hugging the covers over your chest.
“ i’m sorry jane, it seems like i’m the one that has to be leaving early. we can continue our previous conversation sometime tonight or after the meeting. “ you cast her an apologetic look, reaching out to grab her hand and squeezed it. she shakes her head, bringing your hand up to her lips and kissed one of your knuckles. “ it’s fine, i’m actually expecting an agent to call me about it too. “
you shake your head with disapproval. “ wh-what? they shouldn’t be hiring consultants when people are going missing! we don’t even know who’s causing this—that’s like using you as bait! when seth explained me to what that razor guy had done to you a few days ago after the operation, i honestly was ready to lose my position over you. ”
jane blinks in shock, taken back by how much you truly care about her. her ears flutter, siren green eyes turning almost doe eyed. the earnest look in your eyes reminded her of seth when he stood up for her against razor. was everyone in the criminal investigation response team so honest? she recovers, chuckling at your confession.
“ you really are a sweetheart. you actually do care about me, huh? “ she tease with a mischievous smirk, you roll your eyes.
“ of course i do, i don’t just have consistent sex with someone i don’t care about, jane. “
“ is that so? maybe i should of figured that out a lot sooner when you’d always want me to kiss you after i ate—“
you abruptly cut her off, “ please woman. i’m trying to be serious here. anyways, “ you gently free your hand from hers and cradle her cheek with your palm. the rat thiren instinctively lean into your tender touch, soft turquoise hues staring into your own. “ if you feel like you’re in any danger that you can’t get out of, don’t hesitate to contact me personally at any time. if you can’t contact me, i’ll find you myself. i know that you’re amazingly strong and you can hold your own but that doesn’t mean i don’t want to prevent the chances of you getting hurt if i can. i can’t stand someone i love risk their life, that’s why i became an officer. “
you seal your words off by placing a passionate kiss on her plump lips. jane immediately kiss back with just as much ardor. you feel a smile press against your lips but you don’t pull away—you don’t pull away until your lungs are screaming for oxygen. finally, you break the kiss and rest your forehead against hers. jane whispers her promise back to you,“ and if you need me, i’ll be there for you too. even if we’re in different divisions and departments, i have my ways of coming out of the shadows to help you even when you at least expect it. “
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himbos-hotline · 18 days
original prompt list by @magicalbuttertarts [i have permission to use]
➤ Rules [I guess]:
pick a prompt from the list below
pick a wrestling ship [list of ships I write are here] [unsure I'll write a ship, shoot it in the comments] (will not write stickpage- sorry)
send to my askbox [anons are on]
since its a smut prompt list, no Bucks [i am not getting into the buckest argument again, im too old my guys]
Taken requests are crossed out
Can request as many as you want with all any ships that you want, just do it on different asks
Fics will be completed in a random order alongside other requests/fics
Prompt lists MUST be filled by the middle/end of September as I am running this instead of kinktober
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
➤ Vanilla:
Heavy kissing/Heavy makeout -> KennyMatt
Dryhumping/clothed sex -> junglehook
Oral sex -> Hangkenny
Doggy style
With toys
Multiple Partners -> House of Black
Trying a new position -> Hangkenny
Anal sex
Phone sex/Video sex -> Golden lovers
Face sitting -> adamjf
Mutual masturbation -> Adam Cole/Roddy Strong
Requesters choice
────── 〔✿〕──────
➤ Romantic:
Extensive talking during foreplay/Sex -> Adam Cole/Roddy Strong
Body worship -> Adamjf
Suprise visit during Work/Job/Ect -> Eddie Kingston/Jon Moxley
Overly romantic gestures -> KennyMatt
Romantic lighting/Decore -> Kenny omega/ Adam Cole
Romantic music during sex
Taking a trip
First "I love you" -> Toni storm/Mairah may
Slow sex -> Hangkenny
Heavy eye contact -> Roman reigns/seth rollins
Spooning -> golden cowboys
Hand holding during sex -> Kyle O'reilly/ Adam Cole
Requests choice
────── 〔✿〕──────
➤ Goofy
Dared to have sex -> toni storm/Mariah may
Laughing during sex-> Shawn micheals/triple h
With food-> Excaliber/William Regal
In costumes
Giggly sex -> Hookhausen
Comical roleplay
Oral sex under the kitchen table -> poly!BCC
lapdance/Strip tease -> Adamjf
Watching porn and making fun of the scene -> Evil uno/Stu grayson
Distracting the other person with sex -> Hangkenny
Ridiculous dirty talk in public -> adamjf
Finding out partner writes smut and acting out their favourite story
