#*cough* marcus *cough cough*
blot-squisher · 2 months
Now, I know they probably won't meet bc it was introduced to the game after the timeline cut-off for STG...
But would Marcus fuck the Unknown?
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whump-tr0pes · 3 months
Human Heart (Terminator Salvation fanfic) Chapter 6
Marcus Wright sacrifices himself and donates his heart to the leader of the human resistance against the machines. What he didn't take into account was how hard his friends would fight to get him back - and how he would be accepted in his second life.
Contents: medical whump, coughing up blood, medical restraints, heart transplant, blood transfusion
system rebooting
Marcus’s lungs shuddered once, then inflated. They were thick with fluid. He lurched forward, mouth gaping open, desperately coughing the fluid up so he could breathe. A strap across his chest kept him tied down to the cot. He twisted, terrified, drowning in his own blood and serum. He went rigid when a hand grasped his jaw and forced it open – allowing a tube to dig into his throat.
He tried to scream. The tube made a noise like it was sucking the fluid right out of his lungs. Horror erupted in his chest as the air was sucked out of him, too. He coughed weakly. He couldn’t see anything; the world was a jagged streak of red and black. He writhed against the straps holding him down.
Then, miraculously, the tube retreated. He could breathe. He hacked up a mouthful of blood, but he could breathe. He sobbed and let his head drop back against the cot. Tears streamed from his eyes. Slowly, slowly, the light above him came into view. Behind it was the black sky.
Or the ceiling. He was inside.
He jolted and tried to look around. Agony shot through his chest. He froze, sweat beading on his brow, as his eyes darted around the room. It was small, looking more like a rusted-out closet than anything else. Straps held his chest and hips down to the cot he was lying on. Handcuffs chained his wrists to the cot as well.
He blinked, desperately trying to clear his vision. Someone stood over him – someone with red hair. Kate, that was her name. The military guy’s wife. She held a tube in her hand that was stained with blood. She stared down at him like she was staring at a ghost.
There were two other people in the room. One was the kid, slumped in the corner, looking like he was passed out sleeping. The other—
“Blair,” he croaked.
She shot to her feet and crossed the small room in two strides. “Marcus,” she said, and dropped to her knees beside the cot.
“Careful,” Kate said, still holding the bloody suction tube in her hand like she was trying to ward him off with it. “He’s—”
“He’s tied down,” Blair said as she took Marcus’s hand in hers. “He’s fine.”
“Why…” Marcus swallowed hard. His throat fucking hurt. His chest felt like it had been carved open. “Why am I tied down?”
“In case you, um… didn’t come back… yourself,” Kate said uncomfortably.
Marcus looked from Blair to Kate. “Why am I back? Is Connor—”
“He’s fine,” Blair said, gently cupping Marcus’s cheek. “They did the surgery. He’s fine. Let’s… just worry about you, right now.”
Marcus’s breaths quickened. He knew he should feel his heartrate increase with the news – but he couldn’t feel his heartbeat at all. He couldn’t feel it in his chest, couldn’t hear in it his ears. Still, his chest ached like they really had cut him open and taken it out. He… he remembered…
“What do you mean?” he rasped. “What do you mean, you did the surgery? How am I still here? How am I… still me, if I was… dead?”
“John made a… well, it’s like a tiny pump,” Kate said, finally putting the suction tubing down. “He made it after he felt well enough to sit up. Then I installed it. Then you needed a transfusion. Well, a few.” She chewed her lip. “You lost… pretty much all your blood.”
“Who…?” Marcus’s eyes went straight to Blair’s.
“Not me,” Blair said, staring at the blanket. “We’re not compatible. It was the kid.” She lifted her chin to Kyle where he lay curled up in the corner. “Took a while for him to get his reserves back. And… he was the only one willing to donate, for now.”
Marcus’s eyes widened. “How long have I been out?” he croaked.
Blair met his eyes again. “Two weeks,” she said quietly. “It’s been… you’ve been dead for two weeks.”
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insufferableroach · 10 months
have some characters
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also a version without the names yeehaw
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the creatures
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silverislander · 2 years
ok im sure the big reason behind why enforcers in the undercity wear gas masks but not everyone seems to need them isn't this deep- it probably has more to do with seeing people's facial expressions in key scenes, like if every time marcus met with silco he wore a mask we'd get Way less insight into where he is/if caitlyn wore one the whole time she was down there it would be hard to tell what she's thinking BUT i love overthinking forever, so. i think it's such an effective symbol of how removed they are from zaun
piltovans can breathe zaun's air, it won't kill them to breathe it for a short while unlike how it kills people from zaun to be born into breathing it their whole lives... anyway, but they choose not to. they think they deserve better than dirty air, and instead of cleaning it so that everyone can breathe freely, they only separate and protect themselves from the problem. the very air they breathe is literally separated between zaun and piltover/the enforcers. it's so fucking good ok
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audaciiaearchive · 2 years
❝   i’m gonna make them regret ever even thinking about laying a hand on you.  ❞ / from mom to marcus 👀
You can kill me but don't you dare touch them || Accepting
"Mater, I'm--fine."
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Although Marcus definitely doesn't look fine. After Cannae, after being taken hostage by Hannibal and finally getting back to camp and being sent back to Rome to recover, well, Marcus looks terrible. There are dark circles under his eyes, he's as white as a ghost, and he can hardly even stumble over to Priscilla before collapsing in her arms. He is weak. Most of his male population has been wiped out. If he wasn't so stubborn, Rome might've surrendered.
But he can't. And he won't. Still, he coughs into the handkerchief he's holding, wincing as he feels blood come up. "I just..I just need to rest a while. It's war. There's...there's nothing to be done but wait."
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adelliet · 2 months
Marcus Acacius x f!reader
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Summary: Your father's friend has returned to his hometown after a few years, and you finally met him, but despite your father's clear warning, you are dominated by desire rather than reason.
Warning: MDNI 18+, age gap (17 years and 40 years), unprotected sex (p i v), fingering, oral sex (f! receiving), handjob,
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You came to the kitchen door and waited for the guards to open it. When they did, you gently knelt down as a gratitude and then sidled up to the room. There was a table, full of sweet buns, grape wine and various types of fruit or pastries. On the end of the table sat your mother and father, laughing and drinking liquid from an iron cup. You'd bet all your gold that the liquid is a red wine, that your parents love so much.
As soon as they saw you, all their attention landed on you. You wished them good morning with a smile on your face and put one sweet bun on your plate. "How did you sleep darling?" your father asked with a sweet tone in his voice.
"Good" you answered firmly, but keep trying to stay nice and keep a warm smile on your face. This answer of yours may have been sufficient for your father, but certainly not for your mother. Mother senses are way more powerful than father's, as is known.
"Is everything okay sunshine?" this time your mother asked, bothering you from eating in quiet and peace. You chewed the bun and nod, not even looking at them. You were so focused on your plate that you didn't even have time to look anywhere else.
After your movement, which indicated that everything was supposedly fine, there was a moment of silence. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of cutlery occasionally touching the plate. An awkward silence began to spread through the air very quickly, and even the guards at the door began to chat among themselves.
The silence was suddenly broken by your father's inconspicuous cough, which was followed by a question you prayed you wouldn't hear for at least a day. ,,And what about men?" Did you find anyone that could be your future husband and follow my lead?"
Your lips left a long loud sigh. "Not yet father" this time, your voice was bitterly cold, you were obviously showing how you don't like this topic and how it makes you uncomfortable.
"Darling, you'll be a woman soon, your mother was getting married at your age and look where she is now!" Your father kept trying to cajole you and force you into marriage, but this was the last thing on your mind. "Trapped with a man?" you answered, making your father lost words and your mother's face cringe in anger. "I am not trapped sweetheart-" "Oh really? So you can go whenever you want wherever you want?"
You raised your voice a bit, but just enough to make the atmosphere thick. Your mother started boiling with anger, and you really make it difficult for her to stay calm and in her character. "Young lady, be careful with your words-" and just when your mother wanted to calm things down, you bursted out.
"You think this is what I want?" Live for marriage and forget what freedom feels like? You think I live just for men?!" You got up from your seat and slapped your hands aggressively on the table. "You're a woman!" You will never know what freedom feels like! The only thing you will have is your husband's safety!"
The words came out of your mother's mouth as easily as if she had been preparing for this moment years ago. They were sharp without any sweetness, making you froze in a place, not moving a single muscle. When you looked at your dad, he was just as shocked as you. Your mother still had that angry look on her face as she yelled at you the words that would wake you up from your sleep and haunt you in your worst nightmares.
After a few more seconds, your mom finally realizes what she has done, as she looked over to her husband. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, but before she could say something, one of the guards rushed into the kitchen with a simple words ,,He's here".
Your parents immediately stood up from their seats and looked over to the open door. Your dad looked excited and so did your mom. You were so confused. Who is he and why was his presence so quick to please your mother and father?
There were so many questions running through your head, and like everyone else, you were eagerly looking at the door, waiting to see who would appear. It didn't take long before you finally saw him.
A tall, large man stopped as soon as he got inside. His iron armor clung beautifully to his massive body, and the parts of his skin that could be seen were covered in blood. His hair was black and wavy, looking as fine as sheep's wool. His beard beautifully accentuated his masculine cheekbones and the gray particles only added charm. His look was frowning and stiff until he saw your parents.
At that moment, he raised his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth lifted. He called your father's name, deep husky voice that sends shivers down your spine. He opened his arms and your father ran towards him. They locked arms together and slapped each other on the back.
You just stared at them breathlessly, still unanswered questions drowning in your head. Before long you felt a gentle hand landing on your shoulder. "Marcus..." your mother said quietly as she kept her eyes on them. You looked over to see her calm face. "Best friend of your father..." now this was the answer you wanted to hear.
After the two finally pulled away from each other, the man's eyes landed on you. The smile on his face slowly faded away and he barely blinked. You held eye contact and even though you were standing quite far away from him, you could feel goosebumps rising all over your skin. His brown eyes looked so kind yet hungry at the same time.
"Marcus…" your mother finally stopped you and you looked down, coughing discreetly. Marcus also woke up back on planet earth and greeted your mother with the sweet smile he had before.
"We missed you" your mother said after she pulled away and held his massive strong arms. "You too, my favorite people" he said, looking into your moms face, unlike you, you couldn't take your eyes off Marcus.
It was as if the whole area became silent and everything was blurry, except for him. Your head automatically filled with million scenarios and you had to take a deep breath to breathe in the presence of this warrior. You scan his body and scars, pity began to flow through your body and you wanted to heal his every wound.
After a while your mother finally looked in your direction with Marcus and you froze in place. His gaze made you feel a vibrating feeling between your legs and you couldn't tell if you liked it or not.
"That's our daughter" your father noticed the awkward silence and decided to introduce the two of you. As Marcus made his way over to you, the vibration became more intense and you trembled like a bird. Marcus noticed your nervous attitude so he decided to, to calm you down a bit by grabbing your hand and gently kissing it, looking at you the whole time and honestly turning you on even more.
"My pleasure to finally meet you" he said as he let go of your hand and popped his chest like a proud lion. Finally? What does he mean? You've never heard of this man and you've never seen him, you would definitely remember that.
Marcus noticed your confused expression and immediately looked over to your father for an explanation, but he didn't do anything to explain it to you, he just decided to move on to another topic. As always.
"After all these years," he approached Marcus again, grabbing his strong arms and looking at him proudly. You kind of wish he would look at you like that one day, ,,…we need to throw a welcome soiree!" He screams so loudly, that the echo reverberated throughout the hall to the second tower.
Marcus was just smiling and you could tell it wasn't a sincere smile. Your mother immediately joined in and nodded in agreement. As soon as they finished talking, everyone started decorating the kitchen and making arrangements for meals.
You didn't want to oblige anyone, since you wouldn't be much help anyway, so you just snuck away to your room. When you walked past Marcus, who was having fun with your dad, his smell was indescribable. You've never felt anything like this from a man before. It evoked dominance, lust and respect, a respect that not just anyone deserves, but Marcus does.
As soon as you closed the door behind you and entered your room, the first and only thing you could think of was Marcus. How divine his body must be under all that armor, how strong his hands must be from all that warfare, how his fingers must be trained from his handling of the sword.
Just the image of him makes your legs shake and your stomach felt weird suddenly…weirdly good. You sat on the bed and just stared out the window, thoughts of Marcus still lingering and your imagination was much wilder than before.
You lay down on the bed with a loud groan and closing your eyes, as you bounce a few times on the mattress. You had no idea what was going on, with your head and your body. You couldn't even tell if you like it or not, the only thing you knew one hundred percent was, that these feelings are just because of Marcus.
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There were only a few hours left before the party started. All this time you tried to sleep and run away from all those new and scary feelings, but it still didn't work. You couldn't fall asleep and when you were really close to it, Marcus would always appear in front of you, even with your eyes closed. That's why you just lay there, staring at the ceiling and letting it all eat you up. When the hour finally approached, you were so relieved.
You heard muffled talking from behind the kitchen and decided it was time to leave. You opened your wardrobe and immediately knew what to wear. You've never worn these before, not because you didn't like them, but your father didn't like them and you know very well why.
They are way too revealing, but you think that he wouldn't say anything about them today, he wouldn't want to sink you in front of his best friend, right? With a devilish smile, you placed them on the bed and suddenly heard a knock on the door. You said open in a soft tone, looking at the door. Very slowly they cracked open and there was none other than your dad inside. He carefully closed it behind him and leaned against it.
You could tell by his face that he looked quite worried. You didn't want to anger him even more so you discreetly stood in front of the bed to cover that provocative dress. “Is everything okay father?” you asked, trying to figure out what was going on. He took a deep breath and looked at you. “I need to talk to you…about Marcus”
Your eyes widened a bit but not too much. It's quite understandable that he'll chat with you about him and maybe even explain why Marcus said he was finally happy to meet you, even though you've never heard of him. "I saw the way you look at each other and this must never happen" he didn't wait another second and spewed this at you.
You frowned at his naivety and the fact that you could have something more with Marcus. After all, you are still young bud, while he is a man of experience and has been through so much...yet this is not reason enough to erase him from your mind.
"Are you serious?" you asked your father arrogantly, folding your shoulders to your chest. "Yes, I'm serious honey. You know, Marcus is not the man for you" his voice sounded so convincing but you still didn't believe him. "You are the one who asks me about men every morning and when one comes along, you ban him?!" you raised your voice a little and threw your hands around. It just doesn't make any sense.
Your father looks down and took another deep breath. "Marcus Acacius is a warrior, a gladiator. He wouldn't have time for you and at the same time you would worry if he would survive. Also, his reputation with women is not flattering, even though he's the same age as me, he doesn't want to settle down. He loves freedom and fun, but you need someone who knows his priorities, do you understand?"
You were surprised by all of this information. Marcus definitely looks like a gladiator, but that's not the thing that scared you the most. His reputation with women? After all, he doesn't look like a man who would pay just for the experience and relief with a woman...or does he?
You tried to find the words to answer, but you couldn't think of anything. You had nothing in your head, just one man who seems like a poor old whore. Your father noticed your shock and even felt a little sorry for you. "Look, I only want the best for you, but Marcus just isn't the best" his words drove more and more wounds into your heart. It painted evil qualities into your imagination and even though everything seemed rosy after Marcus arrived, now is black and white and much worse.
"Do me a favor" your father slowly finished his monologue. "Stay away from Marcus" and with that he left your room leaving you completely devastated and destroyed. You felt tears running down your face but immediately wiped them away with your hand. A young lady like you can't cry, and certainly not because of a man. You didn't care about men until now, so how come you care so much about Marcus? You're not in love after all, are you?
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You walked into the main room where the party was being held. Everyone was already here, having fun and laughing, the music in the background pleasantly vibrated your eardrums and you tried to focus only on fun and freedom, nothing and no one else.
Even though your dad gave you a strict ban on any interaction with Marcus, you wore your sexy dress. After all, you have to use this opportunity one way or another. Of course, in that dress you immediately had the attention of almost all men and women.
It was eerily quiet for a moment when you walked in, even the music stopped playing. You don't like being the center of attention, so you tried to think of something to stop it. You slowly knelt down to greet and it really worked, the music started playing again and everyone was talking with each other. Sometimes, however, some would whisper in their ear while looking at you, but you tried your best to ignore them.
You came to the table with food and picked one grape berry. “Really interesting taste-” you heard a gruff wolf's voice from your right and quickly turned in that direction. Marcus looked even better than he did in the morning, he was well groomed, wearing a gorgeous white robe with gold accessories and his arms still looked so eatable. However, Marcus' words were stopped by another manly voice from the left, which was already familiar to you. "What do you think you're doing?!" your father was downright furious, looking you up and down. When you turned to look at him and revealed that Marcus was standing behind you, your father miraculously calmed down.
Marcus and you waited for your dad's next words. He was trapped, and that was exactly what you hoped would happen. You could feel how much he wanted to yell at you and scold you, but he can't show such an aggressive side of himself in front of his best friend, even at a party in front of hundreds of guests.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Marcus, come with me for a moment" he said and turned around thinking that Marcus was already following him. He looked a little surprised but the mischievous smile still remained on his face. As he passed by you, he gave you a subtle wink and you had a close enough to pass out on the spot. Who would have thought that a mere wink would almost give out your knees?
You watched as your dad pulled Marcus into a corner and said something to him. You could just see Marcus' face expression and couldn't hear what they are talking about. Sometimes he looked at you, but you couldn't describe what was going through his mind or what your dad was saying to him, you could only guess.
"That dress looks good on you" you heard a familiar female voice next to you. Your mother was looking in the same direction as you, but she was smiling. Her compliment only comforted you for a moment as you were still paying attention to the two men.
You let out an exhausted sigh and popped another berry into your mouth. "Marcus is a good man, honest and strong. You would be really safe with him" your mother's words caught you by surprise as she was of a different opinion than your father's. "But dad-" you wanted to say that just the thought of you and Marcus being together was destroying him but your mother interrupted you.
,,I know. He is worried about you, after all you are still young and Marcus is too old for you. You have to understand him, he's doing it for you" she patted your shoulders and walked away to her friends. She left you alone again and you were even more confused than before. You didn't know what to think about all this. Everything started to be suddenly too loud, the music and people's conversation gave you a headache and you had to get away quickly before you passed out.
You quickly stepped outside into the fresh air, trying to catch your breath. You leaned against the wall and all your emotions suddenly came out. Tears fell from your eyes one by one and you couldn't stop it. You wanted to run away, scream, you just wanted to be relaxed and free, but these are apparently too big demands. You sat down on the ground and curled up into a ball, hoping no one will find you in that state. What would they think of you?
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You have no idea how much time has passed since you ran out. But you don't care as long as no one is looking for you. You felt good, the cool wind blew through your hair and pleasantly refreshed your skin. Still sitting on the ground, you had your eyes closed and tried to focus only on the nature and the sound of the birds, even though it was quite difficult since you couldn't hear through the music and the sound from the party.
Suddenly you heard footsteps and in no time you were back on your feet. Chest popping, back straight and chin up. You were waiting for someone to show up around the corner. You expected your father, who is sure to be furious, or your mother, who is calmer but still worried. To your surprise, it wasn't neither of them.
"Where did you evaporate?" Marcus asked standing in front of you so he could finally get a better look at you in that unique dress. You opened your eyes in horror and your words got stuck in your throat. "I-I…" you tried to create a meaningful sentence, but how could you, when you were standing in front of the most handsome man you have ever seen in your entire life.
He noticed your struggling and couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Why are you nervous little dove?" he asked so softly, that the tone of his voice went through your every vein. The weird vibrating feeling between your legs started again, and you couldn't help but put your thighs closer. ,,I needed some fresh air" you finally whined in a shaky and low voice, but still trying to keep your attitude and show that you are not so nervous at all, but the truth was different.
"Understandable" he nodded his head and the corner of his mouth lifted. He stared at you for a moment until he joined you. He stands next to you, leaning against the wall watching the scenery with you. Even though it was quiet, you loved his presence next to you. You felt the feeling of security that every woman longs for.
"You don't want to enjoy the celebration?" you finally broke the ice and asked with all your courage, but you were still too nervous to look at him. "No, although it's surprising, I don't really like attention" he breathed out and you were quite surprised by his answers. ,,Really? Father was saying something else...” you said the second part of the sentence more quietly but Marcus heard you, despite the soft chatter.
,,Indeed?" you could feel his eyes on you, but you still tried really hard to keep your cool and not look at him, even tho you really wanted. His scent was so irresistible and you lost yourself for a moment, before the long silence slapped you on the head. ,, "Oh yes, he said you like to enjoy freedom and fun, even...with women" you weren't sure if you were supposed to mention the women, but somehow it just came out of your mouth without you being able to control it.
He scoffed and let out a small laugh. Now it was the perfect time to look at him. You saw his head shaking, like he doesn't believe what he just heard. "It's a surprise that I don't know about it myself" you frowned incomprehendingly and waited for an explanation.
When your eyes met, your heart skipped a beat and you stopped breathing. You saw his eyes up close and they were so lovely, just like his hair, face, beard, body...you were so obsessed with him. Is it even allowed to be so obsessed with a man you barely know and your father forbade him? Definitely not.
"Your father said things to protect you, to make you think bad things about me" This was exactly the answer you were hoping for, that it was all just a fabrication and that Marcus was a good innocent man. "Oh" you said and looked down at your feet. "And apparently he told you to stay away from me, am I right?" Marcus touched your arm softly, just by two fingers to make you look at him again, and it worked. He looked like a sad puppy who deserved to be scratched.
You just nodded in agreement, eliciting a soft sigh from Marcus. "He told me that too..." he slightly pushed himself away from the wall and stood in front of you again, this time much closer. Your back hit the wall and you were pinned to it, as Marcus stood only a few millimeters away from you, your chests almost touching. Your heart rate increased and your breathing quickened, your cheeks began to heat up and the vibration was much stronger than ever before.
"He specifically forbade me to have anything to do with you..." Marcus continued and his finger ran over your skin, from wrist, to upper arms, to your shoulders, stopping at your collarbones where he just make small circles. This was your first physical interaction with a man, and despite how scared you were of it, you melted at Marcus' touch.
His other hand gently squeezed your waist, making you gasp a bit by the surprise. He pulled you closer to his body, now you were definitely touching each other and you could feel something poking you into your thigh. You wanted to look what it was, but Marcus hypnotized you with his gaze and you just couldn't take your eyes off him.
"But I can't help it" and with these words he leaned closer to your face, your noses were touching and both of you were waiting to see who would kiss the other first. The situation was tense, you didn't notice anything or anyone around but Marcus and his warm breath against your wet lips.
You took a deep breath and the movement almost forced your lips to touch his, but it didn't. You were still waiting, Marcus' hands were now firmly on your hips and he had full control of you, he could do whatever he wanted with you, and you would let him without any word.
You were frozen but you fought so hard not to kiss him. Why? Because you really liked this game. You like all of this and want as much of it as possible. But Marcus is patient enough and as much as he wanted to break the barriers too, he didn't, instead he did something much hotter.
He released one hand from your waist and slowly slid it under your dress. You whined at the sigh of his touch, his massive hands surrounded almost your entire thigh. You were still face to face, noses touching but still no kiss, just touches. Really dangerous touches. He didn't stop in his journey under your dress and continued higher and higher, just where your throbbing cunt was.
You groan and moan, but quietly to not let someone caught you. Marcus loves how his touch drives you crazy, but you still had no idea what came next. When he finally found your sweet spot where you needed him touch you so badly, he didn't hesitate any second and insert one of his fingers into you. You throw your head back, breaking your kiss game but you didn't care.
The pleasure was indescribable. You saw sounds and felt colors, you bit your bottom lip to silence your heckling and crying, but it still didn't quite work. The way he curled his finger inside you made you wild, your legs shaking and your mind went dizzy. You immediately dug your fingers into his strong muscles for the better posture.
You moan as he sped up his pace. He didn't take his eyes off you. You looked so beautiful like that, so weak, so hopeless. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, Marcus added his thumb, making tiny circles around your clit. You've never experienced that pleasure like this before. You fight for your life not to scream his name and to stay on your feet.
He was stretching your walls while provoking your wet tiny friend, which if you just lightly touch, it will wreak havoc in your body. You felt the urge to go to pee, to burst everything that is inside you out, you were just so close to your orgasm. You had no idea what was going on, what it was, or why Marcus was so good at it, but all you could focus on was him and his fingers inside you, that were driving you crazy.
You looked at him as a guardian angel who would free you from the tense feeling that had accumulated in you over the years. Marcus knew you were on edge, your hole wrapped tightly around his finger and your legs automatically joined together. He smiled and continued in his motion, till you finally came onto his finger. A load moan came out of your mouth and your heart was beating at an incredible speed.
You opened your eyes and looked at Marcus, all sweaty and tired but relaxed. You both laughed for a moment and you wanted to rest until you heard quick footsteps coming your way. You didn't even have time to thank Marcus when you saw your dad and the guards emerging from the edge of the wall.
Marcus quickly let go of you and stepped aside, but you weren't sure if your father saw you so close to him or not. What you saw, however, was an enraged father who was boiling with anger.
He watched the two of you for a moment before he ordered the guards to take you back and grabbed Marcus by the shoulder. "Dad it's not what-" you wanted to save it, but it was too late for any words now. "I'll meet you at the party" he said and walked away with Marcus. You kept watched them, until the guards grabbed your arms and dragged you back to the celebration. You tried to break free from their grip, but it was impossible.
"Next time, you should obey your father's orders," said one of the guards, and you looked at him concerned. You wanted to say something to him, but you were already at the place. They let you go and closed the door, at which they then stood.
Shocked by the whole situation, you just stood there watching all the people having fun. Before long, your mother came to you, hugging you tightly and stroking your head. "Sweetheart, do you know how worried we were about you?" with tears in her eyes, she still didn't let go of her embrace. "You barely noticed I was gone" you replied arrogantly and gently pushed your mother away. You felt sorry for her, but right now, fury was controlling over pity.
You angrily walked over to the food table and stuffed one berry after another into your mouth as if you hadn't eaten in a month. After a while, the door you came through opened and your father and Marcus walked in. They were both smiling, even though you knew they weren't just talking outside. When Marcus noticed you, he gave you an apologetic look before walking to the other side of the hall. The only thing on your mind right now was a question, why is life so unfair?
"Hey easy there sweetheart" a manly voice pulled you away from staring at Marcus and you immediately turned to the direction the voice was coming from. A tall man with brown hair and a beard, he looked slimy and even smelled like that. Just his presence so close to you bothered you. You ignored him and ate a few more berries before he talked to you again, "Are you in a hurry or just really hungry?" he laughed like it was the best joke of the year. You just rolled your eyes in annoyance and wiped your hands into your dress. "Actually yes, I'm in hurry. Pleasure to meet you" you politely avoided him and quickly rushed to the other door, the one that lead to your room. You quickly opened them and breathed a sigh of relief as you were in the hallway, only to find the man was following you.
"Come on angel, we barely know each other" he said and still followed you. "I'm sorry but I'm not interested" you still politely rejected the man again and quickly walked towards your room. But that didn't stop him. You don't even know how, but suddenly he was right behind you, grabbing your wrist and pressed you against the wall. You started to panic.
"Please let me go!" you begged and hoped he would stop. You had a million scenarios in your head of what would happen, what he wants from you or what he will do to you. But his look says it all, he doesn't want to just talk to you. "You'll love it, don't worry" he said with a sickening smile on his face and started to undo the waistband of his pants. You started to cry and you knew that screaming for help was futile. He could strangle you with his hand or just cover your mouth and no one would be able to hear your cry for help. This is not how you imagined the loss of virginity, this is not how you wanted it.
Just when it seemed like this was going to be the most traumatic day of your life, Marcus burst into the hallway. You both turned your head to look at him and you finally had hope. You smiled but you were the only one. Marcus worried face transformed into furious in a second, as he saw that man standing too close to you, and your eyes full of tears.
"Get lost!" We have our moment here!" The moldy sweaty man yelled at Marcus, thinking he was really going to let us go. Of course he didn't. "If you don't let her go now, you'll face the consequences" he warned the man as he slowly approached to you. As if every step of his made you feel more and more happy and relieved.
"Jesus Christ just leave us alone idiot!" Marcus ran out of patience and ran after the man. He grabbed him by the shirt and forced him to back up to the other side of the hall, directly across from you, where he pinned him to the wall.
"Now listen to me carefully, you touch her one more time and you won't have such a clean face after that, is that clear to you?" you watched Marcus warn the man and you really respected him. When Marcus gets angry, he can be really scary. The bastard didn't say anything, he just looked at Marcus in horror and didn't know what to do.
"Is it clear?!" Marcus shook him aggressively and the man immediately nodded his head. He must shit his pants right now. "Now get lost!" he ordered and finally let him go. The guy didn't wait for anything and ran back to the door as he fastened his belt. When Marcus and you looked in his direction, you saw your dad watching you. Neither of you noticed him until now, you had no idea how long he had been standing there staring at you, but apparently long enough for him to change his mind about Marcus.
Your father came over to Marcus who thought he was in trouble again but instead of yelling he got a warm hug. Marcus was confused just as you were, but it was a nice picture to see them hugging again. After a while, your father finally released Marcus from his arms, admiring him with a smile. "I was wrong. I acted immaturely and rashly” came out of your fathers words and you were just shocked. "You are perfect for my daughter.”
With those words, you and Marcus smiled and you quickly ran towards them. ,,Are you serious father?” You asked incredulously, but your father nodded. "Yes, even though your age is intimidating, you can protect her and that's all that matters” You looked excitedly at Marcus and he looked back at you. "Thank you," Marcus added, giving your father one last smile before looking at you and kissing you without any warning. It was a long, passionate kiss that said a lot more than I love you. It said I want you.
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Celebration of Marcus return was over, and the two of you just couldn't wait anymore. You were in your room, lips glued together and small moans leaving your mouth. The kisses were so wet, hungry and full of lust, that you had. "From the moment I saw you" Marcus said quickly between the kisses, trying to catch his breath. During this he slowly forced you backing up until your feet hit the bed frame. "I wanted you".
He said before gently pushing you onto the bed, making you bounce a bit. You smiled at his flirtatious words before his lips touched yours again, both of your saliva mixing together, making an amazing tasteful fluid. His tongue pushing into your mouth so roughly, almost choking you.
His hands traveled all over your body until he finally found the buttons of your dress, which he immediately used and very aggressively removed them, almost destroying them. You gasped as the cool fresh air touched your naked skin and Marcus needed a minute to admire your body.
“Where have you been all this time?” he asked desperately and immediately lunged after you again, his male instincts running wild as he grab your breast and squeezed, making you whine his name really loudly. You were in holy heaven, every touch of his on your body turned you on more and more and just the thought of how he had made you feel before, drives you crazy.
"You've never touched yourself, did you?" he whispered in your ear while slowly driving his finger down to your hole. You couldn't answer him, just a quiet whine came out of you. "Don't worry, that's why I am here for" he said before he put a finger inside you, your back arching and you firmly grab the pillows on the bed.
,,Oh my god~”
You groan and look at Marcus, totally crazy about your moves. Your hips were automatically moving against Marcus' hand, trying to bring more friction. He did as your body wanted, and added another finger, stretching your walls and making your fluid leak a bit.
Your moans were a lullaby for Marcus ears, making sure that he is doing his job well. His fingers teasing the inside of you, the juicy sound echoed throughout the room. But suddenly, he stopped and pulled out his fingers from you. You sighed at the loss, confused and overwhelmed. You looked at Marcus, watching him what he is doing. He knelt in front of the bed with a devilish grin on his face and moved you closer to him. More specifically, your vagina closer to your face.
“W-what are you doing?” you asked, leaning your elbows on the bed so you could see Marcus over your body. "Relax, trust me" he said and you did. You really trust Marcus, and definitely after he stood up for you. No one, no man, no human ever did something like that for you. You respect him a lot, but even more now that he's sticking his tongue inside you. You suddenly winced and grunted. His wet tongue entered into you so lightly, it was like a natural lubricant.
Instinctively, you grabbed Marcus's wavy hair and tugged on it as he slid his tongue in and out of you, making you whine his name. He kept his eyes on you, watching you as his victim, which you were in this situation. He held your hips so you wouldn't move too much and have the full experience as it should be.
His nose bumping into your clitoris from time to time, making your vision blurry. You heard the ringing for a moment and all your senses stopped. The only thing you could feel was Marcus's tongue inside you, touching you that spongy spot, which is making you getting close to realise.
After a few more movements of Marcus' tongue inside you, you couldn't take it anymore and you came right into Marcus' mouth. You gasped, trying to catch a breath as your legs shook. Marcus drinks all of your juices and you ride the orgasms off by his big nose.
You close your eyes, trying to calm yourself and your body down, while Marcus stands up from his position and gets on top of you. He knew how tired and exhausted you are, so he wanted you to catch a little break. He was giving you sweet little kisses all over your body and most often on your tummy, making you laugh a little. "Relaxed?" he asked and you jerked your head up to look at him. "There is more?" you asked in shock and Marcus just smiled at your innocence.
He nodded and crawled more up, so that he was face to face with you. His muscular body covered you all over, his scent tickling your olfactory cells. You just caressed his face. You felt his beard gently scratching you against your palm. It didn't hurt, on the contrary, it was pleasant.
“Are you ready for true passion?” He hummed and you looked at him in shock. You probably knew what he was pointing out, but you still weren't sure. You nodded your head a little apprehensively, but Marcus immediately calmed you down with a passionate kiss.
It wasn't long before Marcus' clothes were on the ground. You didn't care where, the main thing was that it was gone and you could finally feel his hot body on you. You couldn't help it and your hand traveled all over his body, your brain trying to remember every part of him, muscle, abs or just mole. He was perfect.
As the two of you kept touching yourself with hands, you felt something really big poking your inner thigh, dangerously close to your core. You slightly and gently moved Marcus away from you to take a look, what is it that provokes you so much. Your eyes nearly fell out of their sockets at the sight of Marcus' cock. He was big, massive and literally begging to fuck you already.
His precum already leaving from his pink tip, his veins were really filled and all you wanted to do was touch him, which you did without permission. You gently touched him with your fingers and Marcus immediately responded with a soft exhale. "Careful" he warned you, watching your hand on his penis. You took Marcus's warning to heart and followed his veins really gently with your index finger.
"You know what to do?" another heavy exhale from his lips, and you stopped to look at Marcus's face. You shook your head, a little afraid that he would laugh at you, but that didn't happen. Instead he took your hand and helped show you how. He carefully covered your hand and forced you to wrap yours around his cock. Your touch really turned him on but he had to hold back. "That's it, now you're gonna do this" he started moving your hand slowly, up and down with a slow pace. You quickly check Marcus face, that was squeezed and his teeth were dug into his lower lip.
"Perfect, clever girl..." he whine softly and throw his head back. You continued in the motion that he shows you, really focused while checking his face from time to time. You could tell that he likes it, but you wanted him to love it. You decided to speed up a bit and wrap your hand more tightly around him. He moaned your name, gods name and just sweet things you couldn't even register. One of his hand was on your waist, squeezing it, making you jump a bit.
"Oh my..." he moaned, digging his fingers into your skin while his lap was rocking against your hand. "Fuck!" He screamed and reached his climax, spraying a white gooey liquid all over your stomach. You were horrified but in a good way, you liked these new things you were exploring more and more.
After Marcus finally came to his senses, he smiled at you and stroked your cheek. "You learn fast little dove" you giggle by that cute nickname and your cheeks were so hot suddenly. "But we are still not done yet" and with these words he slowly began to insert his cock into you. You knew it was big but no one prepared you for this pain. But Marcus was a respectful man and always waited for the pain to pass and then he continued. This was repeated a few times until he was finally fully inside you.
He kept saying nice things to you to calm you down mentally and physically and it really helped. When he was 100% sure that you were fine and ready, he slowly began to move his hips back and forth. The pain immediately turned into pleasure, his cock slightly brushing your folds and it make you wanted more. You started moving your hips along his, giving him a clear sign that you are ready for more. Therefore, he quickened his pace and his emphasis as well.
His balls were clapping against your ass, the juice sound started being loud again but not as loud as your moans and gasps. You clawed at Marcus's back with your fingernails, they must left a bloody mess. Marcus was squeezing your hips so hard that he was sure to leave some bruise there, but neither of you cared.
He was stretching you so hard, finding and hitting that sponge spot again, and you immediately knew you won't last long. You felt so tight, like someone was strangling you down there and in your lower abdomen until Marcus exploded and rammed deep into you all the way to his balls. This was your last straw and just seconds after his orgasm you reached it too.
A few dirty words were exchanged until Marcus collapsed next to you. Both of you were tired, exhausted, sweaty and struggling to catch your breath. You felt amazing, this was the best thing you could ever experience and you can thank Marcus for that.
You turn your head towards him, his eyes were closed and his nostrils big. He was sleepy already but you weren't surprised, you were also ready to fall asleep. You crawled closer to Marcus, waking him up a bit. He immediately assumed his position as a caring partner and covered you both with a blanket. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him and you purred appreciatively. "You're amazing darling" he whispered and placed a soft kiss into your hair. If this is the security that your father was talking about, then you have more than enough.
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lovexjoe · 3 months
Pregnant reader x Armando Aretas?
She’ll give Armando the death stare every time she hears about what he’s done.
Omg it would Mike and Marcus fault too cause they don’t know how to stfu 😭
“Y/N ya boy was kicking ASS. Took out 6 guys all at once cold blooded!” Marcus rambles on as he eats.
Armando coughs, clearing his throat and signaling Marcus to stop.
“Im proud of you son! You more cold blooded than me!” Mike egged it on and you brought the last plate over to the table filled with dinner rolls. You were about 8 months now and you hated hearing about this shit. You knew what he was capable of but now that you were two were becoming parents it was time to tone it tf down.
“Didnt I tell you no more violence?” You death stared him all throughout dinner. He even washed the dishes and put the leftovers away. If anyone had control over Armando it was you since you announce your pregnancy. Your hormones scared him straight.
As Marcus and Mike were heading out, you hear
“Theresa use to give me that look all the time. Get some baby oil and rub those pregnant feet down.” Marcus advise. You knew damn well those foot massages weren’t gonna work….maybe.
You lay in bed and sigh. The body aches and swollen feet were catching up to you. You didn’t mean to scold him in front of everyone, he was saving the team but sometimes you wish he had a safer profession. Then again if it wasn’t for that profession you two would have never met. He knocks on your bedroom door, waving a bottle of baby oil.
“Feet massage mi amor?” You both couldn’t help but laugh.
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probablyintensemuses · 3 months
Tiny Little Good Things-
A. Aretas
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synopsis: You and Armando get sent on a mission to stop a vicious drugs and arms dealer. Chaos ensues and you two find out why the lines between love and hate are constantly blurring for you both.
theme(s): eventual smut (+18), gore and blood, cursing, graphic imagery, angst, enemies to lovers, Armando is a dick and really hot when he speaks Spanish.
warnings: there is smut in this fic as well as many bloody scenes, if you can’t handle either, I wouldn’t read on!
authors note: hi, yes I know this fic is long as shit, but I felt it was necessary for what unfolds. There is more than 12k words here, so sorry to all my short attention span people. ❤️love you, k bye!
word count: 12.5k
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“Ramos Malik, age thirty-seven and Miami’s biggest up and coming arms and drug dealer.’ Kelly says, fingers gracing her iPad as she swivels through pictures, displaying them on the plasma screen ahead.
“He’s a big fucking problem. 3D printing' slugs that are hitting the streets faster than crack in the seventies.’ Mike Lowery, head of AMMO, interjects. “Shells the size of a thumbs, sharper than lions teeth, are being pulled out of rival gang members, bystanders, and law enforcement all around the city.”
You turn in your chair, pushing away from your computer screen. “So, how do we stop him?”
Dorn rounds the steel table, a slab of guns, gear, and tech, gently taking the iPad from Kelly’s hand, and you don’t miss the way she blushes. It’s cute, those two. Kelly and you had grown close ever since you joined AMMO as their new technical analyst months ago. Dorn gave up the position, wanting to be present in the field—mostly to have Kelly’s six—he and his therapist had been making great progress and he felt it was time to be more than the brawny guy in the chair.
So that lead to you taking over and eventually many girls nights full of red wine, cheese, and pillow talking. A slip of a wine-jaded tongue later and you were the first on the team to know of their love affair. Sometimes you desired to have that of your own, but life and fate, as Marcus would say, hadn’t given that to you yet.
“Good question, followed by an even better answer.’ Dorn sails and the screen changes and a new scene plays. “This is Moxy, a new club on the strip. It’s where Ramos Malik and his crew hang out. Rumor has it he’ll be there tonight, and we're going to bind him with a sting.”
Intrigued you stand. “You need me to make inconspicuous body cams, don’t you?’ You gasp and breath deeply, a smile spreading on your face. “God I love it when you guys want me to make inconspicuous body cams.”
Dorn coughs and Kelly looks off to the side, biting at her nails. Mike walks over slowly, slapping a hand onto both your shoulders.
“Now, we know how much our sweet little, non-violent, girl here loves to just stay in her lane and chill here while we get into all the bloody action.’ Mike massages your shoulders, displaying you off to the group like a fresh piece of wagyu. You scan the crew's faces—mischief, panic, fear—but the one that snipes you the most is the one of Armando Aretas. He sits perched on a table on the far side of the room, combat boot clad feet planted on a chair as his brown eyes pierce into you, sending tiny, invisible sparks flocking on your skin. You suck in a sharp breath and look away. He always stared, so why did it bother you now?
When your ears finally stop buzzing, you dial back into Mike's speech. “But this time, it’ll be different. You’ll be out in the field.”
As if you were just tased, you jut away from his grip. “What?”
“Ramos can sniff cops a mile away. It’s what makes him so good at what he does.’ Marcus cuts in. “He knows our faces, too. The only face he doesn’t know, is yours.”
You take another step back, heart racing, completely stupefied. “So you want me to go and trick that bastard…by myself?!”
“No! Never!” Mike says. “Armando will be with you.”
A clatter echos through the room, all eyes snapping to where Armando was sitting, the little black stool wobbling on the floor. “The fuck I will!” He growls.
Your eyes narrow and you jut your chin up. What the hell was he so mad for?
“Okay, son, calm down. It’s a simple sting operation. If you’re careful, it’s an in-and- out kind of thing.”
Armando circles close, and out of habit you cower behind the wall of Mike and Dorn. You may have a high IQ but you’re no match physically for anyone on this team, especially not Armando. You’ve seen what he can do countless times. He was the silent beast, he always just stared and hardly spoke. No matter how much you tried to warm up to him, make him feel accepted, you two just never clicked.
You thought it might just be his past, how he was manipulated by his father and lied to by his mother, that made him so closed off, but with the way fury rumbles off of him so strong right now, pushing you deeper into Dorn and Mike, it makes you think there’s more unspoken. And if so, what?
Caged between Mike and Dorn Armando finds your eyes again, scolding your cheeks hot with his glare. It was as if he needed you to not only hear his words but feel them too. “I’m not going on any mission with the princesa. All she does is type and sit in that fucking chair all day. It’ll be suicide.”
Mike takes his son's shoulder, massaging them similar to how he’d done your own. “She’s the only choice right now, okay? She’s just the arm candy to fill out the picture we’re setting for Malik, alright?”
For some reason his words— “just the arm candy?”and “the only choice right now,” —sting. You may not be skilled in the field or in combat, but you were vital to this team and you spent months trying to prove your strengths otherwise. When you first joined the team, everyone insisted on making you their baby bird, some wounded thing they needed to protect in a gilded cage. You were the new young and stary-eyed cop, and they are all jaded-old bags who need someone to shelter. It happened authentically and you still couldn’t shake the box they put you in. You aren’t helpless, you are capable and strong and maybe this is what you need, an opportunity outside to finally prove yourself.
“If he doesn’t want to do it, I’m sure there is someone else in the field we can find.’ A surge of confidence flushes through you as you push past the Mike-Dorn barricade, chin help up high with defiance as you brush past Armando. “Whatever the case, I’ll do it. I can do it. I’m capable Mike, so let’s see my cover.”
A smirk peels on Kelly’s face as she passes you your file. “Okay, Ms. Bad-ass. I’m loving this energy.”
Armando scoffs, planting himself next to you, his broad shoulders brush up against your frail ones. The slight gesture sends a hear through you. Quickly you scoot away, no need to sweat through a perfectly good cardigan over mean-ass Armando Aretas.
You flip through your file. You’ll be playing Jenna Combs. A twenty-six year old dancer and model who is the new girlfriend of—
“You hijos de puta’s got me playing myself?” Armando argues. “What kind of shit disguise is that?”
Dorn shrugs. “It’s not. That’s the point. The Aretas name is still feared and no one knows you’re in with the cops. It’s a pretty believable story, you need new armory and he can supply it.”
“Last anyone in this circles heard, you was killing cops and slinging a new dope empire. Just get em’ to confess to making this bullets and where he does it, so we can get em’ off the streets for good.” Marcus chimes in with a smile.
Armando’s grumbles a few curses under his breath before his attention turns and latches onto you. Suddenly you feel hot again, like a solar flares are swallowing you whole. Armando’s eyes rack over your form, slow and tentative.
His gaze latches onto your lips before he says, “And she’s supposed to be my date? Suicide mission.”
“For who? You or me? Because the way I see it, with your attitude you’ll be made in minutes.”
The gap between you and Armando closes in an instant. Your faces mere inches from each other. His cool breath trickles down the crest of your neck and frosts the tips of your ears when he whispers, “Careful when you speak to me, Princesa. You’ll be alone out there with me, and anything could happen to you.”
Was he…threatening you?
Your balls must have really dropped in the matter of minutes, because instead of keeping quiet and apologizing, like you normally would if you managed to anger Armando, you bite back.
“Stop calling me that.” You grit your teeth.
“¿Por qué, eh?’ Armando whispers, pulling back from you and taking a seat on a nearby stool. His eyes are drunk with a flavor you can’t distinguish. “Only princesas get to sit up in their castle all day, shielded, while everyone else goes out and does all the heavy lifting.”
“I never asked to be shielded!’ You stamp your foot, moving in on him with a swiftness. Armando invites your challenge with grace, folding his muscular arms slowly over his wide chest, watching you stalk nearer.
You don’t know how, but you find yourself in between him, his legs two thick gates around you. Where it should bother you, in the moment it doesn’t because It’s your turn to invade his space. In this moment, the great Armando Aretas doesn’t scare you.
You poke at his chest with each syllable. “Rather you like it or not, Aretas, this princesa is going on this sting with or without you, and I don’t give a shit what you think, not anymore. Cool?”
A small smirk pulls on his face as he peels your finger off his chest, the digit so small in his his hand, his movements making you keenly aware of your closeness.
“Cool.” He stands, boxing you in with his large build before brushing past you and walking out of the compound.
You watch as the last bits of daylight leave with him as the door slams closed. This confidence was like adrenal coursing through you and suddenly you felt tired and zapped, being strong is exhausting. You take a seat, pulling at a loose curl atop your head, thoughts burrowing into your mind like a splinter.
To this day, you couldn’t understand the hatred he had for you. In the begging, when Mike had negotiated a deal with the D.A’s office and the department to allow Armando to work for AMMO, not wanting his raw talents to go to waste, no one trusted him. But still, you gave him a chance, because you knew how it felt to be the underdog and you didn’t want the same for him. Still, in his own fashion, he warmed up to the others…but never to you. But maybe he was right, everyone else here has put so much of themselves of the line, risked it all for the greater good, and what have you done? Nothing. You haven’t saved anyone or changed a life. You’ve sat and watched from the comforts of the compound. Their eyes and ears, that’s all.
You push to standing and gather your file. You may not be the strongest, or fastest on the team, but you had strengths and you’d make use of them tonight for once, no matter what.
Suddenly snickers and chuckle fill the room, bouncing off the walls of your mind and bringing you back to the room glazed with the smell of oil and pinesol.
Marcus breaks through the laughter. “Next time you two want to engage in some foreplay, ask for the room first.”
Your skin nearly peels off at his words. You could burn alive right now.
You and Armando?
“Never would that ever happen.” You shiver at the thought of being with any man, let alone him.
Armando is a mean man. A mean man you suddenly have to trust you life with.
But if that’s the case. Why does your heart not fall to your feet at the thought?
“You’ve memorized your role, right?” Kelly asks, tightening the final fixings of your dress.
“Yes,’ you nod. “I’m Armando’s new girlfriend, Jenna. I don’t speak, I just sit quietly and listen. I shadow him, basically. Anything he does, I do.”
“Good girl.’ Kelly winks. “One last thing.’ She digs into her pockets before brandishing a small knife. “Here, just in case things go south.”
Your eyes widen and you nearly flinch. “I thought you and Mike said this was an easy in-and-out kind of deal.”
Kelly sighs. “Nothing like this is ever easy. All things have the potential to go south.’ She grabs your face in her hands. “I just want my girl safe, that’s all.”
Reluctantly, you accept the knife, shoving it into your purse. “What about Armando? Isn’t he supposed to protect me—I mean Jenna?”
“And he will,” Kelly assures. “But you can never be too sure.”
You nod. “Right, whose to say he won’t abandon me if shit oops off,” your snicker is laced with fear.
Kelly walks you out of the compound and toward the front where you’ll be meeting the rest of the team. “He won’t. Trust me.”
“He did allude to it early, Kels.”
Kelly rolls her eyes, stopping you and giving your curls one last fluff. “Aretas is all talk when it comes to you, don’t take him for a grain of salt.”
You frown. “What’s that supposed to be mean.”
Kelly smirks. “See for yourself.”
She steps out of the way and in the shinning exterior of Mikes Ferrari, you see yourself.
Do you look like a slut, yes, but nonetheless gorgeous.
Your curls are loose and defined, a cascade of shea butter and hibiscus around you. Your makeup is layered, yet light, elevating your high cheekbones, wide lips, and honey-brown eyes. And your plum colored dress pops against your warm-brown skin, somehow making even your thin body look full and figured.
You look fucking hot.
And for the first time in forever, you feel fucking hot.
Apparently you’re not the only one who thinks so as a whistle breaks loose in the yard.
“Goddamn girl!’ Mike claps. “If I wasn’t some old dog, I’d ask you on a date myself.”
“I’ll keep my comments to myself,’ Marcus smiles. “You know Theresa be listening.” He looks over his shoulders, head on a swivel.
“Dorn don’t say a word.” Kelly scolds her boyfriend, Dorn holds his hands up in defense.
“Staying silent.” He whimpers.
Your cheeks flush. “Stop, you guys.” You giggle. “This was all Kelly, besides you know I look better in a cardigan and jeans.”
“I agree.” A voice emerges from the darkness. A wide berth breaks before you as Armando strolls over.
Your throat goes dry and suddenly your head is dizzy with a feeling hard to explain, as you take him in.
He’s fresh with a new hair cut, faded low on the sides and thick, raven black up top. His beard is full and more manicured, enunciating the sharp cuts of his jaw.
He’s graced in a suit, black-on-black. The undershirt unbuttoned exposing much of his chiseled chest and the gold, cross necklace that dangles there. His suit jacket fits perfectly over the swells of his biceps and his pants expose every aching muscle in his thigh.
Like gravity, it’s hard to pull your eyes away from him. But somehow you become the void of space and manage to.
You can’t say the same for him though, because despite his insults that same burning, tingling sensation finds its way tip-toeing down your back and to the swell of your ass. One quick spin and you catch Armando’s eyes lifting from your backside to face you.
“I thought I looked better in a cardigan?” You say, breathing heavy.
Was he just? No…
Armando swings open the passenger door for you. “Get in.” He grumbles.
Not wanting to test his patience, you oblige, taking a step into the Farrier.
Armando closes the door behind you before climbing into the passenger side.
At the window, Mike approaches.
“Get in ask Ramos about the bullets, say you heard about them from word of mouth and you’re interested in them. You’ll pay top dollar. Once he confirms he can give them to you, we’ll move in. Got it?” Mike explains to Armando before turning his attention to you. “And for you, just be silent, pretty, and say nothing, okay?”
“Won’t be hard for her.” Armando grumbles as he starts the car.
You roll your eyes, ignoring his comment. “You guys will tail us, right.”
Dorn nods. “You should be fine though, you’ve got Armando.”
Armando reeves the engine, slowly idling off and away from your friends. And for some reason, when you whip off, you can’t help but wonder if he was right. This was a suicide mission, just not for him.