Sexting gone wrong -> junglehook
Birthday sex
Requesters choice
────── 〔✿〕──────
➤ Hardcore:
Rough sex ->Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins
Cumplay -> Kyle O'reilly/Mariah May
Intense roleplay -> Skategoat
Pegging/Strap on -> Nickcole
Sloppy, dirty sex
Breathplay -> HangMox
Double penetration
Cock/Vagina worship [specify please]
Object penetration -> Golden Lovers
Squirting -> Adam squared
Face fucking -> moxmatt
Requesters choice
────── 〔✿〕──────
➤ Kinky:
Painplay -> Skategoat
Exhibitionism -> skategoat
Sensory deprevation -> Hangnick
Extreme bondage -> Julia Hart/Skye Blue
Dom/Sub -> Hangmox [Sub mox]
Knife play ->Brody King/Darby allin
Humiliation -> skategoat
Orgasm denial -> kyle o'reilly/Mariah may: Dom Mariah
Gags -> Hangmatt
Begging -> Brody King/Darby allin
Aftercare -> Skategoat
Safeword use -> golden lovers
Requesters choice
────── 〔✿〕──────
➤ Situational
Elevator sex -> Junglecoprse: The EVPantor [read this in doctor doofensmerts voice pls]
Work sex
Knowing someone can hear -> adamjf
At a movie theatre
In a restaurant -> Orangehook
Against a wall
In a car
Public transport
Shower sex -> Sami Zayn/Finn Balor
In front of a mirror
Holiday sex [requesters choice]
At a partners parents house
In a bathtub -> Hook/darby Allin/jack perry
Requesters choice
161 notes · View notes
bloodlinesgirly · 2 months
Somewhat off limits~Roman Reigns
Tumblr media
warnings: smut
word count: 1593
lowercase intended
not proofread
He doesn’t enjoy arguing with you, he doesn’t mean to yell and reprimand you. He knows it’s wrong, but he can’t help but notice the way you make his dick stand everytime he hears your voice. So what else is he supposed to do? You’re off limits to him. You’re Seth Rollins’ sister, his former sheild brother, a man roman respected in the ring and was even friends with outside of it. Roman promised himself you were the one line he would not cross. no matter how tempted.
You’re sitting at a table alone, waiting for your brother who promised he’d go over some ring stuff with you. after a few minutes you finally hear the chair across from you move, “seth you’re late” you mumble before looking up to realize the man sitting across from you is not your brother, but of course, it’s roman reigns “can we just…not do this right now?” you huffed at him, a shocked expression appearing on his face. “i just thought you’d take some constructive criticism” he shrugged at you, leaning back in his chair. “i really don’t wanna hear it.” you groan, knowing his idea of constructive is just telling you how shitty he thought you did. you know you botched the moonsault, you don’t need to hear it from him too. “you know, if you would’ve-“ he starts to speak, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. “i said fuck off roman, i don’t want to hear it.” you cut him off, raising your voice a little. “why are you always such a bitch? can’t take some damn pointers without screamin” roman rolls his eyes, his muscles flexing against the black long sleeve he’s wearing. You get up from your seat, preparing to storm off. before you’re even upright his hand is gripping your wrist.
“where do you think your goin?” he huffs a laugh.
“can you leave me alone for 1 fucking day?” your tone was evident, he knows he’s making you angry, but he just can’t stop. roman tugs you closer to him before he speaks.
“actin like i don’t see you posted up around my locker room daily” he laughs, your noses almost touching as he talks. “yeah? maybe im just trynna fuck on jimmy.” you shrug. Roman’s eyes darken at your words, a new anger creeping up inside of him.
“maybe, but i think you just wanna fuck me.” his tone is annoying, the way he cocks his head at you, how close his lips are to yours. it’s all annoying. what’s even more annoying is how right that man is.
you’d give anything for him to finally take you, show you how much he really hates you. you push those thoughts to the side, looking down as you speak. “i guess i could say the same about you.” you gesture to the tent forming in his sweatpants. roman shrugged, “well that’s not fair is it? i bet you’re fuckin drippin f’me” He whispered, his lips almost grazing yours. you wanted to test the waters, push yourself a little closer but he released his grip on your wrist suddenly. just in time as your brother appeared from around the corner. “hey roman!” Seth runs over and gives him a fist bump. They chat for a while, giving you time to escape back to your locker room.
~later that night~
With becky on hiatus you found yourself sharing your hotel room with your brother, his suitcase laid open, pieces of different sets of ring gear thrown about from this morning when he couldn’t decide on one. You were starting to clean around the room when your phone pinged a few feet away from you.