The drive is silent and smooth. You really could see why Mike insisted on such expensive cars, they rode well.
Your heel-clad feet tap against the bottom of the car, humming a tune in your head, making you realize just how much this ride needed some music.
Slowly, you turn to face Armando. His eyes are focused on the long road ahead, his jaw is clenched and he doesn’t seems to be paying you the slightest bit of attention.
As smooth as you can be you carefully lift your hand up and turn on the radio. Soon enough Ariana Grandes, The Boy is Mine, blasts from the radio.
You squeal and find a small groove with your fingers against your purse, humming the lyrics and bopping your head to the beat. The song is just reaching its second run through the chorus when the radio goes dead.
You turn, seeing Armando’s hand leaking from the controls. Annoyed, you give him a look before turning the radio back on, louder this time.
Armando’s jaw clenches tighter, like he might actually collapse through it with his bite force. He slams the radio off…again.
This time you don’t bite your tongue.
“Would you stop doing that!” You shout.
“Why not? I was listening to that.”
“I don’t care. I need to focus.” Armando grumbles.
“Focus on what?”
“I don’t know, Princesa, making sure we both come out of this alive, because I damn sure can’t count on you to do that.”
His words bite, but if he wants to play a snake you have venom for him. “Why don’t you like me, huh? What have I ever done to you?” You hide.
Armando stays silent, his knuckles whitening as his grip strengthens on the steering wheel.
You snap at him. “I’m not talking to myself, Armando. Why do you hate me, huh?!”
“Cállte!” He shouts
You don't know much Spanish, but you’ve heard him say it enough to know it’s time to walk away from the conversation.
So you do, resting your head against the window seal, counting the number of streetlights you see flash and shimmer as you zoom by.
When you were younger your mother couldn’t afford fancy candles so she used a flashlight instead. You imagine the streetlights as just that, wishing that one day you’d know what you did to anger Armando so much.
Not soon enough, the car comes to a halt. The only sounds filling the cabin are those of Armando undoing his seatbelt.
Annoyed, you don’t even look at him as he speaks. All he’s done is tear you down in the past few hours, you’re done giving him the energy you need to conserve.
“When we go inside, don’t say a word. I don’t care how many questions he throws your way, you don’t say shit. Am I clear?”
Slowly, you turn towards him. Your mouth is scrunched and your eyes filled with no sympathy for the devil in front of you.
“Crystal.” You whisper, venom leaking off your tongue as you speak.
Armando’s chest rises and falls as he takes in your anger. He squeezes Mikes keys between his hands, and you you really do your best to ignore the heat that unfurls inside of you when he bites his plump lip between his teeth and runs a hand over his dark, full beard.
You adjust in your seat, because despite his constant cold front, It looks as if he has something to say. You wait in contemplating silence, the only sounds in the cabin being your breathing and Armando’s hesitant taps on the keys.
Part of you just wants to go in a get this over with and never speak to him again, but another part is desperate for him to say something meaningful to you. Something like the things you say to him before a mission.
“Don’t die.”
“Come back in one piece.”
“Be careful.”
“We should all have pizza when you come back.”
You knew how scary things could get on missions and you just wanted your team to know you were there, to take away even a slither of the darkness clouding them in that moment. And for your first time, you thought Armando might do the same—say something meaningful—but he doesn’t.
In a flash he’s out of the car, handing the keys over to valet, threatening them about what will happen if any scratches and dents are found.
You take in a deep breath and look down at the camera, disguised as a gold necklace resting above the cut of your breast.
“You guys getting all this?” You whisper, stepping out of the car.
“Do you mean Moxy, or your fight with Hotmando?” Dorn says over the earpiece.
You come to a halt. “Shit, I’m sorry guys. I’ll keep it professional, okay. From here on out, I won’t let him get to me…that’s not what’s important.”
“Good, get in and come back to us. I need my girl and our wine down Sundays.” Kelly says.
You smile, making your way over to wear Armando stands at the mouth of the nightclub, hoping he heard your words.
The sour look on his face as you walk through the door he holds open for you—sure to flip my hair as you do, giving him a nice taste of your leave in conditioner—tells you he certainly did, and perhaps he didn’t like what you had to say, but nonetheless…
He wont bother you anymore. Not tonight, at least.
Inside Moxy tore hit with a wave of a scent that nearly makes you gag—weed, sweat, and criminal activity. The club its self is large in scale, high ceilings with rope dancers stringing off the tops and flashing red and blue lights melting to make a purple haze over the club. Smoke and bubble guns are in constant effect and you’re pretty sure you can feel the bass of Wiz Khalifa’s Black and Yellow in your thoracic cavity.
From what you can see there are three floors, the first and second appear to be where the actual clubbing takes place. You watch the sweaty bodies corralled into dance floors, babbling nonsense either too drunk or too high for their own good.
But above, on the third, it is caged in and covered by glass. Yellow lights, different from the multi-colored ones below, remain at a halt and big , burly men with guns at their hips wander the halls. No doubt looking to take out any threat that comes for their boss—Ramos Malik.
“The glass. It’s bullet proof.” Armando says, eyeing the scene above, just as you do.
You would praise him for the impressive catch. But you’re Jenna now, and Jenna doesn’t speak.
“Any sign of Malik?” Mike asks.
“Not yet,’ Armando places a hand on the small of your back, making you flinch. “But we’re about to find out.”
Never moving his hands from your waist, Armando guides the two of you through the sweaty pillage of bodies and towards the elevators.
The ride up is quick, quiet. That’s not shocking. But what is shocking, as soon as the elevator comes to a screeching halt, Armando grabs your hand in his, completely engulfing your own with his size.
The burning sensation wraps up your wrist and shoots straight to your cheeks where you flush.
“What are you doing?” You gasps, trying to pull away. You did not sign up for this kind of role play.
Armando turns to look at you. “If you’re my girlfriend, we’ve got to play the part. Other than that you just look like someone who I brought out on a hit with me.” He squeezes your hand.
You suck in a deep breath at the motion, looking away.
“What’s wrong, princesa? This too much for you?” For a second, you thought he meant the fact that he was holding your hand, and in that case he wouldn’t be wrong, but soon enough the doors open and you shortly realize what he means.
The two burly men from early, dapper in black and white suits, wait outside the elevator, fingers in the triggers of their guns.
“Aretas.’ They nod, tuning your attention to you. “Whose this?”
“My girl, Jenna.” Armando says, gruffly.
One of the men nods, motioning you forward. You swallow, backing up a bit, hesitant on what to do.
Armando nudges you forward. “Esta bien bebe.”
You nod and walk towards them. They grab you up, calloused hands running up and down your body, and your pretty sure they linger to long on your untouchables on purpose.
Sweat begins to pile in your hands as a thought burst into your mind. What would happen if they found the knife Kelly gave you? She’d shoved it in a pretty good spot, but still, these guys were being thorough…and not in a good way.
You make eye contact with Armando as one of the guards continues to fill you up with what feels like excessive force.
In a blur, Armando pushes off the wall with his foot, slapping a hand on the guards shoulder.
“She’s clear, eh?”
The guard nods.
Armando grips his collar and pulls him in close. “The why the fuck are you still touching her, hm?”
The guard swallows, fear evident in his eyes.
“Just covering the bases, that’s all, sir.” He whimpers.
“Cover the bases again like that with my girl, and I’ll cut your fucking hand off and feed it to your other fat fuck of a friend.” Armando notions to the guard behind.
The guard nods and swallows, caressing his hand.
“The boss is this way,” he guides us with a motion.
Armando grips your hand once more, leading your down the long hallway.
“You okay?” He asks, holding his gaze forward.
You look up at him, even in heels he still manages to be taller than you. “Don’t pretend to care.” You scoff.
That makes him halt, conjoined with him you have no choice but to face each other. His mouth opens and closes like a fish, yet no words come out.
You roll your eyes, looking past his shoulders. Inside the bright room, you can see a shadow of Ramos. “Let’s just get this over with.” You say.
Armando’s gaze lingers on your longer than you’d like, giving you the shivers despite the fire leaking off him.
Soon enough, he pushes open the door and you follow behind him.
The room is small, club girls linger around either serving drinks or being felt up on. Ramos’s men, stand at each corner of the room searching for the next threat to their boss. Luckily they haven’t figured it is you yet.
“Armando Aretas,” Ramos claps his hands, jumping off of the white couch he’s sat on.
He stalks over, cigar between his lips, and you take him in. He is nowhere near as stalky as Armando, and his curly blonde hair is put up into a bun, exposing the undercut beneath. You can’t catch the colors of his eyes because they are covered by dark, Fendi shades.
His business definitely makes money, and lots of it. His three piece black and burgundy suit screams it all.
“To what do I owe such great pleasures?” He bows, lifting your hand up and placing a kiss on the back. “That goes for you too, sugar.”
Armando squeezes your hand a bit tighter at the pet name. You want to bite back and tell him to go easy, but you’re on stage now, and for your own safety and his, it’s best if you don’t break the act.
“I’m in the business of buying something from you. Streets are hot down in Mexico right now, and I need to establish some new territories…with a little force.” Armando says smoothly, sometimes you forget he was a hardened criminal not too long ago.
Ramos clicks his tongue between his teeth. “Ah. Come sit.” He motions you two over to one of his coaches.
“Good job. Keep em’ talking.” Mike says over the coms.
Armando takes a seat across from Ramos and you do the same.
A chuckle leaves Ramos’s lips. “I don’t think your pet likes you very much,” he motions to the space between you two.
Armando smacks his lips. “Nonsense. Ven aquí, bebé.”
You swallow and scoot towards him. When you’re close enough, in one swift moment, Armando’s slips you in his lap, running a rough hand up and down the exposed parts of your thigh, sending shivers down your spine and goosebumps all over your body.
What the hell was happening.
Ramos chuckles, pouring himself and Armando a drink. He pushes it across the glass table, just out of reach.
Armando gives your ass a light slap, you turn and flare your nose, giving him your best “don't push it,” it glare.
He ignores it.
“Tráeme eso, mamá.” He says, motioning towards the glass.
You pick up the tumbler, suddenly realizing what he’s playing at. Ramos is watching because he isn't convinced. So you suck up your pride and do some convincing.
You grip Armando by his chin, rubbing the pad of your thumb in circles over his gruff beard before putting the glass against his lips, assisting him as he drinks.
Never once do his eyes leave you as he swallows the amber liquid, and the shivers that were once in your spine travel lower, much lower. You have to blink away the awful, dirty thoughts of you being in place of the glass out of your mind as you swipe away the spillage off his beard and plump, pink lips.
When you turn, Ramos’ shoulders drop and his smile is so wide it’s nearly reckless.
“So you’re in the business of buying my most popular product from me?”
“That’s right.” Armando says, a hand still caressing you slow and smooth.
“I am curious, though,’ Ramos takes a swig of his drink. “How did you hear about it?”
Armando shifts, the movement forcing you closer to his center. Your eyes go wide as saucers, your new position doing nothing for the growing pain massing within your heat.
“I’m an Aretas. Nothing in the streets goes past my ears…nothing.” Armando's confidence radiates off of him.
“Very well,” Ramos chuckles. “Let’s establish two parameters of this deal, then. One, you pay me before I give you any product. Two, you get caught with my product, you don’t tell a soul who you the fuck got it from. Sounds good?” He smiles.
Armando nods. “Just one thing,’ his hands enclose over your hips, sliding you off to the side, as he leans forward. “How do you make them? The bullets.”
Ramos frowns. “Why? You trying to steal my swag or something, Aretas?”
Armando chuckles. “Nah, just curious.”
“Feed his ego, he’s going to talk.” Kelly says.
“I mean, they're sharp, large, fast, quiet. It’s impressive. I just want to know how you do it before I invest any of my money into it.” Armando leans back, arms spread in a wide arch on the back of the couch.
“In our world now, with a little money, the right connections, and a fuck ton of fortitude, anything you can think of is a possibility.’ Ramos says, lighting another cigar. “It’s rare and hard to get everything right. But if you really want to know how I do it,’ he leans in, voice dropping to a whisper.
Armando does the same, you make the conscious effort not to. Instead you play with your necklace, making sure the camera catches his face and his face only when he confesses.
“It’s a three—,”
A sudden buzz swallows the conversation whole, swirling it down the dirty sink it had come up from. The buzz echoes once more before you realize where it comes from…your purse
Ramos straightens, likes a dog on guard, eyeing you fiercely. Your chest rises and falls with a weight heavier than gravity as your ringtone continues to blare out for everyone to hear.
Ramos licks his lips, like he’s hungry for what comes next. “Well don’t be shy, Ms. Jenna, answer the phone.”
You swallow and tuck a curl behind your ear. “I don’t think that’s appropriate right now. Let’s just finish up the deal—“
In a blur of fury, Ramos stands brandishing a gun, pointing it right at your chest.
“Make you perra answer the fucking phone, or I put holes in you both.”
“Answer the phone,” Mike calls to you. “Do what he asks.”
Armando gives you a cautious look as you slip your phone out of your purse. Your fingers are shaking, so answering takes a few tries but when you finally do get it, you see that it’s your sister calling.
“Make sure it’s on speaker too.” Ramos demands, clocking his gun.
You inhale deeply, press the speaker button, then answer, “Hey, sister, this isn’t really a good time.”
“Hey, I know you’re probably working late and all, but this is kind of important. My routers are not really working and I have a date with that guy, David, I told you about and I really need my tv to work.” She explains.
You bite your lip and lick the sweat that forms around them. “Have you tried turning your tv on and off again? You know I’m not really a whiz at that tech stuff.”
A pause, then your sister erupts in laughter. “Girl, are you high?’ She laughs. “You’ve been messing with wires and the internet since we were kids. That’s the whole reason twelve wanted you anyways”
Your hear sinks the moment she says those words, you hang up because the last thing you want is for your sister to hear you die.
“Well fuck me, Jenna, I’ll be damned.” Ramos growls, pushing his gun into your skull.
You pierce your eyes shut, brace for the burning impact of the bullet and pray for a quick death.
But it never happens, instead in a swift motion Armando pushes you off to the side causing you to collapse onto the ground. He makes a quick sweep of his leg, sending Ramos crashing onto his ass and the bullet that was meant for you soaring up and hitting the rafters, lodging into some wood.
Your breath is heavy as you watch all out war unfold before you. Armando takes on five men at once. The first man takes two tumblers over the head and one shard of glass to the neck, scarlett liquid oozing from the wound before he drops like dead weight beside you.
You let out a scream, backing away from the scene that moves like a riptide before you.
“Get out of there, now!” Kelly screams in your ear.
“I—I can’t just leave him!” You shout back.
“You have no training! We’re coming in, go, now!” Mike yells.
You gather yourself, undoing your heels, still watching Armando skillfully take out guys and keep clear of the gunshots that ring in the tiny room. You watch as he dropkicks one man, then shoots him in the face before stalking over to another man, dishing out a few punches, before finally gutting him with a knife.
He’s still on the move when you finally slip out of your heels. More of Ramos’s men are filing in and the fight expands,moving from the small room you were just in into the hallway where any innocent person could be hurt.
Unlike most times you weren’t in your gilded chair. You were in the field and you would help as many people as you could. So, you don’t think, you let the adrenaline cloud you as you bound down the hallway in hopes to get back downstairs and direct clubbers from the chaos.
Setting the golden elevator in your sites, you push faster. People below were already screaming, running wild. Who knows what could happen? How many people could be trampled and hurt. This only fuels you, quickening your stride. You nearly make it but a gunshot slows you, and the body of a bleeding girl drops before you, putting you into a full halt.
“Oh my god,” your voice is breathy and shaky.
“Why are you still in there!” Dorns’ voice becomes a far void as you rip at the bottom of your dress and use the fabric to compress her wound.
Two gunshots to the chests. The girl, who can’t be any older than yourself, gurgles blood which sprays onto her porcelain skin and leaks into her brown hair, sticking strands to the marble floor.
The girl coughs, sending blood splattering onto the side of your face, and claws at your arms, streaks of crimson standing out against your brown skin.
She murmurs, but it’s hard to hear.
You press deeper into her wounds. “Shh, it’ll be alright,’ You tell her “guys, I need a medic on the third floor when you get here. She’s…she’s in really bad shape.” You whimper.
The girl whines again, her eyes open and closing in two second intervals.
she raises her arm pointing a shaking finger in the direction behind you.
You wipe your eyes, blood no doubt trailing on your face now.
“What?” You croak. “What is it?” You turn around and see Ramos Malik limping over to you, a large knife in his hand.
You stand, putting distance between him, yourself and the girl.
“You’re a real bitch, you know that?’ An injured Ramos says, limping toward you with his knife pointed. “Trying to get me caught up in some trap, but you weren’t even smart enough to shut off your phone!” He screams, lunging at you with the knife.
You tumble backwards, your back and head hitting the marble floor with the weight of you both. You cry out as pain sears through you, especially your hand.
It takes you a moment of readjusting to the bright lights and sounds to realize why. You caught the fucking knife in your hand.
You scream, as Ramos pulls it from your palm in a slice. Your hand open and bleeding, you cry out and roll away from another vicious attack by Ramos.
He growls and lunges at you again, grabbing a tuft full of your curls. You beat at his legs with your good hand, squirming in his grip. He pulls at your hair, making you scream, lowering his knife to your neck, pressing inward.
You let out an animalistic scream, pressing your thumb into the oozing wound on his leg. He screeches, falling to his knees.
Wasting no time, you crawl away.
You think you’ve gotten far enough.
You rise up on your knees and push the elevator button, but the cold hand on your ankle snatches you back.
You claw at the marble floors, leaving a trail of blood, as Ramos drags you like a rag doll. He stops, flipping you over and planting his weight on top of you.
You flail, kicking the ground and scratching at his face, desperate for him to let go. But he doesn’t. Instead, he cages you with his legs and wraps both hands around your neck, applying so much pressure that your vision blurs.
Under his grip, your breaths become distant and faint. Your muscles relax, and your eyes bulge. Turning your head to the side, you can barely make out the flashing blue and red lights from outside.
The team is here. But you're not sure they'll find you in time because Ramos is relentless, and the air in your lungs is vanishing. Your skull feels like it’s being crushed, the pressure intense.
You feel yourself slipping away, losing focus on your surroundings. Ramos moves your head to face him, and he’s a mass of incoherent clouds above you, the only clear thing are his dark, empty eyes.
“Look at me, baby. I like my victims to look at me before they die,” he growls, spit slipping from his mouth. “I hope Aretas finds you like—”
Ramos drops, and oxygen rushes back into your lungs like a clap of thunder.
You shudder on the ground, scraping at your neck and slapping your chest.
Warm hands engulf your cheeks, and it takes a minute for the blur to leave your vision. When it does, you see Armando before you, a smoking gun at his side.
“¿Estás bien, mamá?”
His voice barely registers before oxygen slips from your lungs again, and you slump over, hitting the ground.
Armando scoops you up, and even though it should be a relief, you can’t help but be saddened by the way your team jumps over the girl you couldn’t save.
Darkness swallows you whole as your team swarms you and Armando.
“The stitches will dissolve on their own in time as your wound heals itself.’ Kelly says, tightening the last of the bandages on the hand Ramos had sliced.
“Thanks, Kelly.’ You smiled softly, rubbing at the soreness that still lingered all over your body, especially your neck.
Ramos and his men had been arrested, not on the charges the team had planned, but still, getting him locked away for attempted murder of a police officer and soliciting drugs would have to be good enough for now.
Kelly rubs your shoulders, a soft sigh leaving her lips. “I’m really sorry this happened to you,’ she says, eyeing your injuries, the bandages on your knees and hands, the purple-ish bruise on your neck, and the small scratches and scrapes all over your body. You definitely weren’t as hot as you were that night.
“It’s okay.” You smile. “I’m still here, so.” You shrug.
“You were brave that night, saving that girl. We’re all so proud of you.” Kelly says.
You shake your head. “But I didn't save her, Kels. She died. Right there, she bled out.’ Tears start to rim your eyes as the memories of the girl and her blood in your hands flare in your mind. “Fuck,” you cover your eyes with your palms. “I could hardly save myself that night…if it wasn’t for Armando, I’d be dead.”
You sniffle, taking a seat on a nearby stool. “I’m not cut of for the field, and I don’t think I should ever do it again.”
Kelly swarms you. “No. Don’t say that.’ She shakes her head. “We’ve all been there, helpless, but that’s why we’re a team. We cover each other's six when shit gets rough. So don’t feel bad, we won’t let you.”
You nod slowly, trying to let her words penetrate your soul so that you could really believe them. But right now, you couldn’t. You put everyone at risk because you made a rookie mistake by leaving your phone on.
You were to blame for all the carnage, all the bloodshed and chaos.
Armando was right, it was a suicide mission. And it was all your fault.
Kelly’s phone ringing thrusts you out of your thoughts.
She reads the screen number and looks at you. 'I got to go,’ she motions. “But if you need me, call me, seriously.”
You nod and wave her goodbye. You turn and fully expect to hear the compound's heavy, steel doors slam shut and lock, but they never do.
On high alert you turn and meet eyes with Armando. He’s in his typical black on black, head to toe. The only thing different about him is the white bandage covering the bulge of his arm.
You try not to stare too hard at the way his black shirt clings to his body, flexing every taunt muscle as he strides down the steps and towards you with a force.
Refocusing, you work on the project at hand—Dorns broken drone. You mesh wires together and a spark comes alive, something like the sparks you feel when Armando takes a seat next to you, leaving up against the steel work table.
“So that’s it, eh?” He says, staring at you. “Gonna ignore me.”
You keep fussing with your wires. “Not sure there is much to say.”
Armando chuckles bitterly. “I’m sure I could find some words. How about we start with, lo siento or soy un maldito idiota.”
You slam down your tools and turn to face him, fire blazing in your eyes. “I don’t even know what the fuck you just said.” You growl.
Armando stands, towering over you. “I’d be happy to translate for you, princesa. It means you fucked up and cost alot of people their lives.”
You flinch at his words, more reality of your mistake clouding over you. “You don’t think I know that? I’ve regretted my mistake every night when I cry myself to sleep because all I can see is that girl's face.
Your voice wavers. “Her blood.”
“If you feel like that then you should have listened to me when I told you that mission was suicide.” He growls.
“Fuck you.” You spat, walking away.
Armando catches your forearm, pulling you back towards him. “I’m not done, so don’t walk away from me.”
“Let me the hell go!” You try jerking from his grip but it’s no use, you’re stuck, stuck taking his abuse.
“No, you need to know that it was your fault out there. That your place is in the chair,’ he motions to your desk behind you. “You can’t handle the field, you’re not built for it.”
The need to prove him wrong boils in your gut causing you to lift your hand and swing it out towards Armando’s face.
Bad idea.
He catches your arm with ease and now both your limbs are in his hands. You try to snatch away, but Armando keeps you steady, pulling you closer until the two of you are breaths away from each other.
The heat in your chest spreads like wildfire as you watch Armando’s eyes linger on your bruised lips, then trailing down slowly to your hands and legs, accessing all your injuries as if they matter to him.
“Besides,’ he trails on, his index finger glazing cautiously over the ring bruise on your neck. “If it wasn’t more me out there, princesa, you’d be dead.”
“I didn’t think…”
“That’s the point,’ Armando holds you steady. “You didn’t think, and you not using your head almost got you killed. And if you would have died I—.”
There's a quivering pause in Armando’s voice, his eyes slam shut tight. You don’t know what to make of this, one second he hates you and the next he cares if you’re dead or not. Armando is a mystery you’re too tired to decode.
You jerk from his grasps once more and this shocks his eyes back open.
“Are you done?” You manage to say.
Armando licks his lips, slowly releasing you from his grasp.
“I’m done,’ he says, backing away from you.
You hold onto the steel table for support, the scorch of his touch slowly fleeting.
You hear the steel door crack open and turn to watch him leave, but he’s halted at the precipice, “One last thing, stay in the chair next time. It’s where you belong.”
With that he leaves, the steel door slamming shut and your confidence crumbling down.
You tried your hardest to not let Armando affect you, but he does. His words cut you deeper than Ramos’s knife. Maybe he was right, maybe you should just stay in the chair. But what if there was another time they needed you in the field? Could you just say no without feeling immense guilt? Probably not.
So when you write your resignation and leave it on your desk and walk away from the compound, you do it because you can’t stand to see the people you care about get hurt, all because you’re not a good enough cop.
“Okay, seriously! Are you really going to be that stupid and go back into the house where you know the killer is! Come on Noah!” You shout at your television screen.
It’s been a week since you put in your resignation and the amount of discourse behind it has resulted in you shutting off your phone and locking yourself inside, watching shitty horror movies to pass the time.
Because if you step foot outside, you’ll be mobbed by friends from the department and your friends from AMMO who, to say the least, weren’t happy about your resignation.
All but one.
Not that he mattered anyway.
They all hated that you quit, saying you needed to come back immediately and talk this out. But you couldn’t.
How could you face them when you were such a coward and created all that chaos? They worked so hard to save lives and keep order and you did nothing but fuck shit up.
It was time to jump ship before someone else got hurt in the crossfires of your neglect.
The thought pushes you deeper into your plush green couch that sits far back into your home, well renovated garage. But hey, Miami is expensive, and this place was renting out, so you just renovated it. A little love all around and it became an actual home.
You let loose a small smile looking around, the walls, once bare and industrial, now are splattered with a lively palette of bright yellows, deep blues, and playful greens. They are decorated with framed posters of all the things you love: vintage video games, classic sci-fi movies, and beloved comic book covers, each one a nod to your past. Strings of fairy lights crisscross the ceiling, casting a soft, whimsical glow that contrasts beautifully with your high-gear equipment scattered throughout.
Your floor is a patchwork of colorful rugs, each with its own story. Some are intricately patterned, those are the ones your parents gifted you, while others are simple yet bold, adding a splash of color to the room. Together, they might be your favorite part of the whole place, just because they keep your bare feet warm on lazy nights like these.
In one corner, a plush, oversized bean bag chair sits next to a low coffee table cluttered with all your retro memorabilia – old gaming cartridges, Rubik's cubes, and a couple of well-worn graphic novels.
The heart of your home garage is the tech haven. Your large, custom-built desk stretches along one wall, supporting your impressive army of monitors in various sizes. High-end computers hum quietly, their cases glowing with neon lights. Cables and wires, though numerous, are neatly organized, snaking their way through the room in an orderly fashion.
Shelves above and around the desk hold a treasure trove of tech gadgets and components – everything from VR headsets and drones to soldering kits and spare parts. A 3D printer sits in a place of honor, its latest creation still cooling on the print bed.
Your home made you feel complete, but still after you quit you do feel a little empty. You miss the small talks at work, the laughter, the bickering, the teasing. It just wasn’t the same alone. But again, it was for the best, because if there is one thing you know—keeping your family safe is the most important thing, above all.
And you’d hate to be their reckoning.
Flipping open your laptop you continue to scroll through your job search.
“What do you think, Chester?’ You say to your golden retriever. “Tech support job? Or maybe we go dark and get into hacking for higher companies.”
Chester whines, fidgeting in his spot next to you.
“You’re right, no going bad. Tech support it is.’ Chester rummages around a bit more before springing over your coach, darting towards the door. “Hey, I can work from home with this one!” You say.
Chester’s barks ring out, bouncing off the walls relentlessly.
You stand and make your way over to what’s got him so riled up. At the door, you bend down and pet him, still doing nothing to soothe his barks.
“Chessy, what’s wrong, huh?” You grab his collar, pulling him towards the door and opening it.
You stick both your heads out the door, turning them left and right, the only thing you see and hear is darkness and the bad storm slamming outside. You pull back inside and Chester sticks to you like glue. “See, nothing to worry about.’ You squat down to love on your dog, who's growling like crazy right now. “We aren’t like Noah, we don’t go into scary houses for fun. We’re safe here, Ramos is gone. ” You pat his head, but that only makes him bark more.
“Chester, enough already.” you stand, moving towards the kitchen and getting yourself a glass out of the cabinet, flicking on the sink, and filling it with water.
Your just about to take a sip when a loud crack of lighting explodes, illuminating your dark house, revealing a cloaked figure behind you.
You scream and drop your cup, shards exploding on the ground around your feet. Chester is in a full on frenzy right now, and rightfully so. Could this be Ramos’s men, did he send them to finish you off?
“You’re one crazy bitch, you know that?”
“Look at me, baby. I like my victims to look at me before they die.”
You scrape at your neck, the tender bruise making you hiss as if the pressure of Ramos choking you has never left.
The figure steps forward and you screech, ripping a butcher knife from your kitchen sink, and pointing it at them.
“Back the fuck up!” You scream. “I’m a fucking cop!” You take wobbly steps back, watching Chester go up the figure and sniff them…then roll over?
Chester by no means is an aggressive dog, but he loves you, and if he sensed you were in danger he’d protect you with his life. So when he begins to receive pets from the intruder, you lower your knife.
“Kelly?” You say, she knows Chester, you’ve brought him to the compound many times before, but she’s the only one on your team who has a key to your place.
The figure doesn’t answer, they just move over to the corner of the kitchen, flipping on the light.
Your shoulders drop the moment you see his thick beard and warm-brown skin peeking from underneath his black hoodie.
“How the fuck did you get in?” You cross your arms over your chest.
Armando shrugs off his jacket, tossing it onto your kitchen stools. “It’s not exactly a place with state of the art security.”
“I could have killed you, Chester too.”
Armando snickers. “You and your pooch wouldn’t have done a thing.”
You grumble, crossing the kitchen landscape and moving towards the coaches. “What do you want, you're interrupting my movie night.”
Armando follows, hot on your trail. “I can see that. By the way, is that hello kitty on your pajamas?”
You look down and groan. Of course you’d be wearing something totally embarrassing when your least favorite ex-coworker breaks into your house.
“Stop switching the subject. Why are you here?”
Armando rustles in his pocket before pulling out a paper and shoving it into your hands.
You’re careful to unfold it because there is rain damage from the storm, but when you get it open, despite the smooshed ink on the page, you see it’s your resignation letter.
“Okay, and?” You shrug.
“Okay, and, take it back.” He says.
You chuckle. “You’re joking, right. Like you have to be joking.”
Armando’s face is straight. “I’m not.”
You plop down on your couch. “I’m not taking it back, I'm already looking at different jobs.”
A scoff leaves his lips. “So that’s it, eh? You’re just going to run away.”
You close your eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Weren't you the one who told me I should quit?”
“I never said that. I said you needed to stay in the chair, and still, you did the opposite of that.” He says.
You stand. “What’s the point of saying I’m a cop, if I don’t actually save people. You said that entire night was on me, so I backed away from the situation and now you’re mad?”
Armando sits quietly for a moment, tapping his leg against the ground. “I never said quit.”
“It doesn’t matter what you said. I did what I felt I needed to do.”
Armando scoffs, turning in his seat. “Yeah I can see that, real egoísta if you ask me.”
You stand, marching over towards the kitchen. “You know I have no clue what you’re saying.”
Armando turns, follows you, taking a seat at the bar. And before you know it, just like that compound before, you're caged between his legs.
“I called you selfish.”
You let out a gasp. “How the hell am I selfish?”
“Because you left the team!”
“I left the team to keep everyone safe! Not because I’m selfish!”
“We're safe! And we’ll be safer knowing that you’re safe, too, especially with some of Ramos’s associates still out there! I—we need to keep tabs on you.”
You stumble back. “What?’ You swallow. “Are you telling me my life is in danger? That Ramos will send people after me?”
“It’s a possibility we’re considering,’ Armando says, his eyes never leaving you as you sit across from him. “But if you come back to work we can keep you safe.”
“And what’s to say they won’t come for me any other time?” You croak. “Being in that compound doesn’t guarantee my safety.”
Armando rubs a slow hand over his face. “But I can.” He says, hardly above a whisper.
“You. Protect me?”
“Why is that so far-fetched?” He says.
“Armando, you hate me.”
“You keep putting words in my mouth, princesa, and I don’t like it.”
“I’m not putting words in your mouth. It’s just, actions speak louder.’ You shrug. “Ever since you got into AMMO, we’ve been the least close out of everybody. No matter how hard I tried, we just never connected. So yes, I’m sorry if I find you putting yourself on the line for me, unprovoked, a little hard to believe.”
Armando stands, his frame opposing against yours. He lifts his shirt and you hiss at what you see. Bandages, dried blood, and purple bruises litter his torso.
You look away but he catches your chin with his thumb, pulling your attention back to him.
“I wouldn’t put myself on the line for you,’ he said, pulling his shirt back down. “I already fucking did.”
“I never asked you too.” You mutter, looking away ashamed that you caused that.
“You didn’t have to.’ He sighs. “I couldn’t stand to see you get hurt.”
“What?” You turn, slow tears building, blurring your vision now.
“I didn’t want you to go out there because, as much as I try to hide it, I care about you.” Armando says, hot brown eyes melting into you.
You blink, stalling and stepping back. Armando…cares about you? Those two things shouldn’t even be in conjunction and your brain can’t process that they are.
The man in front of you has never been anything but harsh towards you, now he comes to your home in the middle of the night begging you to come back to work and confessing his feelings for you.
You truly must be dreaming…this can’t be real. Not that you’d be mad if it was. Despite all your bickering and misunderstandings, you still held a soft spot for Armando. You could see he was trying to be a better person, a more open person, regardless of his flaws.
And there were moments when he was kind to you, like opening doors for you, walking side by side with you to your car late at night, never forgetting to get your lunch along with the teams if you couldn’t make it. You knew he had a nice side to him and that’s why you showed him yours time and time again. Showed him it was okay to be vulnerable, but now he is, truly is, and you can’t even compute it.
“Why would you say something like that?” You swallow, something weird stirring inside of you, making you step closer towards him.
Armando does the same, closing the gap between you two. “Say what, princesa? The truth.”
You don’t mean to, but you whimper as the nickname leaves his lips. You look down, heat flushing in your cheeks. “Please don’t call me that.”
Armando scoops your chin with his index finger, your eyes latching and twinkling under the soft glow of your house's lights. “¿Por qué? no puedo manejarlo.”
“No.” You breath, studying every bridge and sharp angle of his face. This close, his beauty is unbelievable.
Armando’s thick, kept beard, is just as dark as his hair. His brown eyes are surrounded by a shade of full lashes, and his plump pink lips, glistening in the soft light. Armando Aretas was hard to resist and that’s why you feel yourself falling closer into him.
Like your mind is on autopilot, your hands fall to his chest, resting there and feeling every muscle he’s worked so hard for.
“I can see that.” Armando smirks. “I can also see that you care for me, too.”
“Want me to show you how I know?” He whispers, lips touching your ear and making you gasp.
You nod. There was no point in resisting him at that moment. Not that you wanted to either.
In one swift motion, Armando bends down and then you're airborne. His hands rest underneath your thighs as he carries you to your bedroom.
Walking over, your eyes never leave each other. You open your mouth to speak as a thought holds you captive.
“Is this why you said all those mean things? To discourage me because you didn’t want me to get hurt?” You ask, caressing his face in your hands.
Armando leans into the touch, nodding his head just as you two pass through the door of your bedroom.
He sets you down gently and you cling your arms around his neck.
“Why didn’t you just tell me that?” You ask.
Armando’s hands encircle your waist as he sighs. “I didn’t know how. I was just so angry that they’d even ask you to do something like that anyway.”
“And you were angry because you liked me?”
Armando nods.
“And when I was pretending to be Jenna…were you acting then, too?”
Armando chuckles, biting his lip, you look away to keep from melting. “You mean when I smacked your ass? I might have taken advantage of the situation then.”
You hit his chest and laugh. “I can’t believe you. That’s a violation!”
Armando leans in close. “I’d be happy to violate you some more, princesa.”
You chuckle lightly and wither out of his grip, taking a seat on the bed.
Armando frowns, sitting next to you. “What’s wrong? Was it something I sa—,”
“No. It’s fine. It’s just…I’ve never actually been with anyone before.”
Armando stills. “Oh. I was just joking with you,” he stands. “I can leave.”
Quickly, you grab his wrist, pulling him back. “No. I don’t want you to.’ You stand, taking his face in your hands and pulling him close. His lips are inches from yours and you can feel his nose brush against yours. “I want you to show me, just like you said.” You moan, placing your lips onto his.
Armando shutters, placing a hand on the nape of your neck. He opens his mouth, swiping his tongue over the bottom of your lips, asking for entry. You oblige and he slips inside, turning the kiss hot and fierce.
Armando swallows every moan you release, gripping your hips and pushing you back against the bed, his weight gently hovering on top of you.
He uses his legs, he spreads you open, you gasp at the motion allowing him access to your neck.
Like a man starving, Armando attacks your neck with hot-trailed kisses, lingering sucks and suckles, and licks that drive you wild, the heat between your legs pulsing now with desire.
“Fuck,’ you gasps and he palms over one of your breasts, sucking on the tender spot beneath your ear.
“Te gusta ese, bebe?” Armando whispers against your skin.
You shake your head “Yes.” You whimper.
Armando leans back, pulling at your top. “Let’s get this off of you, eh?”
You sit up just enough, allowing him access to pull the fabric off of you.
In a flash he peels your shirt off of you, leaving you bare in front of him.
Impulse has you covering yourself, but Armando reaches out, slowly moving your arms away from your chest.
“Don’t hide from me, mama.” He says, eyes darkening when he finally has a full view of your boobs.
“Mierda, you’re so beautiful baby.” He moans.
You shutter as he talks one breast in his hands, rubbing circles with it, while the other he latches his plump lips onto, sucking at your nipples.
The sensation causes your head to snap back and a deep, repressed moan to fly from your lips. Armando was doing the lords work with both his hand and tongue.
You squirm, squeezing your legs together and stimulating your spot, making your pants leak with want.
You had never had to opportunity to be with a man before, but in this moment you wanted nothing more than to fuck Armando.
“Fuck me,” you moan out. “Please.”
Armando chuckles, the sensation against your nipple makes you hiss. “Estás tan impaciente, princesa.’ He smacks your ass. “But eh, if that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get.” He smirks, pushing you down against the bed.
He hovers on top, snatching his shirt off. All of his rippling muscles on display before you. You bite your lip at the site, hoping to see more and soon.
“If you want me to fuck you, will have to get rid of these, no?” He pulls at the strings of your pajama bottoms.
You nod, eager to have him inside of you.
In a blur, Armando pulls off your pants, tossing them to the side.
If you thought you saw darkness in his eyes when he saw your boobs, the look he has now is nothing in comparison. His eyes are nearly pitch black as he takes in what is soon to be his.
Armando spreads open your legs, hissing once he gets a glimpse at your glistening cunt.
You moan just at the thought of bearing it all in front of him.
“God, fuck.” He says, pulling down his pants and revealing a surprise of his own that makes you gasp.
Though covered in boxers, you can see just what he was working with. And to say the least, he was huge, and thick.
“Come here, baby.’ He moans, pulling you by your thighs to the edge of the bed. “Let me taste you.” He says.
You watch as Armando’s head lowers between your legs and the second his mouth touches your pussy, you fell back into the bed.
His mouth makes quick work of you, versing between sucking on your clit and licking your slit in a rhythm that builds a euphoria inside your gut.
The force of his tongue against your pussy and the pressure of his lips wrapped around your swollen clit has your back arching and screaming out.
Your toys had nothing on Armando.
“Please,” you whimper and try to squirm, but Armando holds you in place, slapping your ass twice as hard as a repercussion.
With each pass of his tongue, circling arcs on your pussy you can feel yourself climbing to the edge. Armando must feel it too because he puts the cherry on top when he sinks a thick finger inside of you.
“Oh my—ugh!”
You’re a whimpering, whining mess. The sheets beneath you turning a new shade of green as you soak them with your slick.
Armando adds another finger in for good measure only adding to the build up in your stomach. Each pump, suck, and lick causes a buckle to snap inside of you and a high only the man eating you out right now can give you is climbing.
You reach higher, and higher. Your orgasm just around the bend.
One last pump and suck, and you come undone, all over Armando’s face.
Armando comes back up from the floor, crawling over top of you. With the little moonlight that shines into your bedroom you can see yourself covering his beard, droplets of cum covering most of it.
“Taste yourself for me.” He growls, lowering his lips into yours.
You latch on and a sweet, yet neutral, flavor slips onto your lips as you and Armando kiss in a harmonious rhythm.
You never let go from his grasps as your hand travels down. You grab a hold of his massive, bulging cock.
Armando hisses and whimpers as you begins to stroke it with a various pressures: soft, hard, slow, the soft again. He shutters above you, his faces desperate and pleading.
“You’ll make me come like that.’ He breaths, gripping your hands. “I thought you were a virgin?”
“I am,’ you hiss, still squirming. “But I think it’s a bullshit construct. I’m still highly sexual,’ you say, pulling at his cock, bringing it forth. “And I want to be highly sexual with you.”
Armando bites his lips, pulling you into his lap. “Eres un problema, princesa.”
“I know,” you say, kissing him once more.
You rock back and forth, feeling his cock press against your needing pussy. The pressure making you both shake in anticipation.
Armando breaks the kiss. “Do you have a condom?”
You shake your head. “No, but I’m on birth control.”
He nods. “Good, you’re going to need it.”
He flips you over so that he is on top. Finally, he reaches down and slips out of his boxers, his cock, thick, long and full, springs to life and you can’t help but moan. Your pussy is aching with the need to be filled.
Armando spreads your legs open, angling the tip of his cock with your pussy’s pulsing entrance.
“Are you sure about this, baby?” He asks.
“I’m sure. Now fuck me, please.”
Armando obeys, slowly slipping his cock inside of you.
You hiss at the burning, stretching pain, digging your nails into his back as he pushes in, your pussy swallowing him inch by inch.
“Mm,” you croak.
Armando stops. “Are you okay?” He shakes
You grip at his ass, forcing him inside deeper, despite the burn you’re desperate to feel all of him. “Don’t stop.” You moan. “Please keep going.”
Armando pushes in further and deeper, tearing you open, until you’re fully stretched and he’s reached the depths of your ocean.
You two stay still for a moment, him allowing you time to adjust to the new stretching sensation and his size.
You lean up to kiss him. He deepens it, molding his mouth to yours, before slowly moving.
You moan, holding onto him as he picks up the pace, thrusting into you faster.
You can feel the pain melting into pleasure the more he pounds into you.
Harder and faster you begin to feel yourself loose control, your euphoria coming to hit its second peak.
“Fuck me, ugh! Please, Armando!” You shot, lifting your legs, granting him deeper access.
Armando grips the tiny mound between your hip and leg, using it as leverage to drive his thick cock deeper into your soaking wet pussy.
Animalistic groans leave his lips as he drives into you at an unholy pace. The sounds of skin slapping and drawn out, breathy moans fill the room, reaching a devilish peak when you scream out, coming and pulsing around his cock.
Armando follows you not shortly after, his dick pulsing and pumping his spillage into you.
He rolls off of you, taking you in his arms and placing a sweaty kiss on your forehead.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” He murmurs on your forehead.
“Okay.” You smile, your legs sore and your middle aching.
Armando lifts you up bridal-style and carries you into the bathroom.
Soon you’re surrounded by steam and soap as you two bathe each other down.
Showered, you two snuggle in bed, a burning question still at the forefront of your mind.
“Armando?” You say.
“Hm,’ he is hardly awake at this point.
“When did you realize you cared about me?” You ask, angling your head to head to get a good look at him.
Armando chuckles, stroking your curls you have yet to put in a bonnet. “I think I always did. I was just scared.”
“Scared? Of what?”
“Maybe that you wouldn’t see me the way i see you.” He sighs. “I see only the good in you, and maybe that makes me a blind man, but I’m certain you’re a woman who can see through facades, and you wouldn’t see any goodness in me.”
You sit up. “That’s not true. Armando, of course you’ve done terrible things, but that’s not what I see when I look at you.”
Armando takes a hold of your bandaged hand, placing a small kiss on the palm. “So what do you see?”
“Now? I just see you, and all the tiny little good things that I love.”
A small smile graces Armando’s face before he leans in, kissing you softly. You sigh against his lips, not wanting this moment to end.
Though you two had some struggles, you wouldn’t have this pairing any other way.
You just wished you’d checked your blind spot early to see all the little signs you were missing.
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juletheghoul · 1 month
if you are still taking requests for the general can we PLEASE see what would happen if reader were ever in danger or threatened or kidnapped? to see marcus’ reaction and him do whatever it takes to get them back?? and his reaction to when he does?? 😭😭 i’m shaking askingthis omg,,
You're so right for this nonny, you're practically in my head. I was working on a chapter of the General, and it's basically this so here we go!
Warnings; 18+ no minors, vague but big-legal age gap, piv sex, dirty talk, violence, attack on the villa - you are hurt and Marcus gets serious, hurt/comfort, creampie, master / slave dynamic (power imbalance), Marcus calls reader Girl, reader calls Marcus Dominus, let me know if I missed any!
Unbeta’d, any mistakes are my own!
Pairing: Marcus Acaciusx F!Reader
word count: 2.8k
reblogs are appreciated
Prev chapter Masterlist series masterlist
Your fingers cramped, his tunic had been more damaged than you’d initially thought and what you’d imagined would only take a few minutes, had taken the better part of an hour. With his tunic mended, you used the small knife to cut the thread and blessedly stretched, wincing at the ache in your back from being hunched over. An odd feeling weighed down the pit of your stomach and it was hard to place until you realized how eerily quiet the house was. Not just the familiar quiet of night, but an all-encompassing hush that seemed to cover everything like a blanket. 
No crickets chirping, no night birds singing, even the breeze seemed to have stopped. An icy finger followed the line of your spine and when his dogs began barking loudly, it almost made you jump out of your skin. 
You ignored the unease in your stomach and reassured yourself, the hour had grown late, and all of the chores had been completed. All that was left to do was fill the water basin in his private chamber, as well as yours. The dogs still barked as you made your way through the peristyle, irritated that despite being well trained, they did not relent. It was unlike them to ignore a command from your dominus and with a frown you belatedly notice one of the house's guards lying prone. 
You gasped, rushing over to him to help him, hoping it was only the heat that had gotten to him. You turned him, struggling to reach his face when your hands felt something wet, and with a barely contained scream, you saw that he had been attacked, and had not survived. The realization hit you like a knife to the belly, there was someone in the house, someone intent on sending your Dominus to the underworld. 
Ice crawling through your veins and with your heart in your throat, you ran towards his chambers to warn him.
The halls were dark and quiet as you ran as fast as your legs could carry you, praying to Diana to bless you with swiftness, to Mars to bless Marcus’ sword, and to humbly beg Pluto to stay away. 
Diana did not listen, and a shadow caught you unawares in the dark hall outside his chamber, cutting off the scream before it left your mouth. Your vision blurred as the faceless hulk behind you all but lifted you by the throat, making you squirm in his grip until he pressed the sharp tip of his blade to your back. 
“Silence!” He hissed into your ear, pain radiating from your neck, and where his knife cut shallowly into the skin of your back. You tried to scream, to kick and struggle out of his grip but it was iron, and when he slammed you back against the wall the world turned on its head. You choked on the coughs stuck in your throat, vaguely making out the angry words he hissed in your face. 
“Where is he? Where does he keep the valuables?” The fight was going out of you, your eyes, felt like they were going to pop out of your head, and your hands had surely been weighed down with something. Warmth ran down your back. 
Your vision blurred and a sinking realization hit you. 
I am going to die here.
Everything faded for a moment before you fell, hard, onto the ground. Breathing in felt like swallowing fire, your body was so heavy, and you couldn’t be sure how much time passed before you took in the scene. The man that had attacked you was on the floor before you, his eyes open, but never to see anything again. 
“Are you hurt?” His voice is like a balm and it’s with frantic hands that you clutch at him where he’s crouched in front of you. 
“Dominus-”  Your voice comes out like gravel, your throat burning so much so, tears fill your eyes and he shakes his head, shushing you softly. 
“Quiet girl, do not speak if it pains you, simply nod, are you hurt anywhere but here?” His hand is wet with blood, but it touches your neck soft as silk. You nod your head as he helps you to stand, holding you close to his warmth, his eyes scan over all of you, frowning when he sees the blood seeping through the back of your tunic, and flowing down towards your ankle. 
“Let me see.” He lifts it, turning you in his grip and an angry sound fills his mouth. 
Your heart fills with something huge, something unknowable, unnamable. 
“Can you walk?” The strength in him rears its head, and he practically holds you up, you nod your head yes and he nods back once, pressing his bloody finger to his lip to keep you quiet before tucking you in behind him. He picks up his sword and slowly, you both make your way through his halls, hunting those who dared threaten him. He pokes his head around a corner and is confronted with a small group of his attendants, the older women, the toughest of them has a knife in her hand. 
“Hide yourselves, I will find you once the threat is removed. Go to the cellar and bar yourselves in.” He nods once and they obey, trusting him to protect those who are alive. You move to join them but his free hand holds you tight. “You stay with me, girl.”
You nod and hold onto his arm like an anchor. 
He finds them in his library, rifling through his things and for a moment your heart drops at the sight of them. There are four of them, and they turn in unison, dropping his parchments and smiling to see him alone, and worst of all, accompanied by an injured slave. 
Wordlessly they begin to circle and with your throat burning, you begin to pray once more. 
One of them advances too quickly and Marcus slices him from throat to groin without blinking. The blood splatters onto Marcus and then spreads from where the man falls on the floor and you feel as though you’re stuck in a nightmare. 
“I will give the rest of you the chance to keep your lives if you leave now.” 
“To what end? You’ve seen our faces, you will just come looking for us.” One of the braver ones spits it back in his face, looking to the others for support. They advance but he doesn’t let them close enough to hurt either of you. You see why he’s earned his reputation firsthand, and your brain rebels against itself. Part of you is terrified to see such violence outside the arena, in the place that is your home no less. Another part of you though, rejoices to see him fight for his house, for you. His sword moves swiftly, as fluid as water as he cuts his way through them with terrifying ease. 
He drips in their blood, unfeeling, unseeing, until there is one left on the ground, clutching at his wounds. 
“Mercy, I beg of you!” He holds his hands up, eyes shining with a fear you have never seen. 
“The time for mercy has passed.” He blocks your view, but you hear the sound of flesh parting, a sickening gurgling sound, and then silence. 
You stand there in the dark room, still as a statue until he blocks your vision again, his bloodied hands holding your face softly. He says nothing, only holds your gaze and you cannot help but press yourself close, gripping onto his arms if only to convince yourself that he is healthy and whole before you. 
Wordlessly, he leads you away from the gore of the room. He completes his circuit of the house, finding the guards that survived the attack as well as other attackers, none of them having survived their attempt. 
He thanks them for fulfilling their duty to protect and orders them to dispose of the gore corrupting his home. He orders them to find the others hidden away, to let them know the house is once again safe. Your hands tremble, but you cannot be sure if it’s from fear or from the way he has not let you go since this whole ordeal began. You look down as he speaks his commands, to see the way his hand sits on your hip, wrapped around you, pressing you close to his side. The blood on his hands has seeped into the fabric of your tunic, it is smeared all over your arms and your neck. You swallow and the pain is still there, and when you shift his hand tightens around you, pressing into the shallow cut and you wince. 
He feels the way you shy away from the pain, and promptly dismisses his guards, advising them that fresh water and linens are to be brought to him at once. 
“Come girl, let me tend to that.”
The shaking does not stop, neither does the feeling of ghostly fingers wrapping themselves around your neck. Neither does the pain. Your fingers itch to do something, but with your Dominus cleaning and bandaging your wound, you can do nothing but stand in front of him, and tremble like a leaf. 
He does his best to soothe, but his gentle touch and soft words can only do so much. There is anger in you, a sharp clawing desire to break something, to hurt those that hurt you, those that snuck into his house like rats to do naught but harm. If your throat didn’t hurt so much, you’d scream. His lips bring you back though, where they press to your back when he is done bandaging you up. 
You watch him, wild-eyed with the blood still pounding in your ears, and wonder how he can be so calm, cleansing the blood off his skin like he’s done it a thousand times. But hasn’t he? The reality of him becomes crystal clear, this was nothing to him. His eyes are focused on the task at hand, they move methodically, dipping into the water and scrubbing at his face, and his arms. He undresses to the skin and continues his ritual, only looking to you once he is satisfied with his state. 
“Come, girl, undress.” Your body falls into its usual rhythm, obedience. 