~text photo here~
you feel your heart start to race, “am i seriously doing this right now?” you mutter to yourself. you start looking for something to wear and settle on your favorite matching set with a silk nightgown over top. You throw on some makeup using your phone camera and smooth out your hair with your hands. Seth was in the shower so the bathroom was off limits.
“Seth i’ll be back later tonight” you yell at the bathroom door and hoped he heard you. Taking one last deep breath you leave your room and head down the hall to roman’s, praying no one sees you on your way.
One knock and the door swings open, roman stood there, his muscular frame almost taking up the whole opening. his hair was wet, your eyes followed a droplet down his chest and abs, settling at the band of his sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
“it’s not nice to stare, is it?” his voice brings you out of your trance, you feel your cheeks go red as you look up at him.
“are you gonna let me in or are we gonna stand here all night?” you huff and push through him into the room.
Immediately your backs pressed to the door, one of roman’s hands resting on your throat. He bends down slightly, lips resting on your ear, his soft breaths sending shivers through your body” see this why you’re here…we’re gonna fix that attitude right the fuck now.” you’re breath hitches as he speaks. “why don’t you take this off for me hm?” he pulls at the hem of your nightgown. you hesitate before pulling it over your head, leaving you only in a bra and underwear. “mmm…there we go” he groans. his hands wandering to your ass, squeezing it harshly. you moan at his touch and wrap your arms around his neck. finally his lips crash onto yours, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth. you moan into the kiss allowing his tongue to explore your mouth. roman’s hand cups your pussy over your underwear, fingers wandering over the wet spot he’s created.
“mhmmm that’s what i like to see baby…you gon let me fuck this pussy?” he let out a breathy moan as he spoke. “yyyes…roman..fuck-“ you whimper as he pulls your underwear to the side, running his fingers through your folds. you move your hips against his hand wanting nothing more than his dick inside you, or at least his fingers. he smirks as your hole hungrily sucks in his 2 fingers. your body complying with him completely. “roman please baby…need you so bad” your whines go straight to his dick, painfully hard in his sweats. he curls his fingers inside of you hitting your spot, he grunts as you gush down his wrist. “where’s that attitude now sweetheart? this really all it takes to shut you up?”
“fuck you” your words come out shaky and not at all how you wanted them too.
“oh you’re about to” roman laughs, you whine as his fingers leave your pussy.
roman reaches behind you and unclips the bra you're wearing before laying you down on his bed. the mattress dips as he kneels by your legs, dragging your underwear down your thighs. completely bare in front of him you watch as his eyes travel up and down your body, committing the sight of you laid out for him to memory. you watch as he stands up to get rid of his sweats and boxers. your cunt drips at the sight of his cock. it’s long and the perfect thickness with veins in all the right places. its pretty. roman’s hands sit heavy on your thighs, spreading you open. You sit up on your elbows and watch as he slides his dick along your folds.
“stop teasing” you gasp as his dick presses hard on your clit. finally he presses tip to your hole, you hiss at the stretch. within a couple thrust he sinks completely into you, quite grunts falling from his lips. “ss-so fucking tight” he grabs your legs, the bends of you knees sitting perfectly in his arms. he pulls out almost completely before thrusting back into you. “oh shhit daddy mmm” your moans drive him deeper, thrusting harder into your pussy. the sounds of your wetness and his thighs slapping your ass was loud throughout the room. he’ll definitely have a noise complaint waiting for him. he bends down a little, pressing your thighs almost to your stomach allowing him to hit deeper. your lips clash sloppily, your moans filling his mouth as much as his are filling yours. he slows his movements, thrusting as deep as possible before grinding his dick into you. his abs rutting against you clit sends you over the edge “i’m cumming daddy fuck, i’m cumming…please” roman let’s out a sound almost like a whimper as he feels you clenched around his cock. “mhmmm gon’ make me nut, squeezing me like that” his words come out in heavy breaths, his thrust slow and deep becoming shallow and fast, working himself towards his own high. deep grunts and quiet whimpers fall from his mouth. with one last deep thrust he buries himself inside of you, spilling ropes of hot cum deep in your pussy. you moan as he fills you, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. he pulls out, watching his and your cum drip from your pussy down to the sheets below.
“you’re brother is gonna kill me.” roman says and you both laugh.
“i should probably get back…i told him i was coming home.” you sigh softly. roman grabs your chin and kisses you tenderly, playfully pulling your bottom lip.
“call and tell him you’re stayin…im not done with you yet.”
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