You strip, careful of the wound and your neck, and once nude, you walk over to him. Silently, he dips a new cloth and sets about his task. Your face is first, gently but thoroughly cleaned of every drop of blood. Your arms next, and then your neck. You wince, but stay still. Handprints that had seeped through and marked your hip, your back, all of them wiped away like they’d never been there. He crouches and follows the trail of your blood where it had slid down the swell of your ass, down the back of your leg towards your ankle. Not a drop is spared, and then he is done.
“Thank-” It's a harsh whisper that comes out of your mouth, and he doesn’t let you finish the sentiment.
“Do not speak, I would not have you in pain. Your throat must heal and the more you speak the longer it will take.” He pressed a soft kiss to your brow, but you held him close, cold all of a sudden as you stood there in his chamber, both of you bathed in moonlight and damp from the cloth. He lets you clutch to him, lets you press yourself into the cage of his arms, and wraps you up in them. He is the cure, you do not tremble when he holds you like this. 
An ache builds, the need for comfort, for warmth, for affection. For love, whispers a tiny little part of you, a part you ignore. 
You stand on the tips of your toes and press your lips to his, hoping he can sense what you need. 
“Are you not in pain?” His fingers curl around the long line of your neck, feather-soft, holding your gaze as you try to kiss him again. You nod, but try again anyway and he holds you still. You mouth the words, exaggerating the shapes of them in your mouth so he will understand. 
“I need you.”
He searches your eyes and is satisfied with what he finds, nodding once and then finally giving you his mouth, his tongue, and the loveliest of sounds from deep in his chest. 
You take charge and push him to sit on his bed, guiding him to lie on his back and he follows where you lead, arranges himself exactly how you want him, and lets you climb onto him. You straddle his waist, fitting his hardening cock between the lips of your sex. He bites his lip, eyes focused on the way you rock yourself along his length and despite giving you control of this encounter, his hands land heavy on your hips. His fingers dig in, sliding up to hold onto your breasts, both fingers pinching and stroking at the peaked tips of them in the way he knew you liked, the way he knew would turn your cunt into a fountain of arousal. 
“Use me, girl, do what you need, take your pleasure.” One hand stayed on your breast, the other went to his lips and he dipped his thumb into his mouth, wetting it before sliding it between where the head of his cock peeked out from between your legs and slipped it over your clit. A heavy sigh leaves your mouth, the pain in your throat mingling with the pleasure between your legs. 
You bend forward, pressing your mouth to his with an urgency that claws at your very being. The desperation isn’t just in you though, there’s something of the caged animal in Marcus, a tremble in his fingers when they dig into the meat of your hips that conveys an itch to take control. You need this now though, so with his tongue in your mouth, you lean forward and lift your hips enough to give your hand room to grasp the weeping head of him, and notch it at your soaked entrance. 
It’s almost too much, the way he fills you, the slick head of him almost too deep. His cock twitches and you cannot help but clench around him, your cunt flooding with waves and waves of arousal for him. His hands are charged like the air before a storm, roaming from your thighs, to your hips, up to thumb and strum at your nipples. Moans and whimpers slip out despite the pain in your throat. 
You roll your hips, the pressure against your clit radiates out and the pleasure builds. It makes you frantic, the slip of him inside made all the better with the way you soak his lap. You speed up, chasing the friction and the pleasure just there, despite the burn in your thighs and the sweat beading on your brow with the effort of your movements. 
“That’s it girl, fuck me-” Your stomach drops with the dark thrill of him letting you take, your nipples so sensitive under his thumbs, it’s almost painful. You want to go faster, but you’re losing steam, and you let out a sigh in frustration, pushing past the discomfort. 
“Come, let me give it to you.” His hands slip around your back, and he pulls you forward, so you lie onto his chest folded into his embrace. He wraps his arms around you, fully, holding your arms to your sides so you can do nothing but take, and then he gives. 
He plants his feet, and thrusts up hard, and fast enough to make your mouth fall open in a silent scream. 
“This is how you want it, hard, you want to feel this cock for days don’t you girl?” He grunts out the words, and despite the red, violent haze of his love, you cannot help but marvel at the strength in him. 
“Yes, please Dominus, don’t stop-” It comes out whispery, into the crook of his neck but he shudders all the same, and somehow, he fucks up into you harder. You turn to liquid in his arms, shuddering when the climax hits you hard as a punch to the gut. He lets out a guttural sound, but fucks you through it just the same, drawing out the orgasm until it takes him under. 
He comes hard, rope after rope of his release painting your insides. Hot and messy and it almost makes you purr like a cat.
He lets go, both of you breathing hard, and sticky with the sweat of exertion. 
“Give me a few minutes.” He breathes hard, while you press soft kisses, and kitten licks where the salt of him collects, “I will fuck you again, I am ravenous for you, girl.” His hands reach down, and grab at the meat of your ass and you smile. 
“Yes Dominus.” It doesn’t hurt as much as it did, and you’re sure that by morning, you’ll be right as rain. 
Tag list: @frannyzooey @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @sherala007 @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @maxwell--lord @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi  @stevie75 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @deadhumourist @felicisimor @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @localddreamers @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @softsweetedbeauty @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @squidwell @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed  @shirks-all-responsibilities @androah @alwaysachorusgirl @dindjarinsmut @captain-jebi @gallowsjoker @tusk89 @dadbodfanatic-x @naiomiwinchester @blazedprince @avidreader73 @mr-underhills-things @avengersfan25 @tastygoldentaters @nyotamalfoy @mymindfuckery @its-nebuleuse @missladym1981 @inept-the-magnificent @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @ladyofmidlo72 @greenvita @honey-on-your-tongue
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peaxhygirl · 1 month
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: ̗̀➛𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝙲
: ̗̀➛𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: Tensions are still high between Raven and Armando but will a turn in events and some insight from Mike shake some things up for them.
: ̗̀➛𝙰𝙽: Hey friends!! First things first, thanks for all the love and support! Also, this one is kinda long / filler because I need things to start shaking and moving in part 3. ENJOY!
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Armando and Raven found themselves staring daggers at each other just outside of Rita's office. They sat on opposite couches looking like mirrors of the other.
Arms crossed, posture tense, brows furrowed.
After hearing about the little mishap, Rita called in the head of Vice. Initially it was thought to be an argument bound to happen on the basis of professional courtesy and letting someone know about any investigations being held in case something like this were to happen; but, from the looks of it their conversation was rather calm.
The tension was coming from outside the office. "So, you're the guy who was on the run, huh? How'd you manage to get in here, I thought you were highly dangerous." She spoke the last statement with a taunting tone. "Still highly dangerous. You wanna test that? Be my guest." A smirk present on his face, which only caused Raven to rise right along with him.
"Yo, this is your last time threatening me, Rico Sauve." She held to fingers up pointing in the face of the male in front of her. "No, you're tough right, you wanted to test me so let's test it." Armando was not the type to hit a woman, but honestly something about Raven set a fire off inside of him. She reminded him way too much of someone, it was insufferable.
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"Damn Mike, she act like you." Marcus laughed while the two older men approached the bickering pair. "Well hell, I mean they both act like you. You sure you didn't have another kid with a fairy in Never Never Land or something? I mean, you already got the witch."
No matter what, Marcus would not let go of reminding everyone that Mike got tangeled up with that evil ass witch.
Raven's head jerked back. She quickly glanced between the two of them. She'd known that Armando was a fugitive, but no one filled her in on the fact that he was Mike's son. "Well, that makes sense. He's a drug dealer and you dress like one." She began to laugh before she could fully finish the statement.
Marcus began to laugh at the younger woman's words as well. Extending his hand for a high five that she cheerfully returned. When he glanced at Mike seeing his blank expression, he began to cough as if he wasn't just having a good ole chuckle. "I'm not a drug dealer." Armando's voice this time was tamer but there was still an edge to it.
A short silence fell between the four of them before Rita and Mario, the head of vice exited the office. "Rae, you're going to be working with AMMO for a while."
"What?!" Both her and Armando shouted looking at the heads of their teams. "Mario, I'm not going with them-- I wanna stay on vice." "And you are still on Vice, Raven. Rita and I were talking, and it looks like we've been on to the same guy for a while now. He's got his hands in all types of shit that we've had mutual investigations into. So, you'll be working together instead of separately." Armando and Raven looked at each other before looking back at those in front of them.
"No." They spoke in stubborn unison.
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Raven begrudgingly trudged up the path to the private plane they were boarding. Not only had she still been placed with AMMO but now they were on their way to Puerto Rico. From what they could put together, plus a few tips from a reliable source, they were certain their guy would be there, and he had something big coming.
Raven and Armando hadn't spoken to each other since their argument at the station. Ever since she'd call him a drug dealer, he'd been full blown ignoring her and quieter than normal. She kinda missed arguing with him.
"Hey, Raven." Mike tipped his head to her, motioning for he to sit beside him for the flight. This plane, or rather jet was big enough for everyone to have their own space, so why did he want her so close?
Nevertheless, she sat beside him. Soon, they were taking off.
"Hey, so uh. I know you and Armando aren't the best of friends, but can you not call him a drug dealer?" His voice was low while they spoke, by now everyone had fallen asleep. She also had a feeling that he was about to tell her something he didn't want anyone else to hear.
"I mean, he can be a little rough around the edges. But if we're being honest, hell.. So can you." He shifted in his seat, fully turning his attention to her. "He's trying, you know. He didn't have the best upbringing, got dealt a really shitty hand at life. I wasn't any help; his mother wasn't either. So, just cut 'em a little slack. I think if you two chilled out, you'd see you have more in common than not."
With that, Mike turned forward, laying his head back to rest his eyes. "Just think about it." And that's exactly what she did for the remainder of the flight, if Armando would be cool with her, she'd be cool with him.
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berberriescorner · 4 months
How would rio and y/n react if marcus brings a girl home?
Okay, so my imagination ran wild with this one. It's a bit lengthy, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it nonetheless. I’m glad to finally have gotten a bit of a creative spark. Hopefully, I’m not rusty. Please excuse any grammatical errors. This isn't heavily edited and I went with the flow. It would be greatly appreciated if you all love, comment, and reblog. Please understand (I know some get tired of hearing it but it’s important) that writing fanfiction takes time and dedication. Then there is the fact that it’s free. Tapping the love button is cool, but it’s the reblogs that help writers. Try to keep that in mind 💓.
Word Count: 3,500+
Warnings: A bit of fluff, laughter, and a little *cough, a hefty piece of* spice.
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The aroma of garlic wafted through your newly renovated kitchen. It had been an early Mother's Day present from Rio and the babies. Your husband swaggered into the kitchen fresh out of the shower. He watched you stir the pasta and smiled as you made a mental note aloud to add more cream cheese. The deep timbre of your husband's voice startled you.
“Stay put mama. I'll grab some for you,” he rasped, lips brushing the side of your neck. His hand left a gentle squeeze on your hip.
“Damn it, Chris. Baby, I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that. I should've known your stealthy, fine ass was nearby. The scent of your cologne and body wash should've given you away.”
He stepped back over to the stove adding cheese. You shivered as his fingers danced up your spine, curling around to the front of you. You hummed as his hand lightly cupped your throat. As if your body knew exactly what he wanted, you tilted your head, angling it so he could gain access. Rio’s lips trailed light kisses up your neck, across the jawline.
“Food smells good, darling. When we eatin’?”
You chuckled, slapping at his hand as his finger dipped into the alfredo sauce.
“Boy! Get your fingers out of my pan.”
“Damn, ma! I can't get a little taste. Come on, mama. Daddy’s hungry,” he groaned.
“That's on you. Shouldn't have skipped lunch.”
Rio kissed his teeth, swatting your bottom playfully.
“You know I was handling business, sweetheart. Don't start,” he teased.
“Let that have been me not eating. You would've jumped in my shit.”
His head shook in disagreement, “Mm no. I would've just brought you some food and insisted you eat.”
“Last time I brought you lunch it turned into an argument.”
“Cause you don't listen. You know you weren't supposed to be anywhere near that warehouse. It was a matter of safety. Where that's concerned, you'll always come first, mama.”
You couldn't help but smile and roll your eyes at the sweet sentiment.
“Whatever, bossy ass. We’ll eat once the oldest baby boy gets here.”
“That's right it's our weekend,” he perked up.
Though there were times Rio wished he could see his son every day. He knew that Marcus was both his and Rhea’s pride and joy. Rio was thankful that they had a healthy co-parenting relationship. Joint custody had always been smooth with Rhea. She'd never dream of ever keeping their son away from his father. He was grateful that they both managed to move on. They both found love again, remarried, and everyone seemed to get along just fine. Rio loved that you and Rhea found friendship in one another. Your kids adored Rhea just as much as Marcus did you.
“Oh, you thought I was making this fire-ass pasta for you? Nope, Zaddy this for my oldest baby boy,” you teased Rio playfully.
“That’s fine! So long as I get to choose my dessert,” he rasped, his eyes scanning over your body.
Your eyes met, both nibbling at your bottom lip. Just as you were about to dive deeper into the topic, Alexa announced someone was at the front door. You tapped your phone screen, turning on the ring doorbell’s mic.
“Rhea, stop acting like you don’t have a key. Bring your beautiful self into this house.”
You smiled as she giggled her way through the front door.
“We’re in the kitchen,” Rio called out.
“Boy! Stop all that yelling. You wake that baby up and it’s your ass.”
Your husband kissed his teeth, “last I checked this was our house,” he mumbled, walking over to Marcus and pulling him into a bear hug. “What’s up, man?”
Marcus answered his question, immediately following with, “Can I go check on the baby? Where’s everybody else?”
“Rudeness. Are you forgetting something,” Rhea questioned her eager teenager.
She chuckled as he looked at her in confusion as she continued, “Your bonus mama is burning in this kitchen. Probably for you. Did you say hello? Or maybe thank you? Where is her loving,” Rhea jokingly scolded her son.
“Sorry, ma. He replied shyly, hugging you tightly and kissing your cheek. “Thank you for cooking my favorite food.”
“It’s cool handsome,” you started, pinching his cheek. “The kids are in the theater room and the baby is down for the night, but go on up and steal a little sugar.”
Just as he was about to excuse himself, Rhea interrupted him, “Not so fast young man. You’re not slick. Don’t you want to share the news?”
“Mami,” Marcus whined.
“That’s okay, I'll tell them. Go on, scaredy cat.”
Marcus made his escape as Rhea turned back to you and Rio. She bypassed him, linking her arm with yours.
“Come, chica. I’ve got some chisme for you.”
Your husband, the big baby he is, groaned, “Nice to see you too, Rhea. Why am I not included?”
“Are you not in the room? You are included, fool,” Rhea teased.
“Chris, baby. I love you, but hush. I'm trying to see some.”
Both women laughed at him as he rolled his eyes and went silent.
“ Marcus sat down with us sometime last week. Said he wanted to invite his lady friend over for dinner. Our baby has a girlfriend, sis.”
The two of you stared at one another, several seconds passed. As if he was expecting it, Rio sighed, running his hand down his face as the two of you started squealing like school girls.”
“Mama, Rhea, the baby,” he reminded the both of you.
You both clapped a hand over your mouths, silently giggling.
“What's her name? Have you met her? The parents?”
“Baby, chill,” Rio chuckled.
You looked at him, studying him for a moment. Head tilted, you questioned, “You already knew. Didn't you?”
He smirked, “You already know the answer to that, mama. You know I stay ten steps ahead.”
“He told you first,” Rhea questioned.
“Listen, he asked for advice on girls a while back. I suspected then he had his eye on somebody. I played it cool. If you ask too many questions, he’ll shut down. We had the talk. About a week after that. Marcus told me he was talking to someone.”
“The talk,” you and Rhea said in unison. “Should we be worried about where this is going?”
“Ladies relax. It's better to have it early. Just to be on the safe side.”
“You gave him condoms. Didn't you,” Rhea snarked.
“Are you ready to be a grandmother? I mean I’d be the coldest abuelo out here, but let's try to prevent that from happening.”
“He brought her home for dinner the other day. She's so sweet and shy. Her name is Isabella, but she goes by Isa. He's got his papi’s taste. She's Afrolatina, a beautiful young lady!”
“Okay! I see my boy! He found him a woman who embodies two of the most important women in his life,” Rio praised with pride.
“The mom seems to be well-rounded. Surely we don't have anything to worry about,” Rhea insisted.
“The both of you were sweet and shy when I first met you. Need I say more? Then there's those stories your mom told me about your teenage years,” he smirked toward you.
“Sneak one damn boy through your window and you never live it down. Kiss my ass, Christoper,” you cackled, flipping him the bird.
Rio puckered his lips, bending down, laughing as you mugged his forehead.
“Sis! Your ass was hot back in the day, huh?”
“Chill on my wife. Tell me, how old were you when we had Marcus?”
Rhea kissed her teeth, “He got a response for everything, huh,” she asked you. “Anyway! He wants you all to meet her. Can he invite her over for dinner tomorrow?”
Rio smiled at you bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“I take it our answer is yes, mama?”
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After a stressful Saturday afternoon, Rio stepped into the foyer of his home. His eyes drifted shut for a moment as he welcomed the delicious smell of lemon herbs, and the smell of your perfume wafted through the air. Sandals tapped across the wooden floor, Rio’s lashes fluttered open, dancing at the sight of you meeting him at the front door.
“Hey Papa,” you started, smile faltering. You could sense the heaviness of his day. “Long day, baby,” you questioned.
His head tilted to the side, an appreciative smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Rio’s hands cupped your side pulling you into a tight hug as he buried his head in your neck. Breathing you in again, his lips tickled the sensitive spot behind your ear.
“Shit was hectic, but I’m sure some kisses would make me feel better,” he whispered in a sultry tone.
Your hands brushed against his chest, as you tip-toed to reach his lips. He chuckled at your struggle to reach his lips, meeting you the rest of the way. Your lips danced together in soft, slow strokes. The sound of footsteps speeding down the steps interrupted the lip lock.
“Ma! Pops! You’re not going to be doing all that in front of Isa, are you? Why’s it so quiet around here?”
You giggled as Rio reared his head back. “I’m sorry son, I didn’t know you paid bills around here. Y’all be forgetting this my house…our house,” he corrected when you lightly cleared your throat.
“Your siblings can be a lot. We wanted to have time to focus on getting to know your girlfriend. I managed to arrange a night with Nana. They’ll be back tomorrow. She can meet everybody next time we have her over. Don’t worry, baby. Papi and I promise to be on our best behavior,” you teased Marcus.
“I ain’t promising nothin’. Listen, I’ll kiss my wife all I want, bro. Don’t be mad I’m the only one getting kisses around here,” he joked, giving Marcus a playful shove.”
“Pops, chill on me. Who said I ain’t got it like that?”
Rio cackled, dapping Marcus up. The laughter between the two stopped abruptly when they saw you standing straight-faced, head tilted, and arms crossed.
“I’m pretty sure I can speak for your mother when I say this. You better be acting accordingly with that young lady. Nothing short of being respectful is acceptable. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Your eyes landed on Rio, “Then I got you over here gassing him up.”
“My bad, mama. We’ll tighten up.”
“That’s what I thought,” you finished sauntering off to the kitchen.
 Rio turned back to Marcus and they both dapped each other up silently.
“It’s like that, son?”
“I learned from the best,” Marcus responded.
“My boy. Seriously though, not too much. Take things slowly. You have a lot of life to live. Don’t let thinking you're grown get you in trouble. You bring a baby home, and that’s ya ass. Papi can’t save you from the mama squad. If you can’t wait, do at least three things for me. Wrap it up, don’t do it in mine or your mom’s house, and don’t play with her feelings. You better plan on sticking around. Don’t be that guy, son. We’ve raised you better than that.”
“Yessir, I give you my word, pops.”
Rio embraced Marcus and gave his shoulders a firm squeeze as they pulled apart.
“You nervous,” Rio asked as the doorbell sounded.
“Just promise me you won’t let Ma pull out the photo albums.”
“Listen, I’m a man of many talents, but telling that woman not to do something almost always has the opposite effect. Ma listens when it counts,” he smirked, biting his lip.
“That’s information I honestly didn’t need to know, Dad.”
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The first twenty minutes had been hilarious. You, Isa, and her mother all silently laughed at the way Isa’s father stumbled over his words while making introductions with Rio.
Apparently Marcus nor his girlfriend had taken the liberty of giving the poor man a heads up. He had suspected that he was going to assert himself as an overprotective father. One look at Marcus’ father and his bravado and puffed-out chest had deflated. Christopher wasn’t about to be checked by anyone and little did they know, neither were you. 
Dinner had gone by smoothly. The two of you succeeded in not embarrassing your son, as did her parents. Isa was a sweet, shy, and intelligent girl. You both loved her for Marcus. The teens had asked permission to have a movie night in the family theatre room. All parents agreed that it would be okay so long as it wasn’t unattended. You had even offered for Isa’s parents to join. Her father needed to finish up some work at home, and Rio along with Marcus, offered to drop her home in a few hours. 
As the parents you opted, to sit in the back row of home theatre seats to give them some sort of privacy. You didn’t want to crowd them too much. That and you knew with certainty that Rio was going to get handsy as soon as the lights dimmed. Twenty minutes of screen time had barely passed before his hand started a soft, tingling trail up your thigh. You allowed his fingers to make it inches away from the place he desired before swatting at him. His heated gaze met yours and the left corner of his mouth tilted up as he mouthed the word, “Why?”
Your head cocked to the side as you looked at him as if he were crazy. You sucked your teeth, pointing a finger in the direction of the kids. Rio wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to whisper in your ear, “Oh you really thought I was cold. You know why I pulled this blanket out, mama.” He laughed as you rolled your eyes, shoving him away from you. 
“Do that again and I’m sitting in my own lounger,” you sassed.
“All this space and you want to sit by yourself. Don’t be like that, mama.”
You had glanced in the direction of the children to see if they had overheard, but froze as you saw their hands inching closer to one another. Your hand tapped the top of Rio’s repetitively to get him to look. The two of you shared a smile at the innocence of the situation. Marcus looked back as the two of you tried to focus your attention elsewhere. The teen shook his head as his hand shifted away some. The two of you kissed your teeth and the sound echoed off the theatre walls as Marcus shook his head and Isa giggled.
It felt as if you had ruined the moment, and Rio attempted to correct the situation. Clearing his throat he asked the room, “Anybody want chips? Popcorn? Something to drink?”
You caught on and joined in, “I could go for some ice water and we can share a snack babe. Let’s go round up some refreshments.”
The kids had started to decline, but the two of you left in a hurry.
Rio propped himself against the kitchen island with his hands clasped. You crept towards your husband smirking. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you asked, “How much time should we give them to be unsupervised?”
“That depends, mama. Are you trying to be a responsible parent or a laid-back one? Responsible would be in the realm of maybe five or ten minutes. Laidback–about twenty or so.”
Rio’s hands traveled the length of your back, down to your plush backside. With a gentle squeeze, he continued, “I’m leaning towards laidback, mama,” he rasped. “Maybe we can take that time alone to–connect ourselves.”
“You truly have a one-track mind. We are not about to do anything with a guest in the house. Do you know what teenagers can do in twenty or so minutes?”
“Mama, what’s the most that could happen?”
“Our last child happened in twenty minutes, Rio.”
“We were pressed for time, and I was down bad for you that night, mama.”
“You’re always down bad for me. Even at this moment, you are.”
“No lies told. If you know that, stop playing. C’mere, mama.”
Rio nibbled at your neck, even as you continued to protest, “Rio, seriously. We should head back soon.”
“C’mon, mama. Let that boy cook for a few minutes. I told him to take things slow and to never do anything like that under his mom’s or our roof.”
“Oh, and you think that’s gon’ stop him?”
“Why wouldn’t it?”
“This is coming from the man, that was giving me backshots under his grandmother’s roof last Christmas.”
“We’re married with a ton of children. Trust and believe, she knows you’re getting handed pipe left and right, mama.”
“You get on my damn nerves. Always got a response–.”
The sentence came to a halt as Rio’s hand slipped into the opening of your dress, tugging a nipple through the silk material of your bra.
“F-fuck, Rio, don’t.”
His lips hovered over yours. The minty freshness of his breath fanning across your bottom lip. He nipped at it before asking, “You really want me to stop, mama?”
“Pantry, now.”
With those two words, Rio picked you up, legs wrapping around his waist, as he carried you to the destination. The door softly clicked closed, as he pressed you against some of the shelving. Your lips collided, tongues stroking one another, battling for dominance. The hem of your dress shifted upward, bunching at your waist. Rio groaned as his tented dark wash jeans ground against your damp panties. A moan slipped from your lips and he shushed you.
“Gotta keep quiet baby,” he whispered as his lips moved to suck at your throat.
His lips continued to nip and suck at your flesh. His long muscular fingers tugged your panties to the side as two fingers massaged your folds before gliding in to slowly stretch you out. The delicious feeling turned you into a whimpering mess as your hips began to rock against his movements.
“Yeah, just like that, mama. Are you gonna be my good girl and come all over my fingers? Yeah, you are. Aren’t you?”
He leaned in, tucking into the side of your neck, and whispered, “Bite down on my shoulder if you need to, darling.”
One of your hands slipped under his shirt as your nails scratched at his skin. You leaned back and pleaded, “Choke me, Daddy. Keep me quiet.”
The minute his hand wrapped around your throat, Rio added a third finger, thrusting in quick, deep strokes. His lips pecked your lips as he groaned, “Come for me, mama. Make a mess all over my fingers.”
All you needed was one last stroke to send you over the edge, but everything came to a halt as you both heard footsteps coming toward the kitchen. The two of you broke apart, fixing your clothes at the speed of lightning. The moment the knob to the pantry door turned, Rio snatched it open, pulling it closed with a bag of chips and a case of soda under his arm.
Marcus eyed his father suspiciously before speaking, “Isa got thirsty and you two were taking forever. So I came to get her some fruit snacks and a soda.”
Rio handed him a soda and explained, “We were coming back. Your pops negotiated a little alone time for ya. Did anything interesting happen?”
Marcus blushed a bit and responded, “Pops, can’t we talk about this later? I don’t want to keep Isa waiting.”
“You right man. Here take this soda and I’ll bring the fruit snacks and the rest of the stuff. Ma and I will be right in. She had to take care of something right quick.”
“Alright, Pops. Thanks.”
Marcus made it a few steps out of the kitchen before ducking his head back around the corner. Rio had started to turn back toward the pantry as he spoke up, “Pops? Tell Ma she can come out of the pantry now. Next time aim for a place that doesn’t house the food we eat.”
“Yeah, okay, wiseass. You’ll understand when you get older and have your own meddlesome ass kids. Take your lady her beverage and mind your business. You just couldn’t let your daddy cook in peace. Could you son?”
You were mortified and could barely look your bonus son in the eye for days.
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Tagging some of my lovelies:
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114
@amorestevens @bisexuallyattractivebitch @1andonlytashae
@rio-reid-whoreee @lovedlover @astoldbychae @percosim
@ravennaortiz @sunshine-flower @novaniskye @alertyoulikeitsamber @realhotgurlshit @abcdestinyyyy @jannavaire
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iateyourparents · 6 months
Not sure if you write for Harry Styles but what if r met h in high school and they were dating but after graduation they parted they ways and yhen few years later she meets him and they start again and she gets to know that some of his songs are abt her?
I love your writing for S&C!!!
Adore you | h.s.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
summary: you run into harry after years of not seeing him.
warnings: use of y/n, bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry but english isn’t my first language)
an: so it’s my first time writing for harry but i absolutely adore this man with my whole heart so i gladly wrote this! thank you sm, hope you like it <33
pictures are from pinterest :)
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If someone told you that your ex would end up as a worldwide famous singer, you would believe them in a second.
Harry always had a thing for singing and he was really good at it so when he told you he wanted to audition for xfactor you were all in to support him.
He succeeded, like you knew he would, and was put in a band with four other boys. That was when your ways parted. He started writing songs, making album and had few little gigs to make their band known. And you wanted to focus on school, on your future.
As much as you both wanted to make it and keep your relationship alive, you knew it would be naive to hope for it. He was about to be famous and travel the world and you wanted to study and make a mark with your name in the world of medicine.
So you parted your ways and you haven’t heard of Harry or One Direction for some time, until two years later when they started becoming one of the bigger bands in the music industry.
He achieved it. You always knew he was made to be someone. He deserved to be someone.
He was kind, selfless and practically wore his heart on his sleeve. If someone was a good celebrity material, it was him.
Sometimes, you found yourself following his career, cheering on him and wishing him all the best.
Years were passing, One Direction went on a break that was lasting longer than they promised and all of the boys started to make their own history.
Harry just released his third own album and you couldn’t be happier for him, although you didn’t follow him as much as you used to.
Actually, you practically didn’t follow him at all. All you knew was what you heard on radio on your way from work to home.
You were achieving your goals too. You became a doctor, a good one, known in whole UK. You were young but you already did more than some older doctors.
Your name was well known in medical world and you couldn’t be happier with how your career worked out.
Although, sometimes you wished you chose some other life path.
For example, you wished it right now while looking at two teenagers sitting on a hospital bed. They were glued to themselves and it wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t glued with an actual glue. To make it worse, it was really old glue and it was causing health problems for both of the teenagers and one was about to pass out from all the coughing.
“Alright, we need to make sure that all their organs are okay, Marcus’ father said he saw them eating that glue.” you grimaced “Run all the tests and draw blood from both of them.” you ordered your interns who quickly went to patients.
Few hours later you were finally able to go home and you couldn’t wait to finally take a warm shower and change scrubs to comfortable pajama.
But first, you had to go grocery shopping. You were thinking about going home first to change but you knew if you get to home you wouldn’t be able to get out of bed again.
So now you were in the grocery store looking at all the cereal searching for your favorite ones. You finally noticed them but they were in completely other place. Usually, they were on a second shelf and now they were all the way up on the highest one. One that was too high for you to reach.
But you tried anyway. And you failed.
You heard a deep chuckle behind you and then a male voice “Need any help?”
You turned around with bright smile “Yes, please.”
Man, who looked weirdly familiar to you, reached a cereal cartoon without any struggle and handed it to you with a smile.
“Here.” you took the cartoon while he was looking at your face “Do I know you? You look familiar.” he stated and you searched his face to see something that would give you a clue who he was.
Then it hit you.
“Harry?” the man nodded “Oh my god, you changed so much.”
Man furrowed his brows and suddenly his eyes widened “Y/n?” you nodded with small smile “Oh god, it’s good to see you.” he hugged you.
“Visiting family?” you asked and he nodded “How’s famous life treating you?”
“Good, I just published my newest album.” he looked proud of himself and it was really adorable.
“I heard.” you nodded with a smile “Congratulations.”
“Thank you. Did you hear any songs?” he asked unsure.
“No, sorry. I don’t really have time for music. My life last few days looked like sleep, work, sleep, work, shopping, sleep and work.” you laughed and he smiled with amusement.
“Sounds like you, always so ambitious.” he looked over you “So how’s being a well known surgeon? I heard amazing things about you.”
“It’s… certainly something.” you nodded slowly “I love my work but some things I see… Damn.” you shrugged and he laughed.
“I’m happy you’re good, I thought of you few days ago.” Harry stated and you raised your brow.
“Mr. Famous thought about me? How flattering.” you teased and he chuckled “I have to go home, my bed is calling but we should meet someday when you will be in town.” you offered and he nodded vigorously with a grin.
“I’m staying for a few weeks at my mum’s, we can arrange something. We definitely should catch up. Here, give me your number.” he handed you his phone and you added your contact.
“Well then, see you around Harry. And thanks for your help.” you flashed him with a smile which he returned and you went to a cash station.
Next day you got a text from an unknown number which turned out to be Harry’s number. He asked when you had time to meet.
Finally, you both decided to meet on a Saturday. To make it funnier, Harry offered to meet at the coffee shop that you often visited while being together.
On a Saturday you felt nervous. You didn’t see him for a long time and you weren’t sure how it would turn out, if you even will be able to maintain an interesing conversation without it being awkward.
But here you were, sitting in front of Harry, drinking tea and eating delicious muffins while talking and laughing about old times.
“I never thought that the audition would turn out this well.” he admitted with small smile.
“I knew it would.” you stated “You’re too good to not be noticed, although your hey sister was terrible.” you snickered and he smiled amused.
“I was nervous!” he huffed “If it wasn’t for you I’m not sure if I would actually get on that stage, you were my lucky charm.”
You looked at him with a touched smile “I was cheering for you even when we weren’t talking anymore.” you admitted “I always knew you would be someone important and look at you, you’re saving teenagers’ lives and make great music.”
You could see faint blush on his cheeks and the bashful smile was just cute.
“Well, I guess I wouldn’t be where I’m if not your cheering.” he chuckled “I only regret that our ways parted. I wish we maintained contact. I missed you.”
“I missed you too Harry.” you said hoping you didn’t blush “But at least we’re here now and it feels good.”
“Yeah it does.” he agreed with a smile that made your heart race. You knew that smile, he was sending it your ways on daily basis when you were together. It was this cute smirk with dreamy eyes and it just made you feel weak in knees.
Apparently some things never change, because it made you feel just the same as years ago.
And you’re not sure how it happened but next morning you woke up with Harry’s bare chest as your pillow.
But you weren’t complaining.
“Seriously?” you laughed while making breakfast with Harry. He was talking about the time when he was in One Direction “I always thought that it was just a song about good song.”
“Well, most of ours song had hidden dirty meaning.” he laughed too.
“What about your songs? Any dirty meanings?” you teased and he blushed.
Your morning together turned to spending whole day together.
“You can stay for the night.” you offered when he said he should get going.
“I don’t want to bother you.” he giggled.
“You’re not bothering, I like having you here.” you admitted and you were praying to not blush when he smirked at you.
“Good to know. I will gladly stay if you’re sure.” he said “But let me know if you will be sick of me.”
“That wouldn’t be possible.” you rolled your eyes hitting his chest with your hand which he catched and squeezed in his bigger one “You’re the sweetest person alive, you would have to kill my dog to make me hate you.”
“Sure.” now he rolled his eyes “You have a dog?”
“No.” you pouted “I wish but I’m rarely home and I wouldn’t want to leave a dog alone.” you explained and he nodded in understanding “What about you? Any pets?”
“Not really, I’m also rarely home when touring.” he shrugged.
And somehow this conversation turned into talking about his songs.
“And which ones do you like?” he looked at you with a small smile. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but in last few days his songs were on repeat so you wouldn’t be in dark when he would be talking about his career.
“Hm, I really like Carolina and little freak.” you stated after a moment of thinking. You noticed how Harry moved weirdly after your words “Is there something wrong?” you asked worriedly.
“No no.” he assured you “What do you like about Carolina?” he tilted his head looking curiously at you while still holding your hand.
“I don’t know, I just like it.” you shrugged “Why are you asking?”
“You didn’t notice, did you?” he laughed.
“Notice what?” you smiled with small confusion.
“Carolina, Adore you, Only Angel, Woman?” he furrowed his eyes.
“What about them?”
“God, woman. They are about you.” he huffed with amusement and your eyes widened.
“What?” you were sure you were a blushing mess at the moment.
“Carolina? It’s literally your description, you moved because your grandmother offered you and your parents to, you always had books with you and liked to compare life to books.” he explained “Oh, and you have cousins in Carolina!”
All he said was true and you actually realized it in fact was actually a song about you.
“Why would you wrote about me?” you asked quietly playing with his fingers.
“I was so in love with you. My first ever song that I writed was about you.” he admitted “Only angel. I changed it a bit before releasing it because I was teenager while I wrote and it was a slight disaster but it turned out great.”
“I’m not sure what to say.” you chuckled “Adore you is about me?”
“Yeah, I would go through hell for you.” he stated and you noticed that he didn’t use past tense.
“So am I so kind of inspiration for you?” you teased but he answered completely seriously.
“Yeah, you are big inspiration. Most of my songs have something about you in them even if they aren’t exactly about you.” he admitted bashfully “I was completely head over heels for you. And I think I still adore you.”
And if you were his inspiration for next lovely album that he made as a gift for you for your first anniversary, that’s just a bonus.
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volturissideslut · 1 year
Hi do you mind if you do the Poly version of this as well if not in understand thank you 💖
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖞)
This is the ask where the Volturi kinds have a mate that sleeps naked right?? The link wasn't working on my laptop and it took me a while to figure it out
Good luck getting a singular moment of peaceful sleep if this is you, because there are three of them and one of you and they will argue over who gets to lay by your sides
One time, Caius was feeling selfish and would lay on top of you so that only he could have you, but this is something they all do at least once
It's not that big of an issue to you though, because its like a version of those weighted anxiety blankets that also loves you
You will be cold, no way around it, they quadruple layer up before cuddling you to sleep but they radiate ice temperatures (Seriously, you may as well snuggle an icicle)
You see that first part where i said 'good luck getting a singular moment of peaceful sleep'? Yeah, i'm gonna say that again because on the off chance that they don't get all territorial over who gets to spend time with their naked mate, the one's who lay with you (If they aren't busy, **cough cough** Aro) they're be tossing and turning the whole time
So good luck if you're a light sleeper, because they want you and are too distracted by you to think straight enough to remember that you need sleep (They've been out of the human game for a while now, they don't understand what an acceptable amount is)
"Please, Tesoro, you can stay awake for another hour. You can do it, i need to feel you please" - literally any of them
Caius secretly wants you to sleep nakey in his private studio so he can paint you. There will be two versions made, one to be shown off and bragged about with a blanket covering certain areas, and one for their eyes only if you're comfortable with that.
Every day is a struggle
Aro is personally offended when you take a nap without telling them, or go to sleep without saying goodnight because "Cara mia, why are you depriving me of seeing you?" and needs reassurance you're not mad and was just tired
Marcus would definitely use this as a way to keep you human for longer, because he knows damn well that you're irresistable to all of them and Aro and Caius will hold off on turning you if it means you get to continue this for a while
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poppitron360 · 1 month
Digging through my old fanfics, and I forgot I wrote this one based on a conversation I had with @four-leafed-queer-gal ages ago in this post
I wasn’t really confident posting fics at the time, and this technically never got finished, but I thought I’d post it anyway.
“Hey, you weren’t at Lunch?” Jason asked.
Leo turned around to look at Jason, brushing a curtain of curly hair over the left side of his face. Jason thought that was odd- Leo hated his hair in his face.
“Oh… yeah- I was busy. Argo II stuff.”
“Leo, I know the other campers have been giving you weird looks ever since you revealed your powers-“
“It’s fine, Jason, don’t worry about it.”
A warm spring breeze danced around them. Leo put a hand on his curtain of hair, desperately trying to keep it over his face. Jason moved closer, and swept those curls out of the way behind Leo’s ear.
Leo had a black eye- his skin was purple and bruised. There was a cut on his cheek. Jason reached up to touch it but Leo grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away.
“Who did this to you?” Jason snarled, his voice low and deadly serious.
“It’s nothing- a- an accident at the workshop. Yes. Nothing to worry about.”
“Who. Did this?” Jason said again.
Leo looked flustered, obviously trying to hide his panic.
“Was it one of the other campers?” Jason asked, “It was, wasn’t it?”
“It- it’s nothing, Jason, really. I’m fine,” Leo’s voice was high pitched and a little hysterical.
“Tell me.”
“I- I… You know I’m not good with names. Plus, I didn’t really see their faces,” Leo stammered.
“Look, just drop it, okay!!!” Leo yelled, “It’s not a big deal. Besides, it was worse in the Foster Homes…”
Leo was not at dinner. Jason was worried. He said goodnight to Piper and decided to go look for him. He searched Cabin 9- not there. The forges- not there.
As he approached the basketball courts, he heard voices.
“Look, guys, I don’t want any trouble,” It was Leo. He was using his whole suave-jokester voice, but Jason could hear the fear and panic underneath it.
Jason ran towards the voice.
He heard a scuffle, and yelling. When he walked onto the court he saw two Ares kids, punching and kicking Leo. Leo was curled up on the ground, whimpering.
“Freak! Monster! Arsonist!” One of them, Marcus, yelled.
Jason wondered why Leo wasn’t fighting back. He’d seen Leo in battle, he could do more than hold his own, but he was just taking it lying down, completely defenseless.
Jason rushed forward, grabbed the two oafs by the shoulders and pushed them away. Then he drew his sword, and held it at their throats.
“If you EVER hurt my friend again, I swear to my father-“
They got the message. They ran for the exit of the basketball courts. Jason wanted to chase after them, but thought better of it. He turned to Leo. He was still curled up in a ball, trembling and sobbing. His nose was bleeding. His hands and knees were bruised where they had been covering his head. His face was grazed and covered in dirt. Jason crouched down, and tilted his head sideways to get a better look at Leo’s face. He reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. Leo flinched.
He looked up at Jason, his tears mixing with the blood and the grime on his face. Jason grabbed his shoulders and sat him up against the fence. He really was shaking quite a lot. His breathing was shallow and raspy, and he clutched his side as he breathed. Jason figured one of his ribs might be broken.
“Oh my gods… what did they do to you?”
“It- it’s nothing, Jason, I’m fine,” then he got hit with a coughing fit, while simultaneously wheezing in pain and clutching his side.
“We need to get you to the infirmary.”
“I’m good. Really. ‘Tis but a scratch!” He stood up, but his knees buckled and Jason had to catch him and steady him.
“You could’ve stopped them…” Jason said, his voice low, and serious, “Why… Why didn’t you?”
Leo shook his head. “I couldn’t… not again…”
“If I lashed out, Jason, if- if I lost control…”
He didn’t need to finish the sentence. Jason understood. Leo could not fight back, because if he used his fire, then someone could’ve gotten seriously hurt. Marcus was a dick, but Leo didn’t wish the fate of his mother on anyone else. So he had to just take it.
“Thanks… for helping me…” Leo said.
“We have to tell Chiron what happened.”
“I’ve dealt with bullies before, Jason, this isn’t new.”
“But camp is meant to be a safe space! For you to be accepted for who you are- for your powers.”
Leo laughed. A painful, raspy laugh, Then he clutched his side, his face contorting in agony.
“Bullshit,” he said.
It made Jason’s heart break seeing Leo like this. He wanted to yell at Leo for pretending like this was nothing. But instead, he reached into Leo’s tool belt and pulled out an antiseptic wipe.
He moved to wipe the cut on Leo’s cheek, but Leo flinched and pulled back.
“Hey, hold still,” Jason instructed. He put a hand on Leo’s waist and pulled him closer, steadying his shaking body, “Now this might sting a bit-“ He said, softly. He dabbed at the cut, and Leo winced in pain but he didn’t pull away this time.
Baby boyy…
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i4bellingham · 2 years
So I read “misleading” tic abt Jude and I LOVE IT!!! I have kind of a similar request with Jude. Soo I was thinking, Jude, y/n, and some of the guys are out clubbing or out in a bit or somewhere crowded and then a guy approaches y/n and tries to get her to come with him, like pulling on her and grabbing her. And then Jude and some of the guys come and stoops him and it’s almost like a fight and Jude gets really protective. Then someone films it and it’s ALL over the internet ( you can ignore this I might have just gotten carried away)
PROTECTIVE : jude bellingham x reader
cw: a guy being a fucking creep 🤢, protective!jude, literally jude in this fic will not take a piss from anybody, cussing, shoving resulting to a near fight, will take place after world cup where the guys are out in a club to party and celebrate before returning to their own clubs, also protective!england nt bcs jude is their baby, the creep being socked. switches in povs !! + not proofread !!
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The nightclub was mellow but overflowing with a bunch of attendees.
It definitely wasn’t your every evening scene but it was a place you’d visit on occasion and by on occasion, it means being dragged and pestered by your friends to go with them some time every once or thrice a month.
But even then, you'd never once experienced something that threatened your occasional visits to the clubs. Normally finding friends amidst the rowdy crowd and entertaining drunk yet very amusing discourse with said people.
Your nightclub trips weren't a scary experience, until now.
“A pretty girl alone in a place like this?” The overbearing scent of bergamot filled your senses, nearly enough to make you feel suffocated by the scent alone that overpowered the entire smell of the nightclub itself.
It was due to the proximity of the unknown guy beside you and you confirmed that when you turned your head to the right and seeing an unfamiliar face; a guy in his late 20’s you presume, a dark haired male with a pale complexion and with a salacious grin staring you down.
Taking notice of a palm's worth of space between the both of you, you automatically scooted away from him with a nervous chuckle, sounding awfully lot like you're having a coughing fit before your drinks are being slid across the marble counter by the bartender who, also got an eye out for look-out.
“Oh. I’m actually here with my boyfriend and his friends.” You emphasized, hugging yours and Jude’s drinks near to your chest before tipping your head a bit as you slowly walked away. “Uh... yeah, bye-”
“Let me take your drinks to your boyfriend and his friends...” The unknown guy tried to take the glasses from you, not even minding one bit but it was near your clothed chest before you're stepping away from the guy, an uncomfortable frown on your face.
You glanced at the bartender, seeing him occupied with another customer's rather large batch of orders before sighing out loud, plastering your fake, friendly smile at him. “No thanks, I got it.”
Now without bidding him any farewell, you successfully walked away and only then did you began to chastise yourself for taking the drinks alone, especially when Jude made it perfectly clear that he could've gone with you.
But you didn't let him, not when he’s got a few fans to entertain himself alongside his mates. The other guys were there with you upon arrival as well but they gradually left your table not even an hour after you got there. You were also hesitant to ask one of the guys' girlfriends to go with you even though you knew that they wouldn’t mind coming with to get the drinks with you. You were simply hesitant to do those and hence you went alone.
And look at where you've landed now.
With a deep sigh, you continued walking the path to your table. You can already see Sasha's blonde hair up ahead and Marcus’ tall frame when an arm suddenly was wrapped around your shoulders, nearly making you drop the drinks on the ground.
“Hi again!” The unknown guy cheers beside you, almost shoving his face against yours before he's gripping at your shoulders. “Thought you might rather prefer some other company. A friend of mine just bought more drinks and I think you could come and join us for some fun-”
You push the guy off of you, scrambling to get away from his grip that the drinks you tried so hard to keep drenched the front of your dress.
“Please just leave me alone.” You place the glasses on a nearby vacant table, wiping away the liquid that soaked the material of your dress with your palm. “You’re really really making me uncomfortable so I would appreciate it if you just leave me alone, please.”
“But I'm already being the kind lad here! Offered to carry your drinks, asked if you wanted to join me and my friends at our table and yet you keep on being a brat and refusing my offers-”
“You also touched me without my permission, overstepped in my personal boundary and made me feel disturbed.” Tears pricked at your eyes, as you stepped away, a palm out to keep the guy from coming closer. “Please just leave me alone-”
“What’s happenin’ here?”
A familiar weight settled on your waist, wrapped nice and snug before you're being hauled against Jude's chest with a protective arm around you.
Jude tilts his head to look at you, worry crossing in his eyes noticing your lack of verbal response and your refusal to meet his gaze.
“Love? What's wrong? What happened?” He gently asks you.
You shook your head against his chest, muttering a few simple words that was enough for Jude to hear.
“Let’s just go back to the table, Jude please...”
Jude’s jaw visibly tightens before he's glaring at the unknown guy, guiding you back to the table with his arms still around you.
The two of you nearly made it to the table when a grip on your wrist pulled you back and making you let out a surprised shriek as the unfamiliar guy wrenched you harshly against his hold, the tight grip sending a throbbing pain through the entirety of your hand.
And not even a second later after that, you were free from the unknown guy’s clasp before Jude’s shoving him to a nearby table, alerting the other guys from your booth because of the fallen glasswares.
“Keep your hands off her you bloke.” Teeth grinding and jaw clenched, Jude balls the guy’s collar in his fists with a harsh glare. “If I see you lay a single, dirty finger on her again, you just mighta go home with a broken hand before this night ends.”
Pickford rushes over and wraps an arm across Jude’s chest, pulling him away from the stunned guy before Wilson and Saka steps in to help their mate haul your trashing boyfriend away.
Jack and Mason stood before the guy, glaring and tensed as they stare the man down before Sterling is guiding two bouncers on the scene with Jesse on tow.
On the other hand, Declan and Henderson are ushering you back to the seats, noticing Trent and Marcus on the booth with the other girls present for the evening, worry creasing their faces.
You glance to where Jude and the three other guys were just a while ago, seeing them nowhere near the spot. You roam your eyes around the area before Declan speaks up beside you with a comforting pat on the shoulder.
“Don’t worry about Jude, they took him outside to get some air. They’ll probably be back in a few minutes or so just until Jude cool downs.” He tells you and you silently nod your head, still looking over the last spot where you saw Pickford, Saka and Wilson calm your boyfriend from bashing the creep’s head on the table.
Trent leaves his spot in the booth, making you sit down beside his girlfriend Hannah who immediately asks if you're okay. It then probe the others into asking you the same question, with the exemption of Tolami and Lucia who simply offered you a glass of water and with an encouraging pat on the hand, refraining themselves from overwhelming you as they kept the questions to themselves.
Your answers to their questions were short and concise and it didn't take them long to realize that you would probably want your space after what happened. They simply shared looks of both worry and sympathy and with a few shorts hugs being offered to you, they simply sat in silence and waited for the others to return.
The waiting time didn't take long because after sitting down for 10 minutes, Jack, Mason, Raheem and Jesse are walking back to the booth. The four of them asked if you were alright, Jack going as far as joking about socking the guy in the parking lot after your group leaves to which not only did Sasha reprimanded him for, he was also smacked by the other guys for finding his suggestion too much despite feeling absolutely enraged by what happened.
Jordan, Saka, Wilson and Jude came back after 20 minutes, your boyfriend immediately crouching down in front of you and taking your hands in his before he’s got his forehead planted on your thighs, a shaky breath leaving his lips.
“You guys were out for long. What happened?” Jesse asked with a questioning brow raised.
Wilson who was seated on the opposite side of the seating arrangement grumbled something in response.
“The guy went to the parking lot after he was escorted out of the club, we were there, Jude saw him and tackled him on the ground after hearing the maggot say some things.” Wilson sighs but there is an amused smile on his lips. “Landed a rather lousy punch on the guy’s face when Jordan had his punching hand pinned back.”
“Should have brought him in when the wanker went out, no?” Sterling comments. “Let’s just hope this doesn't reach the internet.”
Marcus nods his head. “The PR team's most definitely gonna be pissed if that were to happen...”
“Well the nutter's the one who started it.” Trent piques with an eye-roll. “Would’ve socked him on the face the moment I saw him.”
Henderson shakes his head, ignoring the scoff from Trent as he shares his comment. “That’s why we didn’t let you leave the booth.”
“You’d jump on the poor nutter.” Mason chimes in, earning a fit of laughter from almost everyone.
As you tune down the conversation happening, your eyes landed on Jude's knuckles beside your thighs. They weren't busted open but they were bruised, discoloration already forming around the skin of the knuckles he used to punch the guy with.
You ran your fingers through his hair, leaning down to whisper against his ear as he continued being crouched down, head on your lap.
“Jude? Are you alright, love?”
Jude nods his head with a hum.
“Can you sit down beside me please?” You pat the empty space beside you. “You’re gonna get leg cramps if you remain crouching down there.”
Jude doesn't say anything else but he does comply, silently sitting down beside you with his head hanging down low.
You place a hand on his thigh, pursing your lips as you observe his slouched figure nearly draping over you.
“What’s wrong, hmm?”
He doesn't speak for a while, eyes following the circles being traces on his lap before he’s clasping your palm against his, grip not too tight but enough for you to feel the strength of his hold on you.
“Are you alright?” Jude asks, turning his head to look at you better. “I’m sorry I couldn't be there to help you earlier. I feel so angry and upset that you had to go through that. No one, not especially a woman should ever go through something as traumatizing as that and it happened to you.”
He heaves a deep breath, leaning his head against the tall cushioned back rest of the booth. “I felt so angry at myself when I saw you were almost crying when I got to you. Realized it must've been a little while when the scrub has been buggin’ you ’n I wasn’t there to keep most of it from happening.”
Jude purses his lips, muttering two words underneath his breath as if he was afraid for everyone, for you to hear the fragility and hurt in his voice.
“I’m sorry.”
Gently, you take Jude’s hand and raising his bruised knuckles to your lips, softly kissing the discolored spot.
“That wasn’t your fault Jude. It was something that we all didn’t expect to happen so please don’t take the blame for what happened.” You told him, watching as he knits his brows, closing his eyes. “Just like what you said, nobody should ever experience something like that and we only have those kind of people to blame. But thank you, for protecting me and for standing up for me the way you did. I would have never known what I’d do if you didn’t came by and helped me-”
“Of course I’d protect you. Girlfriend or not I will always protect you...”
Jude leans in and plants a kiss on your temple, pulling a hand away from your touch to wrap at your waist.
“I’d go mad if something happened to you.”
“Mhm and that’s why you socked the guy on the face right?”
Jude chuckles, kissing your cheeks and playfully biting at the skin. “Could've done a better job at punching him but my arm was restrained.”
You were about to open your mouth to respond with something when Jude’s phone rang, interrupting whatever comment you had to yourself before he’s fishing the device from his pockets, eyes rolling seeing the name in the caller id.
       Incoming call...
         PR manager
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a/n: i am not entirely satisfied with the ending but will revise it whenever i can! also posting this because jude posted a selca on his ig story 😍
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ilguna · 10 months
From expired medicine number 66 with sejanus pls 😌
☼ forget-me-nots (Sejanus Plinth) ☼
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warnings; swearing, bombs, blood, ehh gore, death, death mention, starvation mention.
wc; 11.1k
prompt; 66. amnesia au
notes; slow burn, all they get to do is hold hands. also coryo slander.
“What’s the matter, pretty boy? You in the wrong cage?” One of the other tributes asks, eyes on a blonde Capitol boy dressed in bright red. He’s standing at the back of the truck, hand reached up to hold onto a bar to keep from falling over.
You let out a breath through your nose, giving a look to Marcus, who seems just as unimpressed as you are. Leave it to someone from the Capitol to think it’s a good idea to jump in the back of a truck with a bunch of teenagers that hate his guts. He might be untouchable anywhere else, but here it’s fair game.
“No, this is exactly the cage I was waiting for.” The blonde boy tells him.
The tribute jumps to his feet, hands encircling the Capitol’s boys throat, proving your point. He slams the boy back, forearms pinning him against the bars. The Capitol boy is quick though, bringing his knee up to the tribute boy’s crotch. You watch as he doubles over, releasing him.
“He might kill you now.” The girl from the same district coughed, wafting straight into the Capitol boy’s face. “He killed a Peacekeeper back in Eleven. They never found out who did it.”
“Shut it, Dill.” The boy from Eleven growls.
“Who cares now?” Dill asks.
“Let’s all kill him.” A tiny boy grins. “Can’t do nothing worse to us.”
A few of the other tributes murmur in agreement, taking a step forward to close in on the Capitol boy. The truck hits a bump, the heels of your feet rise, and then fall flat when it comes down harshly. You sway into Marcus, and he uses his free hand to steady you.
“Not to us, maybe. You got family back home? Someone they could punish there?” A girl from the corner asks. She’s wearing a colorful dress, which has since been turned dirty from the cattle car they kept you in on the way here. She crosses the small space, wiggling herself between the tributes and the Capitol boy. “Besides, he’s my mentor. Supposed to help me. I might need him.”
“How come you get a mender?” Dill asks.
“Mentor. You each get one.” The Capitol boy says.
“Where are they, then?” Dill challenges. “Why didn’t they come?”
“Just not inspired, I guess.” The colorful girl says, turning her back to the rest of you.
The truck turns into a narrow street, where the cement must not be completely flat, because it hits a bump every second. It makes a wide turn, before you’re jostled back, as the car begins to move backward into a dimly lit building.
Your face twists, as a new smell invades your nose: a mix of rotten fish and old hay. Your hand tightens on the bars, unable to see through the darkness. The sound of two metal doors opening fills the air. You think you can see a Peacekeeper opening the back door of the truck, and then the ground beneath you turns into a slope.
You’re able to hang on for the first couple of seconds, watching as the tributes in front of you tumble out. Your fingers slip when you try to adjust to hold on better, afraid of where they’re sending you. You hit wet cement, and continue to slide, until you hit a drop.
A scream rises up your chest, clogging in your throat as you hold your breath. You fall for what feels like forever, and land hard at the bottom. The heap breaks your landing, but a shooting pain flies up your back. You hiss, face twisted as you reach back to grab your lower back.
A pair of hands grabs you beneath your arms, pulling you out of the way of another tribute coming down. Marcus places you on your feet, where you hunch while the pain subsides. When you can’t feel it anymore, you stand up fully, looking around to see where they’ve dumped you.
It’s another cage, only bigger. There’s a stretch of sand, with rock formations in the middle that twist high in the air. A shallow, dry moat separates the island and the row of metal bars on the far side. And beyond them are the faces of small Capitol children, their eyes wide at the sight of the group of you.
You begin to wander away from the pile of teenagers and hay, as they pull themselves out to be on their feet. Marcus moves with you, letting you decide how far you want to go. The faces on the other side of the bars begin to multiply quickly, filling with adults, too.
They begin to shout, pointing at the Capitol boy, attention shifting from the rest of you, to him. You glance over, finding that he’s standing taller now, expressionless as he stares where he should be. In no time, the audience begins to call out to him, asking him why he’s in here with you. One of them must recognize him, because the crowd grows thicker.
“It’s the Snow boy!’
“Who’s that again?”
“You know, the ones with roses on their roof!”
A smirk creeps to the corner of your lip, a laugh making its way out of you. You begin to walk again, around the Capitol boy, like a wild animal pacing their lunch. “Snow, huh?”
His eyes snap to you, slightly wide. 
“Do you like to play games, Snow?” Your words have an edge as they leave your mouth. You stop when your back is partly turned to the Capitol people. “Because it looks like you do.”
The other tributes have caught on, beginning to surround him. The two tributes from Eleven, the boy that suggested you should kill him, and a few more, coming to build a circle around him. He notices this almost immediately, eyes darting between each of you, like he can’t decide which one of you is more dangerous. 
His breathing is picking up, chest growing and shrinking. He really didn’t think this through, did he? He thought he’d be able to come in here and do whatever he wanted. A dribble of sweat begins to run down the side of his face, heading for his jaw. He’ll be so fun to tear apart.
“Own it.” A soft voice says.
It’s his girl tribute, sitting on a rock. Snow takes in a deep breath and turns to see her, where she’s fixing a white rose behind her ear. The same one that he’d brought to the train station for her. 
He holds his hand out for her, she smiles slightly, taking his hand. You watch as he bows, and she gets up like a lady. When he raises his head, he asks, “Would you care to meet a few of my neighbors?”
“I would be delighted.” She says, as they begin to walk off together.
He leads her up to the bars, where the people are gawking. You roll your eyes, taking several steps back as you pivot to take a look around the area. There’s not many places to hide if you wanted to. Which means that the cameras will reach you at almost any point in here. 
Snow and his girl tribute—Lucy Gray—introduce themselves, going around the crowd, talking to the children. You manage to find a nice spot behind a rock that’ll block their view, which Marcus joins you behind.
“What’s the plan here?” You murmur, eyeing the other tributes, who are scoping out the land, themselves.
“Survive.” Marcus has his arms crossed, leaning on the wall across from you. “Wait it out.”
“For how long?” You ask, you wrap a hand around your stomach when it rumbles. “I’m starving here, Marcus.”
He tilts his head, “What do you want to do? Eat one of the other tributes?”
“That’s not funny.” You tell him.
“They won’t give us food, (Y/n), I told you this.”
“I didn’t think that they’d keep it from us completely.” You hiss. 
You take in a deep breath, closing your eyes and tilting your head back. It’s been three days since the last time you’ve eaten. A small portion of bread and oatmeal, which was on the morning of Reaping Day. If you’d known that your name was going to be pulled, you would’ve eaten more.
You sigh, “I’m sorry, I know it’s not your fault.” You push your hair back. “And you’re hungry, too.”
You peek out from behind the rock to see that the pair have moved over to the cameras, having an exchange with the reporter, you presume. You watch them through squinted eyes.
“So, do you know my mentor? Says his name is Coriolanus Snow. He’s a Capitol boy and clearly I got the cake with the cream, ‘cause nobody else’s mentor even bothered to show up to welcome them.”
“Well, he gave us all a surprise. Did your teachers tell you to be here, Coriolanus?”
Snow steps forward. “They didn’t tell me not to.” The crowd laughs. “But I do remember them saying that I was to introduce Lucy Gray to the Capitol, and I take that job seriously.”
“So you didn’t have a second thought about diving into a cage of tributes?” The reporter asks.
“A second, a third, and I imagine the fourth and fifth will be hitting me sometime soon.” Snow says. “But if she’s brave enough to be here, shouldn’t I be?”
You scoff, Snow turns his head slightly to find where the noise came from. Brave, as if you all didn’t end up here by chance. By their hands. 
“Oh, for the record, I didn’t have a choice.” Lucy Gray says.
“For the record, neither did I.” Snow says. “After I heard you sing, I couldn’t keep away. I confess, I’m a fan.”
Lucy Gray moves her skirt to show off the color, as the audience erupts into applause.
“Well, I hope for your sake the Academy agrees with you, Coriolanus.” The reporter says. “I think you’re about to find out.”
As if on cue, the metal doors nearby squeal against the concrete, as if there’s not enough space to allow them to move. A group of four Peacekeepers march out, heading straight for the Capitol boy.
Snow turns back to the camera. “Thank you for joining us. Remember, it’s Lucy Gray Baird, representing District Twelve. Drop by the zoo if you have a minute and say hello. I promise she’s well worth the effort.”
Lucy Gray holds out the back of her hand to him, which he takes and presses a kiss to. After that, he waves to the audience once, before joining the Peacekeepers and leaving the exhibit. The doors shut tightly behind them.
They dumped you in a fucking zoo.
Lucy Gray mingles around the bars for a few more minutes, before she comes down the moat to join her tribute partner. The crowd thins out considerably, now that they don’t have a source of entertainment. You disappear behind the rock, lowering yourself to the ground. Marcus doesn’t move from where he stands, looking down at you.
You pull your knees up. “Do you think our mentors will show up?”
“It won’t matter.” Marcus says. “They can’t do anything for us. All they’ll do is bring more people to stare.”
You rest your head back. “Right.” For the first time in days, you feel at peace enough to relax, the drowsiness coming in waves. You sigh, letting your legs down. “Will you wake me if something happens?”
“I will.” Marcus nods.
His confirmation is good enough for you. You settle on the cement, shoulders square with the rock. It’s uncomfortable, but your body doesn’t seem to care, focused on the idea of being able to sleep. The moment you shut your eyes, you’re practically done for, as the chatter of the Capitol people acts as perfect background noise for you to doze off to.
When you wake, it’s on your own accord. There’s a pain in the side of your neck, due to sleeping with your head at an angle. You squeeze your eyes, face twisting as you reach up to massage the area. When you look around, you find Marcus standing nearby, face hard.
You stretch, letting out a groan. It must be getting dark out because the artificial lights on the other side of the rock have been turned on. There’s no telling how late it is. You wonder if they’ll even bother to turn them off when the zoo does close.
You push to get to your feet, swallowing the nausea that rises with the movement. It’s due to hunger, but it’ll pass soon if you take it easy. Marcus looks over when he sees that you’re on your feet, his face smoothing out briefly.
“Anything big happen?” You ask, arms above your head. You can hear your upper back pop, relieving the pressure.
“No, but we have a familiar face in the crowd.” Marcus says.
“Like who? Snow?” You sneer, coming out from behind the rock. 
You squint through the white light, holding a hand up to shield your eyes. The tributes that you’re in here with have spread out to keep from getting in each other’s space. You look up to the bars to see that the crowd has grown again, peering down at the group of you. 
To humor Marcus, you search for the blonde boy that belongs to Lucy Gray, yet you come up blank. A joke begins to form on your tongue, as you turn your head to tell it, you hear your name being shouted from the other side of the bars. You glance back at the crowd, eyebrows together, wandering away from your partner to find who it is that knows your name.
You make it all the way to the moat before you see who it is. He’s crouched, hands wrapped around the bars, forehead pressed to them. His brown hair and brown eyes are unmistakable. You used to stare into them everyday when you were friends, before he moved away to live in the Capitol.
Sejanus Plinth is dressed in the same bright red uniform that Snow was wearing when he came into the truck. He looks just like he did when you went to school together, only older now because it’s been ten years. He still wears that innocent look on his face, which is unsurprising. His heart is big enough to house dozens of people.
“(Y/n).” Sejanus shifts on his feet, leaning away from the bars as he turns to a black backpack at his side. He opens it up, reaches inside, and pulls out something that’s wrapped. It’s reflecting the light. “Please, take it. Marcus won’t.”
“Sejanus.” His name is foreign on your tongue. “I don’t even know what it is.”
“It’s a meatloaf sandwich.” He says, holding it out between the bars. “Please, I know you’re hungry.”
He’s right, your stomach begins to hurt at the thought of the sandwich, but you don’t move from where your feet are planted. You glance behind you, to Marcus, who’s still standing against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He’s determined to stay there.
He was Marcus’s friend, too. The three of you were very close during grade school. If there was one of you, the other two would be following close by. That is, until the Plinths upgraded from District Two to the Capitol, due to their loyalty during the Dark Days. In many people’s eyes, the Plinths are a bunch of traitors. 
Including Marcus’s.
You would think the same, if he weren’t a child at the time. And especially not now, with you being stuck in this situation. With Sejanus being on the other side of the bars, maybe he can help, beyond just giving you sandwiches. If all the tribute mentors are wearing these red uniforms, that means he might be one, himself.
So, you move forward, crossing the moat and climbing the hill that’ll lead you to the bars. You don’t lower yourself to his height right away, looking between the faces behind him. With your presence, they all seem to shuffle a step back, unsure if you’re one of the hostile tributes or not.
You breathe through your nose, amused. You grab onto the bar with one hand, using it as support as you get down. Sejanus is still holding out the sandwich for you to take, which you do so carefully, setting it on your knee. 
Sejanus nods, happy that you’re trusting him. “I tried to get any of the other tributes to come over but they won’t.”
“Can’t blame them.” You say, not being able to focus on his face when the people behind him peer over his shoulder. “I wasn’t going to, either.”
You jerk forward, a threat to the Capitol people. A few of them let out gasps as they return to where they’d been standing, hiding behind Sejanus. When your eyes make their way back to his face, you find his face screwed.
“Marcus doesn’t want to see me, does he?”
“No, he doesn’t.”
“But he knows that I’m sorry? You know I’m sorry, right?”
You shrug. “Doesn’t change the fact that he’s angry. Or that we’re both here in a zoo cage.”
Sejanus swallows.
You’re tired of this conversation already. “I hear that we get mentors. Where’s mine?”
“I am.” He says. “I’m your mentor, and Marcus has Florus.”
“Oh, how fortunate.” You shake your head. “Did you ask for me?”
“No, I was assigned.” Sejanus says, glancing behind him. His face lights up as he raises a hand to wave someone over. Your eyes shift in that direction, finding the Snow boy coming your way. He weaves through the crowd, and stops two feet away from the bars. 
“Trouble?” He asks, paying no attention to you.
You scoff, “Great, you’re friends with Snow.” You grab the sandwich with one hand, pulling yourself to your feet with the other. By then, the blonde boy has his eyes on you. 
Sejanus looks between you two. “Do you know each other?”
“Of course not.” Snow says first, face twisting, seemingly disgusted by the idea.
You laugh, it’s venomous, “You know, I think I do pride myself in not hanging around Capitol scum.” You spit, holding out your hand that has the sandwich. “Give me another, Sejanus. I’ll see that Marcus gets it.”
Sejanus doesn’t need you to tell him twice, grabbing another. You don’t break the eye contact you have with Snow, which is growing tense by the second. 
“Capitol scum?” He repeats, smiling. “That’s funny.”
“Is it now?” You steal the second sandwich from Sejanus’s hand before it’s fully through the bars. You look over Snow, taking in how big he is. “For a Capitol boy, you look pretty starved. You belong more in here than you do out there.” You take a couple steps over so that you’re directly in front of him. “Except, you wouldn’t last ten seconds before getting ripped apart.”
You look at Sejanus to find that he’s holding out two plums. You pluck them from his hands, giving a nasty look to Snow before you go back down the hill with your winnings. There are several pairs of eyes that watch you return to the rock that you and Marcus have claimed. You return their stares with pressed lips. 
You step behind the stone, Marcus following you. When you hold out the two sandwiches and plums, he shakes his head. “I don’t want that.”
“If we want to win, we need to be strong.” You tell him. “Take one.”
He sighs, irritated, but grabs one of each. You sink back to the ground, unwrapping your sandwich, resting the plum in your lap. The moment that you sink your teeth into the soft bread, every ounce of self control leaves your body. It’s perfect, delicious, and gone within a minute. The plum, too.
Once Marcus has finished his sandwich, he wipes his mouth, sucking the ketchup off of his finger. “Who’s your mentor?”
“Sejanus.” You tell him, “You have someone named Florus.”
“As long as I don’t have him—I don’t care who I have. They won’t make a difference.”
“That’s what you think.” 
“Get up!” A voice shouts.
Your eyes pop open as you fly into an upward position, looking around to see where the danger is. Your eyes land on Peacekeepers, dressed in grey uniforms, standing next to the steel doors that are swung wide open.
The other tributes are shuffling toward the Peacekeepers, hardly awake. You rustle in the hay to look at Marcus, who’s already getting to his feet. A yawn escapes you, holding out your hand. Marcus takes it to pull you to your feet, steadying you when you stumble a step.
“What’s happening?” You murmur, rubbing your eyes.
“No idea.” Marcus says, walking away. You follow him, briefly looking at the bars to see if there’s an audience, finding it empty. The zoo must not be open yet.
On the other side of the building is a truck, similar to the one you rode here on. Marcus steps inside first, and then turns to give you a hand, pulling you inside. The two of you choose a spot in the middle, where you grab a rod and try not to touch anyone if you can help it.
Once you’re packed inside, they slam the doors shut. The car jolts forward a moment later, and then they begin to take you through the streets. You sigh, watching the blur of buildings and people on the sidewalk. Occasionally, you glance at the people around you, taking in details in increments to avoid setting them off. The last thing you’d want is to cause a fight in here.
Your eyes linger on the boy from Eleven and the way he hovers over Dill, feeling a need to protect her. It’s the same for Lucy Gray and her tribute partner, who she seems to be close with. Last night, you weren’t the only one to take a sandwich, soon after, Lucy Gray went to have one too. When she decided that it was good, she told her friend… Jessup, that’s his name. She told Jessup to grab one too, which then prompted the rest of the tributes to follow.
For now, you can’t find anyone else that sticks out in your mind. You’re sure that they’ll reveal themselves as time goes on, all you have to do is wait until then. You know that you should keep a distance from Four and Eight, at the very least. They have previous experience with weapons, much like you.
The truck comes to a hard stop. A Peacekeeper comes out to stand on your side of the truck. You look down at him, finding a pair of handcuffs that he has gripped in his gloves. 
“We will take one district at a time. When you step out of the truck, hold your hands out in front of you, palms up.” He instructs. “District One.”
The boy and girl get up from where they’re sitting. The doors open, allowing them to step out. They don’t bother shutting the doors again, letting you take in the amount of Peacekeepers they have on standby in case something goes wrong. The tributes get handcuffed, and then led inside of the building by four Peacekeepers that have a tight hand on them.
“District Two.”
Marcus moves first, stepping out of the truck. He turns to help you, which you accept when you jump off the ledge. On the ground, the two of you turn to the Peacekeeper, holding out your hands as you were told to. The steel is cold against your wrists, he squeezes the cuff, tightening it as much as he can. He repeats the process for Marcus.
With that, he instructs you to move forward, heading inside of the building. The floors are polished, reflecting the dull sunlight, and with how big and empty the hall is, the sounds of your shoes echo. You move down several hallways, until you spot the open wooden doors with a Peacekeeper standing post outside of the room.
When you step inside, you can see that the boy and girl from One have each been sat at their own table. There’s a cement slab on top of it with a metal loop, where the handcuffs are fed through to keep them in place. You grind your teeth, looking at Marcus to see that his face has hardened.
“Girl, sit down.” The Peacekeeper tells you. 
Biting your tongue, you decide not to tell him your name, just listen to the directions. You sit in the folding chair, scooting it up slightly to close the gap between you and the table. You hold up your wrists, he unlocks the one side of the cuffs, guides the open side through the loop, and then closes the cuff on your wrist again.
He crouches down, reaching for your feet. Your face twists, feeling him pull up the bottom of your skirt just high enough, before the coldness encases your right ankle. When you give it a pull, you can hear the rattling of chains on the cement. You look over at Marcus, raising your eyebrows. The Peacekeeper secures your left ankle before getting to his feet.
If anyone had any plans of escaping this afternoon, they’re going to have to rethink it.
Marcus sits at his table unprompted. Right as his shackles are being double-checked, the pair of tributes from Three come through the door. It goes on like this, all the way around the circle, up to Lucy Gray and her tribute friend.
While this is happening, you take the time to look around the room you’re in. It’s classically wealthy, with the columns, the arched windows and the tall ceilings. The best you can compare this building to is the Justice Building at home in Two, but even that’s lacking in several departments.
Halfway up the wall, you find a balcony. You sit back in your chair, forearms resting on the edge of the table. There are faces up there, staring down at you. From what you can see, they’re all wearing the red uniform that Snow and Sejanus were wearing yesterday.
“Eyes up.” You murmur to Marcus.
Out of your peripheral, you’re able to watch him tilt his head back to see what you mean. He straightens up in his seat, hands curling in to form fists.
A door slams, the people on the balcony jump and turn to see where the noise is coming from. “Stop eyeballing your tributes and get down there.” A feminine voice orders. “You only have fifteen minutes, so use them wisely. And remember, complete the paperwork for our records as best you can.”
The first person to come down the spiral staircase is none other than Snow, heading straight for Lucy Gray. When he passes in front of you, a laugh leaves you at the sight of his determined face. He’s quickly forgotten when you see Sejanus bouncing your way, a smile spread across his lips.
“Hey, Marcus.” He says, but he doesn’t get a response. Sejanu takes a seat in the chair across from you. “(Y/n), they’re just having us do interviews today.”
“I’m sure that’ll be easy.” You say. “Considering you know everything about me already.”
He swings his bag into his lap. “I still have to go down the list.” He pulls out a piece of paper and a pen, setting it on the table. His hand dips inside again, and when it surfaces, he has a pair of sandwiches. “I hope you’re hungry.”
I am, you think. All you do is give him a smile. “Thank you, Sejanus.”
“One more thing.” He says, bringing out a clear container. He opens the lid, revealing a slice of brown cake with a fork inside. “Ma made it. Help yourself.”
You nod, “What’s on the paper?”
“Just the basics so the Capitol can get to know you better.” He says, reaching for the pencil. 
You manage to grab one of the sandwiches, unwrapping the paper. With the limited mobility your hands have, you have to lean forward to take a bite. The bread crunches under your teeth, meaning it must’ve been toasted. The roast beef inside is cold, and it must be freshly bought. You hum, closing your eyes.
“I can fill it out, just correct me if I come across something wrong.” Sejanus says. 
You listen as he reads out the list and his answer to them. Your name, district address, your date of birth, hair and eye color, height and weight, and any disabilities you may have. You give him the answers when he pauses to look up at you, for the most part, he nails them.
“Family makeup. If I remember right, you’ve got your mom and dad and two sisters, right?” He asks.
“Mom’s dead.” You tell him, balling up the paper when you finish your sandwich. “One of my sisters is sick, she probably won’t last much longer.”
Sejanus’s hand stops, face twisting as he looks up at you. “(Y/n), I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” You tell him, pressing your lips together. “Do you need their names or is that it?”
“That’s it.” He says, voice quieter. “You’re not married, are you?”
“Do you have a job?”
“Not legally.” You sit back in the chair. “I help out in the warehouse and earn money for it, but I’m not supposed to be in there.”
He nods. “I’ll put you down as no.”
“Thanks.” You murmur, looking at the paper. “That’s the last question?”
“It is.” He says.
“Five minutes.” A woman announces, she’s wandering around the room.
“You should give the other sandwich to Marcus.” You tell him. 
“He won’t take it from me, only you.” Sejanus shakes his head.
“I don’t have pockets, so I can’t give it to him later.” Your eyes wander away, finding his mentor, Florus. “Why don’t you hand it to Florus?”
“He’s not having very good luck with Marcus, either.”
You sigh, “All I’m hearing are excuses.” You roll your eyes, looking over. “Marcus, there’s an extra sandwich. You should take it.”
“Excuse me.” Florus says, eyebrows drawing in. “I’m trying to interview him.”
“Looks like you’re havin’ a lot of luck.” You smile at his blank paper. “I can’t smuggle it out of here, and you’re the only one that has pockets between us.”
Marcus looks at you, but nods. Sejanus seems pleased with this, handing the sandwich over to Florus, who begrudgingly stuffs it into one of Marcus’s pockets. You turn to the cake, digging out the fork.
“It’s carrot cake.” Sejanus says.
“I’m sure it’s good either way.” You stick the fork into the icing. “Your mom always made the best sweets.”
“She’s gotten better.” He says. “I’ll tell her about your ma, I’m sure she’ll be apologetic.”
“Don’t make her feel too bad.” You place the bite into your mouth. The sweetness explodes across your tongue. You can’t remember the last time you were treated to something so good. All your money goes to your sister’s medicine, you can’t get sweets like this anymore. “It’s not her fault.”
“I wish we hadn’t moved away.” Sejanus swipes some of the icing off the corner of the container. “It’s harder to make friends here than it is there, but I have Coriolanus.”
“Snow?” You ask, looking to your right. He’s three tables over with Lucy Gray, leaned forward to talk. “He doesn’t look like much company.”
“He is.” Sejanus sighs. “How is it in Two?”
“Worse.” You shrug. “Or the same, depending how you look at it.”
“You said you work in the warehouse, at least you have the job lined up.”
“It’s district work, it’s always going to be available. It’d be a different story if I was a blacksmith but they won’t take me until I’m eighteen.” You say. “Or rather, they wouldn’t.”
He frowns, “I’m really sorry you’re here, (Y/n).”
“I know.” You murmur. “Nothing that we can do about it now.”
A whistle suddenly blows, making you turn your head to the woman by the door. She drops it, allowing it to hang over her chest. “Time.”
You look back at Sejanus. “When’s the next time I see you?”
“I can visit tonight.” He says.
“That would be great.” You drop the fork into the container. “Thank you, Sejanus.”
The Capitol people standing on the other side of the bars is an irritating sight, especially since they’re holding food with seemingly no intention to give it to any of you. It’s gotten to the point where the tributes around you don’t bother to go up anymore, knowing that they’re all going to take a collective step back.
They don’t really matter to you, anyway. You have Sejanus, and as long as he’s feeding you and trying to keep you company, you don’t need them. You’ll suffice just fine with one of your old friends. As for Marcus, he wants to be left alone, but you won’t let that happen.
He’s currently laying on his bed of hay. Last night, the Capitol had released a couple of bales into the enclosure. While the tributes fought over them, you and Marcus sat back and watched, slightly amused. When he decided that he had enough, he went and grabbed the last bale from two tributes, throwing them away.
He split the hay with you, but you wanted enough to act as a pillow to rest your head on. You’re fine with sleeping on the cement, because it feels like your bed back home. Except, that one is a little more broken in, and you don’t wake up several times throughout the night. 
Marcus ate the roast beef sandwich from Sejanus, and even admitted that he was glad you had Florus give it to him. He doesn’t want to forgive Sejanus for what he’s done, even though you’ve tried to explain the fact that it’s not necessarily his fault. He was only a child at the time they moved, and he has no choice but to mentor tributes now. It’s just bad luck that it’s the two of you and not anyone else.
You push to get to your feet, kicking the hay into a pile once you’re upright. You wander out from behind the rock, curious to see where the tributes have moved and what the bars look like. The crowd has surely tripled in size since the last time you looked. They’re still up there, holding food.
There was a pair of twins in the corner earlier, a boy and a girl. They’d brought lunch for their tributes, but they’re gone now; replaced by Snow and Lucy Gray. You wander, arms crossed over your chest, looking for Sejanus. He must be coming through the crowd now, because you find his dark hair a second later, when you’re doing another sweep.
You immediately start for him, crossing the moat and climbing up the hill. Your arms fall, as you crouch to join. “Hello.”
“Hey.” He murmurs. “Did Marcus eat?”
“Yes he did. He says that the sandwich was good.”
“Ma sends her regards. She’s been upset since I told her.” Sejanus pulls out two eggs and a couple wedges of bread. “For an egg sandwich.”
“I told you not to make her feel guilty.” You tell him, holding out your hand. He places them inside. “Are the eggs raw?”
“No, hard boiled. I just didn’t peel them.” He says. “And I couldn’t help it. I told her what happened to your ma and she asked about the rest of your family.”
You nod. “I see.”
“(Y/n), they might be implementing new rules.” He laces his fingers. “They’re thinking about letting the Capitol citizens sponsor tributes. Which means that you’ll need to gain their favor somehow.”
“I’m not a circus animal.” You tell him. “Unlike Lucy Gray, over there.”
“I know, but if you could come up with something with Marcus, then Florus and I might be able to pool together. We could feed you and give you water, at least.” Sejanus says.
You shake your head. “These Games never go on longer than a few days.”
“That’s because they didn’t have food to eat in the past.” He reasons. “Now we’re able to feed you and they’re taking suggestions for different ideas.”
You sigh, looking at the sandwich components in your hands. “I’ll try to brainstorm with Marcus, but he’s pretty set on not participating. It’s a fight just to get him to eat food, Sejanus.”
He reaches through the bars, placing one of his hands over yours. You look down at it, and then up at him. With his other hand, he grabs onto the bars, leaning forward. “I want you to live, (Y/n).”
“I do too, Sejanus. It’s just not that easy.” You tell him.
“Well, they’re going to have you do an interview on television. That’ll be your chance.”
Laughter erupts around you, making you break eye contact. You follow the gaze of the crowd, and find a mentor a few feet away. She’s sitting on a towel or blanket, a picnic displayed in front of her. On the other side is a tribute, you think the girl from Ten. The mentor holds out the sandwich, the tribute reaches for it, and the mentor pulls away.
She turns to give the crowd a smile before taking a bite out of the sandwich. You roll your eyes, sighing. The tribute’s face drops, no longer hopeful, as her hand slips between the bars. You watch as she grabs the knife on the blanket, leaning forward to grab the front of the mentor’s shirt, and then slitting her throat.
The crowd screams in shock, the sandwich is dropped from the mentor’s hand as she reaches up to her throat, pawing at her neck. The tribute lets go of her, giving her a shove for good measure.
You get to your feet this instant, Sejanus’s hand falling from yours. You clutch the food to your chest as you turn to the hill, wanting to put distance between you and the scene. Sejanus grabs you, pulling you back down to the ground.
“Help her!” A voice shouts. “Medic!”
“Put your head down.” He tells you, you lower to your knees.
“Is there a doctor? Please, someone help!” The voice belongs to Snow, who’s holding the girl mentor in his lap. She reaches up to grab his shirt, choking on the blood. Snow turns to the crowd. “Come on!”
The Ten tribute leans through the bars, snatching the cheese sandwich into her hands, raising it to her mouth. The sound of metal slamming into concrete fills the air, as the Peacekeepers burst through the far side of the enclosure, raising their runs, presumably aiming for the district girl.
She manages to take a bite of the sandwich, before the bullets are fired, piercing her body. You duck your head, squeezing your eyes shut, as Sejanus presses down on your back to keep you down. Another round of screaming, no more shots fired.
You sit up, Sejanus’s hand retreating. He opens up his bag, showing you the bread and eggs that he has inside, all meant for the tributes you’re trapped with. You know what he’s asking, so you lift the bottom of your skirt to create a bowl, letting him dump the food inside so it doesn’t go to waste.
The people have begun to flee the area, Sejanus rising to his feet. He leaves his backpack behind, holding a single wedge of bread. You get to your feet with shaky legs, turning to look at the Peacekeepers, where they have the others lined up against the wall, hands on their heads.
You carefully step down the hill, breathing slowly to keep from panicking. You glance over your shoulder at Sejanus, to find him sprinkling the bread over the Ten girl. His lips are moving, whispering the prayer, before a Peacekeeper grabs him by the back of his shirt, yanking him away.
You make it all the way to the wall. When they take notice of you, they grab the underside of your arm, pulling you to stand next to Marcus. They don’t tell you to put your hands on your head, letting you tremble.
They wait for the zoo to clear out, and as soon as the last person has left, they begin to search each one of you thoroughly. When it’s clear that you’re not hiding any weapons, they brandish the shackles. They go down the line, slapping the metal on your wrists, tightening the cuffs, and then moving on to the next person.
And when the last restraint is secured, they leave. The doors scraping on the cement before slamming shut. 
The Peacekeepers work silently as they direct the truck to back in as far as it possibly can into the alleyway without damaging the bricks. When it comes close enough to the doors, they hold up a hand, making it stop. A few of the Peacekeepers gather together briefly to speak, before turning to the line of you. 
They bring you up to the long truck bed, where they make you get down so they lock you to it. You start by crouching, but as the minutes tick on with no sign of movement, you tuck the skirt beneath you as best as possible so that you can sit. The heat from the metal burns through the fabric, and it feels like there’s nothing under you at all.
Marcus is placed a few feet away, where he shifts on his feet, opting not to sit. The two of you share a long look, where you raise your eyebrows and he shakes his head. Neither of you have a clue what’s happening. The Peacekeepers haven’t said so much as a word to any of you.
They just gathered you up, they sent someone to retrieve the body of the Ten girl, who had been slumped against the bars all night. Since the incident yesterday, no one has been allowed to visit the zoo. Except for Snow, where he briefly spoke to Lucy Gray before leaving.
There’s a large metal structure attached to the truck bed in front of you. You have to tilt your head all the way back to see what it is. It’s a crane, it seems. A metal hook hangs off a chain, swaying in the air from the small breeze. It’s so hot out that it isn’t that much of a relief. You’ve been baking in the cage all night. Forget the food that Sejanus has been giving you, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for a cup of water.
Machinery begins to whirr, the hook slowly coming down at you. You look over your shoulder, curious to see why they could possibly need the hook. You can’t find the Peacekeepers, only the faces of the tributes behind you, who are avoiding eye contact, or staring at the ground.
The chains and hook begin to curl on the ground, when suddenly it stops. A Peacekeeper grunts, there’s a hard stomp on the truck, making it vibrate. It’s quiet for a second, as the sound of something dragging across the uneven surface is all you can hear, until there’s a violent gag, followed by desperate coughing.
As you turn to see, a closed fits smacks the side of your face, causing you to jerk away. You lean as far as the shackles will allow, looking up at the Peacekeeper. You realize quickly that it wasn’t done on purpose, because he’s clutching a pair of handcuffs between his gloves. They’re attached to a pair of wrists, and furthermore, a body.
The rancid smell of a decomposing body hits your nose, making you sick. You bury your nose in the cloth on your shoulder, deeply inhaling to rid the assault. Tears pop into your eyes, which you struggle to blink away. The Peacekeeper reaches down to grab the hook, sliding it between one of the chain links. 
He lifts a hand, indicating to lift the hook. A moment later, it does. The Peacekeeper keeps a hold on the body, setting it straight, making sure that it won’t come loose. It isn’t until he twists the body to get a look, do you see that it’s the dead girl from Ten. In the open air, you’re able to see the bitemarks along her skin, a few chunks missing from the rats that were nibbling on her all night. 
A gag rises, you turn your head to the other side of the truck, teeth grit tightly together while you try to calm your stomach. It isn’t a full minute before they’ve decided that she’s up high enough in the air, which is when the Peacekeeper leaves the truck, jumping down.
They wrap up the area, closing the door to the enclosure, getting in the vehicle. They drive out of the alleyway and down the streets, where a few pedestrians stop where they stand to stare. You drop your head, lips pressed together.
The car comes to a stop a few short minutes later. When you peer around the front of the truck, you can see the grey uniform of Peacekeepers. There’s hundreds of them too, perfectly in place. Your eyebrows twitch, lips parting. This can’t possibly be for the twenty-three of you, can it?
You look back at Marcus, who’s on the inner side of the row, making it impossible for him to see. “Peacekeepers, hundreds of ‘em.”
A few heads rise, eyes landing on you. Marcus’s face contorts, “Why?”
“No idea.”
It’s quiet for a few seconds, and then the beginning notes of the Capitol anthem cuts through the silence. The Peacekeepers straighten, finding their places. 
“Gem of Panem,” A male voice starts. “Mighty city, through the ages, you shine anew.”
The next three minutes are filled with the lyrics to the anthem. They’re vaguely familiar, you haven’t heard them in a couple of months, at least. They used to have you chant it every morning at school, but it fizzled out because it took up precious learning time. Now, they play the instrumental to allow the teachers to talk over it.
The applause that follows after the final note is thunderous, coming from far down the street. You can’t see anyone, though. Only the Peacekeepers, standing still as they wait for their cue to move. A heavy feeling weighs in your stomach, as the thoughts of what may be waiting for you begin to claw.
“Two days ago, Arachne Crane’s young and precious life was ended, and so we mourn another victim of the criminal rebellion that yet besieges us.” A powerful voice says. “Her death was as valiant as any on the battlefield, her loss more profound as we claim to be at peace. But no peace will exist while this disease eats away at all that is good and noble in our country. Today we honor her sacrifice with a reminder that while evil exists, it does not prevail. And once again, we bear witness as our great Capitol brings justice to Panem.”
There’s a slow, deep drumming that starts. The Peacekeepers move forward, as if drawn to the sound. The truck doesn’t move until they’re a good fifteen feet ahead, it jolts, you catch yourself by placing your hands on the metal bed. The scorching heat licks your palms so aggressively that you jerk back, chains rattling, cuffs digging into your wrists.
For a good stretch, you can’t see anything, it looks like any other road. And then, you spot the stands, the people dressed in black on the left, mourning. On the right, it’s the same, but there’s also a choir of the mentors in red, standing together. You search quickly for Sejanus, yet you’re unable to find him.
Behind the truck is another army of Peacekeepers, marching in sync. The car continues down the avenue until you’re out of sight completely. And instead of stopping at the end of the street, like the Peacekeepers, it continues moving. You expect it to bring you back to the zoo, but you’re going in a different direction.
The wind caresses your skin from the car picking up speed. It temporarily cools the burning on your shoulders, but not by much. The group of you are brought across the river, where an amphitheater stands. The truck comes to a stop out front, and it stays here for the next thirty minutes, until the brigade of Peacekeepers show up.
After that, you’re brought off the truck, one by one, with two Peacekeepers flanking one tribute. With you being so far up, it takes them fifteen minutes before it’s your turn to get freed. They line you up numerically, in girl-boy order, and make you wait an additional half hour while the mentors get here.
They step off the bus, instructed to stand next to their tribute. Sejanus comes out with a grave look on his face, eyes on the ground. He lets out a sigh when he squeezes between you and the boy from One.
“I’ve got nothing for you, I’m sorry.” Sejanus murmurs. 
“It’s fine.” You whisper back. “They fed us last night and this morning.”
When all tributes and mentors are counted for, the Peacekeepers remove the bars from the entrance, swinging open the large doors to reveal a grand lobby. Inside, there are boarded-up booths and old curling posters from wartime. The Peacekeepers lead the way through the lobby, to the turnstiles.
Two soldiers stand at turnstiles on opposite ends, feeding coins into the machine to allow you to pass through at the same time as Sejanus. As soon as you step through, a cheerful voice says, “Enjoy the show!”
There’s a long cement hallway leading to where you’re going, lit up by only the red emergency lights. It’s too dark for you to walk with sure steps, so you reach over to Sejanus, chains rattling as your hands wrap around his elbow. He briefly glances over, where you give him a small smile. 
He places his free hand over yours, squeezing your fingers. He doesn’t let go, either, not until you’ve made it to the end, where you walk into the sunlight and onto a giant field. Your pace slows considerably, eyes sweeping the area, wondering why this is so familiar.
“Where are we?” You ask.
“The arena.” Sejanus tells you.
You stop, wanting a moment to take in just how large it is. What should be a healthy and green field is now dead and dried up. There’s a scoreboard hanging over the opening you just came through, with thousands of seats circling the arena behind it.
If this is where you’re going to come to fight in a couple short days, then you’ll have no issue hiding, at least. No matter where you go on Game day, you’ll be safe as long as you’re careful.
The Peacekeepers move off to the side, letting you spread out. Sejanus begins to lead you away immediately. “Did you come up with anything for the interview?”
“No, not with Marcus.” You sigh. “He’s dead-set on figuring it out on his own. I figure that I can play the sick sister card, maybe earn some sympathy.” 
“That could work, but they’re looking for talent.”
“I don’t have much of that.” Your feet come to a halt, you pull away from Sejanus’s arm. Your fingers are warm from where he’d been holding them. “You don’t need to worry about the interview, I’ll have that covered. It’s not a half-bad idea. People like to help the poor, and that’s all the districts are, right?”
Sejanus’s mouth turns downward, but he doesn’t object. “Right. I just wish I could do more.”
“You’re already doing enough, I couldn’t have asked for anyone better.” You say, “I’m sorry about your friend.”
“Arachne? I could hardly call her that. She was closer with Coriolanus than me.” Sejanus shakes his head.
“Still, it’s hard losing someone in your class.” Your eyes land on a stray eyelash laying on his cheek. “Don’t move.”
You reach over, hand resting on the side of his face just long enough for your thumb to swipe away the eyelash. You hold it out for him to see, before brushing it away.
“Thank you.” He says.
“You have to keep up your appearance.” You laugh. “Mine doesn’t really matter anymore.”
“That’s not—”
An explosion shakes the arena, the fiery blast throwing you to the ground, head cracking against the cement. Through blurry eyes, you’re able to make out Sejanus in the smoke, hovering over you, before the black blotches eat away at your vision completely.
“Follow the light.” The woman tells you, clicking on the flashlight.
As you adjust the pack of ice against the side of your head, you listen to her directions, eyes flickering to keep track of the light. When she’s satisfied, she clicks it off, dropping it into a pocket on her lab coat. There’s a badge hanging from her neck with an old picture of her and her name.
Magnolia Peacescape. Her occupation is a veterinarian.
Your eyes land on her again, squinting suspiciously. The Capitol couldn’t even afford to give you a real doctor? They had to insist on someone who works on animals?
“What’s your name?” She asks, grabbing a clipboard.
“(Y/n) (L/n).” You murmur, attention shifting to the Peacekeepers who are dragging tributes into the zoo cage.
“How old are you?” She asks.
You open your mouth to speak, the number on the tip of your tongue before it slips away. Your face twists as you search the open air as if it’ll have some answer. All you come up with are blanks, you resort to staring at Magnolia.
She looks up from the paper. “How old are you?” She repeats.
“I’m not sure.” You admit. 
Her face contorts, she reluctantly looks away to write something on the paper. “District?”
“Who’s your mentor?” Her pen pauses.
Once again you have nothing, so you shake your head at her. “Am I supposed to know?”
The wrinkles on her face are deepening with every passing second. She licks her lips, looking over at the Peacekeepers briefly, before turning back to you. “Honey, what’s the name of the boy you came here with?”
Your eyes fall to the cement as you try to picture his face, or any features that may belong to the boy that she’s referring to. When that doesn’t work, you try to conjure up details about him, like his name, his age, his height. All of which she’s withholding.
“I’m sorry…” You murmur, trailing off.
She sighs, “Wait here.”
Magnolia Peacescape lowers the clipboard, pulling it against her chest. She walks over to one of the Peacekeepers standing by the metal doors, beginning to speak very quickly, none of it that you can hear over the moans of pain. The tributes are spread out through the enclosure, varying in how hurt they are from the bombing.
Most are covered in soot and smell like smoke from the fire. Their clothes are ripped or burned at the edges, exposing their skin. From what the Peacekeepers were saying, a good number of tributes were injured, but not as severely as the pair from District Nine, who were caught in the fire for an extended period of time.
And of course, a few of them died in the attack. Like the tributes from Six, who got caught by shrapnel, and the two from One, who had tried to escape the arena but got shot before they made it out of the entrance. There was one tribute that managed to escape, though, and that’s the boy you came here with.
As for the mentors, they don’t say much about them. You heard in passing that a pair of twins had died and three mentors got hospitalized. You couldn’t get any more than that, because they pushed you inside of the zoo.
“She needs to go to the hospital!” Magnolia’s high voice suddenly cuts through the noises. “She has a concussion.”
“We aren’t authorized to take them out of the exhibit.” The Peacekeeper drones. “If you have a request, you need to submit it to Dr. Gaul, she’s overseeing the mentoring program and the treatment of the tributes.”
She shakes her head. “So I’m going to have to go through that process for each one of them?” She motions to the cage. “They don’t have time for that.”
“It’s your only option.”
She waves her hand in the air, turning away, coming back in your direction. You move the ice pack the wrong way by accident, making the throbbing come back full force. You wince, pulling it away from your head as you fix your holding.
Magnolia grabs it from you, pats on the ice to make it flat, and then presses it against the dressed cut. “Keep it there until it melts.”
“Thank you.”
“I haven’t done much to deserve that.” She says, looking down at the clipboard. “It says here that you have two sisters, what are their names?” When you don’t respond, she takes a deep breath. “And your mother is dead, can you recall from what?”
You blink, “My mom is dead?”
She writes on the paper. “This is information we gathered from the interview that took place with your mentor.”
Your eyes wander away, thinking about your mom.
“Do you remember the interview?”
Magnolia sighs. “(Y/n), you’re eighteen years old. Your mentor is Sejanus Plinth, and the boy you came here with is Marcus. He escaped early this afternoon.”
Your face twists.
“I suspect you may have anterograde and retrograde amnesia. It’s caused by head trauma.” She stops long enough to write something on the clipboard, then clicks her pen and slides it into her pocket. “From what Mister Plinth told me at the scene, it would make sense. I’ll make a request for them to admit you to the hospital, but I can’t treat you any further. I don’t have the equipment.”
“Amnesia.” You mutter.
“I’ll be checking in on you as much as Dr. Gaul will allow it.” She presses her lips together. “You need to rest and take it easy. If you have any allies, I would suggest asking them to watch over you.”
With that, she walks away, heading to the next tribute. You stand there for a moment, watching as she begins to assess them. And then you turn away, to two piles of hay behind a rock formation. You wander toward it, lowering the ice pack, blinking away the tears that appear in your eyes.
In the three days that… that veterinarian visited, you were never actually taken to the hospital. Despite the numerous requests she made, and the notes stating that your memory is gradually getting worse, the doctor—the one in charge of the Games—never had you admitted. 
You weren’t the only one, the tributes from District Nine, who were in much worse shape than you, were neglected. They died sometime during the night, and their bodies were retrieved in the early morning yesterday. A few hours later, the rest of you were packed into two different trucks, separated by gender, with bars, where you were paraded through the streets for what you assume was another funeral.
When they got you together again this afternoon, you were afraid that more people had died, but the Peacekeepers said something about a second interview with your mentors. Which might as well be your first, because you can’t recall a single thing that happened the last time.
The two chairs on either side of you sit empty, their tributes long gone. You know that one of them is dead, but the boy you came here with is still missing. The Peacekeepers have questioned you five times in the past few days, demanding to know where he could’ve possibly gone. Each time they come around, you have to tell them that if he did mention a plan, you don’t remember due to the bombing.
You don’t remember anything.
A group of students dressed in bright red uniforms come down the spiral staircase on the far side of the large room. It really is nice here, with the tall ceilings, the engraved pillars and the arched windows. You haven’t seen anything like it before, the closest building that would come to this in District Two is the Justice Building, but even that’s too worn to compare.
A boy with curly brown hair comes in your direction, with brown eyes so wide that you can see into his soul. He sets his book bag on the ground, settling in the chair across from you. Without saying a single word, he leans forward, placing his hands on top of your shackled ones.
“(Y/n), I’m so glad you’re okay.” He says, face twisted with worry. “When I saw the amount of blood…”
The veterinarian… fuck what was her name? She kept telling you that you needed to be testing your memory, but it’s so hard when you can’t recall the smallest detail. She must’ve told you this boy’s name easily over three dozen times, and how he meant something to you. He’s your mentor of course, you know that much. He’s supposed to be beyond that.
“How are you feeling? Ma made a couple of cold cut sandwiches, you must be hungry.” He says, taking his hands away, opening his bag. “She told me that Doctor Peacescape saw all the tributes.”
Peacescape, that’s the veterinarian’s last name. Whether or not it’ll stick in your mind this time is a complete mystery. Just like the rest of the names, faces and events that should be ringing a bell but don’t.
The boy places a wrapped package on the table, presumably the sandwich. He sits back up in his chair. “It looks like she’s treated you well, the cut on your head is healing nicely.”
You stare at him, face contorted as you struggle to dig through your mind for his name, a significant memory, anything.
“Are you alright?” He asks.
“I’m sorry.” You murmur, beginning to shake your head.
“You don’t have to apologize, it’s not your fault. They suspect it was rebels from the districts that placed the bombs.”
“That’s not why I’m apologizing.” You say, “The veterinarian…” You grit your teeth, you just heard her name. “Peacescape, that’s it. Doctor Peacescape diagnosed me with some amnesia disorder due to the concussion. She tried to get me admitted to the hospital but the um… the head doctor for the Games denied her requests.”
The boy has visibly paled. “You don’t remember anything?”
“I mean, I remember some.” Your eyes drift away, to the empty desk to the left, where your tribute partner should be. “There’s a lot of gaps in between.” You look back at him. “I know you’re my mentor, but I don’t know your name. And I know that the boy I came here with ran away in the bombing, but there’s no picture of him in my mind.”
His head has lowered, staring down at the sandwich. He doesn’t say anything for a long minute, thinking to himself. You reach as far as the handcuffs will allow you, which isn’t much. Still, you’re able to place a couple fingers on top of one of his hands.
“Peacescape said you mean something to me. I don’t think she was referring to the fact that you’re my mentor.”
He breathes out, defeated. “I used to live in District Two. Me, you and Marcus went to grade school together.” 
Your eyebrows draw in, waiting for there to be a hint of a memory. “Marcus?”
“The boy that escaped.” He says.
“And what’s your name?” 
“Sejanus Plinth.” 
A part of you wishes that the memories would suddenly flood in at the mention of his name. Like the dozens of times before, there is no reaction, nothing magically clicks. It sits there, at the front of your mind, where it’ll stay for the next few hours until its spotlight is gone. Then, it’ll fade like everything else.
“Sejanus, I’m sure we’re great friends.” You tell him.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/n). You shouldn’t be here.” He’s back to holding on to your fingers, tears appearing in his eyes. “You and Marcus should be at home.”
“There’s nothing we can do about it now.” You shake your head. “How far are we into the process?”
A tear slides down his cheek, he wipes it away. “Dr. Gaul has approved the sponsorship program, so we need to get you support from the Capitol.”
You nod, “That’s vaguely familiar.”
“Well, they’re still doing the interviews for that, it’s on a voluntary basis now, so it’s no longer required.” He sighs. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”
“I feel like I don’t have much of a choice. If that’s a factor that’ll help me win, I should do it.” You press your lips together. “Did I have any ideas?”
“You said you wanted to gain sympathy by telling them about your sick sister.” Sejanus murmurs.
“My sister is sick? Which one?” You ask.
“You didn’t say.” He says.
You tilt your head back, looking at the balcony above. You could honestly scream from how stupid this is. It makes no sense, how could you forget a detail that important? Or the fact that your mom is dead? Why is this happening to you?
“I’ll think of something else.” You tell him, closing your eyes. “I can’t use that anymore because I don’t remember.”
“It’s okay, (Y/n), you don’t have to.” Sejanus says.
A whistle is blown, you jump in the chair, yanking your hands toward your head to cover, but they don’t even make it halfway before the cuffs dig into your skin harshly, halting the movement. You squeeze your eyes shut as your hands begin to tremble.
A hand is placed on your arm, squeezing your shoulder. “You don’t have any pockets, so you need to put the sandwich in your shirt somewhere. I’m out of time.”
You breathe out shakily, leaning into the table to hook a finger around the inside of your shirt. “If you can wedge it there.”
He does, and no matter how hard you jostle, it keeps in place, giving you hope that it’ll make it back to the zoo enclosure. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says, getting to his feet. “Okay?”
You have to force yourself to nod, raising your head. He doesn’t move from where he stands, waiting for your confirmation. “Okay.” You breathe.
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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